#![cfg_attr(windows, allow(dead_code, unused_imports))] use std::cmp; use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::collections::HashMap; use quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen, QuickCheck, StdGen}; use rand::{self, Rng, RngCore}; use super::{DirEntry, WalkDir, IntoIter, Error, ErrorInner}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] enum Tree { Dir(PathBuf, Vec), File(PathBuf), Symlink { src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf, dir: bool, } } impl Tree { fn from_walk_with( p: P, f: F, ) -> io::Result where P: AsRef, F: FnOnce(WalkDir) -> WalkDir { let mut stack = vec![Tree::Dir(p.as_ref().to_path_buf(), vec![])]; let it: WalkEventIter = f(WalkDir::new(p)).into(); for ev in it { match try!(ev) { WalkEvent::Exit => { let tree = stack.pop().unwrap(); if stack.is_empty() { return Ok(tree); } stack.last_mut().unwrap().children_mut().push(tree); } WalkEvent::Dir(dent) => { stack.push(Tree::Dir(pb(dent.file_name()), vec![])); } WalkEvent::File(dent) => { let node = if dent.file_type().is_symlink() { let src = try!(dent.path().read_link()); let dst = pb(dent.file_name()); let dir = dent.path().is_dir(); Tree::Symlink { src: src, dst: dst, dir: dir } } else { Tree::File(pb(dent.file_name())) }; stack.last_mut().unwrap().children_mut().push(node); } } } assert_eq!(stack.len(), 1); Ok(stack.pop().unwrap()) } fn from_walk_with_contents_first( p: P, f: F, ) -> io::Result where P: AsRef, F: FnOnce(WalkDir) -> WalkDir { let mut contents_of_dir_at_depth = HashMap::new(); let mut min_depth = ::std::usize::MAX; let top_level_path = p.as_ref().to_path_buf(); for result in f(WalkDir::new(p).contents_first(true)) { let dentry = try!(result); let tree = if dentry.file_type().is_dir() { let any_contents = contents_of_dir_at_depth.remove( &(dentry.depth+1)); Tree::Dir(pb(dentry.file_name()), any_contents.unwrap_or_default()) } else { if dentry.file_type().is_symlink() { let src = try!(dentry.path().read_link()); let dst = pb(dentry.file_name()); let dir = dentry.path().is_dir(); Tree::Symlink { src: src, dst: dst, dir: dir } } else { Tree::File(pb(dentry.file_name())) } }; contents_of_dir_at_depth.entry( dentry.depth).or_insert(vec!()).push(tree); min_depth = cmp::min(min_depth, dentry.depth); } Ok(Tree::Dir(top_level_path, contents_of_dir_at_depth.remove(&min_depth) .unwrap_or_default())) } fn name(&self) -> &Path { match *self { Tree::Dir(ref pb, _) => pb, Tree::File(ref pb) => pb, Tree::Symlink { ref dst, .. } => dst, } } fn unwrap_singleton(self) -> Tree { match self { Tree::File(_) | Tree::Symlink { .. } => { panic!("cannot unwrap file or link as dir"); } Tree::Dir(_, mut childs) => { assert_eq!(childs.len(), 1); childs.pop().unwrap() } } } fn unwrap_dir(self) -> Vec { match self { Tree::File(_) | Tree::Symlink { .. } => { panic!("cannot unwrap file as dir"); } Tree::Dir(_, childs) => childs, } } fn children_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec { match *self { Tree::File(_) | Tree::Symlink { .. } => { panic!("files do not have children"); } Tree::Dir(_, ref mut children) => children, } } fn create_in>(&self, parent: P) -> io::Result<()> { let parent = parent.as_ref(); match *self { Tree::Symlink { ref src, ref dst, dir } => { if dir { try!(soft_link_dir(src, parent.join(dst))); } else { try!(soft_link_file(src, parent.join(dst))); } } Tree::File(ref p) => { try!(File::create(parent.join(p))); } Tree::Dir(ref dir, ref children) => { try!(fs::create_dir(parent.join(dir))); for child in children { try!(child.create_in(parent.join(dir))); } } } Ok(()) } fn canonical(&self) -> Tree { match *self { Tree::Symlink { ref src, ref dst, dir } => { Tree::Symlink { src: src.clone(), dst: dst.clone(), dir: dir } } Tree::File(ref p) => { Tree::File(p.clone()) } Tree::Dir(ref p, ref cs) => { let mut cs: Vec = cs.iter().map(|c| c.canonical()).collect(); cs.sort(); Tree::Dir(p.clone(), cs) } } } fn dedup(&self) -> Tree { match *self { Tree::Symlink { ref src, ref dst, dir } => { Tree::Symlink { src: src.clone(), dst: dst.clone(), dir: dir } } Tree::File(ref p) => { Tree::File(p.clone()) } Tree::Dir(ref p, ref cs) => { let mut nodupes: Vec = vec![]; for (i, c1) in cs.iter().enumerate() { if !cs[i+1..].iter().any(|c2| c1.name() == c2.name()) && !nodupes.iter().any(|c2| c1.name() == c2.name()) { nodupes.push(c1.dedup()); } } Tree::Dir(p.clone(), nodupes) } } } fn gen(g: &mut G, depth: usize) -> Tree { #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct NonEmptyAscii(String); impl Arbitrary for NonEmptyAscii { fn arbitrary(g: &mut G) -> NonEmptyAscii { use std::char::from_u32; let upper_bound = g.size(); // We start with a lower bound of `4` to avoid // generating the special file name `con` on Windows, // because such files cannot exist... let size = g.gen_range(4, upper_bound); NonEmptyAscii((0..size) .map(|_| from_u32(g.gen_range(97, 123)).unwrap()) .collect()) } fn shrink(&self) -> Box> { let mut smaller = vec![]; for i in 1..self.0.len() { let s: String = self.0.chars().skip(i).collect(); smaller.push(NonEmptyAscii(s)); } Box::new(smaller.into_iter()) } } let name = pb(NonEmptyAscii::arbitrary(g).0); if depth == 0 { Tree::File(name) } else { let children: Vec = (0..g.gen_range(0, 5)) .map(|_| Tree::gen(g, depth-1)) .collect(); Tree::Dir(name, children) } } } impl Arbitrary for Tree { fn arbitrary(g: &mut G) -> Tree { let depth = g.gen_range(0, 5); Tree::gen(g, depth).dedup() } fn shrink(&self) -> Box> { let trees: Box> = match *self { Tree::Symlink { .. } => unimplemented!(), Tree::File(ref path) => { let s = path.to_string_lossy().into_owned(); Box::new(s.shrink().map(|s| Tree::File(pb(s)))) } Tree::Dir(ref path, ref children) => { let s = path.to_string_lossy().into_owned(); if children.is_empty() { Box::new(s.shrink().map(|s| Tree::Dir(pb(s), vec![]))) } else if children.len() == 1 { let c = &children[0]; Box::new(Some(c.clone()).into_iter().chain(c.shrink())) } else { Box::new(children .shrink() .map(move |cs| Tree::Dir(pb(s.clone()), cs))) } } }; Box::new(trees.map(|t| t.dedup())) } } #[derive(Debug)] enum WalkEvent { Dir(DirEntry), File(DirEntry), Exit, } struct WalkEventIter { depth: usize, it: IntoIter, next: Option>, } impl From for WalkEventIter { fn from(it: WalkDir) -> WalkEventIter { WalkEventIter { depth: 0, it: it.into_iter(), next: None } } } impl Iterator for WalkEventIter { type Item = io::Result; fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { let dent = self.next.take().or_else(|| self.it.next()); let depth = match dent { None => 0, Some(Ok(ref dent)) => dent.depth(), Some(Err(ref err)) => err.depth(), }; if depth < self.depth { self.depth -= 1; self.next = dent; return Some(Ok(WalkEvent::Exit)); } self.depth = depth; match dent { None => None, Some(Err(err)) => Some(Err(From::from(err))), Some(Ok(dent)) => { if dent.file_type().is_dir() { self.depth += 1; Some(Ok(WalkEvent::Dir(dent))) } else { Some(Ok(WalkEvent::File(dent))) } } } } } struct TempDir(PathBuf); impl TempDir { fn path<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Path { &self.0 } } impl Drop for TempDir { fn drop(&mut self) { fs::remove_dir_all(&self.0).unwrap(); } } fn tmpdir() -> TempDir { let p = env::temp_dir(); let mut r = rand::thread_rng(); let ret = p.join(&format!("rust-{}", r.next_u32())); fs::create_dir(&ret).unwrap(); TempDir(ret) } fn dir_setup_with(t: &Tree, f: F) -> (TempDir, Tree) where F: Fn(WalkDir) -> WalkDir { let tmp = tmpdir(); t.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let got = Tree::from_walk_with(tmp.path(), &f).unwrap(); let got_cf = Tree::from_walk_with_contents_first(tmp.path(), &f).unwrap(); assert_eq!(got, got_cf); (tmp, got.unwrap_singleton().unwrap_singleton()) } fn dir_setup(t: &Tree) -> (TempDir, Tree) { dir_setup_with(t, |wd| wd) } fn canon(unix: &str) -> String { if cfg!(windows) { unix.replace("/", "\\") } else { unix.to_string() } } fn pb>(p: P) -> PathBuf { p.as_ref().to_path_buf() } fn td>(p: P, cs: Vec) -> Tree { Tree::Dir(pb(p), cs) } fn tf>(p: P) -> Tree { Tree::File(pb(p)) } fn tld, Q: AsRef>(src: P, dst: Q) -> Tree { Tree::Symlink { src: pb(src), dst: pb(dst), dir: true } } fn tlf, Q: AsRef>(src: P, dst: Q) -> Tree { Tree::Symlink { src: pb(src), dst: pb(dst), dir: false } } #[cfg(unix)] fn soft_link_dir, Q: AsRef>( src: P, dst: Q, ) -> io::Result<()> { use std::os::unix::fs::symlink; symlink(src, dst) } #[cfg(unix)] fn soft_link_file, Q: AsRef>( src: P, dst: Q, ) -> io::Result<()> { soft_link_dir(src, dst) } #[cfg(windows)] fn soft_link_dir, Q: AsRef>( src: P, dst: Q, ) -> io::Result<()> { use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_dir; symlink_dir(src, dst) } #[cfg(windows)] fn soft_link_file, Q: AsRef>( src: P, dst: Q, ) -> io::Result<()> { use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file; symlink_file(src, dst) } macro_rules! assert_tree_eq { ($e1:expr, $e2:expr) => { assert_eq!