[ { "id": "SUS_silverware", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a silverware drawer.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "knife_butter", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "knife_butter", "count": [ 1, 6 ], "prob": 75 }, { "item": "knife_steak", "count": [ 2, 6 ], "prob": 85 }, { "item": "knife_paring", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "fork", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "fork", "count": [ 1, 6 ], "prob": 75 }, { "item": "spoon", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "spoon", "count": [ 1, 6 ], "prob": 75 }, { "item": "chopsticks", "prob": 70, "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "collection": [ { "item": "plastic_spoon", "count": [ 0, 6 ] }, { "item": "plastic_knife", "count": [ 0, 6 ] }, { "item": "plastic_fork", "count": [ 0, 6 ] } ], "prob": 60 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "plastic_spoon", "count": [ 0, 6 ] }, { "item": "plastic_knife", "count": [ 0, 6 ] }, { "item": "plastic_fork", "count": [ 0, 6 ] } ], "prob": 30 }, { "item": "plastic_spoon_kids", "prob": 35, "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "corkscrew", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "bottle_opener", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "plastic_straw", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 6 ] } ] }, { "id": "SUS_utensils", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a utensils drawer.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "tongs", "prob": 95 }, { "item": "tongs", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "ladle", "prob": 95 }, { "item": "ladle", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "spatula", "prob": 95, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "spatula", "prob": 40, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "whisk", "prob": 95 }, { "item": "whisk", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "rolling_pin", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "rolling_pin", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "can_opener", "prob": 95 }, { "item": "can_opener", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "peeler", "prob": 95, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "peeler", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "garlic_press", "prob": 65 }, { "item": "potato_masher", "prob": 85 }, { "item": "carving_fork", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "corkscrew", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "bottle_opener", "prob": 95 }, { "item": "pizza_cutter", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "icecream_scoop", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "cheese_grater", "prob": 40 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_knife_drawer", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a drawer full of knives and related implements.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "distribution": [ { "item": "knife_chef", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "knife_vegetable_cleaver", "prob": 3 } ] }, { "item": "knife_paring" }, { "item": "knife_paring", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "knife_bread", "prob": 95 }, { "item": "knife_bread", "prob": 45 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "knife_butcher", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "knife_meat_cleaver", "prob": 10 } ], "prob": 65 }, { "item": "knife_steak", "count": [ 2, 4 ], "prob": 75 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "knife_carving" }, { "item": "carving_fork", "prob": 90 } ], "prob": 85 }, { "item": "scissors", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "peeler", "prob": 75, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "cutting_board", "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "cutting_board", "prob": 75 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_junk_drawer", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a junk drawer.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "xacto", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "scissors", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "screwdriver", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "hammer", "prob": 60 }, { "item": "pliers", "prob": 60 }, { "item": "flashlight", "prob": 75, "charges": [ 0, 300 ] }, { "item": "hammer", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "permanent_marker", "prob": 75, "charges-min": 50 }, { "item": "permanent_marker", "prob": 40, "charges-min": 50 }, { "item": "paper", "prob": 55 }, { "item": "light_battery_cell", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 85, "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "battery_charger", "prob": 85 }, { "item": "string_36", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 80 }, { "item": "string_36", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 50 }, { "item": "string_36", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 20 }, { "item": "duct_tape", "prob": 40, "charges": [ 25, 400 ], "container-item": "box_small" }, { "item": "plastic_straw", "prob": 70, "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "plastic_straw", "prob": 40, "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "corkscrew", "prob": 60 }, { "item": "bottle_opener", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "candle", "prob": 75, "charges-min": 10 }, { "item": "RPG_die", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "metal_RPG_die", "prob": 1 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "matches", "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "lighter", "charges-min": 1 } ], "prob": 90 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_junk_drawer_messy", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a messy junk drawer. The idea is that it should be filled with random crud, much of it obvious trash. Like you might find in the home of someone with a small hoarding problem.