;mode800, -*- ponscripter -*- ;gameid Narcissu Side 2nd *define caption "Narcissu Side 2nd" versionstr "Narcissu Side 2nd","Stage-Nana vol. 25" ;new commands for newer generation ponscript pindentstr basic pbreakstr basic dim ?0[1][17] ; Used in chapter select screens h_rendering none, integer h_mapfont 0, "fonts/face0.ttf" h_mapfont 1, "fonts/face1.ttf" h_mapfont 2, "fonts/face2.ttf" h_mapfont 3, "fonts/face3.ttf" h_mapfont 4, "fonts/face4.ttf" h_mapfont 5, "fonts/face5.ttf" h_mapfont 6, "fonts/face6.ttf" h_mapfont 7, "fonts/face7.ttf" effect 2,6,500 effect 3,10,600 effect 4,13,3000 effect 5,10,1000 effect 6,6,500 windoweffect 10,200 clickstr "",2 savenumber 20 menusetwindow 15,18,2,2,0,1,#808080 nsa mode_ext ;defaultspeed 100,65,1 defaultspeed 48,24,0 h_speedpercent 200 ;underline 395 ;killmenu 4 ;killmenu 7 ;CD-DA消去 ;killmenu 2 ;rmenu "選択肢まで進む",skip,"回想",lookback,"セーブ",save,"ロード",load,"ウィンドウを消す",windowerase,"最初に戻る",reset selectcolor #EEFCFD,#99CCFB ;cdfadeout 1000 kidokuskip ;mode_wave_demo globalon defvoicevol 100 defsevol 60 defmp3vol 50 ;============================================================ ;システム側設定開始 ;============================================================ windowback ;テキストクリック待ちラベル textgosub *text_lb pretextgosub *pretext_lb usewheel ;効果音再生命令を再定義 defsub dwave ;enum numalias MD_SAVE,1 numalias MD_LOAD,2 numalias LOGMAX,50 maxkaisoupage LOGMAX ;――――――――――――――――数字変数 numalias sys_mode,103 numalias sys_auto,104 numalias sys_time,105 numalias sys_trapflg,106 numalias sys_ispage,107 numalias x,108 numalias y,109 numalias sys_cselnum,110 numalias csel_x,111 numalias csel_y,112 numalias save_month,113 numalias save_day,114 numalias save_hour,115 numalias save_minute,116 numalias save_num,117 numalias save_x,118 numalias save_y,119 numalias temp_num,120 numalias sys_auto_time,121 numalias sys_savingnum,122 numalias sys_ya,123 numalias sys_return,124 numalias sys_playing,125 numalias sys_channel,126 numalias sys_log_page,127 numalias moji_x,128 numalias moji_y,129 numalias sys_vlog_num,130 numalias sys_log_ringstd,131 numalias sys_log_channel,132 numalias sys_log_ringcr,133 numalias lg_sys_channel,134 numalias sys_nar1_limited,135 numalias footnote_s,196 numalias footnote_x,197 numalias footnote_y,198 numalias unvoiced_mode,199 intlimit sys_auto_time,0,2000 intlimit sys_ya,0,100 ;――――――――――――――――数字グローバル ;シナリオ読んだフラグ(ナルキ1用) ;ボイス有り無し共通 numalias flg_pro,301 numalias flg_cha2,302 numalias flg_cha3,303 numalias flg_cha4,304 numalias flg_cha5,305 numalias flg_cha6,306 numalias flg_cha7,307 numalias flg_cha8,308 numalias flg_cha9,309 ;直前に読んだシナリオ numalias flg_bplay,310 ;中身は1~9で、1はプロローグ numalias sys_vol_setsumi,311 ;ボイスボリューム:セツミ numalias sys_vol_himeko,312 ;ボイスボリューム:姫子 numalias sys_vol_chihiro,313 ;ボイスボリューム:千尋 numalias sys_vol_yuka,314 ;ボイスボリューム:優花 numalias sys_vol_etc,315 ;ボイスボリューム:その他 numalias sys_execute,316 ;初回起動フラグ ;シナリオ読んだフラグ(ナルキ2用) numalias flg2_pro,317 numalias flg2_cha2,318 numalias flg2_cha3,319 numalias flg2_cha4,320 numalias flg2_cha5,321 numalias flg2_cha6,322 numalias flg2_cha7,323 numalias flg2_cha8,324 numalias flg2_cha9,325 numalias flg2_cha10,326 numalias flg2_cha11,327 numalias flg2_cha12,328 numalias flg2_cha13,329 numalias flg2_all,330 ;ナルキ2の部分が終了 numalias flg2_end,331 ;エピローグまで含め全て終了 ;直前に読んだシナリオ numalias flg2_bplay,332 ;中身は1~20で、1はプロローグ numalias sys_vol_voice,333 ;ボイスボリューム ;暫定で、こっちに置く numalias flg2_cha14,334 numalias flg2_cha15,335 numalias flg2_cha16,336 numalias flg2_cha17,337 numalias flg2_cha18,338 numalias flg2_cha19,339 numalias flg2_cha20,340 numalias disable_subtitles,350 numalias disable_footnotes,351 intlimit sys_vol_setsumi,0,100 intlimit sys_vol_himeko,0,100 intlimit sys_vol_chihiro,0,100 intlimit sys_vol_yuka,0,100 intlimit sys_vol_etc,0,100 intlimit sys_vol_voice,0,100 ;――――――――――――――――文字変数 ;numalias シナリオ内小見出し,100 numalias save_str,101 numalias temp_str,102 ;一時変数 numalias sys_midasi,103 ;セーブ小見出し numalias dwave_str,104 ;dwaveでのファイル名受け取り numalias sys_log_voicefile,105 numalias sys_logvoice_str,106 ;log情報(106~155) numalias lg_sys_voicefile,160 numalias temp_str2,161 ;numalias セーブ小見出し,501~ ; Window settings numalias fs_main, 19 numalias fs_capt, 20 numalias fs_omake, 22 numalias fs_dlgtitle, 19 numalias fs_dlgtext, 18 h_defwindow "main", 130,358,540,240,fs_main, 0, 0, 1, 1, 5, #ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_defwindow "caption",0,240,800, 60,fs_capt, 0, 3, 1, 1, 5, #ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_defwindow "omake", 70, 90,660,420,fs_omake, 0, 4, 1, 1, 5, #ffffff,0,0,799,599 ;============================================================ ;システム側設定終了 ;============================================================ game *start h_ligate all if %666<>99 menu_window mov %666,99 ;初回起動時設定 if %sys_execute == 0 gosub *first_init:mov %sys_execute,1 ;デバッグ用設定(クリアフラグを強制的に立たせる) ;gosub *debug_jump ;if %666<>99 menu_full ;mov %666,99 ;goto *debug_foo ;;;;;;;;;;;;DEBUG ;say "DEBUG CODE ACTIVE -- under no circumstances release this!" ;goto *tc1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;END DEBUG *title mov %sys_auto_time,1000 mov %10,0 ;setcursor 0,":l/4,160,0;cursor0.bmp",0,0 ;setcursor 1,":l/4,160,0;cursor0.bmp",0,2 lsph 0,":l/4,160,0;cursor0.bmp",0,0 vsp_when manual, 0 erasetextwindow 1 ;タイトル画面の効果音 ;dwaveloop 1,"se\umi13.wav" ;mp3loop "bgm\l02.mp3" if %sys_nar1_limited == 1 goto *title_nar1_limited ;ナルキ1クリア時だけの限定タイトルへ if %flg2_all >= 1 && %flg_cha9 >= 1 goto *title3 ;ナルキ2・ナルキ1をプレイした場合はエピローグ付きのタイトルを表示 bg "english\sys\title_off_2.png",3 ~ btndef "english\sys\title_on_2.png" ;ボタン画像ファイルをメモリ上に呼び出しておく btn 1,0,380,356,15,0,380 ;START btn 2,0,415,356,15,0,415 ;LOAD btn 3,0,450,356,15,0,450 ;プロダクト? btn 4,0,485,356,15,0,485 ;おまけ ;btn 6,0,308,356,15,0,308 ;エピローグ btn 7,0,555,356,15,0,555 ;おしまい ;ボタン位置指定 btnwait %11 ;btnwait if %11<1 jumpb ;ボタン押して無い if %11==1 goto *middle_title ;スタート if %11==2 mov %102,1:mov %sys_mode,MD_LOAD:goto *saveload ;ロード if %11==3 goto *product ;プロダクト if %11==4 goto *soundmode2 ;おまけ if %11==6 goto *epilogue_title ;エピローグ if %11==7 goto *game_end ;終了する jumpb ;エピローグ付きタイトル *title3 bg "english\sys\title_off2_2.png",3 ~ btndef "english\sys\title_on2_2.png" ;ボタン画像ファイルをメモリ上に呼び出しておく btn 1,0,380,356,15,0,380 ;START btn 2,0,415,356,15,0,415 ;LOAD btn 3,0,450,356,15,0,450 ;プロダクト? btn 4,0,485,356,15,0,485 ;おまけ btn 6,0,520,356,15,0,520 ;エピローグ btn 7,0,555,356,15,0,555 ;おしまい ;ボタン位置指定 btnwait %11 ;btnwait if %11<1 jumpb ;ボタン押して無い if %11==1 goto *middle_title ;スタート if %11==2 mov %102,1:mov %sys_mode,MD_LOAD:goto *saveload ;ロード if %11==3 goto *product ;プロダクト if %11==4 goto *soundmode2 ;おまけ if %11==6 goto *epilogue_title ;エピローグ if %11==7 goto *game_end ;終了する jumpb ;=========================================================== *game_end ;mesbox "Exiting game", "Sayonana" end *debug_jump mov %flg_pro,1 mov %flg_cha2,1 mov %flg_cha3,1 mov %flg_cha4,1 mov %flg_cha5,1 mov %flg_cha6,1 mov %flg_cha7,1 mov %flg_cha8,1 mov %flg_cha9,1 mov %flg2_all,1 mov %flg2_end,1 mov %flg2_pro,1 mov %flg2_cha2,1 mov %flg2_cha3,1 mov %flg2_cha4,1 mov %flg2_cha5,1 mov %flg2_cha6,1 mov %flg2_cha7,1 mov %flg2_cha8,1 mov %flg2_cha9,1 mov %flg2_cha10,1 mov %flg2_cha11,1 mov %flg2_cha12,1 mov %flg2_cha13,1 mov %flg2_cha14,1 mov %flg2_cha15,1 mov %flg2_cha16,1 mov %flg2_cha17,1 mov %flg2_cha18,1 mov %flg2_cha19,1 mov %flg2_cha20,1 return ;ナルキ1クリア時の限定タイトル画面 *title_nar1_limited bg ":c;yobi\system2\title_off_nar1limited.bmp",3 ~ btndef "yobi\system2\title_on_nar1limited.bmp" btn 1,420,406,322,14,420,406 ;START btn 2,420,450,322,14,420,450 ;LOAD btn 3,420,494,322,14,420,494 ;プロダクト? btn 7,420,538,322,14,420,538 ;おしまい btnwait %11 if %11<1 jumpb ;ボタンおしてない if %11==1 mov %sys_nar1_limited,0:goto *middle_title ;スタート if %11==2 mov %102,1:mov %sys_mode,MD_LOAD:goto *saveload ;ロード if %11==3 goto *tc1 ;プロダクト if %11==7 mov %sys_nar1_limited,0:goto *title ;changing behavior of Narci1 title to loop back to the main title ;if %11==7 goto *game_end ;おしまい jumpb ;――――――――――――――――――――テキストクリック待ちラベル *text_lb ;クリック待ち/改ページ待ちカーソルを表示 ispage %sys_ispage getcursorpos %x,%y if %sys_ispage == 0 amsp 0,%x,%y,255 if %sys_ispage == 1 amsp 0,%x,%y+2,255 vsp 0,1 *textbtnloop btndef clear textbtnwait %11 ;どこでもないところをクリック if %11 == 0 goto *end_textbtn ;右クリック if %11 == -1 vsp 0,0:gosub *systemmenu:vsp 0,1 ;上方向スクロール ; if %11 == -2 vsp 0,0:systemcall lookback:vsp 0,1:goto *textbtnloop if %11 == -2 vsp 0,0:gosub *backlog:vsp 0,1:goto *textbtnloop ;下方向スクロール if %11 == -3 goto *end_textbtn goto *textbtnloop *end_textbtn ;ページクリアとカーソル非表示 texec vsp 0,0 print 1 ;改ページ(\)の時ボイスストップ if %sys_ispage == 1 dwavestop 0 ;ログ回想情報を更新 add %sys_log_ringstd,1 if %sys_log_ringstd > LOGMAX mov %sys_log_ringstd,1 mov %temp_num,%sys_log_ringstd + sys_logvoice_str - 1 ;split用の文字列作成 itoa $temp_str,%sys_log_channel mov $%temp_num,$temp_str add $%temp_num,"/" add $%temp_num,$sys_log_voicefile:mov $sys_log_voicefile,"" saveon return ;――――――――――――――――――――選択肢待ちラベル *customsel vsp 0,0 print 1 *customsel_loop btndef clear getcselnum %sys_cselnum getcursorpos %csel_x,%csel_y cselbtn 0,1,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 1 cselbtn 1,2,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 2,3,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 3,4,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 4,5,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 5,6,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 6,7,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 7,8,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 8,9,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 if %sys_cselnum > 2 cselbtn 9,10,%csel_x,%csel_y:add %csel_y,22 selectbtnwait %11 ;どこでもないところをクリック if %11 == 0 goto *customsel_loop ;右クリック if %11 == -1 gosub *systemmenu:vsp 0,0:print 1:goto *customsel_loop ;上方向スクロール:無反応 if %11 == -2 goto *customsel_loop ;下方向スクロール:無反応 if %11 == -3 goto *customsel_loop if %11 >= 1 btndef clear:saveon:cselgoto %11 - 1 goto *customsel_loop ;――――――――――――――――――――システムメニューラベル *systemmenu ;背景は別画面で lsp 200,":c;english\sys\mainmenu_off_2.png",0,0 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 ;クリック待ちカーソル非表示 vsp 0,0 texthide *systemmenu_loop btndef "english\sys\mainmenu_on_2.png" btn 1,0,168,246,20,0,168 btn 2,0,202,246,20,0,202 btn 3,0,236,246,20,0,236 btn 4,0,270,246,20,0,270 btn 5,0,304,246,20,0,304 spbtn 191,6 btnwait %11 ;右クリック:戻る if %11 == -1 goto *end_systemmenu ;前の画面に戻る if %11 == 6 goto *end_systemmenu ;セーブ if %11 == 1 mov %sys_mode,MD_SAVE:gosub *saveload:goto *end_systemmenu ;ロード if %11 == 2 mov %sys_mode,MD_LOAD:gosub *saveload:goto *end_systemmenu ;環境設定 if %11 == 3 gosub *config:goto *end_systemmenu ;タイトルに戻る if %11 == 4 gosub *reset_yesno:goto *systemmenu ;終了する if %11 == 5 gosub *quit_yesno:goto *systemmenu goto *systemmenu_loop *end_systemmenu ;画像の破棄 csp 200 csp 191 btndef "" ;クリック待ちカーソル表示 ; vsp 0,1 textshow return ;――――――――――――――――――――タイトルに戻るラベル *reset_yesno lsp 171,":S/fs_dlgtitle,fs_dlgtitle,1;#EEFCFD#99CCFB^~b~Return to title?",400,375 lsp 172,":S/fs_dlgtext,fs_dlgtext,0;#EEFCFD#99CCFB^Yes",374,407 lsp 173,":S/fs_dlgtext,fs_dlgtext,0;#EEFCFD#99CCFB^No",426,407 print 3 *reset_yesno_loop btndef clear spbtn 172,173,1 btnwait %11 ;右クリック:戻る if %11 == -1 goto *end_reset_yesno ;はい if %11 == 1 btndef clear:textshow:reset ;いいえ if %11 == 2 goto *end_reset_yesno goto *reset_yesno_loop *end_reset_yesno csp 171,173 return ;――――――――――――――――――――終了するラベル *quit_yesno lsp 171,":S/fs_dlgtitle,fs_dlgtitle,1;#EEFCFD#99CCFB^~b~Exit game?",400,375 lsp 172,":S/fs_dlgtext,fs_dlgtext,0;#EEFCFD#99CCFB^Yes",374,407 lsp 173,":S/fs_dlgtext,fs_dlgtext,0;#EEFCFD#99CCFB^No",426,407 print 3 *quit_yesno_loop btndef clear spbtn 172,173,1 btnwait %11 ;右クリック:戻る if %11 == -1 goto *end_quit_yesno ;はい if %11 == 1 end ;いいえ if %11 == 2 goto *end_quit_yesno goto *quit_yesno_loop *end_quit_yesno csp 171,173 return ;――――――――――――――――――――環境設定ラベル *config ;背景は別画面で lsp 200,":c;english\sys\config_2.png",0,0 lsp 179,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\window_2.png",247,398 ; display mode lsp 180,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\fullsc_2.png",479,398 isfull %temp_num if %temp_num == 1 cell 180,1 if %temp_num == 0 cell 179,1 lsp 181,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,85 ; voice volume lsp 182,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,85 lsp 183,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,121 ; setsumi lsp 184,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,121 lsp 185,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,157 ; himeko lsp 186,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,157 lsp 187,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,193 ; chihiro lsp 188,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,193 lsp 189,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,229 ; yuka lsp 190,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,229 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,265 ; others lsp 192,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,265 lsp 193,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,316 ; music volume lsp 194,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,316 lsp 195,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,357 ; effects volume lsp 196,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,357 lsp 197,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_left.bmp", 216,439 ; autoplay speed lsp 198,":a/2,0,3;sys\ya_right.bmp",715,439 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 ; Additional widgets for localisation options lsp 175,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\config_on.png", 349,480 ; footnotes lsp 176,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\config_off.png",413,480 if %disable_footnotes == 0 cell 175,1 if %disable_footnotes == 1 cell 176,1 lsp 177,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\config_on.png", 581,480 ; subtitles lsp 178,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\config_off.png",645,480 if %disable_subtitles == 0 cell 177,1 if %disable_subtitles == 1 cell 178,1 ;バー gosub *config_barload print 3 *config_loop btndef clear gosub *config_exbtnmake exbtn_d $temp_str exbtn 179,1,"P179,1" exbtn 180,2,"P180,1" spbtn 181,199,3 exbtn 175,22,"P175,1" exbtn 176,23,"P176,1" exbtn 177,24,"P177,1" exbtn 178,25,"P178,1" btnwait %11 ;右クリック:戻る if %11 == -1 goto *end_config ;前の画面に戻る if %11 == 21 goto *end_config if %11 == 1 menu_window:goto *config_loop if %11 == 2 menu_full:goto *config_loop ;ボイス音量 if %11 == 3 sub %sys_vol_voice,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 4 add %sys_vol_voice,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 5 sub %sys_vol_setsumi,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 6 add %sys_vol_setsumi,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 7 sub %sys_vol_himeko,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 8 add %sys_vol_himeko,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 9 sub %sys_vol_chihiro,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 10 add %sys_vol_chihiro,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 11 sub %sys_vol_yuka,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 12 add %sys_vol_yuka,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 13 sub %sys_vol_etc,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 14 add %sys_vol_etc,10:gosub *chara_vol_change:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop ;BGM音量 if %11 == 15 getbgmvol %sys_ya:sub %sys_ya,10:bgmvol %sys_ya:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 16 getbgmvol %sys_ya:add %sys_ya,10:bgmvol %sys_ya:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop ;効果音音量 if %11 == 17 getsevol %sys_ya:sub %sys_ya,10:sevol %sys_ya:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 18 getsevol %sys_ya:add %sys_ya,10:sevol %sys_ya:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop ;オートモード速度 if %11 == 19 sub %sys_auto_time,100:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 20 add %sys_auto_time,100:gosub *config_barload:print 1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 22 mov %disable_footnotes,0:goto *config_loop if %11 == 23 mov %disable_footnotes,1:goto *config_loop if %11 == 24 mov %disable_subtitles,0:goto *config_loop if %11 == 25 mov %disable_subtitles,1:goto *config_loop goto *config_loop *end_config csp 175,200 barclear ;タイトル画面から来た if %102 == 1 mov %102,0:goto *title ;ゲーム中から来た return *config_exbtnmake mov $temp_str,"" isfull %temp_num if %temp_num == 1 add $temp_str,"P179,0P180,1" if %temp_num == 0 add $temp_str,"P179,1P180,0" if %disable_footnotes == 0 add $temp_str,"P175,1P176,0" if %disable_footnotes == 1 add $temp_str,"P175,0P176,1" if %disable_subtitles == 0 add $temp_str,"P177,1P178,0" if %disable_subtitles == 1 add $temp_str,"P177,0P178,1" return *config_barload bar 1,%sys_vol_voice,248,86,452,10,100,#FFFFFF bar 2,%sys_vol_setsumi,248,122,452,10,100,#FFFFFF bar 3,%sys_vol_himeko,248,158,452,10,100,#FFFFFF bar 4,%sys_vol_chihiro,248,194,452,10,100,#FFFFFF bar 5,%sys_vol_yuka,248,230,452,10,100,#FFFFFF bar 6,%sys_vol_etc,248,266,452,10,100,#FFFFFF getbgmvol %temp_num bar 7,%temp_num,248,317,452,10,100,#FFFFFF getsevol %temp_num bar 8,%temp_num,248,358,452,10,100,#FFFFFF bar 9,%sys_auto_time,248,440,452,10,2000,#FFFFFF ;色候補:#99CCFB return ;――――――――――――――――――――セーブロード画面ラベル *saveload if %sys_return == 1 mov %sys_return,0 goto *saveload_loop if %sys_mode == MD_SAVE lsp 200,":c;english\sys\save_2.png",0,0 if %sys_mode == MD_LOAD lsp 200,":c;english\sys\load_2.png",0,0 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,567 ;セーブ文字列画像読み込み gosub *saveload_spload print 10,300 *saveload_loop btndef clear exbtn_d "P131,0P132,0P133,0P134,0P135,0P136,0P137,0P138,0P139,0P140,0P141,0P142,0P143,0P144,0P145,0P146,0P147,0P148,0P149,0P150,0P151,0P152,0P153,0P154,0P155,0P156,0P157,0P158,0P159,0P160,0P161,0P162,0P163,0P164,0P165,0P166,0P167,0P168,0P169,0P170,0" exbtn 131,1,"P131,1P151,1" exbtn 132,2,"P132,1P152,1" exbtn 133,3,"P133,1P153,1" exbtn 134,4,"P134,1P154,1" exbtn 135,5,"P135,1P155,1" exbtn 136,6,"P136,1P156,1" exbtn 137,7,"P137,1P157,1" exbtn 138,8,"P138,1P158,1" exbtn 139,9,"P139,1P159,1" exbtn 140,10,"P140,1P160,1" exbtn 141,11,"P141,1P161,1" exbtn 142,12,"P142,1P162,1" exbtn 143,13,"P143,1P163,1" exbtn 144,14,"P144,1P164,1" exbtn 145,15,"P145,1P165,1" exbtn 146,16,"P146,1P166,1" exbtn 147,17,"P147,1P167,1" exbtn 148,18,"P148,1P168,1" exbtn 149,19,"P149,1P169,1" exbtn 150,20,"P150,1P170,1" exbtn 151,21,"P131,1P151,1" exbtn 152,22,"P132,1P152,1" exbtn 153,23,"P133,1P153,1" exbtn 154,24,"P134,1P154,1" exbtn 155,25,"P135,1P155,1" exbtn 156,26,"P136,1P156,1" exbtn 157,27,"P137,1P157,1" exbtn 158,28,"P138,1P158,1" exbtn 159,29,"P139,1P159,1" exbtn 160,30,"P140,1P160,1" exbtn 161,31,"P141,1P161,1" exbtn 162,32,"P142,1P162,1" exbtn 163,33,"P143,1P163,1" exbtn 164,34,"P144,1P164,1" exbtn 165,35,"P145,1P165,1" exbtn 166,36,"P146,1P166,1" exbtn 167,37,"P147,1P167,1" exbtn 168,38,"P148,1P168,1" exbtn 169,39,"P149,1P169,1" exbtn 170,40,"P150,1P170,1" spbtn 191,41 btnwait %11 ;右クリック if %11 == -1 goto *end_saveload ;前の画面に戻る if %11 == 41 goto *end_saveload ;ボタン押してない if %11 <= 0 goto *saveload_loop ;セーブ番号を記録 if %11 <= 20 mov %sys_savingnum,%11 if %11 >= 21 mov %sys_savingnum,%11-20 ;セーブ無し(ロード時):無反応 savefileexist %temp_num,%sys_savingnum if %temp_num == 0 && %sys_mode == MD_LOAD goto *saveload_loop ;セーブ有り if %sys_savingnum >= 1 && %sys_savingnum <= 20 gosub *saveload_yesno:goto *saveload goto *saveload_loop *end_saveload ;画像破棄 gosub *saveload_spclear csp 200 csp 191 if %102 == 1 mov %102,0:goto *title ;タイトルから来た return ;ゲーム中から来た *saveload_yesno lsp 174,":c;sys\save_yesno.bmp",325,250,100 if %sys_mode == MD_SAVE lsp 171,":S/fs_dlgtitle,fs_dlgtitle,1;#FFFFFF#FF0000^~b~Save game?",400,260 if %sys_mode == MD_LOAD lsp 171,":S/fs_dlgtitle,fs_dlgtitle,1;#FFFFFF#FF0000^~b~Load game?",400,260 lsp 172,":S/fs_dlgtext,fs_dlgtext,0;#FFFFFF#FF0000^Yes",374,308 lsp 173,":S/fs_dlgtext,fs_dlgtext,0;#FFFFFF#FF0000^No",426,308 print 1 *saveload_yesno_loop btndef clear spbtn 172,173,1 btnwait %11 ;右クリック if %11 == -1 mov %sys_return,1:goto *end_saveload_yesno ;はい(セーブ時) if %11 == 1 && %sys_mode == MD_SAVE savegame %sys_savingnum:mov %temp_num,%sys_savingnum+500:mov $%temp_num,$sys_midasi:goto *end_saveload_yesno ;はい(ロード時) if %11 == 1 && %sys_mode == MD_LOAD btndef clear:dwavestop 1:textshow:loadgame %sys_savingnum ;いいえ if %11 == 2 mov %sys_return,1:goto *end_saveload_yesno goto *saveload_yesno_loop *end_saveload_yesno csp 171,174 return *saveload_spload for %save_num=1 to 20 savetime %save_num,%save_month,%save_day,%save_hour,%save_minute ;セーブ無し if %save_month == 0 mov $save_str,":s/14,14,1;#EEFCFD#99CCFB^-|- -|-|- -|-:-|-":goto *saveload_spload_next mov $save_str,":s/14,14,1;#EEFCFD#99CCFB" if %save_day < 10 add $save_str,"0" itoa $temp_str,%save_day add $save_str,$temp_str add $save_str,^ ^ mov %temp_num,%save_month: gosub *get_month: add $save_str,$temp_str add $save_str,^ ^ itoa $temp_str,%save_hour if %save_hour < 10 add $save_str,"0" add $save_str,$temp_str add $save_str,":" itoa $temp_str,%save_minute if %save_minute < 10 add $save_str,"0" add $save_str,$temp_str *saveload_spload_next if %save_num <= 10 lsp %save_num+150,$save_str,84,18 + (%save_num * 49) if %save_num >= 11 lsp %save_num+150,$save_str,440,18 + ( (%save_num - 10) * 49) ;小見出しテキスト抽出 mov $save_str,":s/14,14,1;#EEFCFD#99CCFB" mov %temp_num,%save_num+500 add $save_str,$%temp_num if %save_num <= 10 lsp %save_num+130,$save_str,84,35 + (%save_num * 49) if %save_num >= 11 lsp %save_num+130,$save_str,440,35 + ( (%save_num - 10) * 49) next print 1 return *saveload_spclear csp 131,530 return *get_month if %temp_num == 01 mov $temp_str, "Jan": return if %temp_num == 02 mov $temp_str, "Feb": return if %temp_num == 03 mov $temp_str, "Mar": return if %temp_num == 04 mov $temp_str, "Apr": return if %temp_num == 05 mov $temp_str, "May": return if %temp_num == 06 mov $temp_str, "Jun": return if %temp_num == 07 mov $temp_str, "Jul": return if %temp_num == 08 mov $temp_str, "Aug": return if %temp_num == 09 mov $temp_str, "Sep": return if %temp_num == 10 mov $temp_str, "Oct": return if %temp_num == 11 mov $temp_str, "Nov": return if %temp_num == 12 mov $temp_str, "Dec" return ;――――――――――――――――――――サウンドモード用ラベル(正確にはおまけ用ラベル)-ナルキ2 *soundmode2 dwavestop 5 mov %sys_playing,0 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 bg "english\sys\sound_off2.png",3 *soundmode2_loop btndef "english\sys\sound_on2.png" btn 1,79,89,302,42,79,89 btn 2,79,149,302,42,79,149 btn 3,79,209,302,42,79,209 btn 4,79,269,302,42,79,269 btn 5,79,329,302,42,79,329 btn 6,79,389,302,42,79,389 btn 7,79,449,302,42,79,449 btn 8,419,89,302,42,419,89 btn 9,419,149,302,42,419,149 btn 10,419,209,302,42,419,209 btn 11,419,269,302,42,419,269 btn 12,419,329,302,42,419,329 btn 13,419,389,302,42,419,389 btn 14,419,449,302,42,419,449 btn 15,40,519,297,44,40,519 spbtn 199,16 btnwait %11 ;右クリック if %11 == -1 goto *end_soundmode2 ;前の画面に戻る if %11 == 16 goto *end_soundmode2 ;ナルキ1のサウンドモードへ if %11 == 15 csp 198:stop:goto *soundmode ;曲ボタンクリック if %11 >= 1 && %11 <= 14 gosub *soundmode_playing2 goto *soundmode2_loop *end_soundmode2 csp 198,199 stop goto *title *soundmode_playing2 ;プレイ情報 mov %sys_playing,%11 ;※※曲のクレジットをここに if %sys_playing == 1 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t01.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 2 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t02.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 3 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t02.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 4 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t04.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 5 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t05.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 6 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t06.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 7 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t07.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 8 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t08.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 9 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t09.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 10 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t04.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 11 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t11.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 12 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t02.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 13 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t13.png",243,29 if %sys_playing == 14 lsp 198,":c;english\2\t14.png",243,29 print 1 if %sys_playing == 1 bgm "bgm2\2na_f.mp3" if %sys_playing == 2 bgm "bgm2\2eb022.mp3" if %sys_playing == 3 bgm "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" if %sys_playing == 4 bgm "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" if %sys_playing == 5 bgm "bgm2\2o01.mp3" if %sys_playing == 6 bgm "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" if %sys_playing == 7 bgm "bgm2\2ono01.mp3" if %sys_playing == 8 bgm "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" if %sys_playing == 9 bgm "bgm2\2ka012.mp3" if %sys_playing == 10 bgm "bgm2\2mi03.mp3" if %sys_playing == 11 bgm "bgm2\2na.mp3" if %sys_playing == 12 bgm "bgm2\2eb032.mp3" if %sys_playing == 13 bgm "bgm2\2n12.mp3" if %sys_playing == 14 bgm "bgm2\215_012.mp3" return ;――――――――――――――――――――サウンドモード用ラベル(正確にはおまけ用ラベル)-ナルキ1 *soundmode dwavestop 5 mov %sys_playing,0 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 bg "english\sys\sound_off.png",3 *soundmode_loop btndef "english\sys\sound_on.png" btn 1,70,97,300,50,70,97 btn 2,70,157,300,50,70,157 btn 3,70,217,300,50,70,217 btn 4,70,277,300,50,70,277 btn 5,70,337,300,50,70,337 btn 6,70,397,300,50,70,397 btn 7,420,97,300,50,420,97 btn 8,420,157,300,50,420,157 btn 9,420,217,300,50,420,217 btn 10,420,277,300,50,420,277 btn 11,420,337,300,50,420,337 btn 12,420,397,300,50,420,397 btn 14,40,519,297,44,40,519 spbtn 199,16 btnwait %11 ;右クリック if %11 == -1 goto *end_soundmode ;前の画面に戻る if %11 == 16 goto *end_soundmode if %11 == 14 csp 198:stop:goto *soundmode2 ;曲ボタンクリック if %11 >= 1 && %11 <= 12 gosub *soundmode_playing goto *soundmode_loop *end_soundmode csp 198,199 stop goto *title *soundmode_playing ;プレイ情報 mov %sys_playing,%11 ;※※曲のクレジットをここに if %sys_playing == 1 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t1.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 2 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t2.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 3 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t3.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 4 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t4.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 5 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t5.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 6 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t6.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 7 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t7.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 8 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t8.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 9 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t9.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 10 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t10.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 11 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t11.png",260,33 if %sys_playing == 12 lsp 198,":c;english\1\t12.png",260,33 print 1 if %sys_playing == 1 bgm "bgm\3_1.mp3" if %sys_playing == 2 bgm "bgm\e02.mp3" if %sys_playing == 3 bgm "bgm\e01.mp3" if %sys_playing == 4 bgm "bgm\n04.mp3" if %sys_playing == 5 bgm "bgm\o012.mp3" if %sys_playing == 6 bgm "bgm\n03.mp3" if %sys_playing == 7 bgm "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" if %sys_playing == 8 bgm "bgm\sen03.mp3" if %sys_playing == 9 bgm "bgm\a01.mp3" if %sys_playing == 10 bgm "bgm\3_12.mp3" if %sys_playing == 11 bgm "bgm\o02.mp3" if %sys_playing == 12 bgm "tui2\e013.mp3" return ;――――――――――――――――――――効果音・ボイス用命令の再定義 *dwave getparam %sys_channel,$dwave_str ; 音声無しモード if %sys_channel < 5 & %unvoiced_mode == 1 return ;セツミ if %sys_channel == 0 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100:_dwave 0,$dwave_str:mov %sys_log_channel,0:mov $sys_log_voicefile,$dwave_str:return ;姫子 if %sys_channel == 1 voicevol %sys_vol_himeko * %sys_vol_voice / 100:_dwave 0,$dwave_str:mov %sys_log_channel,1:mov $sys_log_voicefile,$dwave_str:return ;千尋 if %sys_channel == 2 voicevol %sys_vol_chihiro * %sys_vol_voice / 100:_dwave 0,$dwave_str:mov %sys_log_channel,2:mov $sys_log_voicefile,$dwave_str:return ;優花 if %sys_channel == 3 voicevol %sys_vol_yuka * %sys_vol_voice / 100:_dwave 0,$dwave_str:mov %sys_log_channel,3:mov $sys_log_voicefile,$dwave_str:return ;その他 if %sys_channel == 4 voicevol %sys_vol_etc * %sys_vol_voice / 100:_dwave 0,$dwave_str:mov %sys_log_channel,4:mov $sys_log_voicefile,$dwave_str:return ;それ以外(効果音等) _dwave %sys_channel,$dwave_str return ;――――――――――――――――――――初回起動時設定 *first_init ;デフォルトBGMボリューム bgmvol 60 ;デフォルト効果音ボリューム sevol 100 ;デフォルトボイスボリューム mov %sys_vol_voice,100 ;デフォルト各キャラボイスボリューム mov %sys_vol_setsumi,100 mov %sys_vol_himeko,100 mov %sys_vol_chihiro,100 mov %sys_vol_yuka,100 mov %sys_vol_etc,100 return ;――――――――――――――――――――キャラボイスボリューム変更時処理 *chara_vol_change ;セツミ if %sys_channel == 0 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100:return ;姫子 if %sys_channel == 1 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100:return ;千尋 if %sys_channel == 2 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100:return ;優花 if %sys_channel == 3 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100:return ;その他 if %sys_channel == 4 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100:return return ;――――――――――――――――――――ログ回想 *backlog ;ログは1ページ目から表示 mov %sys_log_page,1 ;ログが無かったら無反応 checkpage %temp_num,%sys_log_page if %temp_num == 0 return ;その次のログが無かったら、logupは表示しない checkpage %temp_num,%sys_log_page + 1 if %temp_num == 0 gosub *backlog_spload_logdown if %temp_num == 1 gosub *backlog_spload ;ログ回想の画面を描画 gosub *backlog_drawing ;テキストだけを隠す texthide *backlog_loop btndef clear ;ボタン定義 gosub *backlog_btndef btnwait %11 ;ログテキストをクリック if %11 == 1 gosub *backlog_logtext:goto *backlog_loop ;どこでもないところをクリック:何もしない if %11 == 0 goto *backlog_loop ;右クリック:戻る if %11 == -1 goto *end_backlog ;上方向スクロール:ページ+1 if %11 == -2 goto *backlog_up ;下方向スクロール:ページ-1 if %11 == -3 goto *backlog_down ;ログアップ:ページ+1 if %11 == 2 goto *backlog_up ;ログダウン:ページ-1 if %11 == 3 goto *backlog_down ;このあとにページ判定が入るけど、処理的にまずいかも? ;サブルーチンで飛ばした後ラベル付きreturnで戻した方が確実かも goto *backlog_loop *end_backlog ;ログ回想の画面を破棄 gosub *backlog_spclear ;テキストウィンドウの更新領域に入らないかもしれないので、一度printする print 1 ;隠していたテキストを戻す textshow return *backlog_up ;これ以上ログがなかったら無反応 checkpage %temp_num,%sys_log_page + 1 if %temp_num == 0 goto *backlog_loop ;次が最後ならlogupの矢印を消す checkpage %temp_num,%sys_log_page + 2 if %temp_num == 0 csp 201 add %sys_log_page,1 ;ログ画面の描画 gosub *backlog_drawing print 1 goto *backlog_loop *backlog_down sub %sys_log_page,1 ;最初まで戻ってきたら通常画面に戻る if %sys_log_page <= 0 goto *end_backlog ;ログ画面の描画 gosub *backlog_spload gosub *backlog_drawing print 1 goto *backlog_loop ;――――――――――――ログ回想-画像の読み込み *backlog_spload lsp 201,":l/2,0,3;sys\logup.bmp",776,0 *backlog_spload_logdown lsp 202,":l/2,0,3;sys\logdown.bmp",776,576 ;sys\logupとsys\logdown ;sys\logdownは常に出すが、sys\logupは最後の時は消す。 return ;――――――――――――ログ回想-画像の破棄 *backlog_spclear csp 200,202 return ;――――――――――――ログ回想-ボタン定義 *backlog_btndef cellcheckspbtn 200,202,1 return ;――――――――――――ログ回想-画面描画 *backlog_drawing getlog $temp_str,%sys_log_page ;say $temp_str ;ログ設定文字列を取得 ;素直にリング位置番号に変換 mov %sys_log_ringcr,%sys_log_ringstd - %sys_log_page ;ログのリングをはみ出していたらリングの反対側へ if %sys_log_ringcr <= -1 mov %sys_log_ringcr,LOGMAX + (%sys_log_ringstd - %sys_log_page) ;ログ設定文字列の格納された変数番号に変換 add %sys_log_ringcr,1 add %sys_log_ringcr,sys_logvoice_str - 1 ;ログ設定文字列をばらす mov $temp_str2,$%sys_log_ringcr split $temp_str2,"/",%lg_sys_channel,$lg_sys_voicefile ;文章を表示(ボイスありなしで色とセル数変化) if $lg_sys_voicefile == "" logsp2utf 200,$temp_str,%moji_x,%moji_y,17,17,0,3,#FFFFAA if $lg_sys_voicefile != "" logsp2utf 200,$temp_str,%moji_x,%moji_y,17,17,0,3,#AAFFFF,#FFAAFF ;strsp 200,$temp_str,0,0,20,5,20,20,0,0,0,0,#FFFFFF,#FF0000 ;logsp2 200,$temp_str,%moji_x,%moji_y,17,17,0,3,#FFFFAA,#AAFFFF return ;――――――――――――ログ回想-ログテキストクリック *backlog_logtext ;ボリューム変更 ;セツミ if %lg_sys_channel == 0 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100 ;姫子 if %lg_sys_channel == 1 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100 ;千尋 if %lg_sys_channel == 2 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100 ;優花 if %lg_sys_channel == 3 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100 ;その他 if %lg_sys_channel == 4 voicevol %sys_vol_setsumi * %sys_vol_voice / 100 _dwave %lg_sys_channel,$lg_sys_voicefile return ;――――――――――――――――――――テキスト直前ルーチン *pretext_lb ;画面の一番左上の文字の座標を知る(%sys_ispage == 1だと一番最初が認識不可能だから) gettext $temp_str if $temp_str == "" getcursorpos %moji_x,%moji_y:mov %sys_vlog_num,0 return ;-*- ponscripter -*- ;↓中タイトル(「ナルキ2のボイスあり/なし」「ナルキ1のボイスあり/なし」から選ぶ画面) *middle_title_return csp 200,216 goto *title *middle_title bg ":c;english\sys\middle_title.png",0 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png", 644, 549 lsp 201,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_step1.png", 8, 282 lsp 202,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_step2.png", 8, 304 lsp 203,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_step3.png", 8, 326 lsp 204,":c;english\sys\middle_title_2nd.png", 93, 190 lsph 205,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_n1.png", 536, 152 lsph 206,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_n2.png", 272, 152 lsph 207,":a;english\sys\middle_title_lg.png", 544, 186 lsph 208,":a;english\sys\middle_title_lh.png", 606, 166 lsph 209,":a;english\sys\middle_title_la.png", 581, 177 lsph 210,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tg.png", 333, 232 lsph 211,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_th.png", 333, 280 lsph 212,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_ta.png", 332, 180 lsph 213,":a/3,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_ts.png", 308, 154 lsph 214,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tv.png", 333, 199 lsph 215,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tu.png", 333, 247 lsph 216,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tw.png", 308, 182 *middle_title_1 cell 201,203,201 vsp 204,206,1 cell 205,206,0,0 vsp 207,216,0 print 3 ~ btndef exbtn_d "" exbtn 205,1,"C204" ; Narci1 exbtn 206,2,"P204" ; Narci2 spbtn 200,5 btnwait %11 ;右クリック:前の画面に戻る if %11==-1 goto *middle_title_return ;ボタン押してない if %11<1 jumpb ;前の画面に戻る if %11==5 goto *middle_title_return ; otherwise proceed to next page. ; %11 is now game to use: 1 = Narci1, 2 = Narci2 *middle_title_2 cell 201,203,202 vsp 205,206,0 vsp 210,212,1 amsp 210,256: if %11 == 2 amsp 210,128 cell 210,212,0,0 vsp 214,216,0 print 3 ~ btndef exbtn_d "C213" exbtn 212,1,"C207C208P209P213,0" ; Agilis if %11 == 1 exbtn 210,2,"P207C208C209P213,1" ; gp32 exbtn 211,3,"C207P208C209P213,2" ; Haeleth spbtn 200,5 btnwait %12 if %12==-1 goto *middle_title_1 if %12<1 jumpb if %12==5 goto *middle_title_1 if %12==1 mov %12,3 : goto *middle_title_3 ;Agilis if %12==2 mov %12,1 : goto *middle_title_3 ;gp32 if %12==3 mov %12,2 : goto *middle_title_3 ;Haeleth ; otherwise proceed to next page. ; %12 is now translation to use: 1 = gp32, 2 = Haeleth, 3 = Agilis *middle_title_3 cell 201,203,203 vsp 210,213,0 vsp 214,215,1 cell 214,215,0,0 print 3 ~ btndef exbtn_d "C216" exbtn 214,1,"P216,0" ; Voiced exbtn 215,2,"P216,1" ; Unvoiced spbtn 200,5 btnwait %unvoiced_mode if %unvoiced_mode==-1 goto *middle_title_2 if %unvoiced_mode<1 jumpb if %unvoiced_mode==5 goto *middle_title_2 ; in-game this is taken as a 0/1 flag sub %unvoiced_mode,1 ; Otherwise start game. csp 200,216 ; Combine choices as a bitfield: e.g. ; ;%11%12%13 ; 0 00 0 0 Narci1 + gp32 + game ; 0 01 1 3 Narci1 + Haeleth + menu ; 0 11 0 6 invalid (requests translator #4) ; 1 00 1 9 invalid (requests gp32 version of Narci2) ; 1 10 0 12 Narci2 + Agilis + game if %11 == 1 mov %13, %flg_pro if %11 == 2 mov %13, %flg2_pro sub %11,1:mul %11,8 sub %12,1:mul %12,2 add %11,%12 add %11,%13 tablegoto %11, *gp32_image, *gp32_mini_title, *haeleth_image, *haeleth_mini_title, *agilis_image, *agilis_mini_title, *epicfail, *epicfail, *epicfail, *epicfail, *haeleth_nar2, *haeleth_mini_title2, *agilis_nar2, *agilis_mini_title2 *epicfail say "Someone picked an impossible value: ", %11 goto *title ;-*- ponscripter -*- *epilogue_title_return csp 200,216 goto *title *epilogue_title bg ":c;english\sys\epilogue_title.png",0 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png", 644, 549 lsp 202,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_step2.png", 8, 304 lsp 203,":c/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_step3.png", 8, 326 lsph 207,":a;english\sys\middle_title_lg.png", 544, 186 lsph 208,":a;english\sys\middle_title_lh.png", 606, 166 lsph 209,":a;english\sys\middle_title_la.png", 581, 177 lsph 210,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tg.png", 333, 232 lsph 211,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_th.png", 333, 280 lsph 212,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_ta.png", 332, 180 lsph 213,":a/3,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_ts.png", 308, 154 lsph 214,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tv.png", 333, 199 lsph 215,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tu.png", 333, 247 lsph 216,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\middle_title_tw.png", 308, 182 *epilogue_title_1 vsp 210,212,1 cell 202,203,202 amsp 210,128 cell 210,212,0,0 vsp 214,216,0 print 3 ~ btndef exbtn_d "C213" exbtn 211,2,"C207P208C209P213,2" ; Haeleth exbtn 212,3,"C207C208P209P213,0" ; Agilis spbtn 200,5 btnwait %12 if %12==-1 goto *epilogue_title_return if %12<1 jumpb if %12==5 goto *epilogue_title_return ; otherwise proceed to next page. ; %12 is now translation to use: 2 = Haeleth, 3 = Agilis *epilogue_title_2 cell 202,203,203 vsp 210,213,0 vsp 214,215,1 cell 214,215,0,0 print 3 ~ btndef exbtn_d "C216" exbtn 214,1,"P216,0" ; Voiced exbtn 215,2,"P216,1" ; Unvoiced spbtn 200,5 btnwait %unvoiced_mode if %unvoiced_mode==-1 goto *epilogue_title_1 if %unvoiced_mode<1 jumpb if %unvoiced_mode==5 goto *epilogue_title_2 ; in-game this is taken as a 0/1 flag sub %unvoiced_mode,1 ; Start selected epilogue csp 200,216 if %12 == 2 goto *haeleth_epilogue goto *agilis_epilogue ;-*- ponscripter -*- ;TODO: check for changes in the Japanese between Narci1 and Narci2; ;fix up for the current Ponscripter and Narci2 style. ;■プロダクト説明 *tc1 mp3fadeout 1500 stop bg "tui\na01.bmp",3 bg "tui\na02.bmp",5 mp3loop "bgm\e01.mp3" h_usewindow "omake" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwavestop 1 ;この度は、ステージなな VOL24 ;「Narcissu」を手に取って頂き、 ;ありがとうございます。\ ^Thank you for downloading Stage-Nana Volume 24, ~i~Narcissu~i~.\ *tc12 ;csel " ■ 制作時のコンセプト",*ns01, ;" ■ そして制作後(後記となります)",*ns02, ;" ■ 内容について",*ns03, ;" ■ 制作多謝について",*ns04, ;" ■ タイトルへ戻る",*ns05 csel ^**%.Concepts During Production^, *ns01, ^**%.Afterwards^, *ns02, ^**%.About The Content^, *ns03, ^**%.Acknowledgements^, *ns04, ^**%.Translator's Note (gp32)^, *nsgp, ^**%.Translator's Note (haeleth)^, *nsha, ^**%.Translator's Note (agilis)^, *nsag, ^**%.Return To Title^, *ns05 *ns01 ;★制作時 コンセプトとか。^@^ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Concepts During Production~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;元々、今回のコンセプトとしては…^@^ ^Originally, the concept for this work was...^@^ br ;…ボイス「有り」と「無し」…どっちが上なのか?^@^ ^Which would be better... a game with voices or no voices?^@^ br ;上という概念が微妙ですが ;「無し」が上だと思っていました。^@^ ^``Better'' is a strange way to put it, but ultimately, I decided having no voices would be better.^@^ br ;その理由はボイスが無いと、脳内イメージ力によって、 ;プレイされる方が「無限の理想形」 ;を、想像できる可能性があるからだと考えたからです。\ ^This is because I believe the player can imagine endless possibilities using his own imagination if voices are removed from the game.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Concepts During Production~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;ならば、同じ原理で…^@^ ^Then, by the same reasoning...^@^ ^Should art also be as minimalist as possible? (For example, only using monochrome?)^@^ br ;もっと突き詰めると、 ;シナリオに関しても無しの方が良いのか? とか。^@^ ^If we continue this further, would it be better if the plot had nothing? And so on.^@^ br ; ※シナリオについての、アリ・無しの概念とは…^@^ ;アリ=状況や心情を、全てor必要以上に書く「小説タイプ」 ;無し=最低限度の文字だけで表現する「脚本・詩タイプ」^@^ ; こんな↑感じだとお考え下さいませ。\ ^* In the plot's case, the ``having'' and ``not having'' would be...^@^ ^``Having'' means that we know everything, or more than is needed, about the circumstances and feelings surrounding the plot, like a novel.^@^ ^``Not having'' means being as sparse as possible, like a script or a poem. ^@^ ^Please think of it along those lines.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Concepts During Production~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;以上のことをずっと以前から考えていたので、 ;今回、試しにやってみようってのがキッカケでした。\ ^I have been thinking about these things for a long time, and this time, it was a chance for me to give them a try.\ goto *tc12 *ns02 ;★そして 制作後の感想です\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Afterwards ~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ About The Art~i =0~!sd br ;☆絵について^@^ ;思った以上に、絵を使ってしまいました。^@^ ^I wound up using more than I thought I would.^@^ br ;当初の予定では、 ;もっと黒と白だけのつもりだったのですけど…^@^ ^Initially, the plan was to use just monochrome...^@^ br ;純粋な小説家タイプの書き手さんなら、 ;そうなったのかも知れませんが、 ^Perhaps, if I were more like a novelist type writer, it might have turned out that way. ;自分の場合は、絵もテキストの一部って感覚が、 ;身に染み付いているようです。\ ^But I guess the notion that the art is part of the text has been ingrained in me.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Afterwards ~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ About The Voices~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;☆ボイスについて^@^ ;最終的にボイスも用意することにしました。^@^ ^Ultimately, I provided voices for the project.^@^ br ;あくまでも、無しと比較する為に用意したって意味なので、 ;色んな意味で「違和感」を感じて頂けると幸いです。^@^ ^They're only there to provide contrast against the unvoiced version, so I'll be happy if players feel a sense of ``unease.''^@^ br ;先にボイス無しでプレイしてから、ボイスアリをやった人と、 ;先にボイスアリやってから、無しをやった人との差とか。^@^ ^For example, the differnces between those who first played with unvoiced then voiced, and the other way around.^@^ br ;その両者の、違和感の格差を知りたかったのも、 ;今回、無しの為にボイスを用意した理由の一つでした。\ ^Wanting to know the differences in feelings of unease between the two was one of the reasons I had prepared both ``with'' and ``without'' this time.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Afterwards~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Conclusion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;☆まとめ^@^ br ;そんな訳で、元々のコンセプトであった、 ^That was the original concept behind this work. br ;可能な限り情報(主にボイス・絵・文)を削り、 ;読み手の方の、無限のイメージに期待するって方法。^@^ ^A way to cut out as much information as possible (in the form of voices, art, text), and rely on the reader's unbounded imagination.^@^ br ;「原理」としては正しかったと思っています。^@^ ^I believe that the ~i~principle~i~ is correct.^@^ br ;でも、この理想形を追求する為には、 ;自分では、ちょっと無理があるように思いました。\ ^But in the end, having what's necessary to chase after that ideal may have been a bit beyond me.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Afterwards~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Conclusion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;ストーリーとかエンタメ性とかって以前に、 ;根本の問題として、脚本家・詩タイプのライターではなく、^@^ ;小説家タイプの書き方をする方のほうが適任かと思いました。^@^ ^Before even discussing ``story'' and ``entertainment'', as a fundamental issue, I felt that the writing style of a novelist was the most suited, as opposed to a scriptwriter or poet.^@^ br ;絵が無いならば、文字情報は、たくさん必要。 ;逆に言えば、文字情報が少ないならば、やはり絵は必要。^@^ ^If there is no art, then much more textual information is needed. ^On the flip side, if there is very little text, then more art is needed.^@^ br ;当たり前のことですが、やはりそうなんだと思います。 ^It's an obvious thing, but I believe that's how things are. br ;ものすごーく、時間をかけて、 ;練り込みに練り込みを重ねたら、分かりませんけど…\ ^Though perhaps if one spent a great amount of time reworking and refining things, it might be different...\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Afterwards~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Conclusion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;自分の場合も、そのへんの理由から、 ;やっぱり、絵がないと辛いって感じで ;当初の予定より、絵を多めに ;使用してしまうことになってしまいました。 ;(ホントはもっと白・黒だけのつもりだったんですが…)^@^ ^In my case, for those reasons, it was felt to go without artwork so I wound up using more art than I had originally envisioned. (Though I really wanted to use more monochrome).^@^ br ;あと、映画を意識した作りから、 ;1画面中に表示できる文字が、たった2行ってことも、 ;今回のコンセプトからは逆行してたみたいです。\ ^Also, since I had created this with an eye towards film, the fact that in the center of the art could only have one or two lines of text seems to also have be antithetical this project's concept. \ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Afterwards~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Conclusion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;それで、自分は当分、 ;この可能性に挑戦できそうにないですが…^@^ ^That's why, it doesn't seem possible for me to attempt this...^@^ br ;もしも、今、これを読んでいるサークルや作家さんで、 ;挑戦してみたいって方がいらっしゃいましたら、 ;是非とも頑張って欲しいです。特に小説家タイプの方は。^@^ ^But right now, if some creator or circle reading this would like to try, please do your best. Especially novelist type writers. ^@^ br ;きっと原理としては正しい筈だと信じています。^@^ ^I believe that the principle is definitely correct.^@^ br ;一見、古臭いファミコンちっくな、ビジュアルノベルこそが、 ;実は究極の仮想現実なのかも…\ ^In a way, a visual novel that's like the ancient Nintendo systems may actually be the ultimate in virtual realities...\ goto *tc12 *ns03 ;★内容について…^@^ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ About The Content~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;プラットについては上記の通り、 ;色んな試し要素を含んでおりました。^@^ ^As mentioned, I tried placing many different elements in the plot.^@^ br ;でも、その内容(ストーリー等)については、 ;あくまでも個人としての、商品じゃなく、作品として、 ;心の赴くまま、好きなようにさせて頂きました。^@^ ^But ultimately, in terms of content (story, etc) it was a personal piece, not made with commercial intent. A piece of work where I wrote as my heart desired.^@^ br ;面白いとか、ドキドキするとか、泣かせるとか、 ;そういうものも一切意識してませんでした。^@^ ^I didn't once think about making it interesting, rousing, tear jerking or the like.^@^ br ;あ、別に犯罪行為とか、今の医療制度とか、 ;そのへんに異議とか意見がある訳でもありませんので…\ ^Also, I don't have disagreements with things like crime or the medical system...\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ About The Content~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;…プレイして頂いた方が、^@^ ;つまらんかった、面白かった、メッセージを感じた、 ;なんかよく分からん、嫌悪感を抱いた、ハッピーじゃない、とか、^@^ ;とにかく、どんな感じ方であれ、^@^ ;そう感じたならば、それがその人にとっての、 ;この作品の全てなのだと思います。^@^ ^If the player felt it was boring, interesting, felt some message, didn't understand, felt disgusted, sad, whatever the feeling may be, if that is what they felt, I feel that to that person that is the ``all'' of this work.^@^ br ;制作者である自分にとっては、^@^ ;”眩しかった日のこと、そんな冬の日のこと” ;が全てだと思っています。\ ^As for myself, the creator,^@^ ^``Those dazzling days, those winter days'' ^is what I believe to be the ``all'' of it.\ goto *tc12 *ns04 ;★制作多謝について…^@^ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;以前からお付き合いのあった方に、 ;全て個人としてご助力頂きました。^@^ ^I'd like to thank all those who've accompanied me from even before this work, as well as all those who personally helped.^@^ br ;音系は、オリジナルからの楽曲と、 ;自分のイメージに合う曲を、二次創作(アレンジ) ;してもらいました。^@^ ^The musicians who created original pieces and rearranged (derived) songs to suit my vision.^@^ br ;只、元々の作曲者本人にアレンジを頼んでは、 ;「二次創作」の枠を越えてしまうと判断したので、 ;違う方にお願いする方向でさせて頂きました。\ ^Also, I decided that asking the original creators to rearrange their own works went beyond the realm of "derivative", so I went with asking others instead.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;キャラ絵の方は、ぴんさいずさんにお願いしてましたが、 ;ラストの絵だけ、頼む時間が無かったので、 ;司ゆうき君に描いてもらいました。\ ^As for the character art, I had asked Pinsize, but I was only able to ask for the final picture due to time constraints. Because of that, Yuuki Tsukasa drew the art for me.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;他にもテストプレイして下さった方や、 ;Webアップにご協力して下さった方々、 ;ボイスをあててくれた、綾川りのさん、^@^ ^All the test players, and all those who helped with uploading things to the web. Rino Ayakawa for providing her voice.^@^ ;お忙しい中、 ;たくさんの方のご協力ありがとうございました。^@^ ^Thanks to the many people that helped despite their busy lives.^@^ br ;PS、直接、今回のに関係ありませんが、 ;   日赤渋谷病院と、東淀川キリスト教病院にも多謝です。^@^ ^P.S. While they weren't directly involved this time, I would like to thank all of Nissekichou Shibuya Hospital and Higashiyodogawa Christ Hospital also.^@^ br ;それでは、また何かのご機会がありましたら… ^And so, until we meet again in another place... br ;2005年7月29日 ステージなな 片岡とも\ ^~i~-- Tomo Kataoka, Stage-Nana: July 29, 2005\ goto *tc12 *nsgp ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (gp32)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^You are reading through what is probably the single most unique localization effort ever attempted in the English-speaking ^(ero-)game localization community. For one thing, two translators worked nearly independently of each other on this piece. For another, whether you choose to go with the voiced or the unvoiced version makes a huge difference. For you see, Tomo Kataoka originally wrote this piece with the intention of introducing dilemmas that are generally not explored -- although the powerful potential has probably always existed -- in this particular genre of (slightly-)interactive entertainment.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (gp32)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^We feel relatively justified in our choice to make it such that the voiced version should have one translator, and the unvoiced version should have another. The results are divergent in more than one way: at the trivial level, Peter's British, and I'm trained in American English.^@^ br ^But beyond that, I find that our two versions read quite differently -- in some ways, radically so. At the same time, I feel that there is no incongruity in my saying that both versions are equally faithful to the text. So do as Tomo Kataoka suggests -- read the voiced version and then the unvoiced version (or vice versa, as per your preference) -- and see if you don't come away with a more complete understanding of the piece than you would have been afforded otherwise.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (gp32)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^For all the budding translators out there: it may be instructive to depack 0.txt from nscript.dat~%90~*~=0~ and see for yourself some of the different ways that two different translators might tackle the same sentence. Both of us have merely commented out the original Japanese lines, and have placed our English translations below them, so you'll be able to follow along. I also challenge you: outdo us if you can. A piece like this can't have too many different translations. ;; Footnote getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_locate 0,400 ^#808080!s0~%80~* ~n~In this rerelease, the script is stored ~i~en clair~i~ in the file 0.utf.~u~!sd h_locate %footnote_x - 70, %footnote_y - 90 ^#ffffff\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (gp32)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^I would like to thank:~%90~ br2 20 ^--- Peter Jolly for agreeing to collaborate with me on this translation and for his excellent localization standard^@^ ^--- Edward Keyes for his moral, graphical, and editorial support (and for gruel wars / radish addictions)^@^ ^--- ogapee for his GPL implementation of NScripter^@^ ^--- Jeff Chang, Chris St. Louis, and Irene Ying for their continuing efforts as translators^@^ ^--- The insani QC strike team for their relentless pursuit of nitpicking detail^@^ ^--- All the people at the Hæleth boards who were convinced that I wasn't doing this project because they failed to read the declaration I wrote carefully^@^ ^--- You, the reader~=0~^@^ br2 30 ^ ~i~14 August 2005~i~ ^ ~i~insani.org~i~ ^ Seung Park\ goto *tc12 *nsha ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Haeleth)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^If the concept behind this work was the question of whether a writer should choose to include or reject voices, then these translations are the embodiment of that concept. Both Seung and I were forced to make that choice. Luckily we chose differently, so we both got what we wanted.^@^ br ^Some of you will try to judge our translations against each other. Your efforts are doomed. Not only are we translating subtly different works, into subtly different languages: our styles and our very approaches to the act of translation differ. There's no such thing as a single correct translation. So read both our versions, not looking for a winner, but hoping that this way you'll see more glimpses of the original than either of us was able to retain.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Haeleth)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^I've seen many western fans call unvoiced games inferior. I have a certain amount of sympathy for that view, particularly when the game's text uses the least foreigner-friendly script in the world. But there are downsides to voicing; however good the actors, they won't match every reader's impression of the characters, and where only some characters are voiced, the voicing can disrupt the balance of a work. ~i~Narcissu~i~ voiced is about Setsumi, period. Unvoiced, it gains in breadth what it loses in depth.^@^ br ^You may yet wonder why we chose this and not any other work for this experiment. It is, after all, not famous, nor patently important; an unkind critic might write for many pages on its flaws. The answer is simply that it moved us. We were compelled to respond to it. So we did.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Haeleth)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^In a collaborative endeavour such as this more than any other, much gratitude is due to those without whose efforts the project would have come to nothing. To Tomo Kataoka and the other members of the original Japanese team, without whom there would have been no ~i~Narcissu~i~ to translate; to Seung Park, who in addition to his excellent alternative translation provided the impetus without which my own might never have been completed, and Ed Keyes, who did not even blink when he discovered he would have to do all the graphical work twice to satisfy us both; to the team of testers who ensured we did not release anything embarrassingly broken: my sincerest thanks.^@^ br ^ ~i~Peter Jolly (Hæleth) ^ ~i~August 2005\ goto *tc12 *nsag ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^My main comments about this project, I've left in the Narcissu 2 section of the notes. Instead, I'll leave here a few notes about this particular incarnation of Narcissu.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^The scripts to this updated version of Narcissu are a link back to the past of sorts. The original scripts from back when Haeleth and gp32 released their version back in 2005 is still intact.^@^ br ^gp32's version should be exactly as it was in that 2005 release. br ^Haeleth's version is also from that release, but we both went through it again and corrected a number of errors and style issues that we identified. br ^My own version is essentially a re-translation from scratch.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^Back in 2005, on pretty much a whim during graduate studies, I thrust my head into being a visual novel translator. Not knowing up from down, I had picked Narcissu, and was working independantly writing into a simple RTF file. I didn't even have any intention of making a patch, just a simple book-like thing to give to a few friends.^@^ br ^The end result is still available on my site, frozen in a snapshot, complete with the huge amounts of gross translation errors I've comitted in those days. I leave them up as something of a reminder of how bad I was back then, and how far I still have to go even now.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^I had my old work lying around as scripts which I could have inserted in here, but ultimately, I had made too many errors and was writing in a style targetting a different medium. It was easier to not have to ``correct'' all the old, and just build it again from the ground up, using the skills and experience I had gained since then.^@^ br ^One advantage of this was that by this point, I've had worked on the script off and on for over 3 years now, and had already spent many hours pondering on scenes, imagery, wording. All that prior thinking made the new translation process that much smoother, and hopefully the end result that much better.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Note (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^I'm sure that in a few years, I'll look back at this work and find a million things that could make it even better. However, as it stands now, this is the best I can currently muster.^@^ br ^Randy ``Agilis'' Au\ goto *tc12 *ns05 goto *title ;-*- ponscripter -*- ;これはプロダクト用のファイルです。 ;タイトル画面で「プロダクト?」を押すとここに来ます。 *product mp3fadeout 1500 stop bg "tui\na01.bmp",3 bg "tui\na02.bmp",3 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" h_usewindow "omake" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwavestop 1 ;この度は、ステージなな VOL25、「ナルキッソス2」を手に取って頂き、ありがとうございます。^@^ ;__ ;※今回のはナルキ1も入ってますので、前回のプロダクトはそっちの方に残してます。\ ^Thank you for playing Stage-Nana volume 25, `Narcissu 2'!^@^ br ^~i~(The complete Narcissu 1 is included too, complete with its notes/ if %flg_cha9 == 1 skip 2 ^. It will be accessible once it's been played through. Also, the grand finale is available from the main screen only after finishing both Narcissu 1 and 2 once, any translator's version will do/ ^.) br ^(This is version 1.1 of the script.)\ *tcp01 ;csel " ■ 今回のコンセプト",*np01, ;" ■ 内容について",*np02, ;" ■ 内容について2",*np022, ;" ■ 宗教とか",*np03, ;" ■ 制作多謝について",*np04, ;" ■ タイトルへ戻る",*np05 if %flg_cha9 == 1 goto *tcp01ext csel ^**%.The Concept This Time^, *np01, ^**%.The Content^, *np02, ^**%.The Content II^, *np022, ^**%.Regarding Religion^, *np03, ^**%.Acknowledgements^, *np04, ^**%.Translator's Notes (Agilis)^, *npag, ^**%.English Web Site^, *npneechin, ^**%.Japanese Web Site^, *npstgnana, ^**%.Return to title^, *np05 goto *np01 *tcp01ext csel ^**%.The Concept This Time^, *np01, ^**%.The Content^, *np02, ^**%.The Content II^, *np022, ^**%.Regarding Religion^, *np03, ^**%.Acknowledgements^, *np04, ^**%.Translator's Notes (Agilis)^, *npag, ^**%.~i~Narcissu~i~ notes^, *tc1, ^**%.English Web Site^, *npneechin, ^**%.Japanese Web Site^, *npstgnana, ^**%.Return to title^, *np05 *npneechin ^If your system supports it, a browser window to Narcissu Side 2nd's English site, ~i~http://www.neechin.net/narcissu/,~i~ should open once you click.\ shell "http://www.neechin.net/narcissu/" goto *tcp01 *npstgnana ^If your system supports it, a browser window to Stage-nana's official site, ~i~http://stage-nana.sakura.ne.jp/,~i~ should open once you click.\ shell "http://stage-nana.sakura.ne.jp/" goto *tcp01 *np01 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Concept This Time~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;前回のナルキでは、可能な限り情報を削るという主旨がありましたが、 ;今回のもちょびっとだけは意識させて頂きました。^@^ ^Previously in Narci, there was the intent to reduce the amount of information conveyed as much as possible, and this time I kept that notion in the back of my mind.^@^ ;只、それ以上に、部分部分での、「間」を意識したって感じでしょうか? ;ゲームってよりは、ムービーに近い意識かも?^@^ ^However, more importantly, I've perhaps paid attention to the ``space'' between each part? Instead being a game, it might be closer to being a movie.^@^ ;※なので今回のは、ボイスあり・オートモード・全画面を、 ; デフォの状態として作ってみました。\ br ^Because of that, voiced, auto-play, and full screen were the default settings.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Concept This Time~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;きっと、いつもオートモードでプレイされる方には、違和感少なかったかも知れませんが、 ;クリック派の方には、ちょっと辛かったかも…^@^ ^I'm sure that those who always use auto-play mode probably felt the least out of place, but it might be a bit difficult for those who prefer to click...^@^ ; ;そういえば、姫子プロローグの部分は、ほぼセリフだけで構成されているんですけど、 ;個人的には、間が完全に取れる分だけ、 ;前に試しに作ったドラマCDの方が好みかも知れません。\ br ^Come to think, Himeko's prologue section was almost completely composed of speech. Personally, because of how the spaces could be fully expressed, I might have liked the drama CD I had created of it previously.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Concept This Time~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;あと、BGM止める時は、 ;全て3秒フェードアウト命令にしているんですけど、 ;大丈夫な時と、ダメな時があるみたいです。不定期に。何故かしら?^@^ ^Also, I had set all the BGM to fade out in 3 seconds when stopping, but sometimes it would work, and sometimes not, without much predictability. I wonder why...^@^ ;なので、ここらの環境依存や誤字脱字修正とか、 ^Because of this, typos, missing text and the like, if time permits, I'm hoping to create a patch or addition. If it's all right with you, please download it. ;時間があったら差分?や追加も用意したいと思っていますので、 ;またよかったら落としてやって下さいませ。 ; ;ボイス無しバージョンも、今回のは、ほとんどまんまですし。\ br ^Speaking of which, the unvoiced version was essentially the same as the voiced one this time.^@^ br ^~i~Translator's note: The aforementioned patch has already been incorporated into this version.~i~\ goto *tcp01 *np02 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Content~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;★内容について^@^ ; ;基本的に前作と同じか、 ;それ以上に好きにさせて頂きました。^@^ ^Basically, it's the same as last time, except that I did as I pleased more.^@^ br ;プレイした方が、面白かった、つまらんかった、意味不明とか…^@^ ^If the players feel that it is interesting, boring, confusing...^@^ ^Whatever they feel it to be, to that person, I believe that is the whole of this work to them.^@^ ;例えそれが、どのように感じたとしても、 ;それがその人にとっての、この作品の全てだと思っています。^@^ br ;作者である自分としては、 ;一人でも多くの人に見てもらえたならば、うれしいです。 ;もし…何かしら感じる部分があったならば、尚うれしいです。\ ^As the creator, I'm happy if as many people as possible experience the work. If there are parts that make them feel something, then even more so.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Content~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;ちなみに今回ナルキ2は「肉」に該当し、 ;旧ナルキこそが「骨」って概念を持っています。^@^ ^By the way, if the original Narci could be considered the ``bone,'' this time's Narci2 would be the ``flesh.''^@^ br ;主と副って感じでも同じですが、少なくともナルキッソスとは、 ;旧ナルキありきと考えております。^@^ ^It's also a similar relationship to ``main'' and ``supplement,'' but at the least, I think of Narcissus as being the original.^@^ ;なので、もしよかったら両方をやってみて頂けるとうれしいです。 ^Because of that, if you can, I'd love if you could play both of them. ;個人的には時系列に沿った、2→1がお奨めで、 ;ナルキのコンセプトに従うならボイス無し→アリかも?\ ^Personally, I recommend the corrected chronology -- playing Narci 2 before 1, and if going by the original concept of Narci, perhaps unvoiced to voiced as well?\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Content~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Inconsistences~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;☆矛盾について^@^ ; ;上記流れから、本質的な矛盾は無いつもりですけど… ;一つだけ矛盾っぽいことがあります。^@^ ^From what's mentioned above, I don't believe that there are any true inconsistencies, but there is just one thing that seems like one.^@^ ;それは、ナルキ2よりも未来である旧ナルキにおいて、 ;セツミさんが全く「姫子さん」という単語に、 ;触れていないって部分です>心情の中で^@^ ^It is how in the old Narci, which is in Narci 2's future, Setsumi never once mentions the word ``Himeko-san.''^@^ br ;これは特に表現していないだけって考えて頂けると助かります。\ ^If you could think of that as her simply just not expressing it directly, it would be a great help.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Content~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;あと、そもそも何故ナルキ2を作ったのか?についても…^@^ ^Also, as to why I went and created Narci2 to begin with...^@^ ;旧ナルキでは描かれてなかったけど、 ;本当は、セツミさんも、明るくて優しい人達に、 ;囲まれていたんだってことを表現したかったんだと思います。^@^ ^It wasn't shown in the original Narci, but I wanted to show that Setsumi was really also surrounded by cheerful, kind people.^@^ ;もしくは、そうあって欲しいという願いからです。\ ^Or perhaps, it was because I hoped for it to be that way.\ goto *tcp01 *np022 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Content II~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;★内容について その2^@^ ; ;いわゆるエンタメ性?とゆーか、 ;面白いという感覚では、前作以上に地味だったと思います。^@^ ^I suppose what would be called the ``entertainment value'', or maybe the ``interesting-ness'' of this work is more plain than the previous work.^@^ ;それと…なんで7Fの住人のくせに、 ;こんなに元気なんだ?って部分は、 ;それなりにスルーの方向でお願いできれば助かります。^@^ ^Also... the part where, despite being on the 7th floor, she's so lively -- if you could look past that a bit, that would be helpful.^@^ ;お祈りとかもそうですが、分かり易さ優先なので、 ;ここらをあんまりリアルに拘ってしまうと、 ;本主旨とも外れてしまいますし…\ ^As with praying, I gave priority to ease of understanding. Moreover, if you looked at it too realistically, it would stray from the indented point.\ ;☆反省点^@^ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ The Content II~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Areas For Improvement~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;いくつかありますけど、一つが姫子さんのボイス。 ;明るい感じも、ちょっとお姉さんっぽいカッコイイ感じも、 ;すごく理想的でイメージバッチリだったんですけど、^@^ ^There are a number of points that could be improved, but one would be Himeko's voice. The cheerful feel, the somewhat cool, older sister feel, they were all a perfect match with my vision.^@^ ;ラスト間際の泣くあたりが、違和感あったかも。 ;具体的にいうと…可愛いすぎました(汗) ;これは収録時の自分のミスです。すみません、音声さん&柳瀬さん。\ ^However, in the last scene where she cried, there might have been a bit of oddness. To put it concretely, it was a bit too cute. This was a miss on my part during the recording. My apologies to the sound engineers and Yanase-san.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Subject-Matter II~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Things I Tried To Do~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;★がんばってみました^@^ ; ;ジャンルがジャンルだけに、 ;泣かせゲーになってしまうことを危惧していました。^@^ ^Genres being genres, I was worried that it would be come a ``tear-jerker'' game.^@^ ;具体的に言うと、段々と弱ってから死に到る描写は避けるのと、 ;可能な限り、登場キャラ(特に姫子&女の子)に感情移入を、 ;起こさせないように意識してみました。 ;(ホントはこれらも、リアルさに繋がることではあるんですけど…)^@^ ^Specifically, I tried to avoid describing the constant deterioration and final death. As much as I could, I tried to make it so that readers wouldn't empathize with the characters, especially Himeko and the girl.^@^ ;あ、別にそーゆー泣かせ系がダメって意味じゃないです。^@^ ^Ah, that is not to say that such tearful things are bad.^@^ ;只、そちらが表に立ち過ぎては、 ;本来、自分が書きたい・伝えたい部分が見え辛くなるので、 ;可能な限り、そこらを控えるように心掛けたって感じです。\ ^It was just that if that aspect came out too strongly, then what I really wanted to write, to convey, would become hard to see. Because of that, I tried to limit that aspect the best I could.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Subject-Matter II~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Things I Tried To Do~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;うーん、きっと自分なんかより、もっとレベル高い方は、 ;そこらも踏まえて良いバランスになるんだと思いますが…^@^ ^Mmm, I'm sure that someone besides me with much greater skill would have been able to strike a better balance between the two...^@^ ;なので、それなりに心掛けたつもりですけど、 ;もしそれっぽく映ったらごめんなさい。まだまだ未熟者です。^@^ ^Even though I had approached things with that kind of attitude, if it still seems to be a tear-jerker, I apologize. I've still a long way to go.^@^ ;やっぱりこれは、前回ナルキの感想を頂いた際に、 ;泣いたって感想が思いのほか多かった為、 ;今回は余計にメッセージとストーリーだけに特化したかったんで。^@^ ^I suppose it was because on receiving comments about the original Narci, a surprising number said they cried. So this time, I tried extra hard to make the message and story stand out.^@^ ;上手く言えないですけど、読み手の皆さんを、 ;観客にも登場人物にもしたくなかったとゆーか、 ;只、そこに在るモノを眺めるだけの存在…神?にしたかったのかも。\ ^It is a bit difficult to put in words, but I did not want to put the readers in the position of being an observer, and yet also not ``being there.'' Just as a being that was gazing at ~i~that which was there...~i~ perhaps making them like a god?\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Subject-Matter II~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ About The Epilogue~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;☆エピローグについて^@^ ; ;あくまでも、無数にある可能性の一つとして、 ;書かせてもらいました。^@^ ^At the most, I wrote the epilogue just as one out of the infinite possibilities.^@^ ;きっとこれも、こうあって欲しいという希望かも知れません。^@^ ^I'm sure that some part of it was the hope that it would be that way.^@^ ;自分としては、ここにある数行を書きたいが為に、 ;本編の25000行を書きました。\ ^For myself, because I wanted to write those few lines, I had written the main story's 25,000.\ goto *tcp01 *np03 ;★宗教について^@^ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Regarding Religion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;念の為に、お断りをさせて頂きます。^@^ ^Just in case, I'd like to make it clear.^@^ ;自分はこの作品内で、 ;カトリックを否定するつもりはありません。^@^ ^In this work, I have no intention of being negative of Catholicism.^@^ ;また、自分自身、無信心者ですけど、 ;どんな宗教も宗派も、否定する者ではありません。 ^Again, I myself am not a believer, but also not someone that is making any attacks on any religion or denomination.^@^ ;むしろキリスト教病院や、それら全てに携わる方々を、 ;人として尊敬しています。 \ ^In fact, I highly respect the Christian hospitals and all those who are involved with them.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Regarding Religion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;つか、この理不尽だらけの世の中で、 ;人の力ではどうにもならないことに直面した時、 ^@^ ;”しょうがないね”っと、 ;本心から思えるような、強い人は居ないと思ってます。 ^@^ ^In such a world full of misfortunes, when faced with things that people just have no power over,^@^ ^I don't think there's anyone strong enough to truly think ``ah, there's no helping it'' from their hearts.^@^ ;…もしそんな人がいたら、 ;既にその人は、ヒトじゃない。悟った仙人か神では?\ ^If such a person were around, wouldn't that person already have gone beyond being a human, and be a buddha or god?\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Regarding Religion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;だから自分は、神の存在も宗教の必要性も否定しません。 ;例え自分が無信心者だとしても。^@^ ^That is why I don't object to the existence of religions nor gods. Even if I'm personally not of the faithful.^@^ ;イワシの頭も、キリストの血も、 ;例え他者から見たらバカらしく映ったしても… ;当人にとっては、全て神聖なことなんだと思います。 ;軽はずみに価値観の違いから、冒すべからずって考えています。\ ^Whether it be a fish's head, Christ's blood, even if it's something that looks ridiculous to outsiders, I believe that to that person, that thing has sacredness to them. I think that to carelessly judge the values of others is unconscionable.\ ;☆”誰が為に”^@^ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ ``For Whom''~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;本編中にも何度か出てくる問いですが、 ;この回答って、一体何なのでしょうか…^@^ ^This is a question that comes up many times in the main story, but just what is the answer...^@^ ;きっと人それぞれに回答があって、 ;恐らくは、その全てが正解なんだと思います。^@^ ^I'm sure that there's a different one for each person, and most likely every one is correct.^@^ br ;只、自分の考えとしては「自分」の為だと思っています。 ;全ては、他の誰でもない自分自身の為って感じで。^@^ ^It's just that, from my own thinking, I believe it is ``for oneself.'' That is, everything is for none other than ourselves.^@^ ;だけど、その自分自身を形作っているモノは、自分に非ず。 ;己の中身とは「自身以外」で占められているのでは?って思ってます。\ ^However, the form that it takes isn't in ourselves. I believe that the thing that is we ourselves is perhaps stored ``outside of us.''\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ ``For Whom''~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;自身の中に在るのは、永遠に生き続ける他の人達。^@^ ^Inside of us exists other people who forever live within us.^@^ ;同じように、他の人の心の中にこそ、 ;自分自身とゆーモノが在るような気がします。^@^ ^In the same way, I feel exactly because it is in the hearts of others, the thing that is ``us'' exists.^@^ ;誰が為にとか、生きた証ってのも、 ;得てして、そういうもんじゃないかなって思っています。\ ^``For whom'' and ``the proof of having lived'', I have a feeling that they're that sort of thing.\ goto *tcp01 *np04 ;★関係者各位^@^ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;今回もたくさんの方にご助力頂きました。^@^ ^This time, again, thanks to the many people have provided help.^@^ ;イメージイラストを描いて下さった、ごとPさま。 ;馴染みの方から初めてお願いした音屋の皆々さま。^@^ br ^Goto-P for drawing the image illustrations, the many musicians, from long time friends to people I've newly asked for things.^@^ ;超忙しいスケジュールの合間を縫って、 ;収録やってくれた声優さま。スタジオの皆さま。\ br ^The voice actors and studio staff, for taking the time to record out of their intensely busy schedules.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;他にもテストプレイして下さった方や、 ;サーバー支援して下さったサイトさま、 ;語訳変換版を作って下さる、各海外サイトさま、 ;ニュース系サイトで取り上げて下さった皆さま方。^@^ ^Also the test players, the people who provided support with the servers and sites, the different overseas sites who are making translated versions, the news sites who picked up this project.^@^ ;あと、修羅場中にもかかわらず、デザインやシステム、 ;音声切りを手伝ってくれたコットンの皆んなとか。^@^ br ^Also, despite being in a grueling pace themselves, the staff of Cotton-soft for providing help with the design, system, and sound editing.^@^ ;こんな趣味に、付き合ってくれて感謝しておりますm(_ _)m\ br ^I thank all of those who came along with this hobby of mine.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;あ、そいえばまた今回もギリギリになって、 ;欲しくなったカットがあったんですけど、 ;それだけ、ごとPさんのイラストじゃなかったんで>お断り^@^ ^Ah, speaking of which, once again at the very end, there were scenes that I wanted and those alone were illustrations that weren't by Goto-P.^@^ ;泣く姫子さんとセツミさん服カットは、今回も司ゆうきくん、 ;優花さんイメージが、きゃるみぃでした。\ ^The scene of Himeko and Setsumi crying, that was by Yuuki Tsukasa, and the image of Yuka was by Kyalme.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Moving Onward~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;☆これからとか^@^ ; ;色々とやることが溜まってしまいました。 ;ダッシュで仕事再開です。^@^ ;とりあえず現状のスケジュールとしては、^@^ ^There are a number of things that have piled up, so it's a dash to restart work.^@^ For now, the schedule includes:^@^ ;以前から延ばし延ばしにしていたコンシューマ系の、 ;企画・シナリオが予定されています。2つ? ;(関係者の方にはお待たせして申し訳ありませんでした) ;あとは、確か小説?みたいのもあったかも。^@^ ^The consumer versions of things that have been delayed for a while now, where the production and scenarios were set, about two of them? (Many apologies to those people for making them wait.) ^Then there might be a novel too.^@^ ;んで、恐らくどちらも、 ;凄いパブ打ったりとかの規模じゃないと思うので、 ;もしどこかで見かけることがありましたら、 ;また見てやって下さいませm(_ _)m\ br ^Well, most likely neither of them will become some big scale public thing, but if you happen to see them, please give them a look.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Moving Onward~i =0~!sd br2 120 ;うーん、本音はPCゲーの方も、また書きたいんですけど…^@^ ^Mmm, to be honest, I'd like to write another PC game...^@^ ;ディレクター兼任レベルはちょっと無理なんで、 ;1キャラ担当って感じでしょうか。またいつか機会があれば。^@^ ^But directing is a bit difficult right now, perhaps on the level as heading up one character, if there is the opportunity for it again.^@^ ;んで、恐らく今年一年は、 ;まずは溜まったスケジュールを消化するのが先決なので、 ;同人活動や、例の映画関係については、 ;それの合間を見てって感じだと思います。^@^ br ^For this year, first comes clearing off the built up schedule, so the doujin things, and that film project, I think they'll slip in between everything.^@^ ;それでは、こんなところまで読んで頂いて、 ;どうもありがとうございました!^@^ ^For reading everything up to here, thank you very much!^@^ ;2007年5月 ステージなな 片岡とも\ br2 90 ^2007, May, Stage-Nana, Tomo Kataoka.\ goto *tcp01 *npag ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^One Master's thesis, three job changes, a global financial crisis, and that's for just one of us... When ``life happens'' to a project, there really is no telling what it may decide to turn up.^@^ ^This project had taken far longer than anticipated because life kept taking one or the other offline for months at a stretch. Even now, Haeleth is mired deeply in his own personal matters, and I have shouldered the project on my own in order to complete the release.^@^ br ^I have nothing to offer but my deepest appologies to those who waited.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Working Together~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^Why have two people do a single project?^@^ ^The quick answer was that back when the project started, we both were worried the other would finish independantly first. So instead of worrying about it, we decided to work together to make one really good project instead of 2 rushed ones.^@^ ^It turned out to be a great experience because our styles complemented each other, and we each helped with the other's errors.^@^ br ^For myself, I can say that there's something very valuable in working with another skilled translator, half cooperating, half competing.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Haeleth's work~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^As I have not been able to contact him in the past few months, I cannot say I fully speak for him, but would still like to place a bit about his work.^@^ br ^It pains me greatly, but Haeleth's script is not nearly as polished as it probably could have been had he been available. That is to say, we only went through his script about 3 times with a fine toothed comb.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Haeleth's work~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^Haeleth was the only one of us that worked on the ponscripter engine, as well as all the dev support for the project, I am greatly indebted to him for creating a platform where we can present Narcissu 2 so beautifully.^@^ ^The price paid however was that he had less free time to devote to polishing his script. Meanwhile, I used all those months of dev time to go over my scripts an obsessive number of revisions.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translation Style~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^Haeleth and I both exhibit very different styles of translation, beyond the fact that he is English and I'm a New Yorker.^@^ br ^He described his style/goal for this work as: ``To produce as natural an English script as possible, preserving the sense but not always the exact expression. ''^@^ br ^I described mine as: ``To stay close to the text and recreate the mental experience of reading the original.''^@^ br ^If one wanted to be grossly general and incorrect about it, I stand for a form of literalism, Haeleth stands for a form of dynamicism.^@^ ^There's no ``right'' or ``wrong'' here but there's definitely reader preference. I wonder which ones people prefer.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translation Style~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^Haeleth's work reads very cleanly. Without comparing it line for line against the original, you wouldn't even suspect that some metaphors and phrases were rearranged for smoothness.^@^ ^That is not to say that he took too many liberties. One of the reasons we worked together was because we can comment closely on each other's scripts. I flagged him when he took too much liberty, just as he flagged me when I became too terse.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translation Style~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^As for myself, my style is a bit more subtle than some naive attempt at literalism. What I want to do above all else, is recreate the painting of the mental picture in my head, in the reader's mind. (``Painting'' used as a verb, not noun.)^@^ br ^Just like if you're reading a book and the picture fills in your mind, description by description, in steps. First a man, then a jacket, then dark hair, then polished shoes. \ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translation Style~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^It's a bit hard to describe, but until each feature was mentioned, ``the man'' was just a generic image in your mind. It wouldn't have occured to you that he were tall, short, young, old, until the story gave you the reason to ``see'' him that way.^@^ br ^I believe that that building up of the mental image, every single stroke layering on each other, has a deep significance to Kataoka's writing style for Narcissu. That's why I tried my best to recreate that building process.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translation Style~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^To preserve that process, I had to stretch the English language at times to accomodate certain kinds of phrasings and structures that are present in the original. At times, it would work, and at times, I would have to bow to the syntactic requirements of English.^@^ ^Still, I believe I have achieved something close to what I want. Much of the remaining oddness you might feel while reading my script is likely deliberate. I leave it now to the readers to decide. Comments are, of course, encouraged.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^The list of people that helped on this project is immense. br ^Of course, Haeleth provided so much of the base work. I never would have finished had he not provided tech foundation. br ^Tomo Kataoka himself provided a great many resources, answering our questions, providing raw image files, and even a few sound clips recorded especially with foreign versions in mind.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Acknowledgements~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^Mion of the twins from the Higurashi project, who took over (p)onscript development in Haeleth's absense fixing tons of bugs. br ^Message of mirrormooon for his installer, the army of testers I pulled out of #denpa and #mirrormoon that provided critical feedback. br ^Max for the web design on short notice. Clam for being my top tier QA guy. br ^All the folks who provided server space, support, or just suffered through my ranting about the project for 3 years online. Everyone else that lent a hand. br ^Nothing in the world really happens with just a single person, and I thank you all.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ User Feedback~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^One thing I'd like to mention is that I've promised to informally relay any feedback about Narcissu 2 back to Tomo Kataoka himself. Within reason, I promised to pass on messages with a light translation up to him, and if any response comes, to relay them back.^@^ br ^I don't anticipate that this would create too much work for myself, but I'll apologize beforehand if things get bogged down. Though I'll definitely try to relay things in a timely manner.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Onwards~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^The Narcissu 2 project will come to a close with this release, but there's still a number of things to look forward to.^@^ br ^First, to commemorate the release of the project, a small release celebration will be held in the first month, and the details will be posted on my site, ~i~www.neechin.net~i~.^@^ br ^Next, despite it being posted as an April Fool's joke, I'm happy to announce that a specially ported version of the project will be available on the ~i~iPhone~i~ in the very near future. When it appears in the app store, please give it a spin and share the story with people who have never seen Narcissu.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Onwards~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^As for myself, I'm not sure what project I want to take on next. I would love to do the chapter ~i~Chiisa na Iris~i~ and Himeko's Epilogue that's in Narcissu 3. But I don't have the stamina for the other 3 (much longer) scripts, and don't have the tools required to work with the new engine it uses.^@^ ^If the tech issues were solved, and there were reliable skilled translators that could take up the other scripts, I'd love to put my weight behind the project since it feels like a culmination of all the other work I've done.^@^ br ^But besides Narcissu 3, there are other things that seem interesting. The question is simply what story to share next.\ ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Translator's Notes (Agilis)~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^!s0~i %120 x-20 y-40~ Conclusion~i =0~!sd br2 120 ^Thanks for reading the many, many pages in these notes. The little lessons, musings, thoughts, and back stories that remain, I'll save for articles some other time.^@^ br ^This definitely isn't the end of my career, and the next project, whatever it will be, will move at a much faster clip than this one did.^@^ br ^Until we meet again... br2 90 ^Randy ``Agilis'' Au ^March 26, 2010\ goto *tcp01 *np05 goto *title ;-*- ponscripter -*- ; Chapter select screen: Narci2 tr. haeleth *haeleth_mini_title2 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter01.png",32,236 if %flg2_pro == 1 lsp 192,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter02.png",202,159 if %flg2_cha2 == 1 lsp 193,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter03.png",202,190 if %flg2_cha3 == 1 lsp 194,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter04.png",202,221 if %flg2_cha4 == 1 lsp 195,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter05.png",202,251 if %flg2_cha5 == 1 lsp 196,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter06.png",202,283 if %flg2_cha6 == 1 lsp 197,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter07.png",202,313 if %flg2_cha7 == 1 lsp 198,":a/2,0,3;haeleth\2\chapter08.png",385,158 if %flg2_cha8 == 1 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter09.png",385,189 if %flg2_cha9 == 1 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter10.png",386,220 if %flg2_cha10 == 1 lsp 201,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter11.png",386,252 if %flg2_cha11 == 1 lsp 202,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter12.png",386,282 if %flg2_cha12 == 1 lsp 203,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter13.png",386,313 if %flg2_cha13 == 1 lsp 204,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter14.png",598,158 if %flg2_cha14 == 1 lsp 205,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter15.png",598,189 if %flg2_cha15 == 1 lsp 206,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter16.png",598,220 if %flg2_cha16 == 1 lsp 207,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter17.png",598,251 if %flg2_cha17 == 1 lsp 208,":a/2,0,3;haeleth\2\chapter18.png",598,282 if %flg2_cha18 == 1 lsp 209,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter19.png",598,314 lsp 211,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 movz ?0[0],181,181,181,181,181,181,364,364,364,364,364,364,577,577,577,577,577,577 movz ?0[1],160,191,222,253,284,315,160,191,222,253,284,315,160,191,222,253,284,315 if %flg2_bplay < 19 lsp 212,":a/10,250,0;tui\cur2_2.bmp",?0[0][%flg2_bplay-1],?0[1][%flg2_bplay-1] if %unvoiced_mode == 0 bg "english\2\mini_title.png",5 if %unvoiced_mode == 1 bg "english\2\mini_title_novoice.png",5 ~ btndef clear cellcheckspbtn 191,209,1 cellcheckspbtn 211,21 btnwait %11 if %11==-1 csp 191,212:goto *middle_title if %11<=0 jumpb if %11==21 csp 191,212:goto *middle_title ;前の画面に戻る ;以下はボタンを押した場合なのでまず画像クリア csp 191,212 tablegoto1 %11, *haeleth_nar2, *haeleth_nar2_1, *haeleth_nar2_2, *haeleth_nar2_3, *haeleth_nar2_4, *haeleth_nar2_5, *haeleth_nar2_6, *haeleth_nar2_7, *haeleth_nar2_8, *haeleth_nar2_9, *haeleth_nar2_10, *haeleth_nar2_11, *haeleth_nar2_12, *haeleth_nar2_13, *haeleth_nar2_14, *haeleth_nar2_15, *haeleth_nar2_16, *haeleth_nar2_17, *haeleth_nar2_18, *haeleth_nar2_19 jumpb ;-*- ponscripter -*- ; General TODOs: ; ** Tenses. Current thinking is an autobiographical voice: past tense ; for narration, present for description of changeless things. ; ** Consistency. Number of map(s); okay not OK; ice cream not ice-cream; ; that kind of thing. Proofreaders will need priming. ; ** Distinguish voices: ; HIMEKO SETSUMI ; I suppose I guess ; Mummy Mum ; etc. ; Spelling: use M-x ispell-ponscripter-text to check *haeleth_nar2 mov $sys_midasi,"^#01 / Prologue [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "haeleth\2\h000.png",5 !w1000 ; Prologue - Setsumi mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;1Fの外来受付の先。\ ;床に貼られた、色とりどりのビニールテープ。\ ;それは、赤や青、緑といった具合に、各科への道順を示していた。\ ;その中から、わたしは白のテープに沿って進む。\ ^~i~Outpatient reception on the ground floor.\ ^~i~Plastic tape stretched away over the floor -- line after line, all different colours.\ ^~i~Red, blue, green... all indicating different types of patient, and the paths they should tread.\ ^~i~The one I followed was white.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;30mほど歩くと、右手に見えてくる売店、その向かいにあるのが喫煙ルーム。\ ;左手には外科診察待合室があり、更に突き当たりまで行くと、小さなエレベーターがある。\ ;わたしはそれに乗り込むと…^@^最上階のボタンを押す。\ ^About thirty metres down the hall, you come to the retail stand on the right, with the smoking room beyond it.\ ^On the left is the outpatients' waiting room, and if you carry on to the end, finally there's a little lift.\ ^That was my destination.^@^ And the button I pushed was for the highest floor.\ bg "en\at02a.jpg",1 bg "en\at02b.jpg",5 ;;やたらと遅いエレベーター。\ ; [commented out in original] dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ^~i~Ching!\ ;bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "en\at02c.jpg",3 bg "en\w.jpg",3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",5 ;7F。^@^ ;目の前には、ナースステーション。\ ;一斉にこちらを見る、何人かの看護婦さん。\ ;でも、わたしだと認識すると再び視線を戻す。まるで、何も見なかったかのように、作業に戻る。\ ;…高い天井、15cmしか開かない窓。ここは、白くて明るくて、無機質な場所。\ ;そしてわたしは、突き当たり左手にある談話室へと向かう。\ ^The first thing you see when the doors open is the nurses' station.\ ^They all looked up at me in unison.\ ^But only for a moment. They returned to their work when they realised it was me. As though they hadn't seen anything.\ ^This is the seventh floor: a sterile place of high ceilings, gleaming white walls, and windows that only open about 15 centimetres.\ ^I headed for the lounge area, on the left at the end of the hallway.\ ;-- Skipping the 7F bit? ;== No, just moving it down a few lines ("This is the seventh floor"). ;☆BG 談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;大きなテレビと、ソファに長椅子。窓辺に飾られたのは、幾つかの花。\ ;夏らしく、花瓶にはミニひまわりが。鉢植えにはガーベラが、色鮮やかに咲いていた。\ ;…それらは見覚えのあるものだった。\ ^A large TV, a sofa, some couches... a few flowers on the windowsill.\ ^There was a summery little sunflower, and some potted gerbera daisies added a splash of colour.\ ^It was all too familiar.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0001.ogg" ;「何年ぶりだろう…ここに来たのは…」\ ^`How many years has it been...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;あの頃と違うのは、わたしの服装。セーラー服からパジャマへと変わっていた。\ ;それ以外では、手首の腕輪が、青から白へと変わったことくらいだった。\ ^The main difference was my outfit. I'd swapped my school uniform for these pyjamas.\ ^And a subtler difference too: my wristband. Then it had been blue. Now it was white.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;『あなた…』\ ^``Excuse me...''\ ;呼ぶ声に振り返ると、知らないおばさん。\ ;パジャマ姿と腕輪の色が、ここの住人であることを物語っていた。\ ;『誰かのお見舞い? それとも他の階の患者さん?』\ ^A voice. I turned. It was a middle-aged woman. One I didn't recognise.\ ^But I could tell, from her pyjamas and the colour of her wristband, that she belonged here.\ ^``Have you come to see someone? Or are you a patient from downstairs somewhere?''\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0002.ogg" ;「…違う」\ ^`No...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;首を振りながら、わたしは自分の腕輪を見せる。\ ;『あ、ああ…そうだったの…』\ ;ばつが悪そうに答えるおばさん。\ ;その言葉の裏には、^@^”若いのに気の毒ね”っというニュアンスが感じられた。\ ;もちろん似たような経験は、飽きるほどしている。伊達に10年近くもこんな暮らしをしていない。\ ;…只、同じ7Fの住人からも、同情の目を向けられるとは思わなかった。\ ^I let her see my own wristband.\ ^``Oh... oh, of course...''\ ^She stammered awkwardly.\ ^I knew what she wanted to say.^@^ ``You poor thing... so young...''\ ^I was used to that. In fact, after ten years living this way, I was sick of it.\ ^But I'd never expected to get that look of horrified sympathy from a fellow resident of the seventh.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;『ところであなた…^@^…何回目?』\ ^``I have to ask...^@^ how many is it?''\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0003.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^`...what?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;『ここに…7Fに来たのよ』\ ;一瞬、何のことを問われているのか分からなかった。\ ;でも、わたしが新たな質問を出すよりも先に、\ ;『どうやら、初めてみたいね』\ ;そう言って、勝手に納得してしまった。\ ;『じゃあ、あなたにも教えてあげるから、しっかり聞いてね』\ ^``I mean, times you've... been up here.''\ ^It took me a moment to work out quite what she was trying to ask.\ ^She continued before I could reply.\ ^``It must be your first...''\ ^In the way she meant, it was.\ ^``I'd better tell you, then, so listen carefully.''\ ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0004.ogg" ;;「………………」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;返事をする訳でもないのに、一方的に話し続けるおばさん。\ ;『…まず、この7Fって場所では…』\ ;…4回目はない。3回目の入退院が最後だから覚悟しろ。\ ;逃げたい時はA駅ではなく、B駅へと向かうこと。\ ;何も食べるな…それが家族にとっても一番負担が少ない。\ ;そんな内容のことを話していた。他にも身に詰まるようなことを聞かされた。\ ;恐らくは、この7Fの住人だけで…^@^死にゆく当事者達だけで、伝え続けてきたことなのだろう。\ ^I hadn't said a word. She began to talk at me straight away anyway.\ ^``First of all, up here...''\ ^...there's never a fourth time. ^If you make it back here three times, that's your last, so prepare yourself.\ ^If you want to run away, don't try to use M-|-|- station; go to K-|-|-|-|- station instead.\ ^If you want to place the least burden on your family, don't eat.\ ;-- I always looked on the 'don't eat' thing as an order... ;== It's expressed as one, so treating it as one can't be wrong. But the other 'rules' are more guidance than commandments, so it seems to make as much sense to treat それが家族 etc as qualifying the order (Do this - but only if this is your goal). ^That's the sort of thing she said, as I stood helplessly and listened; that and much more along those lines.\ ^All this was, I guessed, passed down among patients, from one dying generation to the next.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;『どう? わかった?』\ ^``Well? Get all that?''\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0005.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;一通り説明を終えたおばさん。どこか、先ほどよりも顔色が晴れたように思えた。\ ;『ふう、あなたみたいな、若い子に伝えるのは気が引けるけど…』\ ;『これもルールだから、気を悪くしないでね』\ ;それだけを告げると、おばさんは談話室を後にした。^@^ ;別れ際、あなたも初めて来た人には伝えてね、と付け加えた。\ ^She appeared to have finished. I felt her expression looked somehow a bit brighter than before.\ ^``I must say it feels a bit awkward telling all this to a youngster like you...\ ^``Please don't take it the wrong way. It's one of the rules.''\ ^With that she turned and left the lounge.^@^ ^Pausing only to add one more thing: that if I am ever in her place, I will have to give the same lecture.\ ;☆BG 空とか bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;■心情・情景>空・時間とか ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。\ ;15cmしか開かない窓からみた夏空。今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ;…何年ぶりかでやってきた7F。ここの住人としては、初めてやってきたわたし。\ ;…そして、教えられたルール。\ ;本来は、ここの住人達だけで、伝え続けてきたことなのだろう…\ ^The blazing sun. The chirping of cicadas.\ ^The summer sky was sealed away beyond windows that barely opened, but it looked like it would be hot outside.\ ^So here I was again, after however many years; back, but this time as a resident.\ ^My ears still rang with those rules.\ ^Those rules that only residents are ever supposed to learn...\ bg "en\at01a.jpg",1 bg "en\at01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0006.ogg" ;「でも…その幾つかを、わたしは既に知っていた…」\ ^`I'd learnt half of them already...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\at01a.jpg",1 bg "en\at01c.jpg",5 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0007.ogg" ;…もしかしたらあの日から…^@^今日という日を迎えることを…\ ^...and I wondered whether, ever since that time...\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0008.ogg" bg "en\at01d.jpg",3 bg "en\at01f.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0009.ogg" ;-- NOTE the voice clip here. ;== Oops, good point. Must remember to translate the text in at01e.jpg. ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0009.ogg" bg "haeleth\2\at01e.png",5 !w2500 ;「…予感していたのかも知れない…」\ ; [in image!] ;...maybe I'd known this day would come...\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0010e.ogg" ;;「プロデュースドバイ ステージなな」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd bg "tr\t001c.jpg",1 bg "tr\t001b.jpg",3 bg "tr\t001a.jpg",3 !w1000 bg "e\w.jpg",5 mov %flg2_pro,1 mov %flg2_bplay,1 ;____________________ *haeleth_nar2_1 mov $sys_midasi,"^#02 / Himeko 1 [h]" bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 !w1000 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "haeleth\2\h001.png",3 ;■プロローグ ― 姫 子 ― \ h_centreline ^^ ^\ ; It's in the picture, no need to repeat it in the text. bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\03_torib.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0001.ogg" ;…響きわたる鐘の音…\ ^~i~The hollow clamour of the bells...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0002.ogg" ;物心つく前から、私はこの音と共にあった…\ ^~i~I'd lived with that sound for as long as I could remember.\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;★シーン:明るい感じで bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0002b.ogg" ;「おねえちゃーん」\ ^`Himeko---!'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwavestop 5 dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" ;;>遠くから bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0003.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、ふう」\ ^`Haah... phew...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0003.ogg" ;「なによ千尋、そんなに息切らせて」\ ^`What're you getting yourself so out of breath for, Chihiro?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0004.ogg" ;「だってほら、そろそろ急がないと…」\ ^`Cos we'll be late if we don't hurry...!\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0005.ogg" ;「って、またそんな格好してぇ、」\ ;^`...ohh, what are you ~i~thinking~i~?!'\ ;--This is somewhat pushing things I think ^`...oh no, not ~i~again~i~...'\ ;== Better? Now I'm merely omitting an idea (which is OK I think when it's repeated in the character's next line anyway!) rather than introducing an entirely new one. !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0004.ogg" ;「ん? どうかした?」\ ^`What?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0006.ogg" ;「もう、ドロドロで真っ黒じゃないのぉ」\ ^`You've got yourself all filthy again!'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0005.ogg" ;「別にいいでしょ、作業服なんだから汚れて当然じゃない」\ ^`And? These are work clothes, they're supposed to look like this.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0007.ogg" ;「うぅ、昨日、洗濯したところなのに…」\ ^`But I only washed them yesterday...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0006.ogg" ;「はいはい、悪かったわね」\ ^`Well, sorry.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;恒例の油汚れに、少し拗ねた顔で文句を言う妹。\ ;日曜日の玄関先で交わす、いつもの何気ない日常の光景だった。\ ^The girl scowling at my oily overalls was my little sister.\ ^The scenes being played out at our front door that Sunday were pretty ordinary for my family.\ dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0008.ogg" ;「あ、それよりも、ミサ、急がないと遅れちゃうよ」\ ^`Bother! At this rate we'll be late for Mass!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0007.ogg" ;「あら、もうそんな時間なのね…」\ ^`Is it that time already...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0009.ogg" ;「ささ、早く着替えて教会行きましょうね♪」\ ^`Just hurry up and change!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0008.ogg" ;「うーん…やっぱりパス」\ ^`Mmm... thanks, but I'll pass.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0010.ogg" ;「え~、またぁ」\ ^`What, again?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0011.ogg" ;「ダメだよ、お姉ちゃんって、普段から行ってないんだから」\ ^`You can't do that! You hardly ever come these days.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0012.ogg" ;「せめて、日曜日だけは行かないと」\ ^`You could at least make an effort on Sundays...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0009.ogg" ;「バカね千尋」\ ^`Silly.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0010.ogg" ;「せっかくの日曜日だからこそサボるのよ」\ ^`Sundays are far too precious to waste like that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0013.ogg" ;「もう、またそんな屁理屈言って」\ ^`You've always got some excuse, haven't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0011.ogg" ;「まあまあ、神さまだって大目に見てくれるわよ、 ; こんな天気の良い日はさ」\ ^`Anyway, I'm sure God won't mind just this once, as it's such a nice day...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0014.ogg" ;「…天気関係ないわよ」\ ^`...it's nothing to do with the weather...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0015.ogg" ;「それに、どうせ今日も、車いじりしてるだけのくせに…」\ ^`And you're going to waste the whole day anyway, tinkering with that car of yours...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0012.ogg" ;「それじゃ、お母さん達にもよろしくねっ」\ ^`See you then. Give my love to Mummy and all that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0016.ogg" ;「あっ、こら、お姉ちゃんったら」\ ^`Hey, wait! Himeko, you---!'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "haeleth\2\h002.png",3 click bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子02 ―親友― \ dwave 5,"se2\shutter1.ogg" ;ガラガラガラ、\ ;家の隣にあるガレージ。 ;勢い良くシャッターを上げる。\ ^I slipped round the side of the house and tugged at the garage door until it rattled up out of sight.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0013.ogg" ;「さて、今日も始めましょうか」\ ^`Right, let's get on with this...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kusari.ogg" bg "en\shako.jpg",2 mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" ;閉め切っていた為か、むわっとした熱が広がるガレージ内。\ ^The garage is poorly insulated, so it becomes an oven every summer.\ dwave 5,"se2\kacha03.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\doril2.ogg" ;早速、私は修理途中の愛車へと向かう。つい1ヶ月ほど前に買った物だった。\ ;レストアと呼べば聞こえは良いが、実質は、まともに走れる程度にする作業。\ ^I made a beeline for the dear little car I'd been working on since I bought it about a month earlier.\ ^It would be nice to be able to say I was restoring it, but to be quite honest it was more a case of making it roadworthy.\ ;dwave 5,"se2\kusari.ogg" ;第一、車自体がレトロというよりは、ボロと呼ぶ方が相応しい、そんな年式と程度の車だった。\ ;但し、そのおかげで最近の私は、このガレージ内が週末の過ごし場所となっていた。\ ^As for the car itself, while it would be nice to call it ``retro'', I have to admit that it was of an age where ``battered'' might be a more appropriate term.\ ^At any rate, this was what was occupying my weekends.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\kon03b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ ^A knock, and...\ dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0001.ogg" ;「姫子、いる~?」\ ^`Himeko? Are you there---?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>やや遠くで dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0014.ogg" ;「ああ、こっちこっち」\ ^`Over here!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE;>足音 bg "en\shako.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0015.ogg" ;「どしたの? こんな場所まで」\ ^`What brings you to a place like this, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0002.ogg" ;「うん、近くまで来たから、ついでに寄ったんだけどさ…」\ ^`Oh, I just thought I'd drop by, as I was passing anyway...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0003.ogg" ;「って、なにあなた、真っ黒じゃないの?」\ ^`Ugh, you're ~i~filthy~i~! What on earth?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0016.ogg" ;「ん? ああ、昨日からオイルパンの交換やってたから」\ ^`Huh? Oh, I'm just replacing the oil pan...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0004.ogg" ;「…オイルパン?」\ ^`The... oil pan?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0017.ogg" ;「ええ、これがまた大変だったのよ」\ ^`Yup. Not as simple as it looks.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0018.ogg" ;「てゆーか、素人でここまで出来る人は少ないわね、えっへん」\ ^`Actually I don't think there are many amateurs who'd get this far, if I do say so myself.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0005.ogg" ;「や、パンだかゴハンだか知らないけどさ…」\ ^`I bet. Not that I could tell an oil pan from a frying pan...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kusari.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0019.ogg" ;「ほら見て、この自作ハンガーなんて、大したもんでしょ」\ ^`Look, I made this hoist myself. Neat, huh?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0020.ogg" ;「でもやっぱ、ウインチが無いから苦労したわ~、あははは」\ ^`It's pretty hard work to use without a winch, though... heh.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0006.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......^@^/ dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0007.ogg" ;「ふぅ、」\ ^haah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0008.ogg" ;「あのさ、姫子…」\ ^`Say, Himeko...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0009.ogg" ;「車好きも良いけどさ、」\ ^`I'm not saying there's anything ~i~wrong~i~ with liking cars...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0010.ogg" ;「年頃の娘が真っ黒になって、ガレージに入り浸ってるってどうよ?」\ ^`But do you really think girls our age should be hanging around in garages and getting all mucky like this?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0021.ogg" ;「ん? もしかして、変?」\ ^`Huh? Are you saying it's weird?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0011.ogg" ;「もしかしなくても、変」\ ^`It'd be weird whether I said so or not.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0022.ogg" ;「あはは、まあいいじゃない」\ ^`Ahaha, but I don't care.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0023.ogg" ;「私はね、優花みたいなヒラヒラの服より、こっちの方が好きなのよ」\ ^`Ribbons and lace are all very well for you, but I'm more comfortable dressed this way.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0012.ogg" ;「はいはい、あんたは昔っから、そうよね」\ ^`Like I don't know that. You never change.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0024.ogg" ;…あきれた声で返す彼女…\ ;^This girl, the second I'd shocked that day, is called Yuka.\ ;--Yuka always feels more the exasperated pissed off type than shocked to me. ;==Good point. I think I've approached this from the wrong angle. How about... ;^Her voice suggested she found this hard to believe.\ ;==...which is about as close as あきれた lets me come to exasperation. ;-- Hrmm, well if you're going that that route, perhaps "it didn't sound like she believes me" or something similar ;== I fear both it and my previous suggestion are getting a bit too far from the Japanese. The sense here (in my reading) is that Yuka _believes_ that Himeko is more comfortable in overalls, but considers this fact unbelievable in the figurative sense -- i.e. she reacts in much the same way as if Himeko had announced that she would rather go naked. ;== In which case the underlying sense is disapproval rather than surprise, which does actually start to bring me quite close to your exasperation. I'm quite tempted to mentally substitute 顔 for 声, which would let me translate this as: ^She replied, rolling her eyes.\ ;== (But I'll go for something safer like "She replied in a disapproving voice" if you think the eye-rolling is too much of a stretch...) ;-- Go right ahead with the eye rolling. Yuka's almost like a bulldog in pink frills anyways. dwavestop 1 ;その名前を優花という。\ ;近所に住んでいることもあってか、昔から、よく一緒に過ごすことが多かった。\ ;只、私とは趣味も性格も正反対。\ ;なのに、何故か気が合った。逆に、趣味も性格も違うからこそ気が合うのかも知れない。\ ^This was Yuka.\ ^We'd lived close to one another for so long that you could basically say we'd grown up together.\ ^Though, as you can see, our interests and tastes could scarcely have been more different.\ ^We got on pretty well all the same. That could even be ~i~because~i~ we were opposites.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0025.ogg" ;『…もし、”親友”と呼ばれる存在があるなら…』\ ^~i~If there's such a thing as a true best friend in this world...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0026.ogg" ;『わたしにとっては…彼女が、ソレだった…』\ ^~i~...then that's what she was for me.\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\shako.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0013.ogg" ;「でもさ、姫子も物好きよね」\ ^`You do have to admit, though, you are kind of weird.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0014.ogg" ;「せっかくの初任給を、こんなボロ車に遣うなんてさ」\ ^`There aren't many people who'd choose to throw away their first earnings on an old banger like that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0027.ogg" ;「こら、ボロ車じゃなくて、ユーノスって言ってよ」\ ^`Hey, don't call it names. It's a Eunos./ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_0 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_0 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_1 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~i.e. a Mazda; it's an MX-5.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~i.e. a Mazda; it's an MX-5.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_1 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0028.ogg" ;「それに、この型って、古くても結構人気あるのよ」\ ^`And it may ~i~look~i~ old, but that's because this is a really classic model.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0015.ogg" ;「へ~、そうなの」\ ^`Hmm, if you say so.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0029.ogg" ;「うぅ、おかげで、今から冬のボーナスまでローン地獄よ、しくしく」\ ^`That's why I'll be in debt hell right up till I get my winter bonus... sniff, sniff.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0016.ogg" ;「まあまあ、それよりも早く直してドライブでも連れてってよ」\ ^`Bad luck. Look, just hurry up and get it fixed so you can take me for a drive, okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0030.ogg" ;「ええ、恐らく来週には走れると思うわ」\ ^`That's the idea! I think it should be ready next week.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0017.ogg" ;「はい決まりっ、じゃあ、早速来週でも…」\ ^`That's settled, then! You'd better get on with it.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0018.ogg" ;「て、そうだ…あなた日曜日は無理だったわね」\ ^`But, hang on... you can't do Sundays, can you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0031.ogg" ;「ん~、別にいいわよ」\ ^`Hmm? I don't see why not.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0019.ogg" ;「でも、教会あるでしょ?」\ ^`Haven't you got church?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0032.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、もう最近は全然行ってないし」\ ^`Nah, I'm not really doing that any more...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0033.ogg" ;「しょせん私は、エセカトリックよ」\ ^`I'm only a pseudo-Catholic, after all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0020.ogg" ;「こらこら、そんなこと言っていいの?」\ ^`Now now, should you really be saying that sort of thing?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0034.ogg" ;「ええ、偶然、家が教会の隣だったってだけだし…」\ ;^`Why not? Just because we happened to live right by the church doesn't mean I have to be all pious...'\ ;--I sorta like leaving it hanging than spelling it out more like this ^`Why not? It's only because we happened to live right by the church...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "haeleth\2\h003.png",3 wait 500 bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子03 ―妹― \ ;☆シーン変え:家;>夜 ;★シーン:寂しい・落ち着いた感じで dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0017.ogg" ;「ただいまぁ…」\ ^`I'm back...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 mp3loop "bgm\n033.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ ^The front door closed.\ bg "en\heya0.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0035.ogg" ;「おかえり、遅かったわね千尋」\ ^`You're late today, Chihiro...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0018.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Mmm, I s'pose...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0036.ogg" ;「ん? 元気ないみたいだけど…」\ ^`What's up? You're looking pretty down.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0037.ogg" ;「もしかして……7F、帰り?」\ ^`Wait, don't tell me... you've been up to the seventh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0019.ogg" ;「…うん、担当の人が3回目だから…」\ ^`...yeah, the person I'm looking after is a third-timer, so...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0038.ogg" ;「そっか、じゃあ色々と大変だね…」\ ^`I see... it must've been difficult, then...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;7F…それは、病院のホスピスのことを指していた。\ ;ホスピス。一般的には『緩和ケア病棟』とも呼ばれる。\ ;要は、通常の病棟ではなく、末期治療患者の為の、精神的なケアに重点を置かれた病棟。\ ;カトリックである私達にとって、 ;ヘルパーのようなボランティア行為は、ごく当たり前のことだった。\ ^The ``seventh'' is the seventh floor, the hospice section of the local hospital.\ ^Or the ``palliative care ward'', as they prefer to call it these days.\ ^Whichever term you use, it's the same place: where the dying and untreatable are sent to await the inevitable.\ ^In short, it's exactly the sort of place good Catholics are expected to go and volunteer.\ ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0041.ogg" ;;「ヘルパーのようなボランティア行為は、 ;;   ごく当たり前のことだった」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0042.ogg" ;…毎日、大学が終わると、真っ直ぐに病院へと向かう妹。\ ^Chihiro visited the hospital every day on her way home from college.\ dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0043.ogg" ;その姿は、数年前までの、自分の姿でもあった…\ ^As I suppose I had, too, a few years previously...\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>カチャ;>食器の触れる音 bg "en\heya0.jpg",2 dwave 5,"se2\cafe2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0044.ogg" ;「はい、コーヒー煎れてあげたわよ」\ ^`Here, have some coffee.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0020.ogg" ;「ありがと…」\ ^`Ta...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\cafe3.ogg" ;■心情・情景 bg "en\heya0.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0021.ogg" ;「ねえ…お姉ちゃんはもうしないの?」\ ^`Himeko... aren't you going to do it any more?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0045.ogg" ;「しないのって、ヘルパー?」\ ^`Do what? Volunteer?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0022.ogg" ;「うん、今はどの病院も、人手が足らなくて大変なんだよ」\ ^`Yeah... they're really short of people. Like everywhere these days.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0046.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^`Mmm...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0047.ogg" ;「でも、私はもういいわ」\ ^`Even so, I'll pass.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0048.ogg" ;「あなたと違って、私は、大学の単位が欲しくて行ってただけだし」\ ^`I'm not like you... I only ever did it to get extra credits at college anyway.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0023.ogg" ;「もう、またそんなこと言って」\ ^`Oh, not that one again...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0049.ogg" ;「別に嘘じゃないわよ」\ ^`I'm afraid it's the truth.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\cafe2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0050.ogg" ;「それよりさ、私は千尋の方が心配よ」\ ^`Anyway, I'm more worried about you right now.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0024.ogg" ;「わたしが?」\ ^`About me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0051.ogg" ;「ええ、あなたみたいな子に、務まる場所じゃないってこと」\ ^`Yeah... it's not a nice place for a kid like you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0025.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;その言葉に黙ってしまった妹。だけどこれは、私の本心でもある。\ ;それなりに自分も経験を積み、生半可な覚悟では無理なのを知っていた。\ ;少なくとも、千尋のような優しくて良い子には、ホスピスのヘルパーは辛いことが分かり切っていた。\ ^She didn't reply. But I had to say it; it's what I really felt.\ ^I knew from my own experience that hospice work wasn't something that could be faced without serious preparation.\ ^And I knew that it was only going to be harder for a good, kind-hearted girl like Chihiro.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0052.ogg" ;「で、どうなの? 今の様子は?」\ ^`How're you doing? Better now?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0026.ogg" ;「あ、うん…初めての7Fだから、まだ慣れてなくて…」\ ^`Yeah... it's just that it was my first time up there. Must take some getting used to...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0027.ogg" ;「それに、今の担当の人って3回目だから…」\ ^`Really it's just because I was looking after a third-timer...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0028.ogg" ;「もう、長くないみたい…」\ ^`She really didn't look like she'd got long to go...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0053.ogg" ;「そうね、どんなに入退院に繰り返したとしても、4回目はない筈よ…」\ ^`That's what they always said. People come and go, but never as many as four times...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0029.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^`Mmm...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;これは別に、病院側も公言している訳ではない。\ ;だけど、言わずとも現場に携わっていれば、嫌でも覚えてしまうことだった。\ ^The no-fourth-time thing is not exactly a fact that people go round shouting from the rooftops.\ ^But you need only hang around the hospice for a bit for the message to be driven home all too deeply.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0030.ogg" ;「ねえ、お姉ちゃん…」\ ^`Himeko...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0031.ogg" ;「神さまは…一体なにをやっているんだろう…」\ ^`Why doesn't God do something...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0054.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0055.ogg" ;「さあ、忙しいんでしょうね」\ ^`I suppose he's busy.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "haeleth\2\h004.png",3 click dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子04 ―ロードスター― \ ;☆シーン変え:昼:海辺 ;SE;>波・海鳥 mp3loop "bgm2\2ono01.mp3" ;数日後。 ;一通り修理の終わったユーノスで、ドライブに出る私達。\ ^A few days later, my Eunos was finally roadworthy enough for us to take it out for a spin.\ dwave 6,"se2\kei05.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0056.ogg" ;「あはは、さすがに良い走りするわっ」\ ;^`Heehee, I knew it'd be worth the wait!'\ ;-- Maybe 'it handles really well'? paint pictures of himeko drifting on the touge... ;== Agreed that I've deviated unnecessarily from the text, though I think she's referring more to smooth running (of the engine) than to the handling of the car. ^`Heehee, it's running nicely now!'\ ;-- hrm. I never thought about the engine, considering from what I remember of the sound effects it's like she's swinging the car around the curves and yanking the handbrake. vrrm vrrrm ;== It's the engine she's been fixing - I think it's what she'd comment on. And 'running' is a beautifully literal translation of 走り, I'm sure you'll agree! :) ;-- indeed it is. in fact, I'm sure I used it a number of times !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0021c.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと姫子、そんなにスピード出さないでよっ」\ ^`Hi---Himeko! You don't have to go quite this fast...!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0057c.ogg" ;「え~、全然安全運転じゃない」\ ^`Aww, stop clucking, it's totally safe!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0022c.ogg" ;「あ、あなたはそうかも知れないけど、ペーパーの私にはドキドキもんなのよ、その運転は」\ ^`You might think so, but I'll have a heart attack if you keep driving like this!'\ ; I think it's OK to leave out the whole non-driver thing. It's a layer of complexity that doesn't add any significant meaning. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car01.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0058b.ogg" ;「あ~ん、ロードスター最高っ」\ ^`Ahhh, there's nothing like a roadster...'\ !sd dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0023d.ogg" ;「て、聞きなさいよ、ひとの話しを」\ ^`Am I wasting my breath here?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 6,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" bg "en\shanai1.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0024b.ogg" ;「それとさ、なによ、この車」\ ^`And what's up with this car, anyway?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0059b.ogg" ;「うん? どしたの?」\ ^`What's wrong with it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0025b.ogg" ;「なんで、屋根がないのよ」\ ^`It hasn't even got a roof!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0060c.ogg" ;「いや、だって、そーゆーもんなんだもん」\ ^`Of course not! That's the way it's supposed to be.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0026.ogg" ;「もん、じゃないわよ、風で髪がくしゃくしゃになっちゃったでしょ」\ ^`What's the big idea? My hair's going to be a total mess with all this wind!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0061.ogg" ;「ふっ、おバカさんね、オープンの醍醐味が分からないなんて…」\ ^`Silly. The wind in your hair's the whole point of an open top...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0027.ogg" ;「…そんな醍醐味、年頃の女の子に不要よ」\ ^`It's not the whole point for girls our age!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0028.ogg" ;「うぅ、せっかく1時間も掛けて、オシャレにセットしたのに…」\ ^`Ohh, and it took a whole hour to get it nicely styled in the first place...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;まだ高い日。梅雨前の爽やかな空の下を走るユーノス。\ ;やがて、長い山道を越えると、そこには真っ青な海が広がっていた。\ ^The sun was high. We raced along under one of those clear fresh skies you so often get before the rainy season.\ ^Up a long mountain road we sped, and then, as we dropped down from a final ridge, the ocean spread out before us in vivid blue.\ bg "en\umimiti.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" ;どこまでも続く海岸線。すぐ傍から響く、潮騒とウミネコの鳴き声。\ ;海沿いに植えられたフェニックスも、そのどれも背が高く、まるで南国のような雰囲気だった。\ ^The coast wound endlessly away on either side, while the sea roared ahead, and the cries of gulls echoed around us.\ ^What with the tall palms growing along the shore, we could almost have been down in the tropics.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0062.ogg" ;「じゃ、ちょっと休憩しようか」\ ^`How about we stop and stretch our legs?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0029.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`Okay.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_____________________ bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\jihan1.ogg" ;SE;>自販機 mp3loop "bgm\a01.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0063.ogg" ;「はい、缶コーヒー」\ ^`Here -- coffee.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0030.ogg" ;「ありがと」\ ^`Thanks.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\z0021.ogg" ;プシュ、\ ^We opened our cans.\ ;「ごくごくごく…ふうっ」\ ;[not translated; sound effect moved to next string] !sd dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0031.ogg" ;まるでお風呂上りのように、 ;腰に手を当ると、缶コーヒーを一気飲みする優花。\ ;^Yuka stood there, hand on hip, and chugged hers, as though it were the coffee milk you might have after a bath.\ ;-- Mm? I always thought it was 'furo ato no gyuunyuu', not so much coffee au lait ;== Coffee milk is milk with coffee flavouring in, like chocolate milk or strawberry milk, etc. Better clarify that... ^Yuka stood there, hand on hip, and chugged hers, as though it were coffee-flavoured milk like you might have after a bath.\ dwavestop 1 ;いつもフリフリ装備で、周りには、ぶっているがこれが優花の本性だ。\ ;そして私達は、手に缶コーヒーを持ったまま、目の前の砂浜へと歩き出す。\ ^She may like to coat herself in frilly accessories and play the little lady, but at times like that her true personality showed through...\ ^Still holding our cans, we strolled down onto the beach.\ dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0032.ogg" ;「…ここは、キレイなところだね」\ ^`Wow... this is a pretty neat place.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0064.ogg" ;「うん、潮風も気持ち良いし、人もいないし…」\ ^`Isn't it just? The sea breeze feels so good... no crowds, either...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0033.ogg" ;「姫子、よく知ってたわね、こんな場所」\ ^`I'm impressed. I didn't know you knew places like this.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0065.ogg" ;「あ、うん、まあ…」\ ^`Oh, well, yeah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0066.ogg" ;「…どこか知らないけど」\ ^`...not that I know where we ~i~are~i~...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0034.ogg" ;「はい?」\ ^`...you what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0067.ogg" ;「いや、言葉の通りなんだけど…」\ ^`Um, do you really want me to repeat it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0035.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと待ちなさい」\ ^`Hey, hang on a second!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0036.ogg" ;「どうして、運転してたあなたが知らないのよ」\ ^`How can you ~i~not~i~ know where we are? You were driving!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0068.ogg" ;「あ、実は、そのう…」\ ^`Um, yeah, about that...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0069.ogg" ;「適当に走ってたら、偶然たどり着いただけだったりして…」\ ^`I was kind of ~i~just~i~ driving... I suppose we're just like here by accident...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0037.ogg" ;「それって、もしかしてさ、」\ ^`Um, Himeko...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0038.ogg" ;「今まで、気の向くままに走ってただけってこと?」\ ^`Are you trying to tell me you were driving totally at random?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0070.ogg" ;「まあ…そんな感じかなぁ、あははは」\ ^`Well... yeah, something like that, I suppose...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0039.ogg" ;「信じらんないっ」\ ^`I can't believe this!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0040.ogg" ;「つか、ちゃんと家まで帰れるかも心配だけど、 ; こんなドライブに、1日付き合わされた、私も信じらんないっ」\ ^`And I don't just mean because we might never even make it home again. I can't believe I was even dragged out on a drive like this in the first place!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0071.ogg" ;「あはは、まあまあ、ナントカなるから…たぶん」\ ^`Ahaha, don't worry, we'll find our way back... probably.'\ ;-- Somehow next to probably, maybe, feels redundant? <_< ;== Oops -- well spotted! That's ugly. !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;そして私達は、砂浜に新聞紙を敷くと、来る途中で買ったコンビニ弁当を食べ始める。\ ;本当なら、お弁当持参の方が、それっぽいけど、お互いに得意料理が、ゆで卵では贅沢は言ってられない。\ ^Then we spread out some newspaper on the sand, and got out the packed lunches we'd bought at a convenience store earlier.\ ^It would have been more authentic to bring something homemade, but neither of us could really rise to anything more exciting than a boiled egg.\ ;せめて、レジャーシートくらい持ってくれば良かった。\ ^I suppose we could at least have brought a tarpaulin or a blanket.\ bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0041.ogg" ;「でもさ姫子…」\ ^`Still, Himeko...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0072.ogg" ;「なあに?」\ ^`What?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0042.ogg" ;「ナビがないなら、せめて地図くらい持ちなさいよね」\ ^`If you haven't got a satnav, you could at least get a map.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0073.ogg" ;「うーん、でもなぁ、この気ままな感じも好きなのよねぇ」\ ^`Mmm, I suppose, but I kind of like driving by the seat of my pants...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0043.ogg" ;「じゃあ、せめてその格好は止めなさいよ」\ ^`Yeah, about that -- at the ~i~very~i~ least you could stop dressing like that.'\ ;-- Cute ;== I love it when a pun comes together. :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0074.ogg" ;「え~、なんでよ? わたし作業服好きなのに」\ ^`Ehh, what's wrong with this? I like overalls.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0044.ogg" ;「ダメ、隣の私も、なんか恥ずかしいから」\ ^`~i~You~i~ might, but ~i~I'm~i~ embarrassed to be seen with you!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0075.ogg" ;「ちぇっ、機能的なのになぁ」\ ^`Huh, at least they're practical.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0045.ogg" ;「…機能よりも、美しさを優先してよ」\ ^`That's all well and good, but you should be more worried about how you look!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;そんなことを言いながら、二人で食べたコンビニ弁当。\ ;潮風に揺れる松林と、背の高いフェニックスの木。時折、ウミネコも近づいてきた。\ ;そんな、いかにもって場所にもかかわらず…\ ;なんてゆーか絵的に、砂浜に新聞紙を敷き、フリル姿の優花と、作業服の私では、 ;浮きまくってて可笑しい。\ ^We ate on and chatted on.\ ^The pine woods and the tall palms swayed in the sea breeze. From time to time a gull swept past.\ ^The only incongruity to intrude on the perfect composition of the scene was the pair of us -- her in frills, me in overalls -- and our ridiculous newspaper mat.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0076.ogg" ;「ね、また来週来ようか?」\ ^`So, shall we come back next week?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0046.ogg" ;「嫌よ」\ ^`No thanks.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0077.ogg" ;「わ、即答された」\ ^`Whoa, quick reply.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0047.ogg" ;「だってさ、なにが哀しくて、毎週毎週、女二人でドライブばっかなのよ」\ ^`Well, don't you think it's like a bit sad, two girls going for a drive alone every week?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0078.ogg" ;「だってこれ、2人乗りなんだもん」\ ^`Can't be helped. It's a two-seater car.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0048.ogg" ;「そーゆー問題じゃないでしょ」\ ^`That's not the problem!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0079.ogg" ;「まあまあ、寂しいもん同士ってことで」\ ^`Hey, it's not like either of us has anyone else to go with.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0049.ogg" ;「くっ…」\ ^`Gah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0050.ogg" ;「…くやしいけど反論できないわ」\ ^`...it hurts to admit it, but you're right.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" ;あんなに高かった日が翳りだし、見えるもの全てをオレンジに染める頃…\ ^When that high sun at length began to fall, and all we saw was bathed in orange light...\ ; Pentametric iambs for teh win! bg "en\car_run2b.jpg",3 ;再び走り出したユーノス。海辺で遊んだ私達は、早い帰路へと就く。\ ^...then the Eunos roared back into life, and we hastened homeward apace.\ ;-- my that's something I'd never hear for a 100+ mile radius... ;== Or possibly a 200+ year radius... or whatever the temporal equivalent is. ;== I know slipping archaisms etc in is one of my bad habits; if you think this doesn't work, I could be persuaded to remove it, but if you were just commenting then I'd quite like to keep it. :) ;-- I don't mind, just commenting that I'd never see it ;== Ah, OK. I do sometimes go overboard on this kind of thing... there was a place in one of my previous translations where I was desperate to keep a bit of ancient Greek in there for a while, until one of my proofreaders hit me repeatedly with a majikaru hammer. bg "en\shanai6b.jpg",2 ;今日は楽しかった。 ;そんなことを思いながらハンドルを握っていると、\ ^As I gripped the steering wheel, thinking with quiet satisfaction of the day we'd had,---\ dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0051.ogg" ;「でもさあ、最近あなたって全然行ってないでしょ? 教会」\ ^`You know, though, you really don't seem to be going to church much these days, do you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0080.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0052.ogg" ;「千尋ちゃんもボヤいてたわよ、」\ ^`Chihiro isn't happy about it.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0053.ogg" ;「最近、お姉ちゃんは、全然来てくれないって」\ ^`She was grumbling about how you hardly show up at all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0081.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0054.ogg" ;「ねえ、たまには顔だしたら?」\ ^`It wouldn't hurt to at least poke your head in now and again, would it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0082.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0083.ogg" ;「だ、大丈夫よっ」\ ^`There's no need.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0084.ogg" ;「それに以前も言ったでしょ、」\ ^`Anyway, it's like I said before...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0085.ogg" ;「しょせんわたしは、エセカトリックだって」\ ^`I'm only a pseudo-Catholic.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0086c.ogg" ;「だから…大丈夫なのよ…」\ ^`So... there's no need...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0055.ogg" ;「…姫子?」\ ^`Himeko...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai6b.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0087.ogg" ;「さて、そんな訳で来週もドライブ決定ね」\ ^`Anyway, that's why it's okay, so let's do this again next week, all right?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0088.ogg" ;「あ、今度はお弁当も持ってこようか?」\ ^`And let's bring a proper lunch next time, too.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0089.ogg" ;「そんで、今日より遠くを目指してみましょうよ」\ ^`Then we could try and go even further than we did today!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0056.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0057.ogg" ;「ふう~」\ ^`Haah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0058.ogg" ;「はいはい、わかったわよ、しょうがないから付き合ってあげる」\ ^`Whatever, you win. I'm not getting out of it so I might as well come willingly.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0090.ogg" ;「ありがとー、さすが親友ねっ」\ ^`Fank youw! You're my bestest friend forever!'\ ;-- ... ... ... You're probably going to burn in hell for this line... ;[20:56] Shouldn't that be.... ^`Fank youw! You're my bestest fwend foreber!'\ ;== I suspect it should be, but even I have limits! ;== But extreme measures _were_ necessary to render, in English, what the Japanese conveys through the use of that voice that can only be described as 'squealicious'. ;-- It's also been described as being sucked into the まきいづみ時空 I believe... !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "haeleth\2\h005.png",5 click dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1l2.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子05 ―病院― \ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0091.ogg" ;それから一週間後…\ ^~i~A week later, however...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0092.ogg" ;教会には、日曜学校へと向かう人が溢れ、\ ^~i~...while the church overflowed with people heading for Sunday school...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0093.ogg" ;先週の予定では、ロードスターで海へと向かっている筈だった頃、\ ^~i~...while, had things gone according to plan, we should have been zooming towards the sea in my roadster...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0094.ogg" ;…わたしの姿は、病院のベッドの上にあった…\ ^~i~...I found myself consigned instead to a hospital bed.\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>病院のアナウンスみたいの mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0032.ogg" ;「はい、お姉ちゃん、リンゴむいたよ」\ ^`Here, I've peeled you an apple.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0095.ogg" ;「ありがと、あんたも食べなさいよ、好きでしょ?」\ ^`Thanks. You have some too if you like.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0033.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`Okay.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^A knock. The door opened.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0059.ogg" ;「ふう、重かった」\ ^`Phew... too heavy...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0060.ogg" ;「姫子、ほら、買ってきてあげたわよ」\ ^`Here you are then, Himeko. Your precious magazines.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0096.ogg" ;「悪かったわね、下の売店じゃ売ってなかったのよ、その本」\ ^`Sorry I had to ask you... but they don't sell them at the stand downstairs.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0061.ogg" ;「別に構わないけどさ、 ; 次からはもうちょっと薄い本にしてくれる?」\ ^`Oh, I don't mind really, but you could pick something a little lighter next time.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0062.ogg" ;「それと、あんまりマニアックな本は止めてよね、 ; レジ持っていくの恥ずいから」\ ^`And something a bit less weird would be nice, too. I'm embarrassed even buying this stuff.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0097.ogg" ;「別に、モーターサイクリストや、アメ車マガジンは、普通の本だと思うけど…」\ ^`What's weird about ~i~Motor Cyclist~i~ or ~i~American Cars~i~...? They're perfectly ordinary magazines.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0063.ogg" ;「私にとっては違うのっ」\ ^`Not for me they aren't!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0034.ogg" ;「ま、まあまあ二人とも」\ ^`C-calm down, both of you!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0035.ogg" ;「ここは相部屋だから、あんまり騒いじゃダメだって…」\ ^`This is a shared room, remember? Don't make so much noise...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0064.ogg" ;「あ…そうだったわね、ごめん」\ ^`Oh... yeah, sorry.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;お見舞いに来てくれた二人。\ ;千尋は言うまでもないけど、ああ見えて優花は、一番に駆けつけてくれた。\ ;以前に風邪で寝込んだ時も、文句言いながらも、ずっと傍で看病してくれた。\ ;ちょっと素直じゃないけど…本当はとても優しい。^@^それが私の親友だった。\ ^At least I had company.\ ^It went without saying that Chihiro would be there, but Yuka came with an eagerness that might surprise anyone who doesn't know her.\ ^She'd done the same in the past, when I'd been in bed with a nasty cold; she may have grumbled, but she was there for me nonetheless.\ ^Affected she may be... but she's sweet at heart.^@^ That's why she was my best friend.\ ;-- 'affected' used this way isn't familiar to me ;== "Having affectations". ;-- Ah right, a very rare statement here bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0065.ogg" ;「もぐもぐ…」\ ^---munch, munch---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0066.ogg" ;「うん、美味しいわね、このメロン」\ ^`Mmm, this is a really yummy melon...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0098.ogg" ;「ちょっと、あんた見舞いなんだから、そんなガツガツ食べないでよ」\ ^`Hey, visitors are supposed to ~i~bring~i~ me fruit, not glomp it down like that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0067.ogg" ;「別に良いじゃない、一杯あるんだし」\ ^`What's the problem? There's plenty left.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0099.ogg" ;「もう~」\ ^`Ohh...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0068.ogg" ;「でもさ、いきなり入院って聞いた時は驚いたわよ」\ ^`I was pretty surprised when I heard you'd been rushed to hospital, though.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0036.ogg" ;「うん、わたしもビックリした」\ ^`Yeah, me too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0069.ogg" ;「なのに、急いで駆けつけてみたら…」\ ^`I don't know, I get all worked up and come running all this way...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0100.ogg" ;「ピンピンしてて、拍子抜けよね~」\ ^`And you felt all let down because I'm not at death's door?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0070.ogg" ;「こら、あんたが言わないでよ」\ ^`Hey, ~i~you~i~ aren't supposed to say that!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0101.ogg" ;「あはは、だって皆んな、そんな顔してるんだもん」\ ^`Ahaha, well, you shouldn't act like it, then!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",2 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0071.ogg" ;「そういえば千尋ちゃん、他の人は?」\ ^`By the way, Chihiro... where's everybody else?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0037.ogg" ;「うん、会社の人とかたくさん来てたんだけど、 ; さっき帰っちゃった」\ ^`Been and gone. Plenty of people from her work came to see her, earlier.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0102.ogg" ;「ちなみに、手ぶらで見舞いに来たのは、あなただけよ」\ ^`And unlike you, ~i~they~i~ all remembered to bring me stuff.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0072.ogg" ;「うるさいわね、変な本、買ってきてあげたでしょうが」\ ^`You can shut up, I went and got you those stupid weirdo magazines, didn't I?'\ ;-- weird-person? would 'freak' do? or 'weirdo' ;== Aha, thanks, 'weirdo' is much better! !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0103.ogg" ;「あれは、ちゃんと代金渡したからお遣いであって、 ; お見舞いの差し入れとは言えないわね」\ ^`Only after I gave you the money for them. You can't really call that ~i~you~i~ bringing me stuff.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0073.ogg" ;「く、相変わらず屁理屈を…」\ ^`Huh, you've always got some silly argument...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0104.ogg" ;「でもね、やっぱ、うれしいもんよ」\ ^`But still, that doesn't mean I'm not happy.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0105.ogg" ;「毎日会っているような相手でも、こうやってお見舞いに来てくれるとさ」\ ^`It's nice of you to come and see me like this, even though you see enough of me every day.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0074.ogg" ;「メロンも持ってきて貰えるしね」\ ^`It's nice of us to bring you melons, too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0106.ogg" ;「ま、たまには病気も悪くないかなぁ」\ ^`I suppose it's not so bad, being ill once in a while...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え 夏の始め ;SE;>蝉の声 bg "haeleth\2\h006.png",5 wait 500 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;■プロローグ姫子06 ―夏― \ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0107.ogg" ;「それから数ヵ月…気の早い蝉が鳴く頃、」\ ^~i~`A few months later, when the first cicadas began to cry---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0108.ogg" ;「春には毎日のように来ていた、お見舞いの人が、ほとんど姿を見せなくなった頃、」\ ^~i~`---though the people who'd visited me daily all spring had practically stopped coming---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0109.ogg" ;「相変わらず私は、病院のベッドの上にいた…」\ ^~i~`---I was still there, in that hospital bed...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0038.ogg" ;「ふう、今日も暑いなぁ…」\ ^`Whew, it's hot again today...\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^A knock at my door---\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0039.ogg" ;「お姉ちゃん、もう食べ終わった?」\ ^`Are you finished, Himeko?\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0040.ogg" ;「そろそろトレーを返す時間なんだけど…」\ ^`The tray needs taking back...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0110.ogg" ;「私、こーゆーの苦手なのよね」\ ^`I've eaten everything I'm going to.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0041.ogg" ;「あ、またブロッコリー残してるし」\ ^`You've gone and left the broccoli again...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0111.ogg" ;「千尋、それより、売店でアイス買ってきてよ」\ ^`Don't worry about that, Chihiro. Just go and get me an ice cream from the stand.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0042.ogg" ;「ダメだよ、決められたもの以外は、控えなさいって言われてるんだから」\ ^`Don't be silly, you know you're not supposed to eat anything that's not part of your diet.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0112.ogg" ;「まあまあ、堅いこと言わないでよ」\ ^`Oh, come on, there's no need to get all fussy.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0043.ogg" ;「ダ・メ、それでなくても、この前、先生に注意されたところなのに」\ ^`Not happening. Sorry, but you can't go ignoring doctors' orders.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0113.ogg" ;「はーい、わかりましたぁ」\ ^`Oh all ~i~right~i~.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0044.ogg" ;「もう、返事だけは良いんだから…」\ ^`I wish you'd sound like you meant it...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0045.ogg" ;「いいことお姉ちゃん、また勝手に、売店で買ってきちゃダメだからね」\ ^`And don't let me catch you trying to sneak down and buy some yourself, okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0114.ogg" ;「わかってるって」\ ^`No, ``Mother''.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0046.ogg" ;「ふう、」\ ^`Haah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0047.ogg" ;「それじゃ、わたし、そろそろ行くね」\ ^`Well, I've gotta go, so...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0115.ogg" ;「ん? もしかして…上?」\ ^`Where? You mean... upstairs?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0048.ogg" ;「あ、うん…7F…」\ ^`Um, yeah... to the seventh...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0116.ogg" ;「そっか…」\ ^`Fair enough...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0117.ogg" ;「あなたも無理しないようにね」\ ^`You just take care of yourself, Chihiro.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0049.ogg" ;「うん、お姉ちゃんもね」\ ^`Sure. You too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE;>カチャ;>バタン bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 夏の終わり ;SE;>ヒグラシ dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0118.ogg" ;「あんなに長かった夏が終わりを告げ、」\ ^~i~`As that long summer drew to a close---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0119.ogg" ;「夕空にヒグラシの声が響く頃、」\ ^~i~`---even as the night air began to resonate with the song of the evening cicada---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0120.ogg" ;「今も私はここにいた。今日も彼女は、この場所に来ていた」\ ^~i~`---still I was there, and she was still coming to visit me.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^A knock at my door---\ dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0075.ogg" ;「入るわよ」\ ^`I'm coming in!\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0076.ogg" ;「よ、元気そうね」\ ^`Hey, you're looking happy.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0121.ogg" ;「おかげさまでね」\ ^`Thanks to you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\isu2b.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0077.ogg" ;「よいしょっと…」\ ^`Phew...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0122.ogg" ;「あら? お見舞いの品は?」\ ^`Hey, where's the pressie?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0078.ogg" ;「はあ?」\ ^`What?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0123.ogg" ;「相変わらず、手ぶらのようだけど」\ ^`Don't tell me you've come empty-handed ~i~again~i~?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0079.ogg" ;「なーに言ってるの、当然じゃない」\ ^`Course I have, what'd you expect?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0080.ogg" ;「むしろ、毎日来てるわたしを誉めて欲しいわ」\ ^`You could try being a little grateful that I even visit you every day.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0124.ogg" ;「えらいえらい、なでなで」\ ^`Good girl! Pat pat.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0081.ogg" ;「だぁっ、やめなさい」\ ^`Gah, stop that!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0125.ogg" ;「じゃあね、メロン持ってきてくれたら、皆勤賞あげるわ」\ ^`Tell you what, I'll give you a prize for perfect attendance if you bring me a melon.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0082.ogg" ;「い・ら・な・いわよ、そんなの」\ ^`Why'd you think I want ~i~that~i~?'\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;そんな他愛もない会話を、ベッドの横のパイプ椅子に座って話す。\ ;こんな光景も、今では見慣れたものへとなりつつあった。\ ^This scene -- Yuka in a metal chair by my bedside, as we natter away -- had become familiar.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0083.ogg" ;「あ~あ、せっかくの日曜なのになぁ」\ ^`Haah, what a waste of a Sunday...'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0127.ogg" ;「…悪いわね…優花…」\ ^`...sorry...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0084.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0128.ogg" ;「…この夏を、無駄にさせちゃってさ」\ ^`I've wasted your whole summer...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0085.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0086.ogg" ;「べ、別にいいわよ、も、元々、予定があった訳でもないしっ、 ; い、いつも、ついでで来てるだけなんだしっ」\ ^`N-no, you haven't wasted anything, it's not like I had any plans anyway, and, and I was always passing anyway, so...'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0087.ogg" ;「そ、その…えと…」\ ^`...so, so...\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\b.jpg",10,1500 wait 800 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" wait 500 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0088c.ogg" ;「も、もう、さっさと元気になりなさいよっ」\ ^`...so, j-just get better already!\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0089c.ogg" ;「またドライブでも何でも付き合ってあげるからっ」\ ^`I'll even go driving with you again, or anything you want!\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0090c.ogg" ;「………だからっ」\ ^`So... just...!'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0129.ogg" ;…それ以上、彼女の声はわたしの耳に届かなかった…\ ^But beyond that point, her voice stopped reaching my ears...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0130.ogg" ;暮れる空に響く、ヒグラシに消されて聞こえなかった。\ ^All I could hear was the cry of the evening cicadas, reverberating through the darkening sky.\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0131.ogg" ;ここに来て、早、3ヶ月…\ ^I'd been there, what, three months already...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0132.ogg" ;突然のことに自分自身、まだ現実ってのが実感できなかった…\ ^I suppose even I still hadn't quite grasped what was happening...\ dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwavestop 5 mov %flg2_cha2,1 mov %flg2_bplay,2 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_2 mov $sys_midasi,"^#03 / Himeko 2 [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "haeleth\2\h007.png",5 wait 500 bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" ;■プロローグ姫子07 ―二人― \ h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0133.ogg" ;「気づけば、木々の色が赤く染まり…」\ ^~i~`When I began to notice the leaves outside turning red---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0134.ogg" ;「病院での生活もすっかり慣れた頃…」\ ^~i~`---~n~when I found myself becoming totally accustomed to this hospital life---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0135.ogg" ;「私を訪ねてくる人は完全に途絶えても、今も私はここにいた」\ ^~i~`---~n~when nearly all my erstwhile visitors had stopped coming completely, there I still was.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0136.ogg" ;「今日もあの二人は…この場所に来ていた」\ ^~i~`Only those two could still be relied upon to appear.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>コンコン;>カチャ mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0050.ogg" ;「はい、お姉ちゃん。今日はプリン付きだよ」\ ^`Here you are, Himeko. There's crème caramel too today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0137.ogg" ;「そう…でも今は欲しくない」\ ^`Good-oh... but I don't really feel like it today...\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0138.ogg" ;「千尋、あんた食べなさいよ、プリン好きでしょ」\ ^`You have it, Chihiro. I know you like it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0051.ogg" ;「ダメ、これはお姉ちゃんの食事なんだから、 ; 自分でちゃんと食べないと」\ ^`Not gonna happen. This is ~i~your~i~ food, so you've got to eat it yourself.'\ ;-- was chihiro this forceful in the clip? ;== Quite forceful for Chihiro, but possibly not quite _that_ forceful. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0139.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これ食べたら、売店で肉まん買ってきてくれる?」\ ^`If I eat it, will you get me a nikuman from the stand?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0052.ogg" ;「もう、変な交換条件出さないでよ」\ ^`I'm not negotiating. Eat up.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^The door opened.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0091.ogg" ;「よ、元気そうね」\ ^`Hey, looking good.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0053.ogg" ;「あ、優花さん…」\ ^`Oh, Yuka!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0092.ogg" ;「なに? 今日もまた、好き嫌いで、駄駄こねてるの?」\ ^`What's up? Don't tell me she's being all fussy with her food again?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0054.ogg" ;「うん、お姉ちゃんったら、しょうがないのよ」\ ;^`Heh, you guessed. Silly girl.'\ ;-- Okay, chihiro's gone and turned into a little mini-devil the rate this is going... ;== I'm not sure what's devilish about this... "silly" is playful, and a pretty direct equivalent of ったら to my mind. Is it an aggressive word on your side of the pond? ;-- mmm the 'silly' in itself would depend on tone, but combined with 'girl' since Chihiro's the younger one, and boom, it feels like she's gone on a power trip ;== Interesting. To me, it seems quite natural for her to use 'girl' in this context (within a good enough relationship, in an informal and good-natured context like this, I've known women use it to the face of someone ten years their senior). ;== But I definitely don't want to give the impression Chihiro's being anything other than good-natured. And I can make it more literal at the same time: ^`Can't be helped, it's the way she is.'\ ;-- mm. it's probably the tradition ingrained into me about respecting older people etc. Internally that sort of thing often raises some kind of O.o! mark. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0093.ogg" ;「こらっ」\ ^`~i~Is it now?~i~'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE;>叩く音 ;dwave 5,"se2\kon01.ogg" ;コツンっ、\ ^She attacked.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0140.ogg" ;「あいたっ」\ ^`Oww!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0094.ogg" ;「千尋ちゃん困らせるんじゃないわよっ」\ ^`Can't have you getting your sister in trouble.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0095.ogg" ;「ったく、あんただけは、しょうがないわね」\ ^`I don't know, you really are a hopeless case...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0141.ogg" ;「うぅ、トレーの角で叩かなくても…」\ ^`Oww, that doesn't mean you have to hit me with the tray...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0096.ogg" ;「ほら、さっさと食べる食べるっ、無理やり、口ん中に入れちゃうわよ」\ ^`Come on, eat up like a good little girl, I'll stuff it down your throat if I have to.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0142.ogg" ;「わっ、わかったって、」\ ^`All right, all ~i~right~i~.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0143.ogg" ;「さっきのも、冗談で言っただけなんだから…」\ ^`I was only kidding anyway...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0097.ogg" ;「ん~、まだ、なんか言ってるのは、この口かっ」\ ^`Hmmm? Did you say something?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0144.ogg" ;「て、わ、こら止めなさいって」\ ^`Hey -- ow! Stop it!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0055.ogg" ;「あははは」\ ^`Ahahaha!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;■心情・情景;>長め dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0056.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉ちゃん…私、そろそろ時間だから…」\ ^`I've gotta go... see you soon, Himeko...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0145.ogg" ;「うん、先生達にもよろしくね」\ ^`Give my love to the doctors.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、パタン\ ^She left.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0098.ogg" ;「…千尋ちゃん、まだ続けてるんだ?」\ ^`Is she still doing that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0146.ogg" ;「ええ、今、7F担当だから大変だと思うわ…」\ ^`Yeah... she's helping on the seventh these days. Tough stuff.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0099.ogg" ;「そっか…確かそこって、ホスピスだったよね」\ ^`The seventh... oh, the hospice...? ...yeah.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;その言葉に私は小さく頷いてみる。\ ^I merely nodded slightly.\ ;そして、以前から心の片隅にあったことを、思い切って打ち明けてみた。\ ^And then I gathered the courage to open up to her something that had been burdening me for a while in a corner of my heart.\ ;彼女だからこそ、一番に伝えたかった…\ ^Something I wanted to say to her, of all people, most of all...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0147b.ogg" ;「ねえ優花…」\ ^`Um, Yuka...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0148b.ogg" ;「もしも、もしもだけどね…」\ ^`If I... um, and I mean ``if'', this is like just a maybe...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0149b.ogg" ;「いつか私が、7Fに入ったとしたら…」\ ^`But if ~i~I~i~ ever get... taken up to the seventh...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0100.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh...?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0101.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと、なに縁起でもないこと言ってんのよ」\ ^`H-hang on, what are you---nobody's even hinted you might---'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0150b.ogg" ;「ううん…聞いて…」\ ^`Please... let me say this...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0102.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0151b.ogg" ;「もし私が7Fに行った時は…」\ ^`If I ever get taken up there...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0152b.ogg" ;「もう…お見舞いには来ないでね」\ ^`Then... please, don't visit me after that...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;その言葉に俯いたままの優花。私だって、彼女の哀しそうな顔は見たくない。\ ^She looked so anguished at that thought that it hurt to see her face.\ ;だけど…もし本当に7F行きになってしまったら…\ ^But I knew that if it did actually come to that...\ ;もっともっと哀しませてしまう。 ;そんな優花の姿を見るのだけは耐えられそうになかった。\ ^...then I'd end up making her so much sadder that the sight of her would be more than I could bear.\ dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0103.ogg" ;「ば、ばかっ、なに言ってるのよっ」\ ^`S-stupid! Are you out of your mind?!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0104.ogg" ;「むしろ毎日でも行ってやるわ、皆勤賞モノよ」\ ^`Of course I'd visit you! Every day! I'd earn that attendance prize!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0105.ogg" ;「も、もちろん手ぶらで、お見舞いなんて絶対に持っていかないんだからっ」\ ^`I w-wouldn't bring any presents of course, that kind of thing's for people who hardly ever visit!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0106b.ogg" ;「だ、だから…そんなこと言わないでよっ」\ ^`So, so... so just don't say stupid things like that!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0153.ogg" ;「…優花…」\ ^`Yuka...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0107.ogg" ;「うぅ、ううっ…」\ ^`Y-you... ohh...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 !s80 ;…この狭い病室に、彼女の嗚咽が響いていた。\ ^Her sobs echoed around the cramped hospital room.\ ;今まで何年も共にして…^@^ ;夜通し話したって、話題が尽きたことは無かったのに…\ ^Though we'd been together so many years...^@^ though we'd never run out of things to talk about, even when we stayed up all night chatting...\ ;今の彼女にかける言葉を、私は持ち合わせてなかった。\ ^...then and there, I could think of no words to comfort her with.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 冬 bg "haeleth\2\h008.png",3 wait 500 bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;■プロローグ姫子08 ―冬― \ mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0154.ogg" ;「吹く風が、心地よいから、冷たいへと変わる頃、」\ ^~i~`As the breeze faded from gentle warmth to biting cold---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0155.ogg" ;「いつものように、ここへとやってくる二人」\ ^~i~`---even then they came, those two, the same as ever.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0156.ogg" ;「でも…ある日を境に、少し変わった」\ ^~i~`Until, one day, things changed a little.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>食器の音 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\sara03.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0157.ogg" ;「ごちそうさま…」\ ^`I'm finished...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0057.ogg" ;「あ、ちゃんとブロッコリーも食べたんだね」\ ^`Ooh, well done! You even ate the broccoli.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0158.ogg" ;「まあ、ホントは嫌いなんだけど…」\ ^`I choked it down somehow...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0058.ogg" ;「ねえ、他に何か欲しいものない?」\ ^`Anything else I can get you?'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0159.ogg" ;「うーん…売店のアイスが欲しいわね」\ ^`Not unless you're offering ice cream!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0160.ogg" ;「ついでに肉まんも欲しかったりして」\ ^`Get me a nikuman while you're down there, why don't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0059b.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0060b.ogg" ;「わかった、すぐ買ってくる」\ ^`Okay. I'll be right back.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0161.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ ^The door slammed behind her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0162.ogg" ;「…冗談のつもりだったのに…」\ ^`...I thought I was joking...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0163.ogg" ;「今まで…どんなに頼んでもダメだったのに…」\ ^`She must've refused to do that umpteen times before...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0061b.ogg" ;「はぁふぅ、た、ただいまっ」\ ^`Phew, I'm, back...\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0062b.ogg" ;「は、はい、ダッシュで買ってきたよ」\ ^`H-here, here you are, I hope I didn't take too long...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0063b.ogg" ;「ほら、まだ温かいから、美味しいよ」\ ^`Go on, don't let it get cold.\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0064b.ogg" ;「あ、アイスは、冷蔵庫に名前書いて入れておいたから」\ ^`Um, the ice cream is in the fridge... I put your name on it.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0165.ogg" ;「そう、ありがと…」\ ^`Um... thanks.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0065c.ogg" ;「うん、他にも欲しいものあったら言ってね」\ ^`And you'll just say if you want anything else, won't you?\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0066b.ogg" ;「それで、早く元気になって…」\ ^`So just get better soon...\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0067c.ogg" ;「また…一緒に教会行こうね?」\ ^`Then you'll come to church with us again, won't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0164.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0166.ogg" ;「千尋…」\ ^`Chihiro...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0167.ogg" ;「あなた、口調がヘルパーになってるわよ」\ ^`You've started to sound like a helper.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0068b.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0168.ogg" ;「どうやら、そういうことのようね」\ ;-- Feels like the topic had shifted already byt his point ;== Gah, do I feel silly or what? You are of course 100% correct. I'm afraid I'm going to have to stray from the text a little to translate the shift satisfactorily though. :P ^`Somehow... I think I can guess why.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\isu1.ogg" dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0069.ogg" ;「あ、えと、別にそんな…」\ ^`I, um, no, I...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0169.ogg" ;「隠さなくていいわ、私だって、伊達にやってなかったんだから」\ ^`You don't have to pretend. It's not like I'm not in here for fun.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0070.ogg" ;「お姉ちゃん…」\ ^`Himeko...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0170.ogg" ;「ま、さすがに半年以上、入院してたから、そろそろかなって思ってたしね」\ ^`I suppose I was wondering how long it would be. I've been stuck here half a year already, after all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" bg "e\sora06.jpg",5 wait 700 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0171.ogg" ;「…驚き、哀しみ、怒り、やるせない、寂しい…」\ ^Shock. Sadness. Anger. Despair. Desolation.\ !sd dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0172.ogg" ;「もしこの時の感情を、一言で表すなら…」\ ^If I had to describe my feelings in a word...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0173b.ogg" ;「…よく分からない、が最も近いだろう」\ ^...the closest would be ``confusion''.\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\kyoukai1l.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0174.ogg" ;「人は、受け入れ難い現実に出会った時…」\ ^I was confronted with a truth that was pretty hard to take in.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0175.ogg" ;「自分自身のことですら、客観視できるのかも知れない…」\ ^I wonder whether it's normal for people in such situations to be able to face reality head-on...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_____________________ ;・冬 ;SE;>風 ;SE;>風;>クリスマス bg "haeleth\2\h009.png",5 wait 500 ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子09 ―クリスマス― \ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0176.ogg" ;「冬の冷たい風が吹き、テレビにクリスマスソングが流れ出す頃、」\ ^~i~`While freezing winds howled outside, and Christmas songs took over the TV---\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0177.ogg" ;「こんな時にもずっと傍にいてくれる二人…」\ ^~i~`---even then, those two remained at my side.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0178.ogg" ;「まだ私自身、告知されていないけど…」\ ^~i~`Nothing had been said -- nothing was official.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0179.ogg" ;「7Fへと行く日は、そう遠くないのだろう」\ ^~i~`But it was plain enough that I would be moved upstairs before too very long.'\ !sd dwavestop 5 ;_;_ ;・クリスマス bg "en\w.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0108.ogg" ;「メリークリスマスっ」\ ^`Merry Christmas!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\kura.ogg" ;パパンパン、パンっ\ ^A broadside of party poppers.\ mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0180.ogg" ;「はいはい、メリークリスマス」\ ^`Yeah, merry Christmas and all that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0071.ogg" ;「ほら、お姉ちゃん、ケーキ買ってきたよ」\ ^`Here, Himeko, we brought you a cake.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0109.ogg" ;「あら、美味しそうね」\ ^`Ooh, that looks nice...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0110.ogg" ;「もぐもぐもぐ…」\ ^`Mmm, mm, yum...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0181.ogg" ;「て、なにイキナリ食べてるのよ」\ ^`Hey, what do you think you're doing, starting on it without us?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0111.ogg" ;「ふぃいじゃないよぉ、いっぱいあるんだから」\ ^`What'f the problem? There's plenty, isn't there?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0182.ogg" ;「こら、当然のようにイチゴ取るんじゃないわよ」\ ^`You -- put that back! Why should you get the strawberry?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0072b.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと優花さん、ちゃんと皿に分けるから」\ ^`Y-Yuka, please, let me share it out properly...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0112.ogg" ;「ふぁあい」\ ^`Ri---ght...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",2 bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0073.ogg" ;「ふう、美味しかったね」\ ^`Mmm, that was good.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0183.ogg" ;「そうね、ほとんど優花が一人で食べ尽くしたけど」\ ^`Yeah -- what Yuka left us was lovely.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0113.ogg" ;「なによ、今日みたいな日にまで来たんだから、これくらい良いでしょ」\ ;^`Huh, don't we ~i~deserve~i~ a little something for coming out on a day like this?'\ ;-- For some reason 'I' instead of 'we' feels more Yuka-ish to me ^`Huh, don't I ~i~deserve~i~ a little something for coming out on a day like this?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0114.ogg" ;「うぅ、ホントなら、今頃は素敵なイブを満喫してる頃なのに…」\ ^`To think I could have been enjoying a wonderful Christmas Eve right now...'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0184.ogg" ;「嘘ばっかり、どうせ相手なんていないくせに」\ ^`Liar. Like you've got anyone to spend it with.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0115.ogg" ;「ぐっ…くやしいけど反論できないわ」\ ^`...it hurts to admit it, but you're right.'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0074.ogg" ;「あと、お姉ちゃんこれ…」\ ^`Himeko, the other thing is...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0185.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^`What?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0075.ogg" ;「クリスマスプレゼント…マフラー編んでみたの」\ ^`Your present... I tried knitting you a scarf?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0186.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0076.ogg" ;「そのう、あんまり上手くないかも知れないけど…」\ ^`Um, I don't think I made a great job of it, but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0187.ogg" ;「ううん、ありがとうね、千尋…」\ ^`No... thank you, Chihiro.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0077.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0116.ogg" ;「ホント、姫子にはもったいない、よく出来た妹よね~」\ ^`You really don't deserve such a good little sister...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0188.ogg" ;「うるさいわね、相変わらず手ぶらのアンタがなに言ってるのよ」\ ^`Look who's talking, Miss Never-Brings-Presents.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0078.ogg" ;「まあまあ、二人とも…」\ ^`Be nice, you two...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;…いつもと変わらないやり取り。\ ^...such a normal exchange.\ ;優しい妹に、口うるさい親友。他愛ないことで笑い合う、何年も過ごしてきた日常の一コマ。\ ;違うのは、今日がクリスマスであり、ここが病院の5Fだということ。\ ;そして…間もなく7Fへと行くことだった。\ ^My sweet sister, my sharp-tongued friend, laughing together over some inconsequential thing -- a scene that had played out innumerable times over the years.\ ^All that was different this time was that it was Christmas -- and this was a room on the fifth floor of the hospital.\ ^I knew I'd be on the seventh soon enough.\ bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\isu1.ogg" !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0189.ogg" ;「じゃあさ千尋…」\ ^`Actually, Chihiro...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0190.ogg" ;「ついでに、もう一つ欲しいものがあるんだけど…」\ ^`While you're here, there is one other thing I want...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0191.ogg" ;「…いいかな?」\ ^`...I wonder if it's okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0079.ogg" ;「あ、うん? なに?」\ ^`Of course! What is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0192.ogg" ;「…ユーノス、持ってきて…」\ ^`...will you get me my car...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0080.ogg" ;「えっ」\ ^`Eh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0193.ogg" ;「車庫にあると思うから…」\ ^`It should be in the garage...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0081.ogg" ;「で、でも、お姉ちゃん…」\ ^`B-but, Himeko...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0194b.ogg" ;「悪いわね…どうしても乗りたいのよ…」\ ^`Sorry... I just really want to go for a drive...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd ;■心情・情景 dwave 5,"se2\katen.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\karakara.ogg" ;カラカラカラ、\ ^Opening the curtains---\ bg "en\yakei01.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" ;カーテンを開け、5Fの窓から眺めた街の夜景。\ ;その澄んだ冬空には、大きな月さえ顔を覗かせていた。\ ;そして…間もなくこの景色も、更に高い位置から眺めることになるのだろう。\ ^---I looked out of my fifth-floor window at the night scene.\ ^The giant moon peered back from a clear wintry sky.\ ^How long would it be before I got to look at this scene from a higher place still?\ dwavestop 5 ;僅か15cmしか開かない窓から、眺めることになるのだろう…\ ^How long before the window I gazed through would one of those that barely opens 15 centimetres...?\ !sd bg "en\b.jpg",5 !s90 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0102.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 5,"se2\isu1.ogg" dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0117b.ogg" ;「いいわよ、持ってきてあげる」\ ^`Don't worry. I'll get it.'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0082.ogg" ;「…優花さん?」\ ^`Yuka...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 wait 700 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0195d.ogg" ;「…さすが親友ね…」\ ^`I knew I could count on you...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0102.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0118.ogg" ;「……ふんっ」\ ^`...hmph.\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0119.ogg" ;「クリスマスくらい、手ぶらじゃ悪いと思っただけよ」\ ^`I just thought it looked a bit bad, not even bringing a present at Christmas, that's all.'\ !sd dwavestop 2 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3500 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 路上 bg "e\b.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^I closed the car door:\ bg "en\car_chu_y4.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_03.ogg" !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0196.ogg" ;「じゃあ、行くわよ」\ ^`Okay, let's go.'\ ;-- I don't think the clip was voiced with a ! mark, though it's been a long while !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\car_chu_y5.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0120b.ogg" ;「ええ…」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 2 mp3 "bgm2\2na_fb.mp3" bg "haeleth\2\h010.png",3 bg "haeleth\2\h010a.png",1 bg "haeleth\2\h010b.png",3 bg "haeleth\2\h010c.png",1 bg "haeleth\2\h010d.png",3 bg "haeleth\2\h010f2.png",1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0197.ogg" ;「ねえ、寒くない?」\ ^`Are you warm enough?'\ !sd dwave 6,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0121b2.ogg" ;「…激寒よ」\ ^`I'm freezing!'\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\car_run_y2b.jpg",1 bg "en\car_run_y2.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0198.ogg" ;「そう…やっぱり、この季節は向いてないわね…」\ ^`Mmm... I suppose this isn't really quite the season for this...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0122b.ogg" ;「バカ、乗る前に気づきなさいよ」\ ^`Stupid! Try thinking of that a bit sooner!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0199.ogg" ;「あはは、まあそうよね…」\ ^`Ahaha, I suppose I could have...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai1y.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0200.ogg" ;「優花…前の場所に行きたいんだけどさ…」\ ^`Yuka... I think I want to go back to that place...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0123b.ogg" ;「あの海?」\ ^`The beach?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0201.ogg" ;「うん、でも自信ないよ…ナビも地図もないし」\ ^`Yeah... but... I don't know if I can get there? Without a satnav or a map...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0124b.ogg" ;「別にいいわよ…好きなように走りなさい」\ ^`You'll be fine. Just drive till we get there.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0125c.ogg" ;「クリスマスの夜は…長いんだからさ」\ ^`Christmas night is... long enough.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0202.ogg" ;「そうね、わかったわ…」\ ^`You're right... okay then.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\car_run_y1.jpg",5 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0203.ogg" ;…名も知れぬ道を走るロードスター…\ ^We sped along, along roads whose names I don't even know---\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0204.ogg" ;暗い夜空が少しずつ白みだす頃、あの海へと向かっていた…\ ^---growing gradually nearer that beach, as the night sky grew gradually lighter.\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",10,2000 dwave 1,"tui3\himeko-0205.wav" ;…どうして、こんなことをしたくなったんだろうか…\ ^I wonder why I wanted to do that...\ dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"tui3\himeko-0206.wav" ;その厳密な理由は…自分でもわからなかった…\ ^The exact reason was unclear even to me.\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_run_y52.jpg",5 ;聞こえきた潮騒。春の日と変わらない、高いフェニックスの木。\ ;暗い空が完全に夜明けへと変わる頃…\ ;気づけば私達は、あの場所へと到着していた。\ ^The roaring sea, the tall palms, were exactly as they were last spring.\ ^As the night began to give way completely to daybreak, we realised that we had arrived.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ ^We alighted.\ dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0126b.ogg" ;「着いたわね…」\ ^`We made it...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0207.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\umibey2.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0127b.ogg" ;「ホント、よく無事に着いたもんね」\ ^`We actually made it safely...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0208.ogg" ;「どう、悪くないでしょ、私の運転も、この車も」\ ^`See, not bad, huh? My driving ~i~or~i~ my car.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0128b.ogg" ;「まあ、寒いのを除けばね」\ ^`Apart from the cold.\ !sd dwavestop 1 !w1500 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0129b.ogg" ;「そうだ、缶ジュース買ってきてあげる」\ ^`Ah, let me get some drinks.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\jihan1.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;チャリンチャリン、\ ^There was a vending machine. She pushed in some coins.\ dwave 5,"se2\jihan2.ogg" ;ガタゴン、\ ^A can clattered out.\ ;-- Fai-to! ;== shikushiku... dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0130b3.ogg" ;「あつつっ、すごい熱いわね、この自販機」\ ^`Oww, this thing sure serves drinks hot.\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>遠く;>こちらで加工 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0131b2.ogg" ;「姫子~、あんたコーヒーでよかったっけ?」\ ^`Himeko---, was it coffee you wanted?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0209.ogg" ;「ううん」\ ^`No...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0132b2.ogg" ;「じゃあ、ミルクティーにするー?」\ ^`Shall I get you a milk tea, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0210.ogg" ;「ううん…」\ ^`No...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "en\umibey2.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0133.ogg" ;「もう、早く決めてよ」\ ^`What then? Hurry up and decide!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0134b.ogg" ;「120円とはいえ、私が奢るなんて滅多にないんだからさ」\ ^`It's not like I buy you things often. Even if it is only 120 yen.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0211.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0135b.ogg" ;「ほら、なんでも良いから欲しいの言ってよ」\ ^`Look, you can have whatever you like, but I'm not playing guessing games.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0212.ogg" ;「…なんでも?」\ ^`...whatever I like?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0002b.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`Yes!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0213b.ogg" ;「じゃあ…^@^…地図が欲しいかも…」\ ^`Then...^@^ maybe a map...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0136b.ogg" ;「…地図? 地図ってあの地図のこと?」\ ^`...a map? You mean like a ~i~map~i~ kind of map?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0214.ogg" ;「うん…代わりにユーノスあげるから」\ ^`Yeah... and I'll give you my Eunos in exchange.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0137b.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh...?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0215.ogg" ;「…大切にしてね」\ ^`Take care of it, okay...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0138b.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",10,3000 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0139b.ogg" ;「うぅ、うう…ひっく」\ ^`Y-you...\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0140b.ogg" ;「ば、ばか、そんな哀しいこと、急に言わないでよっ」\ ^`S-stupid, don't go saying such, such sad things all of a sudden!'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0216.ogg" ;「あのね、どうやら私、7F行きみたいなんだ…」\ ^`See, it's just that it looks like I'm going to be going to the seventh...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0217.ogg" ;「もしかしたら…”バチ”が当ったのかも知れないね…」\ ^`Maybe you could say I'm getting what I deserve...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0218b.ogg" ;「だからさ…よかったら貰ってくれる? ユーノス」\ ^`So... could you look after it instead? My Eunos...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0141.ogg" ;「む、無理だよぉ…私には受け取れないよぉ」\ ^`I, I can't! I... can't take that!'\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\b.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0219.ogg" ;「それでね優花…前にも言ったけど…」\ ^`Then, Yuka... do you remember what I said before?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0220.ogg" ;「もう、お見舞いには来ないで欲しいの…」\ ^`How I don't want you to come and see me any more...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0142.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ ^She sobbed.\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0221c.ogg" ;「あ、あなたがそんな顔すると、私も辛いから…」\ ^`Seeing you looking like that just makes it worse for me, you see...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi12.ogg" ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0222.ogg" ;;「ごめんね…ごめんね…」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd ;dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",10,1500 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwavestop 5 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 後日 ;■プロローグ姫子11 ―地図― \ dwave 6,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1l2.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0001.ogg" ;…響きわたる鐘の音…\ ^~i~The hollow clamour of the bells...\ dwavestop 1 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" bg "haeleth\2\h011.png",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_torib.ogg" ;bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0223.ogg" ;「教会に、日曜学校へと向かう人が溢れ、」\ ^~i~`While the church overflowed with people heading for Sunday school---\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;bg "en\kyoukai1l2.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0224.ogg" ;「冬の寒さが本格的になった日、」\ ^~i~`---as winter set in and the days grew seriously cold---\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0225.ogg" ;「私の手首に巻いた腕輪は…青から白へと変わった」\ ^~i~`---they replaced my blue wristband with a white one.\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0226b.ogg" ;「結局、ユーノスは受け取ってもらえなかったけど…」\ ^~i~`I didn't manage to get her to accept my car...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0227b.ogg" ;「翌日…私の手元には地図が届いた」\ ^~i~`But, the next day, she did send me a map.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆BG 地図を見る姫子 bg "en\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\tizu01b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0228b.ogg" ;「…どうして、こんなモノを欲しがったのか…」\ ^~i~`I wonder why I wanted that...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0229.ogg" ;「やはりその厳密な理由は、自分でもわからなかった」\ ^~i~`I suppose the exact reason was unclear even to me.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\tizu01e.jpg",5 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0230d.ogg" ;「只…それ以来…彼女と会うことはなかった」\ ^~i~`But... from then on, she never visited me again.\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s100 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0231d.ogg" ;「彼女の皆勤賞は…そこで止まった…」\ ^~i~`That was the end of her attendance record.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 5,"se2\03_kami2.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 ;クリアフラグ mov %flg2_cha3,1 mov %flg2_bplay,3 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_3 mov $sys_midasi,"^#04 / 15th Summer [h]" dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;setwindow 210,250,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "caption" !sd erasetextwindow 0 !s120 dwave 0,"wn\setu_002.ogg" h_centreline ^~s~...that dazzling sun... that summer's day...^ ^~s~...that dazzling sun... that summer's day...\ dwavestop 0 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\w.jpg",1 bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 bg "haeleth\2\c00.png",5 bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ;あの日、初めて入院した日から迎える3度目の夏。\ ;もちろんずっと入院していた訳じゃない。自宅と通院とを挟みながらの毎日だった。\ ^The blazing sun. The chirping of cicadas. ^It looked like it was going to be hot again.\ ^This was the third summer since that day when I was first admitted to hospital.\ ^Of course, I hadn't spent all the intervening time inside. ^There'd been plenty of visits home, and periods when I'd just commuted to hospital.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_003.ogg" ;「半年前だろうか…最後に来てくれたのは…」\ ^`It's, what... six months since they last visited now...'\ !sd ;パジャマを着ている時間が少しずつ増え…^@^ ;それと反比例するように、わたしを訪ねてくれる人は減った。\ ;最初は毎日のように見舞いに来てくれたクラスメート達。\ ;かつて、友達と呼んでいた存在。\ ;でも今では、知り合いへと変わった。道で出会っても、2~3言の挨拶だけでその場を去っていく。\ ;間もなく、その知り合いは他人へと変わり、いつしか彼等の記憶からも消されることになるのだろう。\ ^The periods when I was confined to pyjamas had been getting longer and longer.^@^ And the frequency of visitors had fallen in inverse proportion to that.\ ^It was fine at first, when my classmates would drop by to see me almost daily. I used to be able to call them friends.\ ^Now they were little more than acquaintances. If we met in the street, we'd probably just exchange greetings and move on.\ ^I could see that they were soon going to become strangers, as I quietly slipped from their memories altogether.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_004.ogg" ;「どうやら、良い気がしないのだろう」\ ^`I guess it can't be nice, seeing what I've become.\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_005.ogg" ;「普通に生きている人にとって、わたしの存在ってのは」\ ^`I can't blame them for just wanting to live their lives, without having to know about this...'\ !sd ;わたしと会っても気分が晴れることはないだろう。 ;わたしのことを思い出しても同じなのだろう。\ ^And if seeing me in person was so distasteful an experience, it was vain to hope that thinking of me would be any better.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_006.ogg" ;「…だから、消すことにしたのだと思う」\ ^`I guess they've blotted me out...'\ !sd ;なのに下校時間の頃になると、毎日、窓から誰かが来るのを眺め続けた。\ ;そして半年も待ちつづけてから、外を見るのを止めた。\ ;やっと、部屋のカーテンを閉めることを覚えた。それを認めることにした。その理由を察した。\ ^Nonetheless, I always used to gaze outside at this time of day, in case anyone dropped by to visit me on her way home from school.\ ^I kept that up for half a year before I gave up.\ ^At last I began to keep my curtains closed. I admitted the truth. I guessed the reason.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_007.ogg" ;「3年もかけて、わたしにも分かるようになった」\ ^`After three years, I guess I can understand too...'\ !sd ;わたしのことを忘れるではなく…\ ;最初から知らなかったことに…見なかったことにしたいらしい。^@^ ;最初から、”何もなかったこと”にしたいらしい。\ ^It wasn't that they'd forgotten me...\ ^They wanted never to have known, never to have seen me.^@^ To make out nothing had ever happened at all.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_008.ogg" ;「彼等もまた…」\ ^`I guess, maybe...\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_009.ogg" ;「…目を瞑っていたいのかも知れない…」\ ^`...they just don't want to open their eyes...'\ !sd ;;☆BG 雨 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "en\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;何度目かの入退院を繰り返した頃、\ ;もう誰もわたしを訪ねてくることが無くなり、恐らくは、全ての人の記憶から消されてしまった頃…\ ;わたし達家族は、長く住み慣れた一戸建てから、アパートへと引越しすることになった。\ ;お母さんは近所のお弁当屋さんへ、パートに出るようになった。\ ;それがどんな意味を成すかは、自分にも理解できた。\ ;…入院費もバカにならない。\ ;病棟では、毎日のように入院患者の人達が、話題としていることだった。\ ;その家族の想像以上に、当人達は家族への負担を気にしていることを知った。\ ;そして、移ってきた古くて少し汚い木造建の新居。\ ;狭くなった上に、お父さんの通勤時間は2時間を超えた。 ;逆に、わたしの病院への距離は、歩いて3分となった。\ ;そんなボロくて狭いアパートを前にしてお父さんは、\ ;『ここは空気が良くて気持ちいいな』\ ;そう言って、笑った。お母さんも同じように笑ってみせてくれた。\ ;身体に障るだろうと、わたしの部屋につけてくれたクーラー。もちろん他の部屋にクーラーはなかった。\ ;パートに出るようになったお母さんは、よく残り物だと言って、コロッケやポテトを持って帰ってくれた。\ ;狭い部屋の中、一緒に食べた。いつも嬉しそうに笑ってくれた…\ ^After I'd been admitted to hospital countless times---\ ^---round about the time when the supply of visitors dried up, and I realised I'd vanished from their memories---\ ^---my family moved from our detached house, where we'd lived for so long, into a flat.\ ^And I gathered Mum had begun working part-time at a local lunch shop.\ ^It didn't take a genius to work out what ~i~that~i~ meant.\ ^I already knew the hospital fees were extortionate.\ ^Complaining about that is one of the main topics of conversation among the patients in the average ward.\ ^I don't think many people realise how well most patients know what a burden they are on their families.\ ^So we moved, and our new home was jammed into an old and rather dirty wooden block of flats.\ ^It was as bad as it sounds. Not only was it cramped, but the location added another two hours to Dad's commute.\ ^He put up with that because the place was only three minutes' walk away from the hospital.\ ^Dad stood outside the building with me and smiled.\ ^~i~``Nice place. Good bracing air.''\ ^Mum managed to laugh.\ ^Lest my health suffer, they laid in air conditioning in my bedroom. Nowhere else, of course.\ ^And Mum brought me stuff from work. They always seemed to have a lot of leftovers. Croquettes and fries and things.\ ^We ate them together in my snug little room. ^She always managed to keep laughing.\ !s100 ;…とても…^@^…辛かった。\ h_centreline ^It was... awful.^ ^It was...^@^ awful.\ !sd bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;それらの気遣いが、たまらなく辛かった。 ;有り難い、嬉しいよりも申し訳ない気持ちで一杯だった…\ ^All that kindness, all that care, was almost too painful to bear. I wasn't grateful or happy. I just felt guilty.\ ;”お前のせいだ”\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_010.ogg" ;「きっと…そう言って欲しかったのかも知れない」\ ^`I guess I must've wanted them to say it straight...'\ ^~i~``This is your fault.''\ ;-- It's vague who's wanting what... I wound up reading it the other way... ;== I'm not sure it is vague actually -- the choice of 欲しかった rather than 欲しがった makes it pretty obvious that you're right and I'm wrong. (Fixing it requires a bit of script shuffling...) !sd ;もっとなじって欲しかった、優しくされるのが辛い… ;どうにもならない自分自身に苛立ちが募り、怒りすら覚えた。\ ;もし、神さまが居るのならば、早く治して欲しいと思った。 ;それが無理ならば、今すぐ死なせて欲しいとさえ思った。\ ;他の人達が、わたしの存在を消そうとする中…\ ;それとは逆に、より際立たせようとする両親。\ ;…それが余計に辛かった。優しくされても、それに報いることの出来ない自分を恨んだ。\ ;世の中に無数にある、”不運”というモノの一つが、偶然、自分の上に降りたことを呪った…\ ;こんな時こそ…わたしも笑顔を向け、明るく振舞うべきかも知れないけど…\ ;本当はあまり好きじゃなかったポテトを、黙って食べるくらいしか出来なかった…\ ^I wish they'd said that. That's how awful it was...\ ^I was certainly annoyed enough at my helplessness... ^I even felt anger.\ ^Why, if there was a god, was he not only refusing to help me, but refusing even to let me just get it over with and die?\ ^Instead I lingered, while everyone else blotted me out.\ ^That only made my parents' sacrifices stand out all the more.\ ^It was a bitter cup. And bitterer still was the knowledge that it was pointless, because I would never be able to repay them for their kindness.\ ^Why did this accursed world have to reserve one of its countless unhappy fates for me?\ ^But I too was bound by duty, so all I could do was smile back, and pretend to be pleased.\ ^And eat those leftovers without letting on that, to be perfectly honest, I didn't really like fries at all.\ mp3fadeout 3000 stop bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;ミーンミンミン、\ ^The blazing sun. The chirping of cicadas.\ ;mp3loop "bgm\e01.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;灼けた日射しと蝉の声。\ ; [translated above] ;白い梅雨空が明け、完全に夏のものへと変わる頃、何度目かの入院を繰り返し、やっと退院した。\ ;でも、それで終わりではなかった。\ ;退院とは、次に入院するまでの、長い通院生活の始まりを指す言葉でもあった。\ ;…炎天下の中、歩いて3分の距離を、パジャマ姿のまま今日も病院へ向かう。\ ;付き添いで来ようとするお母さんには、”大丈夫だから”と告げた。\ ;自分なりに気を遣ったつもりだけど、その言葉に寂しそうな顔を向けられるとわたしも辛かった。\ ^It was about the time when the pale skies of the rainy season brightened, and summer began in earnest.\ ^I was leaving hospital again after yet another stay inside.\ ^Not that that meant much.\ ^The only sense in which I was leaving was that I was going to get to live at home for a while, until the next admission.\ ^And even then, I'd be spending plenty of time coming in for tests and the like.\ ^The sky blazed above me as I took that three-minute walk to the hospital, dressed as usual in my pyjamas.\ ^I'd only just managed to persuade Mum not to accompany me.\ ^That had been unexpectedly unpleasant. All I'd said was that I'd be fine without her.\ ^I'd never thought she could look so sad.\ bg "en\a007.jpg",5 ;ふと、足を止めた先にはどこかの学校。\ ;恐らくは小学校だろう。\ ;既に夏休みに入った為か、ほとんど人の姿は見えなかった。\ ;;dwave 0,"wn\setu_018.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^I stopped walking when I saw I was outside a school.\ ^I think it was probably a primary school. There weren't many people around, likely because this was during the holidays.\ ^`......'\ !sd ;そんな、ひと気のない校庭を前にし、何故かわたしは見つめてしまう。思わず足を止めてしまう。\ ;時折、元気に走り回る子供達の姿を見つけては、その姿を目で追ってしまう…\ ;炎天下の中、長袖のパジャマが暑かった。こんな姿で校庭を眺める自分が、ひどく場違いに思えた。\ ^I don't know why I found myself staring into that place, but my feet stopped moving of their own accord.\ ^From time to time my eyes lighted on some kid's figure running happily around, and my gaze was tugged along after them for a bit.\ ^But it was hot, and particularly so in those long-sleeved pyjamas. And I felt horribly out of place, standing there like that.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;…しばらくその場で立ち尽くしてから、また歩き始めるわたし。\ ;但し、行き先は病院ではなく家だった。\ ;そして、部屋に帰ると、箪笥にしまったままだったセーラー服を取り出す。\ ;…3年ぶりに袖を通した、新品同様の制服。かつて、一週間ほどしか着ていなかった。\ ;そして今のわたしにとっては…唯一のパジャマ以外の服だった。\ ^So after a while I started walking again.\ ^Except I wasn't heading towards the hospital any more. ^I was heading home.\ ^When I got there, I rifled through my drawers till I found where I'd stuffed my old school uniform.\ ^It looked new.\ ^Well, I guess it was; I can't have worn it for more than about a week. Now I slipped it on for the first time in three years.\ ^I didn't have much choice in the matter. ^That was the only outfit I had left that wasn't pyjamas.\ dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;再び、炎天下の中を歩く。 ;うるさい蝉の声も、流れる汗も先程と同じ。\ ;でも、通りを歩く人が、わたしに目をとめることはない。\ ;このわたしも、町の風景の一部として、日常を築く為のパーツとして…『認められた』気がした。\ ;そして、先ほどの校庭へと入っていくと、目の前に並ぶ、小さな子供用の鉄棒。\ ;わたしはそこへと手を伸ばすと、\ ^And once more I stepped outside, into that oven-like world of sweat and cicadas.\ ^This time, nobody stared. I was just part of the town's natural everyday scenery.\ ^This time, I felt `accepted'.\ ^When I reached the school this time, I carried on into the playground, and stopped when I reached one of the little sets of horizontal bars.\ ^My hands fell upon it.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_022.ogg" ;「…んっ…」\ !sd ;腕に力を入れ、思いっきり引きながら大地を蹴る。\ ;一瞬だけ宙に浮いたような感覚から…^@^くるりと回る身体。\ ^Grunting with effort, I put all my strength into those arms and, pulling hard, kicked off from the ground.\ ^For just one moment, I felt myself float...^@^ then my body spun.\ bg "en\a002a.jpg",1 dwave 0,"wn\setu_043.ogg" bg "en\a002b.jpg",3 bg "en\a002.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setu_012.ogg" ;「…まだ大丈夫」\ ^`...I'm still okay,' I found myself whispering.\ !sd ;何故かそんな呟きをこぼしながら、鉄棒の上から見た景色。\ ;強い日射しがグラウンドを白くさせ、陽炎のように地面を揺らしていた。\ ;時折聞こえてくる楽しげな子供達の声と、自らが夏の主役であることを主張する蝉の声。\ ;既に体重を支えることに震え始めた腕で、わたしは、”今”を感じていた。\ ;…どうして、突然こんなことをやりたいと思ったのだろうか…\ ;その厳密な理由は自分でも分からない。\ ;今では、パジャマ以外の服を着ることがなくなり、またその必要に迫られることもなくなった。\ ;それを寂しいと思ったのか…それとも、自らの体力がまだ大丈夫だと確信したかったのか…\ ^The ground was bleached by the brightness of the sunlight; it hazed and wavered with the heat.\ ^The air, though disturbed from time to time by the happy voices of children, was filled primarily with the buzzing of cicadas, the season's true masters.\ ^My arms were already starting to tremble from my body's weight, but I held myself there, savouring the moment.\ ^I don't know why I'd suddenly wanted to do that.\ ^That was a secret even to myself.\ ^I'd gone so long without wearing anything but pyjamas, and without having any reason to.\ ^Maybe I just felt that was sad...\ ^Or maybe I wanted to test my own body, to see whether there was still any strength in me...\ bg "en\a003.jpg",5 dwave 0,"wn\setu_013.ogg" ;「わたしは…皆んなと同じはず…」\ ^`I ought to be... like everyone else...'\ !sd ;…普通の皆んなと同じで、”あちら側”にいる筈だと。^@^ ;だから逆上がりくらいで、こんな辛そうな顔はしない筈だと。\ ^I ought to have been one of the crowd. An ordinary person.\ ^A simple bit of gymnastics like that shouldn't have made me screw up my face with pain.\ dwavestop 5 ;そう思うから、無理にでも笑顔を作ってみようとするけど…\ ;震える腕を止めることも出来ず、やはりそれも…^@^わたしには難しいようだった…\ ^Knowing that, I had to try to force a smile.\ ^But when I couldn't even stop my arms shaking, even a smile was pretty tough to produce.\ bg "en\a004.jpg",5 bg "en\w.jpg",3 mp3fadeout 3000 stop bg "en\nar011.jpg",3 bg "en\nar01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setu_0000.ogg" bg "en\nar01.jpg",5 bg "en\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "en\nar01d.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;ミーンミンミン、\ ^Sun. ^Cicadas.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" dwave 0,"wn\setu_011.ogg" ;「…暑……」\ ^`...too hot...'\ !sd ;まだ午前中だというのに、熱気に揺れるアスファルト。\ ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ;そんな中、いつものように一人で病院へと向かう。\ ;この距離だから、別にパジャマのままでも良いのに、外出時にはよくセーラー服を着るようになっていた。\ ;…恐らくわたしは、まだ揺れているのだろう。\ ;この揺れがいつまで続くかは自分でも分からない。ある日、ぱたっと諦められる程度かも知れない。\ ;只、3年という時間は、人を変えるに十分すぎるのだと思うようになった。\ ^It was still only midmorning, but the asphalt was wavering in the heat. It was going to be another scorcher.\ ^As always, I was trudging through the baking air towards the hospital.\ ^It being so close, I could quite well have kept my pyjamas on, but I'd started mostly wearing my school uniform when I went outside.\ ^I guess I myself was still wavering.\ ^I didn't know how long I'd continue to waver. ^Maybe I was doomed to roll over and give up one day.\ ^I was coming to realise that three whole years is more than enough time to change someone.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",5 ;そして、例の学校も越え、目の前に病院の入り口が見えた時…\ ^It was as I passed that school, and as the hospital entrance came into sight ahead...\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_014.ogg" ;「…ボタン、取れかかってる…」\ ^`...I'm... losing a button...'\ !sd ;手に持った小さなトートバック。\ ;取手を留める為のボタンがほつれていることに気づいた。\ ;いつからかは分からないけど、ここまで来て家に引き返す訳にはいかない。\ ;だからわたしは、胸にカバンを抱えるようにして、そのまま病院へと向かうことにした。\ ^I was looking down at the tote bag I was carrying. One of the buttons that fastened the handle on had come loose.\ ^There was no way I was going to turn around and go home, not now that I'd come all that way.\ ^So I hugged the bag in both arms instead of toting it, and headed on into the hospital.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ;いつもの先生と、いつもと変わらないやり取りをし、今日の診察も終わった。\ ;体調が落ち着いている時は週1回、週3回になると短期入院の兆しのようだった。\ ;…これで今週の診察も終わった。\ ;そんなことを思いながら、わたしは1Fの外来出入り口へと向かう。\ ^......\ ^I had the usual conversation with the usual doctor, and that was the end of today's examination.\ ^When my condition was stable, this was a weekly event; when it started happening three times a week, that was a sign that I was going to be hospitalised again for a bit.\ ^Still, that was the last examination of the week.\ ^I headed for the ground floor and the main exit.\ bg "en\a006.jpg",5 ;午後の休診時間に入った為か、ほとんど人の見えなくなった外来通路。\ ;時折、インターンらしき人を、ぞろぞろ引き連れて歩くどこかの先生。\ ;慌しく救急窓口へと向かう看護婦さん。\ ;食事制限を受けているだろうに、売店で買い食いする入院患者。 ;手首に見える、緑の腕輪は消化器系だと聞いていた。\ ;これも全て、特に変わり映えしない普段の病院の姿だった。\ ;そして、そんな売店の前で…\ ;初めて、わたしはその人と会った。\ ^The corridor was practically empty, probably because there weren't any more examinations going on at this time of the afternoon.\ ^People hurried past from time to time. Interns, and groups of visiting doctors, and nurses rushing to handle emergencies.\ ^Inpatients buying food from the stand, probably because their diets were being restricted. Those green wristbands meant they were from the gastroenterology wards.\ ^This was a pretty standard hospital scene. There was nothing special happening.\ ^Except... it was there, in front of that retail stand, that I first met her.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\sabu_006.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^`Hey, you...'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_015.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd ;突然、明るい声で呼び止められ驚いてしまう。\ ;振り返った先にはパジャマ姿の見知らぬお姉さん。\ ;もしや、入院していた時の知り合いかとも思ったが、その顔や姿に見覚えはない。\ ^I was understandably surprised to be accosted at all, let alone so cheerfully.\ ^Turning, I found myself face to face with a young woman in pyjamas.\ ^I wondered briefly whether it might be someone I'd met while I was hospitalised, but if so, I certainly couldn't place her.\ bg "en\a006.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setu_016.ogg" ;「…なにか?」\ ^`...what?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_007.ogg" ;「それ、ボタン取れかかっているわよ」\ ^`You're losing a button.'\ !sd ;言いながら、わたしのトートバックを指差す。\ ;只の親切心かも知れないけど、既に自覚していることを告げられ返答に困ってしまった。\ ^She pointed to my bag.\ ^No doubt it was very kind of her to say, but I was lost for an answer. What ~i~did~i~ one say to someone who pointed out something one already knew?\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_017b.ogg" ;「…そうね…」\ ^`...so I am.'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_008.ogg" ;「そうねって、それだけ? 他に言うことは?」\ ^`Is that it? Aren't you forgetting to say something?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_018b.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_019d.ogg" ;「……どうも…」\ ^`...thanks...'\ !sd ;言いながら小さく頭を下げた。\ ;さすがに知っていると答えるのは躊躇われた。かといって、ありがとうとも答えづらかった。\ ;…見たことのないお姉さん。長い黒髪と明るい声が印象的だった。\ ;病院の備え付けスリッパでないところを見ると、通院ではなく、入院中の人で間違いないのだろう。\ ;…細い手首に見える腕輪の色は白。それは初めて見る、わたしの知らない色だった。\ ^I bowed my head slightly.\ ^Obviously I couldn't merely have told her I knew. ^On the other hand, that made it equally hard to thank her.\ ^I definitely didn't know her. ^Nobody I knew had impressive long black hair like that, or such a bright voice.\ ^And I could tell that she was an inpatient from her slippers. They weren't the kind the hospital supplied to visitors.\ ^The band on her wrist was white. It was the first white one I'd seen. I didn't know what it might mean.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_009.ogg" ;「ねえ、直してあげよっか?」\ ^`Well, do you want me to mend it for you?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_020c.ogg" ;「えっ……」\ ^`...huh?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_010.ogg" ;「私、ソーイングセットも持ってるから」\ ^`I've got a sewing kit, if you do.'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_021c.ogg" ;「…でも……」\ ^`...but...'\ !sd ;突然の言葉にわたしは戸惑ってしまう。それは、ボタンがどうこうという意味ではなかった。\ ;ここ数年、消されるだけの存在だった自分にとって、 ;相手から進んで繋がりを持たれることは全くなかった。\ ^I was floundering. Not because of the button, or anything. No, it was because I was so used to being invisible.\ ^For several years, it had been unheard-of that someone else should voluntarily choose to associate with me in any way.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_011.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、ほら、いらっしゃい」\ ^`Don't worry, it's no trouble. Come on, this way.'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_022.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_012b.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、別に変な場所じゃないから」\ ^`Stop looking so scared! I'm not taking you anywhere nasty.'\ !sd ;その言葉を最後に、すたすたと歩き始めるお姉さん。\ ;わたしは複雑な気持ちを抱えたまま、その後に続いた。\ ^And with that she began to lead me away.\ ^I followed, while complex emotions churned within me.\ mp3fadeout 3000 stop bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;乗り込んだエレベーター。\ ^We took the lift up.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;お姉さんは黙って、最上階を押した。\ ^She waited for me to join her in it, then pressed a button.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_023.ogg" ;「…7F?」\ ^`...the seventh?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_013.ogg" ;「あら、もしかして知ってた?」\ ^`Oh, you know about it, do you?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_024.ogg" ;「…ううん…それほどは…」\ ^`No... I mean, not really...'\ !sd ;7F。 ;いわゆるホスピスと呼ばれる場所。\ ;わたしも詳しくは知らないし、もちろん行ったことも無い。 ;第一、関係者以外は入れないとも聞いている。\ ;そこに向かうということは、このお姉さんは7Fの人なのだろうか…\ ^The seventh floor. ^The hospice.\ ^I'd heard very little about it. ^I'd certainly never been up there before. ^So far as I knew, you couldn't. Not without a good reason.\ ^But from the fact that we were heading that way, it was safe to deduce that that was where she belonged...\ bg "en\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;;☆BG 7F廊下 ;SE>エレベーターのチン dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;やがて到着したエレベーター。すぐ目の前がナースステーションのようだった。\ ;そして、ドアが開くと同時に、一斉にこちらに視線を向ける看護婦さん達。\ ^At length the lift stopped. The first thing I saw when the doors opened was what looked like a nurses' station.\ ^With several nurses, all looking straight back at me.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_014.ogg" ;「あ、私の知り合いだから」\ ^`Oh, she's with me.'\ !sd ;その一言で、また何かの作業を再開する。もうわたし達の方を見ようともしなかった。\ ;只、わたしには初めて来たこの場所が…\ ;例えようのない、独特の重苦しい雰囲気に思えた。\ ^That appeared to satisfy them; they all went back to their work without giving me so much as a second glance.\ ^But those silent stares left a lasting impression on me. Even on this first visit, the atmosphere up here felt incomparably oppressive.\ ;;☆BG 談話室 bg "en\danwa.jpg",5 ;お姉さんに連れられやってきた、談話室のような場所。\ ;明らかに普段わたし達が入院している、3Fや他の階とは違う。こんなソファやテレビはない。\ ^I followed my companion through to some kind of lounge area.\ ^This was nothing like the parts of the hospital I was used to, like the third floor I normally stayed on.\ ^Up here, there were sofas and a television.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_016.ogg" ;「じゃあ、すぐに直してあげるわね」\ ^`Okeydokey, give me that and I'll get it mended.'\ !sd ;そう言って、わたしのトートバックを受け取ると、手馴れた感じでボタンを付け直すお姉さん。\ ;それを同じようにソファに座って眺めるわたし。\ ;辺りを見回しても、人の気配は少なく、たまにお年寄りやヘルパーらしき人が通る程度だった。\ ^She took my bag, and began to sew the button back in place with expert hands.\ ^I sat myself down on a sofa and watched.\ ^There was barely anybody around. Just the occasional passing senior citizen, and people who looked like their helpers.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_017.ogg" ;「ところであなた…」\ ^`By the way...\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_018.ogg" ;「風邪でもひいたの? それとも誰かのお見舞い?」\ ^`...are you in with a cold? Or did you come to visit someone?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_025.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_026b.ogg" ;「…今は…通院中だから…」\ ^`...I'm... coming in for examinations...'\ !sd ;どう答えようか悩んだが正直に言った。^@^ ;先日退院して今は通院中だとも付け加えた。\ ^It took me a moment to think how to reply.^@^ I added that I'd been discharged quite recently, which seemed an adequate explanation.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_019.ogg" ;「ふーん、あなたも大変そうね」\ ^`Oh, poor you.\ ;-- Somehow feels like a stretch still... mostly 'cause it repeats later.. ;== It repeats, yes, but with a different voice clip and different intonation, so I think it's reasonable to consider a different translation. In my book it's OK to be quite flexible translating short phrases like this that are intended to convey a feeling ("I have listened to what you have said and sympathise with your situation") rather than factual information. !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_020.ogg" ;「ちなみに、部活は何やってるの?」\ ^`So, what club are you in?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_027.ogg" ;「…部活?」\ ^`...club?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_021.ogg" ;「だって今は、夏休みのはずでしょう」\ ^`It's the summer holidays, isn't it?'\ !sd ;言いながら、わたしの制服を指差す。\ ^She was looking at my school uniform. It was a reasonable guess; there aren't that many reasons to wear uniform out of term time.\ ;-- Is the explanation necessary? ;== I think so. In Britain, children attending a school club during the holidays would wear whatever they liked, not school uniform, so the explanation serves as a way of indicating that wearing uniform is customary in Japan (I don't think this is clear enough to leave it implicit). Working it into the narrator's voice like this lets me avoid breaking the reader's concentration with a footnote. dwave 0,"wn\sabu_022.ogg" ;「入院してたくらいだから文化部かしら? もしくは運動部のマネージャーとか?」\ ^`If you can do it while you're still coming into hospital... I suppose it's the literature club, is it? Or are you the manager of one of the sports clubs?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_028.ogg" ;「別に…なにもやってない…」\ ^`No... I don't really do anything...'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_023.ogg" ;「あら? 意外な回答だったわね」\ ^`Now ~i~there's~i~ an unexpected reply.'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_029.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_024.ogg" ;「…もしかして…パジャマは嫌い?」\ ^`Don't tell me... you hate pyjamas, don't you?'\ !sd ;突然の鋭い問いに、わたしは返す言葉が見つからなかった。\ ;別にパジャマが嫌いな訳ではないけど、その明確な理由は、言葉では上手く伝えられない気がした。\ ;そして、お姉さんの問いとは…^@^恐らくは、そのことを指しているのだろう。\ ;言葉の通りに、只、パジャマが好きかを訊ねている訳ではなかった。\ ^I hadn't seen that one coming. ^I was utterly unprepared to answer such a shrewd question.\ ^I didn't particularly hate them. But nor did I think I could quite explain the real reason why I didn't want to wear them.\ ^She probably knew that. Her question suggested as much.\ ^It was unlikely she was really interested in my opinions on nightwear.\ ;;dwave 0,"wn\sabu_025.ogg" ;;「あなたって入院する時は何階?」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd ;;dwave 0,"wn\setu_030.ogg" ;;「…3F…たまに2Fの検査棟もあるけど…」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_031b.ogg" ;「お姉さんは…ここの人?」\ ^`Do you... live up here?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_026.ogg" ;「ええ、こう見えても7Fの住人よ」\ ^`Oh, sure. I may not look it, but I'm proper seventh material.\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_027.ogg" ;「手っ取り早く言えば、死亡確定者ってことね」\ ^`To put it bluntly, that means I'm dying.'\ !sd ;噂程度しか知らなかったことを、直接、7Fの人にあっさり言い切られた。\ ;死という単語を明るく楽しげに言えるお姉さん。少なくともわたしには理解できそうになかった。\ ;なのにその口調は明るく楽しげで、わたしとしても余計に返し辛い。\ ;…この人は、一体なにを考えているのだろうか…\ ^Elsewhere in the hospital, that was a matter of whispers and rumour. Evidently up here it was merely a fact of life.\ ^I couldn't understand how someone could speak of death so cheerfully. Least of all, of her own death.\ ^I wondered what could possibly be going through her head as she said that...\ ;;■心情・情景>陽気に答えるとか\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_028.ogg" ;「ねえねえ、良かったらまた遊びに来てよ」\ ^`You'll come and see me again, won't you?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_032c.ogg" ;「…わたしが?」\ ^`...do you want me to?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_029.ogg" ;「うん、何もやることが無くて退屈なのよぉ」\ ^`Of course! There's nothing to do up here. It's boring.\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_030.ogg" ;「それにここは、面会時間も遅くまで大丈夫だから」\ ^`But the visiting hours are nice and long.'\ !sd ;そしてお姉さんは、この7Fについて色々と教えてくれた。\ ;今まで曖昧にしか知らなかったけど、ここが死を待つ場所であるという噂は本当のようだった。\ ^And she told me a bit about life on the seventh.\ ^The rumours were true. This was indeed nothing more than a place where people waited to die.\ ;-- the 'nothing more' bit seems to add quite a bit of spin to the line ;== I think the reason I added it is that I thought the rumours had to be negative ones. It didn't seem plausible that it would be any secret that the seventh floor was the hospice, and a hospice is by definition a place where people wait to die, so it's not clear what scope there _is_ for rumours that aren't negative. ;== TODO: think about this one. ;-- mm. your interpretation has merits. I took it more from the lines of 'hospitals are where people get treated' -> 'hospice is a place where people wait to die (contradicting 1) even when they say pretty things to cover it' and left the rumored negativeness at that ;== Another possibility is that the rumours could have been along the lines of "The doctors say there's always hope [for new treatments to come along etc], but in reality there's no hope of a cure once you reach 7F" -- not specifically negative, but still just about justifying the "nothing more". I'm still thinking about this one though. dwave 0,"wn\sabu_031.ogg" ;「他にもルールとかあるんだけど、これ以上は言えないわ」\ ^`There's a bunch of other rules and stuff... but I can't tell you about those.'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_033.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^`...why not?'\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_032.ogg" ;「そりゃあ決まっているじゃない」\ ^`Isn't it obvious?\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_033.ogg" ;「あなたは…ここの住人ではないからよ…」\ ^`You're... not one of us. That's why...'\ !sd ;そう呟いた時だけ…暗い顔をした。\ ;その表情は寂しそうでもあり、厳しさも湛えているようにも思えた。\ ;…今もこんな服を着て、かつての日常に未練がましく縋るわたし。\ ;そんな自分とは違って、このお姉さん…いや、7Fの住人とは、\ ;全てを認め、既に覚悟を決めた人達なのだろうか…\ ^That was the one time she almost looked sad.\ ^Only almost. What coloured her face was more loneliness. But more than anything, her expression seemed stern.\ ^I was still lingering, regretful, clinging to what remained of my former life; I was even dressed in my old school uniform.\ ^She was different. ^She, and all the other residents of the seventh.\ ^They had accepted everything. ^They were prepared for the inevitable.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_034.ogg" ;「ま、通院に来たついでにでも寄ってよ」\ ^`Look, come up here if you can when you're in for your tests, okay?\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_035.ogg" ;「どんなに頑張っても、あと半年くらいだからさ」\ ^`It's not like I'll trouble you for long. I've got, what, maybe six months now...'\ !sd ;そう言って別れ際に、もう一度だけ嬉しそうな顔を向けた。\ ^Then, as we parted, she smiled once more.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\w.jpg",1 ;dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;長い黒髪と白いビニールの腕輪。 ;明るく楽しげな話し方が印象的だった。\ ^Long black hair, a white plastic wristband... but that bright and cheerful manner of speaking was her most striking feature.\ !s80 ;お互いに、まだ名前すら知らない。\ ^We hadn't even exchanged names at that point.\ !s80 ;…15の夏…^@^これが最初の出会いだった。\ ^My fifteenth summer...^@^ that was when I first met her.\ !sd dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 0,"wn\setu_011.ogg" ;「…暑……」\ ^`...hot...'\ !sd ;数日後。再び病院を訪れるわたし。\ ;但し、別に今日は検診日では無かった。\ ^A few days later, I visited the hospital again.\ ^This time, however, I wasn't in for tests.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 ;…よかったら遊びに来てよ…\ ;先日、知り合ったお姉さんの言葉。\ ;それが、なんとなく気になっていたのと、7Fという場所に、何故か興味を持っていたのかも知れない。\ ^~i~---you'll come and see me again, won't you?~i~, she'd said.\ ^I couldn't forget those words. Maybe the seventh itself had fascinated me as well.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ^Ching!\ ;-- You guys really use 'Ching' for bell sounds? that's spiffy ;== And convenient, too! ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;やってきた最上階。\ ;こちらを見る看護婦さんに軽く頭を下げると、わたしは教えられたお姉さんの病室へと向かう。\ ^The top floor at last.\ ^The duty nurse looked my way. I bowed my head in response, then headed for the room the woman had told me was hers.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ ^I knocked---\ dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0236.ogg" ;「あ、はい、どうぞ」\ ^``Hello, do come in!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ^I opened the door---\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0001.ogg" ;「…来たわよ…」\ ^`...I'm here...'\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0237b.ogg" ;「いらっしゃい、待ってたわ」\ ^`There you are! I've been expecting you.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0238.ogg" ;「ささ、座って座って、今日は暑かったでしょ?」\ ^`C'mon, sit down, how are things? It must be hot today?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0002.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^`...yeah...'\ !sd dwave 5,"se2\isu2b.ogg" ;ベッドから身体を半分起こすと、隣にあるパイプ椅子を勧めるお姉さん。\ ;初めて入った7Fの病室は、普段居る3Fとは少し違うように感じた。\ ^She was sitting up in her bed, waving me into a chair beside her.\ ^This was the first bedroom I'd been in up here. It felt a bit different from the third-floor wards I was used to.\ ;dwave 5,"se2\isu2b.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0239.ogg" ;「悪かったわね、でもね、きっと来てくれると思ってたわ」\ ^`Sorry to drag you up here, but I knew you wouldn't mind coming.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0240.ogg" ;「あなた、ヒマだし」\ ^`You've got the time, after all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0003.ogg" ;「…なんで、決め付けなのよ?」\ ^`...you're jumping to conclusions.'\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0241.ogg" ;「ん? だって、私達、病人の仕事は寝ることでしょ?」\ ^`Am I? We're ill -- the only job we have is to sleep, isn't it?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0242.ogg" ;「世の中で、こんなヒマな人はいないわ」\ ^`We must be the least busy people in the world...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0243.ogg" ;「あら? そう思わない?」\ ^`Hmm? Don't you think so?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0005.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^`...not particularly...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0244.ogg" ;「もう、相変わらずクールねぇ」\ ^`I don't know, you're pretty cool about all this...\ ;-- 'i don't know' for mou is a bit weird here. ;== Hmm, they seem pretty equivalent to me (assuming the right intonation). Maybe it's not used that way outside Britain? ;== TODO: consider alternatives. ;-- mm. 'I dunno' can be used for various space-filling roles, but I'm not particularly familiar with its usage along the lines of "oh bother" "bah" boo" sort of minor somewhat childish dissatisfaction. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0245.ogg" ;「て、そうだ、ねえ、あなたアイス好き?」\ ^`Speaking of cool, do you like ice cream?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0246.ogg" ;「あれ? じゃあキライ?」\ ^`Hmm? Don't you like it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0007.ogg" ;「…ううん…」\ ^`...well...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0247.ogg" ;「はい決まり、じゃあ、食堂まで一緒に食べに行きましょ」\ ^`Well then, let's go to the café and have some!' !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0008.ogg" ;;「……………」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0248.ogg" ;「遠慮しなくていいって、お姉さん奢ってあげるから」\ ^`No need to hold back, I'll be paying.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0009.ogg" ;「…よく知らない人に、ついてっちゃダメ…」\ ^`...I mustn't take food from strangers...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0249.ogg" ;「はあ?」\ ^`Come again?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0010.ogg" ;「お母さんに、そう言われてる…」\ ^`That's what my mum always says...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0250.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0251.ogg" ;「あ、あははは」\ ^She stared at me for a moment, then burst out laughing.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0011.ogg" ;「…なんで笑うのよ?」\ ^`...what's so funny?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0252.ogg" ;「あ、ごめん、悪気はないから、ホントに」\ ^`Oh, sorry, I just never thought ~i~I'd~i~ be the danger stranger...\ ;-- O.o?! ;== "Danger stranger" was the term used in a national campaign warning kids about paedophiles etc - it's the term Himeko would use if she was British. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0253.ogg" ;「うーん、でも確かにその通りね…」\ ^`It's true, though, you're quite right...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0254.ogg" ;「知らない人についてっちゃダメよね」\ ^`You really shouldn't go taking food from strangers.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\isu1.ogg" wait 500 !s120 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0255b.ogg" ;「…姫子よ…」\ ^`...I'm Himeko.'\ ;-- the "I'm" makes the following "eh?" less justified? maybe ;== I see what you mean, but I think it still works; Setsumi isn't expecting an introduction at this point, so it takes her by surprise. ;-- mm. fair enough ;== I could change this to `...it's Himeko.', I guess; I don't think I could have her just say `Himeko', it wouldn't fit with the English voice I've given her. Do you think that would improve things? ;-- mmm I guess it's fine the way it is. the strange feeling is so slight no user will notice !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0012.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !sd dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0256.ogg" ;「お姫さまのヒメに、子供のコ、」\ ^`It's spelt ``Hime'' as in princess and ``ko'' as in child.\ ; Once, when I was young and naïve, I truly believed there was no such ; thing as an untranslatable line. That was before I learned that ; there was more to a text than the individual words and phrases. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0257.ogg" ;「ついでに言うと、てんびん座のAB型…」\ ^`And while I'm at it, I'm a Libra, blood type AB.\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0258b.ogg" ;「…あなたは?」\ ^`..and you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0013.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0014.ogg" ;「みずがめ座のO型…」\ ^`Aquarius, type O...\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0015.ogg" ;「…セツミ…」\ ^`...Setsumi.'\ ;; 「かたかなみっつ」っていわんでがっかりぴょん !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0259.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これで知り合いね、セツミ」\ ^`Well then, Setsumi, we're not strangers any more, are we?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s85 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0016.ogg" ;…灼けた日差しと蝉の声…\ ;; ♪ こーの広ーい世界の中どぇ〜 ♪ ^The blazing sun... the chirping of cicadas...\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0017.ogg" ;この真っ白な7Fにも響いていた…\ ^Their voices even echoed around up here on the sterile seventh.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0018.ogg" ;姫子と名乗るお姉さん。\ ^So her name was Himeko.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0019c.ogg" ;まだわたしは、お姉さんのことを何も知らないけど…\ ^At that stage, that was all I knew.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0020.ogg" ;この日から、長い夏が始まろうとしていた…\ ^But that day was really just the beginning of that long summer...\ dwavestop 0 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 stop mp3fadeout 3500 bg black,3 if %disable_subtitles == 1 mpegplay "nar01.mpg",1:skip 2 mpegplay "nar01.mpg",1,"haeleth.sub" bg black,3 mov %flg2_cha4,1 mov %flg2_bplay,4 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_4 mov $sys_midasi,"^#05 / Vanilla Ice [h]" bg "en\b.jpg",3 bg "haeleth\2\h000s.png",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;お姉さん…^@^ではなく姫子さんに連れられ、 ;やってきたのは、1Fの病院食堂。\ ^She -- that is, Himeko -- led me down to the hospital café on the ground floor.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;わたし達は、適当なテーブルへと並んで座る。\ ^We found a table and sat down.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" bg "en\shokudou.jpg",2 ;ちょうど昼時とあってか、外来の人以外にも、病院関係者らしき人で賑わう食堂。\ ;わたし自身、家が近い為に利用したことはないけど、思ったよりも、 ;たくさんの人が利用しているようだった。\ ^It being noon, the place was packed, not only with visitors, but also with people who seemed to belong here.\ ^I'd never frequented it, since I lived so close, but it was clearly more popular than I'd realised.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0001.ogg" ;「じゃ、なんでも好きなの言ってね」\ ^`Well, what'll it be? Just say the word.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、慣れた感じでメニューを手渡す姫子さん。\ ^She handed me a menu with an air of familiarity.\ ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0002.ogg" ;「あ、ゆっくり選んでくれていいわよ」\ ^`Take your time, there's no rush.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0003_1.ogg" ;「チョコでもミントでもシャーベットでも、 ; なーんでも好きなのにしてね」\ ^`You can have whatever you want -- chocolate, mint, sorbet, anything.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚も楽しそうに言葉を続けるけど…\ ;どれだけメニューを見ても、わたしが悩むことはなさそうだった。\ ^She continued, her voice growing ever more cheerful...\ ^But however much I looked at the menu, I couldn't see why she thought I'd find it hard to choose.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0011.ogg" ;「じゃあ、わたしは…」\ ^`I'll have...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0004.ogg" ;「ちょおっと待ったっ」\ ^`Not so fast!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0012.ogg" ;「…はい?」\ ^`...what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0005.ogg" ;「ふふん、ずばり、私が予想してみましょう」\ ^`Aha, let's see if I can't predict your answer!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故か、わたしの言葉を遮ると、誇らしげに予想を始める姫子さん。\ ;確かに、定食や飲み物のメニューは何種類もある。\ ;でも、肝心のアイスは、最初からバニラ1種類しかなかった。\ ;…この時点で予想も何もあったもんじゃないんだけど…\ ^Himeko followed this strange interruption by beginning to scrutinise me intently.\ ^It might have made sense if I'd been choosing a meal or a drink, where the menu had innumerable options.\ ^But where ice cream was concerned, there was nothing listed but vanilla.\ ^It didn't exactly take a mystic to predict what I'd chosen.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0006.ogg" ;「うーん、そうねぇ、あなたの雰囲気からすると…」\ ^`Mmm... yes... the feeling I'm getting is, definitely...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0007.ogg" ;「…バニラね?」\ ^`...vanilla!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0151.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0008.ogg" ;「どう? もしかして当ってる?」\ ^`Well? Am I right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0014c.ogg" ;;「……………」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 0 wait 700 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0015c.ogg" ;「…これは…なにかの冗談?」\ ^`...is this... some kind of joke?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0009.ogg" ;;「………………」\ ; [commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0010.ogg" ;「ちっがーうっ」\ ^`No---!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0011.ogg" ;「そこは、メニューそれしかないじゃんって、ツッこんでくれないとぉ」\ ^`I mean, of course it is, but you're supposed to realise that and play the straight man...'\ ; A ツッコミ joke. The one thing that's worse than onomatopoeia. !sd dwavestop 1 ;…よく分からないけど、一人にぎやかなお姉さん。\ ^I was bewildered, but at least she seemed to be happy.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0012.ogg" ;「まあいいわ、んじゃ、買ってくるから」\ ^`Well, whatever. Won't be a moment.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>待ってる描写 bg "e\b.jpg",2 ;言いながら席を立つと、さっさと買いに行ってしまった。\ ;…さっきのは何だったんだろう?\ ^She now rose and made her way over to the counter, leaving me to wonder exactly what she'd been playing at.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0013.ogg" ;「はい、おまたせー」\ ^`Here you are!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE>食器の音\ dwave 5,"se2\sara03.ogg" ;ほどなくして帰ってきた姫子さん。\ ;但し、手にしたトレーの上には、アイスが4つもあった。\ ^She wasn't gone long, but her return threw me again.\ ^The tray she bore held four ice creams.\ dwave 6,"se2\sara.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0014.ogg" ;「とりあえず、一人ノルマ2個だからね」\ ^`Let's call it two each for now.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故?^@^と、思いつつも、そんな質問をするよりも早く、当たり前のように2つの皿をわたしの前に置く。\ ;そして、先になって食べ始めてしまった。\ ^Why?^@^ I wondered, but before I could put the question into words, she laid two of the plates in front of me as though it were quite the obvious thing.\ ^Then started on her own.\ dwave 5,"se2\sara04.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0015.ogg" ;「うーん、美味しい~」\ ^`Mmm, yummy...!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0016.ogg" ;「やっぱ、夏場はこれに限るわよねぇ」\ ^`There's just no substitute, is there?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ !sd ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0016.ogg" ;「うん…」\ !sd ;dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景> ;頷きながら、わたしもアイスを食べ始める。\ ;どちらかというとシャーベットタイプで、今のシーズンに合った、あっさりした味だった。\ ^I just nodded, and tried my own.\ ^It was lightly flavoured, almost like sorbet in texture -- a perfect match for the season.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0017.ogg" ;「セツミ、美味しい?」\ ^`So, is it nice?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0017.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0018.ogg" ;「じゃあさ、もっとうれしそうに言ってみて」\ ^`Well then, why don't you try sounding a little more cheerful?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0018.ogg" ;「……………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0019c.ogg" ;「…おいしい…」\ ^`...it's nice...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0019.ogg" ;「ああん、そうじゃなくってもっとこう、なんてゆーかさぁ」\ ^`Nope, no good, you need to try a bit harder... let's see...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;さっきから、一体なにをさせたいのだろう…^@^…この人は?\ ^What ~i~was~i~ it she was after?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0020.ogg" ;「じゃあね、うー!まー!いー!ぞーっ!て言ってみて」\ ^`Repeat after me: ~b~Mmm, ~i~yummy!~ib~'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0020d.ogg" ;「…うまいぞ……」\ ^`...mmm... yummy...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0032.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0022.ogg" ;「こほん、では次の問題です」\ ^`Okay, for your next challenge...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0021b.ogg" ;「えっ…問題?」\ ^`Um... challenge?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0023.ogg" ;「まず、シャンデリアを10回言って下さい」\ ^`First, you have to say ``Chandelier'' ten times.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0024.ogg" ;「あ、素早く言わないとダメだからね?」\ ^`Er, as fast as you can, too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;_海外用;_ ; A thoughtful and greatly appreciated provision, but one on balance I ; don't think I'll avail myself of -- I'd prefer to take the liberty ; of explaining the joke in a different manner. ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0022d.ogg" ;「シャンデリア、シャンデリア、シャンデリア、シャンデリア…」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0025.ogg" ;「では、毒リンゴを食べたのは?」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0023c.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0024d.ogg" ;「…白雪姫」\ ^`...Snow White.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0026.ogg" ;「くっ…正解よ…」\ ^`Whoa, right answer...!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;…もしかして、シンデレラと答えて欲しかったのだろうか?\ ^As I thought. She'd been going to ask another question, and she'd been hoping the chandelier thing would make me say `Cinderella'. Not that I was going to fall for ~i~that~i~ old chestnut.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0027.ogg" ;「さてっ、いよいよ盛り上がってまいりましたっ」\ ^`Right! Now we're really getting somewhere.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0028.ogg" ;「ってなわけで、自己紹介タイムよっ」\ ^`In other words... it's time to really get to know you!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚も一人で盛り上がる姫子さん。\ ;やっぱりこんな場合は、ちょびっとは、わたしも合わした方が良いのだろうか…\ ;ふと、そんなことも考えてしまうけど、やっぱりそれは、わたしには無理な気がした。\ ^It would probably have been better if ``we'' ~i~had~i~ been getting somewhere, but to be quite honest it was more a case of Himeko getting more and more excited by herself.\ ^I suddenly found myself vaguely regretting that. But it wasn't like there was anything I could do about it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0029.ogg" ;「ねえねえ、セツミの趣味ってなに?」\ ^`So, reveal all! What are your hobbies?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0025.ogg" ;「…特にない…」\ ^`...don't really have any...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0030.ogg" ;「んじゃ、お料理とか得意だったりして?」\ ^`Well... what about special skills, cookery and stuff?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0026.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^`...nope...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0031.ogg" ;「あ、意外なとこで、カラオケ好きだったりとか? しかもアニソン好きで、夏マシンガン歌えるとか?」\ ;^`Okay, maybe you're a karaoke person? Specialising in animé songs? Who can even sing ~i~Summer Machine Gun~i~?'{{~i~Summer Machine Gun~i~: the notorious NekoNekoSoft song (?) ~i~Natsu wa mashingan~i~, an impossibly fast rap (?) performed in the character of Mizuiro's Shindou.}}\ ^`Okay, maybe you're a karaoke person? Do you do something unexpected like animé songs? Can you sing ~i~Summer Machine Gun~i~?'/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_2 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_2 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_3 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~~i~Summer Machine Gun~i~: the notorious NekoNekoSoft song (?) ~i~Natsu wa mashingan~i~, an impossibly fast rap (?) performed in the character of Mizuiro's Shindou.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~~i~Summer Machine Gun~i~: the notorious NekoNekoSoft song (?) ~i~Natsu wa mashingan~i~, an impossibly fast rap (?) performed in the character of Mizuiro's Shindou.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_3 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0285.ogg" ;「…全然」\ ^`...nothing like that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0032.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0033.ogg" ;「そ、それっじゃ、今度は私の紹介する番ね」\ ^`O-okay then, it's my turn to tell you about me.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" ;そこまで言ったかと思うと、突然立ち上がる姫子さん。\ ;思わず他の席の人も、何事かと見ているけど、当の本人は全く気にしていないようだった。\ ^I wasn't aware I'd taken my turn yet, but Himeko seemed to think so.\ ^She stood up, so suddenly that we attracted a fair few stares, though she showed no sign of noticing that.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0034.ogg" ;「こう見えても私、すっごい車好きなの」\ ^`Believe it or not, I'm obsessed with cars.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0035.ogg" ;「なんと、国内A級まで持ってるのよ、えっへん」\ ^`In fact I even hold a National `A' Race license, heh.'\ ; This is the terminology used by the MSA in the UK. Close enough. !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;得意気に胸まで張って、やたらテンション高い。\ ;てゆーか、わたしには、国内A級とか言われても、イマイチなんのことか分からないのだけど…\ ^Her chest was puffed out; she was quivering with pride.\ ^Not that I had the faintest idea what she was actually claiming.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0027b.ogg" ;「…それって、すごいの?」\ ^`...is that good?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0036.ogg" ;「あ、いやあ、実はそれほどでも…」\ ^`Er, well, it's not all that...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっという間に勢いがなくなってしまった。\ ;そして、わたしには、そんなことよりも、別のことが気になっていた。\ ^For the briefest of moments, her energy seemed to fade.\ ^Which shifted my attention to something that seemed more important.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0028.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^`Um...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0037.ogg" ;「ん? なになに? 質問OKよ? ロータリーエンジンとか得意だから」\ ^`Ooh, what is it? Ask away! I'm particularly good on rotary engines.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0029c.ogg" ;「…そうじゃなくて、そんなの食べて良いの?」\ ^`...no, um, are you allowed to eat this?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0038.ogg" ;「ああ、そーゆーことね…」\ ^`Oh, is that it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;目の前で、ぱくぱくとアイスを食べ続ける姫子さん。\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、病人とアイスの相性は良くない筈。\ ;もちろん、姫子さんの詳しい病状は知らないけど、少なくとも7Fの人ってことだけは知っている。\ ;普通で考えると、病人はそんなにアイスを食べてはいけない筈だった。\ ;でも、そんなわたしの疑問に対して、\ ^Yes, that's what had been bothering me. She was still slurping away at her ice cream.\ ^Serious illness and ice cream do not generally mix well.\ ^I didn't actually know what was wrong with her, of course; all I knew was that it was something terminal.\ ^But surely there was no way someone with such a serious condition could be allowed ice cream in this quantity.\ ^Her response was unexpected.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0039.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた知ってる? 7Fの面会時間って?」\ ^`Do you know what the visiting hours are on the seventh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0030.ogg" ;「?…ううん?」\ ^`...? No, but...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;別の質問で返してきた。\ ;…アイス食べて良いの?からの返答と、どう関係があるか分からないが、わたしは素直に首を振る。\ ;確か、いつも入院する3Fは、昼3時~夜8時まで。\ ;但し、土日だけは、午前中も面会可能で、恐らく他の階の病棟も似たようなものだろうと思っていた。\ ^Not an answer, but a question.\ ^Its relevance was not obvious, but I replied obediently with a shake of my head.\ ^On the third, where I usually stayed, visiting hours were three in the afternoon to eight at night, with morning visits permitted on Saturdays.\ ^I'd always assumed other floors would have identical arrangements.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0040.ogg" ;「なんと、7Fだけは24時間OKなのよ」\ ^`Believe it or not, visitors are okay 24 hours a day.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0041.ogg" ;「ついでに言えば、食事制限も特に無し」\ ^`No restrictions, see? Well, food's the same'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0031.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^`...none?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0042.ogg" ;「ええ、そりゃあ無茶な大食いはダメだけど、基本的に、いつでも好きなものを食べていいの」\ ^`Nope. Well, nothing set in stone. Obviously they'd get a bit worried if you stuffed yourself night and day.'\ ;-- This is straying a biit afield I think... at the least, they'd be angry, not worried... ;== Do you think so? I don't think they'd be angry -- the patient's family might be, if they're the ones paying the bills, but I read this as referring to the medical staff, who presumably be more concerned about the patient's health and the possible impact on that of overeating. ;-- Mm. my thinking was that if a patient went an gorged themselves, the nurse wouldn't be saying "we're concerned that this is going to negatively affect your health" but more "you aren't supposed to eat so much! it's bad for you! if you're so hungry from now on we're going to give you very specific amounts of food!" ;== Ah, I see what you're saying. That interpretation works too, but I think it still falls within the range of things that Himeko might describe as "getting a bit worried". !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;答えながら、再びアイスをぱくぱくと食べる。\ ^She resumed her slurping.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0043.ogg" ;「たくさんの制約があった病棟から…」\ ^`After all the restrictions on a normal ward...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0044.ogg" ;「7Fでは、いきなり自由になるのよねぇ~あはは」\ ^`...the seventh is like a breath of fresh air, really!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;楽しそうに笑って答える姫子さん。\ ;だけど、次の言葉を出す時には、明らかに声のトーンが違っていた。\ ^Her reply came wrapped in cheerful laughter.\ ^But she continued in an altogether different tone:\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0045.ogg" ;「セツミ…この意味がわかるわね?」\ ^`Setsumi... you understand what I'm saying, don't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;わたしは小さく頷いてみせる。\ ^I nodded.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…ホスピスとは…\ ;この質問に、新たな治療を待つ場所だと言う人もいるし、心の平穏を得る為の場所だと言う人もいる。\ ;きっと、そのどちらもが正しいのだろう。\ ;…でもわたしには、今の姫子さんの言葉の方が理解できる気がした。\ ^Some people like to describe hospices as places to await the discovery of new miracle cures.\ ^Some people like to describe them as places to prepare the spirit and seek inner tranquillity.\ ^No doubt there's some truth in both views.\ ^But for me, Himeko's characterisation seemed to make a lot more sense.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0046.ogg" ;「ま、そんな訳で、いつでも来てよね、ヒマだから」\ ^`Anyway, that's why you can come whenever you like. I'm always free.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って、またいつもの明るい顔に戻る。\ ;普段はこんな感じだけど、時折見せる表情や言葉は、とても厳しいように思えた。\ ;どちらが、本当の姫子さんなのか分からないけど、恐らくはそのどちらもが、姫子さんなのだろう…\ ^With this, her normal cheerful face returned.\ ^I wondered which was the real Himeko -- this, or the tense, even cold woman hinted at by the occasional fleeting word or expression.\ ^Perhaps they were both equally real.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\sora01y.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" ;あんなに高かった日が翳る頃…\ ;病院を後にすると、わたしは家へと帰る。\ ^I remained at the hospital till the sun began to sink.\ ^Then I went home.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ ^The door closed behind me.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0032.ogg" ;「ただいま…」\ ^`I'm home...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm2\n032.mp3" ;誰もいない玄関に、わたしの声が響く。\ ;閉め切っていた室内からは、ドアを開けた途端に広がる、むわっとした熱気。\ ^My voice echoed around the deserted hall.\ dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" ;カラカラカラ、\ ^As I opened the sitting-room door, the heat and stuffiness within hit me in the face.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 ;居間の窓を開け、外の空気を入れる。これだけでも涼しさが違った。\ ^The place had been shut up all day. I hastily opened a window to let some cool air in.\ dwavestop 5 ;時計を見ると4時。まだこの時間はお母さんが帰ってくるには早い。\ ;わたしは少し汗ばんだセーラー服を洗濯機に入れると、パジャマへと着替える。\ ;そして、お米を研ぐと、間もなく帰ってくるであろう、お母さんの為に夕食の下準備を済ませておく。\ ;ここのところ体調も良いので、これくらいは自分がやるようにしていた。\ ;本当は自分の部屋でゆっくりしていても良いんだけど…わたしは居間の扇風機のスイッチを入れる。\ ;…お父さんとお母さんが、この暑い中をまだ働いているのに、\ ;わたしだけがクーラーのある部屋で、涼むようなことは申し訳ない気がして出来なかった。\ ^It was four o'clock. A bit early to expect Mum back, but she wouldn't be long now.\ ^I stuffed my school clothes into the washing machine, and put on my pyjamas instead.\ ^Then I washed the rice for tea, and did some of the other basic preparation. I wanted to do what I could while my health permitted.\ ^I could reasonably have chilled out in my room -- the only air conditioned place in the house -- but I couldn't bring myself to, not knowing that both parents were still at work despite the heat.\ ^I switched on the fan in the sitting room instead.\ ;-- Washed rice for tea? Not supper? unless I'm misunderstanding where these meal terms fall in time... ;== This is one of those tricky things about British English... I've had to decide what social class each character falls into. Based on her parents' financial situation, Setsumi's family is probably lower middle class, which means that she would call the main evening meal 'tea'. ('Tea' meaning 'afternoon tea' is an upper middle class thing - that's how Himeko would use the word, except in conversation with Setsumi, when she might adopt the lower register to avoid sounding posh.) ;== If all this sounds weird, that's because it is. Welcome to the joys of Merrie Englande. ;-- Eh, we just have a different way of stratifying ourselves along SES lines bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ ;…帰ってきた。\ ^Someone else was home.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_001.ogg" ;「ただいま」\ ^`I'm back!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0033.ogg" ;「…うん、おかえりなさい」\ ^`Welcome home...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;パートから帰って来たお母さん。大体いつもこの時間に帰ってきていた。\ ^It was Mum. This was pretty much when I was expecting her back.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_002.ogg" ;「セツミ、もう晩ご飯すませた?」\ ^`Setsumi, have you eaten?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0034.ogg" ;「ううん、まだ…」\ ^`Not yet...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_003.ogg" ;「じゃあ、一緒に食べましょ ; 今日もたくさんコロッケ貰ってきたから」\ ^`Shall we have a bite, then? I've brought some croquettes home.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;☆ベタ・居間 ;■心情・情景 bg "en\b.jpg",2 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 ;テーブルに向かい合わせで座ると、二人で早い夕食を始める。\ ;通勤時間が延び、帰りが遅くなってしまったお父さんとは別に、 ;こうして二人で食べることが多くなっていた。\ ^We sat facing one another across the table, our early meal between us.\ ^We generally ate together like this. Dad's commute took so long these days that it wasn't practical to wait for him.\ dwave 5,"se2\sara.ogg" dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_004.ogg" ;「どう? おいしい?」\ ^`Well? Is it nice?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0035.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...yeah.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_005.ogg" ;「あ、よかったらポテトも食べてね、あなた好きでしょ?」\ ^`Ah, have some fries, too -- you'd like that, wouldn't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwavestop 5 ;そう言って、ポテトの皿を勧めるお母さん。\ ;以前に黙って食べ続けて以来、わたしが好きなのだと思われているようだった。\ ^She pushed the plate of fries towards me.\ ^I'd eaten them without complaining for so long that she was quite convinced that I liked them.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_006.ogg" ;「実はお母さんね、昨日からポテト揚げる係りになったのよ」\ ^`Guess what, I've been in charge of frying them since yesterday!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0036.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_007.ogg" ;「だから、実はこれだけ残り物じゃなかったりしてね」\ ^`That's why there's more leftovers than usual.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;>強め ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_008.ogg" ;「あ、別に心配いらないわよ」\ ^`Oh, there's no need to worry.\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_009.ogg" ;「あなたが好きだって言ったらね…」\ ^`I told them you liked them, see...\ !sd dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_010.ogg" ;「お店の人達も、好きなだけ持って帰れって言ってくれているんだし」\ ^`So they said it was okay for me to bring all these home.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景> ;…明るく…楽しそうに話すお母さん。\ ;一体どんな経緯から、お店の人達がそう言ってくれたのかは分からない。\ ;でも、その姿を想像するだけで、とても申し訳ない気持ちで一杯だった。何故か切なかった。\ ^Her voice was so happy... so cheerful.\ ^I had no idea what sequence of events had led her employers to give her permission.\ ^Even trying to imagine the scene was painful. It left me feeling smothered with guilt.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_011.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これからも楽しみにしていてね」\ ^`That's something for you to look forward to, eh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんなお母さんを前にして、わたしに出来ることは…\ ;只、黙って…少しでも美味しそうに、ポテトを食べ続けることだけだった。\ ^What could I say?\ ^I just silently ate the things, trying as hard as I could to look pleased.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;[I move the text round slightly here. Translator's license.] ;数日後。 ;相変わらずの蝉と、連日の猛暑を記録する太陽。\ ;そんな空の下、今日もわたしはここに来ていた。\ ^Some days later, I went out again, among the chirping cicadas, under the ever-fiercer sun.\ mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;高い天井、白い部屋。ちゃちいパイプ椅子に腰掛ける。\ ^I sat in a little metal chair in that white, high-ceilinged room.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 ;但し、ここに来ているといっても、”ここに来ている”。只、それだけ。\ ;特になにか話す訳でもないし、少なくともわたしから、面白い話題を振るようなことはない。\ ;只、一方的に話す姫子さんの隣で、面白みのない相槌を返す程度だった。\ ^I was visiting Himeko again.\ ^Though when I say ``visiting'', all I really mean is ``in the room with''. It wasn't like I really had anything to talk about, or any interesting questions to put to her.\ ^All I was really doing was listening to her talk, and throwing in the odd `mmm' or `uh-huh' to prove I was awake.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0038.ogg" ;「ねえ、一つ質問だけど…」\ ^`Um, I've got to ask...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景> ;思い切って、率直な疑問をぶつけてみる。\ ^I took a deep breath and interrupted her.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0039.ogg" ;「わたしと居て…楽しい?」\ ^`Do you... enjoy my visits?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0047.ogg" ;「ええ、あなたと居ると退屈知らずよ」\ ^`Of course! It's never boring with you around.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0040.ogg" ;「…嫌味?」\ ^`...are you being sarcastic?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0048.ogg" ;「とんでもない、すっごく楽しいわよ」\ ^`Don't be silly! I love your visits.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0049.ogg" ;「セツミちゃんラブラブ~って感じかしら」\ ^`Or maybe it's ~i~you~i~ I love...?'\ ;-- undecided here... but stretching things a bit ;== Mmm - I think it's justifiable; raburabu's v. hard to translate without deviating from the literal text, and I don't think i'm introducing any ideas that aren't in the Japanese (am I?) !sd dwavestop 1 ;…もしかして、からかわれているのだろうか?\ ;思わずそんな風にも考えてしまうが、当の姫子さんは、いつもこんな調子だった。\ ;一方的に盛り上がって、わたしが何を言っても、あくまでもマイペースで楽しそうにしていた。\ ^Or maybe it's ~i~teasing~i~ me she loves...\ ^I could easily believe it -- that was how she seemed to spend most of her time, after all.\ ^She'd see how far she could push things, until I said something, and then she'd sit back and enjoy my reaction.\ ; I think that works. Nasty sentence. ;そして、こんなやり取りを繰り返していると…\ ^Then, as we looped round and round in that pattern---\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ ^A knock.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;「こんにちは」\ ^`Hello!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ドアを開け入ってきたのは、見知らぬおばさん。 ;この部屋に、誰か来るのを見たのは初めてだった。\ ^A middle-aged woman opened the door -- the first person I'd seen enter this room other than Himeko and myself. I didn't recognise her.\ ;「姫子さん、おかげん如何ですか?」\ ^`How are you today, Himeko?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0050.ogg" ;「うん、まあ、特にって感じかしら」\ ^`Mmm... I suppose I'm much the same.'\ ; Sadly, this message was not delivered across any significant number of wires. !sd dwavestop 1 ;「今日は入浴日ですけど…どうしましょう?」\ ^`It's your bath day today... will you be all right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0051.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、お気遣いどうもね」\ ^`I'll be fine, thank you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「では、何かあったら気軽に言って下さいね」\ ^`Well, do just say if you'd like anything.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、パタン\ ;その言葉を最後に、再び部屋を出て行った見知らぬおばさん。\ ;最初、家族の人かと思ったけど、違うようだった。\ ;…もしかしたらヘルパーの人なのだろうか? ;エプロンをしていたから、それっぽい気もするけど…\ ;只、今まで自分が見知っているヘルパーと呼ばれる人とは、どこか微妙に違っているようにも思えた。\ ^The woman withdrew.\ ^When she'd come in, I'd thought she might be some sort of relative, but that clearly wasn't the case.\ ^Possibly a helper? That was what the apron suggested...\ ^She just seemed somehow subtly different from the people I was used to thinking of as helpers.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0042.ogg" ;「…今の人は?」\ ^`Who was that...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0052.ogg" ;「ああ、ヘルパーの人よ、別の人の担当だけどね」\ ^`Oh, she's just a helper. Someone else's.