/* move_check.cpp GNU Chess engine Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // move_check.cpp // includes #include "attack.h" #include "colour.h" #include "fen.h" #include "list.h" #include "move.h" #include "move_check.h" #include "move_do.h" #include "move_gen.h" #include "piece.h" #include "square.h" #include "util.h" namespace engine { // prototypes static void add_quiet_checks (list_t * list, const board_t * board); static void add_castle_checks (list_t * list, board_t * board); static void add_check (list_t * list, int move, board_t * board); static void find_pins (int list[], const board_t * board); // functions // gen_quiet_checks() void gen_quiet_checks(list_t * list, board_t * board) { ASSERT(list!=NULL); ASSERT(board!=NULL); ASSERT(!board_is_check(board)); LIST_CLEAR(list); add_quiet_checks(list,board); add_castle_checks(list,board); // debug ASSERT(list_is_ok(list)); } // add_quiet_checks() static void add_quiet_checks(list_t * list, const board_t * board) { int me, opp; int king; const sq_t * ptr, * ptr_2; int from, to, sq; int piece; const inc_t * inc_ptr; int inc; int pawn; int rank; int pin[8+1]; ASSERT(list!=NULL); ASSERT(board!=NULL); // init me = board->turn; opp = COLOUR_OPP(me); king = KING_POS(board,opp); find_pins(pin,board); // indirect checks for (ptr = pin; (from=*ptr) != SquareNone; ptr++) { piece = board->square[from]; ASSERT(is_pinned(board,from,opp)); if (PIECE_IS_PAWN(piece)) { inc = PAWN_MOVE_INC(me); rank = PAWN_RANK(from,me); if (rank != Rank7) { // promotes are generated with captures to = from + inc; if (board->square[to] == Empty) { if (DELTA_INC_LINE(to-king) != DELTA_INC_LINE(from-king)) { ASSERT(!SQUARE_IS_PROMOTE(to)); LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); if (rank == Rank2) { to = from + (2*inc); if (board->square[to] == Empty) { ASSERT(DELTA_INC_LINE(to-king)!=DELTA_INC_LINE(from-king)); ASSERT(!SQUARE_IS_PROMOTE(to)); LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } } } } } else if (PIECE_IS_SLIDER(piece)) { for (inc_ptr = PIECE_INC(piece); (inc=*inc_ptr) != IncNone; inc_ptr++) { for (to = from+inc; board->square[to] == Empty; to += inc) { ASSERT(DELTA_INC_LINE(to-king)!=DELTA_INC_LINE(from-king)); LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } } else { for (inc_ptr = PIECE_INC(piece); (inc=*inc_ptr) != IncNone; inc_ptr++) { to = from + inc; if (board->square[to] == Empty) { if (DELTA_INC_LINE(to-king) != DELTA_INC_LINE(from-king)) { LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } } } } // piece direct checks for (ptr = &board->piece[me][1]; (from=*ptr) != SquareNone; ptr++) { // HACK: no king for (ptr_2 = pin; (sq=*ptr_2) != SquareNone; ptr_2++) { if (sq == from) goto next_piece; } ASSERT(!is_pinned(board,from,opp)); piece = board->square[from]; inc_ptr = PIECE_INC(piece); if (PIECE_IS_SLIDER(piece)) { for (; (inc=*inc_ptr) != IncNone; inc_ptr++) { for (to = from+inc; board->square[to] == Empty; to += inc) { if (PIECE_ATTACK(board,piece,to,king)) { LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } } } else { for (; (inc=*inc_ptr) != IncNone; inc_ptr++) { to = from + inc; if (board->square[to] == Empty) { if (PSEUDO_ATTACK(piece,king-to)) { LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } } } next_piece: ; } // pawn direct checks inc = PAWN_MOVE_INC(me); pawn = PAWN_MAKE(me); to = king - (inc-1); ASSERT(PSEUDO_ATTACK(pawn,king-to)); from = to - inc; if (board->square[from] == pawn) { if (board->square[to] == Empty) { ASSERT(!SQUARE_IS_PROMOTE(to)); LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } else { from = to - (2*inc); if (board->square[from] == pawn) { if (PAWN_RANK(from,me) == Rank2 && board->square[to] == Empty && board->square[from+inc] == Empty) { ASSERT(!SQUARE_IS_PROMOTE(to)); LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } } to = king - (inc+1); ASSERT(PSEUDO_ATTACK(pawn,king-to)); from = to - inc; if (board->square[from] == pawn) { if (board->square[to] == Empty) { ASSERT(!SQUARE_IS_PROMOTE(to)); LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } else { from = to - (2*inc); if (board->square[from] == pawn) { if (PAWN_RANK(from,me) == Rank2 && board->square[to] == Empty && board->square[from+inc] == Empty) { ASSERT(!SQUARE_IS_PROMOTE(to)); LIST_ADD(list,MOVE_MAKE(from,to)); } } } } // add_castle_checks() static void add_castle_checks(list_t * list, board_t * board) { ASSERT(list!=NULL); ASSERT(board!=NULL); ASSERT(!board_is_check(board)); if (COLOUR_IS_WHITE(board->turn)) { if ((board->flags & FlagsWhiteKingCastle) != 0 && board->square[F1] == Empty && board->square[G1] == Empty && !is_attacked(board,F1,Black)) { add_check(list,MOVE_MAKE_FLAGS(E1,G1,MoveCastle),board); } if ((board->flags & FlagsWhiteQueenCastle) != 0 && board->square[D1] == Empty && board->square[C1] == Empty && board->square[B1] == Empty && !is_attacked(board,D1,Black)) { add_check(list,MOVE_MAKE_FLAGS(E1,C1,MoveCastle),board); } } else { // black if ((board->flags & FlagsBlackKingCastle) != 0 && board->square[F8] == Empty && board->square[G8] == Empty && !is_attacked(board,F8,White)) { add_check(list,MOVE_MAKE_FLAGS(E8,G8,MoveCastle),board); } if ((board->flags & FlagsBlackQueenCastle) != 0 && board->square[D8] == Empty && board->square[C8] == Empty && board->square[B8] == Empty && !is_attacked(board,D8,White)) { add_check(list,MOVE_MAKE_FLAGS(E8,C8,MoveCastle),board); } } } // add_check() static void add_check(list_t * list, int move, board_t * board) { undo_t undo[1]; ASSERT(list!=NULL); ASSERT(move_is_ok(move)); ASSERT(board!=NULL); move_do(board,move,undo); if (IS_IN_CHECK(board,board->turn)) LIST_ADD(list,move); move_undo(board,move,undo); } // move_is_check() bool move_is_check(int move, board_t * board) { undo_t undo[1]; bool check; int me, opp, king; int from, to, piece; ASSERT(move_is_ok(move)); ASSERT(board!=NULL); // slow test for complex moves if (MOVE_IS_SPECIAL(move)) { move_do(board,move,undo); check = IS_IN_CHECK(board,board->turn); move_undo(board,move,undo); return check; } // init me = board->turn; opp = COLOUR_OPP(me); king = KING_POS(board,opp); from = MOVE_FROM(move); to = MOVE_TO(move); piece = board->square[from]; ASSERT(COLOUR_IS(piece,me)); // direct check if (PIECE_ATTACK(board,piece,to,king)) return true; // indirect check if (is_pinned(board,from,opp) && DELTA_INC_LINE(king-to) != DELTA_INC_LINE(king-from)) { return true; } return false; } // find_pins() static void find_pins(int list[], const board_t * board) { int me, opp; int king; const sq_t * ptr; int from; int piece; int delta; int inc; int sq; int capture; int pin; ASSERT(list!=NULL); ASSERT(board!=NULL); // init me = board->turn; opp = COLOUR_OPP(me); king = KING_POS(board,opp); for (ptr = &board->piece[me][1]; (from=*ptr) != SquareNone; ptr++) { // HACK: no king piece = board->square[from]; delta = king - from; ASSERT(delta_is_ok(delta)); if (PSEUDO_ATTACK(piece,delta)) { ASSERT(PIECE_IS_SLIDER(piece)); inc = DELTA_INC_LINE(delta); ASSERT(inc!=IncNone); ASSERT(SLIDER_ATTACK(piece,inc)); sq = from; do sq += inc; while ((capture=board->square[sq]) == Empty); ASSERT(sq!=king); if (COLOUR_IS(capture,me)) { pin = sq; do sq += inc; while (board->square[sq] == Empty); if (sq == king) *list++ = pin; } } } *list = SquareNone; } } // namespace engine // end of move_check.cpp