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "cash_card", "count": [ 1, 3 ], "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 1150 }, { "item": "cash_card", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "charges": 0 }, { "item": "lighter", "prob": 90, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 2 }, { "item": "bottle_opener", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "pen", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "coin_quarter", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "toothbrush_dirty", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "matches", "prob": 80, "count": [ 1, 5 ], "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 2 }, { "item": "coin_nickel", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "coin_quarter", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "old_key", "prob": 70, "count": [ 1, 7 ] }, { "item": "plastic_straw", "prob": 60, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "plastic_spoon", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "plastic_fork", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "plastic_knife", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "flyer", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "feces_roach", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "lighter", "prob": 65, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 9 }, { "item": "light_disposable_cell", "count": [ 1, 7 ], "prob": 60, "charges": 0 }, { "item": "bag_plastic", "prob": 60, "count": [ 1, 5 ] }, { "item": "corkscrew", "prob": 60 }, { "item": "stapler", "prob": 45 }, { "item": "gum", "prob": 55, "charges": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "can_opener", "prob": 55 }, { "item": "ceramic_shard", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "e_scrap", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 5 ] }, { "item": "razor_blade", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "flashlight", "prob": 55, "ammo-item": "battery", "charges": [ 2, 8 ] }, { "item": "bottle_plastic_small", "prob": 42 }, { "item": "glowstick_dead", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "condom", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "razor_shaving", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "scorecard", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "gummy_vitamins", "prob": 40, "charges": 1 }, { "item": "survnote", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "joint_roach", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "file", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "string_floss", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "comb_pocket", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "aluminum_foil", "prob": 30, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 4 }, { "item": "fishing_hook_basic", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "balloon", "prob": 20, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "lighter", "prob": 25, "count": [ 2, 7 ], "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 12 }, { "item": "adhesive_bandages", "prob": 25, "charges": 1 }, { "item": "marble", "prob": 20, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 3 }, { "item": "coin_nickel", "prob": 20, "count": [ 1, 8 ] }, { "item": "button_plastic", "prob": 25, "count": [ 2, 8 ], "charges": 1 }, { "item": "button_steel", "prob": 15, "count": [ 2, 4 ], "charges": 1 }, { "item": "bearing", "prob": 15, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 3 }, { "item": "adderall", "prob": 15, "charges": 1 }, { "item": "lighter", "prob": 10, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 90 }, { "item": "zipper_short_plastic", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "bracelet_friendship", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "paper", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "plastic_straw", "prob": 10, "count": [ 20, 30 ] }, { "item": "pen", "prob": 10, "count": [ 1, 30 ] }, { "item": "polaroid_photo", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "RPG_die", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "bead_necklace", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "pipe_cleaner", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "ring_engagement", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "spoon", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "magnifying_glass", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "golf_tee", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "golf_ball", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "shuttlecock", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "bronze_medal", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "fp_loyalty_card", "prob": 8 }, { "item": "coin_quarter", "prob": 6, "count": [ 2, 12 ] }, { "item": "wristwatch", "prob": 6 }, { "item": "copper_hairpin", "prob": 6 }, { "item": "copper_necklace", "prob": 6 }, { "item": "dog_whistle", "prob": 6 }, { "item": "whistle_multitool", "prob": 6 }, { "item": "slingshot", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "weak_antibiotic", "prob": 5, "charges": 1 }, { "item": "paint_brush", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "chopsticks", "prob": 2 }, { "item": "office_holepunch", "prob": 2, "count": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "item": "melatonin_tablet", "prob": 1, "count": 1 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_junk_drawer_artsy", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a home crafter's junk drawer filled with art supplies.