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どうやらヘルパーで合っているらしい。\ ;が、やはり少し違うらしく、姫子さんは、”ここ”のヘルパーについて説明してくれた。\ ^I'd been right; she was indeed a helper. But I was also correct that the ``helpers'' here were slightly different from those downstairs.\ ^Himeko kindly explained.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;どっちかというと一般病棟のヘルパーは、物理的な意味での、身の回りのフォローが目的らしい。\ ;病院によっては有償となっており、中にはアルバイト的な感覚で臨む者もいるそうだ。\ ;それに対して、ここ7F担当のヘルパーとは…\ ;精神ケアにも比重が置かれている為、そんなアルバイト感覚では務まらないらしい。\ ^Helpers on regular wards are basically assistants: they look after you in a very physical sense.\ ^The details vary from hospital to hospital, but they're often paid workers who look on it as just another job.\ ^The helpers on the seventh are different.\ ^Their work is more to do with the mind than the body. Trying to treat it as ``just another job'' simply wouldn't work.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0053.ogg" ;「まあ、少なくとも、この病院…この7Fでは全員ボランティアの筈よ」\ ^`So at this hospital -- up here, at least -- they're all volunteers.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0043.ogg" ;「そうなんだ…偉いんだね…」\ ^`That's incredible...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;少し感心してしまったわたし。\ ;当たり前かも知れないけど、既に告知を受けた人間でないと、この7Fには入れないと聞いていた。\ ;そんな人間に対して、無償のボランティア行為を、自ら望んでする者には、素直に感心してしまう。\ ;でも、そんなわたしの反応に対して姫子さんは、\ ^I couldn't help but admire them.\ ;-- Here it's like you're talking about the patients, and then jump back to the helpers. ;== That's because I am. :) Let me make it clearer: ^From what I'd heard, patients weren't admitted to this floor until they'd received full disclosure of their condition. I guess it had to be that way.\ ^I couldn't help but admire anyone who could give up their own time, of their own free will, without compensation, to help people in that state.\ ^But Himeko's reaction to my admiration was somewhat muted.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0054.ogg" ;「そうね…偉いわね」\ ^`Yeah... I suppose it is...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;と、熱のない返事だけだった。\ ;[translated above] bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…普通で考えれば、もう少し感謝の念のようなものが、感じられるかと思ったのに…\ ;そしてわたしには先ほどの姫子さんの言葉、\ ;…別の人の担当だけどね…この、”別の”の部分が引っ掛かった。\ ;この発言だけを見ると、姫子さん担当のヘルパーも、どこかに存在するように思える。\ ;だけど、今までにそのような人の姿を見たことがなかった。\ ^I'd been expecting her to sound a little more appreciative of their work...\ ^But then I thought. What was it she'd said?\ ^~i~---She's just a helper. Someone else's...~i~ ^...yes, there was something about the way she'd said ~i~someone else's.~i~\ ^It implied she had a helper of her own somewhere. But I hadn't seen any sign of such a person.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0044.ogg" ;「…姫子さんの担当の人は?」\ ^`...who's your helper?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0055.ogg" ;「うん? いないわよ」\ ^`Hmm? I don't have one.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0045.ogg" ;「…いない? どうして?」\ ^`Really? Why not?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0056.ogg" ;「だって、私には必要ないもん」\ ^`Well, I don't need one, do I.'\ ;-- the 'mon' feels more like declaration than asking for agreement to me. !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっさりと、それだけを返した。\ ;よく分からないけど7Fのヘルパーとは、本人が必要ないと言えば、拒否できるのだろうか?\ ;確かに姫子さんは、他の7Fの人と比べたら、全然普通に歩いてるし、実際に若いから元気なんだろうけど…\ ;…そういえば、ここに来てから一度も、家族の人や、お見舞いの人を見たことがなかった。\ ^A quick and short reply.\ ^Did she mean that helpers were optional up here, something a patient could simply decline to have?\ ^Certainly she was in better physical shape than most people up here -- she could walk normally and so on -- no doubt thanks to her relative youth...\ ^...actually, that was something else odd. Why hadn't I seen anyone else visiting her... not even family?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0057.ogg" ;「でも、今はあなたが来てくれたからね」\ ^`But, you know what, it's a good thing you're visiting me now...'\ ;-- the missing 'now' part seems too important to leave out !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0036.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;まるで、今のわたしの考えを見透かしたように答える。\ ^It was as though she'd been reading my mind.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0058.ogg" ;「ありがと、これで残り3つになったわ…」\ ^`Now I only have three left to go.'\ ;-- Leaving out the 'arigato' might upset the anal twits that know little and hear it in the clip *shrug* ;== It's important to give the fanboys something to whine about, don't you think? Maybe the way my translation is "teh sux cuz she said arigado" will motivate them to actually learn Japanese properly... :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0046.ogg" ;「…残り3つ?」\ ^`Three whats...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0059.ogg" ;「ええ、年の離れた友達が欲しかったのよ」\ ^`I always wanted to make friends with someone who wasn't my own age, see?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0060.ogg" ;「ほら、よくあるじゃない、死ぬまでにしたい10のことって」\ ^`Oh, come on, you know what I'm talking about -- the ten things I want to do before I die?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、あっけなく『死』という単語を使う。\ ;これも7Fの人故かも知れないけど、明るい口調で突然、そんなことを言われるとドキッとしてしまう。\ ^My heart skipped a beat as she uttered the word ``die'' -- I couldn't believe that even a seventh-floor patient could use it with such a cheerful tone of voice.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…だけど…^@^死ぬまでにしたい10のことか…\ ;わたしには、それがなんであるかは分からないし、姫子さんに残された時間が、あとどれくらいかも分からない。\ ;逆に言えば、あと3つも残っているとも言える。\ ^But...^@^ ten things she wanted to do before she died...?\ ^I didn't know what they were. I didn't know how much longer she had.\ ^Only three left? I'd have said ~i~still~i~ three left...\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0061.ogg" ;「ま、あれよセツミ…」\ ^`Well, that's how it is, Setsumi...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0062.ogg" ;「聖書が正しければ、世界は7日で創られたそうよ」\ ^`The way I think about it is, you know how the Bible says the whole world was created in just seven days?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0047.ogg" ;「…だから?」\ ^`...and?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0063.ogg" ;「私に残された時間でも、大抵のことは可能だと思わない?」\ ^`Well then -- however long I've got left, pretty much anything should still be possible, don't you think?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0048.ogg" ;「…それ、例えになってないわよ」\ ^`...your logic's faulty.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0064.ogg" ;「あはは、まあ、そんなこと言わずにさ」\ ^`Ahaha, you're not supposed to tell me that!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0065.ogg" ;「残り3つなんだから、よかったら付き合ってよ」\ ^`Anyway, I've got three left, so if you'd like to help me finish them...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…友達になったらしい、わたし達。\ ;出会って1週間目に、死ぬまでにしたい残り3つのことに、付き合ってくれと言われた。\ ;姫子さんの言葉は、どこまで本気か分からないけど…\ ;当分、わたしは、この場所へと通うことになりそうだった。\ ^Apparently we were friends, then.\ ^I'd only met her less than a week previously, and already she'd asked me to help her finish off her last wishes in this life.\ ^Considering who she was, I couldn't be totally sure that anything she said was serious.\ ^But either way, it looked like I'd be visiting regularly for a while.\ ;-- that last like feels off? more like setsumi guessing she's coming more than himeko wanting it. ;== Yes, it's not literal. This sounded better to me in English, and I felt it was justified because it's merely stating explicitly something that's implicit in the Japanese (and leaving implicit something that's explicit). it seems to flow better from the previous line to do things this way round. Obviously I'll reconsider if you feel this is too much of a liberty to take! :) ;-- mmmm. ultimately this is a storytelling style issue since it's the end of a scene. so up to you to decide on what note to end it, I prefer to let setsumi end it looking at herself, than shifting I guess half or more of the focus to himeko ;== Good point, I hadn't thought of it that way. I think you're right; and moreover, that version of mine loses the important fact that Setsumi is very obviously not even considering the possibility that SHE might have any choice in the matter! ;== New version is therefore as follows. Adding `but either way' adequately handles the flow problem that stopped me just translating it this way in the first place. bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_ ;☆BG 夕空 dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" bg "en\sora01y.jpg",3 ;日がゆっくりと沈み、空がオレンジに染まる頃、わたしは病院を後にする。\ ^I left the hospital as the sun gently set and the sky shaded to orange.\ ;-- For some reason that 'while' after the comma's raising a flag in my head... ;== mmm... i think it's equivalent to the Japanese. Maybe I should remove the comma and change 'while' to an 'and', which would exactly mirror the Japanese construction -- would that be better, do you think? ;-- this was just a grammar flag than anything else. looks like a glued-on hanging fragment ;== Yeah, it's not quite clear that the two final clauses are in apposition. Changing it fixes that, so I shall. mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;…今日は病院に長く居すぎたかも知れない。\ ^I'd been in there far too long that day.\ ;☆BGM mi02 bg "en\a007b.jpg",3 ;そんなことを思いながら、ふと見た校庭。そこには今日も元気に駆ける子供達の姿があった。\ ;以前にわたしが逆上がりをした鉄棒も、今日は先客で溢れているようだった。\ ;…夏休み、夕暮れ時、ひぐらしの声、汗だくになって遊ぶ子供。\ ;それのどれもが、ありがちな夏日の光景を作る、日常のパーツだった。\ ;…何の違和感もない。\ ;逆上がりくらいで、自分のように辛そうな顔はしない…\ ^I was passing the school as I pondered this. I glanced in. There were kids running noisily around in the playground.\ ^Today, the horizontal bars I'd tested myself on before were fully occupied.\ ^It was such an everyday scene, composed of such ordinary parts -- the summery dusk, the voices of evening cicadas.\ ^There was nothing incongruous about the children, playing till their skin glistened with sweat.\ ^Unlike me, none of their faces showed the slightest hint of pain, however athletic their games...\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;「…お姉さん、どうかしたの?」\ ^`...what's up with you?'\ ;-- Precocious little kid =3 ;== <3, indeed. !sd dwavestop 1 ;じっと眺め続けるだけのわたしに、遊んでいた子供が、声を掛けてくれる。\ ^`One of the kids had noticed me staring at them.\ ;「もしかして、鉄棒やりたいの?」\ ^`Do you want a go too?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0049.ogg" ;「別に、なんでもないわよ…」\ ^`No, I'm fine...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景>まとめ ;それだけを答えると、踵を返す。\ ^I turned away, saying no more.\ bg "en\sora01yb.jpg",3 ;見上げると、既に暮れ始めた空。わたしは家路を急いだ。\ ^The sky had begun to grow dark. I hurried home.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;・シーン変え:夜。 ;★家にて\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0050b.ogg" ;「ただいま…」\ ^`I'm back...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_012.ogg" ;「おかえり、ちょうど晩ご飯の仕度ができたところよ」\ ^`Good timing -- tea's just about ready.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景 ;時計を見ると既に7時前。今日は先に帰っていたお母さん。\ ;そんなお母さんと二人で、いつもと同じように早い夕食を始める。\ ^It was past seven. No surprise that Mum had beaten me home.\ ^We sat down to the usual meal.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_013.ogg" ;「そういえば、今日は遅かったわね?」\ ^`You were out late today, weren't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0051b.ogg" ;「…ちょっと、病院寄ってたから」\ ^`...I just dropped in at the hospital.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_014.ogg" ;「あら? 今日って検診の日だっけ?」\ ^`Dear me, was it time for your tests again already?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0052.ogg" ;「…ううん、そうじゃないけど…」\ ^`...no... not today...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;…なんて答えようか悩む。姫子さんを、どのように言えば良いのだろう?\ ;知り合いが無難な気もするけど…\ ;少し考えてからわたしは、姫子さんに言われた通りで答えることにした。\ ^I didn't know what to say. How should I explain about Himeko?\ ^The safest option seemed to be to describe her as an acquaintance, but after a little thought I went with the term she'd used herself.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0053b.ogg" ;「…友達のところに行ってたから」\ ^`...I was just visiting a friend.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_0152.ogg" ;「…友達?」\ ^`A friend...?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;わたしの言葉を、そのままオウム返しするお母さん。 ;それは、驚きや、信じられないという表情でもあった。\ ;だけど、お母さんがそんな反応をするのも無理ないと思う。\ ;わたしの口から、『友達』という単語が出ること自体、稀。 ;少なくてもここ数年では有り得なかったことだろう。\ ^Back it came again, as though from a parrot. Not that any parrot ever wore that look of surprise mixed with disbelief.\ ^Not that I could blame her. She didn't exactly hear me talk about friends often. I probably hadn't used the word for years.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_016.ogg" ;「そ、そう、よかったわねセツミ、お友達が出来て」\ ^`W-well, isn't that nice? Making a friend.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして、今度はうれしそうに言葉を続ける。\ ;そんなお母さんに対して、わたしは今までの経緯を話して聞かせた。\ ;…相手は、とても優しいお姉さんであること。\ ;最近は毎日のように遊びに行っていること、よくアイスを食べに連れて行ってもらっていること…\ ^Then it was easier to carry on talking, to tell her everything.\ ^How the person in question was a bit older than me, but she was really nice.\ ^How I was going to see her every day, and she kept giving me ice cream...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_017.ogg" ;「へ~、優しそうなお姉さんね」\ ^`Mmm, she does sound nice.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0055b.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…別に、^@^嘘をついている訳ではない。\ ;だけど…相手が7Fの人だとは言えなかった。 ;何故、そう思ったのか、厳密な理由は分からない。\ ;7Fに居るのは姫子さんのせいじゃない。誰が悪い訳でもない。それは分かっている。\ ;自分だって似たような状況から、いつしか知り合いが消えてしまったから、尚更にわかる。\ ;…心配させたくないという気持ちなのだろうか…\ ;きっとお母さんは、普通の入院患者か、もしかしたら看護婦さんを想像しているのだと思う。\ ;でも…それを否定することは、わたしには出来そうもなかった。\ ^I didn't...^@^ lie, or anything.\ ^I just didn't mention which floor she was a patient on.\ ^I don't know exactly why not. It's not like it was Himeko's fault that she was a hospice patient. It's not like anyone had done anything wrong.\ ^I knew that. I understood it all the better because I was, in some ways, in a similar situation.\ ^I guess I just didn't want to give Mum anything to worry about.\ ^I expect she imagined I was talking about an ~i~ordinary~i~ patient, or maybe a nurse.\ ^It just seemed simpler not to correct her.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_018.ogg" ;「そうだ、じゃあ明日から、お弁当も作ってあげようか?」\ ^`Tell you what, how about if I give you a packed lunch to take in with you tomorrow?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0054b.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_019.ogg" ;「この距離でも、わざわざ帰ってくるの面倒でしょ?」\ ^`We can't have you trailing back and forth all day, even if it is so close.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景 ;尚もうれしそうにするお母さん。\ ;最近は、わたしの体調も良いし、友達が出来たことを、余計にうれしく思ってくれているのだろう。\ ;言葉には出さないけど、小学校6年の遠足以来だと思う。いつもお弁当には気合を入れてくれていた。\ ^She seemed happier and happier.\ ^She was probably overjoyed at this new good news, coming as it did on top of my recently improved health.\ ^I reflected (silently) that this would be the first packed lunch she'd made me since my final year of primary school.\ ^She'd always put such an effort into them back then.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_020.ogg" ;「任せて、豪華なの作ってあげるから」\ ^`Leave it to me! I'll make you a packed feast.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そんなお母さんを前にして…わたしは何も言えず、\ ;やはりいつものように、黙ってポテトを食べるくらいしか出来なかった…\ ^What could I say?\ ^All I could do was silently pick at my fries, as usual...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha5,1 mov %flg2_bplay,5 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_5 mov $sys_midasi,"^#06 / Croquettes [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;ミーンミンミン、\ ^Cicadas.\ ;mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0254.ogg" ;「暑…」\ ^`I'm hot...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;まだ午前中だというのに、既に真夏日の気配。今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ;そんな中、歩いて3分の距離を、いつもと同じように病院へと向かう。\ ;手には、いつものトートバック。白地に黄色のひまわり柄が描かれていた。\ ;特に昨日までと変わらない、ありふれた夏の日。\ ;違うのは、トートバックの中に、お母さんが作ってくれたお弁当を忍ばせていることくらいだった。\ ^Though it was only midmorning, the day was already hot -- it was mid~i~summer~i~ too, after all -- and it seemed likely to get hotter.\ ^I made my way along my usual three-minute route towards the hospital.\ ^My usual tote bag was in my hand: the white one with a sunflower pattern.\ ^It was just another summer's day, not vastly different from those that preceded it.\ ^The only real change was that today, my bag contained the packed lunch Mum had promised to make me.\ ;-- that extra emphasis on summer's rather out of left field. ;== It's to draw attention to the parallel with mid~morning~. I'll drop it if you think it's too much...? ;-- Eh, little details like that you can do as you want =) I've tried to avoid commenting on microscopic hair-spliting details of this sort simply because it commenting on grammar/usage/fidelity is one thing, but nitpicky style nagging another altogether bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0066c.ogg" ;「おーい、セツミ~」\ ^`O---i, Setsumi---!'\ !sd ;>遠くから dwavestop 1 ;☆BGM o01 mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" ;遠くから呼ぶ、聞きなれた声に振り返る。\ ^A familiar voice. I turned.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0057.ogg" ;「どうしたの? こんな場所で?」\ ^`Hullo, what're you doing out here?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0067.ogg" ;「待ってたのよ、ちょっと手伝って欲しくって」\ ^`Waiting for you -- I need a little hand.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを言うと、すたすたと歩き始める姫子さん。\ ;…一体どこに行く気なのだろう? ;どうやら正面入り口ではなく、裏口に行くみたいだけど…\ ;何のことか分からないながらも、その後をついていくと、\ ^Himeko set off without further explanation.\ ^I wondered where she was going. She appeared to be heading not for the main entrance, but round to the rear of the building...\ ^I followed, bewildered.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0068.ogg" ;「はーい、到着~」\ ^`Right, here we are!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;やってきたのは病院の中庭。\ ;小さな噴水のまわりには、時計台と幾つかの花壇。 ;わたしも入院中に、何度か来たことのある場所だった。\ ^``Here'' was the hospital garden.\ ^A little fountain, a sundial, a bunch of flowerbeds around them. I'd come here a lot when I was an inpatient.\ ; NB. The substitution of "sundial" for "clock tower" is deliberate, ; though I may yet reconsider. dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0058.ogg" ;「…ここがどうかしたの?」\ ^`...why here?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0069.ogg" ;「うん、ほらそこ見てよ」\ ^`Look over there.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;姫子さんが指差したのは、花壇の一角。大きさにして3m四方ほどだろうか。\ ;只、まわりは青草や花が咲き誇っているのに、その区画だけが、何も植えられていない状態だった。\ ^She was pointing to a section of flowerbed, about three metres square.\ ^All around it, the grass was lush and the flowers in full bloom, but that one area was bare soil.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0070.ogg" ;「そんな訳で…じゃ~んっ」\ ^`And... look at this!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0059.ogg" ;「なにそれ?」\ ^`What's that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0071.ogg" ;「球根よ、球根。今からここに植えようと思ってね」\ ^`Bulbs, they're bulbs. Let's plant them!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;得意気に、手に持ったコンビニ袋から、球根を取り出してみせる姫子さん。\ ;数にして、およそ100個くらいだろうか?\ ;確かに二人で植えれば、ものの1時間で終わるだろうけど、わたしには違うことの方が気掛かりだった。\ ^She opened the carrier bag she was clutching and showed them to me.\ ^There were probably, oh, about a hundred of the things?\ ^While it would probably only take about an hour to plant them with two of us, I was more worried about something else.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0060.ogg" ;「…勝手に植えて良いの?」\ ^`...can you do that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0072.ogg" ;「ん? だってこの区画は冬用の場所だし」\ ^`Hmm? Sure, this is the winter plot.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0061.ogg" ;「…わたしが尋ねたのは、”勝手に”の部分よ」\ ^`...I was asking whether ~i~you~i~ could do that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0073.ogg" ;「大丈夫だって、別に怒られたりしないから」\ ^`Don't worry, nobody's going to get cross.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;今一つ解答になってない気がするけど、冬用ということは、冬に咲く花という意味なのだろう。\ ;そして、その為には、今が植える時期だということも理解できる。\ ;でも、だからといって、勝手に病院の花壇に植えて良いことには繋がらなかった。\ ;…それとも、7Fの患者とは、そこまで自由をしても許されるのだろうか?\ ^That still didn't exactly answer my question.\ ^If that was the winter plot, then presumably they were some kind of winter flower. In which case, it was doubtless the right time of year to plant them.\ ^But that had nothing to do with the question of whether it was okay for just anyone to decide to plant stuff in the hospital flowerbeds.\ ^Did the freedom, or tolerance, granted to seventh-floor patients extend so far that even this kind of thing was forgivable?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0074.ogg" ;「じゃ、始めましょうか、10cmほど掘ってから球根を埋めてね」\ ^`C'mon, let's get moving. They want planting about ten centimetres deep.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そう言うと、球根の入った袋と、園芸用の小さなスコップを手渡してくれる。\ ;…わたしは最近体調も良いから平気だけど…\ ;でも、姫子さんはこの炎天下の中、大丈夫なのだろうか?\ ;思わずそんなことも心配してしまうが、当の姫子さんは、ものすごい勢いで花壇へと球根を植えていく。\ ^And, smiling, she handed me a pack of bulbs and a trowel.\ ^I wondered... my health was pretty good at that point, and I was sure I was up to a bit of gardening...\ ^...but it really ~i~was~i~ pretty hot. Should Himeko really be spending any length of time in that kind of sun?\ ^While I dithered, however, the said patient herself had flung herself at the flowerbed and was planting ferociously.\ !s35 ;ざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくっ\ ^She stabbed at the soil.\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd !s20 ;ざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくっ、 ;ざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくっ\ ^Stab, stab. Stab, stab-stab-stab. Stab.\ ; Is this a translation of the Japanese, or a description of what I ; want to do to authors who (ab)use onomatopoeia? You decide! !sd ;…もしかして、園芸が趣味なのかしら?\ ;そう思えるほど、異様に手つきが良かった。\ ^Perhaps gardening was another of her hobbies?\ ^She was certainly good enough at it to give me that impression.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0075.ogg" ;「そうそう、そんな感じで軽く土もかけてね」\ ^`Yes, good -- just cover them lightly with soil, like that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0419.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`R-right...'\ !sd ;時折、見よう見真似のわたしにも指導を入れてくれる。\ ^I did my best to imitate her, and she glanced over from time to time with advice.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0062.ogg" ;「ねえ…これって何の花なの?」\ ^`So... what're we planting?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0076.ogg" ;「水仙よ、知ってる?」\ ^`Narcissi -- you know the ones?'\ ; At this point I nearly lost my dinner. I knew Narci2 was going to be ; sentimental, but I had dared to hope there might be limits. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0063.ogg" ;「あ、うん、名前くらいは…」\ ^`Um, the name at least...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;とはいえ、白い花だったくらいしか覚えていない。\ ;咲いている姿をテレビや本で見る程度で、球根をこうして触れるのは初めてのことだった。\ ^I was barely exaggerating. About the only other thing I could remember was that they were often white.\ ^I'd seen pictures of the things in books and on TV, but that was the first time I'd actually touched a bulb.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0077.ogg" ;「あのね、これって珍しいのよ、今の時期にあるなんて」\ ^`These are a bit unusual. That's why we're planting them so early.'\ ; What's she _really_ on about here? You can get bulbs all year round... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0064b.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^`...we are?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0078.ogg" ;「ええ、本来は夏の終わり頃だからね」\ ^`Yes, normally you plant them late summer or autumn.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして姫子さんは色々と教えてくれた。\ ;学名ナルキッソス、ヒガンバナ科の植物。種でも育つが、開花まで数年かかるため球根が主らしい。\ ;真冬の花壇が寂しい時期、一人凛と咲く姿は、健気で美しいと教えてくれた。\ ^She explained in more detail.\ ^These were ~i~Narcissus tazetta~i~, family ~i~Amaryllidaceae~i~.\ ^They could be cultivated from seed or bulbs -- the latter being preferred because otherwise they wouldn't flower for several years.\ ^She waxed lyrical about their beauty as they stood and bravely flowered alone in cold winter gardens.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0065.ogg" ;「…やっぱり、園芸が趣味なの?」\ ^`...this is a hobby, isn't it? Gardening.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0079.ogg" ;「ん? 別に趣味って訳じゃないわよ」\ ^`Huh? No, not really.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0066.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして詳しいの?」\ ^`How come you know so much, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0080.ogg" ;「うーん、どっちかとゆーと職業柄かなぁ」\ ^`Mmm, if anything I suppose it's because of my job...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;園芸屋さん? お花屋さん? ;以前は車が好きとも言っていたけど…\ ;よく分からない。そもそも、姫子さんのことはまだよく知らない。\ ^What sort of job was that? Gardener? Flower seller? I'd assumed she was something to do with cars...\ ^It just went to show how little I still knew about her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0081.ogg" ;「ま、なんにしても、これが咲く頃には私はいないけどねっ」\ ^`Well, anyway, I suppose I won't be around to see these flower!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして…相変わらず、ドキっとすることを陽気に話す。\ ;わたしが知っていることは、7Fの住人で余命が見えていること。\ ;にも関わらず、こんなことを、あっけらかんと言える人だということだった。\ ^She threw the fact in again with the usual shocking cheerfulness.\ ^Obviously hospice patients knew their days were numbered, but I was still amazed at how disinterestedly she was able to talk about it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0082.ogg" ;「さて、大体終わったし、そろそろ部屋に帰りましょ」\ ^`Okay, I think we're pretty much done. Shall we go back to my room for a bit?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;二人して、よく手を洗うと7Fへ向かう。\ ^We washed our hands well and headed up.\ dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;エレベータを降りた目の前には、昼食を運んだ大きなワゴン。もう既にそんな頃合だった。\ ^We left the lift to be greeted with the sight of the lunch trolley. It was that time already.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 ;そして、姫子さんの昼食トレーを手に、帰ってきた病室。\ ;いつもなら、この時間になると、わたしは自分の家へと昼食を食べに帰っていた。\ ^We took Himeko's tray back to her room.\ ^At that point I would normally have left her and popped home for my own lunch.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0083.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ、一緒に食堂行く? あなたも家まで帰るの面倒くさいでしょ?」\ ^`Setsumi... shall we go to the café? You don't really want to trail all the way home and back, do you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;自分のトレーを手に、そんな提案をしてくれる姫子さん。\ ;普段なら、ちょっと考えてしまうところだけど、今日は少し違っていた。\ ^It was thoughtful of her to realise. Normally it would have been difficult to know what to say, but today I was prepared.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0067b.ogg" ;「…今日わたし、お弁当もってきてるから」\ ^`...I've got a packed lunch today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0084.ogg" ;「えっ、あなたお弁当、持ってきてるの?」\ ^`Ehh, you've brought your own?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0068b.ogg" ;「うん…お母さんが作ってくれたから」\ ^`Yeah... Mum made me it...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言いながらトートバックからお弁当箱を取り出すと、ベッドの横の小さなテーブルに広げる。\ ;一緒に持ってきた、凍らせた麦茶が、ちょうど良いくらいに溶けて飲み頃だった。\ ^I brought it out as I replied, placing the box on the little bedside table.\ ^The frozen barley water I'd brought with it was thawing nicely and just about ready to drink.\ ;-- Frozen barley water sounds umm... appetizing? >_> ;== No worse than frozen barley tea, surely! :P ;== (Barley water is pretty similar to 麦茶, and much more familiar in Britain.) ;-- Either is technically unheard of here >_> dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0085.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0069.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^`...are you okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0086.ogg" ;「セツミーっ」\ ^`Setsumi---!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0070.ogg" ;「わ、びっくりした…」\ ^`Whoa, don't frighten me...!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0087.ogg" ;「私は今、もうれつに感動してるのよっ」\ ^`But I'm so ~i~moved~i~!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0088.ogg" ;「まさかこんな場所に、お弁当持参で来てくれる子がいるとはっ」\ ^`I can't believe I've found a girl who'd actually bring a packed lunch to a place like this!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0089.ogg" ;「ありがと、ありがとねっ」\ ^`Thank you -- thank you!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0071.ogg" ;「て、わ、だ、抱きつかないで…」\ ^`H-hey! Don't smother me---!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0090.ogg" ;「あはは、ちょっとオーバーだったかしら?」\ ^`Oops, was that a little OTT...?'\ ;--People say OTT out loud? for half a second I saw OTL... ;==Yup, we do. (And when I see OTL I think of a certain evil Oracle product. Or possibly the other way round.) ;-- orz !sd dwavestop 5 dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そしてわたし達は、一緒に昼食を食べ始めた。\ ;姫子さんもベッドから降りると、二人してパイプ椅子に並んで座る。\ ;ちなみに姫子さんの昼食は、7Fだからといって、他の病棟とも大差ないようだった。\ ;…もしかしたら、すごく豪勢なのかとも思ったけど、いかにも病院食といった地味な昼食。\ ;それと比べたら、わたしのお弁当は、お母さんが気合を入れて作ってくれただけに、\ ;からあげや、たくさんのコロッケで、とても賑やかだった。\ ^So we began our lunch.\ ^Himeko got back out of bed, and we sat side by side on those little chairs.\ ^I may as well add that, for all that this was the hospice, her food was not significantly different from that served on other floors.\ ^It made my packed lunch -- in which, unsurprisingly, croquettes and fries featured heavily -- look positively exciting.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0091.ogg" ;「じ~………」\ ^`Mmmm...\ ; Pathetic, but given the requirement that she vocalise something... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0092.ogg" ;「ねえねえ、一つ貰っていい?」\ ^`Mind if I steal something?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0072b.ogg" ;「うん…どうぞ」\ ^`Not really...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0093.ogg" ;「わーい、いただきまーすっ、ぱくっ」\ ^`Hurrah! Here we go, then!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0094.ogg" ;「って、辛っ、これカレーコロッケね」\ ^`...ow! That's spicy! What are these, curry croquettes?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それほど辛くなかった筈だけど、オーバーに水を流し込む姫子さん。\ ^They weren't actually that hot, but she washed it down with a positively exhibitionist quantity of water.\ ;-- Positively exhibitionist? Impressive... ;== Okay, it's a rather exaggerated translation of オーバー, but Himeko _is_ exaggerating, right? :) dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0073.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^`...are you okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0095.ogg" ;「うぅ、実は私って辛いの超苦手なのよね…」\ ^`Aww, I can't handle spicy stuff...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;普段のイメージと違って、少し涙まで浮かべたりして。\ ;そんな姿が可笑しくて、わたしは、中身を教えてあげることにした。\ ^This was something completely different from her usual image. There were even tears in her eyes.\ ^Amused, I decided to take pity on her and explain the fillings.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0074.ogg" ;「これが、野菜コロッケ…」\ ^`This one's vegetable...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0096.ogg" ;「はい?」\ ^`Oh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0075.ogg" ;「そっちはカボチャ、手前のは肉コロッケよ…」\ ^`That's pumpkin, this one's meat...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0097.ogg" ;「えーと…もしかして、見ただけで中身が分かるの?」\ ^`Er... are you telling me you can tell the contents just by looking at them?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;こくん。その言葉にわたしは頷いてみせる。\ ;そして、半信半疑のお姉さんに、お箸でコロッケを半分に割ると中身を見せる。\ ^I nodded. I could.\ ^She looked rather doubtful, so I split one open and let her see.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0076.ogg" ;「ほら…合ってるわよ」\ ^`See... like I said.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0098.ogg" ;「ちょ、なんで分かるのよ? 外見全く同じなのに」\ ^`Wha---how did you know? They all look the same!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0077b.ogg" ;「…全く同じって訳でもないわ」\ ^`...no they don't.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0099.ogg" ;「うーん、少なくとも、私には見分けつかないわね…」\ ^`Mmm, maybe to you, but I sure can't tell the difference...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0100.ogg" ;「ね、もしかしてコロッケに詳しいの?」\ ^`Are you some kind of croquette expert?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0078.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^`...not particularly...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;…自分としてはそれほど凄いこととは思えないけど。\ ;単純に、毎日のように食べていると、わずかな外見の違いで分かるようになっただけだった。\ ^I didn't think I was doing anything particularly impressive.\ ^You'd expect to learn to tell them apart if you had to eat the things every day.\ bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0101.ogg" ;「ふう、ごちそうさまでした」\ ^`Phew, that was good...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;一通り食事も終わり、わたしは空になったお弁当箱を、再びトートバックへとしまう。\ ^When we were done, I put the empty box back in my bag.\ ;;そして、姫子さんも廊下のワゴンへとトレーを返却に行く ;[commented out in original] dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0102.ogg" ;「ねえ、コロッケ博士」\ ^`So, Professor Croquette...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0079.ogg" ;「…はい?」\ ^`...sorry?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0103.ogg" ;「食後のアイスに行かない? 博士も?」\ ^`I think it's time for an ice cream... what do you think, Professor?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0080.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;もしかしなくても、コロッケ博士とは、わたしのことを指しているのだろうか?\ ^It was fairly obvious she was talking to me.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0081.ogg" ;「変なアダ名…付けないでよ」\ ^`Please don't give me weird nicknames...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0104.ogg" ;「あはは、気に入らなかったみたいね」\ ^`Ahaha, don't you like it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;…15cmしか開かない窓から見上げた夏空。\ ;けたたましく鳴く蝉の声と、姫子さんの明るい笑い声が、この狭い部屋にも響いていた。\ ;いつも、明るく陽気な姫子さん。\ ;もしかしたらわたしも…^@^笑えていたかも知れない…\ ^The sun beat down through those narrow-opening windows.\ ^The cramped room echoed with Himeko's laughter, mingling with the shrill voices of the cicadas.\ ^Cheerful, sunny Himeko.\ ^I might even have been laughing as well...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;■心情・情景>時間経過 ;それから、いつものように病室で過ごし…\ ;別れて、7Fを後にしようとしていた時…\ ^Then, after we'd passed the afternoon in the usual way---\ ^After I'd said farewell, and as I made for the lift---\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0083.ogg" ;「あ、ちょっと…」\ ^`Um, excuse me...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" bg "en\chi01.jpg",3 ;振り返ると、そこには見知らぬお姉さん。\ ;可愛らしいフリルのスカート。赤いエプロンと、胸に見えたロザリオが印象的だった。\ ^I turned to find myself facing another young woman, one I didn't recognise.\ ^She was dressed in a pretty frilly skirt and a striking red apron. The other thing I couldn't help noticing was the rosary at her breast.\ ;以前に見たヘルパーの人と、同じようなエプロンをしているけど…\ ;ということは、この人もヘルパーの人なのだろうか?\ ^The apron, at least, was the same sort of thing as I'd seen helpers wearing. So perhaps she was another helper...?\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0082.ogg" ;「…わたしになにか?」\ ^`...do you mean me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0084.ogg" ;「ここは、関係者か肉親以外、ご遠慮頂いているのですが…」\ ^`Sorry, but we prefer people not to wander round up here without authorisation, unless they're blood relatives...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0085.ogg" ;「あ、それともどちらかのご家族の方でしたか?」\ ^`...oh, but maybe that's what you are? Someone's family?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0083.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;一瞬、どう答えようかと考えてから、ゆっくりと口を開いた。\ ^I considered for a moment how best to answer, then slowly opened my mouth.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0084.ogg" ;「…姫子って人の…友達…」\ ^`I'm... a friend of Himeko's...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0086.ogg" ;「え、あなたが友達?」\ ^`Huh? ~i~You~i~ are?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0085.ogg" ;「…そう言われているわ」\ ^`...that's what she says.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0087.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0086.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^`...what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0088.ogg" ;「あ、いえ、なんでもないです、失礼しました」\ ^`Um, no, it's nothing, sorry I bothered you...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景>妹退場 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;その言葉を最後に、またどこかへ行ってしまったお姉さん。\ ;…今のは何だったのだろう? 恐らくはヘルパーの人だと思うけど…\ ^And she disappeared off somewhere.\ ^What was all that about? I decided she had to be a helper, even though she didn't look all that much older than me.\ ; Hey, I had to work the oneesan thing in somehow. This seems a reasonable approach... ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;すっかりと日も暮れ、今日の夕食も終えようとする頃…\ ^When the sun had set completely, and tea was over...\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_021.ogg" ;「まあ、きれいに食べてくれたのね」\ ^`Well now, you've eaten the whole lot!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景 ;空になった、お弁当箱に喜ぶお母さん。\ ^Mum was looking at my empty lunchbox with an expression of pure joy.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_022.ogg" ;「じゃあ、明日からも作ってあげるわね」\ ^`Tell you what, shall I keep making them?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0087.ogg" ;「うん…ありがと…」\ ^`Yeah... please...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;本当は、ポテトは姫子さんが食べてくれたのだけど、そのことを打ち明けることは出来なかった。\ ^I couldn't bring myself to tell her that the person who'd eaten the whole lot was Himeko.\ ;-- This loses the meaning that she'd like to say maybe, but can't bring herself to. ;== mmm, good point... in fact, allow me to steal that phrase :) bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>雨戸> dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" ;カラカラカラ、\ ; Hurrah! An onomatope I can safely ignore! ;部屋の窓を開けると、少しだけ入ってくる涼しい夜風。\ ^I opened my bedroom window to let a bit of cool air in.\ bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",2 ;わたしの部屋。 ;窓辺には洗いたてのセーラー服が干されていた。\ ;夏の蒸し暑さに、思わずクーラーを入れたくなるけど、 ;まだ帰宅してもいないお父さんを思うと、それは戸惑われた。\ ^My freshly washed school uniform was drying in the corner.\ ^It was boiling hot, and so humid that I was desperate to turn on the air conditioning. But I couldn't -- not when I thought of Dad, still out at work.\ ;そういえば、姫子さん…\ ;結局、うやむやにされてしまったけど、勝手に花壇に花を植えたことは問題なかったのだろうか?\ ;それに、以前のヘルパーは必要ないって話しや、誰もお見舞いの人が来ないのも不思議だった。\ ^Then I thought of Himeko.\ ^I wondered whether she would get in trouble for planting those flowers or not. I hadn't managed to get a straight answer out of her.\ ^And I wondered at her claim that she didn't need a helper, and at her apparent total lack of other visitors.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…名前は姫子、天秤座のAB型、認識腕輪の色は白。\ ;まだわたしは、お姉さんのことを何も知らないのかも知れない…\ ^Her name was Himeko. She was a Libra, blood type A, and her wristband was white.\ ^To be perfectly honest, I really didn't know the first thing about her, did I...?\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha6,1 mov %flg2_bplay,6 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_6 mov $sys_midasi,"^#07 / Punishment [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;翌日。今日は違う場所でお昼を食べるわたし達。\ ^The next day we had lunch somewhere different.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm2\n032.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;ひと気のない談話室。お昼のニュースを無機質に流すTVを見ながら食べる。\ ^In the empty lounge, while the midday news flickered impersonally across the TV in front of us.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0105.ogg" ;「うーん、やっぱこのコロッケ美味しいわねぇ」\ ^`Mmm, I love these croquettes...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;今日も、お弁当のおかずを欲しそうにする姫子さん。 ;わたしも、病院の食事が美味しくないのは知っている。\ ;だから、テーブルの上にわたしのお弁当と、姫子さんの病院の昼食を並べ、二人一緒に食べていた。\ ^Himeko had started eyeing them hungrily as soon as I opened my lunchbox.\ ^I knew firsthand how unappetising the hospital food was, so I just put the box on the table next to her official lunch, and we shared both.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0106.ogg" ;「ねえ、次は野菜コロッケが欲しいんだけど」\ ^`So, if I wanted a veggie one next...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0088.ogg" ;「…右端のよ」\ ^`Right-hand end...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0107.ogg" ;「はーい、ありがとうセツミ博士」\ ^`Cool! Thanks, Professor!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0090.ogg" ;「…もう教えてあげない」\ ^`...I'm not helping you again.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0108.ogg" ;「あん、冗談だって、冗談」\ ^`Aww, I was only kidding...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そんなやり取りをしながら、今日の昼食も終わろうとする頃、\ ^Then, as our meal (punctuated with similar exchanges) drew to a close---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0109.ogg" ;「ねえ、以前から気になってたんだけど…」\ ^`So, I've been thinking...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0110.ogg" ;「…もしかして嫌いなの?」\ ^`...you don't like this stuff, do you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながらお弁当箱に入れられた、ポテトを指す。\ ^She was pointing at the remaining fries.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0111.ogg" ;「結局、昨日も私一人でポテト食べたじゃない」\ ^`I ended up eating it all yesterday too, didn't I?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\; !sd ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0091.ogg" ;「………………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0092.ogg" ;「うん……嫌い…」\ ^`No... I hate them...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0112.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして入ってるの?」\ ^`Why've you brought so many, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0091.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どう答えようかと、少し悩んでから…\ ;わたしは正直に話すことにした。\ ^I hesitated. How to respond?\ ^Truth won out.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0093.ogg" ;「好きだと思っているから…お母さんは」\ ^`Mum thinks I like them...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0113.ogg" ;「ふーん、あなたも大変そうね~」\ ^`Hmm, that must be pretty tough for you...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;恐らく、これだけでも意味が通じているのだろう。\ ;以前の服もそうだけど、何故か姫子さんには、大抵のことは見抜かれてしまっているように思う。\ ;だけど、続けて出た姫子さんの言葉は、明らかに声のトーンが違っていた。\ ^She seemed to know exactly what I'd left unsaid.\ ^She'd displayed a similar perceptiveness before, over the issue of my uniform. It seemed little slipped past her.\ ^But when she continued, it was in a markedly different tone of voice.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0114.ogg" ;「でも…それは優しさじゃないわよ」\ ^`But... it's not really very kind.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0115.ogg" ;「まだあなたには理解できないでしょうけど…」\ ^`I suppose you probably won't understand yet...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0116b.ogg" ;「相手を気遣っているつもりなら、大間違いね」\ ^`But if you think it's making things easier for her, you're making a big mistake.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…間違い? 優しくない?\ ;少なくとも、この言葉はお母さんを指すではなく、このわたしに対しての言葉だろう。\ ;正しい・正しくない。\ ;これならば分かる。わたしだって、正直に言わないことを正しいとは思わない。\ ;ならば、正直に打ち明けるのが優しさなのだろうか…\ ;わたしの為にと、あんなにしてくれているお母さんに、 ;本当は嫌いだと告げることが、優しさになるのだろうか…\ ^Mistaken? Unkind?\ ^At least those words weren't maligning Mum -- they were aimed at me.\ ^I knew right from wrong. I knew that it was wrong not to tell the truth.\ ^But did that mean it would be kinder to hit her with the truth?\ ^Would it really be ~i~kind~i~ to tell her I hated the things, when she'd gone to so much effort to provide me with them...?\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;それから、売店まで姫子さんの買い物を頼まれたわたし。\ ;エレベーターから7Fに着き、再び談話室へ向かおうとした時、\ ^Later Himeko asked me to get her something from the stand.\ ^As I stepped back out of the lift onto the seventh floor, and headed back towards the lounge,\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0095.ogg" ;「…あれ?」\ ^`...huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景> ;廊下の先、談話室の少し手前。\ ;姫子さんと話す、誰かの姿を見つけた。\ ;…確かあの人は…^@^先日わたしに声を掛けた、ヘルパーの人だった。\ ;何かを話している二人に、わたしも近づいて声を掛けようと思うんだけど…\ ;何故か、そんな雰囲気に感じなくて、思わずわたしは、離れて様子を窺ってしまう。\ ^They were standing talking in the corridor in front of the entrance to the lounge.\ ^It was Himeko and someone else...^@^ that helper who'd accosted me the day before.\ ^I drew closer, intending to join them.\ ^But for some reason I found myself hanging back and watching, feeling unable to interrupt.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;bg "en\chi01.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0089.ogg" ;「ほら、今日の分の点滴、まだなんだから」\ ^`...you haven't even had your IV yet today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0117.ogg" ;「わかってるわよ、今から帰るとこだって」\ ^`I know! I was just on my way back for that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0090.ogg" ;「それと、午後からの入浴の仕方だけど…」\ ^`And about the afternoon bathing procedures...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0032.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0118.ogg" ;;「……………」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0119.ogg" ;「千尋…私が知らないとでも思って?」\ ^`Chihiro... do you really think ~i~I~i~ need telling?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0091.ogg" ;「あ…別にそんな意味じゃ…」\ ^`Um... that's not what I...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0120.ogg" ;「だったら余計な気遣いは無用よ、あなたこそ、自分の担当の元へ帰りなさい」\ ^`Then stop fussing over me and go and help the person you're ~i~meant~i~ to be looking after!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0092.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そのまま去っていった知らないお姉さん。\ ;間違いなく、先日、わたしにも話し掛けた人だった。\ ^The helper left.\ ^There was no mistaking it -- she was the one who'd accosted me.\ ;-- Mrhm, maybe not in your dialect. but accosted tends to have a more negative and forceful connotation over here I guess. ;== It does to some degree here too, but Chihiro's behaviour fits within its semantic range - the way she stops Setsumi and starts telling her off before she even considers the possibility that she might be visiting someone legitimately is definitely somewhat negative, don't you think? ;-- mm ^_^ it seems in general you hold the image of a more forceful chihiro than I do. bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0096.ogg" ;「ねえ、今の人は?」\ ^`Who was that you were with?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0121.ogg" ;「…只のヘルパーよ」\ ^`Just a helper...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;まるで突き放すように答える。\ ;わたしには、以前に聞いた説明から、7Fのヘルパーの人達は、とても立派だと思えた。\ ;なのに姫子さんからは、あまりそういった感じは見られない。\ ;特に今の人には、冷たい態度だったようにすら思う。\ ^She said, as though shoving the question aside.\ ^From what she'd told me previously, I was of the opinion that the hospice helpers were pretty admirable people -- though clearly that wasn't what Himeko herself thought.\ ^Her manner towards this one in particular had been hard to consider anything but cold.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;何か言いたそうにしているのを察してか、目の前の談話室に入る姫子さん。\ ;そしてソファに腰掛け、向かいの椅子にわたしを勧めた。\ ^She turned and entered the lounge, having perhaps noticed that I was about to say something further.\ ^There she made herself comfortable on the sofa, and waved me into a chair facing her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0122.ogg" ;「実は私も、ヘルパーやってたことあるのよ」\ ^`You know, I was a helper myself for a while.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0097.ogg" ;「えっ…ここで?」\ ^`What... here?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0123.ogg" ;「だから知り合いなのよ」\ ^`That's why I know her.'\ ;-- I oddly find this line strange, yet can't express it, it sounds she's assuming setsumi knows they were acquiantances and explaining that fact. while my sense is that she's more explaining their relationship without that assumption? bah something like that ;== My feeling is that Himeko knows Setsumi suspects something from the way she asked (consider how few questions Setsumi normally asks!). I don't think she'd volunteer information like this if she didn't think she had to justify anything. ;-- mm. well, that's good enough for me !sd dwavestop 1 ;意外だった。\ ;わたしには、陽気で明るい姫子さんと、ヘルパーのイメージが結びつかない。\ ;少なくとも、この7Fのヘルパーの人には、いつも穏やかで落ち着いた感じをイメージしていた。\ ^That was unexpected.\ ^My impression was that the helpers up here were all calm and quiet people, as unlike sunny, cheerful Himeko as anyone could be.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…でも…^@^よく考えてみると、頷ける部分もあった。\ ;この7Fって場所の患者は、他病棟の患者と違い、それなりに自由を与えられている。\ ;但し、その中でも姫子さんは特別に思えた。何故か、もっと好き勝手が許されているように感じていた。\ ;以前に疑問に思った、勝手に花壇に植木の件も、担当ヘルパーが必要ないと言った件も…\ ;やたらと医者の先生や看護婦さんと仲が良いのも頷ける。\ ;きっと、以前にこの病院でヘルパーをやっていた故に、色々と許されている部分も多いのだろう。\ ^But...^@^ when I thought about it, I could just about see it.\ ^The patients up here were all given a fair bit of freedom compared to those on other wards.\ ^But Himeko, for some reason, seemed to be a yet more special case -- to be permitted to follow her whims to an even greater extent.\ ^Those things that had confused me before -- planting those bulbs, or the fact she claimed not to need a helper of her own -- began to fall into place.\ ^If she'd volunteered here in the past, it made sense that she'd be on good terms with the staff, and that they'd be a lot less strict with her.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0098.ogg" ;「ねえ、一つ質問していい?」\ ^`Can I ask you something?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0099.ogg" ;「…どうしてヘルパーやってたの?」\ ^`...why did you volunteer here?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;今度は次の疑問をぶつけてみた。\ ;姫子さんが元ヘルパーなのが事実だったとしても、何故そういった活動をしていたかは、想像できない。\ ;少なくとも、自分が知っている限りの姫子さんからは、ボランティアやヘルパーといったモノとは無縁に思える。\ ^I tried taking the initiative for once.\ ^The fact that she'd helped here made some things made sense, but it itself was even more of a mystery.\ ^I couldn't imagine her as a helper. The concept seemed impossibly removed from the Himeko I'd thought I was beginning to get to know.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0124.ogg" ;「ウチはカトリックだからね…」\ ^`My family's Catholic, that's why.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0100.ogg" ;「…カトリック?」\ ^`...Catholic?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0125.ogg" ;「ええ、私の両親もそうだけど、こういう福祉活動にはよく参加するのよ」\ ^`Yeah, my parents are. We do a lot of this kind of social welfare stuff.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>色々と ;これは、更に予想外の回答だった。\ ;もちろん、わたし自身、クリスチャンや宗教的なことは全くの無知。\ ;それでも、先程のヘルパーより、更に姫子さんのイメージからは遠く感じる。\ ^That was an even less expected revelation.\ ^I personally wasn't religious, and obviously I wouldn't know the first thing about a minority faith like Christianity.\ ^But I had a mental image of what religious people were like, and Himeko fitted it even less well than she fitted the image of a helper.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0126.ogg" ;「それにほら、ここってキリスト教病院でしょ?」\ ^`And you must know this is a Christian hospital, right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0101.ogg" ;「…うん、それは知ってる」\ ^`...yeah, I know that much.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0127.ogg" ;「だから…余計にね」\ ^`Well, that's why.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;まるでこれが全ての回答であるような言い方だった。\ ;確かに、今まであまり気にしてなかったけど…\ ;言われてみると、たまに教会の神父さんや、シスターのような人も見かけたことがある。\ ;とはいえ、わたし達、普通の病人にとっては、病院がどういう形態であろうが意識することは少ない。\ ;それよりも、外科の専門であるとか、内科に有名な先生が居るといったことで病院選びをする。\ ;だけど、そこに勤める人にとっては、大きな違いがあるのだろうか…\ ^The way she said it suggested that that should answer everything.\ ^I hadn't really paid much attention to the place's religious nature before that.\ ^Now she mentioned it, I did remember from time to time seeing people around whom I suppose must have been priests and nuns.\ ^The circumstances of the foundation of a hospital tend to be pretty low down the list of things patients care about.\ ^The availability of specialist surgery, or the presence of doctors with recognised expertise, tend to be more important considerations when choosing a place to get treatment.\ ^But maybe that wasn't how the people who actually worked there looked at things...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0128.ogg" ;「でも、ま、しょせん私はエセカトリックよ」\ ^`But, well, I'm only a ~i~pseudo~i~-Catholic.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0102.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^`Oh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0129.ogg" ;「ええ、偶然、教会の隣に家があったってだけだし」\ ^`Sure. I just happened to grow up next to a church.'\ ;-- Mm. the added bit seems to take something away from her mysteriousness. !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0130.ogg" ;;「それに、ヘルパーやってたのだって、 ;; 大学の単位として必要だったからよ」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 ;いつものように明るく答える姫子さん。その言葉が本当か嘘かは、わたしには分からない。\ ;只、その時だけ窓辺に視線を移していた。 ;よく見えない横顔が、その言葉を否定しているようにも思えた。\ ^Her voice was as cheerful as ever. There was nothing in what she said to suggest that she was being anything other than totally frank and open.\ ^But she chose that moment to look out of the window.\ ^It was so rare for her to look away while talking that I barely recognised her in profile, and I couldn't help but wonder.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0131.ogg" ;「でもね、まさか、逆に自分が7Fに入るとは思わなかったわ」\ ^`Still, I certainly never expected to end up here as a patient, I can tell you that.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0132.ogg" ;「あはは、やっぱ、バチが当ったのかも知れないわね」\ ^`Heh, maybe this is divine justice...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora06.jpg",5 ;長い夏の日が、ゆっくりと暮れる頃、\ ^The long summer's day drew slowly to a close.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;珍しく早く帰ってきたお父さん。今日の夕食は、家族三人揃っていた。\ ;ここに引っ越してからは通勤が遠くなり、こうやって三人で食卓を囲むのも久しぶりのことだった。\ ^It was one of the rare nights when Dad was back in time for tea.\ ^His commute had got so long after we moved that I could scarcely remember the last time the three of us had sat down to a meal together.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 ;「へ~、友達ができたのか」\ ^`I hear you've found a friend!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_023.ogg" ;「ええ、だから最近は毎日出掛けているのよ」\ ^`Yes, and she's going to see her every day, too.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;「よかったな、セツミ」\ ^`Isn't that nice.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0055b.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^`...yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;友達が出来たと、一緒になって喜んでくれるお父さん。\ ;きっとお父さんも、ここ最近わたしの体調が良いから、余計に喜んでくれているのだろう。\ ;…以前はお父さんと一緒に、いつも三人で囲んでいた夕食。\ ;でも今は、帰りが遅い為にお母さんと二人が常だった。 ;パートの帰りが遅くなると、わたし一人で済ますことだってある。\ ;…これが今の日常だった。\ ^He seemed genuinely pleased.\ ^He was probably just as happy as Mum that my health had improved so much, despite the cost.\ ^We'd used to have family meals together as a matter of course -- now he was rarely able to join us, and I sometimes even ate alone if Mum had to work late too.\ ^That was just how things were.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;3年前のあの日から、入退院を繰り返す毎日。\ ;姫子さんは自分自身のことを、”バチが当った”と言っていた。\ ;じゃあ、わたしも、何か悪いことをしたからバチが当ったのだろうか…\ ;一体、どんな悪いことをしてしまったのだろう?\ ;そして、バチを当てられているのは…\ ;このわたし? それとも両親? もしくはその両者なのだろうか…\ ^That was how things had always been, for three years now, since I got ill.\ ^Himeko had said that her own problems were ``divine justice''...\ ^Maybe that was true for me as well.\ ^But what evil had been committed that would deserve a punishment like mine?\ ^Come to that... who was being punished?\ ^Was it me? My parents? Possibly even both...?\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_024.ogg" ;「…どうかした、セツミ?」\ ^`Are you all right, Setsumi?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0103.ogg" ;「ううん、なんでもない…」\ ^`Yeah... I'm fine...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",2 ;カラカラカラ、\ ;窓を開けると、蒸し暑さの中にも夜風が心地よく感じた。\ ^I opened my window and let the cool night breathe comfort into the stifling heat.\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;…色々と分からないことが多かった。\ ;だけど、バチが当ったというのならば、一体、誰が…バチを当てているのだろう?\ ;もしその人に、ごめんなさいと謝れば…^@^赦してもらえるのだろうか…\ ;ポテトを黙って食べるわたしは、優しくないとも言われた。\ ;そして、何故かわたしと親しくしてくれる姫子さん。 ;今までは家族以外、自分を避けてきたのに逆だった。\ ;やはりあの人の場合も…\ ;他に誰もいなくて、退屈だからだろうか…\ ^I had a lot to think about.\ ^If this was divine punishment, who on earth was being punished?\ ^If only they could apologise enough...^@^ maybe they could earn forgiveness...\ ^Was it really unkind of me to eat the fries without letting on that I didn't like them?\ ^Why did Himeko want to be my friend, when nobody else apart from my family even wanted to know me?\ ^Probably only because she didn't have anyone better to relieve her boredom...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha7,1 mov %flg2_bplay,7 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_7 mov $sys_midasi,"^#08 / Pink Nail Varnish [h]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;灼けた日差し、降り注ぐような蝉の鳴き声。\ ;真っ黒な影が真下に出来る頃、少し寝坊してしまったわたしは、いつもの場所へと向かう。\ ^The sun burned. The cicadas never ceased.\ ^I'd overslept a bit, so I trod my usual path at a less usual time; my shadow was solid, sharp-edged and straight beneath me.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;「おはよう、今日は遅かったわね」\ ^`Hullo, you're a bit late today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0104.ogg" ;「うん、おはよう…」\ ^`Yeah... hi...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;エレベータを降り、顔見知りとなった看護婦さんと、軽く挨拶を交わす。\ ;もう今では、7Fに入っても、誰からも見咎められることはなかった。\ ;…もしかしたら、このままわたしも、ここの人間になってしまうのではないだろうか?\ ;ふと、そんなことを思うと怖かった。\ ^That's how I exchanged greetings, as I stepped out of the lift, with the duty nurse.\ ^I knew her by sight. I'd spent enough time up there by that point that nobody would have thought to question my presence.\ ^It was almost as though I'd actually become one of them myself, without realising it.\ ^The very thought made me shudder.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;白い廊下を進み、通い慣れた姫子さんの病室へと向かう。\ ;[translated below] dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ ^Down the familiar white corridor, I knocked on Himeko's door.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0105.ogg" ;「…入るわよ…」\ ^`...I'm coming in...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;そして、恐らくは待っていただろう姫子さんの元へと…\ ^She must have been wondering where I'd got to, so I hurried in, to find her with...\ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\tizu01b.jpg",10,1500 ;…本…^@^だろうか?\ ;ベッドの上に広げた、薄い冊子を見つめる姫子さん。\ ;それが、何であるかまでは分からないけど、その様子はいつもの明るい表情と違っていた。\ ^...a book?\ ^It was slim but large, covering a good portion of her bed.\ ^She was gazing down at it. I couldn't see what it was, but I could see her face, and she was not wearing her usual sunny expression.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0106.ogg" ;「ねえ…なに見てるの?」\ ^`Um... what's that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0133.ogg" ;「…地図よ」\ ^`A map...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0107.ogg" ;「地図?」\ ^`A map?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" ;それだけを答えると、再びページへと視線を戻す。\ ;それは、今までに見たこともないような、寂しそうな、それでいてどこか穏やかな表情だった。\ ^Her eyes returned to the page.\ ^Her expression was one I hadn't seen before: somehow sad, yet somehow peaceful.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0108.ogg" ;「…面白い?」\ ^`...is it interesting?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0134.ogg" ;「別に…つまらないわ」\ ^`Quite the opposite.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言葉ではそう返すが、顔はこちらに向けない。\ ;そして、つまらないと言いながらでも、じっと寂しそうに見つめ続けていた。\ ;…だったら見なければ良いのに…\ ;そう思いながらわたしも、同じように見つめる。^@^ ;他にやることもなかった。できることもなかった。\ ^So she said, but she didn't look up.\ ^If it was so dull, why did she keep looking sadly down at it?\ ^~i~---well, don't look at it, then,~i~ I thought, but rather than say it I joined her.\ ^I didn't have anything better to do. There didn't seem to be any alternative.\ bg "en\tizu01.jpg",5 ;ベッドの上に広げた、どこかの地図。\ ;そこには何本かの大きな幹線道路。名も知れぬ場所。\ ;…ずっと眺めつづける姫子さんには悪いけど、わたしには、この行為が楽しいとは思えなかった。\ ^It was definitely a map.\ ^It had all roads and stuff on it, and lots of places I didn't know the names of.\ ^I didn't exactly like to say so, but I couldn't imagine what Himeko found so interesting about the thing.\ dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0135.ogg" ;「…退屈でしょう?」\ ^`...you're bored, aren't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0136.ogg" ;「うふふ、いいのよ、私だってつまらないと思うもの」\ ^`Heh, don't worry, I think it's pretty dull too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0110.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、どうして見てるの?」\ ^`Why are you looking at it, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0137.ogg" ;「さあ、どうしてだろうね…」\ ^`Good question...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう答えながらでも、姫子さんはずっと見続けていた。\ ;…姫子さん自身にも、理由が分からないなら、このわたしに分かる訳がない。\ ;そんなことを考え、暫くそのままでいたかと思うと…^@^ぽつりと呟いた。\ ^But she still didn't look up.\ ^Well, if ~i~she~i~ didn't know what the point was, I certainly wasn't going to figure it out.\ ^As I was beginning to wonder how much longer this was going to go on...^@^ she continued,\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0138.ogg" ;「でもね…まだあなたには必要ないモノよ」\ ^`But... it's not something you'll be needing quite yet.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0111.ogg" ;「…それは…いつか必要になるってこと?」\ ^`...do you mean... I will need it, one day?'\ ;-- comma is a bit jarring. ;== It's how she'd say it - slight emphasis on `will' (not enough IMO to justify italics), then a pause before `one'. I guess I could drop the ellipsis after 'mean' and change the comma to an ellipsis instead -- would that be better? ;-- ... do you mean... one day, I'll need it? , shifting it around, it seems to catch it all, including japanese word order while you're at it? ;== Works for me :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0139.ogg" ;「さあ、それもあなた次第かしら」\ ^`Good question... I suppose that's up to you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…時折、わたしの考えを、見透かしたようなことを言う姫子さん。\ ;まるで禅問答のような言葉を、突然投げることだってある。\ ;それが何を指すのか分からないけど…^@^でも何故か…わたしには、頷けてしまうことが多かった。\ ^Sometimes her words suggested she held an insight into my very thoughts.\ ^At other times she came out with comments as inscrutable as a Zen koan.\ ^I found myself spending a lot of time just nodding, even when I hadn't a clue what she meant.\ ;-- is that last bit right? ;== No, far from it. orz ;bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 bg "en\tizu01.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0140.ogg" ;「ねえ…セツミ知ってた?」\ ^`Hey, Setsumi...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0141.ogg" ;「もし、どこか行きたい場所があったとして…」\ ^`Suppose there was somewhere you wanted to go...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0142.ogg" ;「どれだけの予算があれば足りると思う?」\ ^`What sort of budget do you think you'd need, to be able to get anywhere safely?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0112.ogg" ;「…わからないわ」\ ^`...no idea.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;突然の質問に、わたしは正直に答える。 ;今まで、そんなこと考えたこともなかった。\ ^It was an unexpected question, and one I could honestly say I'd never considered.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0143.ogg" ;「私の計算によるとね…5万円よ」\ ^`According to my calculations, the answer's fifty thousand yen.'/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_4 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_4 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_5 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~That is, about £200 (€300, US$400) at the time of writing.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~That is, about £200 (€300, US$400) at the time of writing.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_5 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0113.ogg" ;「そんなに…?」\ ^`That much...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0144.ogg" ;「ううん、そう考えちゃダメよ」\ ^`No, no, that's not the way to think of it!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0145.ogg" ;「逆にいえば、それだけあれば、 日本中どこだって行けるってことよ」\ ^`That's ~i~all~i~ you need, to go anywhere you like in Japan.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;その金額を聞いても、わたしにはピンとこない。また、こんなことをわたしに聞かせる意図も見えない。\ ;只、それは姫子さんにとって、どこか行きたい場所があるって意味なのだろうか?\ ;また、いつかわたしにも…そんな場所が生まれると言いたいのだろうか…\ ^Even thus enlightened, I still couldn't quite see what she was driving at.\ ^Was she trying to tell me there was somewhere she wanted to go?\ ^Or that there would, one day, be such a place for me...?\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_kami2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0146.ogg" ;「さて、んじゃまたアイスでも行きましょうか」\ ^`Well, why don't we go and have some ice cream?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って地図をたたむと立ち上がる。\ ^She folded the map and stood up.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0147.ogg" ;「私、検温あるから、先に行ってて」\ ^`I'll catch you up -- I've got to have my temperature taken first.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0114.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Yeah, okay...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;姫子さんと別れてエレベータを待つわたし。\ ;周りに見えるのは、パジャマ姿の7Fの人達。\ ;この人達も、さっきの姫子さんと同じように、どこか行きたい場所を持っているのだろうか?\ ;それとも、ある程度の年齢の人達は、既に諦めや達観の域から、そんなこと考えないのだろうか…\ ^We parted, and I made my way to the lift.\ ^The only people around were the pyjama-clad inhabitants of this floor.\ ^I wondered whether they too, like Himeko, still had places they had wanted to visit.\ ^Or whether, on account of their greater age, they had already given up, or taken to viewing such worldly desires philosophically.\ ;☆ベタ dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0093.ogg" ;「あのう…」\ ^`Um...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0094.ogg" ;「セツミさん…で良かったかしら?」\ ^`Setsumi...? May I call you that?'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0115.ogg" ;「あなたは、確かヘルパーの…」\ ^`You're... um, you're a helper?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0095.ogg" ;「はい、この7Fを担当させて頂いております」\ ^`Yes, I do what I can up here...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;それは、以前にも話し掛けられたヘルパーの人。 ;先日は姫子さんとも話し、二人は知り合いだとも言っていた。\ ^It was the same one who'd accosted me before -- the one I'd seen with Himeko the other day.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0096.ogg" ;「それで、姫子さんの…お姉ちゃんのことですけど…」\ ^`Um, about my sister... er, Himeko...'\ ; Yeah, this is where my naturalising approach runs into difficulties, ; while the literalising retention of Japanese modes of address just ; trundles merrily on. ;-- point claimed. =3 ;== :P !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0116.ogg" ;「…お姉ちゃん?」\ ^`Your... sister?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;この単語で、わたしは大体のことを察した。\ ;以前に姫子さんは、この7Fでヘルパーをやっていたと言い、 ;家族もカトリックであり、福祉活動もやっているとも言っていた。\ ;ならば、その妹である彼女も同じように、ここでヘルパーをやっていても不思議ではなかった。\ ^I filled in the blanks myself.\ ^Himeko had told me, after all, that the reason she'd been a helper herself was that her family's Catholicism encouraged that kind of activity.\ ^In which case it wasn't really surprising that her sister would also volunteer.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0117.ogg" ;「それで、わたしに何か?」\ ^`What about her?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0097.ogg" ;「もしセツミさんが、無理して一緒にいるようでしたらと思って…」\ ^`I'm just a bit worried... I hope keeping her company isn't too much trouble?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0118.ogg" ;「別に…そんなことないわよ」\ ^`No... not at all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0098.ogg" ;「あ、だったら良いんですが…」\ ^`Um, I suppose that's all right then...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0099.ogg" ;「以前は明るくて優しいお姉ちゃんだったんですけど…」\ ^`She used to be such a kind and cheerful person, you see...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景> ;そう言って少し寂しそうに俯く。\ ;確かに、先日に会った時にもそのような印象は受けた。\ ;少なくとも、こんな優しそうな妹さんへの態度としては、とても冷たいように思えた。\ ;でも、自分に対しては…\ ;以前は優しかったの『以前』は該当せず、今でもその言葉通りに優しいと思える。\ ^She avoided my eyes, and her manner seemed a little sad.\ ^I'd sensed the same the previous day, when Himeko's behaviour had certainly seemed pretty cold for a sisterly relationship.\ ^And yet for me the ``used to'' didn't apply. Himeko was still kind and cheerful for me.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0148.ogg" ;「千尋、なにをやっているの」\ ^`What're you doing, Chihiro?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0100.ogg" ;「あ、お姉ちゃん…」\ ^`Himeko...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0149.ogg" ;「前にも言ったわね…」\ ^`I thought I told you...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0150.ogg" ;「余計なことをしゃべってるヒマがあったら、自分の担当の人を、しっかり見るべきでしょ」\ ^`If you think you've got time to stand around gossiping, you aren't looking after your patient properly.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0101.ogg" ;「う、うん、それは分かってるけど…」\ ^`Y-yes, I know, but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0151.ogg" ;「あなたもヘルパーならば、自分の責務をまっとうしなさい」\ ^`If you want to be a helper, jolly well go and help.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0152.ogg" ;「行きましょ、セツミ」\ ^`Come on, Setsumi.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0102.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^`Um...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;■心情・情景 ;一方的に話すと、その場に妹さんを残し、すたすたと先になって歩く姫子さん。\ ;なにか気の毒に思いながらも、わたしも後に続いた。\ ^Himeko turned her back on her sister and stalked off ahead.\ ^Feeling distinctly uncomfortable, I followed. ;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\shokudou.jpg",2 ;SE>カチャカチャ\ dwave 5,"se2\sara04.ogg" ;今日も向かい合わせに座ると、バニラを食べる。\ ^As usual, we sat opposite one another, eating vanilla ice cream.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0153.ogg" ;「悪かったわね、変なとこ見せて…」\ ^`I'm sorry you had to see that...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0119.ogg" ;「今の人が…妹さん?」\ ^`That was... your little sister?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0154.ogg" ;「ええ、そうよ」\ ^`Yeah.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、2つ目のアイスを食べ始める姫子さん。\ ;それ以上は、特に何も言ってくれそうになかったけど、わたしは、さっきの態度のことが気になっていた。\ ;間違いなく姫子さんを心配しているように思えた。\ ^She started on her second ice cream.\ ^I got the impression she didn't intend to elaborate on the subject, but I was still bothered by how she'd behaved.\ ^Surely her sister was only worried about her?\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0120.ogg" ;「ねえ、どうしてあんなに冷たいの?」\ ^`Um, why were you like that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0155.ogg" ;「もしかして、妹のこと?」\ ^`To Chihiro?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0121a.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^`...yeah...'\ !sd ;こくんと、小さく頷いてみせる。\ ;姫子さんだって自分の妹だし、同じヘルパーをやった者としても気持ちは分かると思う。\ ;第三者が口出しすることじゃないかも知れないけど、 ;やはりわたしには、妹さんが気の毒で、可哀想に思えた。\ ^I nodded.\ ^Surely she must have understood her sister's motivation -- as close family, and as someone who'd volunteered in the same way in the past.\ ^As an outsider, it wasn't my place to criticise her, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for her sister.\ ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0121.ogg" ;;「うん、あんなに優しくて良い人なのに」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆加工予定\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0121b.ogg" ;「…あんなに優しくて良い人なのに」\ ^`...she seems such a nice kind person...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;「…………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0156.ogg" ;「そうね…優しくて良い人だからよ」\ ^`Yeah... well, that's why.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0122d.ogg" ;「…よく…分からないわ」\ ^`I... don't understand.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0157.ogg" ;「いいのよ、これもまだ、あなたには必要ないから」\ ^`That's fine. This is just another thing you don't need yet.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0123.ogg" ;「ただいま…」\ ^`I'm home...'\ !sd mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" dwavestop 1 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_025.ogg" ;「おかえり、ちょうど晩ご飯の仕度出来たわよ」\ ^`Well done -- you're just in time for tea!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_026.ogg" ;「おなか減ったでしょ?」\ ^`You must be starving.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;頷きながら、今日も空になった弁当箱を手渡す。\ ^I nodded, and handed over my empty lunch box.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_027.ogg" ;「はい、たくさん食べてね」\ ^`Well, tuck in.'\ ;-- the other side of the pond is scary. >__> ;== Bah, just because we have all these lovely expressive idioms. !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景> ;食卓の上には何種類かのお惣菜と、いつものようにパート先からもらってきた揚げ物。\ ^The dining table held the usual variety of dishes, among which fried leftovers featured as prominently as ever.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_028.ogg" ;「あ、ほら、また揚げてきたわよ」\ ^`See, all your favourites!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って勧めるポテトの皿。少し太めにスライスしているのが特徴だった。\ ;でも今日は…その皿を持つ手が、以前と違っていた。\ ^She held out a plate of somewhat thick-cut fries.\ ^But what I noticed was not so much the plate as the hand that held it.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0125b.ogg" ;「…お母さん、手…」\ ^`Mum... your hand...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_029.ogg" ;「ああ、大したことないわよ、やっぱり油、使うからね」\ ^`Oh, that's nothing -- just what happens when you work with oil.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;いつものようにお母さんは、明るく答えるけど…\ ;…やけどの跡だろうか? 少し赤くなっていた。\ ^She replied as cheerfully as ever...\ ^...but her hand was distinctly red, presumably from scalding.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;かつては、マニキュアが綺麗に塗れる度に、わたしやお父さんに、自慢気に見せにきていたお母さん。\ ;そんな些細なことで、うれしそうにはしゃぐ姿に、わたしとお父さんも顔を見合わせて苦笑いした。\ ;変わった色のを手に入れた時は、10年早いと言いながら、わたしにも塗ってくれた…\ ;…でも今は違う。\ ;ピンクのマニキュアは消え、変わりに、少し赤くなった手の肌は荒れていた。\ ;何故、そうなったかの理由は簡単に想像がつく。^@^ ;誰の為にそうなったかは、想像するまでもない。\ ;…だからこそ、わたしは辛かった。心苦しかった。\ ^I remembered how proudly she'd used to show off her hands to me and Dad whenever she'd got her nail varnish just perfect.\ ^He'd always caught my eye to exchange wry grins at how happy she'd got over such a trivial thing.\ ^She'd even done my nails too, all the while telling me I was really too young for it...\ ^Now that pink nail varnish was gone, and instead her hands were rough and reddened.\ ^I could guess the reason why it had happened.\ ^I didn't have to guess whose sake it had happened for, which made things somewhat worse.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_030.ogg" ;「どうしたの? 今日のも揚げたてよ」\ ^`What's wrong? It's all fresh today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;…それは優しさじゃないわよ…\ ;姫子さんの言葉が思い出された。\ ;…自分でもわかっている気がする。善意を裏切ることも、嘘を飲み込むことも同罪。\ ^Himeko's words floated into my mind.\ ^~i~---It's not really very kind...~i~\ ^I understood that now. Swallowing a lie was no different from betraying someone's good intentions.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0126.ogg" ;「…ねえ、お母さん…」\ ^`Um... Mum...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_031.ogg" ;「どうかしたセツミ? 美味しいわよ?」\ ^`What is it, Setsumi? Look, they're delicious!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_032.ogg" ;「まあ、ポテト担当になって、少しはお母さんの腕も上がったみたいだしね」\ ^`You know, I think I'm beginning to get the hang of the frying, now that they've put me in charge of it.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;あの日とは違う手で…\ ;でも、あの時と変わらぬ笑顔で、うれしそうにポテトを勧めるお母さん。\ ;そんなお母さんを前にすると…\ ;やはりわたしは、今日も黙ってポテトを食べるくらいしか出来なかった。\ ^Her hands had changed, but her smile was the same as it had been back then.\ ^She showed me the fries as proudly as she'd shown me the nail varnish.\ ^What could I say?\ ^I couldn't find it in me to do anything but silently eat those fries, as usual.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s90 ;もし、ここで正直に言えば…^@^…ここで正直に謝れば…\ ;わたし達にバチを与えている…どこかの誰かは…^@^赦してくれるのだろうか…\ ^But I wondered. If I'd told the truth...^@^ if I'd apologised sincerely...\ ^...would whoever it was, wherever he was, who was punishing us, have forgiven us...?\ !sd stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;数日後。真上からの日射しを受け、いつもの場所へと向かう。\ ;今年は例年よりも冷夏だと聞いたが、今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^It was a few days later. As ever, I was braving the heat to head for the usual place.\ ^I'd heard the summer was supposedly cooler than usual, but it was hard to believe.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0158.ogg" ;「おはよー」\ ^`Hello---!\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\a005.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0159.ogg" ;「セツミ、待ってたわよ」\ ^`I've been waiting for you!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故か、また病院の前で待っていた姫子さん。\ ^It was Himeko. She was waiting outside again, too, for some reason.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0128.ogg" ;「…また、中庭?」\ ^`...are we gardening again?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0160.ogg" ;「ううん、そうじゃないけど、まあ行きましょうよ」\ ^`No, we're... well, you'll see. Come on.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを答えると、さっさと病院の外へ向かって歩き始める。\ ^She began to walk towards the street.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0129.ogg" ;「…ちょっと、どこ行く気よ」\ ^`Where on earth are we going?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0161.ogg" ;「ほら、前にも言ったでしょ、残り3つのことよ」\ ^`Oh, surely I told you? I've only got three left to go?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;…残り3つ? ;最初、何のことか分からなかったけどすぐに思い出した。\ ^Three left? ^It took me a moment to remember what she was talking about.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0130.ogg" ;「例の…死ぬまでにしたい10のことっての?」\ ^`Of your... ten things you want to do before you die?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0162.ogg" ;「そうそう、残り3つの内の1つなんだけどさ…」\ ^`You got it. Well, this is one of them...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0163.ogg" ;「ちょっと、行って確かめてみたいことがあってね~」\ ^`There's just something I always wanted to go and find out!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そんなことを言いながら、どんどん歩き続ける姫子さん。\ ;既に病院からは、かなり離れてしまっていた。\ ^So saying, she carried on walking steadily away.\ ^We were already a fair way from the hospital.\ bg "en\miti2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0131.ogg" ;「一体、どこまで行くつもりよ?」\ ^`Hang on, how far are you planning on going?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0164.ogg" ;「うーん、結構遠いわよ、電車でも片道2時間くらいかしら?」\ ^`Mmm, it's a pretty long way. I imagine it'll take maybe about two hours each way by train?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0132.ogg" ;「…先生の外出許可は?」\ ^`...have you got permission?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0165.ogg" ;「もちろん無断よ」\ ^`Of course not.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0133.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;よく分からないけど…\ ;いくら姫子さんでも、今は7Fの住人だし、 ;勝手に病院を出て、そこまで遠くに行くことは許されない気がする。\ ^I didn't fully understand the situation -- it did seem Himeko had additional freedoms above and beyond those of a normal hospice patient.\ ^But I had a feeling even she wasn't really supposed to be going on journeys like this without telling anyone.\ ;-- going out like 'this'? or 'that'? ;== Oops. ^^; dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0166.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、そんな不安そうな顔しなくても」\ ^`Don't look like that! There's nothing to worry about.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0167.ogg" ;「そりゃあ外で見つかったら、さすがに怒られるかも知れないけど…」\ ^`I mean, okay, obviously they might be cross with me if they catch me out here...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0168.ogg" ;「ま、ちょっとくらいは大目に見てもらえるからさ」\ ^`But, well, I'm sure they'll let me get away with it this time.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;そこまでを言うと再び歩き始める。\ ;…もしかして本気なのだろうか? ;確かに、このまま行くと駅に出る筈だけど…\ ;そしてわたしには、別にもう一つ気にかかることがあった。\ ^With which none-too-reassuring words she set off again.\ ^Was she serious? We did seem to be heading towards the station...\ ^And now something else was starting to bother me.\ ;-- 'easily heading to a station' doesn't quite get across the 'a station is right up ahead and that's where we're going' feel ;== I'm not sure it should -- bear in mind a few lines later Setsumi says それほど詳しくないけど、どうやらA駅に向かっているようだった, so it's important not to have her sounding too certain at this point I think. ;-- Mm. you can put "there exists a station up ahead" and later go "we really do seem to be headin gto the station, as opposed to something in the station's direction" or not ;== You have a point. Also I just realised that her later line could be implicitly "going specifically to this one station as opposed to the other one". bg "en\miti2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0134.ogg" ;「ところで、その格好のまま行くの?」\ ^`Are you planning on going dressed like that?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;わたしはパジャマ姿のままの姫子さんに、素朴な質問をする。\ ;少なくとも電車に乗るには、その格好は具合が悪いように思えた。\ ^She was still in her pyjamas.\ ^It didn't strike me as quite the right look for a train journey.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0169.ogg" ;「もちろん、このままよ、このまま」\ ^`Of course! Why ever not?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0135b.ogg" ;「…着替えないの?」\ ^`...you don't think you should change?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0170.ogg" ;「いいのよ、これが私のユニフォームなんだから」\ ^`Nah, this is like my uniform, see?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;見上げた太陽が、短く濃い影を落とす。\ ;そんな、真夏の昼時にもかかわらず、どこか足取りも軽やかな姫子さん。\ ^The sun was overhead, casting short, hard shadows.\ ^But Himeko walked lightly, disregarding the midsummer's heat.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;…………\ ;…\ ^......\ ^...\ ;それからしばらく…といっても5分ほど歩き、道を歩く人が少しずつ増えてきた頃。\ ;それほど詳しくないけど、どうやらA駅に向かっているようだった。\ ;…確か、片道2時間だと言ってたけど一体どこまで行く気なのだろう?\ ;それだけの時間、電車に乗っていれば、かなり遠くまで行けるような気がする。\ ^The pavements grew gradually more crowded as we walked.\ ^The area wasn't one I knew very well, but after a little while, maybe five minutes, I worked out that we were heading for M-|-|- station.\ ^I wondered where on earth she was planning to take me -- where was two hours away by train?\ ^You could probably get a pretty long way away in two hours.\ bg "en\ekimiti.jpg",2 ;■心情・情景 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0136.ogg" ;「ねえ…駅からどこに向かうの?」\ ^`So... where is it we're actually going?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0171.ogg" ;「海までよ。正確には、パイナップルの木がある場所かしら?」\ ^`To the seaside. Somewhere they might have pineapple trees, I think?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0137.ogg" ;「…パイナップルの木?」\ ^`...pineapple trees?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;聞き慣れない言葉だった。 ;そもそも、パイナップルの木があるとは知らなかった。\ ^That wasn't a phrase I heard every day. ^Did pineapples even grow on trees?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0172.ogg" ;「あ、ほら、よく大きな建物の前なんかにさ、フェニックスって呼ばれている木があるでしょ?」\ ^`Oh, you know -- those palm tree things they're always growing outside big buildings and such?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0138.ogg" ;「あ、うん、知ってる」\ ^`I know the ones...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0173.ogg" ;「アレってさ、絶対にパイナップルの木だと思わない?」\ ^`Don't you think they've got to be pineapple trees?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;確かによく似てるけど…\ ^I had to admit they ~i~looked~i~ a bit like it...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0174.ogg" ;「だからさ、試しに切ってみて中身を確かめてみたいのよねぇ」\ ^`I've got to find out. I just need to cut one open and look inside.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0139.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0175.ogg" ;「ねえ、もし本当にパイナップルの木だったら大変よ」\ ^`Hey, wouldn't it be awesome if they really are?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…本気なのだろうか?\ ;常識で考えれば冗談に決まっているが、姫子さんの場合は、普段が普段なだけに、判別がつかない。\ ^Was she serious?\ ^Common sense told me she had to be joking, but common sense didn't always seem to work where Himeko was concerned.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0176.ogg" ;「なによ、その顔は? もしかしてバカにしてる?」\ ^`Why're you looking at me like that? Do you think I'm being silly?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0141.ogg" ;「そうじゃないけど…有り得ないと思う」\ ^`Not quite... I just think you're wrong.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0177.ogg" ;「もう、コロッケ博士のくせに頭が固いわねぇ、何事も実際に試してこそでしょ」\ ^`Grief, for a professor of croquettology, you're pretty closed-minded when it comes to actually trying stuff out.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0142b.ogg" ;「…博士、関係ないわよ」\ ^`...it's nothing to do with croquettes...\ ;-- what, you're not going to say 'it's got nothing to do with my doctorate'? ;== Since the sense isn't important, it seemed better to have her pick up on the last part of the phrase (matching the structure of the original rather than the semantics). !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0143.ogg" ;「それにフェニックスの木だったら、病院にもあるし、どこにでもあるじゃない」\ ^`More to the point, why've we got to go anywhere for that? There're palm trees everywhere. Even at the hospital.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0178.ogg" ;「ダメよ、もっと大物で試さないと面白くないでしょ」\ ^`They're too small. Where's the fun in that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;どこまで本気か分からないけど、わたしは姫子さんと共に、駅前へと向かう。\ ^I still couldn't tell how serious she was being. I followed her anyway.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 ;■心情・情景>駅前の様子 ;ようやく辿り着いた駅前。\ ;歩いて10分ほどとはいえ、炎天下の中を進むのは意外と大変だった。\ ;そして、やはりパジャマ姿の姫子さんは目立つのか、通り過ぎる人がチラチラと見ていた。\ ^Eventually we reached the station.\ ^It was in fact only about ten minutes' walk, but under the blazing sun that was a far from trivial journey.\ ^And we were attracting a certain amount of curiosity from passers-by. At least, Himeko's pyjamas were.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0144b.ogg" ;「ねえ…本当に行くの?」\ ^`Um... are we really doing this?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0179.ogg" ;「もちろんじゃない、その為にここまで…」\ ^`Of course we are! Why else would we have come all...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0180.ogg" ;「…うん?」\ ^`All...?'\ ;; I assume this is really Setsumi. It doesn't make much difference, mind... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0181.ogg" ;「て、隠れてっ」\ ^`Quick, hide!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;突然、物陰へと隠れる姫子さん。思わず、わたしまでビルの陰で息を潜めてしまう。\ ^She was diving for cover. I found myself crouching in the shadow of a building, holding my breath.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0145.ogg" ;「…どうしたの?」\ ^`...what is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0182.ogg" ;「あれ、外科病棟の先生だわ」\ ^`That guy works on the surgical ward.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0183.ogg" ;「向こうは4Fチーフの看護婦さんもいるし」\ ^`And that's the fourth-floor matron over there.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言われてみれば、わたしにも見覚えのある顔がある。\ ^Since she mentioned it, I did recognise a few faces.\ bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0184.ogg" ;「そっか…病院の関係者はこの駅から通っていたのね」\ ^`Oh, I see... this station is the one the staff use...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0185.ogg" ;「あはは、これじゃ見つかって怒られちゃうわ」\ ^`Ahaha, we'll be in big trouble if we're not careful.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>姫子様子>明るい ;あっけらかんと陽気に笑う姫子さん。計画性もなにもあったもんじゃなかった。\ ;それに、確か以前にヘルパーもやっていた筈なのに、そんなことも知らなかったのだろうか?\ ^She laughed, in her carefree way. Clearly she wasn't a planner.\ ^But surely she ought to have known what we'd find, if she'd been a helper herself?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0186.ogg" ;「だって、私の家って近所だから、電車で通ったことないんだもん」\ ^`I've never come by train, see, I live so close.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0146.ogg" ;「わたしだってそうよ」\ ^`Me neither.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0187.ogg" ;「うーん、でもやっぱあれねぇ、伊達にルールに含まれてないわね…」\ ^`Ah well, I suppose I should've guessed it's in the rules for a reason...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0147.ogg" ;「…ルール?」\ ^`...rules?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0188.ogg" ;「いやいや、あなたには関係ないことだから」\ ^`Oh, don't worry, they're nothing to do with you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0148b.ogg" ;「それで…どうするの?」\ ^`Well... what now?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0189.ogg" ;「ん? そりゃ出直すに決まってるでしょ」\ ^`Hmm? We come back another time, of course.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっさりと結論を出した。さっきまであんなに行く気だったのに…\ ;それに本当に行く気になれば、通勤ラッシュの終わる昼頃なら、特に見つからずに電車に乗れると思える。\ ;…もしかして、やはり最初から本気じゃなかったのだろうか…\ ^The decision came easily to her, even though a moment previously she'd been raring to go.\ ^I did find myself wondering exactly how serious she'd been, though.\ ^If she really wanted to go somewhere, it would surely be easy enough to slip onto a train unnoticed simply by waiting for the rush of commuters to end.\ ;_;_ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;まだ高い日。そろそろ商店街のシャッターも開き始める頃、\ ^The sun was still high. Around us, the shops were beginning to open their shutters.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0190.ogg" ;「さて、せっかく駅前まで来たんだし寄り道でもしますか」\ ^`Well, since we've come all this way, we may as well make the most of it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 ;言いながら、通りにある店をうろつく姫子さん。\ ;どうやら、電車に乗るのは諦めても、真っ直ぐに病院へ帰る気は無いようだった。\ ;しょうがなくわたしも、それに従うよう後に続いた。\ ;相変わらずパジャマ姿の為に、通りの人がチラチラと見るけど、当の姫子さんは全然気にもしていない。\ ^And she began to wander round, looking into the shops, completely ignoring the stares her pyjamas attracted.\ ^She might have given up on the train, but she clearly had no intention of heading straight back to the hospital.\ ^I couldn't see any option but to follow her.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて、一軒の店の前で足を止めると、\ ^At length, pausing outside one shop, she spoke.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0191.ogg" ;「あ、この服、なんか良いわね~」\ ^`Ooh, these are nice, aren't they...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;店先に飾られた、幾つかの服を手にする。\ ;但し、それらはいかにもヒラヒラとした感じで、どっちかとゆーと、可愛らしい女の子向け。\ ;あまり姫子さんには似合いそうにないんだけど…\ ^She pulled a few items from a storefront rack.\ ^They were certainly pretty, but in a rather... frilly way. The target market was a very girly one.\ ^I couldn't imagine them suiting her...\ ;☆BG 駅前\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0149.ogg" ;「…そーゆーのが好きなの?」\ ^`...is that your style?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0192.ogg" ;「まさか。私にこんな少女趣味ないわよ」\ ^`God forbid! No, I don't go for girly clothes.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言ったかと思うと、手にした服をわたしの前に広げて…\ ^I was relieved... until she held something out in front of me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0193.ogg" ;「うん、似合うわよ、セツミ」\ ^`Yes! It suits you perfectly!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0150.ogg" ;「えっ…わたし?」\ ^`Ehh!? ...me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0194.ogg" ;「ほら、いつもセーラー服だけどさ、こーゆーのも似合うだろうって思ってたのよ」\ ^`I know you always wear that school uniform, but I've been thinking something like this would look good on you for a while.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0151.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0195.ogg" ;「ね? 買ってあげようか、このワンピース」\ ^`Well? Shall I get this dress for you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0152b.ogg" ;「でも…」\ ^`But...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0196.ogg" ;「遠慮しなくて良いって、お姉さんからのプレゼントなんだから」\ ;-- seems too stray rather far ;== How about a compromise: ^`No need to hold back, I'd like to give you a little something.'\ ;== I don't think I'm adding anything here -- the fact that Himeko _wants_ to buy Setsumi the present is implicit in 遠慮しなくて良い, but the sentence doesn't feel natural in English unless this is spelt out. ;-- Mm. I just didn't like the 'thank you' bit ;== Fair enough! I take it "little something" is OK with you then? ;-- if I had issue with it, I wouldn't be able to say, with a dirty smile, "hows about you gimme a little somethin' somethin'" !sd dwavestop 1 ;欲しくない…^@^と、言えば嘘になる。\ ;唯一、持っているのがセーラー服しかないわたしにとっては、それはとても魅力的な提案だった。\ ^To say I didn't want it...^@^ would have been a lie.\ ^To someone such as myself, who basically didn't ~i~have~i~ anything else to wear, it was a pretty tempting proposition.\ bg "en\ekimae.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0153.ogg" ;「…姫子さんの服は?」\ ^`...what about you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0197.ogg" ;「私は必要ないわ、だってこれがユニフォームだもん」\ ^`This is my uniform. I don't need anything else.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って自分のパジャマを指す。\ ^She pointed down at her pyjamas.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0154.ogg" ;「…だったら…わたしもいい」\ ^`Then... nor do I...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0198.ogg" ;「あら? 別に私に合わせる必要ないわよ」\ ^`Eh? But there's no need for you to copy me.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0199.ogg" ;「だってあなたは、まだ選べるんだからさ」\ ^`~i~You~i~ still have a choice, after all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0155.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;何か言い返そうとして、その言葉を飲み込む。\ ;いつもの明るい口調だったけど、”まだ選べる”という言葉。\ ;それは、あまりにも重い意味を含んでいることに気づいた。\ ^I was going to say something, but then her words hit home.\ ^Her tone of voice had been as cheerful as ever, but those words -- ~i~you still have a choice...~i~\ ^Those five short words spoke volumes.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0156.ogg" ;「…やっぱりいい」\ ^`...thanks, but I'm fine.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0200.ogg" ;「残念ねぇ。絶対似合うと思ったのに」\ ^`Shame... it would have looked so nice on you, too...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0201.ogg" ;「ま、気が変わったら言って。いつでも買ってあげるからね」\ ^`Well, do just say if you change your mind. The offer remains open.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;それから、暫く駅前をうろつき、アイスを一緒に食べてから病院へと帰ることにした。\ ;違うお店でも似たような服を見つける度に、買ってあげると言い続けてくれたけど…\ ;結局…わたしは断わり続けた。\ ^Then we wandered round some more, had some ice cream, and finally made our way back to the hospital.\ ^On the way, every time she spotted a similar dress in a shop window, she offered again to buy it for me.\ ^Every time, I declined.\ dwavestop 5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;☆BG 夜空 ;あんなに暑かった昼が翳りを見せ…\ ;代わりに大きな空には月が顔を覗かせる頃、\ ^When that hot noon gave way at last to shade, and the moon crept into the sky in its stead---\ mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;いつものように夕食を食べ終わったわたしは、自分の部屋でゆっくりとしていた。\ ^---having finished tea in the usual way, I spent a quiet evening in my room.\ bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",3 ;窓辺には、洗いたてでハンガーに干されたセーラー服。\ ;それを見つめながら、ふと学校に通っていた頃を思った。\ ;今は体調が良いから忘れがちだけど、本来ならわたしは、入退院を繰り返す身。\ ;既に学校という場所から離れ、2年以上が経過している。\ ;その間、パジャマ以外の服が欲しいと思ったことはなかった。その必要性に迫られることもなかった。\ ^My school uniform, freshly washed, was drying on a hangar by the window.\ ^I gazed at it, and found myself thinking of when I'd been at school.\ ^It was easy to forget, while my health was relatively good, but my life did essentially consist of being alternately admitted to hospital and discharged.\ ^I hadn't been to school for over two years.\ ^In all that time, I hadn't wanted anything to wear apart from my pyjamas. There'd never been any reason to.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0157.ogg" ;「でも今日は…少しだけ心が揺れた…」\ ^`But... today, I wasn't so sure...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;素直に、服が欲しいと言えばよかったのだろうか…\ ;だけど、姫子さん自身が、頑なにパジャマで居るのに、自分だけが服を買ってもらっては悪い気がする。\ ;それに、どんな場所でも姫子さんは、パジャマ姿で堂々としていた。\ ;それに対して自分は、申し訳ないような…^@^なにか恥ずかしいことをしているように思えてしょうがなかった。\ ^Should I have been honest, and admitted I wanted it...?\ ^But that would've felt too awful, letting her buy me new clothes while remaining in her pyjamas herself.\ ^Those pyjamas she wore everywhere, so obstinately, so admirably.\ ^Next to her, I wouldn't have been able to help thinking that I was doing something inexcusable...^@^ something embarrassing, even.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0158b.ogg" ;それとも…\ ^On the other hand...\ dwavestop 0 ;マニキュアを止め、赤い手をしたお母さんや、同じスーツで遠い通勤を続けるお父さんも…\ ;わたしが可愛い服をきて、喜ぶことの方が、二人にとっても、うれしいことなのだろうか…\ ^What of my mother, who'd exchanged makeup for scalding? My father, forever commuting in his single suit?\ ^Wouldn't they have been overjoyed to see me come home happy in a pretty new dress?\ ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0159.ogg" ;…でもそれは…わたしには難しいことに思えた。\ ^But, ultimately... that would just have been too hard for me.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0160.ogg" ;「ポテトが嫌いと言うこと以上に…難しいと思えた…」\ ^`Even harder than admitting I don't like fries...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha8,1 mov %flg2_bplay,8 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_8 mov $sys_midasi,"^#09 / Catholic [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;☆シーン変え 数日後 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;ミーンミンミン、\ ;それから数日後。気づけば8月も中旬に差しかかろうとする頃、\ ;特に変わったことがあった訳でもなく、相変わらず、わたしは姫子さんの元へと向かっていた。\ ^It was getting on for mid-August almost before I realised.\ ^My routine hadn't changed. Like any other day, I was heading in to visit Himeko.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0103.ogg" ;「あ…セツミさん…」\ ^`Ah... Setsumi...?'\ !sd dwavestop 3 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;聞き覚えのある声に振り返ると、そこには先日も会った、彼女がいた。\ ^Hearing a familiar voice, I turned. It was her again.\ bg "en\miti2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0161.ogg" ;「…確か、姫子さんの…」\ ^`You're... um, Himeko's...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0104.ogg" ;「ええ、妹の千尋です」\ ^`I'm Chihiro, her sister.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;相変わらず、落ち着いた物腰、優しい話し方。\ ;姫子さんと違って、この彼女…千尋さんなら、ヘルパーやカトリックと言われても、驚きはしない。\ ;今日は普段の病院で見るエプロン姿と違い、白く可愛いワンピース姿も、どこか『らしく』思えた。\ ^Her manner was calm, as always, and her tone of voice gentle.\ ^Unlike her sister, Chihiro was someone I could readily imagine as a helper, or as a Catholic.\ ^This time she was dressed in a simple white dress, instead of the apron outfit she wore around the hospital. But it still fitted that image.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0105.ogg" ;「もしかして、これから行くところ?」\ ^`I suppose you're on your way to see her...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0162.ogg" ;「…うん、千尋さんも?」\ ^`...yeah. And you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0106.ogg" ;「いえ、私は先に寄るところがあるから…」\ ^`No, I've got somewhere to go first...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0107.ogg" ;「あ、そうだ…もし良かったら、セツミさんも一緒に来る?」\ ^`Actually... maybe you'd like to come with me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0163.ogg" ;「あ、うん?」\ ^`Um... okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;何のことか分からないながらも、わたしも千尋さんの後を歩き続ける。\ ^I went with her, wondering what she had in mind.\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;…灼けた空の下、ふたり並んで歩く道。\ ;姫子さんと違って、あまり言葉は出さない千尋さん。\ ;でも何故か、一緒に居るだけで、安心できるような雰囲気の人だった。\ ;やがて、病院の少し手前、普段わたしが行ったことのない交差点を左に曲がり…\ ;いつしか、辺りが閑静な住宅街のようになった頃、\ ^Unlike her sister, Chihiro was quiet.\ ^We walked side by side through the heat, barely exchanging a word.\ ^But somehow the silence was relaxed, not uncomfortable; she had a peaceful presence about her.\ ^At length, a little before the hospital, we took a crossing I normally carried on past.\ ^As our route took us into what looked like a quiet residential district,\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0108.ogg" ;「ほら、そこを曲がったところよ」\ ^`It's just round the corner now.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;SE>鐘の音 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;響きわたる鐘の音。 ;目の前に姿を現したのは大きな教会。\ ;以前から、近くに教会があるのは知っていたけど、実際に来たのは初めてのことだった。\ ^The hollow clamour of bells... ^The church dominated my view.\ ^I'd known there was one in the vicinity, but of course this was the first time I'd been anywhere near it.\ ;-- 'the' said corner? ;== Hmm, that extra phrase really doesn't add anything, does it? dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0109.ogg" ;「ちなみに、隣の白い建物が、私の家なの」\ ^`By the way, that's my house -- the white one next to it.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景>その感想 ;そう言って指差すのは、とても落ち着いた感じのする綺麗な家。\ ^She pointed it out.\ dwavestop 5 ;蔦の絡まる高い塀は、どこか洋風な雰囲気があった。\ ;…当たり前だけど、千尋さんの家ということは、姫子さんの家でもあるのだろう。\ ;そして、彼女に促がされるようにして、わたしも教会の中へと足を踏み入れる。\ ^It was a pretty and quiet-looking building, with ivy creeping up its walls to give it an exotic Western appearance.\ ^Of course, I realised, if it was Chihiro's house, it was presumably Himeko's as well...\ ^But she was urging me onwards, so I followed her and stepped after her into the church.\ ;-- exotic is rather unnecessary I think? ;== I think it's useful to point out that Setsumi is observing things from a totally un-Christianised point of view. There needs to be a jolt to remind Western readers that this really is the first time she's really been aware of Christianity as anything beyond "that religion they have in Europe and America". ;-- aha, I was just commenting on the notino that a western-style house is most likely not an 'exotic' thing in the world. bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景 ;初めて入った教会。\ ;窓から差し込む、眩しく明るい光と、色鮮やかなステンドグラス。\ ;初めて訪れたこの場所は、とても美しく思えた。\ ;静謐…^@^と言えば良いのだろうか? ;けばけばしいの、対極とはこんな感じかも知れない。\ ^I'd never been in one before.\ ^My first impression was of beauty. That was the windows; bright sunlight filtered through vividly-coloured stained glass.\ ^Vivid, yet anything but gaudy.\ ; Or Gaudí, come to that. ^Quite the opposite, in fact. The best word would probably be ``tranquil''.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0164.ogg" ;「でも、誰も人がいないね…」\ ^`It's so empty...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0110.ogg" ;「うん、この時間は誰も来ないから…」\ ^`Yes, hardly anyone comes at this time of day...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景> ;それだけを答えると、祭壇のような場所に向かって進む千尋さん。\ ;そして、ポケットから数珠のようなモノを取り出すと…\ ;静かに両手を合わせた。\ ^She moved on inwards towards what I supposed had to be the altar.\ ^Then, pulling what looked like prayer beads from her pocket, put her hands quietly together.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…これが、”祈り”というモノなのだろうか?\ ;テレビで見たのは、合わせた手の指は折っていたけど、まるで初詣の参拝のように、普通に手を合わせただけだった。\ ;そして、ポケットから取り出したモノも、最初は数珠だと思ったけど、よく見るとロザリオ。\ ;わたしにとっては、全てが新鮮で、もちろん目の前で見たのは初めてのことだった。\ ^Was that how they prayed?\ ^When I'd seen such things on TV, they'd interleaved and folded their fingers, but her hands were flat together, as though she were worshipping at any old temple shrine.\ ^And that thing she was holding... it wasn't a string of ordinary prayer beads, it had to be one of those rosary things.\ ^All this was, naturally, quite new to me.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0111.ogg" ;「ね、あなたも一緒に祈らない?」\ ^`Do feel free to join in.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0165.ogg" ;「…わたしが?…いいの?」\ ^`...me? Is that allowed?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0112.ogg" ;「うん、別に祈りを捧げるのに資格は要らないから」\ ^`Of course! It's only talking to God. Doesn't take any special qualifications.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0166.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0167.ogg" ;「…でも…なにを祈ればいいの?」\ ^`...but... what should I say?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0113.ogg" ;「それは、人それぞれ、ご自由に…」\ ^`That's something everyone has to choose for themselves...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そして、再び手を合わせると静かに目を閉じる千尋さん。\ ;私も見よう見真似で、同じように手を合わせる。\ ^She put her hands back together, and closed her eyes quietly.\ ^I copied the action as best as I could.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;音のないこの場所で、目を閉じると全てが無になった気がした。\ ;だけどそれは、恐怖感を生む虚無や闇ではなく、どこまでも澄んだ、白に思えた。\ ;…でも…一体、何を祈れば良いのだろう…\ ;千尋さんには、ご自由にと言われたけど、わたしには何を祈って良いのかが難しかった。\ ;そんなわたしの隣で、小さく呟く千尋さんの声が聞こえる。小さすぎて、その言葉までは分からない。\ ;…でもきっと、姫子さんのことを祈っているように思う。\ ;とても一生懸命に祈るその姿に、この推理だけは、そう遠くないように思えた。\ ^When I closed my eyes, in that silent place, it was as though everything ceased to exist.\ ^Not into terrifying emptiness or darkness. It felt more like all around was pure and white.\ ^But... I still didn't know what to do next...\ ^Chihiro might have said I had to choose for myself, but choosing what to pray for was far from simple for me.\ ^I could hear her whispering beside me.\ ^Her voice was too low for me to hear the words, but I guessed she was probably praying for Himeko.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0168.ogg" ;「ふう…」\ ^`Phew...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;再びわたしは目を開ける。しばらく…といっても僅か30秒ほどの時間。\ ;隣を見ると、ちょうど千尋さんも、祈りを終えたところのようだった。\ ^I opened my eyes again. It had seemed an age, but it couldn't have been more than about half a minute.\ ^Beside me, Chihiro had just about finished her prayers.\ ;-- Not exactly sure what sort of effect turning a few moments into an age adds, but doesn't hurt I suppose. ;== しばらく implies way more than a few moments -- Kenkyusha (新和英大辞典第5版) lists options from `for a little while', through `for a very considerable length of time', and finally reaches `for an age'. Here といっても implies that it's reasonable to pick the upper end of the spectrum IMO. :) dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0169.ogg" ;「ねえ、千尋さんはカトリックの人なんだよね…」\ ^`Um, you're a Catholic person, aren't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0114.ogg" ;「ええ、そうよ」\ ^`That's right.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0115.ogg" ;「まあ、カトリックの人ってのは変な表現だけどね」\ ^`Though that's not the way most people would say it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0170.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉さんは…姫子さんは違うの?」\ ^`And... is, um, Himeko not?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0116.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0117.ogg" ;「お姉ちゃんは、エセカトリックだとかいって、否定しているけど…」\ ^`She says she isn't, or at least not a real one...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0118.ogg" ;「でも、私が知る限り、とても敬虔なクリスチャンよ…」\ ^`But as far as I know she's as devout as I am, at heart.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景 ;いつもの優しい口調でそう答えた。\ ;自分が知る限りの姫子さんからは想像できないけど…\ ;他でもない、妹の千尋さんがそう言うのだから、きっと言葉の通りなんだろう。\ ^She replied in that gentle voice.\ ^I found it hard to credit, based on my own experience.\ ^But Chihiro would be better qualified to judge than I.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0119.ogg" ;「じゃあ、出ましょうか」\ ^`Well, shall we make a move?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0171.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Okay...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;再び、入ってきた入り口へと向かって歩き出す千尋さん。\ ;同じようにわたしも、その後を歩いていると、突然、その足を止めて振り返った。\ ^Chihiro started back towards the door.\ ^As I turned to follow, she stopped suddenly and faced me again.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0120.ogg" ;「て、あ、そうだ…」\ ^`I almost forgot...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0121.ogg" ;「セツミさん、こっち向いて」\ ^`Turn this way, Setsumi.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0172.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^`What is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景 ;一体なにをするのかと思っていると、再び手を合わせ…\ ^As I looked at her blankly, she put her hands together again...\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0122.ogg" ;「あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^`|``May the Lord pour out His grace and abundant blessings upon you.''|'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0173.ogg" ;「…わたしの為に?」\ ^`...upon me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0123.ogg" ;「えへへ、もちろん私は司祭さまじゃないから、気持ちだけだけどね」\ ^`Heh, obviously I'm not a priest or anything, so it's just the thought.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;それから教会を後にし、彼女とは病院の前で別れた。\ ;わたしにとっては全てが初めての経験で新鮮だった。\ ^Then we left the church together, and parted outside the hospital.\ ^It had been an experience.\ ;-- leaving out the freshness of new experiences dulls it a smidge ;== To me it seems implicit. But TODO: reconsider. ;-- mmm it might depend on how the context frames it, people happily coming home from vacation would easily use 'it was an experience!' to express newness and positivity. while someone who just walked out of the most boring 8-hour marathon meeting might say 'it was an experience' in a dead way. here. it's closer to the former, but not quite to the level where freshness is immediately apparent I think. dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0174.ogg" ;「教会やカトリックのことは…よく分からない…」\ ^`I... can't say I know much about churches or Catholics...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;只、わたしが理解したことは、千尋さんはとても優しくて良い人だという再認識。\ ;そして、そんな彼女に対して、冷たい態度を取る姫子さんも、 ;同じように敬虔なカトリックらしいということ。\ ^All I could be sure of was that this had confirmed for me that Chihiro was a good and gentle person.\ ^And that Himeko, who behaved so coldly towards her, was apparently just as devout a believer.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;少し遅れてやってきた、いつもの場所。\ ;でも何故か、病室にも談話室にも、姫子さんの姿は見当たらなかった。\ ;…どこに行ったのだろう?\ ;「ああ、姫子さんなら中庭に居たわよ」\ ^I reached the usual place somewhat late.\ ^Himeko was nowhere to be found, neither in her room nor in the lounge.\ ^...where could she be?\ ^`If you're looking for Himeko, I think she's in the garden.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;キョロキョロするわたしに、通りがかった看護婦さんが声を掛けてくれる。\ ^That was a passing nurse, recognising me as I searched.\ ;「暑いから、ほどほどにって言ってて」\ ^`Tell her not to overdo things in this heat.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0175.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^`Okay, I will...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\z42b.ogg" ;見ると、ちょうど花に水をやっている最中だった姫子さん。\ ^I found her in the middle of watering the flowers.\ dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0202.ogg" ;「おはようセツミ、今日も暑いわねぇ」\ ^`Morning, Setsumi! Isn't it hot again today!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら、ホースを片手に勢いよく花壇に水を撒く。\ ;だけどその格好は、いつものパジャマ姿にスリッパ。 ;あと日射病対策なのか、頭にはわ麦ら帽子も被っていた。\ ;…その姿は、妙に滑稽というか、何故か姫子さんらしく思えるから不思議だった。\ ;そんな姫子さんに対して、わたしは先日に球根を埋めた場所を指差すと、\ ^She swept the spray from the hose one-handedly across the flowerbed.\ ^Her dress was mostly as usual -- slippers, pyjamas -- but augmented today with a straw hat, presumably to guard against sunstroke.\ ^Strangely, the end result, while slightly comical, still seemed somehow typical of her.\ ^I pointed at the bed we'd planted together a while ago, and asked:\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0176.ogg" ;「…もう、芽が出てくるの?」\ ^`Are they coming up yet?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0203.ogg" ;「あはは、そんなに早くは無理よ」\ ^`Ahaha, there's no way they'd sprout this quickly.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、あっけらかんと笑ってみせる。\ ;…敬虔なカトリックだと言われたけど…\ ;教会で祈っていた千尋さんのような雰囲気は、少なくともわたしには想像できない。\ ^And she laughed in her carefree way.\ ^She might be as devout a Christian as Chihiro had claimed...\ ^...but I certainly could never imagine her having the same sort of atmosphere as I'd seen surround her sister as she prayed.\ ;-- maybe I'm tired, but it's not 100% obvious the 'she' antecedant is Chihiro instead of himeko. ;== I'm definitely tired, so I'm not sure quite what you're saying. I read this as `She (Himeko) was said (by Chihiro) to be a devout Catholic (see chihiro-0118)... but I could certainly not imagine [her (Himeko) to have] an atmosphere like the one that surrounded Chihiro when she prayed in the church'. Have I slipped up again? ;-- mm. now that I'm reading this with less sleep deprivation, the main cause of the issue is that the line immediately before uses 'Chihiro' (nevermind the 'had claimed') and so my eyes track that and tiredly link the 'she' that comes right after with the name ;== Yes, I can see this being ambiguous like that. Would it help if I changed it to "...could never imagine Himeko having..."? ;-- it'd help, but it's not particularly critical. just eases the reading dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0204.ogg" ;「ここは荒野…だから花が咲くのよ」\ ^`This is a wilderness... so it's going to be full of flowers one day.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0177.ogg" ;「えっ?」\ ^`Huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0205.ogg" ;「…盛んに花を咲かせ、喜び喜んで歌う…」\ ^`|``Let it bring forth flowers like the jonquil, let it rejoice and sing for joy''...'\ ; I don't believe it. By some coincidence, the Jerusalem Bible is the only one I've come across that identifies the flower as a variety of narcissus, rather than the more usual rose or crocus. I don't know why it moves the flower into verse 2, but I'm not kicking a gift horse like that in the teeth! ; JB is also a nice authentic choice, as it's the translation used for the official Catholic lectionary in England and Wales. (North American Catholics use something different, I think.) ; Kataoka-sensei was not aware of this subtext, but I think it's reasonable to "add" it, in the circs. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0206.ogg" ;「知ってる? イザヤ書の言葉よ」\ ^`Don't you know that? It's from Isaiah.'/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_6 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_6 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_7 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~Isaiah 35:2, to be precise; the translation is the Jerusalem Bible.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~Isaiah 35:2, to be precise; the translation is the Jerusalem Bible.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_7 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;わたしは首を横に振る。 ;よく知らないけど、なにかの経典のようなものだろう。\ ;ちょうど今、そんなことを考えていただけに、突然の姫子さんの言葉には驚いてしまった。\ ;そして、そんなことを考えていると…\ ^I shook my head. I didn't even know what Isaiah was -- presumably some kind of scripture.\ ^I was a bit thrown anyway, given what I'd been thinking about when she came out with that.\ ^Before I could get my head round it, however...\ dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「ふう、今日は暑いわねぇ」\ ^`Phew, it's hot today!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どこからかやってきた看護婦さん。わたしが見たことのない、知らない階の人のようだった。\ ^A nurse interrupted us. It was nobody I recognised.\ ;「どうもありがとう、姫子さん」\ ^`Thanks for this, Himeko.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0207.ogg" ;「ああ、ついでに他の花にも水あげといたから」\ ^`Oh, I thought I'd water the lot while I was at it.'\ ;-- I think she's finished watering the other flowers? ;== I certainly agree that my translation was wrong here! I think the から threw me. !sd dwavestop 1 ;「ねえ、どれがいいかしら? 少し貰っていこうと思うんだけど…」\ ^`Say, I thought I'd take some back with me... what do you recommend?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0208.ogg" ;「…何階用?」\ ^`Which floor's this for?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「3FのX線待合室」\ ^`It's for the third-floor x-ray waiting room.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0209.ogg" ;「じゃあ、鉢植えでもいいわね」\ ^`In that case, something potted would do nicely.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、黄色と白のパンジーを、スコップで何株かビニール袋へと移した。\ ^She dug out some yellow and white pansies, and transferred them carefully to a plastic bag.\ ;「どうもありがとう。それでは」\ ^`Thanks ever so much. I'll see you around.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 ;受け取ったビニール袋を手に、再び建物の中へと消えて行く看護婦さん。\ ;別れ際に手をクロスさせる仕草もしていた。あの看護婦さんもカトリックって人なのだろうか?\ ;そして、よく分からないけど…\ ;どうやらこの花壇は、姫子さんが好き勝手に、植えたり選定しても良いのかも知れない。\ ;それも7Fの住人だからってことではなく、この病院にとって、公的に認められているように思えた。\ ^Taking the bag, the nurse disappeared back into the building.\ ^Her parting gesture was to cross her arms. I wondered whether she, too, was a Catholic.\ ^As for Himeko...\ ^It seemed she was free to do pretty much anything in this garden, from planting flowers to picking them.\ ^And it seemed that that was not so much because she was a hospice patient, as because she herself was well known in the hospital.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0178.ogg" ;「…今の看護婦さんも知り合い?」\ ^`...was that nurse someone else you know?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0210.ogg" ;「ええ、他にも知り合いは大勢いるわよ」\ ^`Yes, one of many.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;元ヘルパーだとは聞いているけど、それだけでこんな風になるのだろうか?\ ;ここがキリスト教病院ってことを考えると…\ ;先ほどの敬虔なカトリックだということに、やはり、関係があるような気がする。\ ^I knew she'd been a helper once, but was that alone enough to account for her status?\ ^Given that this was a Christian foundation, I couldn't help but wonder whether, if she ~i~was~i~ devout, that might have more to do with it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0211.ogg" ;「うふふ、なによ? その不思議そうな顔は?」\ ^`Ahaha, what now? Why're you looking like that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0179.ogg" ;「え?」\ ^`Huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0212.ogg" ;「別に、なにか権限を貰ってる訳じゃないわよ」\ ^`Don't go thinking I've got any kind of authority here.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0213.ogg" ;「私は、元ヘルパー。今は7Fの住人…」\ ^`I'm a former helper... and a hospice patient...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0214.ogg" ;「只、ちょっとキャリアが長かったから、それなりに顔が利くって程度よ」\ ^`Really, I've just been around a long time. That's why everyone knows me.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、わたしくらいの年には、しょっちゅうここに出入りしていたと付け加えた。\ ;その言葉から、”キャリアが長い”とは、ヘルパーとしてだけを指しているのでは無いと思えた。\ ;そういえば以前に、カトリックは様々な福祉活動にも積極的だと言っていた。\ ;それを考えると、恐らくは千尋さんの言葉通り、姫子さんは敬虔な信者なのかも知れない。\ ^She added that she'd been in and out of here all the time when she was my age.\ ^I deduced from that that the ``long time'' referred to more than just her time as a helper.\ ^But then again, she'd said before that Catholics were active in all sorts of social welfare kinds of things.\ ^It did all seem to imply that she was, as Chihiro had said, a devout person.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0215.ogg" ;「どうしたの? まだなんか聞きたいの?」\ ^`What is it? Still not satisfied?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0180.ogg" ;「どうして姫子さんは、お祈りとかしないの?」\ ^`Why don't you pray and stuff?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0216.ogg" ;「お祈り? この私が?」\ ^`Pray? Why would I?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0181.ogg" ;「だって、敬虔なクリスチャンなんでしょ?」\ ^`You're a Christian, aren't you?'\ ;-- why leave out the 'devout' bit? ;== Hard to say -- it just sounds wrong to me with it in, and seems to work quite nicely without it. Possibly because to Western ears it's obvious that only devout Christians would pray in front of other people. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0217.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0218.ogg" ;「そうね…エセカトリックが気に入らないなら…」\ ^`Well, if you don't like the term ``pseudo-Catholic''...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0219.ogg" ;「…”元”クリスチャンでもいいわよ」\ ^`...I suppose you could call me an ~i~ex~i~-Christian.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;それは過去は肯定するが、現在は否定するという意味だった。\ ^So she had been devout once. That was my answer.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0182.ogg" ;「じゃあ、もうお祈りすることは無いの?」\ ^`So you don't pray any more?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0220.ogg" ;「無いわ」\ ^`Nope.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;キッパリと断わられた。\ ^That was blunt enough.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0221.ogg" ;「ついでに言わせてもらうとさ…」\ ^`By the way...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0222.ogg" ;「祈りがあるってことは…呪いもあるってことだと思わない?」\ ^`Do you think you can pray without cursing too?'\ ; „Denkst du daß Mann beten kann, ohne zu fluchen?" ; つまり、エセカトリック=ルター派のプロテスタント、だそうだな…… !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;よく分からない…突然、そんな質問をされても考えがまとまらなかった。\ ;それ以前の問題として、わたしには、祈りと呪いの違いが分からない。\ ^I didn't know. My thoughts were too jumbled to answer so sudden a question.\ ^And it didn't exactly help that I wasn't sure how prayers and curses differed in the first place.\ ;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0223.ogg" ;「て、それよりも、明日行こうと思うんだけど」\ ^`Well, more importantly, I've been thinking we should go tomorrow.'\ ;-- the 'should' seems off ;== Can you explain why? This may be a trans-Atlantic difference... ;-- just the difference in color between 'thinking we'll go tomorrow' vs 'thinking we should go tomorrow', the first implying more decisive commanding-ness ;== Ah, I see. But to me the first is _too_ decisive for a sentence that ends with と思うんだけど, i.e. not just one but two layers of softening. :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0172.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^`What?'\ !sd ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0183.ogg" ;「?」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0224.ogg" ;「ほら、この前は無理だったでしょ」\ ^`You remember, we couldn't when we tried before.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;…もしかして、パイナップルの木のことだろうか?\ ;結局あの日は、駅前まで行ったが、諦めて引き返してきた。また後日に出直すとは言っていたけど…\ ^Was she talking about that pineapple tree thing?\ ^We'd made it to the station and had to give up. Presumably she was suggesting trying again...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0184.ogg" ;「でも、どうやって行くの?」\ ^`But how can we?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0225.ogg" ;「大丈夫だって、お姉さんに任せなさい」\ ^`Don't worry, you can leave that to me.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0226.ogg" ;「とりあえず、せっかくだから、お弁当、忘れないようにねっ」\ ^`And as it's a special occasion, I'll leave lunch to you. Don't forget.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;_キープ選択肢;_ ;;[this section commented out in original] ;;[looks like this is from when Kataoka-sensei was thinking of having branches] ; ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0227.ogg" ;;「うーん、それはまだ思案中ね…」\ ; ;!sd ; ;;dwavestop 1 ; ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0228.ogg" ;;「でもま、ダメ元くらいで準備しといて」\ ; ;!sd ; ;dwavestop 1 ; ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0187.ogg" ;;「…準備?」\ ; ;!sd ; ;;dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;■心情・情景>まとめ>必要ならば bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景>夕方の情景 mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;日がゆっくりと暮れた頃、\ ;今日も二人で、いつものように食卓を囲む。\ ^Mum and I were sitting together at the table when the sun set -- just the two of us today.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_033.ogg" ;「えっ、明日はお弁当、2人分?」\ ^`Ehh, so you want enough lunch for two tomorrow?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0186.ogg" ;「うん、いいかな…」\ ^`Yeah... if that's all right...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;明日、姫子さんと遊びに行く為、二人分のお弁当をお願いしてみた。\ ;但し、最近はわたしの体調も良いけど、もしお母さんにダメって言われたら諦めるつもりだった。\ ^I'd explained that I was planning to go out with Himeko.\ ^But I was fully prepared for the idea to be vetoed, even despite my relatively good health.\ ;-- starting to slip off the beaten path here ;== I'm not sure "I intended to acquiesce if" => "I was prepared for" is too much of a stretch...? ;-- well, there's a marked difference between planning to submit if shot down, and anticipating being shot down (which could imply you might fight for it) -- I'm focusing on the dropping of the 'akiremu-tsumori' I think dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0187.ogg" ;「…やっぱりダメ?」\ ^`...I guess it isn't?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_034.ogg" ;「もう、そんな訳ないでしょっ」\ ^`Silly, of course it is!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_035.ogg" ;「お母さん、張り切って作ってあげるわよ」\ ^`You just leave it to me.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;わたしの心配をよそに、簡単にOKしてくれたお母さん。 ;むしろ普段以上に喜んでくれているみたいだった。\ ^Far from forbidding the trip, she okayed it instantly, seeming unusually happy at the idea.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_036.ogg" ;「ねえ、そのお友達の姫子さんって、なにか苦手の物あるのかしら?」\ ^`Oh, is there anything your friend doesn't like?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0188.ogg" ;「…ブロッコリー」\ ^`Broccoli...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_037.ogg" ;「わかったわ、じゃあそれは入れないようにしてっと…」\ ^`Right, I'll make sure it stays broccoli-free.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_038.ogg" ;「そうそう、今度良かったら、家にも遊びに来てもらいなさいよ」\ ^`Ah, and don't forget to invite her to come over here some time in return.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0189.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^`...right...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0168.ogg" ;「ふう…」\ ^`Phew...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ベッドに仰向けに倒れ、大きく息を吐く。\ ;…きっとお母さんは、姫子さんのことを、普通の入院患者か、看護婦さんだと思っている。\ ;少なくとも、7Fの人だとは考えていないだろう。\ ;…ポテトもそう、姫子さんのこともそう。\ ;お母さんが喜んでくれれば、くれるほど…\ ^I fell backwards onto my bed, and sighed deeply.\ ^She clearly believed Himeko was an ordinary patient, or maybe a nurse or something.\ ^At least, it clearly hadn't entered her mind that she might be from the hospice.\ ^It was the same with Himeko as it was with fries.\ ^The more Mum got excited...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0191.ogg" ;「…わたしは心苦しかった」\ ^`...the worse I feel.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0192b.ogg" ;「これが、”罪悪感”と呼ばれるモノだろうか…」\ ^`I guess that's my guilty conscience speaking...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha9,1 mov %flg2_bplay,9 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_9 mov $sys_midasi,"^#10 / Pineapple Tree [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" ;いつもより少し早い時間に、病院へと向かう。\ ;手にしたトートバッグのお弁当は二つ。暑いからといって凍らせた水筒も用意してくれていた。\ ;…どこまで行くのか知らないけど、確か以前には、海までって言ってたように思う。\ ^I set off for the hospital a little earlier than usual.\ ^The bag I was carrying contained an extra lunch, and, the forecast being hot, Mum had also packed a flask of iced water.\ ^How far was she planning to take me? All I had to go on was what she'd said before -- ``to the seaside''.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0124.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん」\ ^`Ah, Setsumi!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0194.ogg" ;「…千尋さん?」\ ^`...Chihiro?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0125.ogg" ;「えとね、実は探していたの」\ ^`Um, actually I've been looking for you...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そして、ポケットから何かを取り出すと、わたしに向かって差し出す。\ ^She pulled something from her pocket and held it out to me.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0126.ogg" ;「これ、お姉ちゃんに渡してもらえるかな」\ ^`Do you think you could give this to Himeko?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0195b.ogg" ;「キー?」\ ^`A key?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;受け取ったのは、銀色に光るキー。\ ^That's what she'd given me: a shiny silver key.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0196.ogg" ;「…もしかして、車の?」\ ^`...is this a car key?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0127.ogg" ;「うん、裏の駐車場に停めてるって言えばわかると思うから」\ ^`Yeah, tell her it's in the rear car park.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0128.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お願いね」\ ^`Take care.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景> ;その言葉を最後に、再びどこかへと駆け出す千尋さん。\ ;…まさか、車で行くとは思えないけど…\ ;それとも、誰か他に運転する人が居るのだろうか?\ ;そんなことを思いながらも、わたしは言われた通りに姫子さんの元へと向かう。\ ^She hurried off.\ ^It was hard to believe Himeko was planning for us to go by car.\ ^Perhaps she had someone else to drive?\ ^The only way to find out was to do as Chihiro had asked. I headed for our rendezvous.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ;Die, onomatopoeia, die! ;dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;談話室をチラっと見て、そこにいないことを確認すると病室へと向かう。\ ^I glanced into the lounge as I passed, but she wasn't there, so I continued to her room.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ\ ^I knocked---\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0229.ogg" ;「おはよう、今日は早いわね」\ ^`Hullo, you're early today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0197b.ogg" ;「…そう言われてたから」\ ^`...you told me to be.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0198b.ogg" ;「あと、これ…渡してくれって」\ ^`And, here -- I'm supposed to give you this...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら、先ほど受け取ったキーを見せる。\ ^I held out the key.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0230.ogg" ;「ありがと、じゃあ行きましょうか」\ ^`Excellent. Shall we get going, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;さも当然のようにキーを受け取る姫子さん。^@^ ;…まさか本当に車で行くつもりだろうか?\ ^She took it as though it were the most natural thing in the world.\ ^Surely she wasn't really planning to drive...?\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;やってきた駐車場。\ ;ちょうど朝の外来時間とあって、出入り口に近い場所は、ぎっしりと車が詰まっていた。\ ;やがて…しばらく駐車場を歩き、最も外れに来た時、\ ^I followed her down and out.\ ^It was about the peak time for outpatients to come in, so the area outside the entrance was pretty congested.\ ^But at length we made it through into the car park, and walked out for a while, and when we reached the most remote spot---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0231.ogg" ;「あった、久しぶりね…」\ ^`There you are. It's been a while...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\car_chu.jpg",3 ;一台の車の前で立ち止まる。 ;赤い色をしたオープンカーだった。\ ;但し、その車は…見た限り2人乗り。 ;この時点で、他に誰か運転手がいる推理は消えた。\ ^She stopped beside a car -- a red convertible.\ ^A red ~i~two-seater~i~ convertible. So much for the other-driver theory.\ dwave 5,"se2\tobira3.ogg" ;SE>ドア\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0232.ogg" ;「どう? 良い車でしょう?」\ ^`Well, what do you think? Nice, huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0199.ogg" ;「…そんなことより…車に乗っていいの?」\ ^`Yeah, but... is it okay for you to drive?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0233.ogg" ;「法的にはね」\ ^`Legally speaking, yes.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;そういう意味で言ったのではないんだけど…\ ^That wasn't precisely the question...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0200.ogg" ;「…危ないわよ」\ ^`It's dangerous...'\ ;-- I prefer it being a statement of fact !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0234.ogg" ;「事故ればね~」\ ^`Only if we crash!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0201.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0235.ogg" ;「もう、大丈夫だって、わかってるから」\ ^`Don't worry, I know what you're thinking.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0236.ogg" ;「これでも、自分の身体のことは、自分が一番よく分かってるって」\ ^`This is my body, I should know better than anyone what it can and can't do.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;うーん、そうは言われてもなぁ、どこまで信用していいのかが分からない…\ ^Mmm, possibly. But how far could ~i~I~i~ trust it...?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0237.ogg" ;「あのね、私だって、本当にあぶないと思ってたら乗らないわよ」\ ^`Look, I wouldn't be doing this if I thought there was any danger at all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0202.ogg" ;「…ホントに?」\ ^`...really?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0238.ogg" ;「ええ、道路は私一人で走ってる訳じゃないんだからさ」\ ^`Of course! It's not like I'm alone on the road.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;バタン、\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_03.ogg" ;それだけを言うと、さっさと車に乗り込む姫子さん。\ ^She swung herself into the driving seat, as though that settled it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0239.ogg" ;「っで、どうするのよ? シートが片側、空いているんだけど」\ ^`Well, what now? That seat's still empty...'\ ;-- I read this less of like an offer and more like "oh gee, there's this seat here, and it's empty, whatever shall I do?" ;== Hmm, I hadn't considered that, but now you mention it... maybe I'll hedge my bets :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0201.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0239.ogg" ;「…わかったわよ」\ ^`...okay.'\ !sd ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0175.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;_;_ ;☆シーン変え:車で外に ;☆BGM>2o01やや明るいトーンで ;■心情・情景 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;軽快なエンジン音を上げて、走り始めた赤いオープンカー\ ^The car purred into motion.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;いつもの通い慣れた道から、たまに行く近所のスーパーを越え…\ ^We passed down familiar streets, past the supermarket I sometimes visited...\ dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;交差点を3つほど過ぎ、あっという間に、大きな通りへと踊り出る。\ ^...and shot out onto the main road about three junctions on.\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 ;…だけど、一体どこまで行くつもりだろう?\ ;以前に電車で2時間くらいって言ってたから、結構な距離に思えるけど…\ ;そんなことを思いながら、隣でぼ~っと景色を眺めていると、\ ^Where could she be taking me?\ ^Somewhere about two hours away by train? That could be a pretty long way.\ ^As I pondered this---as I stared vaguely out at the scenery---\ ;-- the double 'as' is a bit weird, since it doesn't make sense until you reach the end of the sentence... and somehow, I keep reading the line like you're starting at scenery located beside himeko. not sitting beside himeko staring. ;== Yeah, it's a bit of a crap sentence, isn't it? Perhaps the structure and sense become clearer if I do this: dwave 5,"se2\car01.ogg" bg "en\shanai1c.jpg",1 bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0204.ogg" ;「わっ」\ ^`Wah!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0240.ogg" ;「あ、ごめん、揺れた?」\ ^`Sorry, sorry! Did you feel that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0205b.ogg" ;「うん、ちょっと…」\ ^`Yeah... a bit...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "en\shanai1b.jpg",1 bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0206.ogg" ;「て、わっ」\ ^`But---wah!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0241.ogg" ;「ああ、少し辛抱してね、運転久しぶりだから、勘を取り戻すまで」\ ^`Sorry... it's been a while. Bear with me till I get back into the swing of this.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そーゆーこと以前に、運転が荒いように思う。\ ;実際には、そんなにスピードも出てないんだろうけど、 ;屋根がない為か、ちょっとした急ハンドルでもすごく怖い。\ ^Her driving didn't feel so much out-of-practice as simply rough.\ ^She wasn't actually going that fast, but the lack of a roof added terror to the slightest swerve.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0207.ogg" ;「ねえ、もうちょっと、ゆっくり…」\ ^`Um... if you just slow down...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car01.ogg" bg "en\shanai1c.jpg",1 bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 ;キキーッ\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0242.ogg" ;「え? なんか言った?」\ ^`Sorry? Did you say something?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0208.ogg" ;「…なんでもないわよ」\ ^`...never mind...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;わたしは、黙ってシートベルトをぎゅっと掴むことにした。\ ;風で髪が大変なことになるけど、そっちはガマンしよう。\ ;それよりも、シートベルトを両手で必死に掴んでいる姿は、ちょっとまぬけっぽいかも知れない…\ ^I gritted my teeth and hung on.\ ^The wind was doing something dreadful to my hair, but I could cope with that.\ ^I probably looked silly enough just sitting there gripping my seat belt with both hands...\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0243.ogg" ;「あれ? セツミなにやってるの?」\ ^`What're you doing?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0209.ogg" ;「…わたしのことは気にしないで」\ ^`...don't mind me...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景>走る様子とか ;気づけば、辺りの景色が街中から綺麗な緑へと変わる頃…\ ;ようやく姫子さんも、運転の勘を取り戻したのか、 ;それとも、わたしの方がその運転に慣れてしまったのか…\ ;とにかく、落ち着いて話せるくらいになっていた。\ ^The next thing I noticed was that the tight streets had given way to an expanse of green.\ ^I began to relax slightly, perhaps because Himeko was getting the hang of driving again... or perhaps just because I was getting used to it.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" ;bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0244.ogg" ;「どう? オープンも悪くないでしょ?」\ ^`Well? Open tops aren't all bad, are they?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0210.ogg" ;「うん、風が気持ちいい…」\ ^`The wind feels nice...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0245.ogg" ;「そうそう、この自然との一体感が良いのよね」\ ^`Yeah, it's the feeling of being one with nature...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;確かに、街中ではあんまり思わなかったけど、こういう自然の中では、とても開放的で気持ち良かった。\ ;そして、こんなことを話しながらも、隣の車線を走る車には、どんどん追い抜かれていく。\ ;最初、姫子さんの運転は怖いと思ったけど、どうやら、本当に安全運転しているのだろう。\ ^She had a point. It hadn't felt great in the city, but out here, surrounded by nature, it did give a great sense of freedom.\ ^As we talked, a steady stream of other cars zipped past us in the fast lane.\ ^Maybe I'd done Himeko an injustice; her driving actually seemed pretty sane.\ ;-- mmm. losing the tone of supposition that himeko's driving might actually be safe seems to take something away ;== A subtle point, but I can't deny you're right. bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0211.ogg" ;「…これ、なんて車?」\ ^`What sort of car's this...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0246.ogg" ;「あら? 車に興味あるの?」\ ^`Hmm? Are you into cars?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0212.ogg" ;「別に、そういう訳じゃないけど…」\ ^`Not really...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;深い意味があった訳じゃない。 ;只、なんとなく知りたかっただけだった。\ ^There wasn't any particular reason behind the question. I was just interested.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0247.ogg" ;「ユーノス…ロードスターよ」\ ^`It's a Eunos Roadster.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0213.ogg" ;「…もしかして、すごい車なの?」\ ^`...that's good, is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0248.ogg" ;「ううん…そんなに驚く程じゃないわ」\ ^`Well... it's not amazing.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0249.ogg" ;「只、私が好きってだけで、エアコンもナビもない、古臭い車よ」\ ^`It's a bit old, and it doesn't have aircon or a satnav, but I like it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして姫子さんは、この車について色々と教えてくれた。\ ;NA型だからとか、パワーウェイトレシオがどうしたとか、専門的なことを一生懸命に話し続けていた。\ ^She went on to tell me a lot more about it.\ ^A ~i~lot~i~. About how this was the NA body, and about power-to-weight ratios, and all kinds of other technical stuff, way over my head.\ ;dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0250.ogg" ;「って、ハチロクに抜かれたっ」\ ^`---hey! That was a Levin!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;隣の車線を抜いていく、一台を指して言う。\ ^She pointed out one of the passing cars.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0251.ogg" ;「あいつに抜かれると、何故かくやしいのよね」\ ^`Gah, I don't like being overtaken by those things...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚もミッドシップがどうしたとか、ロータリーがどうしたとか、 ;相変わらず意味不明なことを熱っぽく語る姫子さん。\ ;…ル・マンってのは、何かのお菓子のことだろうか?\ ;もちろんわたしには、それらのことがさっぱり分からないけど…\ ;でも、姫子さんがこの車をとても好きなんだってことは、わたしにも伝わってきた。\ ^Then she went on all the more enthusiastically, about RMR configurations and rotary engines and goodness knows what else.\ ^What was a Le Mans? It sounded like some kind of sweet...\ ^I could honestly say I didn't understand a word she said.\ ^But she was certainly communicating one thing: how deeply she loved this car.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0252.ogg" ;「うーん、でも変ね…」\ ^`Mmm, but it's strange...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0214.ogg" ;「…なにが?」\ ^`...what is?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0253.ogg" ;「思ってたより、しっかり走るわ。長い間、放ったらかしだった割にはね」\ ^`It's running smoother than I was expecting, considering how long it's been neglected.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆BG 変え bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;尚も進むロードスター。赤いボンネットに夏空を映しながら走り続けていた。\ ^We pressed on, the car's red bonnet ever reflecting the summer sky ahead.\ ;-- This... is a rather bizarre image ;== Mostly because you don't use 'bonnet' to mean 'hood', I suspect. Does it still read poorly if you make that mental substitution? :/ ;-- probably 'cause object1 chasing object2 when both objects are rigidly attached, is a bizarre image in just about all the cases I've tried to imagine. you might be able to say it with a horse and carriage, if you stretch, and probably with some dogs and a dogsled if you had an imaginative reader, but this is like saying the tail of a coin is chasing the head... ;== 悔しいけど、反論できない。w ;dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" ;やがて…見上げれば、斜めにあった太陽が真上に来る頃、\ ;長い長い山道を越えると…^@^いつしか目の前には、海が広がっていた。\ ^At length -- when the sun reached its highest point above us -- we crossed the final ridge, and the sea spread out before us.\ ;☆BG 走る車?>海辺 bg "en\umimiti.jpg",3 ;bg "en\shanai6.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0254.ogg" ;「どう? いい景色でしょう」\ ^`Well? Nice view, huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0215.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;どこまでも続く海岸線。エメラルドの波間にキラキラと乱反射する夏の日差し。\ ;遠くには揺れる松原と、ウミネコの声も響いていた。\ ;そして、道のまわりに見えるのは、たくさんのフェニックスの木。\ ;姫子さん曰く、パイナップルの木らしいけど、以前に言っていたように、そのどれもが大きかった。\ ^Beyond the endless line of the coastal railway, the summer sun glittered on emerald waves.\ ^The cries of gulls echoed over distant pine groves.\ ^And, around the road, innumerable palm trees.\ ^They were as she'd said; the same variety that she thought looked like pineapple trees, but every one considerably taller than the ornamental kind.\ bg "en\shanai6.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0216.ogg" ;「…ここが目的地?」\ ^`...are we there?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0255.ogg" ;「ええ、もう間もなくよ。少し行ったところに路駐できる場所あるから」\ ^`Nearly. There's somewhere we can park a little further on.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" !w1500 dwave 6,"se2\tobira3.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0256.ogg" ;「はい、着いたわよ」\ ^`Okay, we're here.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" mp3loop "bgm\a01.mp3" bg "en\car_chu1.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" ;海沿いの道にある、避難所のような路肩。\ ;2~3台は停車できるスペースがあるけど、交通量もない為か、他の車が来るとは思えない。\ ;そんな場所に車を停めると、わたし達は車外へと出る。\ ^A lay-by on the coast road.\ ^Large enough for two or three cars to park, but the traffic was so light that we had it to ourselves.\ ^Himeko pulled in, and we alighted.\ bg "en\umimiti.jpg",2 dwave 6,"se2\jihan1.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0257.ogg" ;「ねえ、缶ジュースなにがいい?」\ ^`What'll you have to drink?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0217.ogg" ;「…レモンティー」\ ^`...lemon tea.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0258.ogg" ;「了解、ちょっと待っててね」\ ^`Coming right up.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\jihan2.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\umimiti.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0013.ogg" ;「はい、おまたせー」\ ^`There you go!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\z0021.ogg" ;プシュ、\ ;潮騒に混ざって、プルタブを開ける軽い音が響く。\ ;そして姫子さんは、海に向かって腰に手を当てると、\ ^The sound of rings being pulled mingled with the roar of the sea.\ ^Then Himeko stood there, hand on hip, and turned towards the sea:\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0259.ogg" ;「ごくごく…ふう、おいしい」\ ^`Phew, that was nice.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;まるでお風呂上りの牛乳を飲むように、オレンジジュースを一気飲みした。\ ;なんとなくわたしも、同じように腰に手を当ると、レモンティーを一気飲みしてみる。\ ;そして、目の前に広がる海へと歩き始めた。\ ^She chugged her orange juice like it was the milk you might have after a bath.\ ^I tried doing the same to my lemon tea.\ ^Then we walked down towards the beach.\ bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0218.ogg" ;「…ここは、綺麗なところね」\ ^`It's so pretty here...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0260.ogg" ;「ええ、私のちょっとしたお気に入りスポットかな」\ ^`Yeah, I kind of like it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0219.ogg" ;「…以前にもよく来ていたの?」\ ^`...you've been here a lot before?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0261.ogg" ;「そうでもないけど、たまにはね」\ ^`Not a lot. Once or twice.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景\ !w1000 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0262.ogg" ;「ま、元々は偶然発見したんだけどさ」\ ^`Admittedly the first time was accidental.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0220.ogg" ;「…偶然?」\ ^`...accidental?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0263.ogg" ;「だってほら、あの車ってナビないでしょ?」\ ^`Well, see, I don't have a satnav, right?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0264.ogg" ;「だから最初は、適当に走ってて着いたのよ」\ ^`So I was just driving at random the first time I came here.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう答える姫子さんの顔は、いつもと少しだけ違って…\ ;どこか寂しいような、なにか懐かしむような複雑な顔をしていた。\ ^And for a moment her face changed slightly...\ ^There was a hint of something there that I didn't normally see; perhaps sadness, perhaps nostalgia.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0265.ogg" ;「さてっと、それよりも目的があったわね」\ ^`Well, anyway, let's get down to business!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そう言ったかと思うと、車のトランクをごそごそとし始める。\ ;そして、小さなノコギリのような物を取り出すと、 ;道路沿いにある、大きなフェニックスの木に向かって歩き始めた。\ ;…もしかして、本当に切る気だろうか…\ ^Before I'd processed the words, she was rummaging around in the boot of her car.\ ^What she pulled out looked very much like a saw, and she was carrying it towards a very large palm tree...\ ^...could she really be serious?\ bg "en\umimitiz.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0221.ogg" ;「…ねえ、それは何よ?」\ ^`What's that...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0266.ogg" ;「あら? 弓ノコって知らない? 本来は金属切断用だけど、よく切れるのよ」\ ^`Hmm? Don't you know what a hacksaw is? They're really designed for metalwork, but it should work on most things.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0222.ogg" ;「そうじゃなくて、何をするつもり?」\ ^`I mean, what're you doing?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0267.ogg" ;「もちろん、切るのよ、ちょびっと5cmくらい」\ ^`I'm going to cut into it, of course. Just a little way, five centimetres or so.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながらフェニックスの木に、弓ノコを添える。\ ;止めた方が良い気がするけど…姫子さん自身が、どこまで本気なのかが分からない。\ ;それとも5cmくらいなら、あんまり気にしなくても良いのかしら?\ ;てなことを、わたしが一人で心配していると…\ ^And she held the saw up next to the tree.\ ^I wondered whether to tell her to stop. I wondered whether she herself knew how serious she was.\ ^On the other hand... if she was really only going to cut five centimetres deep, maybe there was nothing to worry about?\ ^But as I wondered and worried...\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0268.ogg" ;「うん、やっぱりやーめた」\ ^`...nah, maybe not such a good idea.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って、再び弓ノコを車のトランクへと戻した。\ ;ふう、諦めてくれたのかな…それとも最初から本気じゃなかったのかな?\ ^She said, and put the saw back in the boot.\ ^That was a relief. Either she'd seen the error of her ways, or she'd been joking all along.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0269.ogg" ;「まだ人目があるから、もう少し暗くなってからにするわ」\ ^`We might be seen if we do it now. Let's wait till after dark.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…別に諦めたわけじゃないんだ…\ ^...okay, that was the other possibility...\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" ;■心情・情景>海の情景>やや長め ;灼けた日差しと、湿った海風。磯の香り。時折、近づいてくる何羽ものウミネコ。\ ;そんな砂浜で、わたし達は遅くなった昼食を始める。\ ^So we sat on the beach, in the hot sun and the moist sea-scented breeze, while gulls wheeled and dived all around.\ ^They were probably after the very late lunch we were unpacking.\ bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0270.ogg" ;「もぐもぐ、うん、あなたのお母さん、料理上手いわね」\ ^`Mmm, yummy -- your mum's a really good cook, you know that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0223.ogg" ;「…今日のは特に頑張ってくれたから」\ ^`I think she made a special effort today...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0271.ogg" ;「そう、いいお母さんね」\ ^`Clearly. You've got a good mum there.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;そんなことを話しながら食べるお弁当。\ ;姫子さんが用意してくれたレジャーマットに座ると、お互いに日射し除けの麦わら帽子を被っての昼食会。\ ;まるで公園の鳩のように、コロッケの切れ端をあげると、ものすごい勢いで食べるウミネコ。\ ;その姿が可笑しくて二人して笑った。\ ;…こんな感じは何年ぶりだろう? 思わず、そんなことを考えていたわたしに、\ ^Such was our conversation as we ate.\ ^We sat together on the picnic blanket Himeko had brought, both wearing straw hats to ward off the sun.\ ^Like pigeons in a park, the gulls took care of clearing up any scraps of croquette we tossed aside.\ ^We laughed together at the sight.\ ^I found myself wondering: how many years had it been since I'd done anything like this...?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0272.ogg" ;「…どうやら、まだ好きだと思っているようね?」\ ^`...so, I take it she still thinks you like them?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;相変わらず入っている、ポテトを見ての言葉だった。\ ^She was referring to the ever-present fries.\ ;-- mm? always not modifying the fries? ;== Gah, I gone done mistook it again. dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0225.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;その言葉に、思わずわたしは黙ってしまう。\ ;…それは優しさではないと言った。\ ;言い換えれば、嫌いなら嫌いとハッキリ告げるのが、優しさであるということなんだろう。\ ;わたしだって、それは分かっている。\ ;分かっているけど…赤い手をして、わたしの為にとやってくれているのに…\ ;あんなに喜んでくれているお母さんを前にして、 ;そんなこと言ってしまっては、どんなに哀しませてしまうか…\ ;それくらい、自分にだって分かっているから…\ ^I fell silent at that.\ ^~i~---it's not really very kind~i~, she'd said.\ ^In other words, if I didn't like something, she would presumably say the right thing would be to state flat out that I didn't like it.\ ^I understood the logic.\ ^I understood it... but when Mum was working so hard to do something she thought I liked, even scalding her hands, yet being so ~i~happy~i~ that she was able to provide `nice' food...\ ^Wouldn't she feel awful if I told her all that effort was wasted?\ ^I knew that had to be true as well...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s120 ;ぽんぽんっ\ ^Then---\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0226.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`Ehh...?!'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !sd ;見ると、わたしの背中を優しく叩いてくれる姫子さん。\ ;まるで小さな子供が泣き止むのをあやすように、ぽんぽんとわたしの背中を叩き続けてくれていた。\ ^I felt something -- it took a moment to work out that she was patting me on the back.\ ^Over and over, like a mother comforting a small child.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0273.ogg" ;「ま、しょうがないわよ」\ ^`Well, can't be helped, eh?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0274.ogg" ;「口で言うほど簡単じゃないからね」\ ^`It's not like it's an easy thing to say.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0227b.ogg" ;「…姫子さん…」\ ^`Himeko...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0275.ogg" ;「そうね…いつかちゃんと言えると良いわね…」\ ^`Still... it'd be good if you could manage to tell her some day.'\ ;-- this is sorta pushing it a bit far I think ;== Looks OK to me, but I'm happy to change it if you think "well... it'll be alright if" => "it's all right... just make sure" is really such a stretch. ;-- not so much 'it'll be alright' as 'it'd be nice if you could someday' ;== Mmm, I think you're right, I was reading this wrong. !sd dwavestop 1 !w500 ;>やや明るい dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0055b.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" ;■心情・情景>情景とか\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0276.ogg" ;「あのね、すごく難しいことだけど…」\ ^`Um, I know I keep going on and on about this...\ ; cf. next !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0277.ogg" ;「実は、ワガママ言いまくりで…丁度良いのかもよ」\ ^`...but I do think it's the right thing to do, even if it's really hard.'\ ; cf. prev !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 ;そう言って笑ってみせてくれた。\ ;…いつもの明るい顔で、優しく励ましてくれた…\ ^And she smiled... a gentle, encouraging smile.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 mov %flg2_cha10,1 mov %flg2_bplay,10 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_10 mov $sys_midasi,"^#11 / Vintage Wine [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;海風が止み、夏の長い日がゆっくりと暮れ始め…\ ^As the sea breeze weakened, and the sun began to sink...\ bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 ;波も空も、見えるもの全てがオレンジに染まる頃…\ ^As the waves, the sky, and everything around us began to take on an orange tint...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0278.ogg" ;「さて、そろそろ良い頃かしら…」\ ^`Right, I think we should be okay now...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、再びノコギリを取りにいく姫子さん。\ ;元々、交通量の少ないこの場所でも、更に頃合を待っていたのだろう。\ ^The traffic -- never steady -- having apparently died away completely, Himeko headed back to the car for the saw.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;そんな中、目の前の道を走ってきた一台の車。\ ;何故か、真っ直ぐにわたし達の方へと向かってきていた。\ ^But it hadn't died completely. There was still one car approaching.\ ^Turning towards us.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0229.ogg" ;「…何か、車が来たみたい」\ ^`...there's someone coming.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0279.ogg" ;「珍しいわね、こんな場所で止まるなんて…」\ ^`Odd... hardly anyone stops here...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;目の前に止まった、見知らぬ軽自動車。\ ;レースのカーテン越しに見える車内には、たくさんのぬいぐるみや、アクセサリーの数々。\ ;それは、いかにもといった、少女趣味の車だった。\ ^But stop it did.\ ^It was a kei-car, a low-tax supermini, with lace curtains in the windows, through which I could see a hoard of soft toys and accessories.\ ^It was possibly the girliest car I'd ever seen.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0230.ogg" ;「変な車…」\ ^`That's a weird car...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0280.ogg" ;「そうね、今時フリルの内装した、軽はいないわ」\ ^`Yeah, you don't see many keis with frilly upholstery these days.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;目の前に止まった車を前にして、そんな感想を述べるわたし達。\ ^We stood there, staring at the strange vehicle.\ ;やがて、変な車の主は…^@^静かにドアを開けた。\ ;[translated below] dwave 6,"se2\tobira3.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ^The driver's door opened softly.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0143.ogg" ;「よ、元気そうね」\ ^`Hey, you're looking good.'\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\hime00b.jpg",1 bg "en\hime00.jpg",10,1500 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0281.ogg" ;「…あなた…優花?…」\ ^`You're... Yuka...!?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0144.ogg" ;「偶然ね、こんなところで会うなんて?」\ ^`Fancy meeting you here!'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0283.ogg" ;「ええ…とんでもない偶然ね」\ ^`...yeah... quite a coincidence...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;姫子さんの知り合いのようだけど…\ ;…誰だろう? 小柄で可愛らしい、フリフリの服が似合う人だった。\ ;姫子さん自身、病院に知り合いは多いようだけど、目の前の人はあまりそういった人には見えない。\ ^Who on earth was this little woman, this creature of frills and calculated cuteness?\ ^Clearly she knew Himeko. But while I knew Himeko had many acquaintances at the hospital, this newcomer certainly didn't strike me as anyone like that.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0284.ogg" ;「ところで、なによ、その品のない車は?」\ ^`So, what's with that dreadful... thing... you're driving?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0145.ogg" ;「うるさいわね、あんたのオンボロよりマシよ、つか、こう見えても新車よ」\ ^`Like you can talk -- at least it's new, not like that old banger of yours.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0146.ogg" ;「ったく、ペーパーに遠距離走らせるんじゃないわよ」\ ;-- ?? somehow this conversation seems disconnected from reality or something ;== Certainly disconnected from the Japanese. I am now committing seppuku. ^`As for you, making me drive all this way -- you know I hardly drive!'\ ;== Yeah, it's loose. But at least it's now based on what Yuka actually says. ^^; !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0285.ogg" ;「あなたこそ年を考えなさいよね、年を」\ ^`How old do you think you are, anyway?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…なんだろう? この感じは。\ ;まるで口ケンカしているようでもあり、会話にもなってない気がするのに…\ ;何故か、全然そんな風には感じられなかった。\ ^What was going on? It sounded like an argument, and it didn't sound like much was being communicated...\ ^...but for some reason, it ~i~felt~i~ as though the opposite was true.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0286.ogg" ;「ふう、でもまあ、なんてゆーか…」\ ^`Well, anyway, whatever...\ ;-- the whatever is sorta weird ;== It's really translating まあ, not なんてゆーか... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0287.ogg" ;「優花…^@^ありがとうね…」\ ^`Yuka...^@^ thanks.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0147.ogg" ;「な、なに唐突に言ってんのよ」\ ^`Wh-what're you thanking me for all of a sudden?!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0288.ogg" ;「色々よ…色々…」\ ^`Oh, all kinds of things...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0289.ogg" ;「…きっとあなたが、ユーノスも整備してくれていたんでしょ?」\ ^`I mean... it's you who's been having my Eunos serviced, right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0148.ogg" ;「し、しらないわよ、偶然でしょ」\ ^`I, I don't know anything about that! It probably just happened!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0290.ogg" ;「うふふ、じゃあこれも、そういうことにしといてあげる」\ ^`Ahaha -- okay, in that case I'll let you call this a coincidence too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>長め ;とても楽しそうに話す姫子さん。今まで姫子さんを見てきたけど、初めて見る表情だった。\ ;そして相手の人も、言葉では怒ってばかりだけど、全然そんな風には思えなかった。\ ^Himeko was smiling broadly, in a way I'd never quite seen her smile before.\ ^As for the other woman... her words were all angry, but I didn't get the impression she herself was.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0149.ogg" ;「…じゃあ…私もう行くから」\ ^`...anyway... I've got to go.'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ ^That was the end of their conversation. She got back into her car.\ ; cf. next dwave 5,"se2\car_start1b.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;たったこれだけの会話で、さっさと自分の車へと乗り込む女の人。\ ; cf. prev ;一体、何の為に来たのかも分からないくらいだった。\ ;…でも…^@^本当は、もっと話したいのではないだろうか?\ ;もっともっと、同じ時間を共にしたいのではないだろうか…\ ;何故か、わたしにはそんな風に思えて、思わず姫子さんに向かって口を開いてしまう。\ ^It was enough to make me wonder what on earth she'd come for.\ ^Yet somehow, I thought...^@^ hadn't they wanted to say more?\ ^Hadn't they wanted to spend much, much more time together...?\ ^I found myself turning to Himeko and asking:\ ;_;_ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0231.ogg" ;「ねえ…このまま別れてもいいの?」\ ^`Is it... okay? To let her just go?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0291.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;特に返事はなかった。只、相手の人を見つめるだけだった。\ ;…ホントは、もっと話したいんじゃないの?\ ;そんな言葉を投げることすら、躊躇われた。どうしてだか、わたしには踏み込めないことに思えた。\ ;そして、そのまま走り出すかと思った車は…\ ;一旦閉めた運転席の窓を、もう一度開くと、\ ^She didn't reply. She just stood there looking at the other woman.\ ^~i~Don't you want to say more?~i~, I wanted to shout, but I hesitated to intrude.\ ^And the car didn't just leave like I'd expected.\ ^Instead, this time the driver's window opened.\ ;_;_ dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0150.ogg" ;「ねえ姫子っ」\ ^`Himeko...!'\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0292.ogg" ;「ええ、わかってるわ…」\ ^`Yes, I know...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0151.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 2 ;■心情・情景 bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;…それだけの言葉を交わすと、お互いに黙ったままの二人。\ ;姫子さんも、泣きそうな顔をした知らない女の人も…\ ;見えるモノ全てがオレンジに染まった世界で、潮騒と海鳥の声だけが響くいていた。\ ;やがて…^@^運転席の窓を閉めながら…\ ^Then they were silent again for a while, both Himeko and the other woman, whose face was now almost tearful.\ ^The only things that moved in the orange evening glow were the breaking waves and the harshly-crying seabirds.\ ^At last... ^@^as she wound up her window again---\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s100 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0152b.ogg" ;「そ、その…」\ ^`Th-then...\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0151.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0153b.ogg" ;「じゃ…じゃあね…」\ ^`Then... bye...'\ !sd dwavestop 2 !sd ;dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\car_start2.ogg" ;■心情・情景> ;その言葉を最後に、再び来た道を帰って行ってしまった。\ ^She said no more, but pulled away and drove back off the way she'd come.\ bg "en\umimiti2.jpg",10,1500 !w1000 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0293.ogg" ;「バカね…相変わらず…」\ ^`Silly... as ever...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0294.ogg" ;「7Fに来ちゃダメだからって、こんな場所にまで来るなんて…」\ ^`Coming all this way, just because I said not to come to the seventh...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0232.ogg" ;「…今の人は?」\ ^`...who was that?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0295.ogg" ;「そうね…ちょっと素直じゃなくて…でも本当は優しい…」\ ^`Oh, she's... someone. A bit affected, but genuinely kind...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !w800 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0296.ogg" ;「皆勤賞を逃した人よ」\ ^`Someone who once held a record for perfect attendance.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !w400 !s75 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0233.ogg" ;「…皆勤賞?」\ ^`...perfect...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0297.ogg" ;「ええ、そして…一番の親友よ…」\ ^`And... my best friend.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" ;■心情・情景>その様子 ;しみじみと、呟くように話す姫子さん。優しい目だけど、どこか寂しそうにしていた。\ ^Himeko spoke slowly, and her voice was almost a whisper. Her expression was soft, and somehow sad.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0298.ogg" ;「ふう、おかげで残り3つが、2つになっちゃったわ」\ ^`Hah, and thanks to that I'm down to two things out of the last three.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0234.ogg" ;「…パイナップルの木じゃなかったの?」\ ^`Not the pineapple tree thing...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0299.ogg" ;「それもあるけど…それとは別にね…」\ ^`Well, there is that... but no...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0300.ogg" ;「もう一度だけ会ってみたかったのよ…親友とね」\ ^`I just wanted to meet her one last time...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 ;やがて、オレンジの景色が…\ ^Then, at last, that orange sky...\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 ;ゆっくりと蒼へと変わる。\ ^...faded slowly to dusk.\ ;既に海鳥も蝉の声も消え、今では潮騒だけが静かに響く浜辺。\ ;そんな中、まだわたし達はこの場所に居た。\ ^The seabirds, and the cicadas, had fallen silent, so all that echoed across the beach was the sound of the waves.\ ^We were still there.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"se2\noko.ogg" ;ギーコギーコ…\ ^Finishing our business.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0301.ogg" ;「ふう、やっぱ、パイナップルの木じゃなかったみたいね」\ ^`Bother -- look, see, they aren't pineapple trees after all!\ !sd dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0302.ogg" ;「うーん、残念残念」\ ^`Mmm, that's a shame.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言葉ではそう言うが、全然そんな感じはしない。むしろ、どこか楽しげな姫子さんだった。\ ^She didn't look as sad as she sounded. In fact, she looked pretty pleased with herself.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0235.ogg" ;「第一、それ…1cmも切ってないわよ」\ ^`Well... you haven't even cut in one centimetre...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0303.ogg" ;「いいのよ、これ以上は木が可哀想でしょ?」\ ^`That's far enough. Any further would be a bit hard on the tree, don't you think?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0236.ogg" ;「…だったら最初から切らなければいいのに」\ ^`...then maybe you shouldn't have cut it at all?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0304.ogg" ;「ダーメ、何事もやりもしないで決め付けるべきじゃないの」\ ^`Oh, no, I had to do that, it's the only way to discover anything.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" bg "en\umibe3.jpg",3 ;そして軽くスキップを踏むような調子で、波打ち際へと歩き始める。\ ^Then she walked lightly towards the water's edge -- skipped, almost.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0305.ogg" ;「ほら、せっかく海に来たんだし遊んで帰りましょ」\ ^`Come on, we've come all this way to the seaside -- may as well have some fun before we leave!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\asi_nami2.ogg" ;バシャバシャ、\ ^She splashed---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0306c.ogg" ;「って、わ、冷たっ」\ ^`Wah! That's cold---!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0307c.ogg" ;「ねえ、セツミも来なさいよ~、冷たくって気持ちいいわよ」\ ;^`Come on---! It's just cool and refreshing!'\ ;-- why 'just'? ;== ちっ、いちいち細かいね。w ^`Come on---! It's cool and refreshing!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0237.ogg" ;;「…わたしはいい」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" bg "en\hime01.jpg",10,1500 ;波打ち際。靴を脱ぎ、パジャマの裾を上げて楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ;…もしかしたら本当は…\ ;実際にパイナップルの木かどうかなんてのは、どうでも良かったのだろうか?\ ;わたしには、その理由は想像できないけど、なんでも良いから、外に出る口実が欲しかったのかも知れない…\ ;そして、そんなわたしの心中とは無関係に、尚も、波打ち際で楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ^She'd kicked off her shoes at the water's edge, rolled up her pyjama trousers, and was splashing around in the surf.\ ^Apparently she couldn't really give a toss whether the trees were pineapples or not.\ ^Perhaps that had even just been a random excuse she'd come up with to justify the outing.\ ^At any rate, she was making the most of it now, while I stood bewildered.\ ;bg "en\hime01.jpg",10,1200 bg "en\hime01b.jpg",10,1500 ;…只、わからないことだらけでも、自分にも、わかっていることはあった。\ ;今、目の前に見える姫子さんの姿。確実に、あと数ヵ月後にはこの人は消えてしまう。\ ;陽気なこの笑顔も、優しく背中を叩いてくれた、あの手の温もりも消えてしまう…\ ;…これだけは間違いのないことだった。\ ^Among all the confusion, there was just one thing I fully understood.\ ^That the woman in front of me now would be gone in a few months.\ ^That cheerful smile would fade; those hands that had patted my back would lose their warmth.\ ^Of that alone was I sure.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0308b.ogg" ;「こらぁ、そんなところで、なに黄昏てんのよ」\ ^`Oy! Don't just stand there staring into space!'\ ; This sense of たそがれる isn't recorded in dictionaries, but its meaning is clear enough from a quick Google Images search. :) !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE> bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 6,"se\car_thru_rl.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\water02.ogg" ;バシャバシャ、\ ; I wonder if just commenting this out will work? :3 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0238.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0204.ogg" ;「わっ」\ ^`Wah!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0309.ogg" ;「来ないと本格的に、水かけちゃうわよ」\ ^`The longer you wait, the harder I'll splash you!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0239.ogg" ;「…わかったわよ」\ ^`...oh, all right.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;促がされて、わたしも同じように靴を脱ぐと、裸足で波打ち際へと向かった。\ ^Thus pressed, I took of my own shoes, and waded out to join her.\ dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" bg "en\umibe3.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0240b.ogg" ;;「冷た…」\ ;[text commented out in original, and I assume the voice was meant to be!] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0310.ogg" ;「あはは、どう? 気持ちいいでしょ」\ ^`Ahaha, well? Nice, isn't it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0241.ogg" ;「…うん、冷たくて気持ちいい」\ ^`Yeah... nice and cold.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;波が足を洗う。砂に触れる感触も、日が落ち、涼しくなった水も心地よかった。\ ;こうやって海に入るのは何年ぶりだろうか…こんな風に、次に海へと来れるのは、いつだろうか…\ ^It was indeed nice. In the twilight, the sensation of cool water caressing my feet was surprisingly pleasant.\ ^How many years was it since I'd played in the sea? After this, when would I ever walk in the surf again?\ ; OH NOES IT ARE TEH 4SHADOWING LOL dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0311.ogg" ;「さあ、いよいよ盛り上ってまいりましたっ」\ ^`Right, we're getting somewhere now!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、手に持っていたコンビニ袋から、何かを取り出す姫子さん。\ ;一体なにかと思っていると…\ ^She opened the shopping bag in her hand and pulled something out.\ ^I couldn't quite make out what...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0312.ogg" ;「じゃーんっ、ここでお酒登場っ」\ ^`Ta-dah! Enter booze, stage left!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\pon02.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0313.ogg" ;「ほら、あなたもグラス持って」\ ^`Come on, grab yourself a glass.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0242b.ogg" ;「でも、わたしお酒は…」\ ^`But I'm not...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0314.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、パイナップルの真実も突き止めたことだし」\ ^`Don't worry, you'll be fine -- and we have to celebrate discovering the truth about pineapples!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0315.ogg" ;「それにこれ、八年モノのワインなんだから」\ ^`What's more, this is vintage wine.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\pon03.ogg" ;溢れんばかりの勢いで、半ば強制的に注がれてしまった。\ ;透き通った赤いワインに、まるでオーバーレイしたような美しい色を放つ月明かりの青。\ ;二人して足首まで海に浸かると、そんなグラスをお互いに手にする。\ ^Half unwilling, but unable to resist this onslaught, I stopped protesting.\ ^We stood at the water's edge, the waves lapping at our ankles, and held up our glasses.\ ^Pale moonlight filtered through the clear red wine.\ ; Yay! Another natural pentameter achieved without unduly distorting the original text. ; (Claim valid only for Haeleth-approved values of "undue distortion".) dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0316.ogg" ;「ところでセツミ…あなた、今、いくつだっけ?」\ ^`Remind me... how old are you now?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0243b.ogg" ;「…15…」\ ^`Fifteen...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0317b.ogg" ;「じゃあ…八年モノのワインと…」\ ^`Then... here's to eight-year-old wine...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0317c.ogg" ;「15才に乾杯っ」\ ^`...and to a fifteen-year-old drinker!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"se2\cup.ogg" ;チン、\ ^Clink!\ ; There, I've translated an onomatope. I hope it makes ~i~someone~i~ happy. ;-- like you wouldn't believe =3 dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0318.ogg" ;「あと…私の人生にも…」\ ^`And... to my life...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 !sd ;夏の濁った空に浮かぶ月。この暗い浜辺を照らしてくれていた。\ ;…死ぬまでにやってみたい10のこと。^@^3週間前、残り3つなので付き合って欲しいと言われた。\ ;そして今、パイナップルの木、親友をクリアし、これで残り1つになったらしい。\ ;わたしには、それが何なのかは分からないけど…\ ;その最後の一つを行う日は…^@^そう遠くないのかも知れない。\ ^The moon floated in the hazy summer sky, its reflected light the only illumination on the beach.\ ^And I thought about why I was there.^@^ Because about three weeks previously Himeko had asked me to help her with her last three desires.\ ;-- that 'and' sorta floats there seemingly connecting nothing... ;== I added the and-I-thought bit because the transition felt much too abrupt without any connector at all. ^Now that she'd dealt with the pineapple question and been reunited with her friend, she could only have one left to go.\ ^What that one thing might be, I had no idea...^@^ but I was sure it wouldn't be long before everything was accomplished.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;☆BGM>フェードアウト ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 海>夜 ;それから暫く経った頃、\ ^A little more time passed.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" ;☆BGM>mi02>そのままでも良いかも ;まだ水辺を楽しそうに歩く姫子さん。\ ;不意にその足を止めると、こちらを振り返った。\ ^Himeko was wandering happily along again at the water's edge, when suddenly she stopped and turned to face me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0319.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…もしも、もしもだけどさ…」\ ^`Hey, Setsumi... I've been wondering -- literally just wondering...\ ;-- is 'literally' used that way over there? it feels really strange here ;== Yeah, it's just a generic intensifier. I can swap it out for some other word if it's as bad as all that to American eyes. ;-- I know of a few people who use the word as a generic intensifier, but very rare. More often, people use it seemingly with no idea what it means... but there's no particular requirement to pander to american eyes anyways if it gets in the way, they know what they're getting themselves into when clicking on your script as opposed to mine. ;== Ah, well, it's _realistic_ to have characters use words with no idea what they mean from time to time, right? :P !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0320.ogg" ;「このまま海に入っていったら…」\ ^`If I went out into the sea now...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0321.ogg" ;「…楽に死ねるかな?」\ ^`...would I die peacefully?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そこには、もう先ほどまでの表情は消えていた。\ ^Her expression changed.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0322.ogg" ;「ねえ、その時はあなた…止めてくれる?」\ ^`And... if I tried it, would you try and stop me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0244.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0245.ogg" ;「…本気で死ぬ気なら、とっくに海に飛び込んでいる筈だわ」\ ^`...if you wanted to die, you'd have jumped in ages ago.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0323.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0324.ogg" ;「ふう、相変わらずクールねえ~」\ ^`Whew, you're as cool as ever!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、ざばざばとこちらへと帰ってくる。\ ^She scrunched her way over to me.\ bg "en\umibe3.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0325.ogg" ;「よっこいしょっと」\ ^`Right...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、濡れた足をタオルで拭きながら、わたしの隣へと腰を下ろした。\ ^She plonked herself down beside me, towelling her wet feet.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0326.ogg" ;「…さて、またまた盛り上がってきたわね…」\ ^`...okay, we're really getting somewhere now...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉とは反対に、落ち着いた口調。さっきから黙ったままのわたしに向かって、\ ^Her tone of voice suggested more that we were slowing down again.\ ^I'd been silent for a while, but now she turned to me and asked:\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0327.ogg" ;「いいわよ、あるんでしょ? 聞きたいことたくさん」\ ^`Out with it, then... there's stuff you want to ask, right?'\ ;-- 'out with it' feels somewhat forceful compared to how she speaks in the clip I think ;== I hear her saying it in almost exactly the same tone of voice... maybe it's the dash that's too forceful, maybe it should be an ellipsis, to make it clear that the intonation is soft? ;-- mmm dunno. you choose !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0246.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...mmm...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" ;小さく頷くと、わたしはゆっくりと口を開いた。以前から姫子さんには尋ねたいことがたくさんあった。\ ^I nodded, and slowly opened my own mouth. There were a lot of things I wanted to ask.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0247.ogg" ;「死ぬって聞かされた時…泣いた?」\ ^`When you heard you were going to die... did you cry?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0328.ogg" ;「そりゃ、ちょっとはね…」\ ^`Well, maybe a little.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0248.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして自分だけがって恨んだ?」\ ^`And did you feel bitter about it? Like, why it had to be you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0329.ogg" ;「うーん、それは難しい質問ね…」\ ^`Mmm, that's a tricky one...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0330.ogg" ;「逆にあなたに聞くけどさ、」\ ^`If I can ask you something instead...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0331.ogg" ;「…恨むって…誰に対して?」\ ^`When you say ``bitter''... who do you mean towards?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…わからない。^@^予想してない質問からの返しだった。\ ^I didn't know.^@^ I hadn't expected her to turn the question on me like that.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0332.ogg" ;「そうね…もし神さまってのがいるのなら、恨んだかもね」\ ^`For example... maybe if God exists, you could feel bitter towards him?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0250.ogg" ;「…元カトリックのくせに、神さまの存在を信じてないの?」\ ^`...if? Don't you believe in God? You're an ex-Catholic, aren't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0333.ogg" ;「いいえ、信じてるわよ、”元”カトリックでもね」\ ^`Oh, sure, I believe in him, even as an ~i~ex~i~-Catholic.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0334b.ogg" ;「恐らく神さまはいる…」\ ^`At least, I believe there probably is a God.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0335b.ogg" ;「でもね、どうやら多忙らしいのよ、神さまとやらは」\ ^`He just seems to be too busy to bother with the likes of me.\ ;-- Mm the 'likes of me' bit is somewhat extra. ;== To my eye it looked like something was missing without it. ;-- "too busy to bother." seems to carry a nice bitter edge to it though ;== Don't you have to bother _with_ something though? Maybe a less OTT object -- "too busy to bother with us" or something. ;-- upon reflection, I probably had an implied 'with us' tacked onto my suggestion, and now I'm not clear whether a reader would supply it themselves... the statement would probably feel off for at least half the readers !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0336b.ogg" ;「それとも…只、無関心なのかしらね…」\ ^`Either that or he just doesn't care...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;まるで独り言のように淡々と話し続ける。\ ;月明かりに照らされたその顔は、どこか寂しげで、達観したようにも思えた。\ ^She built up her answer disinterestedly, as though she were rehearsing a soliloquy.\ ^In the moonlight, her expression looked philosophical; perhaps slightly sad.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0337.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…」\ ^`Hey, Setsumi...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0338.ogg" ;「あなた、フランダースの犬って知ってる?」\ ^`You know ~i~A Dog of Flanders~i~, right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0251.ogg" ;「…フランダースの犬?」\ ^`...~i~A Dog of Flanders~i~?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0339.ogg" ;「ええ、結構有名な話しだから知ってるでしょ」\ ^`Yeah, you must know it -- it's a pretty famous story.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0252.ogg" ;「うん、大体は…」\ ^`Yeah... kind of...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;突然に出た単語に、かろうじて頷いて答える。幼い頃にアニメの再放送で見たように思う。\ ;確か、身寄りを亡くした、子供のネロと犬のパトラッシュの物語りだった。\ ^I could barely say that much. I think I'd probably watched the cartoon version when I was a kid...\ ^But, yes, I knew the basic outline. It was about an orphan called Nello and his dog called Patrasche./ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_8 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_8 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_9 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~Spoilers follow, so save your game and go and read it if you haven't and that bothers you. There's a free copy on Project Gutenberg.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~Spoilers follow, so save your game and go and read it if you haven't and that bothers you. There's a free copy on Project Gutenberg.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_9 ^#ffffff\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0340.ogg" ;「ネロとパトラッシュとアロア…」\ ^`Nello, Patrasche, and Alois...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0341.ogg" ;「…あなたは誰になりたい? もしくは、誰にはなりたくない?」\ ^`Which do you want to be like? Or which don't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…結局最後には死んでしまうネロとパトラッシュ。^@^その二人の親友であるアロア。\ ;わたしは、死んでしまうのは嫌だ。\ ;でも、だからといって、一人残されるアロアにもなりたくない。\ ^Nello and Patrasche both die at the end.^@^ And their friend Alois doesn't.\ ^The last thing I wanted to do was to die.\ ; Sorry, couldn't resist. :P ^But then again, to be left behind alone like Alois would be just as bad.\ !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0253.ogg" ;「…誰にもなりたくない」\ ^`...I don't want to be like any of them.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0342.ogg" ;「そりゃあ、無理な相談ね」\ ^`That's not on offer.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0045b.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^`What...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0343.ogg" ;「人には…この三択しかないのよ」\ ^`See, people only have those three options...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 6 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 !s80 ;そう答える姫子さんの顔は、いつもの顔とは違っていた。\ ;たまに見せる、とても厳しい表情をしていた…\ ^And as she replied, Himeko wore once again that sadder face she sometimes let me see.\ !sd mov %flg2_cha11,1 mov %flg2_bplay,11 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_11 mov $sys_midasi,"^#12 / Nello and Alois [h]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 monocro #FFeedd print 3 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;・ナルキ 本編開始 2■8\ bg "haeleth\2\n01a.png",1 bg "haeleth\2\n01b.png",3 bg "haeleth\2\n01c.png",1 bg "haeleth\2\n01d.png",3 ;■― ネロとアロア ―\ h_centreline ^^ ^\ mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;6月。 ;白い梅雨空が今日も広がっていた。\ ^~i~June. The sky spread out above me, draped cloudily in rainy-season white.~i~\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0002.ogg" ;『今度の担当はいつもと違う…』\ ^~i~``Today could be a bit different from usual...''~i~\ dwavestop 1 ;病院を前にして、私の頭の中は、まだ見ぬ相手への期待で一杯だった。\ ^I hadn't met the new patient yet, but as I entered the hospital, I was certainly looking forward to that.\ bg "en\a006.jpg",3 ;SE>カチャ、\ ;長い廊下の途中、先生の姿を見つけると話し掛ける。\ ;「そのう…本当に良いのかね?」\ ^I found the doctor in one of the long corridors.\ ^`Well... would you really be all right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0003.ogg" ;「ええ、是非ともお願いします」\ ^`Yes! Please, do let me...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「うーん、そうは言ってもね…」\ ^`Mmm, even so...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;私の希望に難色を示す先生。\ ;まだ大学生の自分には、荷が重いんじゃないか? そんな意味合いが含まれているのだろう。\ ;「相手はそのう…知ってるよね?」\ ^My enthusiasm clearly left him not entirely convinced.\ ^Would I be able to cope with the work, given that I was still at college? I suppose that was his concern.\ ^`You... do know who the patient is, don't you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0004.ogg" ;「もちろんです、だからこその担当志願ですし」\ ^`Of course! That's why I'm volunteering.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚も言葉を濁す先生と、くいさがる私。\ ;事の発端は、新しくホスピスに入ることになった患者へのヘルパー志願だった。\ ^That just made the doctor even more reluctant, and me even more persistent.\ ^All I was asking, though, was to be given the job of looking after the new hospice patient.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0005.ogg" ;「あ、ちゃんと教会からの推薦状も頂いてきました」\ ^`Um, I do have a letter of recommendation from the church...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら一通の封書を手渡す。\ ;ここでは、”特殊”な行為に限り、現場だけでなく、教会の意向も反映されることが多かった。\ ^I handed him the envelope.\ ^The church had nearly as much influence over such special matters as the hospital itself.\ ;「わかった…事務局には先生から伝えておこう」\ ^`Well... I'll take it to the office for you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0006.ogg" ;「ありがとうございます」\ ^`Thanks ever so.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;大きく頭を下げ、私はその場を後にする。\ ^I bowed deeply and removed myself.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 ;7F担当のヘルパー志願。\ ;このこと自体は、特に変わったことではない。\ ;しかも私は、今までに、3人ものホスピス患者を受け持ったことがある。\ ;自分の年齢を考えると、稀なヘルパー経験者だろう。ベテランといってもいい。\ ;何故なら、通常の病院の場合は、いくら本人が志願したところで、 ;大学生のボランティアでは、ホスピス担当にはなり辛い。\ ;どんなに人手不足であっても、それほどホスピスという場所には気を遣っているのだ。\ ^There wasn't anything particularly unusual about volunteering to be a helper on the seventh.\ ^I was something of a veteran, having already done it three times before, which was pretty rare at my age.\ ^After all, most hospitals would be loath to let a student worker near their hospice, however understaffed it might be.\ ^Hospices were not something most places took lightly.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0007.ogg" ;「でも…ここはキリスト教病院」\ ^`But... this is a Christian foundation.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;しかも、他所と比較しても、医療法人より宗教法人色が強い傾向にあった。\ ^And more so than most; in some regards it was almost more a religious organisation than a medical one.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0008.ogg" ;「そして私は、カトリック…」\ ^`And I'm a Catholic...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;物心つく前から洗礼を受け、福祉活動に従事する者。\ ;…これが、全ての理由なのだろう。\ ^I had been for longer than I could remember, having been baptised as an infant.\ ^And that meant I was, by definition, someone who did good works in the community.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0009.ogg" ;「だけど今度の担当はいつもと違う…」\ ^`But today could be a bit different from usual...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;相手は”子供”だった。それも只の子供ではなく、保護者無しで病床にある者。\ ;要は身寄りのない、両親のいない子供だった。\ ^Today's patient was a child. And not just any child, but a sick child with no known relatives.\ ; IM IN UR HOSPISS ; ;   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ;   ( ´∀`)< おいらフランダースの猫かなもし ;   (   ) \_______________ ;    | | | ;   (__)_) ; ; TUGGIN UR HARTSTRINGS ;もちろん、その子供にしたって、生まれつき両親がいないという訳ではない。\ ;残酷にも、病床にいる子供を残し…\ ;そのまま蒸発してしまう親は多い。認めたくないが、これもまた現実であった。\ ;そんな、他に行き場もなく、身寄りのない子供を…\ ;最初に引き受けるのが、私達のようなカトリック系の病院。\ ^Of course, the said child hadn't been born without parents.\ ^But -- cruelly -- there were families who, faced with a hopelessly sick child, would resort to abandoning it. It wasn't nice to think about, but it happened.\ ^And who else would care for such a child, but the Catholic hospitals?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0010.ogg" ;「…もしくは、最後の砦といってもよかった」\ ^`Maybe you could call it their last resort...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_キープ__ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;そして、この慈愛の姿勢…カトリシズムこそが、私を信者たしめる理由だった。\ ;だから私は、敬虔な信者ではない。\ ;別にバプテスト派であろうと、プロテスタントであろうと、なんでも構わなかったのだろう。\ ;物心ついた時から洗礼を受けた身とはいえ、只、偶然に、教会の隣の家に生まれ育っただけ。\ ;間違っても、終生誓願宣立を望むほどの決意は持てない。\ ;…純粋に、その慈愛の精神にのみ賛同する者だった。\ ^It was that compassion that kept me in the church.\ ^Fundamentally, I wasn't a particularly devout believer.\ ^I would as happily have been a Baptist or an Anglican, or any other denomination.\ ^I'd merely happened to be baptised into the Catholic church, and to be brought up living next door to one.\ ^For better or for worse, my roots didn't go deep enough for me to make any lifelong commitment.\ ^The only thing I was committed to was that spirit of compassion.\ ;_____ bg "en\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ^Today was different.\ ; Partially translating the next line. ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "en\a006.jpg",3 ;いつもの7Fではなく、今日は5Fへと。\ ;まだ見ぬネロの元へと挨拶に向かう。\ ;ここで言う『ネロ』とは、私達ヘルパーや看護婦さんの間での隠語。\ ;7Fの住人、子供、身寄りがないからの連想。^@^恐らくは、フランダースの犬から名付けられたのだろう。\ ;随分と失礼に思えるネーミングだが、今となっては、その真偽は分からない。\ ;私が来た頃には既に定着している感じだった。\ ^Rather than the seventh, I was going to the fifth.\ ^I was going to meet this new Nello for the first time.\ ^``Nello'', by the way, was hospital jargon, used by us helpers and the nurses.\ ^It meant a lone, terminally ill child.^@^ Presumably it came from the character in ~i~A Dog of Flanders~i~.\ ^Doubtless some people will be shocked that we used such a term, but we didn't really give it much thought.\ ^It was already long established by the time I started helping.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0011.ogg" ;「只…悪意を持っての呼び方ではないのだろう」\ ^`I don't think there was any malice in it...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故ならネロが来ると分かると、その担当を志願する医者や看護婦、ヘルパーは多い。\ ;この状況も、献身的な姿勢を旨とする、キリスト教病院ゆえに思える。\ ;そして、その中でもネロ担当のヘルパーは、尊敬と揶揄を込めて、アロアと呼ばれた。\ ;…ほんとは、パトラッシュの方が、らしいのだろうけど…\ ^Far from it, indeed. The arrival of a nello was greeted with enthusiasm; doctors, nurses, and helpers alike queued up to volunteer as carers.\ ;-- carers first looked like a typo of 'careers' to me >_>, I would've thought to use caregiver... ;== Chalk it up to that blasted Atlantic again. :P ;-- if it works for you, go for it =) ^I suppose the fact that this kind of devotion was so prized also came from the Christian nature of the hospital.\ ^And -- half respectfully, half derisively -- those who cared for nellos were called ``Aloises''.\ ^In many ways they had more in common with Patrasche...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0012.ogg" ;「でも私達は、一緒に死んであげることは出来ない」\ ^`But we can't go so far as to die with them.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だから、一番の親友であるアロアと呼ばれる。\ ^So we named them after the best-friend Alois instead.\ bg "en\w.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0013.ogg" ;「そしてこの私も、アロア役を求める一人だった…」\ ^`And it was that part of Alois that I wanted to play...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_________________________ ;☆シーン変え:数日後>初めて会うことに bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^Now I entered her room.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0014.ogg" ;「おはよう」\ ^`Morning!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0001.ogg" ;「あ、うん…おはよう…」\ ^`Er, yeah... morning...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;ベッドから身体を起こして、こちらを見る女の子。\ ;膝の上には、ちょうど昼過ぎとあってか、既に食べ終わった昼食のトレー。\ ;ふわりとした髪が印象的だった。\ ^She was sitting up in bed, looking back at me.\ ^It was just after noon, and the lunch tray on her lap was already empty.\ ^I was struck by how soft her hair looked.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0015.ogg" ;「あら、えらいわね、ちゃんと残さずに食べたのね」\ ^`I say, well done, you've eaten it all up already!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0002.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Yeah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0003.ogg" ;「…ホントはブロッコリー嫌いだけど」\ ^`...even though I don't like broccoli.\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0004.ogg" ;「えと、それでお姉さんは…?」\ ^`Um... who are you...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0016.ogg" ;「ああ、自己紹介がまだだったわね」\ ^`Aha, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;[section commented out in original] ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0017.ogg" ;;「私の名前は、姫子…」\ ; ;!sd ; ;;dwavestop 1 ; ; ;;dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0005.ogg" ;;「ひめこさん?」\ ; ;!sd ; ;;dwavestop 1 ; ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0018.ogg" ;;「うん。お姫さまの姫に、子供の子」\ ; ;!sd ; ;;dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0019.ogg" ;「今度、あなたの担当になったヘルパーよ」\ ^`I'm your new helper.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;答えながら、証明書を開いて見せる。\ ;この子くらいの年齢では、無意味かも知れないが、相手に見せるのも、ここのきまりだった。\ ^I showed her my ID.\ ^It probably didn't mean anything to her, not at her age, but it was still the done thing.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0020.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これからよろしくね」\ ^`It's lovely to meet you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0006.ogg" ;「あ、うん…こちらこそ…」\ ^`Um, yeah... me too...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;そう言葉では返すが、不思議そうな顔でこちらを見る。\ ^Her words claimed understanding, but her face only showed confusion.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0007.ogg" ;「…でも、ヘルパーってなに?」\ ^`...but... what's a helper?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0021.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;予想外だった。\ ;まだよく分かっていない部分も多いのだろうけど、まさかそこまでとは思ってなかった。\ ^That was unexpected.\ ^I hadn't thought she'd know everything about this place, but I'd been sure she'd know that much at least.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0008.ogg" ;「お医者さんや、看護婦さんとは違うの?」\ ^`Is it different from doctors and nurses?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0022.ogg" ;「それは…」\ ^`Well...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…この問いにどう答えるべきなのだろうか?\ ;身の回りを世話をする人。^@^通常はこれでも良いのかも知れない。\ ;でも、これから彼女が向かうのは7F。\ ;そして私は、その彼女のヘルパー。 ;ネロに対するアロア。\ ^I didn't know what to say.\ ^It's someone who looks after you...^@^ would be the standard definition.\ ^But that wasn't quite the case where this girl was going.\ ^I would be her helper on the seventh. Alois to her Nello.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;本来、7Fへは告知後でないと入れない。貴方には、既に治療行為は終わったという意味。\ ;ストレートに言えば、死にますという宣告。\ ;その説明を受け、その意図に同意をもらい、やっと入ることが許される場所。\ ;だからこそ、一般の病院では、ホスピスに子供は対象外のところも多い。\ ;…但し、ネロは違う。^@^ここは違う。しかも両親がカトリックであったなら尚更だった。\ ^The seventh is not somewhere you can generally enter without knowing that it means that all your treatment options have been exhausted.\ ^That your death is imminent and certain.\ ^You won't be admitted until you've understood and accepted that fact.\ ^It follows that many hospitals' hospices don't cater for children.\ ^It was different for nellos.^@^ It was different here, and all the more so where the parents had been Catholics.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0009.ogg" ;「…どうしたの? お姉さん?」\ ^`...what is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0023.ogg" ;「あ、ああ、ごめんなさい」\ ^`Um, er, excuse me...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;ヘルパーとは?の質問に考えがまとまらず、少し黙ってしまっていた。\ ^I must have been standing in silence while I tried to work out how to answer her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0024.ogg" ;「そうね…まあ、友達みたいなもんよ」\ ^`It's... well, kind of like a friend, I suppose.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0010.ogg" ;「…お姉さんが? わたしの?」\ ^`...a friend? For me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0025.ogg" ;「うん、だから、なんでも遠慮なく言ってね」\ ^`That's right. So, do just ask if there's anything you want.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;早速私は、既に食べ終わった彼女のトレーを片付け始める。\ ^I started tidying away her lunch tray.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0011.ogg" ;「あ、ごめんなさい…」\ ^`Um... sorry...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0026.ogg" ;「いいのいいの、友達なんだから遠慮しないで」\ ^`Don't worry, this is something I'm meant to do now I'm your friend.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0012.ogg" ;「う、うん…」\ ^`O-okay...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;まだ遠慮がちな女の子に、尚も私は言葉を続ける。\ ^She still seemed hesitant. I tried harder.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0027.ogg" ;「それにね、うれしいのよ私」\ ^`And, you know what, I'm really happy now?'\ ;-- question mark? ;== Indicates rising intonation -- not present in the clip, but would be how the English line would be spoken. ;-- huh, it would? not around here I don't think, but if you say so. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0013.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^`...why?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0028.ogg" ;「実はね、以前から年の離れた友達が欲しかったのよ」\ ^`Well, I always wanted to make friends with someone who wasn't my own age.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0014.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0015.ogg" ;「わたしも…お姉さんが欲しかった」\ ^`Me too... I wanted a big sister.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0029.ogg" ;「あら? じゃあ決まりねっ」\ ^`Oh? Well, it's perfect then, isn't it!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら私は、手を差し出す。\ ^I held out a hand.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0030.ogg" ;「これからもよろしくね」\ ^`You've got one now.'\ ; I mean, really, do the Japanese understand how totally inconvenient ; it is for us translators when they go using their language's idioms ; like this? :3 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0016.ogg" ;「うん、こちらこそ…」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s85 ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。初めて触れた手は温かだった。\ ;間もなく7Fへと移る、夏の日のこと。\ ^Her hand was warm in mine, in that blazing sunlight, surrounded by those cicadas' voices.\ ^It was just another summer's day, just a little while before she entered the hospice.\ !s90 ;…こうして、私達は友達となった。\ ^That was how we became friends.\ !s90 ;…ネロとアロアは友達となった…\ ^That was how Nello met Alois...\ !sd ;_________________ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;数日後。いつものように私は、彼女の元へと向かう。\ ^Some days passed.\ ; Remainder shifted below to replace hated onomatopoeia bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0031.ogg" ;「あつ…」\ ^`Too hot...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;気の早い蝉が本格的に泣き始め、また今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^The cicadas had begun to cry in earnest.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^My visits had by now become routine.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0032.ogg" ;「おはよう」\ ^`Morning!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0017.ogg" ;「…おはよう」\ ^`Morning...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;昨日と同じように、軽くベッドから身体を起こすと朝の挨拶を交わす。\ ;僅かだけ、打ち解けてくれたみたいだけど、やはりまだ、どこか遠慮がちな彼女。\ ^As every day, she sat up in bed as she returned my greeting.\ ^She was still only minimally open with me. There was a lot of hesitance left in her.\ ;-- mm I don't think 'slipping out' and 'sitting up' are quite equivalent ;== Okay, maybe your fancy-schmancy translation memory thing has some use... :P dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0033_1.ogg" ;「もう朝の検温は終わった?」\ ^`Have you had your temperature taken yet?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0018.ogg" ;「うん、6度5分だった…」\ ^`Yeah... '6.5 degrees...'/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_10 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_10 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_11 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~i.e. 36.5°C, or 97.7°F.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~i.e. 36.5°C, or 97.7°F.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_11 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0034.ogg" ;「そう。だったら安心ね」\ ^`Good, that's all right then.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景> ;答えながら朝食のトレーを片付ける。これで、午後まで私がやることはなくなってしまった。\ ;本来、ヘルパーの仕事は多くない。医療行為に該当する部分は先生や看護婦さんの仕事。\ ;せいぜい検温をする程度で、後は身の回りのサポートに過ぎなかった。\ ;…でも逆に言えば、身の回りのサポートには”上限”がなかった。\ ;だからこそ、医師や看護婦ではなく、担当ヘルパーに、アロアの称号が与えられるのだろう。\ ^All this while I'd been clearing away her tray. That completed the morning's duties.\ ^Helpers really aren't responsible for much, since all the medical stuff is handled by the doctors and nurses.\ ^The helper's rôle is personal support; maybe taking temperatures at most.\ ;-- funky diacritic on the 'o' in role that probably doesn't belong ;== That's how it's spelt in English English! :P ^On the other hand, there aren't many limits to what might be considered `personal support'.\ ^In some ways we worked harder than the professional staff. That's why it was we who took the name of Alois.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0035.ogg" ;「じゃあさ、食堂にでも行こうか?」\ ^`Okay, shall we go to the café?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0019.ogg" ;「え、でも、さっき食べたとこだけど…」\ ^`Um, but, I've only just eaten...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0036.ogg" ;「アイスよ、アイス、これだけ暑いんだからさ」\ ^`Not for food, for ice cream! It's too hot not to.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0020.ogg" ;「でも…」\ ^`But...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;複雑そうな顔で俯いてしまった。きっと遠慮だけでなく他のことも考えている筈だ。\ ^She was avoiding my eyes, mixing a hint of something else -- maybe shame -- into her usual reluctant manner.\ ;-- Shame is a bit strange ;== Intended to capture the part of 俯く that `avoiding my eyes' can't reach. dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0037.ogg" ;「大丈夫だって、お姉さん奢ってあげるから」\ ^`Oh, don't worry, it'll be a present from me.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だから私は、まるで背中を押すようにして食堂へと向かう。\ ^Even with financial concerns thus assuaged, I practically had to drag her down there.\ ; Push, drag, it's all the same... ;__ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;まだ午前中とあって、まばらな人の姿。そんな中、私達は並んでテーブルに腰掛ける。\ ^It being midmorning, other customers were few, and we found an empty table easily.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0038.ogg" ;「さあ、なんでも好きなの言って」\ ^`Right! You can have whatever you like -- just say.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0021.ogg" ;「うん、でも…」\ ^`Okay, but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0039.ogg" ;「だ・か・ら、遠慮いらないって」\ ^`I said, you can have whatever you like! There's no need to be polite!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら私は、食堂のメニューを向ける。\ ^I held the menu up in front of her.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0022.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0023.ogg" ;「じゃあ、バニラで…」\ ^`I guess vanilla'll---'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0040.ogg" ;「はい、バニラ了解。私は何にしようかなぁ~」\ ^`Vanilla it is. I wonder what I should have...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0041.ogg" ;「って、アイスって1種類しかないのね」\ ^`...hey, there's only one flavour anyway!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0024.ogg" ;「うん、そうみたい…」\ ^`Looks like it...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0042.ogg" ;「あはは、これじゃ、選択の余地なかったわね」\ ^`Ahaha, I suppose that makes the choice easier!\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0025.ogg" ;「あ、あははは…」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0043.ogg" ;「じゃ、すぐ買ってくるわ」\ ^`Okay, I'll just pop over and get some.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼女を席に残すと、カウンターへと向かう私。\ ;まわりを見ると、この子と同じくらいの年頃の子は、母親や父親と一緒に食事をしている。\ ;当たり前だが、彼女くらいの年齢で、一人で病院の食堂に居る方が違和感があった。\ ;…でも、彼女の両親は既にいない。\ ;もちろん彼女は知らない。知らされていない。\ ^I headed for the counter, leaving her to guard the table.\ ^She didn't stand out; there were a lot of similarly-aged kids in there.\ ^Except that the others were all with their parents. It's not exactly common for kids that age to wander down to the café alone.\ ^Not if they have parents to accompany them.\ ^She didn't. Of course, she didn't know that. Nobody had told her.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0044.ogg" ;「はい、おまたせ~」\ ^`Okay, here we are!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE>カチャカチャ\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0026.ogg" ;「わ、アイスがいっぱい」\ ^`Wow... you got lots.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0045.ogg" ;「ええ、思ったよりサイズ小さかったから、1つじゃ寂しいと思ってね」\ ^`Yeah, well, they turned out to be smaller than I thought, so I thought it'd be a bit stingy only to get one, see?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0046.ogg" ;「とゆーわけで、ノルマは1人2つだからね」\ ^`So it's two each.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0027.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0047.ogg" ;「あれ? もしかしてアイス嫌いだった」\ ^`What's wrong? Don't you like ice cream?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0028.ogg" ;「う、ううん、そうじゃないけど…」\ ^`N-no... it's just...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0029.ogg" ;「…もし、お母さんに見つかったら怒られるかも」\ ^`...if Mummy sees me, won't she be cross?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0030.ogg" ;「いつもはアイスはダメって言われてたから…」\ ^`She always says I can't have ice cream...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言うと、寂しそうに俯いてしまう。\ ^She avoided my eyes.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0048.ogg" ;「だ、大丈夫よ、お姉さんと一緒だったら」\ ^`D-don't worry, it's okay if I give you it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0031.ogg" ;「…ほんとに?」\ ^`...really?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0049.ogg" ;「ええ、先生や看護婦さんも怒らないから」\ ^`Of course! The doctors and nurses won't be cross either.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0032.ogg" ;「うん、わかった」\ ^`Oh, okay then.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして今度はうれしそうに、スプーンに手を伸ばす。\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、恐らくここに来てから一度として食べたことはないだろう。\ ;…でも、この子くらいの年頃なら、アイスやチョコが嫌いな筈はない。\ ;そんなことを思いながら、彼女の食べる様子を眺めていると…\ ;僅かに口に運んだだけで、再び手が止まってしまった。\ ^And she grabbed her spoon and attacked it.\ ^For obvious reasons, this was probably the first time she'd had the chance since she came here.\ ^Which must have been quite a strain for a girl her age...\ ^So I was a bit surprised when she stopped again after only a couple of mouthfuls.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0050.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^`What's wrong...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0033.ogg" ;「そういえば、お母さん…」\ ^`Mummy...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0034.ogg" ;「最近は、全然お見舞いにも来てくれないの」\ ^`She hasn't come and seen me at all for ages.'\ ; Cut out previous lolcat, paste here, then apply pathos with trowel, ; spreading evenly to a depth of 45-50mm. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0051.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0035.ogg" ;「以前は毎日のように来てくれてたのに…」\ ^`And she used to come every day...'\ ; NB. Remember to use trowel not JCB, as depths of greater than 100mm ; may endanger will to live. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0052.ogg" ;「…そう……」\ ^`Oh...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それ以上は何も答えられなかった。\ ^I couldn't think what else to say.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;この子には知る由もないことだけど、少なくとも自分には、教えることは出来そうになかった。\ ;あなたの両親は既にいません。あなたは、一人ぼっちでこれから7Fへと行くことになります…\ ;…そんなこと言える訳がなかった。\ ;そして、哀しいことだが、これはよくあることだとも教えられていた。\ ;患者だけを残し、家族が消えてしまう。\ ;理由は色々とあるだろう。経済的に、心理的に…\ ;とても薄情で残酷な行為に思うが、私には一方的に、両親を責める気にはなれなかった。\ ;好きこのんで病床にある子供を残し、消える親はいない筈。\ ;看病疲れなんて月並みな言葉以上に、当事者達にとっての苦悩や負担は大変なものなのだろう。\ ^Obviously she didn't even suspect the truth. And how could I explain?\ ^What was I supposed to say -- `Mummy's gone, and Daddy's gone, and now you're going to die all alone'?\ ; Man, this game would be a lot funnier if it had choices. :3 ^As if anyone could say that!\ ^And yet not only was it the case, but I'd been told that it's really pretty common for a family to disappear, leaving a patient behind.\ ^It happens for all kinds of reasons. Financial pressure, emotional pressure...\ ^It's easy to pull out labels like ~i~cruel~i~ and ~i~heartless~i~, but I personally didn't feel that the blame could be laid on the parents alone.\ ^What mother is going to abandon her child in hospital, if she can see any other alternative?\ ^But caring for a child through long-term illness is such a strain -- and what a trite word that seems for such a terrible thing! -- that one can imagine why it might become genuinely unbearable.\ !s90 ;…只…^@^こんな世の中を寂しいと思った。\ ;これもまた、現実の一部なのだと知った。\ ^Ultimately, I couldn't condemn them; it was just sad that it happened.\ ^One more little sadness in this world of suffering.\ !sd bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0036.ogg" ;「うん? どうかしたのお姉さん?」\ ^`Huh? Are you okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0053.ogg" ;「ううん、なんでもないわよ」\ ^`Oh, don't worry about me.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0054.ogg" ;「それよりも…」\ ^`More importantly...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0055.ogg" ;「ほら、よかったら私の分もあげよっか?」\ ^`...shall I give you mine too?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0037.ogg" ;「え、でも…」\ ^`Ehh?! But...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0056.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、遠慮しないで」\ ^`Now, now, no need to be polite!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;とっくに食べ終わった彼女の皿をどかすと、代わりに自分のアイスの皿を彼女へと差し出す。\ ^I shoved her empty dishes to one side, replacing them with mine.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0057.ogg" ;「…おいしい?」\ ^`Is it nice?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0038.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Yeah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0039.ogg" ;「えへへ、このアイスおいしいね」\ ^`Ehehe, it's yummy!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\w.jpg",3 !s90 ;…そう言って笑ってみせた。^@^いつも遠慮がちだった彼女が、初めて笑ってくれた。\ ^And, for the first time, her shy and worried expression vanished.\ !s90 ;病院食堂の安っぽいバニラで…\ ;…初めて、うれしそうな顔を向けてくれた…\ ^For the first time, the face she turned towards me was filled with a smile.\ ^For nothing more than a cheap vanilla ice cream...\ ;-- Mmm, the repetition here is something of kataoka's style I think, at least, cutting it out leaves me sorta empty. ;== I must be missing something... which bit of repetition do you have in mind? ;-- the often used 'hajimete XYZ kureta' lines, like the one just above. I've seen those so many times over the years I guess I just take it as a given now ;== Ah, I see. The reason I was tempted to leave it out is that to my mind it comes across too heavy-handed -- the scene seems to end more powerfully if the final emphasis is on the slightness of the stimulus rather than on the reaction it provokes. ;== I've edited things above so that it now retains the repetition but still ends on the more powerful note. !sd ;●回想1ここまで\ ;________________ ;●回想2\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;数日後。\ ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。今日も私は、彼女の元へと向かう。\ ;先日から7Fへと移ったが、特に変わった様子は無かった。\ ;だから、今の最大の不安は両親についての問い。これをどう返して良いのかが、私には自信がなかった。\ ^Some days later, I made my way to her again, among the chirping cicadas, under the fierce sun.\ ^Nothing much had changed, even now that she'd now been transferred to the seventh.\ ^So I wasn't really worried about anything except the possibility that she might ask about her parents again. I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle that.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ^On the seventh---\ ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;「おはよう」\ ^`Good morning.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0058.ogg" ;「うん、今日も暑いわね」\ ^`It's hot again today...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;親しい看護婦の友達と、朝の挨拶を交わす。\ ^I exchanged greetings with a nurse friend.\ ;「どう? もうここには慣れた?」\ ^`Well, how's it going up here? Getting used to it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0059.ogg" ;「うん、元々、5Fでも個室だったしね」\ ^`Yeah -- well, 'course, the fifth was private rooms too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;彼女が指す『ここ』とは7Fのこと。慣れた?とは、もちろん私のことではない。\ ^It's perhaps worth stating that we weren't talking about me.\ ;「もしかして、夜もずっと一緒?」\ ^`Have you been doing nights too?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0060.ogg" ;「ん、まあ、補助ベッドで寝るのは慣れてるから…」\ ^`Well, yeah, I'm used to sleeping on the spare bed, so...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「やっぱり保護者がいないと、色々大変だからね…」\ ^`It can be difficult, can't it, when there's no guardian...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉には曖昧に頷く。\ ;ちなみに彼女が指す、この場合の保護者がいないとは…\ ;蒸発して行方不明となった等では無く、既にこの世に存在しないことを指していた。\ ;その死因を、婦長さんは教えてくれなかったけど、事故死でも、病死でもないとだけ聞かされた。\ ;…残る死因は一つしかない。\ ;だから、それ以上を問うことはしない。お互いに。\ ;それはこの現代においても、私達カトリックにとっては大罪であり、禁忌の一つだった。\ ^I responded with a non-committal nod.\ ^I knew what she was getting at with `there's no guardian'.\ ^She was hinting that it wasn't that they'd just gone missing, but that they were no longer present in this world.\ ;-- this sounds like she surmised, as opposed to heard/was told ;== Is this an improvement: ;-- yeah, ultimately, to make the assumption, she would've had to have overheard some details to come to it, but leaving it implied is 1-2 steps too far for a normal reader ^Nobody had told me directly what had happened, but from what I'd heard it hadn't been sickness or an accident.\ ^Which only really left one likely cause of death.\ ^Which was why neither of us intended to say any more.\ ^Even now, that particular sin was a taboo subject among Catholics.\ ;「じゃあ、なにかあったらいつでも言ってね」\ ^`Well, do let me know if you need any help.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0061.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと」\ ^`Thanks, I shall.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^I knocked on her door and entered.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0062.ogg" ;「おはよう~、どう具合は?」\ ^`Morning! How are we today?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0040.ogg" ;「うん、今日は良いみたい」\ ^`Er, okay, I think.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;いつものように彼女が、ベッドから上半身を起こして、こちらを見る。\ ;私は、隣のパイプ椅子へと腰掛ける。\ ;そして、このままの状態で、ほとんど一緒に一日を過ごしていた。\ ;窓からの眩しい日差しが、その横顔を照らし、時折、どうでもいいことを話す。\ ;…これがいつもの私達の姿だった。\ ^As always, she sat up in bed and looked at me. I sat myself down in the bedside chair.\ ^We would spend most of the day like that -- the sunlight through the window leaving our faces half lit and half in shadow, while we talked intermittently about nothing in particular.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0063.ogg" ;「今日も、綺麗なお花ね…」\ ^`The flowers are pretty again today...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;窓辺に飾られた、幾つかの小さな花瓶。そこには、鮮やかな白と黄色が映えていた。\ ^They were in little vases by the window, splashes of white and gold.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0041.ogg" ;「あのね、看護婦さんが飾ってくれたの」\ ^`Um, the nurse puts them there.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0064.ogg" ;「そう、よかったわね」\ ^`Ah, that's nice.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら黄色いガーベラの花瓶へと水を差す。その様子を、彼女はうれしそうに見ていた。\ ;一見すると、ごくありふれた病室の光景。\ ^I topped up the water in the vase of yellow gerbera daisies. She watched happily.\ ^It was pretty much what you'd expect to find in a room like this.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…でも、本当は違う。^@^本来、彼女に対してお見舞いの花は存在しない。\ ;身寄りがないのだから、持って来る相手自体が居ない。\ ;でも、この病院という場所では…特にこの7Fでは、誰かから毎日のように花が届く。\ ;それを看護婦さんや私達ヘルパーが、このフロア全てに分散していた。\ ;それでも足らない時には、花壇から選定し調達する。それもまた仕事の一つだった。\ ;例え、見舞い客の全くない人にも、常に花のある状態を、”作っている”のが実情だった。\ ^Except that an outsider would mistakenly assume that they'd been brought by visitors.\ ^But at this hospital -- and all the more on this floor -- someone always ensured that rooms were decorated, even if there were no relatives to bring flowers.\ ^Nurses and helpers alike, we made sure no room was left drab and empty.\ ^If we ran out, we'd fetch more from the flowerbeds in the hospital garden; that was one of our duties.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0065.ogg" ;「ガーベラが好き?」\ ^`Aren't they pretty?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0042.ogg" ;「うん、でも白い方がもっと好き」\ ^`Yeah -- but I like the white ones even more.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;言いながら、もう一つの花瓶…白いユリを指す。\ ;一般的な見舞い用の花としては香りが強すぎるし、こちらの花瓶は、私達が用意したものではない。\ ;でも、その送り主は簡単に想像がついた。このようなものを贈れる相手は、そうはいない。\ ^She pointed to the other vase -- the lilies.\ ^It's unusual for visitors to choose something so strongly scented, and we didn't tend to use them either.\ ^In fact, there really weren't many likely donors. I knew without being told who they'd be from.\ ; Someone really morbid? "Hello, little girl! You're going to die ; anyway, so we may as well deck out your room like a funeral ; parlour!" dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0043.ogg" ;「きょうかいって人が飾ってくれたの」\ ^`They're from something called a church.'\ ;-- I don't quiiiite think the girl thinks they're called a church >_> just no idea what the thing is ;== ??? They _are_ called a church, aren't they? The church is the people as much as the building. ;-- well yes, but 'someone called a church' is a strange image, as opposed to 'something called a church' at the least, I think most kids in english would use/assume 'thing' in that sort of construction? ;== Hard to judge. If it had been しんぷって人, would you expect it to be translated "something called a priest", or would you think that looked strange and should be "someone"? ;== But I'm happy with "something", so in the interest of deweirdificationalisation: !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0066.ogg" ;「ええ、どうやらお越しになられたようですね」\ ^`Yes, I thought they'd have visited you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0044.ogg" ;「うん、また来るって言ってた」\ ^`They said they'd come again too.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;ユリの花が気に入ったと、嬉しそうに答える彼女。恐らく見舞いに来られたのは神父様かシスターだろう。\ ;今の彼女の状況を考えると、教会がそのような行為をしても不思議ではない。\ ;…信徒でない者にも、差別なく慈悲の精神で接する。\ ;ある意味これも、ここらしい姿だった。\ ;でも彼女には…よく分かっていないだろう。\ ;例え両親がクリスチャンであったとしても、まだ彼女自身、洗礼を受ける前の身。幼く無知でもある。\ ^Probably a priest, or one of the sisters. The prospect seemed to please her. Well, they ~i~were~i~ nice flowers.\ ^In the circumstances, it was only natural that the church would take an interest.\ ^Christian compassion was not reserved for church members alone.\ ^In a sense, this place was founded on that principle.\ ^Yet I wondered if she understood that.\ ^Even if her parents had been Christians, she herself was unbaptised, and knew no doctrine or catechism.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0045.ogg" ;「あ、そういえば…」\ ^`Ooh, by the way...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0046.ogg" ;「お父さんとお母さんのことだけど…」\ ^`You know Mummy and Daddy...?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;突然の両親の話題に、私は驚いてしまう。これが当面の一番の不安だった。\ ^I recoiled. My worst fear had just come true.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0047.ogg" ;「えとね、とおくに旅行に行ってるんだって」\ ^`Um, they've gone on a long journey.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0067.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0048.ogg" ;「だから、しばらくお見舞いにも来れないって」\ ^`That's why they can't visit me.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…誰がそんなことを?\ ;咄嗟に、そう尋ねようとした言葉を飲み込む。\ ;先生か看護婦さんだろうか…? もしかしたら、神父様かシスターの可能性だってある。\ ^Who on earth had told her that?\ ^I only just managed to stop myself from asking.\ ^A doctor or a nurse? Even possibly a priest or nun.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;でも、例えそれが誰であれ、私には反論できそうになかった。\ ;この嘘を…^@^単純に嘘はいけない。悪だ。\ ;これで片付けるほど、私も子供ではないつもりだった。 ;誰が彼女に言ったのかは分からないが、気持ちは同じだろう。\ ;もしこの行為を、遠い場所から、その場しのぎの偽善と責めるならば…\ ;直に触れ合う私達に、代わりとなる術を教えて欲しい。\ ;この行為を、悪と呼ぶなら…私達は全員、悪人なのだろう。^@^…嘘を飲み込んだ私も同罪なのだろう。\ ^It didn't really matter. Whoever it had been, there was no way I could contradict the lie.\ ^While children can believe that lying is simply wrong, simply ``evil'', adults don't have that luxury.\ ^If this was evil, then I was one of many evildoers. It makes no difference who lied first; all of us who went along with it are equally culpable.\ ^Disinterested observers might feel inclined to condemn our actions as hypocrisy. Fine, but first maybe they'd like to suggest a single realistic alternative.\ ^I, for one, certainly couldn't see any such thing.\ ; Wow, nasty passage. I'm honestly not sure I've understood it ; correctly, but I think this is at least a consistent reading. bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0049.ogg" ;「うーん、お母さん早く帰ってこないかぁ」\ ^`Will Mummy be back soon?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0050.ogg" ;「いつもね、プリン作って来てくれるんだよ」\ ^`She always brings me home-made puddings!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0068.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0051.ogg" ;「ね、お姉さんも一緒に食べようね?」\ ^`You can have some too!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0069.ogg" ;「うん、楽しみね…」\ ^`That'll... be nice.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これ以上、私には返す言葉が見つからなかった。\ ;只、なんとも言えない重苦しさに、思わず何でもいいから言葉を繋げてしまう。\ ^That was all I could say before I choked on the words.\ ^But I had to force something out. The silent alternative was even worse.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0070.ogg" ;「そ、そうだっ」\ ^`T-tell you what!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0071.ogg" ;「ね、ねえ、食堂行きましょうよ」\ ^`Let's go to the café.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0052.ogg" ;「え、でもさっき、朝ゴハン食べたとこだよ」\ ^`But I only just had breakfast.'\ ;-- mm? why drop out the 'but'? little kids say that often !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0072.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、またアイスおごってあげるからっ」\ ^`That won't stop me buying you ice cream, will it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景> ;再び背中を押すようにして、いつもの病院食堂へと向かう。\ ^I had to drag her again.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 !s90 ;…友達となったネロとアロア。\ ^Nello and Alois...\ !sd ;本当はパトラッシュの方がらしいけど、私達は一緒に死んであげることはできない。\ ;だから私は、ネロの一番の友達であるアロア。\ ;…でも、隠し事を抱えたままで、本当に友達と呼べるのだろうか?\ ^My rôle really was closer to that of Patrasche, save only that I couldn't die together with my charge; that's why I was Alois instead.\ ^But was I even that? Could I really call myself her friend, if I was keeping that kind of secret from her?\ !s80 ;そして、彼女自身が、間もなく死ぬということも…\ ;一体いつまで隠し続けなければならないのだろうか…\ ^And how much longer would I have to keep it a secret? How much longer did she have to be protected from knowing her fate...?\ !sd ;___________________ bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;ミーンミンミン、\ ;数日後。今日も晴れた夏空が広がる。\ ;そんな空の下、今日は二人して中庭に出ていた。\ ^On another occasion, a little later, we went out together into the hospital garden.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0053.ogg" ;「ふう、今日はちょっと暑いね…」\ ^`Phew, it's hot today...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0073.ogg" ;「じゃあ、そろそろ戻ろうかしら?」\ ^`Should we go back inside?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0054.ogg" ;「ううん、もう少し外がいい」\ ^`Oh no, I like it like this.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;そう言って、うれしそうな顔を向けてくれた。すごく懐いてくれていた。\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、まわりに同じ年頃の人間はいない。この7Fの多くは、お年寄りばかりだった。\ ;だから余計に、私もいつも傍にいるようにした。\ ^She looked up at me happily. I was touched at how close we seemed to be getting.\ ^It perhaps goes without saying that there really wasn't anyone else her age on the seventh; the rest were mostly elderly.\ ^So I was doing my best to be there for her as much as possible.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0055.ogg" ;「あれ? なんでこの場所はお花がないの?」\ ^`Huh? Why're there no flowers here?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;目の前に広がる花壇。\ ;色とりどりの花や青葉が見える中、その一角だけが何もない状態だった。\ ^She was looking at the flowerbed in front of us.\ ^For the most part it was full of colourful flowers and greenery, but just one place it was completely bare.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0056.ogg" ;「…もしかして枯れちゃったの?」\ ^`Did they all die?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0074.ogg" ;「うーん、まあ、そう言えなくもないわね…」\ ^`Mmm, well, I suppose you could say that...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0057.ogg" ;「そうなんだ、ちょっと可哀想だね」\ ^`Oh... how sad.'\ ; "One camel is lagging." !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って少しだけ寂しそうにする。\ ;でもそこは、春に咲く花用のエリア。既に咲き終わり、今は枯れるべくして枯れただけだった。\ ^Her face fell slightly.\ ^But it couldn't be helped. That part of the bed was used for spring flowers. By this time of year they'd finished flowering; of course they'd wither.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0075.ogg" ;「でもね、来月にはまた種を植えるから…」\ ^`But don't worry, we'll be planting some more next month.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0076.ogg" ;「きっとすぐに賑やかになるわよ」\ ^`It'll be pretty again in no time.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0058.ogg" ;「うん、わかった」\ ^`That's okay then.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;その言葉に、今度はうれしそうな顔でこたえる。\ ;そんな彼女に対して…私は、ふと思いついた言葉を続ける。\ ^And she cheered up.\ ^Looking at her, I found myself remembering a verse.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0077.ogg" ;「ここは荒野…だから花が咲くのよ」\ ^`This is a wilderness... so it's going to be full of flowers one day.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0059.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^`Huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0078.ogg" ;「これは、イザヤ書の言葉ね」\ ^`It says so in Isaiah.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして私は彼女にも説明を始める。\ ;35章には、荒野と砂漠は楽しみ、荒地は喜び、サフランのように花を咲かせるという件りがある。\ ^I explained about those famous words from the start of Isaiah 35 -- ``let the wilderness and the dry lands exult, let the wasteland rejoice and bloom.''\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0079.ogg" ;「…そして、盛んに花を咲かせ、喜び喜んで歌う」\ ^`Then it says, ``Let it bring forth flowers like the jonquil, let it rejoice and sing for joy.''|'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0060.ogg" ;「ちょっと、よく分からないかも…」\ ^`Um, why? What's that mean?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0080.ogg" ;「まあ、何もないからって哀しむんじゃなくて…」\ ^`Well, that you shouldn't be sad just because there's nothing there.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0081.ogg" ;「何もないからこそ、喜びも生まれるって意味かしら?」\ ;^`Because you'll be even happier if you started from nothing at all, I suppose.'\ ;-- this feels somewhat off ;== This is painful to fix, but I can't deny that it's too much of a stretch. Taking fewer liberties it becomes: ^`Basically I suppose it means that joy can be born precisely because there's nothing in the way?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0061.ogg" ;「へ~、お姉さんって、すごい」\ ^`Ooh, you're clever!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0082.ogg" ;「あはは、別にそんなことないわよ」\ ^`Ahaha, not really.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故か感心する彼女だけど、私はその言葉を否定する。\ ^I moved quickly to dispel that illusion.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0083.ogg" ;「所詮、私は経典や聖者の言葉を知っているだけで…」\ ^`I've just learnt some verses from the Bible...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0084.ogg" ;「…別に自分自身の言葉じゃないからね」\ ^`It's not like I could come up with something like that by myself.'\ ;-- hrm, this piece makes it harder to connect to the lines towards the end I guess ;== The context is different enough that I'm not sure it matters much; there's no hint that quoting the Bible makes her feel inadequate here like it does when the idea is introduced later on. ;-- mm true. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0062.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉さんって物知りなんだね?」\ ^`Okay, but then you must still know a lot.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0085.ogg" ;「うん? まあ、そーゆーのには詳しいかもね」\ ^`Mmm? Well, I suppose I've learnt quite a ~i~lot~i~ of verses...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0063.ogg" ;「…ハカセ?」\ ^`...are you a doctor?'/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_12 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_12 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_13 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~In the academic sense, not the medical.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~In the academic sense, not the medical.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_13 ^#ffffff\ ;-- that blasted distinction between doctor/professor is a constant thorn in my side ;== It doesn't help that definitions of "professor" are so different in different countries, either. :( !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0086.ogg" ;「あはは、博士か~」\ ^`Ahaha, a doctor...?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0087.ogg" ;「そこまでじゃないけど、なんかいいわねぇ」\ ^`Not even nearly... but it's nice to think I might be.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景\ ;__ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0064.ogg" ;「じゃあ、あれは知ってる?」\ ;^`Do you know what that is?'\ ;-- omitting the 'jaa' seems to break the flow of conversation ^`Well, do you know what that is?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って指差すのは、病院の入り口に植えられたフェニックスの木。\ ^She pointed to the palm tree by the main entrance.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0065.ogg" ;「わたし、パイナップルの木に思うんだけど」\ ^`I think it's a pineapple tree!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0088.ogg" ;「…パイナップル?」\ ^`Pineapple...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0066.ogg" ;「うん、すっごく大きいよね」\ ^`Yep! A really big one.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;まあ、確かに似てるけど…\ ^I had to admit that it ~i~looked~i~ like one...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0067.ogg" ;「ねえ、どうして誰も食べないのかなぁ?」\ ^`I wonder why nobody's eating it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0089.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;冗談で言っているのではない。きっとこの子なりに本気で言っているのだろう。\ ;否定するべきか、肯定するべきか一瞬だけ悩んでから…\ ^There wasn't a hint of playfulness in her voice. She was serious.\ ^I agonised for a moment whether to correct her or affirm her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0090.ogg" ;「うん、良いところに気づいたわね」\ ^`Well done, you noticed!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0091.ogg" ;「実は…あれはパイナップルの木なのよ」\ ^`Yes, that's a pineapple tree.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0068.ogg" ;「やっぱり…」\ ^`Thought so...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0092.ogg" ;「でもね、このことは絶対に秘密にしないとダメなの」\ ^`But you mustn't tell anyone, okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0069.ogg" ;「どうして?」\ ^`Why not?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0093.ogg" ;「だって皆んなにバレたら、食べられちゃうでしょ?」\ ^`Because if people knew, they'd eat it all up!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0094.ogg" ;「だから、ああやって、もっともっと大きく育つまでヒミツにしてるの」\ ^`So we're keeping this a secret till it's grown really big.'\ ;-- `you'? not the tree? ;== What was I thinking? >_<; !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0070.ogg" ;「なるほど…さすがハカセだね」\ ^`Ooh... you really are clever!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;感心したように彼女がこたえる。\ ;[omitted deliberately] bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0095.ogg" ;「あとね、他にこういうのも知ってるわよ」\ ^`And the other thing I know about is this sort of thing...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0071.ogg" ;「なになに?」\ ^`Ooh, what?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;期待をこめた目で、私を見る彼女。\ ;その彼女に向けて、私はポケットからロザリオを取り出すと…\ ^She looked up at me with eager eyes.\ ^I slipped my rosary from my pocket...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0096.ogg" ;「あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^`|``May the Lord pour out His grace and abundant blessings upon you.''|'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;手を合わせ、瞳を閉じ、彼女への祈りを捧げる。\ ^Hands together, eyes closed, I said a blessing over her.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0097.ogg" ;「はい、終わったわよ」\ ^`That's it.'\ ;-- ??? ;== Answer to `Ooh, what?'. ;-- ohh, the fact that it's 5 \s up makes it hard to link ;== Point taken, it was a bit cryptic... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0072.ogg" ;「今のは何? 呪文みたいなの?」\ ^`What was it? Was it a magic spell?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0098.ogg" ;「呪文か…ちょっと違うかなぁ」\ ^`A spell? No, not exactly.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;確かに、聖人や大司教さまならば、呪文や魔法と呼べるほどかも知れない。\ ;…でも私は、司牧者でも聖職者でもない一信徒。\ ;だから、秘跡なんて大袈裟なことじゃなく、只の祈りに過ぎなかった。\ ^The blessing of a saint or an archbishop might qualify as magic, but I wasn't even a priest.\ ^My words didn't even comprise a sacrament. They were just a prayer.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0073.ogg" ;「じゃあ、おまじない?」\ ^`What was it then? A charm?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0099.ogg" ;「うーん、そんな感じかなぁ」\ ^`Something like that, I suppose.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;もしくは…^@^ただの気休め。\ ;最初から効果を期待するモノでもないし、本来、そのような意図として祈りがある訳でもない。\ ^Possibly even just comforting words.\ ^Did it really count as a prayer if I didn't say it hoping for a noticeable effect?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0100.ogg" ;「でも、まあ、せっかくだから魔法でもいいわよ」\ ^`But, well, I suppose you can call it magic if you like.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0074.ogg" ;「うん、わかった」\ ^`Okay.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして、いつもの明るい笑顔を見せてくれた。\ ^And she smiled for me again.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…友達となったネロとアロア。\ ;今まで、親友の筈なのに、アイスを買ってあげるくらいしか出来なかった私…\ ;そんなアロアは、もう一つだけ、彼女の為に、してあげられることを見つけた…\ ^I wasn't much of an Alois.\ ^Up to that point, I hadn't been able to think of anything better than to buy her ice cream.\ ^So it was nice to have found something else I could do for her...\ !sd monocro off print 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;●回想2 ここまで\ mov %flg2_cha12,1 mov %flg2_bplay,12 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_12 mov $sys_midasi,"^#13 / Kindness [h]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0254.ogg" ;「暑…」\ ^`Hot...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;☆BGM>nae mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;思わず、そんな言葉が漏れてしまう。どうやら今日も真夏日になりそうだった。\ ;そんな中、いつもの病院へ向かう途中…\ ;わたしは違う場所へと向かっていた。\ ^The word forced its way out through tight lips. It was a fair description of the day.\ ^And, as I made my way through that heat towards the hospital...\ ^...I turned off the usual route, and headed for a different place altogether.\ bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;教会。先日の海への前に来て以来、ここに来るのは2度目のことだった。\ ;…何故か、千尋さんとは会おうとしない姫子さん。\ ;正確には、千尋さんだけでは無いのだろう。家族や友達といった、親しい者を避けているようにも思える。\ ;だからこうして、わたしが代わりに千尋さんの元へとやって来ていた。\ ^The church. It was the second time I'd come here, since that time back before we went to the beach.\ ^For some reason, Himeko was unwilling to meet Chihiro -- or indeed any of her other family or friends.\ ^It was as though she was trying to avoid everyone close to her.\ ^So here I was, coming in her place.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;以前と同じように、静かに扉を開けると、わたしは、その中へと足を踏み入れる。\ ^The door opened quietly, as before, and I stepped inside.\ ;その向こうに見える人影へと声を掛けた。\ ;[commented out in original] bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0255.ogg" ;「…千尋さん」\ ^`Chihiro...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0129.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん…?」\ ^`Setsumi...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0256.ogg" ;「…これ、持ってきた」\ ^`Here...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、預かった車のキーを手渡す。\ ^I held out the car key.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0257.ogg" ;「姫子さんが渡してくれって」\ ^`Himeko said to give you this.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0130.ogg" ;「そう、ありがとうね、こんな暑い中を…」\ ^`You came all this way to...? Thank you.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;答えながらキーを受け取る千尋さんが、いつもの穏やかな笑みを浮かべてくれる。\ ;そして、ポケットからハンカチを取り出すと、\ ^She took it from me, the usual peaceful smile playing on her lips.\ ^Then, producing a pocket handkerchief---\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0258.ogg" ;「あ………」\ ^`Um...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;わたしの顔に流れる汗を、優しく拭いてくれた。\ ^She started gently wiping the sweat from my face.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0259.ogg" ;「…ありがと…」\ ^`...thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0131.ogg" ;「あのね、お姉ちゃんに伝えてくれる?」\ ^`And could you take a message back for me, please?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0262.ogg" ;「…?」\ ^`...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0132.ogg" ;「もし、必要な時は…」\ ^`If she ever needs anything...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0133.ogg" ;「いつでも言ってねって…」\ ^`Tell her she just has to ask for it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0260.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0175.ogg" ;「…うん、わかった」\ ^`...sure, of course.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;話しているあいだ中、ずっと千尋さんは、汗をぬぐってくれていた。\ ^As I spoke, she finished wiping.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0261.ogg" ;「…それじゃ」\ ^`Well then...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0134.ogg" ;「あ、ちょっと待って」\ ^`Just a moment.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0122.ogg" ;「あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^`|``May the Lord pour out His grace and abundant blessings upon you.''|'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0263.ogg" ;「…また、わたしの為に?」\ ^`...on me? Again?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;その問いの返事はなかった。^@^只、いつもの優しい笑顔を向けてくれた。\ ^She didn't answer.^@^ She just smiled back at me.\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;教会を出ると、まるで降るような蝉の声。\ ;真上にきた日が、黒くハッキリとした短い影を落とす暑い盛り。\ ;こんな中、千尋さんは今から大学に行き、それが終わると再び7Fにも行くと言っていた。\ ;土曜日には擁護学校にも赴き、日曜日はミサの手伝いもしているとも言った。\ ;…きっと、彼女と同じ年頃の人は、全然違うと思う。 ;もっと自分のことを中心に楽しく過ごしているように思う。\ ;こんな生き方が、千尋さんだけに該当するのか、 ;カトリックならば当然なのかは、わたしには分からなかった。\ ^Outside, the voices of cicadas hit us like a flood.\ ^The sun was directly overhead, burning a short and crisp shadow at my feet.\ ^She was off to college, and after that she'd be helping on the seventh again.\ ^On Saturday she'd be helping at a special school; on Sunday she'd be helping at Mass.\ ^She couldn't have much in common with her peers. They would spend their time thinking of themselves.\ ^I wondered whether this lifestyle was something peculiar to Chihiro, or whether all Catholics were like her.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;再び病院へとやって来ると、床の白いテープに沿ってエレベーターへと向かう。\ ^Back in the hospital, I followed the white tape on the floor towards the lift.\ dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ;そして、通い慣れた7Fから、姫子さんの待つ病室へと急いだ。\ ^Himeko was waiting in her room.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ ^I hurried there, knocked---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0344.ogg" ;「どうぞー」\ ^`Come in!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;カチャ、\ ;[deliberate] bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0345.ogg" ;「いらっしゃい、今日も暑かったでしょ」\ ^`Good to see you! Hot, isn't it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0172.ogg" ;「うん…?」\ ^`Yes...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;返事をするよりも先に、違うことが気になった。 ;見ると、何やらごそごそと漁っていた最中のようだった。\ ^I was more curious about what she was doing. She seemed to be busily rummaging around for something.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0346.ogg" ;「ああ、これ? 今日は入浴デーだから準備してたのよ」\ ^`Oh, this? I'm just getting ready -- it's bath day.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言われてみると、机のまわりに出されていたのは、洗面器やシャンプーやらの類い。\ ^That was it. The things scattered around her desk were tubs and shampoo bottles and the like.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0347.ogg" ;「そうだ、あなたも一緒に入りましょうよ」\ ^`I know, why don't you join me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0265.ogg" ;「…入る?」\ ^`...join you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0348.ogg" ;「そうよ、一緒にお風呂よ」\ ^`Yep. In the bath, I mean.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0266e.ogg" ;「ええっっ」\ ^`Ehhhh?!'\ !sd dwavestop 0 wait 300 !s100 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0349.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0350.ogg" ;「ぷ、くくく…」\ ^She snorted.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0267.ogg" ;「…なにがおかしいのよ」\ ^`What's so funny?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0351.ogg" ;「い、今のリアクションは良かったわよ 普段がクールだから余計にっ」\ ^`Y-you! That reaction---when you're usually so cool about stuff---'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0268.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0352.ogg" ;「ほらほら、女の子同士なんだから、そんな恥ずかしがらなくて良いじゃないのぉ」\ ^`Come on, we're both girls, there's nothing to be embarrassed about!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;姫子さんは女の『子』じゃないと、反論しようと思ったけど止めた。\ ^I just managed not to question whether she was still young enough to qualify as a `girl'.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0353.ogg" ;「じゃあ、行きましょ」\ ^`Okay, let's go!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0269d.ogg" ;「え、でも、ちょっと…」\ ^`Ehh, b-but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0354.ogg" ;「はいはい、いいからいいから」\ ^`Yes, yes, this way---'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;どこか楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ;躊躇するわたしをからかうように…まるで背中を押されるようにして連れて行かれた。\ ^She grinned mischievously while I hesitated.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\zaba.ogg" ;ざばあーーーっ\ ^I went with her.\ ; Well, it's vaguely related to the previous bit of Japanese. And it's ; better than onomatopoeia. dwave 6,"se2\furo.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0355.ogg" ;「ね? 汗も流れて気持ちいいでしょ?」\ ^`See, you must feel much better with all that sweat gone.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;dwave 5,"se2\furo.ogg" ;結局、半ば強制的にお風呂に入れられてしまった。\ ;只、一緒に入るほどの広さは無いと思ってたけど、なんとか2人が入れるほどの広さはあった。\ ;恐らくこれは、ヘルパーや付き添いの人も、一緒に入ることを前提とされているのだろう。\ ;でもわたしは、そんなお風呂の広さではなく、違うことに気づき、思わず黙ってしまう。\ ^In the end she practically dragged me in with her.\ ^It wasn't a big bath -- it didn't look like there was room, though in fact there was, just about.\ ^It had probably been designed to allow for the possible presence of a helper or companion.\ ^But what I noticed, what shut me up, wasn't the tightness of the bath.\ dwave 6,"se2\furo.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0356.ogg" ;「…もしかして、珍しかった?」\ ^`Not what you were expecting...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言うと、自分の胸の大きな傷跡を指す姫子さん。\ ;わたしの小さな傷跡とは比較にならないほどだった。\ ^She was pointing to the scar on her breast.\ ^It was horribly large. My own little scars were nothing in comparison.\ ; A nice subversion of the "younger girl jealous of size of older ; girl's breasts" cliché. ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0357.ogg" ;「やっぱ、私も女の子だからね」\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0358.ogg" ^`I was pretty horrified too when I got this.\ ; Assuming I understand the scene correctly, it makes more sense this ; way round in English, so may as well swap the voice cuts over too. !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0358.ogg" ;「これが出来た時はショック大きかったわ」\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0357.ogg" ^`I suppose I would be, being a girl and all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんな言葉をわたしは黙って聞いていた。何か返事をしようとしても、その言葉は思いつかなかった。\ ^I said nothing. I didn't want to reply, and wouldn't have known what to say if I did.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0359.ogg" ;「て、ほら、背中流してあげるから、そこ座って」\ ^`Well, come on, sit over there and let me wash your back.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0260.ogg" ;「…うん、わかった」\ ^`...okay.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;そして、シャワーと共に、わたしの背中をタオルで優しく流してくれる。\ ;それはまるで、先ほど汗を拭いてくれた、千尋さんを思い出させてしまう。\ ;…わたしには、姫子さんが、敬虔なカトリックかどうかは分からない。\ ;でも、二人共…とても優しい人なのは間違いないと思う。\ ^She set to work gently with flannel and shower.\ ^I was reminded of her sister, wiping the sweat from my face.\ ^I couldn't guess whether Himeko was as devout a Catholic as Chihiro, but they were definitely both extremely kind people.\ ;--the perhaps bit seems to push the meaning a bit too far, like she's come to the conclusion dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0272.ogg" ;「ねえ、姫子さん…」\ ^`Himeko...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0273.ogg" ;「どうして、千尋さんを避けるの?」\ ^`Why're you avoiding Chihiro?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0360.ogg" ;「ん? 前にも言った通りよ」\ ^`Hmm? Haven't I already told you that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0274.ogg" ;「やっぱり…優しくて良い人だから?」\ ^`You mean... because she's a sweet and kind person?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0361.ogg" ;「まあ、半分はね…」\ ^`That's half of it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0275.ogg" ;「じゃあ、残り半分は?」\ ^`What's the other half, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0362.ogg" ;「それは、秘密よ…ルールにもあるしね」\ ^`That's a secret. It's in the rules...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ルール。これは以前にも出た単語だった。\ ^That word again -- ~i~rules~i~.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0276.ogg" ;「…だったら、わたしは?」\ ^`...what about me, then?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0277.ogg" ;「わたしは、優しくて良い人じゃないから、お姉さんも親切にしてくれるの?」\ ^`Are you being nice to me just because I'm ~i~not~i~ a sweet and kind person?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0363.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その質問に、今度は姫子さんも黙ってしまった。\ ;そして、暫く考えていたかと思うと、\ ^It was her turn to be silenced by a question.\ ^She seemed to think for a while, then replied:\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0364.ogg" ;「特別なのよ…コロッケ博士はね」\ ^`You're an exception... Professor Croquette.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0338.ogg" ;「…またそんなこと言って…」\ ^`...not again...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\zaba.ogg" ;ざばばーーっ\ ^She stood up.\ ; ...I think. dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0204.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0279.ogg" ;「わっ、」\ ^`Wah---'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0365.ogg" ;「ほら、そろそろ上がるわよ」\ ^`Come on, time to get finished.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;結局、話しをはぐらかされてしまった。\ ;それでなくても、姫子さんの言葉は、理解できないことも多いし、秘密にされることも多い。\ ^That was one way to change the subject.\ ^Even if she hadn't, her words would still have been full of things I didn't understand, and secrets I hadn't been told.\ dwavestop 5 !s80 ;…だけど、もしかしたら…\ ;わたしを、誰かの姿と重ねているのだろうか…\ ^And yet, I wondered.\ ^Could it be that when she looked at me, she saw someone else altogether...?\ !sd stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;☆シーン変え:数日後:病室 bg "e\b.jpg",5 monocro #FFeedd ; mmeeeee! print 3 bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;□心情・情景 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^~i~I knocked and entered---\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0101.ogg" ;「どう? もう食べ終わった」\ ^~i~`Well, have you finished?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0075.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Um, yes...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0102.ogg" ;「て、またブロッコリー残してる」\ ^`No you haven't! What's all this broccoli?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0076.ogg" ;「だって、あんまり好きじゃないんだもん…」\ ^`I... don't like it...'\ ;-- That sounds like she's more hiding it than declaring it ;== She'd wanted to hide it, and doesn't particularly like explaining. Is how I read this. ;-- digging out `a dictionary of basic japanese grammar' mono/mon has the entry 'the speaker presents a situation as if it were a tangible object' and also carries a fair amount of emotional content that's existant from before. though it shows all exampls of mono/mon before da/desu... she might be embarassed, or shy about it, but I'm not sure if it jives with hiding. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0103.ogg" ;「ふう、しょうがないわねぇ」\ ^`Oh well, can't be helped.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;以前はちゃんと食べていたのに、今では好き嫌いから残すようになっていた。\ ;でもこれは、別に病状の悪化による食欲不振等ではない。\ ;単純に、私に甘えてくれるようになったのだろう。そう思うと私もうれしかった。\ ^She'd always forced it down before, but of late she'd started to be more picky in what she ate.\ ^Not, I thought, because her condition was affecting her appetite, but simply because she'd got to know me and learnt what she could get away with.