/* * Holotz's Castle * Copyright (C) 2004 Juan Carlos Seijo Pérez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Juan Carlos Seijo Pérez * jacob@mainreactor.net */ /** Theme for Holotz's castle. Loads several resources as floors * breaks, ladders, bars and characters. * @file HCTheme.h * @author Juan Carlos Seijo Pérez * @date 01/06/2004 * @version 0.0.1 - 01/06/2004 - First version. */ #ifndef _HCTHEME_INCLUDED #define _HCTHEME_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include /** Type of floor image. Used to build dinamically the map. */ enum HCFloorDrawType { HCFDT_C = 0, /**< Corner with 3 neighbours. */ HCFDT_C1, /**< DL corner. */ HCFDT_C1DL, /**< DL corner with DL neighbours. */ HCFDT_C3, /**< DR corner. */ HCFDT_C3DR, /**< DR corner with DL neighbours. */ HCFDT_C7, /**< UL corner. */ HCFDT_C7UL, /**< UL corner with UR neighbours. */ HCFDT_C9, /**< UR corner. */ HCFDT_C9UR, /**< UR corner with UR neighbours. */ HCFDT_CU, /**< C7 or C9 with U neighbour. */ HCFDT_CD, /**< C1 or C3 with D neighbour. */ HCFDT_CL, /**< C1 or C7 with L neighbour. */ HCFDT_CR, /**< C3 or C9 with R neighbour. */ HCFDT_S2, /**< D side. */ HCFDT_S4, /**< L side. */ HCFDT_S6, /**< R side. */ HCFDT_S8, /**< U side. */ HCFDT_SH, /**< U or D sides with U or D neighbour, respectively*/ HCFDT_SV, /**< L or R sides with L or R neighbour, respectively*/ HCFDT_I, /**< Inner part of the cell. */ HCFDT_COUNT, /**< Number of floor part types. */ }; /** Break sprite types. */ enum HCBreakDrawType { HCBDT_NORMAL = 0, HCBDT_BREAKING, HCBDT_BROKEN, HCBDT_COUNT, }; /** Object sprite types. */ enum HCObjectDrawType { HCODT_NORMAL = 0, HCODT_ACQUIRED, HCODT_COUNT, }; /** Rope image types. */ enum HCRopeDrawType { HCRDT_TOP = 0, HCRDT_MIDDLE, HCRDT_EDGE, HCRDT_COUNT, }; /** Character sprite types. Must be the same as * HCCharacterState but is placed here to avoid circular references between * the files. */ enum HCCharacterDrawType { HCCDT_STOP = 0, /**< Stopped state. */ HCCDT_RIGHT, /**< Walk-right state. */ HCCDT_LEFT, /**< Walk-left state. */ HCCDT_UP, /**< Up state. */ HCCDT_DOWN, /**< Down state. */ HCCDT_SLIDE, /**< Slide state. */ HCCDT_JUMP, /**< Jump left state. */ HCCDT_JUMPLEFT, /**< Jump left state. */ HCCDT_JUMPRIGHT, /**< Jump right state. */ HCCDT_FALL, /**< Fall state. */ HCCDT_DIE, /**< Die state. */ HCCDT_HANG, /**< Hang state. */ HCCDT_COUNT, /**< State count. */ }; /** Text image types. */ enum HCTextDrawType { HCTDT_1 = 0, /**< Lower left corner */ HCTDT_2, /**< Lower side */ HCTDT_3, /**< Lower right corner */ HCTDT_4, /**< Left side */ HCTDT_5, /**< Center */ HCTDT_6, /**< Right corner */ HCTDT_7, /**< Upper left corner */ HCTDT_8, /**< Up side */ HCTDT_9, /**< Upper right corner */ HCTDT_LEFT, /**< Lower left peak (only in dialogs) */ HCTDT_RIGHT, /**< Lower right peak (only in dialogs) */ }; /** Theme for Holotz's Castle. */ class HCTheme { protected: JImage *imgFloor; /**< Floor images. */ s32 numFloors; /**< Number of Floor variants. */ JImage **imgContFloor; /**< Continuous floor images. */ s32 numContFloors; /**< Number of Continuous Floor variants. */ JImageSprite **sprBreak; /**< Break sprites. */ s32 numBreaks; /**< Number of Break variants. */ JImageSprite **sprObject; /**< Object sprites. */ s32 numObjects; /**< Number of Object variants. */ JImage *imgBar; /**< Bar images. */ s32 numBars; /**< Number of Bar variants. */ JImage *imgLadder; /**< Ladder images. */ s32 numLadders; /**< Number of Ladder variants. */ JImage **imgRope; /**< Rope images. */ s32 numRopes; /**< Number of Rope variants. */ JImageSprite **sprMain; /**< Main character sprites. */ s32 numMains; /**< Number of Main character variants. */ JImageSprite **sprGuest; /**< Guest sprites. */ s32 numGuests; /**< Number of guest variants. */ JImageSprite **sprBall; /**< Ball enemy sprites. */ s32 numBalls; /**< Number of Ball variants. */ JImageSprite **sprRandom; /**< Random enemy sprites. */ s32 numRandoms; /**< Number of Random variants. */ JImageSprite **sprStatic; /**< Static enemy sprites. */ s32 numStatics; /**< Number of Static variants. */ JImageSprite **sprMaker; /**< Maker enemy sprites. */ s32 numMakers; /**< Number of Maker variants. */ JImageSprite **sprChaser; /**< Chaser enemy sprites. */ s32 numChasers; /**< Number of Chaser variants. */ JImage **imgDialog; /**< Dialog images. */ s32 numDialogs; /**< Number of Dialog variants. */ JImage **imgNarrative; /**< Narrative images. */ s32 numNarratives; /**< Number of Narrative variants. */ char name[256]; /**< Theme's name. */ /** Count the number of correlative dirs starting from 1 in the cwd. * @return Number of correlative dirs starting from 1 in the cwd. */ s32 CountDirs(); /** Load floor resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadFloors(); /** Load continuous floor resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadContFloors(); /** Load break resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadBreaks(); /** Load bar resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadBars(); /** Load ladder resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadLadders(); /** Load decorative resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadDecos(); /** Load object resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadObjects(); /** Load rope resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadRopes(); /** Load main character's resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadChar(const char *directory, JImageSprite ** &sprArr, s32 &num); /** Load character resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadCharacters(); /** Load dialog resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadDialogs(); /** Load narrative resources. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool LoadNarratives(); public: /** Creates an empty theme. Load() must be called in order to use it. */ HCTheme(); /** Returns the Floor image. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Floor image. */ JImage & Floor(s32 index) {return imgFloor[index];} /** Returns the continuous Floor images. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The continuous Floor images. */ JImage * ContFloor(s32 index) {return imgContFloor[index];} /** Returns the Break sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Break sprites. */ JImageSprite * Break(s32 index) {return sprBreak[index];} /** Returns the Object sprites. index 0 is the key. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Object sprites. */ JImageSprite * Object(s32 index) {return sprObject[index];} /** Returns the Bar image. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Bar image. */ JImage & Bar(s32 index) {return imgBar[index];} /** Returns the Ladder image. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Ladder image. */ JImage & Ladder(s32 index) {return imgLadder[index];} /** Returns the Rope images. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Rope images. */ JImage * Rope(s32 index) {return imgRope[index];} /** Returns the Main character sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return The Main character sprites. */ JImageSprite * MainChar(s32 index) {return sprMain[index];} /** Returns the Guest sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return The Guest sprites. */ JImageSprite * Guest(s32 index) {return sprGuest[index];} /** Returns the Ball enemy sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return The Ball enemy sprites. */ JImageSprite * Ball(s32 index) {return sprBall[index];} /** Returns the Random enemy sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return The Random enemy sprites. */ JImageSprite * Random(s32 index) {return sprRandom[index];} /** Returns the Static enemy sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return The Static enemy sprites. */ JImageSprite * Static(s32 index) {return sprStatic[index];} /** Returns the Maker enemy sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return The Maker enemy sprites. */ JImageSprite * Maker(s32 index) {return sprMaker[index];} /** Returns the Chaser enemy sprites. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return The Chaser enemy sprites. */ JImageSprite * Chaser(s32 index) {return sprChaser[index];} /** Returns the Dialog image. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Dialog image. */ JImage * Dialog(s32 index) {return imgDialog[index];} /** Returns the Narrative image. * @param index Element to retrieve. * @return &The Narrative image. */ JImage * Narrative(s32 index) {return imgNarrative[index];} /** Loads the theme. The name of the theme is the name of the directory * containing it. The structure is: *
	 * themeName1
	 *  `-  1
	 *    `- contfloor - Floor cell parts (corner, sides, interiors)
   *      `  1       
   *      ` [2]
	 *      ` ...
