/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __BITMSG_H__ #define __BITMSG_H__ #include "idlib/math/Vector.h" #include "idlib/Dict.h" #include "framework/Common.h" /* =============================================================================== idBitMsg Handles byte ordering and avoids alignment errors. Allows concurrent writing and reading. The data set with Init is never freed. =============================================================================== */ class idBitMsg { public: idBitMsg(); ~idBitMsg() {} void Init( byte *data, int length ); void Init( const byte *data, int length ); byte * GetData( void ); // get data for writing const byte * GetData( void ) const; // get data for reading int GetMaxSize( void ) const; // get the maximum message size void SetAllowOverflow( bool set ); // generate error if not set and message is overflowed bool IsOverflowed( void ) const; // returns true if the message was overflowed int GetSize( void ) const; // size of the message in bytes void SetSize( int size ); // set the message size int GetWriteBit( void ) const; // get current write bit void SetWriteBit( int bit ); // set current write bit int GetNumBitsWritten( void ) const; // returns number of bits written int GetRemainingWriteBits( void ) const; // space left in bits for writing void SaveWriteState( int &s, int &b ) const; // save the write state void RestoreWriteState( int s, int b ); // restore the write state int GetReadCount( void ) const; // bytes read so far void SetReadCount( int bytes ); // set the number of bytes and bits read int GetReadBit( void ) const; // get current read bit void SetReadBit( int bit ); // set current read bit int GetNumBitsRead( void ) const; // returns number of bits read int GetRemainingReadBits( void ) const; // number of bits left to read void SaveReadState( int &c, int &b ) const; // save the read state void RestoreReadState( int c, int b ); // restore the read state void BeginWriting( void ); // begin writing int GetRemainingSpace( void ) const; // space left in bytes void WriteByteAlign( void ); // write up to the next byte boundary void WriteBits( int value, int numBits ); // write the specified number of bits void WriteChar( int c ); void WriteByte( int c ); void WriteShort( int c ); void WriteUShort( int c ); void WriteInt( int c ); void WriteFloat( float f ); void WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ); void WriteAngle8( float f ); void WriteAngle16( float f ); void WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ); void WriteString( const char *s, int maxLength = -1, bool make7Bit = true ); void WriteData( const void *data, int length ); void WriteNetadr( const netadr_t adr ); void WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaInt( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue ); void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ); void WriteDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaIntCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ); bool WriteDeltaDict( const idDict &dict, const idDict *base ); void BeginReading( void ) const; // begin reading. int GetRemaingData( void ) const; // number of bytes left to read void ReadByteAlign( void ) const; // read up to the next byte boundary int ReadBits( int numBits ) const; // read the specified number of bits int ReadChar( void ) const; int ReadByte( void ) const; int ReadShort( void ) const; int ReadUShort( void ) const; int ReadInt( void ) const; float ReadFloat( void ) const; float ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const; float ReadAngle8( void ) const; float ReadAngle16( void ) const; idVec3 ReadDir( int numBits ) const; int ReadString( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) const; int ReadData( void *data, int length ) const; void ReadNetadr( netadr_t *adr ) const; int ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaInt( int oldValue ) const; float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const; float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const; int ReadDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaIntCounter( int oldValue ) const; bool ReadDeltaDict( idDict &dict, const idDict *base ) const; static int DirToBits( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ); static idVec3 BitsToDir( int bits, int numBits ); private: byte * writeData; // pointer to data for writing const byte * readData; // pointer to data for reading int maxSize; // maximum size of message in bytes int curSize; // current size of message in bytes int writeBit; // number of bits written to the last written byte mutable int readCount; // number of bytes read so far mutable int readBit; // number of bits read from the last read byte bool allowOverflow; // if false, generate an error when the message is overflowed bool overflowed; // set to true if the buffer size failed (with allowOverflow set) private: bool CheckOverflow( int numBits ); byte * GetByteSpace( int length ); void WriteDelta( int oldValue, int newValue, int numBits ); int ReadDelta( int oldValue, int numBits ) const; }; ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::Init( byte *data, int length ) { writeData = data; readData = data; maxSize = length; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::Init( const byte *data, int length ) { writeData = NULL; readData = data; maxSize = length; } ID_INLINE byte *idBitMsg::GetData( void ) { return writeData; } ID_INLINE const byte *idBitMsg::GetData( void ) const { return readData; } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetMaxSize( void ) const { return maxSize; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetAllowOverflow( bool set ) { allowOverflow = set; } ID_INLINE bool idBitMsg::IsOverflowed( void ) const { return overflowed; } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetSize( void ) const { return curSize; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetSize( int size ) { if ( size > maxSize ) { curSize = maxSize; } else { curSize = size; } } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetWriteBit( void ) const { return writeBit; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetWriteBit( int bit ) { writeBit = bit & 7; if ( writeBit ) { writeData[curSize - 1] &= ( 1 << writeBit ) - 1; } } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetNumBitsWritten( void ) const { return ( ( curSize << 3 ) - ( ( 8 - writeBit ) & 7 ) ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingWriteBits( void ) const { return ( maxSize << 3 ) - GetNumBitsWritten(); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SaveWriteState( int &s, int &b ) const { s = curSize; b = writeBit; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::RestoreWriteState( int s, int b ) { curSize = s; writeBit = b & 7; if ( writeBit ) { writeData[curSize - 1] &= ( 1 << writeBit ) - 1; } } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetReadCount( void ) const { return readCount; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetReadCount( int bytes ) { readCount = bytes; } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetReadBit( void ) const { return readBit; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SetReadBit( int bit ) { readBit = bit & 7; } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetNumBitsRead( void ) const { return ( ( readCount << 3 ) - ( ( 8 - readBit ) & 7 ) ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingReadBits( void ) const { return ( curSize << 3 ) - GetNumBitsRead(); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::SaveReadState( int &c, int &b ) const { c = readCount; b = readBit; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::RestoreReadState( int c, int b ) { readCount = c; readBit = b & 7; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::BeginWriting( void ) { curSize = 0; overflowed = false; writeBit = 0; } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemainingSpace( void ) const { return maxSize - curSize; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteByteAlign( void ) { writeBit = 0; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteChar( int c ) { WriteBits( c, -8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteByte( int c ) { WriteBits( c, 8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteShort( int c ) { WriteBits( c, -16 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteUShort( int c ) { WriteBits( c, 16 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteInt( int c ) { WriteBits( c, 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteFloat( float f ) { WriteBits( *reinterpret_cast(&f), 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) { int bits = idMath::FloatToBits( f, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); WriteBits( bits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteAngle8( float f ) { WriteByte( ANGLE2BYTE( f ) ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteAngle16( float f ) { WriteShort( ANGLE2SHORT(f) ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ) { WriteBits( DirToBits( dir, numBits ), numBits ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -16 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaInt( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue ) { WriteDelta( *reinterpret_cast(&oldValue), *reinterpret_cast(&newValue), 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) { int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); int newBits = idMath::FloatToBits( newValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); WriteDelta( oldBits, newBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::BeginReading( void ) const { readCount = 0; readBit = 0; } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::GetRemaingData( void ) const { return curSize - readCount; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsg::ReadByteAlign( void ) const { readBit = 0; } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadChar( void ) const { return (signed char)ReadBits( -8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadByte( void ) const { return (unsigned char)ReadBits( 8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadShort( void ) const { return (short)ReadBits( -16 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadUShort( void ) const { return (unsigned short)ReadBits( 16 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadInt( void ) const { return ReadBits( 32 ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadFloat( void ) const { float value; *reinterpret_cast(&value) = ReadBits( 32 ); return value; } ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const { int bits = ReadBits( 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); return idMath::BitsToFloat( bits, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadAngle8( void ) const { return BYTE2ANGLE( ReadByte() ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadAngle16( void ) const { return SHORT2ANGLE( ReadShort() ); } ID_INLINE idVec3 idBitMsg::ReadDir( int numBits ) const { return BitsToDir( ReadBits( numBits ), numBits ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const { return (signed char)ReadDelta( oldValue, -8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const { return (unsigned char)ReadDelta( oldValue, 8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const { return (short)ReadDelta( oldValue, -16 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsg::ReadDeltaInt( int oldValue ) const { return ReadDelta( oldValue, 32 ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const { float value; *reinterpret_cast(&value) = ReadDelta( *reinterpret_cast(&oldValue), 32 ); return value; } ID_INLINE float idBitMsg::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const { int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); int newBits = ReadDelta( oldBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); return idMath::BitsToFloat( newBits, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); } /* =============================================================================== idBitMsgDelta =============================================================================== */ class idBitMsgDelta { public: idBitMsgDelta(); ~idBitMsgDelta() {} void Init( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, idBitMsg *delta ); void Init( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, const idBitMsg *delta ); bool HasChanged( void ) const; void WriteBits( int value, int numBits ); void WriteChar( int c ); void WriteByte( int c ); void WriteShort( int c ); void WriteUShort( int c ); void WriteInt( int c ); void WriteFloat( float f ); void WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ); void WriteAngle8( float f ); void WriteAngle16( float f ); void WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ); void WriteString( const char *s, int maxLength = -1 ); void WriteData( const void *data, int length ); void WriteDict( const idDict &dict ); void WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaInt( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue ); void WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ); void WriteDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ); void WriteDeltaIntCounter( int oldValue, int newValue ); int ReadBits( int numBits ) const; int ReadChar( void ) const; int ReadByte( void ) const; int ReadShort( void ) const; int ReadUShort( void ) const; int ReadInt( void ) const; float ReadFloat( void ) const; float ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const; float ReadAngle8( void ) const; float ReadAngle16( void ) const; idVec3 ReadDir( int numBits ) const; void ReadString( char *buffer, int bufferSize ) const; void ReadData( void *data, int length ) const; void ReadDict( idDict &dict ); int ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaInt( int oldValue ) const; float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const; float ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const; int ReadDeltaByteCounter( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaShortCounter( int oldValue ) const; int ReadDeltaIntCounter( int oldValue ) const; private: const idBitMsg *base; // base idBitMsg * newBase; // new base idBitMsg * writeDelta; // delta from base to new base for writing const idBitMsg *readDelta; // delta from base to new base for reading mutable bool changed; // true if the new base is different from the base private: void WriteDelta( int oldValue, int newValue, int numBits ); int ReadDelta( int oldValue, int numBits ) const; }; ID_INLINE idBitMsgDelta::idBitMsgDelta() { base = NULL; newBase = NULL; writeDelta = NULL; readDelta = NULL; changed = false; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::Init( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, idBitMsg *delta ) { this->base = base; this->newBase = newBase; this->writeDelta = delta; this->readDelta = delta; this->changed = false; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::Init( const idBitMsg *base, idBitMsg *newBase, const idBitMsg *delta ) { this->base = base; this->newBase = newBase; this->writeDelta = NULL; this->readDelta = delta; this->changed = false; } ID_INLINE bool idBitMsgDelta::HasChanged( void ) const { return changed; } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteChar( int c ) { WriteBits( c, -8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteByte( int c ) { WriteBits( c, 8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteShort( int c ) { WriteBits( c, -16 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteUShort( int c ) { WriteBits( c, 16 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteInt( int c ) { WriteBits( c, 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteFloat( float f ) { WriteBits( *reinterpret_cast(&f), 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteFloat( float f, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) { int bits = idMath::FloatToBits( f, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); WriteBits( bits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteAngle8( float f ) { WriteBits( ANGLE2BYTE( f ), 8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteAngle16( float f ) { WriteBits( ANGLE2SHORT(f), 16 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDir( const idVec3 &dir, int numBits ) { WriteBits( idBitMsg::DirToBits( dir, numBits ), numBits ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaChar( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaByte( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 8 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaShort( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, -16 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaInt( int oldValue, int newValue ) { WriteDelta( oldValue, newValue, 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue ) { WriteDelta( *reinterpret_cast(&oldValue), *reinterpret_cast(&newValue), 32 ); } ID_INLINE void idBitMsgDelta::WriteDeltaFloat( float oldValue, float newValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) { int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); int newBits = idMath::FloatToBits( newValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); WriteDelta( oldBits, newBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadChar( void ) const { return (signed char)ReadBits( -8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadByte( void ) const { return (unsigned char)ReadBits( 8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadShort( void ) const { return (short)ReadBits( -16 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadUShort( void ) const { return (unsigned short)ReadBits( 16 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadInt( void ) const { return ReadBits( 32 ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadFloat( void ) const { float value; *reinterpret_cast(&value) = ReadBits( 32 ); return value; } ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadFloat( int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const { int bits = ReadBits( 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); return idMath::BitsToFloat( bits, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadAngle8( void ) const { return BYTE2ANGLE( ReadByte() ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadAngle16( void ) const { return SHORT2ANGLE( ReadShort() ); } ID_INLINE idVec3 idBitMsgDelta::ReadDir( int numBits ) const { return idBitMsg::BitsToDir( ReadBits( numBits ), numBits ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaChar( int oldValue ) const { return (signed char)ReadDelta( oldValue, -8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaByte( int oldValue ) const { return (unsigned char)ReadDelta( oldValue, 8 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaShort( int oldValue ) const { return (short)ReadDelta( oldValue, -16 ); } ID_INLINE int idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaInt( int oldValue ) const { return ReadDelta( oldValue, 32 ); } ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue ) const { float value; *reinterpret_cast(&value) = ReadDelta( *reinterpret_cast(&oldValue), 32 ); return value; } ID_INLINE float idBitMsgDelta::ReadDeltaFloat( float oldValue, int exponentBits, int mantissaBits ) const { int oldBits = idMath::FloatToBits( oldValue, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); int newBits = ReadDelta( oldBits, 1 + exponentBits + mantissaBits ); return idMath::BitsToFloat( newBits, exponentBits, mantissaBits ); } #endif /* !__BITMSG_H__ */