\ ^It was gratifying to be thought of as a friend.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0104.ogg" ;「じゃあ、はい、体温計」\ ^`Okey-dokey, time for your temperature check then.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0105.ogg" ;「お口で測っても良いけど、噛まないようにね」\ ^`I'll take it from your mouth if you promise not to bite.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0077.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`Yep.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;にこにこと、体温計をくわえる彼女。\ ;その横顔を照らすのは、15cmしか開かない窓から射す、夏の日差し。\ ;今日もパイプ椅子に座る私に、うれしそうな顔を向けてくれていた。\ ^She held it in her mouth, smiling, her face half lit by the light from the narrow window, while I smiled back at her from the bedside chair.\ ;-- maybe i'm tired, but I thought the thermometer smiled for a second there. ;== Good catch, it's a nasty ambiguous construction. dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0078.ogg" ;「あ、ひょういえば…」\ ^`Ooh, hy phe way...'\ ;-- So, did you stick something in your mouth and say it out loud like I did too? ;== Naturally! How else? :D !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0106.ogg" ;「こら、危ないからしゃべっちゃだめ」\ ^`Don't talk! It's dangerous.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0079.ogg" ;「ふぁ~い」\ ^`Howwy.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ピピピっ…\ ;ほどなくして体温計のアラームが鳴り、私は、その液晶の数字を読む。\ ^Moments later the thermometer beeped, and I retrieved it and read off the number.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0080.ogg" ;「…何度?」\ ^`...what is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0107.ogg" ;「6度5分、このくらいなら平熱ね」\ ^`'6.5, same as usual.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0081.ogg" ;「じゃあ、今日も行きたいかも」\ ^`Can we go again today, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0108.ogg" ;「中庭? それともアイス?」\ ^`Where? The garden, or for ice cream?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0082.ogg" ;「うーん、どっちかなぁ…ちょっと悩むかもぉ」\ ^`Um... dunno...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;検温して問題がなければ、どちらかに行く。\ ;これは先生達の了承も得た上で、最近では、既に恒例のこととなっていた。\ ^It had become routine to do one or the other whenever her temperature was normal. I'd got official permission.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0083.ogg" ;「て、そうだ…」\ ^`Oh, yeah...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0084.ogg" ;「それよりもね、知らないおばさんに話し掛けられたの」\ ^`What I was going to say is, a lady stranger tried to talk to me!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0109.ogg" ;「…知らないおばさん? いつ?」\ ^`A stranger? When?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0085.ogg" ;「えーとね、昨日の夜に」\ ^`Um, last night?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…誰だろう? ;この7Fって場所に来れる人は、それなりに限定される筈。\ ;まず患者と、その見舞いである家族。後は先生と看護婦さん、私達ヘルパー。\ ;それ以外では、稀にやって来られる、神父さまやシスターだけの筈だった。\ ^Who? I wondered. There weren't many people allowed up here.\ ^Patients, visiting relatives, medical staff, us helpers.\ ^That was about it, apart from the rare pastoral visits from priests and nuns.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0110.ogg" ;「誰かのお見舞いの人かしら?」\ ^`Was she a visitor?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0086.ogg" ;「ううん、パジャマ着てたから、ここの人だと思う」\ ^`No, she was wearing pyjamas, so I think she lives here too.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…少し妙だった。\ ;確かに一般病棟では、患者同士の交流も多い。\ ;時には、この場所で知り合ったキッカケから、生涯の親友やビジネスパートナーが生まれることだってある。\ ;でも、この7Fは違う。\ ;お互いに、間もなく死ぬ自覚がある為に、患者同士の交流はあまり考えられない。\ ^That was a little odd.\ ^Oh, it's not unheard-of for patients to socialise. You even get people meeting in hospital and ending up close friends or business partners.\ ^But not on the seventh.\ ^Few saw much point in making friends when either party could die at any moment.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0111.ogg" ;「それで、なにを話し掛けられたの?」\ ^`What did she say?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0087.ogg" ;「あのね、何回目って聞かれた」\ ^`She asked me how many times it is.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0112.ogg" ;「…何回目?」\ ^`How many times?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0088.ogg" ;「うん、初めてだったら教えることがあるって」\ ^`Yeah, she said 'cos if it's the first she's got to tell me something.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0113.ogg" ;「なんて答えたの?」\ ^`And what did you say?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0089.ogg" ;「よくわからないって言ったら、また今度って言われた」\ ^`I said I didn't understand, and then she like went away again.'\ ;-- Like went away again... she sounds liek a valley girl >__>;; ;== So do most kids... !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景>まとめ ;一体、何のことだろう?\ ^What had all that been about?\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そういえば、噂で聞いたことがある。\ ;何でもこの7Fの患者だけで、伝え続けている情報…ルールがあるとか。\ ;もちろん私は信じていないし、以前に担当だった人に問うた時も、やはり否定された。\ ;だけど…^@^もし本当にそのような情報があるならば、一体どのようなことを伝えているのだろうか…\ ^Actually... I wondered.\ ;-- the 'wondered' feels out of place somehow ;== To my ear it helps to have a discourse verb here to introduce her conjecture. ^There were rumours that patients on the seventh had secrets, `rules', that they passed down between themselves.\ ^I hadn't believed them. The last time I'd helped up here, I'd asked my patient, and they'd denied it.\ ^And yet I wondered. If there was any truth in it, what sort of secrets could those be?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0114.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0090.ogg" ;「…お姉さん?」\ ^`Hey...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0115.ogg" ;「あ、ああ、ごめんなさい」\ ^`Er, um, excuse me.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;つい、ぼ~っとしてしまっていた。\ ^I'd gone and drifted off again.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0116.ogg" ;「じゃあ、今日は中庭にしようか?」\ ^`Well, shall we go outside today?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0117.ogg" ;「ほら、珍しく今日は、天気もそれほど暑くないし」\ ^`Look, for once it's not such a hot day.'\ ;-- I still feel there's a material difference between 'cool' and 'not nearly as hot' !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0091.ogg" ;「うーん、アイスも惜しいけど…」\ ^`Mmm, but I want ice cream too...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0118.ogg" ;「だったら中庭でアイス食べましょ」\ ^`Why don't we have ice cream outside, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;涼しいとはいえ真夏。いくら風があっても、日差し自体は強い。\ ;だから私は、中庭の日陰となるベンチに彼女を残し、近所のコンビニまでダッシュでかける。\ ^It was cool, but only as midsummer goes. There was a breeze, but the sun was no less strong.\ ^So I left her on a shady bench, and hurried to the nearby shop.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0119.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、おまたせ~」\ ^`Phew... here you are...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;コンビニで買ってきたアイスを手に、駆け足で帰って来た。\ ^I arrived back panting.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0092.ogg" ;「わ、すごい汗」\ ^`You're all sweaty!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0120.ogg" ;「ふぅ、暑~っ」\ ^`It's hot...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;流れる汗に、思わずスカートをパタパタさせる。この真夏にダッシュすれば当然のことだった。\ ^I was dripping. I found myself fanning myself with my skirt. Who wouldn't, after sprinting through such heat?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0121.ogg" ;「ほら、まだ溶けてないわよ、アイス」\ ^`Here, see, it hasn't melted yet!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0093.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと…」\ ^`Thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0122.ogg" ;;「でも…お姉さんの分は?」\ ; Deary me, can it possibly be that someone recorded this line with ; the wrong actress? :P !sd dwavestop 1 ;「でも…お姉さんの分は?」\ ^`But... what about you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0123.ogg" ;「ふふふ、大丈夫よ」\ ^`Ufufu, don't you worry about that!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;60円の袋入りソーダのアイス。私は大袈裟に中身を取り出してみせる。\ ^Her concern was prompted by the fact that I was only holding one thing: a 60-yen ice lolly in a pouch.\ ^Now I tore it open and revealed the contents to her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0124.ogg" ;「じゃーん」\ ^`Ta-dah!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0094.ogg" ;「あ、ふたつになってる」\ ^`Ooh! It's a double one!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0125.ogg" ;「それっ」\ ^`Now---'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE> ;ぱきっ、\ ^It was indeed a double bar, with two sticks.\ ; Seems a reasonable place to put exposition, which I think is ; necessary as I've never seen these things in England. dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0126.ogg" ;「はい、半分こね」\ ^`There, one each.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0095.ogg" ;「あはは、うん」\ ^`Ahaha, right!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;照りつける夏日の下、二人でソーダアイスを食べる。\ ^We sat eating together under the sunny sky.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0127.ogg" ;「やっぱアイスは、暑いところで食べるのが一番よね」\ ^`Ice lollies always taste better when it's hot, don't they?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0096.ogg" ;「うん、ちょっと溶けてるけど」\ ^`Yeah... they melt faster too though.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;そんなことを話しながら食べる私達。 ;目の前の花壇には、パンジーやガーベラが咲き誇っていた。\ ;先日の冬用のエリアにも、きっとまた何かが植えられることだろう。\ ^We ate on.\ ^Around us the flowerbeds were in full bloom with pansies and gerbera daisies.\ ^There would be life even in that bare patch, though not visible to us yet.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0097.ogg" ;「ねえ、またアレやって欲しいかも…」\ ^`Mm, maybe it'd be nice if you did that thing again...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0128.ogg" ;「いいわよ、じゃあちょっとアイス持ってて」\ ^`If you like. Hold my lolly, then.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0098.ogg" ;「うんっ」\ ^`Okay.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;両手に1本ずつアイスを持った彼女。一つは私のアイス、もう一つは自分のだった。\ ;そして私は、ポケットからロザリオを取り出すと、いつものように、静かに手を合わせる。\ ^She took it in her free hand -- the other held her own.\ ^I, meanwhile, drew my rosary from my pocket, and quietly put my hands together.\ ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0129.ogg" ;「わたしたちが人に許すように…」\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0130.ogg" ^`...and forgive us our trespasses...\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0130.ogg" ;「わたしたちの罪をお許しください…」\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0129.ogg" ^`...as we forgive those who trespass against us...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…主の祈り。いわゆる主祷文。\ ;恐らくは、別になんでも良かったのだろう。\ ;只、彼女のことを私が想い、彼女がそれで喜んでくれるのならば、それで十分だった…\ ^I just recited the Our Father -- the Lord's Prayer.\ ^I doubt she particularly cared which bit of the rite she got.\ ^It was enough that I was thinking of her, and that she was pleased by that.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0131.ogg" ;「はい、もう終わったわよ」\ ^`Amen. And there you are.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0099.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと」\ ^`Thank you!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0132.ogg" ;「いえいえ、大した魔法じゃないですから」\ ^`Don't -- it's not like I did some kind of amazing magic...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;所詮、私は一信徒であり、真似事に過ぎない。当たり前だが、その言葉も全て自分の言葉ではない。\ ^After all, since I was just a layperson, I couldn't really do much for other people. I couldn't even come up with my own words.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0100.ogg" ;「今日のは、誰の言葉なの?」\ ^`Who made up the words?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0133.ogg" ;「もちろんイエスさまご自身よ」\ ^`Why, Our Lord himself, of course.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0101.ogg" ;「じゃあ、他の人のもあるの?」\ ^`So have other people done it too?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0134.ogg" ;「ええ、すっごく偉い聖者さまとか教皇さまとか、たくさんの人の言葉があるわ」\ ^`Yeah, lots of them -- all the popes, and all the great saints...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0102.ogg" ;「へ~、そんなにいっぱいあるのを、お姉さんは知ってるんだ」\ ^`Wow, all that many, and you know about them all?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;感心したような彼女に、私は頷いてみせる。\ ;さすがに全てではないが、それなりの福音の類いは読み知っているつもりだった。\ ^I answered her admiration with a nod.\ ^Obviously I didn't ~i~know~i~ them all, but I do think I'd read quite a lot about that kind of thing.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0135.ogg" ;「て、そうだ…ねえ、あげようか?」\ ^`Hey, tell you what... would you like this to keep?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら、再びポケットからロザリオを取り出す。\ ^I took out the rosary again.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0103.ogg" ;「え、いいの? わたしが貰っても」\ ^`Ehh, can I? Is that all right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0136.ogg" ;「うん、私はもう一つ持ってるし…」\ ^`Of course! It's not like I haven't got another.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0137.ogg" ;「なにより、これで一緒に出来るようになるわよ」\ ^`And if we both have them then we can do it together next time.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0104.ogg" ;「できるって…わたしにも魔法が?」\ ^`Do it... you mean magic? I can too?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0138.ogg" ;「あはは、魔法かどうかは知らないけどね」\ ^`Ahaha, well, I'm really not sure you can call it ``magic''...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0139.ogg" ;「う、うん、ありがとお姉さんっ」\ ;[commented out in original (hmm, another line recorded by the wrong person?)] !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;手にロザリオを持ち、うれしそうにする彼女。\ ;[cut from translation for better flow] ;本来…7Fの患者とは、何度かの入院と退院を繰り返す。\ ;…でも彼女には、帰る家がない。\ ;だから、ずっとここに居る。だから私も、ずっと傍に居た。\ ^She was fundamentally different from most hospice patients, who'd spend periods at home when their conditions permitted.\ ^That wasn't possible because, of course, she didn't have a home.\ ^That's why she was always here, and why I was always at her side.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…ネロとアロアが出会って、早2ヶ月目。\ ;本来なら、1回目の退院を迎えるであろう頃だった…\ ^It was already the second month since I'd met my Nello.\ ^It was about the stage when, had she been a regular patient, she'd have been heading home for a while...\ monocro off print 3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha13,1 mov %flg2_bplay,13 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_13 mov $sys_midasi,"^#14 / Taboo [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;☆シーン変え 数日後:中庭にて ;★家にて ;☆BG 家 bg "e\b.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_039.ogg" ;「はい、今日のお弁当」\ ^`Here, that's today's lunch.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0280.ogg" ;「うん、行ってきます」\ ^`Thanks! See you later, then.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;いつものように、お弁当を手に病院へと向かう。\ ;既に8月も半ばだというのに、まだまだ暑い日が続くようだった。\ ^It was already mid-August, but the hot weather had continued, and so had my routine.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ;[DOES NOT WANT TO TRANSLATE] bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;7F。既に顔見知りとなった看護婦さんに、小さく頭を下げ挨拶する。\ ;そして廊下に見えたのは、何人かの患者さんの姿。\ ;ちょうど朝の検温も終わった頃で、ヘルパーの人と共に散歩に行ってきたのだろう。\ ;ふと、そんな白い腕輪の人達を見ていると思うことがある。\ ;…7Fの住人とは、2種類に分けられるのではないだろうか?\ ;まるで達観したように落ち着いている者と、いつも忙しく何かをしているようなような者…\ ^The seventh -- where the nurses, now knowing my face quite well, all nodded greetings as I passed.\ ^The rooms and corridors were dotted with patients.\ ^They'd probably gone for walks with their helpers, after breakfast and the morning temperature readings.\ ^As I looked at them, and their prominent white bands, a thought flashed into my head: perhaps there were two kinds of patient up here.\ ^The ones who had accepted their lot and cast off their ties to the world, and the ones who rushed frantically about, always trying to fit in one last thing...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0136.ogg" ;「あ、大丈夫ですよ、ちゃんと支えてますから」\ ^`Ah, don't worry, I've got you.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景> ;聞き覚えのある声に振り返ると、そこに居たのは千尋さん。年配の車椅子のおばさんと一緒だった。\ ;…恐らくは、あの人が千尋さんの担当の人なのだろう。\ ^I looked round, hearing a familiar voice; it was Chihiro, with an elderly lady in a wheelchair.\ ^Presumably this was her current charge.\ ;「ねえ、また後でお散歩、お願いして良いかしら…」\ ^`Might I beg you to take me for another walk after this...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0137.ogg" ;「そうですね~、もう少し日が翳ってから、中庭に出ましょうね」\ ^`Yes, of course! Why don't we go out into the garden later on, when it's a bit cooler?'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;穏やかな口調。いつもの優しい顔を、おばさんにも向けていた。\ ^She spoke to the lady with her usual gentle voice and kind face.\ ;■心情・情景 ;「なあ千尋さん、いつものアレやってもらえるかい」\ ^`Well then, if you would just be so kind as to do the usual?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0138.ogg" ;「ええ、いいですよ」\ ^`Yes, of course.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そう返事をしたかと思うと、静かに両手を合わせ、\ ^Of course she would, I thought, as she put her hands together.\ ;そして、祈りを捧げた。他にも幾つかの言葉を続けた。\ ^She prayed aloud briefly. I caught one phrase:\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0139.ogg" ;「…わたしたちを、こころみにあわせないでください…」\ ^`...and lead us not into temptation...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0281.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^`Um...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0129.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん…」\ ^`Oh, it's you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0282.ogg" ;「ああやって、いつも祈ってるの?」\ ^`Do you always pray like that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0141.ogg" ;「ええ、誰かの為に祈るのは良いことですからね」\ ^`Sure. It's good to pray for other people, you see.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;いつもの優しい顔で答える千尋さん。\ ;でもその言葉に、わたしは少しだけ引っ掛かりを感じた。\ ;…誰かの為に…\ ;だから、素直な質問を投げてみた。\ ^She smiled, of course.\ ^But something in what she said struck me as slightly odd.\ h_centreline ^~i~...for other people...^ ^~i~...for other people...\ ^So I had to follow that up with another question.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0283b.ogg" ;「…自分の為じゃダメなの?」\ ^`...what about praying for yourself?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0142.ogg" ;「そ、それは…」\ ^`Well, er...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景 ;そこで言葉に詰まってしまった。\ ;それ以上の返事はなかった。いつもの優しそうな顔でもなかった。\ ;初めて見る千尋さんの表情…只、困ったような顔を向けていた。\ ^She stopped.\ ^She'd stopped smiling, too.\ ^It was, I think, the first time I ever saw Chihiro look troubled.\ ;-- worried is somewhat strange, not troubled? ;== I don't really see any difference between the two in this context... so ;-- mm well, in my head, 'worried' often has an implicit 'what about?' from the reader, and while. 'troubled' can they're more likely to pass it off? ;== Good point, I think there is a distinction there as you say. I guess I was mentally supplying an implicit "about my question" or something. :) ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ\ ^I knocked at Himeko's door.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" bg "en\tizu01b.jpg",5 ;また以前のように地図を眺めていた姫子さん。\ ;病室に入ってきたわたしには、チラっと一瞥しただけで、すぐに視線を戻す。\ ^She was looking at a map again.\ ^Her eyes shot one glance my way, as I entered the room, then swung straight back onto the page.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0284.ogg" ;「…面白い?」\ ^`...having fun?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0366.ogg" ;Hmm, wonder what went wrong this time. Just forgot to record it? ;「そう見える?」\ ^`Does it look like it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0030.ogg" ;「…ううん」\ ^`Nope...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;答えながら、わたしも隣に座ると、同じように地図を眺める。\ ;…やはり、この行為が楽しいとは思えないけど…\ ;この地図は、お姉さんにとって何なのだろう?\ ;全てが達観したように見える7Fの人でも、やはり、何かの未練に揺れているのだろうか…\ ^I sat down beside her and looked at it too.\ ^No, I certainly couldn't see how this kind of thing could be ~i~fun~i~...\ ^What did this map mean to Himeko?\ ^Maybe even those patients who had cast off most ties to the world were still bound by some lingering attachments.\ bg "en\tizu01.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0611.ogg" ;「…例えるならば、私達は死刑囚ね」\ ^`Figuratively speaking, we're on death row...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`What...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0612.ogg" ;「死ぬと宣告だけされたけど…」\ ^`We've simply been sentenced to death...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0613.ogg" ;「その日が、いつ来るか分からないから、限られた時間に追われているのよ」\ ^`We're trapped by the deadline, because we don't know when it will be...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…死刑囚。いわれて見れば、頷けるような気がする。\ ;先ほども思ったように、この7Fでは、いつも忙しくしているような人がいた。\ ;むしろ、死ぬと分かってから、生き生きとしてるようにすら思える。\ ;それとも、人とは…^@^死を意識して、初めて『生』も意識できるのだろうか…\ ^Death row... yes, now she said it, I could see that the analogy worked.\ ^It fitted with what I'd been thinking earlier, that some people up here were always rushing around.\ ^If anything, learning that they were about to die seemed to drive them to live all the harder.\ ^Or maybe it's that people don't understand what life ~i~is~i~ until they realise their own mortality.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0614.ogg" ;「落ち着いている者は、既に覚悟の出来た人でしょう」\ ^`And the only calm ones are the ones who've finished preparing themselves.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0615.ogg" ;「もしくは、そう装っている者でしょうね」\ ^`Or the ones who're pretending they have.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0350b.ogg" ;「…姫子さんは?」\ ^`Which are you...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0616.ogg" ;「もちろん後者よ。この歳で、覚悟決められる人間なんていないわ」\ ^`Oh, the latter. There's no way anyone my age could be totally prepared.'\ ;-- the line feels different when it's "I" instead of "no one" !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっさりと言い切られた。\ ^She laughed it off.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0617.ogg" ;「そうじゃなかったら、死ぬまでにやってみたい10のことなんて言わないでしょ?」\ ^`I wouldn't go round talking about things I want to do before I die if there weren't any, would I?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;それだけを言うと、再び地図を眺める姫子さん。\ ;そして、同じように地図を眺めていたわたしに向かって、\ ^She looked back at the map for a while.\ ^Then, as I did the same, she looked up at me again and said:\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0367.ogg" ;「セツミ…髪、伸びているわね」\ ^`Setsumi... your hair's getting a bit long.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0286.ogg" ;「あ…? うん、そうかも…」\ ^`Eh...? Yeah, maybe...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;いきなりの予想外の言葉に、かろうじて答える。\ ;[commented out in original]\ ;そういえば少し伸びてきたかも知れない。まだ今月は、お母さんに切ってもらってなかった。\ ^It was a bit long, I guess. Mum hadn't cut it yet that month.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0368.ogg" ;「切ってあげようか?」\ ^`Shall we get that sorted?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`Ehh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_kami2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0369.ogg" ;「来なさい、お姉さんがカットしてあげるから」\ ^`This way. I'll give you a nice cut.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\isu1.ogg" ;突然の提案に、よく事態が飲み込めないけど…\ ^I wasn't quite sure what to make of this development...\ dwavestop 6 ;先になって歩く姫子さんの後に、わたしも続く。\ ^...but as Himeko was already striding off, I had to follow.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;やがて、ナースステーションの前まで来ると、中にいる看護婦さんに向かって、\ ^Finally she paused in front of the nurses' station, and addressed its occupant:\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0370.ogg" ;「ねえ、上、行きたいんだけど貸してくれる」\ ^`I'd like to take her up, if that's okay.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「別にいいですけど…カットですか?」\ ^`Don't see why not. For a haircut?'\ ;...what? Do Japanese haircuts traditionally take place on hospital roofs? !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0371.ogg" ;「ええ、今日は風もないからね」\ ^`Well, it's not too windy today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、看護婦さんから何かを受け取ると、再び廊下を進む姫子さん。\ ^The nurse gave her something, and she continued on down the corridor.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0372.ogg" ;「セツミ、こっちよ」\ ^`Over here, Setsumi.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;しばらく歩いて、やっと止まった場所は、廊下の突き当たり。\ ;正確には、非常階段を上がった先の、いつもは閉じられたままになっている、大きな鉄の扉の前。\ ;…今まで開いている状態は見たことないけど、恐らくはここが屋上への入り口なのだろう。\ ^She'd stopped at the end of the corridor.\ ^To be precise, she'd stopped by the large metal door a little way up the emergency staircase.\ ^I'd never seen it unlocked, but I could guess that it probably led to the roof.\ ; ...the emergency staircase is LOCKED? That's not much use in a ; fire. What's wrong with simply having the door be alarmed, like ; everywhere else? ;-- I think it's right near the emergency stair doors. otherwise it'd be rather... bad ;== Oh, I see what you mean... like the corridor ends with the emergency stairs, and if you go DOWN you escape the fire, and if you go UP you run into a locked door? Makes more sense. dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0373.ogg" ;「じゃーん、ここで鍵の登場」\ ^`Enter key, stage left!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE> dwave 5,"se2\tetudoor.ogg" ;ガチャ、ギー…\ ;[no.] ;dwave 5,"se2\tetudoor02.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;一瞬だけ真っ白になる視界。\ ;やがて目が慣れてきた先には、\ ^For a moment, everything was white.\ ^As my eyes got used to the brightness---\ dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 ;…強い風、夏空、高いフェンス。洗濯物である、たくさんのシーツが風になびいていた。\ ^---there was a strong breeze, the sky overhead, a tall fence around the roof.\ ^There were sheets, presumably laundry, blowing in the wind.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0374.ogg" ;「今日は良い天気ね~、絶好の散髪日和よ」\ ^`Lovely day, isn't it? Perfect haircutting weather!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;空を見上げると、そんな言葉をあげる姫子さん。\ ;I rolled my eyes heavenward. Himeko opened her mouth and spoke those words by flapping her tongue and expelling breath while articulating her lips and vocal cords to produce those consonants and vowels that together make up the syllables of which language is formed. ;Normally I scorn Strunk & White, but there are times when "omit needless words" is the best advice in the world. dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0375.ogg" ;「初めてでしょ? ここに来たのは?」\ ^`You haven't been up here before, have you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0287.ogg" ;「…うん、初めて」\ ^`No...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0376.ogg" ;「ま、普通はそうよ」\ ^`I suppose most people don't.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0377.ogg" ;「入院患者には、絶対に来させない場所だからね」\ ^`It's totally out of bounds for patients, after all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その理由は言わなくても想像がついた。\ ;7Fの天井と同じくらい高いフェンス。^@^それが、何の為にあるのかを考えれば簡単だった。\ ^I could imagine why. The fence was as high as the ceiling of the seventh floor, and it was there for a reason.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0378.ogg" ;「じゃ、散髪しましょうか」\ ^`Haircut time!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0288.ogg" ;「…ホントにやるの?」\ ^`...are you serious?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0379.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、こう見えてもお姉さん、うまいもんよ」\ ^`Don't worry! I may not look it, but I know what I'm doing.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そう言いながら、目の前にある小さなベンチを指差すと、\ ^She pointed at a little bench---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0380.ogg" ;「さ、まずはそこに腰掛けて」\ ^`Come on, sit yourself down.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして白く透明な、大きなゴミ袋を取り出す。\ ^She produced a thin white bin liner---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0381.ogg" ;「次は、ここに頭を通して」\ ^`Now put this over your head.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ハサミで切られたのか、ちょうど頭だけが通るくらいの穴があいたゴミ袋。\ ;言われるがままに頭を通すと、まるで理髪店のカバーのように、すっぽりと身体に被せる。\ ;そして、わたしの目の前で、ハサミをチョキチョキと鳴らしてみせると、\ ^There was a head-sized hole cut in it, so it did effectively cover me from the neck down like the things they use at proper salons.\ ^Then she waved the scissors in my face, making a terrible choppy sound---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0382.ogg" ;「さて、お客さん、どれくらいにしますか?」\ ^`Okay, madam, how'd you like it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0289.ogg" ;「…お客さん?」\ ^`...madam?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0383.ogg" ;「夏らしく、バッサリなんてどうです?」\ ^`Something short and summery?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0290.ogg" ;「…揃えるくらいで」\ ^`Just tidy it up...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0384.ogg" ;「あはは、了解しました」\ ^`Ahaha, whatever you say.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;笑いながらブラシを通すと、姫子さんは、手馴れた感じで髪を切りはじめた。\ ^She laughed, tugged a brush through it, and began to snip away with a practiced hand.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE> ;チョキチョキ…\ ;[no] ;小気味よく聞こえるハサミの音。ちょうど今は、後髪を揃えてくれているようだった。\ ;…変な感じに切られたら嫌だな…\ ;そんなことを思いつつ、わたしは別のことも考えていた。\ ;…この場所は入院患者には来れないと言った。^@^その理由はわたしにも理解できるし、納得もできる。\ ;では、7Fの住人にもかかわらず、こうやって来れる姫子さんはどうしてだろう?\ ;やはり元ヘルパーだから、信用されているのだろうか…\ ^The satisfying sound of scissors filled my ears. She appeared to be tidying up the back of my head.\ ^I hoped she wouldn't be being too creative with the styling...\ ^While that bothered me a bit, I was mostly thinking about something else.\ ^About the rule against patients coming up here.\ ^Oh, I could see why it was so, and it made sense. But why was Himeko allowed up here, given that she was now a patient?\ ^Just because she was more trusted, as a former helper?\ bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0385.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…気になるのは、自分の髪?」\ ^`Setsumi... is it your hair that's bothering you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0291.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0386.ogg" ;「それとも、違うことかしら?」\ ^`Or maybe it's something else?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0292.ogg" ;「…違う方」\ ^`...the other thing.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0387.ogg" ;「いいわよ、じゃあ答えてあげる」\ ^`Fair enough. I may as well tell you.\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0388b.ogg" ;「元ヘルパーだから、信用されてるって訳じゃないわね」\ ^`No, it's not because being an ex-helper makes them trust me more.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0293.ogg" ;「…じゃあなに?」\ ^`What is it, then?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0389.ogg" ;「やっぱ、この現代においても…」\ ^`I suppose it's because, even today...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0390.ogg" ;「禁忌の一つなのよね、カトリックにとっては」\ ^`...it's still a taboo for Catholics.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;最初、何を言っているのか分からなかった。\ (…はぁ? 理解できて納得したんだろう、ついさっき?) ;…だけど、すぐに気づいた…^@^自殺だ。\ ^It took me a moment to work out what she was saying.\ ^The word she was avoiding had to be ~i~suicide.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0294.ogg" ;「”元”カトリックのくせに信用されているのね…」\ ^`And they still trust you even though you're an ~i~ex~i~-Catholic?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0391.ogg" ;「ホント、思わず期待を裏切って、フェンス飛び越えてみたくなっちゃうわよね~」\ ^`Well, I do kind of get this urge to vault over the fence just to totally disappoint them...'\ ;-- I dunno, it just feels different from what she says, somehow missing a flippant tone... ;== The flippancy is kind of inherent to the concept -- in a voiced English version it would come through strongly in her tone of voice. !sd dwavestop 1 ;相変わらず、本気か冗談か分からないことを言う姫子さん。\ ;恐らく、そんなことは無いだろうけど…\ ;でももし、急にフェンスに向かって駆け出したらどうしよう? 今、ここには自分しかいないのに…\ ;なんとなく、そんなことばかりを考えて、わたしは気が気でなかった。\ ^As usual, it was hard to be totally sure whether she was joking.\ ^I thought on balance she probably was...\ ^...but what would I have done if she'd suddenly made a run for the edge? I was the only person with her, after all.\ ^For some reason the thought made me rather uneasy.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0392.ogg" ;「さて、こんなもんかしら…」\ ^`I think that should do...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0393.ogg" ;「はい、お客さん、カット終わりましたよ」\ ^`Right, there you are, madam -- all finished.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0295.ogg" ;「あ、うん、ありがと…」\ ^`Um, yeah, thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら、受け取った手鏡で自分の髪を映すと、\ ^I took the mirror she offered me and took a look.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0296.ogg" ;「わ、前髪が…」\ ^`Wah, my fringe...!'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;見ると、眉毛の上2cmくらいで真っ直ぐに揃えられていた。\ ;…まるで日本人形か、七五三の子供みたいだし…\ ^It was cut perfectly straight, a couple of centimetres above my eyebrows.\ ^A traditional little-girl style, like you might see on a doll.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0394.ogg" ;「可愛いわよ、セ・ツ・ミ」\ ^`Aww, you look so sweet!'\ ;-- seems weird to omit the 'se-tsu-mi' especially when she says it like that on purpose ;== It just didn't sound right; it's a conventional thing to do in Japanese, but rather alien in English. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0395.ogg" ;「あはは、違う方に気をとられているからよ」\ ^`Ahaha, it's your fault for worrying about the other thing!\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0396.ogg" ;「女の子なんだから、自分の髪も心配しないと」\ ^`Remember, girls are supposed to worry about their hair as well.'\ ;--'only' is a bit far I think? ;== Not just far, downright wrong... も isn't ambiguous. >_<; !sd dwavestop 1 ;少し拗ねた顔をするわたしに、尚も楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ;いくら似合ってるとか可愛いと言われても、そんな笑いながらでは説得力がない。\ ^I might have been looking slightly sulky, but if so that was only more fun for her.\ ^However much she assured me it looked really cute and suited me perfectly, her laughter undermined her every word.\ ;…ふう~。\ ;思わず、溜息を一つ落とすと、わたしは以前から感じていたことを尋ねる。\ ^Oh well.\ ^I let out a sigh, and turned my thoughts -- and questions -- to something I was suddenly reminded of.\ bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0298.ogg" ;「ねえ、もしかしてだけど…」\ ^`Um, I've been wondering...\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0299.ogg" ;「わたしを…誰かの姿と重ねているの?」\ ^`When you look at me, do you see someone else?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0397.ogg" ;「なかなか、鋭い質問ね、それは…」\ ^`Now ~i~there's~i~ a sharp question...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そしてしばらく考えていたかと思うと、\ ^She paused, thinking.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0398.ogg" ;「うん、半分はそうかも知れないわね」\ ^`Yeah, that might be half of it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0300.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、残り半分は?」\ ^`...and the other half?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0399.ogg" ;「それは…秘密よ」\ ^`That's... secret.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…これも秘密にされてしまった。\ ;以前のルールもそうだけど、たまに姫子さんは言ってくれないことがあった。\ ^Like that rule the other day.\ ^There seemed to be a lot of things Himeko didn't want to tell me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0400.ogg" ;「さてっと、んじゃあ帰りますか」\ ^`Hokay, I think we're done up here.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;使ったハサミを片付け、姫子理髪店の跡地を、綺麗に二人で掃除する。\ ;そして…入ってきた入り口に向け、歩いていたかと思うと、\ ;突然、その足を止め、振り返った。\ ^She put away the scissors, and together we cleared away the remnants of the Himeko Hair Salon.\ ^Then, as we turned back the way we came, she stopped and looked back.\ bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0401.ogg" ;「ああ、そうそう、最後の一つだけどさ…」\ ^`Oh, by the way, about the last thing...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0402.ogg" ;「そろそろかなって思っているんだけど」\ ^`I've been thinking maybe it's nearly time.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…最後の一つ? そろそろ?\ ;恐らくそれは、以前から言っていた、死ぬまでにしたい10のことを指しているのだろう。\ ^The `last thing'? Nearly time?\ ^She had to be talking about the last of those ten things she'd wanted to do.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0301.ogg" ;「…またどこかに行く気なの?」\ ^`Are you planning to go somewhere again?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0403.ogg" ;「ええ、とりあえずここじゃダメね」\ ^`Of course. We can't do it here.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0404.ogg" ;「こんな高さじゃ、足らないわ」\ ^`This isn't nearly high enough.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…飛び降りるには、足らないと言いたいのだろうか?^@^ ;屋上のフェンスを指差しながらの言葉だった。\ ^She was pointing to the fence. Not high enough for -- what?^@^ Jumping off?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0405.ogg" ;「あなたは知らないことだけど、本当なら私、2回目くらいなのよ」\ ^`You won't know about this yet, but this is probably my second time.'\ ;-- the 'won't know' bit feels somewhat odd in the scheme of things. why not just 'don't' ;== Possibly Mr Atlantic's fault again... 'don't' would feel odd for me. :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0003.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^`...what are you on about?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0406.ogg" ;「入退院の回数。私はツテがあるからずっと居るけどさ」\ ^`Times I've been admitted here. Though I've actually been here all along because of my contacts...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そして3回目が最後で、4回目はないとも教えてくれた。\ ^She went on to explain how people were basically admitted three times, and there was never a fourth.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0407.ogg" ;「やっぱ私も体力的に、リミット近いみたいでね…」\ ^`I think I'm pretty close to the limit, physically speaking.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0408.ogg" ;「病院を抜け出すのも、ここらが最後だと思うのよ」\ ^`So I'm not going to have many more opportunities to sneak out.'\ ;-- not so much 'many' as 'any' after this one? ;== Note ここら not これ: literally "I think my last chance will be round about now", which to me translates naturally to "I won't have many more chances". !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0409.ogg" ;「ま、日帰りは無理だと思うけど、よかったら付き合ってよ」\ ^`I'd like you to come with me if you can. We won't be able to do it in a day, though.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\sora01y.jpg",3 ;ゆっくりと空がオレンジに染まる。\ ^The sky slowly reddened.\ dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" ;灼けた日差しは翳り、ミンミン蝉からヒグラシへと変わるころ…\ ^As the blazing sunshine darkened, as the daytime cicadas fell silent and the evening cicadas piped up...\ mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;ふと立ち寄ったのは、いつもの校庭。\ ^...I dropped in on the usual school playground.\ bg "en\a007b.jpg",3 ;何をする訳でもなく、ぼ~っと鉄棒の前に立つと、先ほどのことを考えていた。\ ^Not for any real reason. I just stood by the horizontal bars, staring into space, thinking about the day's events.\ ;-- it almost sounds like she's in a strange jail or something ;== Yeah, a poor way to phrase it... ;「ねえ、お姉ちゃん、鉄棒やりたいの?」\ ^`You can have a go if you wanna.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんなわたしを気遣ってくれたのか、近くで遊んでいた子供が、また声をかけてくれる。\ ^That kind offer came from one of the kids playing nearby.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0302.ogg" ;「…いいのよ、わたしのことは気にしないで」\ ^`...I'm okay, don't mind me.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その返事に、どこか不思議そうな顔を向けながらも、再び友達の元へと駆け出す子供。\ ^The kid went away again, looking back at me curiously.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…先ほど姫子さんには、日帰りは無理だと言われた。\ ;どこに行くのかまでは分からないけど、ちゃんとお母さんの了解も取るようにと言われた。\ ;…良かったら付き合ってよ…\ ^~i~---~n~we won't be able to do it in a day,~i~ she'd said.\ ^~i~---~n~I'm not sure exactly where we're going, but make sure you get your mum's permission,~i~ she'd said.\ ^~i~---~n~I'd like you to come with me if you can...\ ;-- I think himeko said she herself hasn't decided where to go yet. ;== I think you're right. orz dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0303.ogg" ;「無理強いはしない…」\ ^`I'm not going to be pushy...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんなこと言われても、1ヶ月近くも一緒に過ごして、これが最後だって言われたら…\ ^That said, I'd spent nearly a whole month with her, and she'd said this was the last thing...\ ;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;また二人で、今日の夕食を食べる。\ ^It was just the two of us for tea again.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 ;テーブルの上には、いつものお惣菜と揚げ物。楽しそうに、空のお弁当箱だと喜ぶお母さん。\ ;そんな、いつもと変わらない夕食でも、わたしは先ほどのことをずっと考えていた。\ ^The table was dominated by the usual fried stuff. Mum was gloating over my empty lunch box.\ ^I was preoccupied right through the meal.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0304.ogg" ;「ねえ、お母さん…」\ ^`Hey, Mum...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_040.ogg" ;「どうしたの?」\ ^`What?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0305.ogg" ;「またドライブに誘われているんだけど…」\ ^`I've kind of been invited out for a drive again...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_041.ogg" ;「ああ、良いじゃないの、例の姫子さんよね」\ ^`With that nice Himeko girl? That's nice of her.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0306.ogg" ;「うん…でも今度はお泊りなんだけど…」\ ^`Yeah, but... this time I'd kind of have to stay the night...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_042.ogg" ;「いいわよ、別に」\ ^`I can't think why you shouldn't.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;もしかしたらという予想以上に、簡単に許可してくれた。\ ^She consented more readily than I'd dared hope.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_043.ogg" ;「じゃあまた、お弁当用意してあげるわねっ」\ ^`Tell you what, I'll make you packed lunches again.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0307.ogg" ;「うん…ありがと…」\ ^`Thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_044.ogg" ;「あはは、また頑張って作っちゃうわよぉ」\ ^`Ahaha, you wait and see what I can do!\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>とてもうれしそうにするお母さんとか\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_045.ogg" ;「て、そうだ、今日の出来も悪くないわよ」\ ^`Speaking of which, I thought today's came out pretty well.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って差し出す皿は、いつものポテト。\ ^She pushed the plate of fries towards me.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_046.ogg" ;「あら、どうしたの? あなたポテト好きでしょ」\ ^`Hullo, what's up? You like fries, don't you?'\ ;-- is Hullo used in the 'oh?' sense? ;== Yep. !sd dwavestop 1 ;自然に…^@^ごく当たり前のように勧めるお母さん。とてもうれしそうにしていた。\ ;でも、その手にピンクのマニキュアは無い。代わりに少し赤くなった手で、うれしそうに皿を勧める。\ ^She said it so naturally, so happily.\ ^But the hands that held the plate were red, their nails unvarnished.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…ポテトは、わたしが黙って食べればいいだけ。^@^ ;どんなに嫌いだったとしても、わたしが我慢すれば良いこと。\ ;でも…これは本当に優しさなのだろうか…\ ;ふと、姫子さんの言葉が思い出された。\ ;例え、わたし達にバチを当てている誰かが、赦してくれなかったとしても…\ ;すごく、ごめんなさいと言いたかった。お母さんに。姫子さんに。\ ^And all I could think to do was shut up and eat -- to put up with them however much I hated them.\ ^That felt the kindest thing to do -- but was it?\ ;-- stretching somewhat with the 'felt' ;== The fact that it feels kind is implicit in the fact that she has to question the concept, and IMO it flows better in English phrased this way. ^I couldn't help but remember Himeko's opinion.\ ^And I honestly did want to tell them I was sorry -- Mum, and Himeko too.\ ^Even if even that wouldn't earn me forgiveness from whoever it was who was punishing me.\ ;-- swapping the last two lines seems to take away from the effect somewhat ;== TODO: think about this. bg "en\heya1.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0309.ogg" ;「ねえ、お母さん…」\ ^`Mum...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;わたしは、思い切って打ち明ける。\ ^I had to tell her the truth.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0310.ogg" ;「姫子さんって…7Fの人なの」\ ^`Himeko's... from the seventh.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_047.ogg" ;「え? 7Fってなに?」\ ^`From the what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0311.ogg" ;「…ホスピスのこと」\ ^`...the hospice.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_048.ogg" ;「ん?…ああ、そこの看護婦さんなの?」\ ^`Hmm? ...oh, so that's where she works, is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;当たり前かも知れないが、そう思われていた。\ ^She thought she was a nurse, then.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0312.ogg" ;「…そこの患者さん」\ ^`...she's a patient.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_049.ogg" ;「はい?」\ ^`Sorry?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0313.ogg" ;「ホスピスの…入院患者さん」\ ^`She's an in-patient... in the hospice.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_050.ogg" ;「…え?…………」\ ^`...ehh...?\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_051.ogg" ;「ホスピスの患者さんって…」\ ^`A... patient...?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ;[commented out in original] !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",10,2000 ;…長い…^@^とても長い沈黙だった。\ ;点けっぱなしのTVの司会者の声が、言葉としてではなく、音として鳴っていた。\ ;…本当は、とても短い時間かも知れないけど、わたしにはそれが、とてつもなく長く感じた…\ ;もしかしたら…もう二度と時が動き出さないようにさえ思えた…\ ;もう二度と…^@^”何か”が戻れないようで怖かった…\ ^Silence...^@^ a very long silence.\ ^The only sound was the indistinct babbling of some TV host coming from the next room.\ ^This probably didn't really go on for very long, but to me it felt like an age.\ ^I almost started wondering whether time had stopped permanently.\ ^I was afraid that ~i~something~i~ might never be the same again...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_052.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ ^She was crying.\ ; I can get away with this... surely I can get away with this... !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;もう、さっきまでの笑顔はなかった。コロッケを持つ手が、その場で止まったままだった。\ ;…友達ができたと、あんなに喜んでくれていたのに…\ ;わたしが打ち明けなければ、今でも笑っていた筈なのに…\ ^All this time she'd been smiling, but there was no trace of that now. Her hand was frozen reaching for the croquettes.\ ^She'd been so pleased that I'd made a friend...\ ^If I hadn't told the truth, she'd still have been smiling...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_053.ogg" ;「や、止めてセツミ、そういう人に近づくのは…」\ ^`D-don't do it, Setsumi, don't get too close to her...\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_054b.ogg" ;「お母さん、怖いのよ…」\ ^`I'm frightened...\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_055_1b.ogg" ;「いつか、あなたも、そうなるんじゃないかと思うと…」\ ^`I can't help worrying that you might end up the same way one day...'\ ; You'd almost think she'd read the prologue. !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0314.ogg" ;「…ごめんなさい…」\ ^`...sorry...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 !s80 ;…やはりわたしには、これしか言葉がなかった。\ ;…それは優しさじゃない…^@^黙ってポテトを食べるわたしに姫子さんが言った言葉。\ ;でも、それを実行するのは…^@^とても困難だとも言われていた…\ ^I couldn't think of anything else to say.\ ^~i~---it's not really very kind,~i~ Himeko had told me, when she found out I was pretending to like fries.\ ^But she'd warned me at the same time that telling the truth would be tough.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha14,1 mov %flg2_bplay,14 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_14 mov $sys_midasi,"^#15 / Half a Prayer [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 monocro #FFeedd print 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;☆シーン変え:数日後 ;・お風呂の日 dwave 5,"se2\zaba.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;ざばーっ、\ ^~i~Splash---\ mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0105.ogg" ;「わ、わわっ」\ ^~i~`W-wah!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 5,"se2\furo.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0140.ogg" ;「こら、じっとしてなさい」\ ^~i~`Oy, keep still!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0106.ogg" ;「そんなこと言われても、くすぐったいもん」\ ^~i~`I can't help it, that tickles!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;7Fのバスルーム。今日は、週に2度の入浴の日だった。\ ^The bathroom on the seventh. This was the second bath day of the week.\ dwave 6,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0141.ogg" ;「て、わっ、私までびしょびしょにっ」\ ^`H-hey! Now I'm all wet too!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0107.ogg" ;「うぅ、ごめんなさい」\ ^`Sorry---!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0142.ogg" ;「あはは、いいのよ、お姉さんも、ついでにシャワーしちゃうから」\ ^`Ahaha, don't worry, I can just have a shower too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;広いとはいっても、一般家庭のお風呂場より、やや広い程度の広さ。\ ;二人で浴槽に入ると、ぎゅうぎゅうになるほどだった。\ ^The bathroom was larger than in most houses, but not by much. It was a squeeze to get two in the bath.\ dwave 6,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0108.ogg" ;「ねえ、まだぁ?」\ ^`Have you finished yet?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0143.ogg" ;「まだ。もうちょっとでシャンプーのすすぎ終わるから」\ ^`Not quite. I'll rinse it out in a moment.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0109.ogg" ;「はぁーい」\ ^`Ri---ight...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;目をぎゅっと瞑って、シャンプーが終わるのを待っている彼女。\ ;こんなやり取りも、今では見慣れたものへとなっていた。\ ^She was sitting there with her eyes screwed shut, waiting for me to finish washing her hair.\ ^We both knew the routine by now.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0144.ogg" ;「さて、次は姫子理髪店よ」\ ^`Right, next up is the Himeko Hair Salon!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ゴミ袋に穴をあけ、そこに頭を通すと、パイプ椅子に座ってもらう。\ ;風がなければ屋上でも可能だけど、たいていは病室でカットすることが多かった。\ ;…私達ヘルパーは…^@^園芸家にもクリーニング屋にも…時として理容師にだってなる。\ ^I cut a hole in a bin liner, slipped it over her head, got her to sit down in front of me, and snipped away.\ ^When the weather permitted we did this on the roof, but the wind was rarely light enough, so this mostly happened in her room.\ ^We helpers had to be flexible.^@^ Gardening and cleaning weren't the half of it; when necessary we had to be hairdressers too.\ ;SE> ;チョキチョキチョキ…\ ;[obvious enough] dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0145.ogg" ;「どうかしら? 前髪も揃えてみたんだけど」\ ^`How's that? I thought I'd try to tidy your fringe up a bit too.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0110.ogg" ;「えと、なんかちょっと変かも…」\ ^`Um, it's a little weird... maybe...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0146.ogg" ;「あら? 真っ直ぐ揃えるのはキライだった?」\ ^`Oh? Don't you like it straight?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0111.ogg" ;「そうじゃないけど、短すぎるような…」\ ^`Yes, but it's a bit, um, short...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0147.ogg" ;「もう、これくらいが可愛いんじゃない、子供らしくって」\ ^`Oh, come on, isn't it cute! Just like a little girl should have it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0112.ogg" ;「うぅ、なんか恥ずかしいかも」\ ^`Um... it feels embarrassing...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;まだ濡れた髪からは、シャンプーのミントの匂い。この狭い病室中に広がっていた。\ ;いつも私が座っているパイプ椅子に腰掛け、ゴミ袋から、少し不満そうな顔を向ける彼女。\ ;…床には広げた新聞紙が3枚。^@^小さな手鏡を2つ使っての理髪店だった…\ ^Her hair was still damp, and the minty scent of her shampoo filled the room.\ ^She sat sulking in the bin liner, in the chair I normally occupied.\ ^The hair salon consisted of three sheets of newspaper on the floor, and a couple of hand mirrors...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;_______________________ ;☆シーン変え> BG 病室 ;SE> ;数日後。\ ;気づけば8月も中旬に差し掛かる頃、今日も彼女はここに居た。今日も私はここに居た。\ ^A few days later -- as the middle of August approached -- she was still in her room. I was with her as usual.\ ;ピピピっ、\ ^The thermometer beeped.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0148.ogg" ;「じゃあ、体温計ちょうだい」\ ^`Okay, let me see it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0113.ogg" ;「ふぁい」\ ^`'i--ight...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 ;口に入れていた体温計を受け取ると、そのデジタルの数字を読む。\ ^I extracted it from her mouth and read off the number.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0114.ogg" ;「何度?」\ ^`What's it say?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0149.ogg" ;「6度2分、うん、これなら大丈夫ね」\ ^`'6.2 -- I suppose that's okay.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0115.ogg" ;「んーと、じゃあ今日も中庭でアイス?」\ ^`Then... can we have ice creams outside again?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0150.ogg" ;「いいえ、今日は別の予定を考えているの」\ ^`No, I've got something different planned for today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0116.ogg" ;「…別の予定?」\ ^`...what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0151.ogg" ;「まず、その為にはこっちが先ね」\ ^`First things first.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら持ってきた紙袋を開ける。今日の目的の半分は、これにあった。\ ^I opened the paper bag I'd brought. One of today's objectives was right here inside it.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0117.ogg" ;「それ、なぁに?」\ ^`What's that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0152.ogg" ;「新しい服を持ってきてあげたのよ」\ ^`I brought you some new clothes!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0118.ogg" ;「え? パジャマはこの前も貰ったのに…」\ ^`Eh...? I've got enough pyjamas...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0153.ogg" ;「ふふふ、パジャマじゃないわよぉ」\ ^`Aha, but this isn't pyjamas!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;少しもったいつけるように、袋から取り出してみせる。\ ;何たって今月のお小遣いの大半を費やし、実際にどれにしようか2時間も悩んだ物だった。\ ^I drew it out slowly, to add a bit of suspense.\ ^It had cost most of my monthly allowance, and taken more than two hours to choose.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0154.ogg" ;「じゃーん」\ ^`Ta-dah!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0119.ogg" ;「あっ、ワンピース」\ ^`Ooh, it's a dress!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0155.ogg" ;「どう? 気に入った?」\ ^`Well? Like it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0120.ogg" ;「うんうん」\ ^`Yep!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景> ;うれしそうに、大きく何度も頷く彼女。\ ;それは、夏らしく白地に、黄色のひまわり柄の入ったワンピース。\ ^She nodded away happily.\ ^It was a summery white thing with a sunflower motif.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0156.ogg" ;「さて、それじゃあ着替えたら早速行くわよ」\ ^`Right, get this on, then we'd better get going.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0121.ogg" ;「行くって、もしかして外へ?」\ ^`Going... are we going outside?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0157.ogg" ;「ええ、教会よ」\ ^`We're going to church.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながらパジャマのボタンを外してあげる。実は以前から、教会に行ってみたいと言っていた。\ ^I started undoing her pyjama buttons. She'd said several times that she'd like to go.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0158.ogg" ;「ホントは、別にパジャマのままでも良いんだけど」\ ^`To be honest, they wouldn't mind you showing up in pyjamas...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0159.ogg" ;「まあ、せっかくだからね」\ ^`But it seems a waste not to dress nicely.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0122.ogg" ;「うん、お姉さん、ありがとっ」\ ^`Thanks ever so!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;___ dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;灼けた日射しと蝉の声。今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ;そんな空の下を並んで歩く私達。病院の外に出るのは初めてのことだった。\ ;もちろん、もっと遠くに行きたいと言われても、私には連れて行ってあげることは出来ない。\ ;いや…私に出来ないではなく…誰にも出来ない。\ ;だから近所の教会くらいしか、連れて行ってあげられる場所はなかった…\ ^We set out under the baking sun, through the clamour of cicadas.\ ^It was the first time I'd taken her out of the hospital, and I was taking her as far as I could.\ ^As far as anyone could, however much she may have wanted to go further.\ ^The church was about the only place that was close enough for her to visit...\ bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;ほどなくして到着した教会。\ ;通い慣れたそのドアを、私は静かに開ける。\ ^We arrived in no time, and I led her through those doors I knew so well.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0123.ogg" ;「誰もいないね…」\ ^`There's nobody here...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0160.ogg" ;「まあ、この時間はね」\ ^`There never is at this time of day.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;少し緊張した表情を浮かべる彼女。その年齢を考えても、恐らくは初めて来たのだろう。\ ^She was looking slightly nervous. It was quite possibly the first time she'd been in there, even at her age.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0124.ogg" ;「…ここに神さまがいるの?」\ ^`...is God in here?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0161.ogg" ;「うーん、それは難しい質問ね…」\ ^`That's a difficult question...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;厳密には、神さまを称える為の神聖な場所なのだろう。\ ;少なくとも私には、居る・いないという回答は出せそうになかった。\ ^Technically he's omnipresent; churches are holy because they're dedicated to his worship, not because they're where he lives.\ ^Whether he's ``more'' present in a church is a subtle issue, and certainly not one I've ever been qualified to hold an opinion on.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0125.ogg" ;「でも、ここでなら魔法効果が違うんだよね?」\ ^`Well, the magic must work better here, anyway, mustn't it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0162.ogg" ;「あはは、まあ、そんなとこかな」\ ^`Ahaha, well, I suppose it might.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして私達は、祭壇へと近づくと祈りを捧げる。\ ^We approached the altar and offered up our prayers.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…私は彼女の幸せを祈る。\ ;例え、未来が閉ざされていたとしても、それまでが悔いのないものになって欲しいと願う。\ ;そして、残り半分は…^@^幾つもの隠し事をしている、自分自身への赦しを乞う…\ ^Mine was that she might be happy...\ ^I begged that even if her fate was sealed, she might accept it without regrets.\ ;-- begged feels a bit too strong ;== It's comfortably within the semantic range of 願う, and feels OK to me... someone with shaky faith has to pray a lot harder than someone who's confident in their religion, because the person with strong faith assumes that any prayer will be answered, while the person with weak faith is not at all convinced that anything is going to happen. ^And for myself, I asked for forgiveness.^@^ For all the truths I was hiding from her...\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0163.ogg" ;「ふう…」\ ^`Phew...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0164.ogg" ;「どう? もう終わった?」\ ^`You done?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0088b.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`Yep.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0165.ogg" ;「じゃあ帰ろっか、また、いつでも連れてきてあげるからね」\ ^`We'd better be getting back. I can bring you again any time you like.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0126.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと」\ ^`Thanks!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、その場を後にしようとすると、\ ^Then, as I turned to lead her out---\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0127.ogg" ;「あ、お姉さん…」\ ^`Um, wait...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0166.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^`What is it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0128.ogg" ;「…あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^`|``May the Lord pour His blessings and grace on you.''|'\ ; There's no way she'd be able to remember the full thing, but this much ; is plausible. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0129.ogg" ;「えへへ、お姉さんにも魔法をかけてみたよ」\ ^`Teehee, I did the magic on you!'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って、いつもの明るい顔を向けてくれた。何の曇りもない、無邪気な笑顔を向けてくれた。\ ;…きっと、その言葉の意味も理解していない。\ ;でも、だからこそ余計に、その気持ちがうれしかった。\ ^She was all smiles, with not a trace of worry in her innocent face.\ ^I didn't for a moment believe she understood what that blessing meant.\ ^But that just made me appreciate the sentiment all the more.\ !s80 ;…そして、祈りの半分を…自らの赦しに使い…^@^アイスを買ってあげることしかできない私には…辛かった…\ ^And made it all the harder for me...^@^ I, who could do no more for her than buy her ice creams.\ ^I, who had used half of my prayer to beg for my own forgiveness...\ !sd bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3000 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;☆シーン変え:数日後 ;▲回想4:ちょっと態度が変わった>姫子を避ける感じ ;真上にある太陽、けたたましく鳴く蝉。\ ;相変わらず暑い日が続き、以前となにも変わらない夏の日。\ ;…でも、少しだけ彼女は変わった。\ ;今まで、あんなに懐いてくれていたのに…^@^ある日を境に、距離を置くようになってしまった。\ ^The sun was directly overhead, the cicadas deafening.\ ^The weather hadn't changed; it had been consistently hot all summer.\ ^What had changed slightly was the girl.\ ;-- the use of 'consistently close' somewhat weird. ;== Certainly it's a bit ugly to use "consistently" twice in three lines like that. ^She'd been getting closer to me all this time...^@^ but then, overnight, there was distance again.\ ;mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01.mp3" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ;[no] dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0168.ogg" ;「おはよう」\ ^`Morning!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0130.ogg" ;「うん、おはよう…」\ ^`Morning...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;朝の挨拶を交わすと、いつものパイプ椅子に腰掛ける。\ ;そして、既に食べ終わったらしいトレーを見ると、\ ^As I settled into my usual chair, I noticed her breakfast tray.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0169.ogg" ;「もう、またこんなに残しちゃって」\ ^`Dear me, you've left an awful lot...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0131.ogg" ;「…ごめんなさい」\ ^`...sorry...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、私を避けるだけでなく、 ;[commented out in original] ;ある日を境に、ほとんど何も食べなくなってしまっていた。\ ^Overnight, her appetite had disappeared.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0170.ogg" ;「ダメよ、しっかり食べないと」\ ^`Now, now, you've got to eat properly.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0132.ogg" ;「でも、欲しくないから…」\ ^`But I don't want it...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0171.ogg" ;「ふう~」\ ^I sighed.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0172.ogg" ;「なんだったらさ、食堂でもいいから。ね?」\ ^`Well, would you prefer something from the café?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0133.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その提案にも、返事はなかった。以前はアイスじゃなくても大喜びで行っていたのに…\ ^She didn't reply -- though previously she'd have jumped at the offer, whether ice cream was involved or not.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…食べないということ。^@^それはこの7Fでは致命的だった。\ ;他の病棟と違い、ここでは本格的な栄養点滴は行わない。\ ;もちろん若干の糖分は含まれるけど、基本は水分補給のみを目的としていた。\ ;致命的という言葉の通り…即、死へと繋がる。\ ^Up here on the seventh, to stop eating was fatal.\ ^In other wards, intravenous nutrition was an option, but that was basically not used up here, where the drips were primarily for hydration, with a little sugar in them at most.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0173.ogg" ;「あのね、そんなことじゃ、あっという間に弱ってくるんだから」\ ^`Look here, if you don't eat properly, you'll get weaker.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0134.ogg" ;「…弱ってくる?」\ ^`...weaker?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0174.ogg" ;「そうよ、食べないと身体がもたないわ」\ ^`Right. You've got to give your body enough food.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0135.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、弱った先は?」\ ^`...and then what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0175.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0136.ogg" ;「もっと身体が弱っちゃうと、どうなるの?」\ ^`If I get weaker, then what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0176.ogg" ;「そ、それは…」\ ^`Y-you'll...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;ここで私の言葉は止まった。\ ;喉元で「死」という単語を飲み込んだ。\ ^I stopped.\ ^The word ~i~die~i~ stuck in my throat.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…本来なら、生を説き、死を説くのも教会の務め。私達はそれをサポートするのも務め。\ ;…そしてここは7F。生を過ごした者に、迎える死を安らかに説く場所。\ ;だけど…幼い彼女に対して…^@^十分な、”生”を過ごしたとは言えない彼女に対して…\ ;…一体誰が、今から死を説けるというのだろう…\ ^Generally the task of explaining life and death fell to the church. The helper's rôle was limited to support...\ ^...and patients up here had normally lived full lives, so they could just be told that the approach of death meant peace.\ ^But that hardly applied to a girl like this, who had barely lived at all.\ ^Who on earth could explain death to someone like her...?\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 !s80 ;…こんな時こそ…\ ;聖アウグスティヌスや、主イエスさまの言葉を聞かせるべきかも知れないけど…\ ;私には、半分の祈りを捧げることと…^@^…アイスを買ってきてあげることくらいしか出来なかった。\ ^Maybe that was a time when the right thing to do would be to read to her from the words of someone wise.\ ^Someone like Saint Augustine, or Jesus Christ himself...\ ^...but all I could do for her was offer up half a prayer, and buy ice cream...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;___________ ;☆テロップ\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;数日後。深夜。\ ^Late at night, some days later.\ mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;相変わらず、ほとんど何も食べない彼女。\ ;そんな彼女の元で、今日も補助ベッドで眠る私。\ ^She still wasn't eating.\ ^I was keeping her company, sleeping in the spare bed.\ ;☆部屋夜で bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;『けほ、けほんっ』\ ^She coughed violently.\ dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0177.ogg" ;「大丈夫?」\ ^`Are you all right?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0130b.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01.mp3" bg "en\byousitu2yb.jpg",5 ;深夜。暗い病室で咳き込む彼女。\ ;[translated above] ;今の私にできることは、背中を、ぽんぽんと優しく叩いてあげるだけだった。\ ;ここ数日、食事のほとんど残している為、目に見えて体力が落ちてきたようにも見える。\ ^All I could do for her was to pat her softly on the back.\ ^Days of untouched food had left her strength visibly fading.\ ;-- hrm, not familiar that usage of 'slap', though probably regional ;== Now you mention it, I don't think it's quite the right image for me either. ;□心情・情景 ;そして今では、明らかに私を避けているようだった。\ ;私が話し掛けてもかろうじて返事をするだけで、自分から話し掛けてくれることは完全になくなっていた。\ ;…そんな中で、突然、口を開いた彼女。\ ^And these days she was openly trying to push me away.\ ^She scarcely replied when I spoke to her, and she never spoke of her own accord.\ ^Till now.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0137.ogg" ;「ねえ、お姉さん…」\ ^`Um...\ ; Drat, this is what I get for not translating Japanese modes of address. !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0138.ogg" ;「これ…返す」\ ^`You can... have this back.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0178.ogg" ;「…ロザリオ?」\ ^`...the rosary?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;パジャマのポケットから取り出したのはロザリオ。それは紛れもなく、以前に私があげたものだった。\ ^She took it from her pyjama pocket and held it out. It was unmistakably the one I'd given her.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0139.ogg" ;「それでね…もうここには来ないで欲しいの」\ ^`And... I don't want you to come here any more...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0179.ogg" ;「ど、どうして、突然そんなことを言うの?」\ ^`W-why not? What's come over you all of a sudden?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0140.ogg" ;「それは…」\ ^`I...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…それは。^@^そこで言葉は止まった。\ ^That was all she said.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…先日から、彼女の様子は明らかにおかしかった。\ ;そして、私には一つだけ思いつくことがあった。\ ^Her behaviour had been visibly strange for some days. In fact, I realised, it was ever since...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0180.ogg" ;「少し前のことだけど…」\ ^`A while ago...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0181.ogg" ;「確か、知らないおばさんに、話し掛けられたって言ってたわね?」\ ^`...didn't you say a lady stranger had talked to you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0141.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0182.ogg" ;「それって、もしかしてさ…」\ ^`And, what she said...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0183b.ogg" ;「…ルールってゆーのに関係してる?」\ ^`...was it something to do with ``rules''?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0142.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;その問いに返事はなかった。\ ;でも、その無言はNOではなく、肯定を指していると思えた。\ ;てっきり噂くらいに思っていたけど…\ ;やはりそのような情報は存在し、きっと彼女は、それを聞いたのだろう。\ ^This time she didn't reply at all.\ ^But that silence didn't feel like a ``no''. It felt like she ~i~wasn't~i~ denying it.\ ^I'd always thought the rules thing was just a rumour. Apparently it wasn't; apparently she'd been told them.\ ;-- the double apparently is a bit weird for emphasis. but then, who am I to talk about this sin... ;== What's sinful about anaphora? :P ;-- さあ、気にしない気にしない bg "en\byousitu2yb.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0184.ogg" ;「もしよかったら…お姉さんにも教えてくれる?」\ ^`What did she say? Can you tell me?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0143.ogg" ;「で、でも…」\ ^`I, I...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0185.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、絶対にヒミツにするから」\ ^`Don't worry. I'll keep it really secret.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0144.ogg" ;「だ、誰にも言っちゃダメだって…」\ ^`S-she said I mustn't tell anyone at all...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0145.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひ、ひっく…」\ ;!sd ; ;dwavestop 1 ;[disonomatopeification FTW!] ;…とうとう泣き出してしまった。今まで一度も泣いたことなかったのに…\ ;ルール。以前に自分が聞いた限りでは、この7Fの住人だけで伝えていることらしい。\ ;つまりは、死に行く当人達『だけ』の問題なのだろう。\ ;だから私には…それを聞く権利はないのかも知れない。\ ;…どんなに仲良くなっても、私はアロア。共に死んであげるパトラッシュにはなれない。\ ;…所詮、見送る側の者でしかなった…\ ^She burst into tears. It was the first time I'd seen her cry.\ ^~i~Rules~i~... rumour had it that they were passed down only among hospice patients. That they only concerned the dying.\ ^In which case, perhaps I had no right to know them.\ ^However close we might have been, I was Alois, not Patrasche -- I could only watch her depart, not go with her...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0150.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひ、ひっく、ぐす…」\ ^Her sobs filled the room.\ !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0186.ogg" ;「ごめんね、もう聞いたりしないから…」\ ^`Sorry... I won't ask again...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;只、私は背中をぽんぽんと叩くだけで…\ ;少しでも早く泣き止んでくれるように、少しでも早く笑ってもらえるように、少しでも早く…\ ^All I could do was pat her on the back, and pray that she might stop crying just a little sooner, that she might start smiling just a little...\ bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 ;…泣き続ける彼女。\ ;だけど、その伝えてきた情報が、どんな内容であるかは、簡単に想像がついた。\ ;…食べない。^@^これが、死への一番の近道。\ ;これは、私達ヘルパーにも心当たりがあった。\ ;この7Fのような場所に来ても、病状の悪化により亡くなる人は稀。\ ;それよりも、まるで自ら食を絶ったかのように、只、衰弱して死ぬ人が多いことを知っていた。\ ;…恐らくは、我が身の為ではない。\ ;経済的、心理的、様々な理由から、残す者の負担を軽くしたいという行為なのだろう。\ ;親しかった私を避け始めたのも同じ。\ ;去る者として、残す者が少しでも哀しまない為の配慮…\ ;そして、そんなルールを聞いた以上、最も恐れていることを知った可能性があった。\ ^...but she cried on.\ ^Thinking about it, I could easily guess what some of these `rules' might be.\ ^One would be ~i~don't eat~i~. Since that was a relatively easy way out.\ ^We helpers had long wondered about this.\ ^It was strangely rare for people up here to die from a worsening of their condition.\ ^What we saw far more frequently was for people to enter a sudden decline, as though they'd willed their appetite away.\ ^I could well imagine people believing that it would lighten the burden those they left behind -- economically, spiritually, in all sorts of ways.\ ^Her pushing me away would have been driven by the same sort of concern -- to reduce the impact on friends and loved ones, even just a little...\ ^And along with those `rules', presumably she'd also been told the awful truth.\ bg "en\byousitu2yb.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0146.ogg" ;「ね、ねえ、お姉さん…」\ ^`Um, by the way...\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0148.ogg" ;「お父さん、お母さんはどこ?」\ ^`...where ~i~are~i~ Mummy and Daddy?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0147.ogg" ;「わたし、死んじゃうの?」\ ^`Am I gonna die?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0188.ogg" ;「そ、それは…」\ ^`I, um...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…そこで言葉に詰まってしまった。\ ^Once more, I couldn't continue.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0149.ogg" ;「それは、じゃ、わからないよ、ちゃんと答えてよ」\ ^`How am I supposed to know if you won't answer me...?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"w2\4\onnanoko_0150.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひ、ひっく、ぐす…」\ !sd !s85 ;…何か言おうと思うんだけど…\ ;こんな時こそ、何か言わないとダメなんだって分かっているんだけど…\ ;何が優しさであるかも知ってるつもりなのに…生と死を説く為の、カトリックでもある筈なのに…\ ;…なのに私には…^@^何も言葉が見つからなかった。\ ^I wanted to answer her.\ ^I knew that this, of all times, was when I had to say something...\ ^I thought I knew how to be kind. And why was I a Catholic, if not to explain life, death, eternity?\ ^But I couldn't find the words.\ dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 ;窓の外には、白み始めた夜明け空。\ ;この狭い部屋に、彼女の嗚咽が響いていた…\ ^Outside the window, the sky was growing paler with the approaching dawn.\ ^The cramped room echoed with her sobs.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwavestop 6 !s100 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0189_1.ogg" ;…博士のくせに、何も答えられない。\ ^So much for my being a `doctor'.\ dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0190.ogg" ;こんな時、本物の博士ならば…^@^ ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0191.ogg" ;アウグスティヌスやヒエロニムスならば…\ ^I wondered about real doctors -- Doctors of the Church, like Augustine and Jerome.\ ;-- Augustine? or Augustinus? >_< blasted telephone effect ;== Going by the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Doctor of the Church is always called Augustine, and Augustinus is just a Spanish Archbishop. (Japanese Christians often use more Latinate terms than English Christians, because they got their terminology from the Portuguese missionaries.) ;== See . ;-- baah I'm a moron, I had it right in my working notes. The fact that I studied latin back in high school made it so that 'augustinus' is infinitely more natural than 'augustine' ;== Sic transit gloria educationis. :) dwavestop 1 !s120 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0192.ogg" ;…何と答えれるのだろう…\ ^What would they have been able to say...?\ dwavestop 1 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 monocro off print 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha15,1 mov %flg2_bplay,15 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_15 mov $sys_midasi,"^#16 / Roadster [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;窓の外には灼けた日差し。\ ^~i~The sunshine blazed away outside.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;まだ早朝だというのに、今日も真夏日を予感させる暑さだった。\ ^~i~Even at this early hour, it seemed likely to be another real midsummer scorcher.\ bg "en\heya2.jpg",3 ;昨日の夜から、お母さんとは会っていなかった。\ ;正確には、わたしまで泣いてしまいそうで、申し訳ない気持ちばかりで、顔を会わせることが出来なかった。\ ;…姫子さんには謝ろう。\ ;すごく申し訳ないけど、これ以上、お母さんに哀しい思いをさせたくない…\ ^I hadn't spoken to Mum since last night.\ ^To be honest, I hadn't been able to face her, for fear I might end up crying too.\ ^I'd just have to apologise to Himeko...\ ^Tell her I was truly sorry, but I just didn't want to hurt Mum any more...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ ^Then there was a knock.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_056.ogg" ;「…セツミ、もう起きてる?」\ ^``Setsumi? Are you awake?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…お母さん?\ ^Mum...?\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ;[no] bg "en\heya2.jpg",3 ;ちょうどパートに出る前のお母さん。\ ^She was just about to set out for work.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_057b.ogg" ;「…昨日は悪かったわね」\ ^`...sorry about yesterday.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0315.ogg" ;「ううん…」\ ^`That's okay...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_058b.ogg" ;「じゃあこれ、二人で仲良く食べてね」\ ^`Here you are -- make sure you don't hog the lot, okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0316.ogg" ;「…え?」\ ^`...huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言いながら二人分のお弁当を手渡してくれた。\ ^She'd given me a packed lunch for two.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_059b.ogg" ;「気をつけて行ってらっしゃいね」\ ^`Go and enjoy yourself. Just take care.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0152.ogg" ;「で、でも…」\ ^`B-but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_060b.ogg" ;「いいのよ、お母さんなりに考えた末なんだから」\ ^`Don't worry. This is my way of coming to terms with it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_061b.ogg" ;「あなたは、私の大切な娘だけど…」\ ^`You see, you'll always be my precious little girl...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_062b.ogg" ;「私は、あなたには成り得ないの」\ ^`...but I can't live your life for you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;淡々と、でもいつもの優しい顔で話してくれていた。\ ;[I'm sure translators have license to cut lines that are only ; useful in the original language.] ;dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_063b.ogg" ;「だからお母さんなりにね…」\ ;[That applies here, too; it just doesn't make sense to split the ; sentence like this in English.] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_064b.ogg" ;「セツミが少しでも笑っていられるようにしたいの」\ ^`So all I can do is try to make sure you have the chance to be happy.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s120 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0319b.ogg" ;「…お母さん…」\ ^`...Mum...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !sd ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 夏空 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;病院へと向かうわたし。手にはトートバッグにお弁当が二つ。\ ^So I headed to the hospital, two lunches in my bag.\ bg "en\a007.jpg",3 ;早朝。\ ;ふと、足を止めたのはいつもの学校。まだ今日は、子供達も来ていないようだった。\ ^It was very early.\ ^As I paused outside the usual school, I noticed that the children hadn't started to arrive yet.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;いつものようにわたしは、鉄棒へと向かう。\ ;そして、しばらく眺めてから静かに手を伸ばすと、\ ^I headed for the horizontal bars as usual.\ ^After a moment's contemplation, I stretched out a hand---\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_043.ogg" ;「…んっ…」\ !sd ;腕に力を入れ、思いっきり引きながら大地を蹴る。\ ;一瞬だけ宙に浮いたような感覚から…^@^くるりと回る身体。\ ^Grunting with effort, I put all my strength into those arms and, pulling hard, kicked off from the ground.\ ^For just one moment, I felt myself float...^@^ then my body spun.\ bg "en\a002a.jpg",1 dwave 0,"wn\setu_043.ogg" bg "en\a002b.jpg",3 bg "en\a002.jpg",3 ;…1ヶ月ぶりにやった逆上がり。\ ;そして、この僅かに高い場所から見渡した世界…\ ^It was a month since I'd last tried it.\ ^I clung to the bar, looking out at the world from this little vantage point.\ ;-- slightly higher? weird all alone ;== Uncommon but not unheard-of (cf. "if he but gain some slight vantage ground, he goes on to make for himself a broad passage" in Chrystostom's homily on the Gospel of John). ;-- in the example. the 'gain' helps the 'slight' finish it's meaning. when I see it in yours, I immediately ask 'slight compared to what?' ;== Good point. But "slightly higher vantage point" implies to my ear that the comparison is to some previous vantage point, rather than to ground level, while "slightly higher place" is weak (and no more literal, as there's no comparative in the Japanese)... ;== Or I could just go with plain "this vantage point", and leave it to the reader to figure out that she's not that high off the ground? ;-- mm. well I'd argue that 'slightly higher' would be compared against her previous state, standing where she had to pull the bar and kick her feet to get on the bar. bg "en\a004.jpg",3 ;体重を支えることに震え始めた腕で、わたしから見えるこの世界。\ ;…今のわたしは日常を築くパーツとして、何の違和感もないように見えるかも知れない。\ ;…でも…^@^それは、まやかし。\ ;…別に『認められた』わけではない…\ ^My arms were beginning to tremble from supporting my weight...\ ^...but I was almost a part of that everyday world right now -- I couldn't look much out of place.\ ^...though that appearance was deceptive.\ ^...I wasn't exactly `accepted'...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;_;_;_ ;学校を後にし、病院へと向かう。きっと待っているであろう、彼女の元へ急いだ。\ ^I left the school and hurried towards the hospital. She would be waiting for me.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0320b.ogg" ;「…おまたせ」\ ^`...here I am.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0143.ogg" ;「はい、また裏の駐車場に停めてるから」\ ^`Here you go -- it's parked round the back again.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0260.ogg" ;「…うん、わかった」\ ^`Thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;返事をしながら、車のキーを受け取る。\ ;そして姫子さんから預かった、伝言を伝えた。\ ^I took the car key -- and in exchange I passed on Himeko's words.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0322.ogg" ;「…今回で最後だって言ってた…」\ ^`...she said this'll be the last time...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0144.ogg" ;「最後? お姉ちゃんがそう言ってたの?」\ ^`The last time? Himeko said that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0323.ogg" ;「うん、そう伝えてくれって」\ ^`Yeah, she wanted me to tell you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0145.ogg" ;「そう…そうなんだ…」\ ^`Oh... I see...'\ ;-- the thanks sorta breaks the 'i'm shocked' value !sd dwavestop 1 ;寂しそうに、それだけを呟く千尋さん。\ ^She murmured sadly.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0146.ogg" ;「ふう、どうしてあなたなんだろうね…」\ ^`Why you, I wonder...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉の裏には、明らかに避けられている自分に対しての不満…\ ;そして…寂しさ、哀しさがあるように思えた。\ ^Behind which, I sensed, her real question was `why not me?'.\ ^Clearly she felt sad and lonely that her sister was avoiding her.\ ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0324.ogg" ;「…優しくて良い人だからよ…」\ ^`...because you're a sweet and kind person...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0159.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`What...?!'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景>長め\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0325.ogg" ;「…千尋さんは違うのよ…」\ ^`You're different, see...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0147.ogg" ;「…違う?」\ ^`...different?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0326.ogg" ;「そう、わたし達とは違うの…」\ ^`You're not like us...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0148b.ogg" ;「…悪いけど、意味がわからないわ」\ ^`Sorry, but... I don't quite follow.'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0327.ogg" ;「うん…わたしにもよく分からないから…」\ ^`Yeah... I'm not sure what I'm trying to say either...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;どうしてこんな言葉を言ったのだろうか…\ ;その厳密な理由は自分でも分からない。\ ;だけど今…^@^わたしにも姫子さんの気持ちが分かるような気がした。\ ^I wondered what had made me come out with that. I honestly hadn't a clue.\ ^But, somehow...^@^ I did feel as though I'd almost understood Himeko's feelings.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0149.ogg" ;「でもね、例え違ったとしても、私は妹よ?」\ ^`But... even if I'm different, I'm still her sister, aren't I?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0150.ogg" ;「今まで20年も一緒に過ごしてきた、姉妹なのよ?」\ ^`I've been with her twenty years, all my life!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0151.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく…」\ ^She burst into tears.\ ; Cross off another name. Anyone else left who hasn't cried, please ; form an orderly queue. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0328.ogg" ;「…千尋さん…」\ ^`...Chihiro...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;いつも穏やかで優しい千尋さんが、初めて泣いた。\ ;その姿は、いつもの温和なヘルパーでも、毅然とした態度のカトリックでも無く…\ ;…只の、弱い女の子だった。\ ^Gone were the calm helper, the strong-willed Catholic, and the quiet, gentle Chihiro I knew.\ ;-- gone were? or was? ;== Were -- the helper is gone, the Catholic is gone, and the quiet gentle Chihiro is gone, so there are three of them. I think the next line removes any ambiguity. ^In their place stood one ordinary weak human.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0152.ogg" ;「お、お姉ちゃんのことを、いつも祈ってるのにっ」\ ^`I, I've been praying for her, all this time...!'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0153.ogg" ;「ひっく、うく、うぅ…」\ ;!sd ;dwavestop 3 ;…泣き続ける千尋さん。\ ^She sobbed on.\ dwavestop 3 ;こんなわたしに出来ることは、背中をぽんぽんと優しく叩いてあげることくらいで…\ ;他にどんな言葉も、どんな術も見つからなかった。\ ;…以前に姫子さんは、ヒトには三択しかないと言っていた…\ ^All I could do was pat her gently on the back...\ ^I couldn't think of anything to say, or anything else to do.\ ^But I thought of what Himeko had said before, about the three rôles one could choose from.\ ;;何故、避けるのかの厳密な理由は分からないけど、 [commented oot in t'original lahk] ;もしかしたら姫子さんは、千尋さんをアロアにはしたくないのだろうか…\ ^Perhaps she didn't want to force Chihiro to play the part of Alois...\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0154.ogg" ;「ごめんなさいね…変なとこ見せちゃって…」\ ^`I'm so sorry... forcing you to see me like this...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0329.ogg" ;「ううん…気にしないで…」\ ^`Don't be... it's fine...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\z42c.ogg" ;そして、わたしは姫子さんの元へと向かう。\ ;右手には千尋さんに受け取ったキー。左手にはお母さんが作ってくれたお弁当が2つ。\ ;…結局、例の最後の一つが何かは知らない。^@^どこに向かうのかも、教えてもらってなかった…\ ^And then at last I made my way to where Himeko would be.\ ^In my right hand I held the key; in my left, the lunches.\ ^I still didn't have the faintest idea what she was planning.^@^ She'd told me nothing...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;駐車場。ここで間もなく来るであろう姫子さんを待つ。\ ^I waited for her in the rear car park. She wouldn't be long.\ bg "en\car_chu.jpg",3 ;以前にも乗せてもらった、ユーノスという車は、今日もピカピカに洗車されていた。\ ;きっと千尋さんや、以前に海で会った人が、いつも綺麗にしているのかも知れない。\ ;そんなことを考えていると、\ ^The car -- the Eunos -- gleamed.\ ^Doubtless thanks to either Chihiro or that other person, the one we'd met at the seaside.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0410.ogg" ;「悪い、待たせたわね」\ ^`Sorry to keep you waiting!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ようやく現われた姫子さん。相変わらず、当然のようにキーを受け取る。\ ;但し、その服装はいつもと違っていた。\ ;…これは作業服ってのだろうか?白いツナギのような、お世辞にも綺麗な服ではなかった。\ ^She arrived, and took the key from me easily.\ ^The only thing that struck me as out of the ordinary was what she was wearing.\ ^Overalls. A kind of white boilersuit thing that it would have been flattery to call plain.\ bg "en\car_chu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0330.ogg" ;「…その服はなに?」\ ^`...what ~i~are~i~ you wearing?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0411a.ogg" ;「ああ、今日は、この服じゃないとダメなのよ」\ ^`Oh, I've got to dress like this today.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0411b2.ogg" ;「…パジャマ姿の私では意味がないのよね」\ ^`I couldn't exactly do this in pyjamas...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;普段は何をするにも、パジャマにこだわっていたのに…\ ;それは…今日の自分は、7Fの住人としてではないという意味なのだろうか…\ ^This coming from someone who'd insisted on wearing pyjamas in the most inconvenient situations...\ ^My best guess was that she was trying to say that she didn't want to be a resident of the seventh today.\ dwavestop 6 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^She got in.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0413.ogg" ;「セツミ、乗って」\ ^`Come on.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0331.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...right...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;☆ 車内\ ;乗り込んだ車内。以前と同じように、わたしにシートベルトを促がす。\ ;そして、それを確認すると静かにエンジンを始動させた。\ ^I joined her. She made sure I'd fastened my seatbelt, then started the engine.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_start.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0414.ogg" ;「じゃあ、行くわよ…」\ ^`Here we go, then...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>まとめ>出発する\ mp3loop "bgm2\215_012.mp3" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ; These links are even more formulaic than キノの旅... Homer would be proud. ;見上げれば高い日。今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ;そんな空の下、大きくハンドルを切ると、ゆっくりと動き出したユーノス。\ ^The sun was already high, promising stifling heat to come.\ ^She swung the wheel hard over and pulled smoothly away.\ dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" ;…一体、どこを目指し、なにを目的としているのか分からないけど…\ ;…こうして、姫子さんの最後のドライブが始まった…\ ^Where we were going, and what our objective might be, remained mysteries.\ ^All I knew was that Himeko's last drive had just begun...\ ;mp3loop "bgm2\215cm_01.mp3" dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\w.jpg",3 bg "en\car_run1b.jpg",1 bg "en\car_run1.jpg",5 ;真っ青な空を映して走る、赤いオープンカー。\ ;軽快なエンジン音を上げ、見覚えのある景色を流し、蝉の声も消しながら進む。\ ;病院前の交差点を越え、あっというまに踊り出た大きな道。\ ^The convertible sped along, blue sky reflected vividly in red paintwork.\ ^The engine purred rhythmically, even drowning out the cicadas, as familiar scenery drifted by.\ ^A moment later we'd shot over the junction in front of the hospital, and swung out onto the main road.\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0332.ogg" ;「それで…どこに向かうの?」\ ^`So... where are we going?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0415.ogg" ;「高いところよ」\ ^`Somewhere high.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0333.ogg" ;「…具体的な場所のことよ」\ ^`Specifically...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0416.ogg" ;「それは、わからないわ」\ ^`I haven't decided yet.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0334b.ogg" ;「…え?」\ ^`You what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;少し予想外だった。\ ;姫子さんのことだから、なんと言われても驚かないつもりだったけど…\ ^That was unexpected. And I thought I'd got over being shocked by her...\ ;-- I like it more that setsumi was ready to be not surprised by any answer, than getting numb to shocks ;== But clearly she _wasn't_ ready, so she merely _thought_ she was ready, which is pretty close to what my version says says. :) dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0335.ogg" ;「もしかして、気ままに走るって意味?」\ ^`Don't tell me, you're planning to just drive round randomly?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0417.ogg" ;「それは、ちょっと違うわね…」\ ^`Well, not exactly randomly...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0418.ogg" ;「言葉の通り、高いところって意味よ」\ ^`I'm planning to drive somewhere high.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけでは、あまりにも抽象的過ぎて分からない。\ ^That was still not a very enlightening answer.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0419.ogg" ;「ま、国道に出るまでには、決めようと思うわ」\ ^`Well, I've got till the highway to decide.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…決まるのだろうか? もしくは、そんな簡単に決められる程度の事なのだろうか…\ ;それに、仮にどこか目指したい場所が決まったとしても、そこまでの道順はどうするのだろう?\ ;ナビもないし、いつもは地図を見てるくせに、今日は持っている様子もなかった。\ ^...and would she manage that? Was it that easy to choose somewhere...?\ ^And even if she did pick out a destination, how was she planning to get us there?\ ^The car wasn't equipped with a satnav, and though she spent enough time reading maps, I couldn't see any sign that she'd got any such thing with her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0420.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、どこに行っても道に迷うことはないわ」\ ^`Don't worry, there's no risk we'll get lost.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0336.ogg" ;「…何故そんなことが言い切れるの?」\ ^`How can you be so sure...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0421.ogg" ;「そりゃあ…既に日本中を覚えたからよ」\ ^`Well... I have learnt every road in the country...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;当たり前のように返された。\ ;…そんなことが可能なのだろうか?\ ;姫子さんの言葉を疑う訳じゃないけど、わたしにはとても信じられなかった。\ ^She said, as though it should have gone without saying.\ ^Was that even possible, I wondered.\ ;-- hrm, the 'I wondered' might be superfluous ;== It's a slightly longwinded translation of '?', I'll grant you, but to my eye it improves the flow -- question marks outside direct speech often look odd. ^I wasn't going to question her word, but it was hard to believe she wasn't exaggerating...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0422.ogg" ;「それにね、今の私に必要なのは、ナビでもなければ医者でもないわ」\ ^`Besides, I only need one thing now, and it's not a satnav, and it's not a doctor.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0337.ogg" ;「…じゃあなに?」\ ^`What is it, then...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0423.ogg" ;「そうね…」\ ^`Since you ask...'\ ;-- Not quite what you'd say if you're considering an answer I think ;== She knows what the answer is, and she's just stalling while she thinks how to say it. !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、しばらく考えていたかと思うと、\ ^She paused, as though considering how to put it.\ !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0424.ogg" ;「…コロッケ博士よ」\ ^`...a qualified croquettologian.'\ ;-- >_____> um. right. ;== By analogy with "theologian". !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0338.ogg" ;「…またそんなこと言って…」\ ^`...not again...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd ;_;_ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;尚も進むロードスター。^@^市街地から郊外へと。いつしか緑が目立ちだす頃、\ ;スピードを落とし、お母さんのお弁当をつまみながら走っていた。\ ^We sped on through the city.^@^ Before long we were well through the suburbs, and greenery surrounded us.\ ^Then, dropping to a comfortable speed, we cruised on out, grazing as we went on the packed lunches Mum had supplied.\ bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0425.ogg" ;「でも、セツミ…」\ ^`But, Setsumi...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0426.ogg" ;「よく家の人が許してくれたわね? 外泊を」\ ^`Nice work, getting permission to stay out overnight.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0339.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0427.ogg" ;「ちなみに、家の人にはさ…」\ ^`I have to ask, though...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0428.ogg" ;「…私って、どんな人物設定になってるの?」\ ^`...do they actually know what kind of person I am?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0429.ogg" ;「一般病棟の人? それとも看護婦さんかしら?」\ ^`Do they think I'm an ordinary patient? Or maybe a nurse, I wonder?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;なんでもお見通しの姫子さん。確かに昨日までは、その通りだった。\ ^She didn't miss much. Up till last night, she'd have been right.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0341.ogg" ;「…7Fの人って知らせたわ」\ ^`...no, I've told them.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0430.ogg" ;「へ~、大したもんね、ちょっと見直したわ」\ ^`Coo, nice one. I'm impressed.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0431.ogg" ;「でも…まだコレが嫌いとは言えてないみたいね」\ ^`But... looks like you haven't let on that you hate this stuff yet.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、手でつまんだのはお弁当のポテト。\ ^She waved a bit of fried potato.\ ;>強め dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0432.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉さんが、とっておきの方法を教えてあげるわ」\ ^`Tell you what, how about I tell you a super-secret way to get round that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0342.ogg" ;「…そんなのがあるの?」\ ^`...is there one?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0433.ogg" ;「ええ、とっても簡単よ…」\ ^`There certainly is, and it's dead simple, too!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0434.ogg" ;「あなたが…『好き』になってしまえば良いのよ」\ ^`You just have to start ~i~liking~i~ it!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;確かにその通りかも知れないけど…\ ^Well, it would probably work, but...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0343.ogg" ;「…むずかしいこと言わないでよ」\ ^`That's far too difficult!'\ ;-- feels somehwat off beat ;== Not sure what you mean here...? ;-- mmm, oh well. ki ni shinai. as a rule, the more vague my comments, the less important they are in the grand scheme of things !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0435.ogg" ;「あらそう? 病気を治すよりは簡単だと思うけど?」\ ^`Hmm, you think so? Easier than getting better, though, wouldn't you say?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…きっと姫子さんの言う通りだろう。病気が治れば、全ての問題が解決する。\ ;赤い手をしたお母さんを哀しませることもなくなり、再び綺麗にマニキュアが塗れたと笑ってくれる。\ ;それは自分だって分かっている。分かってはいるけど、自分ではどうにもならないこと。\ ;…それと比べれば…^@^ポテトを好きになるくらい、簡単なことかも知れない…\ ;-- only way? that's being a bit too decisive I think ;== Not to mention distorting Setsumi's words. orz ^She was right, of course. Getting better would solve everything.\ ^Then Mum wouldn't need to suffer red hands any more. She'd be able to enjoy doing her nails again.\ ^I knew that only too well -- but it was totally out of my control.\ ^Compared to that...^@^ maybe learning to like fries ~i~was~i~ the easy option...\ ;_;_;_;_ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;尚も進むロードスター。赤いボンネットに、灼けた空を映す。\ ^We drove on, the blazing sky reflected in the red bonnet.\ ; Wow, not just formulae but elegant variation too! ; The Beowulf poet would be proud. ;そして、ちょうど日が真上に近づいた頃、目の前に現われたのは更に大きな道。\ ^As the sun crept towards its highest point, an even larger road appeared ahead.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0436.ogg" ;「間もなく国道に出るわ…」\ ^`We're nearly at the highway..'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら、車を路肩に寄せると停車させる。\ ^She pulled over and stopped.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" bg "en\shanai3.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0344.ogg" ;「…目的地は決まった?」\ ^`Decided where we're going yet...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0437.ogg" ;「ううん、まだちょっと悩んでいるのよ…」\ ^`No, still puzzling over that...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;高い場所としか聞いていない以上、一体なにを悩むのかすら、わたしにはわからない。\ ^What the puzzle was, I had not a clue, given the lack of information available on the options she was considering.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0438.ogg" ;「やっぱ、高いっていえば富士山かしら…」\ ^`I suppose the obvious place would be somewhere like Fuji...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0345.ogg" ;「…富士山?」\ ^`...~i~Mount~i~ Fuji?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;聞き違いでなければ、確かにそう聞こえた。\ ^She couldn't really have said what I thought I'd heard.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0439.ogg" ;「なんたって、日本一だもんね」\ ^`Well, it's the highest place in Japan, isn't it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…さすがに、これは本気とは思えなかった。\ ;富士山。標高3776m。当たり前かも知れないが、日本一高い山。\ ;詳しくは知らないけど、夏でも雪が残っていると聞く。 ;冬期には、本格的な登山者でないと無理だとも聞いた。\ ^She had to be kidding.\ ^Yes, obviously it's the highest place in Japan. 3,776 metres,/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_14 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_14 ^ to be precise.#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_15 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~i.e. 12,388 feet.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~i.e. 12,388 feet.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_15 ^#ffffff\ ^From my sketchy knowledge I recalled that it's high enough to keep its snow in summer, and high enough to be a real challenge in winter.\ ;-- rather tangental but, there comes a point where 1000ft and 10,000ft stop mattering to people and it's just thought of as "really frickin' high" I figure most people have a sense that 3km+ is enough, so the footnote isn't xactly necesssary probably ;== But Setsumi doesn't say "over 3km", she gives the figure precisely... ;) dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0440.ogg" ;「じゃあ、目指しますか、富士山にでも」\ ^`That's that, then -- Mount Fuji it is.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0346.ogg" ;「…いくらなんでも、それは無謀よ」\ ^`...that's crazy.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0441.ogg" ;「分かってるわよ、私だってバカじゃないわ 別に山頂を目指す訳じゃない」\ ^`Oh, it'd be crazy to try for the summit, sure.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0442.ogg" ;「五合目までは車で行けるし、そこだって標高2000mくらいあるんだから」\ ^`But you can get to the fifth station by car, and even that's 2,000 metres/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_16 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_16 ^ up.'#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_17 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~i.e. about 6,500 feet.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~i.e. about 6,500 feet.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_17 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だからといって、何もそんな場所まで行かなくても…\ ;常人ですらそんな場所なのに、わたし達二人は、少なくとも健康とは呼べない。\ ;…姫子さんに到っては7Fの住人だった。\ ^Even so, I couldn't see why we needed to go that far...\ ^It would have been a long way even for normal people. I could hardly imagine it would be good for someone like me.\ ^Let alone for a terminally ill patient like Himeko.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0443.ogg" ;「それにね…7Fと比べたら100倍は高い場所よ」\ ^`That's like a hundred times better than the hospital roof!'\ ;-- why not just 'higher'? ;== It felt like variants of "high" were getting a bit too repetitive, and this was one of the few places a synonym can fit naturally without changing the meaning noticably. !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉を、わたしは黙って聞いていた。\ ;確信は持てなかったけど、やはり姫子さんは、飛び降りる気なのだろうか…\ ;以前に屋上で、”こんな高さじゃ足らない”と、フェンスを見ながら呟いていたのを思い出していた。\ ^I listened to her in silence.\ ^She'd said nothing conclusive, but it was hard not to wonder if she was planning to jump.\ ^Especially given the way she'd looked at that fence, when she said we weren't high enough up...\ dwave 5,"se2\car_start1b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0444.ogg" ;「まずは、6号から東北道に向かうわ」\ ^`Let's see, we start with Route 6 down towards the Tohoku Expressway...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;それだけを告げると、再び走り始めたロードスター。国道へと向け、ハンドルを切る。\ ;…ここから富士山まで、一体どれくらいの距離なのだろうか? ;わたしには、その目安すらも分からない。\ ;只、わたしに分かっていることは…\ ;姫子さんは…冗談ではなく、本気であること。それと恐らくは、道に迷うことも無いであろうことだった。\ ^She pulled away again, turning towards the highway.\ ^How far was it from here to Mount Fuji? I couldn't even begin to guess.\ ^But I guessed that this time she wasn't joking. It sounded like she really knew the way, too.\ ;___________ ;☆シーン追加 当日分 dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;国道から更に大きな道、高速道路へと乗り継ぐ。\ ;相変わらず安全運転をしている為か、高速車線の車には、どんどん抜かれていた。\ ;やがて、高いビルがたくさんある場所へと…どうやら都内に入ってきたようだった。\ ^We passed from the highway to an even wider road -- the expressway.\ ^She was driving defensively, as usual, and cars sped past us constantly in the fast lane.\ ^At length the buildings around us grew tall... it seemed we'd entered the Metropolitan area./ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_18 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_18 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_19 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~i.e. Tokyo~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~i.e. Tokyo~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_19 ^#ffffff\ bg "en\shanai2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0601.ogg" ;「板橋ジャンクションから、池袋線に乗るわ」\ ^`Now we take the Ikebukuro Line from Itabashi Junction...'\ ; "**** Line" seems to be how the Metropolitan Expressway Co Ltd prefer ; to translate ○○線. !sd dwavestop 1 ;今まで真っ直ぐだった道から、曲がりくねった道へと変わる。\ ;そんな渋滞気味の高速を、更にゆっくりと走るロードスター。\ ^The previous road had been perfectly straight. The new one curved a bit.\ ^It was also a lot fuller, so we now drove slower still.\ dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0602a.ogg" ;「今、抜いてったのはアウディよ」\ ^`That was an Audi.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0603.ogg" ;「その前のはパジェロ、新型のジオマスターね」\ ^`And the last one was a Pajero -- the new model Geomaster.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;時折、高速車線を抜いて行く車を、姫子さんが説明してくれる。\ ^She was pointing out interesting cars as they passed us.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0604.ogg" ;「不思議なもんでね…」\ ^`It's weird, really...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0605.ogg" ;「7F行きが決まった途端、余計に車が好きになったわ」\ ^`I'd only just started to get into cars in a big way when I got ill.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう呟きながら、目の前の大きなカーヴに合わせて、ゆっくりとハンドルを切る。\ ;その表情はどこか寂しげで、なにかを懐かしんでいるようにも思えた。\ ^She murmured, steering gently through a long curve.\ ^Her expression seemed nostalgic, and somehow sad.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0606.ogg" ;「あなたも…車、好き?」\ ^`Do you like them too...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0112.ogg" ;「…わからないわ」\ ^`I don't know...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0607.ogg" ;「よかったら…コレあげようか」\ ^`If you want... you can have this one.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;空いた左手で、自分の車を指差した。\ ^She waved at it with her left hand.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0608.ogg" ;「どう? 貰ってくれる?」\ ^`Want it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆「…ううん」\ ;[commented out in original]\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;しばらく考えてから、わたしは首を横に振る。\ ;免許が無いって問題よりも、自分が受け取ってはいけないように思えた。\ ^I thought briefly, but had to shake my head.\ ^It wasn't just that I didn't have a license. It didn't seem like something I should accept.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0609.ogg" ;「そっか、皆んなに断わられちゃったわね…」\ ^`Everyone says that...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "en\car_run1.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0610.ogg" ;「環状から東名に乗るわ」\ ^`Take the Nagoya road from the ring road...'\ ;-- mm? is ring road a term for traffic circle/rotary? ;== No, that would be "roundabout". A ring road is a 環状道路 -- I believe the American term is "beltway"? ;-- as someone who's first and only driving experience that got onto a highway ended in an accident (not my fault!) I officially declare "I have nfc" !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉と共に、大きくハンドルを切ると、少しだけ車体が揺れた。\ ;運転席の姫子さんは、いつもと違うように思えた。 ;服が違うというだけでなく、どこか厳しい表情が多かった。\ ;…そこまでして向かう高い場所。富士山。^@^間違いなく、7Fの屋上とは比較にならない高さだろう。\ ;やはり飛び降りるつもりなのだろうか…\ ;そして、死ぬまでにしたい10のこと。\ ;…その最後の一つとは、一体、何の目的を持っているのだろう…\ ^She was taking the turning as she said it, and the car jolted slightly.\ ;-- hrm probably regional, 'taking the turn as'? ;== Probably regional, yes. ^There seemed to be something different about her today.\ ^It wasn't just the clothes. There was something about her face; she didn't usually look so stern.\ ^And she was actually taking us to Mount Fuji just because it was high.^@^ It was certainly in a different league from the hospital roof...\ ^Surely she wasn't planning to jump down the mountain?\ ^I wondered what she was actually planning -- what this last thing was that she wanted to do before she died.\ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",5 mov %flg2_cha16,1 mov %flg2_bplay,16 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_16 mov $sys_midasi,"^#17 / Sky [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;それからも更に高速を乗り継ぎ…\ ^We sped on down the expressway...\ ;mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2eb032.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" ;既に病院を出てから7時間近くが経過する頃、あたりが完全な、山の中のような場所へと変わる。\ ;目の前の標識には、富士山スカイラインという文字。 ;恐らくは、既にかなり近い場所まで来ているのだろう。\ ^It was about seven hours since we'd set out from the hospital, and the scenery was growing mountainous.\ ^The signs ahead carried the legend ~i~Fujisan Skyline~i~./ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_20 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_20 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_21 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~This is one of the approach routes for Mount Fuji.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~This is one of the approach routes for Mount Fuji.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_21 ^#ffffff\ ^We had to be getting pretty close.\ ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0445.ogg" ;「まもなく御殿場よ…」\ ;[c.o.i.o] !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\yudati.ogg" ;そして、あんなに晴れ渡った夏空は、いつしか真っ黒な夕立空へと変わっていた。\ ^Then we noticed the sky, which must have been clouding over for some time. Now it was dark and heavy.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0446.ogg" ;「…降ってきたわね」\ ^`It's spitting, isn't it?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;見ると暗い空から、降り始めた雨。\ ^It was indeed starting to rain.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0447.ogg" ;「ちょっと待ってなさいよ、幌を出すから」\ ^`Hang on a sec, I'll put the top up...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0347.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Right...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;路肩へと車を停車させると、ごそごそと何かを始める姫子さん。\ ;そして、小雨混じりの中、しばらく待っていると、\ ^She pulled over again, and began to rummage around behind us.\ ^I sat waiting in the drizzle.\ bg "en\shanaia2.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\ame04b.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0348.ogg" ;「…屋根があったんだ」\ ^`I didn't know it had a roof...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0448.ogg" ;「まあ、大したのじゃないけどね」\ ^`It's not much of one.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら、左右の窓も閉めると、完全に普通の車のようになったロードスター。\ ;今まで、雨が降った時はどうするのか不思議だったけど、こういう作りになってたんだ…\ ^She closed the windows, and suddenly the car was almost like a normal one.\ ^So this was what one did when it rained. I had to admit I'd been wondering.\ ;そんなことを感心しながら思っていると、\ ;[c.o.i.o] dwave 6,"se\rain01.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_runa2.jpg",1 bg "en\car_runa.jpg",3 ;再び走り出したユーノス。\ ;本格的に振り出した雨が、路面を真っ白に煙らす。\ ;分厚く黒い雨雲が、まだ夕方前だというのに、夜を思わせるほど辺りを暗くしていた。\ ^We set off again.\ ^The rain now began to fall in earnest, the road becoming only faintly visible beyond the spray.\ ^The heavy clouds cast such a shadow that the afternoon almost felt like night.\ ;dwave 5,"se\amadare.ogg" dwaveloop 5,"se2\ame04b.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…うん?\ ;頭に当る冷たい感触に、天井を見ると、ぽつん、ぽつんっと落ちてくる、屋根から幾筋かの滴。\ ^A cold sensation spread over my head, and I looked up to see water seeping steadily through the roof.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0449.ogg" ;「悪いわね、これボロだからさ…」\ ^`Sorry... it's seen better days...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉の通り、ぽたぽたとした雨漏りが始まる。 ;窓の外の降り方を見る限り、当分は止みそうに無かった。\ ^It certainly had. And, from the looks of things outside, we'd have water coming in for a good while yet.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0450.ogg" ;「セツミ、これ頭にかけてなさい」\ ^`Put this round your head.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0349b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Okay...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;受け取ったのは大きなタオル。言われた通りに、わたしは頭の上に乗せる。\ ^It was a large towel. I put it on as directed.\ bg "en\shanaia1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0350b.ogg" ;「…姫子さんは?」\ ^`...what about you?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0451.ogg" ;「平気よ、それに、どうせすぐに止むと思うから」\ ^`I'm fine. It's bound to stop pretty soon, anyway.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0351.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0352.ogg" ;「じゃあ、わたしも平気…」\ ^`Then I'll be fine too...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言葉に出しては言わないけど、もしかしたらタオルがこれしかないのかも知れない。\ ;わたしを濡らさないように気遣われても、少なくとも、わたしよりも姫子さんの方が心配だった。\ ;…だから、自分のタオルを姫子さんへと返そうとすると、\ ^More likely, she didn't want to admit that this was simply the only towel she'd brought.\ ^It was nice of her to try to keep me dry, but frankly her health was much more of a concern than mine.\ ^So I tried to give her back her towel, but---\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0452.ogg" ;「…止めなさい、セツミ」\ ^`Stop it, Setsumi.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0353.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;いつもと口調が違っていた。それは、たまに見せるとても厳しい表情だった。\ ^Her voice changed, and her face was stern again.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0354.ogg" ;「でも、それじゃあ姫子さんが…」\ ^`But... you'll get...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0453.ogg" ;「いいのよ、私は濡れようが平気だから…」\ ^`Don't worry, a little rain won't hurt me...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0152.ogg" ;「でも…」\ ^`Himeko...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 !s100 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0454b.ogg" ;「…但し…」\ ^`...but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0455.ogg" ;「…セツミに風邪なんてひかせたら承知しないわよ」\ ^`...if you give Setsumi a cold, you won't get off lightly.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…セツミに?^@^ これは一体、誰に対して言っているのだろう…\ ^~i~You~i~ give ~i~Setsumi~i~? Who on earth was she talking to...?\ ; God, presumably. dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "en\sora_ame012.jpg",3 ;尚も降りを強める、8月の雨。\ ;何故か無性に冷たかった。まだまだ止みそうになかった。\ ^Rather than stop, the unnaturally cold August rain grew heavier.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0456.ogg" ;「なめないでよね…」\ ^`Don't think you can put me off this easily...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0457.ogg" ;「伊達に、この格好してるんじゃないわよ」\ ^`I'm not dressed this way for the fun of it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd ;…まるで独り言のように呟く姫子さん。\ ;それは、物理的に濡れないという意味ではなく、もっと違った意味に思えた。\ ^She almost seemed to be talking to herself.\ ^I wondered why she ~i~was~i~ dressed that way. It certainly didn't seem to be keeping her physically dry.\ ;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_runa2.jpg",1 bg "en\car_runa.jpg",3 ;水煙をあげて走るロードスター\ ;どこまでも真っ黒な空の下、今は一般道から富士山スカイラインを走っていた。\ ^We pressed on through the spray, under the endless black clouds. We'd left the normal roads behind: this was the Fujisan Skyline now.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0458.ogg" ;「もし寒いようだったら言ってね」\ ^`Let me know if you get cold.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0356.ogg" ;「…うん、大丈夫」\ ^`I'm fine...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;頭にタオルを載せたまま、雨漏りに濡れながらの姫子さんに答える。\ ;…どこかで雨宿りした方が…\ ;そんな当たり前の提案ですら、何故か躊躇される雰囲気だった。\ ^I replied from under my towel, uncomfortably aware of the leaks above her head.\ ^We should have looked for somewhere to shelter. But something in her expression made me hesitate to suggest that obvious solution.\ bg "en\sora_ame012.jpg",3 !s75 ;…ハンドルを握るのは、いつもと違う姫子さん。\ ;わたしが初めて見る…^@^パジャマではない姫子さんだった…\ ^The woman at the wheel was not the Himeko I knew.\ ^Without her pyjamas, she was almost a stranger to me...\ !sd ;☆BGM フェードアウト bg "e\b.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆ぷちシーン変え dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;暫く走り続け…いつしか、すっかり雨も止んだ頃、\ ^After driving on a while, as the rain finally stopped---\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;気づけば、空には大きな月さえ顔を出していた。\ ^---we saw the sky again, lit only by a huge summer moon.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\n12.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0459.ogg" ;「まもなく、富士宮口に到着よ」\ ^`This is Fujinomiya-guchi/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_22 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_22 ^ now.'#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_23 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~i.e. the start of the Fujinomiya trail, one of the four major routes up Mount Fuji.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~i.e. the start of the Fujinomiya trail, one of the four major routes up Mount Fuji.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_23 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆BGM>mi02 ;☆BG 道端 ;その言葉と共に、狭かった山道から、突然現われたひらけた場所。\ ^Even as she spoke, we emerged from the narrow mountain road into a more open area.\ dwave 6,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" bg "en\gogou1.jpg",3 ;ようやく止まったユーノス。見るとそこには、五合目駐車場の看板。\ ;今のシーズンは登山客が多いと聞いてたけど、\ ;ちょうど時間的にも、天候的にも悪かった為か、辺りにはほとんど車の姿はなかった。\ ^We were stationary at last; the sign nearby indicated that this was the car park for the fifth station.\ ^For all I'd heard about this being the peak season for climbers, there were barely any other cars around.\ ^Presumably we could blame that on the filthy weather and the lateness of the hour.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ ^Himeko got back in.\ bg "en\shanai6y.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0460.ogg" ;「はい、缶ウーロン、温かいわよ」\ ^`Here's your tea -- careful, it's hot.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0357.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと…」\ ^`Thanks...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;自販機で買って来てくれたお茶を手に、二人して狭い車内でお弁当の残りを食べる。\ ^She handed me a can of Oolong from the machine, and we sat in the car to finish what remained of the lunches I'd brought.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0461.ogg" ;「うふふ、冷たくなっても美味しいわね」\ ^`Mmm, it's still delicious cold...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0358.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;結局、今日はここで夜を明かすらしい。\ ;でも、出発の時には、ここが目的地だと言ってた筈だけど…\ ^It looked like we'd be spending the night here.\ ^Although in theory, based on what she'd said when we set out, this was actually our final destination...\ ;もしかしたら姫子さんは、更に上へ行く気なのだろうか…\ ;[coio] ;SE>なんか\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0359.ogg" ;「…まだ…上に行くつもり?」\ ^`...are you... planning to go further up?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0462.ogg" ;「さあ、どうしようかしら…」\ ^`Mmm, I wonder...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;コロッケを手に持ったまま、曖昧に答える姫子さん。\ ;確かにここまでは、車で来ることが出来た。駐車場の看板によると、既に標高も2400mあるらしい。\ ;だけど、ここから先は登山道しかなかった。\ ;さすがに山頂までは目指す気がなかったとしても、7Fの住人である姫子さんに山道が登れるとは思えない。 ;…もし、それでも上を目指すと言われたならば…^@^やはりわたしは引き止めるべきだろうか…\ ^Croquette in hand, she deftly avoided my question.\ ^Even if she was, which surely she wasn't, I couldn't imagine she'd be capable of climbing in her state of health.\ ^We had in any case made it pretty high up without leaving the car -- 2,400 metres,/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_24 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_24 ^ according to the car park sign.#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_25 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~i.e. 7,874 feet.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~i.e. 7,874 feet.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_25 ^#ffffff\ ^If, nonetheless, she announced she was setting out for the summit...^@^ well, I supposed I'd be obliged to stop her...\ ;-- I always had it in my head that setsumi was less decisive about such things. ;== She recognises the social obligation, even if she isn't confident about putting it into practice. Observe how quickly she gets out of the car when Himeko does. bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ ^She got out suddenly.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;突然、ドアを開けると車外へと出る姫子さん。\ ;[translated above] ;ちょうどそんなことを考えていただけに、わたしも急いで車外へと出る。\ ^I leapt out hastily after her, fearing that my thoughts were becoming reality.\ dwave 5,"se2\musi2.ogg" bg "en\gogou1.jpg",3 ;見ると車のすぐ傍で、雨上がりの夜空を見上げていた。\ ;…少しビックリした。もしかしたら、黙って登り始めるのではっと思ってしまった。\ ;そして、そんなわたしの不安を察してか、ぽつりと話し始める姫子さん。\ ^But she hadn't gone anywhere; she was just standing by the car, staring up into the night sky.\ ^I was actually half surprised that she ~i~hadn't~i~ set off uphill...\ ^She may have sensed my unease. At any rate, she broke the silence.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0463.ogg" ;「そういえば、以前にさ…」\ ^`You know...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0464.ogg" ;「年の離れた友達が欲しかったって言ったわよね?」\ ^`Do you remember before, when I said I'd always wanted a friend who wasn't my own age?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0419.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Um, yeah...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0360b.ogg" ;「え?…あ、うん」\ ;[coio] !sd dwavestop 1 ;突然の問いに、かろうじて答える。\ ;[coio, d.g.] ;確か、パイナップルの木の前、やってみたいことの一番最初だった。\ ^That had been the first thing she'd wanted, hadn't it -- the one before the pineapple tree.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0465.ogg" ;「あれさ、ちょっとだけ嘘だったかも知れない…」\ ^`I suppose that might've been kind of not quite completely true...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0361.ogg" ;「…嘘?」\ ^`Oh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0466.ogg" ;「ホントは、年が離れてるってよりも…」\ ^`That was part of it, but...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0467.ogg" ;「…あなただから友達になりたかったのかもね」\ ^`...I think it may've been more that I wanted a friend who was you.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どこか、しみじみと話す姫子さん。なんとなく自分も気づいていたように思う。\ ^Her tone was sincere, and her words rang true, as though I'd unconsciously come to the same conclusion.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0362b.ogg" ;「…その理由は?」\ ^`...why's that?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0468.ogg" ;「うーん、難しい質問だけど強いて言えば…」\ ^`Grief, that's a tough question, but if you must know...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0469.ogg" ;「只の直感かしら? ピンっときたって感じね」\ ^`...I don't know, maybe it was just instinct? Like something just clicked.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これもすごく分かる気がする。わたしが千尋さんに答えた感覚に近い。\ ;そして、以前にこのわたしを、誰かの姿と重ねているのかと問うた時…\ ;…半分はその通りだと言われた。\ ;ならば、あの時には、秘密にされた残り半分の理由。それがこれなのだろうか…\ ^Again, I felt I quite understood. I'd felt the same reaction towards Chihiro.\ ^And I thought back to that time before, when I'd asked her whether she saw someone else in me, and she'd said that was half of it.\ ^I'd asked her what the other half was, and she'd said it was a secret.\ ^Maybe this was it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0470.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ、一つ質問していい?」\ ^`Setsumi... can I ask you something?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Sure...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0471.ogg" ;「もし、あなたのとても親しい人が、少しずつ弱っていったとして…」\ ^`Suppose someone really close to you was just getting weaker and weaker...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0472.ogg" ;「あなたは傍で、ずっとその姿を見ていたい?」\ ^`Would you try and stay by them and watch over them all the time?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0473.ogg" ;「それとも、自分の知らぬ間に、いつのまにか亡くなっていて欲しい?」\ ^`Or would you just wish they'd die sometime when you weren't there, without you knowing?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;わたしは、その質問の意味を考える。\ ;そして、自分なりに真剣に考えてから、\ ^I thought my way round the question, trying to grasp what she was asking.\ ^And, having considered it as deeply as I could, I replied:\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0363.ogg" ;「…わからない」\ ^`...I don't know.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これが正直な気持ちだった。\ ^That was the honest truth.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0474.ogg" ;「私は、ずっと傍に居てあげたいと思うわ」\ ^`Me, I'd want to be there beside them.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0475.ogg" ;「でも、自分が去る立場ならば、逆…」\ ^`But when it's me on the way out, it's kind of the opposite...\ ;-- it seems a bit better to stick to hypothetical if-thens? the double hypothetical works nice with inconsistency ;== They aren't really hypothetical, but I agree she's not talking in such abstract terms as I've used. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0476.ogg" ;「傍には、誰も居て欲しくない…」\ ^`I don't want anyone else to be there...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0364.ogg" ;「…矛盾しているわ」\ ^`You can't have it both ways...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0477.ogg" ;「その通りよ」\ ^`Oh, sure.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0478.ogg" ;「去る者と、残される者は…決して交わることはないのよ」\ ^`But the departing and the left-behind can't really be together anyway...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;自分の痛みは耐えれても…^@^人の痛みには耐えれない…\ ;そういうことを言いたいのだろうか? だから千尋さんも、海で会った親友の人も避けて…\ ;…では、どうしてわたしは、ここに居るのだろう?\ ;何故、わたしは選ばれたのだろうか? わたしならば、姫子さんは平気だと言いたいのだろうか…\ ^What was she trying to say? That she could bear her own pain, but couldn't bear causing it to others?\ ^Was that why she was avoiding Chihiro and that old friend of hers that we'd met at the seaside?\ ^But then why would she want ~i~me~i~ to be here?\ ; last line left untranslated - probably deliberately, as I'm not sure it adds ; anything meaningful. bg "en\gogou1.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0479.ogg" ;「これはね…穴に落ちて、初めて気づくことよ」\ ^`I didn't realise this till I'd already fallen into the pit...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0480.ogg" ;「だけど、どんなに私が、ここに穴があるからと声を上げても…」\ ^`And by then it was too late.\ ; I wish sentences weren't broken up so much. It's very inconvenient for the ; translator. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0481.ogg" ;「穴に落ちた者の声は、地上を歩いている者には届かない…」\ ^`You see, when you're in a pit, the people walking around above can't hear you however loud you shout.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…それが理由?\ ;じゃあわたしも、同じように落ちた者だから、その声が届くと言いたいのだろうか…\ ^So she could talk to me because I'd fallen into the pit too... was that what she was trying to say?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0482.ogg" ;「あなたは違うわよ」\ ^`You're different.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0365.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !w1500 ;否定された。予想していない回答だった。\ ;[coio] dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0483.ogg" ;「まだ、落ちかけね…這い上がれる可能性がある」\ ^`You're still falling... you might still manage to climb back out.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0366.ogg" ;「…もし無理だった時は?」\ ^`...and what if I don't?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0484.ogg" ;「それは…誰もが自分で考えることよ」\ ^`That's something you'll have to work out for yourself...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;ならば、今の状況は…姫子さんなりに考えた結果なのだろうか?\ ;…穴に落ちたから祈りを止め…^@^呪いへと変わったのだろうか…\ ^So had she reached this situation that way, by working things out for herself?\ ^After she'd fallen into this pit, she'd stopped praying...^@^ and started cursing, perhaps...?\ ; TRY TO MAKE SENSE DAMMIT ;_選択肢キープ;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0485.ogg" ;「ホント、パトラッシュは良いわよね…」\ ^`It's all right for Patrasche...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0486.ogg" ;「大好きなネロと一緒に天国に行けるんだもん」\ ^`He gets to go to heaven with his beloved Nello.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0487.ogg" ;「ネロだって寂しくないわ…」\ ^`And even Nello doesn't have to be lonely...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 monocro #FFeedd print 3 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;・ナルキ 本編開始 2■12 暫定ラスト\ ;☆BGM>narかka01>sen02かな bg "e\w.jpg",10,1500 !s75 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0189.ogg" ;…博士のくせに、何も答えられない。\ ^~i~So much for my being a `doctor'.\ dwavestop 1 !sd !s75 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0190.ogg" ;こんな時、本物の博士ならば…^@^ ;dwavestop 1 ;!s75 ; ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0191.ogg" ;アウグスティヌスやヒエロニムスならば…\ ^~i~I wondered about real doctors -- Doctors of the Church, like Augustine and Jerome.\ dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0192.ogg" ;”…何と答えれるのだろう…”\ ^~i~---what would they have been able to say...?\ dwavestop 1 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01s.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01so.mp3" !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0151.ogg" ;「じゃあ…これだけでも教えて…」\ ^`Then... just tell me one thing...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0152.ogg" ;「…神さまは…^@^…どこ?」\ ^`...where ~i~is~i~ God?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0193.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0153.ogg" ;「聞こえなかったみたいなの…教会でもお祈りしたのに」\ ^`He can't've heard us praying... not even when we did it in the church...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 ;…神さまはどこ? その問いに、私は口を閉ざしてしまう。\ ^I forced my gaping mouth to close.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0194.ogg" ;「…ごめんね、分からないわ…」\ ^`...sorry... I don't know...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0154.ogg" ;「…そっか…ハカセのお姉さんでも分からないんだ」\ ^`Oh... even you can't tell me...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして、ベッドから起き上がると窓辺へと向かい…\ ^She got out of her bed and went to the window.\ !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0156.ogg" ;「やっぱり…空の上?」\ ^`...isn't he up in the sky?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 !sd ;そう言いながら、見上げた空。15cmしか開かない窓から、夜明け前の蒼い空を見上げた。\ ^She looked up there, up into the dawn sky, through that unopenable window.\ !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0157.ogg" ;「ねえお姉さん…」\ ^`Hey...\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0158.ogg" ;「わたし、屋上に行きたい」\ ^`I want to go up on the roof...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0195.ogg" ;「…屋上?」\ ^`...the roof?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0159.ogg" ;「うん、少しでも高いところでお祈りしたら…」\ ^`Yeah... cos, maybe if we pray somewhere just a little higher up...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0160.ogg" ;「聞こえるかも知れないでしょ?…神さまに」\ ^`...maybe that'll be near enough for him to hear us then...'\ !sd dwavestop 3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0196.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0161.ogg" ;「…ダメ?」\ ^`...can't we?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0197.ogg" ;「いいえ…わかったわ」\ ^`No, of course we can!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;彼女に肩を貸すようにして屋上へと向かう。\ ;…本来この場所は、患者は行けない。行かせない。\ ;でも、この時の私には…\ ;アイスを買ってあげることしかできない、アロアには…^@^ ;なにも、答えてあげることが出来ない、無力な博士には…\ ^I helped her along towards the stairs.\ ^It wasn't a place patients could really go. It wasn't allowed.\ ^But right now---\ ^---as an Alois who couldn't do anything but buy ice cream, as a `doctor' who couldn't answer the simplest question---\ !s80 ;…他に出来ることがなかった…\ ^---I didn't have any choice.\ ;-- this stretches it a bit... ;== This is another case where the words are kind of formulaic and their literal meaning doesn't seem as important as the sentiment behind them, that sense of powerlessness, which I think is better conveyed in English with a slightly different turn of phrase. ;-- mmm fair enough. I just recognized this phrase pattern from narci1 and prefer to preserve links where I can I suppose. !sd ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3000 ;_____________________________ ;☆BG>夜明け\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" bg "en\okujou2b.jpg",3 bg "en\okujou2.jpg",3 ;…青紫の夜明けが、白み出した日の出へと変わる。\ ;誰の姿も見えない殺風景な場所。\ ^The violet dawn sky was growing light with the sunrise.\ ^The rooftop was empty and lifeless.\ ;mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" ;時折吹く風に鳴る、7Fの天井よりも高いフェンス。\ ^Ringed with a fence higher than the ceilings of the seventh, which sang from time to time in the wind.\ !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0162.ogg" ;「ここは、気持ちいい場所だね…」\ ^`It feels good up here...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;まるで独り言のように呟くと、ポケットから取り出したのはロザリオ。\ ;それはかつて、私がプレゼントしたものだった。\ ^She murmured, as though to herself.\ ^And from her pocket she drew a rosary. The one I'd given her.\ dwavestop 5 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0163.ogg" ;「やっぱり、これがないと魔法にならないもんね…」\ ^`I s'pose the magic won't work without this...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、静かに手を重ねると…^@^ 日の出を迎えた空に向かって、言葉を繋いだ…\ ^She held it quietly, facing the rising sun, and strung together some words...\ bg "en\okujou2c2.jpg",1 bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",10,1200 ;☆BG>夜明け\ !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0165.ogg" ;「…み名が聖とされますように…」\ ^`...hallowed be thy name...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0164.ogg" ;「…わたしたちを、こころみにあわせないでください…」\ ^`...lead us not into temptation...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これも…以前に私が教えた、幾つかの主の祈り。\ ;でも、彼女にとっては、その言葉がどんな意味かすら分かっていなくて…\ ;只、助けてくれる為の…^@^魔法としか思っていなくて…\ ^I'd given her these, too -- fragments of the Lord's Prayer.\ ^But she didn't understand what they meant. To her they were just magic incantations that might make God help her.\ !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0166.ogg" ;「…お姉さん、今のは聞こえたと思う?」\ ^`Hey... do you think he heard me this time?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0198.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉に私は、頷くことも…否定することも出来ず…\ ;やはり…只、黙っていることしか出来なかった。\ ^I couldn't nod, but nor could I deny it.\ ^It seemed simpler not to say anything.\ bg "e\b.jpg",10,1200 !s100 ;…無駄…^@^だと言えば良いのだろうか…\ ;…これも、贖いだと諭せば良いのだろうか…\ ^Should I have told her she was wasting her time?\ ^Should I have preached about the redemptive nature of suffering?\ ; This is genuine Catholic doctrine - it's one reason why they oppose ; euthanasia. ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\hime032.jpg",1 bg "en\hime03.jpg",5 !s80 ;…それとも…^@^…八年も生きれたことを…^@^神に感謝しろと言えばよいのだろうか…\ ^Or should I have tried to persuade her to be grateful that God had let her live for eight whole years...?\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0167.ogg" ;「ねえ、お姉さんも一緒に祈って…」\ ^`C'mon, you try too...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉に…私は黙って頷く。頷くしかなかった。\ ;そして、尚も祈り続ける彼女と同じように…\ ^I nodded silently. That was all I could do.\ ^And as she prayed on...\ !s80 ;…この高い空に向かって、祈りを捧げた…\ ^...I likewise faced that sky and lifted up my thoughts in prayer...\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s75 ;まだ残る夜気、白み出す空、鳴き始めた蝉、ありふれた夏の日のこと…\ ;…この7F屋上から、彼女のことだけを祈った。\ ;いつも半分は、自身の赦しに使っていた私。でも今は、その全てを以って、彼女のことだけを祈った。\ ;きっと、どこかで聞いてくれている”筈”の…^@^ そんな神に向かって祈った…\ ^The night air lingered, the sky grew lighter, the cicadas began to buzz, like any other summer's morning.\ ^And from that hospice roof, I prayed for her.\ ^This time I didn't use half my prayer for my own forgiveness -- it was all for her.\ ^My words flew up towards the God I knew ~i~should~i~ be listening... somewhere...\ bg "e\b.jpg",10,2500 wait 1500 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199c.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うう…」\ ^Then the tears came.\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 ;…何故か…^@^涙が出てきた…\ ;[translated above] ;bg "en\hime03.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0168.ogg" ;「どうして泣いてるの?」\ ^`Why're you crying?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0200_1.ogg" ;「い、いいのよ、別に泣いたって…」\ ^`W-why shouldn't I...?\ !sd dwavestop 1 wait 400 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0201.ogg" ;「こ、こんな時には泣いてもいいのよ…」\ ^`It's only natural to cry at times like this...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 wait 200 ;bg "en\hime04.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0169.ogg" ;「…それは誰の言葉? イエスさま?」\ ^`...did Jesus say that too?'\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199c.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199z.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うう…」\ ; Ch. 11 v. 35: Himeko wept. bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;bg "en\hime04z.jpg",10,1200 wait 800 !s120 ;…違う…^@^これは私の言葉よ…\ ^No...^@^ those words were my own.\ wait 400 bg "en\kyoukai1bb.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",10,1200 !s90 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0204.ogg" ;…もし…^@^私が聖者ならば…^@^ ^...if only...^@^ I'd been a saint...^@^ !s80 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0205.ogg" ;…もし…私の言葉が…^@^只の気休めでも、おまじないでもなく…\ ^...if only...^@^ my words had been more than mere platitudes...\ ;bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",5 !s120 ;……本物の魔法ならば……\ ^...if only they'd been real magic...\ !sd ;☆画像に文字で↓\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 wait 500 dwave 5,"se2\03_torib.ogg" bg "haeleth\2\hime05f.png",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0208.ogg" bg "haeleth\2\hime05g.png",10,1000 wait 2000 ;________ bg "en\b.jpg",10,1200 !s90 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0209.ogg" ;…去る者と、残される者。\ ^One of us was departing. The other would remain behind.\ dwavestop 1 !s80 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0210.ogg" ;どんなに親友でも、パトラッシュにはなれないアロア…\ ^And, as an Alois who could never become Patrasche for anyone, however close---\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\hime04z.jpg",10,1500 !s100 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0211.ogg" ;…自分の無力さを知った… \ ^---I was all too conscious of my own impotence.\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;●回想42 ここまで monocro off print 10,1600 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\gogou2.jpg",10,1200 ;朝を迎えた、富士山五合目。わたし達は車から降りると、大きく伸びをする。\ ^Dawn broke over Fujinomiya-guchi. We got out of the car and stretched.\ ;☆BG 五合目\ ;;朝。この五合目 ;;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。 ;[coio, D.G.] ;・朝>目覚めると誰もいない>必要ならば\ !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0488.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…」\ ^`Hey, Setsumi...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0489.ogg" ;「…どこにいると思う?」\ ^`...where do ~i~you~i~ reckon he is?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0367.ogg" ;「いきなり…なんのこと?」\ ^`Huh? Who are you on about?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0490.ogg" ;「…神さまとやらよ」\ ^`Oh, God, or whoever.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0368.ogg" ;「さあ…あなたの方が専門家でしょ?」\ ^`Dunno... isn't that your department?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0491.ogg" ;「…そうね、そうだったわね…」\ ^`Yeah... I suppose it is...'\ ;-- why not 'was'? ;== Because the disconnect between the tenses of Setsumi's and Himeko's words would come across much too strongly in English. Japanese can vary tenses quite naturally, but English doesn't have that freedom. I think Himeko is merely agreeing that she has more knowledge of theological matters, not trying to draw attention to her crisis of faith, and "was" would shift the balance to the latter interpretation. ;-- >_> I just figured the 'was' worked nicely with her 'former' catholic status ;== Ah, well, that's also true. It just depends which nicety you want to concentrate on really. :) !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、しばらく考えていたかと思うと、\ ^She paused for a few moments.\ !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0492.ogg" ;「やっぱ、あそこかしら…」\ ^`Up there, I suppose...'\ ;-- maybe the sense should be a bit stronger than 'maybe'? ;== やっぱ、そうかもしれん…(笑 !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s75 ;そう言いながら、見上げたのは空。^@^ 真っ青な夏空がどこまでも広がっていた…\ ^She was staring up into the sky -- the endless blue expanse of the heavens, spread out above us.\ dwave 1,"tui4\hime1_0493bb.wav" ;「やっぱ…もっと近づかないと、聞こえないのかもね…」\ ^`And... maybe he really won't hear us unless we get a bit closer...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0494.ogg" ;;「じゃあ、行きましょうか」\ ;[coio] !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを言うと、登山道へと向かって、歩き始める姫子さん。\ ;…もしかしたらという気はしていたけど…\ ;でも既に、その行為自体が自殺と同意だった。\ ^And, as I'd basically been expecting, she set off walking towards the trail.\ ^But to attempt the climb was basically suicide in itself...\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0369.ogg" ;「…本気なの?」\ ^`...are you serious?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0495.ogg" ;「……………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0370.ogg" ;「禁忌なんでしょう…カトリックには?」\ ^`I thought... that was unthinkable, for Catholics?'\ ;-- unthinkable? or just forbidden? ;== 禁忌 is stronger than just forbidden -- it's more like taboo, except taboo isn't really a word Setsumi would use. Unthinkable is a reasonable synonym IMO. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0496.ogg" ;「…”元”には関係ないわ」\ ^`Which doesn't mean much once you've lapsed.'\ ;-- a rather peculiar way to put it ;== Not sure what you're finding odd here -- can you explain? ;-- I'm not all that conservant with religious terms, but 'lapsing in ones faith' sounds like 'I've lapsed on my car payment' a parallel people would go O.o at ;== Believe it or not, it is the technical term in this case: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapsed_Catholic !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そして…歩いていた足を止め、振り返ると、\ ^She paused, though, and turned back to me, and said,\ bg "en\gogou2.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0497.ogg" ;「悪いわね、セツミ…」\ ^`Sorry, Setsumi...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0498.ogg" ;「ひとこと…言ってやらないと気が済まないのよ」\ ^`...but there's some things I've just got to say or I'll never be able to rest.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0371c.ogg" ;「…言うって、誰に?」\ ^`Things to say? Who to...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0499.ogg" ;「決まってるじゃない、神さまとやらに、文句をね」\ ^`To God, of course! I've got some complaints.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;…文句? 神さまに? 本気なのだろうか…\ ^Complaints...? To God? Maybe she ~i~was~i~ serious...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0372b.ogg" ;「もしかして…それが最後の一つ?」\ ^`Was this... the last of those things?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0500.ogg" ;「ええ…これが最後の一つよ」\ ^`Yes, this is number ten.'\ ; なるほど、「神様とやら」=「イギリス首相」って意味ね !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0501.ogg" ;「そして…これが最後の一つよ」\ ;[coio] !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを告げると、登山道へと歩き始める姫子さん。\ ^With which she set off once more.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…今、わたしは…止めるべきなのだろうか?\ ;それとも…^@^背中を押してあげるべきなのだろうか…\ ;そのどちらかも分からないから…^@^只、隣に居ることしか、わたしには出来なかった…\ ^What should I have done? Should I have stopped her?\ ^Or should I have pushed her up that trail?\ ^I didn't know...^@^ so all I could do was be there beside her.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;_________________________ bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" ;真上に来た太陽、標高に関係なく騒がしく鳴く蝉。\ ^The sun stood above us, and the cicadas shrieked on without regard to the altitude.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0502.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、思ったよりキツいわね」\ ^`Harder than I... expected...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "tui4\yama01.jpg",3 ;登山道を進むわたし達。\ ;少し歩いては休憩、少し歩いては休憩…それの繰り返しだった。\ ;時折、他の登山者にどんどん抜かれながらも、少しずつでも、上へと…高いところへと目指す姫子さん。\ ;今は、2時間ほどかけ、新六合目を後にしようとしていた。\ ^We laboured on up the trail -- walking, resting, walking, resting...\ ^Now and again other hikers passed us, but while our progress was slow, Himeko led the way inexorably upwards.\ ^We'd been going for about two hours, and were just passing the new sixth station.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0373.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^`...you okay?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0503.ogg" ;「あ、あんまり大丈夫じゃないわね」\ ^`Do I... look okay...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉の通り、息切れが激しかった。\ ;売店で買った飲み物や食べ物は、わたしが持っているとはいえ…\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、姫子さんは7Fの住人。\ ;どんなに元気に見えても、車椅子に乗っていなくても、それは年齢が若い故のこと。進行が早いだけのこと。 ;何もせずとも、死の圏内に居ることは間違いなかった。\ ^She didn't, and her breathing sounded particularly bad.\ ^I was doing what I could, carrying all the food and drink we'd bought. But she was, ultimately, a hospice patient.\ ;-- second I was sorta jarring and unnecessary. ;== Anaphora again. But I do agree it leads to altogether too many I's. ;-- ai ai saaaaaa! ^Physically, she didn't look terribly ill -- she wasn't in a wheelchair or anything -- but that was merely because she'd been caught so young.\ ^Whatever she did, she was almost at death's door.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0504.ogg" ;「なによその顔は?」\ ^`Why're you looking like that?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0505.ogg" ;「言いたいことがあるならハッキリ言いなさいよ」\ ^`If there's something you want to say, say it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0375.ogg" ;「…もう帰ろう」\ ^`...let's go home now.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0506.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0507.ogg" ;「…もっと強く言ってよ」\ ^`Say it like you mean it...'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0376.ogg" ;「えっ?」\ ^`Huh?'\ dwavestop 0 !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0508.ogg" ;「だったら、もう帰れって命令してよ」\ ^`Or as an order. Don't suggest it, demand it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0377.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0378b.ogg" ;「…もう…帰れ」\ ^`We're... going home.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0509.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0510.ogg" ;「…やっぱり従えないわね」\ ^`...nah, I don't think so.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、再び足を動かすと登り始める。\ ^And she set off again uphill.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…今…^@^わたしは、どうするべきなのだろうか…\ ;引き止めることも出来ず、このまま傍で、無力に眺めることしかできないのだろうか…\ ^What ~i~should~i~ I have done...?\ ^I'd tried to stop her, and I'd failed. I stood there staring at her.\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0379.ogg" ;「じゃあ、押してあげる…」\ ^`Okay then... I'm pushing.'\ ;-- the pushing bit is a weird... not 'I'll push'? ;== The Dread Atlantic of Doom strikes again! !sd dwavestop 1 ;だからわたしは、姫子さんの背中を押す。\ ;急な勾配に負けないようにと。少しでも楽になるようにと…自分なりに出来ることは、これしかなかった。\ ^I put my hands to her back and pushed.\ ^To aid her against the slope. To make the climb easier for her... perhaps that was all I could do for her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0511.ogg" ;「やめなさいセツミ」\ ^`Stop it, Setsumi!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0380.ogg" ;「嫌よ…」\ ^`Not gonna...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0512.ogg" ;「あなたまで、具合悪くなったらどうするの」\ ^`What if you wear yourself out too?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0513.ogg" ;「私は、そんなこと、望んでいる訳じゃないわ」\ ^`I don't want you to end up seriously ill too!'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0381c.ogg" ;「じゃあ…帰りましょう」\ ^`Then... let's go home.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0514.ogg" ;「そ、それは……」\ ^`B-but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景 ;こんなやり取りを、何度も何度も繰り返し…\ ;少しずつでも上へと登っていく姫子さん。\ ;いつかその足を止めた時…^@^その時が怖かった。\ ^We argued on and on in much the same terms, while, little by little, Himeko climbed.\ ^All I was afraid of was that she might stop.\ !s90 ;…その時わたしは…一体どうすれば良いのだろうか…\ ^What on earth might I have to do then...?\ !sd mov %flg2_cha17,1 mov %flg2_bplay,17 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_17 mov $sys_midasi,"^#18 / For Whom [h]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;bg "en\sora01y.jpg",5 ;オレンジに染まった日が…^@^ いつしか、夜の藍へと変わる頃…\ ^We walked on as the orange sun fell from the darkening, purpling sky, until at last...\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0515.ogg" ;「ここでいいわ…」\ ^`This should do...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;やっと足を止めた姫子さん。\ ^...at last, she stopped.\ bg "en\gake01.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\musi2.ogg" ;7合目を過ぎたあたりだろうか? 岩場の多い、とても見晴らしの良い場所だった。\ ;時計を見ると、既に夜中の3時。^@^ ほぼ丸一日を経過したことになる。\ ;さすがにこの時間となった為か、前日の天候の為か、他の登山者の姿は、全く見えなかった。\ ^I guess we were a little way past the seventh station. The ground was rocky, but the view was great.\ ^My watch said it was already three in the morning. We'd been going for almost an entire day.\ ^We were alone on the mountainside. Not surprising, considering the time, or indeed the recent weather.\ ;SE>風とか dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0516.ogg" ;「夜明けを待って、ここで言うわ」\ ^`We'll wait for the dawn here, and then I'll say it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 6 ;そう言うと、岩場の先端へと歩き始める姫子さん。\ ;覗き込んだ崖下は、暗くてよく見えないけど、その谷底まで、どれくらいか見当もつかない程だった。\ ;…少なくとも、もし身を乗り出せば、間違いなく生きてはいられないだろう。\ ^She picked her way across to the edge of the rocks.\ ^The ravine itself was barely visible in the darkness, and there was no knowing how far the drop would be.\ ^But it was pretty clear that leaning too far would probably be fatal.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0517.ogg" ;「…いよいよ、盛り上がってきたわね…」\ ^`We've done pretty well, haven't we?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0382b.ogg" ;「高さも十分なのね…」\ ^`This should be high enough...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0518.ogg" ;「ええ、7Fの100倍くらいよ」\ ^`Yeah, we're about a hundred times higher than the seventh.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;標高、約3000m。^@^ そして、身を防ぐ為の、高いフェンスもない。\ ^We were about 3,000 metres up.^@^ Without a fence.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0519.ogg" ;「セツミ…聞きたいことがあったら今の内よ」\ ^`Setsumi... if there's anything you want to ask me, now's your chance.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>長め\ ;その言葉に、わたしは色々と思いを巡らす。\ ;でも、幾つもの質問を持っていた筈なのに…何故か、その一つ一つを言葉にするのが難しかった。\ ;そして暫く考えてから、ようやくわたしは口を開いた。\ ^There were all kinds of things. But none of them were exactly easy to put into words.\ ^I thought hard, and at length I opened my mouth again.\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0383.ogg" ;「…もっと、姫子さんのことを教えて」\ ^`...tell me more about yourself.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd ;これでも、わたしなりに考えた末での問いだった。\ ^That was the best I could come up with.\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0521.ogg" ;「私のことを聞きたいの? それとも、私のような立場にある者のことを聞きたいの?」\ ^`About me as such? Or about people in my kind of position?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0384.ogg" ;「…姫子さん自身のこと」\ ^`...about you as such.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0520.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0522.ogg" ;「私は、この世界にごまんといるクリスチャンの一人よ」\ ^`I'm just one of billions of Christians.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0523.ogg" ;「それ以上でも、それ以下でもないわ」\ ^`Nothing more, nothing less.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だけど今…その神さまに向けて文句を言おうとしている。^@^ ;そして恐らくは…最大の禁忌も破ろうとしている。\ ^But... wasn't she also planning to complain to their god?^@^ And possibly even planning to violate one of their deepest taboos?\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0385.ogg" ;「じゃあ、以前のフランダースの犬の話し…」\ ^`Okay then... what about that Dog of Flanders thing you were saying before?\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0386.ogg" ;「どうしても、3人の中から選ばないといけないの?」\ ^`As in, do we really have to pick one of those three characters to be?'\ ;-- somewhere around here, setsumi's character seems to have switched to ditzy? ;== Does 'like' really have such strong connotations in America? She's using it to introduce a finer-grained question, not throwing it in as a random slangy word... ;-- I suppose I'm just an old fuddy-duddy who's part of that group that's sick of the use of 'like' as a discourse management word. I'll accept it as a modifer and some other uses, but tend to draw the line at empty filler. Plus, it feels somewhat extraneous compared to the gravity of the moment. ;== I'd be totally agreeing with you if this was a case like `so like he was all like "no way" and she was like totally "whatever"' or something. As it is I have to disagree that it's empty filler here, but I have no objection to replacing it with a less controversial link. :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0524.ogg" ;「ええ、人にそれ以外の選択肢はないわ」\ ^`Of course. There's no other option.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…強く言い切った。\ ;去る者であるネロ、残される者のアロア。決して交わることのない両者…\ ^She said decisively.\ ^Those mutually-exclusive options -- Nello, departing, and Alois, left behind...\ bg "en\b.jpg",10,1200 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0387.ogg" ;「じゃあ、姫子さんは…^@^…誰?」\ ^`So...^@^ which are you?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0525.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;その問いに答えはなかった。\ ;少しずつ空が白みだすこの場所で…空に手が届きそうなこの場所で、黙って俯いていた。\ ;…きっと、パジャマを着ていた姫子さんはネロなのだろう。\ ;では、今の姫子さんはアロアなのだろうか…神さまに文句を言うには、ネロではいけないとすれば頷ける。\ ;ならば、このわたしは誰なのだろう? 何の為に、この場に連れて来られたのだろうか…\ ^She didn't answer that.\ ^She just sat there while the sky grew paler, so close we could almost touch it -- staring at her feet.\ ^There was a Himeko who was Nello, certainly. That was the Himeko in pyjamas.\ ^Then there was this Himeko, who was probably Alois... had to be, really, as Nello wasn't supposed to complain.\ ^But what did that leave for me? If she was both, what was ~i~I~i~ doing here?\ ;dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\gake01.jpg",3 bg "en\sora_a02.jpg",10,1500 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0526.ogg" ;「どうやら、時間が来たようね」\ ^`Looks like it's nearly time.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言うと、空を見上げる姫子さん。\ ^She was looking at the sky now.\ bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0527.ogg" ;「セツミ、受け取りなさい」\ ^`You take this, Setsumi.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、ポケットから何かを取り出すと、わたしへ手渡す。\ ^She pulled something from her pocket, and handed it to me.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0388.ogg" ;「…ロザリオ?」\ ^`...a rosary?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0528.ogg" ;「別に捨ててくれてもいいわよ…」\ ^`Throw it away if you like. I really don't care.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0529.ogg" ;「只…もう私には、持っている資格ないからね」\ ^`Just... I'm not qualified to carry it any more.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それがどういう意味を成すか…それは問わなくても分かる。\ ^I rather thought I knew without asking what that meant.\ dwavestop 5 ;…だけど…\ ;今まで、元と言いながらでも、ずっと持ち続けていたのは何故だろうか…\ ;それを考えるとわたしには、本心では、そんなことしたい訳じゃ無いように思えて…\ ^But I did wonder why she'd held onto it for so long, all the while claiming she wasn't a believer any more.\ ^It almost seemed as though, deep down, she didn't want to do this.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0389b.ogg" ;「…本当にいいの?」\ ^`...are you sure?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0530.ogg" ;「祈りがあるなら…呪いもあるってことよ」\ ^`If I pray, I curse as well, remember.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0390b.ogg" ;「やめて欲しい…そう言っちゃダメ?」\ ^`Is there any point asking you to stop...?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0531b.ogg" ;「…理由によるわ…」\ ^`...depends on the reason.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;…理由。引き止める為の…\ ;…もしも、姫子さん本人が望んでいたとしても? 既に7Fの住人で、未来が閉ざされているのに?\ ;もし、生きると同じように、人には、死ぬ権利も与えられているとすれば…\ ^...and what ~i~was~i~ the reason...?\ ^...what if this was what she really wanted? She was living on the seventh, her future sealed...\ ^What if people were given not just the right to life, but also the right to death...?\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" ;それを止めるだけの理由とは…^@^ …一体、誰ならば持ち得るのだろうか…\ ;まだわたしは、なにが正しくて、なにが優しさになるのかも知らないくせに…\ ^What reason could there be to take that away...^@^ and who could even have such a thing?\ ^Me? I didn't even know right from wrong, or kindness from cruelty...!\ bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0391b.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ ; ;!sd ; ;dwavestop 0 ;[Simple problem, simple solution.] ;…何故か…^@^泣けてきた。^@^ 傍に居ながら何も出来ない、自分の無力さを思い知らされた。\ ;明け始めた、どこまでも続く空を見上げると、無性に哀しくなってしまった。\ ;…どんなに考えても、引き止めるに値する理由など、わたしには持ち得ない。\ ;姫子さん自身が決めたことならば、わたしに口出しする権利は無いのかも知れない…\ ;だけど…仮にそうだったとしても…^@^ 例え、引き止めるべき理由を持たなかったとしても…\ ^I found myself crying.^@^ I was overwhelmed by my powerlessness -- at her side, yet unable to help.\ ^However hard I tried, I just couldn't find a good reason to stop her.\ ^I wasn't even sure I had any right to comment -- it was her decision, not mine.\ ^But... even if I tried to accept that...^@^ even if I couldn't find an excuse to intervene...\ ; The second line is shifted to the end of the paragraph and left ; partly untranslated; things flow better this way, and the ; untranslated part is captured fully in the spoken line that follows. bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0392b.ogg" ;「だ、だって…わたしも哀しいから…」\ ^`It's just... I'll be so miserable...'\ ; At first I misread that as 悔しい (yeah, my kanji reading is a bit ; crap - I know 悲しい and 哀れ perfectly well, but 哀しい always ; throws me for some reason). Shame I was wrong - 悔しい would have ; been so much more effective. But while I've been pretty free with ; the text for the most part, there are limits to my license. !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0532.ogg" ;;「………………」\ ;[coio] !sd dwavestop 1 ;他の誰でもない…^@^このわたしが哀しいから。\ ;このわたしが…止めて欲しいから…\ ;例えそれが、わたしの…^@^ 残される者の一方的なエゴだったとしても…\ ^Yes... what was foremost on my mind was that ~i~I~i~ would be miserable.\ ^It was for my sake that I wanted her to stop...\ ^But even if I was being selfish to put myself first, as the person being left behind...\ ;-- it's somewhat confusing to have 'left behind' right in front of 'first' comma or no. ;== I guess I'd better change the phrasing if it's ambiguous. ;;例え、両者が…決して交わることのない存在だったとしても…\ ;[coio] ;自分の痛みには耐えれても、相手の痛みは耐えれないから。 ;去る者が哀しむことは…残される者も一番辛いから…\ ^...it was because while I could bear my own burden, hers was too heavy.\ ^The hardest thing of all, for the left-behind, was for the departing person to be unhappy...\ ;-- all, <-- extra comma? well I'm guilty of this all the time... ;== Nope, this is correctly punctuated -- the two commas are setting off a parenthetical phrase. !s100 ;それに…^@^まだわたしには…\ ^But...^@^ on top of all that...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 0,"tui4\setsumi_0393c.wav" ;「…アロアは…無理だよ…」\ ^`I... can't be Alois... not yet...'\ ; The `not yet' being the translation of まだ omitted from the previous line. ;!sd ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0391c.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ ^I couldn't stop the tears.\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 wait 700 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0533b.ogg" ;「…そんな顔しないでよ…」\ ^`...please, don't look like that...\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0535cc.ogg" ;「そ、そんな顔されると…私も辛くなるじゃないの…」\ ^`Th-that face just... makes it harder for me...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;▲回想ラスト monocro #FFeedd print 3 bg "e\w.jpg",5 !s80 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0204_1.ogg" ;…もし…私が聖者ならば…^@^ もし、私の言葉が…只の気休めでも、おまじないでもなく…\ ^~i~...if only...^@^ I'd been a saint...~i~^@^ ^~i~...if only...^@^ my words had been more than mere platitudes...\ dwavestop 1 !s120 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0206_1.ogg" ;…本物の魔法ならば…\ ^~i~...if only they'd been real magic...\ dwavestop 1 !sd ;☆画像に文字で↓\ ; It's true this time, too! dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "haeleth\2\hime05f2.png",10,1200 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0208.ogg" ;”…今こそ…奇跡を起こすのに…”\ ;``...~i~this~i~ time, they might have worked a miracle...'' bg "haeleth\2\hime05g22.png",10,1500 wait 2000 dwavestop 1 ;________ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199c.ogg" ;『うぅ、ひっく…』\ ^~i~I cried.\ dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0170.ogg" ;「ごめんね、お姉さん…」\ ^`Sorry...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0171.ogg" ;「友達にならなければ良かった」\ ^`I shouldn't've let you be my friend...\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;泣き続ける私の前で、寂しそうに謝る彼女。\ ;...nah, henna gonna translate needless lines. dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0172.ogg" ;「ちゃんとルールにあったのにね…」\ ^`It was even in the rules...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0173.ogg" ;「ここに来たら、友達を作ってはいけないって」\ ^`Like, ``you mustn't make friends up here.''|\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0174.ogg" ;「ごめんね、ちゃんとわたしが守っていたら」\ ^`Sorry... I shouldn't've broken that...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0175.ogg" ;「…お姉さんを泣かせることもなかったのに」\ ^`...I shouldn't've made you cry...'\ ;-- shouldn't? this is weird. ;== The literal meaning is of course "I wouldn't have made you cry if I hadn't broken that", but I think it works better in English (particularly split over two strings like this) to have the logical connection be expressed indirectly by the parallel constructs, rather than spell it out explicitly. The overall meaning is the same. ;-- mmm gluing the two lines together... okay. it still makes me itch a hair, but I'll live !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c2.jpg",5 !s80 ;そして…再び空に向かって、祈り始める彼女。\ ;どこまでも広がる、高い夏空に向かって、そこにいるであろう…神に向かって祈りをあげる…\ ;その真摯な姿に…\ ;私のあげたロザリオを手に、只の主祷文を、魔法の呪文だと信じる姿に…\ ^Then she looked back into the sky, and carried on praying.\ ^Her whispers floated up into the infinite blue, towards the God who had to be up there somewhere.\ ^She prayed so earnestly...\ ^Clutching the rosary I'd given her, repeating those fragments of prayers that, to her, were like magic spells...\ ; At least, each time we reach a new height of sentimentality, it does ; not come without due warning. ;dwave 6,"se\kaze3.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\okujou2.jpg",5 !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0213b3.ogg" ;『も、もういいから、もう祈るのはいいからっ』\ ^``You can stop now... please stop...!''\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0176.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^`...why?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199z.ogg" ;『うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…』\ ^For a moment my tears blocked my reply.\ ;dwave 64,"foo\1\haeleth_0001.ogg" ;^`Uuu, hikku, uu...'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0215b.ogg" ;『…無駄なのよ…そんなことしたって…』\ ^``...it's pointless... that's why...''\ dwavestop 1 ;とうとう…^@^クリスチャンとして、言ってはいけない言葉を出してしまった。\ ^I'd gone and said it.^@^ Something no right-minded Christian would dare to think.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0216b.ogg" ;『だ、だからもう止めて、あなたは助からないの…』\ ^``S-so... just stop, it's not going to help you...\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0217b.ogg" ;『どうやっても…死んでしまうのよ…』\ ^``Whatever you do... you're going to die...''\ dwavestop 1 ;そしてヘルパーとしても…^@^ ネロの親友であるアロアとしても…\ ;…言ってはいけない言葉を出してしまった…\ ^And now I'd gone and said it...^@^ something no right-minded ~i~helper~i~ would dream of saying.\ ; Let's let the sleeping dog lie for once. Please. !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0177.ogg" ;「うん、わかってる…」\ ^`Oh, I know...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0218.ogg" ;『じゃあ…どうして?』\ ^``...then... why do you bother...?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0178.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0179.ogg" ;「…別に、わたしはもういいの…」\ ^`...I'm not praying for myself...\ !sd dwavestop 1 monocro off print 3 bg "en\hime03ccs2.jpg",5 bg "en\hime03cc.jpg",10,1500 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0180.ogg" ;「…只、泣いているお姉さんが…泣き止むように…」\ ^`...just that you'll stop crying...\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0181.ogg" ;「…早く…いつもの笑顔になってくれるように…」\ ^`...just that... you'll smile again...\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg black,5 !s100 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0182.ogg" ;「…それだけを祈りたいの…」\ ^`...that's all I'm praying for now...'\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\w2.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se2\03_torib.ogg" bg "en\hime04e.jpg",1 bg "en\hime04c.jpg",5 bg "en\w2.jpg",10,1500 wait 3500 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541.ogg" bg black,10,1500 wait 2000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆本編 復帰 現代 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" ;☆BG 泣く姫子>背中ぽんぽんセツミ\ ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" ;『うぅ、ひっく…』\ ;dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0396.ogg" ;「…どうして…泣いているの?」\ ^~i~`...why are you crying...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0537_1.ogg" ;『ば、ばか、知らないの…』\ ^~i~``S-stupid, don't you know...?\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0538b2.ogg" ;『こんな時には…泣いてもいいのよっ』\ ^~i~``It's only natural to cry at times like this...''\ ;-- natural? ;== It's a change, I admit, but it's a very small change that makes the English fit better into Himeko's voice... ダメかな? ;-- ほんとうかなかな?うそだ! anyways, it's not big a change to fuss over dwavestop 1 !sd bg "en\hime06b.jpg",5 bg "en\hime06.jpg",10,1500 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0536.ogg" ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" !s75 ;…姫子さんが泣いた。空へと手が届きそうなこの場所で、初めて涙を見せた。\ ;…こんな時わたしは…\ ;どんな言葉をかければ良いのだろうか…一体、なにが優しさとなるのだろうか…\ ;それが分からないから…\ ;只、少しでも早く泣きやむようにと、少しでも早く、いつもの笑顔にもどってくれるようにと、\ ;背中をぽんぽんと、優しくさすってあげるくらいしか出来なかった…\ ^That was the first time I'd seen her cry -- up on the slopes of Mount Fuji, up where you could reach out and touch the sky.\ ;-- almost touch? ;== It's a form of figurative speech that Japanese expresses grammatically and English needn't. ^And I was lost -- not knowing what I should say... not knowing what would be kind...\ ^All I could do was pat her on the back, and hope that she might stop crying just a little sooner, that she might start smiling just a little...\ ;dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\kaze132b.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0539d.ogg" ;『や、止めなさいよ…』\ ^``S-stop that...!\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0540_2b.ogg" ;『中学生に労わられるほど…やわな人生送ってないわよっ』\ ^``I'm not so pathetic I need a schoolgirl to comfort me...''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0397.ogg" ;「気にしないで…病人歴ならあなたより上よ…」\ ^`As for that... I'm way older than you in terms of how long I've been ill.'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" ;『うぅ、ひっく…うぅ…』\ ^She sobbed aloud.\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0542_1.ogg" ;『な、なによ…年下のくせに…』\ ^``I'm n-not taking that from a kid like you...''\ dwavestop 1 !sd ;☆BG>夜明け\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c2.jpg",5 ;青紫の夜明けが白みだし、日の出へと変わる。吹き始めた風が、山あいを抜け寂しげな音を立てる。\ ^The violet dawn sky was growing light with the sunrise. The breeze stiffened, whistling hollowly out of the ravine.\ !s80 ;…姫子さんが泣いた。谷間を吹く風も哭いた。\ ;たぶんわたしも…^@^泣いていたんだと思う…\ ^Himeko sobbed. The wind howled.\ ^I guess I was probably crying too...\ bg "e\w.jpg",10,2000 wait 1500 ;_テスBGM______ ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3500 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;____________ bg "e\b.jpg",10,1200 wait 1500 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0543.ogg" ;「止めるわ…文句言うのは…」\ ^`I'll stop... I won't complain...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、空に向かって手を合わせようとする。\ ^She said, looking out at the sky, her hands clasped together.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0398.ogg" ;「…じゃあこれ…返すわ」\ ^`Then... I'll give you this back.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0544.ogg" ;「そうね、これがないと効果薄かったわね」\ ^`Right, it doesn't work so well without that.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、わたしが返したロザリオを自分の首へ掛けると、\ ^She took the rosary again, but this time she hung it round her neck.\ !s80 ;高い高いこの場所から…^@^ ;更に高い…空へと向かって祈りを捧げた…\ ^Then from that high, high place, she sent her prayer up higher still.\ ;_テス_ ;mp3loop "bgm2\2na_f.mp3" ;_テス_ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "en\hime02b.jpg",10,1200 ;☆BG>祈る姫子\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0545.ogg" ;「よく聞きなさい…難聴気味だろうからここまで来てやったのよ…」\ ^`Listen up, okay? You seem to be getting a bit deaf, but you should be able to hear me from this close...\ ;-- mmm a bit stretching... but I guess sorta okay ;== In this scene, more than anywhere else, I think it's critical to give Himeko a strong, convincing voice, even if that means taking a few liberties. !sd dwavestop 1 wait 700 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0546.ogg" ;「…別に、私のことはもうどうでもいいわ…」\ ^`Look... I don't care what you do to ~i~me~i~ now...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0547.ogg" ;「だけど、少なくとも私のことで…」\ ^`But please at least show some concern for other people.\ ; はいはいわかったわかったこりぁー翻訳やなくて悪かったケ・レ・ド、 ; 素直に訳したら英語にはならんで仕方あらへんやん。 ;-- I see you've cracked at the seams long ago ;== Ooh, what gave it away? :D ; はいはいわかったわかったこりぁー翻訳やなくて悪かったケ・レ・ド、 ; 素直に訳したら英語にはならんで仕方あらへんやん。 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0548.ogg" ;「…いつまでも、心を痛める人がいないようにして…」\ ^`Don't let them hurt forever when I'm gone...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0549.ogg" ;「そして…少しでも早く、立ち直るようにして…」\ ^`And... let them recover quickly, even just a little more quickly...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\hime02.jpg",5 ;☆BG>祈る姫子UPとか\ ;…まるで、独り言のように淡々と呟く姫子さん。\ ;他にもいくつか言葉を続けるのだけど、わたしにはそれ以上、何を言ってるのか分からなかった。\ ;…もしかしたら姫子さんは…^@^神さまと仲直りしたのだろうか…\ ;その表情は、悲愴感や憐れみではなく、凛とした、美しさにさえ思えた。\ ;…そしてこれが、決して交わる事のないと言った両者の…\ ^She murmured on, looking for all the world as though she was talking to herself.\ ^She said a lot more beyond what I've repeated, but I couldn't make out the rest.\ ^I wondered whether she'd...^@^ reconciled herself with her god.\ ^There was no sorrow or weakness in her face; I saw only dignity and beauty there.\ ^And I realised that, while the departing and the left-behind might not be able to be ~i~together~i~---\ !s80 ;去る者が、残す者に対する願いなのだろうか…\ ^---maybe that didn't stop their thoughts and prayers from crossing in the middle...\ ; Not satisfactory to interpret so deeply, but can it be made into ; natural English in a less extreme way? !sd ;☆BG>山頂\ bg "en\sora_a03c2.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0550.ogg" ;「ふう…これで全てよ」\ ^`Well, that's all.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、わたしの方へと向き直ると、\ ^Then she turned to me, and asked:\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0551.ogg" ;「どう? 月並みなお願いで拍子抜けした?」\ ^`Well? Feeling let down at such a clichéd prayer?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0007.ogg" ;「…ううん…」\ ^`...no...'\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0399.ogg" ;;「…ううん…」\ ;[coio] !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;わたしは小さく首を振る。\ ;例え月並みなお願いだと言われても、もし自分が姫子さんの立場なら…\ ;彼女と同じように、残す者のことを純粋に願えるだろうか…\ ^I shook my head.\ ^She'd managed, in her situation, to pray purely for the people she'd be leaving behind.\ ^It might have been clichéd, but I wasn't sure I could have done it.\ !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0552.ogg" ;「セツミ…あなたは証人よ」\ ^`Setsumi... you're the witness.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0400.ogg" ;「…わたしが?」\ ^`I am...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0553.ogg" ;「ええ、もし願いを違えた時は…」\ ^`Right. If that prayer isn't answered...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0554.ogg" ;「次は、あなたが代わりに文句を言ってね…神さまとやらに」\ ^`...then it'll be your job to complain, to God or whoever.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0401b.ogg" ;「それが…ここにわたしを連れてきた目的?」\ ^`Is ~i~that~i~ why you brought me here?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0555.ogg" ;「まあ、半分はね…」\ ^`Well, that's half of it...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0402.ogg" ;「残り半分は…やっぱり秘密?」\ ^`I guess the other half's a secret, right?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0556.ogg" ;「そうねえ…」\ ^`Right.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って、しばらく考えていたかと思うと…\ ^She thought for a moment.\ bg "en\b.jpg",10,2000 !s100 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0557b.ogg" ;「…魔法…みたいなもんよ」\ ^`It's... like magic, really.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0403.ogg" ;「魔法?」\ ^`Magic?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0558.ogg" ;「ええ、今は効果なくてもね…きっと後で効いてくる筈よ」\ ^`Yeah... even if it doesn't have any effect now, it'll work in due course.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",10,1500 ;■心情・情景>空とか>情景\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;まだ早朝の空の下、帰路についたわたし達。\ ^We set out for home under that morning sky.\ bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;そんな中、コンビニで買ったお弁当を手に、ぽつりと姫子さんは呟いた。\ ^As we paused to have a bite of food, hastily procured from a convenience store, Himeko spoke again.\ bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0564.ogg" ;「とりあえず、私もルールに一つ追加させてもらうわ」\ ^`I suppose I'm going to have to emend the rules slightly.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0411.ogg" ;「…ルール?」\ ^`...you are?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0565.ogg" ;「ええ、友達は作っても良いってね」\ ^`Yeah... they need to say that it's okay to have friends.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そしてポケットからロザリオを取り出すと、\ ^She pulled the rosary from her pocket again.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0566.ogg" ;「ホントはこのロザリオもさ、あなたにあげても良いんだけど…」\ ^`I should probably let you have this, but...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0567.ogg" ;「やっぱ、まだ私には必要だからね」\ ^`I guess I really do still need it.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、自分の首から胸元へと飾った。\ ^She hung it decoratively round her neck again.\ ;■心情・情景 ;_;_選択肢キープ;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0568.ogg" ;「だからセツミには、違うものをプレゼントするわ」\ ^`So I'll have to give you something else instead.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0412.ogg" ;「…違うもの?」\ ^`Something else...?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0569.ogg" ;「ええ…決めるのはあなたよ」\ ^`Right. You can choose what...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;____________ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;尚も走るロードスター。山間の道から、少しずつ街中へと向かっていた。\ ;ハンドルを握るのは姫子さん。^@^ パジャマではないけど、いつもの見知った姫子さん。\ ;…今までと違うのは、その胸元にロザリオが見えていることだった…\ ^We drove on, leaving the mountain roads behind as we headed bit by bit towards the city.\ ^The Himeko at the wheel was the Himeko I knew best, minus pyjamas.\ ^The only thing that was different from before was the rosary around her neck...\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 !sd !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0570.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…一つだけ言わせて」\ ^`Setsumi... let me say just one thing.\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0571.ogg" ;「これから先、あなたが誰を選んでも…」\ ^`Whoever you choose to be, after this...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0572.ogg" ;「最後の最後には、心まで殺しちゃダメよ…」\ ^`...whatever happens, don't ever kill your spirit.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0428.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^`...how do you mean?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0418.ogg" ;;「…意味がわからないわ」\ ;[coio] !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0573b.ogg" ;「いいのよ、今はね」\ ^`It should be okay now.\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0574.ogg" ;「きっと大丈夫…最後には笑える筈よ」\ ^`You should be able to keep smiling to the end, now...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 !s90 ;それが、さっき言っていた…^@^魔法とやらなのだろうか…\ ^Maybe she was talking about the purpose of this trip...^@^ the magic, or whatever it was...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha18,1 mov %flg2_bplay,18 goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ *haeleth_nar2_18 mov $sys_midasi,"^#19 / Magic [h]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\w.jpg",5 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" !w1500 dwave 6,"se2\car_close.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0559.ogg" ;「じゃあ、ここでお別れしましょ」\ ^`Well then, this is where we part.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1l.jpg",5 ;響きわたる鐘の音。\ ;教会の前に車を止めると、わたしを降ろす姫子さん。\ ^The hollow clamour of bells...\ ^She dropped me off outside the church.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0560.ogg" ;「セツミ、もうお見舞いに来ちゃダメよ」\ ^`Setsumi... you'd better not visit me any more.'\ ;-- hrm, could be taken wrongly as a suggestion, as opposed to order ;== But clear enough in context, don't you think? ;-- mm with the following context I suppose. It might also lean a bit on the voicing when the line is shown. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0404.ogg" ;「…えっ?」\ ^`...huh?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;突然の言葉。それは、もう二度と会えない…別れを意味していた。\ ^I was stunned. When she'd said we'd part, I hadn't thought she meant forever.\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0405.ogg" ;「…ねえ、こんな時わたしは…」\ ^`...then... if you're leaving me behind...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0406.ogg" ;「…残される者は、どうすればいいの?」\ ^`...what ~i~should~i~ I do...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0561.ogg" ;「別に…普通でいいのよ」\ ^`Whatever you'd normally do.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0407.ogg" ;「…もっと具体的に言って」\ ^`...can't you be more specific?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0562.ogg" ;「言葉の通りよ、普通のまま…自然でいて」\ ^`Literally, act normally... do what comes naturally.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;親しい人が、まもなく死ぬというのに、もうこれで二度と会えないというのに…\ ;その場に残される者が、普通でいられるのだろうか…\ ^Was that possible, I wondered -- when someone close to you was about to die, when you were never going to meet them again, was it possible to act normally?\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0408.ogg" ;「…むずかしいこと、言わないでよ」\ ^`...I can't do that... it's too hard.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0563.ogg" ;「じゃあ、笑って見送ってあげて」\ ^`Okay then, see me off with a smile.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0409.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0410.ogg" ;「もっとむずかしいわ…」\ ^`That's even harder...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 6 ;そして、わたしに背を向けると、目の前の教会に向かって歩き始める姫子さん。\ ^She turned away from me, and started walking towards the church door.\ ;;恐らく、その中に居るであろう千尋さんと会うのだろう。 ;;きっと、以前は優しかったの「以前」は無くなるのだろう。\ ;[coio] ;…そんな後ろ姿に向かって…^@^わたしは最後の問いを投げる。\ ^I hurled one last question after her.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0413c.ogg" ;「姫子さん…最後にもう一つだけ教えて」\ ^`Himeko---tell me just one thing, at least!'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0575.ogg" ;「…いいわよ」\ ^`...what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0414b.ogg" ;「ネロは…」\ ^`Nello...\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0415b.ogg" ;「…アロアは……幸せだったの?」\ ^`...and Alois... were they happy?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0576.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 ;その問いには、無言のまま俯いてしまった姫子さん。\ ;…やがて…^@^ 一旦、教会を見つめ…^@^次に大きく空を仰ぐと…\ ^She was silent, staring at the ground.\ ^At length...^@^ glancing at the church, as she raised her face and looked up at the sky...\ !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0577.ogg" ;「さあ、どっちなんだろうね…」\ ^`Good question...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0578.ogg" ;「あはは、よくわからないね」\ ^`Ahaha, who knows?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 ;そう言って笑ってみせてくれた。\ ;まもなく、この世界から消えるであろう彼女なのに…\ ;…最後に、いつもの笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^She said, and grinned at me.\ ^One last smile, as she took her life's final bow.\ !sd ;☆白 dwavestop 6 bg "e\w.jpg",5 !s120 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0579b.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…」\ ^`If that's all...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s140 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0580zz.ogg" ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0580z4.ogg" ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0580d.ogg" ;「…さよなら……コロッケ博士…」\ ^`...then this is goodbye, Professor Croquette...'\ mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" bg "e\bt.jpg",1 ;dwave 5,"se2\bas.ogg" !s75 ;…こうして…40日におよぶ一夏の友達は、7Fへと消えた…\ ^And with that she left me, my friend for forty summer days.\ !s75 ;名前は姫子、お姫さまの姫に、子供の子、血液型AB、23才、てんびん座、女性。\ ;ビニールの認識腕輪の色は、白。\ ^Himeko (as in `princess'), blood type AB, age 23, Libra, female.\ ^Her plastic wristband was white.\ dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "e\bt22.jpg",1 bg "e\bt2.jpg",5 !s75 ;1999年度、世界総数10億人にも及ぶ、カトリック信者から一人が消えた。\ ^And so, in the year of their Lord 1999, the Catholic church lost one of its billion or more members.\ ;-- interesting ;== ...in a good way? ^^; ;-- it's fine. amused that setsumi would suddenly narrate like an english atheist speaker suddenly going 'in 1999 anno domini' ;== :D !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0416.ogg" ;「わたしに変なあだ名と…」\ ^`She gave me a silly nickname...\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0417.ogg" ;「不思議な魔法をかけ…」\ ^`...cast a weird spell on me...\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0418.ogg" ;「…この世界からも…消えた…」\ ^`...and then... departed...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s75 ;見上げれば高い日。響きわたる教会の鐘の音。どこまでも続く青空。けたたましく鳴く蝉の声。\ ;まもなく夏は終わろうとするのに…\ ^~i~The sun was high. The church bells rang out hollowly.\ ^~i~The sky was endlessly blue. The cicadas buzzed incessantly.\ ^~i~The summer would soon draw to a close...\ !s100 ;…今日も…暑い日になりそうだった…\ ^~i~...but today, at least, looked to be another scorcher...\ !sd ;簡易スタッフロール bg "e\b.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "english\credits\nar2_st01.png",5 !w2500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\nar2_st02.png",5 !w2500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\nar2_st03.png",5 !w2000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\nar2_st04.png",5 !w2000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 !w2500 ;※スタッフロール>簡易型\ ;__ bg "haeleth\2\te001.png",3 bg "haeleth\2\te002.png",1 bg "haeleth\2\te003.png",3 bg "haeleth\2\te004.png",1 bg "haeleth\2\te005.png",3 !sd ;あんなに長かった夏が終わり…\ ;駆け足で秋が過ぎ、気の早いクリスマスソングが街頭に流れ出す頃、\ ^The long summer drew to a close, and autumn passed at double speed: before I knew it, it was the time of year when the streets flood with Christmas songs.\ ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ ^Mum knocked.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_065.ogg" ;「セツミ、荷物が届いているわよ」\ ^`Setsumi, there's a parcel come for you.'\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0419.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Um, okay...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\heya2.jpg",3 ;お母さんから受け取った郵便小包。普通で考えれば、わたしに荷物が届くことはない。\ ;でもわたしには、一つだけ思い当たることがあった。\ ;着日指定の小包、その差出名。もしやという予感と共に確認すると…\ ^I took it from her.\ ^I hadn't been expecting any deliveries, but I did have an inkling what it might be.\ ;-- well, it's unthinkable that she gets boxes no? ;== _She_ may know that none of her relatives send her presents and she doesn't shop by mail-order, but the reader doesn't. Do you think I should strengthen the phrasing to make it clearer that that's what she means? ;-- I prefer to have it that she's cut off from the world, but that's just the image I like to build ;== Ah, I see. I guess I don't think of this as one of the parts of the world she's necessarily cut off from -- I think of it as being more direct interpersonal contact she doesn't get much of outside her immediate family. ^I peered at the label -- it was special delivery with a designated date -- to see whether the sender's name was what I suspected.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0420.ogg" !s120 ;…アロア…\ ^~i~...Alois...\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;小さくボールペンで書かれた文字。^@^ …姫子さんからだった。\ ;生前の、いつに出された物か分からないけど、違うものをプレゼントすると言っていた。\ ;そして、恐る恐る…期待と同じくらいの不安と共に中を開けてみると…\ ^Written small in biro.^@^ It was indeed from Himeko.\ ^I had no way of knowing when in her life she'd sent this off, but she ~i~had~i~ promised to `give me something else instead'...\ ^I opened it cautiously, anticipation tempered by an equal level of trepidation.\ ;☆BG 手にワンピ\ bg "en\setu03.jpg",5 bg "en\setu03b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0421.ogg" ;「…ワンピース?」\ ^`...a dress?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;夏っぽい白地に、可愛い黄色のひまわり柄。\ ;それはかつて、何度も買ってあげると言われた、わたしが欲しそうにしていた物だった。\ ^~i~The~i~ dress. Summery, white, with a sunflower motif.\ ^The dress she'd tried so persistently to buy for me, that time we couldn't take the train -- that I'd wanted but refused.\ ;;…車やロザリオの代わりにワンピースをくれた姫子さん\ ;[coio] ;手に広げたワンピースと、窓辺のハンガーにかけた洗いたてのパジャマ。\ ;…そして、今も着ているセーラー服。\ ;かつての日常の証として、唯一、わたしが持っているパジャマ以外の服…\ ^My eyes flicked from it, as I held it up in front of me, to my pyjamas, hanging freshly-washed by the window.\ ^Then to the school uniform, that I was wearing even today.\ ^The only clothes I owned that weren't pyjamas... the sole evidence that I'd once lived a normal life...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…心が…^@^揺れた…\ ;うれしくて、思わず袖を通そうとしたわたし。\ ;…でも、その手を止める。\ ^My heart skipped a beat...\ ^I was so happy that I almost slipped it on there and then.\ ^But then I paused.\ !s75 ;そして、再び箱へ戻すと、もっと受け取るに”ふさわしい”人の元へと向かった。\ ^And, folding it back into the box, went to take it to a more `appropriate' recipient.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;_;_ dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ^It had been months since I'd come here.\ ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;数ヶ月ぶりにやってきたこの場所。\ ;[translated above] ;ナースステーションの横をすり抜け、目的である彼女の姿を探すが、どこにも見当たらなかった。\ ;そして、かつての姫子さんの病室には、当たり前だが、見知らぬネームプレート。\ ;中に居た車椅子に乗ったおばさんに小さく会釈すると、わたしは7Fを後にした。\ ^I hurried straight past the nurses' station, and began to search for her, with little success.\ ^I reached the room that had been Himeko's. Obviously it had a different name by the door now.\ ^I exchanged greetings with the new occupant, a middle-aged woman in a wheelchair, then left the seventh again.\ ;-- defeated is a bit, excessive... bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;帰りがけ。ふと目についた中庭。\ ;そこには、ちらほらと咲き始めた水仙の花。\ ;他の花壇が、荒野と化した今の時期、独り咲く姿は、凛として美しいと思った。\ ^I glanced into the garden as I made my way out of the hospital.\ ^The narcissi were beginning to flower, a few at a time.\ ^The other flowerbeds were like wastelands at this time of year, making the one patch of flowers seem all the more beautiful in their isolation.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;響きわたる鐘の音。ここに訪れたのは、姫子さんの告別式以来だった。\ ^The hollow clamour of bells...\ ^I hadn't come here since the funeral.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 ;そして、探していた人物に向かって声を掛ける。\ ^This was where I found her.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0422.ogg" ;「千尋さん…」\ ^`Chihiro...'\ ;-- <_< Setsumi using a ! is almost unthinkable... 'cept that bath scene !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0129.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん…」\ ^`Ah, Setsumi...\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0155b.ogg" ;「お久しぶりね、どうしたのこんな場所まで」\ ^`Long time no see... what brings you here?'\ ;-- same for chihiro !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0423.ogg" ;「…病院に居なかったから」\ ^`You weren't at the hospital...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0156b.ogg" ;「ああ…ヘルパーはもう辞めちゃったから」\ ^`Yeah... I'm kinda not doing that at the moment.\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0157b.ogg" ;「少し気持ちが落ちつくまで、お休みすることにしたの」\ ^`I need to take a break from it till I've got my feelings back under control.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そう言って、以前と変わらぬ、穏やかな顔を見せてくれる。\ ;その表情から…^@^わたしの義務はないのかも知れないと思えた。 ;代わりに文句を言う必要はないと、告げられたように思えた。\ ^Her face, as she said this, was as gentle as ever.\ ^It made me wonder whether, perhaps, I wouldn't have to take up the responsibility Himeko had laid on me after all.\ ^The task of making a formal complaint if that prayer of hers went unanswered.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0158b.ogg" ;「ところでどうしたの? もしかしてお祈りに来たの?」\ ^`So, what's up? Have you come to offer up a prayer?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0424.ogg" ;「ううん、そうじゃない…」\ ^`No, not exactly...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、トートバックから服の入った箱を差し出す。\ ^And I opened my bag and extracted the parcel.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0425.ogg" ;「プレゼントよ…お姉さんから」\ ^`Here, it's a present... from your sister.'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0159.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0426.ogg" ;「ちょっと小さいかも知れないけど…」\ ^`It might be a bit small, but...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0160.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0161.ogg" ;「…そう、ありがとうね」\ ^`Oh... thank you.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;箱を受け取り、言葉ではそう返すが、どこか困ったような表情を浮かべていた。\ ^She took the package, but now her face was troubled.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0427.ogg" ;「…千尋さん?」\ ^`Chihiro...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0162.ogg" ;「…うん、ごめんね」\ ^`Sorry...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0163b.ogg" ;「実は、お姉ちゃんから聞かされてたんだ…」\ ^`It's just that she said to me...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0428.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^`...what?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0164.ogg" ;「もしかしたら…」\ ^`Well...\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0165.ogg" ;「セツミさんが、私にそう言ってくるかもって…」\ ^`That you might come and do this...'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0429.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh...?'\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0166.ogg" ;「でね、その時は…これを渡してくれって」\ ^`And that, if you did... to give you ~i~this~i~.'\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;☆BG 白 bg "en\w.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" ;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 地図を見るセツミ\ dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\setu02.jpg",5 ;…ベッドの上に広げた地図。\ ;そこには、国道、高速、名も知らぬ無数の道。\ ;都道府県別に、数万分の1の広域図と、3千分の1の詳細な市街図が描かれていた。\ ^I spread the maps out on my bed.\ ^There was one covering the highways, and expressways, and countless roads I'd never heard of.\ ^There was one showing all the prefectures, at more than 10,000:1, and there were detailed 3000:1 urban plans.\ ;;あんなに遠く感じた富士山は、 ;;地図上ではたった15cmほどの距離しかなかった。\ ;[coio] ;…ワンピースを返して…^@^地図をもらった…\ ;もしかしたら姫子さんは…予想していたのだろうか?^@^ わたしが、”こちら”を選ぶことを…\ ^These were what I'd exchanged that dress for.\ ^I wondered whether Himeko had guessed that these would be what I'd choose...\ ;dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" ;そして、地図に挟んであった一通の封筒。^@^ その中に入っていたのは…1万円札が5枚。\ ;かつて、地図を見ながら、これだけあればどこへでも行けると言っていた…\ ^And then there was an envelope, too, hidden in one of the maps.^@^ It contained five ten-thousand-yen notes.\ ^The amount she'd said was ~i~all you'd need to go anywhere in Japan~i~, back when we were looking at this together...\ ;bg "en\nar011.jpg",3 bg "en\w.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0430.ogg" ;「これが、最後に笑える為の…」\ ^`I wonder whether this is the secret...\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0431.ogg" ;「…残り半分の魔法なのだろうか…」\ ^`...the other half of the magic, to keep me smiling to the end...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg black,10,1200 !s100 ;…祈りがあるなら、呪いもある… \ ^She'd said she couldn't pray without cursing...\ !s80 ;恐らくわたしは、そのどちらも選ばない…^@^選べない気がする。\ ;そんなわたしは、一体どうなってしまうのだろうか…\ ^I don't think I was capable of choosing to do either.\ ^I couldn't imagine what my future could hold.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0432b.ogg" ;「…こんなわたしでも…いつかは笑えるのだろうか…」\ ^`I wonder whether... even I will be able to smile, some day...'\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg white,1 ;bg "en\setu02b.jpg",3 bg "en\setu02c.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0433b.ogg" bg "haeleth\2\setu02d.png",10,1200 ;…最後には…笑うことが出来るのだろうか… ;...will I be able to smile at the end...? wait 5500 bg "en\w2.jpg",5 wait 1000 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;※タイトルへ>音はそのまま\ bg "english\2\setu02e.png",10,1200 bg "english\sys\title_off2_2.png",5 mov %flg2_cha19,1 mov %flg2_all,1 mov %flg2_bplay,19 goto *title ;goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;______________ ;*haeleth_nar2_19 ;mov %flg2_cha20,1 ;mov %flg2_all,1 ;mov %flg2_bplay,20 ;goto *haeleth_mini_title2 ;-*- ponscripter -*- ; Chapter select screen: Narci1 tr. haeleth *haeleth_mini_title lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter00.bmp",285,224 if %flg_pro == 1 lsp 192,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter01.bmp",285,248 if %flg_cha2 == 1 lsp 193,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter02.bmp",285,272 if %flg_cha3 == 1 lsp 194,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter03.bmp",285,296 if %flg_cha4 == 1 lsp 195,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter04.bmp",285,320 if %flg_cha5 == 1 lsp 196,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter05.bmp",535,248 if %flg_cha6 == 1 lsp 197,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter06.bmp",535,272 if %flg_cha7 == 1 lsp 198,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter07.bmp",535,296 if %flg_cha8 == 1 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter08.bmp",535,320 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 movz ?0[0], 273, 273, 273, 273, 523, 523, 523, 523 movz ?0[1], 252, 276, 300, 324, 252, 276, 300, 324 if %flg_bplay <= 8 lsp 201,":a/10,250,0;tui\cur2.bmp",?0[0][%flg_bplay-1],?0[1][%flg_bplay-1] if %unvoiced_mode == 0 bg "english\1\mini_title.png",5 if %unvoiced_mode == 1 bg "english\1\mini_title_novoice.png",5 ~ btndef clear cellcheckspbtn 191,200,1 btnwait %11 if %11==-1 csp 191,201:goto *middle_title if %11<=0 jumpb if %11==10 csp 191,201:goto *middle_title ;前の画面に戻る ;以下はボタンを押した場合なのでまず画像クリア csp 191,201 tablegoto1 %11, *haeleth_image, *haeleth_honpen2, *haeleth_honpen3, *haeleth_honpen4, *haeleth_honpen5, *haeleth_honpen6, *haeleth_honpen7, *haeleth_honpen8, *haeleth_honpen9 jumpb ;-*- ponscripter -*- *haeleth_image mov $sys_midasi,"^Prologue [h]" ;goto *tc1 ;bg "tui\title_off2.bmp",1 dwavestop 5 ;プロローグ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 1500 dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n001.ogg" bg "english\1\c001a.jpg",1 bg "english\1\c001b.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c001.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c002.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c003.jpg",3 wait 700 bg "english\1\c004.jpg",5 wait 1000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 wait 200 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c02.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ; ■ 1996年 春 セツミ ■\ ^- Spring 1996 : Setsumi -\ ;bg "e\c02b.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n002.ogg" ;『…確かに、幼い頃から丈夫な方じゃなかった…』\ ^`My health was never particularly good, sure...'\ dwavestop 0 ;それでも小学校は普通に通えたし、 ;夏休みには真っ黒に日焼けするほど遊んだこともあった。\ ^But I was able to attend primary school like anyone else. ^In the summer holidays I was able to play till the sun burnt me black.\ ;○とも>教室夕方 bg "e\byoin_heya_yu2.jpg",5 ;6月。中学に入ってすぐの頃。^@^ ;来月から始まる、水泳用の水着を注文した翌日。\ ^It was June, just after I entered middle school.^@^ ^It was just before the midterm tests.\ ;その時、初めて入院ってのを経験した。\ ^It was the day after I ordered a swimming costume for the summer. That was the first day I was admitted to hospital.\ ;一学期の中間テストの少し前、 ;降り始めた雨が、やけに冷たい日だった。\ ^It was a cold, unpleasant, drizzly day.\ ;○とも>夕:空 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 ;真っ白な梅雨空の中。\ ^Shrouded by the rainy sky, murky, white, and damp.\ ;そりゃあ、最初の頃は、 ;クラスの皆んなも毎日のように見舞いに来てくれた。\ ^At first my classmates came to see me every day.\ ;退院した頃には、 ;週末の度に、家にも遊びに来てくれた。\ ^When I was out of hospital, they'd come over to play at the weekend.\ ;…でも、そんなのは最初だけ。\ ^But that was only at first.\ ;どんどん学校から、社会から、置き去りにされてしまうわたし。\ dwavestop 5 ;bg "e\byoin_heya_yu2.jpg",5 bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;秋を迎え、冬を越し、 ;入院、退院、通院…そしてまた入院を繰り返し…\ ^Autumn came, and passed into winter. ^I was admitted, and discharged; went in for tests, and was readmitted...\ ;かつて、友達と呼んでいたクラスメイト。\ ^There were people in my class that I'd called my friends.\ ;いつしか、知り合いへと変わった。\ ^Before I'd really realised what was happening, they were merely acquaintances.\ ;そして、他人へと変わった。\ ^Then strangers.\ ;季節を重ねる毎に、 ;彼等の記憶からわたしは消えたようだった。\ ^With each change of the seasons, I faded from more memories.\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n003.ogg" ;「…どうやら、”良い気がしない”らしい」\ ^`I suppose they... don't like seeing me.'\ dwavestop 0 wait 300 dwave 0,"w\n004.ogg" ;「普通に生きている人にとって、わたしの存在ってのは」\ ^`If you've got a normal life, you don't want someone like me in it...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n005.ogg" ;「だから…消されたようだった…」\ ^`So they blank me out...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",5 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n006.ogg" ;「幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を… ; 誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…」\ ^`I've passed all these seasons, under that white overcast sky, without needing to speak to anyone...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n007.ogg" ;「わたしの英語の教科書は、 ; 1年生の中間テスト以降、まっさらな状態だった」\ ^`My English textbook is untouched from the first-year midterms onwards...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_0012.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n008.ogg" ;「…そこで…^@^わたしの時間も止まったらしい」\ ^`As though...^@^ even time stopped for me there...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_0013b.jpg",3 bg "e\c005.jpg",5 bg "e\c0052.jpg",3 ;mp3fadeout 2000 ;stop ;click !w800 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 bg "english\1\c00.jpg",5 ; ■ 8年後…2004年 主人公 初夏 ■\ ^Eight years later ^- Early Summer 2004 : Protagonist -\ bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;夏。流れる汗。\ ^It was summer. The sweaty season.\ ;運転免許試験場に設置された、大きな電光掲示板。\ ;一斉に点灯を始めたライト。 ;俺も他の皆んなと同じように、自分のナンバーを目で追う。\ ^We were all staring intently at the display board.\ ^This test centre was pretty up-to-date; the display was computerised.\ ^Its lights, the indicators of success, were beginning to come on. ^We were all watching for our own numbers.\ ;○とも>なにか室内or街中系 ;「237、237…」\ ^`237... 237...'\ dwavestop 0 ;チカチカと約8割ほどのライトが点灯する中、 ;無事に自分の受験番号が光ったことを確認した。\ ^About 80% of the lights flickered on. My number was among them.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;○とも>SEとか dwave 5,"se\faan1_b.ogg" ;ガタンゴトン、\ ;ちょうど昼過ぎの為か、よく空いていた車内。\ ;そんなガラ空きの車内を、 ;俺は試験場からの帰路についていた。\ ^I took the train home.\ ^It was a quiet time of day; the rattling, swaying carriage was practically empty.\ ;左手には貰ったばかりの交通教本、 ;胸ポケットには真新しい免許証。\ ^In my left hand, the copy of the Highway Code they gave me. ^In my breast pocket, a brand-new driving licence.\ ;「これで俺も、普免持ちか…」\ ^`So now I'm a driver too...'\ dwavestop 0 ;しみじみ呟くが、特に感慨はなかった。\ ^I tried to whisper it as though it were a profound thing, but it didn't actually excite me all that much.\ ;別に、車に乗りたかった訳じゃない。 ;他に何かの目的があった訳でもない。\ ;只、まわりの連中も教習所に通っていたし、 ;車の免許くらい取っておけと勧められただけだった。\ ^I hadn't particularly wanted to be able to drive.\ ^It wasn't that I'd had any other motive for taking the test... I was just doing what all my friends were doing.\ ;○とも>夜空 bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;その夜。\ ^That night.\ ;親に免許が取れたことを報告すると、 ;『そうか』と、短く返された。\ ^I told my parents I'd got a licence. ^All they said was, `well done'.\ ;試しに、車を貸してくれと言ってみたら、 ;同じように短く、^@^駄目だ。とだけ返された。\ ^I tried asking to borrow the car, just to see what would happen. ^All they said was,^@^ `not now'.\ ;別に車に乗りたかった訳じゃないけど、 ;その返答はあまりに予想通りだった。そんな親だった。\ ^I hadn't been expecting anything else. It was an entirely predictable response. ^That's just the kind of parents I have.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;翌日。 ;寝覚めから胸が苦しかったので病院へと向かった。\ ^The next day I woke up with an excruciating pain in my chest. ^Bad enough that I took it straight to hospital.\ ;普段から俺は、病気なんてもんに縁がなかった。 ;だから、初診受付の待ち時間は、ひどく退屈に感じた。\ ^I wasn't particularly well acquainted with the place at that time. ^There was a long wait to be seen. Long and tedious.\ bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;やっと診察が終わったと思うと、 ;今度はレントゲンと血液検査にも行った。行かされた。\ ^When at last they straightened up, I thought the examination was over. ^Then it turned out I was going... being taken... for X-rays and blood tests.\ ;更に、長い長い時間を、ぼ~っと待たされ…\ ^Then there was another long, long wait...\ ;思わず、待合室にあったジャンプを3冊も読み、 ;4冊目に手を伸ばした時、\ ^I read three whole issues of `Jump' in the waiting room that day. ^Then, as I reached out for the fourth...\ ;そのまま入院の手続きをさせられた。\ ;^...they came and took me away.\ ;-- hrmm. leaving the fact that he was formally admitted to the hospital to implication is sorta strange if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_26 + My reasoning is as follows: the key thing in this sentence is not the particular choice of noun and verb, but that causative passive. My English was intended to convey that sense of helplessness and resignation. *generated_26 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_27 + That said, you have a point; there's no need to deviate that far from the Japanese in conveying it. *generated_27 ^...I was handed an admission form instead.\ ;胸ポケットに入れたままになっていた、真新しい免許証。\ ^My brand new driving licence was still in my breast pocket. ;その出番は遠のいたようだった。\ ^Apparently I wasn't going to have a chance to use that quite yet...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwavestop 5 bg "english\1\c03.jpg",3 ; ■ 主人公 2004年 秋 ■\ ^- Autumn 2004 -\ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;あんなにうるさかった蝉が鳴き止む頃。\ ^It was about the time of year when the cicadas finally start to shut up.\ ;相変わらず俺は病院に居た。\ ^I was in hospital, as usual.\ ;bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;もちろん、ずっと入院していた訳じゃない。 ;出たり入ったりの繰り返しだった。\ ^Oh, I hadn't been in there all summer. ^I'd been in and out, back and forth, on and off.\ ;先月には、初めて手術ってのも経験した。 ;退院後は、原チャで5分の距離を通院もした。\ ^I'd had my first operation the previous month. They'd discharged me afterwards, but I still had to go back in a lot.\ ^Thankfully it was only five minutes by moped.\ ;それからも、入院、退院、通院、入院を小刻みに繰り返して…\ ^And so the cycle continued: admission, discharge, tests, readmission, and on, and on, and on...\ ;PETだかイレッサだか知らないけど、 ;気づけば、その繰り返しで数ヶ月が経とうとしていた。\ ^Whether it was for PET scans or for Iressa treatment, I don't know, but before I knew it, the cycle had been going on for months.\ ;食欲が減った代わりに、貰う薬の量と種類が増えた。 ;自分でも、目に見えて体力が落ちてきたと実感できる。\ ^My appetite shrank, while the number of medicines I was expected to swallow just kept on increasing. ^I felt like I could literally see myself getting weaker.\ ;足が細くなった気がするけど、\ ^Even my legs seemed to be withering.\ ;”それは気のせいじゃない” ;と、体重計の針は教えてくれた。\ ^It wasn't my imagination. ^I would weigh myself, and the needle of the scales would confirm it.\ ;なのに俺は…^@^どこか客観的に自分を見ていた。\ ^And yet...^@^ somehow it didn't really seem all that personal.\ ;まるで他人事か、 ;テレビの1シーンでも眺めているようだった。\ ^It was like I was watching it happen to somebody else. ^Like it was just a scene from some TV drama.\ ;突然、身に起こったことに、頭がついて行けなかった。 ;リアルとして起こった実感が沸かなかった。\ ^I was unable to understand what was happening to my body all of a sudden. ^I hadn't even grasped that the changes were real.\ ;だから、自分自身のことの筈なのに、 ;どこか遠い場所から冷めた目でしか見れなかった。\ ^So though it was as personal as anything could be, still I could only observe it as though from a far and disinterested position.\ bg "english\1\c033.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;冬の日。 ;街頭からクリスマスツリーが姿を消す頃、\ ^A winter's day. ^It was the time of year when municipal Christmas decorations are dismantled.\ ;年末ということもあってか、自宅に帰してくれた。\ ^They let me go home for New Year.\ ;あくまでも一時的なものらしい。 ;それでも少しは嬉しかった。\ ^It was only a temporary thing, but it was a welcome change.\ bg "e\amazora02.jpg",5 ;みぞれ混じりの雨の中、 ;久しぶりに帰ってきた俺の家。\ ^I arrived home amidst sleet and driving rain.\ ;何故か、家族が全員揃っていた。\ ^For some reason the whole family was there to greet me.\ ;普段からそれほど話すことも無かった親なのに、 ;どこかギクシャクとしながらも、笑顔で迎えてくれた。\ ^My parents had always been quiet and aloof. ^Today they greeted me with smiles and laughter, though it seemed forced.\ ;いつも口喧嘩ばかりしていた妹が、 ;俺の好きなクリームシチューとエビフライを作って待っていた。\ ^My sister had never had anything for me but a sharp tongue. ^Today she had made me my favourite cream stew with fried prawns.\ ;こたつに並んで座った。みかんをむいてくれた。 ;やけに優しかった。それが印象的だった。\ ^We sat around the kotatsu. She peeled me a satsuma. ^I was touched to be treated with such unusual kindness.\ ;この時点で…^@^俺は少しだけ察した。\ ^It was then that I began to realise.\ ;ポケットに入れたままになった、例の真新しい免許証。\ ^That unused driving licence, still in my pocket...\ ;この免許証は、その価値を生かすことなく ;終わるのかも知れないと思った。\ ^I began to realise that I was probably not going to get much use out of it.\ ;dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" ;bg "e\amazora02.jpg",5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;ギクシャクとした不自然な笑顔に迎えられて…\ ^That's what I thought, as the forced smiles and false cheer washed over me.\ ;冷静に、曖昧に、ひたすら薄っぺらく、 ;他人事のように俺はそう思った。\ ^That's all I thought, in the same calm, vague, detached way I'd been thinking about this whole affair.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;_____________________ bg "english\1\c032.jpg",5 ; ■ 主人公 2005年 1月 ■\ ^- January 2005 -\ ;bgm bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",5 ;年が明けて、また帰って来た病院。\ ^I returned to hospital in the new year.\ ;何故かその日は、いつもの4階ではなく、 ;談話室のような部屋に行った。行かされた。\ ^For once I didn't return straight to the fourth floor. ^Instead I went... was taken... to a different room, a discussion room.\ ;そして、オヤジと医者の先生、 ;それに俺も交えた三人で色んな話しを聞いた。聞かされた。\ ^My father was with me, and there was a doctor as well. ^They talked to me, or rather at me. I listened. Was made to listen.\ ;いわゆる、告知というやつなんだろう。\ ^It turned out that this was what they call `disclosure'.\ ;すごく遠回しな言い方だったが、 ;そう解釈した。死ぬらしい俺は。\ ^The doctor took a long time to explain everything, and used a lot of long words in the process, as doctors do. ^But all it came down to was, it looked like I was going to die.\ ;「そうですか…」\ ^`Oh...'\ dwavestop 0 ;だから、それだけを返した。他に言葉は見つからなかった。 ;入室してから出るまでに、口にしたのはこれだけだった。\ ^I couldn't think of anything else to say. ^That was the only sound I uttered from the moment I entered the room till the moment I left it.\ ;俺の返事を受け、 ;手に持ったボールペンを走らせる先生。\ ^Apparently that was a good enough response. ^The doctor produced a biro and began scribbling.\ ;恐らくはホスピスへの手続きだろう。 ;あくまでも事務的な態度だった。オヤジも似たようなもんだった。\ ^The formalities this time revolved around admitting me into the hospice ward. ^The doctor had switched into business mode. My father did the same.\ ;…こんな簡単なモンなんだ…\ ;それが俺の率直な感想だった。\ ^As for me, all I could do was sit and be amazed at the efficiency of the proceedings.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;;☆シーン変え ;そして、その日を境に4階から7階へと、 ;6人部屋から個室へと変わった。\ ^They moved me from the fourth floor to the seventh, and from a six-bed ward to a private room.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",5 ;それと、この7階自体は他の階と少し違っていた。\ ^The seventh floor differed from the others in a number of respects.\ ;まず、床がピカピカになっていた。 ;天井も今までより、ずっと高く広々としていた。\ ^The floors gleamed. The ceiling was higher, the rooms more spacious than before.\ ;病室の中もすごく綺麗で、大きな窓からは、 ;明るく日光を採り入れる仕組みなっているようだった。\ ^The bedrooms were pleasant and clean, with large windows designed to maximise the natural lighting.\ ;きっと、ベッドも新品に近いものだろう。 ;真っ白なシーツが眩しい日射しに際立っていた。\ ;…だけど、窓は少ししか開かなかった。\ ^But these windows were not designed to open.\ ;試しに計ってみると、 ;ちょうど頭がギリギリ通らない幅だった。\ ^When pushed to their fullest extent, the gap was still so narrow that I couldn't even get my head quite through it.\ ;他にも、認識用の腕輪の色が変わった。\ ^One other thing was different: the colour of the patients' identification wristbands.\ ;入院した日から、ずっと手首に巻かれていたビニール製の腕輪。 ;俺の名前や血液型が記載されていた。\ ^I'd been wearing one of these ever since I was first admitted to the hospital. ^They were just plastic bands with the patient's name and blood group on them.\ ;その色が、青から白に変わった。\ ^My old one had been blue. This one was white.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…高い天井、白いビニールの腕輪、15cmしか開かない窓。\ ;そんな7階に移ったのは、 ;まだ、新春のつまらない番組が流れている頃だった。\ ;あの子と初めて出会ったのも、そんな年を明けてまもない頃だった…\ ^That was my introduction to the seventh floor: high ceilings, white wristbands, and windows that only opened about 15 centimetres.\ ^It was still the time of year when all you can get on TV is boring festive programmes.\ ^That, in a way, is how I came to meet her...\ ;-- huh, that last line seems to wander off somewhat unnecessarily? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_28 + It is a deviation from the Japanese text, but I don't see it as inappropriate, for two reasons: *generated_28 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_29 + 1. The original works well in Japanese because of the parallel 頃だった. No such direct repetition is possible in my translation because the first "It was the time of year" has to be interrupted by the "still", which can't be repeated. Since the second line would have been vastly weaker in English than in Japanese if translated literally, it seems reasonable to choose something stronger. *generated_29 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_30 + 2. The stronger line I've created is arguably semantically equivalent to the Japanese, in that it introduces the subject of the protagonist meeting Setsumi by drawing a parallel with the previous line (just a different part of the previous line!). *generated_30 ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 mp3fadeout 2500 stop bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n009.ogg" bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 bg "e\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "e\nar01d.jpg",3 bg "e\w.jpg",3 mov %flg_pro,1 mov %flg_bplay,1 goto *haeleth_honpen2 ;_________________________ *haeleth_honpen2 dwavestop 5 ;★チャプター2 mov $sys_midasi,"^The Seventh Floor [h]" stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;__ dwave 0,"w\n010.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "haeleth\1\c04.jpg",3 ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 click mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;○本編 序盤 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;廊下の横、ナースステーションの向かいにある、 ;談話室のような場所。\ ^If you go down the corridor past the nurse's station, you'll come to a lounge area off to one side.\ ;●:談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;人気のないその場所に設置された、 ;いくつかのソファーやパイプ椅子、それと大きめのテレビ。\ ^The place was usually empty apart from the furniture, which when I was there consisted of a number of sofas and pipe chairs, and one TV.\ ;その28型のブラウン管からは、 ;どうでもいい新春特番が今日も流れていた。\ ^It wasn't a particularly impressive one (only a 28' CRT), and at that time of year all it was showing was boring festive specials.\ ;そんなつまらないテレビを、 ;さも、つまらなさそうに見ている、どこかの女の子。\ ^She was watching it without the slightest sign of interest.\ ;小柄な身体に、ピンクのパジャマ。 ;手首には俺と同じ、白の腕輪。\ ^Her build was slight, her pyjamas pink, and there was a white band like mine round her wrist.\ ;腰に届くほどの長い髪が印象的だった。\ ^What really stood out about her was her hair, which reached nearly to her waist.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「なあ、お前…それ面白いか?」\ ^`You aren't... enjoying that, are you?'\ dwavestop 0 ;深い意味はない。 ;ひと気がないので、何となくその横顔に話し掛けた。\ ^I didn't really mean anything by the question. ^I just felt it was my duty to say something. As the sole other member of the human race present.\ ;●ぱじゃまーのヒロイン ;dwave 0,"w\n011.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv011.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv011b.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^`Not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;只、それだけを返す女の子。 ;声を掛けた俺に振り向きもしなかった。\ ^She replied curtly, without so much as a glance in my direction.\ ;俺のことは一切気にしていないのか、 ;ずっとつまらなそうにテレビを見続けたままだった。\ ^Perhaps she hadn't really registered my presence. ^Her eyes remained fixed on the screen in front of her.\ ;…だったら、見なきゃいいのに…\ ^Don't watch it, then, I said... nearly.\ ;そう思いながらも、 ;同じようにパイプ椅子に腰を掛ける俺。\ ^Discretion overruled me, and I lowered myself into a chair instead.\ ;そして、並ぶようにしてテレビを眺めた。 ;他にすることもなかった。出来ることもなかった。\ ^And sat there beside her watching the tedious programme. ^There wasn't anything else for me to do. There wasn't anything else I could do.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…黙ってテレビを眺め続ける俺達…\ ^We watched on in silence.\ ;ブラウン管の中からは、正月にありがちな新春番組。 ;くだらないモノマネだか隠し芸だかがやっていた。\ ^The screen was filled with the usual January twaddle. ^A tedious variety show, all conjurers and impersonators.\ ;時折響く、司会者のバカみたいにカン高い笑い声。 ;真っ白くて日当たりの良いこの部屋に、乾き、響いていた。\ ^From time to time the speakers would rattle with the compere's shrill and foolish laughter. ^It echoed emptily in the sunlit room.\ ;BG談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;●:談話室 ;dwave 0,"w\n012.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv012.ogg" ;「ねえ…あなた…」\ ^`...so...'\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、話し掛けてきた女の子。 ;相変わらずテレビを見つめたままだった。\ ^It took me a moment to realise that she'd spoken. ^Her eyes still hadn't left the TV screen for one moment.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n013.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv013.ogg" ;「…あなた、何回目?」\ ^`Which time are you on...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…何回目って、どういう意味だ?」\ ^`I'm... not sure what you mean.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n014.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv014.ogg" ;「ここに…7階に来たの」\ ^`I mean, how many times have you been up here?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「悪い、質問の意味がわからない」\ ^`Sorry... I still don't understand.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n015.ogg" ;「………………」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n016.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv016.ogg" ;「そう…初めてなんだね」\ ^`It must be your first, then.'\ dwavestop 0 ;何を言ってるのか理解できない俺に、 ;彼女は勝手に納得したようだった。\ ^My incomprehension was evidently a sufficient answer for her.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n017.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv017.ogg" ;「じゃあ、他に誰も居ないし…わたしの役目だから…」\ ^`In that case, I suppose it's up to me... since there's nobody else here now...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…役目?」\ ^`It's up to you...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n018.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv018.ogg" ;「そういうルールなの…」\ ^`That's the rule...'\ dwavestop 0 ;頷きながら、初めてここ(7階)に来た人には、 ;誰かが教えてあげるルールなんだと付け足した。\ ^The rule, she added, was that newcomers to this seventh floor were to be told certain things.\ ;いまいち何のことか分からない俺。\ ^I had no idea what she was talking about.\ ;そんな俺を、無視するかのように、 ;彼女はゆっくりと話し始めた。\ ^She began to explain, still without so much as a glance in my direction.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n019.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv019.ogg" ;「それじゃあ、よく聞いてね…」\ ^`Listen carefully, then...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…………\ ^............\ ;ぽつりぽつりと語る彼女の言葉。\ ^She spoke haltingly.\ ;それは、ここに来るまでに聞いた、 ;医者の先生の弁とは少し違っていた。\ ^What she had to tell me differed in certain regards from the speech I'd received prior to my transfer up here.\ ;あの事務的な医者の話しでは、ここは医療の進歩を待つ場所であると言った。\ ;心を癒す場所でもあると言った。 ^According to the doctors, this was where one would come to wait for advances in treatments; in the meantime, being here might heal one's heart.\ ;恐らく、一般的にはそれで正しいのだろう。\ ^He was probably sincere. He may even have been telling the truth.\ ;でも、彼女の言によるとそれは建前だそうだ。\ ^According to what the girl told me, however, that's merely the official line.\ ;この7階ってのは、病院内にあって、唯一治療をする場所じゃないらしい。\ ^This was not, in fact, the part of the hospital where unique treatments are tried.\ ;只、命が尽きるのを待つ場所。\ ^It was where you wait for your life to run out.\ ;そう彼女は言った。 ;俺もそう思えた。同じ認識だと思った。\ ^That's what she told me. I believed it. I'd pretty much come to the same conclusion myself.\ ;●談話室復帰 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n020.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv020.ogg" ;「わたし、2回目だから…」\ ^`So this is my second time...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「2回目ってなにが?」\ ^`Your second time for what?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n021b.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv021b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv021b_a.ogg" ;「…ここに来るの」\ ^`...that I've ended up here.'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、彼女は教えてくれた。\ ^Finally she got round to explaining the whole `times' business.\ ;この7階って場所は、 ;最初の入院でそのまま死ぬまで居ることは、まず無いらしい。\ ^Firstly, that this isn't usually just a place where you come and stay until you die.\ ;治ることは有りえなくても、 ;体調がマシになると1度は家に帰してくれる。\ ^Even if there's no chance of recovery, they let you go home temporarily if your condition improves.\ ;でも、暫くして悪くなると、またここへ帰ってくる。\ ^Then after a while you decline again, and they bring you back.\ ;…その繰り返しで、いつか死ぬ。\ ^You go back and forth, and eventually it ends.\ ;尽きる場所が、家か7階かの違いだけで、 ;確実にどちらかで死ぬ。避けた奴はいないそうだ。\ ^The only uncertainty is whether you'll be at home, or here on the seventh floor, when the time comes. ^You'll die, here or there. It's happened to everyone.\ ;そういう意味での、 ;彼女はここに来たのは2回目という意味だった。\ ^And that's the sense in which she was referring to this as the second time she'd ended up here.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n021.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv021.ogg" ;「じゃあ、1度しか言わないから…」\ ^`Now, I'm only going to say this once...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n022.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv022.ogg" ;「ここからは、よく聞いて…」\ ^`So you've got to listen carefully from now on.'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ;…乾いた画面を見つめたまま、更に言葉を続ける彼女。\ ^She continued, her pose unchanged, her eyes still on the screen.\ ;その内容は、消灯時間が何時かって、 ;普通の入院患者が交わす内容ではなかった。\ ^The subject changed, but not to everyday trivia like lights-out times.\ ;全然違ったことを教えてくれた。\ ^There was something rather different she had to tell me.\ ;『3回目に仮退院させてくれたら、覚悟しろ。 ; 4回目はまずない。もう家には帰れない』\ ^`When you reach your third temporary discharge, prepare yourself. There's hardly ever a fourth time. You won't be going home again.'\ ;『もしも逃げたい時は、A駅ではなくB駅に行くこと』\ ^`If you want to run away, don't try to use M--- station; go to K----- station instead.'\ ;『何も食べるな。それが一番の近道。 ; 家族にとっても一番負担が小さくて済む』\ ^`Don't eat anything. That's the best way out. You'll put the least burden on your family that way.'\ ;…そんな、身に詰まるような内容ばかりだった。\ ;恐らく、ここに来た人間だけの…\ ;死ぬゆく当事者達だけで、伝え続けてきたことなんだと思う。\ ^These, I realised, were the maxims of the seventh floor.\ ^The received wisdom distilled from the experiences of those who had faced death here.\ ^Our lore, passed down orally from one ephemeral generation to the next.\ ^Our 'ars moriendi'.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「もしかして、さっきの役目ってのは、これのことか?」\ ^`Was telling me that the thing you said was up to you?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n023.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv023.ogg" ;「ええ、そうよ…」\ ^`That's right...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n024.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv024.ogg" ;「いつかあなたも、初めて来た人には伝えてね…」\ ^`It'll be up to you to pass it on to the next newcomer.'\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、ゆっくりと立ち上がる彼女。 ;ふわりと長い髪が揺れ、俺の鼻先をかすめた。\ ^That concluded the lecture. ^As she rose and turned, her hair swept round; a lock brushed against my cheek.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n025.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv025.ogg" ;「じゃあ、検温の時間だから…」\ ^`Time for my temperature reading...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;そして、そのまま背を向けると、 ;廊下へ向かって歩き始めてしまった。\ ^She turned her back on me and walked off, out into the corridor.\ ;一人残されたこの場所には、 ;ブラウン管からの笑い声と、窓辺に飾られた白い花。\ ^I was left alone in the room, alone with the shrilly laughing TV and the white flowers by the window.\ ;結局彼女は、一度として俺の方を見ようともしなかった。\ ^She had not looked at me once.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop bg "haeleth\1\c042.jpg",5 ;__ ;☆シーン変え 数日後あたり bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;それから何日か過ぎた頃。\ ^Some days passed.\ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;やっと新春特番が終わり、 ;そろそろ中学や高校では、三学期が始まろうとする頃。\ ^It was the time of year when TV schedules return to normal, the start of the so-called spring term.\ ;今日もこの談話室では、 ;テレビをぼ~っと眺める俺と彼女の姿があった。\ ^We were in the lounge again, staring at the TV as usual.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;「つまらねえな…」\ ^`This is crap.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n026.ogg" ;「そうね…」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返すが、 ;お互いに画面を見つめ続けたままの会話だった。\ ^And yet we carried on watching as we talked.\ ;「なあ、ここっていつもこんななのか?」\ ^`Is it always like this up here?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n027.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^`I'm not sure what you're getting at.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、ひと気がないって意味さ」\ ^`I mean, is it always this quiet?'\ dwavestop 0 ;看護婦や医者、それにヘルパーの人を除けば、 ;お互いの付き添い以外に、誰の姿も見ていなかった。\ ^If you discount the doctors and nurses and their helpers -- the people who look after us -- then I haven't seen anyone up here but the two of us.\ ;「やっぱり、正月明けだからか?」\ ^`Is it just because it's early in the year?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n028.ogg" ;「…その理由を知りたいの?」\ ^`...do you want to know the reason?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや…別にそんな意味じゃ…」\ ^`Uh, no, not that badly...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n029.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、言わない」\ ^`...then I shan't tell you.'\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな会話ともつかぬやり取りを、淡々と交わす俺達。\ ^That sort of exchange was the closest we got to conversation.\ ;15cmしか開かない窓から入ってくる、僅かな風。\ ^The windows were open to their fullest extent; the gap that afforded was meagre, but it let the air in.\ ;時折、彼女の長い髪を揺らし、 ;同じように揺れる、窓辺に飾られた白い花。\ ^So there was a gentle breeze in the room, enough to stir the girl's hair. ^Enough to bring life to the room's only decoration, the white flowers by the window.\ ;お互い、つまらないテレビを見つめたまま、 ;時間だけを消費する日々だった。\ ^That was how we passed the time. ^Sitting drearily in front of a dull television.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" ;タッタッタ、\ ^The sound of approaching footsteps.\ ;「あら、二人共こんなところに居たの?」\ ^`So this is where you've been!'\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って駆け寄ってきた、年配の看護婦さん。\ ^This was our nurse, a woman advanced in years.\ ;たまにナースステーションを覗いた限りでは、 ;この人が7階のチーフのようだった。\ ^From what I'd been able to gather from passing glances into the nurse's station, she was the one in charge of the seventh floor.\ ;「どう? セツミさん、熱出てない?」\ ^`How are you, Setsumi? Not running a fever, I hope?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n030.ogg" ;「…大丈夫、出てない…」\ ^`No... I'm fine...'\ dwavestop 0 ;…セツミ。^@^ ;どうやらそれが彼女の名前のようだった。\ ^Setsumi.^@^ ^That was her name. That was how I learnt it.\ ;「もう勝手に外をうろついたりしちゃ駄目ですからね」\ ^`Well, as long as you don't go wandering around outside by yourself again...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいですか? 皆んな心配するんですからね」\ ^`All right? You had us all horribly worried.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n032.ogg" ;「…別に、いいよ…」\ ^`...oh, whatever...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、なんて言い草なんでしょ」\ ^`Well, what a thing to say!'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;「……………」\ dwavestop 0 ;「もう、ホントに最近の子はしょうがないわね」\ ^`I don't know, young people today...'\ dwavestop 0 ;それから暫くの間、小言を続ける看護婦さん。\ ^The nurse scolded on in the background.\ ;それを彼女…セツミと呼ばれたこの子は、 ;素知らぬ様子で聞き流していた。\ ^The girl... Setsumi?... just sat there, apparently ignoring her, with an expression of utter disinterest.\ ;小うるさい看護婦を無視するように、 ;正面のつまらないテレビを見続けたままだった。\ ^She stared all the more determinedly at the television, though the programme was as boring as usual.\ ;「じゃあ、また後で採血に行きますからね」\ ^`...and don't forget, we've got to take you for another blood sample later.'\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、 ;再びナースステーションへと帰って行く看護婦さん。\ ^The scolding subsided at last, and the nurse departed for her station.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「なあ、お前ってさ…」\ ^`Um, are you...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや…セツミで、いいんだよな?」\ ^`I mean... can I call you Setsumi?'\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の手首に巻かれた、白いビニールの腕輪。 ;そこに書かれた血液型と名前を見ながら尋ねた。\ ^As I asked, I squinted at her wristband, trying to read the name (and blood group) that I knew would be written on it.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうかしたか? セツミ?」\ ^`Are you okay? Setsumi?'\ dwave 0,"w\n035.ogg" ;「…どうして呼び捨てなの?」\ ^`...how dare you leave off the honorific?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「はあ?」\ ^`...sorry?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n036.ogg" ;「年下のくせに…」\ ^`A kid like you...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「お、おい、なんで俺が、年下なんだよ?」\ ^`You what? How do you make out I'm a kid?!'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n037.ogg" ;「別に…そう思っただけ」\ ^`Aren't you? Compared to me, anyway.'\ dwavestop 0 ;”年下”という言葉に腹を立てた訳じゃない。\ ^My blood boiled. It wasn't exactly that I objected to being thought of as young.\ ;只、どう見ても俺の方が5~6才は上に思える。\ ^It was just that the girl had to be at least five years younger than me. Probably six.\ ;だから俺は、胸ポケットに入れていた、 ;例の免許証を彼女へと差し向けた。\ ^That's why I reacted the way I did. Why I reached into my breast pocket, pulled out that licence, and thrust it at her.\ ;「どうだ、こう見えても俺、20才だぞ?」\ ^`All right? I may look young, but I'm 20, see?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n039.ogg" ;免許証には一瞥をくれただけで、それだけを返す彼女。\ ^Her eyes flickered momentarily towards the licence.\ ;「やっぱり年下よ…」\ ^`Like I said. A kid.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「おい、よく分からねえぞ」\ ^`What's that meant to mean?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n040_1.ogg" ;「どうでもいいじゃない…少し上なだけよ」\ ^`Does it matter? I'm just a bit older than that, that's all.'\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらず無表情のまま彼女が呟く。\ ^Her face was expressionless, as always.\ ;その目は、つまらないテレビを見たままにも、 ;どこか遠いところを見ているようにも思えた…\ ^And her eyes remained fixed on the TV. ^But it seemed to me they were focused not on the screen, but on some point in the far distance...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop ;____;____;__ ;●とも>とりあえず移動 ;____ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;朝の検温が終わった頃。\ ;Translated below. mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;俺は看護婦に見つからないようにエレベータに乗り込む。\ ^The next morning, after my temperature reading, I sneaked into the lift and took it down to the ground floor.\ bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;1階に着くと、わざと外来用の出入り口を通って、 ;そのまま病院の外へと歩き始める。\ ^The outpatients' exit was unwatched. I crept out that way and headed for the exit from the hospital campus.\ ;●:なんか駅前っぽいとこ ;bg "e\ekimae.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;目指す場所は、以前に教えられた、 ;近いA駅ではなく、遠いB駅。\ ^My intended destination was the further of the two nearby stations. ^I had learned the rules by heart. `Don't try to use M--- station; go to K----- station instead.'\ ;別に、逃げ出すつもりじゃなかった。\ ^I wasn't exactly trying to run away.\ ;…7階か自宅… ;そのどちらか以外で死んだ奴はいない…\ ;以前にそう聞いていた。\ ^I knew that was no good. I would die on the seventh floor, or at home.\ ^I knew there was no other option. If anyone had tried to run, they hadn't escaped.\ ;そして、あのセツミとかいう彼女も、 ;何度か行ったらしいB駅。\ ^But the girl, Setsumi... I gathered she'd been as far as this station several times.\ ;だから、なんとなく一度は、 ;その場所を見てみたかっただけだった。\ ^I just wanted to try it for myself. See it for myself.\ ;「別に、監視員が居る訳じゃないだろう…」\ ^It wasn't like there were going to be guards on the lookout.\ ;そう思いつつも、俺達は7階の住人。 ;他の入院患者とは違う。\ ^Nonetheless, we were the inhabitants of the seventh floor. ^We weren't like the other patients.\ ;もしかしたら…とも考えながら、 ;まだ早朝の駅までの道を歩き続ける。\ ^Still wondering, I pressed on towards the station.\ ;急ぎ足で進む、通勤や通学の人達を横目に、 ;ゆっくりとした足取りで進みつづけた。\ ^It was still early, and those around me were on their way to work or school. ^I slowed my pace, but continued to walk.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;暫く歩いた頃、25分ほどかかって到着した駅前。 ;バス停に換算すると4つ分ほどの距離だった。\ ^It turned out to be about 25 minutes' walk to the station. ^In bus terms, it would be about four stops away.\ ;「…それなりに人が多いな」\ ^It was pretty crowded for its size.\ ;それがB駅を見た第一印象だった。\ ^That was my first impression of the place.\ ;俺の服装がパジャマの為に、少しは目立ってしまうけど…\ ;しかし、このまま電車の切符を買えば、何の問題もなく、どこにでも行けるようにも思えた。\ ;どうしてA駅ではなく、このB駅を勧めるのかは分からない。\ ;でも、本当に逃げ出すつもりなら簡単に思えた。\ ^If I'd been trying to escape, it would have been stupidly easy. ^I stood out rather, being dressed in pyjamas, but even so nobody challenged me.\ ^Whether things would have been different at M--- station, I don't know, but here I could just have bought a ticket and jumped on a train to anywhere, no questions asked.\ ;確か彼女も何度か来た筈だけど、 ;どうして彼女は、今も7階に留まっているのだろうか…\ ;早朝の駅前。\ ;足早に通り過ぎる人達を眺めながら、 ;ふと、そんなことを思っていた。\ ^There was something funny about this. ^She'd been here. She'd come this far several times, if I understood correctly.\ ^That's what puzzled me, as I stood there in the morning sunlight, watching the comings and goings of passers-by.\ ^Why did she stop here? ^Why was she still living on the seventh floor?\ ;____;____;_ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;その夜。消灯時間も過ぎた頃。\ ^Night fell. Lights-out time passed.\ ;マンガ本にも飽き、寝付けなかった俺は、 ;一人で病院内をぶらぶらとしていた。\ ^Tired of reading, and unable to sleep, I ended up wandering around the hospital.\ ;通常、消灯後にうろつくと、こうるさく言われるが、 ;俺達7階の住人は比較的自由だった。\ ^As an ordinary patient I wouldn't have dared risk the nurses' wrath in such a way. ^But we of the seventh floor were given more freedom than most.\ ;そして、照明を落とされ、 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^My wandering feet led me down the dimly illuminated corridor and into the lounge area.\ ;そこで、あいつの姿を見つけた。\ ^That's where she was, too.\ bg "e\danwa_yoru.jpg",3 ;「よう、今日は外、見てるのか?」\ ^`Heh, you're looking outside for a change today?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...yeah.'\ dwavestop 0 ;暗い室内。返事はするが、 ;その顔は窓の外に向けたままの彼女。\ ^She was standing by the window in the darkened room. ^She acknowledged my presence, but her face did not turn from the glass.\ ;早速俺は、今日あったことを話し始める。\ ^I began to tell her about my day.\ ;自分の目で見た感じでは、逃げる気になれば簡単に思えた。 ;なりに逃げ出すのは簡単だと思えたからだ\ ;「そういえばさ…昼間、駅前まで行ってきたぞ」\ ^`Hey, you know what? I went to the station today.'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n045.ogg" ;「……………」\ dwavestop 0 ;「教えられた通り、B駅の方に行ってみた」\ ^`To K----- station, of course, like you told me. Just to have a look.'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^`Really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;でも、彼女の反応は普段と変わらなかった。\ ^The usual response.\ ;今日俺が見た限りでは、 ;本当に抜け出すつもりなら簡単だと思えた。\ ;以前に彼女も行った筈だから、 ;何らかの反応があると思ったのだけど…\ ^I'd hoped that talking about a shared experience might cause her to open up a little.\ ;それを考えると、今も彼女がここに留まるのは、^@^ ;本当は、最初から抜け出すつもりもなかったのだろうか?\ ^But maybe it wasn't really something she cared about.^@^ ^Maybe she was still here because she wasn't interested in running.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n047.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv047.ogg" ;「…わたし、もうすぐ帰れるの…」\ ^`I'll be... going home again soon...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^`Eh?'\ ;突然、口を開いた彼女。\ ;^That took me by surprise. She'd never volunteered any personal information like that before.\ ;-- Extra bit somewhat superfluous? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_31 + Agreed, and not just "somewhat". I do believe it's justified to add explication where something is not obvious from the context, but in this case the protagonist has just been talking about precisely that possibility. Good call. *generated_31 ^That took me by surprise.\ ;まるで、今の俺の心を、 ;見透かされたような言葉だった。\ ;^But I could see the connection. ;^I reckoned she could tell what I'd been thinking.\ ;-- In light of Narci2, here we'd get to se setsumi play the mind-reading himeko if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_32 + And in light of the above excision, I need to remove the superfluous bit from this too! *generated_32 ^It was almost as though she'd read my mind.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n048.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv048.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv048b.ogg" ;「…でも、次で3回目だから…」\ ^`If I come back it'll be my third time. So...^@^ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\nv048_1.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv048_1b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv048_1c.ogg" ;「…もう会えないかもね」\ ^ we might not meet again.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…ああ、そうだな…」\ ^`Um... yeah, I suppose...'\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らくこいつが言うところの帰れるってのは、 ;仮退院のことを指しているのだろう。\ ^By `going home', she had to be referring to a temporary discharge.\ ;この7階って場所では、 ;3回以上の入退院を繰り返すことは、まず無いらしい。\ ^The lore was quite clear on this point: basically nobody was admitted to the seventh floor more than three times.\ ;特に高齢者と違い、病状の進行速度を考えると、 ;俺達のような若い年代なら尚更のことだった。\ ^That applied to us above all. The condition progresses faster in our age group than among older people.\ ;そういう意味での、もう会えないという言葉だった。\ ^She was quite right. It was entirely plausible that we might never meet again.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n049.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv049.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなたはどちらを選ぶの?」\ ^`Tell me... which will you choose?'\ ;「…選ぶとは?」\ ^`Which what?'\ ;dwave 0,"w\nv049_1.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv049_1b.ogg" ;「…どっちで死ぬつもりってこと」\ ^`...where will you decide to die?'\ ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ ;突然、『死』という単語を聞かされ、 ;俺は一瞬だけ言葉に詰まってしまう。\ ^`Die'. Such a sudden word, spoken so suddenly. ^For a moment I'm at a loss for a reply.\ ;「さあな…まだ考えてない」\ ^`I don't know... haven't really thought about it.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n050.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv050.ogg" ;「…そう…まだ1回目だもんね」\ ^`No... you're still on your first time...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そう呟いて寂しそうにする彼女。\ ^Her response was muted, murmured. Disappointed.\ ;もちろん俺だって、 ;いつまでもここに居れる訳はない。\ ^She was right. I would have to decide sooner or later. I couldn't stay here for ever.\ ;他の皆んなのように、 ;何回か入退院を繰り返して、徐々に弱って、いつかは…\ ^I was going to go through the same process as everyone else before me. ^Out. Back in, weaker. Back out. Back in, weaker still.\ ;結局最後には、この7階か、 ;薄っぺらい笑顔に囲まれた家かを選ぶことになるのだろう。\ ^I would only have one decision to make: whether to die here on the seventh floor, or at home, smothered in false smiles.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n051.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv051.ogg" ;「わたしは…家は嫌…」\ ^`I don't want to... die at home...'\ dwavestop 0 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n052.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv052.ogg" ;「だけど、ここも嫌…」\ ^`...but I can't face it here either...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…じゃあ、どうすんだ?」\ ^`What will you do, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n053.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv053.ogg" ;「…別に…どうもしない…」\ ^`...there's not a lot I can.'\ dwavestop 0 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n054.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv054.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv054b.ogg" ;「自力で歩ける内に、どこかに行くだけ…」\ ^`Maybe I'll just... walk, for as long as I can...'\ ;-- Hrm. this is straying off the beaten path a fair amount if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_33 + I'm afraid I don't follow you this time -- I've tweaked things a bit (swapped the order of the phrases for better flow, removed the "somewhere" that can become implicit in English and added a "maybe" that I think is implicit in the Japanese), but I don't see any major deviations here? *generated_33 dwavestop 0 ;「どこかって、お前…」\ ^`Where to?'\ ;明らかに逃げる気になれば逃げれるのに、 ;今もこの7階に留まっている彼女。\ ;それを考えると…\ ^So she was planning to run away.\ ^But then why, why, was she still here?\ ;「…もしかして、他に行くあてがあるのか?」\ ^`Do you, uh, have anywhere in mind?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n056.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv056.ogg" ;「あなた…^@^わたしを引き止めたいの?」\ ^`Are you going to try and stop me?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^`I, uh...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n057.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv057.ogg" ;「それとも…一緒について来たいの?」\ ^`Or... were you hoping to come with me?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、別にそんな意味じゃないけど…」\ ^`No, that... that's not why, I was just, uh... you know... asking...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n058.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n059.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv059.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、聞かないで」\ ;^`Please... don't.'\ ;-- Mm this exchange feels different from the theme of "why didn't you say" "you didn't asl" that crops up later if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_34 + May as well switch it to use the same translation as in other places, as it _is_ basically the same exchange. *generated_34 ^`...don't ask, then.'\ dwavestop 0 ;窓の外を見つめたまま淡々と話す彼女。 ;相変わらず俺の方は見ようともしない会話だった。\ ^She spoke disinterestedly, without lifting her gaze from the window for a moment. ^She still had not once so much as looked at me.\ ;でも、その時だけは…\ ;いつもの無表情な横顔が哀しそうに見えた。\ ^And though her face, such of it as I could see, was always expressionless, now I thought I saw a despair in it that had not been there before.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;3回目の仮退院が最後だと教えられ、 ;初めてこの7階に来た俺。\ ;そして、間もなく2回目を迎える彼女。\ ;まだ俺には、リアルで起こった事として実感できないけど…\ ^~i~---The third admission is the last.~i~ That's what the lore said. ^And she was coming to the end of her second time.\ ^There was no way that I, a first-timer, would understand what that meant. ^I, who had still not fully grasped the certainty and imminence of my own mortality.\ ;いつかは俺も、 ;あんな顔をするようになるのだろうか…\ ^I knew that would change. Soon I too would have cause to wear that face...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BG 雨空\ dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;未明から降り出した雨。\ ^It was raining.\ ;時折、みぞれや雪に変わりながらも、 ;しとしとと降り続いていた。\ ^From time to time the rain would soften to sleet or harden to snow, would sheet or drizzle, but it never stopped.\ mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;●:談話室(雨) bg "e\danwa_ame.jpg",3 ;そんな中、いつもの場所でテレビを見ている俺。 ;相変わらず、この7階はひと気がなかった。\ ^I was indoors, of course. ^Sitting in my usual place, in front of the TV on the empty seventh floor.\ dwave 0,"w\n061.ogg" ;「…おもしろい?」\ ^`Is there anything on?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいや、つまらない…」\ ^`The usual crap...'\ dwavestop 0 ;向こうからやってきた彼女。\ ;それだけの言葉を交わすと、 ;黙って隣のパイプ椅子へと腰掛ける。\ ^She passed behind me and lowered herself into the next chair without another word.\ ;そして今日も、二人してつまらないテレビを眺め始めた。\ ^Clearly we were going to have another thrilling day.\ ;…きっと彼女もそうなんだろう。\ ^She was probably just as bored as I was.\ ;他にやることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ^But we had nothing better to do. There was nothing else we could do.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n062.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^`...oh!...'\ dwavestop 0 ;珍しくテレビに反応した彼女。\ ^A reaction? This was unprecedented.\ ;「どうかしたか?」\ ^`What is it?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n063.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^`...nothing.'\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉はいつも通りの『別に』だが、 ;普段とは違う彼女の反応。\ ^Her reply was the same as ever. ^But she wouldn't have gasped for nothing.\ ;それが気になった俺も画面に注目した。\ ^Startled and intrigued, all at once I began to take in what the TV was showing.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;テレビの中にはどこかの自然風景。 ;綺麗な野山に、樹木や花が景色に溶け込んでいた。\ ^It was some natural history programme. ^The screen was filled with the countryside; trees and flowers mingled in the background.\ ;そして、そこに映し出されていた、たくさんの白い花。\ ^The focus, however, was on the foreground. A host of white flowers.\ bg "e\tv_hana.jpg",5 ;…見覚えのある花だった。\ ^Flowers I recognised.\ ;今もこの部屋の窓辺に飾られている、 ;目の前の白い花と似ていた。\ ^They looked just like the ones that were still by the window, decorating the lounge.\ ;「もしかして、同じ花か?」\ ^`Aren't those what we've got in here?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n064.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、これってそっくりじゃん」\ ^`They look the same, don't they?'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、ブラウン管と窓辺を交互に指差す俺。\ ^I pointed at the screen, then at the vase by the window.\ dwave 0,"w\n065.ogg" ;「…ちがう」\ ^`They aren't.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「へえ、そうなんだ?」\ ^`Are you sure? They look like it...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n066.ogg" ;「種類は同じだけど…厳密に言えば違う…」\ ^`Same species... different variety.'\ dwavestop 0 ;窓辺の花には一瞥をくれただけで、また正面のテレビを見続けたまま答える彼女。\ ^She had barely glanced at the flowers here before her eyes swung back to those on the screen.\ ;正直言って、違うと否定されても、俺にはその両者の区別が分からなかった。\ ^To be perfectly frank, even knowing they were not the same thing, I was still unable to detect any way in which the two varieties differed.\ ;それに、俺にとっては花が同じであろうが、違っていようが、別にどうでも良いことだった。\ ^It was all the same to me anyway. Botany was not a subject for which I had ever felt any particular passion.\ ;それよりも、普段なら決して話しに乗ってこない彼女。\ ;その彼女が珍しく言葉を続けていた。だから俺も、話しを合わせてみた。\ ^I stuck with the subject not because it interested me, but because it appeared to interest her.\ ^It was rare for her to allow a conversation to continue even this far.\ bg "e\danwa_ame.jpg",5 ;「お前ってさ、もしかして詳しいのか? こーゆーのに」\ ^`You seem to know an awful lot. Is this the kind of thing you're into?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n068.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^`Not really.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか? でも俺には違いが分からねえよ」\ ^`What, really? I'd thought you'd need to be, to be able to see the difference...'\ ;ブラウン管の向こうに咲く白い花。 ;それと彼女の横顔の向こうに在る花瓶の花。\ ^Two sets of flowers. One alive but distant, the sea of white blooms within the screen. ^The other so near, just beyond the girl... but dying in a vase.\ ;ぼんやりと、その両者を眺めながら、尚も言葉を続けた。\ ^I made another attempt to revive the conversation.\ ;「なあなあ、これってさ、蘭とか百合ってのか?」\ ^`What are they, anyway? Orchids, or lilies, or something?'\ dwave 0,"w\n067.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、白っぽい色してるしさ」\ ^`I can't think of anything else white...'\ dwave 0,"w\n067.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;興味もないくせに、適当に言葉を続ける俺。\ ;だけど…^@^彼女は、すぐにいつもの調子で黙ってしまう。\ ;相変わらずの様子で、つまらないブラウン管を見つめるだけだった。\ ;そして、もう会話にはのってくれないのかと諦め、再び俺も、テレビに視線を戻そうとした時…\ ^This was hard going. I did my best to feign interest, but it was all I could do to keep talking.\ ^As for the girl, she'd already apparently lapsed back into her usual silent and detached state.\ ^Either the subject didn't appeal to her after all, or she had realised it didn't appeal to me.\ ^I was on the verge of giving up and switching off myself, when...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n069.ogg" ;「…ナルキッソス…」\ ^`Narcissi...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^`What?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n070.ogg" ;「ナルキッソスよ…」\ ^`They're narcissi.'\ dwavestop 0 ;bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;☆BG ヒロインぱじゃまのUP\ ;●:ヒロインパジャマUP bg "e\chara_0013.jpg",5 bg "e\chara_001.jpg",5 ;答えながら…^@^初めて、俺に顔を向けた。\ ^As she spoke...^@^ she looked at me for the first time.\ ;腰まである長い髪を揺らして… ;テレビの画面に映った花を指しながら、俺を見つめた。\ ^Shaking her waist-length hair, and indicating the flowers on the screen with one slender finger, she turned to face me.\ ;画面に映った花と同じような、 ;手首に巻いた白いビニールの腕輪と、白い肌。\ ^Her skin was paler than the flowers on the screen, but whiter still was the band round her wrist.\ ;初めて見つめられたその顔は…\ ^And for the first time I got a proper view of her face.\ ;僅かだけ微笑んでくれたようにも思えた。\ ^It almost seemed to betray a hint of a smile.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha2,1 mov %flg_bplay,2 goto *haeleth_mini_title ;____;____;____ ;●とも タイトル戻し予定 ;★チャプター3 *haeleth_honpen3 dwavestop 5 mov $sys_midasi,"^The Silver Coupé [h]" ;____________________ ;・翌日あたり\ ;●:病院廊下7階 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "haeleth\1\c0432.bmp",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;________________ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;数日が過ぎ、冬が更に本格的になった頃。\ ^The days proceeded into deepest winter.\ ;世間では受験シーズンと呼ばれる中、相変わらず俺達は、今日もテレビを眺めていた。\ ^While the world outside moved on into the examination season, she and I were left on the seventh floor, watching television.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「つまらねえな…」\ ^`I'm bored...'\ dwave 0,"w\new_076.ogg" ;「…そうね」\ ^`...me too.'\ dwavestop 0 ;会話とも呼べないやり取り。\ ^You couldn't call it conversation, but at least we were talking.\ ;お互い、無意味に時間だけを消費する日々だった。\ ^At least it passed the time.\ ;「そういえばお前って…いつだっけ?」\ ^`You'll be out pretty soon now, won't you?'\ dwave 0,"w\new_077.ogg" ;「…今日よ」\ ^`Today.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか、今日だったか…」\ ^`Sooner than I thought...'\ ;ここで俺たちが言うところの、「今日」とは、 ;以前に話してくれた、彼女の仮退院のことを指していた。\ ;This space deliberately left blank. dwave 0,"w\new_078.ogg" ;「もう…会えないかもね」\ ^`We probably shan't meet again.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん? ああ、そうだな…」\ ^`Yeah... probably...'\ ;仮に、彼女がこの7階に再び帰ってこれたとしても、 ;あと1回が限度だろう。\ ^Even if she did end up coming back to the seventh floor one last time, it would be the last.\ ;その間、きっと俺も、家とこの場所を行き来している筈。\ ;そんな俺達が、再び出会えるような、タイミングがあるとは思えなかった。\ ^There was no guarantee that that would happen, and if it did, I might well have been at home myself at the time.\ ^If anything, the odds were against it.\ dwave 0,"w\new_079.ogg" ;「…あなた、決まった?」\ ^`...have you chosen yet?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「例の、どっちで死ぬかってのか?」\ ^`Chosen what? Where to die?'\ dwave 0,"w\new_080.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`Yeah.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、まだだ…」\ ^`No... not yet...'\ dwave 0,"w\new_081.ogg" ;「…そう…」\ ^`Fair enough...'\ dwavestop 0 ;少しだけ寂しそうに頷く彼女。 ;その表情は、2回目に仮退院する者、故なのだろう。\ ;まだ俺には実感が沸かないし、医者からは1回目の仮退院について触れられていない。\ ^She nodded. She wasn't surprised. ^Her eyes spoke of despair and isolation. Emotions I supposed to be inevitable for one on the verge of her second temporary discharge.