[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/instead-hub/instead.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/instead-hub/instead) # INSTEAD This program is covered by the terms of the MIT license. Check the [COPYING](COPYING) file for license. Check the [INSTALL](INSTALL) file for install instructions. ## Web resources - [Homepage](https://instead-hub.github.io) - [Code](https://github.com/instead-hub/instead) - [Games](http://instead-games.sf.net) - [Documentation](https://instead-hub.github.io/#doc) ## Install games To run games you may: - Unzip game archive into ~/.instead/games/; - Or run zip-packed game: $ instead ; - Or press [f4] to open file dialog (build with gtk2/gtl3 only). ## Contacts - Join the chat at [gitter](https://gitter.im/instead-hub/instead); - Unofficial XMPP conference: instead@conference.jabber.ru; - Check the [AUTHORS](AUTHORS) file.