/* =========================================================================== Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2010 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer GPL Source Code (“RTCW MP Source Code”). RTCW MP Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RTCW MP Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RTCW MP Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the RTCW MP Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the RTCW MP Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "client.h" #include "../botlib/botlib.h" extern botlib_export_t *botlib_export; vm_t *uivm; /* ==================== GetClientState ==================== */ static void GetClientState( uiClientState_t *state ) { state->connectPacketCount = clc.connectPacketCount; state->connState = clc.state; Q_strncpyz( state->servername, clc.servername, sizeof( state->servername ) ); Q_strncpyz( state->updateInfoString, cls.updateInfoString, sizeof( state->updateInfoString ) ); Q_strncpyz( state->messageString, clc.serverMessage, sizeof( state->messageString ) ); state->clientNum = cl.snap.ps.clientNum; } /* ==================== LAN_LoadCachedServers ==================== */ void LAN_LoadCachedServers( void ) { int size; fileHandle_t fileIn; cls.numglobalservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0; cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0; if ( FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( "servercache.dat", &fileIn ) ) { FS_Read( &cls.numglobalservers, sizeof( int ), fileIn ); FS_Read( &cls.numfavoriteservers, sizeof( int ), fileIn ); FS_Read( &size, sizeof( int ), fileIn ); if ( size == sizeof( cls.globalServers ) + sizeof( cls.favoriteServers ) ) { FS_Read( &cls.globalServers, sizeof( cls.globalServers ), fileIn ); FS_Read( &cls.favoriteServers, sizeof( cls.favoriteServers ), fileIn ); } else { cls.numglobalservers = cls.numfavoriteservers = 0; cls.numGlobalServerAddresses = 0; } FS_FCloseFile( fileIn ); } } /* ==================== LAN_SaveServersToCache ==================== */ void LAN_SaveServersToCache( void ) { int size; fileHandle_t fileOut; fileOut = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite( "servercache.dat" ); FS_Write( &cls.numglobalservers, sizeof( int ), fileOut ); FS_Write( &cls.numfavoriteservers, sizeof( int ), fileOut ); size = sizeof(cls.globalServers) + sizeof(cls.favoriteServers); FS_Write( &size, sizeof( int ), fileOut ); FS_Write( &cls.globalServers, sizeof( cls.globalServers ), fileOut ); FS_Write( &cls.favoriteServers, sizeof( cls.favoriteServers ), fileOut ); FS_FCloseFile( fileOut ); } /* ==================== LAN_ResetPings ==================== */ static void LAN_ResetPings( int source ) { int count,i; serverInfo_t *servers = NULL; count = 0; switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: servers = &cls.localServers[0]; count = MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: servers = &cls.globalServers[0]; count = MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS; break; case AS_FAVORITES: servers = &cls.favoriteServers[0]; count = MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; break; } if ( servers ) { for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { servers[i].ping = -1; } } } /* ==================== LAN_AddServer ==================== */ static int LAN_AddServer( int source, const char *name, const char *address ) { int max, *count, i; netadr_t adr; serverInfo_t *servers = NULL; max = MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; count = NULL; switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: count = &cls.numlocalservers; servers = &cls.localServers[0]; break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: max = MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS; count = &cls.numglobalservers; servers = &cls.globalServers[0]; break; case AS_FAVORITES: count = &cls.numfavoriteservers; servers = &cls.favoriteServers[0]; break; } if ( servers && *count < max ) { NET_StringToAdr( address, &adr, NA_UNSPEC ); for ( i = 0; i < *count; i++ ) { if ( NET_CompareAdr( servers[i].adr, adr ) ) { break; } } if ( i >= *count ) { servers[*count].adr = adr; Q_strncpyz( servers[*count].hostName, name, sizeof( servers[*count].hostName ) ); servers[*count].visible = qtrue; ( *count )++; return 1; } return 0; } return -1; } /* ==================== LAN_RemoveServer ==================== */ static void LAN_RemoveServer( int source, const char *addr ) { int *count, i; serverInfo_t *servers = NULL; count = NULL; switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: count = &cls.numlocalservers; servers = &cls.localServers[0]; break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: count = &cls.numglobalservers; servers = &cls.globalServers[0]; break; case AS_FAVORITES: count = &cls.numfavoriteservers; servers = &cls.favoriteServers[0]; break; } if ( servers ) { netadr_t comp; NET_StringToAdr( addr, &comp, NA_UNSPEC ); for ( i = 0; i < *count; i++ ) { if ( NET_CompareAdr( comp, servers[i].adr ) ) { int j = i; while ( j < *count - 1 ) { Com_Memcpy( &servers[j], &servers[j + 1], sizeof( servers[j] ) ); j++; } ( *count )--; break; } } } } /* ==================== LAN_GetServerCount ==================== */ static int LAN_GetServerCount( int source ) { switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: return cls.numlocalservers; break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: return cls.numglobalservers; break; case AS_FAVORITES: return cls.numfavoriteservers; break; } return 0; } /* ==================== LAN_GetLocalServerAddressString ==================== */ static void LAN_GetServerAddressString( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen ) { switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { Q_strncpyz(buf, NET_AdrToStringwPort( cls.localServers[n].adr) , buflen ); return; } break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { Q_strncpyz(buf, NET_AdrToStringwPort( cls.globalServers[n].adr) , buflen ); return; } break; case AS_FAVORITES: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { Q_strncpyz(buf, NET_AdrToStringwPort( cls.favoriteServers[n].adr) , buflen ); return; } break; } buf[0] = '\0'; } /* ==================== LAN_GetServerInfo ==================== */ static void LAN_GetServerInfo( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen ) { char info[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; serverInfo_t *server = NULL; info[0] = '\0'; switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { server = &cls.localServers[n]; } break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { server = &cls.globalServers[n]; } break; case AS_FAVORITES: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { server = &cls.favoriteServers[n]; } break; } if ( server && buf ) { buf[0] = '\0'; Info_SetValueForKey( info, "hostname", server->hostName ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "mapname", server->mapName ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "clients", va( "%i",server->clients ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "sv_maxclients", va( "%i",server->maxClients ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "ping", va( "%i",server->ping ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "minping", va( "%i",server->minPing ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "maxping", va( "%i",server->maxPing ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "game", server->game ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "gametype", va( "%i",server->gameType ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "nettype", va( "%i",server->netType ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "addr", NET_AdrToStringwPort(server->adr)); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "sv_allowAnonymous", va( "%i", server->allowAnonymous ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "friendlyFire", va( "%i", server->friendlyFire ) ); // NERVE - SMF Info_SetValueForKey( info, "maxlives", va( "%i", server->maxlives ) ); // NERVE - SMF Info_SetValueForKey( info, "tourney", va( "%i", server->tourney ) ); // NERVE - SMF Info_SetValueForKey( info, "punkbuster", va( "%i", server->punkbuster ) ); // DHM - Nerve Info_SetValueForKey( info, "gamename", server->gameName ); // Arnout Info_SetValueForKey( info, "g_antilag", va( "%i", server->antilag ) ); // TTimo Info_SetValueForKey( info, "g_needpass", va("%i", server->g_needpass)); Info_SetValueForKey( info, "g_humanplayers", va("%i", server->g_humanplayers)); Q_strncpyz( buf, info, buflen ); } else { if ( buf ) { buf[0] = '\0'; } } } /* ==================== LAN_GetServerPing ==================== */ static int LAN_GetServerPing( int source, int n ) { serverInfo_t *server = NULL; switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { server = &cls.localServers[n]; } break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { server = &cls.globalServers[n]; } break; case AS_FAVORITES: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { server = &cls.favoriteServers[n]; } break; } if ( server ) { return server->ping; } return -1; } /* ==================== LAN_GetServerPtr ==================== */ static serverInfo_t *LAN_GetServerPtr( int source, int n ) { switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { return &cls.localServers[n]; } break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { return &cls.globalServers[n]; } break; case AS_FAVORITES: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { return &cls.favoriteServers[n]; } break; } return NULL; } /* ==================== LAN_CompareServers ==================== */ static int LAN_CompareServers( int source, int sortKey, int sortDir, int s1, int s2 ) { int res; serverInfo_t *server1, *server2; int clients1, clients2; server1 = LAN_GetServerPtr( source, s1 ); server2 = LAN_GetServerPtr( source, s2 ); if ( !server1 || !server2 ) { return 0; } res = 0; switch ( sortKey ) { case SORT_HOST: res = Q_stricmp( server1->hostName, server2->hostName ); break; case SORT_MAP: res = Q_stricmp( server1->mapName, server2->mapName ); break; case SORT_CLIENTS: // sub sort by max clients if ( server1->clients == server2->clients ) { clients1 = server1->maxClients; clients2 = server2->maxClients; } else { clients1 = server1->clients; clients2 = server2->clients; } if ( clients1 < clients2 ) { res = -1; } else if ( clients1 > clients2 ) { res = 1; } else { res = 0; } break; case SORT_GAME: if ( server1->gameType < server2->gameType ) { res = -1; } else if ( server1->gameType > server2->gameType ) { res = 1; } else { res = 0; } break; case SORT_PING: if ( server1->ping < server2->ping ) { res = -1; } else if ( server1->ping > server2->ping ) { res = 1; } else { res = 0; } break; case SORT_PUNKBUSTER: if ( server1->punkbuster < server2->punkbuster ) { res = -1; } else if ( server1->punkbuster > server2->punkbuster ) { res = 1; } else { res = 0; } } if ( sortDir ) { if ( res < 0 ) { return 1; } if ( res > 0 ) { return -1; } return 0; } return res; } /* ==================== LAN_GetPingQueueCount ==================== */ static int LAN_GetPingQueueCount( void ) { return ( CL_GetPingQueueCount() ); } /* ==================== LAN_ClearPing ==================== */ static void LAN_ClearPing( int n ) { CL_ClearPing( n ); } /* ==================== LAN_GetPing ==================== */ static void LAN_GetPing( int n, char *buf, int buflen, int *pingtime ) { CL_GetPing( n, buf, buflen, pingtime ); } /* ==================== LAN_GetPingInfo ==================== */ static void LAN_GetPingInfo( int n, char *buf, int buflen ) { CL_GetPingInfo( n, buf, buflen ); } /* ==================== LAN_MarkServerVisible ==================== */ static void LAN_MarkServerVisible( int source, int n, qboolean visible ) { if ( n == -1 ) { int count = MAX_OTHER_SERVERS; serverInfo_t *server = NULL; switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: server = &cls.localServers[0]; break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: server = &cls.globalServers[0]; count = MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS; break; case AS_FAVORITES: server = &cls.favoriteServers[0]; break; } if ( server ) { for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { server[n].visible = visible; } } } else { switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { cls.localServers[n].visible = visible; } break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { cls.globalServers[n].visible = visible; } break; case AS_FAVORITES: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { cls.favoriteServers[n].visible = visible; } break; } } } /* ======================= LAN_ServerIsVisible ======================= */ static int LAN_ServerIsVisible( int source, int n ) { switch ( source ) { case AS_LOCAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { return cls.localServers[n].visible; } break; case AS_MPLAYER: case AS_GLOBAL: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS ) { return cls.globalServers[n].visible; } break; case AS_FAVORITES: if ( n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS ) { return cls.favoriteServers[n].visible; } break; } return qfalse; } /* ======================= LAN_UpdateVisiblePings ======================= */ qboolean LAN_UpdateVisiblePings( int source ) { return CL_UpdateVisiblePings_f( source ); } /* ==================== LAN_GetServerStatus ==================== */ int LAN_GetServerStatus( char *serverAddress, char *serverStatus, int maxLen ) { return CL_ServerStatus( serverAddress, serverStatus, maxLen ); } /* ==================== CL_GetGlConfig ==================== */ static void CL_GetGlconfig( glconfig_t *config ) { *config = cls.glconfig; } /* ==================== CL_GetClipboardData ==================== */ static void CL_GetClipboardData( char *buf, int buflen ) { char *cbd; cbd = Sys_GetClipboardData(); if ( !cbd ) { *buf = 0; return; } Q_strncpyz( buf, cbd, buflen ); Z_Free( cbd ); } /* ==================== Key_KeynumToStringBuf ==================== */ void Key_KeynumToStringBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen ) { Q_strncpyz( buf, Key_KeynumToString( keynum, qtrue ), buflen ); } /* ==================== Key_GetBindingBuf ==================== */ void Key_GetBindingBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen ) { char *value; value = Key_GetBinding( keynum ); if ( value ) { Q_strncpyz( buf, value, buflen ); } else { *buf = 0; } } /* ==================== CLUI_GetCDKey ==================== */ static void CLUI_GetCDKey( char *buf, int buflen ) { #ifndef STANDALONE const char *gamedir; gamedir = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_game" ); if ( UI_usesUniqueCDKey() && gamedir[0] != 0 ) { Com_Memcpy( buf, &cl_cdkey[16], 16 ); buf[16] = 0; } else { Com_Memcpy( buf, cl_cdkey, 16 ); buf[16] = 0; } #else *buf = 0; #endif } /* ==================== CLUI_SetCDKey ==================== */ #ifndef STANDALONE static void CLUI_SetCDKey( char *buf ) { const char *gamedir; gamedir = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_game" ); if ( UI_usesUniqueCDKey() && gamedir[0] != 0 ) { Com_Memcpy( &cl_cdkey[16], buf, 16 ); cl_cdkey[32] = 0; // set the flag so the file will be written at the next opportunity cvar_modifiedFlags |= CVAR_ARCHIVE; } else { Com_Memcpy( cl_cdkey, buf, 16 ); // set the flag so the file will be written at the next opportunity cvar_modifiedFlags |= CVAR_ARCHIVE; } } #endif /* ==================== GetConfigString ==================== */ static int GetConfigString( int index, char *buf, int size ) { int offset; if ( index < 0 || index >= MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ) { return qfalse; } offset = cl.gameState.stringOffsets[index]; if ( !offset ) { if ( size ) { buf[0] = 0; } return qfalse; } Q_strncpyz( buf, cl.gameState.stringData + offset, size ); return qtrue; } /* ==================== FloatAsInt ==================== */ static int FloatAsInt( float f ) { floatint_t fi; fi.f = f; return fi.i; } /* ==================== CL_UISystemCalls The ui module is making a system call ==================== */ intptr_t CL_UISystemCalls( intptr_t *args ) { switch ( args[0] ) { case UI_ERROR: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s", (const char*)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_PRINT: Com_Printf( "%s", (const char*)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_MILLISECONDS: return Sys_Milliseconds(); case UI_CVAR_REGISTER: Cvar_Register( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ), VMA( 3 ), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_UPDATE: Cvar_Update( VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SET: Cvar_SetSafe( VMA(1), VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_VARIABLEVALUE: return FloatAsInt( Cvar_VariableValue( VMA( 1 ) ) ); case UI_CVAR_VARIABLESTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SETVALUE: Cvar_SetValueSafe( VMA(1), VMF(2) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_RESET: Cvar_Reset( VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_CREATE: Cvar_Register( NULL, VMA(1), VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_INFOSTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_InfoStringBuffer( args[1], VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_ARGC: return Cmd_Argc(); case UI_ARGV: Cmd_ArgvBuffer( args[1], VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CMD_EXECUTETEXT: if(args[1] == EXEC_NOW && (!strncmp(VMA(2), "snd_restart", 11) || !strncmp(VMA(2), "vid_restart", 11) || !strncmp(VMA(2), "quit", 5))) { Com_Printf (S_COLOR_YELLOW "turning EXEC_NOW '%.11s' into EXEC_INSERT\n", (const char*)VMA(2)); args[1] = EXEC_INSERT; } Cbuf_ExecuteText( args[1], VMA( 2 ) ); return 0; case UI_FS_FOPENFILE: return FS_FOpenFileByMode( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); case UI_FS_READ: FS_Read( VMA( 1 ), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_WRITE: FS_Write( VMA( 1 ), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_FCLOSEFILE: FS_FCloseFile( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_FS_GETFILELIST: return FS_GetFileList( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ), VMA( 3 ), args[4] ); case UI_R_REGISTERMODEL: return re.RegisterModel( VMA( 1 ) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSKIN: return re.RegisterSkin( VMA( 1 ) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSHADERNOMIP: return re.RegisterShaderNoMip( VMA( 1 ) ); case UI_R_CLEARSCENE: re.ClearScene(); return 0; case UI_R_ADDREFENTITYTOSCENE: re.AddRefEntityToScene( VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDPOLYTOSCENE: re.AddPolyToScene( args[1], args[2], VMA( 3 ) ); return 0; // Ridah case UI_R_ADDPOLYSTOSCENE: re.AddPolysToScene( args[1], args[2], VMA( 3 ), args[4] ); return 0; // done. case UI_R_ADDLIGHTTOSCENE: re.AddLightToScene( VMA( 1 ), VMF( 2 ), VMF( 3 ), VMF( 4 ), VMF( 5 ), args[6] ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDCORONATOSCENE: re.AddCoronaToScene( VMA( 1 ), VMF( 2 ), VMF( 3 ), VMF( 4 ), VMF( 5 ), args[6], args[7] ); return 0; case UI_R_RENDERSCENE: re.RenderScene( VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; case UI_R_SETCOLOR: re.SetColor( VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; case UI_R_DRAWSTRETCHPIC: re.DrawStretchPic( VMF( 1 ), VMF( 2 ), VMF( 3 ), VMF( 4 ), VMF( 5 ), VMF( 6 ), VMF( 7 ), VMF( 8 ), args[9] ); return 0; case UI_R_MODELBOUNDS: re.ModelBounds( args[1], VMA( 2 ), VMA( 3 ) ); return 0; case UI_UPDATESCREEN: SCR_UpdateScreen(); return 0; case UI_CM_LERPTAG: return re.LerpTag( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ), VMA( 3 ), args[4] ); case UI_S_REGISTERSOUND: #ifdef DOOMSOUND ///// (SA) DOOMSOUND return S_RegisterSound( VMA( 1 ) ); #else return S_RegisterSound( VMA( 1 ), qfalse ); #endif ///// (SA) DOOMSOUND case UI_S_STARTLOCALSOUND: S_StartLocalSound( args[1], args[2] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_KEYNUMTOSTRINGBUF: Key_KeynumToStringBuf( args[1], VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETBINDINGBUF: Key_GetBindingBuf( args[1], VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_SETBINDING: Key_SetBinding( args[1], VMA( 2 ) ); return 0; case UI_KEY_ISDOWN: return Key_IsDown( args[1] ); case UI_KEY_GETOVERSTRIKEMODE: return Key_GetOverstrikeMode(); case UI_KEY_SETOVERSTRIKEMODE: Key_SetOverstrikeMode( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_CLEARSTATES: Key_ClearStates(); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETCATCHER: return Key_GetCatcher(); case UI_KEY_SETCATCHER: // Don't allow the ui module to close the console Key_SetCatcher( args[1] | ( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIPBOARDDATA: CL_GetClipboardData( VMA(1), args[2] ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIENTSTATE: GetClientState( VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; case UI_GETGLCONFIG: CL_GetGlconfig( VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; case UI_GETCONFIGSTRING: return GetConfigString( args[1], VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); case UI_LAN_LOADCACHEDSERVERS: LAN_LoadCachedServers(); return 0; case UI_LAN_SAVECACHEDSERVERS: LAN_SaveServersToCache(); return 0; case UI_LAN_ADDSERVER: return LAN_AddServer( args[1], VMA( 2 ), VMA( 3 ) ); case UI_LAN_REMOVESERVER: LAN_RemoveServer( args[1], VMA( 2 ) ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGQUEUECOUNT: return LAN_GetPingQueueCount(); case UI_LAN_CLEARPING: LAN_ClearPing( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPING: LAN_GetPing( args[1], VMA( 2 ), args[3], VMA( 4 ) ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGINFO: LAN_GetPingInfo( args[1], VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERCOUNT: return LAN_GetServerCount( args[1] ); case UI_LAN_GETSERVERADDRESSSTRING: LAN_GetServerAddressString( args[1], args[2], VMA( 3 ), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERINFO: LAN_GetServerInfo( args[1], args[2], VMA( 3 ), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERPING: return LAN_GetServerPing( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_MARKSERVERVISIBLE: LAN_MarkServerVisible( args[1], args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERISVISIBLE: return LAN_ServerIsVisible( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_UPDATEVISIBLEPINGS: return LAN_UpdateVisiblePings( args[1] ); case UI_LAN_RESETPINGS: LAN_ResetPings( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERSTATUS: return LAN_GetServerStatus( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ), args[3] ); case