\ ^I could sympathise, but I didn't really know how she felt. I hadn't even been told when my first discharge would be yet.\ ;そういえば…\ ;結局彼女は、自分自身の答えは決まっているのだろうか…\ ^Still, I wondered why she'd brought this subject up now.\ ^Perhaps she'd made up her own mind...\ dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;タッタッタ、\ ;Onomatopoeia translated in body below dwavestop 5 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a013.wav" ;「セツミ、仕度できたわよ」\ ^Before I could ask her, however, footsteps approached and an outsider's voice cut in.\ ^`Setsumi! Are you ready?'\ dwavestop 4 ;そう言ってやって来た、どこかのおばさん。\ ;恐らくは彼女の母親なのだろう。 ^A woman entered. The girl's mother, I guessed; she looked about the right age.\ ;隣に座っていた俺にも、小さく頭を下げてくれた。\ ^She acknowledged my presence with a nod.\ dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a022.wav" ;「じゃあ、そろそろ、行くけど用意はいい?」\ ^`I've got everything ready now. Shall we be going?'\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_082.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Right...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a032.wav" ;「それでは、失礼します」\ ^`Do excuse us, then.'\ dwavestop 4 ;もう一度、俺に小さくお辞儀をすると、その場を立ち去ろうとするおばさん。\ ;そして、娘である彼女へと手を伸ばすのだけど…\ ^This last was to me, and accompanied by another bow.\ ^Then she turned to take the girl, her daughter, offering her a hand.\ dwave 0,"w\new_083.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;でも…彼女はその場を離れようとしなかった。\ ^But she made no move to take it.\ ;母親に手を引かれるようにしても、何故かパイプ椅子から立ち上がろうとしなかった。\ ^Her mother took a step closer and reached down to take her by the hand. But the girl wouldn't stand.\ dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a042.wav" ;「どうかしたの、セツミ?」\ ^`Are you all right?'\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_084b.ogg" ;「少し…苦しい…」\ ^`...it... hurts...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a052.wav" ;「えっ、苦しいって、どこが? 胸?お腹?」\ ^`Where does it hurt?! Where is it, Setsumi? Is it your chest? Your stomach?'\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_085b.ogg" ;「…胸…」\ ^`...my chest...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a062.wav" ;「ちょ、ちょっと待ってなさい、すぐに先生呼んでくるから」\ ^`R, right, wait here, don't move, I'll call the doctor...!'\ dwavestop 4 dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" ;タッタッタ、\ ;慌しく、来客用のスリッパを鳴らして、ナースステーションへと駆け出すおばさん。\ ^The woman rushed off towards the nurse's station, her visitors' slippers flapping against the floor.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;残されたこの場所には、パイプ椅子に座って俯いたままの彼女と俺だけだった。\ ^Leaving the girl sitting there, alone once more but for me.\ ;その病状や進行等、俺には全く分からない。\ ^I didn't know what was wrong with her, or how far her condition had progressed.\ ;俺が知っていることは、名前はセツミ、血液型O。 ;例の白い腕輪に書かれていることだけだった。\ ^All I knew was that her name was Setsumi, and her blood group was O. ^That's all that was written on her wristband.\ ;でも、俺達は7階の住人であり、少なくとも彼女は、俺以上なのだろう。\ ^But I did know she'd been a seventh-floor case for longer than I had.\ ;「なあ、先生来るまで、そこで横になってるか?」\ ^`Why don't you lie down there till the doctor gets here?'\ ;言いながら、長椅子を指差す。 ;以前からこの部屋の隅に備えてあった物だった。\ ^I pointed to a couch.\ ^It had been stuck in the corner of the room. We hadn't had any use for it.\ ;「ほら、背中支えてやるから」\ ^`I could support your back, if you like.'\ dwave 0,"w\new_083.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\new_087.ogg" ;「別に…もう平気よ」\ ^`No need... I'm okay now.'\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを告げると、さっと、自分から立ち上がる彼女。\ ^She stood up by herself, to prove it.\ ;「お、おい、お前…」\ ;無理すんなよ。\ ^`Hey, don't...'\ ^...overdo things.\ ;っと、続けるよりも早く、さっさと、廊下へと歩き出してしまった。\ ^Is what I was going to say. ^But she was already walking, and she was out of sight before I could finish.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop ;___________________ ;●>7階の廊下 ;___________________ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;夜。消灯時間も過ぎた頃。\ ^Night time. After lights-out.\ ;いつものように、マンガ本にも飽き、寝付けなかった俺は、病院内をぶらぶらとしていた。\ ^Finding myself once more tired of reading and yet unable to sleep, I ended up leaving my room as usual. ;そして、照明を落とされ、 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^My wandering feet led me down the dimly illuminated corridor and into the lounge area.\ ;そこで、あいつの姿を見つけた。\ ^That's where she was, too.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" bg "e\danwa_yoru.jpg",3 ;「よう、またここに居たのか…」\ ^`What, still here...?'\ dwave 0,"w\new_086.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうした? また調子悪いのか?」\ ^`What's up? Not feeling good?'\ dwave 0,"w\n068.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^`I'm fine.'\ dwavestop 0 ;窓の外を見つめたまま、それだけを返す彼女。\ ^She was standing in the dark again, staring out of the window.\ ;結局、彼女の仮退院は中止になったようだった。\ ^Her discharge must have been cancelled, of course.\ ;これで、次の機会がいつになったのかは分からないが、恐らくは数日単位ではなく、週単位での延期なのだろう。\ ^I didn't know whether it had been cancelled altogether, or merely postponed. ^But if the latter, it would have been a question of weeks, not merely days.\ ;「なあ、もしかしてだけどさ…」\ ^`You know, I'm beginning to wonder...'\ ;「今日のって…仮病か?」\ ^`Was that real, earlier? Or were you faking it?'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;いや、仮病って言い方も変かも知れない。 ;元々、俺達は普通の状態とは呼べない。\ ^Maybe that was a bad way to put it. ;「要はお前…仮退院したくなかったからなのか?」\ ^`I mean... was it because you didn't want to go home?'\ dwave 0,"w\new_089.ogg" ;「…意味がわからないわよ」\ ^`I'm not sure what you're getting at.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「だってお前、もう後が無いだろ…」\ ^`Wasn't that your last chance to leave?'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n143.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには、黙ったまま何も返してくれなかった。\ ^She had no answer. ;以前から彼女は、何度も、どちらで死ぬつもりと俺に問うてきた。\ ^Several times over the last few weeks she'd put to me the question of where I intended to die.\ ;それに対して、まだ決めかねている俺と、家も7階も、どちらも嫌だと言っていた彼女。\ ^I'd had no answer then, while she'd been quite emphatic that both options, both here and her home, appealed to her equally little.\ ;「やっぱりお前…」\ ;「他に、行くあてがある訳じゃないんだな…」\ ^`You... don't have anywhere else to go, do you...?'\ dwave 0,"w\new_090.ogg" ;「…だったら…^@^どうなのよ?」\ ^`...well...^@^ what if I don't?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、別に…」\ ^`Never mind...'\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^The room fell silent.\ ;相変わらず、俺の方は見ようともせず、彼女は窓の外を見つめたままだった。\ ^She just stood there, staring out of the window. ^She didn't say another word. She didn't so much as look at me.\ ;まだ11時だというのに、大部分の照明が落とされた、この病院という場所。\ ^It was only about eleven o'clock, but nonetheless most of the lights were dimmed or out.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;…ここは、日常と非日常の接点。\ ^This was a hospital. A point of contact between the everyday and the extraordinary.\ ;更に俺達は、7階の住人。 ;もう、7階と家以外を選ぶことは出来ない。\ ^It was all the more so for us, the seventh-floor cases. This was our world.\ ^We couldn't even go home without special arrangements. ^We couldn't go anywhere else at all.\ ;そんな真っ暗な7階の窓から、 ;彼女が見つめたままの外の世界。日常の世界。\ ^The world she was staring out into now from this dark seventh-floor room was one such somewhere else: the everyday world.\ ;まだ、ビルや家の灯りが煌々と光り、 ;家路を急ぐ人の、足早に歩く姿で溢れていた。\ ^There were streets out there filled with houses and blocks that were still ablaze with light; streets filled with people hurrying to and fro, out to parties and home to bed.\ ;俺自身、まだ自覚は薄いが…\ ^I was still struggling to come to terms with what I was now.\ ;既に俺は7階の住人。非日常の住人。\ ^A resident of the seventh floor. An inhabitant of an extraordinary world.\ ;もうあの世界へ、帰れることはないだろう…\ ^There was no place left for me outside.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame02.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n041.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^`Time has stopped for me...'\ ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;●ヒロイン回想or雨空とか ;幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を、 ;誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…\ ^I've passed all these seasons, under that white overcast sky, without needing to speak to anyone...\ ;最初の内は、窓から元気に登校する子供や、 ;足早に歩く人達を眺めていた。\ ^At first I used to look out of the window, watching kids running to school, watching the world hurry by.\ ;それに飽きた頃、いつもテレビを見ていた。 ;他にすることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ^When I got tired of that, I started watching TV more. ^I didn't have anything better to do. I didn't really have any other options.\ ;窓の外は雪でも、ブラウン管の中は昼。\ ^It helped, in a way. It didn't matter what it was like outside, whether it was snowing or whatever, if it was springtime on TV.\ ;寒さも、暑さも、痛さも無い、目の前に広がる夢の世界。\ ^There was a world for me there. No cold, no heat, no pain. Just dreams.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…仮想に安楽を求め…\ ^A kind of vicarious happy life...\ ;膨大な知識だけを増やし…^@^ ;無意味な価値観だけを築いて、築いて、積み上げて…\ ^I ended up collecting a fair body of knowledge...^@^ ^But what I picked up was just facts and figures to me.\ ;いつしか、テレビに映るモノが現実感を失った。\ ^I'd somehow lost any sense that the things I saw on that TV screen were actually connected with reality.\ ;次は本の中、ゲームの中、そして家族…\ ^The books I read went the same way: they didn't seem to be about real things, just abstract concepts. Games were the same.\ ;やがて、わたし自身のことですら、 ;まるで他人のように眺め、リアルとして認識できなくなった。\ ;^Ultimately it happened to people too. I didn't seem real myself. My consciousness was just an observer; my body, and the family fussing around it, mere objects of observation.\ ;-- it feels wierd to mush 'family' and 'i' together, and tack ultimately onto the set. if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_35 + That's a very polite way of saying "What the heck were you smoking when you translated this?!". >_<; *generated_35 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_36 + The "ultimately" is a perfectly literal translation of やがて, but the rest is... weird, like you say. *generated_36 ^Ultimately I went the same way myself: nothing that happened to me felt real or immediate, as though I was merely watching it happen to someone else.\ ;だから、この7階に来た時も驚きはしなかった。\ ^So being transferred up here to the seventh floor didn't change much for me.\ ;目を閉じれば、いつでも世界は消える。 ;だから平気だと思った。思うことにした。\ ^Everything vanished in just the same way when I closed my eyes. ^That was all I needed, I thought. Decided to think.\ ;そして、間もなく2回目の退院。\ ^It didn't seem all that long before the time came for my second temporary discharge.\ ;次に来る時には、一人では歩けないかも知れない。\ ^The next time I came back here, I couldn't even be sure I'd be capable of walking unaided.\ ;それがわかっているのに、 ;抗えない自分を情けないと思った。\ ^I thought it was pathetic, really, the way I couldn't even struggle against that.\ ;…行き先すら持たない自分を、滑稽だとも思った。\ ^I thought it was ridiculous, really, the way I didn't even have a place to go to.\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n042.ogg" ;「時間を止め、心を止め、胸に大きな傷跡を作り…」\ ^`Stopping my life, stopping my heart, carving a long scar into my breast...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n043.ogg" ;「それでも、22年も生きたのに哀れだと思った…」\ ^`Even though I've lived 22 years...^@^ it still seems a shame...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;_________________ bg "haeleth\1\c044.bmp",3 click bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 ;それから更に数日後…\ ^The days continued to pass.\ ;先日までの曇り空が消え、 ;どこまでも高い、高い、冬空が広がっていた。\ ^The previous days' clouds tore and scattered, and the winter's sky spread out clear and high.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;珍しく見舞いに来た親父。 ;終始、辛そうな顔をしていた。\ ^My father made one of his rare visits. ^His face was pained and drawn.\ ;でも、俺の保険がどうとか言っていた。\ ;その時の目は哀しそうではなかった。\ ^The only time he seemed to cheer up was when he was talking about life assurance. ^On me.\ ;「じゃあ、先生と少し話しがあるから…」\ ^`Now, I need to have a word with the doctor too, so...'\ ;そう告げると、廊下を去っていった親父。\ ^He left at last.\ ;以前にも行った、 ;あの薄暗い談話室へ向かったようだった。\ ^He was probably heading back downstairs, back to that gloomy discussion room.\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;また、一人となった病室。\ ^So I was alone again.\ ;何もすることがない俺は、 ;売店で買ってきてくれた週刊誌へと手を伸ばす。\ ^He'd brought me some magazines. I had nothing better to do, so I reached over for one.\ ;そこには、同じように ;見舞いとして持ってきてくれた果物とジュース。\ ^They were on the table with the other stuff he'd brought. Fruit and juice and stuff.\ ;その果物を入れたバスケットの横。\ ^But there was something else. Beside the basket of fruit.\ ;-- Second sentence feels really fragment-y if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_37 + Shouldn't it? The Japanese is a fragment, after all. *generated_37 ;ちょうど、俺の嫌いなメロンの前…\ ^Right in front of the melon (a fruit I detest).\ ;-- parenthesis really necessary? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_38 + It's a parenthetical statement... :) *generated_38 bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\key2.ogg" ;☆BG 車のキーUP\ ;●:車のキーUP stop mp3fadeout 2000 bg "e\carkey.jpg",5 ;目に入ったのは…^@^車のキーだった。\ ^Keys.\ ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景>もうちょい\ ;銀色に輝くキー。\ ^A set of silver sparkling car keys.\ ;親父自慢の、内装から手を加えたらしいクーペ。\ ^My father's pride and joy was his coupé, with its custom interior and trim. ^He'd never dreamed of letting me near the thing.\ ;以前にも何気なく貸してくれと言い、 ;あっけなく断られた、その車のキーだった。\ ^That's what these were the keys to.\ ;そして、パジャマの胸ポケットには、例の免許証。\ ^I still kept my driving licence in my breast pocket, even in these pyjamas.\ ;あの日、出番を失ってしまったにもかかわらず、 ;持ち続けていた…かつての日常の証しだった。\ ^Even though I'd lost the chance to use it, I kept it there as a reminder that I'd had an ordinary life.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;SE> dwave 5,"se\key2.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ;俺は黙って、キーを掴んだ。\ ^I laid a hand on the keys.\ ^My fingers closed around them.\ ;咄嗟にそうしてしまった。 ;自分でも、明確な理由はわからない。\ ^I'd taken them. I didn't really know why.\ ;只、何となくそうしていた。 ;どこか、テレビの1シーンを眺めているようだった。\ ^It's just what I ended up doing. It was as though I was watching someone else do it, in a TV drama or something.\ ;そして、貰っていた数日分の薬。 ;それだけをコンビニ袋に詰めると…\ ^I had several days' worth of medicine in my room, too. Somehow they ended up in a carrier bag.\ ;-- mm? you guys use the genetive/posessive case in X worth of? we just use the plural '3 bags worth of cheese' if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_39 + It varies; there's no hard-and-fast rule in British English. I use the possessive because of cases like "a week's worth", where "a weeks worth" looks rather odd (how can one week be a plural?) *generated_39 ;廊下へと向かった。\ ^While I ended up in the corridor.\ ;☆BG変え mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;…ナースステーションの横をすり抜け…\ ^There was nobody on duty at the nurse's station. Nobody to see me pass.\ ;足早にエレベーターに向かって歩き続ける。\ ^I continued on past, towards the lifts.\ ;右手にコンビニ袋、左手には車のキー。 ;胸ポケットには、出番を失くした筈の免許証を忍ばせていた。\ ^In my right hand, the carrier bag; in my left, the car keys. ^Tucked away in my breast pocket, the driving licence I'd never thought I'd be able to use.\ ;●:談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;談話室の前。\ ^I reached the lounge and glanced inside.\ ;次に目に入ったのが、 ;いつものように、テレビを見ていた彼女の姿だった。\ ^She was in there.\ ;ちゃちいパイプ椅子に座って、 ;今日もつまらなさそうに画面を見ていた。\ ^Plonked in her usual chair, staring listlessly at the TV screen.\ ;その相変わらずの後姿に、俺は声を掛けた。\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「なあお前…それ面白いか?」\ ^`Are you having fun there?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n071.ogg" ;「…そう見える?」\ ^`Do I look like I am?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、全然…」\ ^`Not really.'\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずのやり取り。\ ^The usual exchange.\ ;いつもの遠くを見るような目をしていた。\ ^Her usual expression, detached and distant-eyed.\ !s85 ;「それじゃあ…^@^いっしょに行くか?」\ ^`Then...^@^ why not come with me instead?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\nv395.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh...?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;手に持った車のキーを見せながら、言葉を続けた。\ ^I held up the keys for her to see, and continued.\ ;「俺も…家は嫌だ」\ ^`I've decided... I don't want to die at home.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n073.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n074.ogg" ;「わたしは…7階も嫌…」\ ^`I... don't want it to be here, either...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「それじゃあ…^@^いっしょに行くか?」\ ^`Then...^@^ why not come with me instead?'\ dwavestop 0 !s100 dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...why not?'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 !sd ;その言葉と共に、パイプ椅子から立ち上がる彼女。^@^ ^And with that she stood up.\ ;ふわりと長い髪が揺れ、俺の鼻先をかすめた。\ ^She shook her long hair, and a lock brushed against the tip of my nose.\ ;そして彼女も、 ;何日分かの薬をコンビニ袋に詰めると…\ ^And she added her medicine to the bag...\ ;二人して7階を後にした。\ ^Then we left the seventh floor together.\ ;俺はつまらないテレビを消した。 ;カン高い笑い声をあげていた司会者は沈黙した。\ ^I switched the awful television off as we went. ^The compere's shrill laughter was cut short, and silence reigned.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;__;_ ;お互い、パジャマのままエレベーターに乗り込む。 ;最上階である、この階から1階へと降りる。\ ^Clad as we were in a pyjamas, for want of anything to change into, we rode the lift all the way down to the ground floor.\ ;1階に着いても、入退院や急患入り口ではなく、 ;わざと外来の出入口から駐車場へと向かった。\ ^We left by the outpatients' exit, of course, not the main door by reception.\ ^It was less conspicuous, and handier for the car park.\ ;●:冬空 bg "e\sora03.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" ;ビュウーー、\ ;屋外に出た途端に、冷たい木枯らしが顔を叩く。^@^ ^The freezing wind struck us full in the face as we stepped outside.\ ;障害物の少ない駐車場は、尚更、風が強いように感じた。\ ^The car park was wide open and clear of obstructions; that just made the blast all the stronger.\ ;二人して、キョロキョロと辺りに気を配りながら、 ;広い病院の駐車場を歩き回る。\ ^We hurried together across the tarmac. I was looking out for the car. She was looking out for trouble.\ ;やがて… ;しばらく探して、やっと見つけた親父の車。\ ^It didn't take long to find the car. It wasn't the sort that blends in.\ ;☆車:停車時\ ;●:車外・病院の駐車場に停車中の車 bg "e\byoin_chusyajo.jpg",5 ;銀のクーペ。^@^ ;内装にまで手を入れた親父自慢の車だった。\ ^The silver coupé.^@^ ^My father's pride and joy.\ ;早速俺は、キーをさし込むとドアを開ける。\ ^I unlocked it.\ ;SE dwave 5,"se\kati.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ;「ほら、乗っていいぞ」\ ^`Get in.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^`Okay...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ;深々とドライバーズシートに身を沈める俺。\ ^I swung myself into the driver's seat.\ ;助手席の彼女は、 ;小柄の為か普通に座っても前が見え難い程だった。\ ^She was already adjusting her side. At her size, she needed the seat fully upright if she was going to be able to see out.\ ;●:車内・停車01(病院の駐車場) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 ;次に、手に持ったキーをイグニッションへと挿れ、 ;回しながら軽くアクセルを踏む。\ ^Now it was just a case of putting the key in the ignition and turning it, while stepping lightly on the accelerator.\ ;全て、教習所で習った通りだった。\ ^Just like they'd taught me at driving school.\ dwave 5,"se\engine_start.ogg" ;キュルキュル、 ;ウォンブオン……\ ;たちまち、車内に響く軽いエンジン音。\ ^The engine purred into life.\ ;後はサイドブレーキを外して、クラッチを離すだけ。\ ^Next... just release the handbrake and let the clutch in gently.\ ;…これで、どこへでも行けた。行ける筈だった。\ ^And we were free. We could go anywhere... or should be able to.\ ;「じゃあ、行くぞ…」\ ^`Shall we go?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n077.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Okay.'\ dwavestop 0 ;小さく頷く彼女。 ;俺は返事をする代わりにギアをセカンドに入れる。\ ^She nodded. I shifted into second in reply.\ ;そして、静かに車を発進させた。\ ^And we began to glide forwards.\ ;SE>\ dwave 5,"se\car_start2.ogg" bg "e\naname_machi2.jpg",5 ;慣れないクラッチに、 ;ガタガタと車体を揺らしながらも、ゆっくりと進む。\ ^It was not the smoothest of starts; the clutch was unfamiliar, and changing gears was consequentially a rather bumpy experience.\ dwave 0,"w\n078.ogg" ;「…揺れるわね」\ ^`Bit jerky...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、初めて乗る車だからな…」\ ^`Yeah, I haven't driven this before...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ついでに言うと、免許取って初めての運転だ」\ ^`Come to that, I haven't driven at all since I passed my test.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n080.ogg" ;「……………」\ dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^`I see...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて目の前に現れた、病院の駐車場出口。 ;そこに面して通っている大きめの道路。\ ^It wasn't far to the car park exit, and that opened straight onto the main road.\ ;俺は、その信号のない交差点へと車を出した。\ ^There were no traffic lights. I drove straight out without stopping.\ ;●:車内・移動中03(車道) bg "e\shanai_inaka.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\c-1.ogg" ;>SE>クラクション ;パァーン、パーン、\ ;クラクションを浴びせる後続の車。 ;いきなり車線に入ってきた俺に対してのものだった。\ ^Our entry onto the road was greeted by a sennet of horns from the traffic behind us.\ ;慣れないクラッチに、ギアを変える度に、 ;ガツガツとつんのめりながらも走る銀のクーペ。\ ^I accelerated to the speed of the flow, trying not to be flustered by the crunches and jerks that accompanied each inexpert change of gear.\ dwave 5,"se\c-2.ogg" ;>SE>クラクション\ ;それが真後ろの車には余計に気に障るのか、 ;当分、クラクションは止みそうになかった。\ ^This juddering acceleration appeared only to enrage the driver behind us all the more. He honked angrily away. Perhaps he'd taped the horn lever down.\ ;なのに、特に気にするでもなく走る俺。 ;どこかリアルとしての感覚が薄かった。\ ^I managed to push him out of my mind and concentrate on driving. ^I still wasn't really with it. The whole affair seemed vaguely unreal.\ !s85 ;「なあ、お前…」\ ^`You okay there?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n081.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^`How do you mean?'\ dwavestop 0 !w200 ;「…怖いか?」\ ^`Are you scared?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n082.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ !w300 dwave 0,"w\n084.ogg" ;「…怖がった方が…^@^いい?」\ ^`...would it help if I was?'\ dwavestop 0 !w100 ;「いや…別に…」\ ^`Not quite what I meant...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" ;☆BG空 ;●:冬空>ある bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 !s75 ;まだ昼前。高い日。\ ^It was still morning. The sun was high.\ ;フロントガラス越しに見た、一月の冬空。 ;何故か哀しいと思えるほど青く澄んでいた。\ ^The January sky stretched out and up beyond the windscreen, still, blue, and empty.\ ;…別に行くあてなんて無かった。\ ^We had no particular place to go.\ ;寒空、慣れないクラッチに、車体を揺らした日のこと。^@^ ^It was a day for a cold sky, an unfamiliar clutch, a fast car with a shaking chassis.\ ;二人して、パジャマ姿のまま国道を目指した日のこと。\ ^It was a day to hit the road together... in our pyjamas.\ !s85 ;…そんな冬の日のこと…\ ^It was that kind of winter day...\ !sd ;;____ ;・タイトルへ:BGMそのままかな?\ ;____;__;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2000 bg "english\1\c0442.bmp",3 click ;あんなに高かった日が ;オレンジへと変わろうとする頃。\ ^Then came the time of day when the sun began to sink and redden.\ bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;走り続ける俺たち。 ;只、やみくもに車を走り続けていた。\ ^I had simply driven all day, never once pausing, never once thinking about where we were going.\ ;そして、辺りが見覚えのない場所になった頃…\ ^At length it came to my attention that I did not, in fact, have the faintest clue where we were.\ ;「…少し停めるぞ」\ ;^`Mind if we stop for a moment?'\ ;-- mm. why in form of a question? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_40 + I was going to say "because it's politer", but then I read the Japanese again and observed that the protagonist is not being remotely polite. Editing time! *generated_40 ^`Just stopping for a moment.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n180.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Okay...'\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG 車or道 ;●:車外・停車01(市街地から外れた道ばた・交通量少) bg "e\chusha_michi2_yu.jpg",5 ;やっと、車を停車させた俺。\ ^It was time to stop and think.\ ;市街地から外れた、どこかの道端。 ;寂しげでほとんど交通量も見えないところだった。\ ^We were well away from the city now, of course, out in the middle of nowhere. ^We'd barely seen so much as another car for the last few kilometres.\ ;そんな、名も知れぬ場所に車を寄せると、 ;とりあえず、車内の点検を始めた。\ ^I drew up in a nameless lay-by and began to take stock of the situation.\ ;☆BG 車内 ;●:車内・停車02(市街地から外れた道ばた・交通量少) bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",5 ;…少しでも役に立つものがあれば…\ ^For example, what resources did we have...?\ ;何の用意もなく飛び出してきたが、 ;たちまちに困ってしまうことは目に見えていた。\ ^Having departed rather hastily and without proper plans, we were likely to be faced with some difficulties.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;まずは、目の前のダッシュボードを漁ってみる。\ ^I began to check through the various pockets and compartments around the car.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…………\ ^............\ ;「ほんと、何もねえな…」\ ^`This isn't much to live off...'\ dwavestop 0 ;高速のつり銭らしき小銭が数百円ほど。 ^There were a few hundred yen in the ash tray, presumably change for highway tolls.\ ;他にはマンガ本が数冊と、使い捨てカメラがあるだけ。\ ^Apart from that, just a couple of manga volumes and a disposable camera.\ ;別に目的地がある訳ではなかったけど、 ;車に装備されていたナビも壊れているようだった。\ ^It was a good thing we didn't have any destination in mind, because the satnav seemed to be broken.\ ;そして、俺の今の所持金は8000円ほど。^@^ ;出掛けに急いでポケットに詰めてきた全財産だった。\ ^All I had to add to that was the little I'd brought with me when we left.\ ;これでは、目の前の小銭と足しても、9000円ほどにしかならない。\ ^My total assets, including the change in the ash tray, barely came to 9,000 yen.\ ;もちろん、車内に何かあるなんて、最初から期待してた訳じゃない。\ ^I can't say I was particularly surprised to find so little had been left in the car.\ ;…でも、この所持金では、たちまちに困ってしまうだろう。 ;ちゃんとした所に宿泊するなんて絶対に無理だと思える。\ ^It was a blow, though. If our funds were really this limited, there was no chance we were going to be sleeping in hotel beds.\ bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;といっても、こいつが金を持ってるとは思えないし…\ ;^I could guess that the girl wouldn't have any money on her. I'd seen what she put in the bag... just medicine.\ ;-- Any particular reason for the embellishment? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_41 + After all these years, I'm not sure even God has bothered to remember. What I _can_ tell you is that I quite agree it's totally superfluous. *generated_41 ^And it hardly seemed likely that ~i~she'd~i~ have any cash on her...\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^`...what?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、なんでもない…」\ ^`Nothing...'\ dwavestop 0 ;…まあいい。 ;こんなことは最初から分かっていた筈だ。\ ^Well, I'd been expecting it to turn out like this.\ ;元々、予定や計画なんてのを、 ;考えた上での行動だった訳じゃない。\ ^We were actually pretty well off, given that we'd set out without any planning or preparation.\ ;それよりも今は動きたかった。じっとしていたくなかった。\ ^In any case, there was no point sitting around. I wanted to be on the move, not stuck in a lay-by.\ ;だから俺は、再び車を走らせた。\ dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" ;●とも SE>走る音 bg "e\naname_inaka_yu.jpg",5 ;暮れ始めた空の下、再び走り始めた銀のクーペ。\ ^We pulled out into the road again, under the setting sun.\ ;「ところでお前、腹へってねえか?」\ ^`How are you doing? Getting hungry yet?'\ dwavestop 0 ;走りながら、隣のこいつに声を掛ける。 ;考えてみれば朝から何も食べてなかった。\ ^Come to think of it, we'd neither of us eaten since breakfast.\ ;もちろん、所持金を考えると贅沢は出来ない。\ ;だけど、ファーストフードや、 ;コンビニのおにぎり程度なら大丈夫だと思える。\ ;「とりあえず、コンビニでも寄るか?」\ ^`Next town we come to, shall we try and find a grocery and grab some food?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n152.ogg" ;「…嫌」\ ^`No chance.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「おいおい、贅沢言うなよ、それに7階の食事と比べれば絶対にマシだぞ」\ ^`Don't get picky now. In any case, anything's going to be better than what they gave us back on the seventh floor.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n015.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の言葉には、無言で返す彼女。\ ^She looked down at herself silently.\ ;その、うつむいた視線の先は、自分の着ているピンクのパジャマがあった。\ ^And I realised what the problem was. Those pink pyjamas.\ ;「ああ、そういえば、そうだったな…」\ ^`Heh, good point...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺も自分の服を見つめる。\ ^I glanced down at my own outfit.\ ;確かに、このパジャマのままでは、どこに行くにしても目立ちすぎる。\ ^I had to admit that we were going to stick out rather, if we didn't change into daytime clothes.\ ;車内なら問題無いって訳じゃないけど、とりあえず、この服装を何とかしないといけない。\ ^Respectable attire would have to be a priority.\ ;そう判断した俺は、幹線道路から市街地へとハンドルを向けた。\ ^So the next time we reached a turning for a town, I took it.\ ;●:車内・移動中04(車道) bg "e\shanai_michi03_yu.jpg",5 ;しばらく走った頃。 ;到着したのは、名も知らぬどこかの通り。\ ^I don't know what the town was called, nor the name of the street we ended up on.\ ;きっと駅前に近いのだろう。 ;それなりに人の姿も見える通りだった。\ ^We were somewhere near a station. There were quite a few people around, for the time of day.\ ;「このへんなら、ありそうなもんだけど…」\ ^`There's bound to be one somewhere round here...'\ dwavestop 0 ;辺りをキョロキョロと探りながら、車を進ませる俺。 ;シートから少し身体を乗り出すようにして運転していた。\ ^I drove along slowly, sitting upright, looking in all directions.\ ;「あ…見つけた…」\ ^`There we are...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ほどなくして発見したコインランドリー。\ ^An automatic laundrette.\ ;見ため的にもぼろくて、 ;小さな雑居ビルの1階にぽつんと入っていた。\ ^It was on the ground floor of a rather dilapidated-looking block.\ ;…ここならちょうど良いかも知れない。\ ^This looked as good a place as any.\ ;俺は、その入り口から、 ;少しだけ離れた場所へと車を路駐する。\ ^I parked a little way up the street.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ…」\ ^`I'll be back in a moment...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n088.ogg" ;「…?」\ ^`...?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ;不思議そうな顔をする彼女を車内に残し、 ;俺はコインランドリーへと足を向ける。\ ^I shut the car door on her questioning look and strolled back to the laundrette.\ ;SE>ガー>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;●:コインランドリー店内>素材写真加工レベルで bg "e\coin_tennai.jpg",5 ;自動ドアをくぐった途端、 ;鼻をつく漂白剤や洗剤の匂い。\ ^The door slid open as I approached, letting out a puff of hot air that filled my nostrils with the scent of bleach.\ ;店内は、外見のぼろっちさと同じように、 ;古めかしい洗濯機や乾燥機で占められていた。\ ^The walls were lined with antiquated washing machines and tumble driers. The place was as run-down inside as out.\ ;「…誰もいないな」\ ^`Anybody here?'\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな呟きを落とした無人の店内。\ ^There was nobody there.\ dwave 5,"se\coin2.ogg" ;ゴ………\ ;そこには低い音を上げて回転する乾燥機が、 ;1台だけ使用中だった。\ ^Only one machine was in use: a tumble drier in the far corner was emitting a deep hum.\ ;早速、その使用中の機械に近づくと、 ;タイマーのチェックを始める。\ ^I strode over to it and peered at the timer.\ ;…………\ ^............\ ;どうやら200円投入の、30分にセットしたようだった。 ;そして今は、5分しか経っていない状態。\ ^It was barely five minutes into a 200 yen half-hour cycle.\ ;…きっと、頃合までどこかで時間を潰しているのだろう。\ ^Whoever was using it must have had better things to do than wait for it to finish.\ ;以上を推測すると、もう一度、 ;出入り口から、それらしい人がいないかを見回す。\ ;そして、間違いなく人の姿がないことを確かめると、 ^I peered back outside, just in case they were still in sight. There were no likely suspects to be seen.\ ;俺は回転中の乾燥機のドアを手にして…\ ;いきなり開けた。\ ^So I went back over to the machine and yanked the door open.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>止めorそれっぽい音 dwave 5,"se\coin.ogg" ;ガチャンっ、\ ;乾燥途中にドアを開けられ、強制的に一旦停止された乾燥機。\ ^The fail-safe kicked in, and the drum stopped spinning.\ ;むわっとした湿気と熱を無視して、 ;その中から半乾きの服の塊を引きずり出す。\ ^I tugged the bundled laundry out, trying to ignore the heat and cloying steam.\ ;そして、そのまま両手で抱えると、 ;もう一度辺りを見回してから店を後にした。\ ^Then, taking the lot in both arms, I took one last look around and stepped back outside.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ ^The car door slammed shut beside me.\ ;●車内 bg "e\shanai_michi03_yu.jpg",5 ;●とも↓ボリューム小さく dwave 0,"w\n307.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^`Oh...!'\ ;両手一杯に抱えた洗濯物を見て、少しだけ驚いた声を上げる彼女。\ ^Apparently she hadn't guessed what I was going to do. My armful of damp laundry provoked a gasp.\ ;でも俺は構わずに、後部座席へと放り投げる。\ ^I dumped the lot on the back seat.\ ;「じゃあ、行くぞ…」\ ^`Off we go...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n073.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE dwave 5,"se\car_start.ogg" ;キュルキュル、 ;ウォンブオン……\ ^A perfect getaway.\ ;-- a bit of a stretch, unless you happen to think he's proud of the act if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_42 + He shows no hesitation in doing it, and no immediate contrition after the fact; it's not something he's proud of doing as such, but he is glad he's been able to pull it off, given that he's decided it's the only way he can provide for Setsumi's needs. The lesser evil, as it were. *generated_42 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_43 + Narci1 is explicitly a modern retelling of Gin'iro chapter 1, so we can't really expect the male protagonist to be a saint, can we? ;) *generated_43 ;bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;●とも ↓できたらこれは、上からじゃない車走行中で ;>■仕込みました bg "e\soukou_yoru.jpg",3 ;ハンドルを片手に、 ^I was steering more confidently now, with one hand on the wheel.\ ;先ほど放り込んだ洗濯物の山に目をやる。\ ;^The mound of laundry filled the rear-view mirror.\ ;-- If that were true, he had either stolen a man-sized amount, or has his mirror adjusted wrong... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_44 + 悔しいけど、反論できない。 *generated_44 ^I glanced back at the mound of laundry.\ ;ぱっと見、派手な感じのジーパンやスウェットばかりで、 ;どれもサイズは大きめのようだった。\ ^From what I could see it was all menswear, flashy jeans and sweatshirts, and all in a pretty large size.\ ;まだ湿っているけど、車内ならば、エアコンの熱でじきに乾くだろう。\ ^Mostly still wet, but we had the heater on pretty high, so it wasn't going to stay that way for long.\ ;☆車内でもいいかも ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道・夜) bg "e\shanai_michi02_yoru.jpg",5 ;「後で好きなのに着替えろよ…」\ ^`There must be something you can wear in that lot...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n090.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉にも、特に返事はなかった。 ;放り込んだままの洗濯物に目をやるだけだった。\ ^She didn't reply. She just looked unenthusiastically at the heap.\ ;「しょうがねえだろ…」\ ^`We're just going to have to make the best of it.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n091.ogg" ;「…わかってるわよ」\ ^`Yes. I know.'\ dwavestop 0 ;そりゃあ俺だって、こんなこと好きでやってる訳じゃない。\ ^I'd be the first to admit that I wasn't happy with the choice of clothes, or the methods involved in acquiring them.\ ;それに、この所持金自体だって、別に何かの使い途を持ってる訳じゃないけど…\ ^I was even willing to concede that we didn't have any specific plans for the money we had.\ ;しかし、現在の手持ちでは、新たに服を買うことは厳しいのが現状だった。\ ^But in the circumstances, given how limited our resources are, there was still no way we could justify a shopping spree.\ ;__________________ ;●とも>月もあるので↓ ;☆どこかの場所:夜>夜空 bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;本格的に月が顔を出し、しばらく走った頃…\ ^We drove on until the moon became clear in the sky.\ ;俺はどこかの公園のそばへと車を停める。\ ^Then I set about finding a quiet well-lit street where we could stop.\ ;きっと、児童公園のような場所なのだろう。住宅街の中に、こじんまりと建っていた。\ ^I ended up pulling up next to a kids' playground in the middle of some leafy suburb.\ ;そんな中、先程パクってきた服の物色を始める。\ ^Then began the task of sorting through the heap and finding out exactly what I'd managed to liberate.\ ;☆車内:夜 ;●:車内正面・停車03(公園の側・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",5 ;車内のエアコンもあってか、すっかり乾いていた洗濯物。\ ^The heater had done the job. The clothes were quite dry by now.\ ;「やっぱり、男ものばかりだったな…」\ ^`Thought so... it's all men's stuff...'\ dwavestop 0 ;さっきもちらっと見た通り、 ;派手な感じのジーパンやスウェットばかりだった。\ ^There really wasn't much apart from the jeans and sweatshirts I'd glimpsed earlier.\ ;恐らくは俺と同じくらいの年頃なのだろう。サイズ的にも近いように感じた。\ ^They were pretty close to my size, though. The previous owner must have been about my build.\ ;そして、運転席に座ったまま、 ;適当なジーンズとトレーナーを掴むと着替え始める俺。\ ^I picked out a suitable pair of jeans, and a shirt I could bear to be seen in, and began to wriggle into them as best as I could in the confined space.\ ;「ほら、お前も適当なのに着替えろよ」\ ^`Come on, get yourself into something.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n092.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n093.ogg" ;「どれも、大き過ぎる…」\ ^`...they're all too big...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、ずっとパジャマでいるのか?」\ ^`Are you just going to stay in your pyjamas, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n094.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^`Oh, all right...'\ dwavestop 0 ;しぶしぶ答えると、適当なジーンズと服を手に持ってドアを開ける彼女。\ ^Clearly reluctant, but recognising the need, she tugged some garments from the heap and opened her door.\ ;SE>ドア開け dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「おい、どこ行くんだ?」\ ^`Where are you going?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n096.ogg" ;「…着替えてくる」\ ^`To get changed.'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;それだけを告げると、 ;目の前に見える公園のトイレへと歩き始めた。\ ^Of course. She was heading for the public toilets next to the playground.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ;カチャ、\ ^............\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;「よう、早かったな」\ ^`That was quick.'\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;暫くして、帰ってきた彼女。\ ;先ほどまで着ていた、ピンクのパジャマを手にして、 ;新しくジーンズと白いトレーナーに着替えていた。\ ^She was dressed now. Navy jeans and a white sweatshirt. Her pink pyjamas were in her hand.\ ;「まあ、なんとか着れて良かったな」\ ^`Glad you could find something.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n097.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。予想できたことだが、サイズ的に無理があって、かなりぶかぶかのようだった。\ ^She didn't reply. I wasn't surprised. The fit was as awful as I'd feared; the clothes were practically hanging off her.\ ;ジーンズの丈も余りすぎる為、くるくると何回も折り返して、 ;上に着たトレーナーも同じように袖を幾重にも捲くっていた。\ ^She'd had to turn up her trouser legs quite a way just to be able to walk in them. Her sleeves had had the same treatment.\ dwave 0,"w\n098.ogg" ;「…パジャマのままの方がよかった」\ ^`...I was better off in my pyjamas...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、そう言うなよ、少しはこっちの方が温かいし」\ ^`Don't say that. At least you'll be warmer this way.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n097.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の言葉に、少しだけ不服そうな顔を向ける。\ ^She replied only with a slight pout.\ ;「やっぱあれか、もっと女の子っぽいのが良かったか?」\ ^`I guess they were a bit more, um, feminine...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n099.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n083.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^`Whatever...'\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずの彼女の反応。\ ^She was no more talkative than ever.\ ;ぶかぶかのトレーナーに不満そうだと思っても、 ;すぐに、いつもの無表情に戻ってしまった。\ ^I had been expecting her at least to sulk a little over the clothes, but instead she just retreated back behind her usual expressionless mask.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;__;____________________ ;タイトル戻し予定地 ;☆雨空:夜\ ;●:空・夜・雨 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\amazora03.jpg",5 ;ざーーーっ\ ;いつのまにか降り出した雨。\ ^It had started to rain.\ bg "e\chusha_michi_ame_yoru.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;まるで止むことを忘れたように、 ;一月の冷たい空からこぼれ落ちていた。\ ^It sheeted down from the cold January sky, as though it had forgotten how to stop.\ ;車内から見える、 ;フロントガラスに付いた無数の雨粒。\ ^The windscreen was gradually obscured by the hammering raindrops.\ ;その一つ一つが、表面張力を超えるサイズになると ;幾つかが集まり、こぼれ、川へと変わる。\ ^After a while, as the mass built up, they began to coalesce. The beads brimmed and overflowed, sending rivulets trickling down the glass.\ ;そして、流れ落ちる際には、 ;フロントガラスの下流の雨粒をも巻き込み、更に流していく。\ ^As those streams met and gathered strength, and picked up further volume from the rain, the windscreen became a riverbed.\ ;そんな雨の様子を、俺は車内からぼーっと眺めていた。\ ^For a while I just sat in the driver's seat, watching the rain.\ ;☆車内\ ;●:車内正面・停車04(駐車場・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;どこかの駐車場。山の中の寂しい場所。\ ^A lonely lay-by, somewhere up in the hills.\ ;コンビニで買い物を済ませた俺達は、 ;ここで夜を明かしていた。\ ^We'd paused at a grocery to buy some food. This was where we stopped for the night.\ ;お互いにおにぎりを2つと、ポカリの500ml、 ;それとポテトは半分ずつが夕食のメニューだった。\ ^We hadn't bought much. Two onigiri each, two half-litre bottles of Pocari, and a portion of chips between us.\ ;「こーゆーの、久しぶりだよな…」\ ^`It's been a while since I've had stuff like this...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n177.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;片手にコンビニおにぎりを持ったまま、彼女が呟く。\ ^She nodded agreement, picking up her first onigiri.\ ;普通で考えれば豪華な訳はないけど、7階の食事と比べれば十分に旨いと思える。\ ^Onigiri. Not something that most people would consider particularly wonderful. ^But compared to the food on the seventh floor, it seemed special enough.\ ;そして、二人してポテトに手を伸ばしていると、突然、彼女がその手を止めた。\ ;-- Mm I used to have potato here too <_< now not so much if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_45 + Aha, this has reminded me that I need to change every instance of "potato" in this context to "chips". *generated_45 ^Then as we each reached out for the chips, her hand suddenly stopped.\ ;「…どうかしたか?」\ ^`Something wrong?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n100.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^`No...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そう答える視線の先、 ;真っ白に煙ったフロントガラスの向こう…\ ^She whispered. She was staring out of the windscreen.\ ;その道端には幾つかの白い花が見えていた。\ ^I followed her gaze. We had parked in front of a bank of flowers.\ ;☆BG>花の ;●:ナルキッソス絵・夜ぼんやりと浮かび上がっている・雨 bg "e\narcissu_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;雨に濡れる白い花。\ ^White flowers, dripping in the rain.\ ;誰かが植えた物か、野生の物かは分からないけど、 ;その花には見覚えがあった。\ ^I couldn't guess whether they were wild or cultivated. But I did recognise the shape.\ ;「確か、ナルキ…ナルキスだっけ?」\ ^`It's those narc... narcisses?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n101.ogg" ;「ナルキッソス…水仙のことよ」\ ^`Narcissi... you probably know them better as daffodils.'\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「ああ、水仙のことだったのか…」\ ^`Oh, are they the same thing?'\ dwavestop 0 ;特に草花に詳しい訳ではないけど、水仙ならば、名前くらい聞いたことがあった。\ ^I'd be the first to admit that botany was never a strong point of mine, but even I had heard of daffodils.\ ;そして、普段なら滅多に言葉を出さない彼女なのに、 ;珍しく、話題にのってきたことを思い出していた。\ ^And once again their appearance seemed to have coaxed some rare words out of the girl, who usually spoke only when necessary.\ ;だから俺も、こいつに合わせて話しを続けた。\ ^For that reason alone I felt it worth pursuing the conversation.\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;「それで、やっぱあれか…ここのも違うのか?」\ ^`Are these the same kind, then, or something different?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n102.ogg" ;「…うん、厳密には違う」\ ^`Different.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ふーん、結構珍しいものなんだな…」\ ^`What, really? Those other ones must be pretty rare, then...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n103.ogg" ;「別に…どこにでもあるわよ」\ ^`Not really. They're all over the place.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「どこにでもって、どこ?」\ ^`Anywhere in particular?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n104.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺としては、それほど深い意味があった訳じゃない。 ^I didn't ask with any particular aim in mind.\ ;只、話しの流れからの自然な問いのつもりだった。\ ^That was just where the conversation happened to lead.\ ;なのに、こいつは暫く考え込んでから…^@^ ;ゆっくりと口を開いた。\ ^But she paused to think about it, before opening her mouth again.\ !s85 dwave 0,"w\n105.ogg" ;「…西……」\ ^`West...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…西?」\ ^`In the west?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n106.ogg" ;「淡路島が…有名…」\ ^`Particularly on Awajishima...'\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「おいおい、淡路島ってお前…」\ ^`Awajishima?! Hang on, do you...'\ dwavestop 0 ;…ここからどれだけ離れていると思ってんだ?\ ^...have any idea how far away that is from here?\ ;まだ車に乗ったばかりの俺には、 ;大体の目安すらつかないほどだった。\ ;恐らく、軽く700kmくらいはあるだろうし、 ;高速を利用したって何時間かかるか見当もつかない。\ ^It's an island out in Hyogo prefecture, south of Kobe.\ ^Though I wasn't sure exactly where we were, I could say for a fact that she was talking about a place halfway across the country.\ ^I couldn't imagine how long it would take to drive there. I'd never attempted a trip like that. I wasn't sure I could if I wanted to.\ ;…第一、所持金を考えると、とても足りるとは思えない。\ ^I was pretty sure we didn't have the money to cover that sort of journey, in any case.\ ;それに、仮に高速を使わず、下道で行けたとしても、 ;そのガソリン代すら危ういように思える。\ ^We probably wouldn't even be able to cover the fuel costs, not even if we stayed off the highways to save money.\ ;「お前さあ、無茶言うなよ… ; そんなところまで行ける訳ねえだろ?」\ ^`Don't be silly... you must know there's no way we could go that far!'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n107.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n108.ogg" ;「…誰が行きたいなんて言ったの?」\ ^`...who said anything about going there?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n109.ogg" ;「問われたから答えただけ…」\ ^`I was just answering your question...'\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを告げると、 ;またフロントガラス越しに例の花を見つめる彼女。\ ^The conversation died there. She clammed up and just sat there, gazing at the flowers.\ ;冷たい雨に車内のガラスが真っ白に煙る。 ;その更に向こうへと視線を投げていた。\ ^Even after the glass steamed up with our breath, thanks to the cold rain outside, she still didn't shift her gaze.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…別に俺だって行きたかった訳じゃなかった。\ ^I didn't particularly want to go to Awajishima either.\ ;でも、他に行きたい場所を持っている訳でもなかった…\ ^But then I didn't particularly want to go anywhere in particular...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha3,1 mov %flg_bplay,3 goto *haeleth_mini_title ;____;____;_ ;★チャプター4 *haeleth_honpen4 dwavestop 5 mov $sys_midasi,"^Maps [h]" ;・ヒロイン シーン回想 1 予定地 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 0,"w\n110.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^`Time has stopped for me...'\ dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;知識だけを増やし、無意味な価値観だけを増やし、 ;ブラウン管からの情報だけを求めて…\ ^I was just collecting knowledge, piling up meaningless facts and figures, draining information from the television screen...\ ;いつしかリアルを薄め、虚ろになってしまう。\ ^The world had lost its reality for me. There was nothing solid out there.\ ;☆イメージ絵 部屋:地図みたいなの\ ;●:地図イメージ絵・ねつ造系?>;●とも×ボツで ;bg "e\tizu.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n111.ogg" ;『でも、地図を見るのは好きだった…』\ ^`But I still enjoy looking at maps...'\ ;-- Still needed? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_46 + I think it helps things flow better... she's drawing a contrast between her interest in maps and her loss of interest in reality. *generated_46 dwavestop 0 ;車や列車、どこかへ運んでくれるモノも好きだった。\ ^And I liked cars and trains. Things that could have taken me to all those other places.\ ;狭いベッドの上に地図を広げ…^@^ ;幾つもの幹線を乗り継いで、乗り継いで…\ ^I'd spread the maps out on my narrow bed, and trace out journeys on them.\ ;セダン、クーペ、コンバーチブル、 ;様々な車種にも乗った。\ ^Saloons, coupés, convertibles... I could drive anything, on a map.\ ;…どこまでも続く1号線。 ;その、ずっとずっと先まで走った。\ ^Along Route 1, for example. Endless Route 1...\ dwave 5,"se\umi13.ogg" bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;インディゴブルーの空と、美しい海岸線。\ ^Running along the beautiful coast, under an indigo sky...\ ;そんな、夢に描いた場所まで走った…\ ^It ran all the way to places like that, places I could only dream of.\ ;ゆるやかに弧を描く岬を巡って… ;灼けた日射しの下、真っ白な砂浜を駆けてみる。\ ^Hot beaches curving gracefully around the coast, baked white sand under my feet.\ ;…目を閉じさえすれば、どこへでも行けた。\ ^I could go anywhere, when my eyes were closed.\ ;見たこともない景色を浮かべ、 ;決して行ける筈もない土地を思いながら…\ ^I could see things I'd never be able to see. I could visit places I'd never be able to visit...\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n112.ogg" ;「無意味に、只、知識だけを増やした…」\ ^`I've achieved nothing... apart from filling my mind with trivia...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n113.ogg" ;「…虚しく、憧れだけを募らせた…」\ ^`All I've done is to increase my longing for things I'll never have...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2500 stop ;____;____;_ ;タイトル戻しも良いかも ;BGMはそのままもあり\ ;キャッチは2日目:場所みたくとか\ ;____;____;_ ;・シーン変え 翌昼あたり ;☆BG青空\ ;●:>ある bg "english\1\c045.bmp",3 ;雨上がりの空。\ ^The rain had stopped by morning.\ bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;ものすごい速さで流れていく、高い、高いところの雲。\ ^The sky was largely clear, with just a few clouds streaming across it, high, high above us.\ ;路面からは、まだ湿ったアスファルトが、シャーっという独特の音を立てていた。\ ^The roads were still wet. Our tyres hissed against the tarmac.\ mp3loop "bgm\sen02.mp3" dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" bg "e\joku_shigaichi.jpg",5 bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 ;☆BG 走る車\ ;●:車外・移動中02(車道・昼・晴) ;そんな中、相変わらず走り続ける俺達。\ ;目的地も無く、只、なんとなく走り続けていた。\ ^We drove. Without any goal or aim, we just drove on through the day.\ ;別に、昨夜の話しにあった淡路島を目指している訳じゃない。 ;第一、それ以前の問題としてガソ代すら足らないだろう。\ ^Despite the previous night's conversation, I didn't make any attempt to strike out for Awajishima.\ ^There was no point. We couldn't afford the petrol.\ ;そんなことを思いながらも、 ;知らない道を、真っ直ぐに進みつづける俺。\ ^So I just carried on driving at random instead.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;…でも、ここはどこだろう?\ ;ふと、そんなことも考えてしまう。\ ^It didn't help that I was lost.\ ;元々、あまり地理に詳しい方じゃなかったが、見たこともないような地名ばかりだった。\ ^I'd never been much good at geography. The roadsigns were no help; I couldn't even read half the names on them.\ ;それなりに走ったつもりだけど、ナビが動かないおかげで余計に分からない。\ ^The navigator being broken was the last straw.\ ;思わず俺は、辺りの標識を、キョロキョロと見回しながら走っていた。\ ^I found myself slowing down, straining to read the signs as we passed them.\ ;「うーん、よく分からないな…」\ ^`Oh, I give up...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n114.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^`What about?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん、いや…ここってどこかなってな」\ ^`Oh... just... trying to work out where we are, kind of thing.'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の様子に声を掛けた彼女。 ;軽く相槌を返した。\ ^I tried to answer as unconcernedly as I could.\ ;まあ、恐らくこんなことを、こいつに聞いても分からないだろうが…\ ^It wasn't like she'd be able to help at all.\ dwave 0,"w\n115.ogg" ;「入間よ…埼玉県の」\ ^`We're in Iruma. Saitama prefecture.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^`..what?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n116.ogg" ;「次の交差点を右に行けば16号線…八王子へ出るわ」\ ^`If you take the next right onto Route 16, we'll be heading for Hachiouji.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前、分かるのか?」\ ^`...how do you know all this?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n117.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかして、ここらに住んでたのか?」\ ^`Did you use to live near here or something?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n118.ogg" ;「別に…そんなんじゃないわよ」\ ^`Not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;意外だった。\ ^I was rather taken aback.\ ;いや、意外というよりは、どうしてこんなに詳しいのかが不思議だった。\ ^Well, it would be more accurate to say that I was bewildered. I couldn't think how she could know all this.\ ;どう見てもこいつは、車に乗って動き回っているようには見えないのに…\ ^It was hard to believe she'd ever had the opportunity to explore the countryside herself...\ ;「じゃあさ、もしかして…」\ ^`But... in that case...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ここから例の場所…淡路島まで分かるか?」\ ^`...do you know the roads in other places, too? Like, do you know the way to Awajishima?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n119.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^`Why...? I don't understand...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、だからさ、高速乗らずに下道だけなら行けるかも知れないじゃん」\ ^`I was just thinking... we might be able to make it, if we stayed off the toll roads. Don't you think?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、ガソ代くらいなら、金も足るかも知れないし」\ ^`See, we've probably got just about enough cash for petrol...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n120.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n121.ogg" ;「あなた…^@^行きたいの?」\ ^`Do you...^@^ want to go there?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ、いや…別にそういう訳じゃないけど…」\ ^`Huh? I... no... I suppose that's not exactly why I, uh, I mean...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n122.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、聞かないで」\ ^`...don't ask, then.'\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、また黙ってしまった彼女。\ ^She clammed up again.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;相変わらずの素っ気ない様子で、窓の外を向いたままだった。\ ^Her face hardened again, and she turned back to staring through the windscreen.\ ;その視線は目の前の流れる景色ではなく、もっと遠い、どこか違う場所を見ているようにも思えた。\ ;^Nor did she seem to be looking at the scenery... her eyes seemed to be focused on something more distant, if they were focused on anything at all.\ ;-- the last bit is rather excessive if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_47 + Certainly I can't see where it's coming from or what it's trying to do. *generated_47 ^Nor did she seem to be looking at the scenery... her eyes seemed to be focused on something different, and altogether more distant.\ ;…さっきの…「聞かないで」って言葉。\ ^`Don't ask', she'd said.\ ;あれは一体どういう意味だったのだろうか?\ ^Why not? What on earth did she mean by that?, I wondered.\ ;もしも俺が、行くつもりだと答えたら、彼女は何と答えたのだろう…\ ^And how would she have responded if I'd said I had wanted to go there...?\ ;☆BG:空とか\ ;●:>ある bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;…目的もなく、只、進む俺達。\ ^We pressed on aimlessly.\ ;最初から計画とか予定があった訳じゃない。 ;只、7階も薄っぺらい家も嫌なだけだった。\ ^That was inevitable. We hadn't had any plans when we set out, other than to go somewhere that was neither home nor the seventh floor.\ ;だけど俺は、少なくとも俺だけは…\ ;何でもいいから、示してくれるものが欲しかったのかも知れない。\ ^And yet, it may just have been me, but still I couldn't help but feel that it might have been nice to have some goal in mind.\ ^Any goal would do. Just something to aim for.\ ;>んで、またゆっくりと車を走らせたとか\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;_ bg "english\1\c046.bmp",3 click bg "e\umibe_yoru.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\umi13.ogg" ;ざざ…\ ^The sea.\ ;>波>SE\ ;dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;「さむいな…」\ ^`It's a bit chilly out...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n123.ogg" ;「…そうね」\ ^`Isn't it...'\ dwavestop 0 ;名も知らぬ、どこかの浜辺。 ;気づけば、海へと出ていた俺達。\ ^We were standing on a nameless beach somewhere. Somehow we'd ended up by the sea.\ ;俺としては西へ向かったつもりだったが、いつのまにか南へと進んだようだった。\ ^I'd thought I was heading west. Just because. ^But presumably at some point we'd turned south instead.\ ;>SE dwave 5,"se\kaze13.ogg" ;ビュウウーーーっ\ ;真っ暗な空と、強くて冷たい風が吹く浜辺。 ^The sky was pitch black, and a rough and freezing wind was scouring the beach.\ ;お互いに車から出て、暗い海を見つめていた。\ ^We'd left the car on the road and walked down to look at the sea.\ ;相変わらずのうつむき加減で、遠くを見る彼女。 ;真っ黒な空と海が、水平線の境界を溶かす。\ ^She was standing with her head down, staring into the distance as usual. ^Her gaze was fixed on the horizon, where black waves and black sky melted together in the darkness.\ ;そして、暫く海を見つめていたかと思うと…\ ^I thought we were just going to look at the sea for a bit.\ ;ゆっくりと、波打ち際に向かって歩き始めた。\ ^But then she started walking slowly towards the breaking waves.\ dwave 0,"w\n124.ogg" ;「ねえ…どうなると思う?」\ ^`How do you think it would be...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前だって質問の意味が分かんねえよ」\ ^`Now you're the one asking incomprehensible questions.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n125.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n126.ogg" ;「…楽に死ねると思う?…^@^このまま海に入っていくと」\ ^`Would this be a good way to die?^@^ ...I could just walk into the sea, just like this...'\ dwavestop 0 ;>波>SE\ dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" ;□心情・情景>情景 ;背を向けたまま…ゆっくりと波打ち際へと歩きながらの言葉だった。\ ^She didn't stop as she spoke. She kept on walking towards the surf.\ ;…3回目が最後。4回目はもうない。\ ^The third time is the last. There isn't a fourth time.\ ;7階か家かのどちらかを選ぶことになるだろう。 ;避けた奴はいないらしい。\ ^You will choose whether to die on the seventh floor or at home. Nobody has escaped that choice.\ ;かつて彼女から伝え聞いた言葉だった。\ ^That's what she told me before.\ ;そして彼女は2回目、家も7階もどちらも嫌だと言った。\ ^But she had been coming up to that third time, and she hated both options.\ ;既に俺へと伝えた後だった。既に役目も終わっていた。\ ^She'd passed the lore on to me. She'd fulfilled her duty.\ ;…だから、そういう意味なんだろうと思う…\ ^Perhaps this was the third option...\ ;「さあな、俺は溺れたことねえから」\ ^`Don't ask me. I've never tried drowning.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n127.ogg" ;「じゃあもしも…^@^今、わたしが海に入っていったなら…」\ ^`What if I did...? ^@^ ^What if I walked into the sea now...?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n128.ogg" ;「あなた…止める?」\ ^`Would you... stop me?'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、振り返ると俺の顔を見た。 ^This time she turned and faced me as she spoke.\ ;真っ暗な空に浮かぶ月を背にしていた。\ ^The moon was rising in the sky behind her.\ ;いつもは、遠いところを見ている視線を、真っ直ぐに俺に向けていた…\ ^And those eyes of hers, that were usually lost in the distance, were focused right on me...\ ;「分からん…その時になってみないと」\ ^`I don't know... I can't tell without it happening.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n129.ogg" ;「…………」\ ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n130.ogg" ;「そうよね…」\ ^`Thought so...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、俺に背を向けると ;また海へと向かって、ゆっくりと一歩を踏み出す。\ ^She turned away from me again. ^She started walking towards the sea again.\ ;>情景>もうちょい\ ;「なあ、お前さ…」\ ^`Hey...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n131.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^`...what?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…もしかして、止めて欲しいのか?」\ ^`Do you actually want me to stop you?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n132.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" ;俺の言葉に、寄せる波の数歩手前で止まった彼女。 ^She stopped again, only a few paces away from the waves.\ ;強い風が波のしぶきを霧状にして足を叩いていた。\ ^The gusty wind battered her ankles with spray.\ ;「止めて欲しいんだったら、止めるぞ」\ ^`If you want me to stop you, I will.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n133.ogg" ;「別に…そんなんじゃないわよ」\ ^`Not... not really...'\ ;「じゃあ、止めなくていいんだな?」\ ^`Shall I leave you to it, then?'\ dwave 0,"w\n134.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ ;その問いにも、返事はなかった。\ ^She didn't answer.\ ;でも、止まった足はそれ以上進まなかった。\ ^But she didn't do it, either.\ ;…だから、それが返事なんだと思う。\ ^That was answer enough.\ dwavestop 5 ;________________ ;・タイトル戻し候補:3日目とか\ ;____;____ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BG 空:昼 ;●:>ある dwave 5,"se\kaze13.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;E>風 ;冬特有の高い高い空。\ ^The morning brought with it that crisp air characteristic of winter.\ mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;哀しいくらいに蒼く澄んで、 ;強い北風が高架線をびゅんびゅんと鳴らしていた。\ ^The sky was, above the car, so blue, so calm; the overhead wires hummed, in the north wind, their plaintive chant.\ dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" ;☆BG 走行中\ ;●:車外・移動中02(車道・昼・晴) bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 ;そんな蒼い空を、メタリックの車体に映して走る、銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupé raced along, reflecting that sky in every panel of its bodywork.\ ;ステアリングを握る俺と、 ;助手席では相変わらずの様子の彼女もいた。\ ^I was driving. She was sitting beside me as usual.\ ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道2) bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",5 ;…ここが、どこだかは分からないけど…\ ^Once again, I had no idea where we were, but that didn't bother me.\ ;現実問題として、間もなくガソリンが切れようとしていた。\ ^The position of the needle on the fuel gauge was a different matter.\ ;元々、それほど金は持ってなかったが、コンビニでの購入もあって、更に残り少なくなった所持金。\ ^We hadn't had that much money to begin with. And we'd been shopping several times since then.\ ;今は7000円ほどしかなかった。\ ^I reckoned we had about 7,000 yen left.\ ;もちろんこの車が、何リットル入るのかは知らないけど、恐らく1回は給油することは出来ると思う。\ ^That would probably cover one tank of petrol. Probably. I couldn't be sure; I hadn't a clue how much this car could hold.\ ;別に目的がある訳じゃないけど、足を失ってしまっては身動きが取れなくなってしまう。\ ^We weren't going anywhere in particular, but that wasn't the point... the point was that we were moving. When we ran out of petrol, that would be that.\ ;「ちょっと給油する…」\ ^`Better fill up while we can...'\ dwave 0,"w\n136.ogg" ;「…そう」\ ^`Right...'\ ;-- When she responds to conversation like this, she seems relatively more involved in the present than she feels in the original text if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_48 + It fits fine for me -- round here people often use things like "right" as answers when they haven't actually been listening but realise that a reply is expected. *generated_48 dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺は、ハンドルを切ると、 ;目の前のガソリンスタンドへと向かった。\ ^There was a petrol station just here; I swerved into it and pulled up beside a pump.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>車停めるとか\ dwave 5,"se\car_s.ogg" ;☆ガソスタ ;●:ガソリンスタンド店内 bg "e\gs.jpg",2 ;_選択肢1;_ ;「いらっしゃいませ、カードですか? 現金ですか?」\ ^`Good morning, sir. How will you be paying, card or cash?'\ ^A teenager greeted me. This was a full-service station.\ ;「じゃあ、現金で…」\ ^`Um... cash?'\ ;「ガソリンはレギュラーでしょうか?それともハイオクでしょうか?」\ ^`Regular or premium?'\ ;…レギュラー? ハイオク?\ ^Regular? Premium?\ ;よく分からなかった。 ^It took me a moment even to work out that he was talking about types of petrol.\ ;もちろんこの車について、よく知らないってもある。\ ^As for the right answer, I hadn't a clue.\ ;でも、そもそも俺は、免許取りたてで、そのへんの知識にも疎かった。\ ^How was I supposed to know? I'd only just passed my test when I fell ill. I never had a chance to learn this kind of thing.\ ;「どちらにいたしましょうか?」\ ^`Sir?'\ ;「あ、えーと…」\ ^`Um... hang on...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いよどむ俺と、窓の向こうから俺の回答を待つバイトらしき店員。\ ^I stalled, racking my brains for an answer. The teenager stood there waiting.\ ;そして、どちらでもいいから、適当に答えようとした時…\ ^Eventually, figuring that it probably wouldn't blow anything up if I got it wrong, I was about to give some vague and random answer.\ ;助手席の彼女が口を開いた。\ ^But the girl beside me spoke first.\ dwave 0,"w\n137.ogg" ;「…レギュラーよ」\ ^`Regular.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「え? あ、ああ…それじゃあレギュラーで」\ ^`Huh? Y, yeah... uh... regular, please...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「はい、それでは、レギュラー、現金、満タンでよろしいですか?」\ ^`Certainly, sir. So that's regular, cash, full tank?'\ ;「あ、ええ、それでお願いします」\ ^`Um, yes, that'll do nicely.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「はい、かしこまりました」\ ^`Won't be a moment, sir.'\ ;●とも ここから車内に ;>■仕込みました bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 dwavestop 0 ;明るい返事と共に、手際よくガソリンを入れ始めるスタンドの店員。\ ^The teenager grinned in at us, then lifted the nozzle from the pump and thrust it into the car in one smooth motion.\ ;10cmほど開けた窓からは、何とも言えないガソリンの嫌な匂いが発ちこめた。\ ^The stench of petrol came drifting in through my slightly-open window.\ ;「なあお前さ、これってレギュラーで良かったのか?」\ ^`Hey, are you sure regular's okay for this car?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには無言の彼女。 ;只、黙ってスタンドにある料金表を指差した。\ ^She pointed silently at the price list. Regular was cheaper.\ ;…ああ、なるほど。こっちの方が安いってことか。\ ^That answered my question quite nicely.\ ;俺も詳しくは分からないが、それほど大差ないとも思える。\ ;^It tied in with what I vaguely remembered, too, which was that the two aren't really all that different. Except in price.\ ;-- mm? this seems off, he seems to notice they're off by a few pennies here. later he sees how it adds up if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_49 + It's off (or at least embellished in the wrong direction), but I'm not sure I agree with you that he's talking about price. It seems to me to make better sense to take 大差 as referring to the difference between the types of fuel. Certainly 詳しく分からない seems to have to refer to the fuel not the price (he's perfectly capable of mental arithmetic, as we see a few lines down, while he's been spending the last few pages agonising over the fuel difference; Setsumi's willingness to settle the issue on price alone reassures him that the fuels are pretty similar where his car and driving are concerned). *generated_49 ^I didn't really understand the difference between them, but apparently it couldn't be that great.\ ;そして、目の前には給油したことを告げる、ガソリンスタンドのメーター。\ ^Now the numbers were ticking past on the pump's meter.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;25、26、27、28…\ ^25, 26, 27, 28...\ ;そのデジタルの表示が、勢いよく数を増やしていく。\ ^The reading seemed to be rising awfully quickly.\ ;…もしかしてミスったか…\ ^I began to have a nasty feeling in my stomach.\ ;その数字を見つめていると、俺は少しだけ不安になり始めていた。\ ^I began to wonder what I'd do if we'd miscalculated...\ ;さっきは何気なく、満タンと言ってしまったが、 ;手持ちの金額はそれほど多くなかった。\ ^I hadn't really registered it at the time, but I had just asked for a full tank.\ ;小銭と合わせて、ちょうど7000円ほど。 ;もちろん、この車のタンクが何リットル入るのかは知らない。\ ^We had about 7,000 yen all told. But without knowing the car's capacity, I couldn't begin to calculate whether that would cover the bill.\ ;…もしも、金が足らなかった時はどうなるのだろうか?\ ^If it didn't... what then?\ ;表示されたリッター料金表によると、 ;60リッター程なら金は足りると思えるけど…\ ^By my reckoning we could afford about 60 litres...\ ;38、39、40、41…\ ^...38, 39, 40, 41...\ ;尚も勢いを落とすことなく増えつづけるメーター\ ^The meter ticked on.\ ;だから俺は窓の向こうに見える、 ;給油量を示すメーターがどんどん上がるのを見つめていた。\ ;普段なら気にもとめない事なのに、 ;それを見続けていた俺は、ますます不安になっていた。\ ^And the unpleasant feeling in my stomach got worse.\ ;「…くそう、まだかよ」\ ^`God, is it never going to stop?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;思わず言葉が漏れてしまう。\ ^I muttered involuntarily.\ ;●とも ここから車内に bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n138.ogg" ;「…大丈夫よ、もう止まるわ」\ ^`Don't worry, it's nearly full.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^`Ehh?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n139.ogg" ;「これ、50リッターだから…」\ ^`This only takes 50 litres...'\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉通り、ちょうどメーターは、 ;47と48の間くらいでピタっと止まった。\ ^She was right. The meter stopped short about halfway between 47 and 48.\ ;続いてレシートをプリントする音が響き、 ;また先ほどのバイトらしき店員がやって来る。\ ^There was a rattle of a printer, and the teenager reappeared at my window, holding a receipt.\ ;「お待たせしました、5240円となります」\ ^`All right, sir, that'll be 5,240 yen, please.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、ああ…はい」\ ^`Oh... yeah... here...'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺はポケットから5千円札と、 ;くしゃくしゃになった千円札を手渡す。\ ^I extracted a 5,000 yen note from my pocket, and a rather crumpled 1,000 yen note, and held them out.\ ;「ではこちら、お釣り760円とレシートとなります」\ ^`And here's 760 yen change and your receipt.'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;「どうもありがとうござましたー」\ ^`Thank you very much!'\ dwavestop 0 ;店員の明るい声を背に、また俺は目の前の道へと車を走らせた。\ ^I drove off immediately, leaving the attendant's cheerful farewell behind us.\ ;____ ;SE>車\ dwave 5,"se\car1.ogg" ;●とも 車外:走る ;>■仕込みました bg "e\soukou.jpg",3 ;再び走り始めた銀のクーペ。\ ^Now I could relax again... for a bit.\ ;これで当面はガス欠の恐れはなくなったと思える。\ ^At least I wouldn't have to worry about running empty for a while.\ ;そして、残り所持金は、たった2000円ほど。\ ^And we still had some money left... if only 2,000 yen.\ ;そのことも気になるのだが、 ;俺には先ほどのことも気になっていた。\ ^That was going to be a problem, but it could wait. I had other things on my mind just now.\ ;☆BG:車 ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道2) bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",5 ;「なあ、お前ってさあ…」\ ^`Hey...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかして、車にも詳しいのか?」\ ^`You never told me you were an expert about cars.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n140.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^`I'm not...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「別にって、さっき50リッターとか言ってたじゃん?」\ ^`What you you mean? You even knew what fuel capacity this thing has!'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;もちろん、これくらいのことは当てずっぽうで分かる、 ;一般的な認識程度のことかも知れない。\ ^Maybe it had been a lucky guess. Or maybe that kind of thing was general knowledge, and I was just plain ignorant.\ ;だけど、以前にも彼女は道にも詳しかった。\ ^But I didn't think so. She'd known all about those roads, too...\ ;そのことも引っ掛かっていた俺は、 ;ダッシュボードにあった車検証を取り出す。\ ^There was only one way to find out. I pulled the car's MOT certificate out from under the dashboard.\ ;そして、それを見ながら彼女にたずねてみた。\ ;「お前さあ、もちろんこの車の、車名って知ってるよな?」\ ^`You know what kind of car this is, right?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n142.ogg" ;「…それは質問?」\ ^`...is that a question?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、なんだったらクイズでもいいぞ」\ ^`Not exactly... think of it as a quiz, if you like.'\ dwave 0,"w\n143.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n144.ogg" ;「インテグラ、タイプR、クーペ…」\ ^`Honda Integra coupé. Type R.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「正解だ…じゃあスペックは?」\ ^`Thought so. What about the spec, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n145.ogg" ;「99年式、5速ミッション、最高出力200馬力…」\ ^`It's the '99 spec. 5-speed manual, 200 horsepower...'\ dwavestop 0 ;まさか本当に答えてくるとは思ってなかった。\ ;^I couldn't believe she knew.\ ;-- a bit different from not thinking she'd really answer ^I couldn't believe she was responding.\ ;淡々と言葉を続ける彼女に、 ;思わず俺は、手元の車検証の文字を目で追う。\ ^But she continued, figure after figure, and they all matched the specifications on the sheet I was holding.\ dwave 0,"w\n146.ogg" ;「…全長4380、全幅1695、総排気量1797cc…」\ ^`...length, 4.38 metres... width, 1.695 metres... total displacement, 1797 cc...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n147.ogg" ;「…まだ言うの?」\ ^`...can I stop yet?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、もういい、正解だ…」\ ^`Y, yeah... that's enough. Full marks, by the way.'\ dwavestop 0 ;答えながら車検証を元の場所へと戻す。\ ^I put the MOT certificate back.\ ;信じられないことに、 ;全て記載されていたスペックの通りだった。\ ^Unbelievably, she had got every last digit correct.\ ;とても、こんなもんが暗記できるとは思えないし、何故?と問われると俺には想像もつかない。\ ^I couldn't imagine how she'd managed to memorise so many figures. ^I couldn't imagine why, either.\ ;…だけど、現に彼女は目の前で答えてみせた。\ ^She sure knew her stuff, though.\ ;それも、以前の道路や花のことを考えると、 ;広く色々なことを知っているようにも思えた。\ ^Given her previously demonstrated expertise on roads and flowers, I couldn't help but admire her range of knowledge.\ ;「なあ…なんでお前ってそんな物知りなんだ?」\ ^`How come you know all this stuff, anyway?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n148.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n149.ogg" ;「別に…^@^あなたより年上だからよ」\ ^`No reason...^@^ probably just 'cos I'm older than you are.'\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを答えると、 ;またいつものように黙ってしまう彼女。\ ^And she fell silent again, as always.\ ;窓の外を見つめたままで、もう俺が、 ;新たな問いを投げても答えてくれる気配はなかった。\ ^Her face had swung back to the window, and her eyes were distant again. ^I didn't get the feeling she was in the mood to answer any more questions.\ ;”年上”\ ^`Older'...\ ;とてもそうは見えないけど、 ;これも以前に彼女が言った言葉だった。\ ^She sure didn't look it. But I couldn't prove she wasn't.\ ;名前はセツミ、血液型O型、 ;白いビニールの腕輪に書かれた文字。\ ^All I knew for sure about her was what was written on her wristband. ^Setsumi. Blood group O.\ ;そして、年上らしいということが、俺にとって数少ない彼女の情報だった。\ ^On matters like our relative ages, all I had to go by were whatever details she let slip, and those were few and far between.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____ ;・回想 必要ならば>地図とか情報とかあたり\ ;____;____ ;BG 夕焼け ;●:>ある bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;日がゆっくりと翳り出す頃。\ ^We spent the rest of the day on the move.\ mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;●とも>車外:夕方移動 ;>■仕込みました bg "e\hiki_shigai_yu.jpg",3 ;走り続ける銀のクーペ。\ ^Ahead of us the sun was setting.\ ;何の目的も、行くべき場所も持たずに、只、進んでいた。\ ^Still we drove. We still had no goal; there was nowhere we needed to go.\ ;ガソリンの心配は当面大丈夫だが、残り所持金はほとんど無くなってしまっていた。\ ^The fuel issue had been settled for the time being. The only other thing we needed was money.\ ;…小銭と合わせても2000円ほど。\ ^I was down to my last 2,000 yen.\ ;コンビニで食料を買うことを考えると、もって3~4日分ほどか…\ ^If we stuck to our current frugal diet, we could stretch that to cover maybe three or four days...\ ;BG 車走る>夕方 ;●:車内正面・移動中05(車道2)夕方 bg "e\shanai_michi01_yu.jpg",3 ;「なあ、これからどうする?」\ ^`What are we going to do, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n150.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^`About what...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「もう、ほとんど金ないぞって意味だ」\ ^`I'm nearly out of money.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n151.ogg" ;「…だから?」\ ^`And?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「だからってお前…」\ ^`Doesn't that bother you?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずの様子の彼女。\ ^She just looked at me blankly.\ ;さっきコンビニで買ってきた、おにぎりを口に運びながらの会話だった。\ ^We were eating onigiri again. They were cheap enough.\ ;そして、こうやって走り続けているだけでも、確実にガソリンは減っていく。\ ^But even on a diet of onigiri, we were going to run out of petrol again. And that cost money.\ ;-- mmm this is a bit far, but if you like it this way leave it if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_50 + I'm afraid I do. I totally agree that there's no possible justification for turning back, though... (what was I thinking?!) *generated_50 ;本当は何もせずに、じっと止まっているのが良いのかも知れない。\ ;^Maybe we should just have stopped. Or even turned back.\ ;-- and turning back is really just going too far. ^Maybe we should have stayed put.\ ;だけど…何もせずに、何も出来ずに、止まったままでいるのは辛かった。\ ^But I couldn't face the thought of being inactive, helpless, stationary.\ ;そんな思いから、ずっと走り続けていた俺。\ ^That was why I kept on driving.\ ;先日からの感じでは、下道を走り続けた場合、ちょうど3日ほどでガソを使い切るようだった。\ ^Based on our experiences so far, I reckoned we had about three days' petrol left, driving economically.\ ;残金2000円の現状では、コンビニでの食料買い出しも同じように3~4日分だろう。\ ^Three days' petrol, and money for four days' food on starvation rations...\ ;明らかに、ジリ貧になるのは目に見えていた。\ ^In short, we were running out of everything.\ ;「なあ、お前さ…」\ ^`Tell me...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「例の…淡路島だっけ、行ってみたいか?」\ ^`Do you actually want to go there... to Awajishima?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n169.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。 ;いつもと変わらず窓の外を眺めているだけだった。\ ^She said nothing. She just carried on staring out of the window.\ ;「俺は…少し行ってみたいかもな」\ ^`I think I do, like, a bit.'\ ;「…どうして?」\ ^`...why?'\ ;「いや、それは…」\ ^`Um, I...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;もちろん、最初から目的や計画があって、7階を飛び出した訳じゃない。\ ;だから、俺にとっては西でも東でも、どこでも良かった。\ ;きっと、なんでも良いから、目的や行き先が欲しかったんだと思う…\ ^I actually didn't, not particularly. I couldn't care less whether we headed east or west.\ ^But I'd been driving aimlessly ever since we first ran away, and I was getting tired of it.\ ^I wanted some kind of goal, some kind of direction. Awajishima would be as good as anywhere.\ ;☆BG 夜空orどっか道端\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;日が完全に夜のものへと変わる頃。\ ;俺はどこかのパチンコ屋の駐車場にいた。\ ^So, as the evening turned into night, I pulled up outside a pachinko parlour.\ ;●:車内正面・停車04(駐車場・夜)× bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;・シーン変え パチンコ屋でぱくり ;もちろんパチンコやスロットで儲ける計画じゃない。\ ;こんな2000円ぽっちじゃ、勝負以前の問題なのも知っていた。\ ^I wasn't planning to play. I wouldn't stand a chance with the pocket change I was carrying now.\ ;だけど、1~2万円程度なら、上手くやれば簡単にパクれる筈。\ ;それが、よく以前からパチンコ屋に通っていた、俺の推測だった。\ ^But I'd been to these places before. I knew a few things about them.\ ^And I reckoned I could easily come out with a good ten or twenty thousand yen if everything went well.\ ;たったそれだけでもあれば、当面は大丈夫だし、なんだったら例の淡路島だって行けるかも知れない。\ ^That would be more than enough. We could even get to Awajishima on that much.\ ;だから、俺なりに考えた作戦を彼女に話した。\ ^I put my plan to her.\ ;「どうだ…やってみたいか?」\ ^`What do you think? Want to come with me?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n152.ogg" ;「…嫌」\ ^`No way.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…わかった」\ ^`Fair enough.'\ dwavestop 0 ;予想できたことだが、あっさり拒否された。\ ^I hadn't been expecting her to want to.\ ;最初から、彼女に何かを期待していた訳じゃない。\ ^It didn't matter anyway; I wouldn't need her.\ ;別に協力を仰ぐつもりではなく、作戦を説明したのは、宣言のようなものだった。\ ^I hadn't even really been asking for help. I just wanted to tell her what I was planning. For her information.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^`You wait here, then.'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア開け閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車内にあいつを残して、俺は一人パチンコ屋へと向かった。\ ^I shut her in the car and headed for the pachinko parlour alone.\ ;-- mm shut is such a strong term >_> how about abandoned! =3 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_51 + It doesn't strike me as _too_ strong; shut doesn't imply locked or anything. *generated_51 ;●:パチ屋店内? bg "e\pachi.jpg",3 ;SE>パチ店内 dwave 5,"se\pachinko1.ogg" ;思ったよりも賑わっていた店内。\ ^It was busier than I was expecting.\ ;それなりの台数と出玉、人の姿もほどよく多かった。 ;そこそこでドル箱を積んでいる姿もあった。\ ^There were plenty of patrons hustling around between the game machines and ball dispensers.\ ^And, more to the point, plenty of money boxes.\ ;…ちょうど良い感じかも知れない…\ ^I was in with a chance here.\ ;そう判断した俺は、 ;狙いであるスロットのコーナーへと向かう。\ ^I wove across the floor towards the slot-machine corner.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ^............\ ;しばらく、通路から様子を窺い…\ ^I spent a little while working up and down the aisles, sizing the place up.\ ;辺りを観察した結果、1台に目をつけた。\ ^My eyes were drawn to one particularly likely prospect.\ ;いかにもサラリーマンっぽい中年男性。 ;足元に箱を4つも積み、更に頭上にも2つ積んでいた。\ ^A middle-aged businessman. Four cash boxes at his feet, two more on top of the machine he was at.\ ;しかも角台で、その隣は空き台。\ ^It was on a corner, so there was a most convenient space right next to him.\ ;さっきから見ている限りでは、特に知り合いや友達と来ている風でもなかった。\ ^Better still, he seemed to be here by himself. At least, if he had friends here, they certainly weren't feeling friendly.\ ;…条件が揃った…\ ^I'd found my mark.\ ;恐らくこの状態なら、足元のを1箱くらいパクってもすぐには気づかないだろう。\ ^I could probably have made off with one of the boxes by his feet right then, and he probably wouldn't have noticed a thing.\ ;等価らしいこの店なら20000円にはなる筈だった。\ ^If this place was anything like the others I'd known, there'd be twenty thousand yen in each of those.\ ;それだけあれば…\ ^Twenty thousand I could really, really use...\ ;俺はそのサラリーマン風の人が、トイレに向かうのを、只、ひたすら待ち続けた。\ ^I loitered, watching, waiting for him to take the inevitable loo break.\ bg "e\pachi.jpg",3 ;しばらく…といっても30分ほど経った頃…\ ^I didn't have to wait too long. Only about half an hour.\ ;やっと席を立ち上がったサラリーマンらしき人。\ ;すぐさま、後を追い、トイレへと向かったのを確認すると…\ ^He stood up, stretched, and began to walk off. I watched him for long enough to be sure he was headed for the loos.\ ;今度はダッシュで、さっきのスロット台へと引き返す。\ ^Then I rushed back to the slot machine he'd been playing.\ ;次に、辺りでスロットを打っている人や、店員の姿をチェックしながら、ゆっくりと台に近づく。\ ^I approached warily, glancing round to see what the staff and other players were up to.\ ;そして…\ ^Then...\ ;不審な行為と思われないように、ごく自然に、当たり前のことをしているように…\ ^...acting casually, as though what I was doing was as obvious, natural, and reasonable an act as could be...\ ;…足元のドル箱を1つ持ちあげた…\ ^...I bent down and picked up one of the cash boxes.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;>SE>ぶっちゃける音 dwave 5,"se\coin_d.ogg" ;ガシャーーン、\ ;その瞬間、物凄い音を上げて、床に散らばるスロットのコイン。\ ^There was a mighty crash. Coins skittered across the floor.\ ;…持った…^@^つもりだった。\ ^I had it...^@^ I thought.\ ;いや、確かに持ち上げた、一度はこの手で。\ ^No, I really did have it, for a moment.\ ;だけど、その重さに耐え切れず、そのまま床へとドル箱ごと落としてしまった。\ ^But it was far heavier than I'd expected. That's why it crashed to the ground.\ ;☆BG 店内 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そして、あまりの物音に何事が起こったのかと、一斉にこちらに集まる視線。\ ^Every eye in the vicinity turned to see what all the noise was. Every gaze fell on me.\ ;何か、誰かの声も聞こえたような気がした。 ;走ってくる人の気配も感じたような気がした。\ ^I thought I could hear shouting. I thought I could sense people racing towards the place.\ ;…だけど、その声は背中で聞いた。\ ^But that was all behind me.\ ;俺は既にその時、店の出口の2m手前にまで駆け出していた。\ ^I was already through the door and several metres away, running.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタンっ、\ ;「はぁはぁ、」\ ^I slammed the car door, panting hard.\ dwavestop 0 ;☆車内 bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;SE>エンジンスターター dwave 5,"se\engine_start.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\car_s2.ogg" ;大急ぎでエンジンをかけると、思いっきりアクセルを踏み込む。\ ^Forced the key round, roared the engine, stamped on the accelerator.\ ;そして、ハンドルを切りつつ車を急発進させた…^@^その時、\ ^Then as we squealed away, as I tugged the wheel round in a panic...\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\naname_machi2_yoru.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;ガンっ、ガリガリガリ…\ ^...there was an almighty crunch.\ dwave 0,"w\n153.ogg" ;「きゃっ」\ ^`Kyaah!'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ちっ」\ ^`Fuck!'\ dwavestop 0 ;bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 bg "e\naname_machi2_yoru.jpg",3 ;出際に縁石か何かに乗り上げたのか、その拍子にケツをぶつけてしまった。\ ^I must have mounted the kerb or something. What was certain was that the rear end of the car had just smashed into something.\ ;ガリガリという、嫌なボディの擦る音。\ ^I gritted my teeth and accelerated away, trying to ignore the hideous scraping that accompanied this.\ ;だが、それを気にする余裕もなく、目の前の道へと車を走らせた。\ ^I had even more pressing concerns at that precise moment.\ dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" ;☆BG>走る車 ;●:車内正面・移動中06(車道2)夜 bg "e\shanai_michi02_yoru.jpg",5 ;「はぁはあ…ふう…」\ ^`Oh god... oh god...'\ ;息切れしそうになる胸をなだめながら、すっかりと日が暮れた道を走る銀のクーペ。\ ^I swallowed hard as we emerged onto the open road, trying to catch my breath and slow my heart.\ ;さっきぶつけた所も少し気になるが、とりあえず今は、この場を離れることが先決だった。\ ^That scraping noise I'd heard was beginning to prey on my mind. But my immediate priority was to get well away.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて…\ ;10分ほども走り、完全にパチ屋から距離をおいた頃…\ ^After driving for ten minutes, with no sign of pursuit, I decided we were probably safe.\ ;どこかの道端に車を停めると、先ほどぶつけたところの点検を始める。\ ^The next thing was to pull in somewhere and find out how bad that scrape had been.\ ;☆BG>道端>夜 ;●:車外・停車02(夜) bg "e\chusha_michi2_yoru.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n154.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^`Is it okay?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、大したことないだろう…」\ ^`Yeah, I don't think it's anything serious...'\ dwavestop 0 ;助手席から少しだけ心配そうに声を掛ける彼女。 ;俺は、ぶつけた個所を点検しながら答える。\ ^She sounded concerned. I couldn't blame her. But it really didn't look all that bad.\ ;見たところ、テールバンパーが僅かに凹んで、 ;マフラーの先が少し割れている程度だった。\ ^The rear bumper was slightly dented, and it looked like I'd managed to crack the silencer casing.\ ;…これくらいなら、走る分には問題ないだろう。\ ^But I didn't seem to have damaged anything essential.\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG>車内:夜\ ;●:車内正面・停車05(車道・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;「ふう~…」\ ;安心したところで、ため息をひとつ落とす。\ ^I sank back into the driver's seat, sighing with relief.\ ;…惜しかった。\ ^I was pretty miffed with myself right then.\ ;早速、先ほどのパチンコ屋でのことを思い出していた。\ ;↑こーゆーの、訳しなくてもいいじゃん。 ;もう少しのところで失敗してしまったが、上手くやれば、次には成功するようにも思えた。\ ^It wasn't just that I'd been cheated of success by such a narrow margin.\ ;あのドル箱を持ちきれなかったのにしても、久しぶりに重いモノを持ったのが敗因だと思う。\ ^It was the shock of having failed simply because I hadn't picked anything that heavy up for so long.\ ;最初から覚悟して持てば何とかなるだろうし…\ ^I should have been prepared for that. I could have held on to it if I'd been expecting it to be a strain.\ dwave 0,"w\n156.ogg" ;「…勘違いしてるわね」\ ^`You couldn't have done it, you know.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^`...what?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n157.ogg" ;「今のあなたは、以前のあなたとは違う筈…」\ ^`You're not who you used to be any more...'\ dwavestop 0 ;まるで、見透かされたような彼女の言葉だった。\ ^It was like she could see right through me.\ ;「だけど、あれくらいの重さなら…」\ ^`Even so... it wasn't that heavy...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n158.ogg" ;「…同じように考えない方がいい」\ ^`Don't think that way. You're different now.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らく、彼女の言は正しいのだろう。認めたくないが、今の俺は以前の俺とは違う。\ ^I knew she was probably right. I didn't want to admit it, but I really had changed.\ ;確かにこんなに体力が落ちていては、とても成功するとは思えなかった。\ ^I really wasn't anything like as strong as I thought I was... as I used to be. Maybe I had been doomed to failure.\ ;「じゃあ…どうすりゃいいんだよ?」\ ^`But... what are we going to do, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n159.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには返事はなかった。\ ^She didn't reply.\ ;黙ったまま窓の先にある、暗い夜空を見ているだけだった。\ ^She just stared out of the window, out into the night.\ ;…それは、諦めろということなのだろうか…\ ^Perhaps she was telling me to give up.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha4,1 mov %flg_bplay,4 ;______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ goto *haeleth_mini_title ;______________ *haeleth_honpen5 ;★チャプター5: mov $sys_midasi,"^The Emerald Sea [h]" ;______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ ;______________ stop mp3fadeout 2500 dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 1000 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 ;☆BGM n4くらい mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" dwave 0,"w\n161.ogg" ;「時間を止め、心を止めて…」\ ^`Stopping my life, stopping my heart...'\ dwavestop 0 ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" dwave 0,"w\n162.ogg" ;「情報だけを積み重ねる日々…」\ ^`I have nothing to do but collect trivia...'\ dwavestop 0 ;地図を眺め、目を閉じ、知らない町を旅する日々…\ ^Nothing to do but look at maps, close my eyes, and travel that way to unknown places.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ある日。\ ;いつも買っていた月刊誌。 ;その表紙を飾っていた、グラビア写真が目に止まった。\ ^I took some monthly magazines.\ ^One time, as I was browsing them, my eye was caught by a cover photo.\ bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;派手な水着を着たモデルの女の人。^@^波打ち際でそれっぽいポーズをとっていた。\ ^It was a pinup shot.^@^ ^A young model in a skimpy bikini, standing in the surf in a cheesy pose.\ ;いつもわたしが夢見ていた、エメラルドの海を背にして笑っていた。\ ^The sea behind her was emerald green, the colour of the sea in my dreams.\ ;…きっと、同じ年頃なんだろう…\ ;^She even looked about my age... though the similarities ended there. I didn't have a figure like that.\ ;-- mmm why the embellishment? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_52 + Damned if I know. *generated_52 ^She even looked about my age...\ ;その抜群のスタイルで、嬉しそうに楽しそうに、わたしに笑顔を向けていた。\ ^But she was smiling back at me.\ ;bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 ;…別に、うらやましいと思った訳では無いと思う。\ ^I wasn't exactly jealous.\ ;第一、水着だって持ってなかったし、持つ必要に迫られることすらなかった。\ ;^I didn't even need a bikini, let alone have one.\ ;-- very strange to say "no need, let alone not have" since if you didn't need one, of course you won't have one if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_53 + I don't see anything particularly odd here (I have plenty of things I don't need), but nor do I have any objection to rewording this, since clearly there's a level of oddness I'm missing. :) *generated_53 ^I didn't have a bikini. I didn't even have any real need for one.\ ;…わたしには、パジャマがあれば十分だった。\ ^Pyjamas were enough for me.\ dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n006.ogg" ;「幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を、 ; 誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…」\ ^`I've passed all these seasons, under that white overcast sky, without needing to speak to anyone...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",3 ;あの日。中一の6月。初めて入院した日…\ ^I remembered that day... that June day when I was first admitted to hospital.\ ;わたしは水着を注文していたことを思い出した。 ;数年前の例の水着を思い出した。\ ^I'd ordered a swimming costume the day before that. All those years ago.\ ;…あの日、出番を失ったままの水着を思い出した。\ ^I remembered the thing itself, that costume that I'd never had a chance to wear.\ ;数年ぶりにタンスから出された、新品のままだったスクール水着。\ ^I took it out of the drawer for the first time in years. Just a brand new school swimming costume. Navy blue. Never worn.\ ;いつものパジャマを脱ぐと、恐る恐る、その紺の水着を身につけてみる。\ ^I slipped out of my pyjamas timidly, to try it on.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…ぴったりだった。\ ^It fitted perfectly.\ ;もう何年も前のなのに…\ ;まるで…今、あつらえたようにちょうどだった。\ ^Though it was years old, it fitted as though I'd ordered it just today.\ ;そんなわたしに、月刊誌のモデルが笑顔を向けていた。 ;エメラルドの海を背にして笑っていた。\ ^The model was still smiling at me from that cover. ^Smiling in front of that emerald sea.\ ;その抜群のスタイルで、嬉しそうに楽しそうに、わたしに笑顔を向けていた。\ ^Smiling straight back at me, flaunting her happy life and her perfect figure.\ ;…それが…^@^哀しかった。\ ^I felt...^@^ sad.\ ;別にうらやましかった訳じゃないと思う。 ;でも、本当は憧れていたのかも知れない。\ ^I wasn't exactly jealous. ^But I suppose I wished I could try being her.\ ;そんなの無理だってわかってるから、 ;余計に憧れていたのかも知れない。\ ^I knew it just wasn't going to happen. ^But I suppose that just made me want it all the more.\ ;bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n163.ogg" ;「だけど…」\ ^`But...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n164.ogg" ;「…胸の大きな傷跡が、諦めろと諭した」\ ^`The long scar on my breast told me... give up.'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n165.ogg" ;「生涯の伴侶は、目を閉じた世界にしろと諭した…」\ ^`It told me...^@^ all you have in this world is what you see when you close your eyes...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;__ mov $sys_midasi,"^The Emerald Sea, II [h]" bg "english\1\c046.bmp",3 click ;・シーンぷち 変え どこか ;☆BG 夕焼けあたり bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;日がゆっくりと傾き、西の空がオレンジに染まる頃。^@^ ^It was the time of day when the sinking sun sets the western sky ablaze with orange.\ ;俺達は相変わらず走り続けていた。\ ^We were driving, of course.\ ;…これからどうしよう…\ ^We were making the most of it.\ ;所持金にしてもほとんど余裕はなかった。\ ^We were going to run out of money soon enough.\ mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;●とも BG>車内>■仕込みました bg "e\shanai_michi01_yu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n166.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^`May I... ask you something...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;そんなことを思っていると、 ;珍しく彼女の方から声を掛けてきた。\ ^It was incredibly rare for her to initiate a conversation like that. Lost for words, I nodded.\ dwave 0,"w\n167.ogg" ;「あなた、お風呂は入れるの…?」\ ^`Are you allowed to have baths...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、今のところ、長湯以外は止められてない」\ ^`Yeah... short ones.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n168.ogg" ;「そう…わたしも似たようなもんよ」\ ^`Same here...'\ dwavestop 0 ;ここで言うところの、風呂に入れるってのは、 ;医者に止められているかって意味だった。\ ^The people who might not have been allowing it were, of course, the doctors back at the hospital.\ ;特に腎臓や消化器系の場合はパイプ処理を施している為に、入浴は厳禁の場合が多かった。\ ^It wasn't that rare to meet people who were forbidden to bathe normally. Particularly if their problem was to do with their kidneys or digestive system.\ ;それを考えると、少なくとも彼女は俺と同じく循環器系なのだろう。\ ^If she had the same kind of restrictions as me, maybe she had the same thing as me too.\ ;-- I don't mind too much, but any particular reason for leaving out circulatory? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_54 + As I recall, I decided to leave that detail out because Seung convinced me it was 100% certain that the protagonist's condition was pulmonary, not circulatory. (Though I note he still left "circulatory" in. He was more of a literalist in those days.) *generated_54 ;「なんだ、もしかして風呂に入りたいのか?」\ ^`Why? Did you want one?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n169.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n170.ogg" ;「…悪い?」\ ^`...is that a problem?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、俺も入りたかったし」\ ^`Not at all. I'd quite like one myself.'\ dwavestop 0 ;といっても、どこかの宿やホテルに泊まるには、金銭的に無理だった。\ ^Our range of potential baths was pretty limited, though.\ ^A hotel or inn would have been the nicest option, but not many of those are interested in the kind of money we had to offer.\ ;「じゃあさ、どっか銭湯でも探すか?」\ ^`Shall we look for a bathhouse, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n171.ogg" ;「…銭湯?」\ ^`...what, a public one?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、それくらいなら、まだ金もあるし…」\ ^`That's about all we can afford...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n172.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景 dwave 0,"w\n173.ogg" ;「…やっぱりいい」\ ^`...I'll do without.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「なんだ、いいのかよ?」\ ^`Are you sure?'\ dwavestop 0 ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、既に3日が経とうとしていた。\ ^It had been three days since we ran away.\ ;あそこでは週に2回の入浴もあったし、身体を拭く為の、1日2回の暖かいおしぼりもあった。\ ^On the seventh floor there'd been baths twice a week, and hot towel wipes twice a day.\ ;まあ、この時分だから汗もかかないし、 ;ほとんど車内だから汚れるようなこともないけど…\ ^It could have been worse. At this time of year we weren't going to be sweating much.\ ^And as long as we stayed in the car, we were unlikely to get dirty. But even so...\ ;「もしかしてお前…銭湯とかって恥ずかしいから嫌なのか?」\ ^`What's wrong with public baths? Are you too shy?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n174.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n175.ogg" ;「別に…そんな意味じゃないわよ」\ ^`Not really... not the way you mean.'\ dwavestop 0 ;____;____;_ ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;すっかりと日が落ち、空には大きな月が顔を出す頃。\ ^The sun fell from the sky altogether; the moon replaced it.\ ;あれから暫く走った後、俺はどこかの学校らしき場所を見つけた。\ ^We'd driven on for a while, till I caught sight of a building that looked like a school.\ ;…ここなら、ちょうどいいか。\ ^This would probably do.\ ;俺は入り口付近の路肩に車を停める。\ ^I pulled over to the kerb a little way from the gate.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01_yoru.jpg",3 ;そして、後部座席に放りっぱなしにしていた、例の洗濯物の塊を漁り始めた。\ ^Then I turned to the heap of laundry that still covered the rear seat, and began to fish through it.\ ;確か、タオルが2~3枚はあった筈だ。\ ^There had to be a couple of towels in here somewhere.\ ;そして、どうでもいいような服を除けて、いかにもって感じのタオルを手にする。\ ^There were.\ ;白石工務店という文字が印刷された、 ;恐らく粗品用であろう、しょぼいタオルだった。\ ^They were cheap, shabby things, with the legend 'Shiraishi Construction' emblazoned across them. Probably free gifts.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^`I won't be a moment.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n089.ogg" ;「…?」\ ^`...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 ;そのしょぼいタオルを2枚だけ持って、目の前の学校へと向かった。\ ^I headed for the school, taking a couple of towels with me.\ ;既に閉められた校門をよじ登り、キョロキョロと辺りを見渡し、目的の場所を探す。\ ^The gate was locked, but easily climbed.\ ;「あ、あった」\ ^Once within, I found what I was looking for almost immediately.\ dwavestop 0 ;しばらくして、目指していた水道を見つけた。 ;恐らくは花壇用に設けられたものだろう。\ ^A tap. Probably there for the gardeners' convenience.\ dwave 5,"se\water_x2.ogg" ;キュッキュ、シャーーーっ\ ;蛇口をひねると、勢いよく流れ出る水。 ;まるで身を切るような冷たさだった。\ ^It worked; one twist of the top, and it began to spurt out a stream of numbingly cold water.\ ;そして俺は、例のタオルを濡らすと固く絞る。\ ^I held the towels under it till they were sopping, then wrung them till they stopped dripping.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン\ ;Ignored :) ;●とも 車内:夜>■仕込みました bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 ;「待たせたな、ほら」\ ^`Here you go, then.'\ dwavestop 0 ;手に持った濡れタオル。 ;2つある内の一つを彼女にも渡す。\ ^I passed her a damp towel.\ ;そして、上に来ていたトレーナーを脱ぐと、先になって自分の身体を拭き始めた。\ ^I was already tugging my shirt off and setting to work on my own body.\ ;エアコンの効いた暖かい車内に、ひんやりとした濡れタオルの感触が気持ちよかった。\ ^The coolness is a pleasant contrast to the warmth of the car; the dampness, an antidote to the drying effect of the air conditioning.\ ;「お前も遠慮せずに、身体拭けよ」\ ^`Come on, it's better than nothing.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n176.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「冷たくて気持ちいいぞ?」\ ^`It's pretty refreshing, really...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^`All right...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n177.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;最初は遠慮気味にじっとしていた彼女だけど、その返事と共にゆっくりと服のボタンに手をかける。\ ^She had been sitting there just staring at the thing, but now she slowly began to unbutton her clothes.\ ;ぶかぶかのYシャツとジーンズ。\ ^That baggy white shirt and rolled-up pair of jeans.\ ;俺とは違って服の中に手を入れて、身体を拭こうとしていた。\ ^Unlike me, she didn't remove anything; she just opened them wide enough to get her towel inside.\ dwave 0,"w\n178.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^`Um...'\ ;手に濡れタオルを持って、服を脱ぎかけたまま彼女が呟く。\ ^She stopped again, her clothes hanging loosely from her, and glared at me.\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうかしたか?」\ ^`What?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n179.ogg" ;「…見ないでよ」\ ^`...would you mind not looking?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、悪い…そうだったな」\ ^`Oh, sorry! I wasn't thinking...'\ dwavestop 0 ;少しだけ困ったような、照れたような顔をしていた。 ;初めてみる彼女の表情だった。\ ^That was an expression I'd never seen on her face before. ^A mixture of frustration, confusion, and embarrassment.\ ;-- confusion? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_55 + It's hard to translate 困った in a single word, so I think I decided to use "frustration, confusion" to try to cover more of its semantic range (both being annoyed and not knowinghow to react). *generated_55 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;狭い車内、お互いに背中を向け合う俺達。\ ^The interior of the car wasn't really large enough for this. We were basically sitting back to back now.\ ;「どうだ、気持ちいいだろ」\ ^`Feels good, doesn't it?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n180.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Not bad...'\ dwavestop 0 ;真っ暗なあたりに、薄明るい車内。\ ^It was completely dark outside now, and only dimly lit in here.\ ;目の前のガラスには、身体を拭く自分の姿が映っていた。\ ^The windows were like mirrors. My body was reflected back to me with vivid clarity.\ ;その俺の姿の、更に向こうには、背中越しに居る彼女の姿をも映していた。\ ^So was hers.\ ;俺と同じように上着を脱いで身体を拭く彼女。^@^ ;見るとはなしに見た、その姿…\ ^She'd taken her top right off now, just like me.^@^ ^I couldn't help but look.\ ;…胸には大きな傷跡が見えた。\ ^Yes.^@^ She had a scar like mine.\ ;恐らくは、手術の跡なのだろう。 ;詳しくは分からないが、俺の傷跡より大きかった。\ ^So she'd had operations as well. ^I had no idea what or when. We didn't talk about that kind of thing. But I could see that her scar was larger than my own.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n181.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^`Um...'\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、背中越しに声を掛けてきた。\ ;「えっ、あ、ああ…なんだ?」\ ^`Eh?! Uh, y, yes...?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n182.ogg" ;「そんなに…^@^珍しい?」\ ^`Is it... ^@^ ^that unusual?'\ dwavestop 0 ;背中越し。 ;ガラスに映った俺に向かっての言葉だった。\ ^She was talking to my reflection in the glass on her side of the car.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____ ;・タイトル戻し予定\>2日後あたり ;●とも ここはキャッチ欲しい ;_____________ mov $sys_midasi,"^The Emerald Sea, III [h]" bg "english\1\c049.bmp",3 click ;☆BG 空 くもり昼あたり\ bg "e\sora02.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景>空の様子 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;曇り空の下、走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupé purred along under a cloudy sky.\ ;●とも>SE>走る音 bg "e\soukou.jpg",3 ;相変わらず、目指す場所も持たずに走り続け、気づけばあれから3日ほど経とうとしていた。\ ^Three more days had passed. We'd driven on as before, without any fixed destination.\ ;その間、特に変わったことがあった訳でもない。\ ^Nothing particularly exciting had happened in that time.\ ;強いて挙げれば、道中、無料同然の露天風呂を見つけて、\ ;ひと気が少なかったので、とりあえず風呂には入ることが出来たくらいだった。\ ^About the most interesting moment was when we happened on an open-air bathing spot that was practically free to use.\ ^There hadn't been many people around, so we'd taken the opportunity to have a proper soak.\ ;それ以外では、所持金が底を尽きかけ、再び、ガソリンも底を尽きかけていた。\ ^Apart from that, we'd just been spending our dwindling money and burning our dwindling fuel.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;「ちょっと飽きたか?」\ ^`Are you tired of this stuff yet?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n183.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^`Not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;お互い、コンビニのおにぎりを食べながら言葉を交わす。\ ^This was in reference to the usual cheap onigiri we were eating.\ ;7階の食事と比べればマシかも知れないが、それでも、ここ数日こればっかりでは飽きそうだった。\ ^However preferable it was to seventh-floor cuisine, it wasn't quite wonderful enough that one could eat it forever without tiring of it.\ ;だけど、こんな食事にしたって、残金を考えた場合、あと数回で終わりだろう。\ ^And while it was the cheapest food we could live off, even then we weren't going to be able to afford many more.\ ;●とも>排気音 dwave 0,"w\n184.ogg" ;「…音がうるさい」\ ^`I'm tired of the noise...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「は? どうした突然?」\ ^`Huh? What noise?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n185.ogg" ;「車の音、前より大きくなってる…」\ ^`The car. It's getting noisy...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、そういえば確かに…」\ ^`You're right, too...'\ dwavestop 0 ;きっと、数日前のパチンコ屋から逃げる時に、マフラーをぶつけたのが原因なんだろう。\ ;俺は気にならなかったが、確かにこの車の音は少し大きくなっていた。\ ^I hadn't noticed till she mentioned it, but it was noticeably louder than it had been.\ ^It was almost certainly my fault, too, for cracking the silencer in the rush to get away from that pachinko parlour.\ ;…まあ、走る分には支障はないだろう。\ ^It was a blessing that I hadn't damaged anything more fundamental.\ ;それよりも当面の問題はガソリンだった。\ ^Right now, however, the petrol situation was a rather bigger problem.\ ;メーターがエンプティを示してから、既に5分ほど走っていた。\ ^The gauge had been reading empty for about five minutes now.\ ;そして、今の所持金は900円ほど。 ;これでは前回の時と違い、明らかに金が足らない。\ ^Unfortunately, I only had 900 yen left. There was no chance that we could afford to fill up on that.\ ;…完全にガス欠になってからでは、もうどうにもならないだろう…\ ^If we ran out of petrol, we'd be helpless.\ ;そう判断した俺はスタンドを…それも、無人のスタンドを探した。\ ^I couldn't face that. So I was looking out for a petrol station. ^A self-service one.\ ;☆BGスタンド>あれば bg "e\gs.jpg",3 ;SE>車止める音\ dwave 5,"se\car_s.ogg" ;ほどなくして見つけた無人スタンド。 ;何台か並んだ給油機の一番手前に車を停める。\ ^As luck would have it, we came to one before the engine started dying. ^I pulled up beside the pump nearest the exit.\ ;SE>ドア開け ;dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「給油に寄る…」\ ^`I'm going to fill up...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^`Right.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「だけど、車からは降りるなよ」\ ^`Stay in the car, okay?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n186.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。だけどあいつも、どういう意味かは理解しているのだろう。\ ^She didn't reply, but I was pretty sure she could guess what I meant.\ ;SE>ドア閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車の給油口を開け、見よう見まねでガソリンを入れる俺。\ ^I opened the filling cap and stuck the nozzle in, like I'd seen other people do. It seemed to do the trick.\ dwavestop 5 ;辺りには他の客が一台と、奥には自販機も備えた建物。店員らしき姿も見えた。\ ^I looked round as I filled. There was only one other customer present at the moment. There were attendants, but right now they were both inside the kiosk.\ ;…恐らくはあそこで精算するのだろう。\ ^That appeared to be where the business side of things took place.\ ;壁に貼ってある説明プレートによると、給油後にレシートを持ってあそこに行くらしい。\ ^There was a users' guide stuck on the wall, which implied that the thing to do was to fill up first and then take one's receipt to the counter to pay.\ ;…今ならば、そのまま走り出せば逃げれる。\ ^If we left out that last stage, we might well get away safely.\ ;閑散としたスタンドを見ながら、俺はそう感じていた。\ ^I looked up at the pump.\ ;23、24、25、26…\ ^23, 24, 25, 26...\ ;給油量を示すメーターの数字。以前とは逆に、とてもゆっくりに思えた。\ ^Last time those digits had seemed to click past so fast. This time, the meter seemed to be counting unhelpfully slowly.\ ;早く満タンにならないかが、とてもじれったく感じた。\ ^The effect was the same, though... I couldn't wait for it to finish pumping.\ ;そして、40リッターを超え、間もなく満タンになろうとした時…\ ^The numbers ticked on. They reached the 40 litre mark. We were nearly there. Then...\ bg "e\gs.jpg",3 ;「いらっしゃいませ」\ ^`Afternoon, sir!'\ dwavestop 0 ;さっきまで建物の中にいたバイトらしき店員。 ;何故か、こちらに駆け寄って来た。\ ^It was one of the attendants, damn him. I hadn't noticed him leave the kiosk.\ ;「灰皿、空気圧大丈夫ですか」\ ^`Need your ashtray emptying? Tyre pressures all okay?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ…ええ、大丈夫です…」\ ^`Uh, yeah, we're fine, thanks...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうですか、寒いですから気をつけて下さいね」\ ^`Good, good. Gotta be careful at this time of year, you know. Gets a bit dangerous with the cold.'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、サービスのつもりか窓まで拭き始めた。\ ^Then, apparently thinking I'd appreciate the service, he actually started washing the car windows.\ ;そうこうする内に、給油機が満タンを告げ、事務的な音を鳴らしレシートが吐き出される。\ ^With a beautiful sense of timing, the tank chose that moment to become full.\ ^The hum of the pump cut out, and was replaced with the rattle of a receipt printing.\ ;「あ、清算は向こうでお願いしますね」\ ^`Just take that to the till to settle up...'\ dwavestop 0 ;窓を拭く手を止め、さきほどの建物を指差す店員。\ ^The attendant stopped scrubbing for long enough to point me towards the kiosk.\ ;俺は無言でレシートを手に持つが、思わずどうしていいのか分からず立ち尽くしてしまう。\ ^I reached out dumbly and took the receipt in one hand, then, completely at a loss to know what to do, just stood there staring at it.\ ;「どうしました、お客さん?」\ ^`Is something wrong, sir?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、なんでもない…」\ ^`No... no, it's fine...'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 ;とりあえず、一旦車内に戻った俺。\ ^Confounded, all I could think to do was clamber back into the car.\ ;SE>エンジン始動\ dwave 5,"se\engin_s.ogg" ;そして、エンジンだけは始動させた。\ ^I started the engine reflexively.\ ;…どうすれば、いいのだろうか…\ ^What should I do... what could I do...\ ;例の店員らしきバイトは、今度は後部ガラスまで拭き始めてくれていた。\ ^The attendant was still fussing around. He appeared to have started washing the tail lights.\ ;…今ならば、このままアクセルを踏み込むだけで…\ ^I could just make a run for it. This was a fast car. They'd never catch up.\ ;だが、間違いなくナンバーは控えられるだろう。\ ^But they'd certainly make a note of the registration.\ ;検問でもあれば簡単に捕まってしまう。\ ^We'd be arrested within hours.\ dwavestop 5 ;…だけど、今この場を逃げる為には…\ ^Well, we were in trouble already. At least we could delay the inevitable.\ ;そう覚悟を決めた俺は、クラッチを強く踏み込む。\ ^I shoved the clutch out, mentally cursing the overzealous attendant and all his works.\ ;そして、ニュートラルだったギアを、セコに入れようとした時…\ ^Then, as I grabbed the gear stick and pushed it towards second...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n187.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv187.ogg" ;「はい…」\ ^`Here.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^`Huh?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…使っていいわよ」\ ^`Use this...'\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、彼女が封筒を取り出す。 ;そしてその中から1万円札を俺に向けた。\ ^She was holding an envelope in one hand. ^She was holding the other hand out to me. With a 10,000 yen note in it.\ ;「お、お前、金持ってたのか?」\ ^`You... you had that... all along?'\ dwavestop 0 ;てっきり持ってないと思っていた。\ ^I couldn't believe that all this time she'd let me think I was the only one with any money.\ ;それなら、何も今まで、こんなに苦労しなくて済んだのに…\ ^I couldn't believe she'd just sat there and watched while I resorted to petty crime to try and keep us fed and mobile.\ ;-- mmm the tone of blame is a step or two stronger than the original... but oh well if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_56 + I agree with you, actually, but I do think the change is consistent with the way the character would react, so I'm inclined to leave this line be. However, I am going to revise the next line instead; "the hell" is far too strong, he would never actually say that. *generated_56 ;「どうして、言ってくれなかったんだよ?」\ ^`Why didn't you ~i~tell~i~ me?!'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n188.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n190.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv190.ogg" ;「あなた…^@^聞いた?」\ ^`...did you ask?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ、いや、それは…」\ ^`I... um... I thought... you know...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n189.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv189.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv189b.ogg" ;「聞かれなかったからよ…」\ ^`That's why.'\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを答えると、またいつものように窓の方を向いてしまった。\ ^As always, she stopped there, and just started staring out of the window again.\ bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;■心情・情景>情景とか\ ;また走り出した銀のクーペ。\ ^We were on the move again.\ ;とりあえずガソリンは満タンにすることが出来た。 ;それに、お釣りとして受け取った5千円札もあった。\ ^We had a full tank, which much to my relief I'd managed to pay for without any awkward questions. ^And we had money. Over 5,000 yen now, with the change from the petrol.\ ;だけど俺には、さっきのことの方が気にかかっていた。\ ^I was still bothered, of course, but this time it was the girl's fault.\ ;「なあ、お前さあ…」\ ^`So, let me get this right...'\ ;●とも 車内>走る>■仕込みました bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;「はい、これで全部よ…」\ ^`Here. Have the rest.'\ ;「えっ?」\ ^`What?'\ ;言い出すより前に、先程の封筒を、そのままを俺に差し出す彼女。\ ^She cut in before I could finish putting my question together, and dropped the envelope in my lap.\ ;「これ、使っていいのか?」\ ^`Is it okay to use this?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n191.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv191.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv191b.ogg" ;「別に…いいわよ」\ ^`That's what it's for.'\ dwavestop 0 ;受け取った封筒の中を覗くと、まだ1万円札が4枚も入っていた。\ ^I took a peek inside. There were four more of those 10,000 yen notes in there.\ ;これで当面は大丈夫だと思える。\ ^That was more money than we were likely to need to see us through.\ ;しかし今度は、更に別のことが気にかかっていた。\ ^Which was all well and good, but did lead me to certain other questions.\ ;…何故、彼女はこんなにお金を持っていたのだろうか?\ ^Like, say, why on earth had she been carrying so much cash in the first place?\ ;少なくとも、俺が最初に持っていた数千円は、突発的に持っていただけのモノだった。\ ^It wasn't something we really needed in day-to-day life in the hospital. That's why I'd only had a few thousand yen to bring with me.\ ;だけど、彼女の場合は、あらかじめ準備されていたように思えた。\ ^It rather looked as though she really had been preparing to run...\ ;「なあ、お前ってさ…」\ ^`Wait a minute...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「以前に7階は嫌だって言ってたよな?」\ ^`You always said you didn't want it to be the seventh floor, right?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n192.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv192.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv192b.ogg" ;「…家だって嫌よ」\ ^`...and not at home either.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、俺だってそうだ…」\ ^`Yeah. Me too...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあさ、どこへ行くつもりだったんだ?」\ ^`So... you were planning to go somewhere else all along, weren't you?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n193.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「これは、その為の金だったんじゃねえのか?」\ ^`Is that why you had all this money?'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして俺は、以前の彼女の言葉を思い出していた。\ ^And I remembered something else she'd said.\ ;自力で動ける内にどこかに行くと言っていた。 ^She'd said she was going to walk, for as long as she could.\ ;-- mm again like before? while she's able to move independently? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_57 + Like before, I can't quite see what the issue is. There isn't an 歩く in the text this time, but it's there in the original statement he's recalling, so I just don't see how "walk for as long as she could" is significantly different from "go [implicitly, walk] for as long as she could move independently". *generated_57 ;引き止めたいのか、一緒に行きたいのか?とも尋ねられた。\ ^And she'd asked whether I was going to try to stop her. Or whether I wanted to go with her instead...\ ;「やっぱり本当は、どこか行くあてがあったのか?」\ ^`You had somewhere in mind, didn't you?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n194.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv194.ogg" ;「別に……」\ ^`Not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「別に、じゃ分からねえよ」\ ^`Somewhere non-particular, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n195.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n196.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv196.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv196b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv196c.ogg" ;「…どこもないわよ…」\ ^`...nowhere...'\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを…寂しそうに、哀しそうに呟いた。\ ^She whispered, in a sad and lonely voice.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ならば彼女は…\ ;行き先も持たずに、それでもいつの日かを描いて、一人でずっと準備だけをしていたのだろうか?\ ^Then had she really just been keeping herself constantly prepared, ready to leave, even though she had nowhere to go?\ ;そんな虚しいことをって気にもなるけど…\ ^It was hard to believe that anyone would choose such a futile path.\ ;彼女の寂しそうな横顔は、それを肯定しているようにも思えた。\ ^But she was there beside me to answer, and the despair in her face was ample confirmation.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n197.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv197.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、あなたはどうなのよ?」\ ^`...what about you?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「俺だって…別に、だ…」\ ^`I did... not really... have anywhere in mind either.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n199.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv199.ogg" ;「…真似しないでよ」\ ^`...don't imitate me.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「別に、真似じゃねえよ」\ ^`I wasn't. Not really.'\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;…行き先も持たずに走り続ける俺達。\ ^So there we were, driving along together.\ ;突発的に7階を飛び出した俺と、行くあても無いのに、虚しく準備だけを進めていた彼女。\ ^I, who had had the initiative to leave, but done so without thought or plan. ^And the girl, who had been continually prepared without ever acting.\ ;だけど…\ ;Ignored bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;「…今は、どこでもいいから行ってみたい…」\ ^`I want to go somewhere... I don't really care where, I just want a goal.'\ ;●とも ボイス大きい ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`...huh?'\ dwavestop 0 ;少なくとも俺には、何でもいいから示すモノが欲しかった。\ ;This line cut dwavestop 0 ;「なあ、以前に話していた淡路島なんてどうだ?」\ ^`Why don't we go to that Awajishima place?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n198.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「今の所持金なら、十分に行けるぞ」\ ^`We can afford it now.'\ dwavestop 0 ;きっと、どこでも良かったんだと思う。 ;7階でも、家で無くても、動き続けてさえいられれば。\ ^Seriously, I didn't care where we went. As long as it wasn't the seventh floor, or home. As long as we could keep going.\ ;でも、無意味に彷徨うだけじゃなくて…\ ^And as long as we weren't just wandering around pointlessly like now...\ ;何でもいいから目指すものが欲しかったんだと思う。\ ^I didn't care where we went. Awajishima would be as good as anywhere.\ ;「…お前も行ってみたいと思わないか?」\ ^`You want to go there too, don't you?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n195.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n369.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_237.ogg" ;「……別に…」\ ^`...not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを返すと、またいつもと同じように、窓の外に視線を向けてしまう彼女。\ ^She gave her usual response, and stared out of the window as usual.\ ;…相変わらず、どこか遠くを見つめるような目。\ ^And, as usual, her eyes became distant and unfocused.\ ;一体、彼女は何を見ているのだろうか…^@^ ^I wondered what she was looking at.\ ;何を考え、何を期待して、ここに来たのだろうか…\ ^I wondered what she had been thinking, and what she had been hoping for, in coming this far...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha5,1 mov %flg_bplay,5 goto *haeleth_mini_title ;____;____;__;_ ;●とも>タイトル戻り候補 ;★チャプター6 *haeleth_honpen6 mov $sys_midasi,"^Route One [h]" dwavestop 5 ;_____________ ;☆回想 3 シーン bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;☆BGM>銀色あたりor4くらい ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 0,"w\n200.ogg" ;『地図を見るのは好きだった…』\ ^`I still enjoyed looking at maps...'\ dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;どこまでも続く1号線、知らない場所。 ;どこまでも連れて行ってくれる車も好きだった。\ ^There was Route 1, stretching forever across the country to places I'd never been...\ ^I liked cars, too. They could take me anywhere, in my dreams.\ bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;でも、いくら情報を積み重ねても…\ ;それは仮想。 ;リアルを、心を、どんどん脆くしていく。\ ^But however much I looked, and however much I learnt, it was all academic.\ ^It wasn't real. Reality, and my spirit itself, were growing increasingly fragile.\ ;水着もある、地図もある、でも未来がない。\ ^I had a swimming costume. I had maps. What I didn't have was a future.\ ;窓の外には世界だってある。 ;でも、触れられる現実がない。\ ^There was a world outside the window, but it wasn't one I could enter or touch.\ ;目を閉じれば、何も無い世界に行けるけど、この世界自体が消えてしまった訳ではない。\ ^I could close my eyes. There was another world there, an empty world. But that wouldn't make the one outside go away.\ ;そんなことは分かってる。\ ^I knew that.\ ;生涯の伴侶は、目を閉じた世界だと覚悟している。\ ^I could accept that. I knew that the empty world was all I had, and the one outside was not for me.\ ;なのに、^@^「もし」ばかりを想像して、 ;もしかしたらと期待して夢見て、でも結局は…\ ^And yet,^@^ I couldn't help but imagine. I couldn't help but hope. I couldn't help dreaming.\ ;憧れは憧れに過ぎず、ビキニの水着も、エメラルドの海も…\ ^I couldn't help desiring them beyond desire... that bikini, that emerald sea...\ ;…胸の大きな傷跡が、あきらめろと諭した。\ ^The long scar on my breast told me... give up.\ ;☆BG:窓に顔のかな\ bg "e\setsumi_kaisou.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n201.ogg" ;「だけど…」\ ^`But...'\ dwavestop 0 ;生涯のほとんどを病院で過ごし、目を閉じた世界だけで過ごして…\ ^I'd spent half my life in hospital. My only other place had been the world I saw when I closed my eyes.\ ;7階か、家しか選べられないのが哀しかった。\ ^I despaired that I could only choose between home and the seventh floor.\ ;選択する余地も与えられず…\ ^I hadn't even been given any real freedom even there...\ ;かといって、その場所すら見つけられない自分を憐れだと思った。\ ^I felt I was a truly wretched creature, unable even to find a place for itself.\ !s85 ;…それでも、22年も生きたのに…\ ^...even though I'd lived for 22 years...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n202.ogg" ;「一つくらい…好きにさせてよ…」\ ^`Just for once... let me have my way...'\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;そう呟いた時、止めた筈の時間が揺らいだ気がした。\ ^When I whispered that, I felt my time move... my stopped time moved.\ ;あの日、止めた筈の心が苦しかった…\ ^That day I felt pain in my heart... my stopped heart hurt...\ !sd ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;____;_ mov $sys_midasi,"^Route One, II [h]" bg "haeleth\1\cat02.bmp",5 click dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;☆BG 走る車\ ;bg "e\joku_shigaichi.jpg",3 ;冬の澄んだ青空を、ボンネットに映して走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The coupé was roaring along, the still winter sky reflected from its bonnet.\ ;相変わらず、目的もなく走り続けていたが、 ;当面はガソリンや買い物にも、困ることは無さそうだった。\ ^We had still not made any plans. But at least I knew we had money. We would not go short of food or petrol.\ ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\shanai_michi04.jpg",3 ;そしてハンドルを握る俺の隣では、 ;軽く寝息を立てる彼女。\ ;dwave 0,"w\n203.ogg" ;「んぅ… ;「起きたか? ;dwave 0,"w\n204.ogg" ;「…うん ;□心情・情景>ヒロイン様子とか ;間もなく、大きな交差点に差しかかろうとしていた。\ ^We were approaching a major junction.\ ;昨夜、彼女の賛同を得られなかったが、俺は何となくでも西を目指すことにしていた。\ ^While I hadn't managed to get a particularly favourable response last night, I was still thinking of heading west. Just because.\ ;只、地理的にも全くわからないし、高速道路を利用するのは所持金的にも辛いと思えた。\ ^The problem with that was that I was hopeless with geography. And I was still reluctant to use the highways. We had money, but that wasn't infinite.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、目の前の迫った大きな交差点。\ ^It was at that point in my musings that we began to see signs for this junction.\ ;何も考えずに直進しようとしていた俺に…\ ^I didn't take much notice. I was just going to keep driving straight on.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n205.ogg" ;「そこ、左折…」\ ^`Left here...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^`You what?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n206.ogg" ;「左に曲がって」\ ^`Go left here.'\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、俺に指示を出した彼女。\ ^An instruction from a most unexpected source. ;何のことかと思いながらも、指示通りに左折レーンに入り、大きな道へと出た。\ ^I took the turning obediently, wondering what she was thinking, and we came out onto a major road.\ ;●とも ここ絵変えて↓ bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;bg "e\shanai_michi04.jpg",3 ;「どうしたんだよ、一体?」\ ^`Why did you want to go this way all of a sudden?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n207.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n208.ogg" ;「これが1号線…当分は真っ直ぐよ…」\ ^`This is Route 1. Stay on it for now...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「当分はって…」\ ^`For now...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の突然の指示に俺は驚いてしまう。\ ^I was bewildered.\ ;今までにも行動を共にしてきて、何でも知っているようだが、\ ;自発的に俺に指示を出したことは初めてだった。\ ^I knew she knew a lot about travel and geography. But she'd never volunteered directions before.\ ;「…もしかして、行く気になったのか?」\ ^`Have you changed your mind?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n209.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、その、例の場所…淡路島までさ」\ ^`Do you want to go there after all... to Awajishima?'\ dwavestop 0 !s90 dwave 0,"w\n210.ogg" ;「……悪い?」\ ^`...can't we?'\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;「いや、そんな意味じゃねえけどさ…」\ ^`I didn't say that...'\ dwavestop 0 ;何の目的も持たずに進む俺達。\ ^We'd been travelling aimlessly for days now.\ ;何か目的が欲しくて彷徨っていた俺と、いつも遠くを見つめてばかりで、よく分からない彼女。\ ^I'd been hoping that we'd find some kind of goal to aim for, but she'd just been staring into the distance.\ ;その彼女の口から、出たことが俺には意外だった。\ ^To hear her express any form of desire was profoundly unexpected.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n211.ogg" ;「…期待してる訳じゃない」\ ^`It's not that I'm hoping for anything, particularly...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^`You what?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n212.ogg" ;「別に水着が欲しい訳じゃ…」\ ^`It's not that I want a bikini like...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前、なに言ってるんだ?」\ ^`What are you talking about?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n213.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n214.ogg" ;「…なんでもないわよ」\ ^`...nothing...'\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景>ヒロイン様子とか\ ;____;____;__;_ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 bg "haeleth\1\cat03.bmp",3 !w800 ;☆BG 青空あたり bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\a01.mp3" ;☆BGM>ナルインストあたり>002;_2 ;冬の澄んだ空の下、日射しを跳ねて進む銀のクーペ。\ ^We drove on under the clear winter sky, the sun gleaming from the silver paintwork.\ ;強い上り坂や急なカーブが多かった箱根も越え、今はずいぶんと楽な道のりへと変わっていた。\ ^The tough climbs and sudden curves of Hakone were far behind us; the going was easy now.\ ;「なあ、ここらってどこらへんだ?」\ ^`Where are we now, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n215.ogg" ;「愛知県よ、間もなく名古屋市街に入るわ…」\ ^`Aichi prefecture... just outside Nagoya.'\ dwavestop 0 ;残り金額を考え、高速は使わずに下道を走る俺達。\ ^We were still staying off the highways to save money, so we were coming in on the old road.\ ;-- 'the old road'? is a term for normal lower roads? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_58 + Not always, but it is in cases like this where the lower road follows an ancient route. *generated_58 ;俺一人では、とうてい無理だろうけど、彼女の指示通りに進んでいた。\ ^I could never have found the way by myself, but luckily I had her with me.\ ;ナビ以上に詳しい彼女の指示。\ ^She was better than a satnav.\ ;その理由はわからないけど、恐らくは正しいルートなのだと思えた。\ ^How she knew, I had no idea, but she was issuing clear instructions at regular intervals. ^And so far as I could tell they were accurate, too.\ dwave 0,"w\n216.ogg" ;「次の交差点…22号線に入って」\ ^`Take Route 22 at the next junction...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^`Will do.'\ dwavestop 0 ;言われた通りに車線を変え、ハンドルを切る。\ ;^I made the necessary adjustments and turned off onto the indicated road.\ ;-- adjustments is a bit weird unless people automatically put 'course adjustments' in their heads... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_59 + Agreed, this is a very weird way to translate it. (So weird that I wonder if I actually misunderstood the Japanese at this point...) *generated_59 ^I changed lane as directed and turned off.\ ;☆BG なんか変えて\ bg "e\soukou_machi.jpg",3 ;窓からの流れる景色。 ;初めて見る賑やかな市街地をどこまでも北上する。\ ^The scenery flashed past outside. The unfamiliar suburbs stretched off ahead to the north.\ ;そして、いつしか周りの風景が、少しずつ落ち着いたものへと変わる頃…\ ^Then, around the time of day when the streets around us began to grow quiet...\ ;「なあ、あそこでも寄ってくか?」\ ^`Why don't we stop for a bite to eat?'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\naname_machi.jpg",3 ;国道沿いに見える、どこかのファミレス。\ ^I had spotted a big chain restaurant ahead.\ ;俺は走りながら、それを指差すと言葉を続けた。\ ^As we approached, I pointed it out.\ ;「ほら、今までコンビニばっかだったろ?」\ ^`We've been living off onigiri for ages...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ;dwavestop 0 ;もちろん好きでコンビニばかりだった訳じゃない。\ ^I hadn't put up with it because I loved the stuff.\ ;所持金を考えてのことだし、そこまで心に余裕がなかったのも理由だった。\ ^The advantage supermarket food had was twofold: first, it was cheap, and second, it required little thought or effort to acquire.\ ;でも今は、少しだけ金銭的にも余裕ができた。だからこその俺の提案だった。\ ^But I had more money in my pocket now, and fewer preoccupations. That changed things rather.\ ;「な、たまにはファミレスもいいじゃん」\ ^`Let's have a proper meal for once.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n218.ogg" ;「…わたしは、コンビニでいい…」\ ^`I'm happy with onigiri...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言うと、少しだけ俯く彼女。 ;どうやら自分の服を見つめているようだった。\ ^That's what she said. Her eyes told a different story: they were looking at her clothes.\ ;ああ…そういえばこいつって、 ;ぶかぶかの服を着たままだったな…\ ;^Of course. She wouldn't want to go out for a meal dressed like that...\ ;-- no mention of her poofiness? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_60 + Erm, I definitely wouldn't use "poofiness" (British "poof" is roughly equivalent to American "fag"). *generated_60 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_61 + I can't find a literal way of saying this that flows well, but this is still significantly closer to the original: *generated_61 ^Of course... she was still making do with what I'd snatched, which on her was decidedly baggy.\ ;「わかった、じゃあ先にあっち寄るか?」\ ^`Ahh... okay, how about we go there first, then?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n219.ogg" ;「…あっちって?」\ ^`...'there'?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、手前の店、どこかのジーンズショップ」\ ^`The clothes place next door.'\ dwavestop 0 ;それは、国道沿いによく見られる、ジーンズやカジュアルを揃えた量販店のようだった。\ ^It was a large two-storey building. One of those high-volume, low-margin warehouse-style outlets you tend to find along major roads.\ ;「きっとこの手の店なら、そんな高くないのあるだろうからさ」\ ^`I'm sure we could find you something nicer to wear than that.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n220.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`...........'\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ寄るぞ? 寄るからな」\ ^`Come on. I'm getting hungry.'\ ;-- a bit loose if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_62 + To match her clothes. ;) *generated_62 dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。 ;でも、反対もされなかった。\ ^She didn't reply. But she didn't resist, either.\ ;もしかしたら…\ ;こいつにとって反論しないってことは、肯定と考えて良いのかも知れない。\ ;^I was going to have to start taking her silence as tacit consent, or we'd never get anything done.\ ;-- this is taking a pretty different line of attack than the original if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_63 + Agreed, switching from conjecture to frustration is a bit of a leap. *generated_63 ^Maybe it would be reasonable to take her silence as signalling tacit consent...\ ;____;__ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;店内に入った俺達。\ ^I led her inside.\ ;2階建ての大きなフロアを、あいつが物珍しそうに、幾つものコーナーを見て回っていた。\ ;その様子は、相変わらずの無口だし、普段の姿と変わらないように見えるかも知れない。\ ;だけど、無機質に何も映していなかった、あのつまらないテレビを見ていた時とは少し違っていた。\ ^She remained silent, reticent, expressionless. But she began to poke around and examine things.\ ^In outward appearance she was unchanged. But her actions were subtly different.\ ^Internally, I thought, she did not seem quite to be the same cold, impersonal girl she had been when all she had to look at was that stultifying TV.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;何度も何度も手にとって、値札を見ては考え込むようにしていた。\ ^Again and again she took something from a rack, scrutinised the price tag, and furrowed her brow.\ ;そして、試着をする度に俺の方へと駆け寄って…\ ^Again and again she disappeared to try something on, and each time she popped back out to solicit my opinion.\ dwave 0,"w\n222.ogg" ;「…どう?」\ ^`...well?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうって、似合ってんじゃねえか?」\ ^I'd shrug. ^`Looks okay to me.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n223.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n224.ogg" ;「…変じゃない?」\ ^`...it's not... funny?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、たぶんな」\ ^`How would I tell?'\ dwavestop 0 ;こんな感じで何度も何度も、試着を繰り返しては見せにくる彼女。\ ^And she'd think for a while, then go and try something else.\ ;決して笑ったり、表情に出したりはしないけど、その姿は、どこか嬉しそうにしているようにも思えた。\ ^She didn't smile once, let alone laugh or skip around, but I reckoned it was the happiest I'd seen her.\ ;-- the latterpiee feels somewhat off. if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_64 + Assuming ラタぴー refers to the "seemed happy" -> "was the happiest I'd seen" augmentation, I agree it's stretching a little but I don't think it's too bad... it's not out of character like some of the lines you've picked up on! *generated_64 ;「どうだ、決まったか?」\ ^`Come on, you must have found something by now...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n225.ogg" ;「…うん、これにする」\ ^`Yeah... I'll take this.'\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って俺に、最後に試着した、可愛いシャツと短いスカートを見せる。\ ^It was the last outfit she'd tried on. A pretty set comprising a wide-collared shirt and a short skirt.\ ;その選んだ服は、いかにも中学生か高校生あたりが、好んで着ていそうな服だった。\ ^It was the sort of outfit you'd expect to see on a schoolgirl.\ ;確か以前に、俺よりも年上だと言っていたけど…\ ;どう見ても、そうは見えない彼女の容姿と相まって、逆にハマり過ぎてて微笑ましく見えてしまう。\ ^That was actually an advantage. It suited the age she looked, rather than the age she claimed to be.\ ^It wasn't what I'd have expected a twenty-something to choose, but I had to admit the effect was pretty sweet.\ ;「でもさ、そのスカートは、止めた方がいいんじゃねえか?」\ ^`Are you sure? I'm really not convinced about the skirt...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n226.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh...?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、似合ってないとか、そーゆーのじゃないから」\ ^`Don't get me wrong! It looks good, really, it suits you.'\ dwave 0,"w\n227.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、寒いだろ? 今の時期ってその格好じゃ」\ ^`It's just... are you sure you'll be warm enough in it?'\ dwave 0,"w\n228.ogg" ;「…べ、別に平気よ…わたし我慢するから」\ ^`Course I shall... I don't mind the cold.'\ dwavestop 0 ;_キープ;_普通のぼそぼそパターンも;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n229.ogg" ;「別に平気よ…わたし我慢するから ;__;_ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s100 ;そう答えた時…\ ^As she protested...\ !sd ;少しだけその白い顔が赤くなったように見えた。 ^I thought I could detect a faint touch of pink in her pale cheeks.\ ;普段は絶対に感情を表さないこいつなのに…\ ;…もしかして、照れているのだろうか?\ ^Could she really be blushing? This girl who normally never betrayed the first hint of emotion?\ ;初めて見る、こいつの表情だった。\ ^That was something new.\ ;_ ;☆BG 空 bg "e\sora03.jpg",3 ;尚も走り続ける俺達。\ ^Later we set off again.\ ;冬の高い高い空の下、少し排気音のうるさい銀のクーペは走り続けていた。\ ^The silver coupé carried us along no less eagerly than before, although the exhaust system was now getting noticeably noisier.\ dwave 0,"w\n230.ogg" ;「次で21号線に入って…」\ ^`Next junction, come off and take Route 21.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^`Right you are.'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;相変わらず彼女のナビに従って進む。 ;気づけば、既に岐阜県に入っていた。\ ^She was a talking atlas. Without her I'd have been hopelessly lost. ^As it was, I even knew that we'd entered Gifu prefecture when we crossed that river a couple of kilometres back.\ ;いつもなら必要な時以外は、窓の外をじっと眺めているだけの彼女。\ ^When not actively navigating, she had been reverting to looking out of the window as usual.\ ;なのに今は、何度も何度も、サイドミラーに自分の姿を映しては嬉しそうにしていた。\ ^Except that she didn't seem to be staring into the distance any more. She seemed to be looking at something in the wing mirror.\ ;まるで、俺の目を盗むようにミラーを覗き込んでいた。\ ^She was doing so rather surreptitiously, so it was hard to be sure, but I could have sworn she was admiring herself.\ ;先ほど買ってきた服に身を包んで ;少しだけ嬉しそうにしているように俺には見えた。\ ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n231.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^`...what?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、さっきの服、気に入ったみたいだな」\ ^`Nothing. Glad you like your new clothes so much.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n232.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n233.ogg" ;「別に…そんなことないわよ」\ ;^`I don't really... well, they're okay...'\ ;-- this waffling changes her character somewhat if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_65 + Yeah, it's hardly ぽつり... *generated_65 ^`...not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言うとサイドミラーを見るのを止めてしまう。\ ^She shoved herself back in her seat.\ ;でも、しばらくすると、また俺がよそ見している間にチェックを始める彼女。\ ^For a matter of minutes. As soon as she thought I'd stopped looking, she was leaning towards the mirror again.\ ;…結構、かわいいところもあるんだな…\ ^I guess she was a girl for all that.\ ;たったこれだけのことでも、普段が普段なだけに、俺には可愛いと思えた。\ ^Given her habitual behaviour, I have to say that this glimpse of vanity really struck me as rather sweet.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____________ ;小タイトル戻し\ mov $sys_midasi,"^Route One, III [h]" ;____;____;___________________ ;☆BG 夜空\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\n05.mp3" ;すっかりと日が暮れる頃。\ ^Twilight.\ ;どこかの道端。 ;また今日もコンビニでの夕食を済ませた頃。\ ^We were stationary at the roadside. We'd just finished our frugal supper.\ ;☆BG どこかの道端とか:夜 bg "e\chusha_michi2_yoru.jpg",3 ;「なあ、今頃どうなってっかな…」\ ^`I wonder what they're doing now...'\ dwavestop 0 ;今も手首に巻かれたままになっている、ビニール製の白い腕輪。\ ^I was looking at my wristband as I spoke.\ ;血液型と俺の名前が記載された、あの、病院のネームプレートを見ながら呟く。\ ^We were still wearing them, those white plastic bands with our names and blood types on them.\ ;「やっぱ、大騒ぎしてると思うか?」\ ^`Probably tearing their hair out, don't you think?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n234.ogg" ;「…たぶんね」\ ^`Probably...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「だよな…」\ ;Cut dwavestop 0 ;両親や、友達、それに病院の先生達…\ ^Our parents and friends, not to mention the doctors, would be frantic.\ ;例えそれが上っ面だけだったとしても、心配してくれていると思うと、少し心苦しかった。\ ^Even if their concern was probably more to do with insurance and liability than any particular attachment to us, I still felt a bit bad about causing them so much worry.\ ;悪いな…親父、皆んな…^@^自分勝手な、我侭やっちまって…\ ^Sorry, dad. Sorry, everyone.^@^ We're being kind of selfish...\ ;☆BG どこかの道端とか:夜 bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n235.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなたって…」\ ^`When you heard...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん? どうかしたか?」\ ^`Hmm? When I heard what?'\ dwave 0,"w\n236.ogg" ;「最初に…死ぬって聞かされた時…^@^…泣いた?」\ ^`When you heard you were going to die...^@^ did you cry?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;突然の彼女の問いに、一瞬だけ驚いた。 ;そして、その問いの重さに暫く考えてしまった。\ ^It was a rather sudden question. It took me a moment to collect my thoughts, and a moment more to think back and retrieve the answer.\ ;「…確か…泣かなかったと思う」\ ^`No... I don't think I did.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n237.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして自分だけって…^@^運命を呪った?」\ ^`Were you angry, then?^@^ ...did you curse your fate, did you wonder why it had to be you?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「それは…よく覚えていない」\ ^`I... don't really remember.'\ dwavestop 0 ;始めは現実に起こった事として認識できなかった。 ;リアルとして考えられなかったように思う。\ ^At first I hadn't really reacted at all. I hadn't been able to grasp what was happening. It hadn't seemed real to me at all.\ ;だけど…本当は少しはあったのかも知れない。\ ^But... maybe I had been a bit angry.\ ;一緒に教習所に通った友達が、新車を買った。 ;36回のローンが大変だとぼやいていた。\ ^One of the friends I'd been going to driving school with had bought himself a car. ^He'd been going round grumbling about how he'd had to take out several dozen loans to finance it.\ ;就職が決まった奴もいた。留年が確定した奴もいた。 ;子供が出来た奴もいた。また彼女にフラれたって奴もいた。\ ^There'd been the guy who'd found a good job. The guy who was having to go back for retakes. ^The guy who'd got his girlfriend pregnant. The guy who'd got dumped by his.\ ;でも俺は…^@^未来を断たれた。\ ^They all had futures.^@^ I didn't.\ ;だから本当は…どうして自分だけがって気持ちはあったんだと思う。\ ^I guess I probably did wonder why it had had to be me.\ ;これが運命だからって自分に言い聞かせても、 ;やっぱり、諦めきれない気持ちはあったんだと思う。\ ^However much I told myself it was just my fate, it was still a tough fate to accept. I guess I probably was angry.\ ;「じゃあお前は…どうだったんだ?」\ ^`What about you? How did you take it?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n238.ogg" ;「…わたし?」\ ^`...me?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、哀しくて泣いて…運命を呪ったか?」\ ^`Yeah... did you cry? ...did you curse your fate?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n239.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n240.ogg" ;「…わたしは、平気だった」\ ^`...I didn't care.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…どうしてだ?」\ ^`You what?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n241.ogg" ;「…だって、最初から何も望んでなかったから…」\ ^`...I hadn't been hoping for anything anyway...'\ dwavestop 0 !w500 dwave 0,"w\n242.ogg" ;「…わたしは、諦めていたから」\ ^`...I'd... already given up...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…」\ ^`Oh...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;最初から諦めていれば、落胆することもない。 ;後ろ向きでいれば楽しくもないけど、辛いこともない。\ ^I suppose it probably would be easier to take if you gave up straight away. ^If you turned your back on the world, you'd miss out on all the pleasures life had left... but you'd avoid the pain, too.\ ;だけど、その考え方は哀しすぎるような気がする。\ ^But surely that would be the hardest, and saddest, choice of all?\ ;-- of all? I guess this can stay in the name of poetic license ;それとも、彼女の場合は…^@^ ;そうするより他に、方法がなかったのだろうか…\ ^I couldn't imagine being able to do it.^@^ ^She must really have felt she had no other option at all...\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n243.ogg" ;「前に見た映画で言ってた…」\ ^`I saw in this film...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n244.ogg" ;「…狼は3年しか生きないって」\ ^`...they said how wolves only live like three years...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「は? 狼?」\ ^`...wolves?'\ ;突然、よく分からないことを話し始めた彼女。\ ^I hadn't a clue what she was on about. I was clearly missing something.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n245.ogg" ;「でも…ロバは9年も生きるんだって」\ ^`But donkeys live nine years.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「何のことだ?…狼が3年でロバが9年って?」\ ^`Sorry, I'm probably being really thick here... but what are you on about?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n246.ogg" ;「…ロバは…役に立つから長生きする」\ ^`...the thing is... donkeys live longer because they're useful.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n247.ogg" ;「そういうことらしいの…」\ ^`That's just the way it is...'\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景>いろいろと\ ;寂しそうに窓の外を見ながら、言葉をつむぎ出す彼女。\ ^She was staring out of the window, speaking quietly and deliberately, in a voice tinged with regret.\ ;これが彼女にとっての…^@^ ;自分を納得させる為の、諦める為の言い訳なのだろうか…\ ^So that was how she'd rationalised it. ^How she'd managed to come to terms with her fate and give up on her life...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;___________ ;☆シーン変え ;☆BG 冬空>雪 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\yukizora.jpg",3 ;暮れかけた真冬の空。 ;21号線をまっすぐに進む俺達。\ ^We drove on along Route 21 in the winter dusk.\ ;その暮れかけた空に舞う、チラチラと白いもの。 ;次第に降りを強くしているようだった。\ ^White flakes were beginning to flutter down. At first they were barely visible in the fading light, but gradually they began to fall more and more thickly.\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^`...snow?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、雪が降ってきた…」\ ^`Looks like it...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、気づけば、道路の脇には白い積雪が姿を現すようになっていた。\ ^It was. Already the verges were turning white.\ ;☆BG 雪道\ bg "e\naname_yuki.jpg",3 ;いつの間に積雪地帯に入ったのか分からないが、どこを見渡しても白い色に染められていた。\ ^We were up in the mountains; maybe we'd crossed the snow line. Whatever the cause, the world around was white as far as I could see.\ ;…少しやばいかもな。\ ^This wasn't good.\ ;さっき見た限りでは、このタイヤはスタッドレスじゃなかった。\ ^I hadn't looked that closely, but I seriously doubted this car had snow tyres fitted.\ ;もしも、これから先が、更に雪が降るエリアでは厄介かも知れない。\ ^If the weather got any worse ahead, we could be in trouble.\ ;「なあ、ここらって豪雪地帯なのか?」\ ^`Does this area get a lot of snowfall?'\ dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Huh...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、これ以上、雪が酷くなると辛いからさ」\ ^`It's just that I'm not sure I'll be able to handle much more than this...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n250.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;仮に路面に積雪は無かったとしても、それだけの場所なら道路が凍結していても不思議ではない。\ ^So far there wasn't actually snow on the road, but if this area was particularly prone to it, we might well run into it ahead.\ ;そう考えると、教習所の教本でしか習っていなかった、チェーンの装着ってのも必要になるのかも知れない。\ ^I had only the vaguest memories of the section of the driving textbook that covered winter conditions. ^Words like `snow chains' swam into my mind. I wondered if we had any.\ ;「どうだ、知ってるか?」\ ^`Do you know?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n251.ogg" ;「この先は…関が原」\ ^`We're... coming up to Sekigahara...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そりゃさっき聞いたって、俺が知りたいのは雪が酷い場所かってこと」\ ^`Yes, you already said. What I want to know is, does this place get a lot of snow?'\ dwavestop 0 !w500 !s90 dwave 0,"w\n060.ogg" ;「…わからない…」\ ^`I...^@^ don't know...'\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;何故か寂しそうに答える彼女。^@^ ^Her voice was heavy with failure.\ ;その様子に俺は少しだけ違和感を覚えた。\ ^I felt slightly odd as well. It felt somehow wrong to hear her confess ignorance.\ ;これだけ道に詳しくて、以前にこの車のこともあんなに詳しかったのに…\ ;それと比較すると、十分に知ってそうなことだと思えた。\ ^I'd expected her to know as much about prevailing weather as she seemed to know about other aspects of geography.\ ;「わかった、とにかく気をつけて走る」\ ^`Fair enough. I guess we'll just have to take it carefully.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n253.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;________________ ;・小タイトル戻し mov $sys_midasi,"^Route One, IV [h]" ;_______________________ mp3 "bgm\o012.mp3" ;ちらちらと降り続く雪。\ ;SE>波の音\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" bg "e\yukizora.jpg",3 ;;☆BG 雪湖っぽいの bg "e\yuki_kohan.jpg",5 ;波打ち際。 ;俺達は車を降りると、湖を眺めていた。\ ^A beach. ^We'd left the car up on the road and come down to have a look at the lake.\ ;強い風に煽られては、 ;所々、凍った湖面をも染めようとする白い雪。\ ^A mighty wind was moving over its surface; the eddying snow caught therein was scattering across it and melting into the nigh-frozen water.\ ;そんな中、まるで海のような波打ち際へ向かって、ゆっくりと歩き始める彼女。\ ^And she was slowly walking through all that towards the waterline.\ ;…以前にもあった光景だった。\ ^It was a horribly familiar scene.\ dwave 0,"w\n254.ogg" ;「…ねえ、どう思う?」\ ^`...how about now...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「このまま進むと、楽に死ねるか?ってのか」\ ^`You mean, if you kept going, would that be a good way to die?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n255.ogg" ;「うん、海より楽な気がする…」\ ^`It'd be easier than in the sea...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「俺には、その解答の根拠がわからん…」\ ^`How do you figure that out?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n256.ogg" ;「だって、海水は塩辛いし身体も浮いちゃうでしょ…」\ ^`Well, it's not as salty, is it? You won't float as much...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そりゃあ、名推理だな」\ ^`You make a good case.'\ dwavestop 0 ;冷たい北風と降る雪の中、お互いに本気とも冗談とも取れないことを言い合う。\ ^I couldn't work out whether she was being serious or not. I'm not sure she really knew either.\ ;そして、一旦止まった足を、再び湖へと向けると歩き出す彼女。\ ^She had paused while we spoke. Now she began to walk again towards the lake.\ dwave 0,"w\n257.ogg" ;「…やっぱり止めないの?」\ ^`...aren't you going to try and stop me?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「だって今日は、死ぬつもりないだろ?」\ ^`I don't need to, do I? You don't mean to die today.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n258.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n259.ogg" ;「…うん…^@^そうかもね」\ ^`...no...^@^ I suppose I don't...'\ dwavestop 0 ;…例の場所、淡路島まで ;あと、どのくらいの距離なのだろうか…\ ^It couldn't be that much further to Awajishima.\ ;別にその場所に行きたかった訳でも、何かのこだわりがあった訳でもない。\ ^It wasn't a place I especially wanted to visit, nor would it be fair to say getting there was an obsession.\ ;だけど、何の目的も持たずに彷徨う俺達だったのに、今では目指す場所が生まれた。\ ^But we seemed to have acquired that as a goal.\ ;俺が止めなくても、波打ち際の一歩手前で足を止めたままの彼女。\ ^I didn't have to stop her. She just stood there, her hair whipping about her, without taking another step towards the water.\ ;…きっと、そういうことなんだと思う。\ ^And I'm pretty sure that was the reason why.\ dwavestop 5 ;____;____;__;_ bg "haeleth\1\cat05.bmp",5 !w600 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\hiki_kosoku2.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n260.ogg" ;「そこから、1号に戻って…」\ ^`Keep going back onto Route 1...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^`Right.'\ dwavestop 0 ;8号から再び1号へ。\ ^We had been travelling south-west on Route 8. This now merged with Route 1.\ ;彼女のナビに従い、今度は草津へと向かっていた。\ ^According to my human atlas, we were now heading towards Kusatsu.\ ;●とも ここから車内かな?>■仕込みました bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n261.ogg" ;「ねえ、今って、お金は大丈夫?」\ ^`...are we still okay for money?'\ ^She asked, unexpectedly.\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、まだ3万円ほどはある」\ ^`Sure. We've still got about 30,000.'\ dwavestop 0 ;以前に服は買ったけど、それ以外では、相変わらずコンビニで済ます程度だった。\ ^Apart from her new clothes, we hadn't bought anything but food, and that mostly cheaply.\ ;「どうかしたのか?」\ ^`Why?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n262.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、高速に乗る?」\ ^`...shall we take the highway, then?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「高速? 全部下道じゃ行けないのか?」\ ^`Must we? Can't we just stick with minor roads?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n263.ogg" ;「それは、無理よ」\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景 dwave 0,"w\n264.ogg" ;「確かにギリギリまでなら行けるけど…」\ ^`We could... most of the way...'\ dwavestop 0 !w500 dwave 0,"w\n265.ogg" ;「でも、最終的には、必ず有料道路に乗るから…」\ ^`But we're going to have to take a toll road eventually...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか、淡路島だもんな」\ ^`To get to the island, you mean?'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺も詳しくは知らないが、淡路島に行く為には、 ;瀬戸大橋だか何だかの橋を渡らないと行けなかった筈だ。\ ^She was probably right. My memory for such matters was, of course, pretty flaky, but I knew there was a bridge to Awajishima... the Seto Bridge, or some such thing, wasn't it?... and that it wouldn't be free to cross.\ ;は有料道路だったと聞いたことがあるとか dwave 0,"w\n266.ogg" ;「じゃあ、草津からバイパスに入って」\ ^`Okay, take the Keiji bypass at Kusatsu.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^`All right.'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;____;____;__;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼女の指示に従い、瀬田ICから、名神高速へと乗り継ぐ。\ ^So we left Route 1 at Kusatsu, and picked up the Meishin Expressway a few kilometres south at the Seta interchange.\ dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;☆BG 車走る:上空の\ bg "e\joku_kosoku.jpg",3 ;今までの一般道と比べると、明らかに整備された道路。\ ^This highway was in considerably better condition than the older roads we'd been driving on so far.\ ;信号もないし、見通しの良い道路は、初めて高速を走った俺にも運転しやすいと思えた。\ ^There were no traffic lights, and no blind corners. For the first time I felt comfortable putting my foot down.\ ;只、右の高速車線にいると、後ろからスゴイ勢いでやってくる後続車が怖かった。\ ^I wasn't the only one. The speeds of some of the cars shooting past in the fast lane were really rather unnerving.\ dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;最初は、パッシングや右ウインカーの意味も分からなかったが、慣れてくると高速道路の運転は楽しいと思えた。\ ^So I stuck to the left lane, at least till I'd got the hang of overtaking and worked out what the conventions were for indicating.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;「すげえな、あの車…」\ ^`He must be mad...'\ ;-- O.o if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_66 + Remember "mad" = "crazy" not "angry". I take the view that it's reasonable to translate exclamations with functional rather than semantic equivalents. *generated_66 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;物凄いスピードで追い抜いていく、どこかの車。 ;のんびり走る俺達は、思わず顔を見合わせてしまう。\ ^That was with reference to a car that shot past us at a particularly breathtaking speed. We were merely cruising by comparison.\ ;そして、助手席に座ったこいつも、いつもとは少し様子が違っていた。\ ^I unthinkingly took my eyes off the road for a moment, and they met the girl's. She was looking slightly perkier than usual.\ ;普段なら、遠い目で窓の外を眺めるだけなのに、今日は物珍しそうに回りの車を見ていた。\ ^Rather than merely staring listlessly out of the window, she was looking all around with apparent curiosity.\ ;…そういえばこいつって何故か車にも詳しかったな。\ ^Of course... she was into cars. Or knew a lot about them, at least.\ ;俺は猛スピードで追い抜いていった、さっきの車を指差す。\ ;^I nodded towards that other car, which was already a mere speck in the distance.\ ;-- starting to get a bit overzealous in the embellishment if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_67 + A bit carried away, yeah. Moving back to reality (and abbreviating somewhat, since it's not really essential to specify exactly what the car did twice in four lines...) *generated_67 ^I nodded towards the one in question.\ ;「なあなあ、今のって何て車だ?」\ ^`What was he driving, anyway?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n267.ogg" ;「…それは質問?」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n268.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、クイズのつもりで」\ ^`Come on, it's a quiz.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n269.ogg" ;「…トヨタセリカ、オーバービュー」\ ^`...Toyota Celica. GTS.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、今、抜いてったのは?」\ ^`And that one that just overtook us?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n270.ogg" ;「シトロエン、クサラ…」\ ^`Citroen Xsara...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「へ~、よく分かるな」\ ^`Wow, you're good.'\ dwavestop 0 ;正直なところ、俺にはそれが正解かどうかも分からない。\ ^To be honest, I didn't actually know whether she was right or not.\ ;でも、自分からは滅多に口を開かないこいつが、次々と答える様子が楽しく思えて…\ ^I was just pleased to see her apparently enjoying a conversation for once...\ ;だから俺は、休むことなく言葉を続けた。\ ^That's why I was encouraging her.\ dwave 0,"w\n271.ogg" ;「青いのがユーノス、赤いのはアルファロメオ…」\ ^`The blue one's a Eunos, the red one's an Alfa Romeo...'\ dwavestop 0 ;同時に追い抜いていった2台までも答える。\ ^She went on to identify the next two without prompting.\ ;「でもさ、あれは分からないだろう」\ ^`Aha -- I bet you can't tell me what that is, though.'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら今度は、普通車と違うトラックを指差す。\ ^I was cheating. The vehicle I was pointing out this time was a lorry.\ ;あまり表情を出さない彼女の、困った顔も少しだけ見たくなっていた。\ ;^Her face was as difficult to read as ever, but I thought I detected just a touch of frustration in it.\ ;-- mm? this is off.. he just wanted to see her troubled if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_68 + Not just off but totally wrong. I bet I read 見たく in a hurry and thought "aha, みたく = みたいに"... >_<; *generated_68 ^I guess I was hoping I'd get to see a trace of frustration on that inscrutable face.\ dwave 0,"w\n272.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「やっぱ、さすがにトラックは分からないか」\ ^`Hah, I thought you wouldn't know.'\ dwave 0,"w\n273.ogg" ;「…日産アトラス10」\ ^`It's a Nissan...^@^ Atlas 10.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「おいおい、すげえぞ、お前っ」\ ^`I don't believe it! You're incredible.'\ dwavestop 0 ;本当はいじわるしたつもりだったのに、まさかトラックまで分かるとは思わなかった。\ ^So much for cheating. I really hadn't expected her to know about lorries too.\ ;「ここまでくればさ、自慢できるレベルじゃねえか?」\ ^`And you're not even proud you know all this?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n274.ogg" ;「…そう?」\ ^`...should I be?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、胸張っていいと思うぞ」\ ^`I would be. You know a hell of a lot.'\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ ;俺の言葉に無言で返す彼女。 ;少しだけ照れくさそうにしているようだった。\ ^She fell silent again, but I did think I saw that faint flush of pink return to her cheeks.\ ;きっと車とか好きなんだろうな…\ ^I suppose she really did like cars...\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあさ、向こうに着いたら運転してみるか?」\ ^`Do you want to have a go at driving when we get there?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n276.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh...?!'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n277.ogg" ;「でもわたし、免許持ってない…」\ ^`But... I don't have a licence...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「大丈夫だって、きっと、浜辺なんて運転すると楽しいぞ」\ ^`You won't need one. Not if we take the car down onto the beach or something.'\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らく淡路島まで行けば、ひと気のない場所はいくらでもあるだろう。\ ^There would surely be plenty of remote enough places on an island like Awajishima.\ ;それにこの車はミッションだから、慣れると面白い筈だと思えた。\ ^I reckoned she'd enjoy driving this car, too. Manuals are far more fun when you get the hang of the gears.\ ;「なんだったらさ、俺が教えてやるよ」\ ^`I'll teach you to drive if we can find somewhere good.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n278.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、といっても俺も超初心者だけどさ」\ ^`As best as I can, anyway. I'm not that good myself.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\nv319.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...okay...'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n282.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv282.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと…」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n279.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BGM フェードアウト ;____;____;____ mov %flg_cha6,1 mov %flg_bplay,6 goto *haeleth_mini_title ;_____________ ;★チャプター7 *haeleth_honpen7 mov $sys_midasi,"^Echo [h]" dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;☆BG 変え>夕空 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;あんなに高かった日が、わずかだけ翳る頃。\ ^It was around the time of day when the sun begins to fade.\ mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;☆BG 車:上空:高速\ bg "e\joku_kosoku_yu.jpg",3 ;高速を走り続ける銀のクーペ。\ ;間もなく桂川パーキングエリア。 ;少し進んでは、小休憩というペースで走っていた。\ ^We were still cruising down the Meishin Expressway, but at a rather more relaxed pace.\ ^We were coming up to the Katsuragawa service station on the outskirts of Kyoto, and I was ready for a break.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01b.jpg",3 ;「なあ、次も休憩するか」\ ^`Let's stop for a bit...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n280.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv280.ogg" ;「あ、う、うん…」\ ^`Mm? ...yeah... okay...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…どうした?」\ ^`...are you okay?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n281.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv281.ogg" ;「ちょっと疲れたみたい…」\ ^`Bit tired, I guess...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…」\ ^`Not surprised...'\ dwavestop 0 ;無理もないことかも知れない。\ ;さっき、あれだけはしゃいでいたし、元々、俺達は普通の病人以上なんだから当然だろう。\ ^It was only natural, given that she'd used so much energy earlier.\ ^It was easy to forget that we were actually if anything less fit than most patients.\ ;「じゃあ、なんか買ってきてやるよ」\ ^`We'd better grab a bite to eat as well, then.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_324.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Okay...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;__ ;☆BG 車止め>駐車場 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;SE>車止め dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「じゃあ、すぐ買ってくるから」\ ^`I'll be right back.'\ ;>SE>閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^I pushed the car door shut behind me.\ ;☆ベタ\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;手ごろな売店へ急ぐと、普段コンビニで買うものと大差ない買い物をする。\ ;^The shop and snack bar were still open. The range wasn't anything special, but nor was it as pricey as I'd feared.\ ;-- this line slipped away from reality again, he just bought conbini-like stuff from some random shop if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_69 + The second part is indeed crazily wrong, and God only knows what I was thinking. However, the change in the first half was deliberate. It's easy enough to find out exactly what's available at the Katsuragawa services, so it seemed reasonable to be a little more precise. *generated_69 ^The shop and snack bar were still open. The range wasn't anything special, but nor was it as pricey as I'd feared.\ ;SE>開け閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG 車内 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;「ほら、ポカリとおにぎり、それとポテトも」\ ^`Here you are... Pocari, onigiri, and chips.'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n283.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv283.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv283b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`...thanks...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返事をするけど、受け取ったまま口をつけようとしない彼女。\ ^She took them from me. But she didn't start eating.\ ;いつもならポテトは先になって手にしていたのに…\ ^Normally she'd have fallen on those chips ravenously...\ ;-- potato, chips, fries, whatever it is =3 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_70 + I'd been planning to correct this for over a year, you don't have to gloat _too_ much! :P *generated_70 ;「…大丈夫か?」\ ^`...are you okay?'\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかしてお前…具合悪くなってきたのか…」\ ^`You aren't, are you? You're feeling worse... aren't you?'\ dwave 0,"w\n284.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`...............'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n285.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv285.ogg" ;「…薬が…^@^切れただけだから」\ ^`I've just...^@^ run out of medication, that's all...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そうか…」\ ^`Oh dear...'\ ;…薬が切れた。 ;恐れていたことだった。\ ^This could be nasty.\ ;いや、こんなことは病院を飛び出した時から、十分に予想できることだった。\ ^It shouldn't have a surprise. It had been inevitable from the moment we stepped out of the hospital.\ ;もちろん、故意に忘れていた訳じゃない。\ ^I just hadn't been thinking along those lines.\ ;今まではそんなこと考えたことすらなくて… ;それ以前に、考えようとする意識すらなかった。\ ^At first it had been a prospect I didn't want to think about. Then somehow I'd just stopped thinking about it.\ ;「いつからだ? 薬が切れたのは?」\ ^`When? How long have you been off it?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n286.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv286.ogg" ;「…昨日の夜」\ ^`Since last night...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、もうすぐ丸一日だな…」\ ^`It's been a whole day...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の場合は、2日飲まずが限界だと医者から言われていた。 ;恐らく彼女の場合も似たようなもんだろう。\ ^With the stuff I was on, I'd been told, two days without was the limit. She was probably in a similar situation.\ ;考えてみれば病院を出たあの日から、既に8日が経っていた。\ ;^We'd been on the road for eight days now. Given the circumstances of our departure, we'd actually been rather lucky to come away with as much as we did.\ ;-- Any particular reason for this embellishment? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_71 + I certainly can't think of one. *generated_71 ^We'd been on the road for, what, eight days now?\ ;手持ちとして、持ってきた薬の量では、遅かれ早かれこうなるのは目に見えていた。\ ^However much we'd brought, we'd have run into this problem sooner or later. I should have thought of that.\ ;…今、俺はどうするべきなんだろうか…\ ^I should have thought what to do. Now it had happened, and I had no plan...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n287.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv287.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv287b.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^`Don't worry...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n288.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv288.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv288b.ogg" ;「…わたし、7階は嫌よ」\ ^`...it was the seventh floor I couldn't bear.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、分かってる、家も嫌なんだろ」\ ^`Right... there and home.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n289.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv289.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;☆ベタ\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>エンジン始動・走る\ dwave 5,"se\car_start.ogg" ;再び動き出した銀のクーペ。\ ^I started up and rejoined the highway.\ ;結局俺は、次の降り口で高速を降りることにした。\ ^But I came off again at the next exit.\ ;それでどうなる訳でもないが、こんな場所に居たのでは何も出来ない。\ ^I didn't know exactly what I was going to do, but I did know I wasn't going to find a solution on the road.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;__ ;☆シーン変え ぷち ;☆BG 空:夕\ bg "e\soukou_machi_yu.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;殺風景な高速降り口から、市街地へ向けて走り続ける。\ ^From the dreary sliproad we emerged onto suburban roads. I turned towards the city centre.\ ;そして小さな町医者ではなく、大きな病院を探した。 ;正しくは大きな病院の近くにある、薬局を探した。\ ^I was looking for a hospital: not a small health centre, but a full-scale regional institute.\ ^Well... more precisely, I was looking for a pharmacy in the vicinity of one.\ ;本当は病院に行くのが一番良いのかも知れない。^@^ ;仮にこれが、普通の病状ならば迷わずそうしただろう。\ ^We should probably have gone straight to a hospital as such.^@^ ^If we'd been suffering from any ordinary disease, that's probably what we'd have done.\ ;…でも俺達は7階の住人。 ;手首に巻いたビニールの認識腕輪は白。\ ^But we were seventh-floor cases. Our identification wristbands were white.\ ;そして、その7階をも飛び出したのが俺達だった。\ ^And on top of that, we were runaways...\ ;そんなことを思いながら、辺りをきょろきょろとしながらハンドルを握る。\ ^So I drove through the city, both hands on the wheel, my eyes alert.\ ;…きっと、大病院の近くの薬局なら、大抵のモノはある筈だ。\ ^If I could only find a major pharmacy near a major hospital, they'd surely stock a wide range of medications.\ ;「見つけたっ」\ ^`There we are!'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;大きな通りに面した角に立つ、どこかの大学病院。 ;その手前に見える2~3軒の薬局の看板。\ ^There was the hospital: a major teaching institute, set back slightly from the road. ^And, scattered around it, two or three chemists' signs.\ ;路駐できそうにないと判断すると、俺は空き地を見つけ、すぐさま車を停める。\ ^The prospects didn't look good for parking, but just as I was about to give up, I spotted a space at the kerbside that I could squeeze into.\ ;SE>止め dwave 5,"se\car_s3.ogg" ;☆BG 車内 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;「おい、薬の袋、貸してくれ」\ ^`Give me the packaging from your medicine.'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n290.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv290.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv290b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Y-yes... okay...'\ dwavestop 0 ;不思議そうな顔で、薬の入っていた袋を手渡す彼女。\ ^She looked rather confused as to my motive, but fished it out for me nonetheless.\ ;俺はその病棟用の薬の袋を受け取ると、中に入っていた、薬の説明用紙だけを手にする。\ ;…こうやっておけば大丈夫だろう。\ ^I extracted the information sheet. That should be all I'd need.\ ;「じゃあ、すぐ帰ってくるから」\ ^`I'll be right back.'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車内にあいつだけを残し、 ;俺は少しだけ離れた薬局へと走った。\ ^Leaving her sitting in the car, I sprinted over to the nearest chemist's.\ ;>SE>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;ガー…\ ^The automatic door slid open at my approach. It seemed to take an eternity to do so.\ ;☆BG・薬局内>ベタでも可能\ bg "e\yakkyoku.jpg",3 ;やたらと開くのが遅い自動ドアを越え、やってきた店内。 ;俺は真っ直ぐにカウンターへと向かう。\ ^I slipped through as soon as the gap was wide enough to admit me, and headed straight for the pharmacy counter.\ dwavestop 5 ;店の人「いらっしゃいませ」\ ^`Good evening, sir.'\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の姿に声を掛けてくれた中年風のおじさん。 ;白衣を着た、いかにもって感じの薬剤師のようだった。\ ^The pharmacist was a quiet-looking man in a white coat and the advanced stages of middle age.\ ;-- how often do you hear of this aging disease anyways? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_72 + All the time -- don't you? Come, come, allow a poor translator his syllepsis. *generated_72 ;「すみません、この薬お願いします」\ ^`Um, I don't suppose you'd happen to stock this stuff, would you...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「え、ああ、ちょっと待って下さいね…」\ ^`Hmm? Yes, I think we have that. One moment please...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って俺の渡した薬の説明用紙を手に、奥へと引っ込んでいくおじさん。\ ^He took the paper from my hand and disappeared through a door behind the counter.\ ;…恐らくここは、普通の薬局ってよりは、病院からの薬も出しているところだと思う。\ ^I had guessed right. This place probably got a lot of custom from the hospital.\ ;外来の病院に行った時には、こんな感じのところで薬だけ貰ったのを覚えている。\ ^I'd come to places like this for medication during the periods when I'd been an outpatient.\ ;明らかに大病院の近くに並んで建っているし、ここならば大体の薬は揃っていると思えた。\ ;^This one was next to a hospital of equivalent size. Obviously they'd need to stock a similar range.\ ;-- equivalent size? or just next to a major hospital if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_73 + Agreed, this change is just pointless. *generated_73 ^This one was next to a large hospital. Obviously they'd need to stock pretty much everything.\ ;店の人「お待たせしました、こちらになりますね」\ ^`Sorry about the wait. Here you are.'\ ;しばらくして、帰ってきたおじさん。\ ^The pharmacist returned.\ ;手には透明な袋に入ったカプセル状の薬。 ;その束のような塊を2つほど持っていた。\ ^He placed couple of clear plastic bags on the counter. Each contained a little rolled-up strip of capsules.\ ;…これだけあれば当分は大丈夫だろう。 ;ざっと見ても1週間分ほどはありそうだった。\ ^It looked to be about a week's worth. That would certainly be enough for now.\ ;そして俺が、ポケットから財布を取り出そうとすると…\ ^I opened my wallet to pay.\ ;店の人「あ、それより薬箋も頂けますか」\ ^`Do you have your prescription there?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…やくせん?」\ ^`...my prescription?'\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「ああ、処方箋のことですよ、 ;    これは臨床用ですからね」\ ^`Of course. This isn't something we sell over the counter.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「お医者さんから貰ってますよね?」\ ^`Surely your doctor told you...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;…予想していなかった。\ ^This was not something I'd planned for.\ ;いや、冷静に考えれば市販品じゃないんだし、普通で買える訳がなかった。\ ^I had no excuse. I should have guessed this kind of medicine wouldn't be something you could just walk in and buy.\ ;店の人「…どうしました?」\ ^`...are you all right, sir?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、その…」\ ^`Oh... I... um...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いよどむ俺に、段々と怪訝な目を向ける白衣のおじさん。\ ^I couldn't think what to say. And I could see the suspicion growing in the man's eyes.\ ;店の人「て、あれ…それは…?」\ ^`Wait a minute... that's...!'\ ;そして、俺の手首に巻かれた白い腕輪に気づくと、そこに書かれていた文字を…\ ^He'd spotted my wristband. He'd seen what was written on it.\ ;俺の名前を、血液型を…\ ^My name. My blood group.\ ;…そして、病院の名前を読もうとしていた。\ ^And the name of the hospital I'd come from.\ ;SE>それっぽいの ;dwave 5,"se\kakeasi.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;だっ、\ ;店の人「あっ」\ ;ガラスのカウンターの上に置かれた薬。 ;俺は反射的に、その束ごと一気に掴んだ。\ ^I snapped.\ ^I just snatched the stuff from the counter and ran.\ ;そして、そのまま店の外へと向かって駆け出す。\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;店の人「こら、待ちなさいっ」\ ^`Hey! What do you think you're playing at!'\ ;カウンター越しに大声を張り上げる店の人。 ;その声を俺は背中で聞いた。既に駆け出していた。\ ^There was a commotion behind me. I didn't look to see what the guy was doing.\ ;店の出口までのたった5m。\ ^It was only five metres to the door.\ ;足のふんばりが利かなくて、よろけそうになりながら、それでも俺は無我夢中で走った。\ ^I was out of shape; I was staggering; my mind wasn't functioning. But I managed to run it.\ dwavestop 5 ;SE>ガー>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;そして、やたらと開くのが遅い自動ドアから、店外へと出ようとした…\ ^The door slid open as slowly as before. Far, far too slowly.\ ;その時、\ ^As before, I made my exit as soon as the gap looked wide enough. This time, unfortunately...\ ;>SE>ぶつかる音からガラス割れる音 dwave 5,"se\g_crash2.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ガン、ガシャーン、\ ;...I misjudged.\ ;「痛っ、くそ…」\ ^`Fuck!'\ dwavestop 5 ;思わず、意識が一瞬白くなった。\ ^For a moment my mind went blank.\ ;自動ドアの角に頭をぶつけて、その勢いでガラスまで叩き割ったようだった。\ ^I'd caught the door with my head. The blow had been sufficient to crack the glass.\ ;ふらつく頭を、ぶんぶん振ると、開きかけで止まった自動ドアを手で押し開ける。\ ^Instinct took over completely. The door had stopped: I shoved it a bit further open, squeezed myself out, and ran.\ ;そして、店の外へ出るとまた走り始めた。手に持った薬の袋は放さなかった。\ ^By some miracle, I'd managed not to drop the medicine...\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;「はぁはぁ、ふうっ」\ ^`Oh fuck... oh god...'\ ;思わず息を切らして、あごが上がってしまう。車までの数十メートルが、やけに長く感じた。\ ;^I made the mistake of looking up. The car was several dozen metres away. It looked much further.\ ;-- mm? I think he's running flat out with his head thrown back to help with breathing? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_74 + Yeah, this is totally wrong again... pretty careless, the grammar is hardly ambiguous. *generated_74 ^I was out of breath, my head thrown back. The car was several dozen metres away. It looked much further.\ ;誰も追っては来ていないようだけど、それを振り返って確認する余裕すらなかった。\ ^I couldn't hear any sounds of pursuit, but I was hardly in a position to look back and check.\ ;…もし、俺が捕まったら…\ ;あいつはどうなってしまうのだろうか…\ ^What would she do if they caught me now?\ ;車の中で一人、いつまでもじっと俺の帰りを待っているのだろうか…\ ^She'd be helpless. She'd be stuck in the car, waiting for me, for the rest of her life... quite literally.\ ;何故かそんなことを思いながら、懸命に走った。\ ^Spurred on by these thoughts, I forced myself to run, panting, staggering.\ ;よろめきながら、息切れを起こして、これで全力かと思うと我ながら哀しかった。\ ^I felt so weak. I was like a man that had no strength...\ ;-- stretching a bit too much it feels. if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_75 + Psalm 88:4. Allow a poor translator his literary references... ^^; *generated_75 ;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^`...made it... oh god...'\ dwave 5,"se\car_s4.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、ふう…」\ ;倒れこむようにシートに座ると、急発進させる俺。\ ^I sank into the driver's seat, and managed somehow to start up the car and get going.\ bg "e\soukou_machi_yoru.jpg",3 ;明らかに先日のパチンコ屋の時よりも、体力が落ちてきているのが自覚できた。\ ^I couldn't believe I'd grown so much weaker since the last getaway, from that pachinko parlour the other night.\ ;そして、ルームミラーで確認すると、やはりガラスで切ったのか、額から少しだけ血が流れていた。\ ^There was a gash on my head; I could see blood in the mirror. I must have cut it on the broken door.\ ;…恐らくこれくらいなら、すぐに止まるだろう。 ;俺は運転しながら、ポケットティッシュで軽く押さえる。\ ^It wasn't bleeding too hard. I dabbed at it with a tissue as I drove, hoping it would stop soon.\ dwavestop 5 bg "e\naname_michi_yoru.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n294.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv294.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^`...are you okay?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、平気だ」\ ^`Yeah, I'm fine.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n295.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv295.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv295b.ogg" ;「でも、血が出てるし…」\ ^`You're bleeding...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…気にするな、何でもないから」\ ^`It's not serious.'\ dwavestop 0 ;不安そうな顔を向ける彼女に、俺は、心配いらないと手を振ってみせる。\ ;^She looked unconvinced. ;^I tried grinning, in the hopes that this would reassure her. She looked unconvinced.\ ;-- Somehow the double 'She looked unconvinced." thing doesn't look presented right. It somehow feels like you need a beat before the second one that the period doesn't quite provide. newline? or em-dash maybe? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_76 + Newline seems to be the best. I also tried it with just one newline after "reassure her", but that looked wrong too. *generated_76 ^She looked unconvinced. ^I tried grinning, in the hopes that this would reassure her. ^She looked unconvinced.\ ;そして、左手に握り締めたままだった、薬の束を手渡した。\ ^So I changed the subject instead by handing her the medicine I'd gone through all that to get.\ ;「ほら、飲んでおけよ」\ ^`Here, take it... and then take it.'\ ;-- -_- oi oi... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_77 + Allow a poor translator his antanaclasis... ^^;; *generated_77 dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n296.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv296.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Oh... thanks...'\ dwavestop 0 ;これで当分は大丈夫だと思えた。 ;少なくとも1週間くらいなら保つだろう。\ ^We would be all right for a while now... for about a week, if my estimate was right.\ ;だけど…\ ;もしこれが無くなった時はどうなるのだろうか?\ ^But what if we lost it? What then?\ ;たまたま今日は成功したから良かったけど、俺自身の体力も日毎に落ちてきているのは明らかだった。\ ^I'd been lucky today; I'd got away with only minor injuries. But I was clearly not getting any stronger with the passage of time.\ ;…元々、何の目的も行き場所も無かった俺達。^@^ ;求めるものがないなら、失う恐れ自体もなかった。\ ^In a sense, we'd been better off when we were just drifting around without any destination in mind.\ ^With nothing to gain, we'd had nothing to lose.\ ;でも今は、少しだけ違った。\ ^That no longer applied.\ ;目的が生まれ、失う怖さも生まれていた…\ ^We had a goal: but with that came the threat, and the fear, of failure.\ ;-- the threat? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_78 + I think I felt it flowed better making "threat" explicit. Not sure, thinking about this one. *generated_78 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____ ;☆ヒロイン 回想 暫定 5 とか予定>流れみて ;・小タイトル 戻し\ ;____;__;_ ;☆シーン変え 昼 bg "english\1\cat06.bmp",5 wait 800 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;よく晴れ上がった日。 ;冬特有の高い、高い澄んだ空が広がっていた。\ ^It was a clear day. The sky spread above us in wintry splendour.\ ;mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\sen02.mp3" ;☆BG 高速走る 上から 昼\ bg "e\joku_kosoku.jpg",3 ;再び高速に乗った俺達。\ ^We were back on the highway.\ ;今は吹田JCTから中国自動車道を走っていた。\ ^We'd left the Meishin at Suita Junction, just north of Osaka, and were now proceeding along the Chugoku Expressway.\ ;「なあ、次はどっちだ?」\ ^`What's next?'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n297.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv297.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv297b.ogg" ;「神戸JCTから…」\ ^`At Kobe Junction...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった、山陽自動車道だな」\ ^`...take the Sanyo Expressway, right?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n298.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv298.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv298b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv298c.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`Right.'\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG車内 昼\ bg "e\car_michi01.jpg",5 ;彼女の指示に従い、走る銀のクーペ。\ ^We sped on under her expert guidance.\ ;ここまで来ると、道すがらの標識には、「淡路島」という文字も、時折見えるようになっていた。\ ^We were getting close. Already the name `Awajishima' was beginning to appear on road signs.\ ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、既に900kmを超えた走行メーター。\ ^The odometer had already registered more than 900 kilometres since we first set foot in this vehicle.\ ;とても行けるとは思わなかったけど…^@^ ;そう思っていた目的地は、もう僅かの距離だった。\ ^When the trip had first been mooted I'd thought it impossible. ^But now here we were, mere minutes away from the goal.\ ;やがて、目の前に現れたのは大きな橋。\ ^Within sight of it, even. I could see the bridge now.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\akashi.jpg",3 ;「これが、明石海峡大橋ってのか…すげえ橋だな?」\ ^`So that's the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge... not bad.'\ ;-- <_< not bad == sugee . wwww if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_79 + Allow a poor translator his litotes... :P *generated_79 dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ ;思わず二人で感心してみる。まるで海の上をどこまでも走っているようだった。\ ;^It was really rather impressive; it seemed to leap across the strait, suggesting boundless possibility towards the future.\ ;-- O.o o_o x_X if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_80 + こりゃあ確か、どう考えても英語にもならんよな・・・ *generated_80 ^It was really rather impressive; it was as though we were driving endlessly over the very waves.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そして、しばらく走った頃。\ ;橋の途中には、ちらほらと車を停めている人の姿があった。\ ^From time to time, as we crossed the bridge, we passed cars parked by the railing.\ ;恐らくは観光客なんだろうけど、車から降りて記念写真を撮る人達。\ ^Tourists, pausing to admire the view and photograph each other in front of it.\ ;俺もその人達と同じように、路肩へと車を停車させた。\ ^It did seem likely to be a rather good view. I pulled over too.\ ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n299.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv299.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv299b.ogg" ;「…ここ駐停車禁止よ」\ ^`We can't park here...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、少しくらいなら大丈夫だろ」\ ^`Should be okay if we don't stay too long.'\ dwavestop 0 ;それに見た限りでも、数台の車も同じように車を停めていた。\ ;^It wasn't like there weren't other people doing exactly the same as far as the eye could see.\ ;-- I think you've pushed it from being a few cars to #cars ~= length of bridge... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_81 + That wasn't quite the intended reading, but the intended reading is also wrong, so... *generated_81 ^It wasn't like we were the only people doing it.\ ;「なあなあ、ちょっと外に出てみようぜ」\ ^`Come on, let's stretch our legs.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n300.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「きっと、すげえ眺めいいからさ」\ ^`Should be worth it just for the view.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n301.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv301.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_343.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^`All right...'\ dwavestop 0 ;まだちょっと渋々なんだけど、俺に合わせるように車を降りる彼女。\ ^She was reluctant, but she got out of the car with me nonetheless.\ ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG 橋の上のとか bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;SE>風 dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" ;ビュウーー、\ ;強くて冷たい風が吹く橋の上。\ ^There was a stiff wind blowing down the Akashi Strait.\ ;「思ったより、ここ寒いな…」\ ^`It's colder than I was expecting...'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_344.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...yeah...'\ ;普段から車外にも出ない俺達では、余計にそう感じてしまう。\ ^It seemed all the colder for the long hours we'd spent in that well-heated car.\ ;そんな俺達とは対照的に、向こうの方ではどこかのカップルらしき二人。\ ^There was another car parked a little way along, though unlike us, the pair who'd got out of that appeared to be a couple.\ ;どうやら記念写真を撮っているのだろう。 ;それらしい声が楽しげにここまで聞こえていた。\ ^They were stopping to take a photo. I could hear them laughing about it from here.\ ;よく見るとその二人以外にも、同じように写真を撮る家族連れや団体客達。\ ^In fact, so far as I could see just about all the travellers who'd stopped, from families to package tourists, were taking pictures.\ ;…記念写真か。 ;確かにこんな場所では必須だよな。\ ^I could see why. This was a good place for it.\ ;「そういえば…」\ ^`In fact...'\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^`...what?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^`Hang on a second.'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n303.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv303.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv303b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^`Huh?'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;確かカメラがあった筈だった。\ ^I was sure I'd seen a camera in here somewhere.\ ;以前、一番最初に車の中を点検した時に、安っぽい使い捨てを見つけたのを思い出していた。\ ^Ages ago. When we'd first taken the car and first stopped to investigate its contents. I'd seen one then.\ ;あの時、ちらっと見た限りでは、まだ数枚は残っていたと思うけど…\ ^Not that I'd taken any notice of it at the time...\ ;引っ張り出したカメラを手に、俺はフィルムを確認する。\ ^There it was. I pulled it out and peered at the film indicator.\ ;「よかった、まだ2枚は残っているな…」\ ^There were two exposures left.\ ;☆BG橋の上の\ bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;「お待たせ、ほら、撮ってやるよ」\ ^`Look!'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n328.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_347.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh...?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;「写真だよ、写真、せっかくだしさ」\ ^`Photo time! We've come all this way, we may as well make the most of it.'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n305.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv305.ogg" ;「……嫌よ」\ ^`...forget it.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあまあ、そう言わずに。なんかこうポーズでもとってくれよ」\ ^`Oh come on, just one... I'm taking one anyway, so you'd better not sulk.'\ ;言いながら俺は、彼女に向かってカメラを構えてみせる。\ ^I began to take aim.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、ちょっとは嬉しそうな顔してみろよ」\ ^`Go on, say cheese!'\ dwave 0,"w\n306.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;だけど、照れくさいのか、やっとこちらを向いても、不機嫌そうな顔しか向けてくれなかった。\ ^It didn't work. Perhaps she was just shy, but although she did turn to face me, the expression she adopted was more peeved than happy.\ ;…でも、もしかしたら…\ ;これでも彼女にとっては、頑張って笑顔を作ろうとしてくれているのかも知れない。\ ^I didn't like to query it, though. I had a horrible suspicion she might actually be doing her best to smile.\ ;-- the 'horrible suspicion' is a somewhat excessive spin? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_82 + The words appear strong, but the actual sense is pretty neutral. *generated_82 ;そんなことを思いながら、俺が写真に収めようしていると、\ ^Before I could actually lift the viewfinder to my face, however, I was interrupted.\ ;☆ベタor背景\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼氏「すみません、シャッターお願いできますか?」\ ^`Say, d'you figure you could take one for us?'\ ;「え、ああ、いいですよ…」\ ^`Sorry? Um, yeah, sure...'\ ;どこかのカップルらしき二人。 ;カメラを片手に俺達の元へと来ていた。\ ^The couple I'd noticed earlier had wandered up to us, and the male half was waving a camera at me.\ ;-- were they that couple? or a random couple. not that it matters much if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_83 + It's definitely the same people. どこかのカップルらしき二人 is an exact repeat of how he refered to them before - i.e. the sense is "_the_ random couple", not "_a_ random couple". Don't be misled by the どこか... note that a few lines below he also says どこかの彼氏, which obviously doesn't mean "some other random boyfriend". :P *generated_83 ;「じゃあ、撮りますよ」\ ^`Get ready, then.'\ ;二人「はい、おねがいします」\ ;楽しそうに肩を組んで、笑顔を見せる二人。\ ^They backed up to the rail, thanking me profusely as they went, and grabbed each other by the shoulder.\ ;俺はそんな二人を、ファインダーに収めるとシャッターを切った。\ ^I lined them up in the viewfinder...\ dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;カシャ、\ ^...and released the shutter.\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼氏「どうも、ありがとうございます」\ ^They bounced back to retrieve it.\ bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;彼女「じゃあ、代わりにお二人も撮りますよ」\ ^`Thanks, pal!' ^`Say, why don't you take one for them now?'\ dwavestop 5 ;「え、あ、いや、俺達は…」\ ^`Um, thanks, but we're...'\ ;彼氏「カメラはこちらで良いんですね?」\ ^`D'you want it on this camera?'\ ;その返事をするよりも早く、俺のカメラを受け取ろうと…^@^ ;と、いうか、まるで引ったくるように手にする彼氏。\ ^He'd taken it before I could reply.^@^ Snatched it, even.\ ;きっと気を利かせてくれているのだろう。 ;躊躇する俺達を無視して、さっさとカメラを構えてしまう。\ ^He probably thought he was being helpful. Ignoring our panicked looks, he was already framing the shot.\ ;彼氏「ほら、二人とも、もっと寄って」\ ^`Go on, close up a little there.'\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉に俺は、少しだけ彼女へと身体を寄せる。\ ^I inched slightly closer to her.\ ;相変わらずの表情を浮かべたままだけど、隣の彼女も、申し訳程度に寄ってくれた。\ ;^Somewhat to my surprise, she also moved to close the gap. ;^Somewhat apologetically, it seemed to me, though her face was, as usual, expressionless.\ ;-- this feels... weird. if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_84 + No surprise; 申し訳程度に does not mean "apologetically", though I didn't know that back when I translated this. *generated_84 ^She also made a token movement towards me, to my relief. Her face remained expressionless.\ ;彼氏「あのう、もうちょっとポーズとか取れませんか?」\ ^`Can't you, uh, try and pose some?'\ ;お節介にも、尚も注文をつけるどこかの彼氏。 ;見るとその彼の彼女も、あきれた顔でこちらを見ていた。\ ^Great. He was one of those guys who can't get behind a camera without thinking he's some famous director.\ ;^His girlfriend was watching the proceedings with an air of resignation; her expression was apologetic.\ ;-- I had read it this way years ago... but now I get the feeling the girlfriend was also getting annoyed at the two of them, not at the boyfriend... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_85 + Certainly あきれた does not suggest resignation _or_ apology, so the line needs to change. *generated_85 ^His girlfriend, I noticed, was watching the proceedings with an expression of disbelief.\ ;しょうがなく思った俺は、こいつの背中から肩へと…\ ^There was clearly only one way out. I gritted my teeth, stretched out an arm...\ ;ゆっくりと手をまわした。\ ^...and draped it round the shoulders beside me.\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n307.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv307.ogg" ;「…あ……」\ ^She gasped slightly.\ ;…初めて触れた、こいつの身体。\ ^It was the first time I'd touched her.\ ;先日買った子供っぽい服に、腰まである長い髪の感触が手に広がる。\ ^My hand rested lightly on her shoulder, on that childish shirt we'd bought the other day.\ ;^Her hip-long hair flowed around my arm.\ ;-- it seems strange her hair would be around his arm, if he placed it on top of her shoulders, it's not like he slide it behind her under her hair. if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_86 + Yes, I suspect when I translated that I probably got in a muddle with the referent of 広がる and foolishly decided to fudge it. *generated_86 ^My arm, on that soft hip-long hair.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ ;正面のカメラを見つめる俺に、その彼女の表情までは見えないけど…\ ;でも、もしかしたら…\ ;たまにしか見せてくれない、あの照れたような、拗ねたような顔をしてくれているのかも知れない。\ ^Being behind her, and looking at the camera, naturally I couldn't see her face...\ ^...but I didn't need to, to imagine it.\ ;^She would be looking cross: not with me, for touching her, but with herself, for blushing.\ ;-- this has departed reality >_> if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_87 + I think I still agree with my interpretation of the scene, but I can't deny that my expression of it bears little resemblance to anything Kataoka might have written. *generated_87 ^She'd probably be wearing that blushy sulky expression she so rarely let anyone see.\ ;彼氏「それじゃあ、撮りますよ」\ ^`Smile!'\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;^A click, a flash.\ ;-- it doesn't sound as nice, but one would hope the flash happens before the click if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_88 + The click comes before the flash in the Japanese... but pedantry must take precedence! I shall move the flash too. *generated_88 ;カシャっ、\ ^A flash, a click.\ ;無事に撮り終わって納得したのか、自分の車へと帰っていくカップルの二人。\ ^That ended the encounter; the couple headed back towards their car.\ ;俺達も自分の車へと足を向ける。\ ^We returned to our own.\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;☆BG車内 bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;「彼女さん…か」\ ^`They thought we...'\ ;「なんか、勘違いされたみたいだな?」\ ^`Yeah, I think there was a bit of a misunderstanding there...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 0,"w\n308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかしてさ、俺達ってそんな風に見えるのかな?」\ ^`...hey, don't you think that's how we look?'\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;少しだけ、おどけた俺の物言い。\ ;何故か楽しく感じてしまい、ついつい、そんな口調で続けてしまう。\ ^I was teasing now. Maybe it wasn't very nice of me, but it was too fun to resist.\ ;「なあってば、お前…あ、いや…」\ ;「なあ? どう思うセツミ?」\ ^`Don't you think so, Setsumi?'\ dwave 0,"w\n308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n309.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv309.ogg" ;「…なによ…^@^年下のくせに…」\ ^`Don't be cheeky...^@^ kid...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな俺の言葉にも、いつもと同じように、窓に顔を向けたままの彼女。\ ;その表情は相変わらずで、俺の方は見ようともしなかった。\ ^That was about as good a reaction as I'd ever got.\ ^She kept looking out of the window, of course. She didn't actually look at me; she never did, if she could help it.\ ;でもそれは…\ ;いつもの遠いところを見る目じゃなくて、照れくさいから、顔を背けているようにも思えた。\ ^But this time at least she didn't seem just to be staring into space.\ ^I rather thought she was looking away because she wanted to conceal her blushing.\ bg "english\1\cat07.bmp",5 !w700 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;見上げれば高い日。 ;冬特有の澄んだ空がどこまでも続いていた。\ ;Can't... take... any... more... cliches... ;あれから僅かに進んだだけで到着した洲本インター。 ;再び俺たちは一般道へと降りる。\ ^We left the highway at Sumoto Interchange, near the centre of Awajishima.\ ;「とうとう着いたな…」\ ^`Well, here we are...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n310.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv310.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、900kmもの距離を示した、車のメーター。\ ^It had been ten days, and 900 kilometres, since we came down from the seventh floor; it had taken us the best part of a week to pick a destination.\ ;何気ないことから、本当にここまでたどり着いた。\ ^Yet from that first casual mention of the name, on that rainy night in that Ibaraki lay-by, it had in a sense been inevitable that we'd end up here.\ ;「じゃあ、ここからはどう行けば良いんだ?」\ ^`Which way now?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n311.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv311.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv311b.ogg" ;「南に…」\ ^`South...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「南か…わかった」\ ^`South it is.'\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の指示通りに進路をとる。\ ^I let her guide me down across the island.\ ;本当は、ここまで来れば俺にだって場所は分かっていた。 ;目の前には観光案内らしい看板がいくつも見えている。\ ^To be perfectly honest, now we'd come this far, I could have navigated the rest by myself.\ ^There were plenty of tourist signposts, and not many roads.\ ;だけど、彼女のナビに従う。\ ^But I let her guide me nonetheless.\ ;そうしないと、いけないように思えた。 ;何故だかそうしてやりたかった…\ ^I felt I had to. If nothing else, she seemed to enjoy it...\ dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;読んだフラグ(タイトル戻しのgotoの前に入れること) mov %flg_cha7,1 mov %flg_bplay,7 ;_____________ goto *haeleth_mini_title *haeleth_honpen8 mov $sys_midasi,"^Narcissus [h]" dwavestop 5 ;____;____;____ ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;ゆっくりと日がオレンジに染まる頃…\ ;誰もいない冬の砂浜。 ;冷たくて強い風が松原を揺らしていた。\ ^We found an empty beach as the sun began to set, an expanse of sand stretching down to the sea from a fringe of rustling pines.\ ;そんな砂浜に車を乗り入れると、俺は彼女にドライバーズシートを譲る。\ ^I took the car down onto it, and we swapped seats.\ mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "e\chusha_hamabe_yu.jpg",5 ;「ほら、クラッチに足、届くか?」\ ^`Is the seat far enough forward? Can you reach the clutch?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n312.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv312.ogg" ;「大丈夫…」\ ^`I'm fine...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「よし、じゃあ次はギアをニュートラルからセカンドに」\ ^`Okay. First, change into second.'\ dwavestop 0 ;_キープ選択肢;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n313.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv313.ogg" ;「…知ってるわよ」 ^`I know that much...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「はいはい、じゃあ好きなようにやってみろよ」\ ^`Sorry, didn't mean to fuss...'\ dwavestop 0 ;____;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_358.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^`Just let me think.'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n314.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;小柄な身体で精一杯、足を伸ばす彼女。 ;真剣な顔つきをしてハンドルを握っていた。\ ^She stretched out her feet to the pedals, and shifted her hands on the wheel.\ ;助手席から身を乗り出すように声を掛ける俺。\ ^I was leaning over slightly to watch.\ ;「いいぞ…後はゆっくりとクラッチを離して」\ ^`Good, good. Now let the clutch in slowly.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n315.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv315.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...right...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、明らかに緊張している様子で…\ ^She began nervously to do just that.\ ;SE>\ dwave 5,"se\knocking.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\n316.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv316.ogg" ;「わっ」\ ^`...wah!'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;予想通り、ノッキングが凄いことになってしまう。\ ^The result is, predictably, really rather noisy and uncomfortable.\ ;「ほら、もっと静かにクラッチ切らないと」\ ^`Try and relax. You need to let the clutch in gently, and try and keep the revs even.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n317.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv317.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`I know...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返事をするけど、やはりすぐには上手くいかない。\ ^She probably did. But there's a big difference between knowing the theory and actually doing a thing.\ ;少し唇まで噛むようにして、一生懸命な彼女の顔。\ ^Her usually-expressionless face was wrinkling with concentration. She was even biting her lip.\ ;普段なら表情を出さない彼女だからこそ、そんな姿にも俺は微笑ましく思えてしまう。\ ^I couldn't help but think that was really rather cute.\ ;「おいおい、なんか悪酔いしそうだぞ」\ ;^`Hey, relax a little. Tensing up isn't going to help.'\ ;-- mmm, doublecheck? think she's swerving around if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_89 + I think we're both wrong on this one. I quite agree it's nothing to do with tensing up, but your "it's like you're really drunk" is a bit dubious if you look at the grammar (しそう implies "likely to be 悪酔い in the future" rather than "appear to be 悪酔い currently"), not to mention that 悪酔い in the "drunken frenzy" sense is a bit of an odd way to describe someone who is silently concentrating. *generated_89 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_90 + So it has to be 悪酔い in the "feeling sick (as after heavy drinking)" sense, which conveniently is also frequently applied metaphorically to travel sickness. Hence the sense is "[if you drive like this] (someone) is likely to be sick". The someone is ambiguous; I'm inclined to assign it to the protagonist, partly since bad driving tends to affect the passenger more than the driver, and partly because Setsumi's reaction suggests she feels criticised. (The cause is also ambiguous; swerving is plausible, but the concentration on clutch control inclines me to suspect jolting. However, that's not really important.) *generated_90 ^`Hey, careful, you don't want to make me sick.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n318.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv318.ogg" ;「わ…わかってるわよ」\ ^`I know...!'\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG 夕焼けとか\ dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;マフラーが少し割れて、うるさくなった銀のクーペ。\ ^Things didn't get much quieter as the evening progressed, but that was mostly the fault of the cracked silencer.\ ;誰もいないこの砂浜に、まるで哭き声のように響いていた…\ ;^The engine's pained roaring reverberated across the bay. It was a good thing there was nobody else around. For their sakes.\ ;-- the embellishments seem to be becoming progressively more flamboyant as the script goes if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_91 + Yup. I guess I'll tone this one down 申し訳程度に. *generated_91 ^The engine's pained roaring reverberated across the bay. It was a good thing there was nobody else around.\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 ;夕焼けがゆっくりと夜空へ変わる頃。 ;止みかけだった海風が、完全に陸風へと変わる頃…\ ^Now it was about the time when the sunset shifts into night: about the time when the failing sea breeze dies, and the land breeze picks up in its stead...\ ;いつしか空には大きな月が顔を出していた。\ ^The moon had risen. It was starting to wane.\ ;「だいぶ、慣れてきたみたいだな」\ ^`I reckon you've pretty much got the hang of it.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n319.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv319.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;その返事と共に、ギアを3速にまで上げる。\ ^She shifted smoothly up into third.\ ;すっかりとクラッチにも慣れ、この狭い砂浜を自由に走り回っていた。\ ;^It was just a shame that her brief experience of self-determination had to be confined to this narrow beach.\ ;-- ... in narci2 you mostly cracked on the sounds, but looks like narci1, you cracked and stacked embelllishments? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_92 + Pretty much, yeah. By this stage of the script I was rushing a bit, and some of the changes (like this one) don't even make much sense. Good thing I have you to root them out. ^^ *generated_92 ^She had the knack now, and was racing freely round the narrow beach.\ ;「これだったらさ…」\ ;「お前、教習所行かなくても免許取れんじゃねえか?」\ ^`You know what? I reckon you wouldn't need lessons. You could pass your test right now.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n320.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv320.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv320b.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^`...do you think so?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、信憑性薄いけどな。免許取り立ての俺の言葉だから…」\ ^`Well... I don't know if I'm much of a judge. Seeing as how I only just passed mine. But still.'\ dwavestop 0 ;今更、俺達が免許なんて取ったって意味はない。 ;そんなことはお互いに分かっている。\ ^It was a futile thought, and we both knew it. She was never going to have a licence, and mine wasn't going to be seeing much more use.\ ;地図もある、薬もある、マフラーが壊れてうるさいけど、銀色のクーペだってある。\ ^We had maps. We had medicine. We had a really rather fine car, if slightly noisy at the moment.\ !sd ;…でも時間が無い。未来がない。\ ^But we had no time, and no futures.\ !sd ;分かっているからこそ、俺には余計に切なく思えた。\ ;-- this line is a bit weird... it sooorta gets to it, but sorta feels confusing anyway if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_93 + Looks fine to me... it conveys the same meaning as the Japanese in a natural English way. *generated_93 ^In a way, knowing what we were missing out on only made things worse.\ ;「じゃあさ…^@^代わりに俺のやるよ」\ ^`Tell you what...^@^ I'll give you mine instead.'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺は、ポケットから自分の免許証を取り出す。\ ^I reached into my pocket for it.\ ;それは…本来ならば出番を失くしていた筈の免許証、^@^既に失った筈の、俺にとっての日常世界の証し…\ ^The licence I thought I'd never get a chance to use.^@^ The memento of the normal life I'd already lost.\ ;「ほら、卒業証書の代わりだ」\ ;^`Here... well done. Have a licence.'\ ;-- this really is out of step with the tone of the whole scene. if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_94 + I can't argue with that. *generated_94 ^`Here, in lieu of a certificate.'\ dwave 0,"w\n321.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n322.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv322.ogg" ;「貰っても…使う時間なさそうよ…」\ ^`Even if I had one... I don't have time to use it...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ遠慮すんなって…俺も似たようなもんだし」\ ^`And I do? Go on, take it.'\ dwavestop 0 ;決して避けた奴はいない7階。 ;高い天井、15cmしか開かない窓、白いビニールの腕輪。\ ^Our wristbands were white ones from the seventh floor, that place of high ceilings, narrow windows, and inexorable fate.\ ;…3回が最後で、彼女は2回目、俺は1回目…\ ^Your third time there was the end, and she'd been on her second, and I on my first...\ ;「じゃあ、はい…卒業おめでとう」\ ^`Just take it. Congratulations, you passed.'\ dwave 0,"w\nv282.ogg" ;「うん…^@^ありがと…」\ ^`...thanks.'\ dwavestop 0 ;小さく頷くと、俺の免許証を受け取る彼女。\ ^She relented, bowing her head slightly, and accepted it.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…これで彼女も普免持ちだ。\ ^Now we could say that she, too, was a full licence holder.\ ;クーペだけじゃない、セダンでも、コンバーチブルでも…何でも好きな車に乗ることだって出来る筈だ。\ ^That she could drive anything she liked: not just this coupé, but saloons, convertibles, hatchbacks...\ ;-- <_< what's a hatchback... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_95 + Wiki it! *generated_95 ;きっと、どこへでも好きな場所へ行ける筈だ…\ ^That she could go anywhere, anywhere she liked...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;____;____;____ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;あれから一通り走った後。\ ^From there we hardly had to travel any distance at all.\ !sd ;俺達は目的地である水仙の見える場所へと到着した。\ ^We arrived at our final destination: a place where we could find the daffodils we'd come all this way to see.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n05.mp3" ;一応、観光地の筈なのだが…\ ^It was supposedly a tourist spot.\ ;ここが外れの為か、 ;それとも夜の為か、人の姿は見えなかった。\ ^But for some reason... whether it was the remoteness of the spot, or the lateness of the hour... for some reason we were the only people here.\ ;静まり返ったような夜の闇の中、俺達は夜明けを待って、暗い車内でじっとしていた。\ ^We sat side by side in the still night, waiting for dawn.\ ;☆BG 車内暗い\ bg "tui\naname_inaka_yoru2.bmp",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n324.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv324.ogg" ;「ねえ、灯りつけないの?」\ ^`Can't we even have the light on?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、バッテリーが上がりそうだからな」\ ^`Sorry... the battery's a bit low...'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n325.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv325.ogg" ;「うん、そうだね…」\ ^`Fair enough.'\ dwavestop 0 ;__;_ ;エンジンも切った真っ暗な車内。\ ;パネルの鈍い光だけが、淡く横顔を映し出していた。\ ^With the engine off, the only illumination was a dull phosphorescent glow from the dashboard. It revealed silhouettes, nothing more.\ ;そんな音と灯りの消えたこの狭い車内で、ほとんど言葉も交わさずに夜明けを待つ。\ ^We sat in the silence, in the darkness, in the cramped interior, barely speaking.\ ;そして、後部座席に投げっ放しにしていた、洗濯物のかたまり。 ;厚手のジーパンやトレーナー、それっぽいタオル。\ ;その内の何枚かを掴むと、 ;俺達は毛布代わりに身体へと巻きつけていた。\ ^It was chilly, even though we'd improvised blankets with the thicker items of laundry off the back seat.\ ;「…寒いだろう」\ ^`Are you cold?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_371.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`A bit.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、もっとくっついていいぞ?」\ ^`Why not come closer? We could keep each other warm.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n328.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv328.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`...ehh?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、遠慮せずにこっちこいよ」\ ^`Come on, don't be silly.'\ dwavestop 0 ;助手席で寒そうに身体を震わす彼女に、俺は自分の膝の上を指し示す。\ ^I spread my arms encouragingly. She was plainly shivering, after all.\ ;「きっと、その方が温かいしさ」\ ^`It's freezing in here, right?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n329.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n330.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv330.ogg" ;「別に…わたしは平気よ」\ ^`...not really... I'll be fine...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら身体を震わせる彼女。 ;車内でも白く息が煙り、明らかに強がっていた。\ ^She was bluffing. I could see the white mist of her breath. I could see her silhouette trembling with cold.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n331.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv331.ogg" ;「…それとも、あなたが寒いから来て欲しいの?」\ ^`...or is it you that wants someone to keep you warm?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…まあ、それでもいいぞ」\ ^`Hah! ...well, it would be nice...'\ ;-- Hah is rather overboard dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n332.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n333.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv333.ogg" ;「じゃあ、わかった…」\ ^`Oh, all right then...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;そして、のそのそと俺の方へやってくると、遠慮がちに膝の上で丸くなる。\ ^Reluctantly she crawled across the car and curled up on top of me.\ ;「な? 少しは温かいだろ?」\ ^`See? I told you it would be warmer.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n334.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv334.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...mmm...'\ dwavestop 0 ;外気の寒さに真っ白に煙ったフロントガラス。 ;その白さと夜の暗さで、今は何も見えなかった。\ ^It was certainly cold out. The windscreen had steamed up completely with our breath.\ ^With that and the blackness of the night, I could see nothing outside.\ ;でも、まもなく夜明け。\ ^It couldn't be long till dawn, though.\ ;きっとその頃には、白い花が一面に広がるのだろう…\ ^Hopefully it would be worth the wait...'\ ;____;____ ;bg "e\sora_ake.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;段々と明けてきた夜。^@^ ;昇る日が、闇を濃い紫から薄白へと塗り替えていく。\ ^Dawn came early; her rosy fingers tore the deep purple of the night to reveal a sky of milky white.\ ;そして、夜明けと共に目の前に広がる白い花…\ ^Then as the light spread above us, so before us spread a host of whiter flowers...\ bg "e\imege03.jpg",3 bg "e\imege04.jpg",3 bg "e\imege05.jpg",1 bg "e\imege06.jpg",5 bg "e\imege07.jpg",3 ;今まで黒しかなかった場所に現れた、白と黄色。\ ^The blackness that had filled the place until this moment had been replaced with a sea of white and gold.\ ;思わず二人して車を出ると、その景色を見つめた。\ ^We instinctively clambered out of the car to get a better look.\ ;「すげえな…」\ ^`Not bad...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n335.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv335.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv335b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_371.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;目の前に広がる、数え切れないほどの水仙。\ ;夜露が朝日に跳ね、更に白さを際立たせる花の群生。 ;まるで海に続く絨毯のようにも思えた。\ ^Unnumbered daffodils lay before us, their petals growing brighter as the morning sun dried away the dew.\ ^They covered the slopes on every side, a carpet that appeared to continue to the very edge of the sea.\ ;-- Well, to be picky, daffodils probably can't survive that sort of salinity if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_96 + That's why they only _appear_ to continue that far. *generated_96 ;そんな中、言葉を交わす俺達。 ;吐く息も同じように白く煙っていた。\ ^It was amidst this scene that we spoke, our words floating away in puffs of mist every bit as white as the flowers at our feet.\ ;…あの日、つまらないテレビに映った花からここまで来た。 ;何の目的もなかった俺達なのに、ここまで来ることが出来た。\ ^This was the sight we'd travelled so far to see, in a journey that had, in a sense, begun long before we left, on that dreary day when we'd seen these flowers trapped on that television screen.\ ;-- "in a sense"? it did... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_97 + Only in a sense. The physical journey didn't begin till some time _after_ they left. *generated_97 bg "e\narcissu_b.jpg",5 ;「…これは同じもので、いいんだよな?」\ ^`...are these the right kind?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n336.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv336.ogg" ;「うん…厳密に言っても同じ」\ ^`Yes... these are exactly the same.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか、よかったな…」\ ^`Good... I'm glad we found them...'\ ;種類の違いは俺にはわからないけど… ^I was no botanist.\ ;あの日、テレビに映った、美しく隙のない映像。\ ;それと比べれば、目の前の花は大きさや咲き方もバラバラだった。\ ^To my eye, these looked completely different. In size, and in the forms of their heads, they looked completely different from the dense and uniform field on which that screen had focused.\ ;…でも、確かにここに在った。\ ^But they were there.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n337.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv337.ogg" ;「きれい…」\ ^`They're so pretty...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そうだな」\ ^`...yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;曖昧で、退屈で、平凡で…\ ;だけど、誰に対しても冷静で容赦ない現実。\ ;目に見えないものばかりが溢れる世界で、手を伸ばしても触れられないものばかりの世界で…\ ;今、確かに触れることが出来るモノが目の前に在った。\ ^They were there.\ ^In this world overflowing with things the eye could not see -- with tedium, with ambiguity, with mundanity, with harsh and implacable reality -- they were there. ^In this world filled with things unobtainable -- intangible, unreachable -- they were there, right then, physically and before our eyes.\ ;その見えない何かのカケラが散らばっていた…\ ;^But shards of those other, invisible things lay scattered all around...\ ;-- the 'but' seems off... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_98 + Then I shall remove it. *generated_98 ^Shards of those other, invisible things lay scattered all around...\ stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;_______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ ;_______________ ;☆BG 雨空\ bg "haeleth\1\cat072.bmp",5 !w300 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",5 ;降り続ける雨。 ;1月の真っ白な空からこぼれ落ちていた。\ ^It rained incessantly, pouring drearily down from the white January sky.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\e014.mp3" bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",3 ;dwave 5,"se\amadare.ogg" ;あれから2日ほど経ったが、相変わらずこの場所に居た。行けなかった。\ ^Though two days had passed, we were in the same place. We couldn't leave.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n338.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv338.ogg" ;「けほっ」\ ^She was coughing now.\ dwavestop 0 ;「おい、大丈夫かっ」\ ^`Oy, are you all right?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n339.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv339.ogg" ;「うん…たぶん」\ ^`Yeah... maybe...'\ dwavestop 0 ;こいつの体調が悪くなっていた。\ ^She was fading.\ ;-- I can't decide if this is more loaded a phrase than her health turning for the worse... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_99 + The girl is dying. I'm not sure there's a way of putting it that _isn't_ loaded... *generated_99 ;シートを倒して身体を伸ばせるようにして、ほとんど車も動かさずにここに停めたままだった。\ ^The way she was lying, I couldn't move the car without disturbing her.\ ;例の薬は飲んだけどあまり効果がないのか、体調の悪さは一向に変わらなかった。\ ^She was still taking that medicine. But either it had stopped working, or she was beyond what it could help.\ ;…だけど、俺達は7階の人間。\ ;元々の状態からも、2回目の彼女ならいつそうなってもおかしくなかった。\ ^But that was only natural. We were people of the seventh floor. However healthy we had been at first, decline was certain and inevitable.\ ;「なあお前…帰りたいか?」\ ^`We could go back... I could take you back...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n340.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n341.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv341.ogg" ;「…あなた、帰りたいの?」\ ^`...do you want to?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、少しだけな…」\ ^`I almost do...'\ dwavestop 0 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w\n342.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv342.ogg" ;「7階…それとも家?」\ ^`To the seventh floor? ...or to your family?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、それは…」\ ^`I...'\ dwavestop 0 ;……わからない…\ ^...didn't know.\ ;分かっていたのは、遅かれ早かれこうなること。 ;もちろん俺自身だって大差はない。\ ^All I knew was that this was inevitable. I knew I would come to the same point myself, sooner or later.\ ;だけど、隣で眺めていることしか出来ないのが辛かった。\ ^That didn't make it any easier to watch it happening.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;_ ;・夜 また車内で bg "haeleth\1\cat073.bmp",5 !w300 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora_ame01b.jpg",5 ;止みそうにない雨。 ;暗い夜の空から降り続いていた。\ ^Still it rained, pouring on down out of the darkness.\ ;停めた車の窓からは、滴を受けてぼんやり白く輝く水仙の花。\ ^The flowers outside were dimly visible, their every petal dripping.\ bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 dwaveloop 6,"se\rain_12.ogg" dwaveloop 5,"se\amadare.ogg" ;「なあ、これってさ…」\ ^`Those things...'\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながらフロントガラスの向こうに見える白い花を指差す。\ ^I pointed out through the windscreen at them.\ ;「確か、ナルキッソスだっけ?…水仙のこと」\ ^`Those daffodils... it was narcissi you called them, wasn't it?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n343.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv343.ogg" ;「…うん、ナルシスが語源よ」\ ^`Yeah. After Narcissus...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…ナルシス?」\ ^`Narcissus?'\ ;その言葉には聞き覚えがあった。 ;今までは馴染みのない単語だと思っていたけど…\ ^I thought I recognised the name, though I couldn't say I was exactly familiar with it.\ ;「それって、ナルシストのナルシスのことか?」\ ^`Is that like in narcissism?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n344.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv344.ogg" ;「うん、元々が神話だから、色んな説があるんだけどね…」\ ;^`Yeah. They're both named after the same myth...'\ ;-- mm leaving out the fact that there are different tellings leaves even the faintest hint of covering for the totally bizarre and seemingly incorrect way the myth is told if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_100 + Good point. *generated_100 ^`Yeah, it all comes from the same myth, though there're several versions of that.'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして感心したような顔をする俺に、彼女はゆっくりと説明してくれた。\ ^I could only vaguely remember it. She obviously realised, because she went on to explain.\ dwavestop 6 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;dwave 0,"w\n345.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv345.ogg" ;「誰からも愛されるナルシス…」\ ^`There was a man called Narcissus... he was so handsome that everyone who saw him fell in love with him. ^@^ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n346.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv346.ogg" ;「妖精のエコーも、そんな彼が好きな一人だったの」\ ^The one who loved him most was a nymph called Echo. ^@^ ;-- mmm 'most' is a weird stretch dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n347.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv347.ogg" ;「でもエコーは、相手と同じ言葉しか話せない…」\ ^But she couldn't tell him...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…同じ言葉しか?」\ ^`Why not?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n348.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv348.ogg" ;「そう。だからナルシスに…」\ ^`She couldn't say anything herself, she could only repeat what other people said. ^@^ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n349.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv349.ogg" ;「先に彼の口から『愛してる』って言ってもらわないと…」\ ^But Narcissus didn't love anyone, so he never said 'I love you'. ^@^ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n350.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv350.ogg" ;「エコーは、自分の気持ちを伝えることが出来ないの…」\ ^So Echo couldn't say it either...'\ dwavestop 0 ;寂しげに、哀しそうな声で彼女が話し続けていた。\ ;その視線の先は、以前のように、どこかずっと遠いところを見ているようにも思えた。\ ^She had reverted to her usual manner... the sad, despairing voice, the distant eyes. But this time she kept talking.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n351.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv351.ogg" ;「でも…そんなこと絶対にありえない」\ ^`She got desperate. ^@^ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n352.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv352.ogg" ;「どんなに夢見て、憧れても、決して叶うことのないエコーの願い…」\ ^However much she longed for him, her dream was never ever going to come true. ^@^ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n353.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv353.ogg" ;「最後には、ナルシスに呪いをかけてしまうの」\ ^So in the end she cursed him...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…それが有名な、泉に映った自分の姿に惚れるってのか」\ ^`Oh, I remember now... didn't he fall in love with his own reflection or something?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n354.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv354.ogg" ;「うん、そして自分の姿を見続けたナルシスは…」\ ^`Yes, in a pool... he just stared at himself... ^@^ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n355.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv355.ogg" ;「いつしか、綺麗な花へと姿を変えてしまうの」\ ^till he died, and then he turned into a flower.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n356.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv356.ogg" ;「それがこの花…ナルキッソスの語源よ」\ ^`That's why they're called narcissi.'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",5 ;一通り話し終えると、軽く息を整える彼女。 ;聞いていて俺も寂しい気持ちになっていた。\ ^Her story over, she fell quiet; the only sound now was her shallow breathing.\ ^To me that made the tale all the more saddening.\ ;…決して届かない憧れを持ったエコー ;まるで今の俺達のようにも思えた。\ ^I saw ourselves in that nymph... longing hopelessly for something that we would never have.\ ;「それで、エコーの方はどうなったんだ?」\ ^`What about Echo? What happened to her?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n357.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv357.ogg" ;「いないわ…呪いをかける時に消えちゃったから」\ ^`She was already gone... she disappeared when she set her curse on him.'\ dwavestop 0 ;…消えた?^@^ ;それでは意味がないのではないだろうか…\ ^She disappeared?^@^ ^Then what was the point of it?\ ;呪いまでかけたのに何も成さずに、 ;結局ナルシスも不幸にしただけだし…\ ^Her curse had gained her nothing. All it had done was to make Narcissus share her misfortune...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_407.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^`...are you okay?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや…でもさ、お前は違うんだったな」\ ^`Yeah. ...but... you're different, aren't you?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n358.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv358.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`...what?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、以前に、俺にも尋ねたろう?」\ ^`Don't you remember? ^@^ dwavestop 0 ;「どうにもならない、自分の運命を呪うかって…」\ ^That time you asked me whether I cursed my fate. You said you hadn't...'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n360.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv360.ogg" ;「うん…わたしは諦めているから」\ ^`No...^@^ because I'd already given up...'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____;_ ;☆ヒロイン 回想 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01b.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n041.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_412.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^`Time had stopped for me...'\ ;☆BG 雨空\ ;bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;幾つもの季節を、梅雨空を、 ;誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…\ ^I'd passed all those seasons, under that overcast sky, without needing to speak to anyone...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n362.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv362.ogg" ;「…いつからわたしは、一人なのだろうか…」\ ^`I wonder how long I've been alone...'\ ;☆BG 回想用:\ bg "e\chara_0012.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n361.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv361.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv361b.ogg" ;「目を閉じても世界は消えない…」\ ^`Though I close my eyes, the world remains...'\ dwavestop 0 ;耳を塞いでも雨音は止まない。 ;そんなことは分かっている。\ ^Nor would plugging my ears stop the pounding of the rain. ^I knew that.\ ;ビキニの水着も、エメラルドの海も、嬉しそうに笑いかけてくれるグラビアの表紙も…\ ;…別にうらやましくなんて思わない。\ ^I wasn't jealous of that cover, for all its happy smiles, its emerald sea, its pretty bikini.\ ;閉じた目の世界でなら、地図も車もなくったって、どこへでも行ける。\ ^I could close my eyes and go to a world where I could have them too... where I could go anywhere, without a map or a car...\ ;例え、胸の大きな傷跡に諭されなくても、この現実がナルシスで、わたしがエコーだったとしても…\ ^Though the scar on my breast told me otherwise, though I was Echo to the Narcissus of reality...\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\new_415.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_415b.ogg" ;「…決して憧れない…呪わない」\ ^`...I won't desire it... I won't curse it...'\ ;そう決めた筈なのに…\ ^Even though I was determined to let go of the world...\ ;今のわたしは心が揺れていた。^@^ ;止めた筈の時間が動こうとしていた。\ ^...my heart moved,^@^ and my time moved, though they should both have been still.\ !s65 ;今更、そんなことしても、まもなく終わろうとしているのに…\ ^Even though now, more than ever, it would soon be over whatever I did.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s100 ;dwave 0,"w\new_416.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_416b.ogg" ;「傷は…」\ ^`I know about wounds...'\ bg "e\chara_k02.jpg",5 !s65 dwave 0,"w\new_416_1.ogg" ;「深ければ、深いほど、それに比例して治るのも時間がかかるらしい…」\ ^`The deeper they are, the longer they take to heal...'\ dwave 0,"w\new_416_2.ogg" ;「それならば、長い時間をかけてゆっくり離れてしまうと、もう取り返しがつかないのだろうか?」\ ^`So if you withdraw slowly over a long period of time, doesn't that mean it's too late to undo the past?'\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\new_417.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_417b.ogg" ;「じゃあ…」\ ^`So...'\ ;dwave 0,"w\new_418.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_418b.ogg" ;「…22年も生きたわたしはどうなるのだろう…」\ ^`...what will become of me, after these 22 years of my life...?'\ dwavestop 5 !sd ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n363.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv363.ogg" ;「けほけほっ」\ ^She was coughing now.\ dwavestop 0 ;「おい、大丈夫かっ」\ ^`Oy, are you all right?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" bg "e\naname_inaka_yoru.jpg",5 ;夜明け前。 ;助手席に手を伸ばし、背中をさすってやる。\ ^In the faint pre-dawn light, I reached across to the passenger's seat and gently laid a hand on her back.\ ;あれから更に2日ほど経ち、効き目の薄かった、あの薬も尽きていた。\ ^We'd been here another two days already. And her medicine was running out.\ ;…だけど、何もないよりはましだ。\ ^It had been having less and less effect anyway. But it was still better than nothing, I thought.\ ;そう思うと俺は、薬局に向かおうと車のキーに手を伸ばす。\ ^We had to find another pharmacy.\ ;そして、イグニッションをオンにしようとすると…\ ^But as I reached out to turn the keys in the ignition...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n365.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv365.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv365b.ogg" ;「…いいから」\ ^`...don't...'\ dwavestop 0 ;弱々しい声で、俺を止めた。\ ^She stopped me.\ dwavestop 0 ;「だけどお前、このままじゃ…」\ ^`We've got to... I can't just let you...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n366.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv366.ogg" ;「…どうせ、もう効かない」\ ^`...it's not doing anything now...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、そりゃあそうかも知れないけど…」\ ^`Even so! ...maybe it's all that's...'\ ;確かに彼女の言う通りだった。 ;恐らくは同じ薬では効果はないと思えた。\ ^No, she was right. The drugs didn't work, not any more.\ ;でも、だからといって、何もせずにじっとしているのは俺には辛かった。\ ^But that only made it harder to sit and watch.\ ;「じゃ、じゃあさ、どっか別の場所に行こうぜ」\ ^`Then... then... why don't we go somewhere else, while we can?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n367.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv367.ogg" ;「…別の場所?」\ ^`...somewhere else?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、こんな寂しいところじゃなくてさ」\ ^`Sure! There must be loads of other places to see round here.'\ dwavestop 0 ;「な? 次の目的地を決めようぜ」\ ^`What do you think? Shall we?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n368.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、どこでもいいからさ、またナビしてくれよ」\ ^`I don't mind where... why don't you just choose somewhere and guide us there?'\ dwavestop 0 ;自分でも可笑しいくらいに明るい声で話していた。\ ^I was trying to speak cheerfully. It sounded stupid and forced, even to me.\ ;遠くを見つめる横顔に向かって、一人楽しげに、楽しげに話し続けていた…\ ;…こんなこと無駄だってことも分かっている。\ ;^I knew it wasn't going to help. But still I couldn't help but try to cheer her up... to focus her eyes back on this world, on happiness.\ ;-- O.o? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_101 + It's a fair cop. *generated_101 ^I knew it wasn't going to help. But still I talked on and on at her, while she stared away into space.\ ;どうせ、2日で尽きることが、3日に変わる程度。 ;その程度だってのは分かってる。\ ^If she only had two more days of medicine, then she only had three more days altogether. I didn't want to think about that, but I knew it was a fact.\ ;「なあ、言ってくれよ、どっかあるだろ?」\ ^`Go on... tell me... there must be somewhere? Right?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n369.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv369.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^`...not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、そうだ、お前って車とか好きじゃん、もっかい高速乗ってみたくないか?」\ ^`Oh... then... then you liked driving, didn't you? Don't you want another go, somewhere you can go faster?'\ dwave 0,"w\n3712.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^`...not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ ;「じゃ、じゃあさ、新しい服、買いに行こうぜ、お前も欲しいだろっ」\ ^`Then, okay then, let's go and buy some new clothes, you'd like that... wouldn't you...?'\ dwave 0,"w\n370.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;「………^@^/ ;skipped dwave 0,"w\nv371.ogg" ;別に…」\ ^`...no...^@^ not really...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「…別にって…お前…」\ ^`Really, not really?'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「…………」\ !sd ;その言葉を最後に、また窓の外を見つめる彼女。\ ^She was staring out of the window again.\ ;目の前に広がる水仙の花を見ているのではなく、以前のように、どこか遠くを見つめたままだった。\ ^Not at the narcissi in front of us, but into the distance again, almost into infinity, like she'd used to before.\ ;あの、たまに見せてくれた、拗ねたような、照れくさそうな顔。\ ;もう、あんな顔は向けてくれなかった…\ ^Her face was expressionless again... not that sweet confused mixture of blush and pout that she'd shown me from time to time.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s85 ;「…な、なんでそうなんだよ…」\ ^`Why not...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いつもいつも、別にばっかりで…」\ ^`Why don't you ever ``really'' want anything?'\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「す、少しは前向きになっても、いいじゃねえかよっ」\ ^`Why don't you try looking at things positively for once?!'\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;思わず声を上げてしまった。\ ^I was shouting.\ ;何故だか…^@^哀しかった。^@^ ;リアルを実感できなかった俺の筈なのに、心が苦しかった。\ ^And for some reason...^@^ I was sad.^@^ I couldn't understand it.\ ;^I'd thought I was dispassionate. I'd thought I could avoid seeing reality. But I could see it now, and it hurt.\ ;-- mmm. the embellishment is sorta pushing things a bit if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_102 + Yeah, "avoid" is a step too far - there's no hint of that in the Japanese. *generated_102 ^I'd thought I'd become desensitised to reality. But I could feel it now, and it hurt.\ bg "e\naname_inaka_yoru.jpg",5 ;…静まり返った車内。\ ^Silence returned to the car.\ ;窓の外には1月の花、水仙、ナルキッソス…^@^ ;夜明け前の闇の中でぼんやりと白く揺らいでいた。\ ^Outside, in the darkness, the pre-dawn breeze ruffled through the flowers.^@^ The January flowers, daffodils, narcissi...\ ;その白い花よりも、もっともっと遠くの、何かを見つめたままのあいつ。\ ^The flowered slopes continued into the distance, but if her eyes were focused on anything, it was further still.\ ;僅かに聞こえる潮騒だけが、この場を支配していた…\ ^And the only sound was the distant roar of the waves.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n372.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 ;やがて…\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n374.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv374.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv374b.ogg" ;「…前向きになんて、なれる訳ないじゃないの…」\ ^`...because... I can't...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^`...eh?'\ ;暗い車内。 ;突然、あいつが口を開いた。\ ^Suddenly, unexpectedly, she was replying.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n375.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv375.ogg" ;「憧れて、懸命になって、頑張って、いつか報われるのなら良いけど…」\ ^`It's all very well wanting things, and looking forward to them, and trying to get them, if you manage...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n376.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv376.ogg" ;「でも、叶わなかった時にはどうすればいいの?」\ ^`But what do you do when you don't get them? Just laugh it off, like, oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to happen?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n377.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv377.ogg" ;「その時に、無理だったねって、笑って言えるほど、強くないわよ…」\ ^`I can't do that, I'm not brave enough...'\ dwavestop 0 ;いつも遠い目をしていたあいつが、助手席から真っ直ぐに俺を見ていた。\ ^Her eyes, which were usually so distant, were now focused directly on me.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n378.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv378.ogg" ;「わ、わたしに出来ることは、最初から諦めて、何も望まずにいて…」\ ^`Because if I didn't get it, I wouldn't be able to look at myself and say... and say... oh well at least I tried...'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n379.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv379.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv379b.ogg" ;「やっぱり無理だったと、冷めた目で自分を見ることしか出来ないのよ…」\ ^`I... I had to give up straight away... I couldn't dare to hope for anything...'\ !s80 ;「…お前……」\ ^`Hey... are you...?!'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n380.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv380.ogg" ;「うぅ、ぐすっ」\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;…初めて彼女が泣いた。\ ^Yes. She was. For the first time.\ !s75 ;ほとんど表情を出さなかったこいつなのに…\ ;小さく肩を震わせて、涙を流していた。\ ^She was crying.\ ^First her shoulders had trembled, then her face had creased... and then she wasn't able to hold the tears in any longer.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n381.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv381.ogg" ;「あ、あの時、頑張っていたら…もしかしたらって…」\ ^`...because... I, I knew all along, it was hopeless...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n382.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv382.ogg" ;「自分にとっての、最後の言い訳を取っておくしかないのよ…」\ ^`I could have hoped... I could have tried... but then it would have been my fault when I failed...!'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n383.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv383.ogg" ;「最初から無理だと分かっているんだから…」\ ^`And I had to hold onto that... I had to keep that... as an excuse...'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n384.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv384.ogg" ;「そ、それくらい…良いじゃないの…」\ ^`...didn't I? ...wasn't that enough?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n385.ogg" dwave 5,"w\nv385.ogg" ;「うわーん」\ ;dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 !s70 ;フロントガラス越しに見た夜空。^@^ ;夜明け前の空には月さえ顔を見せていた。\ ^It was still night.^@^ The sky outside was empty but for the moon.\ dwavestop 0 ;時折聞こえてくる潮騒と、彼女の嗚咽の声だけが聞こえていた。\ ;^All I could hear was the distant sound of the sea, and, from time to time, her sobs... echoing it.\ ;-- 'echoing it' is just weird if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_103 + Not sure about weird, but it's certainly superfluous. *generated_103 ^All I could hear was the distant sound of the sea, and, from time to time, her sobs...\ ;…こいつにとってはエコーと同じなのかも知れない。\ ^She really was an Echo, wasn't she, I thought.\ ;同じ言葉しか返せない。自分からは何も言えない、何も望まない、何も見ない…\ ^All she could do was come back to the same words. She couldn't speak for herself, or hope, or see...\ !s85 ;…諦めることしかできない。\ ^All she could do was give up.\ ;その彼女にとって、7階か家かを拒否したのは…\ ;最初で最後の、抵抗だったのかも知れない…\ ^Almost certainly, her rejection of both her home and the seventh floor had been the first time she had taken up arms to resist. And, very nearly, the last.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;読んだフラグ(タイトル戻しのgotoの前に入れること) mov %flg_cha8,1 mov %flg_bplay,8 goto *haeleth_mini_title ;_______________ ;・小タイトル戻し ;★チャプター9ラスト *haeleth_honpen9 mov $sys_midasi,"^Shiraishi Construction [h]" dwavestop 5 ;____;____;____;__ ;・シーン ラスト 翌朝くらい dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;SE>波の音とか dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;☆BG 浜辺 dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" ;bg "e\kaigan.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;1月の澄んだ海。 ;肌を刺す冷たい風。\ ^The calm winter sea. ^The piercing wintry wind.\ ;-- 'still winter' makes people think 'it is currently still winter' I think if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_104 + It is a bit ambiguous, maybe. *generated_104 ;mp3loop "bgm\e014.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;時折、強く吹いては松原を揺らし、 ;潮騒の音が静かに響いていた。\ ^Sometimes stronger gusts sent the pine grove rustling, and raised the gentle soughing of the sea.\ ;「なあ、こんなもんしか無いぞ」\ ^`I'm afraid this is the best I can find...'\ dwavestop 0 ;白石工務店と印刷されたタオルを手渡す。 ;以前にも身体を拭くのに使ったものだった。\ ^I handed her the towel: one of the promotional ones we'd used before, printed with the name Shiraishi Construction.\ dwave 0,"w\n386.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「こら、そんな変な顔すんなよ」\ ^`Don't look like that!'\ dwave 0,"w\n387.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv387.ogg" ;「…わかった」\ ^`...sorry...'\ dwavestop 0 ;少し不満そうにタオルを受け取る彼女。\ ^She took it with a bad grace.\ ;突然、水着が欲しいと言われても困ってしまう。\ ^I couldn't imagine what else she'd been expecting me to do.\ ;この時期に、この場所で、しかもビキニが欲しいと言った。\ ^We were in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of winter, and she'd decided she wanted -- of all things! -- a bikini.\ ;-- hyphens/dash feature added if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_105 + Ah, yes, thanks for reminding me. *generated_105 ;しょうがなく、何かないかと車を漁って出てきたのが、例の洗濯物の塊にあった白いタオルだった。\ ^Obviously improvisation had been the only option; I'd plunged back into that tangled heap of laundry, and the towel had been what I found.\ ;そして暫く待った頃…\ ^She disappeared briefly.\ ;お気に入りだったあのスカートに、先ほどのタオルを胸に巻いて彼女が現れた。\ ^When she returned, she was still wearing her skirt, but above it, just the towel bound round her breasts.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n388.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv388.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv388b.ogg" ;「…どう?」\ ^`...well?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、どうって言われてもな…」\ ^`What do you want me to say...?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n389.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv389.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv389b.ogg" ;「変じゃ…ない?」\ ^`Does it look... silly?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…まあ、たぶんな」\ ^`A bit...'\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、全然大丈夫だって、全然、変じゃないから」\ ^`...uh, what I meant to say was, no, not at all, you look great.'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_447.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_447b.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^`Okay then...'\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、波打ち際をゆっくりと歩き始める彼女。\ ^She began to walk down towards the water.\ ;SE>水辺の\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;寄せては返す波。 ;冷たい海風になびく長い髪。\ ^The waves broke before her feet. The cold sea breeze whipped her hair around her.\ ;空からは、まるで追い討ちをかけるように、いつしか雪もちらちらと降り出していた。\ ^To crown it all, it had started to snow.\ ;そんな中、両手に脱いだ靴を持った彼女が…\ ;嬉しそうに、まるで跳ねるようにして、素足で水際を歩いてみせる。\ ^She splashed into the sea, barefoot and seemingly happy, amid the wind and the snow, holding her shoes.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n391.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv391.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv391b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv391c.ogg" ;「ねえ…^@^それっぽく見える?」\ ^`Well? ^@^ ^...convincing?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「うーん、まあまあかな…」\ ^`Not bad... I guess.'\ dwavestop 0 ;真冬の寒さに、お互いの吐息が真っ白に弾む。\ ^It didn't help that it was midwinter. Most pinups don't have white misty hazes around their mouths.\ ;そして俺は、先ほど車から持ってきたカメラを取り出す。\ ^I pulled the camera out anyway. I'd fetched it while she was changing.\ ;…例の安っぽい使い捨てのカメラ。1枚だけのフィルムだった。\ ^It was that disposable we'd used before. There was one shot left on it.\ ;「じゃあ、撮ってやるよ」\ ^`Say cheese!'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_450.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_347.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Ehh...?!'\ dwavestop 0 ;「きっと…もっとそれっぽくなるからさ」\ ^`You need a photographer, don't you? ...to get it right?'\ ;言いながら俺は、カメラを構えて見せる。\ ^I took aim.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、遠慮すんなって、な?」\ ^`Right?'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n406.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv406.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`...okay...'\ dwavestop 0 ;波打ち際。^@^ ;ファインダー越しに見た彼女。\ ^She stood there in the surf, framed by the viewfinder.\ ;少し緊張しているのか、それとも照れくさいのか… ;いつも以上に複雑な顔をしていた。\ ^She was wearing a more complex expression than usual. That touch of a blush was there again, but this time the face it tinged was nervous.\ ;「だからさ、もっとこうポーズつけてくれねえか?」\ ^`Come on, smile then. And try to pose a little, won't you?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n393.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv393.ogg" ;「…でも…」\ ^`But...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「でもじゃないって、ほら、そんな棒立ちしたグラビアアイドルいないぞ」\ ^`Don't but me. You're supposed to be being a model -- don't just stand there trembling like that!'\ ;-- supposed to be being, is somewhat strange, and takes effort to parse if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_106 + It's not that uncommon a construction; Google shows plenty of people using it. *generated_106 dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n405b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_454.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^`...all right...'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>波音\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !sd ;少し照れながらでも…それでも彼女なりに精一杯で…\ ^She was clearly embarrassed, but made an effort nonetheless.\ ;恥ずかしそうに腰に手をあてると、もう片方の手を大きく掲げてみせる。\ ^One hand clasped her hip; the other spread wide and reached out.\ ;…その、澄んだ冬空へ向かって伸ばされた手…\ ;…まるで、何かを掴むように…^@^掴もうとするように…\ ^As she reached out into the winter sky, it almost looked as though she was grasping at something...^@^ or groping for it.\ ;-- 'Groping' seems to dirty up the image, some better term perhaps? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_107 + You've been playing too many eroge. I was thinking of Tennyson's use of the term, not Playboy's. *generated_107 ;真っ直ぐに空へと伸ばされていた。^@^ ;エメラルドグリーンの海を背にしていた…\ ^Her arm stretched straight out into the sky.^@^ ^Behind her churned the sea. It was green enough.\ ;-- why leave out the 'emerald green' if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_108 + Repetition fatigue. *generated_108 !s85 ;「じゃあ、最後にもうひとつ…」\ ^`You've forgotten something...'\ ;dwave 0,"w\n290.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_455.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_455b.ogg" ;「…うん?」\ ^`...what?'\ dwavestop 0 !s120 ;「……笑って……」\ ^`Smile.'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_456.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\n395.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv395.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^`Eh?!'\ ;「えっ…」\ dwavestop 0 ;「…笑ってくれよ、^@^セツミ…」\ ;^`Smile...@ Setsumi.'\ ;-- seems like a shame to leave out the 'kure' bit if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_109 + I think I left it out because it always looked cheesy. Then again, if I'm going to have Setsumi calling the protagonist "cheeky" in the next line, maybe cheese is appropriate. *generated_109 ^`Smile for me...^@^ Setsumi.'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n080.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w\n397.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv397.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv397b.ogg" !s100 ;「…なによ…^@^…年下のくせに…」 ^`...don't be cheeky...^@^ kid...'\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>シャッター dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\imege93.jpg",3 bg "e\imege92.jpg",5 bg "e\imege09.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;…そう言って…^@^初めて笑ってくれた。\ ^As she said that...^@^ for the first time, she smiled.\ !s80 ;お気に入りのスカートと、白いビキニに身を包んだ彼女が…\ ^She smiled, in her pretty skirt and ridiculous 'bikini' top.\ ;-- why add `ridiculous'? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_110 + As a pinch of salt to stop the sickly sentimentality making the text too unpalatable. *generated_110 !s75 ;使い捨てカメラの最後の一枚で笑ってくれた。 ;エメラルドグリーンの海を背に笑ってくれた。\ ^She smiled on the final exposure of that disposable camera. ^She laughed in front of that green-enough sea.\ ;-- again with the emerald if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_111 + Ditto. *generated_111 ;まるで、グラビアアイドルのような笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^She smiled into the camera, every bit a model for that one moment...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;「よし、じゃあ次は、もっとこう動きのあるポーズやってみるか」\ ^`Great! Okay, let's have a more dynamic pose next.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n399.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv399.ogg" ;「うんっ」\ ^`Sure!'\ dwavestop 0 ;嬉しそうに、楽しそうに、水辺を跳ねる彼女。\ ^She leapt out of the water, laughing.\ ;既にフィルムの尽きてしまったカメラだけど、俺はその姿を撮り続けた。\ ^The film was finished, of course, but I pretended to take a photo anyway.\ ;「お、なんかお前、調子乗ってきたな」\ ^`Hey, you're getting the hang of this.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n401.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv401.ogg" ;「そ、そんなことないわよ…」\ ^`D-don't be silly...!'\ ;明るく話す俺達と、追い討ちをかけるように更に強さを増す降る雪。\ ^The snow grew in volume, as though it were trying to bury our cheerful voices.\ ;そんな中、フィルムの切れたカメラの、ファインダー越しに嬉しそうな顔を向ける彼女。\ ^We ignored it; I continued to hold that camera, full though it was, to my eye, following her every move.\ ;小さな身体を風に煽られながらも、覚えたての笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^As she fought to control her slender, frail body in the rising wind; as she smiled her newly-rediscovered smile.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 mp3fadeout 2500 stop ;____ ;*tugi99 ;bg "e\kaigan.jpg",5 bg "e\imege072.jpg",5 ;SE>波 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" ;ざざ……\ ;Skip't ;dwave 0,"w\n403.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv403.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…」\ ^`...so...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…ああ、もうそんな頃合か…」\ ^`...you're ready now?' ;-- this always felt a bit off to me.. if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_112 + The words aren't identical, but I think the meaning is. *generated_112 ;dwave 0,"w\n253.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_463.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^`Yeah...'\ dwavestop 0 ;その返事と共に、以前のように海に向かって歩き始める彼女。\ ^She turned back to the sea.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n404.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv404.ogg" ;「あ、そういえば免許証…」\ ^`Hang on... I've still got your licence...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいよ、記念に貰っといてくれよ」\ ^`Keep it. As a memento.'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_465.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^`All right...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 6 ;頷きながら、ポケットに収める彼女。\ ^She nodded, and thrust it back in her shirt pocket.\ ;-- thrust is an overly strong word for the scene if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_113 + 収める is a strong word, so I think a strong translation is appropriate. *generated_113 ;それはかつて彼女に譲った免許証。 ;本来ならば、既に出番を失った筈のものだった。\ ^I'd already given it to her once. And it wasn't like I was going to need it myself.\ ;そして彼女は、自分の手首に巻かれた、あのビニールの白い腕輪を外すと…\ ^Now she was fumbling with something, with her wrist, and turning to me.\ ;dwavestop 5 !s90 ;…俺へと差し出してくれた。\ ^She had taken off her white band. She was holding it out.\ ;-- the two short sentences in rapid succession somehow don't sound smooth in my head if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_114 + That's deliberate; I don't think the subject-matter is best served with smooth prose. *generated_114 dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !sd ;「もしかして…くれるのか?」\ ^`...for me?'\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_467.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_467b.ogg" ;「うん、あげる…」\ ^`Yes... take it...'\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか…じゃあ俺も、記念に貰っといてやるよ」\ ^`Thank you... I'll keep it to remember you by.'\ dwavestop 0 ;同じように受け取った腕輪。 ;俺も自分のポケットへと収める。\ ^So I took it, and stuck it in my pocket in my licence's place.\ ;そして、再び海へと歩き始める彼女の…\ ^She was turning back to the sea again...\ ;その後ろ姿に向かって、俺は最後の言葉をかけた。\ ^I called after her.\ !s75 ;「なあ…最後にもう一つだけ質問していいか?」\ ^`Can I... ask you one last question?'\ dwavestop 0 !s90 ;dwave 0,"w\n406.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv406.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^`What?'\ dwavestop 0 ;「お前、今…^@^引きとめてほしいか?」\ ^`Do you...^@^ want me to stop you, this time?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n407.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 0 ;「それとも…背中を押して欲しいか?」\ ^`Or... do you want me to give you a push off?'\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !s75 ;寄せる波を足に受けながら、その場に立ち止まった彼女。 ;問いを投げる俺に背中を向けたままだった。\ ^She stopped with her back to me. The waves lapped around her toes.\ ;強い風が波頭を飛沫に変え、そんな彼女を冷たく叩いていた。\ ^She stood on the border of land and sea, battered by the spray.\ ;やがて、俺の方を振り返ってくれると…\ ^At length she looked back...\ !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\n408.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv408.ogg" ;「…さあ…どっちだろうね」\ ^`Heh, good question... ^@^ ;-- heh? >_> if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_115 + あはは. I've simply swapped it and さあ, because it seemed to work better that way. *generated_115 ;dwave 0,"w\nv409.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv409b.ogg" ;「あはは、よくわからないね」\ ^I dunno, what do you think?'\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;そう言って、最後にもう一度だけ笑ってくれた。\ ^And she smiled one last time.\ ;冷たい波の飛沫を受けながら、涙を浮かべながらでも笑顔を向けてくれた。\ ^As the spray hissed around her, she looked back at me and smiled through her tears.\ ;以前は、波打ち際で止まっていた、その足…\ ^We'd been here before; she'd walked out into the surf before, before stopping.\ ;-- the double-before is unsettling if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_116 + Again, this is deliberate: subtly unsettling language to complement the deeply unsettling subject-matter. *generated_116 ;でも今は止まることはなかった。\ ^This time she didn't stop.\ !s100 ;…だから、それが答えなんだと思う…\ ^That was answer enough.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n410.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv410.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…^@^さよなら…」\ ^`So...^@^ good-bye, then...'\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;*last01 mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" bg "e\st00.jpg",1 !s75 ;…こうして、俺達の960kmの旅が終わった…\ ^Thus our journey ended, after just shy of a thousand kilometres.\ ;-- why not 960? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_117 + Figures are intrusive, and there are an awful lot of them in the next few lines. Cutting down the accuracy of this one lets me express it with a word, without hurting the text at all. *generated_117 !s80 ;俺にとっては15日間、 ;彼女にとっては22年間の旅も終わった。