#include "compat.h" #include "build.h" #include "scriptfile.h" #include "cache1d.h" #include "kplib.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "common.h" #include "vfs.h" void PrintBuildInfo(void) { buildprint( "Built ", s_buildTimestamp, ", " #if defined __INTEL_COMPILER "ICC ", __INTEL_COMPILER / 100, ".", __INTEL_COMPILER % 100, " " __INTEL_COMPILER_BUILD_DATE " (" __VERSION__ ")" #elif defined __clang__ "clang " # ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS __clang_version__ # else , __clang_major__, ".", __clang_minor__, ".", __clang_patchlevel__, # endif #elif defined _MSC_VER "MSVC ", # if defined _MSC_FULL_VER _MSC_FULL_VER / 10000000, ".", _MSC_FULL_VER % 10000000 / 100000, ".", _MSC_FULL_VER % 100000, ".", _MSC_BUILD, # else _MSC_VER / 100, ".", _MSC_VER % 100, # endif #elif defined __GNUC__ "GCC " # ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS __VERSION__ # else , __GNUC__, ".", __GNUC_MINOR__, # if defined __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ ".", __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__, # endif # endif #else "Unknown" #endif ", " #ifdef BITNESS64 "64" #else "32" #endif "-bit " #if B_BIG_ENDIAN == 1 "big-endian" #endif "\n"); // TODO: architecture, OS, maybe build and feature settings } // def/clipmap handling // g_defNamePtr can ONLY point to a malloc'd block (length BMAX_PATH) char *g_defNamePtr = NULL; void clearDefNamePtr(void) { Xfree(g_defNamePtr); // g_defNamePtr assumed to be assigned to right after } GrowArray g_defModules; #ifdef HAVE_CLIPSHAPE_FEATURE GrowArray g_clipMapFiles; #endif void G_AddDef(const char *buffer) { clearDefNamePtr(); g_defNamePtr = dup_filename(buffer); initprintf("Using DEF file \"%s\".\n",g_defNamePtr); } void G_AddDefModule(const char *buffer) { g_defModules.append(Xstrdup(buffer)); } #ifdef HAVE_CLIPSHAPE_FEATURE void G_AddClipMap(const char *buffer) { g_clipMapFiles.append(Xstrdup(buffer)); } #endif ////////// int32_t getatoken(scriptfile *sf, const tokenlist *tl, int32_t ntokens) { char *tok; int32_t i; if (!sf) return T_ERROR; tok = scriptfile_gettoken(sf); if (!tok) return T_EOF; for (i=ntokens-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(tok, tl[i].text)) return tl[i].tokenid; } return T_ERROR; } ////////// int32_t G_CheckCmdSwitch(int32_t argc, char const * const * argv, const char *str) { int32_t i; for (i=0; ifinddirs); klistfree(fnl->findfiles); fnl->finddirs = fnl->findfiles = NULL; fnl->numfiles = fnl->numdirs = 0; } // dirflags, fileflags: // -1 means "don't get dirs/files", // otherwise ORed to flags for respective klistpath int32_t fnlist_getnames(fnlist_t *fnl, const char *dirname, const char *pattern, int32_t dirflags, int32_t fileflags) { BUILDVFS_FIND_REC *r; fnlist_clearnames(fnl); if (dirflags != -1) fnl->finddirs = klistpath(dirname, "*", BUILDVFS_FIND_DIR|dirflags); if (fileflags != -1) fnl->findfiles = klistpath(dirname, pattern, BUILDVFS_FIND_FILE|fileflags); for (r=fnl->finddirs; r; r=r->next) fnl->numdirs++; for (r=fnl->findfiles; r; r=r->next) fnl->numfiles++; return 0; } //// // Copy FN to WBUF and append an extension if it's not there, which is checked // case-insensitively. // Returns: 1 if not all characters could be written to WBUF, 0 else. int32_t maybe_append_ext(char *wbuf, int32_t wbufsiz, const char *fn, const char *ext) { const int32_t slen=Bstrlen(fn), extslen=Bstrlen(ext); const int32_t haveext = (slen>=extslen && Bstrcasecmp(&fn[slen-extslen], ext)==0); Bassert((intptr_t)wbuf != (intptr_t)fn); // no aliasing // If 'fn' has no extension suffixed, append one. return (Bsnprintf(wbuf, wbufsiz, "%s%s", fn, haveext ? "" : ext) >= wbufsiz); } int32_t ldist(const void *s1, const void *s2) { auto sp1 = (vec2_t const *)s1; auto sp2 = (vec2_t const *)s2; return sepldist(sp1->x - sp2->x, sp1->y - sp2->y) + (enginecompatibilitymode != ENGINE_EDUKE32); } int32_t dist(const void *s1, const void *s2) { auto sp1 = (vec3_t const *)s1; auto sp2 = (vec3_t const *)s2; return sepdist(sp1->x - sp2->x, sp1->y - sp2->y, sp1->z - sp2->z); } int32_t FindDistance2D(int32_t x, int32_t y) { return sepldist(x, y); } int32_t FindDistance3D(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z) { return sepdist(x, y, z); } // Clear OSD background void COMMON_clearbackground(int numcols, int numrows) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(numcols); # ifdef USE_OPENGL if (videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST && in3dmode()) { // glPushAttrib(GL_FOG_BIT); polymost_setFogEnabled(false); polymost_useColorOnly(true); polymostSet2dView(); glColor4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.67f); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glRecti(0, 0, xdim, 8*numrows+8); glColor4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); glRecti(0, 8*numrows+4, xdim, 8*numrows+8); // glPopAttrib(); polymost_useColorOnly(false); polymost_setFogEnabled(true); return; } # endif CLEARLINES2D(0, min(ydim, numrows*8+8), blackcol*0x01010101); } #if defined _WIN32 && !defined EDUKE32_STANDALONE # define NEED_SHLWAPI_H # include "windows_inc.h" # ifndef KEY_WOW64_64KEY # define KEY_WOW64_64KEY 0x0100 # endif # ifndef KEY_WOW64_32KEY # define KEY_WOW64_32KEY 0x0200 # endif int Paths_ReadRegistryValue(char const * const SubKey, char const * const Value, char * const Output, DWORD * OutputSize) { // KEY_WOW64_32KEY gets us around Wow6432Node on 64-bit builds REGSAM const wow64keys[] = { KEY_WOW64_32KEY, KEY_WOW64_64KEY }; for (auto &wow64key : wow64keys) { HKEY hkey; LONG keygood = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | wow64key, &hkey); if (keygood != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; LONG retval = SHGetValueA(hkey, SubKey, Value, NULL, Output, OutputSize); RegCloseKey(hkey); if (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) return 1; } return 0; } #endif // A bare-bones "parser" for Valve's KeyValues VDF format. // There is no guarantee this will function properly with ill-formed files. static void KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(char *& buf, char * const bufend) { while (buf < bufend && (buf[0] == ' ' || buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '\r' || buf[0] == '\t' || buf[0] == '\0')) ++buf; // comments if (buf + 2 < bufend && buf[0] == '/' && buf[1] == '/') { while (buf < bufend && buf[0] != '\n' && buf[0] != '\r') ++buf; KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(buf, bufend); } } static void KeyValues_SkipToEndOfQuotedToken(char *& buf, char * const bufend) { ++buf; while (buf < bufend && buf[0] != '\"' && buf[-1] != '\\') ++buf; } static void KeyValues_SkipToEndOfUnquotedToken(char *& buf, char * const bufend) { while (buf < bufend && buf[0] != ' ' && buf[0] != '\n' && buf[0] != '\r' && buf[0] != '\t' && buf[0] != '\0') ++buf; } static void KeyValues_SkipNextWhatever(char *& buf, char * const bufend) { KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(buf, bufend); if (buf == bufend) return; if (buf[0] == '{') { ++buf; do KeyValues_SkipNextWhatever(buf, bufend); while (buf[0] != '}'); ++buf; } else if (buf[0] == '\"') KeyValues_SkipToEndOfQuotedToken(buf, bufend); else if (buf[0] != '}') KeyValues_SkipToEndOfUnquotedToken(buf, bufend); KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(buf, bufend); } static