/* * This source file is part of libRocket, the HTML/CSS Interface Middleware * * For the latest information, see http://www.librocket.com * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 CodePoint Ltd, Shift Technology Ltd * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include "WidgetTextInput.h" #include "ElementTextSelection.h" #include "../../Include/Rocket/Core.h" #include "../../Include/Rocket/Controls/ElementFormControl.h" #include "../../Include/Rocket/Controls/Clipboard.h" #include "../../Include/Rocket/Core/SystemInterface.h" namespace Rocket { namespace Controls { const float CURSOR_BLINK_TIME = 0.7f; WidgetTextInput::WidgetTextInput(ElementFormControl* _parent) : internal_dimensions(0, 0), scroll_offset(0, 0), selection_geometry(_parent), cursor_position(0, 0), cursor_size(0, 0), cursor_geometry(_parent) { keyboard_showed = false; parent = _parent; parent->SetProperty("white-space", "pre"); parent->SetProperty("overflow", "hidden"); parent->SetProperty("drag", "drag"); parent->SetClientArea(Rocket::Core::Box::CONTENT); parent->AddEventListener("resize", this, true); parent->AddEventListener("keydown", this, true); parent->AddEventListener("textinput", this, true); parent->AddEventListener("focus", this, true); parent->AddEventListener("blur", this, true); parent->AddEventListener("mousedown", this, true); parent->AddEventListener("drag", this, true); text_element = dynamic_cast< Core::ElementText* >(Core::Factory::InstanceElement(parent, "#text", "#text", Rocket::Core::XMLAttributes())); selected_text_element = dynamic_cast< Core::ElementText* >(Core::Factory::InstanceElement(parent, "#text", "#text", Rocket::Core::XMLAttributes())); if (text_element != NULL) { text_element->SuppressAutoLayout(); parent->AppendChild(text_element, false); text_element->RemoveReference(); selected_text_element->SuppressAutoLayout(); parent->AppendChild(selected_text_element, false); selected_text_element->RemoveReference(); } // Create the dummy selection element. selection_element = Core::Factory::InstanceElement(parent, "#selection", "selection", Rocket::Core::XMLAttributes()); ElementTextSelection* text_selection_element = dynamic_cast< ElementTextSelection* >(selection_element); if (text_selection_element != NULL) { text_selection_element->SetWidget(this); parent->AppendChild(text_selection_element, false); text_selection_element->RemoveReference(); } edit_index = 0; absolute_cursor_index = 0; cursor_line_index = 0; cursor_character_index = 0; ideal_cursor_position = 0; max_length = -1; selection_anchor_index = 0; selection_begin_index = 0; selection_length = 0; ShowCursor(false); } WidgetTextInput::~WidgetTextInput() { parent->RemoveEventListener("resize", this, true); parent->RemoveEventListener("keydown", this, true); parent->RemoveEventListener("textinput", this, true); parent->RemoveEventListener("focus", this, true); parent->RemoveEventListener("blur", this, true); parent->RemoveEventListener("mousedown", this, true); parent->RemoveEventListener("drag", this, true); // Remove all the children added by the text widget. parent->RemoveChild(text_element); parent->RemoveChild(selected_text_element); parent->RemoveChild(selection_element); } // Sets the value of the text field. void WidgetTextInput::SetValue(const Core::String& value) { text_element->SetText(value); FormatElement(); UpdateRelativeCursor(); } // Sets the maximum length (in characters) of this text field. void WidgetTextInput::SetMaxLength(int _max_length) { if (max_length != _max_length) { max_length = _max_length; if (max_length >= 0) { const Core::WString& value = GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", ""); if ((int) value.Length() > max_length) { Rocket::Core::String new_value; Core::WString(value.CString(), value.CString() + max_length).ToUTF8(new_value); GetElement()->SetAttribute("value", new_value); } } } } // Returns the maximum length (in characters) of this text field. int