\ ^I had only been a part of it for fifteen days, but she had been travelling this road all her life.\ ;-- nanka, chau nen... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_118 + Only nanka, though, isn't it? The fundamental sense is "the journey that ended had lasted 15 days for me and 22 years for her", and I've merely rephrased that (and cut out another figure)... is there a real deviation or embellishment here that I'm not seeing? *generated_118 ;7階でも家でもない、自らの意志で避けた彼女。^@^ ^She had crossed the finishing line by her own will, neither at home nor on the seventh floor.\ ;-- finishing line? were you playing Air at this time? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_119 + I had done recently, I think... wasn't that the year of the Air anime? I forget. *generated_119 ;2005年度、推定自殺者数3万5千人の中の一人。\ ^She was just one of an estimated 35,000 Japanese to take their lives in 2005.\ ;血液型O、名前はセツミ、22才、女性… ;ビニールの認識腕輪は白。\ ^Setsumi, 22, female, blood type O... a white-wristband patient.\ ;これが彼女の全てだった。\ ^That was the sum total of her existence.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;…でも、俺は知っている。\ ^But she was more than that for me.\ bg "english\1\cat09.bmp",5 !s75 ;本当は、ビキニの水着が好きで、ナビ以上に道に詳しくて、車が好きで、普免だって持っている。\ ;-- how did bikinis change to clothes? and 'sort of'? if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_120 + I think I generalised bikinis to clothes to cover the other clothes she liked, though there's no good reason to keep that change. The "sort of" is me being pedantic. *generated_120 ^I knew she liked bikinis, and she liked cars. She did directions better than a satnav. She even had a licence... sort of.\ ;いつもは無表情で、滅多に向けてくれないけど、\ ;たまには、照れくさそうな、拗ねたような顔だってしてくれる…\ ;^I knew that though she rarely displayed any emotion, when she did look at you, it would be with that sweet mixture of blush and pout.\ ;-- this sentence says "forall look -> see blush" instead of "for rare look -> see blush" if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_121 + Yup, not sure how I managed to mess that up, but I did. *generated_121 ^I knew that though she rarely displayed any emotion, occasionally she would look at you with that sweet mixture of blush and pout.\ !s80 ;エメラルドの海を背に…\ ;跳ねるように、嬉しそうに、まるで、グラビアアイドルのように笑ってくれる…\ ^I'd seen her in the emerald sea, laughing and posing like a swimsuit model.\ ;なのに…\ ;この安っぽい使い捨てカメラに、たった一枚しか残せなかった彼女の笑顔。\ ;^I had a photo of it. The last exposure on that cheap disposable camera had captured her smile.\ ;-- this line leaves off the regretfulness of 'nanoni' if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_122 + Point. *generated_122 ^I only had one photo of it... her smile had only been captured by the last exposure on that cheap disposable camera.\ !s90 bg "english\1\imege94.jpg",5 ;…それでも…たった一枚だけでも…\ ^Still, I had that one photo.\ !s120 ; ……残せた俺達の証し……\ ^That was all the proof I needed.\ ;-- In general, the whole last... 20% or so seems to have taking a really strong anticlimatic turn in the writing for some reason... if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_123 + This is what you get when you mix Japanese sentimentality with British understatement. *generated_123 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st01.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st02.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st03.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st04.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st05.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st06.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st07.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st08.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st09.jpg",5 !w1500 !s85 bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01d.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "haeleth\1\imege95.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n001.ogg" bg "haeleth\1\imege96.jpg",10,1000 !w1500 bg "haeleth\1\imege97.jpg",5 click click !sd bg "english\1\imege98.bmp",5 dwavestop 5 mov %flg_cha9,1 mov %flg_bplay,9 mov %sys_nar1_limited,1 goto *title_nar1_limited ;-*- ponscripter -*- *haeleth_epilogue mov $sys_midasi,"Epilogue / The Seventh [h]" ;setwindow 220,250,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg black,5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ; Gah, the identity of the speaker is instantly obvious in ; Japanese... is there an elegant English solution to this? ;1Fの外来受付の先。\ ;床に貼られた、白いビニールテープに沿って歩く。\ ;そして、突き当たりにある小さなエレベーター ;俺はそれに乗り込むと…^@^最上階のボタンを押す。\ ^~i~Outpatient reception on the ground floor.\ ^~i~I followed the white plastic tape off down the corridor.\ ^~i~That was my destination.^@^ And the button I pushed was for the highest floor.\ bg "en\at02a.jpg",1 bg "en\at02b.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ^~i~Ching!\ ;bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "en\at02c.jpg",3 bg "en\w.jpg",3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",5 ;7F。^@^ ;目の前には、ナースステーション。\ ;一斉にこちらを見る、何人かの看護婦さん。\ ;でも、俺だと認識すると再び視線を戻す。まるで、何も見なかったかのように、作業に戻る。\ ^The first thing you see when the doors open onto the seventh floor is the nurses' station.\ ^There were several there, and they all looked up at me in unison.\ ^But only for a moment. They returned to their work when they realised it was me. As though they hadn't seen anything.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;談話室。最近の俺の定位置。\ ;大きなテレビ画面からは、気の早い春の特番。\ ;それを何となく眺める俺。他にすることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ;…あれから早1ヶ月。何かが変わった気もするし、何も変わっていない気もする。\ ;結局、予想通りの愚痴を言った俺の両親。\ ;そして…何故か俺に、感謝の言葉を述べた彼女の両親。\ ;…この両者の差が、印象的だった。\ ^I headed for the lounge area. That's where I'd been spending my time recently.\ ^There was some kind of pre-emptive spring special on TV.\ ^I watched it. I didn't have anything better to do. There wasn't much I ~i~could~i~ do.\ ^I'd been back about a month now. While things had changed in a way, in many ways nothing had.\ ^There'd been my parents' grumbling; that had been predictable enough.\ ^And there'd been ~i~her~i~ parents, who for some reason had come to thank me.\ ^The difference in their reaction made quite an impression on me.\ dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0167.ogg" ;「こんにちは」\ ^`Hello.'\ dwavestop 3 ;振り返った先には見知らぬ女性。\ ;「…君は?」\ ^There was a woman standing behind me. I didn't recognise her.\ ^`...who're you?'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0168.ogg" ;「新しく7F担当となったヘルパーです」\ ^`I'm a new helper up here.'\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0169.ogg" ;「よろしくお願いします」\ ^`Pleased to meet you.'\ ; I hate clichéd translations... but they're not always avoidable. dwavestop 3 ;明るい様子で、ぺこりと頭を下げる彼女。\ ;まだ新人のようだが、恐らく彼女も、尋ねに来たのだろう。\ ;…例の一件について。\ ;一部関係者以外に詳細を知る者はいないが、この病院内では、それなりに噂話しとして広がっていた。\ ;別に興味本位という訳ではないだろうが…その為、俺の元へは色んな人が話しを聞きに来ていた。\ ;「…君も知っているのか?」\ ^She bowed her head, smiling.\ ^Well, even if she was new, I could guess why she wanted to meet ~i~me~i~.\ ^She'd want to ask about that affair.\ ^Nobody knew much about it apart from those directly involved, but -- within the hospital, at least -- everybody had heard plenty of rumours.\ ^I'm sure it was talked about for reasons other than mere entertainment. But that was what brought me most of my visitors.\ ^`You know, I take it.'\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0170.ogg" ;「ええ、聞きましたよ、例の件について」\ ^`Yes, I've heard about that.'\ dwavestop 3 ;「…そうか…」\ ^`I see...'\ dwavestop 1 ;きっとこの人も、無茶なことをやったと思っているのだろう。\ ;俺達の話しを聞かせても、眉をひそめる者がほとんどだった。\ ;だから俺としても、あまり人に聞かせるのは好きではないのだが…\ ^No doubt this woman thought, like most, that I'd been reckless.\ ^My attempts to explain our actions were almost always met with frowns.\ ^I'd grown to hate even trying to explain.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0171.ogg" ;「セツミさん…」\ ^`Tell me...'\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0172.ogg" ;「…最後は笑ってくれましたか?」\ ^`...did Setsumi manage to keep smiling to the end?'\ dwavestop 3 ;「…え?」\ ^`...huh?'\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0173.ogg" ;「もしそうなら…私もうれしいです…」\ ^`If she did, I can be happy for her...'\ dwavestop 3 ;☆白 ;_;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "e\w.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;厳しい冬も終わり…ボタンダウンの服もそろそろ着れなくなってくる頃。\ ^The harsh winter ended, and then the time came when it would soon be too warm even for long sleeves.\ ; "Button-down [collars]" doesn't really make much sense in this ; context; I'm assuming the author had shirts in general in mind, and ; picked by accident on a feature that doesn't much affect wearability ; as temperature changes. dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^There was a knock.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0174.ogg" ;「入りますよ」\ ^`It's me!'\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0175.ogg" ;「どうですか、お加減は?」\ ^`And how are we feeling today?'\ dwavestop 3 ;「ああ、今日は調子が良いみたいだ…」\ ^`Oh, not too bad...'\ dwavestop 1 ;自分の担当も居るであろうに、足げに俺の元にも通ってくれていた。\ ^For someone who presumably had a charge of her own, she did visit me a lot.\ ; 足げに is presumably either a typo for or a slangy corruption of 足繁く. ;「そういえば…君は…」\ ^`Actually, I've been wondering...'\ dwavestop 1 ;「…セツミを知っているのか?」\ ^`...didn't you say you knew Setsumi?'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0176.ogg" ;「ええ、大学生の時にもヘルパーやってたんですけど、その時に少しだけ…」\ ^`A bit. I helped here a little while I was at uni -- I met her a few times then...'\ dwavestop 3 ;「そうか…」\ ^`Fair enough...'\ ;そう答える彼女は、穏やかな…どこか懐かしむような表情を浮かべていた。\ ^Something had joined the gentleness in her face as she replied. Nostalgia...?\ ;「…仲、良かったのか?」\ ^`Were you... friends?'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0177.ogg" ;「うーん、どうでしょうね…あまり感情を出さない人でしたし」\ ^`Mmm, hard to say really... she didn't exactly let her emotions show much.'\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0178.ogg" ;「只、彼女の為に何度かお祈りはさせて頂きました」\ ^`But I prayed for her a lot.'\ dwavestop 3 ;「…お祈り?」\ ^`...you prayed?'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0179.ogg" ;「ええ…今でもお祈りしていますよ」\ ^`Oh, sure... I still do.'\ dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景 ;「…………………」\ ;「それは…^@^誰の為に?」\ ^`......'\ ^`...who for?'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0180.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0181.ogg" ;「…全ての人の為です」\ ^`Everyone here...'\ dwavestop 3 ;迷いのない言葉だった。\ ^Her voice was filled with certainty.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0182.ogg" ;「あ、もしよかったら、あなたにも…」\ ^`For you, too, if you like...'\ dwavestop 3 bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 wait 1500 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え mp3loop "bgm2\2na_f.mp3" bg "haeleth\2\tep001.png",5 wait 1500 bg "haeleth\2\tep002b.png",1 ;■エピローグ : - 7 F -\ h_centreline ^^ ^\ bg "e\imege072.jpg",3 ;4月。窓辺に飾られた花瓶を見ていた。\ ;それは、あの日に見たのと同じ花。今の時期には珍しいものだと言っていた。\ ;…厳密に言っても同じモノ。後で尋ねたら、中庭に咲いているのを飾ったらしい。\ ;では、どうしてあの時、彼女は…^@^…淡路島と答えたのだろう?\ ;只、問われただけと言ったが、博識な彼女ならば、病院に植えられていたことも知っていただろうに…\ ^April. ^I looked at the vases by the window.\ ^The flowers there were the same as the ones we'd gone to see. So they'd be getting rare at this time of year.\ ^They were identical -- exactly the same variety. And I now knew, having asked, that these ones had been grown in the hospital garden.\ ^So why had ~i~she~i~ specified Awajishima?^@^ She must've known they had them at the hospital.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^A knock---\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0167.ogg" ;「こんにちは」\ ^`Hello!'\ dwavestop 3 ;bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 ;今日もやってきてくれたヘルパーの彼女。\ ^It was that helper again.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0184.ogg" ;「…その花、好きなんですか?」\ ^`Do you like those flowers...?'\ dwavestop 3 ;「まあな…」\ ^`They're okay...'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0185.ogg" ;「綺麗ですね、確か水仙でしたっけ?」\ ^`They're so pretty! What are they again... daffodils, right?'\ dwavestop 3 ;「………………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 1 ;「ナルキッソス…」\ ^`Narcissi...'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0186.ogg" ;「ナルキッソス?」\ ^`Narcissi?'\ dwavestop 3 ;「ああ、学名ではそう言うらしい」\ ^`Yeah, that's the proper name.'\ dwavestop 1 ;ヒガンバナ科の植物。開花時期は冬。種でも育つが、開花まで数年かかるため球根が主らしい。\ ;…そして…^@^花言葉は自己愛…^@^ だが、本当にそうだったのだろうか…\ ^Family ~i~Amaryllidaceae~i~. Flowering in winter. Grown from bulbs -- seeds work, but take years to flower. Or so she'd said.\ ^And...^@^ in the language of flowers, they stand for self-love...^@^ or possibly not.\ ; Try "totally not". >_<; dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0187.ogg" ;「へ~、詳しいんですね、良かったらもっと教えて下さい」\ ^`Wow, you know a lot! Do go on.'\ dwavestop 3 ;「……………」\ ^`......'\ dwavestop 1 ;「元々、語源になったのはギリシャ神話の…」\ ^`Well... the name comes from Greek mythology, where...'\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え ラスト前 ;■心情・情景 ;>主人公もかなりヤバイ頃 bg "en\sora01.jpg",10,1500 ;6月。 ;梅雨前の薄い空が広がる。\ ;そんな、みずいろの空の下、今回の俺の仮退院は、延期となったようだった。\ ;本当なら3回目の仮退院だった筈なので、実質、無期延期ということなのだろう…\ ;「ごほ、ごほけほっ」\ ^June. ^The sky was starting to hint at the rainy season to come.\ ^It was that pale blue sky that watched as the temporary discharge I'd been expecting was postponed.\ ^Or rather, given that it would have been my third time, it might be more accurate to say that it had been cancelled.\ ^I coughed.\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0188.ogg" ;「大丈夫ですかっ」\ ^`Are you all right?!'\ dwavestop 3 ;「あ、ああ、けほっ、平気だから…」\ ^`Y-yeah, I'm... okay...'\ dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;それよりも、先々月から新しい人が来ていなかった。\ ;タイミングが悪かったのか、既に現在は、ほとんど人がいなくなってしまっていた。\ ;「なあ、新しくここに来る予定の人っているのか?」\ ^Of more pressing concern was the fact that there was hardly anyone else around.\ ^There hadn't been any new admissions since the month before last.\ ^`Are we expecting anyone new up here?'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0189.ogg" ;「あ、詳しくは知らないですけど…」\ ^`Um, I'm not exactly the best person to ask...'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0190.ogg" ;「何でも半年ほどは、新規の受け入れはしないって聞いています」\ ^`But I gather we're not intending to admit any new patients for six months or so.'\ dwavestop 3 ;「そうか…」\ ^`Oh...'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0191.ogg" ;「…それがどうかしましたか?」\ ^`...why do you ask?'\ dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;もしかしなくても俺達のせいだろう。\ ^It was clear enough that ~i~that~i~ was largely my fault.\ bg "en\b.jpg",10,2500 !s100 ;「君を信用して…」\ ^`I'm going to have to trust you, then...'\ dwavestop 1 !s80 ;「一つだけお願いしたいことがある…」\ ^`I have... just one last wish...'\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0192b.ogg" ;「あ、はい、なんでしょう?」\ ^`Of course! What is it?'\ dwavestop 3 !s75 ;「これは本来、君には関係ないことだけど…」\ ^`It's not really something that you should have anything to do with, but...'\ dwavestop 1 ;「どうか…^@^伝えて欲しい…」\ ^`I need you to pass this on...'\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG なんか bg "en\w.jpg",5 wait 2000 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0434.ogg" ;…それじゃあ…\ ^~i~Well...\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\setu04b.jpg",1 bg "en\setu04.jpg",10,2000 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0435.ogg" ;…一度しか言わないから…しっかり聞いてね…\ ^~i~...I'm only going to say this once... so listen carefully...\ dwavestop 1 !sd ;☆総スタッフロール ;■心情・情景>ルールを説明 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 !w1500 bg "english\credits\narall_st001.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st002.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st003.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st004.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st005.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st006.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st007.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st008.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st009.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st010.png",5 ;English staff roll !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr01.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr02.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr03.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr04.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr05.png",5 !w3500 bg black,10,1500 wait 1500 ;setwindow 280,158,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 ;!sd ;setwindow 200,240,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "caption" !sd erasetextwindow 0 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0436.ogg" ;      …最後にもう一つ…^@^ h_centreline ^...and one more thing...^ ^...and one more thing...\ dwavestop 0 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0193.ogg" ;       『もう一つ?』\ h_centreline ^One more thing?^ ^One more thing?\ dwavestop 3 !sd bg white,10,1500 bg "en\e_setu01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0437b.ogg" ;…残す者には……笑ってあげて…\ ;Smile... for the ones who'll be left behind...\ bg "haeleth\2\e_setu01b.png",10,2000 wait 3500 bg "haeleth\2\e_setu01c.png",3 dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\a0052.jpg",10,2000 bg black,10,2000 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ !s80 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0194.ogg" ;『…こうして、わたしの元へと、ルールは委ねられた』^@^ h_centreline ^~i~And that's how the rules ended up entrusted to me.~i~^ ^~i~And that's how the rules ended up entrusted to me.~i~^@^ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0195.ogg" ;      『まだ見ぬ、本来の担い手…』^@^ h_centreline ^~i~I don't know who their true bearer will be...~i~^ ^~i~I don't know who their true bearer will be...~i~^@^ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0196.ogg" ;    『きっと、すぐに現われるのだろう』\ h_centreline ^~i~But there'll be someone soon.~i~^ ^~i~But there'll be someone soon.~i~\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0197.ogg" ;    『きっと、わたしの手を離れても…』^@^ h_centreline ^~i~And I'm sure that even after they leave my care---~i~^ ^~i~And I'm sure that even after they leave my care---~i~^@^ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0198.ogg" ;        『いつまでも…』^@^ h_centreline ^~i~---long after I'm gone---~i~^ ^~i~---long after I'm gone---~i~\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0199.ogg" ;     『…語り継がれるのだろう…』\ h_centreline ^~i~---they'll still be handed down among the generations...~i~^ ^~i~---they'll still be handed down among the generations...~i~\ dwavestop 3 ;ここなんか絵を bg white,5 wait 2000 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0201d.ogg" bg "en\e_setu02.jpg",10,1000 bg "haeleth\2\e_setu02b.png",10,1500 wait 4500 ;「…眩しかった日のこと、そんな冬の日こと…」\ ;...that dazzling sun... that winter day...\ dwavestop 3 bg "english\2\setu02e.png",10,1200 bg "english\sys\title_off2_2.png",5 ;クリアフラグ mov %flg2_end,1 goto *title ;-*- ponscripter -*- ;agi_epilogue_start ;Two `MARK'ed locations where BG changes exist with sound overs. ;Well need to recompose the pieces possibly. Also, one such mark ;Exists in 01-script also. *agilis_epilogue ;mov $sys_midasi,"#エピローグ : 7 F" mov $sys_midasi,"Epilogue : 7th Floor [a]" ;== You need to translate this string :) ;setwindow 220,250,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "caption" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg black,5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;1Fの外来受付の先。\ ^The first floor, just before outpatient reception.\ ;== This line is identical to the first line of the prologue, but you've translated it differently. (The next few lines also echo the prologue, but are translated differently.) ;-- ah, this is actually somewhat deliberate. The issue at hand is that this isn't Setsumi, it's 'the guy'. You can tell by the time you hit 'ore'.Meanwhile I'm building a subtle case forit with style. If I remember,Imade this more clipped and short. It's not the greatest solution, but owtherwise it's sorta jarring when you have to rethink everything. ;== Reasonable enough -- I was just a bit surprised as it goes against your normal "same Japanese equals same English" policy. ;床に貼られた、白いビニールテープに沿って歩く。\ ^I walked along the white plastic tape stretched on the floor. ;そして、突き当たりにある小さなエレベーター ;俺はそれに乗り込むと…^@^最上階のボタンを押す。\ ^Then, at the end of it, I got onto the small elevator...^@^ and pressed the button for the highest floor.\ bg "en\at02a.jpg",1 bg "en\at02b.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ ^* Ding. *\ ;bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "en\at02c.jpg",3 bg "en\w.jpg",3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",5 ;7F。^@^ ;目の前には、ナースステーション。\ ^The 7th Floor.^@^ ^Before my eyes was the nurses station.\ ;一斉にこちらを見る、何人かの看護婦さん。\ ^All together, a number of nurses look this way.\ ;でも、俺だと認識すると再び視線を戻す。 ;まるで、何も見なかったかのように、作業に戻る。\ ^But once they recognize me, their eyes turn back. ^As if they saw nothing, they return to their work.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;談話室。 ;最近の俺の定位置。\ ^The lounge. ^Recently, it was my usual spot.\ ;大きなテレビ画面からは、気の早い春の特番。\ ^From the large television screen came some early spring program.\ ;それを何となく眺める俺。 ;他にすることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ^I was just somewhat gazing at it. ^There was nothing else to do. Nothing else I could do.\ ;…あれから早1ヶ月。 ;何かが変わった気もするし、何も変わっていない気もする。\ ^Since that time... it had been almost a month. ^It felt as it something had changed, but also felt as if nothing had changed.\ ;結局、予想通りの愚痴を言った俺の両親。\ ^In the end, my parents complained as I had expected.\ ;そして…何故か俺に、感謝の言葉を述べた彼女の両親。\ ^And then... for some reason, from her parents, came words of thanks.\ ;…この両者の差が、印象的だった。\ ^The difference between the two sets of parents... was impressive.\ ;== "The two parents" means two people who are parents, but he's talking about four people. I think you need to say "two sets of parents" or something equivalent. Or modifying it to "the difference between our parents" would work, too. ;-- mmmm......fine dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0167.ogg" ;「こんにちは」\ ^``Hello.''\ dwavestop 3 ;振り返った先には見知らぬ女性。\ ^When I turned around, it was a young woman I didn't recognize.\ ;「…君は?」\ ^``And you are?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0168.ogg" ;「新しく7F担当となったヘルパーです」\ ^``A helper that was newly assigned to the 7th floor.''\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0169.ogg" ;「よろしくお願いします」\ ^``Pleased to meet you.''\ ;Doh! This blasted line again! >_< ;== Don't you want a period or something at the end there? ;-- hrm, probably just forgot... dwavestop 3 ;明るい様子で、ぺこりと頭を下げる彼女。\ ^Cheerfully, the girl bowed her head slightly.\ ;まだ新人のようだが、 ;恐らく彼女も、尋ねに来たのだろう。\ ^She seemed to still be a newcomer, but most likely, she also had come to ask.\ ;…例の一件について。\ ^... About that incident.\ ;一部関係者以外に詳細を知る者はいないが、 ;この病院内では、それなりに噂話しとして広がっていた。\ ^Outside of a those who were directly involved, there weren't any that knew the details; but in this hospital, some rumors had been spreading.\ ;別に興味本位という訳ではないだろうが… ;その為、俺の元へは色んな人が話しを聞きに来ていた。\ ^It probably wasn't out of just simple curiosity... but because of that, various people had come to speak to me.\ ;「…君も知っているのか?」\ ^``... You also know?''\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0170.ogg" ;「ええ、聞きましたよ、例の件について」\ ^``Yes, I've heard, about that incident.''\ dwavestop 3 ;「…そうか…」\ ^``... I see...''\ dwavestop 1 ;きっとこの人も、無茶なことをやったと思っているのだろう。\ ^I'm sure that this person also was thinking that I did something stupid.\ ;俺達の話しを聞かせても、 ;眉をひそめる者がほとんどだった。\ ^Even when people listened to my story, for the most part, they frowned.\ ;だから俺としても、 ;あまり人に聞かせるのは好きではないのだが…\ ^That was why, I didn't particularly like telling people...\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0171.ogg" ;「セツミさん…」\ ^``Setsumi-san...''\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0172.ogg" ;「…最後は笑ってくれましたか?」\ ^``In the end, did she smile?''\ dwavestop 3 ;「…え?」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0173.ogg" ;「もしそうなら…私もうれしいです…」\ ^``If that were so... then I'm happy also...''\ dwavestop 3 ;☆白 ;_;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "e\w.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;厳しい冬も終わり… ;ボタンダウンの服もそろそろ着れなくなってくる頃。\ ^The severe winter ended... and soon, one would be unable to wear buttondown clothing.\ ;== Not a complaint about your translation, which I think is perfectly accurate... but I really don't get this line. Exactly what is it about buttondown clothing that means you can't wear it in the spring?! ;-- well in my case, I'd meltinthis ridiculous heat. (greetings from Kyoto btw) I managed to survive temple hopping yesterday becauseI had a soaked hand towel with me... andat one point soaked the top of my polo shirt. ;== Oh, sure, but that presumably applies whatever you're wearing -- a shirt with a loose collar wouldn't be any better than a buttondown one, would it? :/ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^* Knock knock, click. *\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0174.ogg" ;「入りますよ」\ ^``I'm coming in.''\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0175.ogg" ;「どうですか、お加減は?」\ ^``How is your health?''\ dwavestop 3 ;「ああ、今日は調子が良いみたいだ…」\ ^``Ah, today it looks pretty good...''\ dwavestop 1 ;自分の担当も居るであろうに、 ;足げに俺の元にも通ってくれていた。\ ^Even though she had her own assignment, she would often come to see me.\ ;Der, I think that's close to what this bit means... ;「そういえば…君は…」\ ^``Oh that's right... you...''\ dwavestop 1 ;「…セツミを知っているのか?」\ ^``... knew about Setsumi?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0176.ogg" ;「ええ、大学生の時にもヘルパーやってたんですけど、 ; その時に少しだけ…」\ ^``Yes, I was a helper when I was at university, but only a bit then...''\ dwavestop 3 ;「そうか…」\ ^``I see...''\ ;そう答える彼女は、穏やかな… ;どこか懐かしむような表情を浮かべていた。\ ^With that answer, she had a calm, somewhat nostalgic expression.\ ;「…仲、良かったのか?」\ ^``Were you... close?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0177.ogg" ;「うーん、どうでしょうね… ; あまり感情を出さない人でしたし」\ ^``Mmm. I wonder... she wasn't one to show much emotion after all.''\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0178.ogg" ;「只、彼女の為に何度かお祈りはさせて頂きました」\ ^``However, I've prayed for her numerous times.''\ dwavestop 3 ;「…お祈り?」\ ^``Prayed?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0179.ogg" ;「ええ…今でもお祈りしていますよ」\ ^``Yes... Even now, I still pray.''\ dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景 ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ ;「それは…^@^誰の為に?」\ ^``That's...^@^ for whom?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0180.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0181.ogg" ;「…全ての人の為です」\ ^``For everyone.''\ dwavestop 3 ;迷いのない言葉だった。\ ^Words with no hesitation.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0182.ogg" ;「あ、もしよかったら、あなたにも…」\ ^``Ah, if it's alright, for you too...''\ dwavestop 3 bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 wait 1500 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え mp3loop "bgm2\2na_f.mp3" ;bg "tr\tep001.jpg",5 bg "agilis\2\tep001.png",5 wait 1500 ;bg "tr\tep002b.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\tep002b.png",1 ;■エピローグ : - 7 F -\ ;Erased bg "e\imege072.jpg",3 ;4月。 ;窓辺に飾られた花瓶を見ていた。\ ^April. ^I was looking at the vases decorating the window.\ ;それは、あの日に見たのと同じ花。 ;今の時期には珍しいものだと言っていた。\ ^Those were, the same flowers as the ones we saw that day. She had said that it was rare to find them in this season.\ ;…厳密に言っても同じモノ。 ;後で尋ねたら、中庭に咲いているのを飾ったらしい。\ ^... Even speaking strictly, they were the same. When I asked about them afterwards, they were apparently taken from those blooming in the courtyard.\ ;では、どうしてあの時、彼女は…^@^ ;…淡路島と答えたのだろう?\ ^Then, why was it that at the time...^@^ she answered Awaji-shima I wonder...\ ;只、問われただけと言ったが、博識な彼女ならば、 ;病院に植えられていたことも知っていただろうに…\ ^She had said it was simply because she was asked, but with her encyclopedic knowledge, she should have known that they were planted at the hospital...\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ ^* Knock, knock. Click. *\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0167.ogg" ;「こんにちは」\ ^``Good afternoon.''\ dwavestop 3 ;bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 ;今日もやってきてくれたヘルパーの彼女。\ ^Today, the helper girl also came.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0184.ogg" ;「…その花、好きなんですか?」\ ^``... Those flowers, do you like them?''\ dwavestop 3 ;「まあな…」\ ^``Sorta...''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0185.ogg" ;「綺麗ですね、確か水仙でしたっけ?」\ ^``They're beautiful aren't they. These were, daffodils, right?''\ dwavestop 3 ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 1 ;「ナルキッソス…」\ ^``Narcissus...''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0186.ogg" ;「ナルキッソス?」\ ^``Narcissus?''\ dwavestop 3 ;「ああ、学名ではそう言うらしい」\ ^``Ah, it seems that's their scientific name.''\ dwavestop 1 ;ヒガンバナ科の植物。開花時期は冬。 ;種でも育つが、開花まで数年かかるため球根が主らしい。\ ^From the family of ~i~Amaryllidaceae~i~. They blossomed in the winter, and one could grow them from seeds, but it takes years to flower, so they are cultivated as bulbs.\ ;…そして…^@^花言葉は自己愛…^@^ ;だが、本当にそうだったのだろうか…\ ^Then...^@^ in the language of flowers, self-love...^@^ ^However, whether that were true...\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0187.ogg" ;「へ~、詳しいんですね、良かったらもっと教えて下さい」\ ^``My, you know a lot, don't you? If you could, would you tell me more?''\ dwavestop 3 ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 1 ;「元々、語源になったのはギリシャ神話の…」\ ^``Originally, the word came from Greek myth...''\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え ラスト前 ;■心情・情景 ;>主人公もかなりヤバイ頃 bg "en\sora01.jpg",10,1500 ;6月。 ;梅雨前の薄い空が広がる。\ ^June. ^The thin sky of right before the rainy season spread wide.\ ;そんな、みずいろの空の下、 ;今回の俺の仮退院は、延期となったようだった。\ ^Under that water-colored sky, my temporary discharge had been postponed.\ ;本当なら3回目の仮退院だった筈なので、 ;実質、無期延期ということなのだろう…\ ^It was supposed to be my third temporary discharge, so essentially, it would be a perpetual postponement...\ ;「ごほ、ごほけほっ」\ ^* Cough, cough. *\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0188.ogg" ;「大丈夫ですかっ」\ ^``Are you alright!?''\ dwavestop 3 ;「あ、ああ、けほっ、平気だから…」\ ^``A-ah.'' * cough, * ``I'm fine...''\ dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;それよりも、先々月から新しい人が来ていなかった。\ ^More importantly, since two months ago, no one new had come.\ ;タイミングが悪かったのか、 ;既に現在は、ほとんど人がいなくなってしまっていた。\ ^Perhaps, the timing was bad, but already, there were very few people left.\ ;「なあ、新しくここに来る予定の人っているのか?」\ ^``Hey, is there anyone new set to come here?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0189.ogg" ;「あ、詳しくは知らないですけど…」\ ^``Ah, I don't really know the details but...''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0190.ogg" ;「何でも半年ほどは、 ; 新規の受け入れはしないって聞いています」\ ^``I had heard that, for half a year, they weren't accepting new patients.''\ dwavestop 3 ;「そうか…」\ ^``I see...''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0191.ogg" ;「…それがどうかしましたか?」\ ^``... Is there something about with that?''\ dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;もしかしなくても俺達のせいだろう。\ ^It was most likely our fault.\ bg "en\b.jpg",10,2500 !s100 ;「君を信用して…」\ ^``Then, putting my trust in you...''\ dwavestop 1 !s80 ;「一つだけお願いしたいことがある…」\ ^``I have just one request...''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0192b.ogg" ;「あ、はい、なんでしょう?」\ ^``Ah, yes, what is it?''\ dwavestop 3 !s75 ;「これは本来、君には関係ないことだけど…」\ ^``This is really something you have nothing to do with, but...''\ dwavestop 1 ;「どうか…^@^伝えて欲しい…」\ ^``Please...^@^ I want you to pass this on...''\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG なんか bg "en\w.jpg",5 wait 2000 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0434.ogg" ;…それじゃあ…\ ^... Well then...\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\setu04b.jpg",1 bg "en\setu04.jpg",10,2000 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0435.ogg" ;…一度しか言わないから…しっかり聞いてね…\ ^... I'll only say this once... so listen well...\ dwavestop 1 !sd ;☆総スタッフロール ;■心情・情景>ルールを説明 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 !w1500 ;bg "tr\narall_st001.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st001.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st002.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st002.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st003.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st003.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st004.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st004.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st005.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st005.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st006.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st006.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st007.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st007.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st008.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st008.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st009.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st009.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\narall_st010.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\narall_st010.png",5 ;English staff roll !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr01.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr02.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr03.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr04.png",5 !w3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\ecr05.png",5 !w3500 bg black,10,1500 wait 1500 ;setwindow 280,158,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 ;!sd ;setwindow 200,240,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "caption" !sd erasetextwindow 0 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0436.ogg" ;      …最後にもう一つ…^@^ h_centreline ^... Finally, one more...^ ^... Finally, one more...^@^ dwavestop 0 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0193.ogg" ;       『もう一つ?』\ h_centreline ^~i~```One more?''~i~ ^~i~```One more?''~i~\ dwavestop 3 !sd bg white,10,1500 bg "en\e_setu01.jpg",5 ;;MARK in graphic dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0437b.ogg" ;;…残す者には……笑ってあげて…\ ;^... For those left behind... smile for them...\ bg "agilis\2\e_setu01b.png",10,2000 wait 3500 bg "agilis\2\e_setu01c.png",3 dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\a0052.jpg",10,2000 bg black,10,2000 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ !s80 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0194.ogg" ;『…こうして、わたしの元へと、ルールは委ねられた』^@^ h_centreline ^``And so, I was entrusted with the rules.''^ ^~i~``And so, I was entrusted with the rules.''~i~^@^ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0195.ogg" ;      『まだ見ぬ、本来の担い手…』^@^ h_centreline ^~i~``The still unseen, true bearer...''~i~^ ^~i~``The still unseen, true bearer...''~i~^@^ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0196.ogg" ;    『きっと、すぐに現われるのだろう』\ h_centreline ^~i~``I'm sure will soon appear.''~i~\ ^~i~``I'm sure will soon appear.''~i~\ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0197.ogg" ;    『きっと、わたしの手を離れても…』^@^ h_centreline ^~i~``I'm sure, even if released from my hands...''~i~^ ^~i~``I'm sure, even if released from my hands...''~i~^@^ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0198.ogg" ;        『いつまでも…』^@^ h_centreline ^~i~``Always...''~i~^ ^~i~``Always...''~i~^@^ dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0199.ogg" ;     『…語り継がれるのだろう…』\ h_centreline ^~i~``... They would continue to be passed down...''~i~\ ^~i~``... They would continue to be passed down...''~i~\ dwavestop 3 ;;ここなんか絵を bg white,5 wait 2000 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0201d.ogg" bg "en\e_setu02.jpg",10,1000 bg "agilis\2\e_setu02b.png",10,1500 wait 4500 ;;MARK - handled by graphic ;;「…眩しかった日のこと、そんな冬の日こと…」\ ;^``... Those dazzling days, those winter days...''\ dwavestop 3 bg "english\2\setu02e.png",10,1200 bg "english\sys\title_off2_2.png",5 ;クリアフラグ mov %flg2_end,1 goto *title ;agi_epilogue_end ;-*- ponscripter -*- ; Chapter select screen: Narci2 tr. agilis *agilis_mini_title2 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter01.png",32,236 if %flg2_pro == 1 lsp 192,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter02.png",202,159 if %flg2_cha2 == 1 lsp 193,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter03.png",202,190 if %flg2_cha3 == 1 lsp 194,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter04.png",202,221 if %flg2_cha4 == 1 lsp 195,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter05.png",202,251 if %flg2_cha5 == 1 lsp 196,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter06.png",202,283 if %flg2_cha6 == 1 lsp 197,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter07.png",202,313 if %flg2_cha7 == 1 lsp 198,":a/2,0,3;agilis\2\chapter08.png",385,158 if %flg2_cha8 == 1 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter09.png",385,189 if %flg2_cha9 == 1 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter10.png",386,220 if %flg2_cha10 == 1 lsp 201,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter11.png",386,252 if %flg2_cha11 == 1 lsp 202,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter12.png",386,282 if %flg2_cha12 == 1 lsp 203,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter13.png",386,313 if %flg2_cha13 == 1 lsp 204,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter14.png",598,158 if %flg2_cha14 == 1 lsp 205,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter15.png",598,189 if %flg2_cha15 == 1 lsp 206,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter16.png",598,220 if %flg2_cha16 == 1 lsp 207,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter17.png",598,251 if %flg2_cha17 == 1 lsp 208,":a/2,0,3;agilis\2\chapter18.png",598,282 if %flg2_cha18 == 1 lsp 209,":a/2,0,3;english\2\chapter19.png",598,314 lsp 211,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 movz ?0[0],181,181,181,181,181,181,364,364,364,364,364,364,577,577,577,577,577,577 movz ?0[1],160,191,222,253,284,315,160,191,222,253,284,315,160,191,222,253,284,315 if %flg2_bplay < 19 lsp 212,":a/10,250,0;tui\cur2_2.bmp",?0[0][%flg2_bplay-1],?0[1][%flg2_bplay-1] if %unvoiced_mode == 0 bg "english\2\mini_title.png",5 if %unvoiced_mode == 1 bg "english\2\mini_title_novoice.png",5 ~ btndef clear cellcheckspbtn 191,209,1 cellcheckspbtn 211,21 btnwait %11 if %11==-1 csp 191,212:goto *middle_title if %11<=0 jumpb if %11==21 csp 191,212:goto *middle_title ;前の画面に戻る ;以下はボタンを押した場合なのでまず画像クリア csp 191,212 tablegoto1 %11, *agilis_nar2, *agilis_nar2_1, *agilis_nar2_2, *agilis_nar2_3, *agilis_nar2_4, *agilis_nar2_5, *agilis_nar2_6, *agilis_nar2_7, *agilis_nar2_8, *agilis_nar2_9, *agilis_nar2_10, *agilis_nar2_11, *agilis_nar2_12, *agilis_nar2_13, *agilis_nar2_14, *agilis_nar2_15, *agilis_nar2_16, *agilis_nar2_17, *agilis_nar2_18, *agilis_nar2_19 jumpb ;-*- ponscripter -*- ;agi_narci2_start ; *I really need to do that window replacement thing soon. -Done ; *I really need to fix those yen signs ¥ - Done ; *I really need to fix my punctuation, and match my lines against the voice acting ; ;Unvoiced modifications: ;Lines will always start with ;- or ;+ for parsing sanity ;Everything immediately after the 2 chars is legal nscript. ; ;- lines will go IMMEDIATELY *BEFORE* the lines they're meant to replace ; ;+ lines simply add on where they are, in case I need extra lines. ;because making a context-aware backward deleting text parser is a PITA ;and waste of brainpower for a simple once-off task. ; ;Consistency check notes to self: ;Quotation style needs triple checking: ; -punctuation 'cept ? outside single quotes. ; -commas/periods/? inside double quotes ; - Meh, double, then single, alternating, changing on nesting. ;Numbers in words without good cause. ;And, just because I'm quirky sound effect lines * Ding. * have punctuation, and leading/trailing spaces. ;Probably will be doing titles using italics instead of quotes. If not, double quotes probably. ; Need to playtest and probably recompose MARK'd sections. ;== Haeleth's quick explanation: I'm correcting obvious typos and commenting on stuff I think needs commenting on. Don't feel you have to reply to my comments unless you want to -- just delete any lines beginning ;== when you've decided what (if anything) to do about them. ;-- since I don't like deleting things, I'll just nullified the 'cleared' ones by shoving a ;!== in there *agilis_nar2 mov $sys_midasi,"^#01 / Prologue [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;bg "tr\h000.jpg",5 bg "agilis\2\h000.png",5 !w1000 ;■プロローグ ― セ ツ ミ ― \ mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;1Fの外来受付の先。\ ^In front of the outpatient reception desk on the first floor.\ ;床に貼られた、色とりどりのビニールテープ。\ ^Spread on the floor, many colors of plastic tape.\ ;それは、赤や青、緑といった具合に、 ;各科への道順を示していた。\ ^Red, blue, green --- they led the way to various departments.\ ;その中から、わたしは白のテープに沿って進む。\ ^Out of those, I followed the white tape.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;30mほど歩くと、右手に見えてくる売店、 ;その向かいにあるのが喫煙ルーム。\ ^Walking about 30 meters, on the right, the shop comes into sight. Across from that was the smoking room.\ ;左手には外科診察待合室があり、 ;更に突き当たりまで行くと、小さなエレベーターがある。\ ^On the left is the waiting room for surgical examination, and if you continue to the end, there is a small elevator.\ ;わたしはそれに乗り込むと…^@^最上階のボタンを押す。\ ^I get on that...^@^ and press the button for the highest floor.\ bg "en\at02a.jpg",1 bg "en\at02b.jpg",5 ;;やたらと遅いエレベーター。\ dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_124 ^Ding.\ goto *generated_125 *generated_124 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_125 ;bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "en\at02c.jpg",3 bg "en\w.jpg",3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",5 ;7F。^@^ ;目の前には、ナースステーション。\ ^The 7th floor.^@^ ^Before my eyes was the nurses station.\ ;一斉にこちらを見る、何人かの看護婦さん。\ ^All together, some nurses look this way.\ ;でも、わたしだと認識すると再び視線を戻す。 ;まるで、何も見なかったかのように、作業に戻る。\ ^But once they recognize me, their eyes turn back. As if they saw nothing, they return to their work.\ ;…高い天井、15cmしか開かない窓。 ;ここは、白くて明るくて、無機質な場所。\ ^... A high ceiling, windows that only open 15cm. Here, it was a white, well-lit, sterile place.\ ;そしてわたしは、突き当たり左手にある談話室へと向かう。\ ^And I head towards the lounge at the end of the hall on the left.\ ;☆BG 談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;大きなテレビと、ソファに長椅子。 ;窓辺に飾られたのは、幾つかの花。\ ^A large television. A long couch. Decorating the windowsills were a number of flowers.\ ;夏らしく、花瓶にはミニひまわりが。 ;鉢植えにはガーベラが、色鮮やかに咲いていた。\ ^Fitting the summer, the mini-sunflowers in vases and the gerbera daisies in flower pots were blooming colorfully.\ ;== This is an example of the kind of tense variation I'm concerned about. You've switched suddenly to present tense for this one line, but the Japanese is past tense, just like your surrounding lines of translation. It just looks a bit strange to have this inconsistency when it's not even following the Japanese. ;--mmmmmmmmmmmmm saaaaa. These instances are more unconscious things than anythign deliberate I think... Depending on how the narrative had been playing in my mind's eye when I was writing down the line probably had more to do with it than making some decision. Still, odd is odd, so feel free to wave flags when ssomething switches for a single line or so. Overall, keeping with the visual novel format, I tend to leave things in the present tense where applicable, but never really set a rule about these things. ;…それらは見覚えのあるものだった。\ ^... Those were all familiar things .\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0001.ogg" ;「何年ぶりだろう…ここに来たのは…」\ ^``How many years has it been... since I've come here...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;あの頃と違うのは、わたしの服装。 ;セーラー服からパジャマへと変わっていた。\ ^What's different from then are my clothes. Changing from sailor uniforms to pajamas.\ ;それ以外では、手首の腕輪が、 ;青から白へと変わったことくらいだった。\ ^Besides that, the bracelet on my hand --- from blue to white --- was just about the only other change.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;『あなた…』\ ^``You...''\ ;呼ぶ声に振り返ると、知らないおばさん。\ ^Turning back towards the voice that called, it was a middle-aged lady I don't know.\ ;== Another tense thing: the "was" introduces a past-tense note that's not there in the Japanese, and it looks odd because the context is all present tense. ;-- hrm, this one was because the 'anata' came before, so in reaction to it, you turn around, and go "oh, that old lady was the one who called me just now" hence past. even if I changed the line, it'd be "that called, and there was an old lady..." ;!== Not "old", surely! This is an おばさん, not an おばあさん, so she'll probably be in her 40s. ;-- fine fineeee ;パジャマ姿と腕輪の色が、 ;ここの住人であることを物語っていた。\ ^Her pajamas and bracelet color say she is a resident of this place.\ ;『誰かのお見舞い? それとも他の階の患者さん?』\ ^``Are you visiting someone? Or a patient from another floor?''\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0002.ogg" ;「…違う」\ ^``... That's not it.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;首を振りながら、わたしは自分の腕輪を見せる。\ ^While shaking my head, I show my own bracelet.\ ;『あ、ああ…そうだったの…』\ ^``A-ah... I see...''\ ;ばつが悪そうに答えるおばさん。\ ^The lady replied uncomfortably.\ ;!== Still not old :P ;その言葉の裏には、^@^ ;”若いのに気の毒ね”っというニュアンスが感じられた。\ ^I felt the nuance behind those words,^@^ ^``And so young... what a shame.''\ ;もちろん似たような経験は、飽きるほどしている。 ;伊達に10年近くもこんな暮らしをしていない。\ ^Of course, I've had similar experiences so often it was tiring. I haven't lived almost 10 years like this for nothing.\ ;!== Mixing tenses in a single sentence? Suggest "it's" not "it was". ;!== I see -- I read "have" and "haven't" as present tense. How does your brain feel about "I'd had" and "I hadn't"? If it doesn't like those either, I'm happy to leave this be. ;!== OK -- consider my objection withdrawn then. ;!== FWIW, "I had had" is the parse I intended. This is fascinating stuff; I knew there were a lot of differences in our vocabularies, but I'd never have guessed that our dialects would disagree on points of grammar as fundamental as tenses! ;…只、同じ7Fの住人からも、 ;同情の目を向けられるとは思わなかった。\ ^... It was just, I never thought to have a fellow resident of the 7th floor also turn eyes of pity towards me.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;『ところであなた…^@^…何回目?』\ ^``By the way... ^@^which time are you on?''\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0003.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^``What's this?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;『ここに…7Fに来たのよ』\ ^``For here... coming to the 7th floor.''\ ;一瞬、何のことを問われているのか分からなかった。\ ^For an instant, I had no idea what she was asking.\ ;でも、わたしが新たな質問を出すよりも先に、\ ^But, before I could ask a new question...\ ;『どうやら、初めてみたいね』\ ^``It looks like this is your first.''\ ;そう言って、勝手に納得してしまった。\ ^With that, she just up and acted like she understood the situation.\ ;『じゃあ、あなたにも教えてあげるから、しっかり聞いてね』\ ^``Well, then I'll teach you too. So listen well, okay?''\ ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0004.ogg" ;;「………………」\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;『…まず、この7Fって場所では…』\ ^`` ... First, in this place called the 7th floor...''\ ;返事をする訳でもないのに、一方的に話し続けるおばさん。\ ^Even though I hadn't replied, the lady just continued speaking.\ ;…4回目はない。 ;3回目の入退院が最後だから覚悟しろ。\ ^... There is no fourth time. ^The third time you're admitted is the last, so prepare yourself.\ ;逃げたい時はA駅ではなく、B駅へと向かうこと。\ ^When you want to run away, head not to station A, but to station B.\ ;何も食べるな…それが家族にとっても一番負担が少ない。\ ^Don't eat anything... it places the least burden upon your family.\ ;そんな内容のことを話していた。 ;他にも身に詰まるようなことを聞かされた。\ ^She spoke about such things. ^And I was made to hear other things that would give one pause.\ ;恐らくは、この7Fの住人だけで…^@^ ;死にゆく当事者達だけで、伝え続けてきたことなのだろう。\ ^Most likely it was something only the residents of this 7th floor...^@^ only those who were headed towards death, continued passing on.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;『どう? わかった?』\ ^``So, you understand?''\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0005.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;一通り説明を終えたおばさん。 ;どこか、先ほどよりも顔色が晴れたように思えた。\ ^Once the lady finished her broad explanation, somehow, I thought her complexion looked better.\ ;『ふう、あなたみたいな、 ; 若い子に伝えるのは気が引けるけど…』\ ^``Phew, to tell someone young like you, it's upsetting...''\ ;『これもルールだから、気を悪くしないでね』\ ^``But this is also a rule, so don't be angry, okay?''\ ;!== Why is this line being commented out? ;-- さあどうでしょう… ;それだけを告げると、おばさんは談話室を後にした。^@^ ;別れ際、あなたも初めて来た人には伝えてね、と付け加えた。\ ^With that, the lady left the lounge.^@^ Her parting words were, ``you tell new people too, okay?''\ ;!== ~i~Still~i~ not old :P ;--いちいちうるさい~~ ;!== さんざんうるさいつもりですがw ;☆BG 空とか bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;;■心情・情景>空・時間とか ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。\ ^Burning sunlight and the sound of cicadas.\ ;15cmしか開かない窓からみた夏空。 ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^A summer sky seen from windows that can't open more than 15cm. ^Today also looked like it would be a hot day.\ ;…何年ぶりかでやってきた7F。 ;ここの住人としては、初めてやってきたわたし。\ ^Many years since I've come to the 7th floor... ^The first that I've come as a resident of this place.\ ;== "Years since I've come..." sounds like something's missing... ;-- baaah need to think about this one. it's the closest approximation to what I want to say atm... and keeps sounding half-alright in my head... ;== It works if I read it as "[It's been] years" or "[It must have been] years", but it takes a moment to arrive at that parsing, and my brain constantly wants to insert a number of years for some reason. ;-- mmmm true... I guess I'll add in one of the phrases that that I've penciled into that spot, then deleted, over and over, while pondering over this line to clear it up. ;…そして、教えられたルール。\ ^... And the rules I had been taught.\ ;本来は、ここの住人達だけで、伝え続けてきたことなのだろう…\ ^In practice, they were probably passed down only among through those who resided here.\ bg "en\at01a.jpg",1 bg "en\at01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0006.ogg" ;「でも…その幾つかを、わたしは既に知っていた…」\ ^``But... a number of them, I had already known...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\at01a.jpg",1 bg "en\at01c.jpg",5 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0007.ogg" ;…もしかしたらあの日から…^@^今日という日を迎えることを…\ ^...Maybe it was since that day...^@^ the fact that I would face a day like today...\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0008.ogg" bg "en\at01d.jpg",3 bg "en\at01f.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0009.ogg" ;MARK! - graphic recomposition ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0009.ogg" bg "agilis\2\at01e.png",5 !w2500 ;;「…予感していたのかも知れない…」\ ;^``... I might have had a premonition of it...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0010e.ogg" ;;「プロデュースドバイ ステージなな」\ !sd ;bg "tr\t001c.jpg",1 bg "english\credits\t001c.png",1 ;bg "tr\t001b.jpg",3 bg "english\credits\t001b.png",3 ;bg "tr\t001a.jpg",3 bg "english\credits\t001a.png",3 !w1000 bg "e\w.jpg",5 mov %flg2_pro,1 mov %flg2_bplay,1 ;____________________ *agilis_nar2_1 mov $sys_midasi,"^#02 / Himeko 1 [a]" bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 !w1000 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" ;bg "tr\h001.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h001.png",3 ;■プロローグ ― 姫 子 ― \ ;^Prologue ~~Himeko~~\ ;NUKE bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\03_torib.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0001.ogg" ;…響きわたる鐘の音…\ ^... The rolling sound of bells...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0002.ogg" ;物心つく前から、私はこの音と共にあった…\ ^Since before I can remember, I existed with that sound...\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;;★シーン:明るい感じで bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0002b.ogg" ;「おねえちゃーん」\ ^``Onee-chan!''/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_126 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_126 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_127 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~~i~(O)nee-chan/san~i~ - A form of address, essentially ``big sister'', also can be used to non-family members.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~~i~(O)nee-chan/san~i~ - A form of address, essentially ``big sister'', also can be used to non-family members.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_127 ^#ffffff\ ;Well, since I leave most forms of address alone I guess I should footnote them once each... !sd dwavestop 3 dwavestop 5 dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" ;;>遠くから bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0003.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、ふう」\ ^``Haa, haa... phew.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0003.ogg" ;「なによ千尋、そんなに息切らせて」\ ^``What's going on, Chihiro, getting out of breath like that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0004.ogg" ;「だってほら、そろそろ急がないと…」\ ^``Well look, if we don't hurry...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0005.ogg" ;「って、またそんな格好してぇ、」\ ^``Wait. You're dressed like that again!''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0004.ogg" ;「ん? どうかした?」\ ^``Mm? Something the matter?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0006.ogg" ;「もう、ドロドロで真っ黒じゃないのぉ」\ ^``Oh, you're all greasy and black!''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0005.ogg" ;「別にいいでしょ、作業服なんだから汚れて当然じゃない」\ ^``What's wrong with that? They're work overalls; of course they'd be dirty.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0007.ogg" ;「うぅ、昨日、洗濯したところなのに…」\ ^``Uuu, I just washed those yesterday...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0006.ogg" ;「はいはい、悪かったわね」\ ^``Yeah, yeah, sorry about that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;恒例の油汚れに、少し拗ねた顔で文句を言う妹。\ ^My little sister gave the usual grease stains a sulking look as she complained.\ ;日曜日の玄関先で交わす、 ;いつもの何気ない日常の光景だった。\ ^It was the scene of a casual, everyday exchange before the door on a Sunday.\ dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0008.ogg" ;「あ、それよりも、ミサ、急がないと遅れちゃうよ」\ ^``Ah, never mind that. Mass! If we don't hurry, we'll be late!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0007.ogg" ;「あら、もうそんな時間なのね…」\ ^``Oh, it's that time already...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0009.ogg" ;「ささ、早く着替えて教会行きましょうね♪」\ ^``Come, come, hurry and change and let's go to the church, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0008.ogg" ;「うーん…やっぱりパス」\ ^``Mmm... yeah, I think I'll pass.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0010.ogg" ;「え~、またぁ」\ ^``Ehh? Again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0011.ogg" ;「ダメだよ、お姉ちゃんって、普段から行ってないんだから」\ ^``That's no good, Onee-chan, you already haven't been going regularly.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0012.ogg" ;「せめて、日曜日だけは行かないと」\ ^``At least, you should go on Sundays.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0009.ogg" ;「バカね千尋」\ ^``Silly Chihiro.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0010.ogg" ;「せっかくの日曜日だからこそサボるのよ」\ ^``It's exactly because it's a precious Sunday that you skip out.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0013.ogg" ;「もう、またそんな屁理屈言って」\ ^``Ahh, again with that weak argument.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0011.ogg" ;「まあまあ、神さまだって大目に見てくれるわよ、 ; こんな天気の良い日はさ」\ ^``Now, now, even God would overlook it. On a day with such beautiful weather.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0014.ogg" ;「…天気関係ないわよ」\ ^``The weather's got nothing to do with it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0015.ogg" ;「それに、どうせ今日も、車いじりしてるだけのくせに…」\ ^``And either way, you're just going to toy with your car today...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0012.ogg" ;「それじゃ、お母さん達にもよろしくねっ」\ ^``So, give my regards to Mom and the others!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0016.ogg" ;「あっ、こら、お姉ちゃんったら」\ ^``Ah, hey! Onee-chan!!''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;bg "tr\h002.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h002.png",3 click bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子02 ―親友― \ dwave 5,"se2\shutter1.ogg" ;ガラガラガラ、\ ;-;Go team abuse of notation! Why bother making a deletion symbol =P if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_128 ^* Gyarararara. *\ *generated_128 ;家の隣にあるガレージ。 ;勢い良くシャッターを上げる。\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_129 ^A loud clattering rises in the garage next to the house as I strongly raise the shutters.\ goto *generated_130 *generated_129 ^In the garage next to the house, I strongly raise the shutters.\ *generated_130 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0013.ogg" ;「さて、今日も始めましょうか」\ ^``Alright, shall we get started today.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kusari.ogg" bg "en\shako.jpg",2 mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" ;閉め切っていた為か、むわっとした熱が広がるガレージ内。\ ^Perhaps because it was closed off, the garage was stiflingly hot.\ dwave 5,"se2\kacha03.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\doril2.ogg" ;早速、私は修理途中の愛車へと向かう。 ;つい1ヶ月ほど前に買った物だった。\ ^Immediately, I turn towards my beloved car under maintenance, purchased just a month earlier.\ ;レストアと呼べば聞こえは良いが、 ;実質は、まともに走れる程度にする作業。\ ^One might call it a restoration, but really, it was work to simply get it to run properly.\ ;dwave 5,"se2\kusari.ogg" ;第一、車自体がレトロというよりは、 ;ボロと呼ぶ方が相応しい、そんな年式と程度の車だった。\ ^First, instead of calling the chassis `retro', the word `scrap' would fit better; such was the age and condition of the car.\ ;但し、そのおかげで最近の私は、 ;このガレージ内が週末の過ごし場所となっていた。\ ^However, thanks to that, I've lately been spending the weekends inside this garage.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\kon03b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_131 ^Someone knocked.\ goto *generated_132 *generated_131 ^* Knock knock. *\ *generated_132 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0001.ogg" ;「姫子、いる~?」\ ^``Himeko, you around?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>やや遠くで dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0014.ogg" ;「ああ、こっちこっち」\ ^``Ah, over here!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE;>足音 bg "en\shako.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0015.ogg" ;「どしたの? こんな場所まで」\ ^``What's up? Coming all the way here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0002.ogg" ;「うん、近くまで来たから、ついでに寄ったんだけどさ…」\ ^``Yeah, well I happened to come nearby, so I stopped over along the way...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0003.ogg" ;「って、なにあなた、真っ黒じゃないの?」\ ^``Hey, what's with you, you're all black!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0016.ogg" ;「ん? ああ、昨日からオイルパンの交換やってたから」\ ^``Mm? Ah, because since yesterday, I was changing the oil pan.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0004.ogg" ;「…オイルパン?」\ ^``...Oil pan?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0017.ogg" ;「ええ、これがまた大変だったのよ」\ ^``Yeah, that was another big mess!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0018.ogg" ;「てゆーか、素人でここまで出来る人は少ないわね、えっへん」\ ^``But then, there aren't that many amateurs who can get this far. Eh-hem!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0005.ogg" ;「や、パンだかゴハンだか知らないけどさ…」\ ^``Um, I don't know anything about bread/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_133 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_133 ^ or supper, or whatever...''#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_134 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~~i~Pan~i~ in Japanese means bread.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~~i~Pan~i~ in Japanese means bread.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_134 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kusari.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0019.ogg" ;「ほら見て、この自作ハンガーなんて、大したもんでしょ」\ ^``Look here, this homemade hoist. Isn't it great?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0020.ogg" ;「でもやっぱ、ウインチが無いから苦労したわ~、あははは」\ ^``But figures, without a winch, it's really hard! Ahaha!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0006.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0007.ogg" ;「ふぅ、」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_135 ^Yuka sighed.\ goto *generated_136 *generated_135 ^* Sigh. *\ *generated_136 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0008.ogg" ;「あのさ、姫子…」\ ^``You know, Himeko?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0009.ogg" ;「車好きも良いけどさ、」\ ^``It's fine to love cars and all...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0010.ogg" ;「年頃の娘が真っ黒になって、 ; ガレージに入り浸ってるってどうよ?」\ ^``But for a young girl to get all black, and regularly being in the garage, what do you think about that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0021.ogg" ;「ん? もしかして、変?」\ ^``Mm? You think that's strange?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0011.ogg" ;「もしかしなくても、変」\ ^``I don't have to think. It's strange.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0022.ogg" ;「あはは、まあいいじゃない」\ ^``Aha, well that's fine isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0023.ogg" ;「私はね、優花みたいなヒラヒラの服より、 ; こっちの方が好きなのよ」\ ^``You know, for me, instead of frilly clothes like yours, Yuka, I like what I have here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0012.ogg" ;「はいはい、あんたは昔っから、そうよね」\ ^``Yeah, yeah, you've been like this for ages, that's true.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0024.ogg" ;…あきれた声で返す彼女…\ ^She replied in a weary voice.\ dwavestop 1 ;その名前を優花という。\ ^Her name was Yuka.\ ;近所に住んでいることもあってか、 ;昔から、よく一緒に過ごすことが多かった。\ ^She also lived nearby, and since long ago, we often spent time together.\ ;只、私とは趣味も性格も正反対。\ ^However, our interests and personalities were polar opposites.\ ;なのに、何故か気が合った。 ;逆に、趣味も性格も違うからこそ気が合うのかも知れない。\ ^And yet, we got along for some reason. It might have been exactly because our interests and personalities were different that we got along.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0025.ogg" ;『…もし、”親友”と呼ばれる存在があるなら…』\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_137 ^If there were someone that could be called a ``best friend''...\ goto *generated_138 *generated_137 ^``... If there were someone that could be called a `best friend'...''\ *generated_138 dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0026.ogg" ;『わたしにとっては…彼女が、ソレだった…』\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_139 ^For me... she would have been it.\ goto *generated_140 *generated_139 ^``For me... she would have been it...''\ *generated_140 dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\shako.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0013.ogg" ;「でもさ、姫子も物好きよね」\ ^``But still, Himeko, you're quite the eccentric, aren't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0014.ogg" ;「せっかくの初任給を、こんなボロ車に遣うなんてさ」\ ^``Using your first paycheck on such a beat-up car.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0027.ogg" ;「こら、ボロ車じゃなくて、ユーノスって言ってよ」\ ^``Hey, it's not a beat-up car, call it a Eunos.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0028.ogg" ;「それに、この型って、古くても結構人気あるのよ」\ ^``And even though it's old, this model's quite popular you know?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0015.ogg" ;「へ~、そうなの」\ ^``Ohh? Really now?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0029.ogg" ;「うぅ、おかげで、 ; 今から冬のボーナスまでローン地獄よ、しくしく」\ ^``Uu, and because of this, all the way until winter bonus time, it's loan hell! Sniffle sniffle.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0016.ogg" ;「まあまあ、それよりも早く直してドライブでも連れてってよ」\ ^``Now, now. How about you hurry up and fix it and take me for a drive.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0030.ogg" ;「ええ、恐らく来週には走れると思うわ」\ ^``Yeah, I think by next week, it'd run.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0017.ogg" ;「はい決まりっ、じゃあ、早速来週でも…」\ ^``Great, it's decided then. Even next week...''\ ;!== "Right next week" suggests "直ぐ来週", not "じゃあ、来週". I think the comma helps. You're welcome to disagree! ;-- See, the 'right' is for the '早速' not the じゃあ since I figured enough of the じゃあ is covered with the 'then' in the previous sentence. But looking at it, I like it better with a tweak anyways. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0018.ogg" ;「て、そうだ…あなた日曜日は無理だったわね」\ ^``Wait... Sundays don't work for you right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0031.ogg" ;「ん~、別にいいわよ」\ ^``Mmm, there's no real problem.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0019.ogg" ;「でも、教会あるでしょ?」\ ^``But, don't you have church?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0032.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、もう最近は全然行ってないし」\ ^``It's fine. I haven't been going lately anyways.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0033.ogg" ;「しょせん私は、エセカトリックよ」\ ^``From the start, I was a fake Catholic anyways.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0020.ogg" ;「こらこら、そんなこと言っていいの?」\ ^``Hey, hey, is it okay to say that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0034.ogg" ;「ええ、偶然、家が教会の隣だったってだけだし…」\ ^``Yeah, it was just a coincidence that my house was next to a church after all...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;bg "tr\h003.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h003.png",3 wait 500 bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;;■プロローグ姫子03 ―妹― \ ;☆シーン変え:家;>夜 ;★シーン:寂しい・落ち着いた感じで dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0017.ogg" ;「ただいまぁ…」\ ^``I'm home...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 mp3loop "bgm\n033.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_141 ^The door opened and closed.\ goto *generated_142 *generated_141 ^* Click, slam. *\ *generated_142 bg "en\heya0.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0035.ogg" ;「おかえり、遅かったわね千尋」\ ^``Welcome home, you've been out quite late, Chihiro.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0018.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0036.ogg" ;「ん? 元気ないみたいだけど…」\ ^``Mm? You seem a bit down...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0037.ogg" ;「もしかして……7F、帰り?」\ ^``Did you... come back from the 7th floor?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0019.ogg" ;「…うん、担当の人が3回目だから…」\ ^``... Mmm. It was the 3rd time for someone I was in charge of...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0038.ogg" ;「そっか、じゃあ色々と大変だね…」\ ^``I see. Then, it must have been hard in many ways...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0039.ogg" ;7F…それは、病院のホスピスのことを指していた。\ ^The 7th floor... that is, the hospital's hospice.\ dwavestop 1 ;ホスピス。 ;一般的には『緩和ケア病棟』とも呼ばれる。\ ^Hospice. ^Generally known as the ``palliative care ward.''\ ;要は、通常の病棟ではなく、末期治療患者の為の、 ;精神的なケアに重点を置かれた病棟。\ ^Essentially, not a typical ward, but one for patients on their final treatment options, a ward with mental care as a primary focus.\ ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0040.ogg" ;カトリックである私達にとって、 ;ヘルパーのようなボランティア行為は、ごく当たり前のことだった。\ ^For us, as Catholics, volunteering as helpers had been very natural.\ dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0041.ogg" ;;「ヘルパーのようなボランティア行為は、 ;;   ごく当たり前のことだった」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0042.ogg" ;…毎日、大学が終わると、真っ直ぐに病院へと向かう妹。\ ^... Every day, after college, my sister would head straight to the hospital.\ dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0043.ogg" ;その姿は、数年前までの、自分の姿でもあった…\ ^In her, I could see myself up to a few years ago...\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>カチャ;>食器の触れる音 bg "en\heya0.jpg",2 dwave 5,"se2\cafe2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0044.ogg" ;「はい、コーヒー煎れてあげたわよ」\ ^``Here, I made you some coffee.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0020.ogg" ;「ありがと…」\ ^``Thank you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\cafe3.ogg" ;■心情・情景 bg "en\heya0.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0021.ogg" ;「ねえ…お姉ちゃんはもうしないの?」\ ^``Say... Onee-chan, you're not going to do it anymore?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0045.ogg" ;「しないのって、ヘルパー?」\ ^``It? You mean, be a helper?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0022.ogg" ;「うん、今はどの病院も、人手が足らなくて大変なんだよ」\ ^``Mm. Right now, hospitals everywhere are shorthanded, and it's been difficult for them.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0046.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^``I see...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0047.ogg" ;「でも、私はもういいわ」\ ^``But, I'm done with it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0048.ogg" ;「あなたと違って、 ; 私は、大学の単位が欲しくて行ってただけだし」\ ^``Unlike you, I only went because I wanted university credits.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0023.ogg" ;「もう、またそんなこと言って」\ ^``Oh, saying that again.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0049.ogg" ;「別に嘘じゃないわよ」\ ^``It's not like it's a lie.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\cafe2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0050.ogg" ;「それよりさ、私は千尋の方が心配よ」\ ^``Anyways, I'm more worried about you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0024.ogg" ;「わたしが?」\ ^``Me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0051.ogg" ;「ええ、あなたみたいな子に、務まる場所じゃないってこと」\ ^``Yes, about how it's not a place that's suitable for someone like you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0025.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;その言葉に黙ってしまった妹。 ;だけどこれは、私の本心でもある。\ ^My sister fell silent at those words. However, those were also my true feelings.\ ;それなりに自分も経験を積み、 ;生半可な覚悟では無理なのを知っていた。\ ^In a way, I knew from my own experiences how useless superficial resolve was.\ ;少なくとも、千尋のような優しくて良い子には、 ;ホスピスのヘルパーは辛いことが分かり切っていた。\ ^At the least, for a kind, good girl like Chihiro, I knew that it would be painful to be a hospice helper.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0052.ogg" ;「で、どうなの? 今の様子は?」\ ^``So, how was it? What's it like now?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0026.ogg" ;「あ、うん…初めての7Fだから、まだ慣れてなくて…」\ ^``Ah, yes... It was the first time I'd been to the 7th floor, so I'm still not used to it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0027.ogg" ;「それに、今の担当の人って3回目だから…」\ ^``And also, the person I'm in charge of is on their third time after all...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0028.ogg" ;「もう、長くないみたい…」\ ^``It... doesn't seem far off...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0053.ogg" ;「そうね、どんなに入退院に繰り返したとしても、 ; 4回目はない筈よ…」\ ^``Indeed, no matter how many times they're discharged and then return, there shouldn't be a fourth time.''\ ;!== "They are" is a bit stilted -- and you have Himeko saying "they're" elsewhere. ;-- mmm fine !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0029.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^``... Mmm...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;これは別に、病院側も公言している訳ではない。\ ^That wasn't something that the hospital publicly said.\ ;だけど、言わずとも現場に携わっていれば、 ;嫌でも覚えてしまうことだった。\ ^However, even without saying, if you were involved with the place, you'd learn it whether you liked it or not.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0030.ogg" ;「ねえ、お姉ちゃん…」\ ^``Say, Onee-chan...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0031.ogg" ;「神さまは…一体なにをやっているんだろう…」\ ^``God... what exactly is He doing I wonder...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0054.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0055.ogg" ;「さあ、忙しいんでしょうね」\ ^``Who knows. He's probably busy.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;bg "tr\h004.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h004.png",3 click dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子04 ―ロードスター― \ ;☆シーン変え:昼:海辺 ;SE;>波・海鳥 mp3loop "bgm2\2ono01.mp3" ;数日後。 ;一通り修理の終わったユーノスで、ドライブに出る私達。\ ^A few days later. ^With the main repairs on the Eunos finished, we went out for a drive.\ dwave 6,"se2\kei05.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0056.ogg" ;「あはは、さすがに良い走りするわっ」\ ^``Ahaha, it really does run great!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0021c.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと姫子、そんなにスピード出さないでよっ」\ ^``H-hey Himeko, don't go so fast!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0057c.ogg" ;「え~、全然安全運転じゃない」\ ^``Ehh? This is totally safe driving!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0022c.ogg" ;「あ、あなたはそうかも知れないけど、 ; ペーパーの私にはドキドキもんなのよ、その運転は」\ ^``That may be true for you, but for driver just on paper like me, this driving makes my heart jump!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car01.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0058b.ogg" ;「あ~ん、ロードスター最高っ」\ ^``Ahhh! Roadsters are the best!''\ !sd dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0023d.ogg" ;「て、聞きなさいよ、ひとの話しを」\ ^``Hey! Listen to people when they're talking!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 6,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" bg "en\shanai1.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0024b.ogg" ;「それとさ、なによ、この車」\ ^``And hey, what's with this car?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0059b.ogg" ;「うん? どしたの?」\ ^``Mmm? What's wrong?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0025b.ogg" ;「なんで、屋根がないのよ」\ ^``Why isn't there a roof?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0060c.ogg" ;「いや、だって、そーゆーもんなんだもん」\ ^``Well... that's how it is.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0026.ogg" ;「もん、じゃないわよ、 ; 風で髪がくしゃくしゃになっちゃったでしょ」\ ^``No, not `how it is'! The wind messes up your hair doesn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0061.ogg" ;「ふっ、おバカさんね、オープンの醍醐味が分からないなんて…」\ ^``Heh, silly girl. To not understand the joys of an open top...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0027.ogg" ;「…そんな醍醐味、年頃の女の子に不要よ」\ ^``... Such joys, a young girl does not need!''\ ;== I fear this is a case where following the Japanese word order makes Yuka sound more like Yoda... ^^; ;-- ^_^ yoi de wa nai ka! A bit of yoda to go with the tsukomi-dokoro ;== Tashika ni Yoda mo ii ka mo siremasen ga... (ase !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0028.ogg" ;「うぅ、せっかく1時間も掛けて、オシャレにセットしたのに…」\ ^``Ohh, and I spent an hour making it up too...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;まだ高い日。 ;梅雨前の爽やかな空の下を走るユーノス。\ ^The sun was still high and the Eunos ran under the refreshing cool of a sky before the rainy season.\ ;やがて、長い山道を越えると、 ;そこには真っ青な海が広がっていた。\ ^Soon, after leaving the long mountain road, the deep blue sea spread wide.\ bg "en\umimiti.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" ;どこまでも続く海岸線。 ;すぐ傍から響く、潮騒とウミネコの鳴き声。\ ^The sea route continued endlessly. From nearby came the crashing of waves and seagull calls.\ ;海沿いに植えられたフェニックスも、 ;そのどれも背が高く、まるで南国のような雰囲気だった。\ ^Even the phoenix palms planted by the beach houses, each and every one was tall--- it felt like visiting southern lands.\ ;!== Not sure about "kingdom"; there's no 王 in 南国, and Himeko is surely thinking more of Okinawa than Tonga! ;-- mmmm guess my eyes fly over kanji faster than my brain can parse them dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0062.ogg" ;「じゃ、ちょっと休憩しようか」\ ^``So, why don't we take a little break?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0029.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Sure.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_____________________ bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\jihan1.ogg" ;SE;>自販機 mp3loop "bgm\a01.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0063.ogg" ;「はい、缶コーヒー」\ ^``Here, canned coffee.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0030.ogg" ;「ありがと」\ ^``Thanks.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\z0021.ogg" ;プシュ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_143 ^We popped our cans open.\ goto *generated_144 *generated_143 ^* Psshh. *\ *generated_144 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0031.ogg" ;「ごくごくごく…ふうっ」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_145 ^Yuka gulped hers down and sighed in satisfaction.\ goto *generated_146 *generated_145 ^* Gulp gulp gulp. * ``Phew.''\ *generated_146 !sd dwavestop 1 ;まるでお風呂上りのように、 ;腰に手を当ると、缶コーヒーを一気飲みする優花。\ ^As if she had just gotten out of the bath, Yuka had her hand on her hip and gulped down the canned coffee in one go.\ ;!== I really think the "bath" thing may benefit from explaining -- in a footnote, if you don't want to add anything to the text. Or do Americans always gulp down coffee when they get out of the bath? ;) ;-- mmm, I have a feeling this isn't too much of a leap. I'd rather the reader just read it as Himeko's analysis as a native where this is natural than to get in the way with a footnote. ;!== Good point, I like that way of looking at it. Consider my objection revoked. ;いつもフリフリ装備で、 ;周りには、ぶっているがこれが優花の本性だ。\ ^She was always decked out in frills, but what shows through occasionally was Yuka's true personality.\ ;そして私達は、手に缶コーヒーを持ったまま、 ;目の前の砂浜へと歩き出す。\ ^And then, while holding our cans of coffee, we walked out to the beach before us.\ dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0032.ogg" ;「…ここは、キレイなところだね」\ ^``This is a beautiful place, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0064.ogg" ;「うん、潮風も気持ち良いし、人もいないし…」\ ^``Yeah, the salt air feels good, and there's no one around...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0033.ogg" ;「姫子、よく知ってたわね、こんな場所」\ ^``Himeko, it's amazing that you knew of this place.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0065.ogg" ;「あ、うん、まあ…」\ ^``Ah, um, yeah...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0066.ogg" ;「…どこか知らないけど」\ ^``... Though I have no clue where this is...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0034.ogg" ;「はい?」\ ^``Come again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0067.ogg" ;「いや、言葉の通りなんだけど…」\ ^``No, um, exactly as the words mean...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0035.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと待ちなさい」\ ^``W-wait a second.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0036.ogg" ;「どうして、運転してたあなたが知らないのよ」\ ^``Why is it that you, the one who was driving, have no clue?''\ ;I think I've hacked at this one line more than any others in the whole game ;blasted word proximity ;!== Well, at least you came up with something that works in the end! It's your own fault for trying to keep the foreign sentence structure... :P ;-- rawrs! this is one battle with language I intend to win as often as possible! !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0068.ogg" ;「あ、実は、そのう…」\ ^``Ah, well, um...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0069.ogg" ;「適当に走ってたら、偶然たどり着いただけだったりして…」\ ^``Let's say I was driving around wherever felt right and we came here by chance...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0037.ogg" ;「それって、もしかしてさ、」\ ^``That... do you mean...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0038.ogg" ;「今まで、気の向くままに走ってただけってこと?」\ ^``All this time, you've been driving just wherever whim took you?''\ ;!== Usually "wherever THE whim", though this form does seem to be used too. ;-- true that both exists. I just didn't like the sound of 'the' in there. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0070.ogg" ;「まあ…そんな感じかなぁ、あははは」\ ^``Well... something like that. Ahahaha.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0039.ogg" ;「信じらんないっ」\ ^``I don't believe this!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0040.ogg" ;「つか、ちゃんと家まで帰れるかも心配だけど、 ; こんなドライブに、1日付き合わされた、私も信じらんないっ」\ ^``And, I'm worried about whether we'll be able to get back, but the fact that I went along with this driving for a whole day, I don't believe myself!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0071.ogg" ;「あはは、まあまあ、ナントカなるから…たぶん」\ ^``Ahaha, now, now, we'll manage... probably.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;そして私達は、砂浜に新聞紙を敷くと、 ;来る途中で買ったコンビニ弁当を食べ始める。\ ^And then, we spread out some newspaper on the beach, and started to eat the lunch we bought at a convenience store along the way.\ ;本当なら、お弁当持参の方が、それっぽいけど、 ;お互いに得意料理が、ゆで卵では贅沢は言ってられない。\ ^To be honest, bringing our own lunches would've fit better, but both of our best dishes, hard-boiled eggs, couldn't be called extravagant.\ ;せめて、レジャーシートくらい持ってくれば良かった。\ ^At the least, we should have brought a sheet.\ bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0041.ogg" ;「でもさ姫子…」\ ^``But you know, Himeko...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0072.ogg" ;「なあに?」\ ^``What is it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0042.ogg" ;「ナビがないなら、せめて地図くらい持ちなさいよね」\ ^``If you don't have a navigation system, at least get yourself a map.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0073.ogg" ;「うーん、でもなぁ、この気ままな感じも好きなのよねぇ」\ ^``Mmm, but you know, I like this carefree feel too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0043.ogg" ;「じゃあ、せめてその格好は止めなさいよ」\ ^``Well, then at least stop with that look!''\ ;!== This is ambiguous -- is "look" 格好 or 目つき? Coming back to the script after a while, I read it the latter way, then did a double-take when I reached the next line. ;-- haha, interesting... I'm somewhat reluctant to use the more concrete 'outfit' because I'd like to cover the nuance of 格好 that covers 'image' that goes slightly beyond clothes. I'll have to think about it though. ;!== Good point. Maybe there's a way to phrase it that gives the best of both worlds -- e.g. "get yourself a new look" isn't ambiguous, though I guess you won't want to stray that far from the original wording. :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0074.ogg" ;「え~、なんでよ? わたし作業服好きなのに」\ ^``Eh? But why! I like work overalls...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0044.ogg" ;「ダメ、隣の私も、なんか恥ずかしいから」\ ^``No! Because sitting next to you makes me feel embarrassed!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0075.ogg" ;「ちぇっ、機能的なのになぁ」\ ^``Pfft. But it's functional, you know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0045.ogg" ;「…機能よりも、美しさを優先してよ」\ ^``... Instead of function, put form first.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;そんなことを言いながら、二人で食べたコンビニ弁当。\ ^While we chatted, the two of us continued to eat our lunches.\ ;潮風に揺れる松林と、背の高いフェニックスの木。 ;時折、ウミネコも近づいてきた。\ ^Pines swayed in the salt breeze, and the large phoenix palms stood tall. Occasionally, seagulls came near.\ ;そんな、いかにもって場所にもかかわらず…\ ^Though it was such an utterly perfect place...\ ;なんてゆーか絵的に、砂浜に新聞紙を敷き、 ;フリル姿の優花と、作業服の私では、浮きまくってて可笑しい。\ ^How should I say... the image of the newspaper mats, Yuka's frilly clothing, my work overalls, it was all so silly that it was laughable.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0076.ogg" ;「ね、また来週来ようか?」\ ^``Say, let's come again next week?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0046.ogg" ;「嫌よ」\ ^``No!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0077.ogg" ;「わ、即答された」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_147 ^``Wow, instantly rejected''\ goto *generated_148 *generated_147 ^``Uwa, instantly rejected.''\ *generated_148 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0047.ogg" ;「だってさ、なにが哀しくて、 ; 毎週毎週、女二人でドライブばっかなのよ」\ ^``Well, isn't it sad that each and every week, it's only two girls going out together for drives?''\ ;!== Surely "wouldn't it be", not "isn't it"? The current phrasing implies that it's something they've been doing for a while, whereas this is actually the first time. ;-- mmm with 'isn't it' Yuka is saying that the monotonic progression of girl-only drives that will happen is depressing. But looking at it I'm going to reposition the ばっか so that it's closer to reality. ;-- for some reason, a big rearrange mere weeks before testing... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0078.ogg" ;「だってこれ、2人乗りなんだもん」\ ^``Well, this is a car for two people after all!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0048.ogg" ;「そーゆー問題じゃないでしょ」\ ^``That's not the problem is it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0079.ogg" ;「まあまあ、寂しいもん同士ってことで」\ ^``Now, now, let's just say we're partners in loneliness.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0049.ogg" ;「くっ…」\ ^``It...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0050.ogg" ;「…くやしいけど反論できないわ」\ ^``... It hurts to admit this, but I have no counter.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" ;あんなに高かった日が翳りだし、 ;見えるもの全てをオレンジに染める頃…\ ^Around when the sun that had been so high was hazing over and everything that could be seen was dyed orange...\ bg "en\car_run2b.jpg",3 ;再び走り出したユーノス。 ;海辺で遊んだ私達は、早い帰路へと就く。\ ^Once again the Eunos drove on. ^We had played at the beach, and now took up a quick route home.\ bg "en\shanai6b.jpg",2 ;今日は楽しかった。 ;そんなことを思いながらハンドルを握っていると、\ ^Today had been a fun day. ^While thinking that, I gripped the wheel.\ dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0051.ogg" ;「でもさあ、最近あなたって全然行ってないでしょ? 教会」\ ^``But lately, you haven't been going, right? Church.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0080.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0052.ogg" ;「千尋ちゃんもボヤいてたわよ、」\ ^``Chihiro-chan was grumbling about it you know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0053.ogg" ;「最近、お姉ちゃんは、全然来てくれないって」\ ^``|`Lately, Onee-chan just won't come.' she said.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0081.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0054.ogg" ;「ねえ、たまには顔だしたら?」\ ^``Say, once in a while, why don't you show up?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0082.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0083.ogg" ;「だ、大丈夫よっ」\ ^``I-it's fine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0084.ogg" ;「それに以前も言ったでしょ、」\ ^``And didn't I say before?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0085.ogg" ;「しょせんわたしは、エセカトリックだって」\ ^``That from the start, I was a fake Catholic.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0086c.ogg" ;「だから…大丈夫なのよ…」\ ^``That's why... it's fine...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0055.ogg" ;「…姫子?」\ ^``... Himeko?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai6b.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0087.ogg" ;「さて、そんな訳で来週もドライブ決定ね」\ ^``So, it's decided that next week we're going for a drive again, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0088.ogg" ;「あ、今度はお弁当も持ってこようか?」\ ^``Ah, and this time, why don't we bring lunches?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0089.ogg" ;「そんで、今日より遠くを目指してみましょうよ」\ ^``And let's shoot for getting farther than today!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0056.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0057.ogg" ;「ふう~」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_149 ^Yuka sighed.\ goto *generated_150 *generated_149 ^* Sigh. *\ *generated_150 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0058.ogg" ;「はいはい、わかったわよ、 ; しょうがないから付き合ってあげる」\ ^``Fine, fine, I get it. There's just no helping you, so I'll come along.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0090.ogg" ;「ありがとー、さすが親友ねっ」\ ^``Thank youuu! Just like a best friend!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え ;bg "tr\h005.jpg",5 bg "agilis\2\h005.png",5 click dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1l2.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子05 ―病院― \ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0091.ogg" ;それから一週間後…\ ^And one week later...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0092.ogg" ;教会には、日曜学校へと向かう人が溢れ、\ ^The church was filling with people headed to Sunday school.\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0093.ogg" ;先週の予定では、 ;ロードスターで海へと向かっている筈だった頃、\ ^It was around the time set last week, when the roadster was supposed to head towards the sea.\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0094.ogg" ;…わたしの姿は、病院のベッドの上にあった…\ ^My figure was found, atop a hospital bed...\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>病院のアナウンスみたいの mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0032.ogg" ;「はい、お姉ちゃん、リンゴむいたよ」\ ^``Here, Onee-chan, the apple's peeled.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0095.ogg" ;「ありがと、あんたも食べなさいよ、好きでしょ?」\ ^``Thank you, you eat too. You like them don't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0033.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Yeah.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_151 ^A brief knock and the door opened.\ goto *generated_152 *generated_151 ^* Knock knock. Click. *\ *generated_152 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0059.ogg" ;「ふう、重かった」\ ^``Phew, so heavy...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0060.ogg" ;「姫子、ほら、買ってきてあげたわよ」\ ^``Himeko, look, I bought them for you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0096.ogg" ;「悪かったわね、下の売店じゃ売ってなかったのよ、その本」\ ^``Well sorry, but the shop downstairs didn't sell those magazines.''\ ;-- just because it amuses me, I think I'll have himeko call them mags and yuka can whine about heavy books. ;== Works for me. It fits Yuka's character well enough. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0061.ogg" ;「別に構わないけどさ、 ; 次からはもうちょっと薄い本にしてくれる?」\ ^``I don't really mind, but next time, could you make them lighter books?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0062.ogg" ;「それと、あんまりマニアックな本は止めてよね、 ; レジ持っていくの恥ずいから」\ ^``And stop with the books for obsessed maniacs, okay? Taking them to the register was embarrassing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0097.ogg" ;「別に、モーターサイクリストや、アメ車マガジンは、 ; 普通の本だと思うけど…」\ ^``I think `Motorcyclist' and `American Car Magazine' are perfectly normal magazines...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0063.ogg" ;「私にとっては違うのっ」\ ^``Well to me they aren't!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0034.ogg" ;「ま、まあまあ二人とも」\ ^``Now, now the two of you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0035.ogg" ;「ここは相部屋だから、あんまり騒いじゃダメだって…」\ ^``This is a shared room, so you shouldn't be so rowdy...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0064.ogg" ;「あ…そうだったわね、ごめん」\ ^``Ah, that's right. Sorry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;お見舞いに来てくれた二人。\ ^Two people who came to visit me.\ ;千尋は言うまでもないけど、 ;ああ見えて優花は、一番に駆けつけてくれた。\ ^Nothing need be said about Chihiro, but even looking like this, Yuka had been the first to rush over.\ ;以前に風邪で寝込んだ時も、 ;文句言いながらも、ずっと傍で看病してくれた。\ ^Even before, when I'd be in bed with a cold, complaining all the while, she'd be at my side taking care of me.\ ;ちょっと素直じゃないけど…本当はとても優しい。^@^ ;それが私の親友だった。\ ^She wasn't the most true to herself... but really was very kind.^@^ ^That was my best friend.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0065.ogg" ;「もぐもぐ…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_153 ^And that friend was hungrily eating.\ goto *generated_154 *generated_153 ^* Munch munch. *\ *generated_154 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0066.ogg" ;「うん、美味しいわね、このメロン」\ ^``Mmm, it's delicious isn't it? This melon.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0098.ogg" ;「ちょっと、あんた見舞いなんだから、 ; そんなガツガツ食べないでよ」\ ^``Hey, you're the one that's visiting, don't gobble it all up!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0067.ogg" ;「別に良いじゃない、一杯あるんだし」\ ^``Why not? There's plenty.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0099.ogg" ;「もう~」\ ;And this is why we need to refer to the voice acting... Natsumi made this sound like a whine/whimper than what I had imagined. ^``But...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0068.ogg" ;「でもさ、いきなり入院って聞いた時は驚いたわよ」\ ^``But really, when I suddenly heard that you were admitted into the hospital, I was surprised.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0036.ogg" ;「うん、わたしもビックリした」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_155 ^``Yes, I was surprised too, Onee-chan.''\ goto *generated_156 *generated_155 ^``Yes, I was surprised too.''\ *generated_156 ;More line disambiguation goodness !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0069.ogg" ;「なのに、急いで駆けつけてみたら…」\ ^``And then, when I rushed over to see---''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0100.ogg" ;「ピンピンしてて、拍子抜けよね~」\ ^``--- I was so lively! What a disappointment!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0070.ogg" ;「こら、あんたが言わないでよ」\ ^``Hey! You shouldn't be saying that!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0101.ogg" ;「あはは、だって皆んな、そんな顔してるんだもん」\ ^``Ahaha, but everyone was making that kind of face!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",2 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0071.ogg" ;「そういえば千尋ちゃん、他の人は?」\ ^``Speaking of which, Chihiro-chan, what about everyone else?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0037.ogg" ;「うん、会社の人とかたくさん来てたんだけど、 ; さっき帰っちゃった」\ ^``Yeah. Lots of people from the company came, they left just before.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0102.ogg" ;「ちなみに、手ぶらで見舞いに来たのは、あなただけよ」\ ^``By the way, the only person to come empty-handed --- was you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0072.ogg" ;「うるさいわね、変な本、買ってきてあげたでしょうが」\ ^``Quiet you! I bought those weird books for you didn't I?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0103.ogg" ;「あれは、ちゃんと代金渡したからお遣いであって、 ; お見舞いの差し入れとは言えないわね」\ ^``That, was an errand that I most definitely gave you the money for. You can't really call that a visiting gift, right?''\ ;!== The "where ... for" construction reads strangely: is it an idiom you hear used in casual speech? ;-- it's the where that's similar to the "X where X is Y" construction. but either way, I can just shift it to 'that' with no big loss... interestingly I have 'that' in my novelization version, I wonder why I didn't fix it here !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0073.ogg" ;「く、相変わらず屁理屈を…」\ ^``A-always with the little details...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0104.ogg" ;「でもね、やっぱ、うれしいもんよ」\ ^``But you know, it really is a happy thing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0105.ogg" ;「毎日会っているような相手でも、 ; こうやってお見舞いに来てくれるとさ」\ ^``To have even people that you see every day come like this to visit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0074.ogg" ;「メロンも持ってきて貰えるしね」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_157 ^``And, Himeko, they bring you melons too!''\ goto *generated_158 *generated_157 ^``And they bring melons for you too!''\ *generated_158 ;The trick about unvoiced mode is that there's no name indicator... ;!== Would it help to have one? It wouldn't be hard, we could add it to dwave. ;-- Nah, not worth the effort. Plus you can usually figure it out from flow of conversation if it's ever ambiguous. It helps that Setsumi almost never talks. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0106.ogg" ;「ま、たまには病気も悪くないかなぁ」\ ^``Ah well, maybe once in a while, being sick isn't so bad.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え 夏の始め ;SE;>蝉の声 ;bg "tr\h006.jpg",5 bg "agilis\2\h006.png",5 wait 500 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;■プロローグ姫子06 ―夏― \ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0107.ogg" ;「それから数ヵ月…気の早い蝉が鳴く頃、」\ ^``And a few months from then... the time when some early cicadas were calling.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0108.ogg" ;「春には毎日のように来ていた、お見舞いの人が、 ; ほとんど姿を見せなくなった頃、」\ ^``In the spring, the visitors came almost every day, but it was now the time where they rarely came.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0109.ogg" ;「相変わらず私は、病院のベッドの上にいた…」\ ^``And as always, I was atop a hospital bed...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0038.ogg" ;「ふう、今日も暑いなぁ…」\ ^``Phew, it's hot today too...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_159 ^A few knocks and the door opened.\ goto *generated_160 *generated_159 ^* Knock, knock. Click. *\ *generated_160 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0039.ogg" ;「お姉ちゃん、もう食べ終わった?」\ ^``Onee-chan, are you done eating?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0040.ogg" ;「そろそろトレーを返す時間なんだけど…」\ ^``It's about time to take back the tray...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0110.ogg" ;「私、こーゆーの苦手なのよね」\ ^``You know, I'm not too fond of this stuff.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0041.ogg" ;「あ、またブロッコリー残してるし」\ ^``Ah, and you're leaving the broccoli again.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0111.ogg" ;「千尋、それより、売店でアイス買ってきてよ」\ ^``Chihiro, instead of that, buy me an ice cream from the store!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0042.ogg" ;「ダメだよ、決められたもの以外は、 ; 控えなさいって言われてるんだから」\ ^``No. You've been told to avoid everything except what's prescribed.''\ ;!== I think 言われる has to refer to Himeko, i.e. "you've been told"; 控える means "abstain from [yourself]", not "deprive [someone else] of". Additionally, a few lines later, where we find that Chihiro has been warned by the doctor, that's それでなくても -- "even if _you_ hadn't been told to abstain, _I've_ been warned". ;-- mmm fair enough, and the fix only takes one word anyways !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0112.ogg" ;「まあまあ、堅いこと言わないでよ」\ ^``Now, now, stop saying such strict things.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0043.ogg" ;「ダ・メ、それでなくても、 ; この前、先生に注意されたところなのに」\ ^``N-o. Not to mention, just before, you were about to be put on watch by the doctors.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0113.ogg" ;「はーい、わかりましたぁ」\ ^``Okaaay, I get it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0044.ogg" ;「もう、返事だけは良いんだから…」\ ^``Oh, only your responses are good...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0045.ogg" ;「いいことお姉ちゃん、 ; また勝手に、売店で買ってきちゃダメだからね」\ ^``Don't forget, you aren't supposed to just up and go buy some at the store yourself again either.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0114.ogg" ;「わかってるって」\ ^``I said I got it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0046.ogg" ;「ふう、」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_161 ^Chihiro gave a weary sigh.\ goto *generated_162 *generated_161 ^* Sigh. *\ *generated_162 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0047.ogg" ;「それじゃ、わたし、そろそろ行くね」\ ^``Well, it's about time I go.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0115.ogg" ;「ん? もしかして…上?」\ ^``Mm? Do you mean... up?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0048.ogg" ;「あ、うん…7F…」\ ^``Ah, yeah... the 7th floor...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0116.ogg" ;「そっか…」\ ^``I see...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0117.ogg" ;「あなたも無理しないようにね」\ ^``Don't push yourself too hard now.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0049.ogg" ;「うん、お姉ちゃんもね」\ ^``Mm, you too, Onee-chan.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE;>カチャ;>バタン bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 夏の終わり ;SE;>ヒグラシ dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0118.ogg" ;「あんなに長かった夏が終わりを告げ、」\ ^``Around the time of the close of that long summer...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0119.ogg" ;「夕空にヒグラシの声が響く頃、」\ ^``When the ~i~higurashi~i~/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_163 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_163 ^ were calling to the night sky.''#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_164 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~A type of cicada with a call some describe as mournful.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~A type of cicada with a call some describe as mournful.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_164 ^#ffffff\ ;!== Are higurashi sufficiently well known to pass without a note? The game and anime obviously mean the _word_ is familiar to most people in the visual-novel fan community, but I do wonder how many of them will understand its meaning outside that context. ;-- hrm. I had a mental note here that a footnote might've been necessary but the syntax hadn't formalized yet and I just started not caring about one borrowed word =) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0120.ogg" ;「今も私はここにいた。 ; 今日も彼女は、この場所に来ていた」\ ^``Even now, I was here. ^And today, too, she had come.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_165 ^A few knocks and the door opened.\ goto *generated_166 *generated_165 ^* Knock, knock, Click. *\ *generated_166 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0075.ogg" ;「入るわよ」\ ^``I'm coming in.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0076.ogg" ;「よ、元気そうね」\ ^``Hey, you're looking well.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0121.ogg" ;「おかげさまでね」\ ^``Thanks.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\isu2b.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0077.ogg" ;「よいしょっと…」\ ^``* Yoisho! *''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0122.ogg" ;「あら? お見舞いの品は?」\ ^``Oh? And the visiting gift?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0078.ogg" ;「はあ?」\ ^``Wha?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0123.ogg" ;「相変わらず、手ぶらのようだけど」\ ^``As always, you seem to be empty-handed.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0079.ogg" ;「なーに言ってるの、当然じゃない」\ ^``What are you talking about? Of course!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0080.ogg" ;「むしろ、毎日来てるわたしを誉めて欲しいわ」\ ^``In fact, you should praise me for coming every day!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0124.ogg" ;「えらいえらい、なでなで」\ ^``Amazing, wonderful, pat pat!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0081.ogg" ;「だぁっ、やめなさい」\ ^``Agh! Stop that!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0125.ogg" ;「じゃあね、メロン持ってきてくれたら、皆勤賞あげるわ」\ ^``Well then, if you brought a melon, I'd give you the perfect attendance award.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0082.ogg" ;「い・ら・な・いわよ、そんなの」\ ^``I. Don't. Need. That.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;そんな他愛もない会話を、 ;ベッドの横のパイプ椅子に座って話す。\ ^We had a childish conversation as she sat in the folding chair next to the bed.\ ;!== To my ear "such a" implies そんなに rather than そんな. ;-- mmm fair enough, the そんな can be glossed over somewhat since it's annoying to bring out ;こんな光景も、今では見慣れたものへとなりつつあった。\ ^This scene itself, by now was becoming a familiar one.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0083.ogg" ;「あ~あ、せっかくの日曜なのになぁ」\ ^``Ahhh, and it's a Sunday too...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0127.ogg" ;「…悪いわね…優花…」\ ^``... Sorry... Yuka...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0084.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0128.ogg" ;「…この夏を、無駄にさせちゃってさ」\ ^``For wasting your summer away...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0085.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0086.ogg" ;「べ、別にいいわよ、も、元々、予定があった訳でもないしっ、 ; い、いつも、ついでで来てるだけなんだしっ」\ ^``I-it's nothing at all. It's not like I had anything planned, a-and I'm always just coming by along the way...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0087.ogg" ;「そ、その…えと…」\ ^``S-so... um...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\b.jpg",10,1500 wait 800 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" wait 500 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0088c.ogg" ;「も、もう、さっさと元気になりなさいよっ」\ ^``O-oh! Just hurry up and get better!''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0089c.ogg" ;「またドライブでも何でも付き合ってあげるからっ」\ ^``I'll go driving or whatever with you again.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0090c.ogg" ;「………だからっ」\ ^``... So...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0129.ogg" ;…それ以上、彼女の声はわたしの耳に届かなかった…\ ^... Beyond that, her words didn't reach my ears...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0130.ogg" ;に響く、ヒグラシに消されて聞こえなかった。\ ^I couldn't hear them as the cries of the higurashi in the evening erased them.\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0131.ogg" ;ここに来て、早、3ヶ月…\ ^It's been almost 3 months since I've come here...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0132.ogg" ;突然のことに自分自身、まだ現実ってのが実感できなかった…\ ^It was all so sudden, I still didn't feel the reality of it...\ dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwavestop 5 mov %flg2_cha2,1 mov %flg2_bplay,2 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_2 mov $sys_midasi,"^#03 / Himeko 2 [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "tr\h007.jpg",5 bg "agilis\2\h007.png",5 wait 500 bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" ;■プロローグ姫子07 ―二人― \ ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0133.ogg" ;「気づけば、木々の色が赤く染まり…」\ ^``If you looked around, the leaves on the trees were turning red...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0134.ogg" ;「病院での生活もすっかり慣れた頃…」\ ^``And I had become quite used to life at the hospital...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0135.ogg" ;「私を訪ねてくる人は完全に途絶えても、 ; 今も私はここにいた」\ ^``Even as the people who came to visit me stopped coming completely, I was still here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0136.ogg" ;「今日もあの二人は…この場所に来ていた」\ ^``And again, today... those two had come.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>コンコン;>カチャ mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0050.ogg" ;「はい、お姉ちゃん。今日はプリン付きだよ」\ ^``Here you go, Onee-chan, today's comes with pudding.''\ ;!== I have a sneaking suspicion I queried this before and you assured me that "pudding" in American English has the same meaning as プリン in Japanese. If I didn't, and it doesn't, then you probably want to revise this. :) ;!== ("pudding" in British English is of course a much more generic term, that can mean anything from dessert to a kind of steamed savoury pie to a kind of sausage. I love this language...) ;-- pudding here is a typically sweet desert that has a gooey texture. i.e. Chocolate pudding (which I guess you would consider a mousse) or rice pudding, which is rice cooked until all the starches unravel and it becomes a creamy paste. ;-- I'm also leaving it as 'pudding' instead of the other possibility, 'flan'... ;!== OK, that sounds similar enough to プリン for me. I guess they probably borrowed that word from US English, unlike e.g. パンツ which is definitely British in origin :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0137.ogg" ;「そう…でも今は欲しくない」\ ^``I see... but I don't want it now.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0138.ogg" ;「千尋、あんた食べなさいよ、プリン好きでしょ」\ ^``Chihiro, you eat. Didn't you like pudding?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0051.ogg" ;「ダメ、これはお姉ちゃんの食事なんだから、 ; 自分でちゃんと食べないと」\ ^``No, this is Onee-chan's dinner, you should eat it yourself.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0139.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これ食べたら、売店で肉まん買ってきてくれる?」\ ^``Then, if I eat this, would you buy me a meat bun from the shop?''\ ;!== Shock! Agilis translates a Japanese word that Haeleth merely transliterates! :D !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0052.ogg" ;「もう、変な交換条件出さないでよ」\ ^``Oh, don't start making strange bargains.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_167 ^A few knocks before the door opened.\ goto *generated_168 *generated_167 ^* Knock, knock. Click. *\ *generated_168 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0091.ogg" ;「よ、元気そうね」\ ^``Hey, you're looking well.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0053.ogg" ;「あ、優花さん…」\ ^``Ah, Yuka-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0092.ogg" ;「なに? 今日もまた、好き嫌いで、駄々こねてるの?」\ ^``What? Are you being picky about your food and pouting over it again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0054.ogg" ;「うん、お姉ちゃんったら、しょうがないのよ」\ ^``Yeah. That Onee-chan, there's just no helping her.''\ ;== This almost sounds like Chihiro is addressing Yuka as "Onee-chan"... ;-- True <_< But since Chihiro always uses Yuka-san, I'm safe! =3 ;== Good point. There's still a risk people will think Chihiro is addressing Himeko, and be confused by what she's saying, though. I wonder if "That" would be a workable English ったら -- "That Onee-chan, there's just no helping her." ;-- hrmm. I like that 'that', the another somewhat amusing alternative would be a rewrite to 'Un, with Onee-chan, there's no hope." though it's slightly strong for my shade of chihiro. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0093.ogg" ;「こらっ」\ ^``Look here!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE;>叩く音 ;dwave 5,"se2\kon01.ogg" ;コツンっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_169 ^The dull sound of plastic rang out.\ goto *generated_170 *generated_169 ^* Bap. *\ *generated_170 ;!== Can a dull sound ring? Discuss. [5 marks] ;-- no less than shots ringing out dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0140.ogg" ;「あいたっ」\ ^``Ow!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0094.ogg" ;「千尋ちゃん困らせるんじゃないわよっ」\ ^``Don't go troubling Chihiro-chan now.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0095.ogg" ;「ったく、あんただけは、しょうがないわね」\ ^``Geez, there's just no helping you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0141.ogg" ;「うぅ、トレーの角で叩かなくても…」\ ^``Uu, you didn't have to hit me with the edge of the tray...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0096.ogg" ;「ほら、さっさと食べる食べるっ、 ; 無理やり、口ん中に入れちゃうわよ」\ ^``Hey, hurry up and eat, eat! I'm going to cram it into your mouth!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0142.ogg" ;「わっ、わかったって、」\ ^``O-okay already!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0143.ogg" ;「さっきのも、冗談で言っただけなんだから…」\ ^``I was just joking before...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0097.ogg" ;「ん~、まだ、なんか言ってるのは、この口かっ」\ ^``Mmm? Is this mouth still talking?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0144.ogg" ;「て、わ、こら止めなさいって」\ ^``Hey, wait, stop that!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0055.ogg" ;「あははは」\ ^``Ahahaha.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;■心情・情景;>長め dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0056.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉ちゃん…私、そろそろ時間だから…」\ ^``Well, Onee-chan... it's about time...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0145.ogg" ;「うん、先生達にもよろしくね」\ ^``Okay, say hello to the doctors for me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、パタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_171 ^The door closed with a click.\ goto *generated_172 *generated_171 ^* Click. *\ *generated_172 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0098.ogg" ;「…千尋ちゃん、まだ続けてるんだ?」\ ^``... Chihiro-chan is still continuing?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0146.ogg" ;「ええ、今、7F担当だから大変だと思うわ…」\ ^``Yes, right now, she's stationed on the 7th floor, so it's probably stressful...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0099.ogg" ;「そっか…確かそこって、ホスピスだったよね」\ ^``I see, that place was... the hospice right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;その言葉に私は小さく頷いてみる。\ ^I nodded a bit at those words.\ ;そして、以前から心の片隅にあったことを、 ;思い切って打ち明けてみた。\ ^And then, I finally brought up what had been in a corner of my heart for a while now.\ ;彼女だからこそ、一番に伝えたかった…\ ^Because she was who she was, I wanted to tell her first...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0147b.ogg" ;「ねえ優花…」\ ^``Say, Yuka...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0148b.ogg" ;「もしも、もしもだけどね…」\ ^``If, just if...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0149b.ogg" ;「いつか私が、7Fに入ったとしたら…」\ ^``Someday, if I'm put into the 7th floor...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0100.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0101.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと、なに縁起でもないこと言ってんのよ」\ ^``W-wait, what kind of unlucky things are you saying here?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0150b.ogg" ;「ううん…聞いて…」\ ^``No... listen...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0102.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0151b.ogg" ;「もし私が7Fに行った時は…」\ ^``If the time comes that I go to the 7th floor...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0152b.ogg" ;「もう…お見舞いには来ないでね」\ ^``Don't... come visit me anymore, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;その言葉に俯いたままの優花。 ;私だって、彼女の哀しそうな顔は見たくない。\ ^At those words, Yuka hung her head. ^Even for me, I don't want to see her sad face...\ ;だけど…もし本当に7F行きになってしまったら…\ ^But... if it really came to be that I were to go the 7th floor...\ ;もっともっと哀しませてしまう。 ;そんな優花の姿を見るのだけは耐えられそうになかった。\ ^She would only get more and more sad. ^To see Yuka that way was the only thing I didn't think I could bear.\ dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0103.ogg" ;「ば、ばかっ、なに言ってるのよっ」\ ^``S-stupid! What are you saying!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0104.ogg" ;「むしろ毎日でも行ってやるわ、皆勤賞モノよ」\ ^``In fact, I'll come every day. I've got perfect attendance after all!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0105.ogg" ;「も、もちろん手ぶらで、 ; お見舞いなんて絶対に持っていかないんだからっ」\ ^``A-and of course empty-handed. I'll never bring you anything!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0106b.ogg" ;「だ、だから…そんなこと言わないでよっ」\ ^``So... so don't say such things!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0153.ogg" ;「…優花…」\ ^``... Yuka...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0107.ogg" ;「うぅ、ううっ…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_173 ^Yuka began crying.\ goto *generated_174 *generated_173 ^``.......''\ *generated_174 ;Indeed. my clever voice hack fails without sound! !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 !s80 ;…この狭い病室に、彼女の嗚咽が響いていた。\ ^... In that small room, her sobs hung in the air.\ ;今まで何年も共にして…^@^ ;夜通し話したって、話題が尽きたことは無かったのに…\ ^All the years we've been together...^@^ however much we've chattered all night, we had never run out of things to talk about...\ ;今の彼女にかける言葉を、私は持ち合わせてなかった。\ ^But for the girl crying right now, I could find no words.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 冬 ;bg "tr\h008.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h008.png",3 wait 500 bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;■プロローグ姫子08 ―冬― \ mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0154.ogg" ;「吹く風が、心地よいから、冷たいへと変わる頃、」\ ^``Around when the wind changed from feeling pleasant to cold.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0155.ogg" ;「いつものように、ここへとやってくる二人」\ ^``As always, the two came here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0156.ogg" ;「でも…ある日を境に、少し変わった」\ ^``But... at end of one day, a little bit changed.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;SE;>食器の音 bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\sara03.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0157.ogg" ;「ごちそうさま…」\ ^``Thanks for the food...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0057.ogg" ;「あ、ちゃんとブロッコリーも食べたんだね」\ ^``Ah, you finished your broccoli too.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0158.ogg" ;「まあ、ホントは嫌いなんだけど…」\ ^``Yeah, though I really don't like them...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0058.ogg" ;「ねえ、他に何か欲しいものない?」\ ^``Hey, is there anything else you want?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0159.ogg" ;「うーん…売店のアイスが欲しいわね」\ ^``Mmm... an ice cream from the store.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0160.ogg" ;「ついでに肉まんも欲しかったりして」\ ^``And while we're at it, let's say I want a meat bun too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0059b.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0060b.ogg" ;「わかった、すぐ買ってくる」\ ^``Okay, I'll go buy some now.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0161.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_175 ^The door closed with a click.\ goto *generated_176 *generated_175 ^* Click. Slam. *\ *generated_176 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0162.ogg" ;「…冗談のつもりだったのに…」\ ^``... I had meant that as a joke...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0163.ogg" ;「今まで…どんなに頼んでもダメだったのに…」\ ^``Until now... no matter how much I asked, it was no...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0061b.ogg" ;「はぁふぅ、た、ただいまっ」\ ^``Phew, I'm back...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0062b.ogg" ;「は、はい、ダッシュで買ってきたよ」\ ^``H-here, I ran to buy them.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0063b.ogg" ;「ほら、まだ温かいから、美味しいよ」\ ^``Here you go. It's still warm, so it'll be good.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0064b.ogg" ;「あ、アイスは、冷蔵庫に名前書いて入れておいたから」\ ^``Ah, and the ice cream, it's in the refrigerator with your name on it.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0165.ogg" ;「そう、ありがと…」\ ^``I see, thanks...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0065c.ogg" ;「うん、他にも欲しいものあったら言ってね」\ ^``Mmm. If you want anything else, just tell me, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0066b.ogg" ;「それで、早く元気になって…」\ ^``And, get better quickly...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0067c.ogg" ;「また…一緒に教会行こうね?」\ ^``And... let's go to church together again, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0164.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0166.ogg" ;「千尋…」\ ^``Chihiro...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0167.ogg" ;「あなた、口調がヘルパーになってるわよ」\ ^``Your way of speaking... it's becoming like a helper's.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0068b.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0168.ogg" ;「どうやら、そういうことのようね」\ ^``So, that's how things are looking eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\isu1.ogg" dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0069.ogg" ;「あ、えと、別にそんな…」\ ^``Ah, um, it's not...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0169.ogg" ;「隠さなくていいわ、 ; 私だって、伊達にやってなかったんだから」\ ^``You don't have to hide it, because I never did it well myself.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0070.ogg" ;「お姉ちゃん…」\ ^``Onee-chan...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0170.ogg" ;「ま、さすがに半年以上、入院してたから、 ; そろそろかなって思ってたしね」\ ^``Well, it's been over half a year since I've been admitted. I had been thinking it was coming soon.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" bg "e\sora06.jpg",5 wait 700 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0171.ogg" ;「…驚き、哀しみ、怒り、やるせない、寂しい…」\ ^``Surprise. Sadness. Anger. Desolation. Loneliness...''\ !sd dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0172.ogg" ;「もしこの時の感情を、一言で表すなら…」\ ^``If I had to describe the feelings at that time in a breath...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0173b.ogg" ;「…よく分からない、が最も近いだろう」\ ^``... `I don't know' would probably be the closest.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\kyoukai1l.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0174.ogg" ;「人は、受け入れ難い現実に出会った時…」\ ^``People, when they face a difficult to accept reality...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0175.ogg" ;「自分自身のことですら、客観視できるのかも知れない…」\ ^``Even if it's about themselves, they may only be able to feel like outside observers...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_____________________ ;・冬 ;SE;>風 ;SE;>風;>クリスマス ;bg "tr\h009.jpg",5 bg "agilis\2\h009.png",5 wait 500 ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;■プロローグ姫子09 ―クリスマス― \ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0176.ogg" ;「冬の冷たい風が吹き、 ; テレビにクリスマスソングが流れ出す頃、」\ ^``Around when the cold winds of winter blew, and Christmas songs flowed from the televisions.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0177.ogg" ;「こんな時にもずっと傍にいてくれる二人…」\ ^``Even at this time, the two were always by my side...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0178.ogg" ;「まだ私自身、告知されていないけど…」\ ^``Still, I haven't been told directly yet...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0179.ogg" ;「7Fへと行く日は、そう遠くないのだろう」\ ^``But the day I go to the 7th floor probably isn't far off...''\ !sd dwavestop 5 ;_;_ ;・クリスマス bg "en\w.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0108.ogg" ;「メリークリスマスっ」\ ^``Merry Christmas!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\kura.ogg" ;パパンパン、パンっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_177 ^Party poppers loudly popped.\ goto *generated_178 *generated_177 ^* Pop pop pop! *\ *generated_178 mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0180.ogg" ;「はいはい、メリークリスマス」\ ^``Yes yes, Merry Christmas.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0071.ogg" ;「ほら、お姉ちゃん、ケーキ買ってきたよ」\ ^``Look, Onee-chan. I bought a cake.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0109.ogg" ;「あら、美味しそうね」\ ^``Oh, that looks delicious.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0110.ogg" ;「もぐもぐもぐ…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_179 ^Yuka started eating.\ goto *generated_180 *generated_179 ^* Gobble Gobble. *\ *generated_180 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0181.ogg" ;「て、なにイキナリ食べてるのよ」\ ^``Hey! What are you doing eating all of a sudden!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0111.ogg" ;「ふぃいじゃないよぉ、いっぱいあるんだから」\ ^``Fwhy not? There's plenty!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0182.ogg" ;「こら、当然のようにイチゴ取るんじゃないわよ」\ ^``Hey, don't take the strawberries like you're supposed to!''\ ;!== Ambiguous: the reader has to pause and work out whether "like you're supposed to" means "as though you're supposed to" or "the way you're supposed to". ;-- the second reading is... really strange under the context that she's scolding... It's like saying "Don't drive the car in the way you're supposed to!" you'd only take that sort of reading if you're promopted to with context I think ;!== Sure -- I just mean that some people will start off reading "like" the wrong way and then have to backtrack and read it again when the first try doesn't make sense. It's not a big deal. ;-- it's probably because over here were, like, ridiculously free with, like... like. though I personally detest it's overuse... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0072b.ogg" ;「ちょ、ちょっと優花さん、ちゃんと皿に分けるから」\ ^``W-wait, Yuka-san. I'll be dividing it onto plates, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0112.ogg" ;「ふぁあい」\ ^``Fiiine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",2 bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0073.ogg" ;「ふう、美味しかったね」\ ^``Ahhh, that was delicious.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0183.ogg" ;「そうね、ほとんど優花が一人で食べ尽くしたけど」\ ^``It sure was, even if Yuka ate most of it herself.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0113.ogg" ;「なによ、今日みたいな日にまで来たんだから、 ; これくらい良いでしょ」\ ^``What's with that? I came on a day like this, at least let that much slide.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0114.ogg" ;「うぅ、ホントなら、今頃は素敵なイブを満喫してる頃なのに…」\ ^``Uu. Otherwise, right about now, I'd be feasting a wonderful Eve away...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0184.ogg" ;「嘘ばっかり、どうせ相手なんていないくせに」\ ^``Such lies. It's not like you've got a partner.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0115.ogg" ;「ぐっ…くやしいけど反論できないわ」\ ^``I-it... hurts to admit this, but I have no counter.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0074.ogg" ;「あと、お姉ちゃんこれ…」\ ^``And, Onee-chan, here...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0185.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^``Un?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0075.ogg" ;「クリスマスプレゼント…マフラー編んでみたの」\ ^``A Christmas present. I tried knitting a muffler.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0186.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0076.ogg" ;「そのう、あんまり上手くないかも知れないけど…」\ ^``Well... I'm not sure if it came out well...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0187.ogg" ;「ううん、ありがとうね、千尋…」\ ^``Oh no. Thanks Chihiro.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0077.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^``Sure.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0116.ogg" ;「ホント、姫子にはもったいない、よく出来た妹よね~」\ ^``Really, such a wonderful sister is wasted on Himeko.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0188.ogg" ;「うるさいわね、 ; 相変わらず手ぶらのアンタがなに言ってるのよ」\ ^``Quiet you. You're one to talk, coming empty-handed as usual.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0078.ogg" ;「まあまあ、二人とも…」\ ^``Now, now, the two of you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;…いつもと変わらないやり取り。\ ^A common, everyday exchange.\ ;優しい妹に、口うるさい親友。 ;他愛ないことで笑い合う、何年も過ごしてきた日常の一コマ。\ ^A kind sister, a best friend with a mouth, laughing over silly things, the picture of the many typical days that had passed over the years.\ ;違うのは、今日がクリスマスであり、 ;ここが病院の5Fだということ。\ ^What was different, is that today is Christmas, and this is the hospital's 5th floor.\ ;そして…間もなく7Fへと行くことだった。\ ^And... soon, I will be headed to the 7th.\ bg "en\byousitu2y.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\isu1.ogg" !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0189.ogg" ;「じゃあさ千尋…」\ ^``Then, Chihiro...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0190.ogg" ;「ついでに、もう一つ欲しいものがあるんだけど…」\ ^``While we're at it, there's one more thing that I want...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0191.ogg" ;「…いいかな?」\ ^``... Is it okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0079.ogg" ;「あ、うん? なに?」\ ^``Ah, um. What is it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0192.ogg" ;「…ユーノス、持ってきて…」\ ^``The Eunos. Bring it here...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0080.ogg" ;「えっ」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0193.ogg" ;「車庫にあると思うから…」\ ^``I think it's in the garage...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0081.ogg" ;「で、でも、お姉ちゃん…」\ ^``B-but, Onee-chan...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0194b.ogg" ;「悪いわね…どうしても乗りたいのよ…」\ ^``Sorry... but no matter what, I want to drive it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd ;■心情・情景 dwave 5,"se2\katen.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\karakara.ogg" ;カラカラカラ、\ ;-;Nuke. if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_181 ^* Karakarakara. *\ *generated_181 bg "en\yakei01.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" ;カーテンを開け、5Fの窓から眺めた街の夜景。\ ^Opening the curtains, and gazing out at the city at night from the 5th floor window.\ ;その澄んだ冬空には、大きな月さえ顔を覗かせていた。\ ^In that clear winter sky, even the large face of the moon shone.\ ;そして…間もなくこの景色も、 ;更に高い位置から眺めることになるのだろう。\ ^And soon... this view, I'll probably see it from a higher place.\ dwavestop 5 ;僅か15cmしか開かない窓から、眺めることになるのだろう…\ ^I'll probably be gazing from a window that can only open 15cm...\ !sd bg "en\b.jpg",5 !s90 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0102.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 5,"se2\isu1.ogg" dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0117b.ogg" ;「いいわよ、持ってきてあげる」\ ^``Alright, I'll bring it to you.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0082.ogg" ;「…優花さん?」\ ^``... Yuka-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 wait 700 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0195d.ogg" ;「…さすが親友ね…」\ ^``... Just like a best friend...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0102.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0118.ogg" ;「……ふんっ」\ ^``... Hrmph!''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0119.ogg" ;「クリスマスくらい、手ぶらじゃ悪いと思っただけよ」\ ^``I just feel bad coming empty-handed on Christmas.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3500 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 路上 bg "e\b.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_182 ^The car doors slammed shut.\ goto *generated_183 *generated_182 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_183 bg "en\car_chu_y4.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_03.ogg" !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0196.ogg" ;「じゃあ、行くわよ」\ ^``Well, here we go.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\car_chu_y5.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0120b.ogg" ;「ええ…」\ ^``Yeah...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 mp3 "bgm2\2na_fb.mp3" ;bg "tr\h010.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\h010.png",1 ;bg "tr\h010b.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h010b.png",3 ;bg "tr\h010c.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\h010c.png",1 ;bg "tr\h010d.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h010d.png",3 ;bg "tr\h010f2.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\h010f2.png",1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0197.ogg" ;「ねえ、寒くない?」\ ^``Hey, are you cold?''\ !sd dwave 6,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0121b2.ogg" ;「…激寒よ」\ ^``... Freezing.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\car_run_y2b.jpg",1 bg "en\car_run_y2.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0198.ogg" ;「そう…やっぱり、この季節は向いてないわね…」\ ^``I see... it's not really fit for this season, is it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0122b.ogg" ;「バカ、乗る前に気づきなさいよ」\ ^``Idiot. Realize that before you start driving.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0199.ogg" ;「あはは、まあそうよね…」\ ^``Ahaha, well that's true...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai1y.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0200.ogg" ;「優花…前の場所に行きたいんだけどさ…」\ ^``Yuka... I want to go to that place from before...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0123b.ogg" ;「あの海?」\ ^``That beach?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0201.ogg" ;「うん、でも自信ないよ…ナビも地図もないし」\ ^``Yeah, but I'm not really confident... and I don't have a navigation system or a map.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0124b.ogg" ;「別にいいわよ…好きなように走りなさい」\ ^``That doesn't matter... drive how you want.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0125c.ogg" ;「クリスマスの夜は…長いんだからさ」\ ^``Christmas night... is long after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0202.ogg" ;「そうね、わかったわ…」\ ^``That's true. Okay...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\car_run_y1.jpg",5 ;_独白なので、落ち着いたゆっくり系で;_;_;_;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0203.ogg" ;…名も知れぬ道を走るロードスター…\ ^The roadster drove along roads with unknown names...\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0204.ogg" ;暗い夜空が少しずつ白みだす頃、あの海へと向かっていた…\ ^Around when the dark night was slowly lightening, it was headed towards the sea...\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",10,2000 dwave 1,"tui3\himeko-0205.wav" ;…どうして、こんなことをしたくなったんだろうか…\ ^Why did I want to do such a thing, I wonder...\ dwavestop 1 dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"tui3\himeko-0206.wav" ;その厳密な理由は…自分でもわからなかった…\ ^The exact reason... not even I knew...\ dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_run_y52.jpg",5 ;聞こえきた潮騒。 ;春の日と変わらない、高いフェニックスの木。\ ^The crashing of waves could be heard. Unchanged from that spring day, the phoenix palms stood tall.\ ;暗い空が完全に夜明けへと変わる頃…\ ^And just when the dark night gave way to the dawn...\ ;気づけば私達は、あの場所へと到着していた。\ ^Before we knew it, we arrived at that place.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_184 ^The doors on the car slammed shut.\ goto *generated_185 *generated_184 ^* Click, slam. *\ *generated_185 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0126b.ogg" ;「着いたわね…」\ ^``We've made it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0207.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^``Yeah...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\umibey2.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0127b.ogg" ;「ホント、よく無事に着いたもんね」\ ^``Really, it's amazing we got here safely.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0208.ogg" ;「どう、悪くないでしょ、私の運転も、この車も」\ ^``How about it? It's not so bad right? My driving, and this car.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0128b.ogg" ;「まあ、寒いのを除けばね」\ ^``Well, if you take away the cold.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !w1500 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0129b.ogg" ;「そうだ、缶ジュース買ってきてあげる」\ ^``I know, I'll buy you a can of something.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\jihan1.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;チャリンチャリン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_186 ^A vending machine rattled, ending with a thud.\ goto *generated_187 *generated_186 ^* Chakin Kachin *\ *generated_187 dwave 5,"se2\jihan2.ogg" ;ガタゴン、\ ;-;rawr if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_188 ^* Ka-thunk *\ *generated_188 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0130b3.ogg" ;「あつつっ、すごい熱いわね、この自販機」\ ^``H-hot! This vending machine's really hot!''\ ;!== The idiom's natural in Japanese, but in English the picture this gives is Yuka having trouble getting the drink out because the machine itself is too hot to touch... ^^; ;!== The alternative would be to have "this can's really hot" and let the reader figure out that it's the vending machine's fault, but if you're keen to stick as close as possible to the Japanese then I won't argue. ;!== OK. !sd dwavestop 1 ;>遠く;>こちらで加工 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0131b2.ogg" ;「姫子~、あんたコーヒーでよかったっけ?」\ ^``Himeko! Are you fine with coffee?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0209.ogg" ;「ううん」\ ^``U~~un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0132b2.ogg" ;「じゃあ、ミルクティーにするー?」\ ^``Then, how about milk tea?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0210.ogg" ;「ううん…」\ ^``U~~un...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "en\umibey2.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0133.ogg" ;「もう、早く決めてよ」\ ^``Geez, decide quicker.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0134b.ogg" ;「120円とはいえ、私が奢るなんて滅多にないんだからさ」\ ^``Never mind that it's ¥120, it's not every day that I treat you to something.''\ ;== \ won't work -- it'll be mistaken for the end-of-page marker. Use U+00A5 (¥) instead if you want the symbol (and it should come before the number, not after!) ;-- bah it all looks the same under gvim with cp932 >_< I'll muck with this mess later ;== Microsoft will face a thousand years of torment for cp932. Why the one company in the world that relies most on the backslash decided to make it look like a yen sign, I will never understand. @_@ ;--hrm. I've replaced the symbol with the full width yen symbol available in my IME temporarily. what do you use to check the unicode code point of a symbol (or insert it for that matter) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0211.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0135b.ogg" ;「ほら、なんでも良いから欲しいの言ってよ」\ ^``Look, if you want anything, just say it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0212.ogg" ;「…なんでも?」\ ^``... Anything?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0002b.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Yeah.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0213b.ogg" ;「じゃあ…^@^…地図が欲しいかも…」\ ^``Then...^@^... I might want maps...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0136b.ogg" ;「…地図? 地図ってあの地図のこと?」\ ^``... Maps? You mean, ~i~those~i~ maps?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0214.ogg" ;「うん…代わりにユーノスあげるから」\ ^``Un... and in exchange, I'll give you the Eunos.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0137b.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0215.ogg" ;「…大切にしてね」\ ^``Take good care of it, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0138b.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",10,3000 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0139b.ogg" ;「うぅ、うう…ひっく」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_189 ^Yuka began crying.\ goto *generated_190 *generated_189 ^``.........''\ *generated_190 !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0140b.ogg" ;「ば、ばか、そんな哀しいこと、急に言わないでよっ」\ ^``S-stupid! Don't... say such sad things all of a sudden!''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0216.ogg" ;「あのね、どうやら私、7F行きみたいなんだ…」\ ^``You see, it looks like I'm headed to the 7th floor...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0217.ogg" ;「もしかしたら…”バチ”が当ったのかも知れないね…」\ ^``Maybe... it's some kind of punishment...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0218b.ogg" ;「だからさ…よかったら貰ってくれる? ユーノス」\ ^``So... will you accept it? The Eunos.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0141.ogg" ;「む、無理だよぉ…私には受け取れないよぉ」\ ^``I-I can't... I can't take that.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\b.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0219.ogg" ;「それでね優花…前にも言ったけど…」\ ^``And also, Yuka... I said this before...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0220.ogg" ;「もう、お見舞いには来ないで欲しいの…」\ ^``I don't want you to visit me any more...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0142.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_191 ^She continued to sob.\ goto *generated_192 *generated_191 ^``.........''\ *generated_192 !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0221c.ogg" ;「あ、あなたがそんな顔すると、私も辛いから…」\ ^``B-because when you make such a face, it's hard for me too...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi12.ogg" ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0222.ogg" ;;「ごめんね…ごめんね…」\ !sd ;dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",10,1500 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwavestop 5 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン 後日 ;■プロローグ姫子11 ―地図― \ dwave 6,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1l2.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0001.ogg" ;…響きわたる鐘の音…\ ^... The rolling sound of bells...\ dwavestop 1 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;bg "tr\h011.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h011.png",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_torib.ogg" ;bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0223.ogg" ;「教会に、日曜学校へと向かう人が溢れ、」\ ^``The church was filling with people headed to Sunday school.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;bg "en\kyoukai1l2.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0224.ogg" ;「冬の寒さが本格的になった日、」\ ^``The day the cold of winter began in earnest.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0225.ogg" ;「私の手首に巻いた腕輪は…青から白へと変わった」\ ^``The band wrapped around my wrist changed... from blue to white.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0226b.ogg" ;「結局、ユーノスは受け取ってもらえなかったけど…」\ ^``In the end, the Eunos wasn't accepted, but...''\ ;== Why the passive? I find the sentence becomes a lot weaker without the connotations of ~てもらう + potential. ;-- Mmm I'm not sure, somehow this feels right from my internal pacing, while saying 'she didn't take the Eunos from me' would work, it leaves me feeling somewhat unbalanced with the following passive map line. ;== But the following line isn't passive either in the Japanese... :P ;== The thing with もらえなかった is that it's emphasising Himeko's failure to persuade Yuka to accept the Eunos, not simply the fact that it wasn't taken. Suddenly she's lost all ability to affect the world around her. ;-- let's see, while I strongly disagree with that 'lost all ability' interpretation which I feel is far too strong even with exaggeration... Putting that aside. It seems that my instincts made me use 'in the end'+ passive/passive-like constructions in order to color the scene with a note of powerless fatalism, but it is overly subtle, leaving all further persuasion efforts implied. I'll have to admit that I didn't distinguish ~てくれるvs~てもらう particularly cleanly. And while I'm at it, I'll shade the lines more. !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0227b.ogg" ;「翌日…私の手元には地図が届いた」\ ^``The next day... into my hands --- maps were delivered.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆BG 地図を見る姫子 bg "en\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\tizu01b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0228b.ogg" ;「…どうして、こんなモノを欲しがったのか…」\ ^``... Why was it, that I wanted these...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0229.ogg" ;「やはりその厳密な理由は、自分でもわからなかった」\ ^``The exact reason, still, not even I knew.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\tizu01e.jpg",5 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0230d.ogg" ;「只…それ以来…彼女と会うことはなかった」\ ^``It was just... from then on... I never saw her.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s100 dwave 1,"w2\1\himeko-0231d.ogg" ;「彼女の皆勤賞は…そこで止まった…」\ ^``Her perfect attendance... stopped there...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 5,"se2\03_kami2.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 ;クリアフラグ mov %flg2_cha3,1 mov %flg2_bplay,3 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_3 mov $sys_midasi,"^#04 / 15th Summer [a]" dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;setwindow 210,250,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "caption" !sd erasetextwindow 0 !s120 dwave 0,"wn\setu_002.ogg" ; …眩しかった日のこと…そんな夏の日のこと…\ ^... Those dazzling days... Those summer days...\ dwavestop 0 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\w.jpg",1 bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 bg "agilis\2\c00.png",5 bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。 ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^Burning sunlight and the sound of cicadas. ^Today also looked like it would be a hot day.\ ;あの日、初めて入院した日から迎える3度目の夏。\ ^The third summer that I've faced since the day I was first hospitalized.\ ;もちろんずっと入院していた訳じゃない。 ;自宅と通院とを挟みながらの毎日だった。\ ^Of course, it's not like I was hospitalized the whole time. They were days interrupted with home and outpatient care.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_003.ogg" ;「半年前だろうか…最後に来てくれたのは…」\ ^``It's been half a year... since they last came...''\ !sd ;パジャマを着ている時間が少しずつ増え…^@^ ^The time I spent wearing pajamas slowly grew...^@^ ;それと反比例するように、わたしを訪ねてくれる人は減った。\ ^And as if in direct proportion, the number of people who came to visit me shrank.\ ;最初は毎日のように見舞いに来てくれたクラスメート達。\ ;かつて、友達と呼んでいた存在。\ ^At first, classmates came to visit me every day.\ ^People that were once called friends.\ ;でも今では、知り合いへと変わった。 ;道で出会っても、2~3言の挨拶だけでその場を去っていく。\ ^But now, they had turned into acquaintances. ^Even if I meet them on the street, they'd leave after exchanging a few words of greeting.\ ;間もなく、その知り合いは他人へと変わり、 ;いつしか彼等の記憶からも消されることになるのだろう。\ ^Soon, those acquaintances will turn to strangers, and someday, I'll probably be erased from their memories.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_004.ogg" ;「どうやら、良い気がしないのだろう」\ ^``It probably makes them uncomfortable...''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_005.ogg" ;「普通に生きている人にとって、わたしの存在ってのは」\ ^``For people who live normally... my very existence to them...''\ !sd ;わたしと会っても気分が晴れることはないだろう。 ;わたしのことを思い出しても同じなのだろう。\ ^Even if they meet me, it probably doesn't raise their spirits, and probably the same goes for thinking about me.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_006.ogg" ;「…だから、消すことにしたのだと思う」\ ^``... And so, I think they've decided to erase me.''\ !sd ;なのに下校時間の頃になると、 ;毎日、窓から誰かが来るのを眺め続けた。\ ^Yet, whenever the end of the school day came, every day, I continued to watch for someone to come.\ ;そして半年も待ちつづけてから、外を見るのを止めた。\ ^And then, after half a year of waiting, I stopped looking outside.\ ;やっと、部屋のカーテンを閉めることを覚えた。 ;それを認めることにした。その理由を察した。\ ^Finally, I remembered to close the curtains. Accepted the fact. Guessed at the reason.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_007.ogg" ;「3年もかけて、わたしにも分かるようになった」\ ^``After three years, even I came to understand.''\ !sd ;わたしのことを忘れるではなく…\ ^It's not that they had forgotten about me...\ ;最初から知らなかったことに…見なかったことにしたいらしい。^@^ ;最初から、”何もなかったこと”にしたいらしい。\ ^It seemed they made as if from the start, they never knew me, never saw me.^@^ As if there had been nothing there to begin with.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_008.ogg" ;「彼等もまた…」\ ^``They probably...''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_009.ogg" ;「…目を瞑っていたいのかも知れない…」\ ^``Want to keep their eyes closed...''\ !sd ;;☆BG 雨 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "en\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;何度目かの入退院を繰り返した頃、\ ^Around when I was being admitted in and out of the hospital.\ ;もう誰もわたしを訪ねてくることが無くなり、 ;恐らくは、全ての人の記憶から消されてしまった頃…\ ^When people had already stopped coming to visit me, and I had most likely been erased from everyone's memories...\ ;わたし達家族は、長く住み慣れた一戸建てから、 ;アパートへと引越しすることになった。\ ^My family moved, from the free-standing home we had long lived in, to an apartment.\ ;お母さんは近所のお弁当屋さんへ、 ;パートに出るようになった。\ ^And Mother started working part-time in a nearby take-out lunch shop.\ ;それがどんな意味を成すかは、自分にも理解できた。\ ^The meaning behind it all, even I could understand.\ ;…入院費もバカにならない。\ ^... Hospital fees were no joke.\ ;病棟では、毎日のように入院患者の人達が、 ;話題としていることだった。\ ^In the ward, every day, it was a conversation topic for the patients.\ ;その家族の想像以上に、 ;当人達は家族への負担を気にしていることを知った。\ ^I came to know how the patients themselves felt the responsibility to their families far more than the families could imagine.\ ;そして、移ってきた古くて少し汚い木造建の新居。\ ^And then, the small, old, slightly dirty wooden building that was our new home.\ ;狭くなった上に、お父さんの通勤時間は2時間を超えた。 ;逆に、わたしの病院への距離は、歩いて3分となった。\ ^On top of being smaller, Father's daily commute stretched to over two hours. However, the distance I had to take to the hospital became a three minute walk.\ ;そんなボロくて狭いアパートを前にしてお父さんは、\ ^In front of that beat-up, cramped apartment, Father said,\ ;『ここは空気が良くて気持ちいいな』\ ^``The air here is nice and feels good, doesn't it?''\ ;そう言って、笑った。 ;お母さんも同じように笑ってみせてくれた。\ ^Saying that, he smiled, and Mother smiled in the same way.\ ;身体に障るだろうと、わたしの部屋につけてくれたクーラー。 ;もちろん他の部屋にクーラーはなかった。\ ^Because the heat might aggravate my health, they put an air conditioner in my room. Of course, no other room had one.\ ;パートに出るようになったお母さんは、 ;よく残り物だと言って、コロッケやポテトを持って帰ってくれた。\ ^And Mother, who had started going to that part-time job, often brought back croquettes and fries for me saying they were leftovers.\ ;狭い部屋の中、一緒に食べた。いつも嬉しそうに笑ってくれた…\ ^In that cramped room, we ate together. Always, they smiled happily...\ !s100 ;…とても…^@^…辛かった。\ ^It was very...^@^... painful.\ !sd bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;それらの気遣いが、たまらなく辛かった。 ;有り難い、嬉しいよりも申し訳ない気持ちで一杯だった…\ ^Their thoughtfulness was unbearably painful. Instead of feeling thankful or happy, I was filled with guilt.\ ;”お前のせいだ”\ ^``It's your fault.''\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_010.ogg" ;「きっと…そう言って欲しかったのかも知れない」\ ^``Probably... that's what I wanted them to say.''\ !sd ;もっとなじって欲しかった、優しくされるのが辛い… ;どうにもならない自分自身に苛立ちが募り、怒りすら覚えた。\ ^I wanted them to blame me more. Being treated kindly hurt... I remember uncontrollable feelings of irritation, even anger, towards myself.\ ;もし、神さまが居るのならば、早く治して欲しいと思った。 ;それが無理ならば、今すぐ死なせて欲しいとさえ思った。\ ^If God were around, I wanted Him to quickly heal me. Or if that wasn't possible, to let me die now.\ ;他の人達が、わたしの存在を消そうとする中…\ ^Everyone else was in the middle of erasing my existence...\ ;それとは逆に、より際立たせようとする両親。\ ^But in contrast, my parents sought to make me stand out.\ ;…それが余計に辛かった。 ;優しくされても、それに報いることの出来ない自分を恨んだ。\ ^That was much more painful. ^Even as I was being treated kindly, I hated myself for being unable to repay it.\ ;世の中に無数にある、”不運”というモノの一つが、 ;偶然、自分の上に降りたことを呪った…\ ^I cursed the fact that one of the countless misfortunes in the world happened to fall on me by chance...\ ;こんな時こそ…わたしも笑顔を向け、 ;明るく振舞うべきかも知れないけど…\ ^In such times... smiling and putting on a cheerful air may have been what I was supposed to do...\ ;本当はあまり好きじゃなかったポテトを、 ;黙って食べるくらいしか出来なかった…\ ^But all I was able to manage was to quietly eat the fries that I really didn't like very much...\ mp3fadeout 3000 stop bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;ミーンミンミン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_193 ^There was no silence in the air.\ goto *generated_194 *generated_193 ^* Meen Meeen Meen. *\ *generated_194 ;mp3loop "bgm\e01.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;灼けた日射しと蝉の声。\ ^The burning sun and cries of cicadas.\ ;白い梅雨空が明け、完全に夏のものへと変わる頃、 ;何度目かの入院を繰り返し、やっと退院した。\ ^When the white rainy-season clouds cleared and it had turned completely into summer. After being readmitted to the hospital for the n-th time, finally, I was discharged.\ ;でも、それで終わりではなかった。\ ^But, that wasn't the end of it.\ ;退院とは、次に入院するまでの、 ;長い通院生活の始まりを指す言葉でもあった。\ ^The word ``discharged'' also meant, until the next time I was admitted, the beginning of a long life of outpatient care.\ ;…炎天下の中、 ;歩いて3分の距離を、パジャマ姿のまま今日も病院へ向かう。\ ^Under the blazing sky today, I again walked the three minutes' distance in my pajamas.\ ;付き添いで来ようとするお母さんには、 ;”大丈夫だから”と告げた。\ ^To my mother, who had offered to come along, I replied, ``It's alright.''\ ;自分なりに気を遣ったつもりだけど、 ;その言葉に寂しそうな顔を向けられるとわたしも辛かった。\ ^In my own way, it was supposed to be out of consideration for her, but the desolate look on her face at my words had also hurt.\ bg "en\a007.jpg",5 ;ふと、足を止めた先にはどこかの学校。\ ^My feet happened to stop before some school.\ ;恐らくは小学校だろう。\ ;既に夏休みに入った為か、ほとんど人の姿は見えなかった。\ ^Most likely, it was an elementary school.\ ^Since it was already summer vacation, there weren't many people around in sight.\ ;dwave 0,"wn\setu_018.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd ;そんな、ひと気のない校庭を前にし、 ;何故かわたしは見つめてしまう。思わず足を止めてしまう。\ ^In front of that empty schoolyard, for some reason, I wound up gazing at it. Without thinking, my feet had stopped.\ ;時折、元気に走り回る子供達の姿を見つけては、 ;その姿を目で追ってしまう…\ ^Occasionally, I would see happy children running around, and my eyes would follow them...\ ;炎天下の中、長袖のパジャマが暑かった。 ;こんな姿で校庭を眺める自分が、ひどく場違いに思えた。\ ^Under the blazing sky, the long-sleeved pajamas were hot. I felt strongly out of place gazing at the schoolyard.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;…しばらくその場で立ち尽くしてから、 ;また歩き始めるわたし。\ ^... After standing there for a while, I once again began to walk.\ ;但し、行き先は病院ではなく家だった。\ ^However, not towards the hospital, but home.\ ;そして、部屋に帰ると、 ;箪笥にしまったままだったセーラー服を取り出す。\ ^And, once I returned to my room, I took out the sailor uniform that had been in my dresser.\ ;…3年ぶりに袖を通した、新品同様の制服。 ;かつて、一週間ほどしか着ていなかった。\ ^... Sleeves that I hadn't passed my arms through in 3 years, a just-like-new uniform. Previously, they had been worn for only a single week.\ ;そして今のわたしにとっては… ;唯一のパジャマ以外の服だった。\ ^And now, to me... they were the only clothes other than pajamas I own.\ dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;再び、炎天下の中を歩く。 ;うるさい蝉の声も、流れる汗も先程と同じ。\ ^Once again, walking under the blazing sky. The noisy cicadas and running sweat was the same as just before.\ ;でも、通りを歩く人が、わたしに目をとめることはない。\ ^But the people who walked by, their eyes did not pause upon me.\ ;このわたしも、町の風景の一部として、 ;日常を築く為のパーツとして…『認められた』気がした。\ ^Even I, as a part of the backdrop of the city, as a part of what builds up everyday life, felt... ``accepted.''\ ;そして、先ほどの校庭へと入っていくと、 ;目の前に並ぶ、小さな子供用の鉄棒。\ ^And then, when I entered the schoolyard from earlier, before my eyes was a metal bar for small children to play with.\ ;わたしはそこへと手を伸ばすと、\ ^I extended my hands toward it.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_022.ogg" ;「…んっ…」\ ^``... Nnn...''\ !sd ;腕に力を入れ、思いっきり引きながら大地を蹴る。\ ^Placing strength into my arms, I pulled with all my might and kicked at the ground.\ ;一瞬だけ宙に浮いたような感覚から…^@^くるりと回る身体。\ ^A moment's sensation of floating...^@^ and my body spins around.\ bg "en\a002a.jpg",1 dwave 0,"wn\setu_043.ogg" bg "en\a002b.jpg",3 bg "en\a002.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setu_012.ogg" ;「…まだ大丈夫」\ ^``... It's still okay.''\ !sd ;何故かそんな呟きをこぼしながら、 ;鉄棒の上から見た景色。\ ^I whispered that aloud for some reason while I looked around from atop the bar.\ ;強い日射しがグラウンドを白くさせ、 ;陽炎のように地面を揺らしていた。\ ^The strong sunlight made the playground seem white, and the heat made the ground look wavy.\ ;時折聞こえてくる楽しげな子供達の声と、 ;自らが夏の主役であることを主張する蝉の声。\ ^Occasionally, I could hear the voices of happy children, and the insistent voices of cicadas declaring that summer was their season.\ ;既に体重を支えることに震え始めた腕で、 ;わたしは、”今”を感じていた。\ ^With my arms already beginning to shake from supporting my weight, I soaked up the ``present.''\ ;…どうして、突然こんなことをやりたいと思ったのだろうか…\ ^Why was it that I suddenly wanted to do this I wonder...\ ;その厳密な理由は自分でも分からない。\ ^The exact reason, not even I knew.\ ;今では、パジャマ以外の服を着ることがなくなり、 ;またその必要に迫られることもなくなった。\ ^By now, the times I wore anything but pajamas dwindled; the pressure from the need to do otherwise had also disappeared.\ ;それを寂しいと思ったのか… ;それとも、自らの体力がまだ大丈夫だと確信したかったのか…\ ^Did I find that to be sad? Or perhaps, I wanted to test if I still had the strength?\ bg "en\a003.jpg",5 dwave 0,"wn\setu_013.ogg" ;「わたしは…皆んなと同じはず…」\ ^``I... should be the same as everyone...''\ !sd ;…普通の皆んなと同じで、”あちら側”にいる筈だと。^@^ ;だから逆上がりくらいで、こんな辛そうな顔はしない筈だと。\ ^Should be the same as the normal people who were ``over there.''^@^ So, just from a somersault around a bar, I shouldn't be making such a strained face.\ dwavestop 5 ;そう思うから、 ;無理にでも笑顔を作ってみようとするけど…\ ^Because I felt that way, I forced myself to make a smile...\ ;震える腕を止めることも出来ず、 ;やはりそれも…^@^わたしには難しいようだった…\ ^But just as I was unable to stop the shaking of my arms... it seemed, that too was... ^@^difficult, for me...\ bg "en\a004.jpg",5 bg "en\w.jpg",3 mp3fadeout 3000 stop bg "en\nar011.jpg",3 bg "en\nar01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setu_0000.ogg" bg "en\nar01.jpg",5 bg "en\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "en\nar01d.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;ミーンミンミン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_195 ^Cicadas' calls filled the air.\ goto *generated_196 *generated_195 ^* Meen Meeen Meen. *\ *generated_196 mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" dwave 0,"wn\setu_011.ogg" ;「…暑……」\ ^``... Hot...''\ !sd ;まだ午前中だというのに、熱気に揺れるアスファルト。\ ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^Even though it was still morning, the asphalt was wavy from the heat.\ ^Today also looked like it would be a hot day.\ ;そんな中、いつものように一人で病院へと向かう。\ ^And in that, as always, I headed towards the hospital alone.\ ;この距離だから、別にパジャマのままでも良いのに、 ;外出時にはよくセーラー服を着るようになっていた。\ ^With this distance, even though I could have gone in pajamas, when I had to go out, I've come to wear my sailor uniform.\ ;…恐らくわたしは、まだ揺れているのだろう。\ ^... Most likely, I was still wavering.\ ;この揺れがいつまで続くかは自分でも分からない。 ;ある日、ぱたっと諦められる程度かも知れない。\ ^How long this wavering will continue, not even I knew. One day, I may suddenly just be able to give up.\ ;只、3年という時間は、 ;人を変えるに十分すぎるのだと思うようになった。\ ^It was just that I had come to think that the span of three years was more than enough time for a person to change.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",5 ;そして、例の学校も越え、 ;目の前に病院の入り口が見えた時…\ ^Then, passing by that school and as the entrance to the hospital was before my eyes...\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_014.ogg" ;「…ボタン、取れかかってる…」\ ^``... The button is falling off...''\ !sd ;手に持った小さなトートバック。\ ;取手を留める為のボタンがほつれていることに気づいた。\ ^In my hands was a small tote bag.\ ^I noticed that the button that held the handle was fraying off.\ ;いつからかは分からないけど、 ;ここまで来て家に引き返す訳にはいかない。\ ^How long it had been like that, I didn't know, but coming all this way, I wasn't going to go back home.\ ;だからわたしは、胸にカバンを抱えるようにして、 ;そのまま病院へと向かうことにした。\ ^So I held the bag to my chest and continued towards the hospital.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ^......\ ;いつもの先生と、いつもと変わらないやり取りをし、 ;今日の診察も終わった。\ ^The usual doctor, the usual exchanges, and today's examination ended.\ ;体調が落ち着いている時は週1回、 ;週3回になると短期入院の兆しのようだった。\ ^When my body's condition was stable, it was once a week. Three times a week seemed to be a sign of a short hospitalization.\ ;…これで今週の診察も終わった。\ ^... With this, this week's examination was over.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;わたしは1Fの外来出入り口へと向かう。\ ^As I thought that, I headed towards the exit on the first floor.\ bg "en\a006.jpg",5 ;午後の休診時間に入った為か、 ;ほとんど人の見えなくなった外来通路。\ ^In the afternoon, the doctors weren't seeing patients, so the halls were mostly empty.\ ;時折、インターンらしき人を、 ;ぞろぞろ引き連れて歩くどこかの先生。\ ^Occasionally, a doctor would walk by with a group of intern-like people in tow.\ ;慌しく救急窓口へと向かう看護婦さん。\ ^Nurses rushed to the first aid window.\ ;食事制限を受けているだろうに、売店で買い食いする入院患者。 ;手首に見える、緑の腕輪は消化器系だと聞いていた。\ ^A patient, probably under dietary restrictions, was in the shop buying snacks. Their wristband was visible, green, which I heard was for digestive disorders.\ ;これも全て、特に変わり映えしない普段の病院の姿だった。\ ^All of this, was just the ordinary, everyday hospital.\ ;そして、そんな売店の前で…\ ^And, in front of that shop...\ ;初めて、わたしはその人と会った。\ ^Was the first time that I met her.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\sabu_006.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^``Hey, you...''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_015.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd ;突然、明るい声で呼び止められ驚いてしまう。\ ^Suddenly, a bright voice called out to me and surprised me.\ ;振り返った先にはパジャマ姿の見知らぬお姉さん。\ ^Turning around, before me was the pajama-clad figure of an ~i~Onee-san~i~ I didn't recognize.\ ;もしや、入院していた時の知り合いかとも思ったが、 ;その顔や姿に見覚えはない。\ ^I had thought it might have been someone I met while I was admitted here, but I didn't recall the face or figure.\ bg "en\a006.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setu_016.ogg" ;「…なにか?」\ ^``... Yes?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_007.ogg" ;「それ、ボタン取れかかっているわよ」\ ^``That button, it's falling off you know.''\ !sd ;言いながら、わたしのトートバックを指差す。\ ^As she spoke, she pointed at my tote bag.\ ;只の親切心かも知れないけど、 ;既に自覚していることを告げられ返答に困ってしまった。\ ^It might have been a simple act of kindness, but since I had already noted the problem, I had trouble finding a reply.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_017b.ogg" ;「…そうね…」\ ^``... Why yes it is...''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_008.ogg" ;「そうねって、それだけ? 他に言うことは?」\ ^``|`Why yes it is'? That's it? You've nothing else to say?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_018b.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_019d.ogg" ;「……どうも…」\ ^``... Thank you...''\ !sd ;言いながら小さく頭を下げた。\ ^As I spoke, I lowered my head a bit.\ ;さすがに知っていると答えるのは躊躇われた。 ;かといって、ありがとうとも答えづらかった。\ ^Because I already knew, my reply came out hesitatingly. But even then, it was too difficult to say ``Thank you very much.''\ ;…見たことのないお姉さん。 ;長い黒髪と明るい声が印象的だった。\ ^... The Onee-san that I hadn't seen before. Her long black hair and bright voice left an impression.\ ;病院の備え付けスリッパでないところを見ると、 ;通院ではなく、入院中の人で間違いないのだろう。\ ^Looking at her slippers, the kind provided by the hospital, she was probably not an outpatient, but admitted.\ ;…細い手首に見える腕輪の色は白。 ;それは初めて見る、わたしの知らない色だった。\ ^Looking at her thin wrist, her wristband was white. That was a color I hadn't seen before.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_009.ogg" ;「ねえ、直してあげよっか?」\ ^``Say, how about I fix it for you?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_020c.ogg" ;「えっ……」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_010.ogg" ;「私、ソーイングセットも持ってるから」\ ^``I have a sewing set.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_021c.ogg" ;「…でも……」\ ^``But...''\ !sd ;突然の言葉にわたしは戸惑ってしまう。 ;それは、ボタンがどうこうという意味ではなかった。\ ^At her sudden words, I hesitated. But not over a button that didn't mean much.\ ;ここ数年、消されるだけの存在だった自分にとって、 ;相手から進んで繋がりを持たれることは全くなかった。\ ^These past few years, because my existence was always only being erased, I've had absolutely no experience with someone actively trying to relate with me.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_011.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、ほら、いらっしゃい」\ ^``Don't worry about it, look, come here.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_022.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_012b.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、別に変な場所じゃないから」\ ^``Don't worry, it's not like it'll be a weird place.''\ !sd ;その言葉を最後に、 ;すたすたと歩き始めるお姉さん。\ ^With those words, she started walking briskly.\ ;わたしは複雑な気持ちを抱えたまま、その後に続いた。\ ^And while wrapped in mixed feelings, I followed behind.\ mp3fadeout 3000 stop bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;乗り込んだエレベーター。\ ^We got into the elevator.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;お姉さんは黙って、最上階を押した。\ ^Without a word, she pressed the button for the highest floor.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_023.ogg" ;「…7F?」\ ^``... 7th floor?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_013.ogg" ;「あら、もしかして知ってた?」\ ^``Oh, do you know about it?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_024.ogg" ;「…ううん…それほどは…」\ ^``... U~~un... Not much...''\ !sd ;7F。 ;いわゆるホスピスと呼ばれる場所。\ ^The 7th floor, the place they called the hospice.\ ;わたしも詳しくは知らないし、もちろん行ったことも無い。 ;第一、関係者以外は入れないとも聞いている。\ ^I wasn't too familiar with it, and of course I've never been there. For one thing, I heard that people not involved with it were barred from entering.\ ;そこに向かうということは、 ;このお姉さんは7Fの人なのだろうか…\ ^It probably meant that if this Onee-san here were headed to the 7th floor, she was a person from there...\ bg "en\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;;;☆BG 7F廊下 ;;SE>エレベーターのチン dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;やがて到着したエレベーター。 ;すぐ目の前がナースステーションのようだった。\ ^Soon, the elevator reached its stop, and right in front of it was the nurses station.\ ;そして、ドアが開くと同時に、 ;一斉にこちらに視線を向ける看護婦さん達。\ ^And when the doors opened, all together, the gazes of the nurses turned toward us.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_014.ogg" ;「あ、私の知り合いだから」\ ^``Ah, this is someone I know.''\ !sd ;その一言で、また何かの作業を再開する。 ;もうわたし達の方を見ようともしなかった。\ ^With that one sentence, they once again went back to their work. No one looked towards us anymore.\ ;只、わたしには初めて来たこの場所が…\ ^It was just my first time here...\ ;例えようのない、独特の重苦しい雰囲気に思えた。\ ^But, without putting my finger on it, I thought the atmosphere was especially heavy.\ ;;☆BG 談話室 bg "en\danwa.jpg",5 ;お姉さんに連れられやってきた、 ;談話室のような場所。\ ^The place the Onee-san finally took me to looked like a lounge area.\ ;明らかに普段わたし達が入院している、 ;3Fや他の階とは違う。こんなソファやテレビはない。\ ^It was very different from the 3rd or other floors that I've been admitted to. Those didn't have these sofas or the TV.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_016.ogg" ;「じゃあ、すぐに直してあげるわね」\ ^``I'll fix this for you quick, okay?''\ !sd ;そう言って、わたしのトートバックを受け取ると、 ;手馴れた感じでボタンを付け直すお姉さん。\ ^With that, she took my tote bag and, with what seemed like a practiced hand, began fixing the button.\ ;それを同じようにソファに座って眺めるわたし。\ ^And like her, I sat down in the sofa and watched.\ ;辺りを見回しても、人の気配は少なく、 ;たまにお年寄りやヘルパーらしき人が通る程度だった。\ ^Even if I looked around, there were few signs of people. Occasionally, an elderly or helper-like person going by was about all.\ ;!== That's "otosiyori YA herupaa-rasiki hito" -- two types of person, not one! ;-- oops eyes flew over the character dwave 0,"wn\sabu_017.ogg" ;「ところであなた…」\ ^``By the way...''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_018.ogg" ;「風邪でもひいたの? それとも誰かのお見舞い?」\ ^``Did you catch a cold? Or you're visiting someone?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_025.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_026b.ogg" ;「…今は…通院中だから…」\ ^``... Right now... I'm an outpatient...''\ !sd ;どう答えようか悩んだが正直に言った。^@^ ;先日退院して今は通院中だとも付け加えた。\ ^I hesitated over how to answer, but said the truth.^@^ I added that I had just been discharged recently and was an outpatient now.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_019.ogg" ;「ふーん、あなたも大変そうね」\ ^``I see, looks like you've got it hard too.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_020.ogg" ;「ちなみに、部活は何やってるの?」\ ^``By the way, what club are you in?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_027.ogg" ;「…部活?」\ ^``... Club?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_021.ogg" ;「だって今は、夏休みのはずでしょう」\ ^``Well, it's supposed to be summer break, right?''\ !sd ;言いながら、わたしの制服を指差す。\ ^As she spoke, she pointed at my uniform.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_022.ogg" ;「入院してたくらいだから文化部かしら? ; もしくは運動部のマネージャーとか?」\ ^``You've been in the hospital, so maybe the literature club? Or maybe the manager of a sports club?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_028.ogg" ;「別に…なにもやってない…」\ ^``Not really, I'm not in any...''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_023.ogg" ;「あら? 意外な回答だったわね」\ ^``Oh? That's an unexpected answer.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_029.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_024.ogg" ;「…もしかして…パジャマは嫌い?」\ ^``... Is it... that you hate pajamas?''\ !sd ;突然の鋭い問いに、わたしは返す言葉が見つからなかった。\ ^At the sudden perceptive question, I couldn't find the words to respond with.\ ;別にパジャマが嫌いな訳ではないけど、 ;その明確な理由は、言葉では上手く伝えられない気がした。\ ^It's not that I hated pajamas, but I sensed that the precise reason would be difficult to put into words.\ ;そして、お姉さんの問いとは…^@^ ;恐らくは、そのことを指しているのだろう。\ ^And what that Onee-san had asked...^@^ was probably aimed straight at that.\ ;言葉の通りに、 ;只、パジャマが好きかを訊ねている訳ではなかった。\ ^She hadn't simply been asking whether I liked pajamas literally.\ ;dwave 0,"wn\sabu_025.ogg" ;;「あなたって入院する時は何階?」\ !sd ;dwave 0,"wn\setu_030.ogg" ;;「…3F…たまに2Fの検査棟もあるけど…」\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_031b.ogg" ;「お姉さんは…ここの人?」\ ^``Onee-san... you're someone from here?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_026.ogg" ;「ええ、こう見えても7Fの住人よ」\ ^``Yeah, even though I look like this, I'm a resident of the 7th floor.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_027.ogg" ;「手っ取り早く言えば、死亡確定者ってことね」\ ^``I guess the short of it is, someone who's death has been confirmed.''\ !sd ;噂程度しか知らなかったことを、 ;直接、7Fの人にあっさり言い切られた。\ ^That which I had only known on the level of rumors, was now clearly spelled out by a resident of the 7th floor.\ ;死という単語を明るく楽しげに言えるお姉さん。 ;少なくともわたしには理解できそうになかった。\ ^She used the word ``death'' in such bright and relaxed tones. At the least, it didn't seem like I could comprehend.\ ;;なのにその口調は明るく楽しげで、 ;;わたしとしても余計に返し辛い。\ ;…この人は、一体なにを考えているのだろうか…\ ^... This person, what on earth could her thoughts be...\ ;;;■心情・情景>陽気に答えるとか\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_028.ogg" ;「ねえねえ、良かったらまた遊びに来てよ」\ ^``Hey, hey, if it's alright with you, come again to play.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_032c.ogg" ;「…わたしが?」\ ^``... Me?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_029.ogg" ;「うん、何もやることが無くて退屈なのよぉ」\ ^``Un, there's nothing to do and it's boring!''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_030.ogg" ;「それにここは、面会時間も遅くまで大丈夫だから」\ ^``Plus, for here, visiting hours go until late.''\ !sd ;そしてお姉さんは、 ;この7Fについて色々と教えてくれた。\ ^And with that, she told me various things about the 7th floor.\ ;今まで曖昧にしか知らなかったけど、 ;ここが死を待つ場所であるという噂は本当のようだった。\ ^Up until now, it had been vague, but it seemed that the rumors that it was a place to wait to die were true.\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_031.ogg" ;「他にもルールとかあるんだけど、これ以上は言えないわ」\ ^``There are other rules, but I can't say any more.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setu_033.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^``... Why?''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_032.ogg" ;「そりゃあ決まっているじゃない」\ ^``Well, that should be obvious.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_033.ogg" ;「あなたは…ここの住人ではないからよ…」\ ^``Because you... are not a resident of this place...''\ !sd ;そう呟いた時だけ…暗い顔をした。\ ^It was only then, when she whispered that... did her face cloud.\ ;その表情は寂しそうでもあり、 ;厳しさも湛えているようにも思えた。\ ^I felt that expression held loneliness, and seemed filled with intensity as well.\ ;…今もこんな服を着て、 ;かつての日常に未練がましく縋るわたし。\ ^... Right now, I was wearing these clothes, steeped with the lingering regret for once normal days.\ ;そんな自分とは違って、 ;このお姉さん…いや、7Fの住人とは、\ ^And unlike myself, this Onee-san... no, these residents of the 7th floor...\ ;全てを認め、既に覚悟を決めた人達なのだろうか…\ ^Had probably given up on everything, and already had made up their resolve...\ dwave 0,"wn\sabu_034.ogg" ;「ま、通院に来たついでにでも寄ってよ」\ ^``Well, even if it's just when you come for examinations, drop by.''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\sabu_035.ogg" ;「どんなに頑張っても、あと半年くらいだからさ」\ ^``Since no matter how hard I try, there's only about half a year left.''\ !sd ;そう言って別れ際に、 ;もう一度だけ嬉しそうな顔を向けた。\ ^She said that and by way of farewell, she once more turned her cheery face towards me.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\w.jpg",1 ;dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;bg "en\sora01.jpg",5 ;長い黒髪と白いビニールの腕輪。 ;明るく楽しげな話し方が印象的だった。\ ^Long black hair, white wristband, and a bright, relaxed way of talking were my impressions.\ !s80 ;お互いに、まだ名前すら知らない。\ ^Still, neither of us knew the other's name.\ !s80 ;…15の夏…^@^これが最初の出会いだった。\ ^... My 15th summer... ^@^ this was our first meeting.\ !sd dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 0,"wn\setu_011.ogg" ;「…暑……」\ ^``... Hot...''\ !sd ;数日後。 ;再び病院を訪れるわたし。\ ^A few days later, again I visited the hospital.\ ;但し、別に今日は検診日では無かった。\ ^However, it wasn't like it was an examination day.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 ;…よかったら遊びに来てよ…\ ^... If it's alright with you, come to play...\ ;先日、知り合ったお姉さんの言葉。\ ^The words of the Onee-san I met a few days ago.\ ;それが、なんとなく気になっていたのと、 ;7Fという場所に、何故か興味を持っていたのかも知れない。\ ^Maybe because I was somehow concerned about that 7th floor place, or maybe I was curious for some reason.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_197 ^The elevator bell rang.\ goto *generated_198 *generated_197 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_198 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;やってきた最上階。\ ^I came to the highest floor.\ ;こちらを見る看護婦さんに軽く頭を下げると、 ;わたしは教えられたお姉さんの病室へと向かう。\ ^With a nod to the nurses who looked my way, I made my way to the door that the Onee-san had told me.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_199 ^I gave the door a knock.\ goto *generated_200 *generated_199 ^* Knock Knock. *\ *generated_200 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0236.ogg" ;「あ、はい、どうぞ」\ ^``Ah, yes, come in.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_201 ^The door opened with a click.\ goto *generated_202 *generated_201 ^* Click. *\ *generated_202 bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0001.ogg" ;「…来たわよ…」\ ^``... I came...''\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0237b.ogg" ;「いらっしゃい、待ってたわ」\ ^``Welcome, I've been waiting.''\ ;!== "Welcome to my... headquarters... Agent Setsumi. I have been... waiting for you... most anxiously." [Strokes cat] ;-- ^_^ what's disturbing is I can hear Maki nee-chan's voice say your line perfectly naturally !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0238.ogg" ;「ささ、座って座って、今日は暑かったでしょ?」\ ^``Come, sit, sit. It was hot today, wasn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0002.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^``... Un...''\ !sd dwave 5,"se2\isu2b.ogg" ;ベッドから身体を半分起こすと、 ;隣にあるパイプ椅子を勧めるお姉さん。\ ^Sitting up in her bed, she offered the folding chair next to her.\ ;初めて入った7Fの病室は、 ;普段居る3Fとは少し違うように感じた。\ ^The first room on the 7th floor that I entered felt a little different from the 3rd floor rooms I was used to.\ ;dwave 5,"se2\isu2b.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0239.ogg" ;「悪かったわね、でもね、きっと来てくれると思ってたわ」\ ^``Sorry about that. But you know, I was sure that you'd come.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0240.ogg" ;「あなた、ヒマだし」\ ^``You've got plenty of time after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0003.ogg" ;「…なんで、決め付けなのよ?」\ ^``... Why did you jump to that conclusion?''\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0241.ogg" ;「ん? だって、私達、病人の仕事は寝ることでしょ?」\ ^``Mm? Because. Our job as the sick, is to sleep, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0242.ogg" ;「世の中で、こんなヒマな人はいないわ」\ ^``There's no other people in the world with as much free time as us.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0243.ogg" ;「あら? そう思わない?」\ ^``Oh, you don't think so?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0005.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^``Not particularly...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0244.ogg" ;「もう、相変わらずクールねぇ」\ ^``Bah, always the cool one, aren't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0245.ogg" ;「て、そうだ、ねえ、あなたアイス好き?」\ ^``Oh, I know. Hey, do you like ice cream?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0246.ogg" ;「あれ? じゃあキライ?」\ ^``Oh? Then you don't like it?''\ ;!== That's あら, もう, て, and あれ that you've all translated as "Oh" in consecutive sentences... ^^; ;-- fine fine but just one, the other Ohs can stay !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0007.ogg" ;「…ううん…」\ ^``... U~~un...''\ ;-- 'Un' 'U~~un' and maybe 'betsuni' are the Setsumi and 名前無し traditions that I shall keep forevaaaaaa ;!== I prefer スマソ, 乙, and maybe(・∀・)...oh, wait, those are _名無し_ traditions, aren't they? :D ;-- うぽつ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0247.ogg" ;「はい決まり、じゃあ、食堂まで一緒に食べに行きましょ」\ ^``Okay, it's decided then! Why don't we go eat together in the cafeteria?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0008.ogg" ;;「……………」\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0248.ogg" ;「遠慮しなくていいって、お姉さん奢ってあげるから」\ ^``You don't have to hold back. Onee-san here will treat you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0009.ogg" ;「…よく知らない人に、ついてっちゃダメ…」\ ^``... You shouldn't go with strangers...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0249.ogg" ;「はあ?」\ ^``What?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0010.ogg" ;「お母さんに、そう言われてる…」\ ^``That's what my mother told me...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0250.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0251.ogg" ;「あ、あははは」\ ^``A-hahaha.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0011.ogg" ;「…なんで笑うのよ?」\ ^``... Why are you laughing?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0252.ogg" ;「あ、ごめん、悪気はないから、ホントに」\ ^``Ah, sorry. I'm not trying to be mean, really.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0253.ogg" ;「うーん、でも確かにその通りね…」\ ^``Um, but that's exactly right...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0254.ogg" ;「知らない人についてっちゃダメよね」\ ^``You shouldn't go with strangers.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\isu1.ogg" wait 500 !s120 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0255b.ogg" ;「…姫子よ…」\ ^``... It's Himeko...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0012.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !sd dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0256.ogg" ;「お姫さまのヒメに、子供のコ、」\ ^``A princess's ~i~hime,~i~ with a child's ~i~ko.~i~''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0257.ogg" ;「ついでに言うと、てんびん座のAB型…」\ ^``And while we're at it, Libra, AB blood type...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0258b.ogg" ;「…あなたは?」\ ^``... And you are?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0013.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0014.ogg" ;「みずがめ座のO型…」\ ^``Aquarius, O blood type...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0015.ogg" ;「…セツミ…」\ ^``... Setsumi...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\1\himeko-0259.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これで知り合いね、セツミ」\ ^``Well then, we're acquaintances now, aren't we, Setsumi?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s85 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0016.ogg" ;…灼けた日差しと蝉の声…\ ^... Burning sunlight and the sound of cicadas...\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0017.ogg" ;この真っ白な7Fにも響いていた…\ ^Even in the pristinely white 7th floor, they resounded...\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0018.ogg" ;姫子と名乗るお姉さん。\ ^The Onee-san who called herself Himeko.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0019c.ogg" ;まだわたしは、お姉さんのことを何も知らないけど…\ ^Still, I knew nothing about her...\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0020.ogg" ;この日から、長い夏が始まろうとしていた…\ ^But starting this day, a long summer was beginning...\ dwavestop 0 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 stop mp3fadeout 3500 bg black,3 if %disable_subtitles == 1 mpegplay "nar01.mpg",1:skip 2 mpegplay "nar01.mpg",1,"agilis.sub" bg black,3 mov %flg2_cha4,1 mov %flg2_bplay,4 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_4 mov $sys_midasi,"^#05 / Vanilla Ice [a]" bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;bg "tr\h000s.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\h000s.png",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;お姉さん…^@^ではなく姫子さんに連れられ、 ;やってきたのは、1Fの病院食堂。\ ^Following the Onee-san...^@^ I mean, Himeko-san, we came to the 1st floor cafeteria.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;わたし達は、適当なテーブルへと並んで座る。\ ^We went up to a convenient table, and sat next to each other.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" bg "en\shokudou.jpg",2 ;ちょうど昼時とあってか、 ;外来の人以外にも、病院関係者らしき人で賑わう食堂。\ ^Maybe it was because it was right at lunch, the cafeteria was surprisingly crowded not only with people from outside, but also people who seemed involved with the hospital.\ ;わたし自身、家が近い為に利用したことはないけど、 ;思ったよりも、たくさんの人が利用しているようだった。\ ^As for myself, because my home was close, I'd never used it before, but more people seemed to use it than I had thought.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0001.ogg" ;「じゃ、なんでも好きなの言ってね」\ ^``Okay, pick whatever you like.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、慣れた感じでメニューを手渡す姫子さん。\ ^And then, Himeko-san passed over a menu with a practiced air.\ ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0002.ogg" ;「あ、ゆっくり選んでくれていいわよ」\ ^``Ah, you can take your time choosing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0003_1.ogg" ;「チョコでもミントでもシャーベットでも、 ; なーんでも好きなのにしてね」\ ^``Chocolate, mint, or even sherbet, whatever you like!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚も楽しそうに言葉を続けるけど…\ ^She happily continued with her words, however...\ ;どれだけメニューを見ても、 ;わたしが悩むことはなさそうだった。\ ^No matter how much I looked at the menu, it didn't seem like I had much to debate over.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0011.ogg" ;「じゃあ、わたしは…」\ ^``Then, I'll have...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0004.ogg" ;「ちょおっと待ったっ」\ ^``Juuust a moment!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0012.ogg" ;「…はい?」\ ^``... Yes?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0005.ogg" ;「ふふん、ずばり、私が予想してみましょう」\ ^``Eheh, allow me to guess exactly what it is!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故か、わたしの言葉を遮ると、 ;誇らしげに予想を始める姫子さん。\ ^For some reason, when she interrupted me, she confidently started making her prediction.\ ;確かに、定食や飲み物のメニューは何種類もある。\ ^Certainly, this was a menu with many different set meals and drinks.\ ;でも、肝心のアイスは、 ;最初からバニラ1種類しかなかった。\ ^But from the start, the key item, ice cream, only came in vanilla.\ ;…この時点で予想も何もあったもんじゃないんだけど…\ ^... There wasn't really anything to predict here...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0006.ogg" ;「うーん、そうねぇ、あなたの雰囲気からすると…」\ ^``Um, let's see, judging by the air around you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0007.ogg" ;「…バニラね?」\ ^``... Vanilla, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0151.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0008.ogg" ;「どう? もしかして当ってる?」\ ^``How was it? Was I right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0014c.ogg" ;;「……………」\ !sd dwavestop 0 wait 700 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0015c.ogg" ;「…これは…なにかの冗談?」\ ^``... This... is some kind of joke?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0009.ogg" ;;「………………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0010.ogg" ;「ちっがーうっ」\ ^``That's not it!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0011.ogg" ;「そこは、メニューそれしかないじゃんって、 ; ツッこんでくれないとぉ」\ ^``You're supposed to finish the gag routine with `there's nothing but that on the menu!'|''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…よく分からないけど、一人賑やかなお姉さん。\ ^... I didn't really get it, but the Onee-san got fired up all by herself.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0012.ogg" ;「まあいいわ、んじゃ、買ってくるから」\ ^``Oh well, anyways, I'll go buy some.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>待ってる描写 bg "e\b.jpg",2 ;言いながら席を立つと、さっさと買いに行ってしまった。\ ^As she spoke, she got up from her seat and quickly went to buy.\ ;…さっきのは何だったんだろう?\ ^... What that was just now I wonder.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0013.ogg" ;「はい、おまたせー」\ ^``Here, sorry for the wait.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE>食器の音\ dwave 5,"se2\sara03.ogg" ;ほどなくして帰ってきた姫子さん。\ ^In a bit, Himeko-san returned.\ ;但し、手にしたトレーの上には、アイスが4つもあった。\ ^However, on the tray, there were 4 ice creams.\ dwave 6,"se2\sara.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0014.ogg" ;「とりあえず、一人ノルマ2個だからね」\ ^``For now, everyone's assigned two, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故?^@^と、思いつつも、そんな質問をするよりも早く、 ;当たり前のように2つの皿をわたしの前に置く。\ ^Why?^@^ As the thought came to me, and faster than I could ask it, she placed two dishes in front of me as if that's how it was supposed to be.\ ;そして、先になって食べ始めてしまった。\ ^And she started eating before I did.\ dwave 5,"se2\sara04.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0015.ogg" ;「うーん、美味しい~」\ ^``Mmm, delicious!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0016.ogg" ;「やっぱ、夏場はこれに限るわよねぇ」\ ^``Yeah, when it comes to summer, this is the only thing.''\ ;!== Where's "holds it back" coming from? The XはYに限る idiom means "For X, Y is best". Kenkyusha provides a load of examples, eg: ;-- hrm, well I meant it in that sense, I didn't scroll down all the way in my copy of GG to see those examples, and it's not in my grammar references. Working from other sense of kagiru I came around to "Ah, this is what holds the heat of summer back" is roughly what I was shooting for. anyways fix0rs !sd dwavestop 1 ;;>普通 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;;「…うん」\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0016.ogg" ;;「うん…」\ !sd ;dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景> ;頷きながら、わたしもアイスを食べ始める。\ ^With a nod, I also started eating.\ ;どちらかというとシャーベットタイプで、 ;今のシーズンに合った、あっさりした味だった。\ ^It was a sherbet-like ice cream and fit the season with its light taste.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0017.ogg" ;「セツミ、美味しい?」\ ^``Setsumi, is it good?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0017.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0018.ogg" ;「じゃあさ、もっとうれしそうに言ってみて」\ ^``Then, try saying it a bit more happily.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0018.ogg" ;;「……………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0019c.ogg" ;「…おいしい…」\ ^``... It's good...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0019.ogg" ;「ああん、そうじゃなくってもっとこう、なんてゆーかさぁ」\ ^``Aah! Not like that! More like, how do you say...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;さっきから、一体なにをさせたいのだろう…^@^…この人は?\ ^All this time, I wonder...^@^ just what in the world does she want me to do.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0020.ogg" ;「じゃあね、うー!まー!いー!ぞーっ!て言ってみて」\ ^``Okay, `DE-LI-CIOUS!', try saying that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0020d.ogg" ;「…うまいぞ……」\ ^``... Delicious...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0032.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0022.ogg" ;「こほん、では次の問題です」\ ^``Ehem, okay, next question.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0021b.ogg" ;「えっ…問題?」\ ^``Eh? Question?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0023.ogg" ;「まず、シャンデリアを10回言って下さい」\ ^``First, say `chandelier' ten times quick please.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0024.ogg" ;「あ、素早く言わないとダメだからね?」\ ^``Ah, and you have to say it really fast, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;;_海外用;_ dwave 0,"english\2\setsumi_0022d.wav" ;;「シャンデリア、シャンデリア、シャンデリア、シャンデリア…」\ ;-;Then we nuke them for unvoiced. if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_203 ^``Chandelier, chandelier, chandelier, chandelier...''\ *generated_203 ; Since we have these files, it seems like a mighty waste not to use them... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"english\2\hime1_0025.wav" ;;「では、毒リンゴを食べたのは?」\ ;-;Then we nuke them for unvoiced. if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_204 ^``And who ate the poisoned apple?''\ *generated_204 !sd dwavestop 1 ;;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0023c.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0024d.ogg" ;「…白雪姫」\ ^``Snow White.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0026.ogg" ;「くっ…正解よ…」\ ^``Grr... Correct.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;…もしかして、シンデレラと答えて欲しかったのだろうか?\ ^... Maybe she wanted me to answer ``Cinderella''?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0027.ogg" ;「さてっ、いよいよ盛り上がってまいりましたっ」\ ^``Okay, now that we're even more revved up!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0028.ogg" ;「ってなわけで、自己紹介タイムよっ」\ ^``With that, it's self introduction time!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚も一人で盛り上がる姫子さん。\ ^And Himeko-san was still charging herself up on her own.\ ;やっぱりこんな場合は、 ;ちょびっとは、わたしも合わした方が良いのだろうか…\ ^In these sort of situations, I guess I should go along at least a little bit.\ ;ふと、そんなことも考えてしまうけど、 ;やっぱりそれは、わたしには無理な気がした。\ ^Well, that's what I wound up thinking, but it felt impossible for me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0029.ogg" ;「ねえねえ、セツミの趣味ってなに?」\ ^``So, so, what are Setsumi's interests?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0025.ogg" ;「…特にない…」\ ^``... Nothing special...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0030.ogg" ;「んじゃ、お料理とか得意だったりして?」\ ^``Then, maybe you're good at cooking or something?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0026.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^``... Not particularly...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0031.ogg" ;「あ、意外なとこで、カラオケ好きだったりとか? ; しかもアニソン好きで、夏マシンガン歌えるとか?」\ ^``Ah, maybe you're unexpectedly a karaoke lover? And on top of that love anime songs, and can sing the ``Summer Machine Gun'' and stuff?''/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_205 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_205 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_206 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~NekoNekoSoft's `Natsu wa Machine Gun' song, famed for the amazing speed the stream-of-consciousness lyrics are shouted by Mizuiro's Shindou. It is rumored that people have sung the karaoke in real life.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~NekoNekoSoft's `Natsu wa Machine Gun' song, famed for the amazing speed the stream-of-consciousness lyrics are shouted by Mizuiro's Shindou. It is rumored that people have sung the karaoke in real life.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_206 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0285.ogg" ;「…全然」\ ^``... Not even a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0032.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0033.ogg" ;「そ、それっじゃ、今度は私の紹介する番ね」\ ^``W-well then, now it's my turn to introduce myself.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" ;そこまで言ったかと思うと、突然立ち上がる姫子さん。\ ^Just when I wondered if I said all that much, Himeko-san suddenly stood up.\ ;思わず他の席の人も、何事かと見ているけど、 ;当の本人は全く気にしていないようだった。\ ^Other people wondering what was going on looked over, but it seemed she didn't mind that at all.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0034.ogg" ;「こう見えても私、すっごい車好きなの」\ ^``Even though I look like this, I really love cars.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0035.ogg" ;「なんと、国内A級まで持ってるのよ、えっへん」\ ^``I carry a National Rank A motorsport license! E-hem!''\ ;I get this feeling I should explain that National A is above Nat'l B, and is below the Int'l C... !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;得意気に胸まで張って、やたらテンション高い。\ ^She even straightened up in satisfaction, and was excessively wound up.\ ;てゆーか、わたしには、国内A級とか言われても、 ;イマイチなんのことか分からないのだけど…\ ^But to me, even if I was told `National Rank A', I had no idea what that meant...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0027b.ogg" ;「…それって、すごいの?」\ ^``... Is that... amazing?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0036.ogg" ;「あ、いやあ、実はそれほどでも…」\ ^``Ah, well, not that much...''\ ;{{National Rank A is below International Rank B, and only above National Rank B.}}\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっという間に勢いがなくなってしまった。\ ^And in a flash her energy disappeared.\ ;そして、わたしには、 ;そんなことよりも、別のことが気になっていた。\ ^And as for me, instead of that, I was more interested in something else.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0028.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^``Say...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0037.ogg" ;「ん? なになに? 質問OKよ? ; ロータリーエンジンとか得意だから」\ ^``Mm? What what? Questions are okay! I'm good with things like rotary engines.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0029c.ogg" ;「…そうじゃなくて、そんなの食べて良いの?」\ ^``... No, not that, is it okay to eat that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0038.ogg" ;「ああ、そーゆーことね…」\ ^``Ah, that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;目の前で、ぱくぱくとアイスを食べ続ける姫子さん。\ ^Before my eyes, Himeko-san continued to gobble up her ice cream.\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、 ;病人とアイスの相性は良くない筈。\ ^It might have been obvious, but ice cream was not supposed to go over well with the sick.\ ;もちろん、姫子さんの詳しい病状は知らないけど、 ;少なくとも7Fの人ってことだけは知っている。\ ^Of course, I didn't know much about Himeko-san's illness, but at the least I knew she was someone from the 7th floor.\ ;普通で考えると、 ;病人はそんなにアイスを食べてはいけない筈だった。\ ^Just looking at it normally, a sick person shouldn't be eating that much ice cream.\ ;でも、そんなわたしの疑問に対して、\ ^But, to my question...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0039.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた知ってる? 7Fの面会時間って?」\ ^``Hey, do you know? The 7th floor's visitor's hours?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0030.ogg" ;「?…ううん?」\ ^``... Mmm?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;別の質問で返してきた。\ ^I was answered with another question.\ ;…アイス食べて良いの?からの返答と、 ;どう関係があるか分からないが、わたしは素直に首を振る。\ ^What it had to do with being able to eat ice cream, I couldn't see, but I honestly shook my head.\ ;確か、いつも入院する3Fは、昼3時~夜8時まで。\ ^I'm sure that on the 3rd floor where I was always admitted, it was from three in the afternoon until eight at night.\ ;但し、土日だけは、午前中も面会可能で、 ;恐らく他の階の病棟も似たようなものだろうと思っていた。\ ^However, only on Saturdays, mornings were allowed, and I figured the other floors probably had similar arrangements.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0040.ogg" ;「なんと、7Fだけは24時間OKなのよ」\ ^``Amazingly, only the 7th floor is okay 24-hours.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0041.ogg" ;「ついでに言えば、食事制限も特に無し」\ ^``And while I'm telling you, there aren't any real dietary restrictions.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0031.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^``... Really?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0042.ogg" ;「ええ、そりゃあ無茶な大食いはダメだけど、 ; 基本的に、いつでも好きなものを食べていいの」\ ^``Yup, well, you can't go crazy and overeat, but basically, you can have anything, anytime.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;答えながら、再びアイスをぱくぱくと食べる。\ ^While answering, she started to quickly eat ice cream again.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0043.ogg" ;「たくさんの制約があった病棟から…」\ ^``Coming from a ward full of restrictions...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0044.ogg" ;「7Fでは、いきなり自由になるのよねぇ~あはは」\ ^``The 7th floor is... suddenly like becoming free, ahaha.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;楽しそうに笑って答える姫子さん。\ ^Himeko-san laughed happily as she replied.\ ;だけど、次の言葉を出す時には、 ;明らかに声のトーンが違っていた。\ ^However, the next words she spoke, were in a totally different tone.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0045.ogg" ;「セツミ…この意味がわかるわね?」\ ^``Setsumi... you know what that means, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;わたしは小さく頷いてみせる。\ ^I gave a small nod.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…ホスピスとは…\ ^What is a hospice?\ ;この質問に、新たな治療を待つ場所だと言う人もいるし、 ;心の平穏を得る為の場所だと言う人もいる。\ ^To that, there are people who say it is a place to wait new treatments, as well as people who say that it is a place to ease the heart.\ ;きっと、そのどちらもが正しいのだろう。\ ^I'm sure that both of those were probably right.\ ;…でもわたしには、 ;今の姫子さんの言葉の方が理解できる気がした。\ ^But for myself, it seemed like Himeko-san's words just now were more understandable.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0046.ogg" ;「ま、そんな訳で、いつでも来てよね、ヒマだから」\ ^``Well, that's how it is, so come anytime, okay? I've got time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って、またいつもの明るい顔に戻る。\ ^With that, her usual cheery face returned.\ ;普段はこんな感じだけど、時折見せる表情や言葉は、 ;とても厳しいように思えた。\ ^Normally she was like this, but I felt that once in a while, the facial expressions and words she used were very severe.\ ;どちらが、本当の姫子さんなのか分からないけど、 ;恐らくはそのどちらもが、姫子さんなのだろう…\ ^Which one was the real Himeko-san, I didn't know. Most likely, both of them were...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\sora01y.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" ;あんなに高かった日が翳る頃…\ ^Around when the sun, which had been so high, was setting...\ ;病院を後にすると、わたしは家へと帰る。\ ^After I left the hospital, I returned home.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_207 ^The door slid shut behind me.\ goto *generated_208 *generated_207 ^* Click, slam. *\ *generated_208 ;!== "Slid" implies a screen door, whereas the バタン implies a hinged door, so maybe "swung shut" would be better? ;-- well nevermind we have hinged screen doors here... I'm using the 'slid shut' in the sense of it closing somewhat quietly, as opposed to a loud bang, or whatnot. Mostly just for the hell of it I suppose. I can always take it out without it doing much. ;!== Aha, it makes sense now. I hadn't thought of that sense of "slid". dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0032.ogg" ;「ただいま…」\ ^``I'm home...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm2\n032.mp3" ;誰もいない玄関に、わたしの声が響く。\ ^At the empty front door, my voice reverberated.\ ;閉め切っていた室内からは、 ;ドアを開けた途端に広がる、むわっとした熱気。\ ^From that closed off room, the moment I opened the door, a blast of hot air had come out.\ dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" ;カラカラカラ、\ ;-;Nuke! if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_209 ^* Karakarakara. *\ *generated_209 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 ;居間の窓を開け、外の空気を入れる。 ;これだけでも涼しさが違った。\ ^I opened the living room window and let in the outside air. Even just that much cooled the room.\ dwavestop 5 ;時計を見ると4時。 ;まだこの時間はお母さんが帰ってくるには早い。\ ^Looking at the clock, it was 4 o'clock --- still early for Mother to come home.\ ;わたしは少し汗ばんだセーラー服を洗濯機に入れると、 ;パジャマへと着替える。\ ^I placed my slightly sweaty sailor uniform in the washing machine and changed into pajamas.\ ;そして、お米を研ぐと、間もなく帰ってくるであろう、 ;お母さんの為に夕食の下準備を済ませておく。\ ^And then, after I finish washing the rice, to help out Mother who would be returning soon, I finish the preparations for making dinner.\ ;ここのところ体調も良いので、 ;これくらいは自分がやるようにしていた。\ ^Since I was feeling well at this point, I set myself to doing at least this much.\ ;本当は自分の部屋でゆっくりしていても良いんだけど… ;わたしは居間の扇風機のスイッチを入れる。\ ^Really, I could just relax in my room... but instead I switched on the fan in the living room.\ ;…お父さんとお母さんが、この暑い中をまだ働いているのに、\ ^... Father and Mother are working in the middle of this heat.\ ;わたしだけがクーラーのある部屋で、 ;涼むようなことは申し訳ない気がして出来なかった。\ ^For me alone to be in a cool, air-conditioned room... it gave me a bad feeling and I couldn't do it.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_210 ^The door opened then slammed shut.\ goto *generated_211 *generated_210 ^* Click, slam. *\ *generated_211 ;…帰ってきた。\ ^... She's home.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_001.ogg" ;「ただいま」\ ^``I'm home.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0033.ogg" ;「…うん、おかえりなさい」\ ^``... Un, welcome home.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;パートから帰って来たお母さん。 ;大体いつもこの時間に帰ってきていた。\ ^Mother returned from her part-time job. Almost always around this time, she would come home.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_002.ogg" ;「セツミ、もう晩ご飯すませた?」\ ^``Setsumi, did you eat dinner yet?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0034.ogg" ;「ううん、まだ…」\ ^``U~~un, not yet...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_003.ogg" ;「じゃあ、一緒に食べましょ ; 今日もたくさんコロッケ貰ってきたから」\ ^``Then, let's eat together. Today I got lots of croquettes again.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;;☆ベタ・居間 ;■心情・情景 bg "en\b.jpg",2 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 ;テーブルに向かい合わせで座ると、 ;二人で早い夕食を始める。\ ^Sitting at the table across from each other, the two of us started an early dinner.\ ;通勤時間が延び、帰りが遅くなってしまったお父さんとは別に、 ;こうして二人で食べることが多くなっていた。\ ^Because Father's commuting time had grown, he often came home late, and so the times the two of us ate like this, separate from him, increased.\ dwave 5,"se2\sara.ogg" dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_004.ogg" ;「どう? おいしい?」\ ^``So? Is it good?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0035.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_005.ogg" ;「あ、よかったらポテトも食べてね、あなた好きでしょ?」\ ^``Ah, if you want, eat the fries too. You like them don't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwavestop 5 ;そう言って、ポテトの皿を勧めるお母さん。\ ^With that Mother offered the plate of fries.\ ;以前に黙って食べ続けて以来、 ;わたしが好きなのだと思われているようだった。\ ^Before, I had continued to eat them quietly; since then, it seemed Mother thought I liked them.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_006.ogg" ;「実はお母さんね、 ; 昨日からポテト揚げる係りになったのよ」\ ^``You know, your mother since yesterday had been frying the fries.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0036.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_007.ogg" ;「だから、実はこれだけ残り物じゃなかったりしてね」\ ^``So, these aren't really just leftovers.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;>強め ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_008.ogg" ;「あ、別に心配いらないわよ」\ ^``Ah, you don't have to worry.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_009.ogg" ;「あなたが好きだって言ったらね…」\ ^``You see, when I said that you liked them...''\ !sd dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_010.ogg" ;「お店の人達も、 ; 好きなだけ持って帰れって言ってくれているんだし」\ ^``The people at the store said I could take home as much as I wanted.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景> ;…明るく…楽しそうに話すお母さん。\ ^Cheerfully... happily, Mother spoke on.\ ;一体どんな経緯から、 ;お店の人達がそう言ってくれたのかは分からない。\ ^Exactly what were the conditions that led the people at the store to say that, I didn't know.\ ;でも、その姿を想像するだけで、 ;とても申し訳ない気持ちで一杯だった。何故か切なかった。\ ^But just from imagining it, I was filled with guilt. For some reason, I was pained.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_011.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これからも楽しみにしていてね」\ ^``So, from now on, look forward to it!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんなお母さんを前にして、わたしに出来ることは…\ ^In front of such a Mother, all I could do was...\ ;只、黙って… ;少しでも美味しそうに、ポテトを食べ続けることだけだった。\ ^Just stay quiet... and continue eating the fries, trying as best I could to eat as if they were delicious.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;数日後。 ;相変わらずの蝉と、連日の猛暑を記録する太陽。\ ^A few days after. ^With the usual cicadas and the sun consecutively setting record heat.\ mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;そんな空の下、今日もわたしはここに来ていた。\ ^Under such a sky, I came here once again.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 ;高い天井、白い部屋。 ;ちゃちいパイプ椅子に腰掛ける。\ ^A high ceiling, a white room, a small folding chair on which I sat.\ ;但し、ここに来ているといっても、 ;”ここに来ている”。只、それだけ。\ ^However, even though I came here, it was just ``I came here.'' Simply that.\ ;特になにか話す訳でもないし、 ;少なくともわたしから、面白い話題を振るようなことはない。\ ^It's not like we talked about anything special, and at the least, I never brought up any interesting conversation topics.\ ;只、一方的に話す姫子さんの隣で、 ;面白みのない相槌を返す程度だった。\ ^It was just on the level of sitting next to the unilaterally chatting Himeko-san, giving seemingly uninterested responses.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0038.ogg" ;「ねえ、一つ質問だけど…」\ ^``Say, one question...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景> ;思い切って、率直な疑問をぶつけてみる。\ ^Decisively, I tried asking a direct question.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0039.ogg" ;「わたしと居て…楽しい?」\ ^``Is being with me... fun?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0047.ogg" ;「ええ、あなたと居ると退屈知らずよ」\ ^``Yes, when I'm with you, I know no boredom.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0040.ogg" ;「…嫌味?」\ ^``Sarcasm?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0048.ogg" ;「とんでもない、すっごく楽しいわよ」\ ^``No such thing! It's really fun!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0049.ogg" ;「セツミちゃんラブラブ~って感じかしら」\ ^``A `Setsumi-chan Lovey-dovey!' kind of feeling.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…もしかして、からかわれているのだろうか?\ ^... Maybe she's toying with me?\ ;思わずそんな風にも考えてしまうが、 ;当の姫子さんは、いつもこんな調子だった。\ ^I couldn't help thinking that, but Himeko-san was always like this.\ ;一方的に盛り上がって、わたしが何を言っても、 ;あくまでもマイペースで楽しそうにしていた。\ ^One-sidedly getting all worked up, whatever I said, and cheerfully following her own pace to the end.\ ;そして、こんなやり取りを繰り返していると…\ ^And then, just when we had that exchange...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_212 ^A knock came from the door.\ goto *generated_213 *generated_212 ^* Knock knock. *\ *generated_213 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;「こんにちは」\ ^``Good afternoon.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ドアを開け入ってきたのは、見知らぬおばさん。 ;この部屋に、誰か来るのを見たのは初めてだった。\ ^The person who came in was an older lady I didn't recognize. It was the first time I saw anyone come to this room.\ ;「姫子さん、おかげん如何ですか?」\ ^``Himeko-san, how are you feeling?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0050.ogg" ;「うん、まあ、特にって感じかしら」\ ^``Mm, well, nothing special, I guess.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「今日は入浴日ですけど…どうしましょう?」\ ^``Today is a bathing day... what shall I do?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0051.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、お気遣いどうもね」\ ^``I'm fine. Thanks for your concern.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「では、何かあったら気軽に言って下さいね」\ ^``Then, if there's anything, feel free to say.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" ;カチャ、パタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_214 ^Once again the door shut with a click.\ goto *generated_215 *generated_214 ^* Click, slam. *\ *generated_215 ;その言葉を最後に、 ;再び部屋を出て行った見知らぬおばさん。\ ^With those final words, the lady I didn't know left the room again.\ ;最初、家族の人かと思ったけど、違うようだった。\ ^At first, I had thought it was a family member, but it seemed to be otherwise.\ ;…もしかしたらヘルパーの人なのだろうか? ;エプロンをしていたから、それっぽい気もするけど…\ ^... Maybe it was a helper? Since she was wearing an apron, she seemed like one.\ ;只、今まで自分が見知っているヘルパーと呼ばれる人とは、 ;どこか微妙に違っているようにも思えた。\ ^It was just that, I felt she was somehow different from the other people I knew called ``helpers.''\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0042.ogg" ;「…今の人は?」\ ^``... That person just now was?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0052.ogg" ;「ああ、ヘルパーの人よ、別の人の担当だけどね」\ ^``Ah, a helper, though assigned to someone else.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どうやらヘルパーで合っているらしい。\ ^It seemed that I was right that she was a helper.\ ;が、やはり少し違うらしく、 ;姫子さんは、”ここ”のヘルパーについて説明してくれた。\ ^But, because there really did seem to be a difference, Himeko-san explained about helpers ``here.''\ ;!== Inconsistent punctuation: a few lines ago you used double-quoted ``helpers'', here you use single-quoted `here'. Is that deliberate? ;-- nope... at some point I just buckled down and decided to go with full on Chicago-described american style quotes. (yes I think the whole punctuation 'thing' is wholy irrational) and some things got left behind bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;どちらかいうと一般病棟のヘルパーは、 ;物理的な意味での、身の回りのフォローが目的らしい。\ ^It seemed that the helpers of the general wards were generally supposed to help people in the physical sense.\ ;病院によっては有償となっており、 ;中にはアルバイト的な感覚で臨む者もいるそうだ。\ ^Depending on the hospital, it could be a job, and there also seemed to be some who looked upon it as a form of part-time work.\ ;!== I read アルバイト的 here and below as pointing more at the _casual_ nature of アルバイト than its part-time nature (i.e. the intention is to draw a contrast with 有償). I think if you told Chihiro that being a helper was a part-time job, the word she'd object to would be "job", not "part-time". ;-- mmmmmm upon deeper consideration of 有償 I'll just adjust the first bit to job, which then contrasts against part-time work. It loses some of the implied temporariness of アルバイト but I'm willing to sacrifice that for the contrast that both are getting paid ;それに対して、ここ7F担当のヘルパーとは…\ ^Compared to that, the 7th floor helpers...\ ;精神ケアにも比重が置かれている為、 ;そんなアルバイト感覚では務まらないらしい。\ ^Because mental care was relatively important, it doesn't fit the feeling of it being a part-time job.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0053.ogg" ;「まあ、少なくとも、この病院… ; この7Fでは全員ボランティアの筈よ」\ ^``Well, at least, for this hospital... all the 7th floor helpers should be volunteers.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0043.ogg" ;「そうなんだ…偉いんだね…」\ ^``I see... how admirable...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;少し感心してしまったわたし。\ ^I was a bit impressed.\ ;当たり前かも知れないけど、既に告知を受けた人間でないと、 ;この7Fには入れないと聞いていた。\ ^It might have been obvious, but I had heard that those who have not been informed beforehand cannot enter the 7th floor.\ ;!== This reads like you started revising this line then never finished -- it should be "not BEEN informed", I think (or something like "not received their disclosure" if you want to use the active voice like the Japanese does!), and "beforehand yet" seems to be translating 既に twice. ;-- haha, wow that's one rather extreme case of 'editing shrapnel' I've left behind.. yeah I can only keep 1 line of thought straight in my head at a time, so when I'm comparing 2+ alternate sentences in my head, I'll fix on bit, but forget to adjust the rest of the sentence to fit... so shards of stuff gets left behind ;そんな人間に対して、無償のボランティア行為を、 ;自ら望んでする者には、素直に感心してしまう。\ ^For those people, who by their own choosing, volunteer for free for the sake of those patients, I plainly felt admiration.\ ;!== I read そんな人間 as referring to the patients, linking back to 人間 in the previous line, and the whole phrase up to 行為を as modifying 自ら望んでする者, i.e. the helpers. Googling for 障害者に対してボランティア seems to support my reading (and confirms, once more, that Japan is a seriously twisted society...) ;-- hrm, you're right indeed. Sadly this makes the already delicate sentence structure (almost) untenable. ;でも、そんなわたしの反応に対して姫子さんは、\ ^But, at my reaction, Himeko-san...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0054.ogg" ;「そうね…偉いわね」\ ^``Indeed, admirable.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;と、熱のない返事だけだった。\ ^She replied without conviction.\ ;mmm. passion? emotion? conviction? =\ needs thinking ;!== `Conviction' works for me. bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…普通で考えれば、もう少し感謝の念のようなものが、 ;感じられるかと思ったのに…\ ^Looking at it normally, you'd think you'd sense a bit of something like appreciation...\ ;そしてわたしには先ほどの姫子さんの言葉、\ ^And then, Himeko-san's words from before,\ ;…別の人の担当だけどね… ;この、”別の”の部分が引っ掛かった。\ ^``Though assigned to someone else''... that ``someone else'' nagged at me.\ ;この発言だけを見ると、 ;姫子さん担当のヘルパーも、どこかに存在するように思える。\ ^From just those words, one would think that Himeko-san's assigned helper also existed somewhere.\ ;だけど、今までにそのような人の姿を見たことがなかった。\ ^But so far, I had never seen anyone like that.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0044.ogg" ;「…姫子さんの担当の人は?」\ ^``Himeko-san's assigned helper is?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0055.ogg" ;「うん? いないわよ」\ ^``Mm? There isn't one.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0045.ogg" ;「…いない? どうして?」\ ^``Isn't one? Why?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0056.ogg" ;「だって、私には必要ないもん」\ ^``Because, I don't need one.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっさりと、それだけを返した。\ ^Lightly, that was the only answer she gave.\ ;よく分からないけど7Fのヘルパーとは、 ;本人が必要ないと言えば、拒否できるのだろうか?\ ^I didn't really understand, but maybe the 7th floor helpers could be refused if the patient said so.\ ;確かに姫子さんは、他の7Fの人と比べたら、 ;全然普通に歩いてるし、実際に若いから元気なんだろうけど…\ ^Certainly, Himeko-san, when compared to the other people of the 7th floor, could walk normally, and because she was young, was lively, but...\ ;…そういえば、ここに来てから一度も、 ;家族の人や、お見舞いの人を見たことがなかった。\ ^... Come to think, since I've come here, I had not once seen any family members come to visit.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0057.ogg" ;「でも、今はあなたが来てくれたからね」\ ^``But, that's because now you come.''\ ;mmm I don't like this line... something's not right here... ;!== I read the ね as looking forwards to 残り3つ, rather than the から looking backwards to 必要ない. But maybe I'm just deluding myself in my desperate struggle to make Himeko make sense. :P ;-- heee. oh well, I might not like the line, but making himeko make sense seems like too much effort! \o/ ;!== Faito~! !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0036.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;まるで、今のわたしの考えを見透かしたように答える。\ ^It's as if she saw what I was thinking and replied.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0058.ogg" ;「ありがと、これで残り3つになったわ…」\ ^``Thanks, that leaves three...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0046.ogg" ;「…残り3つ?」\ ^``... Leaves three?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0059.ogg" ;「ええ、年の離れた友達が欲しかったのよ」\ ^``Yeah, I wanted a friend from a different age group.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0060.ogg" ;「ほら、よくあるじゃない、 ; 死ぬまでにしたい10のことって」\ ^``Look, isn't it common? The ten things you want to do before dying?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、あっけなく『死』という単語を使う。\ ^And she lightly used the word ``dying''.\ ;これも7Fの人故かも知れないけど、 ;明るい口調で突然、そんなことを言われるとドキッとしてしまう。\ ^That might also be because she's of the 7th floor, but to have that word said in a cheery voice suddenly was jarring.\ ;!== You've translated it as though it said 口調が not 口調で... it's Himeko saying it _with_ a cheery tone, not the cheery tone itself speaking. ;-- true, and that's roughly the spirit in which I meant it, but I guess it came out a bit funny as I wrestled stubbornly with word order... uuu. I shall at least leave 'jarring' at the very end ;!== No need to 'at least' it -- ending the sentence with 'jarring' is a nice effect. bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…だけど…^@^死ぬまでにしたい10のことか…\ ^However...^@^ the 10 things one wants to do before dying...\ ;わたしには、それがなんであるかは分からないし、 ;姫子さんに残された時間が、あとどれくらいかも分からない。\ ^What they were, I didn't know. How much time Himeko-san had left, I also didn't know.\ ;逆に言えば、あと3つも残っているとも言える。\ ^Looking at it the other way, I could say there were three things remaining.\ ;!== I think you need to put more emphasis on the あと…も construction, or it's not clear why this is 逆. E.g. translating あと explicitly with "_still_ three left" or something? ;-- mmm, I'm not feeling a very strong sense of urgency to emphasize the 逆, though in light of this, I'll upgrade 'left' to the subtly more emphatic 'remaining' and toss in a 'things' ;!== Works for me! bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0061.ogg" ;「ま、あれよセツミ…」\ ^``Well, it's like that, Setsumi...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0062.ogg" ;「聖書が正しければ、世界は7日で創られたそうよ」\ ^``If the Bible is correct, seems like the world was created in seven days.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0047.ogg" ;「…だから?」\ ^``... And so?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0063.ogg" ;「私に残された時間でも、大抵のことは可能だと思わない?」\ ^``Even with the time I have left, don't you think most of them are possible?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0048.ogg" ;「…それ、例えになってないわよ」\ ^``... That, doesn't make a good example.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0064.ogg" ;「あはは、まあ、そんなこと言わずにさ」\ ^``Ahaha, well, don't say things like that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0065.ogg" ;「残り3つなんだから、よかったら付き合ってよ」\ ^``There's three things left, so if you don't mind, come along with me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…友達になったらしい、わたし達。\ ^... It looks like we've become friends, the two of us.\ ;出会って1週間目に、死ぬまでにしたい残り3つのことに、 ;付き合ってくれと言われた。\ ^Upon the first week of meeting, I've been asked to go along with the three remaining things to do before dying.\ ;姫子さんの言葉は、どこまで本気か分からないけど…\ ^Himeko-san's words, I didn't know how serious she was, but...\ ;当分、わたしは、 ;この場所へと通うことになりそうだった。\ ^It seemed that I would probably be coming to this place often.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_ ;☆BG 夕空 dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" bg "en\sora01y.jpg",3 ;日がゆっくりと沈み、空がオレンジに染まる頃、 ;わたしは病院を後にする。\ ^As the sun slowly sank and the sky stained orange, I left the hospital.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;…今日は病院に長く居すぎたかも知れない。\ ^... Today, I may have been at the hospital too long.\ ;☆BGM mi02 bg "en\a007b.jpg",3 ;そんなことを思いながら、ふと見た校庭。 ;そこには今日も元気に駆ける子供達の姿があった。\ ^As I was thinking that, my eyes landed on the schoolyard. Again, there were children running around happily.\ ;以前にわたしが逆上がりをした鉄棒も、 ;今日は先客で溢れているようだった。\ ^Even the metal bar I did the somersault on before had plenty of patrons today.\ ;…夏休み、夕暮れ時、ひぐらしの声、汗だくになって遊ぶ子供。\ ^... Summer vacation, dusk, the voices of ~i~higurashi,~i~ sweaty playing children.\ ;それのどれもが、 ;ありがちな夏日の光景を作る、日常のパーツだった。\ ^Each and everything were the everyday parts that built up the scene of a common summer day.\ ;…何の違和感もない。\ ^There was nothing out of place.\ ;逆上がりくらいで、 ;自分のように辛そうな顔はしない…\ ^No one who made a strained face like mine from a single somersault...\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;「…お姉さん、どうかしたの?」\ ^``... Onee-san, what's wrong?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;じっと眺め続けるだけのわたしに、 ;遊んでいた子供が、声を掛けてくれる。\ ^As I continued to stand gazing, one child that was playing spoke to me.\ ;「もしかして、鉄棒やりたいの?」\ ^``Did you want to play with the bar?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0049.ogg" ;「別に、なんでもないわよ…」\ ^``Not particularly, it's nothing...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景>まとめ ;それだけを答えると、踵を返す。\ ^With just that answer, I turned on my heel.\ bg "en\sora01yb.jpg",3 ;見上げると、既に暮れ始めた空。 ;わたしは家路を急いだ。\ ^Looking up, the sky already darkening. ^I hurried along the road home.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;・シーン変え:夜。 ;★家にて\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_close_02.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0050b.ogg" ;「ただいま…」\ ^``I'm home...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_012.ogg" ;「おかえり、ちょうど晩ご飯の仕度ができたところよ」\ ^``Welcome home, the preparations for dinner are about finished.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景 ;時計を見ると既に7時前。 ;今日は先に帰っていたお母さん。\ ^Looking at the clock, it was already about 7. Today, Mother had come home first.\ ;そんなお母さんと二人で、 ;いつもと同じように早い夕食を始める。\ ^And together with Mother, we began our usual early dinner.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_013.ogg" ;「そういえば、今日は遅かったわね?」\ ^``Speaking of which, today you were quite late.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0051b.ogg" ;「…ちょっと、病院寄ってたから」\ ^``... I went to the hospital a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_014.ogg" ;「あら? 今日って検診の日だっけ?」\ ^``Oh? Today was an examination day?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0052.ogg" ;「…ううん、そうじゃないけど…」\ ^``... U~~un, that's not it, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;…なんて答えようか悩む。 ;姫子さんを、どのように言えば良いのだろう?\ ^I worried about how to answer. How should I talk about Himeko-san?\ ;知り合いが無難な気もするけど…\ ^Being an acquaintance seemed safe, but...\ ;少し考えてからわたしは、 ;姫子さんに言われた通りで答えることにした。\ ^After thinking a bit, I decided to answer like Himeko-san said.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0053b.ogg" ;「…友達のところに行ってたから」\ ^``... I went to a friend's place.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_0152.ogg" ;「…友達?」\ ^``... A friend?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;わたしの言葉を、そのままオウム返しするお母さん。 ;それは、驚きや、信じられないという表情でもあった。\ ^Mother repeated my words back to me. She also had a surprised, unbelieving sort of expression.\ ;だけど、お母さんがそんな反応をするのも無理ないと思う。\ ^However, Mother having that kind of reaction was probably unavoidable.\ ;わたしの口から、『友達』という単語が出ること自体、稀。 ;少なくてもここ数年では有り得なかったことだろう。\ ^For the word ``friend'' to come out of my mouth was itself rare. While at the very least, in these past few years, it probably had been impossible.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_016.ogg" ;「そ、そう、よかったわねセツミ、お友達が出来て」\ ^``I-I see, that's wonderful Setsumi, making a friend.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして、今度はうれしそうに言葉を続ける。\ ^And this time, she happily continued speaking.\ ;そんなお母さんに対して、 ;わたしは今までの経緯を話して聞かせた。\ ^To that happy Mother, I spoke about the events that happened up until now.\ ;…相手は、とても優しいお姉さんであること。\ ^That she was a very kind Onee-san.\ ;最近は毎日のように遊びに行っていること、 ;よくアイスを食べに連れて行ってもらっていること…\ ^That lately I've been going to play every day. ^That often I was taken to go eat ice cream...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_017.ogg" ;「へ~、優しそうなお姉さんね」\ ^``My, it sounds like a very kind Onee-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0055b.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…別に、^@^嘘をついている訳ではない。\ ^... It's not...^@^ like I was lying.\ ;だけど…相手が7Fの人だとは言えなかった。 ;何故、そう思ったのか、厳密な理由は分からない。\ ^But... I wasn't able to say that she was a resident of the 7th floor. Why I thought that, I didn't know the exact reason.\ ;7Fに居るのは姫子さんのせいじゃない。 ;誰が悪い訳でもない。それは分かっている。\ ^Being on the 7th floor wasn't Himeko-san's fault. It was no one's fault. I knew that.\ ;自分だって似たような状況から、 ;いつしか知り合いが消えてしまったから、尚更にわかる。\ ^Because I was in a similar position; because at some point, the people I knew disappeared, I knew it even more so.\ ;…心配させたくないという気持ちなのだろうか…\ ^... It was probably the feeling of not wanting to worry her...\ ;きっとお母さんは、普通の入院患者か、 ;もしかしたら看護婦さんを想像しているのだと思う。\ ^I'm sure that Mother would imagine that it was another normal patient, or perhaps a nurse.\ ;でも…それを否定することは、わたしには出来そうもなかった。\ ^But to deny that... didn't seem like something I could do.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_018.ogg" ;「そうだ、じゃあ明日から、お弁当も作ってあげようか?」\ ^``I know, then starting tomorrow, why don't I make lunches for you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0054b.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_019.ogg" ;「この距離でも、わざわざ帰ってくるの面倒でしょ?」\ ^``Even this distance, it must be a pain to come back, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景 ;尚もうれしそうにするお母さん。\ ^Mother continued being happy.\ ;最近は、わたしの体調も良いし、 ;友達が出来たことを、余計にうれしく思ってくれているのだろう。\ ^Lately, my health had been good, and probably hearing I had made a friend made her extra happy.\ ;言葉には出さないけど、小学校6年の遠足以来だと思う。 ;いつもお弁当には気合を入れてくれていた。\ ^I wouldn't say it out loud, but I think not since the 6th grade trip. She always had put effort into making lunch for me.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_020.ogg" ;「任せて、豪華なの作ってあげるから」\ ^``Leave it to me, I'll make a feast.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;;「…うん…」\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そんなお母さんを前にして…わたしは何も言えず、\ ^In front of such a happy Mother... I could say nothing,\ ;やはりいつものように、 ;黙ってポテトを食べるくらいしか出来なかった…\ ^As always, all I could do was quietly eat the fries...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha5,1 mov %flg2_bplay,5 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_5 mov $sys_midasi,"^#06 / Croquettes [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;ミーンミンミン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_216 ^The cicadas screeched loudly.\ goto *generated_217 *generated_216 ^* Meen Meeen Meen. *\ *generated_217 ;mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0254.ogg" ;「暑…」\ ^``Hot...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;まだ午前中だというのに、既に真夏日の気配。 ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^Even though it was still morning, it already felt like midday. Today also looked like it would be a hot day.\ ;そんな中、歩いて3分の距離を、 ;いつもと同じように病院へと向かう。\ ^In that, walking the 3-minute distance, I again was headed toward the hospital.\ ;手には、いつものトートバック。 ;白地に黄色のひまわり柄が描かれていた。\ ^In my hands, the usual tote bag with a pattern of yellow sunflowers on white.\ ;特に昨日までと変わらない、ありふれた夏の日。\ ^Nothing in particular had changed from yesterday, it was just another summer day.\ ;違うのは、トートバックの中に、 ;お母さんが作ってくれたお弁当を忍ばせていることくらいだった。\ ^What differed was, hidden inside the tote bag, the lunch that Mother had made for me.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0066c.ogg" ;「おーい、セツミ~」\ ^``Hey, Setsumi!''\ !sd ;>遠くから dwavestop 1 ;☆BGM o01 mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" ;遠くから呼ぶ、聞きなれた声に振り返る。\ ^Called from far away, I turned towards a familiar voice.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0057.ogg" ;「どうしたの? こんな場所で?」\ ^``What's going on? Being in a place like this.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0067.ogg" ;「待ってたのよ、ちょっと手伝って欲しくって」\ ^``I've been waiting, I wanted you to help me a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを言うと、すたすたと歩き始める姫子さん。\ ^With just those words, Himeko-san quickly started walking.\ ;…一体どこに行く気なのだろう? ;どうやら正面入り口ではなく、裏口に行くみたいだけど…\ ^Just where was she going? Wherever it was, it wasn't the main entrance, but the rear...\ ;何のことか分からないながらも、その後をついていくと、\ ^While not knowing what was happening, I followed along.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0068.ogg" ;「はーい、到着~」\ ^``Okay, here we are.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;やってきたのは病院の中庭。\ ^The place we'd come to was the hospital's courtyard.\ ;小さな噴水のまわりには、時計台と幾つかの花壇。 ;わたしも入院中に、何度か来たことのある場所だった。\ ^Around the small fountain was a clock and many flower beds. While I had been hospitalized, it had been a place I came to numerous times.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0058.ogg" ;「…ここがどうかしたの?」\ ^``... Is something going on here?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0069.ogg" ;「うん、ほらそこ見てよ」\ ^``Yeah, look over there.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;姫子さんが指差したのは、花壇の一角。 ;大きさにして3m四方ほどだろうか。\ ^What Himeko-san was pointing at was the corner of a flower bed, roughly three meters square.\ ;只、まわりは青草や花が咲き誇っているのに、 ;その区画だけが、何も植えられていない状態だった。\ ^It was just that, even though there was grass and flowers blooming around it, that patch alone had nothing growing in it.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0070.ogg" ;「そんな訳で…じゃ~んっ」\ ^``And so... Ta-da!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0059.ogg" ;「なにそれ?」\ ^``What's that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0071.ogg" ;「球根よ、球根。今からここに植えようと思ってね」\ ^``Bulbs. Bulbs. I was thinking we'd plant them here now.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;得意気に、手に持ったコンビニ袋から、 ;球根を取り出してみせる姫子さん。\ ^Proudly, Himeko-san took out a bulb from the plastic bag in her hand and showed me.\ ;数にして、およそ100個くらいだろうか?\ ^Counting them up, there seemed to be around a hundred?\ ;確かに二人で植えれば、ものの1時間で終わるだろうけど、 ;わたしには違うことの方が気掛かりだった。\ ^Sure, if two people were planting, it'd be done in about an hour, but I was worried about something else.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0060.ogg" ;「…勝手に植えて良いの?」\ ^``It's okay to just go ahead and plant them?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0072.ogg" ;「ん? だってこの区画は冬用の場所だし」\ ^``Mm? Well, this patch is for winter use after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0061.ogg" ;「…わたしが尋ねたのは、”勝手に”の部分よ」\ ^``What I'm asking about, is the `just go ahead' part.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0073.ogg" ;「大丈夫だって、別に怒られたりしないから」\ ^``It's fine! It's not like we'll get in trouble.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;今一つ解答になってない気がするけど、 ;冬用ということは、冬に咲く花という意味なのだろう。\ ^That really didn't feel like much of an explanation, but winter use probably meant that it was for flowers that bloom in the winter.\ ;そして、その為には、 ;今が植える時期だということも理解できる。\ ^And I understood that for that reason, now was the time to plant them.\ ;でも、だからといって、 ;勝手に病院の花壇に植えて良いことには繋がらなかった。\ ^But, even then, I didn't see how that connected with planting in the hospital's flower beds without permission.\ ;…それとも、7Fの患者とは、 ;そこまで自由をしても許されるのだろうか?\ ^... Or, were the people of the 7th floor permitted this much freedom?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0074.ogg" ;「じゃ、始めましょうか、 ; 10cmほど掘ってから球根を埋めてね」\ ^``Okay, why don't we start? Dig until 10 centimeters and then plant it, alright?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そう言うと、球根の入った袋と、 ;園芸用の小さなスコップを手渡してくれる。\ ^Once she said that, she handed the bag of bulbs and a small gardening trowel over.\ ;…わたしは最近体調も良いから平気だけど…\ ^Recently, my health had been fine, so this wasn't a problem...\ ;でも、姫子さんはこの炎天下の中、大丈夫なのだろうか?\ ^But I wonder if it was alright for Himeko-san to work under this blazing sky.\ ;思わずそんなことも心配してしまうが、当の姫子さんは、 ;ものすごい勢いで花壇へと球根を植えていく。\ ^I couldn't help but worry about that, but Himeko-san herself was planting with amazing vigor.\ !s35 ;ざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_218 ^Dig Dig Dig.\ goto *generated_219 *generated_218 ^* Dig Dig Dig. *\ *generated_219 ;-- Perhaps the only time I'll let something like this slide. !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd !s20 ;ざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくっ、 ;ざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくざくっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_220 ^Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig. goto *generated_221 *generated_220 ^* Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig. * *generated_221 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_222 ^Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig.\ goto *generated_223 *generated_222 ^* Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig. *\ *generated_223 !sd ;…もしかして、園芸が趣味なのかしら?\ ^... Maybe gardening was a hobby?\ ;そう思えるほど、異様に手つきが良かった。\ ^One might believe that, since her hands moved unnaturally well.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0075.ogg" ;「そうそう、そんな感じで軽く土もかけてね」\ ^``Yeah, yeah, just lightly cover it with dirt like that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0419.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ !sd ;時折、見よう見真似のわたしにも指導を入れてくれる。\ ^Once in a while, as I watched and imitated her, she would give instructions.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0062.ogg" ;「ねえ…これって何の花なの?」\ ^``Say... what flowers are these?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0076.ogg" ;「水仙よ、知ってる?」\ ^``Daffodils, you know of them?''\ ;-- I follow, for no particularly compelling reason, the convention that suisen = daffodil, narcissus = narcissus >_> ;!== Hey, there's no need to explain away consistency :) ;-- well the only reason I did have was that didn't like them talking about narcissus and suisen in the same breath and having to make a sudden distinction... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0063.ogg" ;「あ、うん、名前くらいは…」\ ^``Ah, un, the name at least...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;とはいえ、白い花だったくらいしか覚えていない。\ ^Even so, I could only remember that they were white flowers.\ ;咲いている姿をテレビや本で見る程度で、 ;球根をこうして触れるのは初めてのことだった。\ ^Having only seen them blooming on TV or in a book, this was the first time I've held a bulb like this.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0077.ogg" ;「あのね、これって珍しいのよ、今の時期にあるなんて」\ ^``You know, it's quite surprising for them to be around in this season.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0064b.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^``Really?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0078.ogg" ;「ええ、本来は夏の終わり頃だからね」\ ^``Yeah, normally, it'd be around the end of summer.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして姫子さんは色々と教えてくれた。\ ^And then Himeko-san taught me various things.\ ;学名ナルキッソス、ヒガンバナ科の植物。 ;種でも育つが、開花まで数年かかるため球根が主らしい。\ ^That the scientific name was ~i~Narcissus~i~, from the family ~i~Amaryllidaceae~i~. How you could grow them from seeds, but since they take a few years to bloom, bulbs are planted instead.\ ;真冬の花壇が寂しい時期、 ;一人凛と咲く姿は、健気で美しいと教えてくれた。\ ^How in the deep of winter, when the flower beds were a lonely place, their single, proud blooming form was impressive and beautiful.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0065.ogg" ;「…やっぱり、園芸が趣味なの?」\ ^``So, gardening really is your hobby?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0079.ogg" ;「ん? 別に趣味って訳じゃないわよ」\ ^``Mm? It's not really a hobby or anything.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0066.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして詳しいの?」\ ^``Then why do you know so much?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0080.ogg" ;「うーん、どっちかとゆーと職業柄かなぁ」\ ^``Mmm, if I had to say, it was part of the job I guess.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;園芸屋さん? お花屋さん? ;以前は車が好きとも言っていたけど…\ ^A gardener? A florist? But before, she had said she liked cars...\ ;よく分からない。 ;そもそも、姫子さんのことはまだよく知らない。\ ^I didn't really understand. I still really didn't know much about Himeko-san.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0081.ogg" ;「ま、なんにしても、 ; これが咲く頃には私はいないけどねっ」\ ^``Well, either way, when these bloom, I won't be around.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして…相変わらず、ドキっとすることを陽気に話す。\ ^And as always... cheerfully talking about things that make you stop short.\ ;わたしが知っていることは、 ;7Fの住人で余命が見えていること。\ ^What I knew was that she was a resident of the 7th floor, and that the rest of her time was within sight.\ ;にも関わらず、こんなことを、 ;あっけらかんと言える人だということだった。\ ^And paying that no heed, she does these things, and was a person who could be called carefree.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0082.ogg" ;「さて、大体終わったし、そろそろ部屋に帰りましょ」\ ^``Okay, since it's more or less done, it's about time we go up to the room.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;二人して、よく手を洗うと7Fへ向かう。\ ^Together, we carefully washed our hands and headed to the 7th floor.\ dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;エレベータを降りた目の前には、昼食を運んだ大きなワゴン。 ;もう既にそんな頃合だった。\ ^Right in front of us as we got off the elevator was a large cart carrying lunch. It was already that time.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2eb021.mp3" bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 ;そして、姫子さんの昼食トレーを手に、帰ってきた病室。\ ^And so, with Himeko-san's lunch tray in hand, we went back to the room.\ ;いつもなら、この時間になると、 ;わたしは自分の家へと昼食を食べに帰っていた。\ ^Normally, when this time came, I'd be heading back home to eat lunch.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0083.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ、一緒に食堂行く? ; あなたも家まで帰るの面倒くさいでしょ?」\ ^``Hey Setsumi, want to go to the cafeteria together? It's a lot of trouble to go back to your home, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;自分のトレーを手に、そんな提案をしてくれる姫子さん。\ ^Holding her own tray, Himeko-san made the suggestion.\ ;普段なら、ちょっと考えてしまうところだけど、 ;今日は少し違っていた。\ ^Normally, I would have wound up thinking it over, but today was a bit different.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0067b.ogg" ;「…今日わたし、お弁当もってきてるから」\ ^``Today, I... brought a lunch, so...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0084.ogg" ;「えっ、あなたお弁当、持ってきてるの?」\ ^``Eh? You brought a lunch?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0068b.ogg" ;「うん…お母さんが作ってくれたから」\ ^``Un... Mother made it for me.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言いながらトートバックからお弁当箱を取り出すと、 ;ベッドの横の小さなテーブルに広げる。\ ^As I spoke, I took out the lunch box from the tote bag and opened it on the small table near the bed.\ ;一緒に持ってきた、凍らせた麦茶が、 ;ちょうど良いくらいに溶けて飲み頃だった。\ ^And the frozen barley tea I brought along was now melted just right for drinking.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0085.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0069.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... Something wrong?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0086.ogg" ;「セツミーっ」\ ^``Setsumiii~~!''\ ;-- extra i's in deference to Yanase Natsumi's voice >.> !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0070.ogg" ;「わ、びっくりした…」\ ^``Wah, you scared me...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0087.ogg" ;「私は今、もーれつに感動してるのよっ」\ ^``Right now, I'm reaaaally touched!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0088.ogg" ;「まさかこんな場所に、 ; お弁当持参で来てくれる子がいるとはっ」\ ^``To think that there would be someone who would bring lunch to such a place!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0089.ogg" ;「ありがと、ありがとねっ」\ ^``Thank you! Thank you!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0071.ogg" ;「て、わ、だ、抱きつかないで…」\ ^``H-hey! D-don't cling...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0090.ogg" ;「あはは、ちょっとオーバーだったかしら?」\ ^``Ahaha, was that a bit over the top?''\ !sd dwavestop 5 dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そしてわたし達は、一緒に昼食を食べ始めた。\ ^And so we began eating lunch together.\ ;姫子さんもベッドから降りると、 ;二人してパイプ椅子に並んで座る。\ ^Himeko-san got off the bed and we sat in folding chairs next to each other.\ ;ちなみに姫子さんの昼食は、7Fだからといって、 ;他の病棟とも大差ないようだった。\ ^By the way, Himeko-san's lunch, even though it was the 7th floor, didn't look all that different from the food in the other wards.\ ;…もしかしたら、すごく豪勢なのかとも思ったけど、 ;いかにも病院食といった地味な昼食。\ ^... I wondered if it would have been extremely luxurious, but it was what you could call a plain hospital lunch.\ ;!== I read the implicit subject of 思った here as being Setsumi: "I thought people on 7F might get luxurious food (but it turns out they don't)". ;-- hrm, that makes more sense that way.ぽっちっとな ;それと比べたら、わたしのお弁当は、 ;お母さんが気合を入れて作ってくれただけに、\ ^Compared to that, my lunch, which Mother had put effort into making...\ ;から揚げや、たくさんのコロッケで、とても賑やかだった。\ ^Spicy fried tofu, lots of croquettes, it was very lively.\ bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0091.ogg" ;「じ~………」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_224 ^Himeko-san kept staring.\ goto *generated_225 *generated_224 ^* Stare. *\ *generated_225 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0092.ogg" ;「ねえねえ、一つ貰っていい?」\ ^``Hey, hey, can I have one?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0072b.ogg" ;「うん…どうぞ」\ ^``Un... here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0093.ogg" ;「わーい、いただきまーすっ、ぱくっ」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_226 ^``Yay! Thanks a lot.'' *generated_226 if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_227 ^She took a bite.\ goto *generated_228 *generated_227 ^``Yay! Thanks a lot.'' * Chomp. *\ *generated_228 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0094.ogg" ;「って、辛っ、これカレーコロッケね」\ ^``Ack, hot! This is a curry croquette?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それほど辛くなかった筈だけど、 ;オーバーに水を流し込む姫子さん。\ ^It wasn't supposed to be all that spicy, but Himeko-san drank far too much water.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0073.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^``You okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0095.ogg" ;「うぅ、実は私って辛いの超苦手なのよね…」\ ^``Uu, see, I'm really bad with anything spicy...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;普段のイメージと違って、少し涙まで浮かべたりして。\ ^Unlike her normal image, some tears were in her eyes.\ ;そんな姿が可笑しくて、 ;わたしは、中身を教えてあげることにした。\ ^She looked so pitiful, I decided to tell her what was in them.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0074.ogg" ;「これが、野菜コロッケ…」\ ^``This is a vegetable croquette...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0096.ogg" ;「はい?」\ ^``Come again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0075.ogg" ;「そっちはカボチャ、手前のは肉コロッケよ…」\ ^``That's pumpkin, and the one in front is a meat croquette...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0097.ogg" ;「えーと…もしかして、見ただけで中身が分かるの?」\ ^``Um... wait, just by looking, you can tell what's inside?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;こくん。 ;その言葉にわたしは頷いてみせる。\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_229 ^* Bob. * *generated_229 ^I gave a nod at her words.\ ;そして、半信半疑のお姉さんに、 ;お箸でコロッケを半分に割ると中身を見せる。\ ^So, to show the half believing, half doubting Onee-san, I split open the croquettes with my chopsticks.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0076.ogg" ;「ほら…合ってるわよ」\ ^``See? I'm right.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0098.ogg" ;「ちょ、なんで分かるのよ? 外見全く同じなのに」\ ^``Wai--how did you know? The outsides look all the same!''\ ;!== Does "Wai- how" give the effect you're after, or should it be something like "Wai---how"? ;-- hrm... well, more the latter, but I can't help but think that em-dashes look too long to the eye for some of the work they do ;!== Heh, I was actually going to suggest an en dash, but then I recalled that American style normally prefers em dashes... ^^; !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0077b.ogg" ;「…全く同じって訳でもないわ」\ ^``It's not like they're exactly the same.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0099.ogg" ;「うーん、少なくとも、私には見分けつかないわね…」\ ^``Mm, well, for me at least, I can't tell them apart...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0100.ogg" ;「ね、もしかしてコロッケに詳しいの?」\ ^``Hey, could it be that you know a lot about croquettes?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0078.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^``... Not particularly...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;…自分としてはそれほど凄いこととは思えないけど。\ ^I didn't think it was all that amazing myself.\ ;単純に、毎日のように食べていると、 ;わずかな外見の違いで分かるようになっただけだった。\ ^Basically, from eating them every day, I just learned to pick out the little differences between the outsides.\ bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0101.ogg" ;「ふう、ごちそうさまでした」\ ^``Phew, thanks for the food.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;一通り食事も終わり、わたしは空になったお弁当箱を、 ;再びトートバックへとしまう。\ ^Once our meal was finished, I placed the now empty lunch box once again into the tote bag.\ ;;そして、姫子さんも廊下のワゴンへとトレーを返却に行く dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0102.ogg" ;「ねえ、コロッケ博士」\ ^``Hey, Professor Croquette.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0079.ogg" ;「…はい?」\ ^``... Come again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0103.ogg" ;「食後のアイスに行かない? 博士も?」\ ^``Want to go for an after-meal ice cream, Professor?''\ ;!== Many style guides would recommend hyphenating "after-meal" here. Wow, how petty can my nitpicks get? :P ;-- mmm okay, conceding to 7.86 in chicago, on the theory that when they come before the noun they modify, it's supposedly easier to read, though I don't feel the difference myself !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0080.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;もしかしなくても、コロッケ博士とは、 ;わたしのことを指しているのだろうか?\ ^Could it be that Professor Croquette, meant me?\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0081.ogg" ;「変なアダ名…付けないでよ」\ ^``Don't go... tacking on weird nicknames.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0104.ogg" ;「あはは、気に入らなかったみたいね」\ ^``Ahaha, looks like you don't like it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;…15cmしか開かない窓から見上げた夏空。\ ^... Beyond the windows that could only open 15cm was the summer sky.\ ;けたたましく鳴く蝉の声と、 ;姫子さんの明るい笑い声が、この狭い部屋にも響いていた。\ ^The voices of noisily crying cicadas and Himeko-san's bright laughing voice rang out in the narrow room.\ ;いつも、明るく陽気な姫子さん。\ ^There, always bright and cheery, was Himeko-san.\ ;もしかしたらわたしも…^@^笑えていたかも知れない…\ ^And just maybe... ^@^I, too, was smiling...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;■心情・情景>時間経過 ;それから、いつものように病室で過ごし…\ ^Afterwards, we passed the time as usual in the room.\ ;別れて、7Fを後にしようとしていた時…\ ^When we parted, as I was making to leave the 7th floor...\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0083.ogg" ;「あ、ちょっと…」\ ^``Ah, a moment...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" bg "en\chi01.jpg",3 ;振り返ると、そこには見知らぬお姉さん。\ ^Turning around, there was an Onee-san I didn't know.\ ;可愛らしいフリルのスカート。 ;赤いエプロンと、胸に見えたロザリオが印象的だった。\ ^A cute frilly skirt, a red apron, and a rosary on her chest left an impression.\ ;以前に見たヘルパーの人と、 ;同じようなエプロンをしているけど…\ ^Other helpers I've seen before wore the same aprons...\ ;ということは、この人もヘルパーの人なのだろうか?\ ^So that probably meant this person was also a helper.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0082.ogg" ;「…わたしになにか?」\ ^``... Did you mean me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0084.ogg" ;「ここは、関係者か肉親以外、ご遠慮頂いているのですが…」\ ^``This place... is supposed to be restricted to people who are involved and relatives...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0085.ogg" ;「あ、それともどちらかのご家族の方でしたか?」\ ^``Ah, of those, are you perhaps a family member?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0083.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;一瞬、どう答えようかと考えてから、ゆっくりと口を開いた。\ ^For a moment, I thought about how to answer, and then slowly opened my mouth.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0084.ogg" ;「…姫子って人の…友達…」\ ^``Someone called Himeko's... friend...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0086.ogg" ;「え、あなたが友達?」\ ^``Eh? You're a friend?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0085.ogg" ;「…そう言われているわ」\ ^``That's what I've been told.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0087.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0086.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``Was there...?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0088.ogg" ;「あ、いえ、なんでもないです、失礼しました」\ ^``Ah no, it's nothing. Excuse me.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景>妹退場 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;その言葉を最後に、またどこかへ行ってしまったお姉さん。\ ^With those words, the Onee-san once again went off somewhere.\ ;…今のは何だったのだろう? ;恐らくはヘルパーの人だと思うけど…\ ^What was that just now? It was probably a helper, but...\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;すっかりと日も暮れ、今日の夕食も終えようとする頃…\ ^Around when the sun had completely set, and today's dinner was ending...\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_021.ogg" ;「まあ、きれいに食べてくれたのね」\ ^``My, you've cleaned it out didn't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景 ;空になった、お弁当箱に喜ぶお母さん。\ ^At the empty lunch box, Mother looked pleased.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_022.ogg" ;「じゃあ、明日からも作ってあげるわね」\ ^``Then, I'll also make lunch for you starting tomorrow.''