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "pen", "count": [ 1, 20 ] }, { "item": "paper", "charges": [ 10, 30 ] }, { "item": "scissors" }, { "item": "string_36", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 80 }, { "item": "string_36", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 70 }, { "item": "string_6", "count": [ 1, 20 ], "prob": 70 }, { "item": "permanent_marker", "count": [ 1, 20 ], "prob": 80, "charges-min": 70 }, { "item": "office_holepunch", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "stapler", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "paint_brush", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "xacto", "prob": 65 }, { "item": "yarn", "prob": 60, "charges": [ 60, 200 ] }, { "item": "razor_blade", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 50 }, { "item": "rag", "count": [ 3, 4 ], "prob": 50 }, { "item": "thread", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "thread", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "sewing_kit", "prob": 47, "charges": [ 50, 150 ] }, { "item": "solder_wire", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "superglue", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "knitting_needles", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "duct_tape", "prob": 40, "charges": [ 5, 160 ], "container-item": "box_small" }, { "item": "zipper_short_plastic", "prob": 35 }, { "item": "zipper_short_plastic", "prob": 15 }, { "item": "felt_patch", "count": [ 1, 3 ], "prob": 30 }, { "item": "bandana", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "pin_reamer", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "deck_of_cards", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "glasses_reading", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "button_wood", "prob": 30, "count": [ 1, 12 ], "charges": 1 }, { "item": "button_plastic", "prob": 30, "count": [ 2, 18 ], "charges": 1 }, { "item": "bracelet_friendship", "count": [ 3, 6 ], "prob": 25 }, { "item": "boxcutter", "prob": 20 }, { "item": "feather", "prob": 20, "charges": 1 }, { "item": "tailors_kit", "prob": 12, "charges": [ 50, 350 ] }, { "item": "polaroid_photo", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "RPG_die", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "chopsticks", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "soldering_iron", "prob": 10, "charges": [ 0, 50 ] }, { "item": "pipe_cleaner", "count": [ 3, 15 ], "prob": 10 }, { "item": "balloon", "prob": 8, "count": [ 10, 20 ] }, { "item": "bead_bracelet", "count": [ 5, 9 ], "prob": 5 }, { "item": "bead_necklace", "count": [ 5, 9 ], "prob": 5 }, { "item": "old_key", "prob": 5, "count": [ 1, 12 ] }, { "item": "office_letter_opener", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "glowstick_dead", "prob": 5 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_junk_drawer_handy", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "The junk drawer of a DIYer who does her own home repairs.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "group": "tools_common", "count": 2 }, { "item": "superglue", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "boxcutter", "prob": 85 }, { "item": "duct_tape", "prob": 85, "charges": [ 5, 200 ], "container-item": "box_small" }, { "item": "flashlight", "prob": 80, "ammo-item": "light_disposable_cell", "charges": [ 100, 300 ] }, { "item": "toothbrush_dirty", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "bottle_opener", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "pockknife", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "cordless_drill", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "scissors", "prob": 65 }, { "item": "pliers", "prob": 65 }, { "item": "permanent_marker", "prob": 70, "charges-min": 50 }, { "item": "adhesive_bandages", "prob": 60, "charges": [ 1, 5 ] }, { "item": "pen", "count": [ 1, 3 ], "prob": 55 }, { "item": "sandpaper", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "old_key", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "medium_battery_cell", "prob": 40, "charges-min": 400, "charges-max": 500 }, { "item": "ear_plugs", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "screwdriver", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "hammer", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "multitool", "prob": 35 }, { "item": "can_opener", "prob": 35 }, { "item": "hinge", "prob": 30, "count": 3 }, { "item": "bearing", "prob": 25, "charges-min": 12, "charges-max": 75 }, { "item": "stapler", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "soldering_iron", "prob": 25, "charges": [ 5, 45 ] }, { "item": "xacto", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "wristwatch", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "light_disposable_cell", "count": 4, "prob": 25, "charges": 300 }, { "item": "old_key", "prob": 20, "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "office_letter_opener", "prob": 15 }, { "item": "razor_blade", "count": [ 1, 3 ], "prob": 15 }, { "item": "aspirin", "prob": 15, "charges": [ 1, 20 ] }, { "item": "reading_light", "prob": 15, "charges": [ 0, 50 ] }, { "item": "paint_brush", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "gum", "prob": 10, "charges": [ 1, 10 ] }, { "item": "comb_pocket", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "picklocks", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "fitness_band", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "thermometer", "prob": 3 }, { "item": "hygrometer", "prob": 3 }, { "item": "barometer", "prob": 3 }, { "item": "smart_lamp", "prob": 3 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_junk_drawer_tidy", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "A well-organized and deliberately selected collection of small objects useful to keep close at hand.