# simply run: qmake make # note: maybe your QT installation only provides # qmake-xx (not qmake). That may be ok as long as # qmake-xx -v shows something like: # "Using Qt version 5.2.x" or higher versions # in this case run: # qmake-xx # make # # in case of having multiple QT/qmake versions installed, # and QT5 isn't the default one, choose the QT5 one and run: # /path/to/qt5-version-of/qmake # make # to install: cp colorcode /usr/bin/ # to uninstall: rm /usr/bin/colorcode # If you are still using QT version 4, look # for the latest QT 4 version of ColorCode at: # http://colorcode.laebisch.com/download