\ ;!== Did you want both "also"s here? ;-- whoops, more shrapnel !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0087.ogg" ;「うん…ありがと…」\ ^``Un... Thank you...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;本当は、ポテトは姫子さんが食べてくれたのだけど、 ;そのことを打ち明けることは出来なかった。\ ^Truth was, Himeko-san had eaten the fries for me, but I wasn't able to reveal that.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>雨戸> dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" ;カラカラカラ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_230 ^The window frame rattled as it slid.\ goto *generated_231 *generated_230 ^* Karakarakara. *\ *generated_231 ;部屋の窓を開けると、少しだけ入ってくる涼しい夜風。\ ^Once I opened the window in the room, just a bit of cool night wind came in.\ bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",2 ;わたしの部屋。 ;窓辺には洗いたてのセーラー服が干されていた。\ ^My room. ^By the window, the sailor uniform was drying.\ ;夏の蒸し暑さに、思わずクーラーを入れたくなるけど、 ;まだ帰宅してもいないお父さんを思うと、それは戸惑われた。\ ^The sweltering summer heat made me want to turn on the air conditioner, but when I thought about Father, who still hadn't come home yet, I stopped.\ ;そういえば、姫子さん…\ ^Come to think, Himeko-san...\ ;結局、うやむやにされてしまったけど、 ;勝手に花壇に花を植えたことは問題なかったのだろうか?\ ^In the end, she was really vague about it, but I wonder if planting flowers in the flower bed without permission would cause her any problems.\ ;それに、以前のヘルパーは必要ないって話しや、 ;誰もお見舞いの人が来ないのも不思議だった。\ ^On top of that, the story from before about how she didn't need a helper, and how no one came to visit her was also mysterious.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…名前は姫子、天秤座のAB型、認識腕輪の色は白。\ ^... Name: Himeko. Libra. Blood type, AB. ID bracelet color was white.\ ;まだわたしは、お姉さんのことを何も知らないのかも知れない…\ ^I still probably didn't know anything about Onee-san...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha6,1 mov %flg2_bplay,6 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_6 mov $sys_midasi,"^#07 / Punishment [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;翌日。 ;今日は違う場所でお昼を食べるわたし達。\ ^The next day. ^Today, we ate our lunch in a different place.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm2\n032.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;ひと気のない談話室。 ;お昼のニュースを無機質に流すTVを見ながら食べる。\ ^In a deserted lounge, while watching the impersonal daytime news on the television, we ate.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0105.ogg" ;「うーん、やっぱこのコロッケ美味しいわねぇ」\ ^``Mmm, these croquettes sure are good.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;今日も、お弁当のおかずを欲しそうにする姫子さん。 ;わたしも、病院の食事が美味しくないのは知っている。\ ^Today, again, Himeko-san seemed to want the dishes in my lunch. I also knew that hospital food was bad.\ ;だから、テーブルの上にわたしのお弁当と、 ;姫子さんの病院の昼食を並べ、二人一緒に食べていた。\ ^So on top of the table, my lunch and Himeko-san's hospital meal were spread out and the two of us ate together.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0106.ogg" ;「ねえ、次は野菜コロッケが欲しいんだけど」\ ^``Hey, I want a vegetable croquette next...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0088.ogg" ;「…右端のよ」\ ^``... On the right edge.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0107.ogg" ;「はーい、ありがとうセツミ博士」\ ^``Okaaay, thanks, Professor Setsumi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0090.ogg" ;「…もう教えてあげない」\ ^``... I'm not going to tell you any more.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0108.ogg" ;「あん、冗談だって、冗談」\ ^``Aah, it's a joke! A joke.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そんなやり取りをしながら、今日の昼食も終わろうとする頃、\ ^As we made these little exchanges, around when today's lunch came to an end...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0109.ogg" ;「ねえ、以前から気になってたんだけど…」\ ^``Hey, I've been wondering from before...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0110.ogg" ;「…もしかして嫌いなの?」\ ^``Is it that you don't like them?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながらお弁当箱に入れられた、ポテトを指す。\ ^As she spoke, she pointed at the fries in the lunch box.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0111.ogg" ;「結局、昨日も私一人でポテト食べたじゃない」\ ^``In the end, didn't I also eat them all myself yesterday?''\ ;!== Did you read 結局 as 大体 here? ;-- mmmm I suppose I did. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0091.ogg" ;「………………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0092.ogg" ;「うん……嫌い…」\ ^``Un... I don't like them...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0112.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして入ってるの?」\ ^``Then, why are they in there?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0091.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どう答えようかと、少し悩んでから…\ ^How should I answer? I debated a bit...\ ;わたしは正直に話すことにした。\ ^And decided to tell the truth.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0093.ogg" ;「好きだと思っているから…お母さんは」\ ^``Because I'm thought to like them... by Mother.''\ ;!== Do you feel changing this to a passive works better than an active-voice solution along the lines of "Because she thinks I like them... Mother (I mean/that is/does)"? ;!== Fair enough. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0113.ogg" ;「ふーん、あなたも大変そうね~」\ ^``Hmm, looks like you've got it hard too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;恐らく、これだけでも意味が通じているのだろう。\ ^Probably, even with just that, my meaning went through.\ ;以前の服もそうだけど、何故か姫子さんには、 ;大抵のことは見抜かれてしまっているように思う。\ ^It was like before with the clothes; for some reason, Himeko-san seemed to see through to the heart of things.\ ;だけど、続けて出た姫子さんの言葉は、 ;明らかに声のトーンが違っていた。\ ^However, the words that Himeko-san spoke next weren't in a bright tone of voice.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0114.ogg" ;「でも…それは優しさじゃないわよ」\ ^``But... that's not kindness, you know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0115.ogg" ;「まだあなたには理解できないでしょうけど…」\ ^``Well, it's probably something you can't understand...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0116b.ogg" ;「相手を気遣っているつもりなら、大間違いね」\ ^``If you're trying to be considerate of people, that's a big mistake.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…間違い? 優しくない?\ ^... Mistake? Not kindness?\ ;少なくとも、この言葉はお母さんを指すではなく、 ;このわたしに対しての言葉だろう。\ ^At the very least, those words weren't directed at Mother, but probably towards me.\ ;正しい・正しくない。\ ^Right and wrong.\ ;これならば分かる。 ;わたしだって、正直に言わないことを正しいとは思わない。\ ^If it's that, I understand. Even I don't think not saying how I really feel is right.\ ;ならば、正直に打ち明けるのが優しさなのだろうか…\ ^Then, was it that revealing the truth was kindness?\ ;わたしの為にと、あんなにしてくれているお母さんに、 ;本当は嫌いだと告げることが、優しさになるのだろうか…\ ^To say what Mother had gone through for my sake was something I actually hated, would that be kindness?\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;それから、売店まで姫子さんの買い物を頼まれたわたし。\ ^Afterwards, I was asked to go shopping at the store for Himeko-san.\ ;エレベーターから7Fに着き、 ;再び談話室へ向かおうとした時、\ ^As I left the elevator on the 7th floor, and was again headed to the lounge...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0095.ogg" ;「…あれ?」\ ^``Huh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景> ;廊下の先、談話室の少し手前。\ ^In the hallway, just before the lounge.\ ;姫子さんと話す、誰かの姿を見つけた。\ ^I saw Himeko-san talking to someone.\ ;…確かあの人は…^@^ ;先日わたしに声を掛けた、ヘルパーの人だった。\ ^... I was sure that person was...^@^ the helper that had spoken to me the other day.\ ;何かを話している二人に、 ;わたしも近づいて声を掛けようと思うんだけど…\ ^I thought about going up and speaking to them as the two of them spoke, but...\ ;何故か、そんな雰囲気に感じなくて、 ;思わずわたしは、離れて様子を窺ってしまう。\ ^For some reason, sensing that it wasn't that kind of atmosphere, I couldn't help but watch from afar.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;bg "en\chi01.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0089.ogg" ;「ほら、今日の分の点滴、まだなんだから」\ ^``Look, today's IV drip, you still haven't had it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0117.ogg" ;「わかってるわよ、今から帰るとこだって」\ ^``I know. I said I was going back now.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0090.ogg" ;「それと、午後からの入浴の仕方だけど…」\ ^``And also, about how you'll be bathing this afternoon...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0032.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0118.ogg" ;;「……………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0119.ogg" ;「千尋…私が知らないとでも思って?」\ ^``Chihiro... did you think I didn't know?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0091.ogg" ;「あ…別にそんな意味じゃ…」\ ^``Ah... I didn't mean that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0120.ogg" ;「だったら余計な気遣いは無用よ、 ; あなたこそ、自分の担当の元へ帰りなさい」\ ^``So there's no need for unnecessary consideration. Go back to your own assignment.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0092.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そのまま去っていった知らないお姉さん。\ ^And the unknown Onee-san left like that.\ ;間違いなく、先日、わたしにも話し掛けた人だった。\ ^Without a doubt, that was the person who spoke to me the other day.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0096.ogg" ;「ねえ、今の人は?」\ ^``Say, that person just now was?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0121.ogg" ;「…只のヘルパーよ」\ ^``Just a helper.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;まるで突き放すように答える。\ ^An answer as if she were pushing something aside.\ ;わたしには、以前に聞いた説明から、 ;7Fのヘルパーの人達は、とても立派だと思えた。\ ^To me, from the explanation I heard about the helpers on the 7th floor, I thought they were very admirable.\ ;なのに姫子さんからは、 ;あまりそういった感じは見られない。\ ^And yet, looking at Himeko-san, it didn't seem like she felt that way.\ ;特に今の人には、冷たい態度だったようにすら思う。\ ^Especially with the person just now, I felt she had even been cold.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;何か言いたそうにしているのを察してか、 ;目の前の談話室に入る姫子さん。\ ^Perhaps seeing that I wanted to say something, Himeko-san entered the lounge before us.\ ;そしてソファに腰掛け、向かいの椅子にわたしを勧めた。\ ^And sitting in a sofa, she offered the chair facing her.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0122.ogg" ;「実は私も、ヘルパーやってたことあるのよ」\ ^``You see, I once was a helper.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0097.ogg" ;「えっ…ここで?」\ ^``Eh?... Here?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0123.ogg" ;「だから知り合いなのよ」\ ^``So that was someone I knew.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;意外だった。\ ^That was unexpected.\ ;わたしには、陽気で明るい姫子さんと、 ;ヘルパーのイメージが結びつかない。\ ^For me, the bright, cheery Himeko-san and the image of a helper just wouldn't connect.\ ;少なくとも、この7Fのヘルパーの人には、 ;いつも穏やかで落ち着いた感じをイメージしていた。\ ^At the least, my image of the helpers on the 7th floor was that they were always calm and collected.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…でも…^@^よく考えてみると、頷ける部分もあった。\ ^... But...^@^ if I thought about it, a part of it did fit.\ ;この7Fって場所の患者は、他病棟の患者と違い、 ;それなりに自由を与えられている。\ ^Patients on this 7th floor, unlike patients of other wards, in a way were given freedom.\ ;但し、その中でも姫子さんは特別に思えた。 ;何故か、もっと好き勝手が許されているように感じていた。\ ^However, even among them, I had thought Himeko-san was special. For some reason, it felt as if she were allowed to get away with even more.\ ;以前に疑問に思った、勝手に花壇に植木の件も、 ;担当ヘルパーが必要ないと言った件も…\ ^The questions I had before, about planting in the garden without permission, and how she said she didn't need an assigned helper...\ ;やたらと医者の先生や看護婦さんと仲が良いのも頷ける。\ ^How she would randomly give friendly nods to doctors and nurses.\ ;きっと、以前にこの病院でヘルパーをやっていた故に、 ;色々と許されている部分も多いのだろう。\ ^Surely, because she had been a helper before in this hospital, she had probably been allowed more.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0098.ogg" ;「ねえ、一つ質問していい?」\ ^``Say, can I ask one question?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0099.ogg" ;「…どうしてヘルパーやってたの?」\ ^``Why were you a helper?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;今度は次の疑問をぶつけてみた。\ ^This time, I tried voicing my next question.\ ;姫子さんが元ヘルパーなのが事実だったとしても、 ;何故そういった活動をしていたかは、想像できない。\ ^Even if it were true that Himeko-san had been previously a helper, why she would work as one, I couldn't imagine.\ ;少なくとも、自分が知っている限りの姫子さんからは、 ;ボランティアやヘルパーといったモノとは無縁に思える。\ ^At the least, from what I knew about Himeko-san, I thought she would be indifferent to something like volunteering or being a helper.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0124.ogg" ;「ウチはカトリックだからね…」\ ^``Well, my family is Catholic...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0100.ogg" ;「…カトリック?」\ ^``... Catholic?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0125.ogg" ;「ええ、私の両親もそうだけど、 ; こういう福祉活動にはよく参加するのよ」\ ^``Yeah, my parents were also like this, but I'd often participate in such public welfare activities.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>色々と ;これは、更に予想外の回答だった。\ ^That was an even more unexpected answer.\ ;もちろん、わたし自身、 ;クリスチャンや宗教的なことは全くの無知。\ ^Of course, myself, I knew absolutely nothing about Christians or religious matters.\ ;それでも、先程のヘルパーより、 ;更に姫子さんのイメージからは遠く感じる。\ ^But even then, from the helper just before, I felt that the image of Himeko-san was even more distant.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0126.ogg" ;「それにほら、ここってキリスト教病院でしょ?」\ ^``And well, this place, it's a Christian hospital right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0101.ogg" ;「…うん、それは知ってる」\ ^``... Un. That I know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0127.ogg" ;「だから…余計にね」\ ^``So... even more so, you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;まるでこれが全ての回答であるような言い方だった。\ ^She spoke as if that were the answer to everything.\ ;確かに、今まであまり気にしてなかったけど…\ ^Certainly, I hadn't really considered it up until now...\ ;言われてみると、たまに教会の神父さんや、 ;シスターのような人も見かけたことがある。\ ^But now that she mentioned it, I did occasionally see people who looked like priests and sisters.\ ;とはいえ、わたし達、普通の病人にとっては、 ;病院がどういう形態であろうが意識することは少ない。\ ^But still, for us normal sick people, there were few things that we notice about the kind of hospital it was.\ ;それよりも、外科の専門であるとか、 ;内科に有名な先生が居るといったことで病院選びをする。\ ^Instead of things like that, whether there was specialization in surgery, or whether there was a famous internist present; from those, a hospital would be chosen.\ ;!== I'd be tempted to make the structure a bit clearer by writing e.g. "there---from that". Punctuation's very much about personal taste, though! ;-- hrm. at one point I muddled over punctuation here... while a dash is the first that coems to mind, I don't like the strength of the dash... but I need more oomph than a comma ;だけど、そこに勤める人にとっては、 ;大きな違いがあるのだろうか…\ ^However, for the people who work there, there was probably a huge difference...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0128.ogg" ;「でも、ま、しょせん私はエセカトリックよ」\ ^``But, well, from the start, I was a fake Catholic.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0102.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^``Really?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0129.ogg" ;「ええ、偶然、教会の隣に家があったってだけだし」\ ^``Yeah. By chance, my house was next to a church, that's all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0130.ogg" ;;「それに、ヘルパーやってたのだって、 ;; 大学の単位として必要だったからよ」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;いつものように明るく答える姫子さん。 ;その言葉が本当か嘘かは、わたしには分からない。\ ^Himeko-san answered in her usual cheery way. Whether those words were the truth, or a lie, I didn't know.\ ;只、その時だけ窓辺に視線を移していた。 ;よく見えない横顔が、その言葉を否定しているようにも思えた。\ ^However, just that time, her gaze shifted to the window. In that profile that I rarely saw, I thought there was some denial of those words.\ ;!== I think よく here is "often", not "well". ;-- hrm... It's somewhat more interesting, so I'll use it dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0131.ogg" ;「でもね、まさか、 ; 逆に自分が7Fに入るとは思わなかったわ」\ ^``But, I certainly didn't think I'd come around and be admitted into the 7th floor myself.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0132.ogg" ;「あはは、やっぱ、バチが当ったのかも知れないわね」\ ^``Ahaha, maybe, I really am being punished.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora06.jpg",5 ;長い夏の日が、ゆっくりと暮れる頃、\ ^When the long summer day slowly ended,\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;珍しく早く帰ってきたお父さん。 ;今日の夕食は、家族三人揃っていた。\ ^Unusually, Father was home early. So today our family of three ate dinner together.\ ;ここに引っ越してからは通勤が遠くなり、 ;こうやって三人で食卓を囲むのも久しぶりのことだった。\ ^Since we moved, his commute lengthened and it has been a while since the three of us gathered around the dinner table like this.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 ;「へ~、友達ができたのか」\ ^``Oh? Made a friend?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_023.ogg" ;「ええ、だから最近は毎日出掛けているのよ」\ ^``Yes, that's why lately she's been going out every day.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;「よかったな、セツミ」\ ^``Isn't that great, Setsumi?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0055b.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^``... Un...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;友達が出来たと、一緒になって喜んでくれるお父さん。\ ^At my making a friend, Father also became happy.\ ;きっとお父さんも、ここ最近わたしの体調が良いから、 ;余計に喜んでくれているのだろう。\ ^I'm pretty sure that because my health had been well lately, Father was even more pleased.\ ;!== Did you mean "my health had been well", or would you usually say "my health had been good"? ;!== OK, this is just another regional difference then. :) ;…以前はお父さんと一緒に、いつも三人で囲んでいた夕食。\ ^... Before, the three of us would always eat dinner together.\ ;でも今は、帰りが遅い為にお母さんと二人が常だった。 ;パートの帰りが遅くなると、わたし一人で済ますことだってある。\ ^But now, because he comes home late, Mother and I together was normal. There were also times when she would come home late from her part-time job and I would eat alone.\ ;…これが今の日常だった。\ ^... That was the norm now.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;3年前のあの日から、入退院を繰り返す毎日。\ ^Since that day three years ago, days of going in and out of hospitals.\ ;姫子さんは自分自身のことを、”バチが当った”と言っていた。\ ^Himeko-san said that she herself ``was being punished.''\ ;じゃあ、わたしも、 ;何か悪いことをしたからバチが当ったのだろうか…\ ^Then, did I also do something wrong and was being punished?\ ;!== Interesting construction. I'd have expected something like "that I was being punished for", but I can't claim to be a master of colloquial American English! ;-- mm, well you could insert a (for it) at the end to get the exact same meaning. I have a feeling I favored implying it because it leaves 'punished' at the end of the sentence where it stands out a tad more, to suit the katakana and parallel the himeko's line ;!== Heh, the lack of a "for" isn't what I thought was unusual -- I guess the fact that you picked up on a different point from the one I had in mind pretty much confirms that the construction is natural for you. :) ;!== (FWIW, basically I find "did I do ... and was being ..." odd because you can't say "did I was being", so I would expect either "did I do ... and was I being ...", or for the "was being" bit to be lowered into a subordinate clause.) ;一体、どんな悪いことをしてしまったのだろう?\ ^Just what kind of wrong did I commit?\ ;そして、バチを当てられているのは…\ ^And, the one who's being punished...\ ;このわたし? それとも両親? ;もしくはその両者なのだろうか…\ ^Was it myself? Or my parents? Or perhaps both?\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_024.ogg" ;「…どうかした、セツミ?」\ ^``Is something wrong, Setsumi?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0103.ogg" ;「ううん、なんでもない…」\ ^``U~~un, nothing...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\karakara.ogg" bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",2 ;カラカラカラ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_232 ^The window rattled as it slid.\ goto *generated_233 *generated_232 ^* Karakarakara. *\ *generated_233 ;窓を開けると、 ;蒸し暑さの中にも夜風が心地よく感じた。\ ^Opening the window, even in such stuffy heat the night breeze felt nice.\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;…色々と分からないことが多かった。\ ^There were many things I didn't understand.\ ;だけど、バチが当ったというのならば、 ;一体、誰が…バチを当てているのだろう?\ ^But, if we were being punished... then who is doing the punishing?\ ;もしその人に、ごめんなさいと謝れば…^@^ ;赦してもらえるのだろうか…\ ^And if I said ``I'm sorry'' to that person...^@^ would we be forgiven?\ ;ポテトを黙って食べるわたしは、優しくないとも言われた。\ ^I, who would silently eat fries, had also been called unkind.\ ;そして、何故かわたしと親しくしてくれる姫子さん。 ;今までは家族以外、自分を避けてきたのに逆だった。\ ^And Himeko-san, for some reason came close to me. ^Until now, outside of family, others have done the reverse and avoided me.\ ;やはりあの人の場合も…\ ^I'm sure that for her also...\ ;他に誰もいなくて、退屈だからだろうか…\ ^It was because there was no one else, so probably it was because she was bored...\ ;!== I'd suggest "because she was bored", as the "it" in "it was boring" can easily be read as referring back to "coming close to me" :) ;-- well I disliked that line anyways, so if it's confusing, off with it's... uh... tail bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha7,1 mov %flg2_bplay,7 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_7 mov $sys_midasi,"^#08 / Pink Manicure [a]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;灼けた日差し、降り注ぐような蝉の鳴き声。\ ^Burning sunlight and the pouring of cicada cries.\ ;真っ黒な影が真下に出来る頃、 ;少し寝坊してしまったわたしは、いつもの場所へと向かう。\ ^When pitch black shadows were right underfoot, after having overslept, I was now headed to the usual place.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_234 ^The elevator's bell rung.\ goto *generated_235 *generated_234 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_235 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;「おはよう、今日は遅かったわね」\ ^``Morning, you're here late today.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0104.ogg" ;「うん、おはよう…」\ ^``Un, morning...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;エレベータを降り、顔見知りとなった看護婦さんと、 ;軽く挨拶を交わす。\ ^Getting off the elevator, I exchanged light greetings with a nurse I became acquainted with.\ ;もう今では、7Fに入っても、 ;誰からも見咎められることはなかった。\ ^By now, even if I enter the 7th floor, no one challenged me.\ ;…もしかしたら、このままわたしも、 ;ここの人間になってしまうのではないだろうか?\ ^Just maybe... at this rate I, too, might become a person of this place?\ ;ふと、そんなことを思うと怖かった。\ ^When the thought suddenly came, I was afraid.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;白い廊下を進み、通い慣れた姫子さんの病室へと向かう。\ ^Continuing down the white hall, I headed to the now familiar room of Himeko-san.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_236 ^I knocked lightly on the door.\ goto *generated_237 *generated_236 ^* Knock Knock. *\ *generated_237 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0105.ogg" ;「…入るわよ…」\ ^``I'm coming in...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;そして、恐らくは待っていただろう姫子さんの元へと…\ ^And when I returned to Himeko-san, who had probably been waiting...\ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\tizu01b.jpg",10,1500 ;…本…^@^だろうか?\ ^Books... ^@^ perhaps?\ ;ベッドの上に広げた、薄い冊子を見つめる姫子さん。\ ^Spread atop the bed, thin volumes that Himeko-san gazed at.\ ;それが、何であるかまでは分からないけど、 ;その様子はいつもの明るい表情と違っていた。\ ^What those were, I didn't know, but that face was different from her usual bright expression.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0106.ogg" ;「ねえ…なに見てるの?」\ ^``Say... what are you looking at?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0133.ogg" ;「…地図よ」\ ^``Maps.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0107.ogg" ;「地図?」\ ^``Maps?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" ;それだけを答えると、再びページへと視線を戻す。\ ^With just that answer, her gaze once again returned to the pages.\ ;それは、今までに見たこともないような、 ;寂しそうな、それでいてどこか穏やかな表情だった。\ ^There, was an expression I never saw before, a lonely, and yet also somehow calm expression.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0108.ogg" ;「…面白い?」\ ^``... It's interesting?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0134.ogg" ;「別に…つまらないわ」\ ^``Not particularly... it's boring.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言葉ではそう返すが、顔はこちらに向けない。\ ^Her words said so, but her face wouldn't turn this way.\ ;そして、つまらないと言いながらでも、 ;じっと寂しそうに見つめ続けていた。\ ^And even though she said it was boring, she continued staring with a lonely gaze.\ ;…だったら見なければ良いのに…\ ^... Then, you don't have to look...\ ;そう思いながらわたしも、同じように見つめる。^@^ ;他にやることもなかった。できることもなかった。\ ^Even as I thought that, I gazed along with her.^@^ There was nothing else to do, nothing else I could do.\ bg "en\tizu01.jpg",5 ;ベッドの上に広げた、どこかの地図。\ ^Spread atop the bed, the maps of someplace.\ ;そこには何本かの大きな幹線道路。名も知れぬ場所。\ ^On them were a number of large highways and roads, places with unfamiliar names.\ ;…ずっと眺めつづける姫子さんには悪いけど、 ;わたしには、この行為が楽しいとは思えなかった。\ ^... It felt like a slight to Himeko-san, who continued gazing, but for me, I couldn't find enjoyment in doing such.\ dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0135.ogg" ;「…退屈でしょう?」\ ^``It must be boring.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0136.ogg" ;「うふふ、いいのよ、私だってつまらないと思うもの」\ ^``Eheheh. It's fine, even I think it's boring.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0110.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、どうして見てるの?」\ ^``Then, why look?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0137.ogg" ;「さあ、どうしてだろうね…」\ ^``Indeed, why look, indeed...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう答えながらでも、姫子さんはずっと見続けていた。\ ^Even as she answered with that, Himeko-san continued to gaze.\ ;…姫子さん自身にも、理由が分からないなら、 ;このわたしに分かる訳がない。\ ^If Himeko-san herself didn't know the reason, then there was no way I could understand.\ ;そんなことを考え、 ;暫くそのままでいたかと思うと…^@^ぽつりと呟いた。\ ^While thinking that, and just when I thought she would remain that way for a while...^@^ she slowly murmured.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0138.ogg" ;「でもね…まだあなたには必要ないモノよ」\ ^``But you know... this isn't something you need yet.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0111.ogg" ;「…それは…いつか必要になるってこと?」\ ^``That... means someday I'll need it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0139.ogg" ;「さあ、それもあなた次第かしら」\ ^``Who knows, that also might depend on you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…時折、わたしの考えを、 ;見透かしたようなことを言う姫子さん。\ ^Occasionally, Himeko-san spoke as if she could see clear to my thoughts.\ ;まるで禅問答のような言葉を、突然投げることだってある。\ ^There were also times when she would suddenly toss out words like Zen riddles.\ ;それが何を指すのか分からないけど…^@^ ;でも何故か…わたしには、頷けてしまうことが多かった。\ ^What those were aiming at, I didn't know...^@^ but for some reason... often I would wind up nodding.\ ;bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 bg "en\tizu01.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0140.ogg" ;「ねえ…セツミ知ってた?」\ ^``Hey... Setsumi, did you know?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0141.ogg" ;「もし、どこか行きたい場所があったとして…」\ ^``If, there were a place that you wanted to go to...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0142.ogg" ;「どれだけの予算があれば足りると思う?」\ ^``How much of a budget do you think would be enough?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0112.ogg" ;「…わからないわ」\ ^``I don't know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;突然の質問に、わたしは正直に答える。 ;今まで、そんなこと考えたこともなかった。\ ^At the sudden question, I answered honestly. I had never thought about such a thing.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0143.ogg" ;「私の計算によるとね…5万円よ」\ ^``According to my calculations... ¥50,000.''\ ;hope that true yen symbol works... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0113.ogg" ;「そんなに…?」\ ^``That much?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0144.ogg" ;「ううん、そう考えちゃダメよ」\ ^``No, you shouldn't think that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0145.ogg" ;「逆にいえば、それだけあれば、 ; 日本中どこだって行けるってことよ」\ ^``Saying it the other way, with only that much, you could go anywhere in Japan.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;その金額を聞いても、わたしにはピンとこない。 ;また、こんなことをわたしに聞かせる意図も見えない。\ ^Even hearing that sum, to me it meant nothing. Also, I couldn't see the intention behind letting me hear it.\ ;只、それは姫子さんにとって、 ;どこか行きたい場所があるって意味なのだろうか?\ ^Perhaps it simply meant that for Himeko-san, she had a place she wanted to go to?\ ;また、いつかわたしにも… ;そんな場所が生まれると言いたいのだろうか…\ ^And someday I, too, would have such a place born within me... perhaps she also wanted to say that?\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_kami2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0146.ogg" ;「さて、んじゃまたアイスでも行きましょうか」\ ^``Well, why don't we go for ice cream again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って地図をたたむと立ち上がる。\ ^With that, she folded the maps and stood.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0147.ogg" ;「私、検温あるから、先に行ってて」\ ^``I've got to have my temperature taken, so go on ahead.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0114.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;姫子さんと別れてエレベータを待つわたし。\ ^Leaving Himeko-san, I waited for the elevator.\ ;周りに見えるのは、パジャマ姿の7Fの人達。\ ^All around, I can see the pajama-wearing people of the 7th floor.\ ;この人達も、さっきの姫子さんと同じように、 ;どこか行きたい場所を持っているのだろうか?\ ^These people, I wonder if they have a place they wanted to go to, just like Himeko-san.\ ;それとも、ある程度の年齢の人達は、 ;既に諦めや達観の域から、そんなこと考えないのだろうか…\ ^Or perhaps people of a certain age, from having already given up or taken a more philosophical view, maybe they don't think about such things...\ ;☆ベタ dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0093.ogg" ;「あのう…」\ ^``Um...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0094.ogg" ;「セツミさん…で良かったかしら?」\ ^``Setsumi-san... may I call you that?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0115.ogg" ;「あなたは、確かヘルパーの…」\ ^``You were... definitely the helper...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0095.ogg" ;「はい、この7Fを担当させて頂いております」\ ^``Yes, I've been assigned to this 7th floor.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;それは、以前にも話し掛けられたヘルパーの人。 ;先日は姫子さんとも話し、二人は知り合いだとも言っていた。\ ^It was the helper who had spoken to me before. The other day, Himeko-san had been speaking with her, and said she was an acquaintance.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0096.ogg" ;「それで、姫子さんの…お姉ちゃんのことですけど…」\ ^``And, about Himeko-san... about Onee-chan...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0116.ogg" ;「…お姉ちゃん?」\ ^``Onee-chan?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;この単語で、わたしは大体のことを察した。\ ^With that word, I could make a guess at how things stood.\ ;以前に姫子さんは、この7Fでヘルパーをやっていたと言い、 ;家族もカトリックであり、福祉活動もやっているとも言っていた。\ ^Before, Himeko-san said she had once been a helper on this 7th floor, that her family was Catholic, and she had also participated in public welfare activities.\ ;ならば、その妹である彼女も同じように、 ;ここでヘルパーをやっていても不思議ではなかった。\ ^Then for this younger sister to be a helper here in the same way was not surprising.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0117.ogg" ;「それで、わたしに何か?」\ ^``And, was there something?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0097.ogg" ;「もしセツミさんが、 ; 無理して一緒にいるようでしたらと思って…」\ ^``I was wondering... if Setsumi-san was forcing herself to be together with her...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0118.ogg" ;「別に…そんなことないわよ」\ ^``Not particularly... nothing like that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0098.ogg" ;「あ、だったら良いんですが…」\ ^``Ah, then that's fine, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0099.ogg" ;「以前は明るくて優しいお姉ちゃんだったんですけど…」\ ^``Before, she had been a cheerful, kind Onee-chan, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景> ;そう言って少し寂しそうに俯く。\ ^Saying that, she sadly lowered her head a bit.\ ;確かに、先日に会った時にもそのような印象は受けた。\ ^Certainly, I also had a similar impression when we met the other day.\ ;少なくとも、こんな優しそうな妹さんへの態度としては、 ;とても冷たいように思えた。\ ^At the least, her behavior towards this kind looking younger sister, I thought seemed very cold.\ ;でも、自分に対しては…\ ^However, towards myself...\ ;以前は優しかったの『以前』は該当せず、 ;今でもその言葉通りに優しいと思える。\ ^There was no need of the ``had been'', even now I believed she was kind.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0148.ogg" ;「千尋、なにをやっているの」\ ^``Chihiro, what are you doing?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0100.ogg" ;「あ、お姉ちゃん…」\ ^``A-, Onee-chan...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0149.ogg" ;「前にも言ったわね…」\ ^``I've told you before, didn't I?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0150.ogg" ;「余計なことをしゃべってるヒマがあったら、 ; 自分の担当の人を、しっかり見るべきでしょ」\ ^``If you've got the time to chatter about unnecessary things, you should be paying proper attention to your assigned person.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0101.ogg" ;「う、うん、それは分かってるけど…」\ ^``U-un. I know that, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0151.ogg" ;「あなたもヘルパーならば、 ; 自分の責務をまっとうしなさい」\ ^``If you're also a helper, then take your duties seriously.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0152.ogg" ;「行きましょ、セツミ」\ ^``Let's go, Setsumi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0102.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^``Ah---''\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;■心情・情景 ;一方的に話すと、その場に妹さんを残し、 ;すたすたと先になって歩く姫子さん。\ ^Speaking unilaterally, and then leaving her sister there, Himeko-san quickly walked ahead.\ ;!== Possibly say "her sister" rather than "the sister", as the latter might be taken to imply a nun? ;-- fair enough, huh, I had 'her' in the latex version <_<; ;なにか気の毒に思いながらも、わたしも後に続いた。\ ^Even as I felt somewhat bad for her, I followed after.\ ;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\shokudou.jpg",2 ;SE>カチャカチャ\ dwave 5,"se2\sara04.ogg" ;今日も向かい合わせに座ると、バニラを食べる。\ ^Again, today sitting facing each other, we ate vanilla.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0153.ogg" ;「悪かったわね、変なとこ見せて…」\ ^``Sorry about that, letting you see something weird...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0119.ogg" ;「今の人が…妹さん?」\ ^``That person just now... your younger sister?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0154.ogg" ;「ええ、そうよ」\ ^``Yes, that's right.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、2つ目のアイスを食べ始める姫子さん。\ ^While speaking, Himeko-san began eating her second ice cream.\ ;それ以上は、特に何も言ってくれそうになかったけど、 ;わたしは、さっきの態度のことが気になっていた。\ ^Beyond that, it didn't look like she was going to say any more; but I wanted to know about her behavior just before.\ ;間違いなく姫子さんを心配しているように思えた。\ ^Without a doubt, she was worried about Himeko-san.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0120.ogg" ;「ねえ、どうしてあんなに冷たいの?」\ ^``Say, why so cold?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0155.ogg" ;「もしかして、妹のこと?」\ ^``Do you mean, about my sister?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0121a.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^``Un...''\ !sd ;こくんと、小さく頷いてみせる。\ ^I gave a small nod.\ ;姫子さんだって自分の妹だし、 ;同じヘルパーをやった者としても気持ちは分かると思う。\ ^It was Himeko-san's own sister, and as someone who been the same kind of helper before, I thought she would understand her feelings.\ ;第三者が口出しすることじゃないかも知れないけど、 ;やはりわたしには、妹さんが気の毒で、可哀想に思えた。\ ^It might not have been something an outsider should be interfering with, but still, I felt the younger sister to be unfortunate and was sorry for her.\ ;!== Mmm, I don't know, somehow "unfortunate and pitiful" feels a bit too strong here... or maybe it's that "I thought" feels more concrete than ーに思えた. Maybe something more like "it seemed hard on her poor younger sister"? ;-- mmm I disliked 'pitiful' from the start so off with it's head.. and a bucket of softener too ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0121.ogg" ;;「うん、あんなに優しくて良い人なのに」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆加工予定\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0121b.ogg" ;「…あんなに優しくて良い人なのに」\ ^``Even though she's such a kind and good person.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0156.ogg" ;「そうね…優しくて良い人だからよ」\ ^``Indeed... it's because she's a kind and good person.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0122d.ogg" ;「…よく…分からないわ」\ ^``... I... don't really understand.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0157.ogg" ;「いいのよ、これもまだ、あなたには必要ないから」\ ^``It's okay, because this is also something you don't need yet.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0123.ogg" ;「ただいま…」\ ^``I'm home...''\ !sd mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" dwavestop 1 bg "en\heya1.jpg",2 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_025.ogg" ;「おかえり、ちょうど晩ご飯の仕度出来たわよ」\ ^``Welcome home, the preparations for dinner just finished.''\ ;!== Is the implicit subject here not the mother, i.e. "I've just finished the preparations for dinner"? ;-- mmm it's in the spirit of "Welcome home! The table's set!" so while mom might've set it, what's more salient is the fact that dinner's ready ;!== Fair enough -- in that case I'd be inclined to have her just say "dinner's ready", but I know you prefer to keep the orignal wording as much as possible. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_026.ogg" ;「おなか減ったでしょ?」\ ^``You must be hungry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;頷きながら、今日も空になった弁当箱を手渡す。\ ^With a nod, I handed over today's empty lunch box.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_027.ogg" ;「はい、たくさん食べてね」\ ^``Here, eat lots, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;■心情・情景> ;食卓の上には何種類かのお惣菜と、 ;いつものようにパート先からもらってきた揚げ物。\ ^On top of the dinner table, were a number of dishes, and as always, the fried things from the part-time job.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_028.ogg" ;「あ、ほら、また揚げてきたわよ」\ ^``Ah, here, I've fried some again.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って勧めるポテトの皿。 ;少し太めにスライスしているのが特徴だった。\ ^With that she offered the plate of fries. Their slightly fat slicing was a distinctive feature.\ ;でも今日は…その皿を持つ手が、以前と違っていた。\ ^But today... the hand that held the plate was different from before.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0125b.ogg" ;「…お母さん、手…」\ ^``... Mother, your hand...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_029.ogg" ;「ああ、大したことないわよ、やっぱり油、使うからね」\ ^``Ah, it's nothing. We're using oil after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;いつものようにお母さんは、明るく答えるけど…\ ^Mother answered cheerfully as always...\ ;…やけどの跡だろうか? 少し赤くなっていた。\ ^But those were the mark of a burn? It was slightly red.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;かつては、マニキュアが綺麗に塗れる度に、 ;わたしやお父さんに、自慢気に見せにきていたお母さん。\ ^Before, while beautifully painted with manicures, Mother would show them to Father and me with pride.\ ;!== Not sure about "painted by manicures". The construction implies "manicure" meaning "manicurist", but while that's fine in English, it doesn't work as a translation because マニキュア only refers to the treatment. Perhaps something like "while her manicures were beautifully painted" would be better -- it's even closer to the Japanese word order! :P ;-- mmmmm I don't quite agree with your analysis, since the word manicure can be used to refer to the treatment itself (as when done at home) but if you dislike 'by' so much, there's no harm with changing it to 'with' ;そんな些細なことで、うれしそうにはしゃぐ姿に、 ;わたしとお父さんも顔を見合わせて苦笑いした。\ ^At that figure, happily excited over such a small thing, Father and I would look at each other and give a wry smile.\ ;変わった色のを手に入れた時は、 ;10年早いと言いながら、わたしにも塗ってくれた…\ ^And when she got a strange color, even while saying I was 10 years too young, she had painted my nails too...\ ;…でも今は違う。\ ^... But now, it was different.\ ;ピンクのマニキュアは消え、 ;変わりに、少し赤くなった手の肌は荒れていた。\ ^The pink manicures had faded, and in their place, was the slightly red skin of roughened hands.\ ;何故、そうなったかの理由は簡単に想像がつく。^@^ ;誰の為にそうなったかは、想像するまでもない。\ ^Why they've become that way, the reason was easy enough to imagine. For whose sake they've become that way, that didn't even take imagining.\ ;…だからこそ、わたしは辛かった。心苦しかった。\ ^And exactly because of that, it was painful for me. It tortured me.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_030.ogg" ;「どうしたの? 今日のも揚げたてよ」\ ^``What's wrong? They've just been fried today.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;…それは優しさじゃないわよ…\ ^... That isn't kindness...\ ;姫子さんの言葉が思い出された。\ ^I recalled Himeko-san's words.\ ;…自分でもわかっている気がする。 ;善意を裏切ることも、嘘を飲み込むことも同罪。\ ^I felt that I understood. ^Betraying good intentions, or accepting lies, both were wrong.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0126.ogg" ;「…ねえ、お母さん…」\ ^``... Say, Mother...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_031.ogg" ;「どうかしたセツミ? 美味しいわよ?」\ ^``What's the matter, Setsumi? They're delicious, you know?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_032.ogg" ;「まあ、ポテト担当になって、 ; 少しはお母さんの腕も上がったみたいだしね」\ ^``And, since I've been assigned to the fries, your mom's skill seems to have gone up some too.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;あの日とは違う手で…\ ^With hands that were different from those days...\ ;でも、あの時と変わらぬ笑顔で、 ;うれしそうにポテトを勧めるお母さん。\ ^But, with the smile that was unchanged from those days, Mother happily offered the fries.\ ;そんなお母さんを前にすると…\ ^In front of such a mother...\ ;やはりわたしは、 ;今日も黙ってポテトを食べるくらいしか出来なかった。\ ^I... could do nothing other than quietly eat the fries.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s90 ;もし、ここで正直に言えば…^@^…ここで正直に謝れば…\ ^If I were to say the truth here...^@^if I were to truly apologize...\ ;わたし達にバチを与えている… ;どこかの誰かは…^@^赦してくれるのだろうか…\ ^The person who was punishing us... that person out there somewhere...^@^ would they relent?\ !sd stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;数日後。 ;真上からの日射しを受け、いつもの場所へと向かう。\ ^A few days later. ^With the sun shining directly overhead, I headed to the usual place.\ ;今年は例年よりも冷夏だと聞いたが、 ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^I had heard that this summer was a cooler summer than average, but it still seemed like it was going to be a hot day.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0158.ogg" ;「おはよー」\ ^``Good morning.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\a005.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0159.ogg" ;「セツミ、待ってたわよ」\ ^``Setsumi, I've been waiting.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故か、また病院の前で待っていた姫子さん。\ ^For some reason, Himeko-san was again waiting in front of the hospital.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0128.ogg" ;「…また、中庭?」\ ^``The courtyard again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0160.ogg" ;「ううん、そうじゃないけど、まあ行きましょうよ」\ ^``Nope, that's not it, but anyways, let's go.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを答えると、 ;さっさと病院の外へ向かって歩き始める。\ ^With just that, she quickly started to walk towards the outside of the hospital.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0129.ogg" ;「…ちょっと、どこ行く気よ」\ ^``Wait, where do you plan on going?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0161.ogg" ;「ほら、前にも言ったでしょ、残り3つのことよ」\ ^``Didn't I say before? The remaining three things.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;…残り3つ? ;最初、何のことか分からなかったけどすぐに思い出した。\ ^Remaining three? At first I couldn't remember what she was talking about.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0130.ogg" ;「例の…死ぬまでにしたい10のことっての?」\ ^``You mean... those ten things you wanted to do before dying?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0162.ogg" ;「そうそう、残り3つの内の1つなんだけどさ…」\ ^``Yeah, yeah, see this is one of those remaining three...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0163.ogg" ;「ちょっと、行って確かめてみたいことがあってね~」\ ^``There's something that I wanted to go and check out, you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そんなことを言いながら、どんどん歩き続ける姫子さん。\ ^As she spoke, Himeko-san continued walking.\ ;既に病院からは、かなり離れてしまっていた。\ ^Already, she was quite a ways from the hospital.\ bg "en\miti2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0131.ogg" ;「一体、どこまで行くつもりよ?」\ ^``Just how far do you plan on going?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0164.ogg" ;「うーん、結構遠いわよ、 ; 電車でも片道2時間くらいかしら?」\ ^``Mmmm, pretty far. Even by train, about two hours each way?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0132.ogg" ;「…先生の外出許可は?」\ ^``And the doctor's permission?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0165.ogg" ;「もちろん無断よ」\ ^``Of course none.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0133.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;よく分からないけど…\ ^I didn't really understand it well, but...\ ;いくら姫子さんでも、今は7Fの住人だし、 ;勝手に病院を出て、そこまで遠くに行くことは許されない気がする。\ ^Even if it's Himeko-san, she was a resident of the 7th floor, and I had the feeling that just up and leaving the hospital and then going that far wasn't allowed.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0166.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、そんな不安そうな顔しなくても」\ ^``It's fine, you don't have to make such a worried face.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0167.ogg" ;「そりゃあ外で見つかったら、 ; さすがに怒られるかも知れないけど…」\ ^``Well, if I'm caught outside, I'd pretty sure they'd get angry, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0168.ogg" ;「ま、ちょっとくらいは大目に見てもらえるからさ」\ ^``Well, they'll overlook things just a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;そこまでを言うと再び歩き始める。\ ^After saying that much, she started walking again.\ ;…もしかして本気なのだろうか? ;確かに、このまま行くと駅に出る筈だけど…\ ^Maybe she was being serious? Certainly, if you kept going this way you should get to the train station...\ ;そしてわたしには、別にもう一つ気にかかることがあった。\ ^And then, there was one other thing that nagged at me.\ bg "en\miti2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0134.ogg" ;「ところで、その格好のまま行くの?」\ ^``By the way, you're going in that outfit?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;わたしはパジャマ姿のままの姫子さんに、 ;素朴な質問をする。\ ^I raised the simple question of how Himeko-san was dressed in pajamas.\ ;少なくとも電車に乗るには、 ;その格好は具合が悪いように思えた。\ ^At the least, to ride on a train, I thought that was a bad way to go about things.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0169.ogg" ;「もちろん、このままよ、このまま」\ ^``Of course, just like this, just like this.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0135b.ogg" ;「…着替えないの?」\ ^``You're not going to change?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0170.ogg" ;「いいのよ、これが私のユニフォームなんだから」\ ^``It's fine, this is my uniform after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;見上げた太陽が、短く濃い影を落とす。\ ^The sun up above cast short, dark shadows.\ ;そんな、真夏の昼時にもかかわらず、 ;どこか足取りも軽やかな姫子さん。\ ^And unheeding of the mid-summer morning, was a lightly stepping Himeko-san.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;…………\ ^......\ ;…\ ^...\ ;それからしばらく…といっても5分ほど歩き、 ;道を歩く人が少しずつ増えてきた頃。\ ^A while after... well, even saying that, only 5 minutes of walking, around when the number of people walking on the street slowly increased...\ ;それほど詳しくないけど、 ;どうやらA駅に向かっているようだった。\ ^I wasn't too familiar with things, but it seemed that she was headed towards Station A.\ ;…確か、片道2時間だと言ってたけど ;一体どこまで行く気なのだろう?\ ^Certainly, she had said it was two hours each way, but just how far was she planning on going?\ ;それだけの時間、電車に乗っていれば、 ;かなり遠くまで行けるような気がする。\ ^In just that amount of time, riding on a train, it felt like you could get quite far.\ bg "en\ekimiti.jpg",2 ;■心情・情景 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0136.ogg" ;「ねえ…駅からどこに向かうの?」\ ^``Say... from the station, where are you headed?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0171.ogg" ;「海までよ。正確には、 ; パイナップルの木がある場所かしら?」\ ^``To the ocean. To be exact, to where the pineapple trees are, I guess?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0137.ogg" ;「…パイナップルの木?」\ ^``... Pineapple trees?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;聞き慣れない言葉だった。 ;そもそも、パイナップルの木があるとは知らなかった。\ ^Words that I wasn't familiar with. I didn't know pineapple trees existed in the first place.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0172.ogg" ;「あ、ほら、よく大きな建物の前なんかにさ、 ; フェニックスって呼ばれている木があるでしょ?」\ ^``Ah, you know, they're always in front of large buildings, there are trees called `Phoenixes' right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0138.ogg" ;「あ、うん、知ってる」\ ^``Ah, un. I know those.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0173.ogg" ;「アレってさ、絶対にパイナップルの木だと思わない?」\ ^``Those, don't you think they just have to be pineapple trees?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;確かによく似てるけど…\ ^Indeed, they did look very similar, but...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0174.ogg" ;「だからさ、試しに切ってみて中身を確かめてみたいのよねぇ」\ ^``So, don't you want to try cutting one and checking the inside of it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0139.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0175.ogg" ;「ねえ、もし本当にパイナップルの木だったら大変よ」\ ^``Hey, if they really were pineapple trees, it'd be huge!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…本気なのだろうか?\ ^... Was she being serious?\ ;常識で考えれば冗談に決まっているが、 ;姫子さんの場合は、普段が普段なだけに、判別がつかない。\ ^From a common sense standpoint, it had to be a joke, but with Himeko-san simply being as she always was, it was impossible to tell.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0176.ogg" ;「なによ、その顔は? もしかしてバカにしてる?」\ ^``What, what's with that face? Are you making fun of me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0141.ogg" ;「そうじゃないけど…有り得ないと思う」\ ^``It's not that, but... I don't think it's possible.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0177.ogg" ;「もう、コロッケ博士のくせに頭が固いわねぇ、 ; 何事も実際に試してこそでしょ」\ ^``Bah, for being Professor Croquette you sure are narrow minded. Everything should be tested empirically, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0142b.ogg" ;「…博士、関係ないわよ」\ ^``Being a professor, has nothing to do with it.''\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0143.ogg" ;「それにフェニックスの木だったら、 ; 病院にもあるし、どこにでもあるじゃない」\ ^``And if we're looking for phoenix palms, the hospital has some, they're everywhere.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0178.ogg" ;「ダメよ、もっと大物で試さないと面白くないでしょ」\ ^``Nope, if you don't test a much bigger one, it's not fun, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;どこまで本気か分からないけど、 ;わたしは姫子さんと共に、駅前へと向かう。\ ^I didn't really know how serious she was, but together with Himeko-san, I headed towards the station.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 ;■心情・情景>駅前の様子 ;ようやく辿り着いた駅前。\ ^Finally, we were just about to reach the station.\ ;歩いて10分ほどとはいえ、 ;炎天下の中を進むのは意外と大変だった。\ ^Never mind that it was ten minutes, walking under the blazing sky was unexpectedly difficult.\ ;そして、やはりパジャマ姿の姫子さんは目立つのか、 ;通り過ぎる人がチラチラと見ていた。\ ^And probably as I had thought, Himeko-san's pajama-clad figure stood out and people walking by glanced at us.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0144b.ogg" ;「ねえ…本当に行くの?」\ ^``Say... we're really going?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0179.ogg" ;「もちろんじゃない、その為にここまで…」\ ^``Of course! It's for that reason that we've come all this---''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0180.ogg" ;「…うん?」\ ^``Mmm?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0181.ogg" ;「て、隠れてっ」\ ^``Ack, hide!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;突然、物陰へと隠れる姫子さん。 ;思わず、わたしまでビルの陰で息を潜めてしまう。\ ^Suddenly, Himeko-san went to hide behind something. Before I knew it, I was also holding my breath in the shadow of a building.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0145.ogg" ;「…どうしたの?」\ ^``... What's wrong?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0182.ogg" ;「あれ、外科病棟の先生だわ」\ ^``That, is a doctor from the surgical ward.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0183.ogg" ;「向こうは4Fチーフの看護婦さんもいるし」\ ^``And over there, the 4th floor chief nurse is there too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言われてみれば、わたしにも見覚えのある顔がある。\ ^Now that she mentioned it, there were faces that I recognized.\ bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0184.ogg" ;「そっか…病院の関係者はこの駅から通っていたのね」\ ^``I see... people working at the hospital commute from this station.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0185.ogg" ;「あはは、これじゃ見つかって怒られちゃうわ」\ ^``Ahaha, at this rate, they'd find us and get angry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>姫子様子>明るい ;あっけらかんと陽気に笑う姫子さん。 ;計画性もなにもあったもんじゃなかった。\ ^Himeko-san laughed in a carefree and sunny way, there was no sense of planning or anything else.\ ;それに、確か以前にヘルパーもやっていた筈なのに、 ;そんなことも知らなかったのだろうか?\ ^In any case, surely, she had been a helper before --- and she didn't know this?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0186.ogg" ;「だって、私の家って近所だから、 ; 電車で通ったことないんだもん」\ ^``Well, my house was in the neighborhood. I've never come by train.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0146.ogg" ;「わたしだってそうよ」\ ^``Same for me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0187.ogg" ;「うーん、でもやっぱあれねぇ、 ; 伊達にルールに含まれてないわね…」\ ^``Mmm, but yeah, they wouldn't just add in rules for show...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0147.ogg" ;「…ルール?」\ ^``Rules?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0188.ogg" ;「いやいや、あなたには関係ないことだから」\ ^``Nothing, nothing. It's got nothing to do with you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0148b.ogg" ;「それで…どうするの?」\ ^``And... what now?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0189.ogg" ;「ん? そりゃ出直すに決まってるでしょ」\ ^``Mm? Well, obviously we'll try again next time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっさりと結論を出した。 ;さっきまであんなに行く気だったのに…\ ^Quickly, the decision came. Even though she had been so determined to go up until now...\ ;それに本当に行く気になれば、通勤ラッシュの終わる昼頃なら、 ;特に見つからずに電車に乗れると思える。\ ^Or perhaps if she really wanted to go, if it was after the morning rush ended, then it would be even easier riding the train without being seen.\ ;…もしかして、やはり最初から本気じゃなかったのだろうか…\ ^... Or maybe, she hadn't been serious to begin with...\ ;_;_ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;まだ高い日。 ;そろそろ商店街のシャッターも開き始める頃、\ ^The sun was still high, and around now, the shops in the marketplace were opening up.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0190.ogg" ;「さて、せっかく駅前まで来たんだし寄り道でもしますか」\ ^``Well, since we've come all the way to the station, let's make a detour.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\ekimae.jpg",2 ;言いながら、通りにある店をうろつく姫子さん。\ ^As she spoke, Himeko-san wandered among the shops along the street.\ ;どうやら、電車に乗るのは諦めても、 ;真っ直ぐに病院へ帰る気は無いようだった。\ ^Looks like, even though she gave up on riding the train, she didn't intend on going straight back to the hospital.\ ;しょうがなくわたしも、それに従うよう後に続いた。\ ^Helplessly, I obeyed and followed after.\ ;相変わらずパジャマ姿の為に、通りの人がチラチラと見るけど、 ;当の姫子さんは全然気にもしていない。\ ^As always, because of her pajamas, people would glance over, but it seemed that Himeko-san herself didn't mind one bit.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて、一軒の店の前で足を止めると、\ ^And then, her feet stopped in front of one storefront.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0191.ogg" ;「あ、この服、なんか良いわね~」\ ^``Ah, these clothes, they're nice aren't they?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;店先に飾られた、幾つかの服を手にする。\ ^She touched a number of clothes decorating the front of the shop.\ ;但し、それらはいかにもヒラヒラとした感じで、 ;どっちかとゆーと、可愛らしい女の子向け。\ ^But, they were all frilly kinds of things; however you looked, they were meant for cute girls.\ ;あまり姫子さんには似合いそうにないんだけど…\ ^They didn't really seem to fit Himeko-san all that much...\ ;☆BG 駅前\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0149.ogg" ;「…そーゆーのが好きなの?」\ ^``You like these kinds?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0192.ogg" ;「まさか。私にこんな少女趣味ないわよ」\ ^``As if --- I don't have such girly interests.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言ったかと思うと、 ;手にした服をわたしの前に広げて…\ ^I had thought she would say that, but then she spread the clothing in her hands before me...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0193.ogg" ;「うん、似合うわよ、セツミ」\ ^``Yeah, it suits you, Setsumi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0150.ogg" ;「えっ…わたし?」\ ^``Eh?... Me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0194.ogg" ;「ほら、いつもセーラー服だけどさ、 ; こーゆーのも似合うだろうって思ってたのよ」\ ^``Well, you're always in sailor uniform you see. But I thought that maybe this sort of thing would suit you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0151.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0195.ogg" ;「ね? 買ってあげようか、このワンピース」\ ^``Hey, should I buy this for you? This one-piece?''\ ;!== I think you need to say "one-piece dress" throughout (you do in some places, not in others) -- unqualified "one-piece" implies "swimsuit". ;-- I only feel the need to tack on the 'dress' part when the context leaves it somewhat ambiguous. I don't particularly feel it here ;!== It's not so much a case of ambiguity as of unclarity. In English -- even American English, so far as I can tell -- a one-piece dress is usually called a "one-piece dress", not just a "one-piece". E.g. if you look up "one piece" on Wikipedia, you get the manga, and at the top there's a message: "One piece redirects here. For the clothing, see Swimsuit." ;!== The context here does strongly suggest that it's not a swimsuit, but my concern is that people will not immediately think "oh, it must be a dress then", they just won't have any idea what Himeko is talking about. ;-- mmmmmm I've been fighting the whole notion of tacking 'dress' onto each one of these since day1 really. I really don't want to put it there since something in me makes me want to retain a tinge of something to remind people it's still a foreign culture... as a compromise, I'll use dress in non-vocal parts I think. ;!== Fair enough. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0152b.ogg" ;「でも…」\ ^``But...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0196.ogg" ;「遠慮しなくて良いって、 ; お姉さんからのプレゼントなんだから」\ ^``You don't have to be polite, it's a present from Onee-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;欲しくない…^@^ ;と、言えば嘘になる。\ ^``I don't want it''^@^... would have been a lie.\ ;唯一、持っているのがセーラー服しかないわたしにとっては、 ;それはとても魅力的な提案だった。\ ^For someone who only had a single sailor uniform, it was a very tempting proposition.\ bg "en\ekimae.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0153.ogg" ;「…姫子さんの服は?」\ ^``And Himeko-san's clothes?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0197.ogg" ;「私は必要ないわ、だってこれがユニフォームだもん」\ ^``I don't need them, this is my uniform after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って自分のパジャマを指す。\ ^With that, she pointed at her own pajamas.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0154.ogg" ;「…だったら…わたしもいい」\ ^``Then... I'm fine too...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0198.ogg" ;「あら? 別に私に合わせる必要ないわよ」\ ^``Oh? It's not like you have to go along with me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0199.ogg" ;「だってあなたは、まだ選べるんだからさ」\ ^``See, you can still choose.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0155.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;何か言い返そうとして、その言葉を飲み込む。\ ^While I wanted to reply, I swallowed my words.\ ;いつもの明るい口調だったけど、”まだ選べる”という言葉。\ ^It was said in her usual bright tone, but the words ``can still choose.''\ ;それは、あまりにも重い意味を含んでいることに気づいた。\ ^At that, I realized the very heavy meaning in them.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0156.ogg" ;「…やっぱりいい」\ ^``... No, I'm fine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0200.ogg" ;「残念ねぇ。絶対似合うと思ったのに」\ ^``What a pity, and I thought it'd definitely suit you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0201.ogg" ;「ま、気が変わったら言って。いつでも買ってあげるからね」\ ^``Well, if you change your mind, just say. I'll buy it for you any time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;それから、暫く駅前をうろつき、 ;アイスを一緒に食べてから病院へと帰ることにした。\ ^After that, we wandered around in front of the station a while, ate ice cream together, and then headed back to the hospital.\ ;違うお店でも似たような服を見つける度に、 ;買ってあげると言い続けてくれたけど…\ ^As we found similar clothes in other shops, she continued to say she'd buy them for me...\ ;結局…わたしは断わり続けた。\ ^But in the end... I kept refusing.\ dwavestop 5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;☆BG 夜空 ;あんなに暑かった昼が翳りを見せ…\ ^The daytime had been so hot and hazy...\ ;代わりに大きな空には月が顔を覗かせる頃、\ ^But now in the huge sky, the face of the moon peeked out.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;いつものように夕食を食べ終わったわたしは、 ;自分の部屋でゆっくりとしていた。\ ^As usual after eating dinner, I returned to my room and relaxed.\ bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",3 ;窓辺には、洗いたてでハンガーに干されたセーラー服。\ ^By the window, washed and drying on a hanger, was the sailor uniform.\ ;それを見つめながら、ふと学校に通っていた頃を思った。\ ^While gazing at it, I suddenly thought about the time I had gone to school.\ ;今は体調が良いから忘れがちだけど、 ;本来ならわたしは、入退院を繰り返す身。\ ^Right now my health was good, so one could forget, but in reality I was someone who was admitted in and out of hospitals.\ ;既に学校という場所から離れ、2年以上が経過している。\ ^Already, over two years have passed since I've been away from the place called ``school.''\ ;!== My brain insists on reading this as "it's been two years since the last time I was away from school". Rephrasing it as something like "Already, I've been away from the place called ``school'' for over two years" would remove the ambiguity _and_ be closer to the Japanese sentence structure. ;-- I mostly felt the urge to rearrange this sentence because following the exact sentence structure was difficult, and there's something to be said about putting emphasis on 'over two years' which I'll emphasize extra now ;!== Thanks, this looks much better now... funny what a difference a little rephrasing can make! ;その間、パジャマ以外の服が欲しいと思ったことはなかった。 ;その必要性に迫られることもなかった。\ ^In that time, I hadn't once thought about wanting clothes other than pajamas. There wasn't even any pressure from such a need.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0157.ogg" ;「でも今日は…少しだけ心が揺れた…」\ ^``But today... just a bit, my heart swayed...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;素直に、服が欲しいと言えばよかったのだろうか…\ ^Perhaps, it would have been better had I admitted I wanted the clothes...\ ;だけど、姫子さん自身が、頑なにパジャマで居るのに、 ;自分だけが服を買ってもらっては悪い気がする。\ ^But, Himeko-san herself was stubbornly in pajamas, and being the only one to get new clothing made me feel bad.\ ;それに、どんな場所でも姫子さんは、 ;パジャマ姿で堂々としていた。\ ^Besides that, no matter where Himeko-san was in her pajamas, she was dignified.\ ;それに対して自分は、申し訳ないような…^@^ ;なにか恥ずかしいことをしているように思えてしょうがなかった。\ ^Compared to that, I always felt somehow sorry...^@^ like I'm somehow doing something embarrassing. I can't help it...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0158b.ogg" ;それとも…\ ^Or maybe...\ dwavestop 0 ;マニキュアを止め、赤い手をしたお母さんや、 ;同じスーツで遠い通勤を続けるお父さんも…\ ^Mother, who had stopped getting manicures and reddened her hands, or Father, who continued the long commutes in the same suit...\ ;わたしが可愛い服をきて、喜ぶことの方が、 ;二人にとっても、うれしいことなのだろうか…\ ^If they saw me happily wearing cute clothing, perhaps to both of them it would be a joyous thing...\ ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0159.ogg" ;…でもそれは…わたしには難しいことに思えた。\ ^... But that... for me, I think would have been difficult.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0160.ogg" ;「ポテトが嫌いと言うこと以上に…難しいと思えた…」\ ^``More than saying I hate fries... it felt that difficult...''\ ;!== You've translated 思えた as "I think" in one sentence, then as "it'd felt" in the next sentence... was that deliberate? ;-- this is mostly because 思える is sometimes used in a sense that sits somewhat between 'thinking' and 'feeling' to me, depending on how everything else falls in !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha8,1 mov %flg2_bplay,8 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_8 mov $sys_midasi,"^#09 / Catholic [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;☆シーン変え 数日後 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;ミーンミンミン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_238 ^The cicadas continued their crying.\ goto *generated_239 *generated_238 ^* Meen Meeen Meen. *\ *generated_239 ;それから数日後。 ;気づけば8月も中旬に差しかかろうとする頃、\ ^And then a few days after, before I noticed, it was already entering mid-August.\ ;特に変わったことがあった訳でもなく、 ;相変わらず、わたしは姫子さんの元へと向かっていた。\ ^Nothing had particularly changed, and as always, I was headed to Himeko-san's place.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0103.ogg" ;「あ…セツミさん…」\ ^``Ah... Setsumi-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;聞き覚えのある声に振り返ると、 ;そこには先日も会った、彼女がいた。\ ^Hearing a voice I recognized, I turned around and the girl I had met before was there.\ bg "en\miti2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0161.ogg" ;「…確か、姫子さんの…」\ ^``... Certainly, you were Himeko-san's...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0104.ogg" ;「ええ、妹の千尋です」\ ^``Yes, I'm her younger sister Chihiro.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;相変わらず、落ち着いた物腰、優しい話し方。\ ^As always, she spoke in a calm, well-mannered, gentle way.\ ;姫子さんと違って、この彼女…千尋さんなら、 ;ヘルパーやカトリックと言われても、驚きはしない。\ ^Unlike Himeko-san, if she... Chihiro-san, were said to be a helper or a Catholic, one wouldn't be surprised.\ ;今日は普段の病院で見るエプロン姿と違い、 ;白く可愛いワンピース姿も、どこか『らしく』思えた。\ ^Today, unlike the usual aproned form seen at the hospital, she was in a white, cute one-piece dress that I thought was somehow ``her.''\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0105.ogg" ;「もしかして、これから行くところ?」\ ^``Are you perhaps going there from here?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0162.ogg" ;「…うん、千尋さんも?」\ ^``Un, is Chihiro-san also?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0106.ogg" ;「いえ、私は先に寄るところがあるから…」\ ^``No, I have a place to go to first, so...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0107.ogg" ;「あ、そうだ… ; もし良かったら、セツミさんも一緒に来る?」\ ^``Ah, that's right... if it's alright, Setsumi-san, would you come along with me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0163.ogg" ;「あ、うん?」\ ^``Ah, un?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;何のことか分からないながらも、 ;わたしも千尋さんの後を歩き続ける。\ ^I didn't know what was going on, but I continued walking behind Chihiro-san.\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;…灼けた空の下、ふたり並んで歩く道。\ ^Under the blazing sky, the two of us walked side by side along the street.\ ;姫子さんと違って、あまり言葉は出さない千尋さん。\ ^Unlike Himeko-san, Chihiro-san spoke rarely.\ ;でも何故か、一緒に居るだけで、 ;安心できるような雰囲気の人だった。\ ^But somehow, she was a person with an air about her; where just from being with her, one could feel at ease.\ ;やがて、病院の少し手前、 ;普段わたしが行ったことのない交差点を左に曲がり…\ ^And then, a little before the hospital, she turned left at an intersection where I normally didn't go...\ ;いつしか、辺りが閑静な住宅街のようになった頃、\ ^And at some point, as the area turned into a quiet residential neighborhood,\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0108.ogg" ;「ほら、そこを曲がったところよ」\ ^``Look, it's there on the bend.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;SE>鐘の音 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;響きわたる鐘の音。 ;目の前に姿を現したのは大きな教会。\ ^The rolling sound of bells. ^What appeared before me was a large church.\ ;以前から、近くに教会があるのは知っていたけど、 ;実際に来たのは初めてのことだった。\ ^From long ago, I knew there had been a church nearby, but this was the first time I had ever come to it.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0109.ogg" ;「ちなみに、隣の白い建物が、私の家なの」\ ^``And by the way, the white building next to it is my house.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景>その感想 ;そう言って指差すのは、 ;とても落ち着いた感じのする綺麗な家。\ ^Saying that, what she pointed out was a pretty house that gave off a serene feeling.\ dwavestop 5 ;蔦の絡まる高い塀は、どこか洋風な雰囲気があった。\ ^The tall ivy-covered fence gave off a Western atmosphere.\ ;…当たり前だけど、千尋さんの家ということは、 ;姫子さんの家でもあるのだろう。\ ^... It was probably obvious, but this being Chihiro-san's home meant that it was also Himeko-san's home.\ ;そして、彼女に促がされるようにして、 ;わたしも教会の中へと足を踏み入れる。\ ^And then, following her urgings, I stepped into the church.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景 ;初めて入った教会。\ ^The first church I'd entered.\ ;窓から差し込む、眩しく明るい光と、 ;色鮮やかなステンドグラス。\ ^Streaming from windows, dazzling bright light and vividly colored stained glass.\ ;初めて訪れたこの場所は、とても美しく思えた。\ ^It was the first time I'd visited here, and I felt it was very beautiful.\ ;静謐…^@^と言えば良いのだろうか? ;けばけばしいの、対極とはこんな感じかも知れない。\ ^Peaceful...^@^ was that the word? The polar opposite of glaring gaudiness might have felt like this.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0164.ogg" ;「でも、誰も人がいないね…」\ ^``But, there's no one around, is there...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0110.ogg" ;「うん、この時間は誰も来ないから…」\ ^``Yes, because at this time, no one comes...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景> ;それだけを答えると、 ;祭壇のような場所に向かって進む千尋さん。\ ^With just that answer, Chihiro-san approached what looked like the altar.\ ;そして、ポケットから数珠のようなモノを取り出すと…\ ^Then from her pocket she took out what resembled Buddhist prayer beads...\ ;静かに両手を合わせた。\ ^And quietly brought her hands together.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…これが、”祈り”というモノなのだろうか?\ ^... This was, that thing called ``prayer''?\ ;テレビで見たのは、合わせた手の指は折っていたけど、 ;まるで初詣の参拝のように、普通に手を合わせただけだった。\ ^On TV, I've seen that the fingers were folded together, but this was like praying at the temple on New Years, with just the hands brought together.\ ;そして、ポケットから取り出したモノも、 ;最初は数珠だと思ったけど、よく見るとロザリオ。\ ^And the thing she took out of her pocket, at first I had thought they were Buddhist beads, but looking carefully, it was a rosary.\ ;わたしにとっては、全てが新鮮で、 ;もちろん目の前で見たのは初めてのことだった。\ ^To me, everything was so fresh and new. This was of course the first time I'd seen any of this.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0111.ogg" ;「ね、あなたも一緒に祈らない?」\ ^``Say, would you pray with me too?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0165.ogg" ;「…わたしが?…いいの?」\ ^``Me? ... It's alright?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0112.ogg" ;「うん、別に祈りを捧げるのに資格は要らないから」\ ^``Yes, it's not like offering a prayer requires some special right.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0166.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0167.ogg" ;「…でも…なにを祈ればいいの?」\ ^``But... what should I pray for?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0113.ogg" ;「それは、人それぞれ、ご自由に…」\ ^``That's, for each person, their freedom...''\ ;!== This might, I suppose, be mistaken to mean that Chihiro is saying Setsumi should be praying _for_ freedom, rather than praying freely. ;-- that's a somewhat left-fieldish reading... and I can't off hand think of a 'fix' that wouldn't make the line ridiculously long ;!== I guess it's clarified a few lines later, so not a big deal. Changing "their freedom" to "their choice" would remove all ambiguity and make the line even shorter, but これは、翻訳者それぞれ、ご自由に. :) !sd dwavestop 3 ;そして、再び手を合わせると静かに目を閉じる千尋さん。\ ^Once again bringing her hands together, Chihiro-san quietly closed her eyes.\ ;私も見よう見真似で、同じように手を合わせる。\ ^Imitating her, I put my hands together in the same way.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;音のないこの場所で、 ;目を閉じると全てが無になった気がした。\ ^In the soundless place, closing my eyes, it felt everything dissolved to nothingness.\ ;だけどそれは、恐怖感を生む虚無や闇ではなく、 ;どこまでも澄んだ、白に思えた。\ ^However, I felt it wasn't a fear instilling dark and emptiness, but a clear white that spread everywhere.\ ;…でも…一体、何を祈れば良いのだろう…\ ^But... what in the world should I pray for I wonder...\ ;千尋さんには、ご自由にと言われたけど、 ;わたしには何を祈って良いのかが難しかった。\ ^Chihiro-san said that I was free to choose, but for me, what I should be praying for was a difficult thing.\ ;そんなわたしの隣で、小さく呟く千尋さんの声が聞こえる。 ;小さすぎて、その言葉までは分からない。\ ^Next to myself, I could hear the small whispers of Chihiro-san's voice; so small, I couldn't make out the words.\ ;…でもきっと、姫子さんのことを祈っているように思う。\ ^... But I definitely felt she was praying for Himeko-san.\ ;とても一生懸命に祈るその姿に、 ;この推理だけは、そう遠くないように思えた。\ ^By that so very seriously praying figure, I felt my reasoning wasn't that far off.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0168.ogg" ;「ふう…」\ ^``Phew...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;再びわたしは目を開ける。 ;しばらく…といっても僅か30秒ほどの時間。\ ^Once again my eyes opened after some time... well, just 30 seconds worth.\ ;隣を見ると、ちょうど千尋さんも、 ;祈りを終えたところのようだった。\ ^When I looked next to me, Chihiro-san also seemed to be finishing up her praying.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0169.ogg" ;「ねえ、千尋さんはカトリックの人なんだよね…」\ ^``Say, Chihiro-san is a Catholic person right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0114.ogg" ;「ええ、そうよ」\ ^``Yes, that's right.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0115.ogg" ;「まあ、カトリックの人ってのは変な表現だけどね」\ ^``Well, `Catholic person' is a bit of a strange way of saying it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0170.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉さんは…姫子さんは違うの?」\ ^``Then, your Onee-san... Himeko-san, is different?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0116.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0117.ogg" ;「お姉ちゃんは、エセカトリックだとかいって、 ; 否定しているけど…」\ ^``Onee-chan says she's a fake Catholic and denies it, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0118.ogg" ;「でも、私が知る限り、とても敬虔なクリスチャンよ…」\ ^``But, as far as I know, she is a very devoted Christian...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景 ;いつもの優しい口調でそう答えた。\ ^In her usual kind way of speaking, she answered.\ ;自分が知る限りの姫子さんからは想像できないけど…\ ^From the Himeko-san that I knew, I couldn't imagine it, but...\ ;他でもない、妹の千尋さんがそう言うのだから、 ;きっと言葉の通りなんだろう。\ ^None other than the younger sister, Chihiro-san, said so, so it must be as she said.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0119.ogg" ;「じゃあ、出ましょうか」\ ^``Well, shall we leave?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0171.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^``Un...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;再び、入ってきた入り口へと向かって歩き出す千尋さん。\ ^Chihiro-san walked toward the entrance that we had come from.\ ;同じようにわたしも、その後を歩いていると、 ;突然、その足を止めて振り返った。\ ^When I walked after in the same way, suddenly, her feet stopped and she turned around.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0120.ogg" ;「て、あ、そうだ…」\ ^``Ah, that's right.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0121.ogg" ;「セツミさん、こっち向いて」\ ^``Setsumi-san, face this way.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0172.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^``Mm?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景 ;一体なにをするのかと思っていると、再び手を合わせ…\ ^When I wondered what she was going to do, she once again placed her hands together...\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0122.ogg" ;「あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^``May the bountiful blessings and grace of the Lord be upon you...''\ ;Um.. yeah. I need to research this better. ;!== Looks OK to me. The Japanese is not any specific blessing that might have a set translation or anything, it's just a generic formulaic thing, so any suitably religious language will do -- and that's precisely what you've got. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0173.ogg" ;「…わたしの為に?」\ ^``For my sake?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0123.ogg" ;「えへへ、もちろん私は司祭さまじゃないから、 ; 気持ちだけだけどね」\ ^``Eheh, of course, I'm not a priest, so it's just the sentiment.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;それから教会を後にし、彼女とは病院の前で別れた。\ ^After that, we left the church, and in front of the hospital, we parted.\ ;わたしにとっては全てが初めての経験で新鮮だった。\ ^For me, it had all been new experiences.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0174.ogg" ;「教会やカトリックのことは…よく分からない…」\ ^``Churches, and Catholics... I don't really know much about them...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;只、わたしが理解したことは、 ;千尋さんはとても優しくて良い人だという再認識。\ ^All I knew was that I had reconfirmed that Chihiro-san was a very kind and good person.\ ;そして、そんな彼女に対して、冷たい態度を取る姫子さんも、 ;同じように敬虔なカトリックらしいということ。\ ^And also, the Himeko-san that acted so coldly to her, was apparently a devoted Catholic like her.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_240 ^The bell on the elevator rung.\ goto *generated_241 *generated_240 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_241 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;少し遅れてやってきた、いつもの場所。\ ^Slightly late, I came to the usual place.\ ;でも何故か、病室にも談話室にも、 ;姫子さんの姿は見当たらなかった。\ ^But for some reason, I couldn't find Himeko-san in the hospital room or even the lounge.\ ;…どこに行ったのだろう?\ ^I wonder where she went...\ ;「ああ、姫子さんなら中庭に居たわよ」\ ^``Ah, if you're looking for Himeko-san, she's in the courtyard.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;キョロキョロするわたしに、 ;通りがかった看護婦さんが声を掛けてくれる。\ ^As I peered around, a nurse passing by spoke to me.\ ;「暑いから、ほどほどにって言ってて」\ ^``It's hot, so tell her not to overdo things.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0175.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Un, okay...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\z42b.ogg" ;見ると、ちょうど花に水をやっている最中だった姫子さん。\ ^When I looked, Himeko-san was in the middle of watering the flowers.\ dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0202.ogg" ;「おはようセツミ、今日も暑いわねぇ」\ ^``Morning, Setsumi. It's hot today too, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら、ホースを片手に勢いよく花壇に水を撒く。\ ^As she spoke, she held a hose single-handedly and was spraying the flowers with vigor.\ ;だけどその格好は、いつものパジャマ姿にスリッパ。 ;あと日射病対策なのか、頭には麦わら帽子も被っていた。\ ^However, her outfit was the usual pajamas and slippers, and then, maybe to defend against sunstroke, on her head she wore a straw hat.\ ;…その姿は、妙に滑稽というか、 ;何故か姫子さんらしく思えるから不思議だった。\ ^That image... was oddly comical and yet, mysteriously seemed just like Himeko-san.\ ;そんな姫子さんに対して、 ;わたしは先日に球根を埋めた場所を指差すと、\ ^To that Himeko-san, I pointed to the place we planted bulbs the other day,\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0176.ogg" ;「…もう、芽が出てくるの?」\ ^``... Have shoots come out already?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0203.ogg" ;「あはは、そんなに早くは無理よ」\ ^``Ahaha, it's impossible for it to happen that soon.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、あっけらかんと笑ってみせる。\ ^Then, she showed me a carefree smile.\ ;…敬虔なカトリックだと言われたけど…\ ^She had been called a devoted Catholic, but...\ ;教会で祈っていた千尋さんのような雰囲気は、 ;少なくともわたしには想像できない。\ ^For her to have an air like Chihiro-san had praying in the church, at least to me, was unimaginable.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0204.ogg" ;「ここは荒野…だから花が咲くのよ」\ ^``The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom,''\ ;The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the crocus it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing. - RSV, Isaiah 35 ;I wish I knew where the Japanese came from... ;(新改訳聖書 -- Haeleth) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0177.ogg" ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0205.ogg" ;「…盛んに花を咲かせ、喜び喜んで歌う…」\ ^``... like the crocus it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0206.ogg" ;「知ってる? イザヤ書の言葉よ」\ ^``Know it? They're words from the Book of Isaiah.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;わたしは首を横に振る。 ;よく知らないけど、なにかの経典のようなものだろう。\ ^I shook my head. I didn't really know, but it was probably from some kind of scripture.\ ;ちょうど今、そんなことを考えていただけに、 ;突然の姫子さんの言葉には驚いてしまった。\ ^Just now, as I was having that thought, Himeko-san's sudden words surprised me.\ ;そして、そんなことを考えていると…\ ^And then, while I was thinking about that...\ dwave 5,"se2\asi02.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「ふう、今日は暑いわねぇ」\ ^``Phew, it's hot today, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どこからかやってきた看護婦さん。 ;わたしが見たことのない、知らない階の人のようだった。\ ^From somewhere came a nurse. Someone I hadn't seen before, it seemed like someone from a floor I didn't know.\ ;「どうもありがとう、姫子さん」\ ^``Thank you very much, Himeko-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0207.ogg" ;「ああ、ついでに他の花にも水あげといたから」\ ^``Ah, while I was at it, I watered the other flowers too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「ねえ、どれがいいかしら? ; 少し貰っていこうと思うんだけど…」\ ^``So, which is better? I was thinking of taking some...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0208.ogg" ;「…何階用?」\ ^``For which floor?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「3FのX線待合室」\ ^``The 3rd floor's X-ray waiting room.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0209.ogg" ;「じゃあ、鉢植えでもいいわね」\ ^``Then a potted plant would be fine, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、黄色と白のパンジーを、 ;スコップで何株かビニール袋へと移した。\ ^As she spoke, she scooped out a number of yellow and white pansies and moved them to a plastic bag.\ ;「どうもありがとう。それでは」\ ^``Thank you very much. I'll be going then.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 ;受け取ったビニール袋を手に、 ;再び建物の中へと消えて行く看護婦さん。\ ^Taking the plastic bag into her hands, the nurse disappeared into the building once more.\ ;別れ際に手をクロスさせる仕草もしていた。 ;あの看護婦さんもカトリックって人なのだろうか?\ ^On leaving, her hands made a cross. Maybe that nurse was also a Catholic?\ ;そして、よく分からないけど…\ ^And I didn't really understand it but...\ ;どうやらこの花壇は、姫子さんが好き勝手に、 ;植えたり選定しても良いのかも知れない。\ ^It seems that this flower bed, Himeko-san could plant and pick as she pleased.\ ;それも7Fの住人だからってことではなく、 ;この病院にとって、公的に認められているように思えた。\ ^I believed, not because she was a resident of the 7th floor, but because in this hospital, she was well known.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0178.ogg" ;「…今の看護婦さんも知り合い?」\ ^``The nurse just now is another acquaintance?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0210.ogg" ;「ええ、他にも知り合いは大勢いるわよ」\ ^``Yes, there's lots of other acquaintances too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;元ヘルパーだとは聞いているけど、 ;それだけでこんな風になるのだろうか?\ ^Being a former helper I had heard about, but did this come about just from that alone?\ ;ここがキリスト教病院ってことを考えると…\ ^Thinking about how this was a Christian hospital...\ ;先ほどの敬虔なカトリックだということに、 ;やはり、関係があるような気がする。\ ^And then how she had been called a devoted Catholic earlier, I had a feeling there was a link.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0211.ogg" ;「うふふ、なによ? その不思議そうな顔は?」\ ^``Eheheh, what? What's with that mystified face?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0179.ogg" ;「え?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0212.ogg" ;「別に、なにか権限を貰ってる訳じゃないわよ」\ ^``It's not like I've been given any sort of power.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0213.ogg" ;「私は、元ヘルパー。今は7Fの住人…」\ ^``I'm a former helper; now a resident of the 7th floor...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0214.ogg" ;「只、ちょっとキャリアが長かったから、 ; それなりに顔が利くって程度よ」\ ^``It's just, my career had been a bit long. So my face is known, that's all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、わたしくらいの年には、 ;しょっちゅうここに出入りしていたと付け加えた。\ ^And she added that while she was my age, she had come in and out of here often.\ ;その言葉から、”キャリアが長い”とは、 ;ヘルパーとしてだけを指しているのでは無いと思えた。\ ^From those words, having ``a long career'' didn't simply mean being a helper.\ ;そういえば以前に、 ;カトリックは様々な福祉活動にも積極的だと言っていた。\ ^Now that she mentioned it, she had once said that Catholics were involved in various public welfare activities.\ ;それを考えると、恐らくは千尋さんの言葉通り、 ;姫子さんは敬虔な信者なのかも知れない。\ ^Looking at it like that, probably it was just as Chihiro-san said, Himeko-san might be a devout Christian.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0215.ogg" ;「どうしたの? まだなんか聞きたいの?」\ ^``What's wrong? Was there still something you wanted to ask?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0180.ogg" ;「どうして姫子さんは、お祈りとかしないの?」\ ^``Why doesn't Himeko-san... pray or anything?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0216.ogg" ;「お祈り? この私が?」\ ^``Pray? Me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0181.ogg" ;「だって、敬虔なクリスチャンなんでしょ?」\ ^``Well, you're a devoted Christian, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0217.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0218.ogg" ;「そうね…エセカトリックが気に入らないなら…」\ ^``Let's see... if you don't like `fake Catholic'...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0219.ogg" ;「…”元”クリスチャンでもいいわよ」\ ^``... `Former Christian' would work too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;それは過去は肯定するが、現在は否定するという意味だった。\ ^That would mean that in the past it was true, but now it wasn't.\ ;!== Setsumi's secret identity: Captain Obvious! ;-- she's Setsumi-sensei after all dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0182.ogg" ;「じゃあ、もうお祈りすることは無いの?」\ ^``Then, you don't pray any more?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0220.ogg" ;「無いわ」\ ^``Nope.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;キッパリと断わられた。\ ^Firmly denied.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0221.ogg" ;「ついでに言わせてもらうとさ…」\ ^``And while I'm at it, let me say...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0222.ogg" ;「祈りがあるってことは…呪いもあるってことだと思わない?」\ ^``If there is a prayer... then there is also a curse... don't you think?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;よく分からない… ;突然、そんな質問をされても考えがまとまらなかった。\ ^I didn't really get it... being suddenly asked such a question, I couldn't gather my thoughts.\ ;それ以前の問題として、 ;わたしには、祈りと呪いの違いが分からない。\ ^And there was the problem that I didn't know the difference between prayers and curses.\ ;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0223.ogg" ;「て、それよりも、明日行こうと思うんだけど」\ ^``And, besides that, I've been thinking about going tomorrow.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0172.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^``Mm?''\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0183.ogg" ;;「?」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0224.ogg" ;「ほら、この前は無理だったでしょ」\ ^``Remember? We couldn't that time before?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;…もしかして、パイナップルの木のことだろうか?\ ^Did she mean... the thing about the pineapple tree?\ ;結局あの日は、駅前まで行ったが、諦めて引き返してきた。 ;また後日に出直すとは言っていたけど…\ ^In the end, we went to just before the station that day, but gave up and came back. She had said we'd go again at a later date, but...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0184.ogg" ;「でも、どうやって行くの?」\ ^``But... how are we going?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0225.ogg" ;「大丈夫だって、お姉さんに任せなさい」\ ^``It's fine! Leave it to Onee-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0226.ogg" ;「とりあえず、せっかくだから、お弁当、忘れないようにねっ」\ ^``Anyways, since we're going out, don't forget to pack lunch.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;_キープ選択肢;_ ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0227.ogg" ;;「うーん、それはまだ思案中ね…」\ !sd ;;dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0228.ogg" ;;「でもま、ダメ元くらいで準備しといて」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0187.ogg" ;;「…準備?」\ !sd ;dwavestop 1 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;■心情・情景>まとめ>必要ならば bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景>夕方の情景 mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;日がゆっくりと暮れた頃、\ ^As the sun was slowly setting.\ ;!== I'm guessing this was originally one of "was slowly setting" and "slowly set", and you decided to change it to the other but missed a bit? :) ;-- shrapnel banzai! ;今日も二人で、いつものように食卓を囲む。\ ^Once again today, the two of us sat around the dinner table.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_033.ogg" ;「えっ、明日はお弁当、2人分?」\ ^``Eh? Tomorrow, lunch for two?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0186.ogg" ;「うん、いいかな…」\ ^``Un, is it okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;明日、姫子さんと遊びに行く為、 ;二人分のお弁当をお願いしてみた。\ ^Because tomorrow I was going to go out with Himeko-san, I tried asking for a lunch for two.\ ;但し、最近はわたしの体調も良いけど、 ;もしお母さんにダメって言われたら諦めるつもりだった。\ ^However, even though my health had been good lately, if Mother said no, I was planning on giving up on the idea.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0187.ogg" ;「…やっぱりダメ?」\ ^``... I guess not?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_034.ogg" ;「もう、そんな訳ないでしょっ」\ ^``Oh, of course I can.''\ ;Negative questions... drive my asian language upbringing insane. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_035.ogg" ;「お母さん、張り切って作ってあげるわよ」\ ^``Your mom will put extra effort into them for you!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;わたしの心配をよそに、簡単にOKしてくれたお母さん。 ;むしろ普段以上に喜んでくれているみたいだった。\ ^Instead of worrying about me, Mother simply gave her OK. In fact, she seemed even happier than usual.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_036.ogg" ;「ねえ、そのお友達の姫子さんって、 ; なにか苦手の物あるのかしら?」\ ^``So, your friend Himeko-san, are there things she doesn't like?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0188.ogg" ;「…ブロッコリー」\ ^``... Broccoli.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_037.ogg" ;「わかったわ、じゃあそれは入れないようにしてっと…」\ ^``Got it, then I'll make sure not to put any in...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_038.ogg" ;「そうそう、今度良かったら、 ; 家にも遊びに来てもらいなさいよ」\ ^``Oh yes, next time, if it's fine with her, get her to come home to play.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0189.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^``... Un...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\heya2y2.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0168.ogg" ;「ふう…」\ ^``Phew...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ベッドに仰向けに倒れ、大きく息を吐く。\ ^Falling back onto the bed, I let out a big sigh.\ ;…きっとお母さんは、姫子さんのことを、 ;普通の入院患者か、看護婦さんだと思っている。\ ^... I'm sure that Mother thinks that Himeko-san was a normal hospital patient, or a nurse.\ ;少なくとも、7Fの人だとは考えていないだろう。\ ^At the least, she wasn't thinking that it was someone from the 7th floor.\ ;…ポテトもそう、姫子さんのこともそう。\ ^... The fries were like this, Himeko-san was also like this.\ ;お母さんが喜んでくれれば、くれるほど…\ ^The happier Mother got...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0191.ogg" ;「…わたしは心苦しかった」\ ^``... My heart hurts.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0192b.ogg" ;「これが、”罪悪感”と呼ばれるモノだろうか…」\ ^``Was this what they call `the sense of guilt'?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha9,1 mov %flg2_bplay,9 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_9 mov $sys_midasi,"^#10 / Pineapple Tree [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" ;いつもより少し早い時間に、病院へと向かう。\ ^At a slightly earlier time than usual, I headed to the hospital.\ ;手にしたトートバッグのお弁当は二つ。 ;暑いからといって凍らせた水筒も用意してくれていた。\ ^The lunches in the tote bag in my hand numbered two. Since it was hot, Mother also prepared a frozen water bottle for me.\ ;…どこまで行くのか知らないけど、 ;確か以前には、海までって言ってたように思う。\ ^... I wasn't sure how far we were going, but I was pretty sure she spoke about going all the way to the ocean before.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",2 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0124.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん」\ ^``Ah, Setsumi-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0194.ogg" ;「…千尋さん?」\ ^``Chihiro-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0125.ogg" ;「えとね、実は探していたの」\ ^``Um, to be honest, I was looking for you.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そして、ポケットから何かを取り出すと、 ;わたしに向かって差し出す。\ ^And from her pocket, she took something out and offered it to me.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0126.ogg" ;「これ、お姉ちゃんに渡してもらえるかな」\ ^``This, could you give it to Onee-chan for me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0195b.ogg" ;「キー?」\ ^``A key?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;受け取ったのは、銀色に光るキー。\ ^What I accepted was a shining silver key.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0196.ogg" ;「…もしかして、車の?」\ ^``... Is this, for a car?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0127.ogg" ;「うん、裏の駐車場に停めてるって言えばわかると思うから」\ ^``Yes, if you tell her it's parked in the rear parking lot, I think she'd understand.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0128.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お願いね」\ ^``Well, do that for me please?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景> ;その言葉を最後に、再びどこかへと駆け出す千尋さん。\ ^With those final words, once again Chihiro-san rushed off somewhere.\ ;…まさか、車で行くとは思えないけど…\ ^It couldn't be... I didn't think she was planning on going by car, but...\ ;それとも、誰か他に運転する人が居るのだろうか?\ ^Or maybe, there was someone else to drive?\ ;そんなことを思いながらも、 ;わたしは言われた通りに姫子さんの元へと向かう。\ ^As I wondered about it, I went to Himeko-san as I was told.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_242 ^The elevator bell chimed.\ goto *generated_243 *generated_242 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_243 ;dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;談話室をチラっと見て、 ;そこにいないことを確認すると病室へと向かう。\ ^Peeking into the lounge and seeing that she wasn't there, I headed to the hospital room.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ\; if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_244 ^After knocking, I opened the door.\ goto *generated_245 *generated_244 ^* Knock knock, Click. *\ *generated_245 bg "en\byousitu.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0229.ogg" ;「おはよう、今日は早いわね」\ ^``Good morning, you're early today.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0197b.ogg" ;「…そう言われてたから」\ ^``... That's what I was told to do.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0198b.ogg" ;「あと、これ…渡してくれって」\ ^``And, this... I was told to hand this over.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら、先ほど受け取ったキーを見せる。\ ^As I answered, I showed her the key I was given earlier.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0230.ogg" ;「ありがと、じゃあ行きましょうか」\ ^``Thanks. So, shall we go?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;さも当然のようにキーを受け取る姫子さん。^@^ ;…まさか本当に車で行くつもりだろうか?\ ^As if it were perfectly natural, Himeko-san took the key...^@^ was she really planning on going by car?\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;やってきた駐車場。\ ^We came to the parking lot.\ ;ちょうど朝の外来時間とあって、 ;出入り口に近い場所は、ぎっしりと車が詰まっていた。\ ^Since it was just the time in the morning when outpatients came in, the area near the entrance was packed with cars.\ ;やがて…しばらく駐車場を歩き、最も外れに来た時、\ ^And then... walking a while in the parking lot, as we came to the farthest part.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0231.ogg" ;「あった、久しぶりね…」\ ^``There it is, it's been a while...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\car_chu.jpg",3 ;一台の車の前で立ち止まる。 ;赤い色をしたオープンカーだった。\ ^She stopped in front of one car, a red colored open-top.\ ;但し、その車は…見た限り2人乗り。 ;この時点で、他に誰か運転手がいる推理は消えた。\ ^However, that car... as far as I could see, was made for two. At that point, the theory that there was some other driver vanished.\ dwave 5,"se2\tobira3.ogg" ;SE>ドア\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0232.ogg" ;「どう? 良い車でしょう?」\ ^``So? It's a good car, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0199.ogg" ;「…そんなことより…車に乗っていいの?」\ ^``Never mind that... is it okay to drive?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0233.ogg" ;「法的にはね」\ ^``Legally, sure...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;そういう意味で言ったのではないんだけど…\ ^That wasn't what I meant though...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0200.ogg" ;「…危ないわよ」\ ^``... It's dangerous.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0234.ogg" ;「事故ればね~」\ ^``If we crash, yeah...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0201.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0235.ogg" ;「もう、大丈夫だって、わかってるから」\ ^``Oh, it'll be fine. I know already, okay.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0236.ogg" ;「これでも、自分の身体のことは、 ; 自分が一番よく分かってるって」\ ^``Even like this, I'm telling you I know about my own body more than anyone else.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;うーん、そうは言われてもなぁ、 ;どこまで信用していいのかが分からない…\ ^Mmm, even if you say that... I don't know how much trust I can put in it...\ ;!== Not sure about "you" in narration -- I'd have expected "she sa(ys|id)"? ;!== (Unless you're reading this as subvocal speech, but in that case I'd have expected "don't ... can" rather than "didn't ... could".) ;-- mmmmmmmmmmm okay dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0237.ogg" ;「あのね、私だって、 ; 本当にあぶないと思ってたら乗らないわよ」\ ^``Look. Even I wouldn't drive if I thought it'd really be dangerous.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0202.ogg" ;「…ホントに?」\ ^``... Really?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0238.ogg" ;「ええ、道路は私一人で走ってる訳じゃないんだからさ」\ ^``Yes, the road isn't for me to drive on by myself after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_246 ^The car door slammed shut.\ goto *generated_247 *generated_246 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_247 dwave 5,"se2\car_03.ogg" ;それだけを言うと、さっさと車に乗り込む姫子さん。\ ^And after saying that, Himeko-san quickly got into the car.\ ;!== I know this is exactly the way Kataoka wrote it, but... I still can't help visualising this as Himeko slamming the door and _then_ getting into the car (presumably by climbing in through the open top)... :D ;-- what's a few 超能力 between friends ^_^ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0239.ogg" ;「っで、どうするのよ? ; シートが片側、空いているんだけど」\ ^``So, what are you going to do? There's a seat empty on one side here...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0201.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0239.ogg" ;「…わかったわよ」\ ^``... Alright already.''\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0175.ogg" ;;「うん、わかった…」\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;_;_ ;☆シーン変え:車で外に ;☆BGM>2o01やや明るいトーンで ;■心情・情景 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;軽快なエンジン音を上げて、走り始めた赤いオープンカー\ ^Raising a light engine noise, the red open-top started running.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2o01.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;いつもの通い慣れた道から、 ;たまに行く近所のスーパーを越え…\ ^Moving from the usual familiar streets, past the neighborhood supermarket I occasionally went to...\ dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;交差点を3つほど過ぎ、 ;あっという間に、大きな通りへと踊り出る。\ ^Passing three intersections, in moments, we suddenly went onto a large road.\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 ;…だけど、一体どこまで行くつもりだろう?\ ^But, I wonder just where in the world was she planning on going?\ ;以前に電車で2時間くらいって言ってたから、 ;結構な距離に思えるけど…\ ^Before, she said that it was about two hours by train, so I think it'd be quite a distance, but...\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;隣でぼ~っと景色を眺めていると、\ ^As I thought that, I sat next to her and stared at the view.\ dwave 5,"se2\car01.ogg" bg "en\shanai1c.jpg",1 bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0204.ogg" ;「わっ」\ ^``Wah!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0240.ogg" ;「あ、ごめん、揺れた?」\ ^``Ah, sorry. Did I jolt you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0205b.ogg" ;「うん、ちょっと…」\ ^``Un, a bit...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "en\shanai1b.jpg",1 bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0206.ogg" ;「て、わっ」\ ^``Hey, wah!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0241.ogg" ;「ああ、少し辛抱してね、 ; 運転久しぶりだから、勘を取り戻すまで」\ ^``Ah, bear with it a bit, okay? It's been a long time since I've driven, so until I get my sense back.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そーゆーこと以前に、運転が荒いように思う。\ ^Before it came to that, I thought her driving felt rough.\ ;実際には、そんなにスピードも出てないんだろうけど、 ;屋根がない為か、ちょっとした急ハンドルでもすごく怖い。\ ^In reality, she probably wasn't going that fast, but maybe because there was no roof, even the slightest swerve was extremely scary.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0207.ogg" ;「ねえ、もうちょっと、ゆっくり…」\ ^``Say, a bit, slower...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car01.ogg" bg "en\shanai1c.jpg",1 bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 ;キキーッ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_248 ^The tires squealed.\ goto *generated_249 *generated_248 ^* Screeee. *\ *generated_249 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0242.ogg" ;「え? なんか言った?」\ ^``Eh? Did you say something?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0208.ogg" ;「…なんでもないわよ」\ ^``... Nothing.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;わたしは、黙ってシートベルトをぎゅっと掴むことにした。\ ^I decided to quietly grip the seat belt tightly.\ ;風で髪が大変なことになるけど、そっちはガマンしよう。\ ^My hair was going to be a disaster from the wind, but I'll live with that.\ ;それよりも、シートベルトを両手で必死に掴んでいる姿は、 ;ちょっとまぬけっぽいかも知れない…\ ^Already, the sight of me desperately gripping the seat belt with both hands might have been a bit ridiculous looking...\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0243.ogg" ;「あれ? セツミなにやってるの?」\ ^``Huh? Setsumi, what are you doing?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0209.ogg" ;「…わたしのことは気にしないで」\ ^``... Don't worry about me.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景>走る様子とか ;気づけば、辺りの景色が街中から綺麗な緑へと変わる頃…\ ^Around when, if you looked around, the scenery was changing from being in the city to a beautiful green...\ ;ようやく姫子さんも、運転の勘を取り戻したのか、 ;それとも、わたしの方がその運転に慣れてしまったのか…\ ^And Himeko-san had finally regained her driving sense, or maybe, I was the one who had gotten used to that driving...\ ;とにかく、落ち着いて話せるくらいになっていた。\ ^In either case, it got to the point where we could calmly talk.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c2.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" ;bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0244.ogg" ;「どう? オープンも悪くないでしょ?」\ ^``So? Open tops aren't bad are they?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0210.ogg" ;「うん、風が気持ちいい…」\ ^``Un, the wind feels good...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0245.ogg" ;「そうそう、この自然との一体感が良いのよね」\ ^``Yeah, yeah, this feeling of being one with nature is great, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;確かに、街中ではあんまり思わなかったけど、 ;こういう自然の中では、とても開放的で気持ち良かった。\ ^Certainly, I didn't think so in the city, but here in the middle of this natural place, it felt very liberating and nice.\ ;そして、こんなことを話しながらも、 ;隣の車線を走る車には、どんどん追い抜かれていく。\ ^And even as we spoke about this, cars driving in the next lane were constantly passing us.\ ;最初、姫子さんの運転は怖いと思ったけど、 ;どうやら、本当に安全運転しているのだろう。\ ^At first, I had thought Himeko-san's driving was scary, but it seemed that she really was driving safely.\ bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0211.ogg" ;「…これ、なんて車?」\ ^``This... is what sort of car?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0246.ogg" ;「あら? 車に興味あるの?」\ ^``Oh? You're interested in cars?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0212.ogg" ;「別に、そういう訳じゃないけど…」\ ^``Not particularly, it's not that, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;深い意味があった訳じゃない。 ;只、なんとなく知りたかっただけだった。\ ^There wasn't any deep meaning behind the question. Just, for no real reason, I wanted to know.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0247.ogg" ;「ユーノス…ロードスターよ」\ ^``Eunos... a roadster.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0213.ogg" ;「…もしかして、すごい車なの?」\ ^``... Is it, an amazing car?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0248.ogg" ;「ううん…そんなに驚く程じゃないわ」\ ^``U~~un... nothing to be surprised about.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0249.ogg" ;「只、私が好きってだけで、 ; エアコンもナビもない、古臭い車よ」\ ^``Just that I like it, and it doesn't have air conditioning or a navigation system --- an old car.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして姫子さんは、この車について色々と教えてくれた。\ ^And then, Himeko-san taught me many things about the car.\ ;NA型だからとか、パワーウェイトレシオがどうしたとか、 ;専門的なことを一生懸命に話し続けていた。\ ^How it was the first generation NA model, what the power-weight ratio was; she continued talking as best she could about technical things.\ ;!== In the context of a Eunos Roadster, NA型 means that it's a first-generation model (as opposed to NB型 or NC型). ;-- oops, my fault for not bothering to read the wiki page ;dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0250.ogg" ;「って、ハチロクに抜かれたっ」\ ^``Hey, an AE86/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_250 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_250 ^ just passed us!''#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_251 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~Often known as the Toyota Corolla for those who haven't been exposed to the Initial D series.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~Often known as the Toyota Corolla for those who haven't been exposed to the Initial D series.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_251 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;隣の車線を抜いていく、一台を指して言う。\ ^As she spoke she pointed at one car passing in the next lane.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0251.ogg" ;「あいつに抜かれると、何故かくやしいのよね」\ ^``Getting passed by that, it somehow makes you angry doesn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚もミッドシップがどうしたとか、ロータリーがどうしたとか、 ;相変わらず意味不明なことを熱っぽく語る姫子さん。\ ^And then Himeko-san continued on about midship layouts and rotary engines, always passionately talking about these mysterious things.\ ;…ル・マンってのは、何かのお菓子のことだろうか?\ ^``Le Mans''... that was some kind of dessert, I think?\ ;もちろんわたしには、 ;それらのことがさっぱり分からないけど…\ ^Of course for me, I had no clue what they were...\ ;でも、姫子さんがこの車をとても好きなんだってことは、 ;わたしにも伝わってきた。\ ^But, Himeko-san really loved cars, that made itself clear even to me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0252.ogg" ;「うーん、でも変ね…」\ ^``Mm, but it's strange...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0214.ogg" ;「…なにが?」\ ^``... What is?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0253.ogg" ;「思ってたより、しっかり走るわ。 ; 長い間、放ったらかしだった割にはね」\ ^``It's running better than I thought it would. Considering that for a long time, it had been untouched, you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆BG 変え bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;尚も進むロードスター。 ;赤いボンネットに夏空を映しながら走り続けていた。\ ^The roadster continued on, its red hood reflecting the summer sky as it ran.\ ;dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" ;やがて…見上げれば、斜めにあった太陽が真上に来る頃、\ ^And when if you looked up, the sun that had been behind us was coming right over head.\ ;長い長い山道を越えると…^@^ ;いつしか目の前には、海が広がっていた。\ ^We passed through the long, long mountain road...^@^ and then before our eyes spread the sea.\ ;☆BG 走る車?>海辺 bg "en\umimiti.jpg",3 ;bg "en\shanai6.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0254.ogg" ;「どう? いい景色でしょう」\ ^``Well? Isn't it a great view?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0215.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;どこまでも続く海岸線。 ;エメラルドの波間にキラキラと乱反射する夏の日差し。\ ^A shoreline that continued endlessly, summer sunlight that sparkled and reflected off the emerald waves...\ ;遠くには揺れる松原と、ウミネコの声も響いていた。\ ^Faraway swaying pine groves, distant voices of seagulls...\ ;そして、道のまわりに見えるのは、 ;たくさんのフェニックスの木。\ ^And then, what could be seen along the sides of the road were many phoenix palms.\ ;姫子さん曰く、パイナップルの木らしいけど、 ;以前に言っていたように、そのどれもが大きかった。\ ^Himeko-san said they were something like pineapple trees, and as she had mentioned before, each and every one of them was big.\ bg "en\shanai6.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0216.ogg" ;「…ここが目的地?」\ ^``This is our destination?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0255.ogg" ;「ええ、もう間もなくよ。 ; 少し行ったところに路駐できる場所あるから」\ ^``Yeah, in a few moments. There's a spot I've been to a few times before where there's a place we can stop.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" !w1500 dwave 6,"se2\tobira3.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0256.ogg" ;「はい、着いたわよ」\ ^``Okay, we're here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" mp3loop "bgm\a01.mp3" bg "en\car_chu1.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\umitori.ogg" ;海沿いの道にある、避難所のような路肩。\ ^Along the road running parallel to the sea was a shoulder that seemed to be for emergency stopping.\ ;2~3台は停車できるスペースがあるけど、 ;交通量もない為か、他の車が来るとは思えない。\ ^There was space for two or three cars to stop, but since there was no traffic, it wasn't likely that another car would come.\ ;そんな場所に車を停めると、わたし達は車外へと出る。\ ^Stopping the car in that place, we got out of the car.\ bg "en\umimiti.jpg",2 dwave 6,"se2\jihan1.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0257.ogg" ;「ねえ、缶ジュースなにがいい?」\ ^``Hey, what canned juice do you want?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0217.ogg" ;「…レモンティー」\ ^``... Lemon tea.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0258.ogg" ;「了解、ちょっと待っててね」\ ^``Roger, just wait a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\jihan2.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",2 bg "en\umimiti.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0013.ogg" ;「はい、おまたせー」\ ^``Here you go.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\z0021.ogg" ;プシュ、\ ;-;Nuke. if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_252 ^* Pssh. *\ *generated_252 ;潮騒に混ざって、プルタブを開ける軽い音が響く。\ ^Mixed with the crashing of waves, the quick sound of pull tabs rang out.\ ;そして姫子さんは、海に向かって腰に手を当てると、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_253 ^And then, Himeko-san, facing the sea with her hand on her hip and swallowing loudly...\ goto *generated_254 *generated_253 ^And then, Himeko-san, facing the sea with her hand on her hip...\ *generated_254 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0259.ogg" ;「ごくごく…ふう、おいしい」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_255 ^``Ah, delicious.''\ goto *generated_256 *generated_255 ^* Gulp gulp. * ``Ah, delicious.''\ *generated_256 ;the sound clip for this is... surprisingly cute O.o !sd dwavestop 1 ;まるでお風呂上りの牛乳を飲むように、 ;オレンジジュースを一気飲みした。\ ^As if coming out of the bath and drinking a milk, she gulped down the orange juice in one go.\ ;なんとなくわたしも、同じように腰に手を当ると、 ;レモンティーを一気飲みしてみる。\ ^And for no real reason, I also put my hand on my hip and tried gulping down the lemon tea in one go.\ ;そして、目の前に広がる海へと歩き始めた。\ ^Then, we walked towards the sea spread out before our eyes.\ bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0218.ogg" ;「…ここは、綺麗なところね」\ ^``... This is a beautiful place, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0260.ogg" ;「ええ、私のちょっとしたお気に入りスポットかな」\ ^``Yes, it's a spot I kinda like, I suppose?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0219.ogg" ;「…以前にもよく来ていたの?」\ ^``... You came here often before?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0261.ogg" ;「そうでもないけど、たまにはね」\ ^``Not really, but once in a while.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景\ !w1000 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0262.ogg" ;「ま、元々は偶然発見したんだけどさ」\ ^``Well, originally, I came across it by chance anyway.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0220.ogg" ;「…偶然?」\ ^``By chance?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0263.ogg" ;「だってほら、あの車ってナビないでしょ?」\ ^``Well, you see, that car's got no navigation system right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0264.ogg" ;「だから最初は、適当に走ってて着いたのよ」\ ^``So the first time, I just drove around and got here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう答える姫子さんの顔は、いつもと少しだけ違って…\ ^As she answered, Himeko-san's face was just a little different from usual...\ ;どこか寂しいような、 ;なにか懐かしむような複雑な顔をしていた。\ ^It was somehow lonely, somehow nostalgic, a complicated kind of face.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0265.ogg" ;「さてっと、それよりも目的があったわね」\ ^``Alright, instead of that, we had a goal, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そう言ったかと思うと、 ;車のトランクをごそごそとし始める。\ ^Just as what she said registered, she began rummaging through the trunk of the car.\ ;そして、小さなノコギリのような物を取り出すと、 ;道路沿いにある、大きなフェニックスの木に向かって歩き始めた。\ ^Then, taking out a small saw like object, she started walking towards a large phoenix palm by the roadside.\ ;…もしかして、本当に切る気だろうか…\ ^... Did she really mean to cut one?\ bg "en\umimitiz.jpg",2 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0221.ogg" ;「…ねえ、それは何よ?」\ ^``Say... what's that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0266.ogg" ;「あら? 弓ノコって知らない? ; 本来は金属切断用だけど、よく切れるのよ」\ ^``Oh? You don't know about hacksaws? They're really made for cutting metals, but they can cut well.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0222.ogg" ;「そうじゃなくて、何をするつもり?」\ ^``I didn't mean that, what do you plan on doing?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0267.ogg" ;「もちろん、切るのよ、ちょびっと5cmくらい」\ ^``Obviously, cutting. Just a little 5cm worth.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながらフェニックスの木に、弓ノコを添える。\ ^As she spoke she placed the hacksaw against the phoenix palm.\ ;止めた方が良い気がするけど… ;姫子さん自身が、どこまで本気なのかが分からない。\ ^I had a feeling it was better to stop... but just how serious Himeko-san herself was, I didn't know.\ ;それとも5cmくらいなら、 ;あんまり気にしなくても良いのかしら?\ ^Or maybe, if it's just 5cm, it didn't matter so much?\ ;てなことを、わたしが一人で心配していると…\ ^As I worried about these things alone...\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0268.ogg" ;「うん、やっぱりやーめた」\ ^``Mm, yeah I think I'll stop.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って、再び弓ノコを車のトランクへと戻した。\ ^Saying that, she once again returned the hacksaw to the trunk of the car.\ ;ふう、諦めてくれたのかな… ;それとも最初から本気じゃなかったのかな?\ ^Phew, she decided to give up?... Or had she not been serious from the start?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0269.ogg" ;「まだ人目があるから、もう少し暗くなってからにするわ」\ ^``There's still eyes around. When it's a bit darker, I'll do it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…別に諦めたわけじゃないんだ…\ ^... It's not like she gave up at all...\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" ;■心情・情景>海の情景>やや長め ;灼けた日差しと、湿った海風。磯の香り。 ;時折、近づいてくる何羽ものウミネコ。\ ^Burning sunlight, moist sea breeze, and the scent of the ocean. Once in a while, a number of seagulls came close.\ ;そんな砂浜で、わたし達は遅くなった昼食を始める。\ ^On that kind of beach, the two of us started a late lunch.\ bg "en\umibe.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0270.ogg" ;「もぐもぐ、うん、あなたのお母さん、料理上手いわね」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_257 ^``Mmm, your mother is good at cooking, isn't she?''\ goto *generated_258 *generated_257 ^* Munch munch. * ``Un, your mother, is good at cooking isn't she?''\ *generated_258 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0223.ogg" ;「…今日のは特に頑張ってくれたから」\ ^``Because for today, she tried extra hard.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0271.ogg" ;「そう、いいお母さんね」\ ^``I see, what a good mother.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;そんなことを話しながら食べるお弁当。\ ^Speaking about these things, we ate our lunch.\ ;姫子さんが用意してくれたレジャーマットに座ると、 ;お互いに日射し除けの麦わら帽子を被っての昼食会。\ ^Sitting upon the sheet Himeko-san prepared, it was a lunch party where the two of us put on straw hats to keep off the sun.\ ;Lunch, party? meeting? gathering? .... cult! <_< ;まるで公園の鳩のように、コロッケの切れ端をあげると、 ;ものすごい勢いで食べるウミネコ。\ ^Almost like pigeons in a park, when we gave the seagulls crumbled croquettes, they fiercely snapped them up.\ ;その姿が可笑しくて二人して笑った。\ ^Looking at those silly figures, the two of us laughed.\ ;…こんな感じは何年ぶりだろう? ;思わず、そんなことを考えていたわたしに、\ ^This feeling... how long has it been I wonder. I couldn't help but think about that...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0272.ogg" ;「…どうやら、まだ好きだと思っているようね?」\ ^``... Looks like, she still thinks you like them?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;相変わらず入っている、ポテトを見ての言葉だった。\ ^The words came as she looked at the fries that were always there.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0225.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;その言葉に、思わずわたしは黙ってしまう。\ ^At those words, I couldn't help but fall silent.\ ;…それは優しさではないと言った。\ ^... She had said it wasn't kindness.\ ;言い換えれば、嫌いなら嫌いとハッキリ告げるのが、 ;優しさであるということなんだろう。\ ^In other words it probably meant that if I don't like them, then there was kindness in saying so.\ ;わたしだって、それは分かっている。\ ^Even I understood that.\ ;分かっているけど… ;赤い手をして、わたしの為にとやってくれているのに…\ ^Understood, but... reddening her hands, doing it for me...\ ;あんなに喜んでくれているお母さんを前にして、 ;そんなこと言ってしまっては、どんなに哀しませてしまうか…\ ^In front of such a happy mother, to say that sort of thing... knowing just how sad it would make her...\ ;それくらい、自分にだって分かっているから…\ ^That much, even I knew...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s120 ;ぽんぽんっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_259 ^I felt something behind me.\ goto *generated_260 *generated_259 ^* Pat Pat. *\ *generated_260 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0226.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !sd ;見ると、わたしの背中を優しく叩いてくれる姫子さん。\ ^When I looked, Himeko-san was gently patting me on the back.\ ;まるで小さな子供が泣き止むのをあやすように、 ;ぽんぽんとわたしの背中を叩き続けてくれていた。\ ^As if calming a crying child, she continued to pat my back.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0273.ogg" ;「ま、しょうがないわよ」\ ^``Well, there's no helping it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0274.ogg" ;「口で言うほど簡単じゃないからね」\ ^``It's not as easy as just saying it after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0227b.ogg" ;「…姫子さん…」\ ^``Himeko-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0275.ogg" ;「そうね…いつかちゃんと言えると良いわね…」\ ^``Yeah... it'd be nice if someday you can come out and say it, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !w500 ;>やや明るい dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0055b.ogg" ;「…うん…」\ ^``... Un...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" ;■心情・情景>情景とか\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0276.ogg" ;「あのね、すごく難しいことだけど…」\ ^``You know? It's a really hard thing but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0277.ogg" ;「実は、ワガママ言いまくりで…丁度良いのかもよ」\ ^``In reality, saying a bunch of selfish things... might be just right, you know?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 ;そう言って笑ってみせてくれた。\ ^Saying that, she gave me a smile.\ ;…いつもの明るい顔で、優しく励ましてくれた…\ ^With her usual cheery face, she gently encouraged me...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 mov %flg2_cha10,1 mov %flg2_bplay,10 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_10 mov $sys_midasi,"^#11 / Vintage Wine [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;海風が止み、夏の長い日がゆっくりと暮れ始め…\ ^The sea breeze stopped, and the long summer day began drawing to a close...\ bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 ;波も空も、見えるもの全てがオレンジに染まる頃…\ ^Around when the waves, the sky, and everything that could be seen was stained orange...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0278.ogg" ;「さて、そろそろ良い頃かしら…」\ ^``Well, it's getting to a good enough time I guess...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、再びノコギリを取りにいく姫子さん。\ ^As she spoke, Himeko-san once again went to get the hacksaw.\ ;元々、交通量の少ないこの場所でも、 ;更に頃合を待っていたのだろう。\ ^For an already sparsely traveled place, she probably had been waiting for this even more opportune time.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;そんな中、目の前の道を走ってきた一台の車。\ ^And in the middle of that, a single car came down the road in front of us.\ ;何故か、真っ直ぐにわたし達の方へと向かってきていた。\ ^For some reason, it was headed straight for where we were.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0229.ogg" ;「…何か、車が来たみたい」\ ^``Looks like... a car's come.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0279.ogg" ;「珍しいわね、こんな場所で止まるなんて…」\ ^``That's odd, for someone to stop in such a place...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;目の前に止まった、見知らぬ軽自動車。\ ^What stopped before our eyes, was an unknown sub-compact car.\ ;レースのカーテン越しに見える車内には、 ;たくさんのぬいぐるみや、アクセサリーの数々。\ ^Beyond the lace curtains, what could be seen in the car were lots of stuffed toys and numerous accessories.\ ;それは、いかにもといった、少女趣味の車だった。\ ^That was, without a doubt, the car of someone with girlish interests.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0230.ogg" ;「変な車…」\ ^``Strange car...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0280.ogg" ;「そうね、今時フリルの内装した、軽はいないわ」\ ^``Indeed, frilly interiors in this day and age just don't exist anymore.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;目の前に止まった車を前にして、 ;そんな感想を述べるわたし達。\ ^In front of the car that stopped before us, we both gave our impressions.\ ;やがて、変な車の主は…^@^静かにドアを開けた。\ ^And then, the owner of the strange car...^@^ slowly opened the door.\ dwave 6,"se2\tobira3.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_261 ^* Click. *\ *generated_261 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0143.ogg" ;「よ、元気そうね」\ ^``Hey, you're looking well.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 bg "en\hime00b.jpg",1 bg "en\hime00.jpg",10,1500 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0281.ogg" ;「…あなた…優花?…」\ ^``... You're... Yuka...?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0144.ogg" ;「偶然ね、こんなところで会うなんて?」\ ^``What a coincidence, meeting you in such a place.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0283.ogg" ;「ええ…とんでもない偶然ね」\ ^``Yes... an unbelievable coincidence.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;姫子さんの知り合いのようだけど…\ ^It seemed to be someone Himeko-san knew...\ ;…誰だろう? ;小柄で可愛らしい、フリフリの服が似合う人だった。\ ^Who was this? A short, cute looking person who suited the frilly clothing she wore.\ ;姫子さん自身、病院に知り合いは多いようだけど、 ;目の前の人はあまりそういった人には見えない。\ ^Himeko-san herself said that she knew many people at the hospital, but the person before my eyes didn't seem like that sort of person.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0284.ogg" ;「ところで、なによ、その品のない車は?」\ ^``By the way, what's with that tacky car.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0145.ogg" ;「うるさいわね、あんたのオンボロよりマシよ、 ; つか、こう見えても新車よ」\ ^``Quiet you. It's better than your junker, and hey, even though it looks like this, it's a new car.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0146.ogg" ;「ったく、ペーパーに遠距離走らせるんじゃないわよ」\ ^``And geez, don't make a paper driver drive long distances.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0285.ogg" ;「あなたこそ年を考えなさいよね、年を」\ ^``And you should think about your age, okay? Your age.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…なんだろう? この感じは。\ ^... What was this? This feeling.\ ;まるで口ケンカしているようでもあり、 ;会話にもなってない気がするのに…\ ^It seemed like an argument, and also didn't seem to amount to a conversation, and yet...\ ;何故か、全然そんな風には感じられなかった。\ ^Somehow, it just didn't feel like that at all.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0286.ogg" ;「ふう、でもまあ、なんてゆーか…」\ ^``Phew, but well, how should I say...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0287.ogg" ;「優花…^@^ありがとうね…」\ ^``Yuka...^@^ Thanks...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0147.ogg" ;「な、なに唐突に言ってんのよ」\ ^``W-what are you saying all of a sudden.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0288.ogg" ;「色々よ…色々…」\ ^``This and that... this and that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0289.ogg" ;「…きっとあなたが、 ; ユーノスも整備してくれていたんでしょ?」\ ^``It must have been you who maintained the Eunos for me, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0148.ogg" ;「し、しらないわよ、偶然でしょ」\ ^``I-I know nothing about that, it's just a coincidence.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0290.ogg" ;「うふふ、じゃあこれも、そういうことにしといてあげる」\ ^``Eheheh. Well then, I'll also leave it at that for you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>長め ;とても楽しそうに話す姫子さん。 ;今まで姫子さんを見てきたけど、初めて見る表情だった。\ ^The very happily conversing Himeko-san. Out of all the times that I've seen Himeko-san up to now, this expression was a first.\ ;そして相手の人も、言葉では怒ってばかりだけど、 ;全然そんな風には思えなかった。\ ^And the person she spoke to, by her words she was always angry, but it didn't feel like that at all.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0149.ogg" ;「…じゃあ…私もう行くから」\ ^``... Well... I'll be going.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_262 ^The door opened and slammed shut again.\ goto *generated_263 *generated_262 ^* Click, slam. *\ *generated_263 dwave 5,"se2\car_start1b.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;たったこれだけの会話で、 ;さっさと自分の車へと乗り込む女の人。\ ^With just that little conversation, the woman quickly got back into her own car.\ ;一体、何の為に来たのかも分からないくらいだった。\ ^As if, she might not have known just why she had even come.\ ;…でも…^@^本当は、もっと話したいのではないだろうか?\ ^... But...^@^ in truth, didn't she want to talk more?\ ;もっともっと、同じ時間を共にしたいのではないだろうか…\ ^She probably wanted to spend, much, much more time together...\ ;何故か、わたしにはそんな風に思えて、 ;思わず姫子さんに向かって口を開いてしまう。\ ^For some reason, I felt that way, and couldn't help but turn to Himeko-san and open my mouth.\ ;_;_ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0231.ogg" ;「ねえ…このまま別れてもいいの?」\ ^``Say... is it okay to part like this?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0291.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;特に返事はなかった。 ;只、相手の人を見つめるだけだった。\ ^There wasn't any particular reply. She just continued to gaze at that person.\ ;…ホントは、もっと話したいんじゃないの?\ ^... In truth, didn't she want to talk more?\ ;そんな言葉を投げることすら、躊躇われた。 ;どうしてだか、わたしには踏み込めないことに思えた。\ ^I hesitated in even uttering those words. Somehow, I sensed that I shouldn't intrude.\ ;そして、そのまま走り出すかと思った車は…\ ^And then, the car that I thought was just going to leave...\ ;一旦閉めた運転席の窓を、もう一度開くと、\ ^The briefly closed driver's side window, opened one more time.\ ;_;_ dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0150.ogg" ;「ねえ姫子っ」\ ^``Hey, Himeko.''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0292.ogg" ;「ええ、わかってるわ…」\ ^``Yes, I know...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0151.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 2 ;■心情・情景 bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\anami2.ogg" ;…それだけの言葉を交わすと、お互いに黙ったままの二人。\ ^... Just exchanging those words, both of them fell silent.\ ;姫子さんも、泣きそうな顔をした知らない女の人も…\ ^Both Himeko-san, and the unknown woman who made a face near tears...\ ;見えるモノ全てがオレンジに染まった世界で、 ;潮騒と海鳥の声だけが響くいていた。\ ^In the world where everything that could be seen was stained orange, only the crashing of waves and the cries of seagulls sounded.\ ;やがて…^@^運転席の窓を閉めながら…\ ^And then...^@^ as the driver's side window closed...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s100 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0152b.ogg" ;「そ、その…」\ ^``U-um...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0151.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 2 dwave 2,"w2\2\yuka-0153b.ogg" ;「じゃ…じゃあね…」\ ^``Se...See you then...''\ !sd dwavestop 2 !sd ;dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\car_start2.ogg" ;■心情・情景> ;その言葉を最後に、再び来た道を帰って行ってしまった。\ ^With those last words, she once again returned to the road.\ bg "en\umimiti2.jpg",10,1500 !w1000 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0293.ogg" ;「バカね…相変わらず…」\ ^``Silly... as always...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0294.ogg" ;「7Fに来ちゃダメだからって、こんな場所にまで来るなんて…」\ ^``Just because I said not to come to the 7th floor, to come all the way to such a place...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0232.ogg" ;「…今の人は?」\ ^``... That person just now was?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0295.ogg" ;「そうね…ちょっと素直じゃなくて…でも本当は優しい…」\ ^``Indeed... a bit not true to herself... but really, very kind...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !w800 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0296.ogg" ;「皆勤賞を逃した人よ」\ ^``Person who let perfect attendance slip by.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !w400 !s75 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0233.ogg" ;「…皆勤賞?」\ ^``... Perfect attendance?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0297.ogg" ;「ええ、そして…一番の親友よ…」\ ^``Yes, and... my number one best friend...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\umitori.ogg" ;■心情・情景>その様子 ;しみじみと、呟くように話す姫子さん。 ;優しい目だけど、どこか寂しそうにしていた。\ ^Himeko-san slowly murmured. ^Her eyes were gentle, but somewhere lonely.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0298.ogg" ;「ふう、おかげで残り3つが、2つになっちゃったわ」\ ^``Phew, and thanks to that, the remaining three has become two.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0234.ogg" ;「…パイナップルの木じゃなかったの?」\ ^``... It wasn't the pineapple tree?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0299.ogg" ;「それもあるけど…それとは別にね…」\ ^``Well that's one too, but it's different from that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0300.ogg" ;「もう一度だけ会ってみたかったのよ…親友とね」\ ^``Just one more time, I wanted to meet again... with my best friend, you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;bg "en\sora01y2.jpg",5 ;やがて、オレンジの景色が…\ ^And then, the orange colored scenery...\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 ;ゆっくりと蒼へと変わる。\ ^Slowly changed to blue.\ ;既に海鳥も蝉の声も消え、 ;今では潮騒だけが静かに響く浜辺。\ ^Already, the sea bird and the cicada cries have disappeared, and only the sound of the waves hung over the beach.\ ;そんな中、まだわたし達はこの場所に居た。\ ^Within that, the two of us were still at that place.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"se2\noko.ogg" ;ギーコギーコ…\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_264 ^The rough sound of sawing filled the air.\ goto *generated_265 *generated_264 ^* Saw saw. *\ *generated_265 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0301.ogg" ;「ふう、やっぱ、パイナップルの木じゃなかったみたいね」\ ^``Phew, guess it really wasn't a pineapple tree.''\ !sd dwavestop 5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0302.ogg" ;「うーん、残念残念」\ ^``Mmm, pity, what a pity.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言葉ではそう言うが、全然そんな感じはしない。 ;むしろ、どこか楽しげな姫子さんだった。\ ^Her words said that, but it certainly didn't sound like it. Instead, Himeko-san sounded as if she were having fun.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0235.ogg" ;「第一、それ…1cmも切ってないわよ」\ ^``First, that... is not even a one centimeter cut.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0303.ogg" ;「いいのよ、これ以上は木が可哀想でしょ?」\ ^``It's fine! Any more and you'd feel sorry for the tree right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0236.ogg" ;「…だったら最初から切らなければいいのに」\ ^``Then, from the start you didn't have to cut it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0304.ogg" ;「ダーメ、何事もやりもしないで決め付けるべきじゃないの」\ ^``No way. Nothing should be judged without trying.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" bg "en\umibe3.jpg",3 ;そして軽くスキップを踏むような調子で、 ;波打ち際へと歩き始める。\ ^And then, with lightly skipping steps, she began walking towards the water's edge.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0305.ogg" ;「ほら、せっかく海に来たんだし遊んで帰りましょ」\ ^``Look, since we've come all the way to the sea, let's play before we go back.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\asi_nami2.ogg" ;バシャバシャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_266 ^She splashed into the water.\ goto *generated_267 *generated_266 ^* Splash splash. *\ *generated_267 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0306c.ogg" ;「って、わ、冷たっ」\ ^``Hey, wah, cold!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0307c.ogg" ;「ねえ、セツミも来なさいよ~、冷たくって気持ちいいわよ」\ ^``Hey, Setsumi, you come too. It's cold and feels good.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0237.ogg" ;;「…わたしはいい」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" bg "en\hime01.jpg",10,1500 ;波打ち際。靴を脱ぎ、 ;パジャマの裾を上げて楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ^At the water's edge, barefoot, and raising the hem of her pajamas, Himeko-san seemed to be having fun.\ ;…もしかしたら本当は…\ ^... Could it be that in reality...\ ;実際にパイナップルの木かどうかなんてのは、 ;どうでも良かったのだろうか?\ ^Testing the pineapple tree didn't matter at all?\ ;わたしには、その理由は想像できないけど、 ;なんでも良いから、外に出る口実が欲しかったのかも知れない…\ ^For me, I couldn't imagine the reason, but it might have been that she wanted an excuse, whatever it was, to go outside.\ ;そして、そんなわたしの心中とは無関係に、 ;尚も、波打ち際で楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ^And separate from my inner thoughts, Himeko-san was enjoying herself at the water's edge.\ ;bg "en\hime01.jpg",10,1200 bg "en\hime01b.jpg",10,1500 ;…只、わからないことだらけでも、 ;自分にも、わかっていることはあった。\ ^... It was just, even though I didn't understand plenty, there was one thing that I understood.\ ;今、目の前に見える姫子さんの姿。 ;確実に、あと数ヵ月後にはこの人は消えてしまう。\ ^That figure of Himeko-san right now before my very eyes... without a doubt, in a few months, this person will disappear.\ ;陽気なこの笑顔も、優しく背中を叩いてくれた、 ;あの手の温もりも消えてしまう…\ ^That sunny smile, the gentle patting on my back, the warmth in that hand, will disappear...\ ;…これだけは間違いのないことだった。\ ^... Only that was unmistakable.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0308b.ogg" ;「こらぁ、そんなところで、なに黄昏てんのよ」\ ^``Hey! What are you doing depressing the mood over there?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE> bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 6,"se\car_thru_rl.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\water02.ogg" ;バシャバシャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_268 ^Himeko-san started splashing water.\ goto *generated_269 *generated_268 ^* Splash splash. *\ *generated_269 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0238.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0204.ogg" ;「わっ」\ ^``Wah.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0309.ogg" ;「来ないと本格的に、水かけちゃうわよ」\ ^``If you don't come, I'm really going to splash you!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0239.ogg" ;「…わかったわよ」\ ^``... Alright already.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;促がされて、わたしも同じように靴を脱ぐと、 ;裸足で波打ち際へと向かった。\ ^Having been prodded, I also took off my shoes and headed to the water's edge barefoot.\ dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" bg "en\umibe3.jpg",3 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0240b.ogg" ;;「冷た…」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0310.ogg" ;「あはは、どう? 気持ちいいでしょ」\ ^``Ahaha, well? It feels good doesn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0241.ogg" ;「…うん、冷たくて気持ちいい」\ ^``Un, it's cold and feels good.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;波が足を洗う。砂に触れる感触も、 ;日が落ち、涼しくなった水も心地よかった。\ ^I washed my feet in the waves. The feel of the sand, the cooled evening water, both felt good.\ ;こうやって海に入るのは何年ぶりだろうか… ;こんな風に、次に海へと来れるのは、いつだろうか…\ ^How many years was it since I've been in the sea like this, I wonder... ^When will be the next time I can come to the sea like this, I wonder...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0311.ogg" ;「さあ、いよいよ盛り上ってまいりましたっ」\ ^``Now, we've finally gotten revved up!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、手に持っていたコンビニ袋から、 ;何かを取り出す姫子さん。\ ^And then, from the convenience store bag in her hand, Himeko-san took out something.\ ;一体なにかと思っていると…\ ^Just when I wondered what it was...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0312.ogg" ;「じゃーんっ、ここでお酒登場っ」\ ^``Ta-da! And here, alcohol makes its appearance!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\pon02.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0313.ogg" ;「ほら、あなたもグラス持って」\ ^``Come, you hold a glass too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0242b.ogg" ;「でも、わたしお酒は…」\ ^``But, me and alcohol...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0314.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、 ; パイナップルの真実も突き止めたことだし」\ ^``Don't worry, don't worry, we just discovered the truth behind pineapples after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0315.ogg" ;「それにこれ、八年モノのワインなんだから」\ ^``And besides, this, is an eight year old wine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\pon03.ogg" ;溢れんばかりの勢いで、半ば強制的に注がれてしまった。\ ^With her overflowing aura, she half-forcibly poured me a glass.\ ^The clear red wine seemed overlaid with the beautiful color of the moonlight's blue.\ ;二人して足首まで海に浸かると、 ;そんなグラスをお互いに手にする。\ ^The two of us waded into the sea to our ankles, and took up our glasses.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0316.ogg" ;「ところでセツミ…あなた、今、いくつだっけ?」\ ^``By the way, Setsumi... you're, how old now?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0243b.ogg" ;「…15…」\ ^``... Fifteen...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0317b.ogg" ;「じゃあ…八年モノのワインと…」\ ^``Well then... to an eight year old wine and...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0317c.ogg" ;「15才に乾杯っ」\ ^``The fifteen year old!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"se2\cup.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_270 ^Our glasses clinked together.\ goto *generated_271 *generated_270 ^* Clink. *\ *generated_271 dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0318.ogg" ;「あと…私の人生にも…」\ ^``And... also to my life...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 !sd ;夏の濁った空に浮かぶ月。 ;この暗い浜辺を照らしてくれていた。\ ^The moon floating in the cloudy summer sky illuminated the dark beach.\ ;…死ぬまでにやってみたい10のこと。^@^ ;3週間前、残り3つなので付き合って欲しいと言われた。\ ^... The ten things to do before dying.^@^ Three weeks ago, I was told to go along with the remaining three.\ ;そして今、パイナップルの木、親友をクリアし、 ;これで残り1つになったらしい。\ ^And now, the pineapple tree and best friend were cleared, leaving what appeared to be one more.\ ;わたしには、それが何なのかは分からないけど…\ ^For me, I didn't know what that was, but...\ ;その最後の一つを行う日は…^@^そう遠くないのかも知れない。\ ^The day for doing that last one...^@^ might not be that far off.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;☆BGM>フェードアウト ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 海>夜 ;それから暫く経った頃、\ ^And after some time passed,\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" dwave 5,"se2\umi13b.ogg" ;☆BGM>mi02>そのままでも良いかも ;まだ水辺を楽しそうに歩く姫子さん。\ ^Himeko-san was still happily walking along the water's edge.\ ;不意にその足を止めると、こちらを振り返った。\ ^Suddenly, her feet stopped and turned this way.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0319.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…もしも、もしもだけどさ…」\ ^``Hey Setsumi... if... just if...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0320.ogg" ;「このまま海に入っていったら…」\ ^``If I go into the sea like this...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0321.ogg" ;「…楽に死ねるかな?」\ ^``... Do you think I can die comfortably?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そこには、もう先ほどまでの表情は消えていた。\ ^Over there, the expression that had been on her face just before had disappeared.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0322.ogg" ;「ねえ、その時はあなた…止めてくれる?」\ ^``Hey, at that time... would you stop me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0244.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0245.ogg" ;「…本気で死ぬ気なら、 ; とっくに海に飛び込んでいる筈だわ」\ ^``... If you really wanted to die, you would have dove into the sea long ago.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0323.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0324.ogg" ;「ふう、相変わらずクールねえ~」\ ^``Phew, always the cool one, aren't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、ざばざばとこちらへと帰ってくる。\ ^As she spoke, she splashed her way back.\ bg "en\umibe3.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0325.ogg" ;「よっこいしょっと」\ ^``And yokkoisho!''/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_272 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_272 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_273 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~No, there isn't any particular meaning in this.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~No, there isn't any particular meaning in this.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_273 ^#ffffff\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、濡れた足をタオルで拭きながら、 ;わたしの隣へと腰を下ろした。\ ^And then, while drying her wet feet with a towel, she sat down next to me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0326.ogg" ;「…さて、またまた盛り上がってきたわね…」\ ^``... And now, we're revving up again, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉とは反対に、落ち着いた口調。 ;さっきから黙ったままのわたしに向かって、\ ^In contrast to her words, she spoke calmly, and turned to face the one who had fallen silent, me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0327.ogg" ;「いいわよ、あるんでしょ? 聞きたいことたくさん」\ ^``It's okay. You've got them, right? Plenty of things you want to ask.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0246.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" ;小さく頷くと、わたしはゆっくりと口を開いた。 ;以前から姫子さんには尋ねたいことがたくさんあった。\ ^Giving a small nod, I slowly opened my mouth. From long before, there had been many things I wanted to ask Himeko-san.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0247.ogg" ;「死ぬって聞かされた時…泣いた?」\ ^``When you heard you were going to die... did you cry?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0328.ogg" ;「そりゃ、ちょっとはね…」\ ^``Well, a bit...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0248.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして自分だけがって恨んだ?」\ ^``Then, were you bitter, asking `why only me?'|''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0329.ogg" ;「うーん、それは難しい質問ね…」\ ^``Umm, that's a hard question...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0330.ogg" ;「逆にあなたに聞くけどさ、」\ ^``Well, let me ask you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0331.ogg" ;「…恨むって…誰に対して?」\ ^``When you say `bitter'... bitter at whom?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…わからない。^@^ ;予想してない質問からの返しだった。\ ^... I didn't know.^@^ That was my reaction to the unexpected question.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0332.ogg" ;「そうね…もし神さまってのがいるのなら、恨んだかもね」\ ^``Indeed... if God exists, then I might be bitter.''\ ;!== This is a subtle one. To me, "if God existed" implies "(but he doesn't)", which doesn't work because a couple of lines later Himeko clearly says she believes he might. Changing it to "if God exists" would fix this, and it would also get closer to the Japanese いる. ;-- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fine. ;!== Is the number of mmmms directly proportional to my perceived 細かさ? :D ;!== (Shooting for 30!) ;-- mostly it's roughly porpotional to the amount of time I debate on it and grudgingly accept the changes !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0250.ogg" ;「…元カトリックのくせに、 ; 神さまの存在を信じてないの?」\ ^``Even though you're a former Catholic, you don't believe in the existence of God?''\ ;!== Surely "you _are_ a former Catholic" or "you _were_ a Catholic"? ;-- whooopsie !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0333.ogg" ;「いいえ、信じてるわよ、”元”カトリックでもね」\ ^``No, I believe, even as a `former' Catholic.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0334b.ogg" ;「恐らく神さまはいる…」\ ^``Probably, God exists...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0335b.ogg" ;「でもね、どうやら多忙らしいのよ、神さまとやらは」\ ^``But you see, it looks like He's very busy, that God.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0336b.ogg" ;「それとも…只、無関心なのかしらね…」\ ^``Or maybe... He just doesn't care perhaps...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" ;■心情・情景 ;まるで独り言のように淡々と話し続ける。\ ^She continued to speak blandly, as if talking to herself.\ ;月明かりに照らされたその顔は、 ;どこか寂しげで、達観したようにも思えた。\ ^That face, illuminated by the moonlight, felt somehow lonely and philosophical.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0337.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…」\ ^``Hey Setsumi...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0338.ogg" ;「あなた、フランダースの犬って知ってる?」\ ^``Do you know ~i~A Dog of Flanders~i~?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0251.ogg" ;「…フランダースの犬?」\ ^``... A dog of Flanders?''\ ;!== Speaking of subtle: are you deliberately writing "dog" not "Dog" here to imply that Setsumi hasn't realised Himeko is talking about the story, or is this a just a typo? ;-- the first ^_^ ;!== なるほど、だったら問題無し !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0339.ogg" ;「ええ、結構有名な話しだから知ってるでしょ」\ ^``Yes, it's a pretty famous story, so you probably know it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0252.ogg" ;「うん、大体は…」\ ^``Un, more or less...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;突然に出た単語に、かろうじて頷いて答える。 ;幼い頃にアニメの再放送で見たように思う。\ ^At the sudden words, I answered with the slightest of nods. When I was young, I think I watched an anime broadcast of it.\ ;確か、身寄りを亡くした、 ;子供のネロと犬のパトラッシュの物語りだった。\ ^I believe it was a story about a child who had lost his family, Nello, and his dog Patrasche.\ ;!== I wonder if people who aren't familiar with the story could mistakenly read this as suggesting that Nello had lost his dog? s/and his/and about his/ would remove any possibility of that reading, if you think anyone might. ;-- mm they'll live ^_^ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0340.ogg" ;「ネロとパトラッシュとアロア…」\ ^``Nello, Patrasche, and Alois...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0341.ogg" ;「…あなたは誰になりたい? ; もしくは、誰にはなりたくない?」\ ^``Who do you want to be? Or, who don't you want to be?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…結局最後には死んでしまうネロとパトラッシュ。^@^ ;その二人の親友であるアロア。\ ^The ones who ultimately died, Nello and Patrasche.^@^ Then the two's best friend, Alois.\ ;-- the heck, how'd I miss this whole half line... >_< ;!== Hey, I was about to comment on that, too. :P ;わたしは、死んでしまうのは嫌だ。\ ^I, didn't want to die.\ ;でも、だからといって、 ;一人残されるアロアにもなりたくない。\ ^But even saying that, I didn't want to be the one left behind, Alois.\ !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0253.ogg" ;「…誰にもなりたくない」\ ^``... I don't want to be any of them.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0342.ogg" ;「そりゃあ、無理な相談ね」\ ^``Well, that's an impossible arrangement.''\ ;!== Whaddya know, I look this up because I think you might've got it wrong, only to find that _I'm_ the one who misinterpreted this line. orz ;-- やっただぜ! Though to be honest, since I went through all our scripts first, all the instances where I fixed my script by bouncing ideas off yours goes unnoticed ^_^ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0045b.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^``Why?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0343.ogg" ;「人には…この三択しかないのよ」\ ^``People... have only these three choices.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 6 dwave 5,"se2\umi12b.ogg" bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 !s80 ;そう答える姫子さんの顔は、いつもの顔とは違っていた。\ ^As Himeko-san answered, her face was different from usual.\ ;たまに見せる、とても厳しい表情をしていた…\ ^The expression that she occasionally showed, that very strict expression was there.\ !sd mov %flg2_cha11,1 mov %flg2_bplay,11 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_11 mov $sys_midasi,"^#12 / Nello and Alois [a]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 monocro #FFeedd print 3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;・ナルキ 本編開始 2-8\ ;bg "tr\n01a.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\n01a.png",1 ;bg "tr\n01b.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\n01b.png",3 ;bg "tr\n01c.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\n01c.png",1 ;bg "tr\n01d.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\n01d.png",3 ;■― ネロとアロア ―\ ;^-- Nello and Alois --\ ;We don't need this thanks to the graphic mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;6月。 ;白い梅雨空が今日も広がっていた。\ ^June. ^A white overcast sky spread out today.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0002.ogg" ;『今度の担当はいつもと違う…』\ ^``This time's assignment is different from usual...''\ dwavestop 1 ;病院を前にして、私の頭の中は、 ;まだ見ぬ相手への期待で一杯だった。\ ^In front of the hospital, my head was full of anticipation about the person I haven't seen yet.\ bg "en\a006.jpg",3 ;SE>カチャ、\ ;長い廊下の途中、先生の姿を見つけると話し掛ける。\ ^In the middle of the long hallway, I saw the doctor and spoke to him.\ ;「そのう…本当に良いのかね?」\ ^``So... are you really fine with it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0003.ogg" ;「ええ、是非ともお願いします」\ ^``Yes, please let me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「うーん、そうは言ってもね…」\ ^``Mmm, even if you say that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;私の希望に難色を示す先生。\ ^At my wishes, the doctor showed reluctance.\ ;まだ大学生の自分には、荷が重いんじゃないか? ;そんな意味合いが含まれているのだろう。\ ^For me still being a university student, isn't the burden too heavy? That was probably the unspoken meaning behind it.\ ;「相手はそのう…知ってるよね?」\ ^``The patient is, well... you know, right?''\ ;!== Might it be better to put a comma before "well"? IMO it's best to avoid potential ambiguity wherever possible, even if the correct interpretation is obvious when you think about it. :) ;-- mm no harm there !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0004.ogg" ;「もちろんです、だからこその担当志願ですし」\ ^``Of course. That was exactly why I asked for the assignment.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;尚も言葉を濁す先生と、くいさがる私。\ ^When the doctor still continued looking doubtful, I pressed harder.\ ;事の発端は、新しくホスピスに入ることになった患者への ;ヘルパー志願だった。\ ^The source of this was my volunteering to be the helper of a new patient to the hospice.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0005.ogg" ;「あ、ちゃんと教会からの推薦状も頂いてきました」\ ^``Ah, I made sure to bring a letter of recommendation from the Church.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら一通の封書を手渡す。\ ^As I spoke, I handed a single sealed envelope over.\ ;ここでは、”特殊”な行為に限り、 ;現場だけでなく、教会の意向も反映されることが多かった。\ ^Here, the domain of ``extraordinary'' acts was not only decided by the hospital itself; the wishes of the church often also had influence.\ ;「わかった…事務局には先生から伝えておこう」\ ^``Alright... I'll inform the director.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0006.ogg" ;「ありがとうございます」\ ^``Thank you very much.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;大きく頭を下げ、私はその場を後にする。\ ^Giving a deep bow, I left the place.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 ;7F担当のヘルパー志願。\ ;このこと自体は、特に変わったことではない。\ ^A helper's application for a 7th floor assignment.\ ^That, in itself, wasn't a particularly strange occurrence.\ ;しかも私は、今までに、 ;3人ものホスピス患者を受け持ったことがある。\ ^Moreover, up until now, I had served three hospice patients already.\ ;自分の年齢を考えると、稀なヘルパー経験者だろう。 ;ベテランといってもいい。\ ^Considering my age, that was a rare amount of helper experience. It could be said that I was a veteran.\ ;何故なら、通常の病院の場合は、いくら本人が志願したところで、 ;大学生のボランティアでは、ホスピス担当にはなり辛い。\ ^As to why it was rare --- in normal hospitals, no matter how much a person volunteered, it would have been difficult for a university volunteer to be stationed at a hospice.\ ;-- mmm a 1-sentence break in flow makes it sliiightly confusion as to what that 'why' is all about ;どんなに人手不足であっても、 ;それほどホスピスという場所には気を遣っているのだ。\ ^No matter how short-handed, the place called the hospice was afforded that consideration.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0007.ogg" ;「でも…ここはキリスト教病院」\ ^``But... this is a Christian hospital.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;しかも、他所と比較しても、 ;医療法人より宗教法人色が強い傾向にあった。\ ^And moreover, even compared to other places, it was more strongly a religiously oriented place than medical services oriented.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0008.ogg" ;「そして私は、カトリック…」\ ^``And I, am a Catholic...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;物心つく前から洗礼を受け、福祉活動に従事する者。\ ^Someone who, before her earliest memories, received the waters of baptism; who actively engaged in public welfare activities.\ ;!== This reads to me like you're taking 物心つく前から to govern the entire sentence, rather than just the first clause; is that the case? If not, I'd suggest changing "and actively" to "and I actively". ;-- mmm well this line had always been somewhat fishy, though I'm not sure if your proposed fixed does the job. Looking at it now, I feel the need to do something about that 者... the way it was, it didn't quite jive with the light following after. ;…これが、全ての理由なのだろう。\ ^These were... probably all of the reasons.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0009.ogg" ;「だけど今度の担当はいつもと違う…」\ ^``But, this time's assignment is different from usual...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;相手は”子供”だった。 ;それも只の子供ではなく、保護者無しで病床にある者。\ ^The patient was ``a child.'' ^And also, not just a child, but one without guardians, and bedridden.\ ;要は身寄りのない、両親のいない子供だった。\ ^Essentially, a child with no relatives, no parents.\ ;もちろん、その子供にしたって、 ;生まれつき両親がいないという訳ではない。\ ^Of course, that didn't mean the child had no parents at birth.\ ;!== Himeko challenges Setsumi for the obvious captaincy! ;残酷にも、病床にいる子供を残し…\ ^While cruel, leaving a bedridden child...\ ;!== Surely 残酷 means "cruelly"? ;-- mmmmm there was a reason that I can't remember exactly that I wanted to avoid the word 'cruelly'... the 'にも' made me feel that it the 残酷 was directed more at the situation than the parents ;!== I see you managed to find a wording that captures some of that, though! ;そのまま蒸発してしまう親は多い。 ;認めたくないが、これもまた現実であった。\ ^And vanishing just like that... there were many of those kinds of parents. I didn't want to accept it, but that was also reality.\ ;そんな、他に行き場もなく、身寄りのない子供を…\ ^And such a child with no place to go, no relatives...\ ;最初に引き受けるのが、私達のようなカトリック系の病院。\ ^The first to take the child in would be a Catholic hospital like ours.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0010.ogg" ;「…もしくは、最後の砦といってもよかった」\ ^``... Perhaps, it could be said that it was the last resort.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_キープ__ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;そして、この慈愛の姿勢…カトリシズムこそが、 ;私を信者たしめる理由だった。\ ^And that merciful stance... it was that aspect of Catholicism itself that was my reason for being faithful.\ ;だから私は、敬虔な信者ではない。\ ^That's why I was not a devoted follower.\ ;== This is a tricky one. Your translation is, of course, perfectly correct: the problem is that the meaning isn't clear at first sight. ;== The issue is that I initially read the English here as saying "I had decided not to be a devoted follower because Catholicism is merciful". The reason, I think, is that my brain links "that's why..." back to "it was that aspect that was my reason...", and then interprets the two in the same context. ;== It took me several minutes of hard thought to figure out that the actual meaning is "I cannot be considered devoted, since I'm only a follower because I like that aspect". ;== This might just be me, so maybe you should test this bit on some other people and see if they find it easy to follow. ;-- well, since I dunno. We'll see when we hit beta ;-- mmm okay, I think I"m going to leave it as is, at first blush the intent of the line should come through from context I think, it only starts breaking down if you squint at it. I'd just as soon prefer to leave it somewhat ambigious. ;別にバプテスト派であろうと、プロテスタントであろうと、 ;なんでも構わなかったのだろう。\ ^It didn't matter if it was Baptist or Protestant, I probably wouldn't have cared.\ ;物心ついた時から洗礼を受けた身とはいえ、 ;只、偶然に、教会の隣の家に生まれ育っただけ。\ ^Though I had been baptized before I had memories, it was just a coincidence that I was born and raised in a house next to a church.\ ;間違っても、終生誓願宣立を望むほどの決意は持てない。\ ^But even if it were a coincidence, I didn't have the resolve to want to swear life-long service.\ ;!== How are you getting "coincidence" from 間違う? ;-- it comes from the previous line's 偶然. If it had been simple coincidence, (which is what I read as the 'mistake/accident') that I'm a catholic, I still won't be a nun. ;!== Mmmmmmm, OK. :p ;…純粋に、その慈愛の精神にのみ賛同する者だった。\ ^I was simply... a follower of that merciful spirit.\ ;_____ bg "en\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_274 ^The elevator bell chimed.\ goto *generated_275 *generated_274 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_275 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "en\a006.jpg",3 ;いつもの7Fではなく、今日は5Fへと。\ ^Different from the usual 7th floor, today it was to the 5th floor.\ ;まだ見ぬネロの元へと挨拶に向かう。\ ^Headed to greet the Nello I still hadn't seen.\ ;ここで言う『ネロ』とは、 ;私達ヘルパーや看護婦さんの間での隠語。\ ^The word ``Nello'' was a term between us helpers and nurses.\ ;7Fの住人、子供、身寄りがないからの連想。^@^ ;恐らくは、フランダースの犬から名付けられたのだろう。\ ^Resident of the 7th floor, child, without relatives --- bringing those together, most likely, it had probably been a name taken from ~i~A Dog of Flanders.~i~\ ;!== I think this is probably better split up into two sentences like in the Japanese, to make it clear that "most likely" only applies to the origin of the term. ;-- mmmm I'm not quite sure how that confusion can arise, probably from comma overuse... but can be fixed with a bit of punctuation. ;随分と失礼に思えるネーミングだが、 ;今となっては、その真偽は分からない。\ ^It was a pretty disrespectful naming, but even now, I didn't know the truth behind it.\ ;私が来た頃には既に定着している感じだった。\ ^When I came, it felt already long established.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0011.ogg" ;「只…悪意を持っての呼び方ではないのだろう」\ ^``It's just that... probably, there was no malice behind that name.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故ならネロが来ると分かると、 ;その担当を志願する医者や看護婦、ヘルパーは多い。\ ^The reason was, whenever it was known that a Nello was coming, the number of doctors, nurses, and helpers who sought the assignment was great.\ ;この状況も、献身的な姿勢を旨とする、 ;キリスト教病院ゆえに思える。\ ^That sort of situation was probably because this was a hospital following Christ's teachings, which aimed at a self-sacrificing attitude.\ ;そして、その中でもネロ担当のヘルパーは、 ;尊敬と揶揄を込めて、アロアと呼ばれた。\ ^And then among those, the helpers assigned to Nello were called, with both respect and jest, ``Alois.''\ ;…ほんとは、パトラッシュの方が、らしいのだろうけど…\ ^... But in reality, ``Patrasche'' would have been closer...''\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0012.ogg" ;「でも私達は、一緒に死んであげることは出来ない」\ ^``However, we are unable to die with them.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だから、一番の親友であるアロアと呼ばれる。\ ^That was why, they were called the closest, best friend, Alois.\ bg "en\w.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0013.ogg" ;「そしてこの私も、アロア役を求める一人だった…」\ ^``And I, was one of those who desired the role of Alois...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;_________________________ ;☆シーン変え:数日後>初めて会うことに bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_276 ^After knocking, I opened the door.\ goto *generated_277 *generated_276 ^* Knock knock, Click. *\ *generated_277 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0014.ogg" ;「おはよう」\ ^``Good morning.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0001.ogg" ;「あ、うん…おはよう…」\ ^``Ah, un... good morning...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;ベッドから身体を起こして、こちらを見る女の子。\ ^Raising her body up in the bed, a girl looked this way.\ ;膝の上には、ちょうど昼過ぎとあってか、 ;既に食べ終わった昼食のトレー。\ ^Above her knees, perhaps because it was just past noon, was an already eaten lunch tray.\ ;ふわりとした髪が印象的だった。\ ^Her voluminous hair left an impression.\ ;voluminous? fluffy? poofy? wavey? ;!== Maybe not "poofy" -- in my dialect that means "homosexual". ^^; dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0015.ogg" ;「あら、えらいわね、ちゃんと残さずに食べたのね」\ ^``Oh, what a good girl, you finished it all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0002.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^``Un...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0003.ogg" ;「…ホントはブロッコリー嫌いだけど」\ ^``Well, really, I don't like broccoli...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0004.ogg" ;「えと、それでお姉さんは…?」\ ^``Um, and Onee-san is...?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0016.ogg" ;「ああ、自己紹介がまだだったわね」\ ^``Ah, I didn't introduce myself yet did I?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0017.ogg" ;;「私の名前は、姫子…」\ !sd ;dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0005.ogg" ;;「ひめこさん?」\ !sd ;dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0018.ogg" ;;「うん。お姫さまの姫に、子供の子」\ !sd ;dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0019.ogg" ;「今度、あなたの担当になったヘルパーよ」\ ^``I'm the helper that just got assigned to you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;答えながら、証明書を開いて見せる。\ ^As I answered, I opened up the certificate and showed her.\ ;この子くらいの年齢では、無意味かも知れないが、 ;相手に見せるのも、ここのきまりだった。\ ^A child of this age, it might have been pointless, but showing the person now was a set thing here.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0020.ogg" ;「じゃあ、これからよろしくね」\ ^``So, treat me well from now on.''\ ;Ugh I haaaaaaaate translating yoroshiku. ;!== だから意訳の方が好きー♪ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0006.ogg" ;「あ、うん…こちらこそ…」\ ^``Ah, un... and me too...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;そう言葉では返すが、不思議そうな顔でこちらを見る。\ ^She responded with those words, but she looked this way with a puzzled expression.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0007.ogg" ;「…でも、ヘルパーってなに?」\ ^``But... what's a helper?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0021.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;予想外だった。\ ^That was unexpected.\ ;まだよく分かっていない部分も多いのだろうけど、 ;まさかそこまでとは思ってなかった。\ ^It had been likely that there were lots of things she didn't understand, but I hadn't thought it was to this extent.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0008.ogg" ;「お医者さんや、看護婦さんとは違うの?」\ ^``It's different from doctors and nurses?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0022.ogg" ;「それは…」\ ^``That's...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…この問いにどう答えるべきなのだろうか?\ ^... I wonder how should I answer that question.\ ;身の回りを世話をする人。^@^ ;通常はこれでも良いのかも知れない。\ ^Someone who took care of them.^@^ Normally, that probably would have been fine.\ ;でも、これから彼女が向かうのは7F。\ ^But, from here on out, what faced this girl was the 7th floor.\ ;そして私は、その彼女のヘルパー。 ;ネロに対するアロア。\ ^And I was her helper. ^The Alois for Nello.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;本来、7Fへは告知後でないと入れない。 ;貴方には、既に治療行為は終わったという意味。\ ^Normally, unless one were notified, one couldn't be admitted into the 7th floor. Meaning they've been informed that they had already run out of treatments.\ ;ストレートに言えば、死にますという宣告。\ ^To be direct about it, the pronouncement that they would die.\ ;その説明を受け、その意図に同意をもらい、 ;やっと入ることが許される場所。\ ^After they receive that explanation, and the hospital receives their agreement, they are finally allowed in.\ ;だからこそ、一般の病院では、 ;ホスピスに子供は対象外のところも多い。\ ^And that was exactly why in many general hospitals, hospices were not offered to children.\ ;…但し、ネロは違う。^@^ここは違う。 ;しかも両親がカトリックであったなら尚更だった。\ ^However, Nellos were different.^@^ This place was different. Moreover, if both parents had been Catholics, then even more so.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0009.ogg" ;「…どうしたの? お姉さん?」\ ^``What's wrong? Onee-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0023.ogg" ;「あ、ああ、ごめんなさい」\ ^``A-ah, sorry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;ヘルパーとは?の質問に考えがまとまらず、 ;少し黙ってしまっていた。\ ^While thinking over the question ``What is a helper?'' I had fallen silent.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0024.ogg" ;「そうね…まあ、友達みたいなもんよ」\ ^``Yeah... well, it's something like a friend.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0010.ogg" ;「…お姉さんが? わたしの?」\ ^``Onee-san is? Mine?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0025.ogg" ;「うん、だから、なんでも遠慮なく言ってね」\ ^``Yup. So, say whatever you want without holding back, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;早速私は、既に食べ終わった彼女のトレーを片付け始める。\ ^Quickly, I began cleaning up the tray that the girl had already finished eating.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0011.ogg" ;「あ、ごめんなさい…」\ ^``Ah, sorry...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0026.ogg" ;「いいのいいの、友達なんだから遠慮しないで」\ ^``It's fine, it's fine, we're friends, so don't be so reserved.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0012.ogg" ;「う、うん…」\ ^``U-un...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;まだ遠慮がちな女の子に、尚も私は言葉を続ける。\ ^I continued speaking to the girl who was still acting reserved.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0027.ogg" ;「それにね、うれしいのよ私」\ ^``And besides that, I'm happy.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0013.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^``... Why?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0028.ogg" ;「実はね、以前から年の離れた友達が欲しかったのよ」\ ^``You see, from long ago, I wanted a friend from another age group.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0014.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0015.ogg" ;「わたしも…お姉さんが欲しかった」\ ^``I also... wanted a big sister.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0029.ogg" ;「あら? じゃあ決まりねっ」\ ^``Oh? Then it's decided!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら私は、手を差し出す。\ ^As I spoke, I held out my hand.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0030.ogg" ;「これからもよろしくね」\ ^``So, treat me well here on out, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0016.ogg" ;「うん、こちらこそ…」\ ^``Un, me too...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s85 ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。 ;初めて触れた手は温かだった。\ ^The burning sunlight and the sound of cicadas. ^The hand I touched for the first time was warm.\ ;間もなく7Fへと移る、夏の日のこと。\ ^A summer day which would soon transfer to the 7th floor.\ !s90 ;…こうして、私達は友達となった。\ ^And so, we became friends.\ !s90 ;…ネロとアロアは友達となった…\ ^... Nello and Alois became friends...\ !sd ;_________________ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;数日後。 ;いつものように私は、彼女の元へと向かう。\ ^A few days after. ^As usual, I headed to the girl.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0031.ogg" ;「あつ…」\ ^``Hot...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;気の早い蝉が本格的に泣き始め、 ;また今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^As the early cicadas began to call in earnest, today again looked like it would be a hot day again.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_278 ^After knocking, I opened the door.\ goto *generated_279 *generated_278 ^* Knock knock, Click. *\ *generated_279 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0032.ogg" ;「おはよう」\ ^``Good morning.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0017.ogg" ;「…おはよう」\ ^``... Good morning.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;昨日と同じように、 ;軽くベッドから身体を起こすと朝の挨拶を交わす。\ ^The same as yesterday, she lightly raised her body on the bed and exchanged greetings.\ ;僅かだけ、打ち解けてくれたみたいだけど、 ;やはりまだ、どこか遠慮がちな彼女。\ ^Just a little bit, she seemed to be lowering her guard, but still, somewhere the girl was reserved.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0033_1.ogg" ;「もう朝の検温は終わった?」\ ^``Did the morning temperature check finish already?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0018.ogg" ;「うん、6度5分だった…」\ ^``Yes, it was 36.5°C...''/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_280 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_280 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_281 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~97.7°F~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~97.7°F~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_281 ^#ffffff\ ;Yeah yeah, we're not used to metric. Shaddap. ;!== Heh, I still use Fahrenheit for body temperature too. Don't be fooled by the people who claim the USA is the last outpost of traditional weights and measures. :) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0034.ogg" ;「そう。だったら安心ね」\ ^``I see. Then there's nothing to worry about, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景> ;答えながら朝食のトレーを片付ける。 ;これで、午後まで私がやることはなくなってしまった。\ ^As I answered, I cleaned up the breakfast tray. ^With that, until the afternoon, I'd run out of things that I had to do.\ ;本来、ヘルパーの仕事は多くない。 ;医療行為に該当する部分は先生や看護婦さんの仕事。\ ^From the start, there wasn't much for helpers to do. Medical matters were the work of the doctors and nurses.\ ;!== I think 本来 here is GG's sense 2 -- "essentially", not "originally" (which would imply that things have changed). ;-- mm. I'm just translating this according to the feel I get in my head when I use the word in chinese, essentially doesn't particularly sound well in that spot anyways ;!== OK, I agree "from the start" is fine. ;せいぜい検温をする程度で、 ;後は身の回りのサポートに過ぎなかった。\ ^At the most, it was on the level of taking temperatures, and giving support in their daily lives.\ ;…でも逆に言えば、 ;身の回りのサポートには”上限”がなかった。\ ^... However, another way to say it would be that there was no ``upper limit'' to supporting their daily lives.\ ;だからこそ、医師や看護婦ではなく、 ;担当ヘルパーに、アロアの称号が与えられるのだろう。\ ^And it was exactly for that reason that it wasn't the doctors or nurses, but the assigned helper, that was given the name Alois.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0035.ogg" ;「じゃあさ、食堂にでも行こうか?」\ ^``Well then, shall we go to the cafeteria?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0019.ogg" ;「え、でも、さっき食べたとこだけど…」\ ^``Eh? But, I just finished eating...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0036.ogg" ;「アイスよ、アイス、これだけ暑いんだからさ」\ ^``Ice cream, ice cream. It's this hot after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0020.ogg" ;「でも…」\ ^``But...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;複雑そうな顔で俯いてしまった。 ;きっと遠慮だけでなく他のことも考えている筈だ。\ ^She made a complicated face and looked down. She must be thinking of something besides politeness.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0037.ogg" ;「大丈夫だって、お姉さん奢ってあげるから」\ ^``Don't worry, Onee-san is buying.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だから私は、まるで背中を押すようにして食堂へと向かう。\ ^And so, as if I were giving her back a push, we headed to the cafeteria.\ ;!== "Pushing her back" is ambiguous -- I read "back" as the direction, not the body part. ;-- mmmm I had wanted to avoid messing with that phrase if possible. but alas, if one person finds it weird enough, plenty of others will ;__ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;まだ午前中とあって、まばらな人の姿。 ;そんな中、私達は並んでテーブルに腰掛ける。\ ^Since it was still morning, there was a scattering of people. Within that, we sat next to each other at a table.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0038.ogg" ;「さあ、なんでも好きなの言って」\ ^``So, tell me whatever you'd like.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0021.ogg" ;「うん、でも…」\ ^``Okay, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0039.ogg" ;「だ・か・ら、遠慮いらないって」\ ^``Like. I. Said. Don't be so reserved.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら私は、食堂のメニューを向ける。\ ^As I spoke, I turned to the cafeteria menu.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0022.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0023.ogg" ;「じゃあ、バニラで…」\ ^``Then, vanilla...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0040.ogg" ;「はい、バニラ了解。私は何にしようかなぁ~」\ ^``Okay, vanilla, got it. And what should I have...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0041.ogg" ;「って、アイスって1種類しかないのね」\ ^``Wait, there's only one type of ice cream isn't there?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0024.ogg" ;「うん、そうみたい…」\ ^``Mmm, looks like it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0042.ogg" ;「あはは、これじゃ、選択の余地なかったわね」\ ^``Ahaha, with this, there's no room for choice is there.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0025.ogg" ;;「あ、あははは…」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0043.ogg" ;「じゃ、すぐ買ってくるわ」\ ^``Well, I'll go buy them quick.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼女を席に残すと、カウンターへと向かう私。\ ^Leaving the girl seated, I headed to the counter.\ ;まわりを見ると、この子と同じくらいの年頃の子は、 ;母親や父親と一緒に食事をしている。\ ^Looking around, children of a similar age as the girl were eating together with their mother or father.\ ;当たり前だが、彼女くらいの年齢で、 ;一人で病院の食堂に居る方が違和感があった。\ ^Of course, a child of that age eating alone in a hospital cafeteria was more strange.\ ;…でも、彼女の両親は既にいない。\ ^... But, the girl's parents were already gone.\ ;もちろん彼女は知らない。知らされていない。\ ^Of course the girl didn't know. Wasn't allowed to know.\ bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0044.ogg" ;「はい、おまたせ~」\ ^``Here, sorry for the wait.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE>カチャカチャ\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0026.ogg" ;「わ、アイスがいっぱい」\ ^``Wah, lots of ice cream.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0045.ogg" ;「ええ、思ったよりサイズ小さかったから、 ; 1つじゃ寂しいと思ってね」\ ^``Yeah, the size was smaller than I expected, so I thought just one would be rather lonely.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0046.ogg" ;「とゆーわけで、ノルマは1人2つだからね」\ ^``And so, the norm is one person gets two, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0027.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0047.ogg" ;「あれ? もしかしてアイス嫌いだった」\ ^``Oh? Is it that you don't like ice cream?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0028.ogg" ;「う、ううん、そうじゃないけど…」\ ^``U-u~~n, it's not that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0029.ogg" ;「…もし、お母さんに見つかったら怒られるかも」\ ^``If Mom sees me, she might be angry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0030.ogg" ;「いつもはアイスはダメって言われてたから…」\ ^``Because she always said I couldn't have ice cream...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言うと、寂しそうに俯いてしまう。\ ^Saying that, she looked down sadly.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0048.ogg" ;「だ、大丈夫よ、お姉さんと一緒だったら」\ ^``I-it's all right, because Onee-san is with you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0031.ogg" ;「…ほんとに?」\ ^``... Really?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0049.ogg" ;「ええ、先生や看護婦さんも怒らないから」\ ^``Yes, and the doctors and nurses won't get mad either.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0032.ogg" ;「うん、わかった」\ ^``Un, okay.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして今度はうれしそうに、スプーンに手を伸ばす。\ ^And this time, she happily extended her hand towards a spoon.\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、 ;恐らくここに来てから一度として食べたことはないだろう。\ ^It was probably a given, but since coming here, she likely hadn't eaten any.\ ;…でも、この子くらいの年頃なら、 ;アイスやチョコが嫌いな筈はない。\ ^... However, someone of this child's age, there was no way they could hate ice cream or chocolate.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、彼女の食べる様子を眺めていると…\ ^While pondering that, I watched the girl eating and...\ ;僅かに口に運んだだけで、再び手が止まってしまった。\ ^After just a few spoonfuls, once again her hand stopped.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0050.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``What's wrong?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0033.ogg" ;「そういえば、お母さん…」\ ^``Oh yeah, Mom...''\ ;Bah, what little girl uses 'speaking of which' -_- !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0034.ogg" ;「最近は、全然お見舞いにも来てくれないの」\ ^``Lately, she hasn't been coming to visit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0051.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0035.ogg" ;「以前は毎日のように来てくれてたのに…」\ ^``Before, she came to visit me every day...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0052.ogg" ;「…そう……」\ ^``... I see...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それ以上は何も答えられなかった。\ ^Beyond that, I couldn't say any more.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;この子には知る由もないことだけど、 ;少なくとも自分には、教えることは出来そうになかった。\ ^There was no need for this child to know. At least, in my case, it didn't seem like I would be able to tell her.\ ;あなたの両親は既にいません。 ;あなたは、一人ぼっちでこれから7Fへと行くことになります…\ ^Your parents are long gone. ^You, all alone, from here on will go to the 7th floor...\ ;…そんなこと言える訳がなかった。\ ^There was just no way I could say that.\ ;そして、哀しいことだが、 ;これはよくあることだとも教えられていた。\ ^And, sadly, I learned that it was a very common thing.\ ;患者だけを残し、家族が消えてしまう。\ ^Leaving behind only the patient, the family disappearing.\ ;理由は色々とあるだろう。 ;経済的に、心理的に…\ ^There were probably various reasons. ^Financially, psychologically...\ ;とても薄情で残酷な行為に思うが、 ;私には一方的に、両親を責める気にはなれなかった。\ ^I thought it was a very heartless and cruel act, but, I couldn't rise to unilaterally blame the parents.\ ;好きこのんで病床にある子供を残し、消える親はいない筈。\ ^Leaving behind a child on a sickbed and disappearing, no parent would do so willingly.\ ;看病疲れなんて月並みな言葉以上に、 ;当事者達にとっての苦悩や負担は大変なものなのだろう。\ ^On top of the clichéd words of being worn out from giving care, their agonies and burdens must have been great.\ !s90 ;…只…^@^こんな世の中を寂しいと思った。\ ^... I just...^@^ felt this world was sad.\ ;これもまた、現実の一部なのだと知った。\ ^And once again, I learned that it was another part of reality.\ !sd bg "en\shokudou.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0036.ogg" ;「うん? どうかしたのお姉さん?」\ ^``Mm? What's wrong, Onee-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0053.ogg" ;「ううん、なんでもないわよ」\ ^``U~~un, nothing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0054.ogg" ;「それよりも…」\ ^``And instead of that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0055.ogg" ;「ほら、よかったら私の分もあげよっか?」\ ^``Here, if you'd like, I can give you my share.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0037.ogg" ;「え、でも…」\ ^``Eh, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0056.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、遠慮しないで」\ ^``It's fine, it's fine, don't hold back.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;とっくに食べ終わった彼女の皿をどかすと、 ;代わりに自分のアイスの皿を彼女へと差し出す。\ ^Moving the girl's already finished dishes aside, I replaced them with my own dishes of ice cream.\ ;-- <_< man, I totally forgot they had two each.. bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0057.ogg" ;「…おいしい?」\ ^``Is it good?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0038.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^``Un...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0039.ogg" ;「えへへ、このアイスおいしいね」\ ^``Eheh, this ice cream is good, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\w.jpg",3 !s90 ;…そう言って笑ってみせた。^@^ ;いつも遠慮がちだった彼女が、初めて笑ってくれた。\ ^Saying that, she showed me a smile.^@^ The usually reserved girl smiled for the first time for me.\ !s90 ;病院食堂の安っぽいバニラで…\ ^With a hospital cafeteria's cheap vanilla...\ ;…初めて、うれしそうな顔を向けてくれた…\ ^... The first time, she looked at me with a happy face...\ !sd ;●回想1ここまで\ ;________________ ;●回想2\ bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;数日後。\ ^A few days after.\ ;灼けた日差しと蝉の声。 ;今日も私は、彼女の元へと向かう。\ ^The burning sunlight and the sound of cicadas. ^Today, I also headed to the girl's place.\ ;先日から7Fへと移ったが、特に変わった様子は無かった。\ ^The other day, she had been transferred to the 7th floor, but nothing in particular seemed to have changed.\ ;だから、今の最大の不安は両親についての問い。 ;これをどう返して良いのかが、私には自信がなかった。\ ^So, the greatest worry now was the question about her parents. I had no confidence in how I would answer that.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_282 ^The elevator bell rang.\ goto *generated_283 *generated_282 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_283 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;「おはよう」\ ^``Good morning.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0058.ogg" ;「うん、今日も暑いわね」\ ^``Un, it's hot today too isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;親しい看護婦の友達と、朝の挨拶を交わす。\ ^I exchanged greetings with a nurse friend.\ ;「どう? もうここには慣れた?」\ ^``How is it? Already used to here yet?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0059.ogg" ;「うん、元々、5Fでも個室だったしね」\ ^``Yeah, originally on the 5th floor, it was a single room too after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;彼女が指す『ここ』とは7Fのこと。 ;慣れた?とは、もちろん私のことではない。\ ^The ``here'' that she spoke about was the 7th floor. And ``used to'' was, of course, not speaking about me.\ ;!== Should these be double quotes? ;-- why yes, yes they should. normally I have a habit of using singles for simple terms but for this project I swore to do it the traditional (read: senseless) american way ;「もしかして、夜もずっと一緒?」\ ^``Could it be that, you were together all night?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0060.ogg" ;「ん、まあ、補助ベッドで寝るのは慣れてるから…」\ ^``Mmm, well, I'm used to sleeping on the spare beds...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「やっぱり保護者がいないと、色々大変だからね…」\ ^``Really, when there's no guardians around, it's difficult in many ways isn't it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉には曖昧に頷く。\ ^At the words, I gave a vague nod.\ ;ちなみに彼女が指す、この場合の保護者がいないとは…\ ^And by the way, what she was hinting at, how there were no guardians around...\ ;蒸発して行方不明となった等では無く、 ;既にこの世に存在しないことを指していた。\ ^What she hinted at was that it wasn't that they had vanished without a trace, but that they no longer were in this world.\ ;その死因を、婦長さんは教えてくれなかったけど、 ;事故死でも、病死でもないとだけ聞かされた。\ ^The cause of death was something the nurses didn't tell me, but I only heard that it wasn't an accident, or sickness.\ ;…残る死因は一つしかない。\ ^The remaining possible causes of death were but one.\ ;!== Do you prefer this with the plural? To my mind it'd be more usual to use the singular when you're talking about something that's explicitly single, but I don't know what standard American practice is in such cases. ;-- This comes more from the notion of selecting out of a plural set. but I suppose the plurality of the set isn't clear enough. It doesn't make much sense to me to say 'the remaining cause of death is but one', since if you knew it was one you'd phrase it 'that left only one cause of death' but since I'm avoiding that ordering, I need to pull one left over out of the set of all causes ;!== OK, that's logical. ;だから、それ以上を問うことはしない。お互いに。\ ^And that was why, no more was asked, by either of us.\ ;それはこの現代においても、 ;私達カトリックにとっては大罪であり、禁忌の一つだった。\ ^Even in this modern age, for us Catholics, it was a great sin, and a forbidden act.\ ;「じゃあ、なにかあったらいつでも言ってね」\ ^``Well, if there's anything, just say, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0061.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと」\ ^``Yeah, thanks.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_284 ^I opened the door after knocking.\ goto *generated_285 *generated_284 ^* Knock, knock. Click. *\ *generated_285 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0062.ogg" ;「おはよう~、どう具合は?」\ ^``Good morning, how are you feeling?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0040.ogg" ;「うん、今日は良いみたい」\ ^``Mm, today seems good.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;いつものように彼女が、 ;ベッドから上半身を起こして、こちらを見る。\ ^As always, the girl raised her upper body in bed and looked over.\ ;私は、隣のパイプ椅子へと腰掛ける。\ ^And I sat down in the folding chair next to the bed.\ ;そして、このままの状態で、 ;ほとんど一緒に一日を過ごしていた。\ ^Then, just like that, we spent most of the whole day together.\ ;窓からの眩しい日差しが、その横顔を照らし、 ;時折、どうでもいいことを話す。\ ^From the window, the bright sunlight shone on her profile, and once in a while, we would talk about little things.\ ;!== "shined" or "shone"? M-W says both forms are fine in American English, but you seem to prefer "shone" elsewhere (including in three lines' time!) ;-- I dug around in my brain, and I can't particularly identify any grammatical rule that selects one over another. It might be something as simple as the tone it has in my head, which typically would select 'shone' on that basis... not sure what happened here. ;-- On further introspection... there might be a very weak little rule where 'shine' is slightly more active feeling than shone, which feels softer, like half a step from passive voice without being passive. But I have no real clue why I'd pick one over another in situations, though I know I do it. ;…これがいつもの私達の姿だった。\ ^... That was our usual appearance.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0063.ogg" ;「今日も、綺麗なお花ね…」\ ^``Today, the flowers are pretty too, aren't they?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;窓辺に飾られた、幾つかの小さな花瓶。 ;そこには、鮮やかな白と黄色が映えていた。\ ^Decorating the windowsill were a number of small flower vases. In them shone bright whites and yellows.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0041.ogg" ;「あのね、看護婦さんが飾ってくれたの」\ ^``Um, you know? A nurse decorated for me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0064.ogg" ;「そう、よかったわね」\ ^``I see, isn't that wonderful.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら黄色いガーベラの花瓶へと水を差す。 ;その様子を、彼女はうれしそうに見ていた。\ ^As I answered, I added water to the vase of yellow gerberas while the girl happily watched my actions.\ ;一見すると、ごくありふれた病室の光景。\ ^From a glance, it was the scene of a common, everyday hospital room.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…でも、本当は違う。^@^ ;本来、彼女に対してお見舞いの花は存在しない。\ ^However, the truth was different.^@^ In reality, visitor's flowers for the girl didn't exist.\ ;身寄りがないのだから、持って来る相手自体が居ない。\ ^Since there are no relatives, there is no one to bring them.\ ;でも、この病院という場所では… ;特にこの7Fでは、誰かから毎日のように花が届く。\ ^But, at this hospital... especially for the 7th floor, someone always sent flowers.\ ;それを看護婦さんや私達ヘルパーが、 ;このフロア全てに分散していた。\ ^That was the nurses and us helpers; everyone on the floor shared in it.\ ;それでも足らない時には、花壇から選定し調達する。 ;それもまた仕事の一つだった。\ ^And when even that wasn't enough, some were selected from the flower beds. That was also another part of the job.\ ;例え、見舞い客の全くない人にも、 ;常に花のある状態を、”作っている”のが実情だった。\ ^Even for the people who had absolutely no visitors, it was a situation where we ~i~made~i~ it so that there were always flowers.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0065.ogg" ;「ガーベラが好き?」\ ^``Do you like gerberas?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0042.ogg" ;「うん、でも白い方がもっと好き」\ ^``Yes, but I like the white ones more.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;言いながら、もう一つの花瓶…白いユリを指す。\ ^As she spoke, she pointed to the other vase... at the white lilies.\ ;一般的な見舞い用の花としては香りが強すぎるし、 ;こちらの花瓶は、私達が用意したものではない。\ ^Generally, as visiting flowers, their scent was too strong. This vase wasn't one that we prepared.\ ;でも、その送り主は簡単に想像がついた。 ;このようなものを贈れる相手は、そうはいない。\ ^But, I could imagine who the sender was. A person who would send such a gift, there weren't that many.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0043.ogg" ;「きょうかいって人が飾ってくれたの」\ ^``A `church' person brought those.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0066.ogg" ;「ええ、どうやらお越しになられたようですね」\ ^``Indeed, looks like they've decided to come.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0044.ogg" ;「うん、また来るって言ってた」\ ^``Un, they said they'd come again.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;ユリの花が気に入ったと、嬉しそうに答える彼女。 ;恐らく見舞いに来られたのは神父様かシスターだろう。\ ^The girl happily answered that she liked lilies. Most likely, it was a priest or a sister who had come to visit.\ ;今の彼女の状況を考えると、 ;教会がそのような行為をしても不思議ではない。\ ^Considering the girl's circumstances, it wasn't surprising that the church would do something like that.\ ;…信徒でない者にも、差別なく慈悲の精神で接する。\ ;ある意味これも、ここらしい姿だった。\ ^Even for people who were not of the faithful, they were included without distinction and with a merciful spirit. In a way, it was exactly like this place.\ ;でも彼女には…よく分かっていないだろう。\ ^But for this girl... she probably didn't understand it much.\ ;例え両親がクリスチャンであったとしても、 ;まだ彼女自身、洗礼を受ける前の身。幼く無知でもある。\ ^Even if both parents were Christians, the girl herself had not been baptized, and was young and innocent.\ ;!== Isn't 無知 more "ignorant" than "innocent"? GG does give "innocent" as one meaning, but in English the word suggests more 無邪気 / 無責任. ;-- true, but 'ignorant' carries enough negative overtones on it that I didn't think Himeko would use it even in internal dialogue. plus the set phrase 'young and innocent' carries roooughly the image I'd like to convey about a young child. The alternative would be to use 'and knew little' instead of 'ignorant' to get around the overtones ;!== I'm convinced -- by all means leave it as "innocent". dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0045.ogg" ;「あ、そういえば…」\ ^``Ah, oh yes...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0046.ogg" ;「お父さんとお母さんのことだけど…」\ ^``About Mom and Dad...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;突然の両親の話題に、私は驚いてしまう。 ;これが当面の一番の不安だった。\ ^At the sudden question about the parents, I jumped. This was the thing I worried about facing the most.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0047.ogg" ;「えとね、とおくに旅行に行ってるんだって」\ ^``Um, I was told they are on a long trip.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0067.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0048.ogg" ;「だから、しばらくお見舞いにも来れないって」\ ^``So, for a while they won't be able to come visit.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…誰がそんなことを?\ ^... Who said such a thing?\ ;咄嗟に、そう尋ねようとした言葉を飲み込む。\ ^I swallowed down the words of the immediate question.\ ;先生か看護婦さんだろうか…? ;もしかしたら、神父様かシスターの可能性だってある。\ ^Perhaps a doctor or a nurse?... There was also a chance it had been a priest or a sister.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;でも、例えそれが誰であれ、私には反論できそうになかった。\ ^But, no matter who it was, it didn't seem I would be able to contradict it.\ ;この嘘を…^@^ ;単純に嘘はいけない。悪だ。\ ^To speak of this lie...^@^ ^To say that we simply shouldn't lie. That it is an evil.\ ;!== Nitpicking again (sorry!) -- why "That"? To my eye "We simply shouldn't lie. It is an evil" would be stronger, and there's nothing corresponding to the "that" in the Japanese that I can see. I read this as though Himeko had been going to say something like この嘘をつけてはいけない, then decided to say something more forceful. ;!== (I may be wrong. You'll no doubt have noticed that this is one passage I unashamedly fudged.) ;-- this was a hard one... the general sentiment is centered around the second line, that "we shouldn't line, it's evil!" and that people who make that declaration would apply it to 'この嘘', then following with the next block of not being childisn enough to square things away like that. thinking about it... I miiight make one tweak ;!== OK, that makes sense. ;これで片付けるほど、私も子供ではないつもりだった。 ;誰が彼女に言ったのかは分からないが、気持ちは同じだろう。\ ^I wasn't childish enough to believe that would be the end of such matters. I didn't know who had said it, but their feelings were probably the same as mine.\ ;!== "was be" presumably started as "was" and was going to be changed to "would be"? ;-- .... righto. silly shrapnel ;もしこの行為を、 ;遠い場所から、その場しのぎの偽善と責めるならば…\ ^If someone, from a long distance, were to find an excuse to condemn this act...\ ;直に触れ合う私達に、代わりとなる術を教えて欲しい。\ ^I would want them to teach us, who are directly in contact with things, some other way.\ ;この行為を、悪と呼ぶなら…私達は全員、悪人なのだろう。^@^ ;…嘘を飲み込んだ私も同罪なのだろう。\ ^If this act were to be called evil... then all of us, I suppose, would be evil people.^@^ ... Going along with the lie would probably mean I was an accomplice.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0049.ogg" ;「うーん、お母さん早く帰ってこないかぁ」\ ^``Mmm, I wonder if Mom will come back soon.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0050.ogg" ;「いつもね、プリン作って来てくれるんだよ」\ ^``Always, she'd make pudding for me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0068.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0051.ogg" ;「ね、お姉さんも一緒に食べようね?」\ ^``So, Onee-san, we'll eat it together right?''\ ;!== Needs to be more explicit, I think: "we'll eat IT together", i.e. the pudding, not just "we'll eat together", which could be talking about any shared meal. ;-- mmm well okay !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0069.ogg" ;「うん、楽しみね…」\ ^``Yeah, I'll look forward to it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これ以上、私には返す言葉が見つからなかった。\ ^Beyond that, I couldn't find any words to reply with.\ ;只、なんとも言えない重苦しさに、 ;思わず何でもいいから言葉を繋げてしまう。\ ^It was just... against that intense pressure of being able to say nothing, I couldn't help but string together whatever words I could.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0070.ogg" ;「そ、そうだっ」\ ^``O-oh yeah!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0071.ogg" ;「ね、ねえ、食堂行きましょうよ」\ ^``S-say, let's go to the cafeteria.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0052.ogg" ;「え、でもさっき、朝ゴハン食べたとこだよ」\ ^``Eh? But just before, I ate breakfast.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0072.ogg" ;「いいからいいから、またアイスおごってあげるからっ」\ ^``It's fine, it's fine. I'll buy you ice cream again.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景> ;再び背中を押すようにして、いつもの病院食堂へと向かう。\ ^Once again, as if pushing her from behind, we headed to the usual hospital cafeteria.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 !s90 ;…友達となったネロとアロア。\ ^... The Nello and Alois who became friends...\ !sd ;本当はパトラッシュの方がらしいけど、 ;私達は一緒に死んであげることはできない。\ ^Really, it was closer to being Patrasche, but we are unable to die with them.\ ;だから私は、ネロの一番の友達であるアロア。\ ^That's why I was Nello's number one best friend, Alois.\ ;…でも、隠し事を抱えたままで、 ;本当に友達と呼べるのだろうか?\ ^But... continuing to hold secrets, could I truly be called a friend?\ !s80 ;そして、彼女自身が、間もなく死ぬということも…\ ^And also, the fact that the girl herself would soon be dying...\ ;一体いつまで隠し続けなければならないのだろうか…\ ^Just how long must that be concealed...\ !sd ;___________________ bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;ミーンミンミン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_286 ^The cicadas continued with their incessant crying.\ goto *generated_287 *generated_286 ^* Meen Meeen Meen. *\ *generated_287 ;数日後。 ;今日も晴れた夏空が広がる。\ ^A few days after. ^Today, a clear summer sky also spread wide.\ ;!== I'd be inclined to say "Today[,] also, a clear summer sky spread wide", but that's probably just a personal thing -- ignore me if you prefer your phrasing. ;-- I had that once I think. Eventually after reading it over and over a few times, I eventually grated at the also being up at the front with all those commas. ;そんな空の下、今日は二人して中庭に出ていた。\ ^Under that sky, today the two of us went out into the courtyard.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0053.ogg" ;「ふう、今日はちょっと暑いね…」\ ^``Phew, today's a bit hot, isn't it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0073.ogg" ;「じゃあ、そろそろ戻ろうかしら?」\ ^``Well, is it about time we go back?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0054.ogg" ;「ううん、もう少し外がいい」\ ^``U~~un, I want to stay out a bit more.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;そう言って、うれしそうな顔を向けてくれた。 ;すごく懐いてくれていた。\ ^As she spoke, she turned a happy face towards me. She had really become attached to me.\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、まわりに同じ年頃の人間はいない。 ;この7Fの多くは、お年寄りばかりだった。\ ^It probably didn't need saying, but there were no people around of similar age. The majority on this 7th floor were the elderly.\ ;だから余計に、私もいつも傍にいるようにした。\ ^That was why, even more so, I made to always be near her.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0055.ogg" ;「あれ? なんでこの場所はお花がないの?」\ ^``Huh? Why does this place not have flowers?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;目の前に広がる花壇。\ ^Before her eyes spread a flower bed.\ ;色とりどりの花や青葉が見える中、 ;その一角だけが何もない状態だった。\ ^Among the colorful flowers and the green grass that could be seen, only that corner was in a barren state.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0056.ogg" ;「…もしかして枯れちゃったの?」\ ^``... Did they wither?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0074.ogg" ;「うーん、まあ、そう言えなくもないわね…」\ ^``Mmm, well, I can't say that they didn't...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0057.ogg" ;「そうなんだ、ちょっと可哀想だね」\ ^``Oh, that's a little sad.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って少しだけ寂しそうにする。\ ^As she spoke, she seemed a bit desolate.\ ;でもそこは、春に咲く花用のエリア。 ;既に咲き終わり、今は枯れるべくして枯れただけだった。\ ^But that area was for flowers that bloomed in the spring. Having already finished blooming, they were simply gone now as they should be.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0075.ogg" ;「でもね、来月にはまた種を植えるから…」\ ^``But you know? Next month, they'll plant seeds again...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0076.ogg" ;「きっとすぐに賑やかになるわよ」\ ^``I'm sure soon it'll be lively again.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0058.ogg" ;「うん、わかった」\ ^``Un, okay.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;その言葉に、今度はうれしそうな顔でこたえる。\ ^At those words, she once again answered with a happy face.\ ;そんな彼女に対して…私は、ふと思いついた言葉を続ける。\ ^To that girl... I continued with words that I suddenly recalled.\ bg "en\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0077.ogg" ;「ここは荒野…だから花が咲くのよ」\ ^``The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom,''\ ;-- on rev #6ish, I wonder about this line... Is Himeko quoting? Or saying, "this is a desert, and so flowers will blossom, refering to the passage from Isaiah later.... If only I could find out exactly which version of the Bible the quotes came from, so I could check... !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0059.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^``Mmm?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0078.ogg" ;「これは、イザヤ書の言葉ね」\ ^``These, are words from the book of Isaiah.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして私は彼女にも説明を始める。\ ^And so, I began to explain to the girl.\ ;35章には、荒野と砂漠は楽しみ、荒地は喜び、 ;サフランのように花を咲かせるという件りがある。\ ^How in the 35th chapter, there was the passage: the wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the crocus it shall blossom...\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0079.ogg" ;「…そして、盛んに花を咲かせ、喜び喜んで歌う」\ ^``... It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0060.ogg" ;「ちょっと、よく分からないかも…」\ ^``I don't think I understand very well...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0080.ogg" ;「まあ、何もないからって哀しむんじゃなくて…」\ ^``Well, don't be sad because there's nothing...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0081.ogg" ;「何もないからこそ、喜びも生まれるって意味かしら?」\ ^``It is because there is nothing, that joy can be born, might be what it means?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0061.ogg" ;「へ~、お姉さんって、すごい」\ ^``Wow, Onee-san's amazing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0082.ogg" ;「あはは、別にそんなことないわよ」\ ^``Ahaha, I'm not really anything like that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;何故か感心する彼女だけど、私はその言葉を否定する。\ ^For some reason the girl was impressed, but I denied it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0083.ogg" ;「所詮、私は経典や聖者の言葉を知っているだけで…」\ ^``I just know the words of Scripture and saints, that's all...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0084.ogg" ;「…別に自分自身の言葉じゃないからね」\ ^``It's not as if they're my own words you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0062.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉さんって物知りなんだね?」\ ^``Then, Onee-san knows a lot doesn't she?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0085.ogg" ;「うん? まあ、そーゆーのには詳しいかもね」\ ^``Mm? Well, I might know a lot about that sort of thing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0063.ogg" ;「…ハカセ?」\ ^``A professor?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0086.ogg" ;「あはは、博士か~」\ ^``Ahaha, a professor, eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0087.ogg" ;「そこまでじゃないけど、なんかいいわねぇ」\ ^``I wouldn't go that far, but it sounds kinda nice, doesn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景\ ;__ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0064.ogg" ;「じゃあ、あれは知ってる?」\ ^``Then, do you know about that?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って指差すのは、 ;病院の入り口に植えられたフェニックスの木。\ ^As she spoke, what she pointed to was the phoenix palm growing at the hospital's entrance.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0065.ogg" ;「わたし、パイナップルの木に思うんだけど」\ ^``I've been thinking that's a pineapple tree, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0088.ogg" ;「…パイナップル?」\ ^``Pineapple?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0066.ogg" ;「うん、すっごく大きいよね」\ ^``Mmhmm, it's really big right?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;まあ、確かに似てるけど…\ ^Well, it's true that they looked similar...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0067.ogg" ;「ねえ、どうして誰も食べないのかなぁ?」\ ^``So, why do you think no one's eating it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0089.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;冗談で言っているのではない。 ;きっとこの子なりに本気で言っているのだろう。\ ^She wasn't joking. I was pretty sure this child was saying it seriously.\ ;否定するべきか、肯定するべきか一瞬だけ悩んでから…\ ^Should I correct her? Should I agree with her? For just a moment, I debated before...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0090.ogg" ;「うん、良いところに気づいたわね」\ ^``Yes, you've noticed the important part, didn't you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0091.ogg" ;「実は…あれはパイナップルの木なのよ」\ ^``Truth is... that's a pineapple tree!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0068.ogg" ;「やっぱり…」\ ^``Just as I thought...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0092.ogg" ;「でもね、このことは絶対に秘密にしないとダメなの」\ ^``But you know? This absolutely must be kept a secret.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0069.ogg" ;「どうして?」\ ^``Why?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0093.ogg" ;「だって皆んなにバレたら、食べられちゃうでしょ?」\ ^``Because, if everyone found out, it'd be eaten up right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0094.ogg" ;「だから、ああやって、 ; もっともっと大きく育つまでヒミツにしてるの」\ ^``So, until it grows much, much bigger, we're keeping it a secret.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0070.ogg" ;「なるほど…さすがハカセだね」\ ^``I see... just like a professor.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;感心したように彼女がこたえる。\ ^The girl answered as if greatly impressed.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0095.ogg" ;「あとね、他にこういうのも知ってるわよ」\ ^``And you know? I also know some other things.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0071.ogg" ;「なになに?」\ ^``What? What?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;期待をこめた目で、私を見る彼女。\ ^With expectant eyes, the girl looked at me.\ ;その彼女に向けて、 ;私はポケットからロザリオを取り出すと…\ ^And facing the girl, I took from my pocket my rosary and...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0096.ogg" ;「あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^``May the bountiful blessings and grace of the Lord be upon you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;手を合わせ、瞳を閉じ、彼女への祈りを捧げる。\ ^Joining my hands, closing my eyes, I offered a prayer for the girl.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0097.ogg" ;「はい、終わったわよ」\ ^``Okay, all done.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0072.ogg" ;「今のは何? 呪文みたいなの?」\ ^``What was that just now? Is it like a magic spell?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0098.ogg" ;「呪文か…ちょっと違うかなぁ」\ ^``A magic spell?... Well, it's a bit different from that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;確かに、聖人や大司教さまならば、 ;呪文や魔法と呼べるほどかも知れない。\ ^Certainly, if it were a saint or an archbishop, maybe it could have been called a spell or magic.\ ;…でも私は、司牧者でも聖職者でもない一信徒。\ ^But I was neither a pastor, nor of the clergy, just one of the faithful.\ ;だから、秘跡なんて大袈裟なことじゃなく、 ;只の祈りに過ぎなかった。\ ^So, it wasn't anything extravagant like a sacrament, it was nothing more than a simple prayer.\ ;!== I'm in two minds about "outrageous" here... there's not really any outrage involved, so alternatives like "grandiose" or "pretentious" might be worth considering. OTOH, the meaning is clear enough, so it's not a big deal if you prefer it the way it is. ;-- mmmm I'll have to play with this more... ;!== 大袈裟 is a bit of a strange word to use... I doubt there _is_ a perfect translation. You've definitely improved it though. dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0073.ogg" ;「じゃあ、おまじない?」\ ^``Then, a charm?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0099.ogg" ;「うーん、そんな感じかなぁ」\ ^``Mmm, something like that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;もしくは…^@^ただの気休め。\ ^That or...^@^ just a way to ease the mind.\ ;最初から効果を期待するモノでもないし、 ;本来、そのような意図として祈りがある訳でもない。\ ^From the start I wasn't expecting it to be effective. And really, that reason wasn't why prayer existed to begin with.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0100.ogg" ;「でも、まあ、せっかくだから魔法でもいいわよ」\ ^``But, well, since we're at it, calling it magic is fine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0074.ogg" ;「うん、わかった」\ ^``Un, got it.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして、いつもの明るい笑顔を見せてくれた。\ ^And then, she showed me her usual bright smile.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…友達となったネロとアロア。\ ^We who had become friends, Nello and Alois.\ ;今まで、親友の筈なのに、 ;アイスを買ってあげるくらいしか出来なかった私…\ ^Up until now, even though we were supposed to be close friends. I, who could do nothing other than buy her ice cream...\ ;そんなアロアは、もう一つだけ、 ;彼女の為に、してあげられることを見つけた…\ ^Such an Alois, found one more thing that she could do for the girl.\ !sd monocro off print 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;●回想2 ここまで\ mov %flg2_cha12,1 mov %flg2_bplay,12 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_12 mov $sys_midasi,"^#13 / Kindness [a]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0254.ogg" ;「暑…」\ ^``Hot...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;☆BGM>nar mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;思わず、そんな言葉が漏れてしまう。 ;どうやら今日も真夏日になりそうだった。\ ^Without thinking, the word slipped out. It looked like today was also going to be a true midsummer day.\ ;そんな中、いつもの病院へ向かう途中…\ ^And in that, while heading to the usual hospital...\ ;わたしは違う場所へと向かっていた。\ ^I turned to a different place.\ bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;教会。先日の海への前に来て以来、 ;ここに来るのは2度目のことだった。\ ^The church. ^Since that day before going to the beach, it was my second time coming here.\ ;…何故か、千尋さんとは会おうとしない姫子さん。\ ^... For some reason, Himeko-san did not try to meet with Chihiro-san.\ ;正確には、千尋さんだけでは無いのだろう。 ;家族や友達といった、親しい者を避けているようにも思える。\ ^More accurately, it was probably not just Chihiro-san. Family and friends, anyone close, one could believe that she was avoiding them.\ ;だからこうして、 ;わたしが代わりに千尋さんの元へとやって来ていた。\ ^And so like this, in her stead, I came to Chihiro-san.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;以前と同じように、静かに扉を開けると、 ;わたしは、その中へと足を踏み入れる。\ ^The same as before, as I quietly open the door, my feet step in.\ ;!== Out of interest, why have you made the feet the subject of the final clause? ;!== (Please don't change it -- I like the effect and the way it suggests Setsumi doesn't feel 100% in control of events. I'm just curious because it's not what I was expecting!) ;-- hrm.. I'm not sure, since the line should be 'I step inside'. part of it is gut feeling that it's just "Better that way". Part I think is because I wanted to put the word 'feet' in there and it's really difficult to do it another way ;!== Ah, yes, I see what you mean... you'd have to say something like "I put my feet inside", and then you've lost the word "step" instead. ;;その向こうに見える人影へと声を掛けた。\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0255.ogg" ;「…千尋さん」\ ^``... Chihiro-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0129.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん…?」\ ^``Ah, Setsumi-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0256.ogg" ;「…これ、持ってきた」\ ^``I've... brought this.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;言いながら、預かった車のキーを手渡す。\ ^As I spoke, I handed over the key I was entrusted with.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0257.ogg" ;「姫子さんが渡してくれって」\ ^``Himeko-san said to hand this over.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0130.ogg" ;「そう、ありがとうね、こんな暑い中を…」\ ^``I see, thank you, in such heat...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;答えながらキーを受け取る千尋さんが、 ;いつもの穏やかな笑みを浮かべてくれる。\ ^As she replied and accepted the key, Chihiro-san gave me her usual calm smile.\ ;そして、ポケットからハンカチを取り出すと、\ ^And then, from her pocket she took out a handkerchief.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0258.ogg" ;「あ………」\ ^``Ah...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;わたしの顔に流れる汗を、優しく拭いてくれた。\ ^The sweat that was running down my face, she gently wiped it off.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0259.ogg" ;「…ありがと…」\ ^``Thank you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0131.ogg" ;「あのね、お姉ちゃんに伝えてくれる?」\ ^``Um, so, can you tell Onee-chan for me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0262.ogg" ;「…?」\ ^``...?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0132.ogg" ;「もし、必要な時は…」\ ^``If, there's a time that she needs it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0133.ogg" ;「いつでも言ってねって…」\ ^``Tell her to just say, anytime...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0260.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0175.ogg" ;「…うん、わかった」\ ^``Un, alright.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;話しているあいだ中、 ;ずっと千尋さんは、汗をぬぐってくれていた。\ ^All while she was speaking, Chihiro-san continued to dab away my sweat.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0261.ogg" ;「…それじゃ」\ ^``... Well then...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0134.ogg" ;「あ、ちょっと待って」\ ^``Ah, wait a moment.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0122.ogg" ;「あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^``May the bountiful blessings and grace of the Lord be upon you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0263.ogg" ;「…また、わたしの為に?」\ ^``... Again, for my sake?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;その問いの返事はなかった。^@^ ;只、いつもの優しい笑顔を向けてくれた。\ ^For that question, there came no answer.^@^ Just the usual gentle smile faced me.\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;教会を出ると、まるで降るような蝉の声。\ ^When I left the church, it was like a deluge of cicada cries.\ ;真上にきた日が、 ;黒くハッキリとした短い影を落とす暑い盛り。\ ^The sun right overhead dropped sharp, black, short shadows during the peak of the heat.\ ;!== Could you please double-check that this is punctuated in line with your rules? The commas aren't how I was expecting to see them, but obviously I may just be misunderstanding your style. ;-- mmm it Could be parsed sanely the way I had it... maybe... but it's nonobvious. ;こんな中、千尋さんは今から大学に行き、 ;それが終わると再び7Fにも行くと言っていた。\ ^In the middle of this, Chihiro-san said she would go now to university, and when that ended, would come again to the 7th floor.\ ;土曜日には擁護学校にも赴き、 ;日曜日はミサの手伝いもしているとも言った。\ ^Saturdays, she also went to a school for the disabled, and Sundays, helped with Mass, so she said.\ ;…きっと、彼女と同じ年頃の人は、全然違うと思う。 ;もっと自分のことを中心に楽しく過ごしているように思う。\ ^... I was sure, that compared to people of similar age, she was entirely different. They would pass their time in self-centered and fun ways.\ ;こんな生き方が、千尋さんだけに該当するのか、 ;カトリックならば当然なのかは、わたしには分からなかった。\ ^This way of life, whether it was only Chihiro-san who followed that path, or if one were a Catholic it was perfectly natural, I didn't know.\ ;!== I'd have expected "it was perfectly natural", or possibly "it was a perfectly natural [one/thing/path]"? ;!== Also wasn't expecting the comma after "Catholic", but see disclaimer above about personal punctuation styles. :) ;-- eh, I overpunctuate because my internal dialogue pacing sense demands rhetoric pause that shouldn't really be borne out in punctuation. and the 'a perfectly--' was from a subsquently deleted 'thing' bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;再び病院へとやって来ると、 ;床の白いテープに沿ってエレベーターへと向かう。\ ^Once again coming to the hospital, I followed the white tape running along the floor and headed to the elevator.\ dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_288 ^The elevator bell chimed.\ goto *generated_289 *generated_288 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_289 ;そして、通い慣れた7Fから、 ;姫子さんの待つ病室へと急いだ。\ ^And on the now often-crossed 7th floor, I hastened towards the room where Himeko-san was waiting.\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_290 ^I knocked on the door.\ goto *generated_291 *generated_290 ^* Knock, knock. *\ *generated_291 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0344.ogg" ;「どうぞー」\ ^``Come in.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_292 ^The door opened with a click as I stepped in.\ goto *generated_293 *generated_292 ^* Click. *\ *generated_293 bg "en\byousitu.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0345.ogg" ;「いらっしゃい、今日も暑かったでしょ」\ ^``Welcome, today was probably hot too, wasn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0172.ogg" ;「うん…?」\ ^``Mm?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;返事をするよりも先に、違うことが気になった。 ;見ると、何やらごそごそと漁っていた最中のようだった。\ ^Before I could reply, I was caught by something else. At a glance, it seemed that she was in the middle of digging around for something.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0346.ogg" ;「ああ、これ? 今日は入浴デーだから準備してたのよ」\ ^``Ah, this? Today's a bathing day, so I was getting ready.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言われてみると、机のまわりに出されていたのは、 ;洗面器やシャンプーやらの類い。\ ^Now that she said so, I saw that set out around the table were wash basins, shampoos and the like.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0347.ogg" ;「そうだ、あなたも一緒に入りましょうよ」\ ^``I know, why don't you come in with me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0265.ogg" ;「…入る?」\ ^``... Come in?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0348.ogg" ;「そうよ、一緒にお風呂よ」\ ^``That's right, together in the bath.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\isu1c.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0266e.ogg" ;「ええっっ」\ ^``Eh?!?''\ ;This was the voice clip that I remember most... Only because it suddenly sounded like Yuki-chan. !sd dwavestop 0 wait 300 !s100 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0349.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0350.ogg" ;「ぷ、くくく…」\ ^``P-pfffftt...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0267.ogg" ;「…なにがおかしいのよ」\ ^``... What's so funny.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0351.ogg" ;「い、今のリアクションは良かったわよ ; 普段がクールだから余計にっ」\ ^``T-that reaction just now, was the best! Normally you're so cool, so even more so!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0268.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0352.ogg" ;「ほらほら、女の子同士なんだから、 ; そんな恥ずかしがらなくて良いじゃないのぉ」\ ^``Now, now, we're both girls, so you don't have to be so embarrassed about it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景> ;姫子さんは女の『子』じゃないと、 ;反論しようと思ったけど止めた。\ ^I thought about retorting that Himeko-san wasn't a ``girl'', but stopped.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0353.ogg" ;「じゃあ、行きましょ」\ ^``Well, let's go.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0269d.ogg" ;「え、でも、ちょっと…」\ ^``Eh, but, wait...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0354.ogg" ;「はいはい、いいからいいから」\ ^``Yeah, yeah, don't worry, don't worry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;どこか楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ^Somewhere, Himeko-san seemed to be having fun.\ ;躊躇するわたしをからかうように… ;まるで背中を押されるようにして連れて行かれた。\ ^Like she were having fun at my hesitation... ^As if she were pushing me from behind, taking me along.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\zaba.ogg" ;ざばあーーーっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_294 ^Water splashed.\ goto *generated_295 *generated_294 ^* Splash! *\ *generated_295 dwave 6,"se2\furo.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0355.ogg" ;「ね? 汗も流れて気持ちいいでしょ?」\ ^``See? Washing the sweat off feels good doesn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;dwave 5,"se2\furo.ogg" ;結局、半ば強制的にお風呂に入れられてしまった。\ ^In the end, I was almost half-forced into the bath.\ ;只、一緒に入るほどの広さは無いと思ってたけど、 ;なんとか2人が入れるほどの広さはあった。\ ^It was just that, I had thought that it wouldn't be wide enough for us to go in together, but there was enough room for two to manage.\ ;恐らくこれは、ヘルパーや付き添いの人も、 ;一緒に入ることを前提とされているのだろう。\ ^Most likely, it had been built with the assumption that a helper or attendant would also go in.\ ;!== "it [was/had been] built"? ;-- <_<;;;;;; ;でもわたしは、そんなお風呂の広さではなく、 ;違うことに気づき、思わず黙ってしまう。\ ^But, instead of the size of the bath, I noticed something else, and couldn't help but fall silent.\ dwave 6,"se2\furo.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0356.ogg" ;「…もしかして、珍しかった?」\ ^``... Is it, unusual?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言うと、自分の胸の大きな傷跡を指す姫子さん。\ ^Saying that, Himeko-san pointed at the large scar on her own chest.\ ;わたしの小さな傷跡とは比較にならないほどだった。\ ^So large, that my own small scar couldn't even compare.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0357.ogg" ;「やっぱ、私も女の子だからね」\ ^``Well, I guess I'm also a girl after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0358.ogg" ;「これが出来た時はショック大きかったわ」\ ^``When I got this, it was a big shock.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんな言葉をわたしは黙って聞いていた。 ;何か返事をしようとしても、その言葉は思いつかなかった。\ ^I quietly listened to those words. Even if I had wanted to reply, I couldn't think of what to say.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0359.ogg" ;「て、ほら、背中流してあげるから、そこ座って」\ ^``Oh, hey, I'll wash your back, so sit there.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0260.ogg" ;「…うん、わかった」\ ^``... Un, alright.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;そして、シャワーと共に、 ;わたしの背中をタオルで優しく流してくれる。\ ^And so, together in the shower, she gently washed my back with a towel.\ ;それはまるで、先ほど汗を拭いてくれた、 ;千尋さんを思い出させてしまう。\ ^At that, I recalled how it was like Chihiro-san had earlier wiped my sweat away.\ ;…わたしには、 ;姫子さんが、敬虔なカトリックかどうかは分からない。\ ^For me, I didn't know whether Himeko-san was a devoted Catholic or not.\ ;でも、二人共…とても優しい人なのは間違いないと思う。\ ^But, both of them, without question, I believed were very kind people.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0272.ogg" ;「ねえ、姫子さん…」\ ^``Say, Himeko-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0273.ogg" ;「どうして、千尋さんを避けるの?」\ ^``Why... are you avoiding Chihiro-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0360.ogg" ;「ん? 前にも言った通りよ」\ ^``Mm? Just like I said before.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0274.ogg" ;「やっぱり…優しくて良い人だから?」\ ^``Because... she's a kind and good person?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0361.ogg" ;「まあ、半分はね…」\ ^``Well, that's half of it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0275.ogg" ;「じゃあ、残り半分は?」\ ^``Then, the other half is?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0362.ogg" ;「それは、秘密よ…ルールにもあるしね」\ ^``That's, a secret... there's also a rule after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ルール。 ;これは以前にも出た単語だった。\ ^Rule. ^That had also been the word from before.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0276.ogg" ;「…だったら、わたしは?」\ ^``And if so, what am I?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0277.ogg" ;「わたしは、優しくて良い人じゃないから、 ; お姉さんも親切にしてくれるの?」\ ^``I'm not a gentle and kind person, so the Onee-san will be kind to me?''\ ;!== I read お姉さんも親切にしてくれる as "お姉さん too will 親切にする me", not "[you] will お姉さんする and 親切にする me". For your reading to be correct, would it not have to say 親切にも? Or am I getting my grammar mixed up? ;-- hrm. there's somethign to what you say. The key point for me is that this is the only, ever, case where Setsumi seems to call Himeko お姉さん since she's learned her name. All other times it's 姫子さん. I can't imagine she's changed just for this one line, so it has to mean she's talking about the generalized class... I've made a few tweaks to reflect this ;!== Good point -- I hadn't spotted that. My guess would be that she's using this form of address to draw attention to the relationship with Chihiro, i.e. this is implicitly [千尋さんの]お姉さん -- that's pretty much what you're saying, right? (You might like to consider "her Onee-san", but the current translation is fine now, I think.) !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0363.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その質問に、今度は姫子さんも黙ってしまった。\ ^At that question, this time, Himeko-san also fell silent.\ ;そして、暫く考えていたかと思うと、\ ^And then, after a bit of thought.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0364.ogg" ;「特別なのよ…コロッケ博士はね」\ ^``She's special... that Professor Croquette.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0338.ogg" ;「…またそんなこと言って…」\ ^``... Saying that again...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\zaba.ogg" ;ざばばーーっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_296 ^Water splashed again.\ goto *generated_297 *generated_296 ^* Splash! *\ *generated_297 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0204.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0279.ogg" ;「わっ、」\ ^``Wah!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0365.ogg" ;「ほら、そろそろ上がるわよ」\ ^``Hey, it's about time to get out.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;結局、話しをはぐらかされてしまった。\ ^In the end, the conversation was avoided.\ ;それでなくても、姫子さんの言葉は、 ;理解できないことも多いし、秘密にされることも多い。\ ^Even without that, Himeko-san's words were full of incomprehensible points, full of secrets.\ dwavestop 5 !s80 ;…だけど、もしかしたら…\ ^... But, just maybe...\ ;わたしを、誰かの姿と重ねているのだろうか…\ ^I was being mixed with someone else in her eyes...\ !sd stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;☆シーン変え:数日後:病室 bg "e\b.jpg",5 monocro #FFeedd print 3 bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;□心情・情景 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_298 ^After knocking, the door opened with a click.\ goto *generated_299 *generated_298 ^* Knock, knock. Click. *\ *generated_299 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0101.ogg" ;「どう? もう食べ終わった」\ ^``So? Have you finished eating?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0075.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0102.ogg" ;「て、またブロッコリー残してる」\ ^``Hey, you're leaving the broccoli again.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0076.ogg" ;「だって、あんまり好きじゃないんだもん…」\ ^``But... I don't really like them.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0103.ogg" ;「ふう、しょうがないわねぇ」\ ^``Oh, there's just no helping you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;以前はちゃんと食べていたのに、 ;今では好き嫌いから残すようになっていた。\ ^Even though before, she would eat them; now she had come to leave them because she didn't like them.\ ;でもこれは、別に病状の悪化による食欲不振等ではない。\ ^But this wasn't like her sickness had turned for the worse and her appetite dulled.\ ;単純に、私に甘えてくれるようになったのだろう。 ;そう思うと私もうれしかった。\ ^It was simply that she was warming up to me probably. Thinking that made me happy also.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0104.ogg" ;「じゃあ、はい、体温計」\ ^``Well here, thermometer.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0105.ogg" ;「お口で測っても良いけど、噛まないようにね」\ ^``You can take it in your mouth, but don't bite on it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0077.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Okay.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;にこにこと、体温計をくわえる彼女。\ ^With a smile, the girl held the thermometer in her mouth.\ ;その横顔を照らすのは、 ;15cmしか開かない窓から射す、夏の日差し。\ ^What shone on that face, the summer sun, came through windows that could open only 15cm.\ ;今日もパイプ椅子に座る私に、 ;うれしそうな顔を向けてくれていた。\ ^Today, as I once again sat in the folding chair, she directed a happy face towards me.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0078.ogg" ;「あ、ひょういえば…」\ ^``Owh, yewaa...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0106.ogg" ;「こら、危ないからしゃべっちゃだめ」\ ^``Hey, it's dangerous so no talking.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0079.ogg" ;「ふぁ~い」\ ^``Awlwiiight''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ピピピっ…\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_300 ^* Beepbeepbeep. *\ *generated_300 ;ほどなくして体温計のアラームが鳴り、 ;私は、その液晶の数字を読む。\ ^In a moment, the thermometer's alarm rang, and I read out the numbers on the LCD.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0080.ogg" ;「…何度?」\ ^``... What degree?''\ ;!== Is this how it would be said? I'd have expected something like "how many degrees". ;-- mmm saaa, I don't ask this question, so anything really goes for me. It's probably good enough, and any cutesy oversimplification of language can be attributed to onnanoko's age. ;!== Heh, okay, I'll let you get away with that :P !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0107.ogg" ;「6度5分、このくらいなら平熱ね」\ ^`` 36.5°C, this is about normal.''\ ;!== Just noticed you're not using the degree sign -- FYI, it's available if you want it (°). ;-- copypaste timeee~ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0081.ogg" ;「じゃあ、今日も行きたいかも」\ ^``Then, I might want to go today too.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0108.ogg" ;「中庭? それともアイス?」\ ^``The courtyard? Or ice cream?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0082.ogg" ;「うーん、どっちかなぁ…ちょっと悩むかもぉ」\ ^``Mmm, which one... it might be hard to pick.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;検温して問題がなければ、どちらかに行く。\ ^If there were no problems with her temperature, they could go to either one.\ ;これは先生達の了承も得た上で、 ;最近では、既に恒例のこととなっていた。\ ^This was with the doctors' acknowledgement, and lately, it had already become a tradition.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0083.ogg" ;「て、そうだ…」\ ^``Oh, oh yeah...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0084.ogg" ;「それよりもね、知らないおばさんに話し掛けられたの」\ ^``Other than that, a lady I didn't know spoke to me.''\ ;!== As previously, here and below おばさん doesn't really imply old, though I guess the context does make it likelier in this case. ;-- la la laaaa !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0109.ogg" ;「…知らないおばさん? いつ?」\ ^``A lady you didn't know? When?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0085.ogg" ;「えーとね、昨日の夜に」\ ^``Um, last night.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…誰だろう? ;この7Fって場所に来れる人は、それなりに限定される筈。\ ^Who could it be? ^The people who could come to this place called the 7th floor was, in its own way, supposed to be restricted.\ ;!== Perhaps not clear whether "in its own way" applies to the preceding or following clause. The simplest fix would be to move "in its own way" to the end of the sentence, buf if you want to preserve the strict word order then maybe you could do something like "...floor was, in its own way, supposed..."? ;-- mm I don't see any harm in doing that... *click* ;まず患者と、その見舞いである家族。 ;後は先生と看護婦さん、私達ヘルパー。\ ^First there were patients, and the families that come to visit. Then there were the doctors, nurses, and us helpers.\ ;それ以外では、稀にやって来られる、 ;神父さまやシスターだけの筈だった。\ ^Other than that, rarely, just the priests or sisters would come. That was supposed to be it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0110.ogg" ;「誰かのお見舞いの人かしら?」\ ^``Was it someone's visitor?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0086.ogg" ;「ううん、パジャマ着てたから、ここの人だと思う」\ ^``U~~un, she was wearing pajamas, I think she's someone from here.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…少し妙だった。\ ^That was a bit strange.\ ;確かに一般病棟では、患者同士の交流も多い。\ ^Sure, in a normal ward, the mingling of patients was common.\ ;時には、この場所で知り合ったキッカケから、 ;生涯の親友やビジネスパートナーが生まれることだってある。\ ^Once in a while, from a chance meeting in this place, even lifelong friends or business partners would be made.\ ;でも、この7Fは違う。\ ^But, this 7th floor was different.\ ;お互いに、間もなく死ぬ自覚がある為に、 ;患者同士の交流はあまり考えられない。\ ^Because everyone was aware of their imminent death, mingling between patients was almost unthinkable.\ ;!== Is "were" here correct? You've said "everyone was" elsewhere, and this isn't a subjunctive. (Is it shrapnel from an original "they were"?) ;-- shrapnel it is <3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0111.ogg" ;「それで、なにを話し掛けられたの?」\ ^``And? What did she say to you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0087.ogg" ;「あのね、何回目って聞かれた」\ ^``Um, I was asked `which time?'|''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0112.ogg" ;「…何回目?」\ ^``... Which time?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0088.ogg" ;「うん、初めてだったら教えることがあるって」\ ^``Yeah, she said that if it was the first, she had something to teach me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0113.ogg" ;「なんて答えたの?」\ ^``What did you say?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0089.ogg" ;「よくわからないって言ったら、また今度って言われた」\ ^``When I said I didn't really understand, I was told she'd come again.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景>まとめ ;一体、何のことだろう?\ ^What could that be all about?\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そういえば、噂で聞いたことがある。\ ^Come to think, there had been a rumor I heard.\ ;何でもこの7Fの患者だけで、 ;伝え続けている情報…ルールがあるとか。\ ^How among only the patients on the 7th floor, a legacy continued to be passed down... of rules and the like.\ ;もちろん私は信じていないし、 ;以前に担当だった人に問うた時も、やはり否定された。\ ^Of course, I didn't believe it, and when I asked my previous assigned people, of course they denied it.\ ;だけど…^@^もし本当にそのような情報があるならば、 ;一体どのようなことを伝えているのだろうか…\ ^But...^@^ if such a legacy really existed, just what on earth were they passing down?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0114.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0090.ogg" ;「…お姉さん?」\ ^``... Onee-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0115.ogg" ;「あ、ああ、ごめんなさい」\ ^``A-ah, sorry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;つい、ぼ~っとしてしまっていた。\ ^Without meaning to, I had been staring into space.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0116.ogg" ;「じゃあ、今日は中庭にしようか?」\ ^``Well, shall we go to the courtyard today?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0117.ogg" ;「ほら、珍しく今日は、天気もそれほど暑くないし」\ ^``Look, for once, today's weather isn't that hot.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0091.ogg" ;「うーん、アイスも惜しいけど…」\ ^``Mmm, but leaving the ice cream is a bit sad...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0118.ogg" ;「だったら中庭でアイス食べましょ」\ ^``Then, let's eat ice cream in the courtyard.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;涼しいとはいえ真夏。 ;いくら風があっても、日差し自体は強い。\ ^Even if it was cool, it was midsummer. No matter how much wind there was, the sunlight itself was strong.\ ;だから私は、中庭の日陰となるベンチに彼女を残し、 ;近所のコンビニまでダッシュでかける。\ ^That was why, leaving the girl on a shaded bench in the courtyard, I dashed to a neighborhood convenience store.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0119.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、おまたせ~」\ ^``Haa, haa, sorry for the wait.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;コンビニで買ってきたアイスを手に、 ;駆け足で帰って来た。\ ^With the ice bought from the convenience store in hand, I ran back.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0092.ogg" ;「わ、すごい汗」\ ^``Wah, so much sweat.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0120.ogg" ;「ふぅ、暑~っ」\ ^``Phew, so hoooot.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;流れる汗に、思わずスカートをパタパタさせる。 ;この真夏にダッシュすれば当然のことだった。\ ^Because of the flowing sweat, without thinking, I flapped my skirt. Dashing in this midsummer, sweating was to be expected.\ ;Lumi: Onna no ko wa eleganto ni... orz dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0121.ogg" ;「ほら、まだ溶けてないわよ、アイス」\ ^``Here, it hasn't melted yet, ice pop.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0093.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと…」\ ^``Un, thank you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0122.ogg" ;;「でも…お姉さんの分は?」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「でも…お姉さんの分は?」\ ^``But... where's Onee-san's share?''\ ;odd, no voice clip? !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0123.ogg" ;「ふふふ、大丈夫よ」\ ^``Eheheh, it's okay.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;60円の袋入りソーダのアイス。 ;私は大袈裟に中身を取り出してみせる。\ ^It was a ¥60 pouch of soda ice. With an exaggerated flourish, I took out the contents to show her.\ ;I ... think it's a popsicle.... I highly doubt it's an ice cream float that hasn't melted and can be broken into 2... ;Note2: Ahaha, so we were thinking of the same thing. We always called them popsicles here, or ice pops. Apparently in australia, they're called icypoles and sometimes just ice cream as catchall. dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0124.ogg" ;「じゃーん」\ ^``Ta-da!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0094.ogg" ;「あ、ふたつになってる」\ ^``Ah, it comes in two!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0125.ogg" ;「それっ」\ ^``Take that!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE> ;ぱきっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_301 ^The ice pop broke into two with a snap.\ goto *generated_302 *generated_301 ^* Snap! *\ *generated_302 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0126.ogg" ;「はい、半分こね」\ ^``Here, half for you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0095.ogg" ;「あはは、うん」\ ^``Ahaha, un!''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;照りつける夏日の下、二人でソーダアイスを食べる。\ ^Under the blazing summer sun, the two of us ate soda ice.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0127.ogg" ;「やっぱアイスは、暑いところで食べるのが一番よね」\ ^``Yeah, eating ice is the best in hot places, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0096.ogg" ;「うん、ちょっと溶けてるけど」\ ^``Yes, but it's melting a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景 ;そんなことを話しながら食べる私達。 ;目の前の花壇には、パンジーやガーベラが咲き誇っていた。\ ^As we spoke about that, we ate. In the flower bed before our eyes, pansies and gerberas bloomed proudly.\ ;先日の冬用のエリアにも、 ;きっとまた何かが植えられることだろう。\ ^The winter-use area from the other day, even that would most likely have something planted in it again.\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0097.ogg" ;「ねえ、またアレやって欲しいかも…」\ ^``Um, I might want you to do that thing again...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0128.ogg" ;「いいわよ、じゃあちょっとアイス持ってて」\ ^``Sure, so hold the ice for a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0098.ogg" ;「うんっ」\ ^``Okay.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;両手に1本ずつアイスを持った彼女。 ;一つは私のアイス、もう一つは自分のだった。\ ^Both hands of the girl held one ice each. One was mine, and the other was hers.\ ;そして私は、ポケットからロザリオを取り出すと、 ;いつものように、静かに手を合わせる。\ ^And then I took from my pocket the rosary, and as always, brought my hands together quietly.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0129.ogg" ;「わたしたちが人に許すように…」\ ^``As we forgive those who trespass against us...''\ ;it is an irritation that the japanese version of the line is reversed order !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0130.ogg" ;「わたしたちの罪をお許しください…」\ ^``Forgive us our trespasses...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…主の祈り。いわゆる主祷文。\ ^The Lord's Prayer, also called Our Lord.\ ;Yay, Thanks nacht for this <_<. ;恐らくは、別になんでも良かったのだろう。\ ^Probably, anything would have have been fine.\ ;只、彼女のことを私が想い、 ;彼女がそれで喜んでくれるのならば、それで十分だった…\ ^Simply, my feelings were that if she were happy that I thought of her, then that was enough...\ bg "en\nakaniwa.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0131.ogg" ;「はい、もう終わったわよ」\ ^``Okay, all done.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0099.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと」\ ^``Un, thank you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0132.ogg" ;「いえいえ、大した魔法じゃないですから」\ ^``No, no, it's not any great magic after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;所詮、私は一信徒であり、真似事に過ぎない。 ;当たり前だが、その言葉も全て自分の言葉ではない。\ ^In the end, I was simply one of the faithful, and it was nothing more than imitation. It probably didn't need saying, but none of those words were my own either.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0100.ogg" ;「今日のは、誰の言葉なの?」\ ^``Today, whose words were they?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0133.ogg" ;「もちろんイエスさまご自身よ」\ ^``Of course, Lord Jesus himself.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0101.ogg" ;「じゃあ、他の人のもあるの?」\ ^``Then, there are other people's too?''\ ;!== That sounds like 他の人にもある. :) ;!== How about "Then, there are other people's too?" ;-- hrmm... fair enough !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0134.ogg" ;「ええ、すっごく偉い聖者さまとか教皇さまとか、 ; たくさんの人の言葉があるわ」\ ^``Yes, there are words of very great saints, popes, words from many people.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0102.ogg" ;「へ~、そんなにいっぱいあるのを、 ; お姉さんは知ってるんだ」\ ^``Wow, there's so many and Onee-san knows them.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;感心したような彼女に、私は頷いてみせる。\ ^To the girl who seemed impressed, I gave a nod.\ ;さすがに全てではないが、 ;それなりの福音の類いは読み知っているつもりだった。\ ^Of course, I didn't know them all, but reading the things related in a way to the gospel was my intention.\ ;== I think つもり here is "assumption" (GG sense 3), not "intention". ;-- hrm, I don't like 'assumption' since himeko, who has a sense of how many religious texts there are out there wouldn't need to assume. I read this line more like the dialogue "so, have you read this whole canon?" "well I'd like to think I did" which is a hair closer to the intention side than assumption side ;== I totally agree with the "I'd like to think I did" reading -- I guess all I'm disagreeing about is how well "intention" captures that, since to me "intention" implies more "I've set out to do this", not "I'd like to think I've achieved this". ;== I also agree that simply changing "intention" to "assumption" would make the line worse, not better. I don't think it's really possible to translate this sense perfectly while also retaining the Japanese sentence structure perfectly, so if you're reluctant to make more radical changes, I'll let this one go; it's not a big deal. dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0135.ogg" ;「て、そうだ…ねえ、あげようか?」\ ^``Oh, I know... hey, how about I give this to you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら、再びポケットからロザリオを取り出す。\ ^As I spoke, I once again took out from my pocket the rosary.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0103.ogg" ;「え、いいの? わたしが貰っても」\ ^``Eh? It's okay? For me to take this?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0136.ogg" ;「うん、私はもう一つ持ってるし…」\ ^``Sure. I have another one.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0137.ogg" ;「なにより、これで一緒に出来るようになるわよ」\ ^``What's important is that this way, we'll be able to do it together.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0104.ogg" ;「できるって…わたしにも魔法が?」\ ^``Able to do... I can do magic too?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0138.ogg" ;「あはは、魔法かどうかは知らないけどね」\ ^``Ahaha, well I don't know if it's magic.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0139.ogg" ;;「う、うん、ありがとお姉さんっ」\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;手にロザリオを持ち、うれしそうにする彼女。\ ^Holding the rosary in her hand, the girl looked happy.\ ;本来…7Fの患者とは、何度かの入院と退院を繰り返す。\ ^Normally... patients of the 7th floor were admitted and discharged a number of times.\ ;…でも彼女には、帰る家がない。\ ^But for the girl, there was no home to return to.\ ;だから、ずっとここに居る。 ;だから私も、ずっと傍に居た。\ ^That was why, she was always here. ^That was why, I too, was always by her side.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…ネロとアロアが出会って、早2ヶ月目。\ ^Nello and Alois met, and soon it would be the second month.\ ;本来なら、1回目の退院を迎えるであろう頃だった…\ ^Normally, it was the time that the first discharge would have come.\ monocro off print 3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha13,1 mov %flg2_bplay,13 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_13 mov $sys_midasi,"^#14 / Taboo [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;☆シーン変え 数日後:中庭にて ;★家にて ;☆BG 家 bg "e\b.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_039.ogg" ;「はい、今日のお弁当」\ ^``Here, today's lunch.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0280.ogg" ;「うん、行ってきます」\ ^``Un, I'll be going.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;いつものように、お弁当を手に病院へと向かう。\ ^Just like always, with lunch in hand I headed to the hospital.\ ;既に8月も半ばだというのに、 ;まだまだ暑い日が続くようだった。\ ^Even though it was already halfway through August, the hot days still seemed to be continuing.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_303 ^The elevator bell rang.\ goto *generated_304 *generated_303 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_304 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;7F。既に顔見知りとなった看護婦さんに、 ;小さく頭を下げ挨拶する。\ ^The 7th floor. ^To the nurses whose faces I had become familiar with, I lowered my head slightly in greeting.\ ;!== In two minds over "who I had become familiar on sight with" ... I can see why you've translated it that way, but it does feel a bit verbose when you could just say "who I knew by sight" ... ;-- uuuu compromise proposition unless even this is too much of a stretch. ;!== I like this version, with one tiny spelling correction. :) It's something I can imagine Setsumi saying now. ;そして廊下に見えたのは、何人かの患者さんの姿。\ ^What I then saw in the hall was a number of patients.\ ;ちょうど朝の検温も終わった頃で、 ;ヘルパーの人と共に散歩に行ってきたのだろう。\ ^Since it was right when the morning temperature examination ended, they had probably come with their helpers for a walk .\ ;!== I assumed there was one helper per patient, i.e. "going for walks with their helpers". And does 行ってきた not imply that they've gone for their walk(s) and come back again? ;-- hrm.. I guess so, though it does make it somewhat dodgy in time what with examinations ending just around then =\ ;!== I suppose it's either "they had gone for walks right when their examinations ended", or the first people to be examined then went for _short_ walks while the others were still being examined, or something. :) ;-- looking at it for god knows how many times now, 行ってきた probably meant they went and came 'here' to the hallway, for the purpose of going w/ their helper on a walk... ;ふと、そんな白い腕輪の人達を見ていると思うことがある。\ ^Suddenly, while looking at those people with white wrist bands, a thought came to me.\ ;…7Fの住人とは、2種類に分けられるのではないだろうか?\ ^Of the residents of the 7th floor, couldn't they be divided into two groups?\ ;まるで達観したように落ち着いている者と、 ;いつも忙しく何かをしているようなような者…\ ^The patients who seemed almost to have taken a philosophical view and were calm, and those who seemed to always be busy doing something...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0136.ogg" ;「あ、大丈夫ですよ、ちゃんと支えてますから」\ ^``Ah, it's fine, I'll be firmly supporting you.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景> ;聞き覚えのある声に振り返ると、そこに居たのは千尋さん。 ;年配の車椅子のおばさんと一緒だった。\ ^Hearing a voice I recognized, I turned around and there was Chihiro-san. She was with an elderly lady in a wheelchair.\ ;…恐らくは、あの人が千尋さんの担当の人なのだろう。\ ^Most likely, that person was Chihiro-san's assigned person.\ ;「ねえ、また後でお散歩、お願いして良いかしら…」\ ^``Say, a walk again later, could we do that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0137.ogg" ;「そうですね~、 ; もう少し日が翳ってから、中庭に出ましょうね」\ ^``Let's see, when the sun fades a bit more, let's go into the courtyard.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;穏やかな口調。 ;いつもの優しい顔を、おばさんにも向けていた。\ ^With a calm way of speaking, she turned her usual gentle face to the elderly lady.\ ;■心情・情景 ;「なあ千尋さん、いつものアレやってもらえるかい」\ ^``Say Chihiro-san, would you do that thing you always do?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0138.ogg" ;「ええ、いいですよ」\ ^``Yes, I can.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そう返事をしたかと思うと、静かに両手を合わせ、\ ^I had thought she would answer that way, as she quietly joined her hands.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0139.ogg" ;「…わたしたちを、こころみにあわせないでください…」\ ^``... And lead us not into temptation...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そして、祈りを捧げた。 ;他にも幾つかの言葉を続けた。\ ^And she offered up a prayer, a number of other words following.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0281.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^``Say...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0129.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん…」\ ^``Ah, Setsumi-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0282.ogg" ;「ああやって、いつも祈ってるの?」\ ^``Do you always pray like that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0141.ogg" ;「ええ、誰かの為に祈るのは良いことですからね」\ ^``Yes, because praying for someone is a good thing.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;いつもの優しい顔で答える千尋さん。\ ^Chihiro-san answered with her usual kind expression.\ ;でもその言葉に、 ;わたしは少しだけ引っ掛かりを感じた。\ ^But at those words, I felt something that tugged at me.\ ;…誰かの為に…\ ^... For someone...\ ;だから、素直な質問を投げてみた。\ ^That was why... I decided to ask a direct question.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0283b.ogg" ;「…自分の為じゃダメなの?」\ ^``It can't be for yourself?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0142.ogg" ;「そ、それは…」\ ^``T-that's...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景 ;そこで言葉に詰まってしまった。\ ^There, her words stopped.\ ;それ以上の返事はなかった。 ;いつもの優しそうな顔でもなかった。\ ^There was no more response from her; the usual gentle face was also gone.\ ;初めて見る千尋さんの表情… ;只、困ったような顔を向けていた。\ ^The first time I saw that expression on Chihiro-san... a simply troubled face looked at me.\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、カチャ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_305 ^After knocking, I opened the door.\ goto *generated_306 *generated_305 ^* Knock, knock. Click. *\ *generated_306 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" bg "en\tizu01b.jpg",5 ;また以前のように地図を眺めていた姫子さん。\ ^Again, like before, Himeko-san was gazing at maps.\ ;病室に入ってきたわたしには、 ;チラっと一瞥しただけで、すぐに視線を戻す。\ ^At my entering the hospital room, she just gave me a brief glance, her eyes soon returning.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0284.ogg" ;「…面白い?」\ ^``Is it interesting?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0366.ogg" ;「そう見える?」\ ^``Does it seem that way?''