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "pen", "count": 2 }, { "item": "paper", "charges": [ 25, 100 ] }, { "item": "scissors", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "stapler", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "flashlight", "prob": 80, "ammo-item": "battery", "charges": 300 }, { "item": "hairbrush", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "office_letter_opener", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "candle", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 75, "charges-min": 70 }, { "item": "corkscrew", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "adhesive_bandages", "prob": 60, "charges": 10 }, { "item": "light_battery_cell", "count": 4, "prob": 50, "charges": 100 }, { "item": "deck_of_cards", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "teleumbrella", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "aspirin", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "fancy_sunglasses", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "matches", "prob": 50, "charges": 20 }, { "item": "dog_whistle", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "gum", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "multitool", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "hairpin", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "candlestick", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "gold_hairpin", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "magnifying_glass", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "bandana", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "light_disposable_cell", "count": 4, "prob": 25, "charges": 300 }, { "item": "fitness_band", "prob": 15 }, { "item": "gloves_light", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "gloves_golf", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "long_glove_white", "prob": 2 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_dishes", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a cupboard full of dining dishes.", "subtype": "distribution", "entries": [ { "item": "wine_glass", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "bowl_pewter", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "ceramic_cup", "prob": 75, "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "glass", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "ceramic_mug", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "ceramic_plate", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "ceramic_bowl", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "collection": [ { "item": "glass_plate", "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "glass_bowl", "count": [ 1, 4 ] } ], "prob": 60 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "tumbler_plastic", "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "plastic_plate", "count": [ 1, 4 ] } ], "prob": 60 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "plastic_bowl_kids", "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "sippy_cup", "count": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "item": "plastic_spoon_kids", "count": [ 1, 4 ] } ], "prob": 60 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_cookware", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a cupboard full of pots and pans.", "subtype": "distribution", "entries": [ { "item": "pot", "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "pot", "prob": 50 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "iron_pot" }, { "item": "iron_pot", "prob": 60 } ], "prob": 70 }, { "item": "casserole", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "pot_copper", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "stock_pot", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "pot_canning", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "colander_steel", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "splatter_guard", "prob": 20 }, { "item": "pan", "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "steel_pan", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "copper_pan", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "kettle", "prob": 80 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_kitchen_sink", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for the cleaning materials under a kitchen sink.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "detergent", "charges": [ 1, 40 ], "container-item": "box_small" }, { "item": "rag", "count": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "item": "dish_towel", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "brush" }, { "item": "sponge" }, { "item": "brush", "prob": 85 }, { "item": "bleach", "prob": 75, "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "ammonia", "prob": 65, "charges-min": 1 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_pantry", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a regular stocked kitchen pantry.", "//3": "Frequency of pet food appearing based on percentage of Massachusetts homes with a pet.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "group": "pantry_liquids", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "group": "pasta", "prob": 70, "count": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "group": "cannedfood", "prob": 100, "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "group": "big_canned_food", "prob": 20, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "group": "dry_goods", "prob": 80, "count": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "group": "preserved_food", "prob": 20, "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "group": "pet_food", "prob": 50 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_appliances_cupboard", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a cupboard where various appliances are stored.