#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # canvas.Image #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class for an image element on a canvas # var Image = { new: func(ghost) { var obj = { parents: [Image, Element.new(ghost)], }; return obj; }, # Set image file to be used # # @param file Path to file or canvas (Use canvas://... for canvas, eg. # canvas://by-index/texture[0]) setFile: func(file) { me.set("src", file); }, # Set rectangular region of source image to be used # # @param left Rectangle minimum x coordinate # @param top Rectangle minimum y coordinate # @param right Rectangle maximum x coordinate # @param bottom Rectangle maximum y coordinate # @param normalized Whether to use normalized ([0,1]) or image # ([0, image_width]/[0, image_height]) coordinates setSourceRect: func { # Work with both positional arguments and named arguments. # Support first argument being a vector instead of four separate ones. if (size(arg) == 1) { arg = arg[0]; } elsif (size(arg) and size(arg) < 4 and isvec(arg[0])) { arg = arg[0]~arg[1:]; } if (!contains(caller(0)[0], "normalized")) { if (size(arg) > 4) var normalized = arg[4]; else var normalized = 1; } if (size(arg) >= 3) var (left,top,right,bottom) = arg; me._node.getNode("source", 1).setValues({ left: left, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom, normalized: normalized }); return me; }, # Set size of image element # # @param width # @param height # - or - # @param size ([width, height]) setSize: func { me._node.setValues({size: _arg2valarray(arg)}); return me; } };