Name: lbreakout Version: 010315 Release: 3cl Summary: The classical Breakout game improved a lot Summary(pt_BR): O clássico jogo Breakout agora turbinado Summary(es): The classical Breakout game improved a lot Group: Games Group(pt_BR): Jogos Group(es): Juegos License: GPL URL:{name}/%{name}.html Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch: %{name}-highscoredir.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root %description LBreakout is a classical Breakout game, improved with the powers of the SDL library. Its features include: sound, highscore, a menu with mouse support, mouse or keyboard can be used for playing, controls can be redefined, your starting level can be chosen, a difficulty can be selected (easy, medium, hard), various backgrounds, a lot of collectable extras, nice graphics, cool effects and own levels can be created. Give it a try! %description -l pt_BR O LBreakout é o clássico Breakout, de destruir tijolos com a bolinha, turbinado com os poderes da biblioteca SDL. Suas características incluem: som, recordes, menu com suporte a mouse, jogável com teclado ou mouse, comandos redefiníveis, nível inicial escolhível, três níveis de dificuldade (fácil, médio e difícil), vários fundos de tela, vários bônus para coletar, gráficos bonitos, efeitos legais e você pode criar seus próprios níveis. Jogue! %description -l es LBreakout is a classical Breakout game, improved with the powers of the SDL library. Its features include: sound, highscore, a menu with mouse support, mouse or keyboard can be used for playing, controls can be redefined, your starting level can be chosen, a difficulty can be selected (easy, medium, hard), various backgrounds, a lot of collectable extras, nice graphics, cool effects and own levels can be created. Give it a try! %prep %setup -q %patch %build %configure --datadir=%{_datadir} make %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/games %makeinstall DESTDIR=%{buildroot} bindir=%{_prefix}/games %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %doc AUTHORS COPYING README ChangeLog %{name}/manual %attr(2755,root,games) %{_prefix}/games/%{name} %{_datadir}/games/%{name} %attr(0664,root,games) %config %{_localstatedir}/games/%{name}.hscr %changelog * Thu Nov 30 2000 aurélio marinho jargas + lbreakout-001104-3cl - spec file cleanup * Wed Nov 29 2000 aurélio marinho jargas + lbreakout-001104-2cl - score file is now marked as config * Fri Nov 27 2000 aurélio marinho jargas + lbreakout-001104-1cl - changed datadir and highscores dir - adopted