// Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Wallin and Arvid Norberg // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE // OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #define LUABIND_BUILDING #include #include namespace luabind { namespace detail { namespace { // expects two tables on the lua stack: // 1: destination // 2: source void copy_member_table(lua_State* L) { lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2)) { lua_pushstring(L, "__init"); if (lua_equal(L, -1, -3)) { lua_pop(L, 2); continue; } else lua_pop(L, 1); // __init string lua_pushstring(L, "__finalize"); if (lua_equal(L, -1, -3)) { lua_pop(L, 2); continue; } else lua_pop(L, 1); // __finalize string lua_pushvalue(L, -2); // copy key lua_insert(L, -2); lua_settable(L, -5); } } } int create_class::stage2(lua_State* L) { class_rep* crep = static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))); assert((crep != 0) && "internal error, please report"); assert((is_class_rep(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))) && "internal error, please report"); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING if (!is_class_rep(L, 1)) { lua_pushstring(L, "expected class to derive from or a newline"); lua_error(L); } #endif class_rep* base = static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); class_rep::base_info binfo; binfo.pointer_offset = 0; binfo.base = base; crep->add_base_class(binfo); // copy base class members crep->get_table(L); base->get_table(L); copy_member_table(L); crep->get_default_table(L); base->get_default_table(L); copy_member_table(L); crep->set_type(base->type()); return 0; } int create_class::stage1(lua_State* L) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING if (lua_gettop(L) != 1 || lua_type(L, 1) != LUA_TSTRING || lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { lua_pushstring(L, "invalid construct, expected class name"); lua_error(L); } if (std::strlen(lua_tostring(L, 1)) != lua_strlen(L, 1)) { lua_pushstring(L, "luabind does not support class names with extra nulls"); lua_error(L); } #endif const char* name = lua_tostring(L, 1); void* c = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(class_rep)); new(c) class_rep(L, name); // make the class globally available lua_pushstring(L, name); lua_pushvalue(L, -2); lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); // also add it to the closure as return value lua_pushcclosure(L, &stage2, 1); return 1; } }}