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "microwave", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "food_processor", "prob": 70, "charges": [ 0, 500 ] }, { "item": "waffleiron", "prob": 45 }, { "item": "multi_cooker", "prob": 25, "charges": [ 0, 500 ] }, { "item": "pastaextruder", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "dehydrator", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "hotplate", "prob": 10, "charges": [ 0, 500 ] }, { "collection": [ { "item": "charcoal", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "char_smoker", "prob": 100 } ], "prob": 5 }, { "item": "can_sealer", "prob": 2 }, { "group": "dishes_utility", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 3 ] } ] }, { "id": "SUS_coffee_cupboard", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a cupboard where coffee and tea supplies are kept.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "distribution": [ { "item": "coffeemaker", "prob": 90, "charges": [ 0, 500 ] }, { "item": "atomic_coffeepot", "prob": 10 } ], "prob": 75 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "coffee_raw", "prob": 30 }, { "item": "instant_coffee", "prob": 40, "count": [ 1, 5 ] }, { "item": "coffee_raw", "prob": 30, "charges": [ 1, 200 ], "container-item": "can_food_big" } ], "prob": 80 }, { "item": "tea_raw", "count": [ 1, 10 ], "prob": 80 }, { "item": "tea_green_raw", "count": [ 1, 10 ], "prob": 40 }, { "item": "teapot", "prob": 70 }, { "item": "kettle", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "sugar", "charges": [ 10, 120 ], "container-item": "jar_glass_sealed", "prob": 90, "sealed": false }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "milk_powder", "charges": [ 5, 20 ], "container-item": "jar_glass_sealed", "prob": 60, "sealed": false }, { "item": "con_milk", "count": [ 1, 6 ], "prob": 10 }, { "item": "milk_evap", "count": [ 1, 6 ], "prob": 20 }, { "item": "milk_UHT", "prob": 10 } ], "prob": 30 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "honey_glassed", "prob": 20 }, { "item": "honey_bottled", "prob": 80 } ], "prob": 60 }, { "item": "spoon", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "item": "ceramic_mug", "count": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "group": "teabag_box", "prob": 60 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_breakfast_cupboard", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a cupboard where breakfast supplies are kept.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "collection": [ { "item": "toaster" }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "bread", "charges": [ 2, 12 ], "prob": 70 }, { "item": "sourdough_bread", "charges": [ 2, 12 ], "prob": 30 } ], "prob": 80 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "toastem", 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"//2": "This group is for a dishwasher that may have an assortment of dishes in it.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "group": "dishes_dining", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 20 ] }, { "group": "dishes_utility", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 20 ] } ] }, { "id": "SUS_oven", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for an oven that might have some pots and pans in the warming drawer.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "distribution": [ { "item": "extinguisher", "prob": 20, "charges": 100 }, { "item": "sm_extinguisher", "prob": 80, "charges": 10 } ], "prob": 65 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "pot", "prob": 20 }, { "item": "pot_copper", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "iron_pot", "prob": 5 } ], "prob": 25 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "pan", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 60 }, { "item": "steel_pan", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 50 }, { "item": "copper_pan", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 30 } ], "prob": 50 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_spice_collection", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for cupboard, drawer, or rack with spices.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "salt" }, { "item": "pepper" }, { "item": "cinnamon", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "chilly-p", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "sugar", "prob": 15 }, { "item": "artificial_sweetener", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "curry_powder", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "sprinkles", "prob": 10 }, { "item": "thyme", "prob": 65 }, { "item": "seasoning_italian", "prob": 65 }, { "item": "seasoning_salt", "prob": 65 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_bathroom_sink", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a bathroom sink.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "soap", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 75, "charges": [ 1, 10 ] }, { "item": "soap_holder", "prob": 40 }, { "item": "razor_shaving", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 20 }, { "item": "cotton_ball", "prob": 50 }, { "item": "bleach", "prob": 15, "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "ammonia", "prob": 20, "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "string_floss", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 60 }, { "item": "toothbrush_plain", "count": [ 1, 3 ], "prob": 45 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_bathroom_medicine", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for the medicine cabinet.