($e1.canonical(), $e2.canonical()); } } #[test] fn walk_dir_1() { let exp = td("foo", vec![]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_2() { let exp = tf("foo"); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_3() { let exp = td("foo", vec![tf("bar")]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_4() { let exp = td("foo", vec![tf("foo"), tf("bar"), tf("baz")]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_5() { let exp = td("foo", vec![td("bar", vec![])]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_6() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ td("bar", vec![ tf("baz"), td("bat", vec![]), ]), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_7() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ td("bar", vec![ tf("baz"), td("bat", vec![]), ]), td("a", vec![tf("b"), tf("c"), tf("d")]), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_sym_1() { let exp = td("foo", vec![tf("bar"), tlf("bar", "baz")]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_sym_2() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ td("a", vec![tf("a1"), tf("a2")]), tld("a", "alink"), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_sym_root() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ td("bar", vec![tf("a"), tf("b")]), tld("bar", "alink"), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); let tmp_path = tmp.path(); let tmp_len = tmp_path.to_str().unwrap().len(); exp.create_in(tmp_path).unwrap(); let it = WalkDir::new(tmp_path.join("foo").join("alink")).into_iter(); let mut got = it .map(|d| d.unwrap().path().to_str().unwrap()[tmp_len+1..].into()) .collect::>(); got.sort(); assert_eq!(got, vec![ canon("foo/alink"), canon("foo/alink/a"), canon("foo/alink/b"), ]); let it = WalkDir::new(tmp_path.join("foo/alink/")).into_iter(); let mut got = it .map(|d| d.unwrap().path().to_str().unwrap()[tmp_len+1..].into()) .collect::>(); got.sort(); assert_eq!(got, vec!["foo/alink/", "foo/alink/a", "foo/alink/b"]); } // See: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/984 #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn first_path_not_symlink() { let exp = td("foo", vec![]); let (tmp, _got) = dir_setup(&exp); let dents = WalkDir::new(tmp.path().join("foo")) .into_iter() .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, dents.len()); assert!(!dents[0].path_is_symlink()); } // Like first_path_not_symlink, but checks that the first path is not reported // as a symlink even when we are supposed to be following them. #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn first_path_not_symlink_follow() { let exp = td("foo", vec![]); let (tmp, _got) = dir_setup(&exp); let dents = WalkDir::new(tmp.path().join("foo")) .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, dents.len()); assert!(!dents[0].path_is_symlink()); } // See: https://github.com/BurntSushi/walkdir/issues/115 #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn first_path_is_followed() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ td("a", vec![tf("a1"), tf("a2")]), td("b", vec![tlf("../a/a1", "alink")]), ]); let (tmp, _got) = dir_setup(&exp); let dents = WalkDir::new(tmp.path().join("foo/b/alink")) .into_iter() .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, dents.len()); assert!(dents[0].file_type().is_symlink()); assert!(dents[0].metadata().unwrap().file_type().is_symlink()); let dents = WalkDir::new(tmp.path().join("foo/b/alink")) .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, dents.len()); assert!(!dents[0].file_type().is_symlink()); assert!(!dents[0].metadata().unwrap().file_type().is_symlink()); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn walk_dir_sym_detect_no_follow_no_loop() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ td("a", vec![tf("a1"), tf("a2")]), td("b", vec![tld("../a", "alink")]), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); assert_tree_eq!