WidgetTextInput::GetMaxLength() const { return max_length; } // Update the colours of the selected text. void WidgetTextInput::UpdateSelectionColours() { // Determine what the colour of the selected text is. If our 'selection' element has the 'color' // attribute set, then use that. Otherwise, use the inverse of our own text colour. Rocket::Core::Colourb colour; const Rocket::Core::Property* colour_property = selection_element->GetLocalProperty("color"); if (colour_property != NULL) colour = colour_property->Get< Rocket::Core::Colourb >(); else { colour = parent->GetProperty< Rocket::Core::Colourb >("color"); colour.red = 255 - colour.red; colour.green = 255 - colour.green; colour.blue = 255 - colour.blue; } // Set the computed text colour on the element holding the selected text. selected_text_element->SetProperty("color", Rocket::Core::Property(colour, Rocket::Core::Property::COLOUR)); // If the 'background-color' property has been set on the 'selection' element, use that as the // background colour for the selected text. Otherwise, use the inverse of the selected text // colour. colour_property = selection_element->GetLocalProperty("background-color"); if (colour_property != NULL) selection_colour = colour_property->Get< Rocket::Core::Colourb >(); else selection_colour = Rocket::Core::Colourb(255 - colour.red, 255 - colour.green, 255 - colour.blue, colour.alpha); } // Updates the cursor, if necessary. void WidgetTextInput::OnUpdate() { if (cursor_timer > 0) { float current_time = Core::GetSystemInterface()->GetElapsedTime(); cursor_timer -= (current_time - last_update_time); last_update_time = current_time; while (cursor_timer <= 0) { cursor_timer += CURSOR_BLINK_TIME; cursor_visible = !cursor_visible; } } } // Renders the cursor, if it is visible. void WidgetTextInput::OnRender() { Core::ElementUtilities::SetClippingRegion(text_element); Rocket::Core::Vector2f text_translation = parent->GetAbsoluteOffset() - Rocket::Core::Vector2f(parent->GetScrollLeft(), parent->GetScrollTop()); selection_geometry.Render(text_translation); if (cursor_visible && !parent->IsDisabled()) { cursor_geometry.Render(text_translation + cursor_position); } } // Formats the widget's internal content. void WidgetTextInput::OnLayout() { FormatElement(); parent->SetScrollLeft(scroll_offset.x); parent->SetScrollTop(scroll_offset.y); } // Returns the input element's underlying text element. Core::ElementText* WidgetTextInput::GetTextElement() { return text_element; } // Returns the input element's maximum allowed text dimensions. const Rocket::Core::Vector2f& WidgetTextInput::GetTextDimensions() const { return internal_dimensions; } // Gets the parent element containing the widget. Core::Element* WidgetTextInput::GetElement() { return parent; } // Dispatches a change event to the widget's element. void WidgetTextInput::DispatchChangeEvent(bool linebreak) { Rocket::Core::Dictionary parameters; parameters.Set("value", GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", "")); parameters.Set("linebreak", linebreak); GetElement()->DispatchEvent("change", parameters); } // Processes the "keydown" and "textinput" event to write to the input field, and the "focus" and "blur" to set // the state of the cursor. void WidgetTextInput::ProcessEvent(Core::Event& event) { if (event == "resize") { GenerateCursor(); Rocket::Core::Vector2f text_position = parent->GetBox().GetPosition(Core::Box::CONTENT); text_element->SetOffset(text_position, parent); selected_text_element->SetOffset(text_position, parent); Rocket::Core::Vector2f new_internal_dimensions = parent->GetBox().GetSize(Core::Box::CONTENT); if (new_internal_dimensions != internal_dimensions) { internal_dimensions = new_internal_dimensions; FormatElement(); UpdateCursorPosition(); } } else if (parent->IsDisabled()) { return; } else if (event == "keydown") { Core::Input::KeyIdentifier key_identifier = (Core::Input::KeyIdentifier) event.GetParameter< int >("key_identifier", 0); bool numlock = event.GetParameter< int >("num_lock_key", 0) > 0; bool shift = event.GetParameter< int >("shift_key", 0) > 0; bool ctrl = event.GetParameter< int >("ctrl_key", 0) > 0; switch (key_identifier) { case Core::Input::KI_NUMPAD4: if (numlock) break; case Core::Input::KI_LEFT: MoveCursorHorizontal(-1, shift); break; case Core::Input::KI_NUMPAD6: if (numlock) break; case Core::Input::KI_RIGHT: MoveCursorHorizontal(1, shift); break; case Core::Input::KI_NUMPAD8: if (numlock) break; case Core::Input::KI_UP: MoveCursorVertical(-1, shift); break; case Core::Input::KI_NUMPAD2: if (numlock) break; case Core::Input::KI_DOWN: MoveCursorVertical(1, shift); break; case Core::Input::KI_NUMPAD7: if (numlock) break; case Core::Input::KI_HOME: MoveCursorHorizontal(-cursor_character_index, shift); break; case Core::Input::KI_NUMPAD1: if (numlock) break; case Core::Input::KI_END: MoveCursorHorizontal(lines[cursor_line_index].content_length - cursor_character_index, shift); break; case Core::Input::KI_BACK: { if (DeleteCharacter(true)) { FormatElement(); UpdateRelativeCursor(); } ShowCursor(true); } break; case Core::Input::KI_DECIMAL: if (numlock) break; case Core::Input::KI_DELETE: { if (DeleteCharacter(false)) { FormatElement(); UpdateRelativeCursor(); } ShowCursor(true); } break; case Core::Input::KI_NUMPADENTER: case Core::Input::KI_RETURN: { LineBreak(); } break; case Core::Input::KI_C: { if (ctrl) CopySelection(); } break; case Core::Input::KI_X: { if (ctrl) { CopySelection(); DeleteSelection(); } } break; case Core::Input::KI_V: { if (ctrl) { const Core::WString clipboard_content = Clipboard::Get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < clipboard_content.Length(); ++i) { if (max_length > 0 && (int) Core::WString(GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", "")).Length() > max_length) break; AddCharacter(clipboard_content[i]); } } } break; // Ignore tabs so input fields can be navigated through with keys. case Core::Input::KI_TAB: return; default: { } break; } event.StopPropagation(); } else if (event == "textinput") { // Only process the text if no modifier keys are pressed. if (event.GetParameter< int >("ctrl_key", 0) == 0 && event.GetParameter< int >("alt_key", 0) == 0 && event.GetParameter< int >("meta_key", 0) == 0) { Rocket::Core::word character = event.GetParameter< Rocket::Core::word >("data", 0); if (max_length < 0 || (int) Core::String(GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", "")).Length() < max_length) AddCharacter(character); } ShowCursor(true); event.StopPropagation(); } else if (event == "focus" && event.GetTargetElement() == parent) { UpdateSelection(false); ShowCursor(true, false); } else if (event == "blur" && event.GetTargetElement() == parent) { ClearSelection(); ShowCursor(false, false); } else if ((event == "mousedown" || event == "drag") && event.GetTargetElement() == parent) { Rocket::Core::Vector2f mouse_position = Rocket::Core::Vector2f((float) event.GetParameter< int >("mouse_x", 0), (float) event.GetParameter< int >("mouse_y", 0)); mouse_position -= text_element->GetAbsoluteOffset(); cursor_line_index = CalculateLineIndex(mouse_position.y); cursor_character_index = CalculateCharacterIndex(cursor_line_index, mouse_position.x); UpdateAbsoluteCursor(); UpdateCursorPosition(); ideal_cursor_position = cursor_position.x; UpdateSelection(event == "drag" || event.GetParameter< int >("shift_key", 0) > 0); ShowCursor(true); } } // Adds a new character to the string at the cursor position. bool WidgetTextInput::AddCharacter(Rocket::Core::word character) { if (!IsCharacterValid(character)) return false; if (selection_length > 0) DeleteSelection(); Core::WString value = GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", ""); value.Insert(GetCursorIndex(), Core::WString(1, character), 1); edit_index += 1; Rocket::Core::String utf8_value; value.ToUTF8(utf8_value); GetElement()->SetAttribute("value", utf8_value); DispatchChangeEvent(); UpdateSelection(false); return