/** @file widgets/dialogwidget.h Popup dialog. * * @authors Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Jaakko Keränen * * @par License * LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it * will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of * the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses */ #ifndef LIBAPPFW_DIALOGWIDGET_H #define LIBAPPFW_DIALOGWIDGET_H #include "popupwidget.h" #include "scrollareawidget.h" #include "menuwidget.h" #include "popupbuttonwidget.h" namespace de { class GuiRootWidget; class DialogContentStylist; /** * Popup dialog. * * The content area of a dialog is scrollable. A menu with buttons is placed in * the bottom of the dialog, for the actions available to the user. * * The contents of the dialog should be placed under the scroll area returned * by DialogWidget::area() and positioned in relation to its content rule. * When the dialog is set up, one must define the size of the content scroll * area (width and height rules). * * Note that when a widget is added to the content area, the dialog * automatically applies certain common style parameters (margins, backgrounds, * etc.). * * @par Widget Structure * * Dialogs are composed of several child widgets: *
 * DialogWidget    (PopupWidget)
 *  +- container   (GuiWidget; the popup content widget)
 *      +- heading (LabelWidget; optional)
 *      +- area    (ScrollAreaWidget; contains actual dialog widgets)
 *      +- buttons (MenuWidget)
 *      +- extra   (MenuWidget; might be empty)
* * Scrolling is set up so that the dialog height doesn't surpass the view * rectangle's height. Contents of the "area" widget scroll while the other * elements remain static in relation to the container. * * The dialog can optionally have two scrollable content areas side-by-side. * * @ingroup guiWidgets */ class LIBAPPFW_PUBLIC DialogWidget : public PopupWidget { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Modality of the dialog. By default, dialogs are modal, meaning that * while they are open, no events can get past the dialog. */ enum Modality { Modal, NonModal }; enum Flag { DefaultFlags = 0, WithHeading = 0x1 ///< Dialog has a heading above the content area. }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flags, Flag) enum RoleFlag { None = 0, Default = 0x1, ///< Pressing Space or Enter will activate this. Accept = 0x2, Reject = 0x4, Yes = 0x8, No = 0x10, Action = 0x20, Popup = 0x40, ///< Uses a PopupButtonWidget. ActionPopup = Action | Popup, IdMask = 0xff0000, Id1 = 0x010000, Id2 = 0x020000, Id3 = 0x030000, Id4 = 0x040000 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(RoleFlags, RoleFlag) /** * All buttons in a dialog must be ButtonItem instances or instances of * derived classes. * * The DialogButtonItem typedef is provided for convenience. */ class LIBAPPFW_PUBLIC ButtonItem : public ui::ActionItem { public: /** * Button with the role's default label and action. * @param flags Role flags for the button. * @param label Label for the button. If empty, the default label will be used. */ ButtonItem(RoleFlags flags, String const &label = ""); ButtonItem(RoleFlags flags, Image const &image); /** * Button with custom action. * @param flags Role flags for the button. * @param label Label for the button. If empty, the default label will be used. * @param action Action for the button. */ ButtonItem(RoleFlags flags, String const &label, RefArg action); ButtonItem(RoleFlags flags, Image const &image, RefArg action); ButtonItem(RoleFlags flags, Image const &image, String const &label, RefArg action = RefArg()); RoleFlags role() const { return _role; } static Semantics itemSemantics(RoleFlags flags); private: RoleFlags _role; }; /// Asked for a label that does not exist in the dialog. @ingroup errors DENG2_ERROR(UndefinedLabel); public: DialogWidget(String const &name = String(), Flags const &flags = DefaultFlags); Modality modality() const; /** * If the dialog was created using the WithHeading flag, this will return the * label used for the dialog heading. */ LabelWidget &heading(); ScrollAreaWidget &area(); /** * Returns the left content area. The first time this is called, the dialog * layout is configured for two column areas. */ ScrollAreaWidget &leftArea(); /** * Returns the right content area. The first time this is called, the dialog * layout is configured for two column areas. */ ScrollAreaWidget &rightArea(); /** * Sets the rule for the minimum width of the dialog. The default is that the * dialog is at least as wide as the content area, or all the button widths * summed together. * * @param minWidth Custom minimum width for the dialog. */ void setMinimumContentWidth(Rule const &minWidth); void setMaximumContentHeight(Rule const &maxHeight); MenuWidget &buttonsMenu(); /** * Additional buttons of the dialog, laid out opposite to the normal dialog * buttons. These are used for functionality related to the dialog's content, * but they don't accept or reject the dialog. For instance, shortcut for * settings, showing what's new in an update, etc. * * @return Widget for dialog's extra buttons. */ MenuWidget &extraButtonsMenu(); ui::Data &buttons(); ButtonWidget &buttonWidget(String const &label) const; PopupButtonWidget &popupButtonWidget(String const &label) const; ButtonWidget *buttonWidget(int roleId) const; PopupButtonWidget *popupButtonWidget(int roleId) const; QList buttonWidgets() const; /** * Sets the action that will be triggered if the dialog is accepted. The action * will be triggered after the dialog has started closing (called from * DialogWidget::finish()). * * @param action Action to trigger after the dialog has been accepted. */ void setAcceptanceAction(RefArg action); de::Action *acceptanceAction() const; /** * Shows the dialog and blocks execution until the dialog is closed -- * another event loop is started for event processing. Call either accept() * or reject() to dismiss the dialog. * * The dialog must not be part of the widget tree when this is called. * * @param root Root where to execute the dialog. * * @return Result code. */ int exec(GuiRootWidget &root); /** * Opens the dialog as non-modal. The dialog must already be added to the * widget tree. Use accept() or reject() to close the dialog. */ void open() override; void open(Modality modality); ui::ActionItem *defaultActionItem(); // Events. void offerFocus() override; void update() override; bool handleEvent(Event const &event) override; public slots: void accept(int result = 1); void reject(int result = 0); signals: void accepted(int result); void rejected(int result); protected: void preparePanelForOpening() override; /** * Derived classes can override this to do additional tasks before * execution of the dialog begins. DialogWidget::prepare() must be called * from the overridding methods. The focused widget is reset in the method. */ virtual void prepare(); /** * Handles any tasks needed when the dialog is closing. * DialogWidget::finish() must be called from overridding methods. * * @param result Result code. */ virtual void finish(int result); private: DENG2_PRIVATE(d) }; typedef DialogWidget::ButtonItem DialogButtonItem; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(DialogWidget::Flags) Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(DialogWidget::RoleFlags) } // namespace de #endif // LIBAPPFW_DIALOGWIDGET_H