(exp, got); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn walk_dir_sym_follow_dir() { let actual = td("foo", vec![ td("a", vec![tf("a1"), tf("a2")]), td("b", vec![tld("../a", "alink")]), ]); let followed = td("foo", vec![ td("a", vec![tf("a1"), tf("a2")]), td("b", vec![td("alink", vec![tf("a1"), tf("a2")])]), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&actual, |wd| wd.follow_links(true)); assert_tree_eq!(followed, got); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn walk_dir_sym_detect_loop() { let actual = td("foo", vec![ td("a", vec![tlf("../b", "blink"), tf("a1"), tf("a2")]), td("b", vec![tlf("../a", "alink")]), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); actual.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let got = WalkDir::new(tmp.path()) .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .collect::, _>>(); match got { Ok(x) => panic!("expected loop error, got no error: {:?}", x), Err(err @ Error { inner: ErrorInner::Io { .. }, .. }) => { panic!("expected loop error, got generic IO error: {:?}", err); } Err(Error { inner: ErrorInner::Loop { .. }, .. }) => {} } } #[test] fn walk_dir_sym_infinite() { let actual = tlf("a", "a"); let tmp = tmpdir(); actual.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let got = WalkDir::new(tmp.path()) .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .collect::, _>>(); match got { Ok(x) => panic!("expected IO error, got no error: {:?}", x), Err(Error { inner: ErrorInner::Loop { .. }, .. }) => { panic!("expected IO error, but got loop error"); } Err(Error { inner: ErrorInner::Io { .. }, .. }) => {} } } #[test] fn walk_dir_min_depth_1() { let exp = td("foo", vec![tf("bar")]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&exp, |wd| wd.min_depth(1)); assert_tree_eq!(tf("bar"), got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_min_depth_2() { let exp = td("foo", vec![tf("bar"), tf("baz")]); let tmp = tmpdir(); exp.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let got = Tree::from_walk_with(tmp.path(), |wd| wd.min_depth(2)) .unwrap().unwrap_dir(); let got_cf = Tree::from_walk_with_contents_first( tmp.path(), |wd| wd.min_depth(2)) .unwrap().unwrap_dir(); assert_eq!(got, got_cf); assert_tree_eq!(exp, td("foo", got)); } #[test] fn walk_dir_min_depth_3() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![tf("xyz")]), tf("baz"), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); exp.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let got = Tree::from_walk_with(tmp.path(), |wd| wd.min_depth(3)) .unwrap().unwrap_dir(); assert_eq!(vec![tf("xyz")], got); let got_cf = Tree::from_walk_with_contents_first( tmp.path(), |wd| wd.min_depth(3)) .unwrap().unwrap_dir(); assert_eq!(got, got_cf); } #[test] fn walk_dir_max_depth_1() { let exp = td("foo", vec![tf("bar")]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&exp, |wd| wd.max_depth(1)); assert_tree_eq!(td("foo", vec![]), got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_max_depth_2() { let exp = td("foo", vec![tf("bar"), tf("baz")]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&exp, |wd| wd.max_depth(1)); assert_tree_eq!(td("foo", vec![]), got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_max_depth_3() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![tf("xyz")]), tf("baz"), ]); let exp_trimmed = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![]), tf("baz"), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&exp, |wd| wd.max_depth(2)); assert_tree_eq!(exp_trimmed, got); } #[test] fn walk_dir_min_max_depth() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![tf("xyz")]), tf("baz"), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); exp.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let got = Tree::from_walk_with(tmp.path(), |wd| wd.min_depth(2).max_depth(2)) .unwrap().unwrap_dir(); let got_cf = Tree::from_walk_with_contents_first(tmp.path(), |wd| wd.min_depth(2).max_depth(2)) .unwrap().unwrap_dir(); assert_eq!(got, got_cf); assert_tree_eq!( td("foo", vec![tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![]), tf("baz")]), td("foo", got)); } #[test] fn walk_dir_skip() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![tf("xyz")]), tf("baz"), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); exp.