true; } // Deletes a character from the string. bool WidgetTextInput::DeleteCharacter(bool back) { // First, check if we have anything selected; if so, delete that first before we start delete // individual characters. if (selection_length > 0) { DeleteSelection(); DispatchChangeEvent(); UpdateSelection(false); return true; } Core::WString value = GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", ""); if (back) { if (GetCursorIndex() == 0) return false; value.Erase(GetCursorIndex() - 1, 1); edit_index -= 1; } else { if (GetCursorIndex() == (int) value.Length()) return false; value.Erase(GetCursorIndex(), 1); } Rocket::Core::String utf8_value; value.ToUTF8(utf8_value); GetElement()->SetAttribute("value", utf8_value); DispatchChangeEvent(); UpdateSelection(false); return true; } // Copies the selection (if any) to the clipboard. void WidgetTextInput::CopySelection() { const Core::String& value = GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", ""); Clipboard::Set(Core::String(value.Substring(selection_begin_index, selection_length))); } // Returns the absolute index of the cursor. int WidgetTextInput::GetCursorIndex() const { return edit_index; } // Moves the cursor along the current line. void WidgetTextInput::MoveCursorHorizontal(int distance, bool select) { absolute_cursor_index += distance; absolute_cursor_index = Rocket::Core::Math::Max(0, absolute_cursor_index); UpdateRelativeCursor(); ideal_cursor_position = cursor_position.x; UpdateSelection(select); ShowCursor(true); } // Moves the cursor up and down the text field. void WidgetTextInput::MoveCursorVertical(int distance, bool select) { bool update_ideal_cursor_position = false; cursor_line_index += distance; if (cursor_line_index < 0) { cursor_line_index = 0; cursor_character_index = 0; update_ideal_cursor_position = true; } else if (cursor_line_index >= (int) lines.size()) { cursor_line_index = (int) lines.size() - 1; cursor_character_index = (int) lines[cursor_line_index].content_length; update_ideal_cursor_position = true; } else cursor_character_index = CalculateCharacterIndex(cursor_line_index, ideal_cursor_position); UpdateAbsoluteCursor(); UpdateCursorPosition(); if (update_ideal_cursor_position) ideal_cursor_position = cursor_position.x; UpdateSelection(select); ShowCursor(true); } // Updates the absolute cursor index from the relative cursor indices. void WidgetTextInput::UpdateAbsoluteCursor() { ROCKET_ASSERT(cursor_line_index < (int) lines.size()) absolute_cursor_index = cursor_character_index; edit_index = cursor_character_index; for (int i = 0; i < cursor_line_index; i++) { absolute_cursor_index += (int)lines[i].content.Length(); edit_index += (int)lines[i].content.Length() + lines[i].extra_characters; } } // Updates the relative cursor indices from the absolute cursor index. void WidgetTextInput::UpdateRelativeCursor() { int num_characters = 0; edit_index = absolute_cursor_index; for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (num_characters + lines[i].content_length >= absolute_cursor_index) { cursor_line_index = (int) i; cursor_character_index = absolute_cursor_index - num_characters; UpdateCursorPosition(); return; } num_characters += (int) lines[i].content.Length(); edit_index += lines[i].extra_characters; } // We shouldn't ever get here; this means we actually couldn't find where the absolute cursor said it was. So we'll // just set the relative cursors to the very end of the text field, and update the absolute cursor to point here. cursor_line_index = (int) lines.size() - 1; cursor_character_index = lines[cursor_line_index].content_length; absolute_cursor_index = num_characters; edit_index = num_characters; UpdateCursorPosition(); } // Calculates the line index under a specific vertical position. int WidgetTextInput::CalculateLineIndex(float position) { float line_height = (float) Core::ElementUtilities::GetLineHeight(parent); int