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "distribution": [ { "item": "aspirin", "prob": 160, "charges": [ 1, 20 ] }, { "item": "codeine", "prob": 30, "charges": [ 1, 10 ] }, { "item": "tramadol", "prob": 10, "charges": [ 1, 10 ] } ], "prob": 95 }, { "item": "eyedrops", "prob": 15 }, { "item": "pepto", "prob": 70, "charges-min": 1, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" }, { "item": "inhaler", "prob": 25, "charges-min": 10, "charges-max": 100 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "pills_sleep", "prob": 60, "charges": [ 1, 10 ] }, { "item": "melatonin_tablet", "prob": 40, "charges": [ 1, 30 ] } ], "prob": 10 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "nyquil", "prob": 60, "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "dayquil", "prob": 20, "charges-min": 1 } ], "prob": 50 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "vitamins", "prob": 60, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 40, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" }, { "item": "gummy_vitamins", "prob": 20, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 20, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" }, { "item": "calcium_tablet", "prob": 10, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 40, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" } ], "prob": 80 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "weak_antibiotic", "prob": 40, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 20, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" }, { "item": "antibiotics", "prob": 10, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 20, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" } ], "prob": 10 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "antifungal", "prob": 5, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 10, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" }, { "item": "antiparasitic", "prob": 20, "charges-min": 1, "charges-max": 10, "container-item": "bottle_plastic_small" } ], "prob": 5 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_hair_drawer", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a drawer for haircare tools.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "hairbrush", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 90 }, { "item": "comb_pocket", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 75 }, { "item": "scissors", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 60 }, { "item": "hair_dryer", "prob": 60 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "curling_iron", "count": [ 1, 2 ] }, { "item": "curler_hair" } ], "prob": 25 }, { "item": "elec_hairtrimmer", "prob": 30, "charges": [ 0, 50 ] } ] }, { "id": "SUS_toilet", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for things you often find stored on or next to a toilet.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "distribution": [ { "item": "plunger_toilet", "prob": 90 }, { "item": "plunger_futuristic", "prob": 10 } ], "prob": 90 }, { "item": "brush_toilet", "prob": 75 }, { "item": "toilet_paper", "prob": 95, "container-item": "wrapper" }, { "item": "bathroom_scale", "prob": 50 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_bathroom_cabinet", "type": "item_group", "//": "SUS item groups are collections that contain a reasonable realistic distribution of items that might spawn in a given storage furniture.", "//2": "This group is for a bathroom cabinet under the sink.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "item": "soap", "count": [ 1, 4 ], "prob": 70, "charges": [ 1, 10 ] }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "razor_shaving", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 50 }, { "item": "shavingkit", "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 10, "prob": 50 } ], "prob": 75 }, { "distribution": [ { "item": "adhesive_bandages", "prob": 40, "charges": [ 1, 10 ] }, { "item": "bandages", "prob": 20, "charges": [ 1, 3 ] }, { "item": "medical_gauze", "prob": 20 }, { "group": "full_1st_aid", "prob": 10 } ], "prob": 20 }, { "item": "disinfectant", "prob": 40, "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "chem_hydrogen_peroxide", "prob": 50, "charges-min": 1 }, { "item": "mirror", "prob": 25 }, { "item": "sponge", "count": [ 1, 3 ], "prob": 75 }, { "collection": [ { "item": "candle", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "charges-min": 10 }, { "item": "matches", "charges-min": 1 } ], "prob": 20 }, { "item": "toilet_paper", "prob": 80 }, { "item": "towel", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 75 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_desks_bedroom_unisex", "type": "item_group", "//": "clothing and wearable items for domestic desks, tables, etc.", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "group": "accesories_personal_unisex", "prob": 70 }, { "group": "accesories_personal_womens", "prob": 50 }, { "group": "accesories_personal_mens", "prob": 50 }, { "group": "masks_unisex", "prob": 20 }, { "group": "socks_unisex", "prob": 60 }, { "group": "scarfs_unisex", "prob": 30 }, { "group": "gloves_womens", "prob": 10 }, { "group": "gloves_unisex", "prob": 30 }, { "group": "hats_unisex", "prob": 50 } ] }, { "id": "SUS_wardrobe_mens", "type": "item_group", "//": "clothing found in a man's wardrobe", "subtype": "collection", "entries": [ { "group": "shoes_unisex", "prob": 50 }, { "group": "pants_mens", "prob": 1 }, { "item": "fishing_waders", "prob": 1 }, { "item": "football_armor", "prob": 2 }, { "item": "sleeping_bag_roll", "prob": 5 }, { "item": "bscabbard", "prob": 1 }, { "item": "chaps_leather", "prob": 1 }, { "group": "coats_unisex", "prob": 50 }, { 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"shirts_unisex", "prob": 50 }, { "group": "underwear_womens", "prob": 80 }, { "group": "underwear_unisex", "prob": 80 }, { "group": "pants_unisex", "prob": 50 }, { "group": "pants_female", "prob": 60 }, { "group": "gloves_womens", "prob": 5 }, { "group": "gloves_unisex", "prob": 30 }, { "group": "hats_unisex", "prob": 10 } ] } ]