UI_SET_PBCLSTATUS: return 0; case UI_SET_PBSVSTATUS: return 0; case UI_LAN_COMPARESERVERS: return LAN_CompareServers( args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] ); case UI_MEMORY_REMAINING: return Hunk_MemoryRemaining(); case UI_GET_CDKEY: CLUI_GetCDKey( VMA( 1 ), args[2] ); return 0; case UI_SET_CDKEY: #ifndef STANDALONE CLUI_SetCDKey( VMA( 1 ) ); #endif return 0; case UI_R_REGISTERFONT: re.RegisterFont( VMA( 1 ), args[2], VMA( 3 ) ); return 0; case UI_MEMSET: Com_Memset( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return args[1]; case UI_MEMCPY: Com_Memcpy( VMA(1), VMA(2), args[3] ); return args[1]; case UI_STRNCPY: strncpy( VMA(1), VMA(2), args[3] ); return args[1]; case UI_SIN: return FloatAsInt( sin( VMF( 1 ) ) ); case UI_COS: return FloatAsInt( cos( VMF( 1 ) ) ); case UI_ATAN2: return FloatAsInt( atan2( VMF( 1 ), VMF( 2 ) ) ); case UI_SQRT: return FloatAsInt( sqrt( VMF( 1 ) ) ); case UI_FLOOR: return FloatAsInt( floor( VMF( 1 ) ) ); case UI_CEIL: return FloatAsInt( ceil( VMF( 1 ) ) ); case UI_PC_ADD_GLOBAL_DEFINE: return botlib_export->PC_AddGlobalDefine( VMA( 1 ) ); case UI_PC_LOAD_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_LoadSourceHandle( VMA( 1 ) ); case UI_PC_FREE_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_FreeSourceHandle( args[1] ); case UI_PC_READ_TOKEN: return botlib_export->PC_ReadTokenHandle( args[1], VMA( 2 ) ); case UI_PC_SOURCE_FILE_AND_LINE: return botlib_export->PC_SourceFileAndLine( args[1], VMA( 2 ), VMA( 3 ) ); case UI_S_STOPBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StopBackgroundTrack(); return 0; case UI_S_STARTBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StartBackgroundTrack( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ) ); return 0; case UI_REAL_TIME: return Com_RealTime( VMA( 1 ) ); case UI_CIN_PLAYCINEMATIC: Com_DPrintf( "UI_CIN_PlayCinematic\n" ); return CIN_PlayCinematic( VMA( 1 ), args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6] ); case UI_CIN_STOPCINEMATIC: return CIN_StopCinematic( args[1] ); case UI_CIN_RUNCINEMATIC: return CIN_RunCinematic( args[1] ); case UI_CIN_DRAWCINEMATIC: CIN_DrawCinematic( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_CIN_SETEXTENTS: CIN_SetExtents( args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] ); return 0; case UI_R_REMAP_SHADER: re.RemapShader( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ), VMA( 3 ) ); return 0; case UI_VERIFY_CDKEY: return CL_CDKeyValidate( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ) ); // NERVE - SMF case UI_CL_GETLIMBOSTRING: return CL_GetLimboString( args[1], VMA( 2 ) ); case UI_CL_TRANSLATE_STRING: CL_TranslateString( VMA( 1 ), VMA( 2 ) ); return 0; // -NERVE - SMF // DHM - Nerve case UI_CHECKAUTOUPDATE: CL_CheckAutoUpdate(); return 0; case UI_GET_AUTOUPDATE: CL_GetAutoUpdate(); return 0; // DHM - Nerve case UI_OPENURL: CL_OpenURL( (const char *)VMA( 1 ) ); return 0; default: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad UI system trap: %ld", (long int) args[0] ); } return 0; } /* ==================== CL_ShutdownUI ==================== */ void CL_ShutdownUI( void ) { Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) & ~KEYCATCH_UI ); cls.uiStarted = qfalse; if ( !uivm ) { return; } VM_Call( uivm, UI_SHUTDOWN ); VM_Free( uivm ); uivm = NULL; } /* ==================== CL_InitUI ==================== */ void CL_InitUI( void ) { int v; // load the dll or bytecode uivm = VM_Create( "ui", CL_UISystemCalls, Cvar_VariableValue("vm_ui") ); if ( !uivm ) { Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create on UI failed" ); } // sanity check v = VM_Call( uivm, UI_GETAPIVERSION ); if ( v != UI_API_VERSION ) { Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "User Interface is version %d, expected %d", v, UI_API_VERSION ); cls.uiStarted = qfalse; } // init for this gamestate VM_Call( uivm, UI_INIT, ( clc.state >= CA_AUTHORIZING && clc.state < CA_ACTIVE ) ); } #ifndef STANDALONE qboolean UI_usesUniqueCDKey( void ) { if ( uivm ) { return ( VM_Call( uivm, UI_HASUNIQUECDKEY ) == qtrue ); } else { return qfalse; } } #endif qboolean UI_checkKeyExec( int key ) { if ( uivm ) { return VM_Call( uivm, UI_CHECKEXECKEY, key ); } else { return qfalse; } } /* ==================== UI_GameCommand See if the current console command is claimed by the ui ==================== */ qboolean UI_GameCommand( void ) { if ( !uivm ) { return qfalse; } return VM_Call( uivm, UI_CONSOLE_COMMAND, cls.realtime ); }