line_index = Rocket::Core::Math::RealToInteger(position / line_height); return Rocket::Core::Math::Clamp(line_index, 0, (int) (lines.size() - 1)); } // Calculates the character index along a line under a specific horizontal position. int WidgetTextInput::CalculateCharacterIndex(int line_index, float position) { int character_index = 0; float line_width = 0; while (character_index < lines[line_index].content_length) { float next_line_width = (float) Core::ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, lines[line_index].content.Substring(0, character_index)); if (next_line_width > position) { if (position - line_width < next_line_width - position) return Rocket::Core::Math::Max(0, character_index - 1); else return character_index; } line_width = next_line_width; character_index++; } return character_index; } // Shows or hides the cursor. void WidgetTextInput::ShowCursor(bool show, bool move_to_cursor) { if (show) { cursor_visible = true; SetKeyboardActive(true); keyboard_showed = true; cursor_timer = CURSOR_BLINK_TIME; last_update_time = Core::GetSystemInterface()->GetElapsedTime(); // Shift the cursor into view. if (move_to_cursor) { float minimum_scroll_top = (cursor_position.y + cursor_size.y) - parent->GetClientHeight(); if (parent->GetScrollTop() < minimum_scroll_top) parent->SetScrollTop(minimum_scroll_top); else if (parent->GetScrollTop() > cursor_position.y) parent->SetScrollTop(cursor_position.y); float minimum_scroll_left = (cursor_position.x + cursor_size.x) - parent->GetClientWidth(); if (parent->GetScrollLeft() < minimum_scroll_left) parent->SetScrollLeft(minimum_scroll_left); else if (parent->GetScrollLeft() > cursor_position.x) parent->SetScrollLeft(cursor_position.x); scroll_offset.x = parent->GetScrollLeft(); scroll_offset.y = parent->GetScrollTop(); } } else { cursor_visible = false; cursor_timer = -1; last_update_time = 0; if (keyboard_showed) { SetKeyboardActive(false); keyboard_showed = false; } } } // Formats the element, laying out the text and inserting scrollbars as appropriate. void WidgetTextInput::FormatElement() { Core::ElementScroll* scroll = parent->GetElementScroll(); float width = parent->GetBox().GetSize(Core::Box::PADDING).x; int x_overflow_property = parent->GetProperty< int >("overflow-x"); int y_overflow_property = parent->GetProperty< int >("overflow-y"); if (x_overflow_property == Core::OVERFLOW_SCROLL) scroll->EnableScrollbar(Core::ElementScroll::HORIZONTAL, width); else scroll->DisableScrollbar(Core::ElementScroll::HORIZONTAL); if (y_overflow_property == Core::OVERFLOW_SCROLL) scroll->EnableScrollbar(Core::ElementScroll::VERTICAL, width); else scroll->DisableScrollbar(Core::ElementScroll::VERTICAL); // Format the text and determine its total area. Rocket::Core::Vector2f content_area = FormatText(); // If we're set to automatically generate horizontal scrollbars, check for that now. if (x_overflow_property == Core::OVERFLOW_AUTO) { if (parent->GetClientWidth() < content_area.x) scroll->EnableScrollbar(Core::ElementScroll::HORIZONTAL, width); } // Now check for vertical overflow. If we do turn on the scrollbar, this will cause a reflow. if (y_overflow_property == Core::OVERFLOW_AUTO) { if (parent->GetClientHeight() < content_area.y) { scroll->EnableScrollbar(Core::ElementScroll::VERTICAL, width); content_area = FormatText(); if (x_overflow_property == Core::OVERFLOW_AUTO && parent->GetClientWidth() < content_area.y) { scroll->EnableScrollbar(Core::ElementScroll::HORIZONTAL, width); } } } parent->SetContentBox(Rocket::Core::Vector2f(0, 0), content_area); scroll->FormatScrollbars(); } // Formats the input element's text field. Rocket::Core::Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText() { absolute_cursor_index = edit_index; Rocket::Core::Vector2f content_area(0, 0); // Clear the old lines, and all the lines in the text elements. lines.clear(); text_element->ClearLines(); selected_text_element->ClearLines(); // Clear