	 *    `- break     - Break cell sprites
   *      `  1
   *      ` [2]
	 *      ` ...
	 *    `- ladder    - Ladder cell image
   *      `  1
   *      ` [2]
	 *      ` ...
	 *    `- bar       - Bar cell image
   *      `  1
   *      ` [2]
	 *      ` ...
	 *    `- object    - Objects (keys, powerups, etc.)
   *      `  1
   *      ` [2]
	 *      ` ...
	 *    `- deco      - Decorative images/effects
   *      `  1
   *      ` [2]
	 *      ` ...
	 *    `- rope      - Rope images (edge, top, middle)
   *      `  1
   *      ` [2]
	 *      ` ...
	 *    `- char      - Sprites for characters
	 *       `- main     - Sprites of main character
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- ball     - Sprites of ball-like enemies
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- random   - Sprites of random movement enemies
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- static   - Sprites of static enemies
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- maker    - Sprites of maker enemies
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- chaser   - Sprites of chaser enemies
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- char1    - Sprites of spare character 1
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- char2    - Sprites of spare character 2
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- char3    - Sprites of spare character 3
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- char4    - Sprites of spare character 4
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *       `- char5    - Sprites of spare character 5
   *         `  1
   *         ` [2]
	 *         ` ...
	 *  `- [themeName2]
	 *  `- ...
* @param themeName This theme's name. * @return true if succeeded, false if not. */ bool Load(const char *themeName); /** Returns the theme name (directory containing it). * @return Theme name (directory containing it). */ const char * Name() {return name;} /** Destroys the theme. Frees resources. */ void Destroy(); /** Number of Floor variants. * @return The requested quantity. */ s32 NumFloors() {return numFloors;} /** Number of Continuous Floor variants. * @return The requested quantity. */ s32 NumContFloors() {return numContFloors;} /** Number of Break variants. * @return The requested quantity. */ s32 NumBreaks() {return numBreaks;} /** Number of Object variants. * @return The requested quantity. */ s32 NumObjects() {return numObjects;} /** Number of Bar variants. * @return The requested quantity. */ s32 NumBars() {return numBars;} /** Number of Ladder variants. * @return The requested quantity. */ s32 NumLadders() {return numLadders;} /** Number of Rope variants. * @return The requested quantity. */ s32 NumRopes() {return numRopes;} /** Number of MainChar variants. * @return Number of MainChar variants. */ s32 NumMainChars() {return numMains;} /** Number of Guest variants. * @return number of Guest variants. */ s32 NumGuests() {return numGuests;} /** Number of Ball variants. * @return number of Ball variants. */ s32 NumBalls() {return numBalls;} /** Number of Random variants. * @return number of Random variants. */ s32 NumRandoms() {return numRandoms;} /** Number of Static variants. * @return number of Static variants. */ s32 NumStatics() {return numStatics;} /** Number of Maker variants. * @return number of Maker variants. */ s32 NumMakers() {return numMakers;} /** Number of Chaser variants. * @return number of Chaser variants. */ s32 NumChasers() {return numChasers;} /** Number of Dialog variants. * @return number of Dialog variants. */ s32 NumDialogs() {return numDialogs;} /** Number of Narrative variants. * @return number of Narrative variants. */ s32 NumNarratives() {return numNarratives;} /** Destroys the theme. Frees resources. Allows scalar destruction. */ virtual ~HCTheme() {Destroy();} }; #endif // _HCTHEME_INCLUDED