\ ;Odd, the voice clip was cut, but not the text. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0030.ogg" ;「…ううん」\ ^``... U~~un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;答えながら、わたしも隣に座ると、 ;同じように地図を眺める。\ ^As I answered, I sat down next to her and gazed at the maps also.\ ;…やはり、この行為が楽しいとは思えないけど…\ ^Just as I thought, this sort of act couldn't be considered fun, but...\ ;この地図は、お姉さんにとって何なのだろう?\ ^These maps, what were they to Himeko-san I wonder...\ ;全てが達観したように見える7Fの人でも、 ;やはり、何かの未練に揺れているのだろうか…\ ^Even the 7th floor people who seemed to have taken a philosophical view on everything, perhaps they too, wavered with some regrets...\ bg "en\tizu01.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0611.ogg" ;「…例えるならば、私達は死刑囚ね」\ ^``If one were to compare, then we are the condemned.''\ ;!== When I first read this I mistakenly assumed "condemned" = "damned", but presumably in American usage it's less ambiguous? (We don't have a death penalty, so the only things that are condemned are houses :) ;-- hrm.. I had forgotten about that. It's still more or less the word that pops into my head at least when I think about death sentences. It sorta works <_< It's a secular kind of damnation after all, but stil damnation of some sort. ;!== OK, I'm happy with it then. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0612.ogg" ;「死ぬと宣告だけされたけど…」\ ^``We've been only informed that we will die, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0613.ogg" ;「その日が、いつ来るか分からないから、 ; 限られた時間に追われているのよ」\ ^``That day, when it will come, is unknown. So we're hounded by that limited time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…死刑囚。いわれて見れば、頷けるような気がする。\ ^... The condemned. Now that she said it, one could almost agree.\ ;先ほども思ったように、 ;この7Fでは、いつも忙しくしているような人がいた。\ ^Just as I had thought just before; on this 7th floor, there were people who were always busy.\ ;むしろ、死ぬと分かってから、 ;生き生きとしてるようにすら思える。\ ^Rather, one could even think that because they knew they were dying, they were trying to be lively.\ ;それとも、人とは…^@^ ;死を意識して、初めて『生』も意識できるのだろうか…\ ^Or perhaps, for people...^@^ being aware of death, maybe that's the first time they are also able to become aware of ``life.''\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0614.ogg" ;「落ち着いている者は、既に覚悟の出来た人でしょう」\ ^``Those who are calm, those are probably the ones who have already prepared themselves.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0615.ogg" ;「もしくは、そう装っている者でしょうね」\ ^``Or, perhaps those who pretend they have.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0350b.ogg" ;「…姫子さんは?」\ ^``And Himeko-san is?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0616.ogg" ;「もちろん後者よ。 ; この歳で、覚悟決められる人間なんていないわ」\ ^``Of course the latter. At this age, there isn't anyone who could prepare themselves.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;あっさりと言い切られた。\ ^She declared it plainly.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0617.ogg" ;「そうじゃなかったら、 ; 死ぬまでにやってみたい10のことなんて言わないでしょ?」\ ^``If that weren't true, then I wouldn't be talking about the ten things I want to do before dying, now would I?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;それだけを言うと、再び地図を眺める姫子さん。\ ^Saying just that, once again Himeko-san gazed at the maps.\ ;そして、同じように地図を眺めていたわたしに向かって、\ ^Then she turned to me, who was gazing at the maps in the same way.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0367.ogg" ;「セツミ…髪、伸びているわね」\ ^``Setsumi... your hair, it's growing long, isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0286.ogg" ;「あ…? うん、そうかも…」\ ^``Ah?... Un, it might be...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;いきなりの予想外の言葉に、かろうじて答える。\ ;そういえば少し伸びてきたかも知れない。 ;まだ今月は、お母さんに切ってもらってなかった。\ ^Now that she mentioned it, it might have gotten a bit longer. This month, Mother hadn't cut it for me yet.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0368.ogg" ;「切ってあげようか?」\ ^``Shall I cut it for you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_kami2.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0369.ogg" ;「来なさい、お姉さんがカットしてあげるから」\ ^``Come, Onee-san here will cut it for you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 6,"se2\isu1.ogg" ;突然の提案に、よく事態が飲み込めないけど…\ ^At the sudden offer, I couldn't really grasp the situation, but...\ dwavestop 6 ;-- ↑ にゃにそれ? ;!== ちぇっ、コピペの失敗だった。無視しちゃいい。 ;先になって歩く姫子さんの後に、わたしも続く。\ ^Himeko-san was already walking ahead, and I followed after.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",2 ;やがて、ナースステーションの前まで来ると、 ;中にいる看護婦さんに向かって、\ ^Then, when we came in front of the nurses station, she turned to the nurse inside.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0370.ogg" ;「ねえ、上、行きたいんだけど貸してくれる」\ ^``Hey... I'd like to go up, so could you lend it to me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;「別にいいですけど…カットですか?」\ ^``There's nothing wrong with that... is it a haircut?''\ ;!== ちがう、キャットにゃんです。みー。 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0371.ogg" ;「ええ、今日は風もないからね」\ ^``Yes, there's no wind today after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、看護婦さんから何かを受け取ると、 ;再び廊下を進む姫子さん。\ ^Then, after taking something from the nurse, Himeko-san once again walked down the hall.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0372.ogg" ;「セツミ、こっちよ」\ ^``Setsumi, over here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;しばらく歩いて、やっと止まった場所は、廊下の突き当たり。\ ^Walking a bit, the place we finally stopped at was the end of the hall.\ ;正確には、非常階段を上がった先の、 ;いつもは閉じられたままになっている、大きな鉄の扉の前。\ ^To be correct, it was just where you got off the emergency stairs, in front of an always-closed, large metal door.\ ;…今まで開いている状態は見たことないけど、 ;恐らくはここが屋上への入り口なのだろう。\ ^Up until now, I had never seen it opened, but probably, this was the entrance for the roof.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0373.ogg" ;「じゃーん、ここで鍵の登場」\ ^``Ta-da! And here, the key comes on stage.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;SE> dwave 5,"se2\tetudoor.ogg" ;ガチャ、ギー…\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_307 ^The heavy metal door creaked open. goto *generated_308 *generated_307 ^* Clack. Creeeee. *\ *generated_308 ;dwave 5,"se2\tetudoor02.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;一瞬だけ真っ白になる視界。\ ^For a second, the world turned pure white.\ ;やがて目が慣れてきた先には、\ ^When my eyes adjusted, what appeared before me was...\ dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 ;…強い風、夏空、高いフェンス。 ;洗濯物である、たくさんのシーツが風になびいていた。\ ^Strong wind, summer sky, high fence. As laundry items, sheets fluttered in the wind.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0374.ogg" ;「今日は良い天気ね~、絶好の散髪日和よ」\ ^``Today the weather's nice, isn't it? It's perfect haircutting weather.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;空を見上げると、そんな言葉をあげる姫子さん。\ ^Looking up at the sky, Himeko-san spoke up.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0375.ogg" ;「初めてでしょ? ここに来たのは?」\ ^``This is the first time, right? Coming here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0287.ogg" ;「…うん、初めて」\ ^``Un, first.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0376.ogg" ;「ま、普通はそうよ」\ ^``Well, that's normal.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0377.ogg" ;「入院患者には、絶対に来させない場所だからね」\ ^``For hospitalized patients, it's a place they're absolutely forbidden to come after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その理由は言わなくても想像がついた。\ ^That reason, even without saying, could be imagined.\ ;7Fの天井と同じくらい高いフェンス。^@^ ;それが、何の為にあるのかを考えれば簡単だった。\ ^A fence about the same height as the 7th floor's ceiling.^@^ What reason put it there was simple if you thought about it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0378.ogg" ;「じゃ、散髪しましょうか」\ ^``So, shall we cut hair?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0288.ogg" ;「…ホントにやるの?」\ ^``We're ~i~really~i~ going to do it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0379.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、こう見えてもお姉さん、うまいもんよ」\ ^``It'll be fine. Even looking like this, Onee-san here is good at it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そう言いながら、目の前にある小さなベンチを指差すと、\ ^As she spoke, she pointed to a small bench before us.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0380.ogg" ;「さ、まずはそこに腰掛けて」\ ^``So, first have a seat there.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして白く透明な、大きなゴミ袋を取り出す。\ ^And then she took out a big, clear-white garbage bag.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0381.ogg" ;「次は、ここに頭を通して」\ ^``Next, put your head through here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ハサミで切られたのか、 ;ちょうど頭だけが通るくらいの穴があいたゴミ袋。\ ^Probably cut with scissors, there was hole just large enough to pass one's head through in the garbage bag.\ ;言われるがままに頭を通すと、 ;まるで理髪店のカバーのように、すっぽりと身体に被せる。\ ^When I put my head through as told, like a barber shop's cover, it totally covered my body.\ ;そして、わたしの目の前で、 ;ハサミをチョキチョキと鳴らしてみせると、\ ^And then before my eyes, she made the scissors go ``swish-swish.''\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0382.ogg" ;「さて、お客さん、どれくらいにしますか?」\ ^``Well, Miss, how long will you like it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0289.ogg" ;「…お客さん?」\ ^``Miss?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0383.ogg" ;「夏らしく、バッサリなんてどうです?」\ ^``Summer-like, really short, how does that sound?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0290.ogg" ;「…揃えるくらいで」\ ^``... Just a trim.''\ ;!== 揃える isn't a potential, it's the transitive equivalent of 揃う. In the context of hair it means "cut to uniform length", not "gather up". ;-- whoops. though frankly I still have no real idea how to deal with the notion since setsumi isn't asking for a bowl cut <_< though I think I have it now. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0384.ogg" ;「あはは、了解しました」\ ^``Ahaha, understood.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;笑いながらブラシを通すと、 ;姫子さんは、手馴れた感じで髪を切りはじめた。\ ^While laughing and running through with a brush, with a practiced hand, Himeko-san then began cutting.\ ;!== Surely Aと、B is a sequence "A, then B", not "while A, B"? ;-- there IS a 'then' there! just not in a prime piece of real estate! I didn't particularly emphasize the 'then'-ness because she's going to brush repeatedly while cutting, so just just emphasizing one swipe seems weird ;!== OK, I have no problem with this arrangement now I know that it's a choice rather than a mistake. :) bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE> ;チョキチョキ…\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_309 ^* Snip, snip. *\ *generated_309 ;小気味よく聞こえるハサミの音。 ;ちょうど今は、後髪を揃えてくれているようだった。\ ^The delightful sounding swish of scissors. ^Just now, she seemed to be trimming the hair in the back for me.\ ;!== As above, 揃えて is "making of even length", not "gathering". ;…変な感じに切られたら嫌だな…\ ^... If she cuts it strangely, that'd be bad...\ ;そんなことを思いつつ、 ;わたしは別のことも考えていた。\ ^While holding that thought, I also considered other things.\ ;…この場所は入院患者には来れないと言った。^@^ ;その理由はわたしにも理解できるし、納得もできる。\ ^She said that hospital patients couldn't come to this place.^@^ ^That reason even I could understand, and be satisfied with.\ ;では、7Fの住人にもかかわらず、 ;こうやって来れる姫子さんはどうしてだろう?\ ^Then, unheeding of the fact that she was a resident of the 7th floor, why was it that Himeko-san could come here like this?\ ;やはり元ヘルパーだから、信用されているのだろうか…\ ^Was it because she was a former helper, that she's trusted?\ bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0385.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…気になるのは、自分の髪?」\ ^``Hey, Setsumi... what you're concerned about, is it your own hair?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0291.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0386.ogg" ;「それとも、違うことかしら?」\ ^``Or is it, something else perhaps?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0292.ogg" ;「…違う方」\ ^``... The something else.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0387.ogg" ;「いいわよ、じゃあ答えてあげる」\ ^``It's fine. Well, I'll answer it for you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0388b.ogg" ;「元ヘルパーだから、信用されてるって訳じゃないわね」\ ^``By being a former helper and therefore being trusted -- that's not the reason.''\ ;!== Not sure about the combination of "by" and "why" -- surely "by" would normally go with "how", while "why" wants something like "Because I'm a former helper, and therefore trusted". ;-- hrm.. I don't know why I didn't just clear up 訳 directly ;!== Works for me. !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0293.ogg" ;「…じゃあなに?」\ ^``Then... what?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0389.ogg" ;「やっぱ、この現代においても…」\ ^``See, even in these modern times...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0390.ogg" ;「禁忌の一つなのよね、カトリックにとっては」\ ^``It's one of the prohibited acts, for Catholics.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;最初、何を言っているのか分からなかった。\ ^At first, I didn't understand what she was saying.\ ;…だけど、すぐに気づいた…^@^自殺だ。\ ^... But, I soon realized...^@^ Suicide.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0294.ogg" ;「”元”カトリックのくせに信用されているのね…」\ ^``For a `former' Catholic, you're still trusted aren't you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0391.ogg" ;「ホント、思わず期待を裏切って、 ; フェンス飛び越えてみたくなっちゃうわよね~」\ ^``Really, makes you want to betray their expectations on a whim, and try jumping past the fence doesn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;相変わらず、本気か冗談か分からないことを言う姫子さん。\ ^As always, Himeko-san said something where I couldn't tell if she was serious or joking.\ ;恐らく、そんなことは無いだろうけど…\ ^Though likely, she wasn't, but...\ ;でももし、急にフェンスに向かって駆け出したらどうしよう? ;今、ここには自分しかいないのに…\ ^But just if, suddenly she ran towards the fence, what would I do? Right now, I was the only one here...\ ;なんとなく、そんなことばかりを考えて、 ;わたしは気が気でなかった。\ ^Somehow, while thinking only about that, I started feeling uneasy.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0392.ogg" ;「さて、こんなもんかしら…」\ ^``Okay, something like this perhaps...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0393.ogg" ;「はい、お客さん、カット終わりましたよ」\ ^``Alright, Miss. The cutting is over.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0295.ogg" ;「あ、うん、ありがと…」\ ^``Ah, un. Thank you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら、受け取った手鏡で自分の髪を映すと、\ ^As I replied, I accepted the hand mirror and looked at my hair.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0296.ogg" ;「わ、前髪が…」\ ^``Wah, the bangs...''\ ;Thanks to my sister for this term I wouldn't have remembered. !sd dwavestop 0 ;見ると、眉毛の上2cmくらいで真っ直ぐに揃えられていた。\ ^When I looked, about two centimeters above the eyebrows, it was cut straight across.\ ;…まるで日本人形か、七五三の子供みたいだし…\ ^... It's like a Japanese doll, or a child at the ~i~Shichigosan~i~/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_310 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_310 ^ festival.#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_311 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~~i~Shichigosan~i~ is a day celebrating children ages seven (~i~shichi~i~), five (~i~go~i~), and three (~i~san~i~).~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~~i~Shichigosan~i~ is a day celebrating children ages seven (~i~shichi~i~), five (~i~go~i~), and three (~i~san~i~).~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_311 ^#ffffff\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0394.ogg" ;「可愛いわよ、セ・ツ・ミ」\ ^``It's cute, Se-tsu-mi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0395.ogg" ;「あはは、違う方に気をとられているからよ」\ ^``Ahaha, well you were busy worrying about the other thing after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0396.ogg" ;「女の子なんだから、自分の髪も心配しないと」\ ^``You're a girl, so you should worry about your own hair.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;少し拗ねた顔をするわたしに、尚も楽しそうにする姫子さん。\ ^At my slightly sulking face, Himeko-san looked like she was enjoying herself even more.\ ;いくら似合ってるとか可愛いと言われても、 ;そんな笑いながらでは説得力がない。\ ^No matter how much you say it suits me, or is cute; laughing like that, there's no persuasive force behind it.\ ;…ふう~。\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_312 ^* Sigh. *\ *generated_312 ;思わず、溜息を一つ落とすと、 ;わたしは以前から感じていたことを尋ねる。\ ^Helplessly, I gave a sigh. Then I asked about the thing that I had sensed from before.\ bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0298.ogg" ;「ねえ、もしかしてだけど…」\ ^``Say, this is just maybe, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0299.ogg" ;「わたしを…誰かの姿と重ねているの?」\ ^``Are you... seeing someone else in me?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0397.ogg" ;「なかなか、鋭い質問ね、それは…」\ ^``Quite the perceptive question, that one...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そしてしばらく考えていたかと思うと、\ ^And then, when she thought a bit...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0398.ogg" ;「うん、半分はそうかも知れないわね」\ ^``Mmm, half of it might be that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0300.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、残り半分は?」\ ^``Then, the remaining half?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0399.ogg" ;「それは…秘密よ」\ ^``That's... a secret.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…これも秘密にされてしまった。\ ^This was also made a secret.\ ;以前のルールもそうだけど、 ;たまに姫子さんは言ってくれないことがあった。\ ^It was the same with the rules from before; once in a while, there were things that Himeko-san wouldn't talk about.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0400.ogg" ;「さてっと、んじゃあ帰りますか」\ ^``Well, shall we go back?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;使ったハサミを片付け、 ;姫子理髪店の跡地を、綺麗に二人で掃除する。\ ^Putting away the scissors she used, the two of us then cleaned the space of Himeko's Barber Shop.\ ;そして…入ってきた入り口に向け、歩いていたかと思うと、\ ^Then... just when I thought she was walking towards the door we entered from...\ ;突然、その足を止め、振り返った。\ ^Suddenly, those feet stopped and turned around.\ bg "en\okujou.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0401.ogg" ;「ああ、そうそう、最後の一つだけどさ…」\ ^``Ah, that's right. About that final one...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0402.ogg" ;「そろそろかなって思っているんだけど」\ ^``I'm thinking that it might be about time...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…最後の一つ? そろそろ?\ ^The final one? About time?\ ;恐らくそれは、以前から言っていた、 ;死ぬまでにしたい10のことを指しているのだろう。\ ^Most likely, it was probably referring to what she had said before, the ten things to do before dying.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0301.ogg" ;「…またどこかに行く気なの?」\ ^``Are you planning on going somewhere again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0403.ogg" ;「ええ、とりあえずここじゃダメね」\ ^``Yes, at the least, here is no good.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0404.ogg" ;「こんな高さじゃ、足らないわ」\ ^``This height, it's not enough.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…飛び降りるには、足らないと言いたいのだろうか?^@^ ;屋上のフェンスを指差しながらの言葉だった。\ ^Was she saying that for jumping off, it wasn't enough?^@^ Those were her words as she pointed at the rooftop fence.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0405.ogg" ;「あなたは知らないことだけど、 ; 本当なら私、2回目くらいなのよ」\ ^``This is something you don't know, but to be honest, this is around my second time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0003.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^``What about?''\ ;!== Shrapnel from "What about"/"What's that about"? ;-- ^_^ you're catching on! !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0406.ogg" ;「入退院の回数。 ; 私はツテがあるからずっと居るけどさ」\ ^``The number of times for being admitted into the hospital. Though because I have connections, I was always here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そして3回目が最後で、4回目はないとも教えてくれた。\ ^And then I was taught that the 3rd time was the last, and there is no 4th.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0407.ogg" ;「やっぱ私も体力的に、リミット近いみたいでね…」\ ^``But yeah, it looks like my strength's close to its limit you see...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0408.ogg" ;「病院を抜け出すのも、ここらが最後だと思うのよ」\ ^``Sneaking out of the hospital also, I think this will be the last time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0409.ogg" ;「ま、日帰りは無理だと思うけど、よかったら付き合ってよ」\ ^``Well, I think coming back on the same day would be impossible, but if it's okay, come with me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\sora01y.jpg",3 ;ゆっくりと空がオレンジに染まる。\ ^Slowly, the sky stained orange.\ dwave 5,"se2\z43.ogg" ;灼けた日差しは翳り、 ;ミンミン蝉からヒグラシへと変わるころ…\ ^As the burning sun sank and the loud ~i~Minmin-zemi~i~ switched over to ~i~Higurashi.~i~/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_313 ^~%90~*~=0~/ *generated_313 ^#808080/ if %disable_footnotes == 1 goto *generated_314 gettextspeed %footnote_s getcursorpos %footnote_x, %footnote_y h_textheight %temp_num, ^~x0~~%70~* ~n~Minmin-zemi are cidadas that go "minmin", often heard in the day. Higurashi are a type often heard at dawn/dusk and are said to have a mournful call.~u~^ h_locate 0,240 - %temp_num textspeed 0 ^~%70~* ~n~Minmin-zemi are cidadas that go "minmin", often heard in the day. Higurashi are a type often heard at dawn/dusk and are said to have a mournful call.~u~ h_locate %footnote_x - 130, %footnote_y - 358 textspeed %footnote_s *generated_314 ^#ffffff\ mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;ふと立ち寄ったのは、いつもの校庭。\ ^The place I suddenly stopped at was the usual schoolyard.\ bg "en\a007b.jpg",3 ;何をする訳でもなく、ぼ~っと鉄棒の前に立つと、 ;先ほどのことを考えていた。\ ^Not really doing anything, just standing in front of the metal bar, thinking about the things from just before.\ ;「ねえ、お姉ちゃん、鉄棒やりたいの?」\ ^``Onee-chan, do you want to play with the bar?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんなわたしを気遣ってくれたのか、 ;近くで遊んでいた子供が、また声をかけてくれる。\ ^Perhaps out of consideration for me being there, a child playing nearby once again spoke to me.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0302.ogg" ;「…いいのよ、わたしのことは気にしないで」\ ^``It's fine, don't mind me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その返事に、どこか不思議そうな顔を向けながらも、 ;再び友達の元へと駆け出す子供。\ ^With that reply, even while giving me a somehow mystified look, the child once again ran back to the group of friends who were playing.\ ;-- meh I never liked this line, and refusing to impart a gender onto the child takes precedence over the nonexistance of the word 'group' bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…先ほど姫子さんには、日帰りは無理だと言われた。\ ^Just before, Himeko-san said that returning on the same day was impossible.\ ;どこに行くのかまでは分からないけど、 ;ちゃんとお母さんの了解も取るようにと言われた。\ ^Where we were going she didn't know yet, but I was told to make sure to get Mother's permission.\ ;…良かったら付き合ってよ…\ ^... If it's okay, come with me...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0303.ogg" ;「無理強いはしない…」\ ^``I won't force you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そんなこと言われても、1ヶ月近くも一緒に過ごして、 ;これが最後だって言われたら…\ ^Even saying that, spending close to a month together, and then saying that this would be the last...\ ;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;また二人で、今日の夕食を食べる。\ ^Again, the two of us ate today's dinner.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",3 ;テーブルの上には、いつものお惣菜と揚げ物。 ;楽しそうに、空のお弁当箱だと喜ぶお母さん。\ ^Atop the table were the usual dishes and fried things. Looking pleased, Mother beamed at the empty lunch box.\ ;そんな、いつもと変わらない夕食でも、 ;わたしは先ほどのことをずっと考えていた。\ ^Even during that dinner that was the same as always, I was thinking about what happened earlier.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0304.ogg" ;「ねえ、お母さん…」\ ^``Say, Mother...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_040.ogg" ;「どうしたの?」\ ^``Something the matter?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0305.ogg" ;「またドライブに誘われているんだけど…」\ ^``I've been invited to go on a drive again...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_041.ogg" ;「ああ、良いじゃないの、例の姫子さんよね」\ ^``Ah, isn't that great? That Himeko-san right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0306.ogg" ;「うん…でも今度はお泊りなんだけど…」\ ^``Un... but this time, we'll be staying one night...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_042.ogg" ;「いいわよ、別に」\ ^``That's fine, it doesn't matter.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;もしかしたらという予想以上に、簡単に許可してくれた。\ ^Despite the possibility of ``what if,'' she easily gave her permission.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_043.ogg" ;「じゃあまた、お弁当用意してあげるわねっ」\ ^``Then, I'll make lunch for you again, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0307.ogg" ;「うん…ありがと…」\ ^``Un... thank you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_044.ogg" ;「あはは、また頑張って作っちゃうわよぉ」\ ^``Ahaha, I'll go do my best making them again!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>とてもうれしそうにするお母さんとか\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_045.ogg" ;「て、そうだ、今日の出来も悪くないわよ」\ ^``Oh, that's right, today's wasn't that bad either.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って差し出す皿は、いつものポテト。\ ^Saying that, the plate that she offered up was the usual fries.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_046.ogg" ;「あら、どうしたの? あなたポテト好きでしょ」\ ^``Oh? What's wrong? You like fries don't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;自然に…^@^ごく当たり前のように勧めるお母さん。 ;とてもうれしそうにしていた。\ ^So naturally...^@^ very matter-of-factly, Mother offered them, seeming very pleased.\ ;でも、その手にピンクのマニキュアは無い。 ;代わりに少し赤くなった手で、うれしそうに皿を勧める。\ ^But, on those hands wasn't a pink manicure. Instead, a slightly reddened hand happily offered the plate.\ ;!== "on those hands wasn't with a"... shrapnel again? ;-- by now it's pretty clear I run out out of mental stamina around 70% around most revisions bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…ポテトは、わたしが黙って食べればいいだけ。^@^ ;どんなに嫌いだったとしても、わたしが我慢すれば良いこと。\ ^Fries... all I had to do was quietly eat them.^@^ No matter how much I hated them, if I endured it, it was fine.\ ;でも…これは本当に優しさなのだろうか…\ ^But... was this really kindness I wonder...\ ;ふと、姫子さんの言葉が思い出された。\ ^Suddenly, I was reminded of Himeko-san's words.\ ;例え、わたし達にバチを当てている誰かが、 ;赦してくれなかったとしても…\ ^Even if whoever was punishing us were to not give us a pardon...\ ;!== Changing "one" to "someone" would get you closer to the Japanese, unless there was some reason why you felt "one" worked better. ;-- my brain rebells against the notion of "the someone who" >_> even though it's probably legal... ;!== It's legal, though maybe "somebody" is more conventional. But I certainly won't discourage you from choosing to go with the version you think sounds more natural. ;-- mmm then I'll just leave it, if anything I've always written Setsumi in a more measured style ;すごく、ごめんなさいと言いたかった。 ;お母さんに。姫子さんに。\ ^I really wanted to say ``I'm sorry.'' ^To Mother. To Himeko-san.\ bg "en\heya1.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0309.ogg" ;「ねえ、お母さん…」\ ^``Say, Mother...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;わたしは、思い切って打ち明ける。\ ^I... gathered my courage and brought things to light.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0310.ogg" ;「姫子さんって…7Fの人なの」\ ^``Himeko-san... is someone from the 7th floor.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_047.ogg" ;「え? 7Fってなに?」\ ^``Eh? What's the 7th floor?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0311.ogg" ;「…ホスピスのこと」\ ^``The hospice.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_048.ogg" ;「ん?…ああ、そこの看護婦さんなの?」\ ^``Mm?... Ah, she's a nurse there?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;当たり前かも知れないが、そう思われていた。\ ^It might have been perfectly natural, but that's how she was thought of.\ ;!== Mmmmm... it's a perfectly accurate translation of the Japanese, but somehow to me "that's how she was thought of" implies "people in general thought of Himeko as a nurse", rather than "Mama had been thinking Himeko was a nurse". I don't know if there's a good way to avoid that, though. :/ ;-- mmmmm while I see what you're saying. I think all we can do here is leave the reader to use the context to figure it out on their own =3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0312.ogg" ;「…そこの患者さん」\ ^``... A patient there.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_049.ogg" ;「はい?」\ ^``What was that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0313.ogg" ;「ホスピスの…入院患者さん」\ ^``The hospice's... patient.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_050.ogg" ;「…え?…………」\ ^``... Eh?......''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_051.ogg" ;「ホスピスの患者さんって…」\ ^``The hospice's patient?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;;「………………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",10,2000 ;…長い…^@^とても長い沈黙だった。\ ^A long...^@^ very long silence.\ ;点けっぱなしのTVの司会者の声が、 ;言葉としてではなく、音として鳴っていた。\ ^The voice of the host on the television, not as words, but as noise, rang out.\ ;…本当は、とても短い時間かも知れないけど、 ;わたしにはそれが、とてつもなく長く感じた…\ ^In reality, it might have been a very short time, but for me, it felt unbelievably long...\ ;もしかしたら… ;もう二度と時が動き出さないようにさえ思えた…\ ^I thought, just maybe... never again, would time move...\ ;もう二度と…^@^”何か”が戻れないようで怖かった…\ ^It seemed that never again...^@^ could ``something'' go back to how it was, and I was afraid...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_052.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_315 ^Mother started crying.\ goto *generated_316 *generated_315 ^``............''\ *generated_316 !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;もう、さっきまでの笑顔はなかった。 ;コロッケを持つ手が、その場で止まったままだった。\ ^Already, the smile that had been there before was gone. The hand holding a croquette was where it had stopped.\ ;…友達ができたと、あんなに喜んでくれていたのに…\ ^Even though she had been so happy that I had made a friend...\ ;わたしが打ち明けなければ、今でも笑っていた筈なのに…\ ^If I hadn't revealed it, even now, she would have been smiling...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_053.ogg" ;「や、止めてセツミ、そういう人に近づくのは…」\ ^``S-Stop Setsumi, getting close to that sort of person...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_054b.ogg" ;「お母さん、怖いのよ…」\ ^``Your Mom, is afraid...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_055_1b.ogg" ;「いつか、あなたも、そうなるんじゃないかと思うと…」\ ^``When I think that someday, you might also wind up like that...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0314.ogg" ;「…ごめんなさい…」\ ^``... I'm sorry...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 !s80 ;…やはりわたしには、これしか言葉がなかった。\ ^As expected, I had no other words.\ ;…それは優しさじゃない…^@^ ;黙ってポテトを食べるわたしに姫子さんが言った言葉。\ ^... ``That isn't kindness''...^@^ ^Words which Himeko-san said to me, who silently ate the fries.\ ;でも、それを実行するのは…^@^とても困難だとも言われていた…\ ^But, putting that into action...^@^ I had been told it would be very difficult...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha14,1 mov %flg2_bplay,14 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_14 mov $sys_midasi,"^#15 / Half a Prayer [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 monocro #FFeedd print 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;☆シーン変え:数日後 ;・お風呂の日 dwave 5,"se2\zaba.ogg" dwave 6,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" ;ざばーっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_317 ^Water splashed loudly.\ goto *generated_318 *generated_317 ^* Splash! *\ *generated_318 mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0105.ogg" ;「わ、わわっ」\ ^``Wa-wah wah!''\ ; -su-re-mono >__> ;!== -ga-hai-wa-neko-de-aru? <__< !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 5,"se2\furo.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0140.ogg" ;「こら、じっとしてなさい」\ ^``Hey, hold still!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0106.ogg" ;「そんなこと言われても、くすぐったいもん」\ ^``Even if you tell me that, it tickles!''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;7Fのバスルーム。 ;今日は、週に2度の入浴の日だった。\ ^The 7th floor's bath room. Today was the second bathing day of the week.\ dwave 6,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0141.ogg" ;「て、わっ、私までびしょびしょにっ」\ ^``Hey, wah! Even I'm soaked.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0107.ogg" ;「うぅ、ごめんなさい」\ ^``Uu, I'm sorry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0142.ogg" ;「あはは、いいのよ、 ; お姉さんも、ついでにシャワーしちゃうから」\ ^``Ahaha, it's fine. Onee-san will take a shower while we're here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;広いとはいっても、 ;一般家庭のお風呂場より、やや広い程度の広さ。\ ^Even though it was called wide, compared to a normal home's bath it was just slightly wider.\ ;二人で浴槽に入ると、ぎゅうぎゅうになるほどだった。\ ^When two people were in the tub, it was enough to be tight.\ dwave 6,"se2\shaw2b.ogg" dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0108.ogg" ;「ねえ、まだぁ?」\ ^``Um, not yet?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0143.ogg" ;「まだ。もうちょっとでシャンプーのすすぎ終わるから」\ ^``Not yet. Just a bit more and the shampoo's rinse will be done.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0109.ogg" ;「はぁーい」\ ^``Okaaay.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;目をぎゅっと瞑って、 ;シャンプーが終わるのを待っている彼女。\ ^The girl was squeezing her eyes shut, and waited for the end of the shampooing.\ ;こんなやり取りも、今では見慣れたものへとなっていた。\ ^Even this kind of exchange was now becoming a familiar thing.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",2 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0144.ogg" ;「さて、次は姫子理髪店よ」\ ^``Okay, and next is Himeko's Barber Shop.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ゴミ袋に穴をあけ、そこに頭を通すと、 ;パイプ椅子に座ってもらう。\ ^Opening a hole in a garbage bag and passing her head through, I had the girl sit on a folding chair.\ ;風がなければ屋上でも可能だけど、 ;たいていは病室でカットすることが多かった。\ ^If there was no wind, it could also have been done on the roof, but mostly the cutting was done in the hospital room.\ ;…私達ヘルパーは…^@^ ;園芸家にもクリーニング屋にも…時として理容師にだってなる。\ ^Us helpers...^@^ were also gardeners, also cleaners... and occasionally, barbers.\ ;SE> ;チョキチョキチョキ…\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_319 ^The scissors clicked together as I cut.\ goto *generated_320 *generated_319 ^* Snip, snip, snip. *\ *generated_320 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0145.ogg" ;「どうかしら? 前髪も揃えてみたんだけど」\ ^``How is it? I tried making the front all the same.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0110.ogg" ;「えと、なんかちょっと変かも…」\ ^``Um, a little strange maybe...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0146.ogg" ;「あら? 真っ直ぐ揃えるのはキライだった?」\ ^``Oh? You didn't like it being cut straight across?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0111.ogg" ;「そうじゃないけど、短すぎるような…」\ ^``That's not it, but it looks too short...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0147.ogg" ;「もう、これくらいが可愛いんじゃない、子供らしくって」\ ^``Aw, about this much is cute, isn't it? Like a kid.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0112.ogg" ;「うぅ、なんか恥ずかしいかも」\ ^``Uu... it's a bit embarrassing, maybe.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;まだ濡れた髪からは、シャンプーのミントの匂い。 ;この狭い病室中に広がっていた。\ ^The scent of the shampoo's mint spread from the still-damp hair into the narrow hospital room.\ ;いつも私が座っているパイプ椅子に腰掛け、 ;ゴミ袋から、少し不満そうな顔を向ける彼女。\ ^The girl sat on the folding chair that I always sat on, and from the garbage bag, she gave me a bit of a dissatisfied look.\ ;…床には広げた新聞紙が3枚。^@^ ;小さな手鏡を2つ使っての理髪店だった…\ ^On the floor spread three sheets of newspaper.^@^ It was a barber shop that used two small hand mirrors.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;_______________________ ;☆シーン変え> BG 病室 ;SE> ;数日後。\ ^A few days after.\ ;気づけば8月も中旬に差し掛かる頃、 ;今日も彼女はここに居た。今日も私はここに居た。\ ^If one looked, it was towards the middle of August. ^Today also, the girl was here. Today too, I was here.\ ;!== I'd have expected "Today also ... Today too" -- the current placement looks like it's translating 今日は彼女もここに居た, etc. ;-- hrm, true. I had it your way originally, but had disliked how I had put "Today, also,... today, too, ..." from an aesthetic comma placement point of view... ;ピピピっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_321 ^The alarm on the thermometer beeped.\ goto *generated_322 *generated_321 ^* Beep beep beep. *\ *generated_322 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0148.ogg" ;「じゃあ、体温計ちょうだい」\ ^``Okay, let me have the thermometer.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0113.ogg" ;「ふぁい」\ ^``Okaaay.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 ;口に入れていた体温計を受け取ると、 ;そのデジタルの数字を読む。\ ^Taking the thermometer that was in her mouth, I read the numbers on the digital display.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0114.ogg" ;「何度?」\ ^``What temperature?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0149.ogg" ;「6度2分、うん、これなら大丈夫ね」\ ^``36.2°C. Yeah, with that, it's fine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0115.ogg" ;「んーと、じゃあ今日も中庭でアイス?」\ ^``Umm, then today, ice cream in the courtyard again?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0150.ogg" ;「いいえ、今日は別の予定を考えているの」\ ^``Nope. Today, I'm thinking of different plans.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0116.ogg" ;「…別の予定?」\ ^``... Different plans?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0151.ogg" ;「まず、その為にはこっちが先ね」\ ^``But, for that, this comes first.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら持ってきた紙袋を開ける。 ;今日の目的の半分は、これにあった。\ ^As I answered, I opened the paper bag I had brought. Half of today's plan was in there.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0117.ogg" ;「それ、なぁに?」\ ^``What's that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0152.ogg" ;「新しい服を持ってきてあげたのよ」\ ^``I brought new clothes for you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0118.ogg" ;「え? パジャマはこの前も貰ったのに…」\ ^``Eh? But just before, I got pajamas.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0153.ogg" ;「ふふふ、パジャマじゃないわよぉ」\ ^``Eheheh, these aren't pajamas.''\ ;I alllmost used `ain't' here... then woke up. !sd dwavestop 1 ;少しもったいつけるように、袋から取り出してみせる。\ ^With a bit of a flourish, I took it out of the bag to show her.\ ;何たって今月のお小遣いの大半を費やし、 ;実際にどれにしようか2時間も悩んだ物だった。\ ^No matter what could be said about it, it was something that used up over half of this month's allowance, and I had spent two hours debating over which to get.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0154.ogg" ;「じゃーん」\ ^``Ta-da!''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0119.ogg" ;「あっ、ワンピース」\ ^``Ah, a one-piece.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0155.ogg" ;「どう? 気に入った?」\ ^``How is it? You like it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0120.ogg" ;「うんうん」\ ^``Un, un!''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;□心情・情景> ;うれしそうに、大きく何度も頷く彼女。\ ^Happily, the girl vigorously nodded many times.\ ;それは、夏らしく白地に、 ;黄色のひまわり柄の入ったワンピース。\ ^It was a one-piece dress in summery white with a yellow sunflower pattern on it.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0156.ogg" ;「さて、それじゃあ着替えたら早速行くわよ」\ ^``Okay, once you change, we're going right away.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0121.ogg" ;「行くって、もしかして外へ?」\ ^``Going? Do you mean outside?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0157.ogg" ;「ええ、教会よ」\ ^``Yes, the church.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながらパジャマのボタンを外してあげる。 ;実は以前から、教会に行ってみたいと言っていた。\ ^As I answered, I undid the buttons on her pajamas. Truth was, from before she had said she wanted to visit the church.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0158.ogg" ;「ホントは、別にパジャマのままでも良いんだけど」\ ^``To be honest, going in pajamas would have been fine, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0159.ogg" ;「まあ、せっかくだからね」\ ^``Well, since we're going to the trouble, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0122.ogg" ;「うん、お姉さん、ありがとっ」\ ^``Un, Onee-san, thank you.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;___ dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 ;灼けた日射しと蝉の声。 ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^The burning sun and sound of cicadas. Today looked like it was going to be another hot day.\ ;そんな空の下を並んで歩く私達。 ;病院の外に出るのは初めてのことだった。\ ^Under that sky, we walked side by side. It was the first time we went outside the hospital.\ ;もちろん、もっと遠くに行きたいと言われても、 ;私には連れて行ってあげることは出来ない。\ ^Of course, even if she said she wanted to go farther, I wouldn't be able to take her.\ ;いや…私に出来ないではなく…誰にも出来ない。\ ^No... not that I wouldn't be able to... no one would.\ ;だから近所の教会くらいしか、 ;連れて行ってあげられる場所はなかった…\ ^That's why, a place like the neighborhood church was the only place I could take her...\ bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;ほどなくして到着した教会。\ ^In moments we reached the church.\ ;通い慣れたそのドアを、私は静かに開ける。\ ^I quietly opened the doors that I was used to passing through.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0123.ogg" ;「誰もいないね…」\ ^``There's no one around, is there?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0160.ogg" ;「まあ、この時間はね」\ ^``Well, at this time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;少し緊張した表情を浮かべる彼女。 ;その年齢を考えても、恐らくは初めて来たのだろう。\ ^The girl's expression turned slightly nervous. Even considering her age, it was probably her first time coming to a church.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0124.ogg" ;「…ここに神さまがいるの?」\ ^``God is in here?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0161.ogg" ;「うーん、それは難しい質問ね…」\ ^``Mmm. That's a hard question...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;厳密には、神さまを称える為の神聖な場所なのだろう。\ ^To be precise, it was probably a consecrated place for the worship of God.\ ;少なくとも私には、 ;居る・いないという回答は出せそうになかった。\ ^At least for me, ``here'' or ``not here'' didn't seem like an answer I could give.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0125.ogg" ;「でも、ここでなら魔法効果が違うんだよね?」\ ^``But, here the magic's effectiveness is different, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0162.ogg" ;「あはは、まあ、そんなとこかな」\ ^``Ahaha, well, something like that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして私達は、祭壇へと近づくと祈りを捧げる。\ ^And we approached the altar and offered prayers.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…私は彼女の幸せを祈る。\ ^I prayed for the girl's happiness.\ ;例え、未来が閉ざされていたとしても、 ;それまでが悔いのないものになって欲しいと願う。\ ^Even if the future were closed, at least until then, I wished that she would be without regrets.\ ;そして、残り半分は…^@^ ^And the remaining half...^@^ ;幾つもの隠し事をしている、自分自身への赦しを乞う…\ ^For always holding many secrets, I prayed for my own forgiveness.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0163.ogg" ;「ふう…」\ ^``Phew...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0164.ogg" ;「どう? もう終わった?」\ ^``So? Already done?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0088b.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0165.ogg" ;「じゃあ帰ろっか、 ; また、いつでも連れてきてあげるからね」\ ^``Then shall we go back? I'll take you back here any time you want, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0126.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと」\ ^``Un, thank you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、その場を後にしようとすると、\ ^And then, as we made to leave...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0127.ogg" ;「あ、お姉さん…」\ ^``Ah, Onee-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0166.ogg" ;「うん?」\ ^``Mmm?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0128.ogg" ;「…あなたの上に、主の豊かな恵みと祝福がありますように…」\ ^``... May the bountiful blessings and grace of the Lord be upon you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0129.ogg" ;「えへへ、お姉さんにも魔法をかけてみたよ」\ ^``Eheheh, I tried casting magic on Onee-san too.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そう言って、いつもの明るい顔を向けてくれた。 ;何の曇りもない、無邪気な笑顔を向けてくれた。\ ^Saying that, her usual cheery expression faced me. ^Without a single shadow, an innocent smile faced me.\ ;…きっと、その言葉の意味も理解していない。\ ^... Surely, she didn't understand the meaning of the words.\ ;でも、だからこそ余計に、その気持ちがうれしかった。\ ^However, even more so because of that, the sentiment made me really happy.\ !s80 ;…そして、祈りの半分を…自らの赦しに使い…^@^ ^And then, half of the prayer... used for my own forgiveness.^@^ ;アイスを買ってあげることしかできない私には…辛かった…\ ^For me, who could do nothing other than buy ice cream for her... it was painful...\ !sd bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3000 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;☆シーン変え:数日後 ;▲回想4:ちょっと態度が変わった>姫子を避ける感じ ;真上にある太陽、けたたましく鳴く蝉。\ ^Right above was the sun, noisy were the cries of cicadas.\ ;相変わらず暑い日が続き、 ;以前となにも変わらない夏の日。\ ^As usual, the hot days continued, and it was a summer day unchanged from yesterday.\ ;!== Shouldn't the second comma be followed by an "and"? ;-- hrm... the alternative would be to use... a semicolon or perhaps a dash... 'cept I suppose neither is particularly warranted. ;…でも、少しだけ彼女は変わった。\ ^But, a little bit changed with the girl.\ ;今まで、あんなに懐いてくれていたのに…^@^ ;ある日を境に、距離を置くようになってしまった。\ ^Up until now, she had been so attached to me.^@^ But between one day and the next, she came to hold a bit of distance.\ ;mp3loop "tui3\2ka013.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01.mp3" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;コンコン、カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_323 ^I knocked before opening the door.\ goto *generated_324 *generated_323 ^* Knock knock, Click. *\ *generated_324 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0168.ogg" ;「おはよう」\ ^``Good morning.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0130.ogg" ;「うん、おはよう…」\ ^``Un, good morning...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;朝の挨拶を交わすと、 ;いつものパイプ椅子に腰掛ける。\ ^Exchanging our morning greetings, I sat down in the usual folding chair.\ ;そして、既に食べ終わったらしいトレーを見ると、\ ^Then, when I looked at the tray she had already finished eating...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0169.ogg" ;「もう、またこんなに残しちゃって」\ ^``Oh, leaving so much again.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0131.ogg" ;「…ごめんなさい」\ ^``... I'm sorry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;そして、私を避けるだけでなく、 ;ある日を境に、 ;ほとんど何も食べなくなってしまっていた。\ ^Between one day and the next, she wound up barely eating.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0170.ogg" ;「ダメよ、しっかり食べないと」\ ^``That's no good, you need to eat properly.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0132.ogg" ;「でも、欲しくないから…」\ ^``But, I'm not hungry...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0171.ogg" ;「ふう~」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_325 ^I gave a sigh.\ goto *generated_326 *generated_325 ^* Sigh. *\ *generated_326 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0172.ogg" ;「なんだったらさ、食堂でもいいから。ね?」\ ^``Well, if that's the case, we can eat in the cafeteria, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0133.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その提案にも、返事はなかった。 ;以前はアイスじゃなくても大喜びで行っていたのに…\ ^Even with that suggestion, no response. Though before, even if it wasn't for ice cream, she'd happily go...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…食べないということ。^@^ ^... To not eat.^@^ ;それはこの7Fでは致命的だった。\ ^That, on this 7th floor, was a deadly thing.\ ;他の病棟と違い、ここでは本格的な栄養点滴は行わない。\ ^Unlike other wards, full-blown nutrient IV drips were not given here.\ ;もちろん若干の糖分は含まれるけど、 ;基本は水分補給のみを目的としていた。\ ^Of course, there's some sugar contained in them, but the main purpose was rehydration.\ ;致命的という言葉の通り…即、死へと繋がる。\ ^The word ``deadly'' meant exactly that... it was immediately linked to death.\ bg "en\byousitu2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0173.ogg" ;「あのね、そんなことじゃ、 ; あっという間に弱ってくるんだから」\ ^``You know? If you do this, very soon you'll get weaker.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0134.ogg" ;「…弱ってくる?」\ ^``Get weaker?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0174.ogg" ;「そうよ、食べないと身体がもたないわ」\ ^``Yes, if you don't eat, your body won't be able to hold up.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0135.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、弱った先は?」\ ^``Then, after getting weak?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0175.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0136.ogg" ;「もっと身体が弱っちゃうと、どうなるの?」\ ^``If my body gets even weaker, what will happen?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0176.ogg" ;「そ、それは…」\ ^``Th-that's...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;ここで私の言葉は止まった。\ ^Here, my words stopped.\ ;喉元で「死」という単語を飲み込んだ。\ ^In my throat, I swallowed the word ``die.''\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…本来なら、生を説き、死を説くのも教会の務め。 ;私達はそれをサポートするのも務め。\ ^Normally, preaching about life, and also death, was the duty of the church. Our duty was also to support that.\ ;…そしてここは7F。 ;生を過ごした者に、迎える死を安らかに説く場所。\ ^And here was the 7th floor. ^A place where we speak to those who have lived life, peacefully of coming death.\ ;だけど…幼い彼女に対して…^@^ ;十分な、”生”を過ごしたとは言えない彼女に対して…\ ^However... for a young girl...^@^ for a girl who could not have been said to have fully ``lived''...\ ;…一体誰が、今から死を説けるというのだろう…\ ^Just who in the world, could speak of death now...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 !s80 ;…こんな時こそ…\ ^... Exactly in these times...\ !s80 ;聖アウグスティヌスや、 ;主イエスさまの言葉を聞かせるべきかも知れないけど…\ ^Maybe I should have let her hear the words of Saint Augustine or Lord Jesus, but...\ ;私には、半分の祈りを捧げることと…^@^ ;…アイスを買ってきてあげることくらいしか出来なかった。\ ^For me, offering up half a prayer and...^@^ buying ice cream was about all I could do.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;___________ ;☆テロップ\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;数日後。深夜。\ ^A few days after. Late night.\ mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;相変わらず、ほとんど何も食べない彼女。\ ^As always, the girl ate very little.\ ;そんな彼女の元で、今日も補助ベッドで眠る私。\ ^And at that girl's side, again I was sleeping in the spare bed.\ ;☆部屋夜で bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;『けほ、けほんっ』\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_327 ^The girl coughed.\ goto *generated_328 *generated_327 ^* Cough, cough. *\ *generated_328 dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0177.ogg" ;「大丈夫?」\ ^``You alright?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0130b.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^``Un...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01.mp3" bg "en\byousitu2yb.jpg",5 ;深夜。暗い病室で咳き込む彼女。\ ^Late at night in the dark hospital room, the girl was coughing.\ ;今の私にできることは、 ;背中を、ぽんぽんと優しく叩いてあげるだけだった。\ ^Right now, all I could do was gently pat her back.\ ;ここ数日、食事のほとんど残している為、 ;目に見えて体力が落ちてきたようにも見える。\ ^The past few days, because she had been leaving most of her food, it was noticable that her strength was weakening.\ ;□心情・情景 ;そして今では、明らかに私を避けているようだった。\ ^And now she was clearly avoiding me.\ ;私が話し掛けてもかろうじて返事をするだけで、 ;自分から話し掛けてくれることは完全になくなっていた。\ ^If I spoke to her, she would barely make a response, and the times where she would speak to me on her own totally disappeared.\ ;…そんな中で、突然、口を開いた彼女。\ ^Amongst all that, suddenly, she opened her mouth.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0137.ogg" ;「ねえ、お姉さん…」\ ^``Say, Onee-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0138.ogg" ;「これ…返す」\ ^``This... I'm returning it.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0178.ogg" ;「…ロザリオ?」\ ^``... The rosary?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;パジャマのポケットから取り出したのはロザリオ。 ;それは紛れもなく、以前に私があげたものだった。\ ^What she took out of her pajama pocket was a rosary. Without a doubt, the one that I had given her before.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0139.ogg" ;「それでね…もうここには来ないで欲しいの」\ ^``And also... I want you to not come here any more.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0179.ogg" ;「ど、どうして、突然そんなことを言うの?」\ ^``W-why are you suddenly saying that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0140.ogg" ;「それは…」\ ^``That's...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…それは。^@^そこで言葉は止まった。\ ^That's...^@^ There, her words stopped.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…先日から、彼女の様子は明らかにおかしかった。\ ^Since a few days ago, the girl had definitely been acting strangely.\ ;そして、私には一つだけ思いつくことがあった。\ ^And then, a single thing came to mind.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0180.ogg" ;「少し前のことだけど…」\ ^``This is something from a while ago, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0181.ogg" ;「確か、知らないおばさんに、 ; 話し掛けられたって言ってたわね?」\ ^``I'm sure that you said a lady you didn't know had spoken to you, right?''\ ;!== I've taken the liberty of removing the "old". :P ;-- あんがと !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0141.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0182.ogg" ;「それって、もしかしてさ…」\ ^``And, just maybe...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0183b.ogg" ;「…ルールってゆーのに関係してる?」\ ^``It has something to do with rules?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0142.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;その問いに返事はなかった。\ ^At that question, there was no response.\ ;でも、その無言はNOではなく、肯定を指していると思えた。\ ^However, I felt the silence wasn't a ``no,'' but a ``yes.''\ ;てっきり噂くらいに思っていたけど…\ ^I had been convinced that it was a rumor, but...\ ;やはりそのような情報は存在し、 ;きっと彼女は、それを聞いたのだろう。\ ^It looks like that kind of legacy did exist, and most likely, the girl had heard it.\ bg "en\byousitu2yb.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0184.ogg" ;「もしよかったら…お姉さんにも教えてくれる?」\ ^``If it's okay... will you tell Onee-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0143.ogg" ;「で、でも…」\ ^``B-but...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0185.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、絶対にヒミツにするから」\ ^``It's okay. I'll absolutely keep it a secret.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0144.ogg" ;「だ、誰にも言っちゃダメだって…」\ ^``T-they said I can't tell anyone...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0145.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひ、ひっく…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_329 ^She started to sob.\ goto *generated_330 *generated_329 ^``............''\ *generated_330 !sd dwavestop 1 ;…とうとう泣き出してしまった。 ;今まで一度も泣いたことなかったのに…\ ^Finally, she cried. Even though until now, not once had she cried...\ ;ルール。以前に自分が聞いた限りでは、 ;この7Fの住人だけで伝えていることらしい。\ ^Rules. Before, all that I had heard was that they were only passed to the residents of this 7th floor.\ ;つまりは、死に行く当人達『だけ』の問題なのだろう。\ ^Essentially, it was probably ~i~only~i~ the problem of those who were headed towards death.\ ;!== Here be shrapnel, methinks. ;-- mmm sorta kinda.. it's ugly either way ;だから私には…それを聞く権利はないのかも知れない。\ ^That was why, for me... I might not have the right to hear.\ ;…どんなに仲良くなっても、私はアロア。 ;共に死んであげるパトラッシュにはなれない。\ ^No matter how close, I was Alois. I could not become the Patrasche who accompanies them in death.\ ;…所詮、見送る側の者でしかなった…\ ^In the end, nothing other than someone watching from the side...\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0150.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひ、ひっく、ぐす…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_331 ^The girl's sobbing continued.\ goto *generated_332 *generated_331 ^``............''\ *generated_332 !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0186.ogg" ;「ごめんね、もう聞いたりしないから…」\ ^``I'm sorry, I won't ask anymore...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;只、私は背中をぽんぽんと叩くだけで…\ ^Simply, just patting her back...\ ;少しでも早く泣き止んでくれるように、 ;少しでも早く笑ってもらえるように、少しでも早く…\ ^So that just even a little bit sooner, she would stop crying, just a little bit sooner, she would smile for me, just a little bit sooner...\ bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 ;…泣き続ける彼女。\ ^The girl continued to cry.\ ;だけど、その伝えてきた情報が、 ;どんな内容であるかは、簡単に想像がついた。\ ^But, the legacy that was passed down, what was in there was simple to imagine.\ ;…食べない。^@^ ;これが、死への一番の近道。\ ^Don't eat.^@^ ^That, was the shortest route to death.\ ;これは、私達ヘルパーにも心当たりがあった。\ ^That was something that us helpers had also suspected.\ ;この7Fのような場所に来ても、 ;病状の悪化により亡くなる人は稀。\ ^Coming to a place like this 7th floor, people who died from the worsening of sickness was rare.\ ;それよりも、まるで自ら食を絶ったかのように、 ;只、衰弱して死ぬ人が多いことを知っていた。\ ^Instead, almost as if on their own, they gave up food, simply weakening and then dying. I learned that those were common.\ ;…恐らくは、我が身の為ではない。\ ^... Most likely, that was not for their own sake.\ ;経済的、心理的、様々な理由から、 ;残す者の負担を軽くしたいという行為なのだろう。\ ^Financially, psychologically, for various reasons, it was probably an act stemming from wanting to lighten the burden of those left behind.\ ;親しかった私を避け始めたのも同じ。\ ^I, who had become close, was beginning to be pushed away for the same reason.\ ;去る者として、残す者が少しでも哀しまない為の配慮…\ ^For the one leaving, it was to pain those left behind just a bit less...\ ;そして、そんなルールを聞いた以上、 ;最も恐れていることを知った可能性があった。\ ^And also, on top of hearing those rules, there was a chance she learned that which I most feared.\ bg "en\byousitu2yb.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0146.ogg" ;「ね、ねえ、お姉さん…」\ ^``S-say, Onee-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0148.ogg" ;「お父さん、お母さんはどこ?」\ ^``Dad, Mom, where are they?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0147.ogg" ;「わたし、死んじゃうの?」\ ^``I'm... going to die?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0188.ogg" ;「そ、それは…」\ ^``T-that's...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…そこで言葉に詰まってしまった。\ ^There, my words choked.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0149.ogg" ;「それは、じゃ、わからないよ、ちゃんと答えてよ」\ ^``|`That's' doesn't tell me anything. Tell me the answer.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"w2\4\onnanoko_0150.ogg" ;;「うぅ、ひ、ひっく、ぐす…」\ ;Was commented out, but sound remained... !sd !s85 ;…何か言おうと思うんだけど…\ ^I had thought to say something, but...\ ;こんな時こそ、 ;何か言わないとダメなんだって分かっているんだけど…\ ^Especially at a time like this, I knew that I had to say something...\ ;何が優しさであるかも知ってるつもりなのに… ;生と死を説く為の、カトリックでもある筈なのに…\ ^Even though I was supposed know what kindness should be... ^Even though I was supposed to be a Catholic in order to speak of life and death...\ ;…なのに私には…^@^何も言葉が見つからなかった。\ ^And yet, I...^@^ could not find any words.\ dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 ;窓の外には、白み始めた夜明け空。\ ;この狭い部屋に、彼女の嗚咽が響いていた…\ ^Outside the window, there was a night sky that was beginning to lighten.\ ^In this narrow hospital room, the girl's sobs reverberated...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwavestop 6 !s100 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0189_1.ogg" ;…博士のくせに、何も答えられない。\ ^Even though I was the professor, I couldn't give an answer.\ dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0190.ogg" ;こんな時、本物の博士ならば…^@^ ^At this time, if I were a real Doctor of the Church...^@^ ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0191.ogg" ;アウグスティヌスやヒエロニムスならば…\ ^If I were Saint Augustine or Saint Jerome...\ dwavestop 1 !s120 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0192.ogg" ;…何と答えれるのだろう…\ ^Maybe I could have answered with something...\ dwavestop 1 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 monocro off print 3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha15,1 mov %flg2_bplay,15 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_15 mov $sys_midasi,"^#16 / Roadster [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;窓の外には灼けた日差し。\ ^Outside of the window was burning sunlight.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2na.mp3" ;まだ早朝だというのに、 ;今日も真夏日を予感させる暑さだった。\ ^Even though it was still early morning, the heat let you know it was going to be another midsummer day.\ bg "en\heya2.jpg",3 ;昨日の夜から、お母さんとは会っていなかった。\ ^Since last night, I hadn't seen Mother.\ ;正確には、わたしまで泣いてしまいそうで、 ;申し訳ない気持ちばかりで、顔を会わせることが出来なかった。\ ^More precisely, I had been on the brink of tears myself, filled with feelings of regret, and hadn't been able to face her.\ ;…姫子さんには謝ろう。\ ^... I'll apologize to Himeko-san.\ ;すごく申し訳ないけど、 ;これ以上、お母さんに哀しい思いをさせたくない…\ ^I felt really sorry to do so, but I didn't want to make Mother any more sad.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_333 ^There was a knock at the door.\ goto *generated_334 *generated_333 ^* Knock knock. *\ *generated_334 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_056.ogg" ;「…セツミ、もう起きてる?」\ ^``Setsumi, are you awake already?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;…お母さん?\ ^... Mother?\ dwave 5,"se2\03_door_open_04.ogg" ;カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_335 ^I opened the door.\ goto *generated_336 *generated_335 ^* Click. *\ *generated_336 bg "en\heya2.jpg",3 ;ちょうどパートに出る前のお母さん。\ ^It was just before Mother left for her part-time job.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_057b.ogg" ;「…昨日は悪かったわね」\ ^``I'm sorry about yesterday.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0315.ogg" ;「ううん…」\ ^``U~~un...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_058b.ogg" ;「じゃあこれ、二人で仲良く食べてね」\ ^``Well here, the two of you eat it together, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0316.ogg" ;「…え?」\ ^``... Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言いながら二人分のお弁当を手渡してくれた。\ ^As she spoke, she handed over lunch boxes for two.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_059b.ogg" ;「気をつけて行ってらっしゃいね」\ ^``Take care going.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0152.ogg" ;「で、でも…」\ ^``B-but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_060b.ogg" ;「いいのよ、お母さんなりに考えた末なんだから」\ ^``It's fine. As your mother, I thought it over.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_061b.ogg" ;「あなたは、私の大切な娘だけど…」\ ^``You're my precious daughter, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_062b.ogg" ;「私は、あなたには成り得ないの」\ ^``I can't be you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;淡々と、でもいつもの優しい顔で話してくれていた。\ ^Softly, but she spoke with her usual kind face.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_063b.ogg" ;「だからお母さんなりにね…」\ ^``That's why, as your mother...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_064b.ogg" ;「セツミが少しでも笑っていられるようにしたいの」\ ^``I want it so that Setsumi can smile even just a bit more.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s120 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0319b.ogg" ;「…お母さん…」\ ^``... Mother...''\ ;Hrm. I wonder if I should pull out 'Mom' here, just this once, though it'd be creative license... ;!== If you think of Setsumi's use of "Mother" rather than "Mom" as a conscious decision, then I'd certainly think it justifiable for her to deviate here. But if you think of "Mother" as simply the natural way she's always addressed her, then she should remain consistent. ;-- I suppose I'll leave it, though it's certainly tempting... just one more little factor in the 不器用-ness of her character I suppose. !sd dwavestop 0 !sd ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 夏空 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" ;病院へと向かうわたし。 ;手にはトートバッグにお弁当が二つ。\ ^I was headed to the hospital. In my hand, the tote bag with two lunches.\ bg "en\a007.jpg",3 ;早朝。\ ^Early morning.\ ;ふと、足を止めたのはいつもの学校。 ;まだ今日は、子供達も来ていないようだった。\ ^Abruptly, my feet stopped at the usual school. It looked like today, the children hadn't come yet.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;いつものようにわたしは、鉄棒へと向かう。\ ^As always, I was facing the metal bar.\ ;そして、しばらく眺めてから静かに手を伸ばすと、\ ^And after gazing at it awhile, I quietly stretched my hand out.\ dwave 0,"wn\setu_043.ogg" ;「…んっ…」\ ^``... Nnng...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;腕に力を入れ、思いっきり引きながら大地を蹴る。\ ^Placing strength into my arms, I pulled with all my might while kicking the ground.\ ;一瞬だけ宙に浮いたような感覚から…^@^くるりと回る身体。\ ^For just a moment, a sense of floating...^@^ and my body spun around.\ bg "en\a002a.jpg",1 dwave 0,"wn\setu_043.ogg" bg "en\a002b.jpg",3 bg "en\a002.jpg",3 ;…1ヶ月ぶりにやった逆上がり。\ ^A somersault I hadn't done in a month.\ ;そして、この僅かに高い場所から見渡した世界…\ ^And then, from that slightly higher place, I looked around at the world...\ bg "en\a004.jpg",3 ;体重を支えることに震え始めた腕で、 ;わたしから見えるこの世界。\ ^With arms that were beginning to shake from supporting my weight, this world that I could see...\ ;…今のわたしは日常を築くパーツとして、 ;何の違和感もないように見えるかも知れない。\ ^The me right now -- as one of the parts that build up everyday life -- might appear as if nothing was out of place.\ ;!== "a part that which" looks shrapnelly. ;-- huh, well, I fixed the later part of the line, which might make that piece better. There's not too many ways to do it without breaking the sentence up or making a long line ... I think ;…でも…^@^それは、まやかし。\ ^... But...^@^ that was an illusion.\ ;…別に『認められた』わけではない…\ ^... It's not like I was ``accepted''...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;_;_;_ ;学校を後にし、病院へと向かう。 ;きっと待っているであろう、彼女の元へ急いだ。\ ^Placing the school behind me, I headed toward the hospital. I was sure she was waiting, so I hurried to her.\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0320b.ogg" ;「…おまたせ」\ ^``Sorry to keep you waiting.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0143.ogg" ;「はい、また裏の駐車場に停めてるから」\ ^``Here, it's parked in the rear parking lot again.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0260.ogg" ;「…うん、わかった」\ ^``Un, I understand.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;返事をしながら、車のキーを受け取る。\ ^As I responded, I accepted the car key.\ ;そして姫子さんから預かった、伝言を伝えた。\ ^Then, I gave the message Himeko-san had entrusted to me.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0322.ogg" ;「…今回で最後だって言ってた…」\ ^``She said that this time would be the last.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0144.ogg" ;「最後? お姉ちゃんがそう言ってたの?」\ ^``Last? Onee-chan said that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0323.ogg" ;「うん、そう伝えてくれって」\ ^``Un, I was told to tell you that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0145.ogg" ;「そう…そうなんだ…」\ ^``I see.... I see...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;寂しそうに、それだけを呟く千尋さん。\ ^Sadly, that was all Chihiro-san quietly murmured.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0146.ogg" ;「ふう、どうしてあなたなんだろうね…」\ ^``Why was it you, I wonder...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉の裏には、 ;明らかに避けられている自分に対しての不満…\ ^Behind those words was definitely a dissatisfaction towards herself, for clearly being pushed away...\ ;そして…寂しさ、哀しさがあるように思えた。\ ^And... loneliness, sadness was there too.\ ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0324.ogg" ;「…優しくて良い人だからよ…」\ ^``... For being a kind and good person...''\ ;== It might help here to translate だから as "because you are", i.e. making the "you" that's implicit in the Japanese explicit. Otherwise, ;== Chihiro: "Why you?" ;== Setsumi: "For being kind and good." ;== sounds like Setsumi is claiming that Setsumi herself is kind and good, which is exactly the opposite of the point she's making. ;-- mmmm well here's the thing, I avoided 'because you' specifically because I didn't want to inject 'you' in there. Unless I'm mistaken, the ambiguity does exist in the japanese, though the english rendering leans towards the 'wrong' interpretation more than the original, while the '人' makes it go the other way. still, I'm loathe to sacrifice the loss of it ;== I'm not quite convinced there's any significant ambiguity there in the Japanese. Certainly not for the reader, who will recognise 優しくて良い人だからよ as a direct quotation of Himeko's words. And I don't think it's really ambiguous for Chihiro either, is it? -- she must realise Setsumi wouldn't say such a thing of herself. ;-- while I agree with that readers whould recognize it as Himeko's words, I don't think Chihiro would automatically realize that Setsumi wouldn't say such a thing about herself. It should require her half a moment's confusion to orient herself since the line falls out of thin air after she's wondering about Setsumi. if you pull out the reference to Himeko's words, which Chihiro never heard, and just come to the sentence without too much character context (since Chihiro doesn't really know Setsumi well) then I'd like to believe it's the sort of parsing mistake that would pop up... ;== Okay, I see what you're saying now. Consider your position defended. :) !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0159.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;■心情・情景>長め\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0325.ogg" ;「…千尋さんは違うのよ…」\ ^``Chihiro-san is different...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0147.ogg" ;「…違う?」\ ^``... Different?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0326.ogg" ;「そう、わたし達とは違うの…」\ ^``Yes, different from us...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0148b.ogg" ;「…悪いけど、意味がわからないわ」\ ^``... I'm sorry, but I don't get your meaning.''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0327.ogg" ;「うん…わたしにもよく分からないから…」\ ^``Un... I don't really understand it myself...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;どうしてこんな言葉を言ったのだろうか…\ ^Why did I say those words I wonder...\ ;その厳密な理由は自分でも分からない。\ ^The exact reason, not even I knew.\ ;だけど今…^@^ ;わたしにも姫子さんの気持ちが分かるような気がした。\ ^But now...^@^ ^I had a feeling that I was coming to understand Himeko-san's feelings.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0149.ogg" ;「でもね、例え違ったとしても、私は妹よ?」\ ^``But you know? Even if I were different, I'm her sister.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0150.ogg" ;「今まで20年も一緒に過ごしてきた、姉妹なのよ?」\ ^``Spending up until now twenty years together. We're sisters, you know?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0151.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_337 ^Chihiro-san started to cry.\ goto *generated_338 *generated_337 ^``.........''\ *generated_338 !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0328.ogg" ;「…千尋さん…」\ ^``Chihiro-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;いつも穏やかで優しい千尋さんが、初めて泣いた。\ ^The always composed and kind Chihiro-san was, for the first time, crying.\ ;その姿は、いつもの温和なヘルパーでも、 ;毅然とした態度のカトリックでも無く…\ ^That figure, was neither the pleasant helper, nor the resolved Catholic...\ ;…只の、弱い女の子だった。\ ^... Just simply, a helpless girl.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0152.ogg" ;「お、お姉ちゃんのことを、いつも祈ってるのにっ」\ ^``E-even though I'm always praying for Onee-chan...''\ ;sigh. try though I might, I can't invert this sentence T_T !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0153.ogg" ;「ひっく、うく、うぅ…」\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_339 ^``............''\ *generated_339 !sd dwavestop 3 ;…泣き続ける千尋さん。\ ^Chihiro-san continued to cry.\ ;こんなわたしに出来ることは、 ;背中をぽんぽんと優しく叩いてあげることくらいで…\ ^And the only thing that I could do was gently pat her on her back...\ ;他にどんな言葉も、どんな術も見つからなかった。\ ^Some other words, or technique, I just couldn't find them.\ ;…以前に姫子さんは、ヒトには三択しかないと言っていた…\ ^Before, Himeko-san had said that for people, there were only three choices.\ ;;何故、避けるのかの厳密な理由は分からないけど、 ;もしかしたら姫子さんは、 ;千尋さんをアロアにはしたくないのだろうか…\ ^Perhaps Himeko-san didn't want Chihiro-san to be Alois...\ bg "en\a005.jpg",3 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0154.ogg" ;「ごめんなさいね…変なとこ見せちゃって…」\ ^``I'm sorry... letting you see such a sight...''\ !sd dwavestop 3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0329.ogg" ;「ううん…気にしないで…」\ ^``U~~un... don't worry about it.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\z42c.ogg" ;そして、わたしは姫子さんの元へと向かう。\ ^Then, I headed to Himeko-san.\ ;右手には千尋さんに受け取ったキー。 ;左手にはお母さんが作ってくれたお弁当が2つ。\ ^In my right hand, the key I received from Chihiro-san. ^In my left hand, two lunches that Mother had made for me.\ ;…結局、例の最後の一つが何かは知らない。^@^ ^In the end, I didn't know what that final thing was.^@^ ;どこに向かうのかも、教えてもらってなかった…\ ^Even where we were headed, I hadn't been told.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;駐車場。 ;ここで間もなく来るであろう姫子さんを待つ。\ ^The parking lot. ^Here, I waited for Himeko-san, who would probably be coming soon.\ bg "en\car_chu.jpg",3 ;以前にも乗せてもらった、ユーノスという車は、 ;今日もピカピカに洗車されていた。\ ^The car called ``Eunos'' that I got to ride last time was today also washed to a shine.\ ;きっと千尋さんや、以前に海で会った人が、 ;いつも綺麗にしているのかも知れない。\ ^Surely, Chihiro-san, or the person we met before at the beach, was always keeping it clean.\ ;そんなことを考えていると、\ ^As I thought about that...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0410.ogg" ;「悪い、待たせたわね」\ ^``Sorry, I've made you wait.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;ようやく現われた姫子さん。 ;相変わらず、当然のようにキーを受け取る。\ ^Himeko-san finally appeared. As always, taking the key as if it were perfectly natural.\ ;但し、その服装はいつもと違っていた。\ ^However, her clothes were different from normal.\ ;…これは作業服ってのだろうか? ;白いツナギのような、お世辞にも綺麗な服ではなかった。\ ^They were... probably work clothing? Something like white overalls, and were clothes that you couldn't call pretty even insincerely.\ bg "en\car_chu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0330.ogg" ;「…その服はなに?」\ ^``What are those clothes?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0411a.ogg" ;「ああ、今日は、この服じゃないとダメなのよ」\ ^``Ah, for today, it won't do without these clothes.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0411b2.ogg" ;「…パジャマ姿の私では意味がないのよね」\ ^``Me in pajamas would have no meaning, you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;普段は何をするにも、パジャマにこだわっていたのに…\ ^Even though normally, whatever she did, it had been in pajamas...\ ;それは…今日の自分は、 ;7Fの住人としてではないという意味なのだろうか…\ ^Was it... today, she was not a resident of the 7th floor?\ dwavestop 6 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_340 ^The car door slammed shut.\ goto *generated_341 *generated_340 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_341 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0413.ogg" ;「セツミ、乗って」\ ^``Setsumi, get in.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0331.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;☆ 車内\ ;乗り込んだ車内。 ;以前と同じように、わたしにシートベルトを促がす。\ ^I climbed inside the car. ^Like before, I was made to put on my seat belt.\ ;そして、それを確認すると静かにエンジンを始動させた。\ ^And once that was verified, quietly the engine started.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_start.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0414.ogg" ;「じゃあ、行くわよ…」\ ^``Well, we're going...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>まとめ>出発する\ mp3loop "bgm2\215_012.mp3" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;見上げれば高い日。 ;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。\ ^Looking up, the sun was high above, and it looked to be another hot day.\ ;そんな空の下、 ;大きくハンドルを切ると、ゆっくりと動き出したユーノス。\ ^Under that sky, with a big turn of the wheel, the Eunos slowly moved out.\ dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" ;…一体、どこを目指し、 ;なにを目的としているのか分からないけど…\ ^Exactly where we were headed, what we were going to do, I didn't know, however...\ ;…こうして、姫子さんの最後のドライブが始まった…\ ^Just like this, Himeko-san's final drive began.\ ;mp3loop "bgm2\215cm_01.mp3" dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ bg "en\w.jpg",3 bg "en\car_run1b.jpg",1 bg "en\car_run1.jpg",5 ;真っ青な空を映して走る、赤いオープンカー。\ ^Reflecting the deep blue sky while running, a red open-top car.\ ;軽快なエンジン音を上げ、 ;見覚えのある景色を流し、蝉の声も消しながら進む。\ ^A light engine noise was raised as familiar scenery went by, drowning out the voices of the cicadas as it continued on.\ ;病院前の交差点を越え、あっというまに踊り出た大きな道。\ ^Passing the intersection in front of the hospital, in moments we came out onto a large road.\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0332.ogg" ;「それで…どこに向かうの?」\ ^``And so... where are we headed?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0415.ogg" ;「高いところよ」\ ^``A high place.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0333.ogg" ;「…具体的な場所のことよ」\ ^``... I'm asking for the specific location.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0416.ogg" ;「それは、わからないわ」\ ^``That, I don't know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0334b.ogg" ;「…え?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;少し予想外だった。\ ^That was a bit unexpected.\ ;姫子さんのことだから、 ;なんと言われても驚かないつもりだったけど…\ ^It was Himeko-san after all, so whatever she said, I hadn't planned on being surprised, but...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0335.ogg" ;「もしかして、気ままに走るって意味?」\ ^``Is that supposed to mean you'll be going as you please?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0417.ogg" ;「それは、ちょっと違うわね…」\ ^``Well, a bit different...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0418.ogg" ;「言葉の通り、高いところって意味よ」\ ^``As the words are, I meant a high place.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけでは、あまりにも抽象的過ぎて分からない。\ ^With just that, it was so abstract I had no idea.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0419.ogg" ;「ま、国道に出るまでには、決めようと思うわ」\ ^``Well, I think I'll decide by the time we get out onto the national road.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…決まるのだろうか? ;もしくは、そんな簡単に決められる程度の事なのだろうか…\ ^Was it already decided? Or was it something that could be decided so easily?\ ;それに、仮にどこか目指したい場所が決まったとしても、 ;そこまでの道順はどうするのだろう?\ ^Besides, even if a destination were decided, what about the route all the way there?\ ;ナビもないし、いつもは地図を見てるくせに、 ;今日は持っている様子もなかった。\ ^There was no navigation system, and even though she was always looking at maps, it didn't look like she brought them today.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0420.ogg" ;「大丈夫よ、どこに行っても道に迷うことはないわ」\ ^``Don't worry, no matter where we go, we won't get lost.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0336.ogg" ;「…何故そんなことが言い切れるの?」\ ^``How can you say that so confidently?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0421.ogg" ;「そりゃあ…既に日本中を覚えたからよ」\ ^``Well, that's... because I've already memorized all of Japan.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;当たり前のように返された。\ ^The response came as if it were perfectly natural.\ ;…そんなことが可能なのだろうか?\ ^Was that possible?\ ;姫子さんの言葉を疑う訳じゃないけど、 ;わたしにはとても信じられなかった。\ ^It's not like I was doubting Himeko-san's words, but for me, it was quite unbelievable.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0422.ogg" ;「それにね、今の私に必要なのは、 ; ナビでもなければ医者でもないわ」\ ^``Besides that, what I need right now, if it isn't a navigation system, it's also not a doctor.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0337.ogg" ;「…じゃあなに?」\ ^``Then what?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0423.ogg" ;「そうね…」\ ^``Indeed...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、しばらく考えていたかと思うと、\ ^Then, after a moment of thinking.\ !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0424.ogg" ;「…コロッケ博士よ」\ ^``It's Professor Croquette.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0338.ogg" ;「…またそんなこと言って…」\ ^``... Again saying that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd ;_;_ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;尚も進むロードスター。^@^ ;市街地から郊外へと。いつしか緑が目立ちだす頃、\ ^The roadster continued on.^@^ From the city to the suburbs. ^Then, as green started standing out to the eyes...\ ;スピードを落とし、 ;お母さんのお弁当をつまみながら走っていた。\ ^Lowering the speed, we drove while eating Mother's lunch with our hands.\ bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0425.ogg" ;「でも、セツミ…」\ ^``But, Setsumi...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0426.ogg" ;「よく家の人が許してくれたわね? 外泊を」\ ^``It was surprising that your family gave their permission, wasn't it? For staying out.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0339.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0427.ogg" ;「ちなみに、家の人にはさ…」\ ^``By the way, in your family...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0428.ogg" ;「…私って、どんな人物設定になってるの?」\ ^``I've become what sort of person?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0429.ogg" ;「一般病棟の人? それとも看護婦さんかしら?」\ ^``Someone from a normal ward? Or maybe a nurse?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;なんでもお見通しの姫子さん。 ;確かに昨日までは、その通りだった。\ ^Himeko-san saw through everything. Certainly, until yesterday, that was exactly how it was.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0341.ogg" ;「…7Fの人って知らせたわ」\ ^``... I let them know you were someone from the 7th floor.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0430.ogg" ;「へ~、大したもんね、ちょっと見直したわ」\ ^``Ohh? That's quite amazing, I've revised my opinion of you a bit.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0431.ogg" ;「でも…まだコレが嫌いとは言えてないみたいね」\ ^``But... it seems like you're still unable to say you don't like these, eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、手でつまんだのはお弁当のポテト。\ ^As she spoke, what was in her hands were the lunch's fries.\ ;>強め dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0432.ogg" ;「じゃあ、お姉さんが、 ; とっておきの方法を教えてあげるわ」\ ^``Well then, Onee-san here will teach you a special way.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0342.ogg" ;「…そんなのがあるの?」\ ^``Something like that exists?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0433.ogg" ;「ええ、とっても簡単よ…」\ ^``Yes, it's very simple...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0434.ogg" ;「あなたが…『好き』になってしまえば良いのよ」\ ^``You just... need to come to ~i~like~i~ them.''\ ;Watch your heads as we pass the low-hanging foreshadowing branch' ;!== All the sentimental stuff about narcissi already took mine clean off... ;-- まあまあ I suppose I wouldn't be working with visual novels much if I didn't have an unnaturally high tolerance for sentimentality !sd dwavestop 1 ;確かにその通りかも知れないけど…\ ^Certainly, it might be exactly that, but...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0343.ogg" ;「…むずかしいこと言わないでよ」\ ^``... Don't say difficult things.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0435.ogg" ;「あらそう? 病気を治すよりは簡単だと思うけど?」\ ^``Oh really? I think it's much easier than curing your sickness.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…きっと姫子さんの言う通りだろう。 ;病気が治れば、全ての問題が解決する。\ ^I'm sure it was exactly as Himeko-san said. If my sickness were cured, then all the problems would be solved.\ ;赤い手をしたお母さんを哀しませることもなくなり、 ;再び綺麗にマニキュアが塗れたと笑ってくれる。\ ^Mother, who had reddened her hands, would not be sad, and would once again smile and have beautiful manicures.\ ;!== This jars slightly -- my brain insists on trying to read "smile" as a noun. Could you bear to change it to "once again smile and have", or to "and would smile", or something? :/ ;-- in deference to your brain screaming =) pesky left to right parsing algorithms ;!== Maybe next time you're halfway up Mt Fuji you could have a word with God about the deficiencies of the human brain... ;) ;それは自分だって分かっている。 ;分かってはいるけど、自分ではどうにもならないこと。\ ^Even that I understood. ^Understood, but it was something I couldn't do anything about on my own.\ ;…それと比べれば…^@^ ;ポテトを好きになるくらい、簡単なことかも知れない…\ ^... Compared to that...^@^ coming to like fries, might be a simple thing...\ ;_;_;_;_ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;尚も進むロードスター。 ;赤いボンネットに、灼けた空を映す。\ ^The roadster continued on, its red hood reflecting the blazing sky.\ ;そして、ちょうど日が真上に近づいた頃、 ;目の前に現われたのは更に大きな道。\ ^And then, just when the sun was coming close to its highest point, what appeared before us was an even bigger road.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0436.ogg" ;「間もなく国道に出るわ…」\ ^``In moments we'll come out onto the national roads...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;言いながら、車を路肩に寄せると停車させる。\ ^As she spoke, she pulled the car onto the shoulder and stopped.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" bg "en\shanai3.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0344.ogg" ;「…目的地は決まった?」\ ^``Decided on the destination?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0437.ogg" ;「ううん、まだちょっと悩んでいるのよ…」\ ^``Mmm, I'm still debating a bit...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;高い場所としか聞いていない以上、 ;一体なにを悩むのかすら、わたしにはわからない。\ ^Hearing nothing other than ``a high place,'' just what she was debating over, I had no clue.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0438.ogg" ;「やっぱ、高いっていえば富士山かしら…」\ ^``I guess, if you're talking about high places, then it's Mt. Fuji...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0345.ogg" ;「…富士山?」\ ^``Mt. Fuji?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;聞き違いでなければ、確かにそう聞こえた。\ ^If I hadn't been mistaken, that was certainly what it sounded like.''\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0439.ogg" ;「なんたって、日本一だもんね」\ ^``Whatever you say, it's number one in Japan after all, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…さすがに、これは本気とは思えなかった。\ ^That... really couldn't be thought of as serious.\ ;富士山。標高3776m。 ;当たり前かも知れないが、日本一高い山。\ ^Mt. Fuji, height: 3776m. Probably didn't need saying, but Japan's highest mountain.\ ;詳しくは知らないけど、夏でも雪が残っていると聞く。 ;冬期には、本格的な登山者でないと無理だとも聞いた。\ ^I didn't know too much, but I had heard that snow remained even in the summer, and for the winter, I had heard that only true mountain climbers could take it on.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0440.ogg" ;「じゃあ、目指しますか、富士山にでも」\ ^``Well, shall we aim for it? Mt. Fuji.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0346.ogg" ;「…いくらなんでも、それは無謀よ」\ ^``No matter what, that's too reckless.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0441.ogg" ;「分かってるわよ、私だってバカじゃないわ ; 別に山頂を目指す訳じゃない」\ ^``I know. I'm not stupid. It's not like I'm aiming for the summit or anything.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0442.ogg" ;「五合目までは車で行けるし、 ; そこだって標高2000mくらいあるんだから」\ ^``You can go up to the 5th station by car, and even that has about 2000m to it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だからといって、何もそんな場所まで行かなくても…\ ^Even saying that, it's not like we had to go all the way to such a place...\ ;常人ですらそんな場所なのに、 ;わたし達二人は、少なくとも健康とは呼べない。\ ^Even for normal people, that was about where they stopped, and the two of us, at the least, couldn't be called healthy.\ ;…姫子さんに到っては7Fの住人だった。\ ^And in Himeko-san's case, she was a resident of the 7th floor.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0443.ogg" ;「それにね…7Fと比べたら100倍は高い場所よ」\ ^``Besides... compared to the 7th floor, it's a place 100 times higher.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉を、わたしは黙って聞いていた。\ ^Those words, I just quietly listened to.\ ;確信は持てなかったけど、 ;やはり姫子さんは、飛び降りる気なのだろうか…\ ^I wasn't positive, but maybe Himeko-san really was going to jump down...\ ;以前に屋上で、”こんな高さじゃ足らない”と、 ;フェンスを見ながら呟いていたのを思い出していた。\ ^I recalled before, while on the roof, she whispered that ``this height, it's not enough'' while looking at the fence.\ dwave 5,"se2\car_start1b.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0444.ogg" ;「まずは、6号から東北道に向かうわ」\ ^``First, we'll head from Route 6 towards the Tohoku Expressway.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;それだけを告げると、再び走り始めたロードスター。 ;国道へと向け、ハンドルを切る。\ ^With just that announcement, the roadster once again began running. Heading towards the national road, she turned the wheel.\ ;…ここから富士山まで、一体どれくらいの距離なのだろうか? ;わたしには、その目安すらも分からない。\ ^From here to Mt. Fuji, just how much distance was there? For me, I didn't even have an estimate.\ ;只、わたしに分かっていることは…\ ^What I knew was...\ ;姫子さんは…冗談ではなく、本気であること。 ;それと恐らくは、道に迷うことも無いであろうことだった。\ ^Himeko-san was not joking, but serious. And also, she most likely would not get lost.\ ;___________ ;☆シーン追加 当日分 dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;国道から更に大きな道、高速道路へと乗り継ぐ。\ ^From the national road, onto an even larger road, we then switched onto the expressways.\ ;相変わらず安全運転をしている為か、 ;高速車線の車には、どんどん抜かれていた。\ ^Same as before, perhaps because she was driving her usual safe way, the cars in the high-speed lane were rapidly passing by.\ ;やがて、高いビルがたくさんある場所へと… ;どうやら都内に入ってきたようだった。\ ^Eventually, we came to a place with many tall buildings... it seemed that we had entered the Tokyo area.\ bg "en\shanai2.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0601.ogg" ;「板橋ジャンクションから、池袋線に乗るわ」\ ^``From the Itabashi Junction, we'll get on the Ikebukurosen.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;今まで真っ直ぐだった道から、曲がりくねった道へと変わる。\ ^The road that had continued straight until now changed to one that twisted.\ ;そんな渋滞気味の高速を、 ;更にゆっくりと走るロードスター。\ ^On that congested expressway, the roadster drove even slower.\ dwave 5,"se2\kei05.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0602a.ogg" ;「今、抜いてったのはアウディよ」\ ^``Just now, the one that passed us was an Audi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0603.ogg" ;「その前のはパジェロ、新型のジオマスターね」\ ^``And before that was a Pajero, a new model Geomaster.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;時折、高速車線を抜いて行く車を、 ;姫子さんが説明してくれる。\ ^Occasionally, Himeko-san would name the cars that passed us on the expressway.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0604.ogg" ;「不思議なもんでね…」\ ^``It's a mysterious thing isn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0605.ogg" ;「7F行きが決まった途端、余計に車が好きになったわ」\ ^``Just when I was set to go to the 7th floor, I came to love cars much more.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう呟きながら、目の前の大きなカーヴに合わせて、 ;ゆっくりとハンドルを切る。\ ^As she spoke, she slowly turned the wheel, matching the large curve ahead of us.\ ;その表情はどこか寂しげで、 ;なにかを懐かしんでいるようにも思えた。\ ^That expression seemed somewhere sad, and also somewhat nostalgic to me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0606.ogg" ;「あなたも…車、好き?」\ ^``Do you also... like cars?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0112.ogg" ;「…わからないわ」\ ^``I don't know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0607.ogg" ;「よかったら…コレあげようか」\ ^``If it's alright with you... should I give this to you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;空いた左手で、自分の車を指差した。\ ^With her free hand, she pointed at her own car.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0608.ogg" ;「どう? 貰ってくれる?」\ ^``How about it? Would you accept?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆「…ううん」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;しばらく考えてから、わたしは首を横に振る。\ ^After a moment's thought, I shook my head to the side.\ ;免許が無いって問題よりも、 ;自分が受け取ってはいけないように思えた。\ ^More so than the problem of not having a license, I felt it was something that I shouldn't accept.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0609.ogg" ;「そっか、皆んなに断わられちゃったわね…」\ ^``I see, everyone's gone and turned me down...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\car_start2.ogg" bg "en\car_run1.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0610.ogg" ;「環状から東名に乗るわ」\ ^``From the Tokyo-Gaikan Expressway, we'll get on the Tomei Expressway.''\ ;I'm slowly becoming weary of tracking down road names... Thank god for ja.wikipedia and google. !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉と共に、大きくハンドルを切ると、 ;少しだけ車体が揺れた。\ ^With those words, and a big turn of the wheel, the car shook just a bit.\ ;運転席の姫子さんは、いつもと違うように思えた。 ;服が違うというだけでなく、どこか厳しい表情が多かった。\ ^I felt that the Himeko-san in the driver's seat was different from usual. Not only were her clothes different, but the somehow strict expressions were more common.\ ;…そこまでして向かう高い場所。富士山。^@^ ;間違いなく、7Fの屋上とは比較にならない高さだろう。\ ^The high place that we've come all this way go to, Mt. Fuji.^@^ Without a doubt, it was a height that couldn't even compare with the 7th floor's roof.\ ;やはり飛び降りるつもりなのだろうか…\ ^Was she really planning on jumping down?\ ;そして、死ぬまでにしたい10のこと。\ ^And, the ten things to do before dying.\ ;…その最後の一つとは、 ;一体、何の目的を持っているのだろう…\ ^That final thing, just what kind of purpose did it hold, I wonder...\ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",5 mov %flg2_cha16,1 mov %flg2_bplay,16 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_16 mov $sys_midasi,"^#17 / Sky [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;それからも更に高速を乗り継ぎ…\ ^From there, we connected onto yet another expressway...\ ;mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2eb032.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" ;既に病院を出てから7時間近くが経過する頃、 ;あたりが完全な、山の中のような場所へと変わる。\ ^Already, since we left the hospital, about 7 hours had passed. The area had completely become a place that seemed to be out in the middle of the mountains.\ ;目の前の標識には、富士山スカイラインという文字。 ;恐らくは、既にかなり近い場所まで来ているのだろう。\ ^Right in front on a sign were the words ``Mt. Fuji Skyline.'' Most likely, we had already come to a place quite close.\ ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0445.ogg" ;;「まもなく御殿場よ…」\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\yudati.ogg" ;そして、あんなに晴れ渡った夏空は、 ;いつしか真っ黒な夕立空へと変わっていた。\ ^And then, that cloudless summer sky had at some point become a dark black evening sky.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0446.ogg" ;「…降ってきたわね」\ ^``... It's starting to come down.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;見ると暗い空から、降り始めた雨。\ ^When I looked, rain started to fall from the dark sky.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0447.ogg" ;「ちょっと待ってなさいよ、幌を出すから」\ ^``Wait a bit, I'll bring out the top.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0347.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;路肩へと車を停車させると、 ;ごそごそと何かを始める姫子さん。\ ^Pulling the car to a stop on the shoulder, Himeko-san started to fumble around for something.\ ;そして、小雨混じりの中、しばらく待っていると、\ ^And then, after waiting awhile in the light drizzle.\ bg "en\shanaia2.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\ame04b.ogg" dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0348.ogg" ;「…屋根があったんだ」\ ^``... It has a roof.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0448.ogg" ;「まあ、大したのじゃないけどね」\ ^``Well, it's not an amazing one.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;答えながら、左右の窓も閉めると、 ;完全に普通の車のようになったロードスター。\ ^As she answered and closed the left and right windows, the roadster became like a perfectly normal car.\ ;今まで、雨が降った時はどうするのか不思議だったけど、 ;こういう作りになってたんだ…\ ^Until now, it had been a mystery as to what was done when it rained, but it apparently took on this form.\ ;;そんなことを感心しながら思っていると、\ ;^As I was appreciating things...\ ;!== This line was commented out in the original... ;-- meh.... normally I'd put a double comment in front of those. so I must've missed it on one pass, then assumed I just forgot to translate it on a later pass dwave 6,"se\rain01.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_runa2.jpg",1 bg "en\car_runa.jpg",3 ;再び走り出したユーノス。\ ^Once again the Eunos drove off.\ ;本格的に振り出した雨が、路面を真っ白に煙らす。\ ^The rain had truly begun to come down and obscured the road in pure white.\ ;分厚く黒い雨雲が、まだ夕方前だというのに、 ;夜を思わせるほど辺りを暗くしていた。\ ^The thick black rainclouds, even though it was still before evening, made it dark enough to let one believe it was night.\ ;dwave 5,"se\amadare.ogg" dwaveloop 5,"se2\ame04b.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…うん?\ ^... Mm?\ ;頭に当る冷たい感触に、天井を見ると、 ;ぽつん、ぽつんっと落ちてくる、屋根から幾筋かの滴。\ ^At a cold sensation striking my head, I looked up at the roof; there were a number of drops dripping down.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0449.ogg" ;「悪いわね、これボロだからさ…」\ ^``Sorry, this thing's run down after all...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉の通り、ぽたぽたとした雨漏りが始まる。 ;窓の外の降り方を見る限り、当分は止みそうに無かった。\ ^And just like the words meant, the dripping leaks started. Looking at how the rain was falling, it didn't look like it would stop for some time.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0450.ogg" ;「セツミ、これ頭にかけてなさい」\ ^``Setsumi, put this on your head.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0349b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;受け取ったのは大きなタオル。 ;言われた通りに、わたしは頭の上に乗せる。\ ^What I was given was a large towel, and as told, I put it on top of my head.\ bg "en\shanaia1.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0350b.ogg" ;「…姫子さんは?」\ ^``... And Himeko-san's?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0451.ogg" ;「平気よ、それに、どうせすぐに止むと思うから」\ ^``I'm fine. Besides, I think it's going to stop soon.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0351.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0352.ogg" ;「じゃあ、わたしも平気…」\ ^``Then, I'm fine too.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言葉に出しては言わないけど、 ;もしかしたらタオルがこれしかないのかも知れない。\ ^She probably wouldn't say, but this might have been the only towel.\ ;わたしを濡らさないように気遣われても、 ;少なくとも、わたしよりも姫子さんの方が心配だった。\ ^And even if she were worried that I would get wet, at the least, I was more worried about Himeko-san herself.\ ;…だから、自分のタオルを姫子さんへと返そうとすると、\ ^That's why, I tried to give my towel to Himeko-san. When I did...\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0452.ogg" ;「…止めなさい、セツミ」\ ^``Stop, Setsumi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0353.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;いつもと口調が違っていた。 ;それは、たまに見せるとても厳しい表情だった。\ ^This was different from her usual way of speaking. This was the very strict expression that she'd show occasionally.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0354.ogg" ;「でも、それじゃあ姫子さんが…」\ ^``But, then Himeko-san would...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0453.ogg" ;「いいのよ、私は濡れようが平気だから…」\ ^``It's okay, I'm fine with getting wet...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0152.ogg" ;「でも…」\ ^``But...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",10,1500 !s100 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0454b.ogg" ;「…但し…」\ ^``... However...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0455.ogg" ;「…セツミに風邪なんてひかせたら承知しないわよ」\ ^``... Make Setsumi catch a cold and I won't have it.''\ ;Unyuu.. This is one of the trickiest lines in the script -_-... ;!== I'm not sure about "and" for たら -- why not something like "If you make Setsumi catch a cold, I won't have it"? -- she's unambiguously addressing someone directly, so I don't see any real reason to avoid "you". ;-- hrmm... at least for me, I feel leaving out the 'you' makes it more of an angry-ish/direct kind of line than with. by a hair ;!== OK, it's another tradeoff I guess. As you wish. !sd dwavestop 1 ;…セツミに?^@^ ^... Make Setsumi?^@^ ;これは一体、誰に対して言っているのだろう…\ ^Just who was she talking to I wonder...\ dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "en\sora_ame012.jpg",3 ;尚も降りを強める、8月の雨。\ ^Now it came down harder, the August rain.\ ;何故か無性に冷たかった。 ;まだまだ止みそうになかった。\ ^For some reason, it was excessively cold and still didn't seem like letting up.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0456.ogg" ;「なめないでよね…」\ ^``Don't look down on me, alright?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0457.ogg" ;「伊達に、この格好してるんじゃないわよ」\ ^``I'm not wearing this outfit just for show.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !sd ;…まるで独り言のように呟く姫子さん。\ ^As if talking to herself, Himeko-san muttered.\ ;それは、物理的に濡れないという意味ではなく、 ;もっと違った意味に思えた。\ ^I had a feeling that didn't mean physically not getting wet, but some different meaning.\ ;_;_ dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_lr.ogg" bg "en\car_runa2.jpg",1 bg "en\car_runa.jpg",3 ;水煙をあげて走るロードスター\ ^Throwing up spray, the roadster continued running.\ ;どこまでも真っ黒な空の下、 ;今は一般道から富士山スカイラインを走っていた。\ ^Under the endlessly black sky, it now went from an ordinary road onto the Mt. Fuji Skyline.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0458.ogg" ;「もし寒いようだったら言ってね」\ ^``If you feel cold, just say, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0356.ogg" ;「…うん、大丈夫」\ ^``Un. I'm fine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;頭にタオルを載せたまま、 ;雨漏りに濡れながらの姫子さんに答える。\ ^With the towel still on my head, I answered Himeko-san as she got wet from the leaks.\ ;…どこかで雨宿りした方が…\ ^... It'd be better if we took shelter somewhere...\ ;そんな当たり前の提案ですら、 ;何故か躊躇される雰囲気だった。\ ^Even such an obvious suggestion, somehow faltered in the atmosphere.\ bg "en\sora_ame012.jpg",3 !s75 ;…ハンドルを握るのは、いつもと違う姫子さん。\ ^Gripping the wheel was a Himeko-san that was different from usual.\ ;!== I assume ハンドル here wants to be "wheel" -- that's how you've translated it everywhere else. ;-- <__< uh....... ど疲れた...かな ;わたしが初めて見る…^@^パジャマではない姫子さんだった…\ ^It was the first time I've seen...^@^ a Himeko-san without pajamas...\ !sd ;☆BGM フェードアウト bg "e\b.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆ぷちシーン変え dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;暫く走り続け…いつしか、すっかり雨も止んだ頃、\ ^We continued driving. At some point, when the rain had completely stopped...\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;気づけば、空には大きな月さえ顔を出していた。\ ^If you looked, there was even the face of a large moon out in the sky.\ mp3loop "bgm2\2mi02.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\n12.mp3" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0459.ogg" ;「まもなく、富士宮口に到着よ」\ ^``Soon, we'll arrive at Fujinomiyaguchi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;☆BGM>mi02 ;☆BG 道端 ;その言葉と共に、狭かった山道から、 ;突然現われたひらけた場所。\ ^Along with those words, we went from a narrow mountain road into a suddenly open area.\ dwave 6,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" bg "en\gogou1.jpg",3 ;ようやく止まったユーノス。 ;見るとそこには、五合目駐車場の看板。\ ^Finally, the Eunos stopped. ^Looking around, there were signs for the 5th station parking lot.\ ;今のシーズンは登山客が多いと聞いてたけど、\ ^During this season, I had heard that there were many mountain climbers.\ ;ちょうど時間的にも、天候的にも悪かった為か、 ;辺りにはほとんど車の姿はなかった。\ ^Perhaps it was the time and because the weather had been bad, but the area had very few cars around.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_342 ^The door opened then closed with a slam.\ goto *generated_343 *generated_342 ^* Click, Slam. *\ *generated_343 bg "en\shanai6y.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0460.ogg" ;「はい、缶ウーロン、温かいわよ」\ ^``Here, canned oolong, it's warm.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0357.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと…」\ ^``Un, thank you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;自販機で買って来てくれたお茶を手に、 ;二人して狭い車内でお弁当の残りを食べる。\ ^With a tea bought from a vending machine in hand, the two of us ate what remained of the packed lunch.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0461.ogg" ;「うふふ、冷たくなっても美味しいわね」\ ^``Eheheh, even cold, it's delicious.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0358.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;結局、今日はここで夜を明かすらしい。\ ^In the end, it seemed like we were spending the night here.\ ;でも、出発の時には、 ;ここが目的地だと言ってた筈だけど…\ ^But, when we set off, she had said that this was our destination...\ ;もしかしたら姫子さんは、更に上へ行く気なのだろうか…\ ^Did Himeko-san, plan on going even higher up?\ ;SE>なんか\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0359.ogg" ;「…まだ…上に行くつもり?」\ ^``... Still... planning on going up?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0462.ogg" ;「さあ、どうしようかしら…」\ ^``Well, I wonder...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;コロッケを手に持ったまま、曖昧に答える姫子さん。\ ^While holding a croquette in hand, Himeko-san gave a vague answer.\ ;確かにここまでは、車で来ることが出来た。 ;駐車場の看板によると、既に標高も2400mあるらしい。\ ^Certainly, up until here, we were able to come by car. According to the parking lot sign, the altitude was already 2400m.\ ;だけど、ここから先は登山道しかなかった。\ ^But, from here on there were only mountain climbing trails.\ ;さすがに山頂までは目指す気がなかったとしても、 ;7Fの住人である姫子さんに山道が登れるとは思えない。\ ^Even if we weren't planning on heading all the way to the summit, Himeko-san, a resident of the 7th floor, couldn't be thought of as being able to climb up a mountain path.\ ;…もし、それでも上を目指すと言われたならば…^@^ ;やはりわたしは引き止めるべきだろうか…\ ^And if, even then, she said she were aiming for higher...^@^ Shouldn't I hold her back?\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\car_close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_344 ^There was another click then slam.\ goto *generated_345 *generated_344 ^* Click, Slam. *\ *generated_345 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0094.ogg" ;「えっ…?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;突然、ドアを開けると車外へと出る姫子さん。\ ^Suddenly, opening the door, Himeko-san stepped out of the car.\ ;ちょうどそんなことを考えていただけに、 ;わたしも急いで車外へと出る。\ ^Just as I was thinking about such things... ^I also hurried out of the car.\ dwave 5,"se2\musi2.ogg" bg "en\gogou1.jpg",3 ;見ると車のすぐ傍で、雨上がりの夜空を見上げていた。\ ^When I looked, she was right by the car, looking up at a night sky that had just stopped raining.\ ;…少しビックリした。 ;もしかしたら、黙って登り始めるのではっと思ってしまった。\ ^I was a bit surprised. I had thought that she might have started climbing without saying a thing.\ ;そして、そんなわたしの不安を察してか、 ;ぽつりと話し始める姫子さん。\ ^Then, perhaps guessing at my unease, Himeko-san began to speak.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0463.ogg" ;「そういえば、以前にさ…」\ ^``Oh right, once before...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0464.ogg" ;「年の離れた友達が欲しかったって言ったわよね?」\ ^``I said that I had wanted a friend from a different age group, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0419.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0360b.ogg" ;;「え?…あ、うん」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;突然の問いに、かろうじて答える。\ ;確か、パイナップルの木の前、 ;やってみたいことの一番最初だった。\ ^Certainly, before the pineapple tree, it had been the first thing that she had wanted to try.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0465.ogg" ;「あれさ、ちょっとだけ嘘だったかも知れない…」\ ^``That was... maybe a bit of a lie...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0361.ogg" ;「…嘘?」\ ^``... A lie?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0466.ogg" ;「ホントは、年が離れてるってよりも…」\ ^``Truth is, more than being of a different age group...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0467.ogg" ;「…あなただから友達になりたかったのかもね」\ ^``Because it was you, might be why I wanted to become friends.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;どこか、しみじみと話す姫子さん。 ;なんとなく自分も気づいていたように思う。\ ^Himeko-san spoke somehow seriously... about what I had also somewhat vaguely noticed.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0362b.ogg" ;「…その理由は?」\ ^``That reason was?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0468.ogg" ;「うーん、難しい質問だけど強いて言えば…」\ ^``Mmm. That's a difficult question, but to put it bluntly...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0469.ogg" ;「只の直感かしら? ピンっときたって感じね」\ ^``Just a gut feeling maybe? Like it rang a bell.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これもすごく分かる気がする。 ;わたしが千尋さんに答えた感覚に近い。\ ^That was also something I felt I understood. It was close to the feeling I answered Chihiro-san with.\ ;そして、以前にこのわたしを、 ;誰かの姿と重ねているのかと問うた時…\ ^And then before, when I had asked whether she was seeing someone else in me...\ ;…半分はその通りだと言われた。\ ^... I was told that half of that was exactly that.\ ;ならば、あの時には、秘密にされた残り半分の理由。 ;それがこれなのだろうか…\ ^Then, the remaining half of the reason that had been left a secret at the time, could this be it?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0470.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ、一つ質問していい?」\ ^``Hey Setsumi, can I ask you a question?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0124.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``Un.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0471.ogg" ;「もし、あなたのとても親しい人が、 ; 少しずつ弱っていったとして…」\ ^``If... a person very close to you was gradually getting weaker...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0472.ogg" ;「あなたは傍で、ずっとその姿を見ていたい?」\ ^``Would you want to be nearby, the whole time watching that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0473.ogg" ;「それとも、自分の知らぬ間に、 ; いつのまにか亡くなっていて欲しい?」\ ^``Or rather, at a time you didn't know, they died before you realized. Would you want that?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;わたしは、その質問の意味を考える。\ ^I... thought about the meaning of the question.\ ;そして、自分なりに真剣に考えてから、\ ^And after thinking seriously in my own way...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0363.ogg" ;「…わからない」\ ^``... I don't know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これが正直な気持ちだった。\ ^Those were my true feelings.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0474.ogg" ;「私は、ずっと傍に居てあげたいと思うわ」\ ^``I think, I would want to always be by their side.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0475.ogg" ;「でも、自分が去る立場ならば、逆…」\ ^``But, if I were in the position of leaving, the opposite...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0476.ogg" ;「傍には、誰も居て欲しくない…」\ ^``By my side, I don't want anyone...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0364.ogg" ;「…矛盾しているわ」\ ^``That's inconsistent.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0477.ogg" ;「その通りよ」\ ^``Exactly.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0478.ogg" ;「去る者と、残される者は…決して交わることはないのよ」\ ^``Those leaving, and those left behind... never will the two meet.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;自分の痛みは耐えれても…^@^人の痛みには耐えれない…\ ^Even if I could bear my own pain...^@^ I couldn't bear another's...\ ;そういうことを言いたいのだろうか? ;だから千尋さんも、海で会った親友の人も避けて…\ ^She wanted to say that perhaps? Then, Chihiro-san, and the best friend we met at the beach, avoiding them...\ ;…では、どうしてわたしは、ここに居るのだろう?\ ^... Then, why was I here in this place?\ ;何故、わたしは選ばれたのだろうか? ;わたしならば、姫子さんは平気だと言いたいのだろうか…\ ^Why was I chosen I wonder. ^Did Himeko-san want to say that if it was me, then she would be fine?\ bg "en\gogou1.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0479.ogg" ;「これはね…穴に落ちて、初めて気づくことよ」\ ^``This is, you see... after falling into the hole, something that I first realized.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0480.ogg" ;「だけど、どんなに私が、 ; ここに穴があるからと声を上げても…」\ ^``However, no matter how much I shout that `it's because there is a hole here'...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0481.ogg" ;「穴に落ちた者の声は、 ; 地上を歩いている者には届かない…」\ ^``The voices of those who have fallen into the hole, can't reach those walking on the surface...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…それが理由?\ ^That was the reason?\ ;じゃあわたしも、同じように落ちた者だから、 ;その声が届くと言いたいのだろうか…\ ^Then, did she want to say that because I had also fallen into the hole, that voice would reach me...?\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0482.ogg" ;「あなたは違うわよ」\ ^``You're different.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0365.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !w1500 ;;否定された。予想していない回答だった。\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0483.ogg" ;「まだ、落ちかけね…這い上がれる可能性がある」\ ^``You're still falling... there is a chance that you will climb back up.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0366.ogg" ;「…もし無理だった時は?」\ ^``... And when it's impossible?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0484.ogg" ;「それは…誰もが自分で考えることよ」\ ^``That's... something everyone has to think of for themselves.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;ならば、今の状況は… ;姫子さんなりに考えた結果なのだろうか?\ ^Then, the circumstances now... were all the results of Himeko-san's thoughts?\ ;…穴に落ちたから祈りを止め…^@^呪いへと変わったのだろうか…\ ^... After falling into the hole, stopping prayers...^@^ and maybe turning them into curses...\ ;_選択肢キープ;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0485.ogg" ;「ホント、パトラッシュは良いわよね…」\ ^``Really, Patrasche was lucky wasn't he...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0486.ogg" ;「大好きなネロと一緒に天国に行けるんだもん」\ ^``He could go with his beloved Nello, together, to heaven after all.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0487.ogg" ;「ネロだって寂しくないわ…」\ ^``And Nello also wouldn't be lonely...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 monocro #FFeedd print 3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;・ナルキ 本編開始 2-12 暫定ラスト\ ;☆BGM>narかka01>sen02かな bg "e\w.jpg",10,1500 !s75 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0189.ogg" ;…博士のくせに、何も答えられない。\ ^... Even though I was the professor, I couldn't give an answer.\ dwavestop 1 !sd !s75 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0190.ogg" ;こんな時、本物の博士ならば…^@^ ^At such a time, if I were a real professor...^@^ dwavestop 1 !s75 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0191.ogg" ;アウグスティヌスやヒエロニムスならば…\ ^... a Doctor of the Church, like Saint Augustine or Saint Jerome...\ ;okay, I caved and added stuff! dwavestop 1 bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0192.ogg" ;”…何と答えれるのだろう…”\ ^``... I probably could have answered with something...''\ dwavestop 1 !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01s.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm2\2ka01so.mp3" !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0151.ogg" ;「じゃあ…これだけでも教えて…」\ ^``Then... just tell me this...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0152.ogg" ;「…神さまは…^@^…どこ?」\ ^``... God is...^@^where?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0193.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0153.ogg" ;「聞こえなかったみたいなの…教会でもお祈りしたのに」\ ^``It's like He didn't hear... even though I prayed in the church.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 ;…神さまはどこ? ;その問いに、私は口を閉ざしてしまう。\ ^Where was God? ^At that question, my mouth sealed.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0194.ogg" ;「…ごめんね、分からないわ…」\ ^``I'm sorry. I don't know...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0154.ogg" ;「…そっか…ハカセのお姉さんでも分からないんだ」\ ^``... I see... Professor Onee-san doesn't know either.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;そして、ベッドから起き上がると窓辺へと向かい…\ ^Then, raising herself from the bed and facing the window...\ !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0156.ogg" ;「やっぱり…空の上?」\ ^``I guess He's... above the sky?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 !sd ;そう言いながら、見上げた空。 ;15cmしか開かない窓から、夜明け前の蒼い空を見上げた。\ ^While speaking, she looked up at the sky. Looking up from windows that could only open 15cm, at the lightening pre-dawn sky.\ !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0157.ogg" ;「ねえお姉さん…」\ ^``Say, Onee-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0158.ogg" ;「わたし、屋上に行きたい」\ ^``I... want to go to the roof.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0195.ogg" ;「…屋上?」\ ^``The roof?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0159.ogg" ;「うん、少しでも高いところでお祈りしたら…」\ ^``Mm, if I prayed from even just a little higher place...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0160.ogg" ;「聞こえるかも知れないでしょ?…神さまに」\ ^``Maybe I would be heard, right? ... By God.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0196.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0161.ogg" ;「…ダメ?」\ ^``... I can't?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0197.ogg" ;「いいえ…わかったわ」\ ^``No, you can... alright.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;彼女に肩を貸すようにして屋上へと向かう。\ ^Supporting the girl, we headed to the roof.\ ;…本来この場所は、患者は行けない。行かせない。\ ^Normally this place was one where patients couldn't go. Were not allowed to go.\ ;でも、この時の私には…\ ^However, at this time, for me...\ ;アイスを買ってあげることしかできない、アロアには…^@^ ;なにも、答えてあげることが出来ない、無力な博士には…\ ^For the Alois who was unable to do anything other than buy ice cream...^@^ for the powerless professor, who couldn't answer with anything...\ !s80 ;…他に出来ることがなかった…\ ^There was nothing else that I could do...\ !sd ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3000 ;_____________________________ ;☆BG>夜明け\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" bg "en\okujou2b.jpg",3 bg "en\okujou2.jpg",3 ;…青紫の夜明けが、白み出した日の出へと変わる。\ ^The blue-purple pre-dawn sky was turning into the white of day.\ ;誰の姿も見えない殺風景な場所。\ ^A bleak place where no one could be seen.\ ;mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" ;時折吹く風に鳴る、7Fの天井よりも高いフェンス。\ ^Once in a while, from the blowing wind, the fence that was taller than the ceiling of the 7th floor rattled.\ ;!== "One" should presumably be "once"; and should "awhile" be "a while"? (Brians thinks so.) ;-- uh yeah, by some mental habit I use 'awhile' and 'alot' often, even though I'm not supposed to !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0162.ogg" ;「ここは、気持ちいい場所だね…」\ ^``This place feels nice, doesn't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;まるで独り言のように呟くと、 ;ポケットから取り出したのはロザリオ。\ ^She spoke as if whispering to herself, and from her pocket she took out the rosary.\ ;それはかつて、私がプレゼントしたものだった。\ ^That was what I had once given to her as a present.\ dwavestop 5 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0163.ogg" ;「やっぱり、これがないと魔法にならないもんね…」\ ^``Really, without this, it won't become magic, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、静かに手を重ねると…^@^ ;日の出を迎えた空に向かって、言葉を繋いだ…\ ^And then, quietly bringing hands together...^@^ facing where the sun would rise, she spoke...\ bg "en\okujou2c2.jpg",1 bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",10,1200 ;☆BG>夜明け\ !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0165.ogg" ;「…み名が聖とされますように…」\ ^``... Hallowed be thy Name...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0164.ogg" ;「…わたしたちを、こころみにあわせないでください…」\ ^``... And lead us not into temptation...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;これも…以前に私が教えた、幾つかの主の祈り。\ ^This was also... what I had taught her before, a number of parts from the Lord's Prayer.\ ;でも、彼女にとっては、 ;その言葉がどんな意味かすら分かっていなくて…\ ^However, for this girl, she didn't even know the meanings to the words...\ ;只、助けてくれる為の…^@^魔法としか思っていなくて…\ ^Simply words for salvation...^@^ as nothing other than magic, that was all she thought of them...\ !s75 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0166.ogg" ;「…お姉さん、今のは聞こえたと思う?」\ ^``Onee-san, do you think I was heard now?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0198.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉に私は、頷くことも…否定することも出来ず…\ ^At those words, nodding... or even affirming was beyond me...\ ;やはり…只、黙っていることしか出来なかった。\ ^I just... could do nothing but remain silent.\ bg "e\b.jpg",10,1200 !s100 ;…無駄…^@^だと言えば良いのだろうか…\ ^... It's useless...^@^ perhaps I should have said that...\ ;…これも、贖いだと諭せば良いのだろうか…\ ^Or perhaps, I should have spoken of atonement...\ ;== "spoke" or "spoken"? ;-- hrm... they feel more or less equivalent to me, any particular reason why? ;== Normally it's "spoke" for the past tense and "spoken" for the past participle -- and this is the only place in Narci2 where you don't follow that pattern. :) ;-- well, works for me, I'm too exhausted these days to reflect on this at the end of the day properly ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\hime032.jpg",1 bg "en\hime03.jpg",5 !s80 ;…それとも…^@^…八年も生きれたことを…^@^ ;神に感謝しろと言えばよいのだろうか…\ ^... Or perhaps I should have said...^@^ for having lived eight years...^@^ be thankful to God...\ ;MARK ?? double at-marks is still being chewed up. dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0167.ogg" ;「ねえ、お姉さんも一緒に祈って…」\ ^``Say, Onee-san, pray with me?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉に…私は黙って頷く。頷くしかなかった。\ ^At those words... I silently nodded. Could do nothing but nod.\ ;そして、尚も祈り続ける彼女と同じように…\ ^Then, just like the girl who still continued to pray...\ !s80 ;…この高い空に向かって、祈りを捧げた…\ ^To that high sky, I offered a prayer...\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s75 ;まだ残る夜気、白み出す空、鳴き始めた蝉、 ;ありふれた夏の日のこと…\ ^The remaining night air, the whitening sky, the cicadas that started to call, common, everyday things of a summer day...\ ;…この7F屋上から、彼女のことだけを祈った。\ ^From this 7th floor's rooftop, I prayed only for the girl.\ ;いつも半分は、自身の赦しに使っていた私。 ;でも今は、その全てを以って、彼女のことだけを祈った。\ ^Always, half was used for forgiving myself. But now, gathering all of it, I prayed only for the girl.\ ;きっと、どこかで聞いてくれている”筈”の…^@^ ;そんな神に向かって祈った…\ ^Definitely ~i~supposed~i~ to be listening somewhere...^@^ towards that God, I prayed.\ ;!== This is the only place you haven't capitalised "god" -- is that deliberate? ;-- mmm it Was deliberate, but now I'm debating on it... mmm I'll just change it since I can't come up with a coherent reason for otherwise ;!== My guess was that you'd intended to use lower-case "god" for places where the nature/existence of said deity was being called into question, which is why I checked to see if you'd done that anywhere else. :) bg "e\b.jpg",10,2500 wait 1500 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199c.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うう…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_346 ^I suddenly started to sob.\ goto *generated_347 *generated_346 ^``.........''\ *generated_347 !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 ;…何故か…^@^涙が出てきた…\ ^For some reason...^@^ tears came...\ ;bg "en\hime03.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0168.ogg" ;「どうして泣いてるの?」\ ^``Why are you crying?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0200_1.ogg" ;「い、いいのよ、別に泣いたって…」\ ^``I-it's fine, crying...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 wait 400 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0201.ogg" ;「こ、こんな時には泣いてもいいのよ…」\ ^``A-at a time like this, it's okay to cry...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 wait 200 ;bg "en\hime04.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0169.ogg" ;「…それは誰の言葉? イエスさま?」\ ^``Those were whose words? Lord Jesus?''\ !sd dwavestop 4 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199c.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199z.ogg" ;;「うぅ、ひっく、うう…」\ bg "en\w.jpg",3 ;bg "en\hime04z.jpg",10,1200 wait 800 !s120 ;…違う…^@^これは私の言葉よ…\ ^No...^@^ those were my words...\ wait 400 bg "en\kyoukai1bb.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",10,1200 !s90 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0204.ogg" ;…もし…^@^私が聖者ならば…^@^ ^If...^@^ I were a saint...^@^ ;MARK -- another double at-mark !s80 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0205.ogg" ;…もし…私の言葉が…^@^只の気休めでも、おまじないでもなく…\ ^If... my words were...^@^ not simply for comfort, nor a charm...\ ;bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",5 !s120 ;……本物の魔法ならば……\ ^If they were real magic...\ !sd ;☆画像に文字で↓\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 wait 500 dwave 5,"se2\03_torib.ogg" bg "agilis\2\hime05f.png",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0208.ogg" ;MARK scene with graphics here bg "agilis\2\hime05g.png",10,1000 wait 2000 ;________ bg "en\b.jpg",10,1200 !s90 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0209.ogg" ;…去る者と、残される者。\ ^... Those leaving, and those left behind.\ dwavestop 1 !s80 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0210.ogg" ;どんなに親友でも、パトラッシュにはなれないアロア…\ ^No matter how much of a best friend, Alois could not become Patrasche...\ dwavestop 1 bg "en\hime04z.jpg",10,1500 !s100 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0211.ogg" ;…自分の無力さを知った… \ ^I learned of my own powerlessness...\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;●回想42 ここまで monocro off print 10,1600 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\gogou2.jpg",10,1200 ;朝を迎えた、富士山五合目。 ;わたし達は車から降りると、大きく伸びをする。\ ^Dawn came to Mt. Fuji 5th station. ^We got out of the car and took some big stretches.\ ;☆BG 五合目\ ;;朝。この五合目 ;;今日も暑い日になりそうだった。 ;・朝>目覚めると誰もいない>必要ならば\ !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0488.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…」\ ^``Hey, Setsumi...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0489.ogg" ;「…どこにいると思う?」\ ^``Where do you think he is?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0367.ogg" ;「いきなり…なんのこと?」\ ^``All of a sudden... what's this?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0490.ogg" ;「…神さまとやらよ」\ ^``God and the like.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0368.ogg" ;「さあ…あなたの方が専門家でしょ?」\ ^``I don't know, you're the specialist aren't you?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0491.ogg" ;「…そうね、そうだったわね…」\ ^``... Indeed, I was, wasn't I...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、しばらく考えていたかと思うと、\ ^And then, after a bit of thinking...\ !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0492.ogg" ;「やっぱ、あそこかしら…」\ ^``I suppose, over there?''\ ;!== Does "over there" not imply a horizontal direction for you? ;-- mmm not particularly, it paints the picture of 'over there *fingerpoint*' so wherever the finger is going ;!== Okay, if this is standard for you then it's fine. !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s75 ;そう言いながら、見上げたのは空。^@^ ;真っ青な夏空がどこまでも広がっていた…\ ^As she spoke, she looked up at the sky.^@^ ^The pure blue summer sky stretched on forever...\ dwave 1,"tui4\hime1_0493bb.wav" ;「やっぱ…もっと近づかないと、聞こえないのかもね…」\ ^``Yeah... might be that if you're not closer, you can't be heard...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0494.ogg" ;;「じゃあ、行きましょうか」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを言うと、 ;登山道へと向かって、歩き始める姫子さん。\ ^Just saying that, Himeko-san started walking towards the climbing paths.\ ;…もしかしたらという気はしていたけど…\ ^I had sensed the possibility, but...\ ;でも既に、その行為自体が自殺と同意だった。\ ^Already, that act itself was the same as suicide.\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0369.ogg" ;「…本気なの?」\ ^``You're serious?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0495.ogg" ;「……………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0370.ogg" ;「禁忌なんでしょう…カトリックには?」\ ^``It's forbidden isn't it... for Catholics.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0496.ogg" ;「…”元”には関係ないわ」\ ^``|`Formers' have nothing to do with that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そして…歩いていた足を止め、振り返ると、\ ^And then... stopping her walking feet and turning around...\ bg "en\gogou2.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0497.ogg" ;「悪いわね、セツミ…」\ ^``Sorry, Setsumi...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0498.ogg" ;「ひとこと…言ってやらないと気が済まないのよ」\ ^``There're a few things... I won't be satisfied until I say them.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0371c.ogg" ;「…言うって、誰に?」\ ^``Say, to whom?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0499.ogg" ;「決まってるじゃない、神さまとやらに、文句をね」\ ^``Isn't it obvious? To that so-called God, some complaints.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;…文句? 神さまに? ;本気なのだろうか…\ ^Complaints? To God? ^Was she serious?\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0372b.ogg" ;「もしかして…それが最後の一つ?」\ ^``This... is this the final one?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0500.ogg" ;「ええ…これが最後の一つよ」\ ^``Yes... this is the final one.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0501.ogg" ;;「そして…これが最後の一つよ」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それだけを告げると、登山道へと歩き始める姫子さん。\ ^With just that answer, Himeko-san began walking towards the climbing path.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…今、わたしは…止めるべきなのだろうか?\ ^... Right now, I... should be stopping her?\ ;それとも…^@^背中を押してあげるべきなのだろうか…\ ^Or perhaps...^@^ I should be giving her back a push?\ ;そのどちらかも分からないから…^@^ ;只、隣に居ることしか、わたしには出来なかった…\ ^Because I didn't know which...^@^ Just... being by her side was all I could do...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;_________________________ bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" ;真上に来た太陽、標高に関係なく騒がしく鳴く蝉。\ ^The sun had come right above, and unheeding of the altitude, the cicadas noisily cried.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0502.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、思ったよりキツいわね」\ ^``Haa, haa, this is harder than I thought.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "tui4\yama01.jpg",3 ;登山道を進むわたし達。\ ^We continued on the climbing path.\ ;少し歩いては休憩、少し歩いては休憩… ;それの繰り返しだった。\ ^Walk a bit, then rest, walk a bit, then rest... just repeating that.\ ;時折、他の登山者にどんどん抜かれながらも、 ;少しずつでも、上へと…高いところへと目指す姫子さん。\ ^Occasionally, other mountain climbers would quickly pass us by while we slowly went upwards... to the high place that Himeko-san aimed for.\ ;今は、2時間ほどかけ、 ;新六合目を後にしようとしていた。\ ^Now, it was some two hours in, and we were making to leave the new 6th station.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0373.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^``Are you alright?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0503.ogg" ;「あ、あんまり大丈夫じゃないわね」\ ^``N-not particularly alright.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;その言葉の通り、息切れが激しかった。\ ^Just as the words meant, her panting was furious.\ ;売店で買った飲み物や食べ物は、 ;わたしが持っているとはいえ…\ ^Even when the food and drinks that we bought at the shop were being carried by me...\ ;当たり前かも知れないが、姫子さんは7Fの住人。\ ^It probably didn't need saying, but Himeko-san was a resident of the 7th floor.\ ;どんなに元気に見えても、車椅子に乗っていなくても、 ;それは年齢が若い故のこと。進行が早いだけのこと。\ ^No matter how healthy she looked, no matter that she didn't need a wheelchair, that was because of her age. Her condition's progression had simply been early.\ ;何もせずとも、死の圏内に居ることは間違いなかった。\ ^Even without doing anything, there was no mistake that she was within range of death.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0109.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0504.ogg" ;「なによその顔は?」\ ^``What's with that face?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0505.ogg" ;「言いたいことがあるならハッキリ言いなさいよ」\ ^``If you've got something to say, say it straight.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0375.ogg" ;「…もう帰ろう」\ ^``Let's go back.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0506.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0507.ogg" ;「…もっと強く言ってよ」\ ^``... Say it with more force.''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0376.ogg" ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0508.ogg" ;「だったら、もう帰れって命令してよ」\ ^``If that's what you want, say `Go back,' and order me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0377.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0378b.ogg" ;「…もう…帰れ」\ ^``... Go... back.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0509.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0510.ogg" ;「…やっぱり従えないわね」\ ^``... Yeah, looks like I can't obey.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、再び足を動かすと登り始める。\ ^And then, once again her feet moved to ascend.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…今…^@^わたしは、どうするべきなのだろうか…\ ^... Right now...^@^ I wonder what should I do...\ ;引き止めることも出来ず、 ;このまま傍で、無力に眺めることしかできないのだろうか…\ ^Unable to pull her back, was I only able to be there, helplessly watching?\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0379.ogg" ;「じゃあ、押してあげる…」\ ^``Then, I'll push you...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だからわたしは、姫子さんの背中を押す。\ ^That was why, I pushed Himeko-san's back.\ ;急な勾配に負けないようにと。少しでも楽になるようにと… ;自分なりに出来ることは、これしかなかった。\ ^So as not to lose to the steep slope. So as to make it even just a bit easier... In my own way, this was all I could do.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0511.ogg" ;「やめなさいセツミ」\ ^``Stop, Setsumi.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0380.ogg" ;「嫌よ…」\ ^``No.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0512.ogg" ;「あなたまで、具合悪くなったらどうするの」\ ^``If you get sick too, what would that do?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0513.ogg" ;「私は、そんなこと、望んでいる訳じゃないわ」\ ^``I, it's not like I want that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0381c.ogg" ;「じゃあ…帰りましょう」\ ^``Then... let's go back.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0514.ogg" ;「そ、それは……」\ ^``T-that's...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景 ;こんなやり取りを、何度も何度も繰り返し…\ ^This exchange, we repeat over and over...\ ;少しずつでも上へと登っていく姫子さん。\ ^While, slowly, Himeko-san climbed up.\ ;いつかその足を止めた時…^@^その時が怖かった。\ ^Eventually, when those feet stopped...^@^ it was that time that I feared.\ !s90 ;…その時わたしは…一体どうすれば良いのだろうか…\ ^At that time... just what should I do?\ !sd mov %flg2_cha17,1 mov %flg2_bplay,17 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_17 mov $sys_midasi,"^#18 / For Someone's Sake [a]" bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;bg "en\sora01y.jpg",5 ;オレンジに染まった日が…^@^ ;いつしか、夜の藍へと変わる頃…\ ^As the orange-stained day...^@^ all unnoticed, turned to the purple of night...\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0515.ogg" ;「ここでいいわ…」\ ^``This is good...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" mp3loop "bgm2\2sou01.mp3" ;やっと足を止めた姫子さん。\ ^Finally, Himeko-san's feet stopped.\ bg "en\gake01.jpg",5 dwave 6,"se2\musi2.ogg" ;7合目を過ぎたあたりだろうか? ;岩場の多い、とても見晴らしの良い場所だった。\ ^We were just beyond the 7th station perhaps? It was a place with many rocky stretches, and a very wide, wonderful view.\ ;時計を見ると、既に夜中の3時。^@^ ;ほぼ丸一日を経過したことになる。\ ^Looking at my watch, it was already 3 o'clock at night.^@^ Which meant almost an entire day had passed.\ ;さすがにこの時間となった為か、前日の天候の為か、 ;他の登山者の姿は、全く見えなかった。\ ^As expected from the time, and perhaps yesterday's weather, there were no other climbers to be seen.\ ;SE>風とか dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0516.ogg" ;「夜明けを待って、ここで言うわ」\ ^``Wait for the dawn, and then I'll say it here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 6 ;そう言うと、岩場の先端へと歩き始める姫子さん。\ ^Saying that, Himeko-san began walking towards the edge of the rocky stretch.\ ;覗き込んだ崖下は、暗くてよく見えないけど、 ;その谷底まで、どれくらいか見当もつかない程だった。\ ^Peering down the edge of the cliff, it was dark and hard to see, but the bottom of the ravine was far enough that you couldn't guess its height.\ ;…少なくとも、もし身を乗り出せば、 ;間違いなく生きてはいられないだろう。\ ^At the least, if you were to throw yourself out, without a doubt, you wouldn't live.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0517.ogg" ;「…いよいよ、盛り上がってきたわね…」\ ^``... Finally, we're getting revved up here aren't we?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0382b.ogg" ;「高さも十分なのね…」\ ^``There's plenty of height too, right?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0518.ogg" ;「ええ、7Fの100倍くらいよ」\ ^``Indeed, about 100 times the 7th floor.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;標高、約3000m。^@^ ;そして、身を防ぐ為の、高いフェンスもない。\ ^Altitude, about 3000m.^@^ ^And also no high fence for protection.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0519.ogg" ;「セツミ…聞きたいことがあったら今の内よ」\ ^``Setsumi... if you have something to ask, now's the time.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景>長め\ ;その言葉に、わたしは色々と思いを巡らす。\ ^At those words, a number of thoughts swirled.\ ;でも、幾つもの質問を持っていた筈なのに… ;何故か、その一つ一つを言葉にするのが難しかった。\ ^But even though there should have been a number of questions... for some reason, putting each one into words was difficult.\ ;そして暫く考えてから、ようやくわたしは口を開いた。\ ^So after a moment's thought, I finally opened my mouth.\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0383.ogg" ;「…もっと、姫子さんのことを教えて」\ ^``... Tell me, more about Himeko-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd ;これでも、わたしなりに考えた末での問いだった。\ ^This was also... the question that resulted from my thinking.\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0521.ogg" ;「私のことを聞きたいの? ; それとも、私のような立場にある者のことを聞きたいの?」\ ^``Do you want to hear about me? Or do you want to hear about someone in my position?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0384.ogg" ;「…姫子さん自身のこと」\ ^``... About Himeko-san herself.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0520.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0522.ogg" ;「私は、この世界にごまんといるクリスチャンの一人よ」\ ^``I'm... one of the great many Christians in the world.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0523.ogg" ;「それ以上でも、それ以下でもないわ」\ ^``Nothing more, nothing less.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;だけど今…その神さまに向けて文句を言おうとしている。^@^ ;そして恐らくは…最大の禁忌も破ろうとしている。\ ^But now... she was going to say complaints to God.^@^ That was probably... attempting to break one of the greatest of prohibitions.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0385.ogg" ;「じゃあ、以前のフランダースの犬の話し…」\ ^``Then, from before, about ~i~A Dog of Flanders~i~...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0386.ogg" ;「どうしても、3人の中から選ばないといけないの?」\ ^``No matter what, we have to pick one out of the three people?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0524.ogg" ;「ええ、人にそれ以外の選択肢はないわ」\ ^``Yes, for people, there are no other choices.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;…強く言い切った。\ ^She firmly said so.\ ;去る者であるネロ、残される者のアロア。 ;決して交わることのない両者…\ ^The one who was leaving, Nello. The one left behind, Alois. ^The two that will never meet...\ bg "en\b.jpg",10,1200 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0387.ogg" ;「じゃあ、姫子さんは…^@^…誰?」\ ^``Then, Himeko-san is...^@^ which?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0525.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;bg "en\b.jpg",3 ;その問いに答えはなかった。\ ^For that question, there was no answer.\ ;少しずつ空が白みだすこの場所で… ;空に手が届きそうなこの場所で、黙って俯いていた。\ ^Little by little, the sky whitened in this place... ^In this place where it seemed you could touch the sky, she quietly hung her head.\ ;…きっと、パジャマを着ていた姫子さんはネロなのだろう。\ ^Surely, the pajama-wearing Himeko-san was Nello.\ ;では、今の姫子さんはアロアなのだろうか… ;神さまに文句を言うには、ネロではいけないとすれば頷ける。\ ^Then, the Himeko-san now was probably Alois? ^To say complaints to God -- if Nello wasn't allowed to, then it was understandable.\ ;ならば、このわたしは誰なのだろう? ;何の為に、この場に連れて来られたのだろうか…\ ^Then, just who was I? ^For what purpose was I brought to this place...?\ ;dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\gake01.jpg",3 bg "en\sora_a02.jpg",10,1500 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0526.ogg" ;「どうやら、時間が来たようね」\ ^``Looks like, the time's come.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言うと、空を見上げる姫子さん。\ ^Saying that, Himeko-san looked up at the sky.\ bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0527.ogg" ;「セツミ、受け取りなさい」\ ^``Setsumi, take this.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、ポケットから何かを取り出すと、わたしへ手渡す。\ ^And then, taking something from her pocket, she handed it to me.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0388.ogg" ;「…ロザリオ?」\ ^``A rosary?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0528.ogg" ;「別に捨ててくれてもいいわよ…」\ ^``It's fine if you throw it away...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0529.ogg" ;「只…もう私には、持っている資格ないからね」\ ^``It's just... I don't have the right to carry it anymore, you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;それがどういう意味を成すか…それは問わなくても分かる。\ ^Just what that was supposed to mean... I didn't have to ask to know.\ dwavestop 5 ;…だけど…\ ^... However...\ ;今まで、元と言いながらでも、 ;ずっと持ち続けていたのは何故だろうか…\ ^Up until now, even while saying she was a ``former,'' why did she carry it with her all this time?\ ;それを考えるとわたしには、 ;本心では、そんなことしたい訳じゃ無いように思えて…\ ^When I thought about it, I felt that deep down, it's not like she really wanted to do this...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0389b.ogg" ;「…本当にいいの?」\ ^``Is it really okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0530.ogg" ;「祈りがあるなら…呪いもあるってことよ」\ ^``It means that if there is a prayer... then there is also a curse.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;>普通 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0390b.ogg" ;「やめて欲しい…そう言っちゃダメ?」\ ^``I want you to stop... I can't say that?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0531b.ogg" ;「…理由によるわ…」\ ^``Depends on the reason...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\b.jpg",5 ;…理由。引き止める為の…\ ^A reason. One to pull her back...\ ;…もしも、姫子さん本人が望んでいたとしても? ;既に7Fの住人で、未来が閉ざされているのに?\ ^Even if, Himeko-san herself wished to? ^Even if, she were already a resident of the 7th floor, with a closed off future?\ ;もし、生きると同じように、 ;人には、死ぬ権利も与えられているとすれば…\ ^If, just like with living, people were given the right to die...\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" ;それを止めるだけの理由とは…^@^ ;…一体、誰ならば持ち得るのだろうか…\ ^Then a reason to only stop that...^@^ just who would have such a thing...\ ;まだわたしは、なにが正しくて、 ;なにが優しさになるのかも知らないくせに…\ ^And I don't even know what is right, what would be kindness...\ bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0391b.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_348 ^``.........''\ *generated_348 !sd dwavestop 0 ;…何故か…^@^泣けてきた。^@^ ;傍に居ながら何も出来ない、自分の無力さを思い知らされた。\ ^For some reason...^@^ I began crying.^@^ ^Being nearby and able to do nothing, I came to know how powerless I was.\ ;明け始めた、どこまでも続く空を見上げると、 ;無性に哀しくなってしまった。\ ^It started to get light, and looking up at the endless sky, I was overcome with sadness.\ ;…どんなに考えても、 ;引き止めるに値する理由など、わたしには持ち得ない。\ ^No matter how much I thought, I couldn't come up with any decent reasons to pull her back.\ ;姫子さん自身が決めたことならば、 ;わたしに口出しする権利は無いのかも知れない…\ ^If Himeko-san herself had decided, then I might not have any right to interfere...\ ;だけど…仮にそうだったとしても…^@^ ;例え、引き止めるべき理由を持たなかったとしても…\ ^But... even if it were so...^@^ even if I didn't have a reason for why I should pull her back.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0392b.ogg" ;「だ、だって…わたしも哀しいから…」\ ^``B-because... I'll also be sad...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0532.ogg" ;;「………………」\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;他の誰でもない…^@^このわたしが哀しいから。\ ^Not some random person...^@^ because I, myself, would be sad.\ ;このわたしが…止めて欲しいから…\ ^Because this me here... wanted her to stop...\ ;例えそれが、わたしの…^@^ ;残される者の一方的なエゴだったとしても…\ ^Even if that were my...^@^ even if it were just the one-sided ego of the one left behind...\ ;;例え、両者が…決して交わることのない存在だったとしても…\ ;自分の痛みには耐えれても、相手の痛みは耐えれないから。 ;去る者が哀しむことは…残される者も一番辛いから…\ ^Even if I could bear my own pain, because I can't bear another's. Because the one leaving being sad... meant the ones remaining were pained the most...\ !s100 ;それに…^@^まだわたしには…\ ^Moreover...^@^ for me, it was still...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 0,"tui4\setsumi_0393c.wav" ;「…アロアは…無理だよ…」\ ^``... Alois is... impossible...''\ ;!sd ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0391c.ogg" ;「うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_349 ^My sobbing continued.\ goto *generated_350 *generated_349 ^``............''\ *generated_350 !sd dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\sora_a03c.jpg",5 wait 700 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0187.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0533b.ogg" ;「…そんな顔しないでよ…」\ ^``... Don't make such a face...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0535cc.ogg" ;「そ、そんな顔されると…私も辛くなるじゃないの…」\ ^``W-when you make such a face... doesn't it make it hard for me too?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;▲回想ラスト monocro #FFeedd print 3 bg "e\w.jpg",5 !s80 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0204_1.ogg" ;…もし…私が聖者ならば…^@^ ;もし、私の言葉が…只の気休めでも、おまじないでもなく…\ ^If... I were a saint...^@^ if, my words were... not simply for comfort, nor a charm...\ dwavestop 1 !s120 ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0206_1.ogg" ;…本物の魔法ならば…\ ^But real magic...\ dwavestop 1 !sd ;☆画像に文字で↓\ dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "agilis\2\hime05f2.png",10,1200 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0208.ogg" ;;”…今こそ…奇跡を起こすのに…”\ ;MARK - This was commented out, but there's a voice clip... ;might have to recompose this scene. ;^``... Then now... a miracle would happen...''\ ;bleh graphic rehash timeeeeee. anyways. bg "agilis\2\hime05g22.png",10,1500 wait 2000 dwavestop 1 ;________ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm2\2sen02.mp3" !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199c.ogg" ;『うぅ、ひっく…』\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_351 ^I was crying.\ goto *generated_352 *generated_351 ^``.........''\ *generated_352 dwavestop 1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0170.ogg" ;「ごめんね、お姉さん…」\ ^``I'm sorry, Onee-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0171.ogg" ;「友達にならなければ良かった」\ ^``It would have been better if we hadn't become friends.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;□心情・情景 ;泣き続ける私の前で、寂しそうに謝る彼女。\ ^The girl stood before me as I continued to cry, and she apologized sadly.\ dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0172.ogg" ;「ちゃんとルールにあったのにね…」\ ^``Even though there were clear rules...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0173.ogg" ;「ここに来たら、友達を作ってはいけないって」\ ^``|`If you've come here, you can't make any friends' they said.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0174.ogg" ;「ごめんね、ちゃんとわたしが守っていたら」\ ^``I'm sorry, if I had followed it properly...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0175.ogg" ;「…お姉さんを泣かせることもなかったのに」\ ^``Onee-san wouldn't be crying...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c2.jpg",5 !s80 ;そして…再び空に向かって、祈り始める彼女。\ ^And then... once again facing the sky, the girl started praying.\ ;どこまでも広がる、高い夏空に向かって、 ;そこにいるであろう…神に向かって祈りをあげる…\ ^Facing the high summer sky that stretched out forever, she offered a prayer to the God who was probably out there...\ ;aaah, no amount of creativity can put that speculative 'out there' before mentioning God. ;その真摯な姿に…\ ^At that serious figure...\ ;私のあげたロザリオを手に、 ;只の主祷文を、魔法の呪文だと信じる姿に…\ ^The rosary I gave her in hand, believing that the simple Lord's Prayer was a magical spell, that figure...\ ;dwave 6,"se\kaze3.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" bg "en\okujou2.jpg",5 !sd dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0213b3.ogg" ;『も、もういいから、もう祈るのはいいからっ』\ ^``E-enough, you don't have to pray anymore!''\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0176.ogg" ;「…どうして?」\ ^``... Why?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0199z.ogg" ;『うぅ、ひっく、うぅ…』\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_353 ^My sobbing wouldn't stop.\ goto *generated_354 *generated_353 ^``.........''\ *generated_354 dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0215b.ogg" ;『…無駄なのよ…そんなことしたって…』\ ^``It's useless... doing that...''\ dwavestop 1 ;とうとう…^@^クリスチャンとして、 ;言ってはいけない言葉を出してしまった。\ ^Finally...^@^ as a Christian, the words that shouldn't be said came out.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0216b.ogg" ;『だ、だからもう止めて、あなたは助からないの…』\ ^``S-so, stop. You can't be saved...''\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0217b.ogg" ;『どうやっても…死んでしまうのよ…』\ ^``No matter what you do... you'll die...''\ dwavestop 1 ;そしてヘルパーとしても…^@^ ;ネロの親友であるアロアとしても…\ ^And then, even as a helper...^@^ ^Even as Nello's best friend Alois...\ ;…言ってはいけない言葉を出してしまった…\ ^The words that I must never say came out...\ !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0177.ogg" ;「うん、わかってる…」\ ^``Un, I know...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime2_0218.ogg" ;『じゃあ…どうして?』\ ^``Then... why?''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0178.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0179.ogg" ;「…別に、わたしはもういいの…」\ ^``... It's not that. I don't matter any more...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 monocro off print 3 bg "en\hime03ccs2.jpg",5 bg "en\hime03cc.jpg",10,1500 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0180.ogg" ;「…只、泣いているお姉さんが…泣き止むように…」\ ^``Just, for the crying Onee-san... for her crying to stop...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0181.ogg" ;「…早く…いつもの笑顔になってくれるように…」\ ^``To quickly... smile like she always did...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg black,5 !s100 dwave 4,"w2\4\onnanoko_0182.ogg" ;「…それだけを祈りたいの…」\ ^``... That's all I want to pray for...''\ !sd dwavestop 4 bg "en\w2.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se2\03_torib.ogg" bg "en\hime04e.jpg",1 bg "en\hime04c.jpg",5 bg "en\w2.jpg",10,1500 wait 3500 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541.ogg" bg black,10,1500 wait 2000 ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ ;☆本編 復帰 現代 dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" ;☆BG 泣く姫子>背中ぽんぽんセツミ\ ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" ;;『うぅ、ひっく…』\ ;dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0396.ogg" ;「…どうして…泣いているの?」\ ^``Why... are you crying?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0537_1.ogg" ;『ば、ばか、知らないの…』\ ^``S-stupid, you didn't know?''\ dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0538b2.ogg" ;『こんな時には…泣いてもいいのよっ』\ ^``At a time like this... it's okay to cry.''\ dwavestop 1 !sd bg "en\hime06b.jpg",5 bg "en\hime06.jpg",10,1500 ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0536.ogg" ;;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" !s75 ;…姫子さんが泣いた。 ;空へと手が届きそうなこの場所で、初めて涙を見せた。\ ^Himeko-san cried. ^In the place where it seemed you could touch the sky, it was the first time she showed me tears.\ ;…こんな時わたしは…\ ^At such a time, I...\ ;どんな言葉をかければ良いのだろうか… ;一体、なにが優しさとなるのだろうか…\ ^What words should I say... ^Just what would be kindness...\ ;それが分からないから…\ ^Because I didn't know that...\ ;只、少しでも早く泣きやむようにと、 ;少しでも早く、いつもの笑顔にもどってくれるようにと、\ ^Simply, so she would stop crying, even just a little bit sooner; so that her smile would return, even just a little sooner.\ ;背中をぽんぽんと、 ;優しくさすってあげるくらいしか出来なかった…\ ^Patting her back, just gently stroking, was all that I could do...\ ;dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" dwave 5,"se2\kaze3bb.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se2\kaze132b.ogg" bg "en\b.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0539d.ogg" ;『や、止めなさいよ…』\ ^``S-stop that...''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0540_2b.ogg" ;『中学生に労わられるほど…やわな人生送ってないわよっ』\ ^``To be consoled by a middle schooler... I didn't lead such a pathetic life.''\ dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0397.ogg" ;「気にしないで…病人歴ならあなたより上よ…」\ ^``Don't worry about it... going by history of sickness, I'm older than you...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0541_1.ogg" ;『うぅ、ひっく…うぅ…』\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_355 ^Himeko-san sniffled.\ goto *generated_356 *generated_355 ^``.........''\ *generated_356 dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0542_1.ogg" ;『な、なによ…年下のくせに…』\ ^``W-what's with that... you're the younger one...''\ dwavestop 1 !sd ;☆BG>夜明け\ dwave 5,"se2\03_kaze_05c.ogg" bg "en\sora_a03c2.jpg",5 ;青紫の夜明けが白みだし、日の出へと変わる。 ;吹き始めた風が、山あいを抜け寂しげな音を立てる。\ ^The blue-purple dawn sky grew white, and changed to a sunrise. The wind that began to blow from the valley made a lonely sound.\ ;!== Doesn't 抜ける mean "pass _through_"? i.e. "blow down the valley", or possibly "blow out of the valley". ;-- mmm, out more than down I'd think !s80 ;…姫子さんが泣いた。谷間を吹く風も哭いた。\ ^Himeko-san cried. The wind over the ravine also wailed.\ ;たぶんわたしも…^@^泣いていたんだと思う…\ ^And probably, I, too...^@^ was crying.\ bg "e\w.jpg",10,2000 wait 1500 ;_テスBGM______ ;stop ;mp3fadeout 3500 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;____________ bg "e\b.jpg",10,1200 wait 1500 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0543.ogg" ;「止めるわ…文句言うのは…」\ ^``I'm stopping... saying complaints...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、空に向かって手を合わせようとする。\ ^As she spoke, she faced the sky and placed her hands together.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0398.ogg" ;「…じゃあこれ…返すわ」\ ^``Then, this... I'm giving it back.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0544.ogg" ;「そうね、これがないと効果薄かったわね」\ ^``Ah yes, without this, the effectiveness would be weaker, won't it?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、わたしが返したロザリオを自分の首へ掛けると、\ ^Then, she hung the rosary I returned on her neck.\ !s80 ;高い高いこの場所から…^@^ ;更に高い…空へと向かって祈りを捧げた…\ ^From this high, high place...^@^ ^To an even higher... towards the sky, she offered a prayer...\ ;_テス_ ;mp3loop "bgm2\2na_f.mp3" ;_テス_ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "en\hime02b.jpg",10,1200 ;☆BG>祈る姫子\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0545.ogg" ;「よく聞きなさい… ; 難聴気味だろうからここまで来てやったのよ…」\ ^``Listen well... ^Because you seem to be hard of hearing, I've come all this way to do it...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 wait 700 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0546.ogg" ;「…別に、私のことはもうどうでもいいわ…」\ ^``It doesn't matter about me now...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0547.ogg" ;「だけど、少なくとも私のことで…」\ ^``However, at the least, because of me...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0548.ogg" ;「…いつまでも、心を痛める人がいないようにして…」\ ^``... Make it so that there are no people who would be forever pained.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0549.ogg" ;「そして…少しでも早く、立ち直るようにして…」\ ^``And... even if it's just a bit sooner, let them recover...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\hime02.jpg",5 ;☆BG>祈る姫子UPとか\ ;…まるで、独り言のように淡々と呟く姫子さん。\ ^As if speaking to herself, Himeko-san coolly murmured.\ ;他にもいくつか言葉を続けるのだけど、 ;わたしにはそれ以上、何を言ってるのか分からなかった。\ ^There were a number of other words continuing on, but for me, I couldn't hear what she was saying beyond that.\ ;…もしかしたら姫子さんは…^@^神さまと仲直りしたのだろうか…\ ^Perhaps Himeko-san had...^@^ made up with God?\ ;その表情は、悲愴感や憐れみではなく、 ;凛とした、美しさにさえ思えた。\ ^That expression was, neither despairing, nor compassionate; it was proud, and could even be considered beautiful.\ ;…そしてこれが、決して交わる事のないと言った両者の…\ ^And this was probably, of those two she said would never meet...\ !s80 ;去る者が、残す者に対する願いなのだろうか…\ ^The one leaving's wish for those left behind...\ !sd ;☆BG>山頂\ bg "en\sora_a03c2.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0550.ogg" ;「ふう…これで全てよ」\ ^``... That's all of it.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そして、わたしの方へと向き直ると、\ ^And then, she turned towards me.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0551.ogg" ;「どう? 月並みなお願いで拍子抜けした?」\ ^``So? With a clichéd wish, were you disappointed?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"wn\setsumi-0007.ogg" ;「…ううん…」\ ^``... U~~un...''\ !sd ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0399.ogg" ;;「…ううん…」\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景 ;わたしは小さく首を振る。\ ^I gave my head a small shake.\ ;例え月並みなお願いだと言われても、 ;もし自分が姫子さんの立場なら…\ ^Even if they were called clichéd, if I were in Himeko-san's position...\ ;彼女と同じように、残す者のことを純粋に願えるだろうか…\ ^Would I have, in the same way, sincerely wished for those remaining behind?\ !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0552.ogg" ;「セツミ…あなたは証人よ」\ ^``Setsumi... you're the witness.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0400.ogg" ;「…わたしが?」\ ^``I am?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0553.ogg" ;「ええ、もし願いを違えた時は…」\ ^``Yes, if the wish comes out wrong...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0554.ogg" ;「次は、あなたが代わりに文句を言ってね…神さまとやらに」\ ^``Next time, you say complaints in my place, okay? To God and all that...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0401b.ogg" ;「それが…ここにわたしを連れてきた目的?」\ ^``Was this... the reason for taking me here?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0555.ogg" ;「まあ、半分はね…」\ ^``Well, half...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0127.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0402.ogg" ;「残り半分は…やっぱり秘密?」\ ^``And the remaining half... I guess is a secret?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0556.ogg" ;「そうねえ…」\ ^``Indeed...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言って、しばらく考えていたかと思うと…\ ^Saying that, she thought for a moment...\ bg "en\b.jpg",10,2000 !s100 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0557b.ogg" ;「…魔法…みたいなもんよ」\ ^``Magic... it's like that.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0403.ogg" ;「魔法?」\ ^``Magic?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s75 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0558.ogg" ;「ええ、今は効果なくてもね…きっと後で効いてくる筈よ」\ ^``Yes, even if there's no effect now... definitely, later it should work.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 bg "en\sora02.jpg",10,1500 ;■心情・情景>空とか>情景\ ;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;まだ早朝の空の下、帰路についたわたし達。\ ^Once again, under the morning sky, we hit the roads.\ bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;そんな中、コンビニで買ったお弁当を手に、 ;ぽつりと姫子さんは呟いた。\ ^Within that, with lunch bought from a convenience store in hand, Himeko-san whispered.\ bg "en\shanai4.jpg",3 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0564.ogg" ;「とりあえず、私もルールに一つ追加させてもらうわ」\ ^``For now, I'm going to add one to the rules.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0411.ogg" ;「…ルール?」\ ^``Rules?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0565.ogg" ;「ええ、友達は作っても良いってね」\ ^``Yes, that it's okay to make friends.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 ;そしてポケットからロザリオを取り出すと、\ ^Then, taking the rosary from her pocket.\ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0566.ogg" ;「ホントはこのロザリオもさ、 ; あなたにあげても良いんだけど…」\ ^``Really, I could have given you this rosary...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0567.ogg" ;「やっぱ、まだ私には必要だからね」\ ^``But, looks like I still need it, you see.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;そう言いながら、自分の首から胸元へと飾った。\ ^As she spoke, she moved it from her neck to decorate her chest.\ ;■心情・情景 ;_;_選択肢キープ;_ dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0568.ogg" ;「だからセツミには、違うものをプレゼントするわ」\ ^``That's why, for Setsumi, I'll give a different thing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0412.ogg" ;「…違うもの?」\ ^``A different thing?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0569.ogg" ;「ええ…決めるのはあなたよ」\ ^``Yes... the one who decides, is you.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;____________ dwave 6,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",3 ;bg "en\car_run2.jpg",3 ;尚も走るロードスター。 ;山あいの道から、少しずつ街中へと向かっていた。\ ^And now, the roadster drove on --- from the sloped roads slowly towards the city.\ ;ハンドルを握るのは姫子さん。^@^ ;パジャマではないけど、いつもの見知った姫子さん。\ ^Gripping the wheel was Himeko-san.^@^ ^Not in pajamas, but the usual Himeko-san I knew.\ ;…今までと違うのは、 ;その胸元にロザリオが見えていることだった…\ ^What was different from all the times before, was the rosary visible on her chest...\ bg "en\shanai1.jpg",3 !sd !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0570.ogg" ;「ねえセツミ…一つだけ言わせて」\ ^``Hey, Setsumi... let me say one thing.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0571.ogg" ;「これから先、あなたが誰を選んでも…」\ ^``From here on out, no matter who you choose...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0572.ogg" ;「最後の最後には、心まで殺しちゃダメよ…」\ ^``At the very, very end, you mustn't kill all the way to even your heart...''\ ;== I think まで here is more "even" than "all the way to". ;== (And I've spent 10 minutes trying to think how to explain exactly what that means, and failed. Sorry -- it's late... I think this is my brain telling me to go to bed.) ;-- ^^;; yeah, it feels more or less equivalent to me ;== Maybe "even" isn't quite the right sense either... :/ ;== It's a question of where the emphasis goes. To me, 心まで殺しちゃダメ puts the emphasis on the heart -- I might almost paraphrase the subtext as "your heart is the one thing you must not kill" -- whereas "all the way to the heart" seems to put the emphasis on everything else that is being killed, rather than the heart itself. ;== Or to put it another way, it's a question of what's included. "all the way to" leaves open the option that the trail of killing stops just before the heart, whereas I think 心まで requires that the heart also be killed. ;== Am I making any sense yet? ;__; ;-- mmmm after many months away from this section of script... I soooorta understand that it's a question of where does it 'stop' in that, ideally we'd want to say something like, 'you mustn't kill up to, and including, the heart'. sensewise it's 'even your heart (with many others implied)'.. 'even' alone isn't enough, and 'all the way to' is lacking, but both at once... oddly feels close to right !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0428.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^``What's this about?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0418.ogg" ;;「…意味がわからないわ」\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0573b.ogg" ;「いいのよ、今はね」\ ^``It's fine, for now.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0574.ogg" ;「きっと大丈夫…最後には笑える筈よ」\ ^``I'm sure you'll be fine... In the end, you'll be able to smile.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;■心情・情景 !s90 ;それが、さっき言っていた…^@^魔法とやらなのだろうか…\ ^That, probably was what she mentioned before...^@^ the so-called magic...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 3000 mov %flg2_cha18,1 mov %flg2_bplay,18 goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ *agilis_nar2_18 mov $sys_midasi,"^#19 / Magic [a]" stop mp3fadeout 3000 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se2\car_stop2.ogg" !w1500 dwave 6,"se2\car_close.ogg" dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0559.ogg" ;「じゃあ、ここでお別れしましょ」\ ^``Well, let's part here.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1l.jpg",5 ;響きわたる鐘の音。\ ^The rolling sound of bells.\ ;教会の前に車を止めると、わたしを降ろす姫子さん。\ ^Stopping the car in front of the church, Himeko-san let me get off.\ ;== I'm not familiar with this usage of "let me off" -- is this the standard phrase in American English? I'd have expected "let me out" or "dropped me off" (or possibly "set me down", etc). ;-- this miiight be a trait of the nyc/new england dialect, but I can't identify the selection rule in my head for it... oh well, I can always add in 'get' and suddenly it's all good dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0560.ogg" ;「セツミ、もうお見舞いに来ちゃダメよ」\ ^``Setsumi, no more coming to visit, okay?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0404.ogg" ;「…えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;突然の言葉。 ;それは、もう二度と会えない…別れを意味していた。\ ^Sudden words. ^They were to never meet again... it meant farewell.\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0405.ogg" ;「…ねえ、こんな時わたしは…」\ ^``Say... at a time like this, I...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0406.ogg" ;「…残される者は、どうすればいいの?」\ ^``The ones left behind, what should they do?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0561.ogg" ;「別に…普通でいいのよ」\ ^``Nothing really... the usual is fine.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0407.ogg" ;「…もっと具体的に言って」\ ^``Say it more concretely.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0562.ogg" ;「言葉の通りよ、普通のまま…自然でいて」\ ^``As the words mean, just normally... be natural.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 ;親しい人が、まもなく死ぬというのに、 ;もうこれで二度と会えないというのに…\ ^Even though a close person will soon be dying, even though they'd never meet again...\ ;その場に残される者が、普通でいられるのだろうか…\ ^Could those left behind there, really be normal?\ !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0408.ogg" ;「…むずかしいこと、言わないでよ」\ ^``... Don't say difficult things.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0563.ogg" ;「じゃあ、笑って見送ってあげて」\ ^``Then, smile and see me off.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0409.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0410.ogg" ;「もっとむずかしいわ…」\ ^``That's even harder...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwavestop 6 ;そして、わたしに背を向けると、 ;目の前の教会に向かって歩き始める姫子さん。\ ^And then, turning her back towards me, Himeko-san started walking towards the church in front of her.\ ;;恐らく、その中に居るであろう千尋さんと会うのだろう。 ;;きっと、以前は優しかったの「以前」は無くなるのだろう。\ ;…そんな後ろ姿に向かって…^@^わたしは最後の問いを投げる。\ ^... Facing that back...^@^ I asked a final question.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0413c.ogg" ;「姫子さん…最後にもう一つだけ教えて」\ ^``Himeko-san... Tell me one last thing.''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0575.ogg" ;「…いいわよ」\ ^``... Sure.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0414b.ogg" ;「ネロは…」\ ^``Nello...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0415b.ogg" ;「…アロアは……幸せだったの?」\ ^``... Alois... were they happy?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0576.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s90 ;その問いには、無言のまま俯いてしまった姫子さん。\ ^At that question, Himeko-san silently looked down.\ ;…やがて…^@^ ;一旦、教会を見つめ…^@^次に大きく空を仰ぐと…\ ^... Shortly after...^@^ ^Just briefly, she glanced at the church...^@^ and then boldly facing the sky...\ ;== Isn't 大きく modifying 仰ぐ? I'd expect 大きい if it was modifying 空. ;-- hrm, true.. now to come up with a decent rendering... !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0577.ogg" ;「さあ、どっちなんだろうね…」\ ^``Hmm, which was it, I wonder...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0578.ogg" ;「あはは、よくわからないね」\ ^``Ahaha, I don't really know.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 ;そう言って笑ってみせてくれた。\ ^While speaking, she gave me a smile.\ ;まもなく、この世界から消えるであろう彼女なのに…\ ^Even though, very soon, she would probably disappear from this world...\ ;…最後に、いつもの笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^In the end, she faced me with her usual smile...\ !sd ;☆白 dwavestop 6 bg "e\w.jpg",5 !s120 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0579b.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…」\ ^``Well then...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s140 dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0580zz.ogg" ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0580z4.ogg" ;dwave 1,"w2\1\hime1_0580d.ogg" ;「…さよなら……コロッケ博士…」\ ^``Farewell... Professor Croquette...''\ mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" bg "e\bt.jpg",1 ;dwave 5,"se2\bas.ogg" !s75 ;…こうして… ^... And so... ;40日におよぶ一夏の友達は、7Fへと消えた…\ ^The friend of 40 days, of one summer, disappeared toward the 7th floor...\ !s75 ;名前は姫子、お姫さまの姫に、子供の子、 ;血液型AB、23才、てんびん座、女性。\ ^Name, Himeko. A princess's ~i~hime,~i~ with a child's ~i~ko.~i~ Blood type, AB, Age, 23, Libra. Female.\ ;== Single quotes :) Should they be quoted at all, though? Chicago suggests that italics are all that's needed (7.51). Either way you need to make the same change to the other place where the name is explained, too. ;-- whoops. since I'm notionally following chicago I should probably fix that. One thing that sorta irritated me is that chicago has no guidelines for the word 'okay/O.K./OK' etc.... so I inevitably just use 'okay'. I know at least one guide out there somewhere requires O.K. or OK... oh well, whatever ;ビニールの認識腕輪の色は、白。\ ^Vinyl identification bracelet color, white.\ dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "e\bt22.jpg",1 bg "e\bt2.jpg",5 !s75 ;1999年度、世界総数10億人にも及ぶ、 ;カトリック信者から一人が消えた。\ ^In the year 1999, out of the world's over 1 billion Catholics, one disappeared.\ !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0416.ogg" ;「わたしに変なあだ名と…」\ ^``Upon me, a strange nickname, and...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0417.ogg" ;「不思議な魔法をかけ…」\ ^``A mysterious magic she cast...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 !s100 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0418.ogg" ;「…この世界からも…消えた…」\ ^``And from this world... she disappeared...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",1 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "en\sora02.jpg",5 !s75 ;見上げれば高い日。響きわたる教会の鐘の音。 ;どこまでも続く青空。けたたましく鳴く蝉の声。\ ^The high sun when you look up. The rolling sound of church bells. The endlessly continuing blue sky. The loudly crying voices of cicadas.\ ;まもなく夏は終わろうとするのに…\ ^Even though very soon, the summer would end...\ !s100 ;…今日も…暑い日になりそうだった…\ ^Today also... looked to be a hot day...\ !sd ;簡易スタッフロール bg "e\b.jpg",5 !w1500 ;bg "tr\nar2_st01.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\nar2_st01.png",5 !w2500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\nar2_st02.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\nar2_st02.png",5 !w2500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\nar2_st03.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\nar2_st03.png",5 !w2000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "tr\nar2_st04.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\nar2_st04.png",5 !w2000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 !w2500 ;※スタッフロール>簡易型\ ;__ ;bg "tr\te001.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\te001.png",3 ;bg "tr\te002.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\te002.png",1 ;bg "tr\te003.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\te003.png",3 ;bg "tr\te004.jpg",1 bg "agilis\2\te004.png",1 ;bg "tr\te005.jpg",3 bg "agilis\2\te005.png",3 !sd ;あんなに長かった夏が終わり…\ ^That very long summer ended...\ ;駆け足で秋が過ぎ、 ;気の早いクリスマスソングが街頭に流れ出す頃、\ ^Quickly, fall passed, and early Christmas songs were playing in the streets.\ ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\03_door_knock_02b.ogg" ;コンコン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_357 ^There was a knock at my door.\ goto *generated_358 *generated_357 ^* Knock, knock. *\ *generated_358 dwave 4,"w2\4\mama_065.ogg" ;「セツミ、荷物が届いているわよ」\ ^``Setsumi, a package has arrived.''\ !sd dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0419.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;bg "en\heya2.jpg",3 ;お母さんから受け取った郵便小包。 ;普通で考えれば、わたしに荷物が届くことはない。\ ^I took the small package from Mother. Normally, I wouldn't be receiving packages.\ ;でもわたしには、一つだけ思い当たることがあった。\ ^However, there was only one thing that came to my mind.\ ;着日指定の小包、その差出名。 ;もしやという予感と共に確認すると…\ ^A package to be delivered on a certain date, that sender's name... with a sense of premonition, I went to check...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0420.ogg" !s120 ;…アロア…\ ^... Alois...\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;小さくボールペンで書かれた文字。^@^ ;…姫子さんからだった。\ ^Letters written small with a ballpoint pen.^@^ ^... It was from Himeko-san.\ ;生前の、いつに出された物か分からないけど、 ;違うものをプレゼントすると言っていた。\ ^While alive, at what point she sent it out, I didn't know. But she had said that she would give a different thing as a present.\ ;そして、恐る恐る… ;期待と同じくらいの不安と共に中を開けてみると…\ ^And then, tremblingly... with equal amounts of expectation and unease, I opened to look...\ ;☆BG 手にワンピ\ bg "en\setu03.jpg",5 bg "en\setu03b.jpg",5 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0421.ogg" ;「…ワンピース?」\ ^``... A one-piece?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;夏っぽい白地に、可愛い黄色のひまわり柄。\ ^Summery white, with a cute yellow sunflower pattern.\ ;それはかつて、何度も買ってあげると言われた、 ;わたしが欲しそうにしていた物だった。\ ^That was something that she had said numerous times she would buy for me, the thing that I had seemed to want.\ ;;…車やロザリオの代わりにワンピースをくれた姫子さん\ ;手に広げたワンピースと、 ;窓辺のハンガーにかけた洗いたてのパジャマ。\ ^The one-piece dress spread in my hands, and by the window on a hanger were the washed pajamas.\ ;…そして、今も着ているセーラー服。\ ^And the sailor uniform I still wore now.\ ;かつての日常の証として、 ;唯一、わたしが持っているパジャマ以外の服…\ ^As proof of my once normal days, the only piece of clothing other than pajamas that I had ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s80 ;…心が…^@^揺れた…\ ^... My heart...^@^ swayed...\ ;うれしくて、思わず袖を通そうとしたわたし。\ ^So happy, before I knew it, I was about to pass my arms through the sleeves.\ ;…でも、その手を止める。\ ^... But I stopped my hands.\ !s75 ;そして、再び箱へ戻すと、 ;もっと受け取るに”ふさわしい”人の元へと向かった。\ ^And then, once again returning it to the box, I headed to where the person who was more ``worthy'' of accepting it was.\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;_;_ dwave 5,"se\ele2.ogg" ;チン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_359 ^The elevator bell rang.\ goto *generated_360 *generated_359 ^* Ding. *\ *generated_360 ;☆BG 7F dwave 6,"se\autodoor.ogg" bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;数ヶ月ぶりにやってきたこの場所。\ ^A place I hadn't come to in a number of months.\ ;ナースステーションの横をすり抜け、 ;目的である彼女の姿を探すが、どこにも見当たらなかった。\ ^Passing through the side of the nurses station, my goal was to find her, but she was nowhere to be seen.\ ;そして、かつての姫子さんの病室には、 ;当たり前だが、見知らぬネームプレート。\ ^And the room that Himeko-san had once been in... it was expected, but a nameplate I didn't recognize.\ ;中に居た車椅子に乗ったおばさんに小さく会釈すると、 ;わたしは7Fを後にした。\ ^Giving the old lady in the wheelchair inside a small greeting, I left the 7th floor.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;帰りがけ。 ;ふと目についた中庭。\ ^While returning, by chance, the courtyard came into view.\ ;そこには、ちらほらと咲き始めた水仙の花。\ ^In that place, here and there, daffodils were beginning to blossom.\ ;他の花壇が、荒野と化した今の時期、 ;独り咲く姿は、凛として美しいと思った。\ ^The other flowerbeds had been left barren in this season, and I thought their singly blooming figures were proud and beautiful.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se2\kane02d.ogg" bg "en\kyoukai1.jpg",3 ;響きわたる鐘の音。 ;ここに訪れたのは、姫子さんの告別式以来だった。\ ^The rolling sound of bells. ^Visiting here was the first since Himeko-san's funeral.\ bg "en\kyoukai2.jpg",3 ;そして、探していた人物に向かって声を掛ける。\ ^Then, I called to the person I had been searching for.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0422.ogg" ;「千尋さん…」\ ^``Chihiro-san...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0129.ogg" ;「あ、セツミさん…」\ ^``Ah, Setsumi-san...''\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0155b.ogg" ;「お久しぶりね、どうしたのこんな場所まで」\ ^``It has been a while hasn't it? What brings you to such a place?''\ ;== Is this another "awhile" that needs spacing? ;-- yop~ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0423.ogg" ;「…病院に居なかったから」\ ^``Because you weren't in the hospital.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0156b.ogg" ;「ああ…ヘルパーはもう辞めちゃったから」\ ^``Ah... because I've stopped being a helper.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0157b.ogg" ;「少し気持ちが落ちつくまで、お休みすることにしたの」\ ^``Until my feelings calm down a little, I've decided to rest.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;そう言って、以前と変わらぬ、穏やかな顔を見せてくれる。\ ^Saying that, unchanged from before, she showed me her calm face.\ ;その表情から…^@^わたしの義務はないのかも知れないと思えた。 ;代わりに文句を言う必要はないと、告げられたように思えた。\ ^From that expression...^@^ I felt I might not have a duty. Felt I've been told that I didn't have to go say complaints in her place.\ dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0158b.ogg" ;「ところでどうしたの? もしかしてお祈りに来たの?」\ ^``By the way, what's wrong? Did you come here to pray?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0424.ogg" ;「ううん、そうじゃない…」\ ^``U~~un, that's not it...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、トートバックから服の入った箱を差し出す。\ ^As I spoke, I took from my tote bag the box with the clothing.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0425.ogg" ;「プレゼントよ…お姉さんから」\ ^``A present... from your Onee-san.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0159.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0426.ogg" ;「ちょっと小さいかも知れないけど…」\ ^``It might be a bit small, but...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0160.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0161.ogg" ;「…そう、ありがとうね」\ ^``... I see, thank you.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;箱を受け取り、言葉ではそう返すが、 ;どこか困ったような表情を浮かべていた。\ ^Accepting the box, she gave that reply, but, somehow a troubled expression surfaced.\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0427.ogg" ;「…千尋さん?」\ ^``Chihiro-san?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0162.ogg" ;「…うん、ごめんね」\ ^``... Mm, I'm sorry.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0163b.ogg" ;「実は、お姉ちゃんから聞かされてたんだ…」\ ^``Truth is, I've been told by Onee-chan...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0428.ogg" ;「…なんのこと?」\ ^``What's this about?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0164.ogg" ;「もしかしたら…」\ ^``That maybe...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0165.ogg" ;「セツミさんが、私にそう言ってくるかもって…」\ ^``Setsumi-san might come say that to me.''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0429.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ !sd dwavestop 1 dwave 3,"w2\3\chihiro-0166.ogg" ;「でね、その時は…これを渡してくれって」\ ^``And see, at that time... she said to hand this over.''\ !sd dwavestop 3 ;☆BG 白 bg "en\w.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" ;_;_;_;_ ;☆BG 地図を見るセツミ\ dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" bg "en\setu02.jpg",5 ;…ベッドの上に広げた地図。\ ;そこには、国道、高速、名も知らぬ無数の道。\ ^Atop the bed spread maps.\ ^On there, were national roads, expressways, countless roads I didn't know the names of.\ ;都道府県別に、数万分の1の広域図と、 ;3千分の1の詳細な市街図が描かれていた。\ ^Separate wide maps of all 47 prefectures at a few tens of thousands to one scale, and 3000 to 1 scale detailed city maps were drawn on them.\ ;== "a few ten-thousand" seems unclear to me (at least, I had to refer to the Japanese to work out what it meant). Could you say something like "tens of thousands to one" instead? ;-- fair enough. I don't deal with scales much 'cept in a 'this is a multiplicative factor' sense ;;あんなに遠く感じた富士山は、 ;;地図上ではたった15cmほどの距離しかなかった。\ ;…ワンピースを返して…^@^地図をもらった…\ ^Returning the one-piece...^@^ I received maps...\ ;もしかしたら姫子さんは…予想していたのだろうか?^@^ ;わたしが、”こちら”を選ぶことを…\ ^Perhaps, Himeko-san had... expected this?^@^ ^That I would choose ``this side''...\ ;dwave 5,"se2\pera.ogg" ;そして、地図に挟んであった一通の封筒。^@^ ;その中に入っていたのは…1万円札が5枚。\ ^And then, tucked into the maps, was a single envelope.^@^ ^What was inside... five ¥10,000 bills.\ ;かつて、地図を見ながら、 ;これだけあればどこへでも行けると言っていた…\ ^Once, while looking at the maps, she had said that with just that much, one could go anywhere...\ ;bg "en\nar011.jpg",3 bg "en\w.jpg",3 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0430.ogg" ;「これが、最後に笑える為の…」\ ^``This is, for smiling at the end...''\ !sd dwavestop 1 !s80 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0431.ogg" ;「…残り半分の魔法なのだろうか…」\ ^``... The remaining half of the magic?...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg black,10,1200 !s100 ;…祈りがあるなら、呪いもある… \ ^... If there is a prayer, then there is also a curse...\ !s80 ;恐らくわたしは、そのどちらも選ばない…^@^選べない気がする。\ ^Most likely, I would choose neither...^@^ I have a feeling I won't be able to choose.\ ;そんなわたしは、一体どうなってしまうのだろうか…\ ^As someone like that, just what would become of me, I wonder...\ dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0432b.ogg" ;「…こんなわたしでも…いつかは笑えるのだろうか…」\ ^``...Even someone like me... I wonder, will I be able to smile someday...''\ !sd dwavestop 0 bg white,1 ;bg "en\setu02b.jpg",3 bg "en\setu02c.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w2\0\setsumi_0433b.ogg" ;MARK - Another voice-only clip. ;…最後には…笑うことが出来るだろうか… ;^In the end, would I be able to smile? bg "agilis\2\setu02d.png",10,1200 wait 5500 bg "en\w2.jpg",5 wait 1000 dwave 5,"se2\car_thru_rl.ogg" ;※タイトルへ>音はそのまま\ bg "english\2\setu02e.png",10,1200 bg "english\sys\title_off2_2.png",5 mov %flg2_cha19,1 mov %flg2_all,1 mov %flg2_bplay,19 goto *title ;goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;______________ ;*agilis_nar2_19 ;mov %flg2_cha20,1 ;mov %flg2_all,1 ;mov %flg2_bplay,20 ;goto *agilis_mini_title2 ;agi_narci2_end ;-*- ponscripter -*- ; Chapter select screen: Narci1 tr. agilis *agilis_mini_title lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter00.bmp",285,224 if %flg_pro == 1 lsp 192,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter01.bmp",285,248 if %flg_cha2 == 1 lsp 193,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter02.bmp",285,272 if %flg_cha3 == 1 lsp 194,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter03.bmp",285,296 if %flg_cha4 == 1 lsp 195,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter04.bmp",285,320 if %flg_cha5 == 1 lsp 196,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter05.bmp",535,248 if %flg_cha6 == 1 lsp 197,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter06.bmp",535,272 if %flg_cha7 == 1 lsp 198,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter07.bmp",535,296 if %flg_cha8 == 1 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter08.bmp",535,320 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 movz ?0[0], 273, 273, 273, 273, 523, 523, 523, 523 movz ?0[1], 252, 276, 300, 324, 252, 276, 300, 324 if %flg_bplay <= 8 lsp 201,":a/10,250,0;tui\cur2.bmp",?0[0][%flg_bplay-1],?0[1][%flg_bplay-1] if %unvoiced_mode == 0 bg "english\1\mini_title.png",5 if %unvoiced_mode == 1 bg "english\1\mini_title_novoice.png",5 ~ btndef clear cellcheckspbtn 191,200,1 btnwait %11 if %11==-1 csp 191,201:goto *middle_title if %11<=0 jumpb if %11==10 csp 191,201:goto *middle_title ;前の画面に戻る ;以下はボタンを押した場合なのでまず画像クリア csp 191,201 tablegoto1 %11, *agilis_image, *agilis_honpen2, *agilis_honpen3, *agilis_honpen4, *agilis_honpen5, *agilis_honpen6, *agilis_honpen7, *agilis_honpen8, *agilis_honpen9 jumpb ;-*- ponscripter -*- ;agi_narci1_start *agilis_image ;mov $sys_midasi,"プロローグ ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Prologue [a]" ;goto *tc1 ;bg "tui\title_off2.bmp",1 dwavestop 5 ;プロローグ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 1500 dwavestop 0 ;addition here to cover that hanging voiced line we neer knew how to deal with ;-;unvoiced nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_361 lsph 5,":s;#999999^~i =19~... Those dazzling days, those winter days...~i =19~",230,358 *generated_361 dwave 0,"w\n001.ogg" vsp 5,1 ;bg "e\c001a.jpg",1 bg "agilis\1\c001a.png",1 ;bg "e\c001b.jpg",3 bg "agilis\1\c001b.png",3 ;bg "e\c001.jpg",3 bg "agilis\1\c001.png",3 ;bg "e\c002.jpg",3 bg "agilis\1\c002.png",3 ;bg "e\c003.jpg",3 bg "agilis\1\c003.png",3 wait 700 ;bg "e\c004.jpg",5 bg "agilis\1\c004.png",5 ;and clear the line covering the first spoken line ;-;unvoiced nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_362 csp 5 *generated_362 wait 1000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 wait 200 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",3 ;bg "e\c02.jpg",3 bg "agilis\1\c02.png",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ; ■ 1996年 春 セツミ ■\ ;^ * 1996 Spring. Setsumi *\ ;-- meh not like this line is needed ;bg "e\c02b.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n002.ogg" ;『…確かに、幼い頃から丈夫な方じゃなかった…』\ ^``... Certainly, since I was a child, I wasn't on the healthy side...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それでも小学校は普通に通えたし、 ;夏休みには真っ黒に日焼けするほど遊んだこともあった。\ ^But even so, I went to grade school normally. During summer vacation, I played until I was tanned very dark.\ ;○とも>教室夕方 bg "e\byoin_heya_yu2.jpg",5 ;6月。中学に入ってすぐの頃。^@^ ;来月から始まる、水泳用の水着を注文した翌日。\ ^June, soon after entering middle school.^@^ The day after we ordered swimsuits for the swimming class that would start next month.\ ;その時、初めて入院ってのを経験した。\ ^That time was the first time I experienced being admitted into a hospital.\ ;一学期の中間テストの少し前、 ;降り始めた雨が、やけに冷たい日だった。\ ^Just a little before the first semester midterms, a day where the rain that started to fall felt awfully cold.\ ;○とも>夕:空 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 ;真っ白な梅雨空の中。\ ^In the midst of that pure white sky of the rainy season.\ ;そりゃあ、最初の頃は、 ;クラスの皆んなも毎日のように見舞いに来てくれた。\ ^In the beginning, everyone in the class came to visit me each day.\ ;退院した頃には、 ;週末の度に、家にも遊びに来てくれた。\ ^And when I was discharged from the hospital, during the weekends, they would come to my house to play.\ ;…でも、そんなのは最初だけ。\ ^... But, that was just the beginning.\ ;;どんどん学校から、社会から、置き去りにされてしまうわたし。\ dwavestop 5 ;bg "e\byoin_heya_yu2.jpg",5 bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;秋を迎え、冬を越し、 ;入院、退院、通院…そしてまた入院を繰り返し…\ ^Fall came, winter left. Hospitalized, discharged, outpatient care... and then starting again with hospitalization.\ ;かつて、友達と呼んでいたクラスメイト。\ ^Classmates who once were called friends.\ ;いつしか、知り合いへと変わった。\ ^At some point, became acquaintances.\ ;そして、他人へと変わった。\ ^And then, turned to strangers.\ ;季節を重ねる毎に、 ;彼等の記憶からわたしは消えたようだった。\ ^With each turning of the seasons, it seemed that I was disappearing from their memories.\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n003.ogg" ;「…どうやら、”良い気がしない”らしい」\ ^``... It looks like, it makes them uncomfortable.''\ dwavestop 0 wait 300 dwave 0,"w\n004.ogg" ;「普通に生きている人にとって、わたしの存在ってのは」\ ^``For those who live normally, my very existence.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n005.ogg" ;「だから…消されたようだった…」\ ^``That's why... I seem to have been erased...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",5 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n006.ogg" ;「幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を… ; 誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…」\ ^``Numerous seasons, white overcast skies... passed without even the need to exchange words with anyone...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n007.ogg" ;「わたしの英語の教科書は、 ; 1年生の中間テスト以降、まっさらな状態だった」\ ^``My English textbook, from my first year midterms onwards, remained brand new.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_0012.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n008.ogg" ;「…そこで…^@^わたしの時間も止まったらしい」\ ^``... It was there...^@^ that my time seems to have stopped.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_0013b.jpg",3 bg "e\c005.jpg",5 bg "e\c0052.jpg",3 ;mp3fadeout 2000 ;stop ;click !w800 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;bg "e\c00.jpg",5 bg "agilis\1\c00.png",5 ; ■ 8年後…2004年 主人公 初夏 ■\ ^* Eight years later... 2004, Early summer: Protagonist. *\ bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;夏。流れる汗。\ ^Summer. Flowing sweat.\ ;運転免許試験場に設置された、大きな電光掲示板。\ ^In the driver's license examination area, a large electronic bulletin board was installed.\ ;一斉に点灯を始めたライト。 ;俺も他の皆んなと同じように、自分のナンバーを目で追う。\ ^All at once, the lights came on, and like everyone else there, I searched for my own number.\ ;○とも>なにか室内or街中系 ;「237、237…」\ ^``237... 237...''\ dwavestop 0 ;チカチカと約8割ほどのライトが点灯する中、 ;無事に自分の受験番号が光ったことを確認した。\ ^Scanning among the mostly lit light panel, I found my own examination number.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;○とも>SEとか dwave 5,"se\faan1_b.ogg" ;ガタンゴトン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_363 ^The tracks beneath the train thudded rhythmically.\ goto *generated_364 *generated_363 ^* Kathunk-gathunk. *\ *generated_364 ;ちょうど昼過ぎの為か、よく空いていた車内。\ ^Because it was just past midday, the train car was quite empty.\ ;そんなガラ空きの車内を、 ;俺は試験場からの帰路についていた。\ ^And in that empty car, I was on the way home from the examination center.\ ;左手には貰ったばかりの交通教本、 ;胸ポケットには真新しい免許証。\ ^In my left hand was the traffic regulations manual I had just received. In my shirt pocket, was the brand new license.\ ;「これで俺も、普免持ちか…」\ ^``With this, I'm also normally licensed, eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;しみじみ呟くが、特に感慨はなかった。\ ^I murmured somewhat seriously, but didn't feel any particular strong emotion.\ ;別に、車に乗りたかった訳じゃない。 ;他に何かの目的があった訳でもない。\ ^It's not like I wanted to drive cars. Nor did I really have another purpose in mind.\ ;只、まわりの連中も教習所に通っていたし、 ;車の免許くらい取っておけと勧められただけだった。\ ^It was just, people around me were going to the training center, and had recommended that I at least get a driver's license.\ ;○とも>夜空 bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;その夜。\ ^That night.\ ;親に免許が取れたことを報告すると、 ;『そうか』と、短く返された。\ ^When I reported to my parents that I had gotten my license, ``Is that so.'' was the short reply.\ ;試しに、車を貸してくれと言ってみたら、 ;同じように短く、^@^駄目だ。とだけ返された。\ ^As an experiment, I tried saying that I wanted to borrow the car. And just as shortly ^@^came a ``you can't.''\ ;別に車に乗りたかった訳じゃないけど、 ;その返答はあまりに予想通りだった。そんな親だった。\ ^It wasn't like I had wanted to drive the car, but the responses were exactly as I had imagined. They were those sorts of parents.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;翌日。 ;寝覚めから胸が苦しかったので病院へと向かった。\ ^The next day. ^Upon waking up, my chest hurt, and so I was taken to the hospital.\ ;普段から俺は、病気なんてもんに縁がなかった。 ;だから、初診受付の待ち時間は、ひどく退屈に感じた。\ ^Normally, I had little to do with things involving sickness. That was why waiting in the initial waiting room felt extremely boring.\ bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;やっと診察が終わったと思うと、 ;今度はレントゲンと血液検査にも行った。行かされた。\ ^Finally, just when I thought the examination was over, this time I went to take X-rays and blood tests. Was made to go.\ ;更に、長い長い時間を、ぼ~っと待たされ…\ ^On top of that, for a long, long time, I was made to wait in boredom...\ ;思わず、待合室にあったジャンプを3冊も読み、 ;4冊目に手を伸ばした時、\ ^Without noticing, I had finished reading three books of ``Jump'' manga that was in the waiting room, and was reaching for a fourth.\ ;そのまま入院の手続きをさせられた。\ ^And just like that, I was made to do the paperwork for being admitted into the hospital.\ ;胸ポケットに入れたままになっていた、真新しい免許証。\ ^The brand new driver's license that still lay in my shirt pocket.\ ;その出番は遠のいたようだった。\ ^It looked like the time for it's debut was far off.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwavestop 5 ;bg "e\c03.jpg",3 bg "agilis\1\c03.png",3 ; ■ 主人公 2004年 秋 ■\ ^* Protagonist: 2004, Autumn. *\ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;あんなにうるさかった蝉が鳴き止む頃。\ ^Around when those very noisy cicadas had stopped crying.\ ;相変わらず俺は病院に居た。\ ^As usual, I was in the hospital.\ ;bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;もちろん、ずっと入院していた訳じゃない。 ;出たり入ったりの繰り返しだった。\ ^Of course, it wasn't like I was always admitted in the hospital. I would be in and out.\ ;先月には、初めて手術ってのも経験した。 ;退院後は、原チャで5分の距離を通院もした。\ ^Last month, I had my first experience with surgery. After being discharged, I commuted five minutes for outpatient care by scooter.\ ;それからも、入院、退院、通院、入院を小刻みに繰り返して…\ ^And even from then on, admitted, discharged, outpatient care, gradually moving to being admitted again.\ ;PETだかイレッサだか知らないけど、 ;気づけば、その繰り返しで数ヶ月が経とうとしていた。\ ^I didn't know anything about PET or IRESSA, but I noticed through the comings and goings that a number of months have passed.\ ;食欲が減った代わりに、貰う薬の量と種類が増えた。 ;自分でも、目に見えて体力が落ちてきたと実感できる。\ ^In exchange of my decreasing appetite, the types and amounts of drugs increased. Even I could see with my own eyes that my strength was declining.\ ;足が細くなった気がするけど、\ ^My legs felt a bit thin, but...\ ;”それは気のせいじゃない” ;と、体重計の針は教えてくれた。\ ^``That's not your imagination,'' the needle on the scale would tell me.\ ;なのに俺は…^@^どこか客観的に自分を見ていた。\ ^And yet...^@^ I was looking at myself somehow objectively.\ ;まるで他人事か、 ;テレビの1シーンでも眺めているようだった。\ ^As if watching a stranger, like looking at a single scene on television.\ ;突然、身に起こったことに、頭がついて行けなかった。 ;リアルとして起こった実感が沸かなかった。\ ^The sudden things that happened to my body, my head couldn't keep up with them. The feeling that what was happening was ``real'' didn't arise.\ ;だから、自分自身のことの筈なのに、 ;どこか遠い場所から冷めた目でしか見れなかった。\ ^And so, even though it was supposed to be my own body, I could only watch myself from afar with cold eyes.\ ;bg "e\c033.jpg",5 bg "agilis\1\c033.png",5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;冬の日。 ;街頭からクリスマスツリーが姿を消す頃、\ ^Winter. ^Around when Christmas trees were disappearing from the streets.\ ;年末ということもあってか、自宅に帰してくれた。\ ^Perhaps it was the end of the year, but I was allowed to return home.\ ;あくまでも一時的なものらしい。 ;それでも少しは嬉しかった。\ ^In the end, it seemed to be only temporary. But even then, I was a bit happy.\ bg "e\amazora02.jpg",5 ;みぞれ混じりの雨の中、 ;久しぶりに帰ってきた俺の家。\ ^In a mix of rain and sleet, I returned home for the first time in a while.\ ;何故か、家族が全員揃っていた。\ ^For some reason, everyone in the family was gathered.\ ;普段からそれほど話すことも無かった親なのに、 ;どこかギクシャクとしながらも、笑顔で迎えてくれた。\ ^Even though my parents normally didn't speak much, while being a bit stiff, they smiled at me.\ ;いつも口喧嘩ばかりしていた妹が、 ;俺の好きなクリームシチューとエビフライを作って待っていた。\ ^The little sister who I always argued with, made my favorite cream stew and fried shrimp.\ ;こたつに並んで座った。みかんをむいてくれた。 ;やけに優しかった。それが印象的だった。\ ^We sat next to each other in the ~i~kotatsu~i~. They peeled mandarins for me. They were excessively kind. That was the impression it left.\ ;この時点で…^@^俺は少しだけ察した。\ ^During this time...^@^ I had just a bit of a realization.\ ;ポケットに入れたままになった、例の真新しい免許証。\ ^Still left in the pocket, that brand new license.\ ;この免許証は、その価値を生かすことなく ;終わるのかも知れないと思った。\ ^That license, without giving rise to any practical value, might expire.\ ;dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" ;bg "e\amazora02.jpg",5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;ギクシャクとした不自然な笑顔に迎えられて…\ ^While having stiff, unnatural smiles directed at me...\ ;冷静に、曖昧に、ひたすら薄っぺらく、 ;他人事のように俺はそう思った。\ ^Calmly, vaguely, rather simply, I thought of that --- as if thinking of someone else.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;_____________________ ;bg "e\c032.jpg",5 bg "agilis\1\c032.png",5 ; ■ 主人公 2005年 1月 ■\ ^* Protagonist: January, 2005. *\ ;bgm bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",5 ;年が明けて、また帰って来た病院。\ ^The New Year passed, and I returned again to the hospital.\ ;何故かその日は、いつもの4階ではなく、 ;談話室のような部屋に行った。行かされた。\ ^For some reason, on that day, I didn't go to the 4th floor, but instead to a conference room. Was made to go.\ ;そして、オヤジと医者の先生、 ;それに俺も交えた三人で色んな話しを聞いた。聞かされた。\ ^There, with my father and a doctor, I heard many things. Was made to listen.\ ;いわゆる、告知というやつなんだろう。\ ^It was, that thing called ``notification'' probably.\ ;すごく遠回しな言い方だったが、 ;そう解釈した。死ぬらしい俺は。\ ^They had an extremely indirect way of speaking, but in the end, it seemed like I was going to die.\ ;「そうですか…」\ ^``I see...''\ dwavestop 0 ;だから、それだけを返した。他に言葉は見つからなかった。 ;入室してから出るまでに、口にしたのはこれだけだった。\ ^That was why, I was only able to reply with that. I couldn't find other words. From when I entered until I left the room, that was all that said.\ ;俺の返事を受け、 ;手に持ったボールペンを走らせる先生。\ ^Accepting my answer, the doctor moved the ballpoint pen in his hand.\ ;恐らくはホスピスへの手続きだろう。 ;あくまでも事務的な態度だった。オヤジも似たようなもんだった。\ ^Most likely, it was the paperwork for the hospice. To the very end, he was very businesslike. My father was very much the same.\ ;…こんな簡単なモンなんだ…\ ^... It was such a simple thing...\ ;それが俺の率直な感想だった。\ ^That was my honest impression.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;;☆シーン変え ;そして、その日を境に4階から7階へと、 ;6人部屋から個室へと変わった。\ ^And then, between that day and the next, I changed from the 4th to the 7th floor, from a 6-patient room to a single.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",5 ;それと、この7階自体は他の階と少し違っていた。\ ^And also, this 7th floor itself was a bit different from other floors.\ ;まず、床がピカピカになっていた。 ;天井も今までより、ずっと高く広々としていた。\ ^For one thing, the floors were sparkling. The ceilings were much higher, much broader.\ ;病室の中もすごく綺麗で、大きな窓からは、 ;明るく日光を採り入れる仕組みなっているようだった。\ ^Inside the rooms, it was extremely clean, the large windows seemed designed to let in lots of sunlight.\ ;;きっと、ベッドも新品に近いものだろう。 ;;真っ白なシーツが眩しい日射しに際立っていた。\ ;…だけど、窓は少ししか開かなかった。\ ^... However, the windows only opened a tiny bit.\ ;試しに計ってみると、 ;ちょうど頭がギリギリ通らない幅だった。\ ^When I tried measuring, it was just slightly smaller than allowing your head pass through.\ ;他にも、認識用の腕輪の色が変わった。\ ^The other thing was, the color of the ID bracelets changed.\ ;入院した日から、ずっと手首に巻かれていたビニール製の腕輪。 ;俺の名前や血液型が記載されていた。\ ^Since the day I was admitted, a vinyl bracelet was always wrapped around my wrist. Upon it was my name and blood type.\ ;その色が、青から白に変わった。\ ^That color had changed from blue to white.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…高い天井、白いビニールの腕輪、15cmしか開かない窓。\ ^... High ceilings, white vinyl bracelets, windows that could only open 15cm.\ ;そんな7階に移ったのは、 ;まだ、新春のつまらない番組が流れている頃だった。\ ^The day I was transferred to the 7th floor, it was when the boring New Years programs were still being broadcast.\ ;あの子と初めて出会ったのも、 ;そんな年を明けてまもない頃だった…\ ^The time I met her for the first time, was also at the very beginning of the year...\ ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 mp3fadeout 2500 stop bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n009.ogg" bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 bg "e\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "e\nar01d.jpg",3 bg "e\w.jpg",3 mov %flg_pro,1 mov %flg_bplay,1 goto *agilis_honpen2 ;_________________________ *agilis_honpen2 dwavestop 5 ;★チャプター2 ;mov $sys_midasi,"7階 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"7th Floor [a]" stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;__ dwave 0,"w\n010.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "e\c04.jpg",3 bg "agilis\1\c04.png",3 ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 click mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;○本編 序盤 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;廊下の横、ナースステーションの向かいにある、 ;談話室のような場所。\ ^Across the hall, facing the nurses station, was a lounge-like place.\ ;●:談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;人気のないその場所に設置された、 ;いくつかのソファーやパイプ椅子、それと大きめのテレビ。\ ^Left in that unpopulated place were a number of sofas, folding chairs, and a large television.\ ;その28型のブラウン管からは、 ;どうでもいい新春特番が今日も流れていた。\ ^On that 28 inch CRT, a meaningless New Years program running.\ ;そんなつまらないテレビを、 ;さも、つまらなさそうに見ている、どこかの女の子。\ ^Watching that boring television, with an equally bored expression, was some girl.\ ;小柄な身体に、ピンクのパジャマ。 ;手首には俺と同じ、白の腕輪。\ ^She had a small build and wore pink pajamas. Her wrist had, just like I did, a white bracelet.\ ;腰に届くほどの長い髪が印象的だった。\ ^Hair that was to her hips left an impression.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「なあ、お前…それ面白いか?」\ ^``Hey, you... is that interesting?''\ dwavestop 0 ;深い意味はない。 ;ひと気がないので、何となくその横顔に話し掛けた。\ ^There wasn't with any particular deep meaning. Since there was no one around, I tried speaking to her profile.\ ;●ぱじゃまーのヒロイン ;dwave 0,"w\n011.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv011.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv011b.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;只、それだけを返す女の子。 ;声を掛けた俺に振り向きもしなかった。\ ^That was all that she replied with. She didn't even turn towards me even though I had spoken to her.\ ;俺のことは一切気にしていないのか、 ;ずっとつまらなそうにテレビを見続けたままだった。\ ^Perhaps she had absolutely no interest in me --- she continued to gaze at the television with a bored look.\ ;…だったら、見なきゃいいのに…\ ^... If it's boring, you don't have to watch it...\ ;そう思いながらも、 ;同じようにパイプ椅子に腰を掛ける俺。\ ^As I thought that, I also sat down in a folding chair.\ ;そして、並ぶようにしてテレビを眺めた。 ;他にすることもなかった。出来ることもなかった。\ ^And, sitting next to her, I gazed at the television. There was nothing else to do, nothing else I could do.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…黙ってテレビを眺め続ける俺達…\ ^... Quietly, we continued to gaze at the television...\ ;ブラウン管の中からは、正月にありがちな新春番組。 ;くだらないモノマネだか隠し芸だかがやっていた。\ ^On the screen were the usual New Years programs, pathetic impersonations and parlor tricks.\ ;時折響く、司会者のバカみたいにカン高い笑い声。 ;真っ白くて日当たりの良いこの部屋に、乾き、響いていた。\ ^Occasionally ringing out, the host's stupidly high pitched laugh. In the pure white, sun-lit room, it dryly reverberated.\ ;BG談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;●:談話室 ;dwave 0,"w\n012.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv012.ogg" ;「ねえ…あなた…」\ ^``Say... you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、話し掛けてきた女の子。 ;相変わらずテレビを見つめたままだった。\ ^Suddenly, the girl spoke to me while still gazing at the television.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n013.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv013.ogg" ;「…あなた、何回目?」\ ^``... You're, on which time?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…何回目って、どういう意味だ?」\ ^``... Which time? What does that mean?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n014.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv014.ogg" ;「ここに…7階に来たの」\ ^``Coming here... the 7th floor.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「悪い、質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``Sorry, I don't understand the meaning of the question.''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n015.ogg" ;;「………………」\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n016.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv016.ogg" ;「そう…初めてなんだね」\ ^``I see... It's your first.''\ dwavestop 0 ;何を言ってるのか理解できない俺に、 ;彼女は勝手に納得したようだった。\ ^It seemed that at my inability to understand what she was saying, she had up and gotten satisfied with that judgement.\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n017.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv017.ogg" ;「じゃあ、他に誰も居ないし…わたしの役目だから…」\ ^``Well, there's no one else around... so it's my duty...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…役目?」\ ^``... Duty.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n018.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv018.ogg" ;「そういうルールなの…」\ ^``There's that kind of rule...''\ dwavestop 0 ;頷きながら、初めてここ(7階)に来た人には、 ;誰かが教えてあげるルールなんだと付け足した。\ ^While nodding, she added that there is a rule for someone to teach people who first come here to the 7th floor.\ ;いまいち何のことか分からない俺。\ ^Right now, I knew nothing about anything.\ ;そんな俺を、無視するかのように、 ;彼女はゆっくりと話し始めた。\ ^And as if ignoring me, the girl slowly began speaking.\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n019.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv019.ogg" ;「それじゃあ、よく聞いてね…」\ ^``Well, listen closely, alright?''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…………\ ^......\ ;ぽつりぽつりと語る彼女の言葉。\ ^The girl's words came by ones and twos.\ ;それは、ここに来るまでに聞いた、 ;医者の先生の弁とは少し違っていた。\ ^They were slightly different compared to the doctor's speech that I had heard up until coming here.\ ;あの事務的な医者の話しでは、 ;ここは医療の進歩を待つ場所であると言った。\ ^In that business-like speech from the doctor, it was said that this was a place to await the advancement of medicine.\ ;心を癒す場所でもあると言った。 ;恐らく、一般的にはそれで正しいのだろう。\ ^It was also called a place for healing the heart. Most likely, broadly speaking, that was probably correct.\ ;でも、彼女の言によるとそれは建前だそうだ。\ ^However, from what the girl said, that was a facade.\ ;この7階ってのは、病院内にあって、 ;唯一治療をする場所じゃないらしい。\ ^This 7th floor was within the hospital, but was the only place that didn't give treatments.\ ;只、命が尽きるのを待つ場所。\ ^Simply, a place to wait for the end of life.\ ;そう彼女は言った。 ;俺もそう思えた。同じ認識だと思った。\ ^That's what the girl said. ^That's what I also felt, and had the same perception.\ ;●談話室復帰 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;;dwave 0,"w\n020.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv020.ogg" ;「わたし、2回目だから…」\ ^``I'm, on my second time, you see...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「2回目ってなにが?」\ ^``Second time, what's that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n021b.ogg" ;;dwave 0,"w\nv021b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv021b_a.ogg" ;「…ここに来るの」\ ^``... Coming to this place.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、彼女は教えてくれた。\ ^And the girl taught me.\ ;この7階って場所は、 ;最初の入院でそのまま死ぬまで居ることは、まず無いらしい。\ ^This place called the 7th floor, to be here from the moment of admission, all the way until dying, first of all apparently didn't happen.\ ;治ることは有りえなくても、 ;体調がマシになると1度は家に帰してくれる。\ ^Even if being cured was impossible, if your health becomes better, then they would allow you to come to go home once.\ ;でも、暫くして悪くなると、またここへ帰ってくる。\ ^But, after a while and it turns bad, once again you come back.\ ;…その繰り返しで、いつか死ぬ。\ ^... Among those comings and goings, eventually you die.\ ;尽きる場所が、家か7階かの違いだけで、 ;確実にどちらかで死ぬ。避けた奴はいないそうだ。\ ^The place where life ran out, it only differed between home and the 7th floor. Unfailingly, one would die in either of those, it seemed no one has ever escaped that.\ ;そういう意味での、 ;彼女はここに来たのは2回目という意味だった。\ ^It was with that meaning that the girl had meant by saying it was her second time.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n021.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv021.ogg" ;「じゃあ、1度しか言わないから…」\ ^``Well, I'll only say this once...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n022.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv022.ogg" ;「ここからは、よく聞いて…」\ ^``So, from here on, listen well...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;;…………\ ;…乾いた画面を見つめたまま、更に言葉を続ける彼女。\ ^... Still looking at the dull screen, the girl continued speaking even more.\ ;その内容は、消灯時間が何時かって、 ;普通の入院患者が交わす内容ではなかった。\ ^The subject being, not about what time the lights would be out, and the normal sorts of topics exchanged between admitted patients.\ ;全然違ったことを教えてくれた。\ ^She taught me about totally different things.\ ;『3回目に仮退院させてくれたら、覚悟しろ。 ; 4回目はまずない。もう家には帰れない』\ ^``On the third time you're given a temporary discharge, prepare yourself. There's never a fourth. You won't be going home any more.''\ ;『もしも逃げたい時は、A駅ではなくB駅に行くこと』\ ^``If there's a time that you want to run away, go not to station A, but towards station B.''\ ;『何も食べるな。それが一番の近道。 ; 家族にとっても一番負担が小さくて済む』\ ^``Don't eat anything. That is the shortest path. It will end with the least burden to your family.''\ ;…そんな、身に詰まるような内容ばかりだった。\ ^... It was only full of these sorts of topics that gives one pause.\ ;恐らく、ここに来た人間だけの…\ ^Most likely, it was only the people who came to here...\ ;死ぬゆく当事者達だけで、 ;伝え続けてきたことなんだと思う。\ ^Only those who participated in moving towards death... ^These were the things that they have continued to pass down.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「もしかして、さっきの役目ってのは、これのことか?」\ ^``Was... the duty you mentioned, this?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n023.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv023.ogg" ;「ええ、そうよ…」\ ^``Yes, that's right.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n024.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv024.ogg" ;「いつかあなたも、初めて来た人には伝えてね…」\ ^``Someday, you tell it to newcomers too, okay?''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、ゆっくりと立ち上がる彼女。 ;ふわりと長い髪が揺れ、俺の鼻先をかすめた。\ ^With those final words, the girl slowly stood up. Gently, her long hair swayed, and brushed the tip of my nose.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n025.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv025.ogg" ;「じゃあ、検温の時間だから…」\ ^``Well, it's time for taking temperature, so...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;そして、そのまま背を向けると、 ;廊下へ向かって歩き始めてしまった。\ ^And then, just like that with her back facing me, she began walking towards the hall.\ ;一人残されたこの場所には、 ;ブラウン管からの笑い声と、窓辺に飾られた白い花。\ ^I was left alone in that place, with the laughing voice from the screen, and the white flowers decorating around the window.\ ;結局彼女は、一度として俺の方を見ようともしなかった。\ ^In the end, the girl never once looked in my direction.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop ;bg "e\c042.jpg",5 bg "agilis\1\c042.png",5 ;__ ;☆シーン変え 数日後あたり bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;それから何日か過ぎた頃。\ ^From then, when a few days has passed.\ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;やっと新春特番が終わり、 ;そろそろ中学や高校では、三学期が始まろうとする頃。\ ^Finally, the New Years programs ended, and soon the middle and high school third terms would be starting.\ ;今日もこの談話室では、 ;テレビをぼ~っと眺める俺と彼女の姿があった。\ ^Today in the lounge, once more, the figures of the girl and I were staring at the television.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;「つまらねえな…」\ ^``It's boring, isn't it...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n026.ogg" ;「そうね…」\ ^``Indeed...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返すが、 ;お互いに画面を見つめ続けたままの会話だった。\ ^The word came back in reply, but both of us were conversing while continuing to gaze at the screen.\ ;「なあ、ここっていつもこんななのか?」\ ^``Hey. is this place always like this?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n027.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``... I don't understand the meaning of your question.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、ひと気がないって意味さ」\ ^``Ah, I meant how there's no one around.''\ dwavestop 0 ;看護婦や医者、それにヘルパーの人を除けば、 ;お互いの付き添い以外に、誰の姿も見ていなかった。\ ^Nurses, doctors, add to that, helpers, and if you take them out, then aside from our attendance, I had never seen anyone else.\ ;「やっぱり、正月明けだからか?」\ ^``I guess, it's because it's the New Years?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n028.ogg" ;「…その理由を知りたいの?」\ ^``... You want to know the reason for that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや…別にそんな意味じゃ…」\ ^``Ah, no... it's not like I meant that...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n029.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、言わない」\ ^``... Then, I won't say.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな会話ともつかぬやり取りを、淡々と交わす俺達。\ ^An exchange that wasn't even a conversation, we indifferently passed back and forth.\ ;15cmしか開かない窓から入ってくる、僅かな風。\ ^A slight breeze from the windows that couldn't open more than 15cm.\ ;時折、彼女の長い髪を揺らし、 ;同じように揺れる、窓辺に飾られた白い花。\ ^Occasionally, it would sway the girl's hair, and in the same way, would sway the white flowers decorating around the windows.\ ;お互い、つまらないテレビを見つめたまま、 ;時間だけを消費する日々だった。\ ^The two of us, while watching the boring television, were only spending days passing time.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" ;タッタッタ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_365 ^There came the sound of slippers.\ goto *generated_366 *generated_365 ^* Pitter-patter. *\ *generated_366 ;「あら、二人共こんなところに居たの?」\ ^``Oh, the two of you were in a place like this?''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って駆け寄ってきた、年配の看護婦さん。\ ^Saying that while rushing up was an elderly nurse.\ ;たまにナースステーションを覗いた限りでは、 ;この人が7階のチーフのようだった。\ ^From just glancing at the nurses station once in a while, this person seemed to be the chief of the 7th floor.\ ;「どう? セツミさん、熱出てない?」\ ^``So? Setsumi-san, you don't have a fever?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n030.ogg" ;「…大丈夫、出てない…」\ ^``... It's alright, I don't have one...''\ dwavestop 0 ;…セツミ。^@^ ;どうやらそれが彼女の名前のようだった。\ ^... Setsumi.^@^ ^Apparently, this was the girl's name.\ ;「もう勝手に外をうろついたりしちゃ駄目ですからね」\ ^``You can't be roaming about outside any more, okay?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいですか? 皆んな心配するんですからね」\ ^``Alright? Everyone gets worried.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n032.ogg" ;「…別に、いいよ…」\ ^``... That, doesn't really matter...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、なんて言い草なんでしょ」\ ^``My, what kind of statement is that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;;「……………」\ dwavestop 0 ;「もう、ホントに最近の子はしょうがないわね」\ ^``Really, girls these days, there's just no helping them.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それから暫くの間、小言を続ける看護婦さん。\ ^And for a while more, the nurse continued scolding.\ ;それを彼女…セツミと呼ばれたこの子は、 ;素知らぬ様子で聞き流していた。\ ^To that, she... the girl called Setsumi, let it go by with an indifferent expression.\ ;小うるさい看護婦を無視するように、 ;正面のつまらないテレビを見続けたままだった。\ ^As if ignoring the slightly noisy nurse, she continued watching the boring screen.\ ;「じゃあ、また後で採血に行きますからね」\ ^``Well, later, I'll be coming to take a blood sample, alright?''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、 ;再びナースステーションへと帰って行く看護婦さん。\ ^With those final words, once again the nurse returned back to the nurses station.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「なあ、お前ってさ…」\ ^``Hey, you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや…セツミで、いいんだよな?」\ ^``I mean... I can call you Setsumi, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の手首に巻かれた、白いビニールの腕輪。 ;そこに書かれた血液型と名前を見ながら尋ねた。\ ^Wrapped around the girl's wrist was the white vinyl bracelet. While looking at the blood type and name there, I asked.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうかしたか? セツミ?」\ ^``Is something wrong? Setsumi?''\ dwave 0,"w\n035.ogg" ;「…どうして呼び捨てなの?」\ ^``... Why is there no honorific?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はあ?」\ ^``Wha?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n036.ogg" ;「年下のくせに…」\ ^``Even though you're the younger one...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「お、おい、なんで俺が、年下なんだよ?」\ ^``H-hey, why is it that I'm the younger one?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n037.ogg" ;「別に…そう思っただけ」\ ^``No real reason... I just thought so.''\ dwavestop 0 ;”年下”という言葉に腹を立てた訳じゃない。\ ^It wasn't that I was upset at the word ``younger.''\ ;只、どう見ても俺の方が5~6才は上に思える。\ ^It was just, no matter how you looked at it, one would believe I was five, six years older.\ ;だから俺は、胸ポケットに入れていた、 ;例の免許証を彼女へと差し向けた。\ ^That was why I took out that license that was in my chest pocket, and showed it to her.\ ;「どうだ、こう見えても俺、20才だぞ?」\ ^``How about it? Even though I look like this, I'm 20 you know?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n039.ogg" ;「やっぱり年下よ…」\ ^``Like I thought, younger...''\ dwavestop 0 ;免許証には一瞥をくれただけで、それだけを返す彼女。\ ^With just a glance at the license, the girl gave only that reply.\ ;「おい、よく分からねえぞ」\ ^``Hey, I don't really get it.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n040_1.ogg" ;「どうでもいいじゃない…少し上なだけよ」\ ^``It doesn't matter does it?... It's only just a bit older.''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらず無表情のまま彼女が呟く。\ ^As always, the girl spoke softly with no expression.\ ;その目は、つまらないテレビを見たままにも、 ;どこか遠いところを見ているようにも思えた…\ ^Those eyes, while looking at the boring television, I felt that they were also looking at a some place far away...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop ;____;____;__ ;●とも>とりあえず移動 ;____ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;朝の検温が終わった頃。\ ^When the morning temperature taking ended.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;俺は看護婦に見つからないようにエレベータに乗り込む。\ ^I got onto the elevator, trying not to be seen by the nurses.\ bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;1階に着くと、わざと外来用の出入り口を通って、 ;そのまま病院の外へと歩き始める。\ ^Coming to the 1st floor, deliberately passing through the entrance for outpatients, and I just kept walking out of the hospital.\ ;●:なんか駅前っぽいとこ ;bg "e\ekimae.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;目指す場所は、以前に教えられた、 ;近いA駅ではなく、遠いB駅。\ ^The destination was the place I was taught before, not the nearby station A, but the far station B.\ ;別に、逃げ出すつもりじゃなかった。\ ^It wasn't like I was planning on running away.\ ;…7階か自宅… ;そのどちらか以外で死んだ奴はいない…\ ^... The 7th floor, or home... ^There was no one who died outside of those two...\ ;以前にそう聞いていた。\ ^Before, that was what I heard.\ ;そして、あのセツミとかいう彼女も、 ;何度か行ったらしいB駅。\ ^And, it also seemed that that girl called Setsumi had gone many times to station B.\ ;だから、なんとなく一度は、 ;その場所を見てみたかっただけだった。\ ^That was why, for no real reason, I simply felt like wanting to go see that place once.\ ;「別に、監視員が居る訳じゃないだろう…」\ ^``It's not like there are guards around...''\ ;そう思いつつも、俺達は7階の住人。 ;他の入院患者とは違う。\ ^Even so, us residents of the 7th floor were different from other admitted patients.\ ;もしかしたら…とも考えながら、 ;まだ早朝の駅までの道を歩き続ける。\ ^While also thinking about the ``just maybe,'' I continued walking on the street to the early morning station area.\ ;急ぎ足で進む、通勤や通学の人達を横目に、 ;ゆっくりとした足取りで進みつづけた。\ ^Glancing at hurrying commuters and people going to school, I slowly moved on at a measured pace.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;暫く歩いた頃、25分ほどかかって到着した駅前。 ;バス停に換算すると4つ分ほどの距離だった。\ ^After walking a while, taking about 25 minutes, I finally arrived before the station. In terms of bus stops, it was about four's distance.\ ;「…それなりに人が多いな」\ ^``... In a way, there's quite a bit of people around.''\ ;それがB駅を見た第一印象だった。\ ^That was the first impression upon seeing station B.\ ;俺の服装がパジャマの為に、少しは目立ってしまうけど…\ ^Because my clothes were pajamas, I stood out somewhat...\ ;しかし、このまま電車の切符を買えば、 ;何の問題もなく、どこにでも行けるようにも思えた。\ ^However, if just like that, I bought a train ticket, without a single problem, I felt I could go anywhere.\ ;どうしてA駅ではなく、 ;このB駅を勧めるのかは分からない。\ ^Why was it not station A, but this station B that was recommended, I didn't know.\ ;でも、本当に逃げ出すつもりなら簡単に思えた。\ ^However, if one were planning to run away, I thought it was a simple thing.\ ;確か彼女も何度か来た筈だけど、 ;どうして彼女は、今も7階に留まっているのだろうか…\ ^Certainly, the girl was also supposed to have come many times, but why was it that she still remained in the 7th floor even now I wonder...\ ;早朝の駅前。\ ^Early morning before the station.\ ;足早に通り過ぎる人達を眺めながら、 ;ふと、そんなことを思っていた。\ ^While watching the people hurrying by, suddenly, that thought occurred to me.\ ;____;____;_ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;その夜。消灯時間も過ぎた頃。\ ^That night, after the lights had been turned off.\ ;マンガ本にも飽き、寝付けなかった俺は、 ;一人で病院内をぶらぶらとしていた。\ ^Holding onto a book of manga, unable to sleep, I wandered around the ward alone.\ ;通常、消灯後にうろつくと、こうるさく言われるが、 ;俺達7階の住人は比較的自由だった。\ ^Normally, wandering around after lights out would get one scolded badly, but us residents of the 7th floor were given a relative amount of freedom.\ ;そして、照明を落とされ、 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^And with the lights off, the usual lounge was pitch dark.\ ;そこで、あいつの姿を見つけた。\ ^There, I saw her figure.\ bg "e\danwa_yoru.jpg",3 ;「よう、今日は外、見てるのか?」\ ^``Hey, today you're looking outside?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;暗い室内。返事はするが、 ;その顔は窓の外に向けたままの彼女。\ ^In the dark room, there was a response, but that face remained looking beyond the window.\ ;早速俺は、今日あったことを話し始める。\ ^Immediately, I started talking about what happened during the day.\ ;;自分の目で見た感じでは、逃げる気になれば簡単に思えた。 ;;なりに逃げ出すのは簡単だと思えたからだ\ ;「そういえばさ…昼間、駅前まで行ってきたぞ」\ ^``That reminds me... this morning, I went all the way to the station.''\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n045.ogg" ;;「……………」\ dwavestop 0 ;「教えられた通り、B駅の方に行ってみた」\ ^``Just like you told me, I went to see station B.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^``I see...''\ dwavestop 0 ;でも、彼女の反応は普段と変わらなかった。\ ^But, the girl's response was no different from the usual.\ ;;今日俺が見た限りでは、 ;;本当に抜け出すつもりなら簡単だと思えた。\ ;以前に彼女も行った筈だから、 ;何らかの反応があると思ったのだけど…\ ^Because she was supposed to have gone before, I had thought that there might have been some kind of reaction, but...\ ;それを考えると、今も彼女がここに留まるのは、^@^ ;本当は、最初から抜け出すつもりもなかったのだろうか?\ ^Thinking about that, and how the girl still remained here,^@^ did it mean that she really had no intention of running away?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n047.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv047.ogg" ;「…わたし、もうすぐ帰れるの…」\ ^``... I, will soon be able to go home...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ ;突然、口を開いた彼女。\ ^Suddenly, the girl opened her mouth.\ ;まるで、今の俺の心を、 ;見透かされたような言葉だった。\ ^Words as if she had seen clear through to my heart just now.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n048.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv048.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv048b.ogg" ;「…でも、次で3回目だから…」\ ^``... But, next is the 3rd time after all...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\nv048_1.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv048_1b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv048_1c.ogg" ;「…もう会えないかもね」\ ^``... So we might not be able to meet anymore.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…ああ、そうだな…」\ ^``Mm... ah, that's right...''\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らくこいつが言うところの帰れるってのは、 ;仮退院のことを指しているのだろう。\ ^Most likely, when she said that she would be able to go home, she was talking about a temporary discharge.\ ;この7階って場所では、 ;3回以上の入退院を繰り返すことは、まず無いらしい。\ ^In this place called the 7th floor, being admitted more than three times, it apparently never happened.\ ;特に高齢者と違い、病状の進行速度を考えると、 ;俺達のような若い年代なら尚更のことだった。\ ^Especially, unlike the elderly, when considering the rate of progression of disease, it was even more so for younger patients like us.\ ;そういう意味での、もう会えないという言葉だった。\ ^With that kind of meaning, came the words ``we won't meet again.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n049.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv049.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなたはどちらを選ぶの?」\ ^``Say, which would you choose?''\ ;「…選ぶとは?」\ ^``... Choose what?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\nv049_1.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv049_1b.ogg" ;「…どっちで死ぬつもりってこと」\ ^``... Which one you plan on dying at.''\ ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ ;突然、『死』という単語を聞かされ、 ;俺は一瞬だけ言葉に詰まってしまう。\ ^Suddenly, hearing the word ``death,'' my words caught for just a moment.\ ;「さあな…まだ考えてない」\ ^``Well... I haven't thought about it yet.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n050.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv050.ogg" ;「…そう…まだ1回目だもんね」\ ^``... I see... well, you're still on your first time.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう呟いて寂しそうにする彼女。\ ^The girl spoke in a lonely murmur.\ ;もちろん俺だって、 ;いつまでもここに居れる訳はない。\ ^Of course, I knew even I couldn't be here forever.\ ;他の皆んなのように、 ;何回か入退院を繰り返して、徐々に弱って、いつかは…\ ^Like everyone else, going in and out of the hospital, slowly weakening, until someday...\ ;結局最後には、この7階か、 ;薄っぺらい笑顔に囲まれた家かを選ぶことになるのだろう。\ ^In the end, either this 7th floor, or surrounded by thin smiles, it would come to a choice between those two probably.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n051.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv051.ogg" ;「わたしは…家は嫌…」\ ^``I... don't want home.''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n052.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv052.ogg" ;「だけど、ここも嫌…」\ ^``But, I don't want here either...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…じゃあ、どうすんだ?」\ ^``... Then, what will you do?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n053.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv053.ogg" ;「…別に…どうもしない…」\ ^``... Nothing in particular... I won't do anything...''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n054.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv054.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv054b.ogg" ;「自力で歩ける内に、どこかに行くだけ…」\ ^``While I'm still able to walk on my own, I'll just go somewhere...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どこかって、お前…」\ ^``Somewhere? You...''\ ;明らかに逃げる気になれば逃げれるのに、 ;今もこの7階に留まっている彼女。\ ^Even though it was obvious that if one wanted to run away, one could, this girl still remained on this 7th floor.\ ;それを考えると…\ ^When I thought about that...\ ;「…もしかして、他に行くあてがあるのか?」\ ^``... Do you, have some other place to go to?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n056.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv056.ogg" ;「あなた…^@^わたしを引き止めたいの?」\ ^``You...^@^ want to pull me back?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n057.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv057.ogg" ;「それとも…一緒について来たいの?」\ ^``Or perhaps... you want to come with me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、別にそんな意味じゃないけど…」\ ^``Ah, no, I didn't mean it like that...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n058.ogg" ;;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n059.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv059.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、聞かないで」\ ^``... Then, don't ask.''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓の外を見つめたまま淡々と話す彼女。 ;相変わらず俺の方は見ようともしない会話だった。\ ^While gazing out the window, the girl spoke indifferently. As always, it had been a conversation where she did not even look in my direction.\ ;でも、その時だけは…\ ^However, just that time...\ ;いつもの無表情な横顔が哀しそうに見えた。\ ^I saw that her usual expressionless profile seemed sad.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;3回目の仮退院が最後だと教えられ、 ;初めてこの7階に来た俺。\ ^Taught that the third temporary discharge would be the last, the first time I've come to this 7th floor.\ ;そして、間もなく2回目を迎える彼女。\ ^And then, a girl who would soon face her second time.\ ;まだ俺には、リアルで起こった事として実感できないけど…\ ^For me, I still couldn't really feel the things that were happening in reality, but...\ ;いつかは俺も、 ;あんな顔をするようになるのだろうか…\ ^Someday, would I also come to make such a face?\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BG 雨空\ dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;未明から降り出した雨。\ ^From before dawn, rain fell.\ ;時折、みぞれや雪に変わりながらも、 ;しとしとと降り続いていた。\ ^Occasionally also changing to either sleet or snow, it lightly continued coming down.\ mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;●:談話室(雨) bg "e\danwa_ame.jpg",3 ;そんな中、いつもの場所でテレビを見ている俺。 ;相変わらず、この7階はひと気がなかった。\ ^Within that, I was in the usual place watching the television. As always, this 7th floor was devoid of people.\ dwave 0,"w\n061.ogg" ;「…おもしろい?」\ ^``... Is it interesting?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいや、つまらない…」\ ^``Nope, boring...''\ dwavestop 0 ;向こうからやってきた彼女。\ ^The girl came from the other side.\ ;それだけの言葉を交わすと、 ;黙って隣のパイプ椅子へと腰掛ける。\ ^Exchanging only those words, she quietly sat in the folding chair next to me.\ ;そして今日も、二人してつまらないテレビを眺め始めた。\ ^And then, today also, the two of us began gazing at the television.\ ;…きっと彼女もそうなんだろう。\ ^... Surely, the girl was also the same.\ ;他にやることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ^There was nothing else to do, nothing else she could do.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n062.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^``Ah...''\ dwavestop 0 ;珍しくテレビに反応した彼女。\ ^Surprisingly, she responded to something on the television.\ ;「どうかしたか?」\ ^``Something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;;「……………」\ ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n063.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... Not particularly.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉はいつも通りの『別に』だが、 ;普段とは違う彼女の反応。\ ^The words were the same ``not particularly,'' but it was a response that was different from usual for the girl.\ ;それが気になった俺も画面に注目した。\ ^Becoming interested, I turned my eyes to the screen.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;テレビの中にはどこかの自然風景。 ;綺麗な野山に、樹木や花が景色に溶け込んでいた。\ ^What was on the screen was some kind of nature scene. On a beautiful hill, trees and flowers merged into a landscape.\ ;そして、そこに映し出されていた、たくさんの白い花。\ ^And focused on the screen, were a great many white flowers.\ bg "e\tv_hana.jpg",5 ;…見覚えのある花だった。\ ^... They were flowers I remembered seeing before.\ ;今もこの部屋の窓辺に飾られている、 ;目の前の白い花と似ていた。\ ^They resembled the white flowers even now decorating the room by the windows.\ ;「もしかして、同じ花か?」\ ^``Are those, the same flower?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n064.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、これってそっくりじゃん」\ ^``Look, aren't they exactly like these?''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、ブラウン管と窓辺を交互に指差す俺。\ ^While speaking, I pointed first at the screen and then towards the window.\ dwave 0,"w\n066.ogg" ;「種類は同じだけど…厳密に言えば違う…」\ ^``They're the same kind, but... strictly speaking, they're different...''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓辺の花には一瞥をくれただけで、 ;また正面のテレビを見続けたまま答える彼女。\ ^Giving just a glance at the flowers by the window, the girl once again returned to gazing at the television while answering.\ ;正直言って、違うと否定されても、 ;俺にはその両者の区別が分からなかった。\ ^To say the truth, even if she denied that they were the same, to me, I didn't know the difference between the two.\ ;それに、俺にとっては花が同じであろうが、 ;違っていようが、別にどうでも良いことだった。\ ^And anyways, for me, whether the flowers where the same or different, it didn't really matter.\ ;それよりも、普段なら決して話しに乗ってこない彼女。\ ^Instead of that, the girl normally would never participate in conversation.\ ;その彼女が珍しく言葉を続けていた。 ;だから俺も、話しを合わせてみた。\ ^That girl surprisingly continued with her words. That was why I also tried to maintain the conversation.\ bg "e\danwa_ame.jpg",5 ;「お前ってさ、もしかして詳しいのか? こーゆーのに」\ ^``Are you, maybe, knowledgeable? About this sort of thing?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n068.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... Not particularly.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか? でも俺には違いが分からねえよ」\ ^``Really? But I can't tell the difference.''\ ;ブラウン管の向こうに咲く白い花。 ;それと彼女の横顔の向こうに在る花瓶の花。\ ^The white flowers blooming beyond the screen. ^The flowers in the vases beyond the girl's profile.\ ;ぼんやりと、その両者を眺めながら、尚も言葉を続けた。\ ^While vaguely looking at both of them, I continued further with my words.\ ;「なあなあ、これってさ、蘭とか百合ってのか?」\ ^``So, so, these are, orchids or lilies?''\ dwave 0,"w\n067.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、白っぽい色してるしさ」\ ^``Look, they've got a whitish color, right?''\ dwave 0,"w\n067.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;興味もないくせに、適当に言葉を続ける俺。\ ^Even though I had no interest, I managed to continue speaking.\ ;だけど…^@^ ;彼女は、すぐにいつもの調子で黙ってしまう。\ ^However...^@^ ^The girl, soon became like usual and fell silent.\ ;相変わらずの様子で、 ;つまらないブラウン管を見つめるだけだった。\ ^With her usual expression, she only gazed at the boring screen.\ ;そして、もう会話にはのってくれないのかと諦め、 ;再び俺も、テレビに視線を戻そうとした時…\ ^And when I had given up on the possibility that she would take up the conversation and once again began to move my eyes back to the television.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n069.ogg" ;「…ナルキッソス…」\ ^``... Narcissus...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n070.ogg" ;「ナルキッソスよ…」\ ^``They're Narcissus...''\ dwavestop 0 ;bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;☆BG ヒロインぱじゃまのUP\ ;●:ヒロインパジャマUP bg "e\chara_0013.jpg",5 bg "e\chara_001.jpg",5 ;答えながら…^@^初めて、俺に顔を向けた。\ ^While answering...^@^ for the first time, she faced me.\ ;腰まである長い髪を揺らして… ;テレビの画面に映った花を指しながら、俺を見つめた。\ ^Swaying her long waist-length hair... while pointing at the flowers shown on the television, she looked at me.\ ;画面に映った花と同じような、 ;手首に巻いた白いビニールの腕輪と、白い肌。\ ^Just like the flowers displayed on the screen, there was a white vinyl bracelet wrapped around a wrist with white skin.\ ;初めて見つめられたその顔は…\ ^The first time that I saw that face...\ ;僅かだけ微笑んでくれたようにも思えた。\ ^I thought I saw the briefest of smiles.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha2,1 mov %flg_bplay,2 goto *agilis_mini_title ;____;____;____ ;●とも タイトル戻し予定 ;★チャプター3 *agilis_honpen3 dwavestop 5 ;mov $sys_midasi,"銀のクーペ ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Silver Coupe [a]" ;____________________ ;・翌日あたり\ ;●:病院廊下7階 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;bg "tui2\c0432.bmp",5 bg "agilis\1\c0432.png",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;________________ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;数日が過ぎ、冬が更に本格的になった頃。\ ^A few days passed and the winter became even more serious.\ ;世間では受験シーズンと呼ばれる中、 ;相変わらず俺達は、今日もテレビを眺めていた。\ ^Out in the world, it was in the middle of what it was called examination season, as always, the two of us were watching the television today.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「つまらねえな…」\ ^``It's boring, isn't it...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_076.ogg" ;「…そうね」\ ^``... Indeed.''\ dwavestop 0 ;会話とも呼べないやり取り。\ ^An exchange that couldn't even be called a conversation.\ ;お互い、無意味に時間だけを消費する日々だった。\ ^They were days where the two of us only meaninglessly passed the time.\ ;「そういえばお前って…いつだっけ?」\ ^``Speaking of which, for you... when was it?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_077.ogg" ;「…今日よ」\ ^``... Today.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか、今日だったか…」\ ^``I see, it's today, eh...''\ ;ここで俺たちが言うところの、「今日」とは、 ;以前に話してくれた、彼女の仮退院のことを指していた。\ ^Here, the ``today'' that we spoke about was what she had told me before, her temporary discharge.\ dwave 0,"w\new_078.ogg" ;「もう…会えないかもね」\ ^``We might... not meet any more.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん? ああ、そうだな…」\ ^``Mm? Ah, that's right...''\ ;仮に、彼女がこの7階に再び帰ってこれたとしても、 ;あと1回が限度だろう。\ ^Even if she were to once again return to this 7th floor, just once more was probably the limit.\ ;その間、きっと俺も、家とこの場所を行き来している筈。\ ^In that time, surely I would also be coming and going between home and this place.\ ;そんな俺達が、再び出会えるような、 ;タイミングがあるとは思えなかった。\ ^For the two of us, the timing needed for us to meet again was unthinkable.\ dwave 0,"w\new_079.ogg" ;「…あなた、決まった?」\ ^``... Did you, decide?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「例の、どっちで死ぬかってのか?」\ ^``That, which do you want to die at, thing?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_080.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、まだだ…」\ ^``No, not yet...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_081.ogg" ;「…そう…」\ ^``... I see...''\ dwavestop 0 ;少しだけ寂しそうに頷く彼女。 ;その表情は、2回目に仮退院する者、故なのだろう。\ ^She nodded in a slightly lonely way. That expression, was probably because she was someone going on their second temporary discharge.\ ;まだ俺には実感が沸かないし、 ;医者からは1回目の仮退院について触れられていない。\ ^While I have yet to realize things, had not been given my first temporary discharge from the doctors.\ ;そういえば…\ ^That reminds me...\ ;結局彼女は、 ;自分自身の答えは決まっているのだろうか…\ ^In the end, did she decide on her own answer for herself?\ dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;タッタッタ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_367 ^The patter of slippers came from the hall.\ goto *generated_368 *generated_367 ^* Pitter-patter. *\ *generated_368 dwavestop 5 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a013.wav" ;「セツミ、仕度できたわよ」\ ^``Setsumi, the arrangements are done.''\ dwavestop 4 ;そう言ってやって来た、どこかのおばさん。\ ^Coming here and speaking was some older lady.\ ;恐らくは彼女の母親なのだろう。 ;隣に座っていた俺にも、小さく頭を下げてくれた。\ ^Most likely, it was the girl's mother. To me, since I was sitting next to her, the mother bowed her head slightly.\ dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a022.wav" ;「じゃあ、そろそろ、行くけど用意はいい?」\ ^``Well, it's about time we'll be going, are you ready?''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_082.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a032.wav" ;「それでは、失礼します」\ ^``Well then, excuse us.''\ dwavestop 4 ;もう一度、俺に小さくお辞儀をすると、 ;その場を立ち去ろうとするおばさん。\ ^Once again, giving me a small bow, the lady made to leave the place.\ ;そして、娘である彼女へと手を伸ばすのだけど…\ ^And then, she stretched out her hand to the girl that was daughter...\ dwave 0,"w\new_083.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;でも…彼女はその場を離れようとしなかった。\ ^But... the girl didn't make to leave the place.\ ;母親に手を引かれるようにしても、 ;何故かパイプ椅子から立ち上がろうとしなかった。\ ^Even when her mother tugged on her hand, for some reason, she didn't make to stand from the folding chair.\ dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a042.wav" ;「どうかしたの、セツミ?」\ ^``What's wrong, Setsumi?''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_084b.ogg" ;「少し…苦しい…」\ ^``It... hurts a bit...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a052.wav" ;「えっ、苦しいって、どこが? 胸?お腹?」\ ^``Eh? Hurts? Where? Your chest? Stomach?''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_085b.ogg" ;「…胸…」\ ^``... Chest...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a062.wav" ;「ちょ、ちょっと待ってなさい、すぐに先生呼んでくるから」\ ^``W-wait here, I'll go call the doctor now.''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" ;タッタッタ、\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_369 ^* Pitter-patter. *\ *generated_369 ;慌しく、来客用のスリッパを鳴らして、 ;ナースステーションへと駆け出すおばさん。\ ^In a rush, the slapping sound of guest slippers rang out, and the lady ran towards the nurses station.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;残されたこの場所には、 ;パイプ椅子に座って俯いたままの彼女と俺だけだった。\ ^Left in that place was the girl still hunched over in the folding chair, and me.\ ;その病状や進行等、俺には全く分からない。\ ^Her condition or it's progression, I knew absolutely nothing about.\ ;俺が知っていることは、名前はセツミ、血液型O。 ;例の白い腕輪に書かれていることだけだった。\ ^The things that I knew were: her name was Setsumi, blood type O. Only the things that were on that white bracelet.\ ;でも、俺達は7階の住人であり、 ;少なくとも彼女は、俺以上なのだろう。\ ^However, we were residents of the 7th floor, and at the least, she was worse than me.\ ;「なあ、先生来るまで、そこで横になってるか?」\ ^``Say, until the doctor comes, want to lie down there?''\ ;言いながら、長椅子を指差す。 ;以前からこの部屋の隅に備えてあった物だった。\ ^As I spoke, I pointed to the couch. It was something that was placed in a corner of the room from before.\ ;「ほら、背中支えてやるから」\ ^``Look, I'll support your back.''\ dwave 0,"w\new_083.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\new_087.ogg" ;「別に…もう平気よ」\ ^``It's nothing... I'm already fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを告げると、 ;さっと、自分から立ち上がる彼女。\ ^With just that reply, she quickly stood up on her own.\ ;「お、おい、お前…」\ ^``H-hey, you...''\ ;無理すんなよ。\ ^Don't strain yourself.\ ;っと、続けるよりも早く、 ;さっさと、廊下へと歩き出してしまった。\ ^Faster than I could finish, quickly, she walked out into the hall.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop ;___________________ ;●>7階の廊下 ;___________________ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;夜。消灯時間も過ぎた頃。\ ^Night, after the lights were put out.\ ;いつものように、マンガ本にも飽き、 ;寝付けなかった俺は、病院内をぶらぶらとしていた。\ ^As always, holding a book of manga, unable to sleep, I wandered around the hospital.\ ;そして、照明を落とされ、 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^And then with the lights off, was the pitch dark lounge.\ ;そこで、あいつの姿を見つけた。\ ^There, I found her figure.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" bg "e\danwa_yoru.jpg",3 ;「よう、またここに居たのか…」\ ^``Yo, you're here again?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_086.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうした? また調子悪いのか?」\ ^``What's wrong? Feeling bad again?''\ dwave 0,"w\n068.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... Not particularly.''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓の外を見つめたまま、それだけを返す彼女。\ ^While looking out the window, that was all the girl replied.\ ;結局、彼女の仮退院は中止になったようだった。\ ^In the end, it seemed that the girl's temporary discharge had been postponed.\ ;これで、次の機会がいつになったのかは分からないが、 ;恐らくは数日単位ではなく、週単位での延期なのだろう。\ ^With that, I didn't know when the next opportunity would be, but most likely the postponement was not in a few days, but weeks.\ ;「なあ、もしかしてだけどさ…」\ ^``Say, I'm just wondering...''\ ;「今日のって…仮病か?」\ ^``But today... you were faking sickness?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;いや、仮病って言い方も変かも知れない。 ;元々、俺達は普通の状態とは呼べない。\ ^Well, the term ``faking sickness'' itself might have been a bit strange, since after all, we couldn't really be said to be in a normal condition.\ ;「要はお前…仮退院したくなかったからなのか?」\ ^``The important thing is... you didn't want to go on temporary leave?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_089.ogg" ;「…意味がわからないわよ」\ ^``... I don't understand your meaning.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だってお前、もう後が無いだろ…」\ ^``Well, you won't have any more after, right?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n143.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには、黙ったまま何も返してくれなかった。\ ^To that question, she remained silent and gave no reply.\ ;以前から彼女は、 ;何度も、どちらで死ぬつもりと俺に問うてきた。\ ^From before, she had repeatedly asked me which place I planned to die in.\ ;それに対して、まだ決めかねている俺と、 ;家も7階も、どちらも嫌だと言っていた彼女。\ ^And to that, I had not yet decided, while the girl had said she didn't like home, or the 7th floor.\ ;「やっぱりお前…」\ ^``You, really...''\ ;「他に、行くあてがある訳じゃないんだな…」\ ^``Don't have another place to go, do you?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_090.ogg" ;「…だったら…どうなのよ?」\ ^``... If so... what about it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、別に…」\ ^``Ah no, nothing...''\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^In the usual lounge, now pitch dark.\ ;相変わらず、俺の方は見ようともせず、 ;彼女は窓の外を見つめたままだった。\ ^As always, without even looking my way, the girl sat looking out the window.\ ;まだ11時だというのに、 ;大部分の照明が落とされた、この病院という場所。\ ^Even though it was still 11 o'clock, in this place called a hospital, most of the lights were already out.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;…ここは、日常と非日常の接点。\ ^... This place was where ordinary and extraordinary days met.\ ;更に俺達は、7階の住人。 ;もう、7階と家以外を選ぶことは出来ない。\ ^Moreover, we were residents of the 7th floor. Already, we could choose nothing outside of the 7th floor and home.\ ;そんな真っ暗な7階の窓から、 ;彼女が見つめたままの外の世界。日常の世界。\ ^From that dark 7th floor window, the girl continued looking out at the outside world. The ordinary world.\ ;まだ、ビルや家の灯りが煌々と光り、 ;家路を急ぐ人の、足早に歩く姿で溢れていた。\ ^Still, the buildings and houses shone brightly with light. The roads home were filled with the figures of people hurrying home.\ ;俺自身、まだ自覚は薄いが…\ ^I myself, had only somewhat realized my situation, but...\ ;既に俺は7階の住人。非日常の住人。\ ^Already, I was a resident of the 7th floor. A person of the extraordinary world.\ ;もうあの世界へ、帰れることはないだろう…\ ^Probably, I was already unable to return to the other world...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame02.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n041.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^``... The me whose time has stopped...''\ ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;●ヒロイン回想or雨空とか ;幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を、 ;誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…\ ^Numerous seasons, white overcast skies, passed without even the need to exchange words with anyone...\ ;最初の内は、窓から元気に登校する子供や、 ;足早に歩く人達を眺めていた。\ ^In the beginning, from the window I watched lively children go to school, people walking quickly.\ ;それに飽きた頃、いつもテレビを見ていた。 ;他にすることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ^When I tired of that, I always watched the television. There was nothing else to do, nothing else I could do.\ ;窓の外は雪でも、ブラウン管の中は昼。\ ^Even if outside the window it was snowing, the screen had the sun.\ ;寒さも、暑さも、痛さも無い、目の前に広がる夢の世界。\ ^Without cold, heat, or pain, a dream world spread before my eyes.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…仮想に安楽を求め…\ ^... I sought peace in imaginations...\ ;膨大な知識だけを増やし…^@^ ;無意味な価値観だけを築いて、築いて、積み上げて…\ ^I only greatly increased my knowledge...^@^ ^Simply accumulating more and more meaningless triva...\ ;いつしか、テレビに映るモノが現実感を失った。\ ^At some point, the things shown on the television lost their reality.\ ;次は本の中、ゲームの中、そして家族…\ ^Next, in books, in games, and then family...\ ;やがて、わたし自身のことですら、 ;まるで他人のように眺め、リアルとして認識できなくなった。\ ^Finally, even my own body. As if watching some stranger, I lost the ability to understand it as real.\ ;だから、この7階に来た時も驚きはしなかった。\ ^That was why, when I came to this 7th floor, I wasn't surprised.\ ;目を閉じれば、いつでも世界は消える。 ;だから平気だと思った。思うことにした。\ ^If I closed my eyes, always, the world would disappear. That's why I thought I was fine with it. Made myself think I was fine.\ ;そして、間もなく2回目の退院。\ ^And soon, I would be discharged a second time.\ ;次に来る時には、一人では歩けないかも知れない。\ ^The next time I come here, I might not be able to walk on my own.\ ;それがわかっているのに、 ;抗えない自分を情けないと思った。\ ^Even though I knew that, I felt my unresisting self to be wretched.\ ;…行き先すら持たない自分を、滑稽だとも思った。\ ^... I felt my self, who didn't even have a destination, to be ridiculous.\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n042.ogg" ;「時間を止め、心を止め、胸に大きな傷跡を作り…」\ ^``Stopping time, stopping my heart, making a large scar on my chest...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n043.ogg" ;「それでも、22年も生きたのに哀れだと思った…」\ ^``And even so, even though I had lived 22 years, I thought it was pathetic...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;_________________ ;bg "tui2\c044.bmp",3 bg "agilis\1\c044.png",3 click bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 ;それから更に数日後…\ ^After a few days more...\ ;先日までの曇り空が消え、 ;どこまでも高い、高い、冬空が広がっていた。\ ^The cloudy days ended yesterday, and the high, high winter sky spread wide.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;珍しく見舞いに来た親父。 ;終始、辛そうな顔をしていた。\ ^Surprisingly, my father came to visit. In the beginning he had a pained look on his face.\ ;でも、俺の保険がどうとか言っていた。\ ^However, he said something about my insurance.\ ;その時の目は哀しそうではなかった。\ ^At that time, his eyes weren't sad.\ ;「じゃあ、先生と少し話しがあるから…」\ ^``Well, I have to talk a bit with the doctor...''\ ;そう告げると、廊下を去っていった親父。\ ^Saying that, my father went down the hall.\ ;以前にも行った、 ;あの薄暗い談話室へ向かったようだった。\ ^He seemed to be heading to that place from before, the gloomy conference room.\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;また、一人となった病室。\ ^Once again, I was alone in the hospital room.\ ;何もすることがない俺は、 ;売店で買ってきてくれた週刊誌へと手を伸ばす。\ ^With nothing to do, I stretched my hands out to the weekly magazines bought for me from the store.\ ;そこには、同じように ;見舞いとして持ってきてくれた果物とジュース。\ ^They were there along with the fruits and juice that he always brought when visiting.\ ;その果物を入れたバスケットの横。\ ^Next to the basket with fruit inside.\ ;ちょうど、俺の嫌いなメロンの前…\ ^Just in front of the melons that I hated...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\key2.ogg" ;☆BG 車のキーUP\ ;●:車のキーUP stop mp3fadeout 2000 bg "e\carkey.jpg",5 ;目に入ったのは…^@^車のキーだった。\ ^What came into view...^@^ were car keys.\ ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景>もうちょい\ ;銀色に輝くキー。\ ^Shining silver keys.\ ;親父自慢の、内装から手を加えたらしいクーペ。\ ^It was the coupe father was so proud of, with the interior he apparently had modified.\ ;以前にも何気なく貸してくれと言い、 ;あっけなく断られた、その車のキーだった。\ ^Before, I had asked on a whim to borrow it and had been quickly turned down, the keys to that car.\ ;そして、パジャマの胸ポケットには、例の免許証。\ ^And in my pajama's chest pocket, that driver's license.\ ;あの日、出番を失ってしまったにもかかわらず、 ;持ち続けていた…かつての日常の証しだった。\ ^That day, even though it had lost its debut, I had continued to carry the license... it was proof of my once ordinary days.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;SE> dwave 5,"se\key2.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_370 ^* Clack. *\ *generated_370 ;俺は黙って、キーを掴んだ。\ ^Silently, I grasped the keys.\ ;咄嗟にそうしてしまった。 ;自分でも、明確な理由はわからない。\ ^I just went and did it. ^Even I didn't know the exact reason why.\ ;只、何となくそうしていた。 ;どこか、テレビの1シーンを眺めているようだった。\ ^Simply, I just did that. It was like watching a single scene on television somewhere.\ ;そして、貰っていた数日分の薬。 ;それだけをコンビニ袋に詰めると…\ ^Then, taking the few days worth of medicine that I had been given, I just placed them in a bag from a convenience store.\ ;廊下へと向かった。\ ^And headed down the hall.\ ;☆BG変え mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;…ナースステーションの横をすり抜け…\ ^... Slipping by the nurses station...\ ;足早にエレベーターに向かって歩き続ける。\ ^I quickly continued to walk towards the elevator.\ ;右手にコンビニ袋、左手には車のキー。 ;胸ポケットには、出番を失くした筈の免許証を忍ばせていた。\ ^In my right hand, a plastic bag, in my left hand, the car keys. In my chest pocket, the license that was supposed to have lost is debut hid.