the selection background geometry, and get the vertices and indices so the new geo can // be generated. selection_geometry.Release(true); std::vector< Core::Vertex >& selection_vertices = selection_geometry.GetVertices(); std::vector< int >& selection_indices = selection_geometry.GetIndices(); // Determine the line-height of the text element. int line_height = Rocket::Core::ElementUtilities::GetLineHeight(parent); int line_begin = 0; Rocket::Core::Vector2f line_position(0, 0); bool last_line = false; // Keep generating lines until all the text content is placed. do { Line line; line.extra_characters = 0; float line_width; // Generate the next line. last_line = text_element->GenerateLine(line.content, line.content_length, line_width, line_begin, parent->GetClientWidth() - cursor_size.x, 0, false); // If this line terminates in a soft-return, then the line may be leaving a space or two behind as an orphan. // If so, we must append the orphan onto the line even though it will push the line outside of the input // field's bounds. bool soft_return = false; if (!last_line && (line.content.Empty() || line.content[line.content.Length() - 1] != '\n')) { soft_return = true; const Core::WString& text = text_element->GetText(); Core::WString orphan; for (int i = 1; i >= 0; --i) { int index = line_begin + line.content_length + i; if (index >= (int) text.Length()) continue; if (text[index] != ' ') { orphan = ""; continue; } int next_index = index + 1; if (!orphan.Empty() || next_index >= (int) text.Length() || text[next_index] != ' ') orphan += ' '; } if (!orphan.Empty()) { line.content += orphan; line.content_length += (int) orphan.Length(); line_width += Core::ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, orphan); } } // Now that we have the string of characters appearing on the new line, we split it into // three parts; the unselected text appearing before any selected text on the line, the // selected text on the line, and any unselected text after the selection. Core::WString pre_selection, selection, post_selection; GetLineSelection(pre_selection, selection, post_selection, line.content, line_begin); // The pre-selected text is placed, if there is any (if the selection starts on or before // the beginning of this line, then this will be empty). if (!pre_selection.Empty()) { text_element->AddLine(line_position, pre_selection); line_position.x += Core::ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, pre_selection); } // If there is any selected text on this line, place it in the selected text element and // generate the geometry for its background. if (!selection.Empty()) { selected_text_element->AddLine(line_position, selection); int selection_width = Core::ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(selected_text_element, selection); selection_vertices.resize(selection_vertices.size() + 4); selection_indices.resize(selection_indices.size() + 6); Core::GeometryUtilities::GenerateQuad(&selection_vertices[selection_vertices.size() - 4], &selection_indices[selection_indices.size() - 6], line_position, Rocket::Core::Vector2f((float)selection_width, (float)line_height), selection_colour, (int)selection_vertices.size() - 4); line_position.x += selection_width; } // If there is any unselected text after the selection on this line, place it in the // standard text element after the selected text. if (!post_selection.Empty()) text_element->AddLine(line_position, post_selection); // Update variables for the next line. line_begin += line.content_length; line_position.x = 0; line_position.y += line_height; // Grow the content area width-wise if this line is the longest so far, and push the // height out. content_area.x = Rocket::Core::Math::Max(content_area.x, line_width + cursor_size.x); content_area.y = line_position.y; // Push a trailing '\r' token onto the back to indicate a soft return if necessary. if (soft_return) { line.content += '\r'; line.extra_characters -= 1; if (edit_index >= line_begin) absolute_cursor_index += 1; } // Push the new line into our array of lines, but first check if its content length needs to be truncated to // dodge a trailing endline. if (!line.content.Empty() && line.content[line.content.Length() - 1] == '\n') line.content_length -= 1; lines.push_back(line); } while (!last_line); return content_area; } // Generates the text cursor. void WidgetTextInput::GenerateCursor() { // Generates the cursor. cursor_geometry.Release(); std::vector< Core::Vertex >& vertices = cursor_geometry.GetVertices(); vertices.resize(4); std::vector< int >& indices = cursor_geometry.GetIndices(); indices.resize(6); cursor_size.x = 1; cursor_size.y = (float) Core::ElementUtilities::GetLineHeight(text_element) + 2; Core::GeometryUtilities::GenerateQuad(&vertices[0], &indices[0], Rocket::Core::Vector2f(0, 0), cursor_size, parent->GetProperty< Rocket::Core::Colourb >("color")); } void WidgetTextInput::UpdateCursorPosition() { if (text_element->GetFontFaceHandle() == NULL) return; cursor_position.x = (float) Core::ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, lines[cursor_line_index].content.Substring(0, cursor_character_index)); cursor_position.y = -1 + cursor_line_index * (float) Core::ElementUtilities::GetLineHeight(text_element); } // Expand the text selection to the position of the cursor. void WidgetTextInput::UpdateSelection(bool selecting) { if (!selecting) { selection_anchor_index = edit_index; ClearSelection(); } else { int new_begin_index; int new_end_index; if (edit_index > selection_anchor_index) { new_begin_index = selection_anchor_index; new_end_index = edit_index; } else { new_begin_index = edit_index; new_end_index = selection_anchor_index; } if (new_begin_index != selection_begin_index || new_end_index - new_begin_index != selection_length) { selection_begin_index = new_begin_index; selection_length = new_end_index - new_begin_index; FormatText(); } } } // Removes the selection of text. void WidgetTextInput::ClearSelection() { if (selection_length > 0) { selection_length = 0; FormatElement(); } } // Deletes all selected text and removes the selection. void WidgetTextInput::DeleteSelection() { if (selection_length > 0) { const Core::WString& value = GetElement()->GetAttribute< Rocket::Core::String >("value", ""); Rocket::Core::String new_value; Core::WString(value.Substring(0, selection_begin_index) + value.Substring(selection_begin_index + selection_length)).ToUTF8(new_value); GetElement()->SetAttribute("value", new_value); // Move the cursor to the beginning of the old selection. absolute_cursor_index = selection_begin_index; UpdateRelativeCursor(); // Erase our record of the selection. ClearSelection(); } } // Split one line of text into three parts, based on the current selection. void WidgetTextInput::GetLineSelection(Core::WString& pre_selection, Core::WString& selection, Core::WString& post_selection, const Core::WString& line, int line_begin) { // Check if we have any selection at all, and if so if the selection is on this line. if (selection_length <= 0 || selection_begin_index + selection_length < line_begin || selection_begin_index > line_begin + (int) line.Length()) { pre_selection = line; return; } // Split the line up into its three parts, depending on the size and placement of the selection. pre_selection = line.Substring(0, Rocket::Core::Math::Max(0, selection_begin_index - line_begin)); selection = line.Substring(Rocket::Core::Math::Max(0, selection_begin_index - line_begin), Rocket::Core::Math::Max(0, selection_length + Rocket::Core::Math::Min(0, selection_begin_index - line_begin))); post_selection = line.Substring(selection_begin_index + selection_length - line_begin); } void WidgetTextInput::SetKeyboardActive(bool active) { Core::SystemInterface* system = Core::GetSystemInterface(); if (system) { if (active) { system->ActivateKeyboard(); } else { system->DeactivateKeyboard(); } } } } }