NFS information NFS support is provided by the Sun WebNFS API, finally i was able to get it running in combination with my linux box at home. NFS URLs are a little bit tricky, depending on the type of the NFS version you want to use you have to use some custom extensions of the url parser. This is what the devolopers of the WebNFS API write in their javadoc: "This is just a dumb URL parser class. I wrote it because I got fed up with the JDK URL class calling NFS URL's "invalid" simply because the Handler wasn't installed. This URL parser also handles undocumented testing options inserted in the URL in the port field. The following sequence of option letters may appear before or after the port number, or alone if the port number is not given. vn - NFS version, e.g. "v3" u - Force UDP - normally TCP is preferred t - Force TDP - don't fall back to UDP m - Force Mount protocol. Normally public filehandle is preferred Option ordering is not important. Example: nfs://server:123v2um/path Use port 123 with NFS v2 over UDP and Mount protocol nfs://server:m/path Use default port, prefer V3/TCP but use Mount protocol." ------------ COMPATIBILITY --------------- Server type: NFS2 Test system: linux universal nfsd 2.2beta47 TESTED: nfs://server:v2m/tmp - nfs2, tcp with udp fallback, use mount SHOULD: nfs://server:v2tm/tmp - nfs2, force tcp, use mount SHOULD: nfs://server:v2um/tmp - nfs2, force udp, use mount Server type: NFS3 Test system: none UNKNOWN: nfs://server:v3m/tmp - nfs3, tcp with udp fallback, use mount UNKNOWN: nfs://server:v3tm/tmp - nfs3, force tcp, use mount UNKNOWN: nfs://server:v3um/tmp - nfs3, force udp, use mount Server type: WebNFS Test system: none UNKNOWN: nfs://server:v3/tmp - may support webnfs UNKNOWN: nfs://server/tmp - may support webnfs