char* KeyValues_NormalizeToken(char *& buf, char * const bufend) { char * token = buf; if (buf < bufend && buf[0] == '\"') { ++token; KeyValues_SkipToEndOfQuotedToken(buf, bufend); buf[0] = '\0'; // account for escape sequences const char * readseeker = token; char * writeseeker = token; while (readseeker <= buf) { if (readseeker[0] == '\\') ++readseeker; writeseeker[0] = readseeker[0]; ++writeseeker; ++readseeker; } return token; } KeyValues_SkipToEndOfUnquotedToken(buf, bufend); buf[0] = '\0'; return token; } static void KeyValues_FindKey(char *& buf, char * const bufend, const char * token) { char *ParentKey = KeyValues_NormalizeToken(buf, bufend); if (token != NULL) // pass in NULL to find the next key instead of a specific one while (buf < bufend && Bstrcmp(ParentKey, token) != 0) { KeyValues_SkipNextWhatever(buf, bufend); ParentKey = KeyValues_NormalizeToken(buf, bufend); } KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(buf, bufend); } static int32_t KeyValues_FindParentKey(char *& buf, char * const bufend, const char * token) { KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(buf, bufend); // end of scope if (buf[0] == '}') return 0; KeyValues_FindKey(buf, bufend, token); // ignore the wrong type while (buf < bufend && buf[0] != '{') { KeyValues_SkipNextWhatever(buf, bufend); KeyValues_FindKey(buf, bufend, token); } if (buf == bufend) return 0; return 1; } static char* KeyValues_FindKeyValue(char *& buf, char * const bufend, const char * token) { KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(buf, bufend); // end of scope if (buf[0] == '}') return NULL; KeyValues_FindKey(buf, bufend, token); // ignore the wrong type while (buf < bufend && buf[0] == '{') { KeyValues_SkipNextWhatever(buf, bufend); KeyValues_FindKey(buf, bufend, token); } KeyValues_SkipWhitespace(buf, bufend); if (buf == bufend) return NULL; return KeyValues_NormalizeToken(buf, bufend); } void Paths_ParseSteamLibraryVDF(const char * fn, PathsParseFunc func) { buildvfs_fd const fd = buildvfs_open_read(fn); if (fd == buildvfs_fd_invalid) return; int32_t size = buildvfs_length(fd); if (size <= 0) return; auto const bufstart = (char *)Xmalloc(size+1); char * buf = bufstart; size = (int32_t)buildvfs_read(fd, buf, size); buildvfs_close(fd); char * const bufend = buf + size; bufend[0] = '\0'; if (KeyValues_FindParentKey(buf, bufend, "LibraryFolders")) { char *result; ++buf; while ((result = KeyValues_FindKeyValue(buf, bufend, NULL)) != NULL) func(result); } Xfree(bufstart); } void Paths_ParseXDGDesktopFile(const char * fn, PathsParseFunc func) { buildvfs_fd const fd = buildvfs_open_read(fn); if (fd == buildvfs_fd_invalid) return; int32_t size = buildvfs_length(fd); if (size <= 0) return; auto const bufstart = (char *)Xmalloc(size+1); char * buf = bufstart; size = (int32_t)buildvfs_read(fd, buf, size); buildvfs_close(fd); char * const bufend = buf + size; bufend[0] = '\0'; static char const s_PathEquals[] = "Path="; while (buf < bufend) { if (Bstrncmp(buf, s_PathEquals, ARRAY_SIZE(s_PathEquals)-1) == 0) { const char * path = buf += ARRAY_SIZE(s_PathEquals)-1; while (buf < bufend && *buf != '\n') ++buf; *buf = '\0'; func(path); break; } while (buf < bufend && *buf++ != '\n') { } } Xfree(bufstart); } void Paths_ParseXDGDesktopFilesFromGOG(const char * homepath, const char * game, PathsParseFunc func) { static char const * const locations[] = { ".local/share/applications", "Desktop" }; char buf[BMAX_PATH]; for (char const * location : locations) { Bsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/gog_com-%s_1.desktop", homepath, location, game); Paths_ParseXDGDesktopFile(buf, func); } }