/***************************************************************************/ /* This code is part of WWW grabber called pavuk */ /* Copyright (c) 1997 - 2001 Stefan Ondrejicka */ /* Distributed under GPL 2 or later */ /***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _errcode_h_ #define _errcode_h_ #include "doc.h" #define ERR_NOERROR 0 #define ERR_STORE_DOC 1 /*** error string document to local file ***/ #define ERR_FILE_OPEN 2 /*** unable to open local file ***/ #define ERR_DIR_URL 3 /*** FILE URL points to directory ***/ #define ERR_UNKNOWN 5 #define ERR_LOCKED 6 /*** document is locked by another pavuk instance ***/ #define ERR_READ 7 /*** error while reading from socket/file ***/ #define ERR_BIGGER 8 /*** file is bigger than max. allowed ***/ #define ERR_NOMIMET 9 /*** file MIME type is not allowed ***/ #define ERR_PROXY_CONNECT 10 /*** error while connecting to proxy server ***/ #define ERR_BREAK 11 /*** user break ***/ #define ERR_OUTTIME 12 /*** file modification time doesn't fit in allowed time interval ***/ #define ERR_SCRIPT_DISABLED 13 /*** disabled by uexit script ***/ #define ERR_SMALLER 14 /*** file is smaller than minimal allowed ***/ #define ERR_ZERO_SIZE 15 /*** if file have zero size ***/ #define ERR_PROCESSED 16 /*** document was allready processed ***/ #define ERR_UDISABLED 17 /*** user disables manualy the processing of this URL ***/ #define ERR_RDISABLED 18 /*** this document is disabled because of rules ***/ #define ERR_LOW_TRANSFER_RATE 19 /*** transfer rate lower than minimal requested ***/ #define ERR_QUOTA_FILE 20 /*** rich maximal allowed size of file ***/ #define ERR_QUOTA_TRANS 21 /*** quota for transfer exceeded ***/ #define ERR_QUOTA_FS 22 /*** low space on filesystem ***/ #define ERR_QUOTA_TIME 23 /*** maximal allowed running time exceeded ***/ #define ERR_FTP_UNKNOWN 1000 /*** unknown error ***/ #define ERR_FTP_NOREGET 1001 /*** server doesm't support reget ***/ #define ERR_FTP_BDIR 1002 /*** directory list error ***/ #define ERR_FTP_CONNECT 1003 /*** error conecting ***/ #define ERR_FTP_BUSER 1004 /*** USER error ***/ #define ERR_FTP_BPASS 1005 /*** PASS error ***/ #define ERR_FTP_DATACON 1006 /*** error seting up data connection ***/ #define ERR_FTP_GET 1007 /*** error when trying to transfer file or dir ***/ #define ERR_FTP_NODIR 1008 /*** directory doesn't exist or is not accesible ***/ #define ERR_FTP_TRUNC 1009 /*** truncated file ?? ***/ #define ERR_FTP_ACTUAL 1010 /*** ftp file is actual (no transfer) ***/ #define ERR_FTP_NOTRANSFER 1011 /*** nothing to transfer ***/ #define ERR_FTP_NOMDTM 1012 /*** server doesn't suport MDTM command ***/ #define ERR_FTP_DIRNO 1013 /*** directory , but not allowed ***/ #define ERR_FTP_BPROXYUSER 1014 /*** proxy USER error ***/ #define ERR_FTP_BPROXYPASS 1015 /*** proxy PASS error ***/ #define ERR_FTP_LOGIN_HANDSHAKE 1016 /*** failed custom login handshake ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_UNKNOWN 2000 /*** unknown error ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_CONNECT 2001 /*** connection error ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_NOREGET 2002 /*** reget not supported ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_SNDREQ 2003 /*** error sending request ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_REDIR 2004 /*** redirect ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_TRUNC 2005 /*** truncated ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_CYCLIC 2006 /*** cyclic redirection ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_UNSUPREDIR 2007 /*** unsupported URL in redirection ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_SNDREQDATA 2008 /*** error sending request data ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_PROXY_CONN 2009 /*** error connecting to HTTP proxy ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_BADREDIRECT 2010 /*** after redirect Loacation: is missing ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_AUTH_NTLM 2011 /*** error doing NTLM authorization ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_AUTH_DIGEST 2012 /*** error doing HTTP Digest authorization ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_PROAUTH_NTLM 2013 /*** error doing NTLM proxy authorization ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_PROAUTH_DIGEST 2014 /*** error doing HTTP proxy Digest authorization ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_CLOSURE 2015 /*** persistent connection was closed ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_RCVRESP 2016 /*** error reading response ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_FAILREGET 2017 /*** bad answer on reget request ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_ACTUAL 2304 /*** not modified ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_USE_PROXY 2305 /*** Use Proxy ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_306 2306 /*** 306 Unsupported by HTTP/1.1 ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_REDIR2 2307 /*** Temporary Redirect ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_BADRQ 2400 /*** bad request ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_AUTH 2401 /*** authorization error ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_PAY 2402 /*** payment required ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_FORB 2403 /*** forbiden request ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_NFOUND 2404 /*** not found ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_NALLOW 2405 /*** Method Not Allowed ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_NACCEPT 2406 /*** Not Acceptable ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_PROXY_AUTH 2407 /*** proxy authorization error ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_TIMEOUT 2408 /*** HTTP connection timeout ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_CONFLICT 2409 /*** conflict ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_GONE 2410 /*** gone ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_MISSLEN 2411 /*** Length Required ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_PREC_FAIL 2412 /*** Precondition Failed ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_TOO_LARGE 2413 /*** Request Entity Too Large ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_LONG_URL 2414 /*** Request-URI Too Long ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_UNSUP_MEDIA 2415 /*** unsupported media type ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_BAD_RANGE 2416 /*** Requested Range Not Satisfiable ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_EXPECT_FAIL 2417 /*** Expectation Failed ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_SERV 2500 /*** server error ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_NOT_IMPL 2501 /*** not implemented ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_BAD_GW 2502 /*** Bad Gateway ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_SERV_UNAVAIL 2503 /*** Service Unavailable ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_GW_TIMEOUT 2504 /*** Gateway Timeout ***/ #define ERR_HTTP_VER_UNSUP 2505 /*** HTTP Version Not Supported ***/ #define ERR_GOPHER_UNKNOWN 3000 /*** unknown error ***/ #define ERR_GOPHER_CONNECT 3001 /*** error connecting ***/ #define ERR_HTTPS_CONNECT 4001 /*** error connecting to HTTPS server ***/ #define ERR_FTPS_CONNECT 5001 #define ERR_FTPS_UNSUPORTED 5002 #define ERR_FTPS_DATASSLCONNECT 5003 extern void report_error(doc *, char *); #endif