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let mut got = vec![]; let mut it = WalkDir::new(tmp.path()).min_depth(1).into_iter(); loop { let dent = match it.next().map(|x| x.unwrap()) { None => break, Some(dent) => dent, }; let name = dent.file_name().to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); if name == "abc" { it.skip_current_dir(); } got.push(name); } got.sort(); assert_eq!(got, vec!["abc", "bar", "baz", "foo"]); // missing xyz! } #[test] fn walk_dir_filter() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![tf("fit")]), tf("faz"), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); let tmp_path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); exp.create_in(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let it = WalkDir::new(tmp.path()).min_depth(1) .into_iter() .filter_entry(move |d| { let n = d.file_name().to_string_lossy().into_owned(); !d.file_type().is_dir() || n.starts_with("f") || d.path() == &*tmp_path }); let mut got = it.map(|d| d.unwrap().file_name().to_str().unwrap().into()) .collect::>(); got.sort(); assert_eq!(got, vec!["bar", "faz", "foo"]); } #[test] fn qc_roundtrip() { fn p(exp: Tree) -> bool { let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup(&exp); exp.canonical() == got.canonical() } QuickCheck::new() .gen(StdGen::new(rand::thread_rng(), 15)) .tests(1_000) .max_tests(10_000) .quickcheck(p as fn(Tree) -> bool); } // Same as `qc_roundtrip`, but makes sure `follow_links` doesn't change // the behavior of walking a directory *without* symlinks. #[test] fn qc_roundtrip_no_symlinks_with_follow() { fn p(exp: Tree) -> bool { let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&exp, |wd| wd.follow_links(true)); exp.canonical() == got.canonical() } QuickCheck::new() .gen(StdGen::new(rand::thread_rng(), 15)) .tests(1_000) .max_tests(10_000) .quickcheck(p as fn(Tree) -> bool); } #[test] fn walk_dir_sort() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![tf("fit")]), tf("faz"), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); let tmp_path = tmp.path(); let tmp_len = tmp_path.to_str().unwrap().len(); exp.create_in(tmp_path).unwrap(); let it = WalkDir::new(tmp_path) .sort_by(|a,b| a.file_name().cmp(b.file_name())) .into_iter(); let got = it.map(|d| { let path = d.unwrap(); let path = &path.path().to_str().unwrap()[tmp_len..]; path.replace("\\", "/") }).collect::>(); assert_eq!( got, ["", "/foo", "/foo/abc", "/foo/abc/fit", "/foo/bar", "/foo/faz"]); } #[test] fn walk_dir_sort_small_fd_max() { let exp = td("foo", vec![ tf("bar"), td("abc", vec![tf("fit")]), tf("faz"), ]); let tmp = tmpdir(); let tmp_path = tmp.path(); let tmp_len = tmp_path.to_str().unwrap().len(); exp.create_in(tmp_path).unwrap(); let it = WalkDir::new(tmp_path) .max_open(1) .sort_by(|a,b| a.file_name().cmp(b.file_name())) .into_iter(); let got = it.map(|d| { let path = d.unwrap(); let path = &path.path().to_str().unwrap()[tmp_len..]; path.replace("\\", "/") }).collect::>(); assert_eq!( got, ["", "/foo", "/foo/abc", "/foo/abc/fit", "/foo/bar", "/foo/faz"]); } #[test] fn walk_dir_send_sync_traits() { use FilterEntry; fn assert_send() {} fn assert_sync() {} assert_send::(); assert_sync::(); assert_send::(); assert_sync::(); assert_send::>(); assert_sync::>(); } // We cannot mount different volumes for the sake of the test, but // on Linux systems we can assume that /sys is a mounted volume. #[test] #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn walk_dir_stay_on_file_system() { // If for some reason /sys doesn't exist or isn't a directory, just skip // this test. if !Path::new("/sys").is_dir() { return; } let actual = td("same_file", vec![ td("a", vec![tld("/sys", "alink")]), ]); let unfollowed = td("same_file", vec![ td("a", vec![tld("/sys", "alink")]), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&actual, |wd| wd); assert_tree_eq!(unfollowed, got); // Create a symlink to sys and enable following symlinks. If the // same_file_system option doesn't work, then this probably will hit a // permission error. Otherwise, it should just skip over the symlink // completely. let actual = td("same_file", vec![ td("a", vec![tld("/sys", "alink")]), ]); let followed = td("same_file", vec![ td("a", vec![td("alink", vec![])]), ]); let (_tmp, got) = dir_setup_with(&actual, |wd| { wd.follow_links(true).same_file_system(true) }); assert_tree_eq!(followed, got); }