\ ;●:談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;談話室の前。\ ^In front of the lounge.\ ;次に目に入ったのが、 ;いつものように、テレビを見ていた彼女の姿だった。\ ^The next thing that came into sight was the figure of the girl, as always, watching the television.\ ;ちゃちいパイプ椅子に座って、 ;今日もつまらなさそうに画面を見ていた。\ ^Sitting in a cheap folding chair, today she was also boredly looking at the screen.\ ;;その相変わらずの後姿に、俺は声を掛けた。\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「なあお前…それ面白いか?」\ ^``Hey, you... is that interesting?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n071.ogg" ;「…そう見える?」\ ^``... Does it look like it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、全然…」\ ^``Nope, not at all...''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずのやり取り。\ ^The usual exchange.\ ;いつもの遠くを見るような目をしていた。\ ^Her eyes were, as usual, seemingly looking far away.\ !s85 ;「それじゃあ…^@^いっしょに行くか?」\ ^``Well then...^@^ shall we go together?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\nv395.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh...''\ dwavestop 0 ;手に持った車のキーを見せながら、言葉を続けた。\ ^While showing her the car key in my hand, I continued speaking.\ ;「俺も…家は嫌だ」\ ^``I also... don't like home.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n073.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n074.ogg" ;「わたしは…7階も嫌…」\ ^``I... also don't like the 7th floor...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「それじゃあ…^@^いっしょに行くか?」\ ^``So...^@^ shall we go together?''\ dwavestop 0 !s100 dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 !sd ;その言葉と共に、パイプ椅子から立ち上がる彼女。^@^ ^With that word, the girl stood up from the folding chair.^@^ ;ふわりと長い髪が揺れ、俺の鼻先をかすめた。\ ^Lightly, her long hair swayed, and brushed the tip of my nose.\ ;そして彼女も、 ;何日分かの薬をコンビニ袋に詰めると…\ ^And so, the girl also packed a few days worth of medicine into a plastic bag...\ ;二人して7階を後にした。\ ^Then, the two of us placed the 7th floor behind us.\ ;俺はつまらないテレビを消した。 ;カン高い笑い声をあげていた司会者は沈黙した。\ ^I turned off the boring television. ^The shrilly laughing voice of the host was silenced.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;__;_ ;お互い、パジャマのままエレベーターに乗り込む。 ;最上階である、この階から1階へと降りる。\ ^The two of us, in pajamas, got on the elevator and descended from the highest floor to the first.\ ;1階に着いても、入退院や急患入り口ではなく、 ;わざと外来の出入口から駐車場へと向かった。\ ^When we came to the 1st floor, instead of the entrance for emergencies, normal admittance and discharges, we deliberately left from the outpatient entrance and headed to the parking lot.\ ;●:冬空 bg "e\sora03.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" ;ビュウーー、\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_371 ^* Whoooosh *.\ *generated_371 ;屋外に出た途端に、冷たい木枯らしが顔を叩く。^@^ ;障害物の少ない駐車場は、尚更、風が強いように感じた。\ ^The moment we left the building, a cold winter blast struck us in the face. In the parking lot with few obstructions, the wind felt even stronger.\ ;二人して、キョロキョロと辺りに気を配りながら、 ;広い病院の駐車場を歩き回る。\ ^Together, while we carefully peered around searching, we walked around the parking lot.\ ;やがて… ;しばらく探して、やっと見つけた親父の車。\ ^Then... after searching a while, we finally found dad's car.\ ;☆車:停車時\ ;●:車外・病院の駐車場に停車中の車 bg "e\byoin_chusyajo.jpg",5 ;銀のクーペ。^@^ ;内装にまで手を入れた親父自慢の車だった。\ ^A silver coupe.^@^ ^The car dad was so proud of that he even changed the interior.\ ;早速俺は、キーをさし込むとドアを開ける。\ ^Quickly, I inserted the key and opened the door.\ ;SE dwave 5,"se\kati.ogg" ;カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_372 ^All the door locks popped open.\ goto *generated_373 *generated_372 ^* Click. *\ *generated_373 ;「ほら、乗っていいぞ」\ ^``Look, you can get in.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Un, alright...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_374 ^I slammed the door shut.\ goto *generated_375 *generated_374 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_375 ;深々とドライバーズシートに身を沈める俺。\ ^I sank myself into the deep driver's seat.\ ;助手席の彼女は、 ;小柄の為か普通に座っても前が見え難い程だった。\ ^For the girl in the passenger seat, because of her height, even if she sat normally it was difficult for her to see the front.\ ;●:車内・停車01(病院の駐車場) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 ;次に、手に持ったキーをイグニッションへと挿れ、 ;回しながら軽くアクセルを踏む。\ ^Next, I put the key in my hand into the ignition, and as I turned it, stepped on the accelerator.\ ;全て、教習所で習った通りだった。\ ^It was all exactly like what the training center had taught.\ dwave 5,"se\engine_start.ogg" ;キュルキュル、 ;ウォンブオン……\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_376 ^* Vroom, vroom. *\ *generated_376 ;たちまち、車内に響く軽いエンジン音。\ ^In moments, the sound of the engine reverberated in the interior.\ ;後はサイドブレーキを外して、クラッチを離すだけ。\ ^After that, release the parking brake and just let go of the clutch.\ ;…これで、どこへでも行けた。行ける筈だった。\ ^... With this, we can go anywhere. Should be able to go anywhere.\ ;「じゃあ、行くぞ…」\ ^``Well, here we go...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n077.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;小さく頷く彼女。 ;俺は返事をする代わりにギアをセカンドに入れる。\ ^The girl gave a small nod, and instead of responding, I shifted into second gear.\ ;そして、静かに車を発進させた。\ ^And quietly, the car set off.\ ;SE>\ dwave 5,"se\car_start2.ogg" bg "e\naname_machi2.jpg",5 ;慣れないクラッチに、 ;ガタガタと車体を揺らしながらも、ゆっくりと進む。\ ^As the chassis rattled from the unfamiliar clutch, slowly it went on.\ dwave 0,"w\n078.ogg" ;「…揺れるわね」\ ^``... It's shaky isn't it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、初めて乗る車だからな…」\ ^``Ah, it's the first time in this car after all...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ついでに言うと、免許取って初めての運転だ」\ ^``And while we're on the subject, it's the first time driving since getting my license.''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n080.ogg" ;;「……………」\ dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^``I see...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて目の前に現れた、病院の駐車場出口。 ;そこに面して通っている大きめの道路。\ ^Eventually, it appeared before us, the hospital parking lot exit. Just beyond it was a large road.\ ;俺は、その信号のない交差点へと車を出した。\ ^I pulled the car out into the light-less intersection.\ ;●:車内・移動中03(車道) bg "e\shanai_inaka.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\c-1.ogg" ;>SE>クラクション ;パァーン、パーン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_377 ^;Nuke goto *generated_378 *generated_377 ^* Honk Honk!. *\ *generated_378 ;クラクションを浴びせる後続の車。 ;いきなり車線に入ってきた俺に対してのものだった。\ ^From behind came the sound of car horns blaring at us as we suddenly pulled into the lane.\ ;慣れないクラッチに、ギアを変える度に、 ;ガツガツとつんのめりながらも走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The unfamiliar clutch ground when the gears shifted while the silver coupe ran in fits and starts.\ dwave 5,"se\c-2.ogg" ;>SE>クラクション\ ;それが真後ろの車には余計に気に障るのか、 ;当分、クラクションは止みそうになかった。\ ^Perhaps the cars behind were especially angry, they didn't seem like they'd stop honking for a while.\ ;なのに、特に気にするでもなく走る俺。 ;どこかリアルとしての感覚が薄かった。\ ^Even so, without paying them any particular mind, I drove. The feeling of reality was somehow thin.\ !s85 ;「なあ、お前…」\ ^``Hey, you...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n081.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... What?''\ dwavestop 0 !w200 ;「…怖いか?」\ ^``... Are you afraid?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n082.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ !w300 dwave 0,"w\n084.ogg" ;「…怖がった方が…^@^いい?」\ ^``... Being afraid...^@^ would be better?''\ dwavestop 0 !w100 ;「いや…別に…」\ ^``No... not really...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" ;☆BG空 ;●:冬空>ある bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 !s75 ;まだ昼前。高い日。\ ^Still morning, the sun was high.\ ;フロントガラス越しに見た、一月の冬空。 ;何故か哀しいと思えるほど青く澄んでいた。\ ^Looking beyond the windshield, the January winter sky was painted so blue it somehow felt sorrowful.\ ;…別に行くあてなんて無かった。\ ^... It wasn't like we had a destination.\ ;寒空、慣れないクラッチに、車体を揺らした日のこと。^@^ ;二人して、パジャマ姿のまま国道を目指した日のこと。\ ^That day under the winter sky, the car swayed with the unfamiliar clutch.^@^ ^That day in our pajamas, the two of us aimed for the national road.\ !s85 ;…そんな冬の日のこと…\ ^... That winter day...\ !sd ;;____ ;・タイトルへ:BGMそのままかな?\ ;____;__;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2000 ;bg "tui2\c0442.bmp",3 bg "agilis\1\c0442.png",3 click ;あんなに高かった日が ;オレンジへと変わろうとする頃。\ ^Around when that so very high sun was turning orange.\ bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;走り続ける俺たち。 ;只、やみくもに車を走り続けていた。\ ^We continued to drive. ^Simply at random, the car continued running.\ ;そして、辺りが見覚えのない場所になった頃…\ ^And then, when the area turned into an unfamiliar place...\ ;「…少し停めるぞ」\ ^``... I'm stopping for a bit.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n180.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG 車or道 ;●:車外・停車01(市街地から外れた道ばた・交通量少) bg "e\chusha_michi2_yu.jpg",5 ;やっと、車を停車させた俺。\ ^Finally, I brought the car to a stop.\ ;市街地から外れた、どこかの道端。 ;寂しげでほとんど交通量も見えないところだった。\ ^Outside of the city area, by the roadside somewhere, a lonely place that didn't seem to have much traffic.\ ;そんな、名も知れぬ場所に車を寄せると、 ;とりあえず、車内の点検を始めた。\ ^Stopping the car in a place I didn't even know the name of, for now I started inspecting the interior.\ ;☆BG 車内 ;●:車内・停車02(市街地から外れた道ばた・交通量少) bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",5 ;…少しでも役に立つものがあれば…\ ^... If there were things that would even be the slightest bit useful...\ ;何の用意もなく飛び出してきたが、 ;たちまちに困ってしまうことは目に見えていた。\ ^We had rushed out without any preparation, but I could see that we would be in trouble very soon.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;まずは、目の前のダッシュボードを漁ってみる。\ ^While thinking about that, first, I searched the dashboard in front of me.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…………\ ^......\ ;「ほんと、何もねえな…」\ ^``There really isn't much is there...''\ dwavestop 0 ;高速のつり銭らしき小銭が数百円ほど。 ;他にはマンガ本が数冊と、使い捨てカメラがあるだけ。\ ^Just a few hundred yen worth of what appeared to be change from the expressways. The rest were just a few books of manga and a disposable camera.\ ;別に目的地がある訳ではなかったけど、 ;車に装備されていたナビも壊れているようだった。\ ^It wasn't like we had a destination, but it seemed that the navigation system installed in the car was broken.\ ;そして、俺の今の所持金は8000円ほど。^@^ ;出掛けに急いでポケットに詰めてきた全財産だった。\ ^And also, the amount of money I had was about ¥8000.^@^ While leaving, I had hurriedly stuffed that much into my pocket.\ ;これでは、目の前の小銭と足しても、 ;9000円ほどにしかならない。\ ^With that, and adding in the change in front of me, it could barely make ¥9000.\ ;もちろん、車内に何かあるなんて、 ;最初から期待してた訳じゃない。\ ^Of course, it wasn't like I had been expecting to find anything in the car from the start.\ ;…でも、この所持金では、たちまちに困ってしまうだろう。 ;ちゃんとした所に宿泊するなんて絶対に無理だと思える。\ ^... But, with this budget, we'd probably be in trouble really soon. I could definitely believe that we wouldn't find decent lodging.\ bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;といっても、こいつが金を持ってるとは思えないし…\ ^Even saying that, I doubt that the girl had any money...\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... Is something wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、なんでもない…」\ ^``No, it's nothing...''\ dwavestop 0 ;…まあいい。 ;こんなことは最初から分かっていた筈だ。\ ^... Oh well, it didn't matter. I should have known this from the start.\ ;元々、予定や計画なんてのを、 ;考えた上での行動だった訳じゃない。\ ^To begin with, it wasn't like we had thought up arrangements or plans before acting.\ ;それよりも今は動きたかった。じっとしていたくなかった。\ ^Instead of that, right now I wanted to move. I didn't want to sit still.\ ;;だから俺は、再び車を走らせた。\ dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" ;●とも SE>走る音 bg "e\naname_inaka_yu.jpg",5 ;暮れ始めた空の下、 ;再び走り始めた銀のクーペ。\ ^Under the now darkening sky, once again the silver coupe ran.\ ;「ところでお前、腹へってねえか?」\ ^``By the way, are you hungry?''\ dwavestop 0 ;走りながら、隣のこいつに声を掛ける。 ;考えてみれば朝から何も食べてなかった。\ ^As I drove, I spoke to the one sitting next to me. Thinking about it, we hadn't eaten since this morning.\ ;;もちろん、所持金を考えると贅沢は出来ない。\ ;;だけど、ファーストフードや、 ;;コンビニのおにぎり程度なら大丈夫だと思える。\ ;「とりあえず、コンビニでも寄るか?」\ ^``For now, let's go to a convenience store?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n152.ogg" ;「…嫌」\ ^``... No.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「おいおい、贅沢言うなよ、 ; それに7階の食事と比べれば絶対にマシだぞ」\ ^``Hey, hey. Don't be so picky. Even so, compared to the 7th floor's food, it absolutely has to be better.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n015.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の言葉には、無言で返す彼女。\ ^At my words, the girl returned silence.\ ;その、うつむいた視線の先は、 ;自分の着ているピンクのパジャマがあった。\ ^Those downcast eyes, their line of sight was on the pink pajamas that she wore.\ ;「ああ、そういえば、そうだったな…」\ ^``Ah, now that you say, that's right...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺も自分の服を見つめる。\ ^As I spoke, I looked down at my own clothes.\ ;確かに、このパジャマのままでは、 ;どこに行くにしても目立ちすぎる。\ ^Certainly, in these pajamas, wherever we went, we'd stand out too much.\ ;車内なら問題無いって訳じゃないけど、 ;とりあえず、この服装を何とかしないといけない。\ ^It wasn't like there was no problem inside the car either. For now, we had to do something about these clothes.\ ;そう判断した俺は、 ;幹線道路から市街地へとハンドルを向けた。\ ^Making that decision, I turned the wheel from the main road and headed into town.\ ;●:車内・移動中04(車道) bg "e\shanai_michi03_yu.jpg",5 ;しばらく走った頃。 ;到着したのは、名も知らぬどこかの通り。\ ^After running a while, the place that we came to was some street I didn't know the name of.\ ;きっと駅前に近いのだろう。 ;それなりに人の姿も見える通りだった。\ ^Surely it must be near some station since it was a street where about that number of people could be seen.\ ;「このへんなら、ありそうなもんだけど…」\ ^``In a place like this, you'd think there'd be one...''\ dwavestop 0 ;辺りをキョロキョロと探りながら、車を進ませる俺。 ;シートから少し身体を乗り出すようにして運転していた。\ ^While glancing around the area searching, I moved the car on, slightly raising my body in the seat while driving.\ ;「あ…見つけた…」\ ^``Ah... found it...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ほどなくして発見したコインランドリー。\ ^In a short while, I spotted a coin-operated laundromat.\ ;見ため的にもぼろくて、 ;小さな雑居ビルの1階にぽつんと入っていた。\ ^It appeared quite run down, and was in the first floor of a small apartment building.\ ;…ここならちょうど良いかも知れない。\ ^... This place might just be perfect.\ ;俺は、その入り口から、 ;少しだけ離れた場所へと車を路駐する。\ ^A short distance away from the entrance, I parked the car.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ…」\ ^``Alright, just wait a bit...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n088.ogg" ;「…?」\ ^``...?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_379 ^I shut the door with a slam.\ goto *generated_380 *generated_379 ^* Slam. *.\ *generated_380 ;不思議そうな顔をする彼女を車内に残し、 ;俺はコインランドリーへと足を向ける。\ ^Leaving the girl who was making a puzzled face, I headed to the coin-op laundromat on foot.\ ;SE>ガー>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;●:コインランドリー店内>素材写真加工レベルで bg "e\coin_tennai.jpg",5 ;自動ドアをくぐった途端、 ;鼻をつく漂白剤や洗剤の匂い。\ ^Just pass the automatic doors, my nose picked up the scent of bleach and detergent.\ ;店内は、外見のぼろっちさと同じように、 ;古めかしい洗濯機や乾燥機で占められていた。\ ^Inside, it was just as run-down as the exterior, filled with old washing machines and driers.\ ;「…誰もいないな」\ ^``... There's no one around...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな呟きを落とした無人の店内。\ ^I muttered those words in the empty shop.\ dwave 5,"se\coin2.ogg" ;ゴ………\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_381 ^* Rumble. *\ *generated_381 ;そこには低い音を上げて回転する乾燥機が、 ;1台だけ使用中だった。\ ^There, raising a low sound while spinning, was a single unit in use.\ ;早速、その使用中の機械に近づくと、 ;タイマーのチェックを始める。\ ^Quickly approaching that machine, I started to check the timer.\ ;…………\ ^......\ ;どうやら200円投入の、30分にセットしたようだった。 ;そして今は、5分しか経っていない状態。\ ^It looked like ¥200 had been inserted and it was set for 30 minutes. Also, it had been going for only 5 minutes.\ ;…きっと、頃合までどこかで時間を潰しているのだろう。\ ^... Most likely, until it was about done, the person was passing time somewhere.\ ;以上を推測すると、もう一度、 ;出入り口から、それらしい人がいないかを見回す。\ ^With that deduction, once again from the entrance, I looked around for someone that seemed like that sort of person.\ ;そして、間違いなく人の姿がないことを確かめると、 ;俺は回転中の乾燥機のドアを手にして…\ ^Then, making sure that no one was in sight, I placed my hands on that revolving drier's door...\ ;いきなり開けた。\ ^And suddenly opened it.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>止めorそれっぽい音 dwave 5,"se\coin.ogg" ;ガチャンっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_382 ^The machine rumbled to a sudden stop.\ goto *generated_383 *generated_382 ^* Ka-chang. *\ *generated_383 ;乾燥途中にドアを開けられ、 ;強制的に一旦停止された乾燥機。\ ^Opened in the middle of a drying cycle, the machine was forced into a stop temporarily.\ ;むわっとした湿気と熱を無視して、 ;その中から半乾きの服の塊を引きずり出す。\ ^Ignoring the blast of heat and damp air, I took out a mass of half-dry clothing from inside.\ ;そして、そのまま両手で抱えると、 ;もう一度辺りを見回してから店を後にした。\ ^Then, carrying it just like that in both hands, I looked around once more before I put the shop behind me.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_384 ^I opened the car door and got in.\ goto *generated_385 *generated_384 ^* Click, Slam. *\ *generated_385 ;●車内 bg "e\shanai_michi03_yu.jpg",5 ;●とも↓ボリューム小さく dwave 0,"w\n307.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^``Ah...''\ ;両手一杯に抱えた洗濯物を見て、 ;少しだけ驚いた声を上げる彼女。\ ^Seeing both of my hands filled with laundry, the girl raised a bit of a surprised voice.\ ;でも俺は構わずに、後部座席へと放り投げる。\ ^However, paying no heed to that, I threw them into the back seat.\ ;「じゃあ、行くぞ…」\ ^``Well, we're going...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n073.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE dwave 5,"se\car_start.ogg" ;キュルキュル、 ;ウォンブオン……\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_386 ^I started up the engine again.\ goto *generated_387 *generated_386 ^ Vrooom Vroom. *\ *generated_387 ;bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;●とも ↓できたらこれは、上からじゃない車走行中で ;>■仕込みました bg "e\soukou_yoru.jpg",3 ;ハンドルを片手に、 ;先ほど放り込んだ洗濯物の山に目をやる。\ ^With one hand on the wheel, I eyed the pile of laundry I had thrown in the back.\ ;ぱっと見、派手な感じのジーパンやスウェットばかりで、 ;どれもサイズは大きめのようだった。\ ^At a glance, there it was all flashy looking jeans and sweat shirts. All the sizes seemed to be on the large side.\ ;まだ湿っているけど、 ;車内ならば、エアコンの熱でじきに乾くだろう。\ ^They were still wet, but inside the car, with the heat from the vents it'd probably be dry soon.\ ;☆車内でもいいかも ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道・夜) bg "e\shanai_michi02_yoru.jpg",5 ;「後で好きなのに着替えろよ…」\ ^``Later, change into something you like....''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n090.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉にも、特に返事はなかった。 ;放り込んだままの洗濯物に目をやるだけだった。\ ^For those words also came no particular reply. She simply looked at the pile of laundry.\ ;「しょうがねえだろ…」\ ^``Well, what else could we do?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n091.ogg" ;「…わかってるわよ」\ ^``... I know.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そりゃあ俺だって、 ;こんなこと好きでやってる訳じゃない。\ ^Even for me, it wasn't like I did this because I liked it.\ ;それに、この所持金自体だって、 ;別に何かの使い途を持ってる訳じゃないけど…\ ^Indeed, the money that we held wasn't like we were sent on an errand with it.\ ;しかし、現在の手持ちでは、 ;新たに服を買うことは厳しいのが現状だった。\ ^However, with what we had on hand now, buying new clothes would have been a tight situation.\ ;__________________ ;●とも>月もあるので↓ ;☆どこかの場所:夜>夜空 bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;本格的に月が顔を出し、しばらく走った頃…\ ^When the face of the moon really came out, and we had driven for a while...\ ;俺はどこかの公園のそばへと車を停める。\ ^I stopped the car near some park somewhere.\ ;きっと、児童公園のような場所なのだろう。 ;住宅街の中に、こじんまりと建っていた。\ ^It was most likely some kind of children's park, tucked in the middle of a residential neighborhood.\ ;そんな中、先程パクってきた服の物色を始める。\ ^In the middle of that, I began to search through the clothes stolen earlier.\ ;☆車内:夜 ;●:車内正面・停車03(公園の側・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",5 ;車内のエアコンもあってか、すっかり乾いていた洗濯物。\ ^Most likely because of the heating in the car, the laundry was totally dry.\ ;「やっぱり、男ものばかりだったな…」\ ^``Looks like it really is all guy stuff...''\ dwavestop 0 ;さっきもちらっと見た通り、 ;派手な感じのジーパンやスウェットばかりだった。\ ^Exactly as when I had glanced at them, it was all gaudy jeans and sweats.\ ;恐らくは俺と同じくらいの年頃なのだろう。 ;サイズ的にも近いように感じた。\ ^Most likely it was someone about my age, and size-wise, something close.\ ;そして、運転席に座ったまま、 ;適当なジーンズとトレーナーを掴むと着替え始める俺。\ ^And then, while still sitting in the driver's seat, I grabbed a pair of suitable jeans and sweat shirt, and started to change.\ ;「ほら、お前も適当なのに着替えろよ」\ ^``Hey, you change into something suitable too.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n092.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n093.ogg" ;「どれも、大き過ぎる…」\ ^``They're all... too big...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、ずっとパジャマでいるのか?」\ ^``Then, you're going to always be in pajamas?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n094.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``Alright...''\ dwavestop 0 ;しぶしぶ答えると、 ;適当なジーンズと服を手に持ってドアを開ける彼女。\ ^With a reluctant reply, the girl took hold of a pair of jeans and opened the door.\ ;SE>ドア開け dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「おい、どこ行くんだ?」\ ^``Hey, where are you going?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n096.ogg" ;「…着替えてくる」\ ^``... To change.''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;それだけを告げると、 ;目の前に見える公園のトイレへと歩き始めた。\ ^With just that answer, she began walking towards the restroom that could be seen in the park just ahead.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ^......\ ;カチャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_388 ^The door opened again with a click.\ goto *generated_389 *generated_388 ^* Click. *\ *generated_389 ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;「よう、早かったな」\ ^``Hey there, that was quick.''\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;暫くして、帰ってきた彼女。\ ^In moments, the girl returned.\ ;先ほどまで着ていた、ピンクのパジャマを手にして、 ;新しくジーンズと白いトレーナーに着替えていた。\ ^The pink pajamas that she had been wearing up until now was in her hand, and she had changed into jeans and a white sweat shirt.\ ;「まあ、なんとか着れて良かったな」\ ^``Well, it's good that you managed to put something on.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n097.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。予想できたことだが、 ;サイズ的に無理があって、かなりぶかぶかのようだった。\ ^There was no reply. It was something I saw coming; the size was too much, and draped rather heavily on her.\ ;ジーンズの丈も余りすぎる為、くるくると何回も折り返して、 ;上に着たトレーナーも同じように袖を幾重にも捲くっていた。\ ^Since the jeans were too long, the legs were rolled up a number of times, while the top sweat shirt, was in the same way folded over.\ dwave 0,"w\n098.ogg" ;「…パジャマのままの方がよかった」\ ^``... The pajamas were better.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、そう言うなよ、 ; 少しはこっちの方が温かいし」\ ^``Well, don't say that. It's a bit warmer this way.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n097.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の言葉に、少しだけ不服そうな顔を向ける。\ ^At my words, she gave me just the slightest dissatisfied look.\ ;「やっぱあれか、もっと女の子っぽいのが良かったか?」\ ^``I guess, something more feminine would have been better?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n099.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n083.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずの彼女の反応。\ ^The girl's usual response.\ ;ぶかぶかのトレーナーに不満そうだと思っても、 ;すぐに、いつもの無表情に戻ってしまった。\ ^Even though I had thought she was dissatisfied with the poofy sweat shirt, soon, she returned to being expressionless.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;__;____________________ ;タイトル戻し予定地 ;☆雨空:夜\ ;●:空・夜・雨 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\amazora03.jpg",5 ;ざーーーっ\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_390 ^* Zaaaaaaa. *\ *generated_390 ;いつのまにか降り出した雨。\ ^Suddenly, it started raining.\ bg "e\chusha_michi_ame_yoru.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;まるで止むことを忘れたように、 ;一月の冷たい空からこぼれ落ちていた。\ ^As if it had forgotten how to stop, rain spilled from the cold January sky.\ ;車内から見える、 ;フロントガラスに付いた無数の雨粒。\ ^Looking from inside the car, countless raindrops on the windshield.\ ;その一つ一つが、表面張力を超えるサイズになると ;幾つかが集まり、こぼれ、川へと変わる。\ ^One by one, they would grow too big to stick, a number would gather, overflow, and turn into a rivulet.\ ;そして、流れ落ちる際には、 ;フロントガラスの下流の雨粒をも巻き込み、更に流していく。\ ^Then, while flowing down, they would involve other rivulets, and flow even more.\ ;そんな雨の様子を、俺は車内からぼーっと眺めていた。\ ^The two of us just sat gazing at that sort of rain from inside the car.\ ;☆車内\ ;●:車内正面・停車04(駐車場・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;どこかの駐車場。山の中の寂しい場所。\ ^In some parking lot somewhere, a lonely place in the mountains.\ ;コンビニで買い物を済ませた俺達は、 ;ここで夜を明かしていた。\ ^Having finished shopping at a convenience store, we were spending the night.\ ;お互いにおにぎりを2つと、ポカリの500ml、 ;それとポテトは半分ずつが夕食のメニューだった。\ ^On the menu for each of us, 2 ~i~nigiri~i~, 500mL of Pocari, and half of an order of fries.\ ;「こーゆーの、久しぶりだよな…」\ ^``It's been a while since having this stuff, eh...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n177.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;片手にコンビニおにぎりを持ったまま、彼女が呟く。\ ^With one hand holding the convenience store ~i~nigiri~i~, the girl murmured.\ ;普通で考えれば豪華な訳はないけど、 ;7階の食事と比べれば十分に旨いと思える。\ ^Thinking about if normally, it wasn't all that splendid; but compared to the food on the 7th floor, it was good enough.\ ;そして、二人してポテトに手を伸ばしていると、 ;突然、彼女がその手を止めた。\ ^And then, when both of us reached out towards the fries, suddenly, the girl's hand stopped.\ ;「…どうかしたか?」\ ^``... Is something wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n100.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう答える視線の先、 ;真っ白に煙ったフロントガラスの向こう…\ ^While answering, her line of sight turned towards the whitely fogged windshield...\ ;その道端には幾つかの白い花が見えていた。\ ^There by the roadside, a number of white flowers could be seen.\ ;☆BG>花の ;●:ナルキッソス絵・夜ぼんやりと浮かび上がっている・雨 bg "e\narcissu_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;雨に濡れる白い花。\ ^White flowers soaked by the rain.\ ;誰かが植えた物か、野生の物かは分からないけど、 ;その花には見覚えがあった。\ ^I didn't know whether they were planted by someone, or were there naturally, but those flowers seemed familiar.\ ;「確か、ナルキ…ナルキスだっけ?」\ ^``Those were, Narci... Narcis?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n101.ogg" ;「ナルキッソス…水仙のことよ」\ ^``Narcissus... they're also called daffodils.''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「ああ、水仙のことだったのか…」\ ^``Ah, those were daffodils...''\ dwavestop 0 ;特に草花に詳しい訳ではないけど、 ;水仙ならば、名前くらい聞いたことがあった。\ ^I didn't know too much about plants and all, but daffodils, I had at least heard the name before.\ ;そして、普段なら滅多に言葉を出さない彼女なのに、 ;珍しく、話題にのってきたことを思い出していた。\ ^And also I recalled that even though the girl would normally speak only rarely, she would uncharacteristically join in a conversation on this topic.\ ;だから俺も、こいつに合わせて話しを続けた。\ ^That's why I went along and continued to speak.\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;「それで、やっぱあれか…ここのも違うのか?」\ ^``And, I guess these are... also different from those too?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n102.ogg" ;「…うん、厳密には違う」\ ^``... Un, strictly speaking they're different.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ふーん、結構珍しいものなんだな…」\ ^``Hrmm, they're quite rare things then aren't they...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n103.ogg" ;「別に…どこにでもあるわよ」\ ^``Not particularly... they're everywhere.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どこにでもって、どこ?」\ ^``Everywhere, like where?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n104.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺としては、それほど深い意味があった訳じゃない。 ;只、話しの流れからの自然な問いのつもりだった。\ ^For me, it wasn't like I put very much meaning in the statement, it was intended simply, from the flow of conversation, as a natural question.\ ;なのに、こいつは暫く考え込んでから…^@^ ;ゆっくりと口を開いた。\ ^And yet, she thought for a moment...^@^ ^Then slowly opened her mouth.\ !s85 dwave 0,"w\n105.ogg" ;「…西……」\ ^``... West...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…西?」\ ^``... West?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n106.ogg" ;「淡路島が…有名…」\ ^``Awaji-shima... is famous...''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「おいおい、淡路島ってお前…」\ ^``Hey, wait, Awaji-shima, you mean...''\ dwavestop 0 ;…ここからどれだけ離れていると思ってんだ?\ ^... Just how far away do you think that is from here?\ ;まだ車に乗ったばかりの俺には、 ;大体の目安すらつかないほどだった。\ ^For someone who had only just started driving like me, I couldn't even make a guess.\ ;恐らく、軽く700kmくらいはあるだろうし、 ;高速を利用したって何時間かかるか見当もつかない。\ ^Most likely, it was easily around 700km, and even using the expressways, I couldn't even begin to estimate the time it would take.\ ;…第一、所持金を考えると、とても足りるとは思えない。\ ^... First thing, considering our funds, it certainly didn't seem enough.\ ;仮に高速を使わず、下道で行けたとしても、 ;そのガソリン代すら危ういように思える。\ ^Even if we stayed off the expressways, and used the smaller roads, the cost of gasoline itself was ominous.\ ;「お前さあ、無茶言うなよ… ; そんなところまで行ける訳ねえだろ?」\ ^``Look, don't say unreasonable things now... there's no way we could go to such a place, right?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n107.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n108.ogg" ;「…誰が行きたいなんて言ったの?」\ ^``... Who said anything about wanting to go?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n109.ogg" ;「問われたから答えただけ…」\\ ^``I was asked, so I simply answered...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを告げると、 ;またフロントガラス越しに例の花を見つめる彼女。\ ^With just that answer, the girl once again gazed beyond the windshield at those flowers.\ ;冷たい雨に車内のガラスが真っ白に煙る。 ;その更に向こうへと視線を投げていた。\ ^The glass inside the car, cold from the rain, was fogged white. She cast her gaze beyond even that.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…別に俺だって行きたかった訳じゃなかった。\ ^... It wasn't as if I wanted to go there also.\ ;でも、他に行きたい場所を持っている訳でもなかった…\ ^However, it also wasn't as if we had another place to go...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha3,1 mov %flg_bplay,3 goto *agilis_mini_title ;____;____;_ ;★チャプター4 *agilis_honpen4 dwavestop 5 ;mov $sys_midasi,"地図 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Maps [a]" ;・ヒロイン シーン回想 1 予定地 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 0,"w\n110.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^``... The me whose time has stopped...''\ dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;知識だけを増やし、無意味な価値観だけを増やし、 ;ブラウン管からの情報だけを求めて…\ ^Only increasing my knowledge, simply increasing the number meaningless values, simply desiring only information from the television screen...\ ;いつしかリアルを薄め、虚ろになってしまう。\ ^Eventually, ~i~the real~i~ grew faded, turned hollow.\ ;☆イメージ絵 部屋:地図みたいなの\ ;●:地図イメージ絵・ねつ造系?>;●とも×ボツで ;bg "e\tizu.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n111.ogg" ;『でも、地図を見るのは好きだった…』\ ^``But, I liked looking at maps...''\ dwavestop 0 ;車や列車、どこかへ運んでくれるモノも好きだった。\ ^Cars and trains, things that would take me places, I liked them.\ ;狭いベッドの上に地図を広げ…^@^ ;幾つもの幹線を乗り継いで、乗り継いで…\ ^Spreading maps upon the narrow bed...^@^ ^Tracing route after route, tracing...\ ;セダン、クーペ、コンバーチブル、 ;様々な車種にも乗った。\ ^Sedans, coupes, convertibles, I also rode on many different kinds of cars.\ ;…どこまでも続く1号線。 ;その、ずっとずっと先まで走った。\ ^... That ever-continuing Route 1, I ran all the way to the distant end of it.\ dwave 5,"se\umi13.ogg" bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;インディゴブルーの空と、美しい海岸線。\ ^Indigo-blue sky and beautiful shoreline.\ ;そんな、夢に描いた場所まで走った…\ ^I ran all the way to the places painted in my dreams.\ ;ゆるやかに弧を描く岬を巡って… ;灼けた日射しの下、真っ白な砂浜を駆けてみる。\ ^Gently going around the curve traced by a cape... under the burning sunlight, dashing to the brilliant white beach.\ ;…目を閉じさえすれば、どこへでも行けた。\ ^... If I just close my eyes, I could go anywhere.\ ;見たこともない景色を浮かべ、 ;決して行ける筈もない土地を思いながら…\ ^Scenery that I had never seen before would float before me as I thought about lands that I would never be able to go...\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n112.ogg" ;「無意味に、只、知識だけを増やした…」\ ^``Without any meaning, I simply increased my knowledge...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n113.ogg" ;「…虚しく、憧れだけを募らせた…」\ ^``... Hollowly, I accumulated only yearning.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2500 stop ;____;____;_ ;タイトル戻しも良いかも ;BGMはそのままもあり\ ;キャッチは2日目:場所みたくとか\ ;____;____;_ ;・シーン変え 翌昼あたり ;☆BG青空\ ;●:>ある ;bg "tui2\c045.bmp",3 bg "agilis\1\c045.png",3 ;雨上がりの空。\ ^A sky where the rain had let up.\ bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;ものすごい速さで流れていく、 ;高い、高いところの雲。\ ^Flowing by at an amazing speed, high, high clouds.\ ;路面からは、まだ湿ったアスファルトが、 ;シャーっという独特の音を立てていた。\ ^From the ground, the still damp asphalt gave a unique ``shaa!'' noise.\ mp3loop "bgm\sen02.mp3" dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" bg "e\joku_shigaichi.jpg",5 bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 ;☆BG 走る車\ ;●:車外・移動中02(車道・昼・晴) ;そんな中、相変わらず走り続ける俺達。\ ^Within all that, as always, we continued driving on.\ ;目的地も無く、只、なんとなく走り続けていた。\ ^Without a destination, simply, just driving on.\ ;別に、昨夜の話しにあった淡路島を目指している訳じゃない。 ;第一、それ以前の問題としてガソ代すら足らないだろう。\ ^It wasn't like we were headed to the Awaji-shima that we had spoke about last night. For one thing, as a problem before that, we probably didn't have the gasoline money.\ ;そんなことを思いながらも、 ;知らない道を、真っ直ぐに進みつづける俺。\ ^While pondering about that, I continued driving straight along the unknown road.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;…でも、ここはどこだろう?\ ^... But, where was this I wonder.\ ;ふと、そんなことも考えてしまう。\ ^Suddenly, I wound up thinking about it.\ ;元々、あまり地理に詳しい方じゃなかったが、 ;見たこともないような地名ばかりだった。\ ^From the start, I wasn't all that good with geography, but all the place names were ones I had never seen before.\ ;それなりに走ったつもりだけど、 ;ナビが動かないおかげで余計に分からない。\ ^I had been planning on driving onward in any case, but with the navigation system dead, I knew even less.\ ;思わず俺は、辺りの標識を、 ;キョロキョロと見回しながら走っていた。\ ^Before I knew it, I was peering at the signs in the area while I drove.\ ;「うーん、よく分からないな…」\ ^``Mmm, I don't really know...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n114.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... What?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん、いや…ここってどこかなってな」\ ^``Mm? No... just wondering where this is.''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の様子に声を掛けた彼女。 ;軽く相槌を返した。\ ^The girl spoke to me when I looked around, and I lightly replied.\ ;まあ、恐らくこんなことを、 ;こいつに聞いても分からないだろうが…\ ^Well, most likely, even if I asked her, she wouldn't have known probably...\ dwave 0,"w\n115.ogg" ;「入間よ…埼玉県の」\ ^``Iruma... of Saitama-ken.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n116.ogg" ;「次の交差点を右に行けば16号線…八王子へ出るわ」\ ^``At the next intersection, if you go right, Route 16... you'll go out to Hachioji.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前、分かるのか?」\ ^``... You... know?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n117.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかして、ここらに住んでたのか?」\ ^``Did you, live here before?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n118.ogg" ;「別に…そんなんじゃないわよ」\ ^``Not particularly... it's not that.''\ dwavestop 0 ;意外だった。\ ^That was a surprise.\ ;いや、意外というよりは、 ;どうしてこんなに詳しいのかが不思議だった。\ ^No, instead of surprising, why she knew so much was mysterious.\ ;どう見てもこいつは、 ;車に乗って動き回っているようには見えないのに…\ ^No matter how you looked, she didn't seem the type to get in a car and go around...\ ;「じゃあさ、もしかして…」\ ^``Then, maybe...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ここから例の場所…淡路島まで分かるか?」\ ^``From here to that place... Awaji-shima, you know the way?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n119.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``... I don't understand what your question means.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、だからさ、高速乗らずに ; 下道だけなら行けるかも知れないじゃん」\ ^``Um, well you see, without getting on the expressway, we might be able to get there using only the smaller roads, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、ガソ代くらいなら、金も足るかも知れないし」\ ^``Look, the gasoline costs, our money might be enough after all.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n120.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n121.ogg" ;「あなた…^@^行きたいの?」\ ^``Do you...^@^ want to go?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ、いや…別にそういう訳じゃないけど…」\ ^``Eh? Ah, no... it's not like I meant that, but...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n122.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、聞かないで」\ ^``... Then, don't ask.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、また黙ってしまった彼女。\ ^With those final words, the girl once again fell silent.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;相変わらずの素っ気ない様子で、 ;窓の外を向いたままだった。\ ^In her usual cold way, she remained staring out the window.\ ;その視線は目の前の流れる景色ではなく、 ;もっと遠い、どこか違う場所を見ているようにも思えた。\ ^I had the feeling that what those eyes were looking at was not the scenery flowing by before her, but a much farther place.\ ;…さっきの…「聞かないで」って言葉。\ ^... Those words... ``don't ask'' from before.\ ;あれは一体どういう意味だったのだろうか?\ ^Just what did they mean I wonder.\ ;もしも俺が、行くつもりだと答えたら、 ;彼女は何と答えたのだろう…\ ^If I had answered that I planned on going, what would she have answered...\ ;☆BG:空とか\ ;●:>ある bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;…目的もなく、只、進む俺達。\ ^... Without a destination, we simply traveled.\ ;最初から計画とか予定があった訳じゃない。 ;只、7階も薄っぺらい家も嫌なだけだった。\ ^From the start, we hadn't any plans or schedules. Simply, we just hated both the 7th floor and our shallow homes.\ ;だけど俺は、少なくとも俺だけは…\ ^But for me, at the least just for me...\ ;何でもいいから、 ;示してくれるものが欲しかったのかも知れない。\ ^It didn't matter what, I probably wanted something to give me direction.\ ;>んで、またゆっくりと車を走らせたとか\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;_ ;bg "tui2\c046.bmp",3 bg "agilis\1\c046.png",3 click bg "e\umibe_yoru.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\umi13.ogg" ;ざざ…\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_391 ^The roaring and crashing of waves.\ goto *generated_392 *generated_391 ^* Splash, crash. *\ *generated_392 ;>波>SE\ ;dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;「さむいな…」\ ^``It's cold, isn't it...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n123.ogg" ;「…そうね」\ ^``... Indeed.''\ dwavestop 0 ;名も知らぬ、どこかの浜辺。 ;気づけば、海へと出ていた俺達。\ ^Some beach I didn't know the name of. When I noticed, we were headed out toward the sea.\ ;俺としては西へ向かったつもりだったが、 ;いつのまにか南へと進んだようだった。\ ^I had intended to head west, but it seemed at some point I wound up heading south.\ ;>SE dwave 5,"se\kaze13.ogg" ;ビュウウーーーっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_393 ^The wind whistled.\ goto *generated_394 *generated_393 ^* Pheewwww. *\ *generated_394 ;真っ暗な空と、強くて冷たい風が吹く浜辺。 ;お互いに車から出て、暗い海を見つめていた。\ ^A beach with a pitch black sky and a strongly blowing cold wind. The two of us left the car and stood gazing at the dark sea.\ ;相変わらずのうつむき加減で、遠くを見る彼女。 ;真っ黒な空と海が、水平線の境界を溶かす。\ ^As always, the girl looked far away with a downcast air at where the black sky and sea merged at the horizon.\ ;そして、暫く海を見つめていたかと思うと…\ ^And then, after watching the sea for a while...\ ;ゆっくりと、波打ち際に向かって歩き始めた。\ ^Slowly, she began walking to the water's edge.\ dwave 0,"w\n124.ogg" ;「ねえ…どうなると思う?」\ ^``Say... what do you think would happen?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前だって質問の意味が分かんねえよ」\ ^``... I don't understand the meaning of ~i~your~i~ question.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n125.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n126.ogg" ;「…楽に死ねると思う?…このまま海に入っていくと」\ ^``... Do you think I would die comfortably?... If I went out into the sea like this.''\ dwavestop 0 ;>波>SE\ dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" ;□心情・情景>情景 ;背を向けたまま… ;ゆっくりと波打ち際へと歩きながらの言葉だった。\ ^Her back was still turned to me... words as she continued walked to the water's edge.\ ;…3回目が最後。4回目はもうない。\ ^... The third time was the last, there is no fourth.\ ;7階か家かのどちらかを選ぶことになるだろう。 ;避けた奴はいないらしい。\ ^Probably, it would come to picking between the 7th floor and home. It seems no one has escaped that.\ ;かつて彼女から伝え聞いた言葉だった。\ ^Those were words the girl had once passed to me.\ ;そして彼女は2回目、家も7階もどちらも嫌だと言った。\ ^And the girl was on her second, had said that she wanted neither home nor the 7th floor.\ ;既に俺へと伝えた後だった。既に役目も終わっていた。\ ^Already, it was after she had passed it to me. Already, her task was over.\ ;…だから、そういう意味なんだろうと思う…\ ^... That was why, I thought it meant that...\ ;「さあな、俺は溺れたことねえから」\ ^``Who knows, I've never drowned before.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n127.ogg" ;「じゃあもしも… ; 今、わたしが海に入っていったなら…」\ ^``Then, if... right now, I were to go into the sea...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n128.ogg" ;「あなた…止める?」\ ^``Would you... stop me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、振り返ると俺の顔を見た。 ;真っ暗な空に浮かぶ月を背にしていた。\ ^While speaking, she turned around and looked at my face, placing the moon floating in the pitch black sky to her back.\ ;いつもは、遠いところを見ている視線を、 ;真っ直ぐに俺に向けていた…\ ^The gaze that was always looking at some faraway place, was looking straight at me...\ ;「分からん…その時になってみないと」\ ^``I don't know... not until that time.''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n129.ogg" ;;「…………」\ ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n130.ogg" ;「そうよね…」\ ^``Indeed...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、俺に背を向けると ;また海へと向かって、ゆっくりと一歩を踏み出す。\ ^And then, turning her back to me, once again facing the sea, she slowly started walking.\ ;>情景>もうちょい\ ;「なあ、お前さ…」\ ^``Hey, you...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n131.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... What?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…もしかして、止めて欲しいのか?」\ ^``... Is it that, you want me to stop you?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n132.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" ;俺の言葉に、寄せる波の数歩手前で止まった彼女。 ;強い風が波のしぶきを霧状にして足を叩いていた。\ ^At my words, the girl stopped just a few steps before the breaking waves. The strong wind misted up the spray from the waves, striking her feet.\ ;「止めて欲しいんだったら、止めるぞ」\ ^``If you want me to stop you, I'll stop you.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n133.ogg" ;「別に…そんなんじゃないわよ」\ ^``Not particularly... it's not that.''\ ;「じゃあ、止めなくていいんだな?」\ ^``Then, I don't have to stop you, right?''\ dwave 0,"w\n134.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ ;その問いにも、返事はなかった。\ ^For that question also, there was no reply.\ ;でも、止まった足はそれ以上進まなかった。\ ^However, the feet that stopped did not go further.\ ;…だから、それが返事なんだと思う。\ ^... That was why, I thought that was her reply.\ dwavestop 5 ;________________ ;・タイトル戻し候補:3日目とか\ ;____;____ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BG 空:昼 ;●:>ある dwave 5,"se\kaze13.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;E>風 ;冬特有の高い高い空。\ ^A high, high sky that could only be found in winter.\ mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;哀しいくらいに蒼く澄んで、 ;強い北風が高架線をびゅんびゅんと鳴らしていた。\ ^Stained heart-wrenchingly blue, with a strong wind that whistled across the elevated rail line.\ dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" ;☆BG 走行中\ ;●:車外・移動中02(車道・昼・晴) bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 ;そんな蒼い空を、 ;メタリックの車体に映して走る、銀のクーペ。\ ^Reflecting that blue sky was the metallic hood of the running silver coupe.\ ;ステアリングを握る俺と、 ;助手席では相変わらずの様子の彼女もいた。\ ^I was gripping the steering wheel and the girl sat in her usual way in the passenger seat.\ ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道2) bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",5 ;…ここが、どこだかは分からないけど…\ ^... Where this was, I didn't know, but...\ ;現実問題として、 ;間もなくガソリンが切れようとしていた。\ ^As a more real problem, in moments, we were going to run out of gasoline.\ ;元々、それほど金は持ってなかったが、 ;コンビニでの購入もあって、更に残り少なくなった所持金。\ ^From the start, we hadn't had that much money, but from purchases at convenience stores, our remaining funds were even less now.\ ;今は7000円ほどしかなかった。\ ^Now, there was only ¥7000.\ ;もちろんこの車が、何リットル入るのかは知らないけど、 ;恐らく1回は給油することは出来ると思う。\ ^Of course, for this car, I didn't know how many liters it took, but I thought we probably had enough to fill the tank once.\ ;別に目的がある訳じゃないけど、 ;足を失ってしまっては身動きが取れなくなってしまう。\ ^It wasn't as if we had a destination or anything, but losing our legs would mean we would be stuck.\ ;「ちょっと給油する…」\ ^``I'll go get some gas...''\ dwave 0,"w\n136.ogg" ;「…そう」\ ^``... I see.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺は、ハンドルを切ると、 ;目の前のガソリンスタンドへと向かった。\ ^While speaking, I turned the wheel and headed toward the gas station in front of us.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>車停めるとか\ dwave 5,"se\car_s.ogg" ;☆ガソスタ ;●:ガソリンスタンド店内 bg "e\gs.jpg",2 ;_選択肢1;_ ;「いらっしゃいませ、カードですか? 現金ですか?」\ ^``Welcome! Will it be credit card? Or cash?''\ ;「じゃあ、現金で…」\ ^``Um, with cash...''\ ;「ガソリンはレギュラーでしょうか? ; それともハイオクでしょうか?」\ ^``Will it be Regular? Or High-Octane?''\ ;…レギュラー? ハイオク?\ ^... Regular? High-Octane?\ ;よく分からなかった。 ;もちろんこの車について、よく知らないってもある。\ ^I didn't really understand. Of course, when it came to this car, there were lots of things that I didn't know.\ ;でも、そもそも俺は、 ;免許取りたてで、そのへんの知識にも疎かった。\ ^But, since I had only just gotten my license, I knew very little of about this sort of thing in general.\ ;「どちらにいたしましょうか?」\ ^``Which shall it be?''\ ;「あ、えーと…」\ ^``Ah, um...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いよどむ俺と、 ;窓の向こうから俺の回答を待つバイトらしき店員。\ ^I hesitated to speak while the part-time clerk waited for my answer from the other side of the window.\ ;そして、どちらでもいいから、 ;適当に答えようとした時…\ ^And, just when I was about to say it didn't matter...\ ;助手席の彼女が口を開いた。\ ^The girl in the passenger seat spoke.\ dwave 0,"w\n137.ogg" ;「…レギュラーよ」\ ^``... Regular.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え? あ、ああ…それじゃあレギュラーで」\ ^``Eh? A-ah... yes, Regular.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はい、それでは、 ; レギュラー、現金、満タンでよろしいですか?」\ ^``Yes, Regular, cash, full tank, will that be all right?''\ ;「あ、ええ、それでお願いします」\ ^``Ah, yes, please.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はい、かしこまりました」\ ^``Yes, certainly.''\ ;●とも ここから車内に ;>■仕込みました bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 dwavestop 0 ;明るい返事と共に、 ;手際よくガソリンを入れ始めるスタンドの店員。\ ^With a cheerful reply, the attendant began to skillfully use the gasoline pump.\ ;10cmほど開けた窓からは、 ;何とも言えないガソリンの嫌な匂いが発ちこめた。\ ^From the window open about 10cm came the distasteful smell of gasoline.\ ;「なあお前さ、これってレギュラーで良かったのか?」\ ^``Say, regular is fine for this?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには無言の彼女。 ;只、黙ってスタンドにある料金表を指差した。\ ^At the question, the girl remained silent. Instead, she quietly pointed at the price listing on the pump.\ ;…ああ、なるほど。こっちの方が安いってことか。\ ^... Ah, of course, this was the cheaper one.\ ;俺も詳しくは分からないが、それほど大差ないとも思える。\ ^I didn't really know much about this, but I didn't think there was that much difference.\ ;そして、目の前には給油したことを告げる、 ;ガソリンスタンドのメーター。\ ^And then, there was the meter on the gas pump before my eyes reporting the amount used.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;25、26、27、28…\ ^25, 26, 27, 28...\ ;そのデジタルの表示が、勢いよく数を増やしていく。\ ^That digital display was counting up ferociously.\ ;…もしかしてミスったか…\ ^... Did I screw up?\ ;その数字を見つめていると、 ;俺は少しだけ不安になり始めていた。\ ^Looking at those numbers, I began to get nervous.\ ;さっきは何気なく、満タンと言ってしまったが、 ;手持ちの金額はそれほど多くなかった。\ ^Just before, I had wound up saying full tank on a whim, but the amount of money we had on hand wasn't all that much.\ ;小銭と合わせて、ちょうど7000円ほど。 ;もちろん、この車のタンクが何リットル入るのかは知らない。\ ^Putting together all the change, it was about ¥7000. Of course, I had no idea how large this car's tank was.\ ;…もしも、金が足らなかった時はどうなるのだろうか?\ ^... If there wasn't enough money, what would happen?\ ;表示されたリッター料金表によると、 ;60リッター程なら金は足りると思えるけど…\ ^Going by the price list shown, I believed we had enough for about 60 liters, but...\ ;38、39、40、41…\ ^38, 39. 40, 41...\ ;尚も勢いを落とすことなく増えつづけるメーター\ ^Even now, the meter was counting up without slowing down.\ ;;だから俺は窓の向こうに見える、 ;;給油量を示すメーターがどんどん上がるのを見つめていた。\ ;普段なら気にもとめない事なのに、 ;それを見続けていた俺は、ますます不安になっていた。\ ^Under normal conditions, it would have been something I wouldn't have worried about, but as I continued watching, I grew more and more nervous.\ ;「…くそう、まだかよ」\ ^``... Damn it, it's still going?''\ dwavestop 0 ;思わず言葉が漏れてしまう。\ ^Before I knew it, the words tumbled out.\ ;●とも ここから車内に bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n138.ogg" ;「…大丈夫よ、もう止まるわ」\ ^``... It's okay, it'll stop now.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n139.ogg" ;「これ、50リッターだから…」\ ^``This, is a 50 liter...''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉通り、ちょうどメーターは、 ;47と48の間くらいでピタっと止まった。\ ^Just as she said, when the meter was between 47 and 48, it stopped.\ ;続いてレシートをプリントする音が響き、 ;また先ほどのバイトらしき店員がやって来る。\ ^Following that, the sound of a receipt being printed ran out, and once again, the part-time clerk came back.\ ;「お待たせしました、5240円となります」\ ^``Sorry for the wait, it comes to ¥5240.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、ああ…はい」\ ^``A-ah... here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺はポケットから5千円札と、 ;くしゃくしゃになった千円札を手渡す。\ ^From my pocket, I took out and handed over a ¥5000 bill with a crumpled ¥1000 bill.\ ;「ではこちら、お釣り760円とレシートとなります」\ ^``Here is your change of ¥760 and your receipt.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;「どうもありがとうござましたー」\ ^``Thank you very much!''\ dwavestop 0 ;店員の明るい声を背に、 ;また俺は目の前の道へと車を走らせた。\ ^Putting the clerk's bright voice behind us, I once again pulled the car out onto the road before us.\ ;____ ;SE>車\ dwave 5,"se\car1.ogg" ;●とも 車外:走る ;>■仕込みました bg "e\soukou.jpg",3 ;再び走り始めた銀のクーペ。\ ^Once again the silver coupe ran.\ ;これで当面はガス欠の恐れはなくなったと思える。\ ^With this, I felt the urgent fear of the gas tank to be gone for the moment.\ ;そして、残り所持金は、たった2000円ほど。\ ^And, our remaining funds, was just about ¥2000.\ ;そのことも気になるのだが、 ;俺には先ほどのことも気になっていた。\ ^I was also worried about that, but I was also curious about what happened just before.\ ;☆BG:車 ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道2) bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",5 ;「なあ、お前ってさあ…」\ ^``Hey, are you....''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかして、車にも詳しいのか?」\ ^``Could it be that you know a lot about cars?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n140.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... Not particularly.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「別にって、さっき50リッターとか言ってたじゃん?」\ ^``Not particularly, didn't you just say this was a 50 liter before?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;もちろん、これくらいのことは当てずっぽうで分かる、 ;一般的な認識程度のことかも知れない。\ ^Of course, this much might just have been a guess, or something that was common knowledge.\ ;だけど、以前にも彼女は道にも詳しかった。\ ^However, previously, the girl also knew about the roads.\ ;そのことも引っ掛かっていた俺は、 ;ダッシュボードにあった車検証を取り出す。\ ^Also nagged by that fact, I took out the car registration on the dashboard.\ ;;そして、それを見ながら彼女にたずねてみた。\ ;「お前さあ、もちろんこの車の、車名って知ってるよな?」\ ^``You, would of course know this car's name, right?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n142.ogg" ;「…それは質問?」\ ^``... Is that a question?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、なんだったらクイズでもいいぞ」\ ^``Well you can think of it as a quiz.''\ dwave 0,"w\n143.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n144.ogg" ;「インテグラ、タイプR、クーペ…」\ ^``Integra, Type R. Coupe...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「正解だ…じゃあスペックは?」\ ^``That's correct... and the specs?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n145.ogg" ;「99年式、5速ミッション、最高出力200馬力…」\ ^``99 model, 5-speed transmission, maximum output, 200 horsepower...''\ dwavestop 0 ;まさか本当に答えてくるとは思ってなかった。\ ^I hadn't thought that she would really answer.\ ;淡々と言葉を続ける彼女に、 ;思わず俺は、手元の車検証の文字を目で追う。\ ^My eyes couldn't help but follow the words on the registration in my hand as the girl flatly continued speaking.\ dwave 0,"w\n146.ogg" ;「…全長4380、全幅1695、総排気量1797cc…」\ ^``... Total length, 4380mm, total width, 1695mm, general displacement, 1797cc...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n147.ogg" ;「…まだ言うの?」\ ^``... Do you want me to go on?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、もういい、正解だ…」\ ^``No, that's enough. Correct...''\ dwavestop 0 ;答えながら車検証を元の場所へと戻す。\ ^As I replied, I returned the registration to it's place.\ ;信じられないことに、 ;全て記載されていたスペックの通りだった。\ ^Unbelievably, all the specs were exactly as recorded.\ ;とても、こんなもんが暗記できるとは思えないし、 ;何故?と問われると俺には想像もつかない。\ ^It was very much something that I didn't think could be memorized. If asked why someone would, I couldn't begin to imagine.\ ;…だけど、現に彼女は目の前で答えてみせた。\ ^... But, right before my eyes, this girl answered.\ ;それも、以前の道路や花のことを考えると、 ;広く色々なことを知っているようにも思えた。\ ^Moreover, considering the roads and flowers from before, I could believe that she knew about a wide variety of things.\ ;「なあ…なんでお前ってそんな物知りなんだ?」\ ^``Hey... why do you know so much?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n148.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n149.ogg" ;「別に…あなたより年上だからよ」\ ^``No particular reason... it's because I'm older than you.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを答えると、 ;またいつものように黙ってしまう彼女。\ ^With just that answer, once again the girl fell silent.\ ;窓の外を見つめたままで、もう俺が、 ;新たな問いを投げても答えてくれる気配はなかった。\ ^Gazing out the window, she didn't give off an air that she would answer any new questions I raised.\ ;”年上”\ ^``Older''\ ;とてもそうは見えないけど、 ;これも以前に彼女が言った言葉だった。\ ^It really didn't look it, but those were also the girl's words from before.\ ;名前はセツミ、血液型O型、 ;白いビニールの腕輪に書かれた文字。\ ^Name, Setsumi, blood type, O, those were the words written on her white vinyl bracelet.\ ;そして、年上らしいということが、 ;俺にとって数少ない彼女の情報だった。\ ^And that she seemed to be older, that was the little information I knew of her.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____ ;・回想 必要ならば>地図とか情報とかあたり\ ;____;____ ;BG 夕焼け ;●:>ある bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;日がゆっくりと翳り出す頃。\ ^When the sun was slowly setting.\ mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;●とも>車外:夕方移動 ;>■仕込みました bg "e\hiki_shigai_yu.jpg",3 ;走り続ける銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe continued running.\ ;何の目的も、行くべき場所も持たずに、只、進んでいた。\ ^Without a destination, without a place it needed to go to, just simply moving forward.\ ;ガソリンの心配は当面大丈夫だが、 ;残り所持金はほとんど無くなってしまっていた。\ ^The issue of gasoline was fine, but the remaining money had mostly disappeared.\ ;…小銭と合わせても2000円ほど。\ ^... Even counting the change, it was about ¥2000.\ ;コンビニで食料を買うことを考えると、 ;もって3~4日分ほどか…\ ^Thinking in term of buying meals at convenience stores, it would last about three or four days...\ ;BG 車走る>夕方 ;●:車内正面・移動中05(車道2)夕方 bg "e\shanai_michi01_yu.jpg",3 ;「なあ、これからどうする?」\ ^``Hey, what should we do from now on?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n150.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``... I don't understand the meaning of your question.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もう、ほとんど金ないぞって意味だ」\ ^``I mean, we don't have much money left.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n151.ogg" ;「…だから?」\ ^``... And so?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だからってお前…」\ ^``|`And so?' you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずの様子の彼女。\ ^The girl was as she always had been.\ ;さっきコンビニで買ってきた、 ;おにぎりを口に運びながらの会話だった。\ ^She spoke while bringing the ~i~nigiri~i~ just bought from the convenience store to her mouth.\ ;そして、こうやって走り続けているだけでも、 ;確実にガソリンは減っていく。\ ^And also, just by continuing to drive like this, without a doubt, the gasoline was being used up.\ ;本当は何もせずに、 ;じっと止まっているのが良いのかも知れない。\ ^In reality, doing nothing, just standing still might have been better.\ ;だけど…何もせずに、何も出来ずに、 ;止まったままでいるのは辛かった。\ ^However... doing nothing, being unable to do anything, just staying still was painful.\ ;そんな思いから、ずっと走り続けていた俺。\ ^While thinking that, I kept driving.\ ;先日からの感じでは、下道を走り続けた場合、 ;ちょうど3日ほどでガソを使い切るようだった。\ ^From previous experience, driving on the smaller roads, it was about just three days before the gasoline ran out.\ ;残金2000円の現状では、 ;コンビニでの食料買い出しも同じように3~4日分だろう。\ ^The remaining ¥2000, used to buy food from the convenience store, was also three, four days probably.\ ;明らかに、ジリ貧になるのは目に見えていた。\ ^Clearly, the end of things was coming into sight.\ ;「なあ、お前さ…」\ ^``Hey, you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「例の…淡路島だっけ、行ってみたいか?」\ ^``That place... Awaji-shima was it, you want to go there?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n169.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。 ;いつもと変わらず窓の外を眺めているだけだった。\ ^There was no reply. ^Just the usual gazing out the window as always.\ ;「俺は…少し行ってみたいかもな」\ ^``I... might want to go a bit, maybe.''\ ;「…どうして?」\ ^``... Why?''\ ;「いや、それは…」\ ^``Well, that's...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;もちろん、最初から目的や計画があって、 ;7階を飛び出した訳じゃない。\ ^Of course, from the start we hadn't dashed out of the 7th floor with goals or plans.\ ;だから、俺にとっては西でも東でも、どこでも良かった。\ ^That was why for me, going west, east, or wherever it was, it didn't matter.\ ;きっと、なんでも良いから、 ;目的や行き先が欲しかったんだと思う…\ ^I was sure any place would have been fine, I just wanted some goal or destination...\ ;☆BG 夜空orどっか道端\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;日が完全に夜のものへと変わる頃。\ ^When the day completely turned into night.\ ;俺はどこかのパチンコ屋の駐車場にいた。\ ^I was in some pachinko parlor's parking lot.\ ;●:車内正面・停車04(駐車場・夜)× bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;・シーン変え パチンコ屋でぱくり ;もちろんパチンコやスロットで儲ける計画じゃない。\ ^Of course, I wasn't planning on making money off pachinko or slots.\ ;こんな2000円ぽっちじゃ、 ;勝負以前の問題なのも知っていた。\ ^With this measly ¥2000, I knew I didn't stand a chance.\ ;だけど、1~2万円程度なら、 ;上手くやれば簡単にパクれる筈。\ ^However, if it were just ten or twenty thousand yen, it should be easy to steal that much.\ ;それが、よく以前からパチンコ屋に通っていた、 ;俺の推測だった。\ ^That was, from my previous travels through pachinko parlors, my guess.\ ;たったそれだけでもあれば、当面は大丈夫だし、 ;なんだったら例の淡路島だって行けるかも知れない。\ ^With just that much, for the moment it would be fine, and from that, we might even be able to get to that Awaji-shima.\ ;だから、俺なりに考えた作戦を彼女に話した。\ ^That was why I spoke about my plan to the girl.\ ;「どうだ…やってみたいか?」\ ^``How about it... want to try?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n152.ogg" ;「…嫌」\ ^``... No.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…わかった」\ ^``I see... alright.''\ dwavestop 0 ;予想できたことだが、あっさり拒否された。\ ^It was what was expected, but I was plainly refused.\ ;最初から、彼女に何かを期待していた訳じゃない。\ ^From the start, it wasn't as if I was expecting anything from the girl.\ ;別に協力を仰ぐつもりではなく、 ;作戦を説明したのは、宣言のようなものだった。\ ^It wasn't as if I had sought out her help; explaining my plans to her was more like a declaration.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^``Well then, wait a bit.''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア開け閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車内にあいつを残して、 ;俺は一人パチンコ屋へと向かった。\ ^Leaving her in the car, I walked towards the pachinko parlor alone.\ ;●:パチ屋店内? bg "e\pachi.jpg",3 ;SE>パチ店内 dwave 5,"se\pachinko1.ogg" ;思ったよりも賑わっていた店内。\ ^Inside the unexpectedly crowded shop.\ ;それなりの台数と出玉、人の姿もほどよく多かった。 ;そこそこでドル箱を積んでいる姿もあった。\ ^There were a number of machines, ball dispensers, and a fair amount of people. Here and there were also a number of stacked cash boxes.\ ;…ちょうど良い感じかも知れない…\ ^... It might be just right...\ ;そう判断した俺は、 ;狙いであるスロットのコーナーへと向かう。\ ^Making that decision, I headed toward the slot corner that was my target.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ^......\ ;しばらく、通路から様子を窺い…\ ^After a while, scouting from the aisles...\ ;辺りを観察した結果、1台に目をつけた。\ ^From examining the area, I found one machine.\ ;いかにもサラリーマンっぽい中年男性。 ;足元に箱を4つも積み、更に頭上にも2つ積んでいた。\ ^Some middle-aged man who definitely looked like an office worker had stacked four boxes by his feet, and above his head had another two stacked.\ ;しかも角台で、その隣は空き台。\ ^Moreover, it was a corner machine, and the neighboring machines were empty.\ ;さっきから見ている限りでは、 ;特に知り合いや友達と来ている風でもなかった。\ ^From what I had seen from before, he also didn't seem to have come with friends or acquaintances.\ ;…条件が揃った…\ ^... The conditions were lined up...\ ;恐らくこの状態なら、足元のを1箱くらいパクっても ;すぐには気づかないだろう。\ ^Most likely in that state, even if one box by his feet were stolen, he wouldn't notice right away.\ ;等価らしいこの店なら20000円にはなる筈だった。\ ^If it was like similar shops, it should be worth some ¥20,000.\ ;それだけあれば…\ ^If we had just that...\ ;俺はそのサラリーマン風の人が、 ;トイレに向かうのを、只、ひたすら待ち続けた。\ ^I simply waited intently for the office worker-like person to head to the restroom.\ bg "e\pachi.jpg",3 ;しばらく…といっても30分ほど経った頃…\ ^Eventually... about when 30 minutes had passed...\ ;やっと席を立ち上がったサラリーマンらしき人。\ ^Finally, the man stood up from his seat.\ ;すぐさま、後を追い、 ;トイレへと向かったのを確認すると…\ ^Quickly, following after, I went to the restroom to make sure...\ ;今度はダッシュで、さっきのスロット台へと引き返す。\ ^Then in a rush, I quickly returned to the slot machine.\ ;次に、辺りでスロットを打っている人や、 ;店員の姿をチェックしながら、ゆっくりと台に近づく。\ ^Next, while checking the people who were playing the slots and the shop staff, I slowly approached the machine.\ ;そして…\ ^Then...\ ;不審な行為と思われないように、 ;ごく自然に、当たり前のことをしているように…\ ^In order to avoid suspicion, acting perfectly natural...\ ;…足元のドル箱を1つ持ちあげた…\ ^... I pulled up a cash box at my feet...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;>SE>ぶっちゃける音 dwave 5,"se\coin_d.ogg" ;ガシャーーン、\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_395 ^* Craaaash! *\ *generated_395 ;その瞬間、物凄い音を上げて、 ;床に散らばるスロットのコイン。\ ^At that instant, a tremendous sound raised as the slot coins scattered on the floor.\ ;…持った…^@^つもりだった。\ ^... Pulled it up...^@^ was the plan.\ ;いや、確かに持ち上げた、一度はこの手で。\ ^No, certainly I raised it up, once, with these hands.\ ;だけど、その重さに耐え切れず、 ;そのまま床へとドル箱ごと落としてしまった。\ ^However, unable to support the weight, I wound up dropping the entire box on the floor.\ ;☆BG 店内 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そして、あまりの物音に何事が起こったのかと、 ;一斉にこちらに集まる視線。\ ^And then, all eyes looked over wondering what caused the loud racket.\ ;何か、誰かの声も聞こえたような気がした。 ;走ってくる人の気配も感じたような気がした。\ ^I thought I heard the sound of voices. Felt the presence of people running over.\ ;…だけど、その声は背中で聞いた。\ ^... However, those voices were heard from behind me.\ ;俺は既にその時、 ;店の出口の2m手前にまで駆け出していた。\ ^Already, by that time, I was two meters in front of the shop exit.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタンっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_396 ^I slammed the car door behind me.\ goto *generated_397 *generated_396 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_397 ;「はぁはぁ、」\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_398 ^* Pant, pant. *\ *generated_398 dwavestop 0 ;☆車内 bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;SE>エンジンスターター dwave 5,"se\engine_start.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\car_s2.ogg" ;大急ぎでエンジンをかけると、 ;思いっきりアクセルを踏み込む。\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_399 ^While panting heavily, I started the engine in a big rush and slammed on the gas.\ goto *generated_400 *generated_399 ^Starting the engine in a big rush, I slammed on the gas.\ *generated_400 ;そして、ハンドルを切りつつ車を急発進させた…^@^その時、\ ^Turning the wheel, I hurriedly pulled the car out...^@^ at that time...\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\naname_machi2_yoru.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;ガンっ、ガリガリガリ…\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_401 ^There was a rough metallic grinding sound.\ goto *generated_402 *generated_401 ^* Gan! Garigarigari... *\ *generated_402 dwave 0,"w\n153.ogg" ;「きゃっ」\ ^``Kya!''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ちっ」\ ^``Tsk.''\ dwavestop 0 ;bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 bg "e\naname_machi2_yoru.jpg",3 ;出際に縁石か何かに乗り上げたのか、 ;その拍子にケツをぶつけてしまった。\ ^Maybe because I had driven up onto a curb or something, just that moment, I wound up ramming the rear.\ ;ガリガリという、嫌なボディの擦る音。\ ^That ``Gari-gari'' sound was the nasty sound of the body scraping.\ ;だが、それを気にする余裕もなく、 ;目の前の道へと車を走らせた。\ ^However, there wasn't time to worry about that. I drove out onto the road in front of us.\ dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" ;☆BG>走る車 ;●:車内正面・移動中06(車道2)夜 bg "e\shanai_michi02_yoru.jpg",5 ;「はぁはあ…ふう…」\ ^``Haa, haaa... phew...''\ ;息切れしそうになる胸をなだめながら、 ;すっかりと日が暮れた道を走る銀のクーペ。\ ^While rubbing my chest, which was almost out of breath, I drove silver coupe along the now totally dark road.\ ;さっきぶつけた所も少し気になるが、 ;とりあえず今は、この場を離れることが先決だった。\ ^I was a bit worried about the spot that was hit before, but for now, getting away from that place had priority.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて…\ ^Then...\ ;10分ほども走り、 ;完全にパチ屋から距離をおいた頃…\ ^Driving about ten minutes, about when we were totally clear of the pachinko parlor...\ ;どこかの道端に車を停めると、 ;先ほどぶつけたところの点検を始める。\ ^I stopped the car by some road side, and began inspecting the place that was hit earlier.\ ;☆BG>道端>夜 ;●:車外・停車02(夜) bg "e\chusha_michi2_yoru.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n154.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^``... Is it okay?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、大したことないだろう…」\ ^``Ah, it's probably nothing major...''\ dwavestop 0 ;助手席から少しだけ心配そうに声を掛ける彼女。 ;俺は、ぶつけた個所を点検しながら答える。\ ^From the passenger seat, the girl called to me sounding just a tiny bit worried. While I inspected the damaged area, I answered.\ ;見たところ、テールバンパーが僅かに凹んで、 ;マフラーの先が少し割れている程度だった。\ ^Looking at it, the rear bumper was slightly dented, and the muffler's tip was a bit cracked.\ ;…これくらいなら、走る分には問題ないだろう。\ ^... With just this, there probably wouldn't be a problem driving.\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG>車内:夜\ ;●:車内正面・停車05(車道・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;「ふう~…」\ ^``Phew...''\ ;安心したところで、ため息をひとつ落とす。\ ^Feeling relief, I let out a sigh.\ ;…惜しかった。\ ^.... So close.\ ;早速、先ほどのパチンコ屋でのことを思い出していた。\ ^Immediately, I recalled the events in the pachinko parlor.\ ;もう少しのところで失敗してしまったが、 ;上手くやれば、次には成功するようにも思えた。\ ^I had failed with just a little bit more to go, but if I did it well, the next time I thought I could succeed.\ ;あのドル箱を持ちきれなかったのにしても、 ;久しぶりに重いモノを持ったのが敗因だと思う。\ ^I figured that even though I hadn't been able to carry the cash box, that was only because I hadn't lifted heavy things in a while.\ ;最初から覚悟して持てば何とかなるだろうし…\ ^If I were prepared from the start, I could probably manage.\ dwave 0,"w\n156.ogg" ;「…勘違いしてるわね」\ ^``... You're being mistaken.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n157.ogg" ;「今のあなたは、以前のあなたとは違う筈…」\ ^``The you now, should be different from the you from before...''\ dwavestop 0 ;まるで、見透かされたような彼女の言葉だった。\ ^The girl spoke words as if she were seeing clear through me.\ ;「だけど、あれくらいの重さなら…」\ ^``However, with a weight like that...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n158.ogg" ;「…同じように考えない方がいい」\ ^``... You shouldn't think of it as being the same.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らく、彼女の言は正しいのだろう。 ;認めたくないが、今の俺は以前の俺とは違う。\ ^Most likely, what the girl was saying was right. I didn't want to admit it, but the me now was different from the me from before.\ ;確かにこんなに体力が落ちていては、 ;とても成功するとは思えなかった。\ ^Certainly, with my strength reduced by this much, it was hard to believe I would succeed.\ ;「じゃあ…どうすりゃいいんだよ?」\ ^``Then... what should I do?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n159.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには返事はなかった。\ ^To that question, there came no answer.\ ;黙ったまま窓の先にある、 ;暗い夜空を見ているだけだった。\ ^Just quiet gazing at the dark sky beyond the window.\ ;…それは、諦めろということなのだろうか…\ ^... That probably was telling me to give up...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha4,1 mov %flg_bplay,4 ;______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ goto *agilis_mini_title ;______________ *agilis_honpen5 ;★チャプター5: ;mov $sys_midasi,"エメラルドの海 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Emerald Sea [a]" ;______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ ;______________ stop mp3fadeout 2500 dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 1000 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 ;☆BGM n4くらい mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" dwave 0,"w\n161.ogg" ;「時間を止め、心を止めて…」\ ^``Stopping time, stopping my heart...''\ dwavestop 0 ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" dwave 0,"w\n162.ogg" ;「情報だけを積み重ねる日々…」\ ^``Days of simply gathering knowledge...''\ dwavestop 0 ;地図を眺め、目を閉じ、知らない町を旅する日々…\ ^Days of gazing at maps, closing my eyes, travelling to unknown towns...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ある日。\ ^One day.\ ;いつも買っていた月刊誌。 ;その表紙を飾っていた、グラビア写真が目に止まった。\ ^On a monthly magazine I always bought, my eyes stopped on a photo decorating the back cover.\ bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;派手な水着を着たモデルの女の人。^@^ ;波打ち際でそれっぽいポーズをとっていた。\ ^It was a female model wearing a flashy swimsuit.^@^ Shot at the water's edge with that sort of pose.\ ;いつもわたしが夢見ていた、 ;エメラルドの海を背にして笑っていた。\ ^With the emerald sea I always saw in my dreams behind her back, she was smiling.\ ;…きっと、同じ年頃なんだろう…\ ^... I was sure, we were around the same age...\ ;その抜群のスタイルで、 ;嬉しそうに楽しそうに、わたしに笑顔を向けていた。\ ^With that exceptional style, happy and relaxed, directing a smile at me.\ ;bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 ;…別に、うらやましいと思った訳では無いと思う。\ ^... I don't think I was particularly envious.\ ;第一、水着だって持ってなかったし、 ;持つ必要に迫られることすらなかった。\ ^For one thing, I didn't have a swimsuit, and didn't even have any urgent need to have one.\ ;…わたしには、パジャマがあれば十分だった。\ ^... For me, if I had pajamas, that was enough.\ dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n006.ogg" ;「幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を、 ; 誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…」\ ^``Numerous seasons, white overcast skies... passed without even the need to exchange words with anyone...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",3 ;あの日。中一の6月。初めて入院した日…\ ^That day, 1st year of middle school in June, the first day I was admitted into the hospital...\ ;わたしは水着を注文していたことを思い出した。 ;数年前の例の水着を思い出した。\ ^I remembered that I had ordered a swimsuit, recalled the swimsuit from a number of years before.\ ;…あの日、出番を失ったままの水着を思い出した。\ ^... I remembered the swimsuit that had lost its debut that day.\ ;数年ぶりにタンスから出された、 ;新品のままだったスクール水着。\ ^Taken out of the trunk for the first time in years, a school swimsuit that was still brand new.\ ;いつものパジャマを脱ぐと、 ;恐る恐る、その紺の水着を身につけてみる。\ ^Taking off my usual pajamas, nervously, I put on that blue swimsuit.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…ぴったりだった。\ ^... It was a perfect fit.\ ;もう何年も前のなのに…\ ^Even though how many years have passed?\ ;まるで…今、あつらえたようにちょうどだった。\ ^It fit as if... just now, I had ordered it.\ ;そんなわたしに、月刊誌のモデルが笑顔を向けていた。 ;エメラルドの海を背にして笑っていた。\ ^Towards my figure, the monthly magazine's model directed her smiling face at me. Smiled with the emerald sea to her back.\ ;その抜群のスタイルで、 ;嬉しそうに楽しそうに、わたしに笑顔を向けていた。\ ^With that exceptional style, happy and relaxed, directing a smile at me.\ ;…それが…^@^哀しかった。\ ^... That was...^@^ saddening.\ ;別にうらやましかった訳じゃないと思う。 ;でも、本当は憧れていたのかも知れない。\ ^I didn't think I was particularly envious. However, to be honest, I really might have admired her.\ ;そんなの無理だってわかってるから、 ;余計に憧れていたのかも知れない。\ ^Because I knew that it was impossible, I might have yearned for it even more so.\ ;bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n163.ogg" ;「だけど…」\ ^``But...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n164.ogg" ;「…胸の大きな傷跡が、諦めろと諭した」\ ^``... The large scar on my chest, advised me to give up.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n165.ogg" ;「生涯の伴侶は、目を閉じた世界にしろと諭した…」\ ^``My lifelong companion, told me to make do with the world in my closed eyes...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;__ ;mov $sys_midasi,"エメラルドの海2 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Emerald Sea 2 [a]" ;bg "tui2\c047.bmp",3 bg "agilis\1\c046.png",3 ; c046 and c047 were identical... click ;・シーンぷち 変え どこか ;☆BG 夕焼けあたり bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;日がゆっくりと傾き、西の空がオレンジに染まる頃。^@^ ^When the sun slowly slanted, staining the western sky orange.^@^ ;俺達は相変わらず走り続けていた。\ ^As always, we continued to drive.\ ;…これからどうしよう…\ ^... What should we do now...\ ;所持金にしてもほとんど余裕はなかった。\ ^Our money was for the most part tight.\ mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;●とも BG>車内>■仕込みました bg "e\shanai_michi01_yu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n166.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^``Say... you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんなことを思っていると、 ;珍しく彼女の方から声を掛けてきた。\ ^When I was thinking about that, surprisingly, the girl spoke to me.\ dwave 0,"w\n167.ogg" ;「あなた、お風呂は入れるの…?」\ ^``You, can go take baths?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、今のところ、長湯以外は止められてない」\ ^``Ah, right now, outside of long baths, I haven't been told to stop.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n168.ogg" ;「そう…わたしも似たようなもんよ」\ ^``I see... something similar to me then.''\ dwavestop 0 ;ここで言うところの、風呂に入れるってのは、 ;医者に止められているかって意味だった。\ ^What she was saying was probably whether the doctors have stopped me from taking baths or not.\ ;特に腎臓や消化器系の場合はパイプ処理を施している為に、 ;入浴は厳禁の場合が多かった。\ ^Especially for kidney and digestive disorders, where there tubes were used, baths were often banned.\ ;それを考えると、 ;少なくとも彼女は俺と同じく循環器系なのだろう。\ ^Thinking about it that way, at the least, the girl probably had a circulatory problem like I did.\ ;「なんだ、もしかして風呂に入りたいのか?」\ ^``What, did you want to go take a bath?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n169.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n170.ogg" ;「…悪い?」\ ^``... Problem?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、俺も入りたかったし」\ ^``No, I also want to take one.''\ dwavestop 0 ;といっても、どこかの宿やホテルに泊まるには、 ;金銭的に無理だった。\ ^Even so, financially speaking, stopping at a hostel or hotel was out of the question.\ ;「じゃあさ、どっか銭湯でも探すか?」\ ^``Well then, shall we look for a bathhouse someplace?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n171.ogg" ;「…銭湯?」\ ^``... Bathhouse?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、それくらいなら、まだ金もあるし…」\ ^``Ah, something like that, we still have the money for...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n172.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景 dwave 0,"w\n173.ogg" ;「…やっぱりいい」\ ^``... On second thought, I'm fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「なんだ、いいのかよ?」\ ^``What, you're fine?''\ dwavestop 0 ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、 ;既に3日が経とうとしていた。\ ^Since that day when we left from the 7th floor, three days had already passed.\ ;あそこでは週に2回の入浴もあったし、 ;身体を拭く為の、1日2回の暖かいおしぼりもあった。\ ^There, bathing was done twice a week, and in order to wipe the body, each day there were two warm sponge baths.\ ;まあ、この時分だから汗もかかないし、 ;ほとんど車内だから汚れるようなこともないけど…\ ^Well, because of the season, we didn't sweat and we were mostly in the car, so didn't particularly get dirty, but...\ ;「もしかしてお前… ; 銭湯とかって恥ずかしいから嫌なのか?」\ ^``Is it that you're... embarrassed about the bathhouse and so you don't want to go?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n174.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n175.ogg" ;「別に…そんな意味じゃないわよ」\ ^``Not particularly... I didn't mean that.''\ dwavestop 0 ;____;____;_ ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;すっかりと日が落ち、 ;空には大きな月が顔を出す頃。\ ^The sun had completely set, and a large moon showed its face in the sky.\ ;あれから暫く走った後、 ;俺はどこかの学校らしき場所を見つけた。\ ^After that, driving for a while, I found a place that looked like a school somewhere.\ ;…ここなら、ちょうどいいか。\ ^... Here, might be just right.\ ;俺は入り口付近の路肩に車を停める。\ ^I stopped the car on the roadside near the entrance.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01_yoru.jpg",3 ;そして、後部座席に放りっぱなしにしていた、 ;例の洗濯物の塊を漁り始めた。\ ^Then, I began fishing through that mass of laundry that had been left in the back seat.\ ;確か、タオルが2~3枚はあった筈だ。\ ^I was sure there were two or three towels.\ ;そして、どうでもいいような服を除けて、 ;いかにもって感じのタオルを手にする。\ ^So, pushing aside the clothes that didn't matter, I took up what felt like a towel.\ ;白石工務店という文字が印刷された、 ;恐らく粗品用であろう、しょぼいタオルだった。\ ^It had the words ``Shiraishi Construction'' printed on it, most likely some marketing thing, as it was a shabby towel.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^``Well, wait a bit.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n089.ogg" ;「…?」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_403 ^The girl looked at me questioningly.\ goto *generated_404 *generated_403 ^``...?''\ *generated_404 dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 ;そのしょぼいタオルを2枚だけ持って、 ;目の前の学校へと向かった。\ ^Holding two of the shabby towels, I headed to the school in front of us.\ ;既に閉められた校門をよじ登り、 ;キョロキョロと辺りを見渡し、目的の場所を探す。\ ^Climbing over the closed gate, I peered around the area for the place I was looking for.\ ;「あ、あった」\ ^``Ah, there it is.''\ dwavestop 0 ;しばらくして、目指していた水道を見つけた。 ;恐らくは花壇用に設けられたものだろう。\ ^After a while, I found the faucet that I was looking for. It was probably there for the gardens.\ dwave 5,"se\water_x2.ogg" ;キュッキュ、シャーーーっ\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_405 ^The faucet squeaked loudly.\ goto *generated_406 *generated_405 ^* Squeak, squeak, splusssh. *\ *generated_406 ;蛇口をひねると、勢いよく流れ出る水。 ;まるで身を切るような冷たさだった。\ ^Turning the faucet, the water flowed out strongly, cold enough that it felt like it were slicing through one's body.\ ;そして俺は、例のタオルを濡らすと固く絞る。\ ^Then, I wet the towels and firmly wrung them out.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_407 ^I returned to the car, slamming the door closed.\ goto *generated_408 *generated_407 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_408 ;●とも 車内:夜>■仕込みました bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 ;「待たせたな、ほら」\ ^``Sorry for the wait. Here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;手に持った濡れタオル。 ;2つある内の一つを彼女にも渡す。\ ^Takine one of the two damp towels I carried, I gave one of them to the girl.\ ;そして、上に来ていたトレーナーを脱ぐと、<-- Lookie! a typo! and an old one from the first one! ;先になって自分の身体を拭き始めた。\ ^Then, taking off the sweat shirt I wore on top, I went ahead and started to wipe my body.\ ;エアコンの効いた暖かい車内に、 ;ひんやりとした濡れタオルの感触が気持ちよかった。\ ^In the car interior, well-warmed from the heater, the feel of the chilly damp towel felt good.\ ;「お前も遠慮せずに、身体拭けよ」\ ^``You don't have to hold back, wipe your body.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n176.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「冷たくて気持ちいいぞ?」\ ^``It's cold and feels good, you know?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``Alright...''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n177.ogg" ;;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;最初は遠慮気味にじっとしていた彼女だけど、 ;その返事と共にゆっくりと服のボタンに手をかける。\ ^At first the girl had stayed unmoving with a sense of hesitation, but with that answer, she slowly took her hands to the buttons on her clothes.\ ;ぶかぶかのYシャツとジーンズ。\ ^Floppy dress shirt and jeans.\ ;俺とは違って服の中に手を入れて、 ;身体を拭こうとしていた。\ ^Unlike me, she placed her hand within her clothes and wiped her body that way.\ dwave 0,"w\n178.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^``Hey...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうかしたか?」\ ^``Something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n179.ogg" ;「…見ないでよ」\ ^``... Don't look.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、悪い…そうだったな」\ ^``Ah, sorry... that's right.''\ dwavestop 0 ;手に濡れタオルを持って、 ;服を脱ぎかけたまま彼女が呟く。\ ^Holding the towel in her hand, the girl murmured with her clothes partially off.\ ;少しだけ困ったような、照れたような顔をしていた。 ;初めてみる彼女の表情だった。\ ^She made a face with just the slightest bit of reluctance and embarrassment. It was the first time I saw her with that expression.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;狭い車内、お互いに背中を向け合う俺達。\ ^In the cramped car, the two of us faced our backs to each other.\ ;「どうだ、気持ちいいだろ」\ ^``How about it? Feels good, doesn't it?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n180.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;真っ暗なあたりに、薄明るい車内。\ ^It was just turning totally dark, and the interior was dimly lit.\ ;目の前のガラスには、 ;身体を拭く自分の姿が映っていた。\ ^The glass right in front of me reflected the image of myself wiping my body.\ ;その俺の姿の、更に向こうには、 ;背中越しに居る彼女の姿をも映していた。\ ^And further past my figure, it reflected the figure of the girl behind my back.\ ;俺と同じように上着を脱いで身体を拭く彼女。^@^ ;見るとはなしに見た、その姿…\ ^Just like me, she had taken off her top and was wiping herself.^@^ Without intending to, I saw her...\ ;…胸には大きな傷跡が見えた。\ ^... A large scar on her chest could be seen.\ ;恐らくは、手術の跡なのだろう。 ;詳しくは分からないが、俺の傷跡より大きかった。\ ^Most likely, they were scars from surgery. I didn't know the details, but it was larger than mine.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n181.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^``Say, you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;;突然、背中越しに声を掛けてきた。\ ;「えっ、あ、ああ…なんだ?」\ ^``Eh, a-ah... what is it?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n182.ogg" ;「そんなに…珍しい?」\ ^``Is it that... unusual?''\ dwavestop 0 ;背中越し。 ;ガラスに映った俺に向かっての言葉だった。\ ^From beyond my back, words towards my figure reflected in the glass.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____ ;・タイトル戻し予定\>2日後あたり ;●とも ここはキャッチ欲しい ;_____________ ;mov $sys_midasi,"エメラルドの海3 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Emerald Sea 3 [a]" ;bg "tui2\c049.bmp",3 bg "agilis\1\c049.png",3 click ;☆BG 空 くもり昼あたり\ bg "e\sora02.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景>空の様子 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;曇り空の下、走る銀のクーペ。\ ^Under the cloudy sky, the silver coupe ran on.\ ;●とも>SE>走る音 bg "e\soukou.jpg",3 ;相変わらず、目指す場所も持たずに走り続け、 ;気づけばあれから3日ほど経とうとしていた。\ ^As always, it continued to run with no destination, and looking back, three days had passed.\ ;その間、特に変わったことがあった訳でもない。\ ^In that span, nothing particularly special had happened.\ ;強いて挙げれば、道中、無料同然の露天風呂を見つけて、\ ^To be really particular, along the way, we found a practically free open-air bath.\ ;ひと気が少なかったので、 ;とりあえず風呂には入ることが出来たくらいだった。\ ^There wasn't really many people around, so at the least we managed to take a bath.\ ;それ以外では、所持金が底を尽きかけ、 ;再び、ガソリンも底を尽きかけていた。\ ^Other than that, we were towards the bottom of our money, and once again, towards the bottom of our gas tank.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;「ちょっと飽きたか?」\ ^``Have you gotten a bit tired of it?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n183.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;お互い、コンビニのおにぎりを食べながら言葉を交わす。\ ^The two of us, while eating convenience store ~i~nigiri,~i~ exchanged words.\ ;7階の食事と比べればマシかも知れないが、 ;それでも、ここ数日こればっかりでは飽きそうだった。\ ^Compared to the food on the 7th floor, it might have been better, but even then, after eating only this for a number of days, it was looking boring.\ ;だけど、こんな食事にしたって、 ;残金を考えた場合、あと数回で終わりだろう。\ ^However, even this kind of food, considering our money, would probably end in a few more trips to the store.\ ;●とも>排気音 dwave 0,"w\n184.ogg" ;「…音がうるさい」\ ^``... That sound is noisy.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「は? どうした突然?」\ ^``Ha? What's this all of a sudden?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n185.ogg" ;「車の音、前より大きくなってる…」\ ^``The sound of the car, it's gotten louder than before...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、そういえば確かに…」\ ^``Ah, now that you say, it really has...''\ dwavestop 0 ;きっと、数日前のパチンコ屋から逃げる時に、 ;マフラーをぶつけたのが原因なんだろう。\ ^Most likely, the cause was that time we fled from the pachinko parlor a few days ago, where the muffler was hit.\ ;俺は気にならなかったが、 ;確かにこの車の音は少し大きくなっていた。\ ^I hadn't been worrying about it, but certainly, the sound of the car has gotten a bit louder.\ ;…まあ、走る分には支障はないだろう。\ ^... Well, it probably wasn't going to get in the way of driving.\ ;それよりも当面の問題はガソリンだった。\ ^And before that, the problem right before us was gasoline.\ ;メーターがエンプティを示してから、 ;既に5分ほど走っていた。\ ^The meter had been pointing at empty, and we had been running like that for five minutes.\ ;そして、今の所持金は900円ほど。 ;これでは前回の時と違い、明らかに金が足らない。\ ^And our money right now, amounted to ¥900. With that, unlike last time, it was clearly not enough.\ ;…完全にガス欠になってからでは、 ;もうどうにもならないだろう…\ ^... If we totally ran out of gas, then there would probably be nothing that we could do...\ ;そう判断した俺はスタンドを… ;それも、無人のスタンドを探した。\ ^Making a decision, I pulled into a gas station... and moreover, looked for an self-service station.\ ;☆BGスタンド>あれば bg "e\gs.jpg",3 ;SE>車止める音\ dwave 5,"se\car_s.ogg" ;ほどなくして見つけた無人スタンド。 ;何台か並んだ給油機の一番手前に車を停める。\ ^Soon, I found one, and pulled the car to a stop at the closest pump out of the many lined up.\ ;SE>ドア開け ;dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「給油に寄る…」\ ^``I'll get some gas...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^``I see...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だけど、車からは降りるなよ」\ ^``But, don't get out of the car.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n186.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。だけどあいつも、 ;どういう意味かは理解しているのだろう。\ ^There was no reply. However, she probably also understood what that meant.\ ;SE>ドア閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車の給油口を開け、 ;見よう見まねでガソリンを入れる俺。\ ^Opening the car's gas cap, I put in the gasoline by imitating others.\ dwavestop 5 ;辺りには他の客が一台と、 ;奥には自販機も備えた建物。店員らしき姿も見えた。\ ^In the area, was one other customer, and in the back was a building with vending machines. I could also see someone that looked like a clerk.\ ;…恐らくはあそこで精算するのだろう。\ ^... Most likely, that was where one paid the bill.\ ;壁に貼ってある説明プレートによると、 ;給油後にレシートを持ってあそこに行くらしい。\ ^Looking at the explanatory plate on the wall, it seemed that after filling up, one would take the receipt over there.\ ;…今ならば、そのまま走り出せば逃げれる。\ ^... In that case, we could just drive off and run away.\ ;閑散としたスタンドを見ながら、 ;俺はそう感じていた。\ ^While looking around the quiet gas station, that's what I felt.\ ;23、24、25、26…\ ^23, 24, 25, 26...\ ;給油量を示すメーターの数字。 ;以前とは逆に、とてもゆっくりに思えた。\ ^The numbers on the meter showing the amount of gas pumped. Unlike before, I thought it was going very slowly.\ ;早く満タンにならないかが、とてもじれったく感じた。\ ^I felt very irritated while waiting for the tank to fill.\ ;そして、40リッターを超え、 ;間もなく満タンになろうとした時…\ ^And then, passing 40 liters, just when the tank was about to fill...\ bg "e\gs.jpg",3 ;「いらっしゃいませ」\ ^``Welcome!''\ dwavestop 0 ;さっきまで建物の中にいたバイトらしき店員。 ;何故か、こちらに駆け寄って来た。\ ^The clerk that seemed to be a part-timer that had been in the building up until now, for some reason, ran over here.\ ;「灰皿、空気圧大丈夫ですか」\ ^``Ashtray, tire pressure, are they all fine?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ…ええ、大丈夫です…」\ ^``Eh, ah... yes, they're fine...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうですか、寒いですから気をつけて下さいね」\ ^``I see. It's cold, so please be careful.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、サービスのつもりか窓まで拭き始めた。\ ^And, perhaps intended to be a service, the clerk started cleaning the windows.\ ;そうこうする内に、給油機が満タンを告げ、 ;事務的な音を鳴らしレシートが吐き出される。\ ^As that was happening, the pump announced the tank was full, and with a businesslike sound, spat out the receipt.\ ;「あ、清算は向こうでお願いしますね」\ ^``Ah, please make your payment over there.''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓を拭く手を止め、さきほどの建物を指差す店員。\ ^Pausing from washing the windows, the clerk pointed at the building from before.\ ;俺は無言でレシートを手に持つが、 ;思わずどうしていいのか分からず立ち尽くしてしまう。\ ^Silently, I held the receipt. Unable to think of what to do, I wound up standing still.\ ;「どうしました、お客さん?」\ ^``Is something the matter, sir?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、なんでもない…」\ ^``A, no, nothing...''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 ;とりあえず、一旦車内に戻った俺。\ ^For the moment, I went back inside the car.\ ;SE>エンジン始動\ dwave 5,"se\engin_s.ogg" ;そして、エンジンだけは始動させた。\ ^And then, I only started up the engine.\ ;…どうすれば、いいのだろうか…\ ^... What, should I do?\ ;例の店員らしきバイトは、 ;今度は後部ガラスまで拭き始めてくれていた。\ ^That part-time clerk, was starting to clean the rear window now.\ ;…今ならば、このままアクセルを踏み込むだけで…\ ^... Right now, if I just slammed on the accelerator...\ ;だが、間違いなくナンバーは控えられるだろう。\ ^However, without a doubt, the license plate would be noted down.\ ;検問でもあれば簡単に捕まってしまう。\ ^If there were an investigation, we would easily be caught.\ dwavestop 5 ;…だけど、今この場を逃げる為には…\ ^... However, in order to run here...\ ;そう覚悟を決めた俺は、クラッチを強く踏み込む。\ ^I made a decision, and firmly stepped on the clutch.\ ;そして、ニュートラルだったギアを、 ;セコに入れようとした時…\ ^Then, when I switched the gear out of neutral and was about to enter second..\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n187.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv187.ogg" ;「はい…」\ ^``Here...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…使っていいわよ」\ ^``... You can use it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、彼女が封筒を取り出す。 ;そしてその中から1万円札を俺に向けた。\ ^Suddenly, the girl took out an envelope. From inside that, she took out a ¥10,000 bill and held it out to me.\ ;「お、お前、金持ってたのか?」\ ^``Y-you, had money?''\ dwavestop 0 ;てっきり持ってないと思っていた。\ ^And I had been convinced she had none.\ ;それなら、何も今まで、 ;こんなに苦労しなくて済んだのに…\ ^If that were the case, I wouldn't have had to go through all that trouble until now...\ ;「どうして、言ってくれなかったんだよ?」\ ^``Why, didn't you say anything?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n188.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n190.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv190.ogg" ;「あなた…聞いた?」\ ^``Did you... ask?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ、いや、それは…」\ ^``Eh, ah, no, that's....''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n189.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv189.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv189b.ogg" ;「聞かれなかったからよ…」\ ^``Because I wasn't asked...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを答えると、 ;またいつものように窓の方を向いてしまった。\ ^With just that answer, once again, as always, she faced the window.\ bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;■心情・情景>情景とか\ ;また走り出した銀のクーペ。\ ^Once again the coupe ran on.\ ;とりあえずガソリンは満タンにすることが出来た。 ;それに、お釣りとして受け取った5千円札もあった。\ ^For now, we had a full tank of gas. Moreover, I had also received a ¥5000 bill as change.\ ;だけど俺には、 ;さっきのことの方が気にかかっていた。\ ^However, for me, I was more interested about what happened just before.\ ;「なあ、お前さあ…」\ ^``Hey, you...''\ ;●とも 車内>走る>■仕込みました bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;「はい、これで全部よ…」\ ^``Here, this is all of it...''\ ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ ;言い出すより前に、先程の封筒を、 ;そのままを俺に差し出す彼女。\ ^Before I could speak, the girl offered me the envelope from before just like that.\ ;「これ、使っていいのか?」\ ^``It's okay if I use this?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n191.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv191.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv191b.ogg" ;「別に…いいわよ」\ ^``It doesn't matter... you can.''\ dwavestop 0 ;受け取った封筒の中を覗くと、 ;まだ1万円札が4枚も入っていた。\ ^Looking inside the envelope I took, there were still four ¥10,000 bills.\ ;これで当面は大丈夫だと思える。\ ^With that, we would probably be fine for a while.\ ;しかし今度は、更に別のことが気にかかっていた。\ ^However, now I was more concerned about something else.\ ;…何故、彼女はこんなにお金を持っていたのだろうか?\ ^... Why did the girl have so much money?\ ;少なくとも、俺が最初に持っていた数千円は、 ;突発的に持っていただけのモノだった。\ ^At the least, the few thousand yen that I had from the start was just what I had been carrying when we left.\ ;だけど、彼女の場合は、 ;あらかじめ準備されていたように思えた。\ ^However, in the girl's case, I felt it was like she had been prepared in advance.\ ;「なあ、お前ってさ…」\ ^``Hey, you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「以前に7階は嫌だって言ってたよな?」\ ^``Before, you said that you didn't like the 7th floor, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n192.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv192.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv192b.ogg" ;「…家だって嫌よ」\ ^``... I also didn't like home.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、俺だってそうだ…」\ ^``Ah, I'm the same way...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあさ、どこへ行くつもりだったんだ?」\ ^``Then, you were planning on going somewhere?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n193.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「これは、その為の金だったんじゃねえのか?」\ ^``This, is the money for that purpose, isn't it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして俺は、以前の彼女の言葉を思い出していた。\ ^Then, I remembered the girl's words from before.\ ;自力で動ける内にどこかに行くと言っていた。 ;引き止めたいのか、一緒に行きたいのか?とも尋ねられた。\ ^She had said that she would go somewhere while she was still able to move on her own. Asked me whether I wanted to stop her, or wanted to go with her.\ ;「やっぱり本当は、どこか行くあてがあったのか?」\ ^``Then, you really did have someplace you wanted to go to?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n194.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv194.ogg" ;「別に……」\ ^``Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「別に、じゃ分からねえよ」\ ^``I can't understand if you say `not particularly'...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n195.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n196.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv196.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv196b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv196c.ogg" ;「…どこもないわよ…」\ ^``... There is no place...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを…寂しそうに、哀しそうに呟いた。\ ^Just that... looking lonely, she sadly murmured.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ならば彼女は…\ ^Then this girl was...\ ;行き先も持たずに、それでもいつの日かを描いて、 ;一人でずっと準備だけをしていたのだろうか?\ ^Without a destination, but still picturing some day in the future, simply preparing for it all this time alone?\ ;そんな虚しいことをって気にもなるけど…\ ^I was concerned why she had been doing such an empty thing, but...\ ;彼女の寂しそうな横顔は、 ;それを肯定しているようにも思えた。\ ^I sensed the girl's lonely profile was confirming that.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n197.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv197.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、あなたはどうなのよ?」\ ^``... Then, what about you?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「俺だって…別に、だ…」\ ^``Even me... not, particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n199.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv199.ogg" ;「…真似しないでよ」\ ^``... Don't imitate me.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「別に、真似じゃねえよ」\ ^``I'm not imitating you.''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;…行き先も持たずに走り続ける俺達。\ ^... We continued driving without a destination.\ ;突発的に7階を飛び出した俺と、 ;行くあても無いのに、虚しく準備だけを進めていた彼女。\ ^I, who had impulsively flew from the 7th floor, and the girl, who didn't have a place to go, but hollowly only continued to prepare.\ ;だけど…\ ^However...\ bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;「…今は、どこでもいいから行ってみたい…」\ ^``... Right now, it doesn't matter where, I just want to go somewhere...''\ ;●とも ボイス大きい ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;少なくとも俺には、 ;何でもいいから示すモノが欲しかった。\ ^At the least, for me, I wanted some ~i~thing~i~ to give me direction.\ dwavestop 0 ;「なあ、以前に話していた淡路島なんてどうだ?」\ ^``Well, how about that Awaji-shima that we talked about before?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n198.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「今の所持金なら、十分に行けるぞ」\ ^``With the money we have now, it's definitely enough to go.''\ dwavestop 0 ;きっと、どこでも良かったんだと思う。 ;7階でも、家で無くても、動き続けてさえいられれば。\ ^I was sure that any place would have been fine. Even the 7th floor, even someplace not home, so long as we could continue going.\ ;でも、無意味に彷徨うだけじゃなくて…\ ^However, I didn't just want to wander around aimlessly...\ ;何でもいいから目指すものが欲しかったんだと思う。\ ^I think I wanted a goal, it didn't matter what.\ ;「…お前も行ってみたいと思わないか?」\ ^``... Don't you think of wanting to go too?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n195.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n369.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_237.ogg" ;「……別に…」\ ^``... Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを返すと、またいつもと同じように、 ;窓の外に視線を向けてしまう彼女。\ ^With just that answer, once again she turned her gaze out the window like she usually did.\ ;…相変わらず、どこか遠くを見つめるような目。\ ^... Always, her eyes seemed to be looking at something far away.\ ;一体、彼女は何を見ているのだろうか…^@^ ^Just what on earth is she looking at I wonder...^@^ ;何を考え、何を期待して、ここに来たのだろうか…\ ^What was she thinking, what was she expecting, when she came here I wonder...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha5,1 mov %flg_bplay,5 goto *agilis_mini_title ;____;____;__;_ ;●とも>タイトル戻り候補 ;★チャプター6 *agilis_honpen6 ;mov $sys_midasi,"一号線 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Route 1 [a]" dwavestop 5 ;_____________ ;☆回想 3 シーン bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;☆BGM>銀色あたりor4くらい ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 0,"w\n200.ogg" ;『地図を見るのは好きだった…』\ ^``I liked looking at maps...''\ dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;どこまでも続く1号線、知らない場所。 ;どこまでも連れて行ってくれる車も好きだった。\ ^The Route 1 that continued forever, the unknown places, the cars that would take me everywhere, I loved them.\ bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;でも、いくら情報を積み重ねても…\ ^But, no matter how much knowledge I accumulated...\ ;それは仮想。 ;リアルを、心を、どんどん脆くしていく。\ ^It was imagination. ^Reality, my heart, both steadily grew fragile.\ ;水着もある、地図もある、でも未来がない。\ ^I had a swimsuit, I had maps, but I had no future.\ ;窓の外には世界だってある。 ;でも、触れられる現実がない。\ ^I even had a world outside the window. ^But I had no reality I could touch.\ ;目を閉じれば、何も無い世界に行けるけど、 ;この世界自体が消えてしまった訳ではない。\ ^If I closed my eyes, I could go to a world of nothingness, but it wasn't as if this world itself had disappeared.\ ;そんなことは分かってる。\ ^I knew that.\ ;生涯の伴侶は、目を閉じた世界だと覚悟している。\ ^My lifelong companion, was resigned to the world of closed eyes.\ ;なのに、^@^「もし」ばかりを想像して、 ;もしかしたらと期待して夢見て、でも結局は…\ ^And yet,^@^ always imagining ``what if'', hoping for a maybe, gazing at a dream, but in the end...\ ;憧れは憧れに過ぎず、ビキニの水着も、エメラルドの海も…\ ^Yearning never went beyond longing, both the bikini swimsuit, and the emerald sea...\ ;…胸の大きな傷跡が、あきらめろと諭した。\ ^... The large scar on my chest, advised me to give up.\ ;☆BG:窓に顔のかな\ bg "e\setsumi_kaisou.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n201.ogg" ;「だけど…」\ ^``But...''\ dwavestop 0 ;生涯のほとんどを病院で過ごし、 ;目を閉じた世界だけで過ごして…\ ^Spending most of my life at a hospital, spending time only in the world of my closed eyes...\ ;7階か、家しか選べられないのが哀しかった。\ ^Being unable to choose anything but the 7th floor or home was pitiful.\ ;選択する余地も与えられず…\ ^Without being given room to choose...\ ;かといって、 ;その場所すら見つけられない自分を憐れだと思った。\ ^But even saying that, unable to even find that place, I felt myself to be pathetic.\ !s85 ;…それでも、22年も生きたのに…\ ^... Even though I had lived 22 years...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n202.ogg" ;「一つくらい…好きにさせてよ…」\ ^``Just once... let me do as I please...''\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;そう呟いた時、止めた筈の時間が揺らいだ気がした。\ ^When I murmured that, the time that should have stopped felt like it swayed.\ ;あの日、止めた筈の心が苦しかった…\ ^On that day, the heart that should have stopped hurt....\ !sd ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;____;_ ;mov $sys_midasi,"一号線2 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Route 1: 2 [a]" ;bg "tui2\cat02.bmp",5 bg "agilis\1\cat02.png",5 click dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;☆BG 走る車\ ;bg "e\joku_shigaichi.jpg",3 ;冬の澄んだ青空を、 ;ボンネットに映して走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The cleared blue sky of winter reflected on the hood as the silver coupe ran.\ ;相変わらず、目的もなく走り続けていたが、 ;当面はガソリンや買い物にも、困ることは無さそうだった。\ ^As always, it ran without a destination, but for the moment, neither gasoline nor shopping seemed to be a problem.\ ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\shanai_michi04.jpg",3 ;;そしてハンドルを握る俺の隣では、 ;;軽く寝息を立てる彼女。\ ;dwave 0,"w\n203.ogg" ;;「んぅ… ;;「起きたか? ;dwave 0,"w\n204.ogg" ;;「…うん ;□心情・情景>ヒロイン様子とか ;間もなく、大きな交差点に差しかかろうとしていた。\ ^Soon, we were about to enter a large intersection.\ ;昨夜、彼女の賛同を得られなかったが、 ;俺は何となくでも西を目指すことにしていた。\ ^Last night, I hadn't gotten the girl's approval, but I just generally headed west anyway.\ ;只、地理的にも全くわからないし、 ;高速道路を利用するのは所持金的にも辛いと思えた。\ ^It was just, I had absolutely no idea about the geography, and the cost of using the expressways seemed painful.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;目の前の迫った大きな交差点。\ ^While thinking about that, the large intersection came up ahead.\ ;何も考えずに直進しようとしていた俺に…\ ^Without thinking about it, I was going to drive straight through...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n205.ogg" ;「そこ、左折…」\ ^``There, left...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n206.ogg" ;「左に曲がって」\ ^``Turn left.''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、俺に指示を出した彼女。\ ^Suddenly, the girl gave me directions.\ ;何のことかと思いながらも、 ;指示通りに左折レーンに入り、大きな道へと出た。\ ^While wondering what it was, I followed her instructions and made a left turn, coming out onto a large road.\ ;●とも ここ絵変えて↓ bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;bg "e\shanai_michi04.jpg",3 ;「どうしたんだよ、一体?」\ ^``Just what was that?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n207.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n208.ogg" ;「これが1号線…当分は真っ直ぐよ…」\ ^``This is Route 1... for a while, go straight...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「当分はって…」\ ^``For a while?''\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の突然の指示に俺は驚いてしまう。\ ^Her sudden directions left me surprised.\ ;今までにも行動を共にしてきて、 ;何でも知っているようだが、\ ^Up until now, she had come along, and while she seemed to know everything...\ ;自発的に俺に指示を出したことは初めてだった。\ ^This was the first time that she spontaneously gave me directions.\ ;「…もしかして、行く気になったのか?」\ ^``... Is it that, you've started wanting to go?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n209.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、その、例の場所…淡路島までさ」\ ^``Ah, um, to that place... Awaji-shima.''\ dwavestop 0 !s90 dwave 0,"w\n210.ogg" ;「……悪い?」\ ^``... Problem?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;「いや、そんな意味じゃねえけどさ…」\ ^``Um, no, that's not what I meant...''\ dwavestop 0 ;何の目的も持たずに進む俺達。\ ^We had driven without any destination.\ ;何か目的が欲しくて彷徨っていた俺と、 ;いつも遠くを見つめてばかりで、よく分からない彼女。\ ^I, who had been wandering around wanting a goal, and the mysterious girl, always looking far away.\ ;その彼女の口から、出たことが俺には意外だった。\ ^What came from that girl's mouth, was unexpected.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n211.ogg" ;「…期待してる訳じゃない」\ ^``... It's not that I'm expecting anything.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n212.ogg" ;「別に水着が欲しい訳じゃ…」\ ^``It's not like I want a swimsuit...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前、なに言ってるんだ?」\ ^``... What are you saying?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n213.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n214.ogg" ;「…なんでもないわよ」\ ^``... It's nothing.''\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景>ヒロイン様子とか\ ;____;____;__;_ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;bg "yobi\cat03.bmp",3 bg "agilis\1\cat03.png",3 !w800 ;☆BG 青空あたり bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\a01.mp3" ;☆BGM>ナルインストあたり>002;_2 ;冬の澄んだ空の下、日射しを跳ねて進む銀のクーペ。\ ^Under the clear winter sky, while reflecting the sunlight, the silver coupe ran on.\ ;強い上り坂や急なカーブが多かった箱根も越え、 ;今はずいぶんと楽な道のりへと変わっていた。\ ^It passed through Hakone, with its steep inclines and sudden curves, and now the roads turned much gentler.\ ;「なあ、ここらってどこらへんだ?」\ ^``Hey, this place is around where?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n215.ogg" ;「愛知県よ、間もなく名古屋市街に入るわ…」\ ^``Aichi-ken, and soon, we'll entering the city of Nagoya...''\ dwavestop 0 ;残り金額を考え、高速は使わずに下道を走る俺達。\ ^Thinking of our money, we drove on the lower roads without using the expressways.\ ;俺一人では、とうてい無理だろうけど、 ;彼女の指示通りに進んでいた。\ ^Myself alone, it would have been absolutely impossible, but following the girl's directions, we went on.\ ;ナビ以上に詳しい彼女の指示。\ ^The girl who was more knowledgeable than a navigation system pointed out the way.\ ;その理由はわからないけど、 ;恐らくは正しいルートなのだと思えた。\ ^I didn't know the reason why, but I felt that it was probably the right route.\ dwave 0,"w\n216.ogg" ;「次の交差点…22号線に入って」\ ^``At the next intersection... enter Route 22.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Got it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言われた通りに車線を変え、ハンドルを切る。\ ^Changing lanes as told, I turned the wheel.\ ;☆BG なんか変えて\ bg "e\soukou_machi.jpg",3 ;窓からの流れる景色。 ;初めて見る賑やかな市街地をどこまでも北上する。\ ^In the scenery flowing by the window, we first saw a busy city stretch far to the north.\ ;そして、いつしか周りの風景が、 ;少しずつ落ち着いたものへと変わる頃…\ ^Then, while all unnoticed, the scenery around us slowly turned to more calm things...\ ;「なあ、あそこでも寄ってくか?」\ ^``Hey, you want to go there?''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\naname_machi.jpg",3 ;国道沿いに見える、どこかのファミレス。\ ^By the side of the national road, some family restaurant chain.\ ;俺は走りながら、それを指差すと言葉を続けた。\ ^As I drove, I pointed to it and continued speaking.\ ;「ほら、今までコンビニばっかだったろ?」\ ^``Look, up until now we've been eating only convenience store food, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;;「…うん」\ ;;dwavestop 0 ;もちろん好きでコンビニばかりだった訳じゃない。\ ^Of course, we hadn't been eating only convenience store food because we liked it.\ ;所持金を考えてのことだし、 ;そこまで心に余裕がなかったのも理由だった。\ ^We had to consider our money, and didn't have that sort of room for choosing.\ ;でも今は、少しだけ金銭的にも余裕ができた。 ;だからこその俺の提案だった。\ ^But now, we had just a little bit of room financially. That was why I made the suggestion.\ ;「な、たまにはファミレスもいいじゃん」\ ^``Well, once in a while, a restaurant's good too.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n218.ogg" ;「…わたしは、コンビニでいい…」\ ^``... I'm, fine with the convenience store.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言うと、少しだけ俯く彼女。 ;どうやら自分の服を見つめているようだった。\ ^While saying that, just a bit, the girl looked down. It seemed like she was looking at her clothes.\ ;ああ…そういえばこいつって、 ;ぶかぶかの服を着たままだったな…\ ^Ah... that's right, she's been wearing those floppy clothes all this time...\ ;「わかった、じゃあ先にあっち寄るか?」\ ^``Got it, then want to go there first?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n219.ogg" ;「…あっちって?」\ ^``... There?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、手前の店、どこかのジーンズショップ」\ ^``Look, the store just up front, some kind of jeans shop.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それは、国道沿いによく見られる、 ;ジーンズやカジュアルを揃えた量販店のようだった。\ ^It was one of those places often seen along the national roads that looked like some kind of wholesale outlet dealing in jeans and casual wear.\ ;「きっとこの手の店なら、 ; そんな高くないのあるだろうからさ」\ ^``I'm sure a store like that would have things that don't cost that much.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n220.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ寄るぞ? 寄るからな」\ ^``Well, we're going. We're going in, okay?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。 ;でも、反対もされなかった。\ ^There was no reply. But there was also no resistance.\ ;もしかしたら…\ ^Could it be...\ ;こいつにとって反論しないってことは、 ;肯定と考えて良いのかも知れない。\ ^That if she didn't object, I could think of it as agreement?\ ;____;__ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;店内に入った俺達。\ ^We entered the store.\ ;2階建ての大きなフロアを、あいつが物珍しそうに、 ;幾つものコーナーを見て回っていた。\ ^On the large two floors, the girl curiously went around many of the sections.\ ;その様子は、相変わらずの無口だし、 ;普段の姿と変わらないように見えるかも知れない。\ ^She was silent as usual, and might have looked unchanged from her usual appearance.\ ;だけど、無機質に何も映していなかった、 ;あのつまらないテレビを見ていた時とは少し違っていた。\ ^But, somehow it was slightly different from the times she was lifelessly staring at whatever came on boring television.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;何度も何度も手にとって、 ;値札を見ては考え込むようにしていた。\ ^Over and over, she would pick something up, look at the price tag, and fall into thought.\ ;そして、試着をする度に俺の方へと駆け寄って…\ ^And while trying things on, she would come up to me...\ dwave 0,"w\n222.ogg" ;「…どう?」\ ^``... How is it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうって、似合ってんじゃねえか?」\ ^``How is it? It suits you.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n223.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n224.ogg" ;「…変じゃない?」\ ^``... It's not strange?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、たぶんな」\ ^``Ah, probably.''\ dwavestop 0 ;こんな感じで何度も何度も、 ;試着を繰り返しては見せにくる彼女。\ ^Over and over like that, the girl would change clothes and come back to show me.\ ;決して笑ったり、表情に出したりはしないけど、 ;その姿は、どこか嬉しそうにしているようにも思えた。\ ^She would never smile, or show any emotion, but I sensed somewhere that she was enjoying herself.\ ;「どうだ、決まったか?」\ ^``How about it, decided?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n225.ogg" ;「…うん、これにする」\ ^``... Un, I'll take this.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って俺に、最後に試着した、 ;可愛いシャツと短いスカートを見せる。\ ^While saying that, she showed me the last set she changed into, a cute shirt and short skirt.\ ;その選んだ服は、いかにも中学生か高校生あたりが、 ;好んで着ていそうな服だった。\ ^Those clothes were just exactly like a middle school or high school student's, but she happily wore them.\ ;確か以前に、俺よりも年上だと言っていたけど…\ ^Certainly, she had said that she was older than me...\ ;どう見ても、そうは見えない彼女の容姿と相まって、 ;逆にハマり過ぎてて微笑ましく見えてしまう。\ ^But however you looked at it, when put together with a figure that really didn't look older, it suited her so well it was charming.\ ;「でもさ、そのスカートは、 ; 止めた方がいいんじゃねえか?」\ ^``But, that skirt, isn't it better if you gave up on it?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n226.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、似合ってないとか、そーゆーのじゃないから」\ ^``Ah, no, it's not that it doesn't suit you or anything.''\ dwave 0,"w\n227.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、寒いだろ? 今の時期ってその格好じゃ」\ ^``Look, it's cold isn't it? It's not an outfit for this season.''\ dwave 0,"w\n228.ogg" ;「…べ、別に平気よ…わたし我慢するから」\ ^``... I-it's not particularly a problem... I'll endure it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;_キープ;_普通のぼそぼそパターンも;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n229.ogg" ;;「別に平気よ…わたし我慢するから ;;__;_ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s100 ;そう答えた時…\ ^When she answered...\ !sd ;少しだけその白い顔が赤くなったように見えた。 ;普段は絶対に感情を表さないこいつなのに…\ ^I could see just the slightest bit of red on her white face. Even though normally she would absolutely never show any emotion...\ ;…もしかして、照れているのだろうか?\ ^... Could it be, that she's embarrassed?\ ;初めて見る、こいつの表情だった。\ ^It was the first time, I saw her show emotion.\ ;_ ;☆BG 空 bg "e\sora03.jpg",3 ;尚も走り続ける俺達。\ ^We continued on driving.\ ;冬の高い高い空の下、 ;少し排気音のうるさい銀のクーペは走り続けていた。\ ^Under the high, high winter sky, the silver coupe with the slightly noisy exhaust continued driving.\ dwave 0,"w\n230.ogg" ;「次で21号線に入って…」\ ^``Next, go onto Route 21...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Alright.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;相変わらず彼女のナビに従って進む。 ;気づけば、既に岐阜県に入っていた。\ ^As usual, we went on following the girl's navigation. Before we knew it, we were in Gifu-ken.\ ;いつもなら必要な時以外は、 ;窓の外をじっと眺めているだけの彼女。\ ^Normally, except when needed, the girl would always be gazing out the window.\ ;なのに今は、何度も何度も、 ;サイドミラーに自分の姿を映しては嬉しそうにしていた。\ ^But now, again and again, she would happily look at her reflection in the side mirror.\ ;まるで、俺の目を盗むようにミラーを覗き込んでいた。\ ^As if she were trying to avoid my noticing, she peered into the mirror.\ ;;先ほど買ってきた服に身を包んで ;;少しだけ嬉しそうにしているように俺には見えた。\ ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n231.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... What?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、さっきの服、気に入ったみたいだな」\ ^``Nothing, the clothes from before, looks like you like them.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n232.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n233.ogg" ;「別に…そんなことないわよ」\ ^``Not particularly... it's not that.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言うとサイドミラーを見るのを止めてしまう。\ ^Saying that, she stopped looking at the side mirror.\ ;でも、しばらくすると、 ;また俺がよそ見している間にチェックを始める彼女。\ ^But after a while, when I was looking away, the girl once again started checking the mirror.\ ;…結構、かわいいところもあるんだな…\ ^... In the end, she's also got a cute side it seems...\ ;たったこれだけのことでも、 ;普段が普段なだけに、俺には可愛いと思えた。\ ^From just that little thing, just normally, and only normally, I thought she was cute.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____________ ;小タイトル戻し\ ;mov $sys_midasi,"一号線3 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Route 1: 3 [a]" ;____;____;___________________ ;☆BG 夜空\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\n05.mp3" ;すっかりと日が暮れる頃。\ ^When the sun had completely set.\ ;どこかの道端。 ;また今日もコンビニでの夕食を済ませた頃。\ ^By some roadside somewhere, we had once again fished our meal of convenience store food.\ ;☆BG どこかの道端とか:夜 bg "e\chusha_michi2_yoru.jpg",3 ;「なあ、今頃どうなってっかな…」\ ^``Say, I wonder what's become of things right now...''\ dwavestop 0 ;今も手首に巻かれたままになっている、 ;ビニール製の白い腕輪。\ ^Even now, wrapped around my wrist, the white vinyl bracelet.\ ;血液型と俺の名前が記載された、 ;あの、病院のネームプレートを見ながら呟く。\ ^On it, my blood type and name was recorded. As I looked at the hospitals name plate, I murmured.\ ;「やっぱ、大騒ぎしてると思うか?」\ ^``You think... there's been a big uproar?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n234.ogg" ;「…たぶんね」\ ^``... Probably.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だよな…」\ ^``Yeah...''\ dwavestop 0 ;両親や、友達、それに病院の先生達…\ ^Parents, friends, as well as the hospital doctors...\ ;例えそれが上っ面だけだったとしても、 ;心配してくれていると思うと、少し心苦しかった。\ ^When I thought that even if only on the surface, they were worried about me, it pained my heart a little.\ ;悪いな…親父、皆んな…^@^ ;自分勝手な、我侭やっちまって…\ ^Sorry... dad, everyone...^@^ going off and doing something selfish...\ ;☆BG どこかの道端とか:夜 bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n235.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなたって…」\ ^``Say, you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん? どうかしたか?」\ ^``Mm? Something the matter?''\ dwave 0,"w\n236.ogg" ;「最初に…死ぬって聞かされた時……泣いた?」\ ^``The first time... you heard you were going to die... did you cry?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然の彼女の問いに、一瞬だけ驚いた。 ;そして、その問いの重さに暫く考えてしまった。\ ^At the girl's sudden question, for a moment, I was taken aback. Then, I thought about the weight of the question for a time.\ ;「…確か…泣かなかったと思う」\ ^``... I think... I didn't cry.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n237.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして自分だけって…運命を呪った?」\ ^``Then, did you say `why only me?'... and curse fate?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「それは…よく覚えていない」\ ^``That... I don't really remember.''\ dwavestop 0 ;始めは現実に起こった事として認識できなかった。 ;リアルとして考えられなかったように思う。\ ^In the beginning, I wasn't able to realize what was happening in reality. I think it was because I couldn't conceive of it as being real.\ ;だけど…本当は少しはあったのかも知れない。\ ^However... in truth, there might have been a bit of that.\ ;一緒に教習所に通った友達が、新車を買った。 ;36回のローンが大変だとぼやいていた。\ ^The friend I went to the training center with bought a new car, complained about how much trouble the 36 loan payments were.\ ;就職が決まった奴もいた。留年が確定した奴もいた。 ;子供が出来た奴もいた。また彼女にフラれたって奴もいた。\ ^There were those who got jobs. Those who got left back in school. ^Those who had kids. Those who were dumped by their girlfriends again.\ ;でも俺は…^@^未来を断たれた。\ ^But I...^@^ was denied a future.\ ;だから本当は… ;どうして自分だけがって気持ちはあったんだと思う。\ ^That was why, to be honest... I think there had been the feeling of ``why only me?''\ ;これが運命だからって自分に言い聞かせても、 ;やっぱり、諦めきれない気持ちはあったんだと思う。\ ^Even when I told myself that this was fate, still, I think there was the feeling of not wanting to give up.\ ;「じゃあお前は…どうだったんだ?」\ ^``Then... what about you?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n238.ogg" ;「…わたし?」\ ^``... Me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、哀しくて泣いて…運命を呪ったか?」\ ^``Yeah, did you cry out of sadness... or curse fate?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n239.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n240.ogg" ;「…わたしは、平気だった」\ ^``... I was, fine with it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…どうしてだ?」\ ^``... Why?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n241.ogg" ;「…だって、最初から何も望んでなかったから…」\ ^``... Because, from the start, I didn't wish for anything...''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 dwave 0,"w\n242.ogg" ;「…わたしは、諦めていたから」\ ^``Because I... had given up.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…」\ ^``I see...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;最初から諦めていれば、落胆することもない。 ;後ろ向きでいれば楽しくもないけど、辛いこともない。\ ^If you gave up from the start, there would be no disappointment. If you looked into your past, there wouldn't be any happy things, but also no painful things.\ ;だけど、その考え方は哀しすぎるような気がする。\ ^But, I had a feeling that that way of thinking was far too sad.\ ;それとも、彼女の場合は…^@^ ;そうするより他に、方法がなかったのだろうか…\ ^Or perhaps, in the girl's case...^@^ maybe there was nothing else that could be done...\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n243.ogg" ;「前に見た映画で言ってた…」\ ^``A movie that I saw before said...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n244.ogg" ;「…狼は3年しか生きないって」\ ^``... That wolves only live three years.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「は? 狼?」\ ^``Wha? Wolves?''\ ;突然、よく分からないことを話し始めた彼女。\ ^Suddenly, the girl started talking about something I didn't really get.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n245.ogg" ;「でも…ロバは9年も生きるんだって」\ ^``But... it said that donkeys lived nine years.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「何のことだ?…狼が3年でロバが9年って?」\ ^``What's this?... Wolves are three years and donkeys are nine?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n246.ogg" ;「…ロバは…役に立つから長生きする」\ ^``... Donkeys are... useful, so they live long.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n247.ogg" ;「そういうことらしいの…」\ ^``That's how it is, it seems...''\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景>いろいろと\ ;寂しそうに窓の外を見ながら、言葉をつむぎ出す彼女。\ ^The girl looked lonely as she gazed out the window, her words sliding out.\ ;これが彼女にとっての… ;自分を納得させる為の、諦める為の言い訳なのだろうか…\ ^This was probably, to this girl... the excuse to convince herself, the excuse so that she could give up.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;___________ ;☆シーン変え ;☆BG 冬空>雪 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\yukizora.jpg",3 ;暮れかけた真冬の空。 ;21号線をまっすぐに進む俺達。\ ^Under the evening winter sky we continued straight along Route 21.\ ;その暮れかけた空に舞う、チラチラと白いもの。 ;次第に降りを強くしているようだった。\ ^Dancing in that darkening sky, lightly floating specks of white. It seemed that depending on circumstances, it might snow harder.\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... Something wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、雪が降ってきた…」\ ^``Yeah, it's snowing...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、気づけば、 ;道路の脇には白い積雪が姿を現すようになっていた。\ ^Then, I noticed that the sides of the road had become white with fallen snow.\ ;☆BG 雪道\ bg "e\naname_yuki.jpg",3 ;いつの間に積雪地帯に入ったのか分からないが、 ;どこを見渡しても白い色に染められていた。\ ^I didn't know when we had come to a snowy area, but everywhere I looked was stained with white.\ ;…少しやばいかもな。\ ^... This might be trouble.\ ;さっき見た限りでは、 ;このタイヤはスタッドレスじゃなかった。\ ^From what I had seen before, these tires weren't studless winter tires.\ ;もしも、これから先が、 ;更に雪が降るエリアでは厄介かも知れない。\ ^If further ahead was an even snowier area, it might be troublesome.\ ;「なあ、ここらって豪雪地帯なのか?」\ ^``Hey, is this place a snowy area?''\ dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、これ以上、雪が酷くなると辛いからさ」\ ^``Well, if the snow gets any worse, it might be difficult, you see.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n250.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;仮に路面に積雪は無かったとしても、 ;それだけの場所なら道路が凍結していても不思議ではない。\ ^Even if the road surface wasn't covered in snow, in such a place, it wasn't surprising if the road froze over.\ ;そう考えると、教習所の教本でしか習っていなかった、 ;チェーンの装着ってのも必要になるのかも知れない。\ ^And thinking about it, I hadn't learned anything outside of the instruction center's textbook, and we might need to have chains put on.\ ;「どうだ、知ってるか?」\ ^``How about it, do you know?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n251.ogg" ;「この先は…関が原」\ ^``Up ahead is... Sekigahara.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そりゃさっき聞いたって、 ; 俺が知りたいのは雪が酷い場所かってこと」\ ^``I heard that the last time, what I want to know is whether this place gets heavy snow.''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 !s90 dwave 0,"w\n060.ogg" ;「…わからない…」\ ^``... I don't know...''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;何故か寂しそうに答える彼女。^@^ ;その様子に俺は少しだけ違和感を覚えた。\ ^For some reason, the girl answered with a lonely expression.^@^ From that expression, I felt that something didn't match up.\ ;これだけ道に詳しくて、 ;以前にこの車のこともあんなに詳しかったのに…\ ^Even though she knew that much about the roads, and also knew so much about this car...\ ;それと比較すると、十分に知ってそうなことだと思えた。\ ^Compared to that, this seemed like something she would definitely know.\ ;「わかった、とにかく気をつけて走る」\ ^``Alright, at any rate, I'll drive carefully.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n253.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;________________ ;・小タイトル戻し ;mov $sys_midasi,"一号線3 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Route 1: 3 [a]" ;_______________________ mp3 "bgm\o012.mp3" ;ちらちらと降り続く雪。\ ;SE>波の音\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" bg "e\yukizora.jpg",3 ;;☆BG 雪湖っぽいの bg "e\yuki_kohan.jpg",5 ;波打ち際。 ;俺達は車を降りると、湖を眺めていた。\ ^The shoreline. ^We got out of the car, and gazed at a lake.\ ;強い風に煽られては、 ;所々、凍った湖面をも染めようとする白い雪。\ ^Blown by the strong wind, here and there, white snow even stained the frozen lake surface.\ ;そんな中、まるで海のような波打ち際へ向かって、 ;ゆっくりと歩き始める彼女。\ ^And in that, facing what seemed like the sea's edge, the girl slowly started walking.\ ;…以前にもあった光景だった。\ ^... It was a scene that occurred before.\ dwave 0,"w\n254.ogg" ;「…ねえ、どう思う?」\ ^``... Say, what do you think?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「このまま進むと、楽に死ねるか?ってのか」\ ^``That `if you continue into the sea like this, would you die comfortably?' thing?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n255.ogg" ;「うん、海より楽な気がする…」\ ^``Un. I have a feeling it would be more comfortable than the sea...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「俺には、その解答の根拠がわからん…」\ ^``I don't see the basis for that answer...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n256.ogg" ;「だって、海水は塩辛いし身体も浮いちゃうでしょ…」\ ^``Well, sea water is salty, and your body would float wouldn't it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そりゃあ、名推理だな」\ ^``... That's, impressive reasoning.''\ dwavestop 0 ;冷たい北風と降る雪の中、 ;お互いに本気とも冗談とも取れないことを言い合う。\ ^With the cold north wind and in the falling slow, the two of us exchanged words where one couldn't tell whether we were serious or joking.\ ;そして、一旦止まった足を、 ;再び湖へと向けると歩き出す彼女。\ ^And then, the feet that had briefly paused, once again started to move towards the lake.\ dwave 0,"w\n257.ogg" ;「…やっぱり止めないの?」\ ^``... I guess, you aren't going to stop me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だって今日は、死ぬつもりないだろ?」\ ^``Well, today you don't plan on dying, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n258.ogg" ;;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n259.ogg" ;「…うん…そうかもね」\ ^``... Un... that may be so.''\ dwavestop 0 ;…例の場所、淡路島まで ;あと、どのくらいの距離なのだろうか…\ ^... That place, Awaji-shima, How much further would that be I wonder...\ ;別にその場所に行きたかった訳でも、 ;何かのこだわりがあった訳でもない。\ ^It's not as if I wanted to go there, or that I had some sort of obsession with it.\ ;だけど、何の目的も持たずに彷徨う俺達だったのに、 ;今では目指す場所が生まれた。\ ^However, even though we had been wandering around with no purpose, now, we found ourselves with a place to aim for.\ ;俺が止めなくても、 ;波打ち際の一歩手前で足を止めたままの彼女。\ ^Even if without me stopping her, the girl's feet remained one step before the water's edge.\ ;…きっと、そういうことなんだと思う。\ ^... I was sure, that was how it was.\ dwavestop 5 ;____;____;__;_ ;bg "tui2\cat05.bmp",5 bg "agilis\1\cat05.png",5 !w600 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\hiki_kosoku2.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n260.ogg" ;「そこから、1号に戻って…」\ ^From there, go back to Route 1...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Got it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;8号から再び1号へ。\ ^From Route 8 back to Route 1.\ ;彼女のナビに従い、 ;今度は草津へと向かっていた。\ ^Following the girl's navigation, this time, headed towards Kusatsu.\ ;●とも ここから車内かな?>■仕込みました bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n261.ogg" ;「ねえ、今って、お金は大丈夫?」\ ^``Say, right now, is our money fine?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、まだ3万円ほどはある」\ ^``Ah, we still have about ¥30,000.''\ dwavestop 0 ;以前に服は買ったけど、それ以外では、 ;相変わらずコンビニで済ます程度だった。\ ^Before, we had bought clothes, but other than that, we continued on our usual convenience store fare.\ ;「どうかしたのか?」\ ^``Is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n262.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、高速に乗る?」\ ^``... Then, you want to go on the expressway?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「高速? 全部下道じゃ行けないのか?」\ ^``Expressway? We can't go all the way using the smaller roads?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n263.ogg" ;;「それは、無理よ」\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景 dwave 0,"w\n264.ogg" ;「確かにギリギリまでなら行けるけど…」\ ^``Certainly, up until very close, you can...''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 dwave 0,"w\n265.ogg" ;「でも、最終的には、必ず有料道路に乗るから…」\ ^``But in the end, you have to take a toll road, so...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか、淡路島だもんな」\ ^``I see, well, it's Awaji Island after all..''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺も詳しくは知らないが、淡路島に行く為には、 ;瀬戸大橋だか何だかの橋を渡らないと行けなかった筈だ。\ ^I didn't know the details, but in order to get to Awaji-shima, one had to cross the Seto-Ohashi bridge or some other bridge.\ ;;は有料道路だったと聞いたことがあるとか dwave 0,"w\n266.ogg" ;「じゃあ、草津からバイパスに入って」\ ^``Well, from Kusatsu, go onto the bypass.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Alright.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;____;____;__;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼女の指示に従い、 ;瀬田ICから、名神高速へと乗り継ぐ。\ ^Following the girl's direction, we went from the Seda Interchange and connected onto the Meishin Expressway.\ dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;☆BG 車走る:上空の\ bg "e\joku_kosoku.jpg",3 ;今までの一般道と比べると、明らかに整備された道路。\ ^Compared to the normal roads we had been running on until now, it was obviously a better maintained road.\ ;信号もないし、見通しの良い道路は、 ;初めて高速を走った俺にも運転しやすいと思えた。\ ^There were no traffic lights, and with the good visibility of the road, even for a first time expressway driver like me, I felt it was easy to drive on.\ ;只、右の高速車線にいると、 ;後ろからスゴイ勢いでやってくる後続車が怖かった。\ ^It was just, if I were in the high speed lane on the right, the cars that came up from behind at a ferocious pace were scary.\ dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;最初は、パッシングや右ウインカーの意味も分からなかったが、 ;慣れてくると高速道路の運転は楽しいと思えた。\ ^At the start, I didn't know what passing was, or what the right blinkers meant, but when I got used to it, I thought driving on the expressways was fun.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;「すげえな、あの車…」\ ^``Amazing, that car...''\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;物凄いスピードで追い抜いていく、どこかの車。 ;のんびり走る俺達は、思わず顔を見合わせてしまう。\ ^Passing us at an astounding speed, some car from somewhere. We were driving leisurely, and couldn't help but look at each other.\ ;そして、助手席に座ったこいつも、 ;いつもとは少し様子が違っていた。\ ^And then, the girl who sat in the passenger seat looked slightly different from usual.\ ;普段なら、遠い目で窓の外を眺めるだけなのに、 ;今日は物珍しそうに回りの車を見ていた。\ ^Normally, she would be looking out the window with distant eyes, but today, surprisingly, she was curiously looking around at the cars.\ ;…そういえばこいつって何故か車にも詳しかったな。\ ^... Speaking of which, for some reason she knew a lot about cars.\ ;俺は猛スピードで追い抜いていった、 ;さっきの車を指差す。\ ^I pointed at the car from before that ferociously passed us.\ ;「なあなあ、今のって何て車だ?」\ ^``So, so, what car was that just now?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n267.ogg" ;;「…それは質問?」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n268.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、クイズのつもりで」\ ^``Come now, think of it like a quiz.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n269.ogg" ;「…トヨタセリカ、オーバービュー」\ ^``... Toyota Celica, Overview.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、今、抜いてったのは?」\ ^``Then, the one that passed us now?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n270.ogg" ;「シトロエン、クサラ…」\ ^``Citroen, Xsara...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「へ~、よく分かるな」\ ^``I see, you know them well, don't you?'' dwavestop 0 ;正直なところ、 ;俺にはそれが正解かどうかも分からない。\ ^To be honest, I couldn't tell whether she was right or not.\ ;でも、自分からは滅多に口を開かないこいつが、 ;次々と答える様子が楽しく思えて…\ ^However, the girl that would rarely open her mouth on her own seemed to be enjoying herself as she answered again and again...\ ;だから俺は、休むことなく言葉を続けた。\ ^That was why, without pausing, I continued to speak.\ dwave 0,"w\n271.ogg" ;「青いのがユーノス、赤いのはアルファロメオ…」\ ^``The blue one is a Eunos, the red one an Alfa Romeo...''\ dwavestop 0 ;同時に追い抜いていった2台までも答える。\ ^She even answered for two cars that passed us at the same time.\ ;「でもさ、あれは分からないだろう」\ ^``But, you don't know that one, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら今度は、普通車と違うトラックを指差す。\ ^As I spoke, this time, I pointed to a something different from a normal car, a truck.\ ;あまり表情を出さない彼女の、 ;困った顔も少しだけ見たくなっていた。\ ^I wanted to see that slightly troubled face from the girl who would show so little emotion.\ dwave 0,"w\n272.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「やっぱ、さすがにトラックは分からないか」\ ^``So yeah, I guess you don't know trucks, eh?''\ dwave 0,"w\n273.ogg" ;「…日産アトラス10」\ ^``... Nissan, Atlas 10.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「おいおい、すげえぞ、お前っ」\ ^``Hey, hey, you're amazing.''\ dwavestop 0 ;本当はいじわるしたつもりだったのに、 ;まさかトラックまで分かるとは思わなかった。\ ^Even though I was trying to give her a hard time... I hadn't thought she would know even trucks.\ ;「ここまでくればさ、自慢できるレベルじゃねえか?」\ ^``If you know this much, isn't it on the level where you can be proud of it?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n274.ogg" ;「…そう?」\ ^``... Is that so?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、胸張っていいと思うぞ」\ ^``Ah, I think you can puff out your chest.''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ ;俺の言葉に無言で返す彼女。 ;少しだけ照れくさそうにしているようだった。\ ^The girl returned silence at my words. She seemed just a little bit embarrassed.\ ;きっと車とか好きなんだろうな…\ ^I'm sure she really liked cars...\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあさ、向こうに着いたら運転してみるか?」\ ^``Well then, when we get over there, you want to try driving?''\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n276.ogg" ;;「えっ…」\ dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n277.ogg" ;「でもわたし、免許持ってない…」\ ^``But, I don't have a license...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「大丈夫だって、 ; きっと、浜辺なんて運転すると楽しいぞ」\ ^``It'll be fine. I'm sure driving on the beach or something will be fun.''\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らく淡路島まで行けば、 ;ひと気のない場所はいくらでもあるだろう。\ ^Most likely, if we go to Awaji-shima, there would be plenty of deserted places.\ ;それにこの車はミッションだから、 ;慣れると面白い筈だと思えた。\ ^Plus, this car was a manual transmission, so once she got used to it, I thought it'd be interesting.\ ;「なんだったらさ、俺が教えてやるよ」\ ^``Well, in that case, I'll teach you.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n278.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、といっても俺も超初心者だけどさ」\ ^``Ah, well, even so, I'm just a new driver myself.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\nv319.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n282.ogg" ;;dwave 0,"w\nv282.ogg" ;;「うん、ありがと…」\ dwavestop 0 ;;dwave 0,"w\n279.ogg" ;;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BGM フェードアウト ;____;____;____ mov %flg_cha6,1 mov %flg_bplay,6 goto *agilis_mini_title ;_____________ ;★チャプター7 *agilis_honpen7 ;mov $sys_midasi,"エコー ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Echo [a]" dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;☆BG 変え>夕空 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;あんなに高かった日が、わずかだけ翳る頃。\ ^When that high sun was just misting over.\ mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;☆BG 車:上空:高速\ bg "e\joku_kosoku_yu.jpg",3 ;高速を走り続ける銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe continued to run along the expressway.\ ;間もなく桂川パーキングエリア。 ;少し進んでは、小休憩というペースで走っていた。\ ^Soon, we would be at the Katsuragawa parking area. Moving slower, we drove in what could be called a slow resting pace.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01b.jpg",3 ;「なあ、次も休憩するか」\ ^``Say, you want to take a break next?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n280.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv280.ogg" ;「あ、う、うん…」\ ^``Ah, u-un...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…どうした?」\ ^``... What's wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n281.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv281.ogg" ;「ちょっと疲れたみたい…」\ ^``Looks like I'm a bit tired...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…」\ ^``I see...''\ dwavestop 0 ;無理もないことかも知れない。\ ^It wasn't too surprising.\ ;さっき、あれだけはしゃいでいたし、 ;元々、俺達は普通の病人以上なんだから当然だろう。\ ^Just before, she had been so excited, and originally, we were even more sick than ordinary sick people, so it was probably natural.\ ;「じゃあ、なんか買ってきてやるよ」\ ^``Well, I'll go buy you something.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_324.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;__ ;☆BG 車止め>駐車場 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;SE>車止め dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「じゃあ、すぐ買ってくるから」\ ^``Alright, I'll go buy them quick.''\ ;>SE>閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_409 ^I closed the door with a slam.\ goto *generated_410 *generated_409 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_410 ;☆ベタ\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;手ごろな売店へ急ぐと、 ;普段コンビニで買うものと大差ない買い物をする。\ ^Rushing over to a nearby shop, I bought things that weren't too different from what I would buy at a convenience store.\ ;SE>開け閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG 車内 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;「ほら、ポカリとおにぎり、それとポテトも」\ ^``Here, a Pocari and ~i~nigiri~i~, that and also the fries.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n283.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv283.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv283b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返事をするけど、 ;受け取ったまま口をつけようとしない彼女。\ ^Those were the words of her reply, but, the girl just took them and didn't move to eat.\ ;いつもならポテトは先になって手にしていたのに…\ ^Even though normally, she would have started eating the fries first...\ ;「…大丈夫か?」\ ^``... You alright?''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかしてお前…具合悪くなってきたのか…」\ ^``Is it that you're... starting to feel bad?''\ dwave 0,"w\n284.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n285.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv285.ogg" ;「…薬が…切れただけだから」\ ^``... My medicine... has run out is all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そうか…」\ ^``... I see...''\ ;…薬が切れた。 ;恐れていたことだった。\ ^... Her medicine ran out. ^That was something I had feared.\ ;いや、こんなことは病院を飛び出した時から、 ;十分に予想できることだった。\ ^Well no, it was something that could easily be imagined from the moment we left the hospital.\ ;もちろん、故意に忘れていた訳じゃない。\ ^Of course, I hadn't forgotten about it on purpose.\ ;今まではそんなこと考えたことすらなくて… ;それ以前に、考えようとする意識すらなかった。\ ^Up until now, I hadn't thought about it... I hadn't even the sense to think about it.\ ;「いつからだ? 薬が切れたのは?」\ ^``Since when? When did your medicine run out.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n286.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv286.ogg" ;「…昨日の夜」\ ^``... Last night.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、もうすぐ丸一日だな…」\ ^``Then, it's almost been an entire day...''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の場合は、2日飲まずが限界だと医者から言われていた。 ;恐らく彼女の場合も似たようなもんだろう。\ ^In my case, I had been told by the doctors that two days without taking any was my limit. Most likely, the girl's case was similar.\ ;考えてみれば病院を出たあの日から、 ;既に8日が経っていた。\ ^Now that I thought about it, since the day that we left the hospital, eight days had already passed.\ ;手持ちとして、持ってきた薬の量では、 ;遅かれ早かれこうなるのは目に見えていた。\ ^The amount of medicine that we carried on hand, I could have seen that sooner or later it would wind up like this.\ ;…今、俺はどうするべきなんだろうか…\ ^... Right now, what should I do?\ ;dwave 0,"w\n287.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv287.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv287b.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^``Say...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n288.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv288.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv288b.ogg" ;「…わたし、7階は嫌よ」\ ^``I... don't like the 7th floor.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、分かってる、家も嫌なんだろ」\ ^``Ah, I know. And you don't want home either, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n289.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv289.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^`Un...''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆ベタ\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>エンジン始動・走る\ dwave 5,"se\car_start.ogg" ;再び動き出した銀のクーペ。\ ^Once again, the silver coupe ran on.\ ;結局俺は、次の降り口で高速を降りることにした。\ ^In the end, I got off the expressway at the next exit.\ ;それでどうなる訳でもないが、 ;こんな場所に居たのでは何も出来ない。\ ^It wasn't that it would help anything, but I wouldn't be able to do anything while on it.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;__ ;☆シーン変え ぷち ;☆BG 空:夕\ bg "e\soukou_machi_yu.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;殺風景な高速降り口から、 ;市街地へ向けて走り続ける。\ ^From the bleak expressway exit, I continued driving towards an urban area.\ ;そして小さな町医者ではなく、大きな病院を探した。 ;正しくは大きな病院の近くにある、薬局を探した。\ ^Then, I searched, not for a small town doctor, but a large hospital. More precisely, I was looking for the pharmacies that are near large hospitals.\ ;本当は病院に行くのが一番良いのかも知れない。^@^ ;仮にこれが、普通の病状ならば迷わずそうしただろう。\ ^To be honest, going to a hospital may have been the best thing.^@^ If it were a normal sickness, without any hesitation I would have done so.\ ;…でも俺達は7階の住人。 ;手首に巻いたビニールの認識腕輪は白。\ ^... However, we were residents of the 7th floor. The vinyl identification bracelets wrapped around our wrists were white.\ ;そして、その7階をも飛び出したのが俺達だった。\ ^And also, we were people who had fled from the 7th floor.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;辺りをきょろきょろとしながらハンドルを握る。\ ^While thinking about that, I peered around while gripping the wheel.\ ;…きっと、大病院の近くの薬局なら、 ;大抵のモノはある筈だ。\ ^... I was sure that a pharmacy near a large hospital should have most things.\ ;「見つけたっ」\ ^``Found one.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;大きな通りに面した角に立つ、どこかの大学病院。 ;その手前に見える2~3軒の薬局の看板。\ ^Standing on the corner facing a large street was some large university hospital. Right near it were the signs of two or three of pharmacies.\ ;路駐できそうにないと判断すると、 ;俺は空き地を見つけ、すぐさま車を停める。\ ^Just when I decided I wouldn't be able to find parking, I found an open space and quickly stopped the car.\ ;SE>止め dwave 5,"se\car_s3.ogg" ;☆BG 車内 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;「おい、薬の袋、貸してくれ」\ ^``Hey, let me borrow your medicine bag.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n290.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv290.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv290b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ dwavestop 0 ;不思議そうな顔で、薬の入っていた袋を手渡す彼女。\ ^With a mystified expression, the girl handed the bag with medicine over.\ ;俺はその病棟用の薬の袋を受け取ると、 ;中に入っていた、薬の説明用紙だけを手にする。\ ^I took that bag of medicine used in hospital wards, and took out the only the paper explaining the medicine.\ ;…こうやっておけば大丈夫だろう。\ ^... With this, it should be fine.\ ;「じゃあ、すぐ帰ってくるから」\ ^``Well, I'll be back soon.''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車内にあいつだけを残し、 ;俺は少しだけ離れた薬局へと走った。\ ^Leaving her alone in the car, I ran the short distance to the pharmacy.\ ;>SE>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;ガー…\ ;Nuke ;☆BG・薬局内>ベタでも可能\ bg "e\yakkyoku.jpg",3 ;やたらと開くのが遅い自動ドアを越え、やってきた店内。 ;俺は真っ直ぐにカウンターへと向かう。\ ^Passing through the stuttering, slow automatic door, I came into the store. I headed straight for the counter.\ dwavestop 5 ;店の人「いらっしゃいませ」\ ^Shopkeeper: ``Welcome!''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の姿に声を掛けてくれた中年風のおじさん。 ;白衣を着た、いかにもって感じの薬剤師のようだった。\ ^The person who called out to me was a middle-aged man. Wearing white clothes, he really fit the image of a pharmacist.\ ;「すみません、この薬お願いします」\ ^``I need this medicine please.''\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「え、ああ、ちょっと待って下さいね…」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Eh, ah yes, please wait a moment...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って俺の渡した薬の説明用紙を手に、 ;奥へと引っ込んでいくおじさん。\ ^With that, the man took the medicine explanation paper I handed over, and went into the back.\ ;…恐らくここは、普通の薬局ってよりは、 ;病院からの薬も出しているところだと思う。\ ^... Most likely, instead of dispensing normal medicine, this place dispensed medicine from hospitals.\ ;外来の病院に行った時には、 ;こんな感じのところで薬だけ貰ったのを覚えている。\ ^When I went to an outpatient hospital before, I remembered going into a place like this just to get medicine.\ ;明らかに大病院の近くに並んで建っているし、 ;ここならば大体の薬は揃っていると思えた。\ ^Obviously, it was built right next to the hospital, and I thought that most medicines would probably be gathered here.\ ;店の人「お待たせしました、こちらになりますね」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Sorry for the wait, it comes out to this much.''\ ;しばらくして、帰ってきたおじさん。\ ^Eventually, the man returned.\ ;手には透明な袋に入ったカプセル状の薬。 ;その束のような塊を2つほど持っていた。\ ^In his hand, were clear bags with capsules of medicine. He was carrying two bundles of them.\ ;…これだけあれば当分は大丈夫だろう。 ;ざっと見ても1週間分ほどはありそうだった。\ ^... With that much, it was probably all right for a while. At a glance, there was probably one week's worth.\ ;そして俺が、ポケットから財布を取り出そうとすると…\ ^And then, as I was taking out my wallet...\ ;店の人「あ、それより薬箋も頂けますか」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Ah, before that, may I have your prescription?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…やくせん?」\ ^``... Prescription?''\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「ああ、処方箋のことですよ、 ;    これは臨床用ですからね」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Ah, I'm talking about the prescription for the medicine. These are for clinical use you see.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「お医者さんから貰ってますよね?」\ ^Pharmacist: ``You received one from your doctor, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;…予想していなかった。\ ^... I hadn't expected this.\ ;いや、冷静に考えれば市販品じゃないんだし、 ;普通で買える訳がなかった。\ ^Well no, thinking about it calmly, these weren't over the counter items, and you couldn't buy these normally.\ ;店の人「…どうしました?」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、その…」\ ^``Ah, no, um...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いよどむ俺に、 ;段々と怪訝な目を向ける白衣のおじさん。\ ^I faltered, and the man in white began to lay increasingly suspicious eyes on me.\ ;店の人「て、あれ…それは…?」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Wait, huh... that's...?''\ ;そして、俺の手首に巻かれた白い腕輪に気づくと、 ;そこに書かれていた文字を…\ ^Then, noticing the white bracelet wrapped around my wrist, and the words that were written on it...\ ;俺の名前を、血液型を…\ ^My name, blood type...\ ;…そして、病院の名前を読もうとしていた。\ ^... And, he was trying to read the name of the hospital.\ ;SE>それっぽいの ;dwave 5,"se\kakeasi.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;だっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_411 ^My hands moved.\ goto *generated_412 *generated_411 ^* Snatch! *\ *generated_412 ;店の人「あっ」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Ah!''\ ;ガラスのカウンターの上に置かれた薬。 ;俺は反射的に、その束ごと一気に掴んだ。\ ^The medicine left on the glass counter. Reflexively, I grabbed the whole pile.\ ;;そして、そのまま店の外へと向かって駆け出す。\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;店の人「こら、待ちなさいっ」\ ^Pharmacist: ``Hey! Wait!''\ ;カウンター越しに大声を張り上げる店の人。 ;その声を俺は背中で聞いた。既に駆け出していた。\ ^The man behind the counter gave a great shout. I heard that voice behind me, but I was already running.\ ;店の出口までのたった5m。\ ^It was only five meters from the shop exit.\ ;足のふんばりが利かなくて、よろけそうになりながら、 ;それでも俺は無我夢中で走った。\ ^Unable to gain steady footing, I was stumbling, but even then, I ran on in a daze.\ dwavestop 5 ;SE>ガー>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;そして、やたらと開くのが遅い自動ドアから、 ;店外へと出ようとした…\ ^And then, coming to the stuttering, slow automatic door, as I was making to leave the store...\ ;その時、\ ^At that time...\ ;>SE>ぶつかる音からガラス割れる音 dwave 5,"se\g_crash2.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ガン、ガシャーン、\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_413 ^* Gan! Gashaaaaan! *\ *generated_413 ;「痛っ、くそ…」\ ^``Ow! Damn it!''\ dwavestop 5 ;思わず、意識が一瞬白くなった。\ ^Suddenly, for a moment my awareness turned white.\ ;自動ドアの角に頭をぶつけて、 ;その勢いでガラスまで叩き割ったようだった。\ ^I slammed my head into the edge of the automatic door, with enough force that it seemed to have cracked.\ ;ふらつく頭を、ぶんぶん振ると、 ;開きかけで止まった自動ドアを手で押し開ける。\ ^While shaking my wobbly head, I reached out with my hand and opened the automatic door that had stopped partially open.\ ;そして、店の外へ出るとまた走り始めた。 ;手に持った薬の袋は放さなかった。\ ^Then, when I got out of the store, I began running. I hadn't let go of the bags of medicine I had been holding.\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;「はぁはぁ、ふうっ」\ ^``Haa, haa, phew.''\ ;思わず息を切らして、あごが上がってしまう。 ;車までの数十メートルが、やけに長く感じた。\ ^Unable to help myself, I was out of breath, and I wound up raising my chin up. It was only a few tens of meters to the car, but it felt awfully long.\ ;誰も追っては来ていないようだけど、 ;それを振り返って確認する余裕すらなかった。\ ^It didn't seem like anyone was chasing after me, but I didn't even have the luxury of looking back to check.\ ;…もし、俺が捕まったら…\ ^... If, I were caught...\ ;あいつはどうなってしまうのだろうか…\ ^What would happen to her?\ ;車の中で一人、 ;いつまでもじっと俺の帰りを待っているのだろうか…\ ^Alone in the car, she would probably sit there forever, waiting for my return.\ ;何故かそんなことを思いながら、懸命に走った。\ ^As I thought about that for some reason, I ran in earnest.\ ;よろめきながら、息切れを起こして、 ;これで全力かと思うと我ながら哀しかった。\ ^While staggering and out of breath, and thinking that this was my full strength, in spite of myself, I felt it was sad.\ ;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_414 ^I slammed the car door shut behind me.\ goto *generated_415 *generated_414 ^* Slam. *\ *generated_415 dwave 5,"se\car_s4.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、ふう…」\ ^``Haa, haa, phew...''\ ;倒れこむようにシートに座ると、急発進させる俺。\ ^As if collapsing, I fell into the seat, and panted heavily as I tore the car onto the road.\ bg "e\soukou_machi_yoru.jpg",3 ;明らかに先日のパチンコ屋の時よりも、 ;体力が落ちてきているのが自覚できた。\ ^Clearly, more so than the other day at the pachinko parlor, I became aware of how much my strength had slipped.\ ;そして、ルームミラーで確認すると、 ;やはりガラスで切ったのか、額から少しだけ血が流れていた。\ ^And then, checking the rear mirror, it looked like I really had been cut by the glass -- a bit of blood was flowing from my forehead.\ ;…恐らくこれくらいなら、すぐに止まるだろう。 ;俺は運転しながら、ポケットティッシュで軽く押さえる。\ ^... Probably if it's just this much, it'll stop soon. While driving, I lightly pressed some pocket tissues on it.\ dwavestop 5 bg "e\naname_michi_yoru.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n294.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv294.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^``... Are you alright?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、平気だ」\ ^``Yeah, I'm fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n295.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv295.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv295b.ogg" ;「でも、血が出てるし…」\ ^``But, you're bleeding...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…気にするな、何でもないから」\ ^``... Don't worry about it, it's nothing.''\ dwavestop 0 ;不安そうな顔を向ける彼女に、 ;俺は、心配いらないと手を振ってみせる。\ ^To the girl directing a worried face towards me, I waved my hand telling her not to worry.\ ;そして、左手に握り締めたままだった、 ;薬の束を手渡した。\ ^And then, with my left hand holding the wheel, I handed her the bundle of medicine.\ ;「ほら、飲んでおけよ」\ ^``Here, take your medicine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n296.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv296.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ dwavestop 0 ;これで当分は大丈夫だと思えた。 ;少なくとも1週間くらいなら保つだろう。\ ^With this, I thought we'd be fine for the moment. At the least, it would probably hold out for a week.\ ;だけど…\ ^But...\ ;もしこれが無くなった時はどうなるのだろうか?\ ^When this runs out, what would happen?\ ;たまたま今日は成功したから良かったけど、 ;俺自身の体力も日毎に落ちてきているのは明らかだった。\ ^It was good that today had been a success by chance, but it was clear that my own strength was declining every day.\ ;…元々、何の目的も行き場所も無かった俺達。^@^ ;求めるものがないなら、失う恐れ自体もなかった。\ ^... Originally, we didn't have a goal or place to go.^@^ Because we had no desires, we had no fear of losing anything.\ ;でも今は、少しだけ違った。\ ^But now, things were slightly different.\ ;目的が生まれ、失う怖さも生まれていた…\ ^With the birth of purpose, the fear of loss also was born.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____ ;☆ヒロイン 回想 暫定 5 とか予定>流れみて ;・小タイトル 戻し\ ;____;__;_ ;☆シーン変え 昼 ;bg "tui2\cat06.bmp",5 bg "agilis\1\cat06.png",5 wait 800 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;よく晴れ上がった日。 ;冬特有の高い、高い澄んだ空が広がっていた。\ ^The day cleared up and that clear, so very high sky that was characteristic of winter spread wide.\ ;mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\sen02.mp3" ;☆BG 高速走る 上から 昼\ bg "e\joku_kosoku.jpg",3 ;再び高速に乗った俺達。\ ^Once again, we went on the expressway.\ ;今は吹田JCTから中国自動車道を走っていた。\ ^Right now, we left the Suita Junction, and were running along the Chugoku Expressway.\ ;「なあ、次はどっちだ?」\ ^``Hey, what's the next one?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n297.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv297.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv297b.ogg" ;「神戸JCTから…」\ ^``From the Kobe Junction...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった、山陽自動車道だな」\ ^``Got it, the Sanyo Expressway, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n298.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv298.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv298b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv298c.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG車内 昼\ bg "e\car_michi01.jpg",5 ;彼女の指示に従い、走る銀のクーペ。\ ^Following the girl's direction, the silver coupe ran.\ ;ここまで来ると、道すがらの標識には、 ;「淡路島」という文字も、時折見えるようになっていた。\ ^Coming all the way here, the signs along the way were occasionally showing the words ``Awaji-shima.''\ ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、 ;既に900kmを超えた走行メーター。\ ^Since the day we escaped from the 7th floor, the trip odometer had already passed 900km.\ ;とても行けるとは思わなかったけど…^@^ ;そう思っていた目的地は、もう僅かの距離だった。\ ^It seemed unthinkable that we had gone so far...^@^ but considering our destination, it was just a short distance.\ ;やがて、目の前に現れたのは大きな橋。\ ^Then, what appeared before us was a large bridge.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\akashi.jpg",3 ;「これが、明石海峡大橋ってのか…すげえ橋だな?」\ ^``This, is the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge? It's an amazing bridge, isn't it?''\ dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ ;思わず二人で感心してみる。 ;まるで海の上をどこまでも走っているようだった。\ ^The two of us couldn't help but be impressed. It was as if it ran atop the sea forever.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そして、しばらく走った頃。\ ^Then, after we drove for a while...\ ;橋の途中には、 ;ちらほらと車を停めている人の姿があった。\ ^Right in the middle of the bridge, here and there, cars were stopped and people could be seen.\ ;恐らくは観光客なんだろうけど、 ;車から降りて記念写真を撮る人達。\ ^Most likely those were tourists who got out of their cars to take commemorative photos.\ ;俺もその人達と同じように、路肩へと車を停車させた。\ ^Imitating those people, I pulled the car to a stop along the side of the road.\ ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n299.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv299.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv299b.ogg" ;「…ここ駐停車禁止よ」\ ^``... Stopping is prohibited here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、少しくらいなら大丈夫だろ」\ ^``Well, if it's just for a bit, it'd probably be fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それに見た限りでも、 ;数台の車も同じように車を停めていた。\ ^Besides, from what we've seen, a number of other cars had stopped in the same way.\ ;「なあなあ、ちょっと外に出てみようぜ」\ ^``Come now, let's go out for a bit and have a look.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n300.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「きっと、すげえ眺めいいからさ」\ ^``I'm sure it's got an amazing view.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n301.ogg" ;;dwave 0,"w\nv301.ogg" ;;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_343.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``Alright...''\ dwavestop 0 ;まだちょっと渋々なんだけど、 ;俺に合わせるように車を降りる彼女。\ ^She sounded a little reluctant still, but the girl got out of the car to join me.\ ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG 橋の上のとか bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;SE>風 dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" ;ビュウーー、\ ;-;Nuke if %unvoiced_mode == 1 goto *generated_416 ^* Phewwwwwwww. *\ *generated_416 ;強くて冷たい風が吹く橋の上。\ ^A strong, cold wind whistled atop the bridge.\ ;「思ったより、ここ寒いな…」\ ^``It's colder than you'd think, isn't it?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_344.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ ;普段から車外にも出ない俺達では、 ;余計にそう感じてしまう。\ ^Since normally we wouldn't come out of the car, we felt it all the more.\ ;そんな俺達とは対照的に、向こうの方では ;どこかのカップルらしき二人。\ ^In contrast to us, farther down, there were two people that seemed to be a couple.\ ;どうやら記念写真を撮っているのだろう。 ;それらしい声が楽しげにここまで聞こえていた。\ ^It looked like they were taking commemorative photos, and raising happy voices that even we could hear.\ ;よく見るとその二人以外にも、 ;同じように写真を撮る家族連れや団体客達。\ ^Looking around closer, other than those two, there were families and groups also taking pictures.\ ;…記念写真か。 ;確かにこんな場所では必須だよな。\ ^... A commemorative picture, eh? Certainly for a place like this, one was necessary.\ ;「そういえば…」\ ^``Speaking of which...''\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... What's wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^``Ah, wait a sec.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n303.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv303.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv303b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Ah, un...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;確かカメラがあった筈だった。\ ^I was certain that there had been a camera.\ ;以前、一番最初に車の中を点検した時に、 ;安っぽい使い捨てを見つけたのを思い出していた。\ ^Before, the first time I had searched through the car, I remembered that I had found a cheap disposable camera.\ ;あの時、ちらっと見た限りでは、 ;まだ数枚は残っていたと思うけど…\ ^At the time, from what little I saw, I thought there were a few shots left.\ ;引っ張り出したカメラを手に、俺はフィルムを確認する。\ ^Pulling out the camera, I checked the film.\ ;「よかった、まだ2枚は残っているな…」\ ^``Wonderful, there are still two shots left...''\ ;☆BG橋の上の\ bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;「お待たせ、ほら、撮ってやるよ」\ ^``Sorry for the wait, look, I'll take one of you.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n328.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_347.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「写真だよ、写真、せっかくだしさ」\ ^``A picture. Picture. Since we're here after all.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n305.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv305.ogg" ;「……嫌よ」\ ^``... No.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあまあ、そう言わずに。 ; なんかこうポーズでもとってくれよ」\ ^``Now now, don't say that, strike a pose or something for me.''\ ;言いながら俺は、彼女に向かってカメラを構えてみせる。\ ^As I spoke, I readied the camera, pointing it at her.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、ちょっとは嬉しそうな顔してみろよ」\ ^``Come now, try making a bit of a happier face.''\ dwave 0,"w\n306.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;だけど、照れくさいのか、やっとこちらを向いても、 ;不機嫌そうな顔しか向けてくれなかった。\ ^However, maybe because she was embarrassed, even when she finally faced this way, she had on a sulking expression.\ ;…でも、もしかしたら…\ ^... Or perhaps...\ ;これでも彼女にとっては、 ;頑張って笑顔を作ろうとしてくれているのかも知れない。\ ^For this girl, this was her trying her best to make a smile.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、俺が写真に収めようしていると、\ ^As I thought about that, I made ready to shoot the camera when...\ ;☆ベタor背景\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼氏「すみません、シャッターお願いできますか?」\ ^Boyfriend: ``Excuse me, could you take a picture of us?''\ ;「え、ああ、いいですよ…」\ ^``Eh? Ah, sure...''\ ;どこかのカップルらしき二人。 ;カメラを片手に俺達の元へと来ていた。\ ^Some random couple came up to us with a camera in hand.\ ;「じゃあ、撮りますよ」\ ^``Okay, ready?''\ ;二人「はい、おねがいします」\ ^Couple: ``Yes, please.''\ ;楽しそうに肩を組んで、笑顔を見せる二人。\ ^Happily the two hugged shoulders, and the two of them smiled.\ ;俺はそんな二人を、 ;ファインダーに収めるとシャッターを切った。\ ^I placed the two of them in the viewfinder, and hit the shutter.\ dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;カシャ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_417 ^The shutter clicked.\ goto *generated_418 *generated_417 ^* Snap. *\ *generated_418 bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼氏「どうも、ありがとうございます」\ ^Boyfriend: ``Thank you very much.''\ bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;彼女「じゃあ、代わりにお二人も撮りますよ」\ ^Girlfriend: ``Well, in exchange, we'll take a picture of you two.''\ dwavestop 5 ;「え、あ、いや、俺達は…」\ ^``Eh, ah, no, we're...''\ ;彼氏「カメラはこちらで良いんですね?」\ ^Boyfriend: ``I just press here on the camera, right?''\ ;その返事をするよりも早く、俺のカメラを受け取ろうと…^@^ ;と、いうか、まるで引ったくるように手にする彼氏。\ ^Faster than my reply, he took my camera...^@^ actually, it was more like he snatched it.\ ;きっと気を利かせてくれているのだろう。 ;躊躇する俺達を無視して、さっさとカメラを構えてしまう。\ ^Probably, he was being polite. Ignoring our hesitation, he quickly readied the camera.\ ;彼氏「ほら、二人とも、もっと寄って」\ ^Boyfriend: ``Come now, the two of you, get closer together.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉に俺は、少しだけ彼女へと身体を寄せる。\ ^At those words, I moved my body just a bit closer to the girl.\ ;相変わらずの表情を浮かべたままだけど、 ;隣の彼女も、申し訳程度に寄ってくれた。\ ^Still looking emotionless as always, girl next to me also moved just a hint closer.\ ;彼氏「あのう、もうちょっとポーズとか取れませんか?」\ ^Boyfriend: ``Um, could you please pose a bit more?''\ ;お節介にも、尚も注文をつけるどこかの彼氏。 ;見るとその彼の彼女も、あきれた顔でこちらを見ていた。\ ^Nosily, the boyfriend started adding more requests, and looking closer, the guy's girlfriend was also giving us exasperated looks.\ ;しょうがなく思った俺は、こいつの背中から肩へと…\ ^Thinking there was no helping it, from behind her back, to her shoulder...\ ;ゆっくりと手をまわした。\ ^I slowly wrapped my arm around her.\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n307.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv307.ogg" ;「…あ……」\ ^``Ah--''\ ;…初めて触れた、こいつの身体。\ ^It was the first time I touched her body.\ ;先日買った子供っぽい服に、 ;腰まである長い髪の感触が手に広がる。\ ^The feeling of the childish clothes we bought the other day, and the waist-length hair, spread through my hands.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ ;正面のカメラを見つめる俺に、 ;その彼女の表情までは見えないけど…\ ^Looking at the camera, I couldn't see the girl's expression, but...\ ;でも、もしかしたら…\ ^But, maybe...\ ;たまにしか見せてくれない、あの照れたような、 ;拗ねたような顔をしてくれているのかも知れない。\ ^She might be wearing that embarrassed, pouting face that she would only show very rarely.\ ;彼氏「それじゃあ、撮りますよ」\ ^Boyfriend: ``Well then, ready!''\ dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;カシャっ、\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_419 ^The shutter clicked.\ goto *generated_420 *generated_419 ^* Click. *\ *generated_420 bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;無事に撮り終わって納得したのか、 ;自分の車へと帰っていくカップルの二人。\ ^Perhaps satisfied that they had taken a decent picture, the couple returned to their car.\ ;俺達も自分の車へと足を向ける。\ ^We also turned towards our own car.\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;☆BG車内 bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;「彼女さん…か」\ ^``A girlfriend... eh?''\ ;「なんか、勘違いされたみたいだな?」\ ^``Looks like, we've been mistaken?''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 0,"w\n308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかしてさ、 ; 俺達ってそんな風に見えるのかな?」\ ^``Could it be, that we look like it?''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;少しだけ、おどけた俺の物言い。\ ^I said it in just a bit of a joking way.\ ;何故か楽しく感じてしまい、 ;ついつい、そんな口調で続けてしまう。\ ^For some reason it felt fun, and I just wound up continuing in that light tone.\ ;「なあってば、お前…あ、いや…」\ ^``Well? You, ah, no...''\ ;「なあ? どう思うセツミ?」\ ^``Well? What do you think, Setsumi?''\ dwave 0,"w\n308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n309.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv309.ogg" ;「…なによ…年下のくせに…」\ ^``... What's with that... you're the younger one...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな俺の言葉にも、いつもと同じように、 ;窓に顔を向けたままの彼女。\ ^Even with those words, the same as always, she was facing the window.\ ;その表情は相変わらずで、 ;俺の方は見ようともしなかった。\ ^Her expression was the same, and she didn't even move to look in my direction.\ ;でもそれは…\ ^But that was...\ ;いつもの遠いところを見る目じゃなくて、 ;照れくさいから、顔を背けているようにも思えた。\ ^Her eyes weren't the ones that always looked far away. I had a feeling that it was embarrassing, so she was turning her face away.\ ;bg "tui2\cat07.bmp",5 bg "agilis\1\cat07.png",5 !w700 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;見上げれば高い日。 ;冬特有の澄んだ空がどこまでも続いていた。\ ^Looking up at the high sun, that characteristically blue sky spread on and on.\ ;あれから僅かに進んだだけで到着した洲本インター。 ;再び俺たちは一般道へと降りる。\ ^From then, we went on for just a bit and arrived at the Sumoto Interchange. Once again we exited and returned to the normal roads.\ ;「とうとう着いたな…」\ ^``We've finally arrived, haven't we?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n310.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv310.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、 ;900kmもの距離を示した、車のメーター。\ ^Since that day when we left the 7th floor, the car's trip odometer showed some 900km.\ ;何気ないことから、本当にここまでたどり着いた。\ ^From an unplanned start, we really did make it all the way here.\ ;「じゃあ、ここからはどう行けば良いんだ?」\ ^``Well, where should we go from here?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n311.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv311.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv311b.ogg" ;「南に…」\ ^``South...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「南か…わかった」\ ^``South... got it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の指示通りに進路をとる。\ ^Following the girl's direction, I set off.\ ;本当は、ここまで来れば俺にだって場所は分かっていた。 ;目の前には観光案内らしい看板がいくつも見えている。\ ^Of course, coming here, even I knew what the place would be. I could see a number of signs for tourists in front of me.\ ;だけど、彼女のナビに従う。\ ^However, I followed her navigation.\ ;そうしないと、いけないように思えた。 ;何故だかそうしてやりたかった…\ ^I had a feeling that it would be wrong if I didn't. ^For some reason, I wanted to do it that way...\ dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;読んだフラグ(タイトル戻しのgotoの前に入れること) mov %flg_cha7,1 mov %flg_bplay,7 ;_____________ goto *agilis_mini_title *agilis_honpen8 ;mov $sys_midasi,"ナルキッソス ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Narcissus [a]" dwavestop 5 ;____;____;____ ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;ゆっくりと日がオレンジに染まる頃…\ ^Slowly the setting sun dyed everything orange...\ ;SE波の音\ ;☆BG 海辺:夕方\ ;誰もいない冬の砂浜。 ;冷たくて強い風が松原を揺らしていた。\ ^A deserted beach. A strong cold wind swaying a pine grove.\ ;そんな砂浜に車を乗り入れると、 ;俺は彼女にドライバーズシートを譲る。\ ^Driving the car out onto that beach, I turned the driver's seat over to the girl.\ mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "e\chusha_hamabe_yu.jpg",5 ;「ほら、クラッチに足、届くか?」\ ^``Alright, the clutch, can your feet reach it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n312.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv312.ogg" ;「大丈夫…」\ ^``It's fine...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「よし、じゃあ次はギアをニュートラルからセカンドに」\ ^``Okay, then next, shift the gear from neutral to second.''\ dwavestop 0 ;_キープ選択肢;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n313.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv313.ogg" ;「…知ってるわよ」\ ^``... I know.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はいはい、じゃあ好きなようにやってみろよ」\ ^``Alright, fine. Then do what you want.''\ dwavestop 0 ;____;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_358.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Un, alright...''\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n314.ogg" ;;「わかった…」\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;小柄な身体で精一杯、足を伸ばす彼女。 ;真剣な顔つきをしてハンドルを握っていた。\ ^The girl, with her short build, stretched her foot out as far as she could while gripping the wheel with a serious expression.\ ;助手席から身を乗り出すように声を掛ける俺。\ ^Leaning out of the passenger seat, I spoke up.\ ;「いいぞ…後はゆっくりとクラッチを離して」\ ^``That's great... after that, slowly release the clutch.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n315.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv315.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、明らかに緊張している様子で…\ ^And then, looking obviously nervous...\ ;SE>\ dwave 5,"se\knocking.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\n316.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv316.ogg" ;「わっ」\ ^``Wah!''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;予想通り、ノッキングが凄いことになってしまう。\ ^As expected, the grinding noise was phenomenal.\ ;「ほら、もっと静かにクラッチ切らないと」\ ^``Look, you need to disengage the clutch more quietly.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n317.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv317.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返事をするけど、 ;やはりすぐには上手くいかない。\ ^Her words said so, but of course, it wasn't something one got skillful at right away.\ ;少し唇まで噛むようにして、一生懸命な彼女の顔。\ ^The girl tried her best, chewing on her lip a bit in concentration.\ ;普段なら表情を出さない彼女だからこそ、 ;そんな姿にも俺は微笑ましく思えてしまう。\ ^Exactly because she would normally show no emotion, her figure seemed charming to me.\ ;「おいおい、なんか悪酔いしそうだぞ」\ ^``Hey, hey, I'm about to start feeling sick.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n318.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv318.ogg" ;「わ…わかってるわよ」\ ^``I... I know.''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG 夕焼けとか\ dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;マフラーが少し割れて、うるさくなった銀のクーペ。\ ^With the muffler slightly broken, the silver coupe was noisy.\ ;誰もいないこの砂浜に、まるで哭き声のように響いていた…\ ^On the deserted beach, it was as if a howling voice was reverberating...\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 ;夕焼けがゆっくりと夜空へ変わる頃。 ;止みかけだった海風が、完全に陸風へと変わる頃…\ ^When the sunset slowly changed into a night sky, and the faltering sea breeze completely changed to being a land breeze...\ ;いつしか空には大きな月が顔を出していた。\ ^At some point, the face of a large moon hung in the sky.\ ;「だいぶ、慣れてきたみたいだな」\ ^``For the most part, it seems you've gotten used to it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n319.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv319.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その返事と共に、ギアを3速にまで上げる。\ ^Along with that reply, she even shifted into third.\ ;すっかりとクラッチにも慣れ、 ;この狭い砂浜を自由に走り回っていた。\ ^Totally used to the clutch now, she was driving around the narrow beach.\ ;「これだったらさ…」\ ^``If that's the case...''\ ;「お前、教習所行かなくても免許取れんじゃねえか?」\ ^``You could get a license without going to the training center, no?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n320.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv320.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv320b.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^``... Really?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、信憑性薄いけどな。 ; 免許取り立ての俺の言葉だから…」\ ^``Well, I don't have much credibility, it's the words of someone who just got their license after all...''\ dwavestop 0 ;今更、俺達が免許なんて取ったって意味はない。 ;そんなことはお互いに分かっている。\ ^By now, there was no meaning for us to get a license. Both of us knew that.\ ;地図もある、薬もある、 ;マフラーが壊れてうるさいけど、銀色のクーペだってある。\ ^We had maps, we had medicine, the muffler was a bit broken and loud, but we even had a silver coupe.\ !sd ;…でも時間が無い。未来がない。\ ^... But we had no time. Had no future.\ !sd ;分かっているからこそ、俺には余計に切なく思えた。\ ^It was exactly because we knew, that I felt it was all the more trying.\ ;「じゃあさ…^@^代わりに俺のやるよ」\ ^``Well then...^@^ instead, I'll give you mine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺は、 ;ポケットから自分の免許証を取り出す。\ ^As I spoke, I took out my own license from my pocket.\ ;それは…本来ならば出番を失くしていた筈の免許証、^@^ ;既に失った筈の、俺にとっての日常世界の証し…\ ^This was... originally the license that had lost its debut.^@^ To me, the proof of the ordinary world that I should have already lost.\ ;「ほら、卒業証書の代わりだ」\ ^``Here, in place of your diploma.''\ dwave 0,"w\n321.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n322.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv322.ogg" ;「貰っても…使う時間なさそうよ…」\ ^``Even if I take it, it doesn't look like I'd have time to use it...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ遠慮すんなって…俺も似たようなもんだし」\ ^``Well, don't hold back... I'm more or less the same way after all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;決して避けた奴はいない7階。 ;高い天井、15cmしか開かない窓、白いビニールの腕輪。\ ^The 7th floor that no one had ever escaped. The high ceiling, windows that could open only 15cm, the white vinyl bracelets.\ ;…3回が最後で、彼女は2回目、俺は1回目…\ ^... Where the third time was the last, the girl on her second, I on my first...\ ;「じゃあ、はい…卒業おめでとう」\ ^``So, here... congratulations on graduating.''\ dwave 0,"w\nv282.ogg" ;「うん…ありがと…」\ ^``Un... thank you...''\ dwavestop 0 ;小さく頷くと、俺の免許証を受け取る彼女。\ ^With a small nod, the girl accepted my license.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…これで彼女も普免持ちだ。\ ^... With that, she was also licensed.\ ;クーペだけじゃない、セダンでも、コンバーチブルでも… ;何でも好きな車に乗ることだって出来る筈だ。\ ^Not only coupes, but sedans, even convertibles... she should be able to drive anything that she liked.\ ;きっと、どこへでも好きな場所へ行ける筈だ…\ ^Surely, she should be able to go to any place that she liked...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;____;____;____ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;あれから一通り走った後。\ ^After that, we drove for a bit more.\ !sd ;俺達は目的地である水仙の見える場所へと到着した。\ ^We arrived at our destination, the place where daffodils could be seen.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n05.mp3" ;一応、観光地の筈なのだが…\ ^It was supposed to be a tourist spot, but...\ ;ここが外れの為か、 ;それとも夜の為か、人の姿は見えなかった。\ ^Perhaps this was a bit away from the area, or perhaps it was the night, no one was in sight.\ ;静まり返ったような夜の闇の中、 ;俺達は夜明けを待って、暗い車内でじっとしていた。\ ^Within the perfect darkness of night, we were waiting for the dawn in the dim car interior.\ ;☆BG 車内暗い\ bg "tui\naname_inaka_yoru2.bmp",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n324.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv324.ogg" ;「ねえ、灯りつけないの?」\ ^``Say, you're not going to turn on the light?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、バッテリーが上がりそうだからな」\ ^``Ah, the battery seems about dead.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n325.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv325.ogg" ;「うん、そうだね…」\ ^``Un, that's right...''\ dwavestop 0 ;__;_ ;エンジンも切った真っ暗な車内。\ ^Inside the car with even the engine off.\ ;パネルの鈍い光だけが、淡く横顔を映し出していた。\ ^Only the dim light from the dashboard faintly illuminated our profiles.\ ;そんな音と灯りの消えたこの狭い車内で、 ;ほとんど言葉も交わさずに夜明けを待つ。\ ^In the tight space of the car, where sound and light faded away, we exchanged very few words as we waited for sunrise.\ ;そして、後部座席に投げっ放しにしていた、洗濯物のかたまり。 ;厚手のジーパンやトレーナー、それっぽいタオル。\ ^And the lump of laundry that had been tossed to the rear seat, the thick jeans and sweat shirts, and towels.\ ;その内の何枚かを掴むと、 ;俺達は毛布代わりに身体へと巻きつけていた。\ ^We took a number of those, and wrapped them around our bodies in place of blankets.\ ;「…寒いだろう」\ ^``... Aren't you cold?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_371.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、もっとくっついていいぞ?」\ ^`Well, you can come a little closer, you know?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n328.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv328.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、遠慮せずにこっちこいよ」\ ^``Look, don't hold back, come here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;助手席で寒そうに身体を震わす彼女に、 ;俺は自分の膝の上を指し示す。\ ^Speaking to the girl shivering from the cold in the passenger seat, I pointed to my lap.\ ;「きっと、その方が温かいしさ」\ ^``I'm sure that it'd be warmer here.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n329.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n330.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv330.ogg" ;「別に…わたしは平気よ」\ ^``Not particularly... I'm fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら身体を震わせる彼女。 ;車内でも白く息が煙り、明らかに強がっていた。\ ^As the girl spoke, her body was shivering. Even inside the car, our breaths misted, and it was obvious she was putting on a brave face.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n331.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv331.ogg" ;「…それとも、あなたが寒いから来て欲しいの?」\ ^``... Or is it that you're cold, so you want me to come?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…まあ、それでもいいぞ」\ ^``Mm... well, that's fine too.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n332.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n333.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv333.ogg" ;「じゃあ、わかった…」\ ^``Then, alright...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;そして、のそのそと俺の方へやってくると、 ;遠慮がちに膝の上で丸くなる。\ ^Then, slowly, she came over to my side, hesitatingly curled in my lap.\ ;「な? 少しは温かいだろ?」\ ^``Well? It's a bit warmer isn't it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n334.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv334.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;外気の寒さに真っ白に煙ったフロントガラス。 ;その白さと夜の暗さで、今は何も見えなかった。\ ^The windshield was fogged totally white from the cold outside. With that white and the dark outside, nothing could be seen outside.\ ;でも、まもなく夜明け。\ ^But soon, the sun would rise.\ ;きっとその頃には、白い花が一面に広がるのだろう…\ ^Surely, at that time, a field of white flowers would spread out...\ ;____;____ ;bg "e\sora_ake.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;段々と明けてきた夜。^@^ ;昇る日が、闇を濃い紫から薄白へと塗り替えていく。\ ^The night was quickly fading, and the rising sun was turning the darkness from a faint purple to a pale white.\ ;そして、夜明けと共に目の前に広がる白い花…\ ^Then, with the dawn, white flowers spread before our eyes...\ bg "e\imege03.jpg",3 bg "e\imege04.jpg",3 bg "e\imege05.jpg",1 bg "e\imege06.jpg",5 bg "e\imege07.jpg",3 ;今まで黒しかなかった場所に現れた、白と黄色。\ ^In the place that had been only black up until now, white flowers appeared.\ ;思わず二人して車を出ると、その景色を見つめた。\ ^The two of us couldn't help but get out of the car and gaze at the scene.\ ;「すげえな…」\ ^``Amazing...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n335.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv335.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv335b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_371.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;目の前に広がる、数え切れないほどの水仙。\ ^Spread before us, countless daffodils.\ ;夜露が朝日に跳ね、更に白さを際立たせる花の群生。 ;まるで海に続く絨毯のようにも思えた。\ ^The morning dew caught the morning sun, further enhancing the bright whiteness of the prominent flowers. One could believe that it was a carpet that stretched to the sea.\ ;そんな中、言葉を交わす俺達。 ;吐く息も同じように白く煙っていた。\ ^And in that, we exchanged words, our breaths shining the same white.\ ;…あの日、つまらないテレビに映った花からここまで来た。 ;何の目的もなかった俺達なのに、ここまで来ることが出来た。\ ^... Since that day the boring television showed the flowers, we had come to this place. Even though we had no purpose, we managed to come all the way here.\ bg "e\narcissu_b.jpg",5 ;「…これは同じもので、いいんだよな?」\ ^``... These flowers, I can think of them as being the same?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n336.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv336.ogg" ;「うん…厳密に言っても同じ」\ ^``Un... even strictly speaking, they're the same.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか、よかったな…」\ ^``I see, that's good...''\ ;種類の違いは俺にはわからないけど… ;あの日、テレビに映った、美しく隙のない映像。\ ^I didn't know the difference between kinds... but that day, the television showed a scene of unbroken uniform beauty.\ ;それと比べれば、 ;目の前の花は大きさや咲き方もバラバラだった。\ ^Compared to that, the flowers before our eyes differed in size as well as how much they bloomed.\ ;…でも、確かにここに在った。\ ^... But, without a doubt, they were here.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n337.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv337.ogg" ;「きれい…」\ ^``Beautiful...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そうだな」\\ ^``... Indeed.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;曖昧で、退屈で、平凡で…\ ^Vague, dull, ordinary...\ ;だけど、誰に対しても冷静で容赦ない現実。\ ^But, always cold and merciless to everyone, reality.\ ;目に見えないものばかりが溢れる世界で、 ;手を伸ばしても触れられないものばかりの世界で…\ ^In a world filled only with things that couldn't be seen, a world filled with things where even if you stretched out your hand, you couldn't touch...\ ;今、確かに触れることが出来るモノが目の前に在った。\ ^Right now, something that could definitely be touched was before our eyes.\ ;その見えない何かのカケラが散らばっていた…\ ^Some fragments of those unseen somethings, were scattered about...\ stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;_______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ ;_______________ ;☆BG 雨空\ ;bg "tui2\cat072.bmp",5 bg "agilis\1\cat072.png",5 !w300 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",5 ;降り続ける雨。 ;1月の真っ白な空からこぼれ落ちていた。\ ^Rain continued to fall from the solid white January sky.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\e014.mp3" bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",3 ;dwave 5,"se\amadare.ogg" ;あれから2日ほど経ったが、 ;相変わらずこの場所に居た。行けなかった。\ ^Since then, two days have passed, and the whole time, we were still in this place. We couldn't go.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n338.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv338.ogg" ;「けほっ」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_421 ^The girl coughed.\ goto *generated_422 *generated_421 ^* Cough. *\ *generated_422 dwavestop 0 ;「おい、大丈夫かっ」\ ^``Hey, are you alright?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n339.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv339.ogg" ;「うん…たぶん」\ ^``Un... probably.''\ dwavestop 0 ;こいつの体調が悪くなっていた。\ ^Her health had taken a turn for the worse.\ ;シートを倒して身体を伸ばせるようにして、 ;ほとんど車も動かさずにここに停めたままだった。\ ^With her lying stretched out in the passenger seat, we barely moved the car and had remained stopped here.\ ;例の薬は飲んだけどあまり効果がないのか、 ;体調の悪さは一向に変わらなかった。\ ^She was taking her medicine, but perhaps they weren't effective, her bad state of health remained constant.\ ;…だけど、俺達は7階の人間。\ ^... However, we were people from the 7th floor.\ ;元々の状態からも、 ;2回目の彼女ならいつそうなってもおかしくなかった。\ ^From her original condition, for a girl who was on her second time to wind up like this wasn't too surprising.\ ;「なあお前…帰りたいか?」\ ^``Say... do you, want to go back?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n340.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n341.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv341.ogg" ;「…あなた、帰りたいの?」\ ^``... You, want to go back?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、少しだけな…」\ ^``Ah, just a little bit...''\ dwavestop 0 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w\n342.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv342.ogg" ;「7階…それとも家?」\ ^``7th floor?... Or home?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、それは…」\ ^``T-that's...''\ dwavestop 0 ;……わからない…\ ^... I didn't know...\ ;分かっていたのは、遅かれ早かれこうなること。 ;もちろん俺自身だって大差はない。\ ^What I had known was that, sooner or later this would happen, and of course, I myself, was not too far from it.\ ;だけど、隣で眺めていることしか出来ないのが辛かった。\ ^However, being able to only watch nearby, unable to do anything, was painful.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;_ ;・夜 また車内で ;bg "tui2\cat073.bmp",5 bg "agilis\1\cat073.png",5 !w300 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora_ame01b.jpg",5 ;止みそうにない雨。 ;暗い夜の空から降り続いていた。\ ^The rain didn't seem like it wanted to stop, and continued falling from the dark night sky.\ ;停めた車の窓からは、 ;滴を受けてぼんやり白く輝く水仙の花。\ ^Beyond the windows of the parked car, the shining white daffodils would faintly sway.\ bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 dwaveloop 6,"se\rain_12.ogg" dwaveloop 5,"se\amadare.ogg" ;「なあ、これってさ…」\ ^``Say, this is...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながらフロントガラスの向こうに見える白い花を指差す。\ ^As I spoke, I pointed at the white flowers beyond the windshield.\ ;「確か、ナルキッソスだっけ?…水仙のこと」\ ^``These were, Narcissus, weren't they?... The daffodils.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n343.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv343.ogg" ;「…うん、ナルシスが語源よ」\ ^``... Un, the word came from Narkissos.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…ナルシス?」\ ^``... Narkissos?''\ ;その言葉には聞き覚えがあった。 ;今までは馴染みのない単語だと思っていたけど…\ ^That was a word that I remember hearing before. Until now, I had thought that it had been a familiar word, but...\ ;「それって、ナルシストのナルシスのことか?」\ ^``You mean, the Narkissos where `narcissist' came from?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n344.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv344.ogg" ;「うん、元々が神話だから、色んな説があるんだけどね…」\ ^``Un, originally it was a myth, so there are many tellings...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして感心したような顔をする俺に、 ;彼女はゆっくりと説明してくれた。\ ^And then, the girl started to slowly explain as I wore an admiring expression on my face.\ dwavestop 6 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;dwave 0,"w\n345.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv345.ogg" ;「誰からも愛されるナルシス…」\ ^``The one who was loved by everyone, Narkissos...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n346.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv346.ogg" ;「妖精のエコーも、そんな彼が好きな一人だったの」\ ^``The nymph Echo was also one of those who loved him.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n347.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv347.ogg" ;「でもエコーは、相手と同じ言葉しか話せない…」\ ^``But, Echo couldn't say anything but the same words spoken to her...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…同じ言葉しか?」\ ^``... Nothing but the same words?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n348.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv348.ogg" ;「そう。だからナルシスに…」\ ^``Yes, and so, for Narkissos...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n349.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv349.ogg" ;「先に彼の口から『愛してる』って言ってもらわないと…」\ ^``Unless she got him to say `I love you' from his own mouth first...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n350.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv350.ogg" ;「エコーは、自分の気持ちを伝えることが出来ないの…」\ ^``Echo could not express her own feelings...''\ dwavestop 0 ;寂しげに、哀しそうな声で彼女が話し続けていた。\ ^In a lonely and sad voice, the girl continued to speak.\ ;その視線の先は、以前のように、 ;どこかずっと遠いところを見ているようにも思えた。\ ^I felt that her gaze, like before, looking at some place much farther away.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n351.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv351.ogg" ;「でも…そんなこと絶対にありえない」\ ^``However... that was absolutely impossible.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n352.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv352.ogg" ;「どんなに夢見て、憧れても、 ; 決して叶うことのないエコーの願い…」\ ^``No matter how much she dreamed, yearned, Echo's wish could never be granted...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n353.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv353.ogg" ;「最後には、ナルシスに呪いをかけてしまうの」\ ^``Finally, she wound up placing a curse upon Narkissos.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…それが有名な、 ; 泉に映った自分の姿に惚れるってのか」\ ^``... That was the famous, falling in love with his own image reflected in the pool?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n354.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv354.ogg" ;「うん、そして自分の姿を見続けたナルシスは…」\ ^``Un. And then, Narkissos, who continued to gaze at his reflection...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n355.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv355.ogg" ;「いつしか、綺麗な花へと姿を変えてしまうの」\ ^``Eventually was transformed into a beautiful flower.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n356.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv356.ogg" ;「それがこの花…ナルキッソスの語源よ」\ ^``And that was where this flower... the Narcissus, drew its name.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",5 ;一通り話し終えると、軽く息を整える彼女。 ;聞いていて俺も寂しい気持ちになっていた。\ ^When the story came to an end, she lightly took a breath. I had been listening and also felt desolate.\ ;…決して届かない憧れを持ったエコー ;まるで今の俺達のようにも思えた。\ ^... Echo, who bore a yearning for something that could never be reached, it felt as if it were just like us now.\ ;「それで、エコーの方はどうなったんだ?」\ ^``And then, what happened to Echo?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n357.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv357.ogg" ;「いないわ…呪いをかける時に消えちゃったから」\ ^``She's nowhere... from the moment the curse was cast, she disappeared.''\ dwavestop 0 ;…消えた?^@^ ;それでは意味がないのではないだろうか…\ ^... Disappeared?^@^ ^Then, wasn't there no meaning behind it?\ ;呪いまでかけたのに何も成さずに、 ;結局ナルシスも不幸にしただけだし…\ ^To go so far as to place a curse, but to get nothing from it -- in the end it just made Narkissos unhappy also...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_407.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... Is something wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや…でもさ、お前は違うんだったな」\ ^``No... but, you're different, aren't you?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n358.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv358.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、以前に、俺にも尋ねたろう?」\ ^``Well, before, didn't you ask me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうにもならない、自分の運命を呪うかって…」\ ^``Whether I cursed my own fate, which I couldn't do anything about...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n360.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv360.ogg" ;「うん…わたしは諦めているから」\ ^``Un... because I had given up.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____;_ ;☆ヒロイン 回想 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01b.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n041.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_412.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^``... The me whose time had stopped...''\ ;☆BG 雨空\ ;bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;幾つもの季節を、梅雨空を、 ;誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…\ ^Numerous seasons, white overcast skies... passed without even the need to exchange words with anyone...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n362.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv362.ogg" ;「…いつからわたしは、一人なのだろうか…」\ ^``... When was it, that I became alone I wonder...''\ ;☆BG 回想用:\ bg "e\chara_0012.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n361.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv361.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv361b.ogg" ;「目を閉じても世界は消えない…」\ ^``Even if I closed my eyes, the world didn't disappear...''\ dwavestop 0 ;耳を塞いでも雨音は止まない。 ;そんなことは分かっている。\ ^Even if I stopped my ears, the sound of the rain wouldn't stop. I knew that.\ ;ビキニの水着も、エメラルドの海も、 ;嬉しそうに笑いかけてくれるグラビアの表紙も…\ ^Neither the bikini swimsuit, the emerald sea, nor the happily smiling photo...\ ;…別にうらやましくなんて思わない。\ ^... I didn't really think I was envious.\ ;閉じた目の世界でなら、 ;地図も車もなくったって、どこへでも行ける。\ ^In the world of my closed eyes, even without maps or a car, I could go anywhere.\ ;例え、胸の大きな傷跡に諭されなくても、 ;この現実がナルシスで、わたしがエコーだったとしても…\ ^Even if I wasn't being warned by the large scar on my chest, even if this reality were Narkissos, and I were Echo...''\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\new_415.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_415b.ogg" ;「…決して憧れない…呪わない」\ ^``... I would never yearn... never curse.''\ ;そう決めた筈なのに…\ ^Even when I was supposed to have decided that...\ ;今のわたしは心が揺れていた。^@^ ;止めた筈の時間が動こうとしていた。\ ^My heart right now, swayed.^@^ ^The time that was supposed to have stopped, tried to move.\ !s65 ;今更、そんなことしても、 ;まもなく終わろうとしているのに…\ ^Even though if it did so now, very soon it would end...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s100 ;dwave 0,"w\new_416.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_416b.ogg" ;「傷は…」\ ^``Wounds...''\ bg "e\chara_k02.jpg",5 !s65 dwave 0,"w\new_416_1.ogg" ;「深ければ、深いほど、 ; それに比例して治るのも時間がかかるらしい…」\ ^``The deeper they are, it seems that they require a proportionate amount of time to heal...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_416_2.ogg" ;「それならば、長い時間をかけてゆっくり離れてしまうと、 ; もう取り返しがつかないのだろうか?」\ ^``If so, if one had taken a long time slowly letting go, is it too late to recover?''\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\new_417.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_417b.ogg" ;「じゃあ…」\ ^``Then...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\new_418.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_418b.ogg" ;「…22年も生きたわたしはどうなるのだろう…」\ ^``...What would become of me, someone who had lived 22 years...?''\ dwavestop 5 !sd ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n363.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv363.ogg" ;「けほけほっ」\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_423 ^The girl's coughing grew more severe.\ goto *generated_424 *generated_423 ^* Cough, cough, cough. *\ *generated_424 dwavestop 0 ;「おい、大丈夫かっ」\ ^``Hey, are you alright?''\ dwavestop 0 ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" bg "e\naname_inaka_yoru.jpg",5 ;夜明け前。 ;助手席に手を伸ばし、背中をさすってやる。\ ^Before dawn. ^Stretching my hand out to the passenger seat, I stroked her back.\ ;あれから更に2日ほど経ち、 ;効き目の薄かった、あの薬も尽きていた。\ ^Since then, another two days had passed, and the medicine that had been losing effectiveness had run out.\ ;…だけど、何もないよりはましだ。\ ^... But, it was better than doing nothing.\ ;そう思うと俺は、 ;薬局に向かおうと車のキーに手を伸ばす。\ ^Thinking that, I reached for the car keys, planning on going to a pharmacy.\ ;そして、イグニッションをオンにしようとすると…\ ^Then, as I was about to switch on the ignition...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n365.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv365.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv365b.ogg" ;「…いいから」\ ^``... It's fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;弱々しい声で、俺を止めた。\ ^I was stopped by a weak voice.\ dwavestop 0 ;「だけどお前、このままじゃ…」\ ^``But, at this rate you're...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n366.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv366.ogg" ;「…どうせ、もう効かない」\ ^``... Either way, they don't work anymore.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、そりゃあそうかも知れないけど…」\ ^``T-that may be so, but...''\ ;確かに彼女の言う通りだった。 ;恐らくは同じ薬では効果はないと思えた。\ ^Certainly, it was like the girl said. Most likely, with the same medicine, there wouldn't be any effect.\ ;でも、だからといって、 ;何もせずにじっとしているのは俺には辛かった。\ ^But even knowing that, it was painful for me to sit still, unable to do anything.\ ;「じゃ、じゃあさ、どっか別の場所に行こうぜ」\ ^``Then, well, let's go somewhere else.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n367.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv367.ogg" ;「…別の場所?」\ ^``... Somewhere else?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、こんな寂しいところじゃなくてさ」\ ^``Yeah, somewhere other than this lonely place.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「な? 次の目的地を決めようぜ」\ ^``Okay? Let's decide on our next destination.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n368.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、どこでもいいからさ、またナビしてくれよ」\ ^``Come on, anything will do, be the navigator again.''\ dwavestop 0 ;自分でも可笑しいくらいに明るい声で話していた。\ ^I was speaking in a bright tone of voice that even I thought was laughable.\ ;遠くを見つめる横顔に向かって、 ;一人楽しげに、楽しげに話し続けていた…\ ^Facing that profile looking far away, I continued to speak cheerfully, alone...\ ;…こんなこと無駄だってことも分かっている。\ ^... I knew that doing this was useless.\ ;どうせ、2日で尽きることが、3日に変わる程度。 ;その程度だってのは分かってる。\ ^At most, how two days before the end would turn to three. Even I knew it was on that level.\ ;「なあ、言ってくれよ、どっかあるだろ?」\ ^``Come on, say something. There's some place, isn't there?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n369.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv369.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、そうだ、お前って車とか好きじゃん、 ; もっかい高速乗ってみたくないか?」\ ^``I-I know, don't you like cars? You want to go on the expressway again?''\ dwave 0,"w\n3712.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^``... Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ ;「じゃ、じゃあさ、 ; 新しい服、買いに行こうぜ、お前も欲しいだろっ」\ ^``Then, well, let's go buy some new clothes, you want them, don't you?''\ dwave 0,"w\n370.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;「………^@^/ ^``......^@^/ dwave 0,"w\nv371.ogg" ;別に…」\ ^Not particularly...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…別にって…お前…」\ ^``... `Not particularly'... you...''\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;;「…………」\ !sd ;その言葉を最後に、また窓の外を見つめる彼女。\ ^With those final words, once again the girl looked out the window.\ ;目の前に広がる水仙の花を見ているのではなく、 ;以前のように、どこか遠くを見つめたままだった。\ ^Not looking at the narcissus that spread before her, but like before, looking off somewhere far away.\ ;あの、たまに見せてくれた、 ;拗ねたような、照れくさそうな顔。\ ^That pouting, embarrassed face she would sometimes show.\ ;もう、あんな顔は向けてくれなかった…\ ^She wouldn't show it to me any more...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s85 ;「…な、なんでそうなんだよ…」\ ^``... Wh-why are you like that...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いつもいつも、別にばっかりで…」\ ^``Always, always with just `not particularly'...''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「す、少しは前向きになっても、いいじゃねえかよっ」\ ^``J-just being a little bit forward facing, what's wrong with that?''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;思わず声を上げてしまった。\ ^Before I knew it, I raised my voice.\ ;何故だか…^@^哀しかった。^@^ ;リアルを実感できなかった俺の筈なのに、心が苦しかった。\ ^For some reason...^@^ I was sad.^@^ ^Even though I was supposed to be unable to have any real sense of reality, my heart ached.\ bg "e\naname_inaka_yoru.jpg",5 ;…静まり返った車内。\ ^... The interior of the car returned to silence.\ ;窓の外には1月の花、水仙、ナルキッソス…^@^ ;夜明け前の闇の中でぼんやりと白く揺らいでいた。\ ^Outside of the window were the flowers of January. Daffodils, narcissus...^@^ In the dark before dawn, their whiteness gently swayed.\ ;その白い花よりも、 ;もっともっと遠くの、何かを見つめたままのあいつ。\ ^Farther than the flowers, much, much farther, the girl continued gazing.\ ;僅かに聞こえる潮騒だけが、この場を支配していた…\ ^Only the faint sounds of waves held sway in this place...\ ;;dwave 0,"w\n372.ogg" ;;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 ;やがて…\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n374.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv374.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv374b.ogg" ;「…前向きになんて、なれる訳ないじゃないの…」\ ^``... Looking forward? How could I...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ ;暗い車内。 ;突然、あいつが口を開いた。\ ^Inside the dark car. ^Suddenly, she spoke up.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n375.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv375.ogg" ;「憧れて、懸命になって、頑張って、 ; いつか報われるのなら良いけど…」\ ^``To yearn, to be eager, to strive, if someday you would be rewarded, then fine...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n376.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv376.ogg" ;「でも、叶わなかった時にはどうすればいいの?」\ ^``But, when it doesn't come true, what should I do?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n377.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv377.ogg" ;「その時に、無理だったねって、 ; 笑って言えるほど、強くないわよ…」\ ^``At that time, to say `oh, it wasn't possible' and laugh? I'm not that strong...''\ dwavestop 0 ;いつも遠い目をしていたあいつが、 ;助手席から真っ直ぐに俺を見ていた。\ ^The girl who had eyes that always looked far away, was looking straight at me from the passenger seat.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n378.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv378.ogg" ;「わ、わたしに出来ることは、 ; 最初から諦めて、何も望まずにいて…」\ ^``W-what I could do, was give up from the start. To not wish for anything...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n379.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv379.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv379b.ogg" ;「やっぱり無理だったと、 ; 冷めた目で自分を見ることしか出来ないのよ…」\ ^``To say `of course it was impossible.' To look at myself with cold eyes. There was nothing else I could do...''\ !s80 ;「…お前……」\ ^``... You're...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n380.ogg" ;;dwave 0,"w\nv380.ogg" ;;「うぅ、ぐすっ」\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;…初めて彼女が泣いた。\ ^... For the first time, the girl cried.\ !s75 ;ほとんど表情を出さなかったこいつなのに…\ ^Even though she almost never showed any emotion...\ ;小さく肩を震わせて、涙を流していた。\ ^Her small shoulders shook and her tears flowed.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n381.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv381.ogg" ;「あ、あの時、頑張っていたら…もしかしたらって…」\ ^``A-at that time, `if I had tried harder...' `what if...'|''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n382.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv382.ogg" ;「自分にとっての、 ; 最後の言い訳を取っておくしかないのよ…」\ ^``What was to me, my final excuses, I could do nothing other than put them aside...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n383.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv383.ogg" ;「最初から無理だと分かっているんだから…」\ ^``Because I knew from the start that it was impossible...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n384.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv384.ogg" ;「そ、それくらい…良いじゃないの…」\ ^``I-isn't that much... allowed?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n385.ogg" dwave 5,"w\nv385.ogg" ;;「うわーん」\ ;dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 !s70 ;フロントガラス越しに見た夜空。^@^ ;夜明け前の空には月さえ顔を見せていた。\ ^I looked at the dark sky beyond the windshield.^@^ The sky before the dawn even showed the face of the moon.\ dwavestop 0 ;時折聞こえてくる潮騒と、 ;彼女の嗚咽の声だけが聞こえていた。\ ^I could only hear the occasional sound of waves, the girl's sobbing voice.\ ;…こいつにとってはエコーと同じなのかも知れない。\ ^... The girl might feel that she was the same as Echo.\ ;同じ言葉しか返せない。 ;自分からは何も言えない、何も望まない、何も見ない…\ ^Unable to return anything but the same words. ^From herself, she could say nothing, hope for nothing, see nothing...\ !s85 ;…諦めることしかできない。\ ^... Could do nothing but give up.\ ;その彼女にとって、7階か家かを拒否したのは…\ ^So for this girl, refusing both the 7th floor and home was...\ ;最初で最後の、抵抗だったのかも知れない…\ ^Perhaps her first, and last, act of defiance...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;読んだフラグ(タイトル戻しのgotoの前に入れること) mov %flg_cha8,1 mov %flg_bplay,8 goto *agilis_mini_title ;_______________ ;・小タイトル戻し ;★チャプター9ラスト *agilis_honpen9 ;mov $sys_midasi,"白石工務店 ボイスVer" mov $sys_midasi,"Shiraishi Construction [a]" dwavestop 5 ;____;____;____;__ ;・シーン ラスト 翌朝くらい dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;SE>波の音とか dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;☆BG 浜辺 dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" ;bg "e\kaigan.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;1月の澄んだ海。 ;肌を刺す冷たい風。\ ^The clear sea of January. ^Cold wind that pierced the skin.\ ;mp3loop "bgm\e014.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;時折、強く吹いては松原を揺らし、 ;潮騒の音が静かに響いていた。\ ^Occasionally, a strong gust would sway the pine grove and the sound of waves calmly reverberated.\ ;「なあ、こんなもんしか無いぞ」\ ^``Well, there's nothing other than this.''\ dwavestop 0 ;白石工務店と印刷されたタオルを手渡す。 ;以前にも身体を拭くのに使ったものだった。\ ^I handed over the towel with ``Shiraishi Construction'' printed on it. It was what we had used to wipe our bodies down with before.\ dwave 0,"w\n386.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「こら、そんな変な顔すんなよ」\ ^``Hey, don't make such a strange face.''\ dwave 0,"w\n387.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv387.ogg" ;「…わかった」\ ^``... Alright.''\ dwavestop 0 ;少し不満そうにタオルを受け取る彼女。\ ^Seeming slightly unsatisfied, the girl took the towel.\ ;突然、水着が欲しいと言われても困ってしまう。\ ^Suddenly saying she wanted a swimsuit, what could I do?\ ;この時期に、この場所で、しかもビキニが欲しいと言った。\ ^In this season, at this place, on top of that, she said she wanted a bikini.\ ;しょうがなく、何かないかと車を漁って出てきたのが、 ;例の洗濯物の塊にあった白いタオルだった。\ ^Doing what I could, what came out of the car when I searched was that white towel that had been in the pile of laundry.\ ;そして暫く待った頃…\ ^And then, waiting for a while...\ ;お気に入りだったあのスカートに、 ;先ほどのタオルを胸に巻いて彼女が現れた。\ ^In that skirt she liked, with the towel from just before wrapped around her chest, the girl appeared.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n388.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv388.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv388b.ogg" ;「…どう?」\ ^``... How is it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、どうって言われてもな…」\ ^``Well, even if you ask me that...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n389.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv389.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv389b.ogg" ;「変じゃ…ない?」\ ^``It's not... strange?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…まあ、たぶんな」\ ^``Mm... well, probably.''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、全然大丈夫だって、全然、変じゃないから」\ ^``Ah, it's perfectly fine! Totally, not strange at all.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_447.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_447b.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Un, alright...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、波打ち際をゆっくりと歩き始める彼女。\ ^Then, the girl slowly began walking out to the water's edge.\ ;SE>水辺の\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;寄せては返す波。 ;冷たい海風になびく長い髪。\ ^Waves gathered and retreated. ^Long hair fluttered in the cold sea breeze.\ ;空からは、まるで追い討ちをかけるように、 ;いつしか雪もちらちらと降り出していた。\ ^From the sky, as if delivering the finishing blow, snow lightly fell.\ ;そんな中、両手に脱いだ靴を持った彼女が…\ ^Within all that, the girl held both her shoes in both hands...\ ;嬉しそうに、まるで跳ねるようにして、 ;素足で水際を歩いてみせる。\ ^Happily, as if she were splashing around, walking barefoot at the edge of the water.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n391.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv391.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv391b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv391c.ogg" ;「ねえ…それっぽく見える?」\ ^``Say... does it look like it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「うーん、まあまあかな…」\ ^``Mmm, maybe so-so...''\ dwavestop 0 ;真冬の寒さに、お互いの吐息が真っ白に弾む。\ ^In the cold of mid-winter, our breaths whitely misted.\ ;そして俺は、 ;先ほど車から持ってきたカメラを取り出す。\ ^Then, I took out the camera that I had taken from the car earlier.\ ;…例の安っぽい使い捨てのカメラ。 ;1枚だけのフィルムだった。\ ^... That cheap looking disposable camera had only one more shot on it.\ ;「じゃあ、撮ってやるよ」\ ^``Here, I'll take pictures of you.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_450.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_347.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「きっと…もっとそれっぽくなるからさ」\ ^``I'm sure... it'd be more like it that way.''\ ;言いながら俺は、カメラを構えて見せる。\ ^As I spoke, I made a show of preparing the camera.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、遠慮すんなって、な?」\ ^``Come now, don't so reserved, okay?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n406.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv406.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;波打ち際。 ;ファインダー越しに見た彼女。\ ^The water's edge. ^The girl seen through the viewfinder.\ ;少し緊張しているのか、それとも照れくさいのか… ;いつも以上に複雑な顔をしていた。\ ^Maybe she was a bit nervous, or perhaps embarrassed... her face was more complicated than usual.\ ;「だからさ、もっとこうポーズつけてくれねえか?」\ ^``So, could you give me a better pose?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n393.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv393.ogg" ;「…でも…」\ ^``... But...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「でもじゃないって、ほら、 ; そんな棒立ちしたグラビアアイドルいないぞ」\ ^``No buts! Look, there's no magazine model that would stand like a stake.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n405b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_454.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``Alright...''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>波音\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !sd ;少し照れながらでも…それでも彼女なりに精一杯で…\ ^Even while still seeming a bit embarrassed... in her own way, she tried her best...\ ;恥ずかしそうに腰に手をあてると、 ;もう片方の手を大きく掲げてみせる。\ ^Shyly putting her hand on her waist, she threw her free hand out wide.\ ;…その、澄んだ冬空へ向かって伸ばされた手…\ ^... That hand, it stretched out towards the clear winter sky...\ ;…まるで、何かを掴むように…^@^掴もうとするように…\ ^... As if it were about to grasp something...^@^ were trying to grab something...\ ;真っ直ぐに空へと伸ばされていた。 ;エメラルドグリーンの海を背にしていた…\ ^Stretched straight towards the sky, with the emerald green sea to her back...\ !s85 ;「じゃあ、最後にもうひとつ…」\ ^``Well then, one last thing...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n290.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_455.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_455b.ogg" ;「…うん?」\ ^``... Un?''\ dwavestop 0 !s120 ;「……笑って……」\ ^``... Smile...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_456.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\n395.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv395.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Eh?''\ ;;「えっ…」\ dwavestop 0 ;「…笑ってくれよ、^@^セツミ…」\ ^``... Smile for me.^@^ Setsumi...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n080.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``......''\ dwavestop 0 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w\n397.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv397.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv397b.ogg" !s100 ;「…なによ…^@^…年下のくせに…」\ ^``... What's with that...^@^ you're the younger one...''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>シャッター dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\imege93.jpg",3 bg "e\imege92.jpg",5 bg "e\imege09.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;…そう言って…^@^初めて笑ってくれた。\ ^... Saying that...^@^ for the first time, she smiled for me.\ !s80 ;お気に入りのスカートと、 ;白いビキニに身を包んだ彼女が…\ ^The girl wearing the skirt she liked, with a white bikini...\ !s75 ;使い捨てカメラの最後の一枚で笑ってくれた。 ;エメラルドグリーンの海を背に笑ってくれた。\ ^Smiled for the last shot on the disposable camera. Smiled with the emerald green sea to her back.\ ;まるで、グラビアアイドルのような笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^It was as if... a magazine model were smiling at me...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;「よし、じゃあ次は、 ; もっとこう動きのあるポーズやってみるか」\ ^``Great! Then next, how about a pose with a bit more movement?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n399.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv399.ogg" ;「うんっ」\ ^``Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;嬉しそうに、楽しそうに、水辺を跳ねる彼女。\ ^Happily, like she were having fun, she splashed through the water.\ ;既にフィルムの尽きてしまったカメラだけど、 ;俺はその姿を撮り続けた。\ ^The film had already been used up in the camera, but I still continued to take shots.\ ;「お、なんかお前、調子乗ってきたな」\ ^``Oh, you're getting caught up in this, aren't you?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n401.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv401.ogg" ;「そ、そんなことないわよ…」\ ^``N-no such thing...''\ ;明るく話す俺達と、 ;追い討ちをかけるように更に強さを増す降る雪。\ ^Cheerfully, we talked, and as if making another attack, the snow fell even harder.\ ;そんな中、フィルムの切れたカメラの、 ;ファインダー越しに嬉しそうな顔を向ける彼女。\ ^And in that, through the viewfinder of the camera that had already run out of film, the girl showed a happy face.\ ;小さな身体を風に煽られながらも、 ;覚えたての笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^Even as her small body was thrown about by the wind, she directed her newly recalled smile towards me...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 mp3fadeout 2500 stop ;____ ;*tugi99 ;bg "e\kaigan.jpg",5 bg "e\imege072.jpg",5 ;SE>波 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" ;ざざ……\ if %unvoiced_mode == 0 goto *generated_425 ^Waves crashed rhythmically.\ goto *generated_426 *generated_425 ^* Splash, splash... *\ *generated_426 ;dwave 0,"w\n403.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv403.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…」\ ^``Well then...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…ああ、もうそんな頃合か…」\ ^``Mm... ah, it's already that time?...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n253.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_463.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その返事と共に、 ;以前のように海に向かって歩き始める彼女。\ ^With that answer, like before, the girl started walking towards the sea.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n404.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv404.ogg" ;「あ、そういえば免許証…」\ ^``Ah, that's right, the license...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいよ、記念に貰っといてくれよ」\ ^``That's fine. Take it as a memento.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_465.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Un, alright...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 6 ;頷きながら、ポケットに収める彼女。\ ^While nodding, she put it in her pocket.\ ;それはかつて彼女に譲った免許証。 ;本来ならば、既に出番を失った筈のものだった。\ ^It was the license that I had once handed to her. Really, it was something that should have already lost its debut.\ ;そして彼女は、自分の手首に巻かれた、 ;あのビニールの白い腕輪を外すと…\ ^Then, the girl took off that white vinyl bracelet wrapped around around her wrist...\ ;dwavestop 5 !s90 ;…俺へと差し出してくれた。\ ^... And offered it to me.\ dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !sd ;「もしかして…くれるのか?」\ ^``Are you... giving this to me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_467.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_467b.ogg" ;「うん、あげる…」\ ^``Un. I am...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか…じゃあ俺も、記念に貰っといてやるよ」\ ^``I see... then, I'll take it as a memento myself.''\ dwavestop 0 ;同じように受け取った腕輪。 ;俺も自分のポケットへと収める。\ ^In the same way, I accepted the bracelet and placed it in my pocket.\ ;そして、再び海へと歩き始める彼女の…\ ^Then, once again, the girl began walking towards the sea...\ ;その後ろ姿に向かって、俺は最後の言葉をかけた。\ ^Facing her back, I threw out my final words.\ !s75 ;「なあ…最後にもう一つだけ質問していいか?」\ ^``Hey... can I ask you just one last question?''\ dwavestop 0 !s90 ;dwave 0,"w\n406.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv406.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Un.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「お前、今…^@^引きとめてほしいか?」\ ^``Do you, right now...^@^ want me to pull you back?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n407.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``.....''\ dwavestop 0 ;「それとも…背中を押して欲しいか?」\ ^``Or instead... you want me to give your back a push?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !s75 ;寄せる波を足に受けながら、その場に立ち止まった彼女。 ;問いを投げる俺に背中を向けたままだった。\ ^While the waves splashed at her feet, the girl stopped in place. Her back remained facing me after I asked the question.\ ;強い風が波頭を飛沫に変え、 ;そんな彼女を冷たく叩いていた。\ ^The strong wind turned the crests of the waves into spray that struck her.\ ;やがて、俺の方を振り返ってくれると…\ ^Before long, she turned around, and...\ !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\n408.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv408.ogg" ;「…さあ…どっちだろうね」\ ^``... Hmm... which one, I wonder...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\nv409.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv409b.ogg" ;「あはは、よくわからないね」\ ^``Ahaha, I don't really know.''\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;そう言って、最後にもう一度だけ笑ってくれた。\ ^Saying that, just one more time, she smiled for me.\ ;冷たい波の飛沫を受けながら、 ;涙を浮かべながらでも笑顔を向けてくれた。\ ^While being struck by the spray from the waves, even as tears welled up, she faced me with a smile.\ ;以前は、波打ち際で止まっていた、その足…\ ^Before, those feet had stopped at the water's edge...\ ;でも今は止まることはなかった。\ ^But this time, they didn't stop.\ !s100 ;…だから、それが答えなんだと思う…\ ^... That was why, I thought that was her answer...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n410.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv410.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…^@^さよなら…」\ ^``Well then...^@^ Farewell...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;*last01 mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" ;bg "e\st00.jpg",1 bg "english\credits\st00.png",1 !s75 ;…こうして、俺達の960kmの旅が終わった…\ ^... And so, our journey of 960km ended...\ !s80 ;俺にとっては15日間、 ;彼女にとっては22年間の旅も終わった。\ ^To me, it was 15 days time. ^To her, it was the end of a 22 year journey.\ ;7階でも家でもない、自らの意志で避けた彼女。^@^ ;2005年度、推定自殺者数3万5千人の中の一人。\ ^Not the 7th floor, nor home. Of her own will, she avoided them.^@^ In the year 2005, she was one of the estimated 35,000 people who committed suicide.\ ;血液型O、名前はセツミ、22才、女性… ;ビニールの認識腕輪は白。\ ^Blood type, O, name, Setsumi, 22 years old, female... ^Vinyl identification bracelet, white.\ ;これが彼女の全てだった。\ ^This was everything about the girl.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;…でも、俺は知っている。\ ^... But, I knew.\ bg "yobi\cat09.bmp",5 !s75 ;本当は、ビキニの水着が好きで、ナビ以上に道に詳しくて、 ;車が好きで、普免だって持っている。\ ^In reality, she liked bikini swimsuits, knew more about the roads than a navigation system, and loved cars. She even had a license.\ ;いつもは無表情で、滅多に向けてくれないけど、^@^ ;たまには、照れくさそうな、拗ねたような顔だってしてくれる…\ ^She was always without expression, and would only rarely face you,^@^ but once in a while, she would even make this embarrassed, pouting face...\ !s80 ;エメラルドの海を背に…\ ^The emerald sea to her back...\ ;跳ねるように、嬉しそうに、 ;まるで、グラビアアイドルのように笑ってくれる…\ ^As if dancing, happily, like a magazine model, she smiled...\ ;なのに…\ ^And yet...\ ;この安っぽい使い捨てカメラに、 ;たった一枚しか残せなかった彼女の笑顔。\ ^On this cheap disposable camera, only a single picture remained of her smile.\ !s90 bg "e\imege94.jpg",5 ;…それでも…たった一枚だけでも…\ ^... But even so... ^... Even with just one picture...\ !s120 ; ……残せた俺達の証し……\ ^... It was the proof of ourselves that we left behind...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "e\st01.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\st01.png",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "e\st02.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\st02.png",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "e\st03.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\st03.png",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "e\st04.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\st04.png",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;bg "e\st05.jpg",5 bg "english\credits\st05.png",5 !w1500 !s85 bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01d.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 !w1500 ;bg "e\imege95.jpg",5 bg "agilis\1\imege95.png",5 dwave 0,"w\n001.ogg" ;bg "e\imege96.jpg",10,1000 bg "agilis\1\imege96.png",10,1000 !w1500 ;bg "e\imege97.jpg",5 bg "agilis\1\imege97.png",5 click click !sd bg "english\1\imege98.bmp",5 dwavestop 5 mov %flg_cha9,1 mov %flg_bplay,9 mov %sys_nar1_limited,1 goto *title_nar1_limited ;agi_narci1_end ;-*- ponscripter -*- ; Chapter select screen: Narci1 tr. gp32 *gp32_mini_title lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 lsp 191,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter00.bmp",285,224 if %flg_pro == 1 lsp 192,":a/2,0,3;gp32\1\chapter01.bmp",285,248 if %flg_cha2 == 1 lsp 193,":a/2,0,3;gp32\1\chapter02.bmp",285,272 if %flg_cha3 == 1 lsp 194,":a/2,0,3;gp32\1\chapter03.bmp",285,296 if %flg_cha4 == 1 lsp 195,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter04.bmp",285,320 if %flg_cha5 == 1 lsp 196,":a/2,0,3;gp32\1\chapter05.bmp",535,248 if %flg_cha6 == 1 lsp 197,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter06.bmp",535,272 if %flg_cha7 == 1 lsp 198,":a/2,0,3;gp32\1\chapter07.bmp",535,296 if %flg_cha8 == 1 lsp 199,":a/2,0,3;english\1\chapter08.bmp",535,320 lsp 200,":a/2,0,3;english\sys\modoru.png",644,549 movz ?0[0], 273, 273, 273, 273, 523, 523, 523, 523 movz ?0[1], 252, 276, 300, 324, 252, 276, 300, 324 if %flg_bplay <= 8 lsp 201,":a/10,250,0;tui\cur2.bmp",?0[0][%flg_bplay-1],?0[1][%flg_bplay-1] if %unvoiced_mode == 0 bg "english\1\mini_title.png",5 if %unvoiced_mode == 1 bg "english\1\mini_title_novoice.png",5 ~ btndef clear cellcheckspbtn 191,200,1 btnwait %11 if %11==-1 csp 191,201:goto *middle_title if %11<=0 jumpb if %11==10 csp 191,201:goto *middle_title ;前の画面に戻る ;以下はボタンを押した場合なのでまず画像クリア csp 191,201 tablegoto1 %11, *gp32_image, *gp32_honpen2, *gp32_honpen3, *gp32_honpen4, *gp32_honpen5, *gp32_honpen6, *gp32_honpen7, *gp32_honpen8, *gp32_honpen9 jumpb ;-*- ponscripter -*- *gp32_image mov $sys_midasi,"^Prologue [g]" ; TODOs: ; * Remove manual line breaks where Ponscripter's auto-breaking should be used ;goto *tc1 ;bg "tui\title_off2.bmp",1 dwavestop 5 ;プロローグ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 1500 dwavestop 0 h_usewindow "caption" dwave 0,"w\n001.ogg" !s100 h_centreline ^~s~... on a blindingly bright day ...~s~^ ^~s~... on a blindingly bright day ...~s~ wait 400 h_centreline ^~s~... on that very day of winter ...~s~^ ^~s~... on that very day of winter ...~s~\ bg "english\1\c001a.jpg",1 bg "english\1\c001b.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c001.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c002.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c003.jpg",3 wait 700 bg "english\1\c004.jpg",5 wait 1000 bg "e\b.jpg",5 wait 200 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",3 bg "english\1\c02.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ; ■ 1996年 春 セツミ ■\ ^ ■ Spring 1996: Setsumi ■\ ;bg "e\c02b.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n002.ogg" ;『…確かに、幼い頃から丈夫な方じゃなかった…』\ ^(... true, I wasn't very healthy ever since I was a child ...)\ dwavestop 0 ;それでも小学校は普通に通えたし、 ;夏休みには真っ黒に日焼けするほど遊んだこともあった。\ ^Even so, I attended elementary school like all the others, ^and during summer breaks I often played until I was utterly tanned.\ ;○とも>教室夕方 bg "e\byoin_heya_yu2.jpg",5 ;6月。中学に入ってすぐの頃。^@^ ;来月から始まる、水泳用の水着を注文した翌日。\ ^June. Shortly after my entry into middle school.^@^ ^The day after I'd ordered a swimsuit for use the next month.\ ;その時、初めて入院ってのを経験した。\ ^My first hospitalization.\ ;一学期の中間テストの少し前、 ;降り始めた雨が、やけに冷たい日だった。\ ^On a day just before the first semester midterms, ^on a day when the first drops of rain were so cruelly cold.\ ;○とも>夕:空 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 ;真っ白な梅雨空の中。\ ^Falling from amidst the pure white of the overcast sky.\ ;そりゃあ、最初の頃は、 ;クラスの皆んなも毎日のように見舞いに来てくれた。\ ^Of course, the first time it happened, ^all my classmates came to visit me almost every day.\ ;退院した頃には、 ;週末の度に、家にも遊びに来てくれた。\ ^And when I was released, ^they even came to my house on weekends to play.\ ;…でも、そんなのは最初だけ。\ ^... but that was only the first time around.\ ;どんどん学校から、社会から、置き去りにされてしまうわたし。\ dwavestop 5 ;bg "e\byoin_heya_yu2.jpg",5 bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;秋を迎え、冬を越し、 ;入院、退院、通院…そしてまた入院を繰り返し…\ ^Autumn into winter, winter into spring, a vicious cycle: ^hospitalization, release, clinics ... and hospitalization again ...\ ;かつて、友達と呼んでいたクラスメイト。\ ^And before I knew it, even the classmates I once called friends ...\ ;いつしか、知り合いへと変わった。\ ^... turned into acquaintances ...\ ;そして、他人へと変わった。\ ^... and then into strangers.\ ;季節を重ねる毎に、 ;彼等の記憶からわたしは消えたようだった。\ ^As if with every changing of seasons, ^I was being erased from their collective memory.\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n003.ogg" ;「…どうやら、”良い気がしない”らしい」\ ^``... it seems that to all those normal people ...''\ dwavestop 0 wait 300 dwave 0,"w\n004.ogg" ;「普通に生きている人にとって、わたしの存在ってのは」\ ^``... my very existence was an `unpleasant' fact.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n005.ogg" ;「だから…消されたようだった…」\ ^``And so ... it looks like I've been erased ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",5 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n006.ogg" ;「幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を… ; 誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…」\ ^``I'd spent so many seasons, so many white overcast skies ... ^ without the want or need to converse with anybody ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n007.ogg" ;「わたしの英語の教科書は、 ; 1年生の中間テスト以降、まっさらな状態だった」\ ^``For that matter, my English textbook never changed from that of a 1st-year middle school student before the first midterms.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_0012.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n008.ogg" ;「…そこで…^@^わたしの時間も止まったらしい」\ ^``... that is where ...^@^ my time seems to come to an end.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_0013b.jpg",3 bg "e\c005.jpg",5 bg "e\c0052.jpg",3 ;mp3fadeout 2000 ;stop ;click !w800 dwave 5,"se\z42r.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 bg "english\1\c00.jpg",5 ; ■ 8年後…2004年 主人公 初夏 ■\ ^ ■ Eight years later ... Early Summer 2004: Protagonist ■\ bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;夏。流れる汗。\ ^Summer. Flowing sweat.\ ;運転免許試験場に設置された、大きな電光掲示板。\ ^The gigantic electronic scoreboard in the driver's license examination facility.\ ;一斉に点灯を始めたライト。 ;俺も他の皆んなと同じように、自分のナンバーを目で追う。\ ^Lit up all at once. ^My eyes and everyone else's looked for our respective numbers.\ ;○とも>なにか室内or街中系 ;「237、237…」\ ^``237, 237 ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;チカチカと約8割ほどのライトが点灯する中、 ;無事に自分の受験番号が光ったことを確認した。\ ^And of some eight columns of lit text, ^sure enough, my examination number was shining in the midst.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;○とも>SEとか dwave 5,"se\faan1_b.ogg" ;ガタンゴトン、\ ^ *clickety-clack*\ ;ちょうど昼過ぎの為か、よく空いていた車内。\ ^A nearly-empty train car, ^perhaps thanks to the beautiful afternoon.\ ;そんなガラ空きの車内を、 ;俺は試験場からの帰路についていた。\ ^Almost alone in that train car, ^I was heading back home from the examination hall.\ ;左手には貰ったばかりの交通教本、 ;胸ポケットには真新しい免許証。\ ^My left hand held a new traffic regulations handbook, ^and my breast pocket held my brand new driver's license.\ ;「これで俺も、普免持ちか…」\ ^``So now I've got a license as well ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;しみじみ呟くが、特に感慨はなかった。\ ^I muttered somewhat happily, ^but there were no strong feelings behind it.\ ;別に、車に乗りたかった訳じゃない。 ;他に何かの目的があった訳でもない。\ ^I never particularly wanted to drive a car. ^I never particularly had any motive for it.\ ;只、まわりの連中も教習所に通っていたし、 ;車の免許くらい取っておけと勧められただけだった。\ ^It was just that my colleagues and the technical institute both recommended that I at least get a driver's license.\ ;○とも>夜空 bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;その夜。\ ^That night.\ ;親に免許が取れたことを報告すると、 ;『そうか』と、短く返された。\ ^When I told my parents that I'd gotten my license, ^they merely replied with an `I see'.\ ;試しに、車を貸してくれと言ってみたら、 ;同じように短く、^@^駄目だ。とだけ返された。\ ^And when I asked if I could borrow the car, just for a test run, ^they instantly and curtly said just one thing:^@^ `no'.\ ;別に車に乗りたかった訳じゃないけど、 ;その返答はあまりに予想通りだった。そんな親だった。\ ^While I didn't really want to drive the car or anything, ^the response was all-too-expected. Those were my parents for you.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;翌日。 ;寝覚めから胸が苦しかったので病院へと向かった。\ ^The next day. ^I awoke with chest pain and went to the hospital.\ ;普段から俺は、病気なんてもんに縁がなかった。 ;だから、初診受付の待ち時間は、ひどく退屈に感じた。\ ^Sickness and I generally had nothing to do with each other. ^Which is why I found the E.R. waiting room to be utterly boring.\ bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;やっと診察が終わったと思うと、 ;今度はレントゲンと血液検査にも行った。行かされた。\ ^And just when I thought they were through examining me, ^they ordered an X-ray and some blood tests. Then they left.\ ;更に、長い長い時間を、ぼ~っと待たされ…\ ^And again, I was left waiting for a long, long time ...\ ;思わず、待合室にあったジャンプを3冊も読み、 ;4冊目に手を伸ばした時、\ ^I'd already polished off 3 volumes of Shonen Jump and was just about to start on a fourth when ...\ ;そのまま入院の手続きをさせられた。\ ^... they admitted me to the hospital right then and there.\ ;胸ポケットに入れたままになっていた、真新しい免許証。\ ^And it seemed that my new license, ^which still lay snugly in my breast pocket ...\ ;その出番は遠のいたようだった。\ ^... would have to wait a long time for its turn to come.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwavestop 5 bg "english\1\c03.jpg",3 ; ■ 主人公 2004年 秋 ■\ ^ ■ Protagonist: Autumn 2004 ■\ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 ;あんなにうるさかった蝉が鳴き止む頃。\ ^Right around when the all-too-noisy cicadas had finally gone silent,\ ;相変わらず俺は病院に居た。\ ^I once again found myself in the hospital, as per usual.\ ;bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;もちろん、ずっと入院していた訳じゃない。 ;出たり入ったりの繰り返しだった。\ ^Of course, it wasn't as if I'd been there the entire time. ^I came and went, came and went. A futile cycle.\ ;先月には、初めて手術ってのも経験した。 ;退院後は、原チャで5分の距離を通院もした。\ ^My first surgery was a month before. After that, I started doing the 5-minute commute to and from the hospital by moped.\ ;それからも、入院、退院、通院、入院を小刻みに繰り返して…\ ^And from then on, I was hospitalized, discharged, ordered to clinic, ^and hospitalized again and again and again ...\ ;PETだかイレッサだか知らないけど、 ;気づけば、その繰り返しで数ヶ月が経とうとしていた。\ ^While I still had no clue what `PET' or `Iressa' stood for, ^in no time at all, several months had already passed.\ ;食欲が減った代わりに、貰う薬の量と種類が増えた。 ;自分でも、目に見えて体力が落ちてきたと実感できる。\ ^As my appetite decreased, my medications increased. ^I could feel my own physical strength atrophying away.\ ;足が細くなった気がするけど、\ ^I kept imagining that my legs were getting thinner,\ ;”それは気のせいじゃない” ;と、体重計の針は教えてくれた。\ ^But the needle of the weight scale rudely informed me: ^``It's not just your imagination.''\ ;なのに俺は…^@^どこか客観的に自分を見ていた。\ ^And yet I ...^@^ kept looking on at myself with detached interest.\ ;まるで他人事か、 ;テレビの1シーンでも眺めているようだった。\ ^As if it were happening to somebody else entirely, ^as if I were looking at a scene on TV or the like.\ ;突然、身に起こったことに、頭がついて行けなかった。 ;リアルとして起こった実感が沸かなかった。\ ^My mind could not grasp what had so suddenly happened to my body. ^Nothing within me was telling me that this was real at all.\ ;だから、自分自身のことの筈なのに、 ;どこか遠い場所から冷めた目でしか見れなかった。\ ^And that's why, even though it was all happening to me, ^I kept looking on as if it were happening to someone far away.\ bg "english\1\c033.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;冬の日。 ;街頭からクリスマスツリーが姿を消す頃、\ ^A day of winter. ^Around when the Christmas trees had vanished from the streets,\ ;年末ということもあってか、自宅に帰してくれた。\ ^I was discharged home as a kind of year's end treat.\ ;あくまでも一時的なものらしい。 ;それでも少しは嬉しかった。\ ^It seemed like an exercise in total transience. ^But still, it made me slightly happy.\ bg "e\amazora02.jpg",5 ;みぞれ混じりの雨の中、 ;久しぶりに帰ってきた俺の家。\ ^I traveled back to a home I had not seen in a long time in the midst of a freezing rain.\ ;何故か、家族が全員揃っていた。\ ^Strangely enough, my entire family was there.\ ;普段からそれほど話すことも無かった親なのに、 ;どこかギクシャクとしながらも、笑顔で迎えてくれた。\ ^My parents, who had never so much as talked to me, ^came out to meet me, if with terribly stilted smiles.\ ;いつも口喧嘩ばかりしていた妹が、 ;俺の好きなクリームシチューとエビフライを作って待っていた。\ ^And my little sister, with whom I'd never had a pleasant word, ^had made my favorite cream stew and fried shrimp just for me.\ ;こたつに並んで座った。みかんをむいてくれた。 ;やけに優しかった。それが印象的だった。\ ^They made me sit at the table. They peeled tangerines for me. ^They were cruelly kind. It was an impressive display.\ ;この時点で…^@^俺は少しだけ察した。\ ^At this point ...^@^ a little thought occured to me.\ ;ポケットに入れたままになった、例の真新しい免許証。\ ^About my new driver's license, ^which was still stuffed away in my pocket.\ ;この免許証は、その価値を生かすことなく ;終わるのかも知れないと思った。\ ^That perhaps things would end for the license without it ever having known any use.\ ;dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" ;bg "e\amazora02.jpg",5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;ギクシャクとした不自然な笑顔に迎えられて…\ ; ;冷静に、曖昧に、ひたすら薄っぺらく、 ;他人事のように俺はそう思った。\ ^And surrounded by a trio of stilted, strained smiles ...\ ^I kept that thought, as if it were someone else's business, ^with dispassion, ambiguity, and total disinterest.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;_____________________ bg "english\1\c032.jpg",5 ; ■ 主人公 2005年 1月 ■\ ^ ■ Protagonist: January 2005 ■\ ;bgm bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",5 ;年が明けて、また帰って来た病院。\ ^A new year began, and I returned to the hospital.\ ;何故かその日は、いつもの4階ではなく、 ;談話室のような部屋に行った。行かされた。\ ^But on this day, instead of my usual 4F room, ^I ended up in a conference room of sorts. They took me there.\ ;そして、オヤジと医者の先生、 ;それに俺も交えた三人で色んな話しを聞いた。聞かされた。\ ^And then, my father and the doctors had a little talk. I joined in. Well, they talked to me.\ ;いわゆる、告知というやつなんだろう。\ ^So this was their so-called announcement.\ ;すごく遠回しな言い方だったが、 ;そう解釈した。死ぬらしい俺は。\ ^They said it in a terribly roundabout fashion, ^but they told me: that I was going to die.\ ;「そうですか…」\ ^``I see ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;だから、それだけを返した。他に言葉は見つからなかった。 ;入室してから出るまでに、口にしたのはこれだけだった。\ ^That was my only reply. I had no other words. ^It was the only thing that left my mouth from beginning to end.\ ;俺の返事を受け、 ;手に持ったボールペンを走らせる先生。\ ^And the doctors' ballpoint pens flew across paper as if in response to my words.\ ;恐らくはホスピスへの手続きだろう。 ;あくまでも事務的な態度だった。オヤジも似たようなもんだった。\ ^Those were probably Hospice enrollment procedures. ^Businesslike to the last. My father was the same.\ ;…こんな簡単なモンなんだ…\ ^... so it's this simple ...\ ;それが俺の率直な感想だった。\ ^... was the only real thought I had.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;;☆シーン変え ;そして、その日を境に4階から7階へと、 ;6人部屋から個室へと変わった。\ ^That day, I was transferred from 4F to 7F, ^from a 6-person room to a private room.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",5 ;それと、この7階自体は他の階と少し違っていた。\ ^It was a little different from the other wards, this 7F.\ ;まず、床がピカピカになっていた。 ;天井も今までより、ずっと高く広々としていた。\ ^First of all, the floors were sparkling clean. ^And second of all, the ceiling was higher than I'd ever seen it.\ ;病室の中もすごく綺麗で、大きな窓からは、 ;明るく日光を採り入れる仕組みなっているようだった。\ ^The rooms were very nice, and had large windows from which the warm daylight streamed in as if by design.\ ;きっと、ベッドも新品に近いものだろう。 ;真っ白なシーツが眩しい日射しに際立っていた。\ ;…だけど、窓は少ししか開かなかった。\ ^... but the windows only opened a little.\ ;試しに計ってみると、 ;ちょうど頭がギリギリ通らない幅だった。\ ^I tested them out, ^and my head would just barely fit out of one.\ ;他にも、認識用の腕輪の色が変わった。\ ^The color of my ID bracelet had changed as well.\ ;入院した日から、ずっと手首に巻かれていたビニール製の腕輪。 ;俺の名前や血液型が記載されていた。\ ^The bracelet that I had worn ever since that first hospitalization, ^the one that had my name and blood type recorded on it.\ ;その色が、青から白に変わった。\ ^Its color had now changed from blue to white.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…高い天井、白いビニールの腕輪、15cmしか開かない窓。\ ^A high ceiling. A white vinyl bracelet. ^A window that would not open more than 15 cm.\ ;そんな7階に移ったのは、 ;まだ、新春のつまらない番組が流れている頃だった。\ ^The TV programs celebrating the new year were still playing when I was transferred to this 7F.\ ;あの子と初めて出会ったのも、 ;そんな年を明けてまもない頃だった…\ ^And it was at the dawn of that very year that I met her for the first time ...\ ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 mp3fadeout 2500 stop bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n009.ogg" bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 bg "e\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "e\nar01d.jpg",3 bg "e\w.jpg",3 mov %flg_pro,1 mov %flg_bplay,1 goto *gp32_honpen2 ;_________________________ *gp32_honpen2 dwavestop 5 ;★チャプター2 mov $sys_midasi,"^7F [g]" stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;__ dwave 0,"w\n010.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "gp32\1\c04.jpg",3 ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 click mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;○本編 序盤 bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;廊下の横、ナースステーションの向かいにある、 ;談話室のような場所。\ ^There was this place kind of like a lounge at one side of the corridor, across from the nurses' station.\ ;●:談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;人気のないその場所に設置された、 ;いくつかのソファーやパイプ椅子、それと大きめのテレビ。\ ^This generally deserted place held a few couches and chairs, as well as a large TV.\ ;その28型のブラウン管からは、 ;どうでもいい新春特番が今日も流れていた。\ ^Stupid programs commemorating the new year were still being broadcast on that 28-inch screen.\ ;そんなつまらないテレビを、 ;さも、つまらなさそうに見ている、どこかの女の子。\ ^And there was a girl who looked absolutely bored watching that absolutely boring TV.\ ;小柄な身体に、ピンクのパジャマ。 ;手首には俺と同じ、白の腕輪。\ ^Short. In pink pajamas. ^A white bracelet on her wrist. Just like mine.\ ;腰に届くほどの長い髪が印象的だった。\ ^Impressively long hair that almost reached down to her hips.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「なあ、お前…それ面白いか?」\ ^``Hey ... do you find that interesting?''\ dwavestop 0 ;深い意味はない。 ;ひと気がないので、何となくその横顔に話し掛けた。\ ^There was no deep purpose in the asking. Simply: ^I had nothing else to do, so I started talking to her.\ ;●ぱじゃまーのヒロイン ;dwave 0,"w\n011.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv011.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv011b.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;只、それだけを返す女の子。 ;声を掛けた俺に振り向きもしなかった。\ ^... was her only reply to me. ^She didn't turn to face me at all.\ ;俺のことは一切気にしていないのか、 ;ずっとつまらなそうにテレビを見続けたままだった。\ ^And she kept looking on with boredom at that TV as if I didn't even exist.\ ;…だったら、見なきゃいいのに…\ ^... then don't watch it ...\ ;そう思いながらも、 ;同じようにパイプ椅子に腰を掛ける俺。\ ^Even as I thought this, ^I sat down in a chair next to her.\ ;そして、並ぶようにしてテレビを眺めた。 ;他にすることもなかった。出来ることもなかった。\ ^And side by side, we watched TV. ^Nothing else to do. Nothing we ~i~could~i~ do.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…黙ってテレビを眺め続ける俺達…\ ^... so we sat there silently and watched TV ...\ ;ブラウン管の中からは、正月にありがちな新春番組。 ;くだらないモノマネだか隠し芸だかがやっていた。\ ^New Year celebration programs, as per usual. ^A useless array of comedians and oddities.\ ;時折響く、司会者のバカみたいにカン高い笑い声。 ;真っ白くて日当たりの良いこの部屋に、乾き、響いていた。\ ^And every so often, the M.C.'s stupid, shrill laughter, ^resounding dryly in this white, sun-drenched lounge.\ ;BG談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;●:談話室 ;dwave 0,"w\n012.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv012.ogg" ;「ねえ…あなた…」\ ^``Say ... tell me ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、話し掛けてきた女の子。 ;相変わらずテレビを見つめたままだった。\ ^The girl suddenly started talking to me. ^But her eyes were as always glued to the TV screen.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n013.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv013.ogg" ;「…あなた、何回目?」\ ^``... how many times is it for you now?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…何回目って、どういう意味だ?」\ ^``... what do you mean by that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n014.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv014.ogg" ;「ここに…7階に来たの」\ ^``How many times have you come here ... to 7F?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「悪い、質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``Sorry, I have no clue what you're talking about.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n015.ogg" ;「………………」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n016.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv016.ogg" ;「そう…初めてなんだね」\ ^``I see ... so it's your first time, then.''\ dwavestop 0 ;何を言ってるのか理解できない俺に、 ;彼女は勝手に納得したようだった。\ ^So she'd seen my confusion about her question and come to the right conclusion.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n017.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv017.ogg" ;「じゃあ、他に誰も居ないし…わたしの役目だから…」\ ^``Then since there's no one else around ... and since it's my duty ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…役目?」\ ^``... duty?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n018.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv018.ogg" ;「そういうルールなの…」\ ^``There's this rule ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;頷きながら、初めてここ(7階)に来た人には、 ;誰かが教えてあげるルールなんだと付け足した。\ ^Nodding slightly, she explained that the rule was that someone here (7F) should tell newcomers the truth.\ ;いまいち何のことか分からない俺。\ ^I knew nothing. I understood even less.\ ;そんな俺を、無視するかのように、 ;彼女はゆっくりと話し始めた。\ ^And as if I did not even exist, ^she slowly started her speech.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n019.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv019.ogg" ;「それじゃあ、よく聞いてね…」\ ^``Then listen closely ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…………\ ^... ...\ ;ぽつりぽつりと語る彼女の言葉。\ ^Her words, spoken methodically, one by one ...\ ;それは、ここに来るまでに聞いた、 ;医者の先生の弁とは少し違っていた。\ ^... were a little different from all the ones I'd heard from the doctors about this place.\ ;あの事務的な医者の話しでは、 ;ここは医療の進歩を待つ場所であると言った。\ ^In their businesslike, crisp syntaxes, they'd told me: ^this is a place where one waits for medical advances.\ ;心を癒す場所でもあると言った。 ;恐らく、一般的にはそれで正しいのだろう。\ ^This is a place where one heals one's heart. ^And perhaps, they might have been correct in a general sense.\ ;でも、彼女の言によるとそれは建前だそうだ。\ ^But according to the girl, that was just the party line.\ ;この7階ってのは、病院内にあって、 ;唯一治療をする場所じゃないらしい。\ ^The truth was that this 7F was the only place in the hospital where medical treatments did not take place.\ ;只、命が尽きるのを待つ場所。\ ^This was just a place where you waited for your life to come to an end.\ ;そう彼女は言った。 ;俺もそう思えた。同じ認識だと思った。\ ^Those were her words to me. ^I'd thought so as well. I'd felt it even before she'd spoken.\ ;●談話室復帰 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n020.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv020.ogg" ;「わたし、2回目だから…」\ ^``See, this is my second time ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「2回目ってなにが?」\ ^``Second time doing what?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n021b.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv021b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv021b_a.ogg" ;「…ここに来るの」\ ^``... coming here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、彼女は教えてくれた。\ ^And then she explained to me.\ ;この7階って場所は、 ;最初の入院でそのまま死ぬまで居ることは、まず無いらしい。\ ^That nobody on 7F stayed here from initial hospitalization all the way until death.\ ;治ることは有りえなくても、 ;体調がマシになると1度は家に帰してくれる。\ ^While there was zero possibility of being cured, ^you were sent home if your condition was stable.\ ;でも、暫くして悪くなると、またここへ帰ってくる。\ ^But if it worsened again, you would be returned here.\ ;…その繰り返しで、いつか死ぬ。\ ^... that cycle ended only in death.\ ;尽きる場所が、家か7階かの違いだけで、 ;確実にどちらかで死ぬ。避けた奴はいないそうだ。\ ^Whether it was at home or here on 7F, always one of the two, ^you were going to die. No way to escape it, it seemed.\ ;そういう意味での、 ;彼女はここに来たのは2回目という意味だった。\ ^And with that meaning permeating her every word, ^she informed me that this was her second time up here.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n021.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv021.ogg" ;「じゃあ、1度しか言わないから…」\ ^``I'm only going to say this once ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n022.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv022.ogg" ;「ここからは、よく聞いて…」\ ^``... so listen closely now ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ;…乾いた画面を見つめたまま、更に言葉を続ける彼女。\ ^... she continued speaking, ^all the while staring at the blank TV screen.\ ;その内容は、消灯時間が何時かって、 ;普通の入院患者が交わす内容ではなかった。\ ^This wasn't idle chit-chat about when lights-out was or where the kitchen was or anything like that.\ ;全然違ったことを教えてくれた。\ ^This was something completely different.\ ;『3回目に仮退院させてくれたら、覚悟しろ。 ; 4回目はまずない。もう家には帰れない』\ ^`The third time you are discharged home, resign yourself. There won't be a fourth time. You will never go home again.'\ ;『もしも逃げたい時は、A駅ではなくB駅に行くこと』\ ^`If you ever want to escape, head toward the B station, not the A station.'\ ;『何も食べるな。それが一番の近道。 ; 家族にとっても一番負担が小さくて済む』\ ^`Eat nothing. That is the simplest shortcut. You leave the smallest burden on your family that way.'\ ;…そんな、身に詰まるような内容ばかりだった。\ ^... it was as if she was packed to the brim with matters like those.\ ;恐らく、ここに来た人間だけの…\ ^This was probably an oral tradition ...\ ;死ぬゆく当事者達だけで、 ;伝え続けてきたことなんだと思う。\ ^... relevant only to those who were going to die ... ^... and kept by those who came here for that purpose.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「もしかして、さっきの役目ってのは、これのことか?」\ ^``So is ~i~this~i~ the duty that you were talking about?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n023.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv023.ogg" ;「ええ、そうよ…」\ ^``Yes, that's right ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n024.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv024.ogg" ;「いつかあなたも、初めて来た人には伝えてね…」\ ^``So do remember to perform it for a newcomer yourself someday, okay ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、ゆっくりと立ち上がる彼女。 ;ふわりと長い髪が揺れ、俺の鼻先をかすめた。\ ^With those words, she slowly stood up. ^She casually tossed her long hair, and it grazed my nose.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n025.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv025.ogg" ;「じゃあ、検温の時間だから…」\ ^``I have to go get my temperature measured, so ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;そして、そのまま背を向けると、 ;廊下へ向かって歩き始めてしまった。\ ^Then she turned her back, ^and started walking down the corridor.\ ;一人残されたこの場所には、 ;ブラウン管からの笑い声と、窓辺に飾られた白い花。\ ^Now completely deserted save for me, the lounge held only the laughter from the TV and the white flowers by the windowsill.\ ;結局彼女は、一度として俺の方を見ようともしなかった。\ ^In the end, she didn't even look at me once.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop bg "gp32\1\c042.jpg",3 ;__ ;☆シーン変え 数日後あたり bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;それから何日か過ぎた頃。\ ^A few days later.\ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;やっと新春特番が終わり、 ;そろそろ中学や高校では、三学期が始まろうとする頃。\ ^New year celebrations were over, ^and the middle and high school students were beginning a new term.\ ;今日もこの談話室では、 ;テレビをぼ~っと眺める俺と彼女の姿があった。\ ^And just as ever, she and I sat in this lounge, ^staring blankly at the TV.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;「つまらねえな…」\ ^``This is boring ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n026.ogg" ;「そうね…」\ ^``So it is ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返すが、 ;お互いに画面を見つめ続けたままの会話だった。\ ^So we said, ^but both of us kept our eyes on the screen.\ ;「なあ、ここっていつもこんななのか?」\ ^``Hey, is this place always this way?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n027.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``... I don't understand what you're getting at.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、ひと気がないって意味さ」\ ^``I'm getting at how it's always deserted.''\ dwavestop 0 ;看護婦や医者、それにヘルパーの人を除けば、 ;お互いの付き添い以外に、誰の姿も見ていなかった。\ ^Other than the nurses, doctors, and helpstaff, ^and other than ~i~her~i~, I'd not seen a single person.\ ;「やっぱり、正月明けだからか?」\ ^``Did everybody go home for the new year or something?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n028.ogg" ;「…その理由を知りたいの?」\ ^``... do you really want to know?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや…別にそんな意味じゃ…」\ ^``Uh, well ... I didn't mean ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n029.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、言わない」\ ^``... then I won't tell you.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな会話ともつかぬやり取りを、淡々と交わす俺達。\ ^We, who disinterestedly tossed back and forth this exchange that could not even be called a conversation.\ ;15cmしか開かない窓から入ってくる、僅かな風。\ ^The slight breeze, ^coming from the window that would not open more than 15 cm.\ ;時折、彼女の長い髪を揺らし、 ;同じように揺れる、窓辺に飾られた白い花。\ ^From time to time, her hair would sway, ^and as if in agreement the flowers at the windowsill would too.\ ;お互い、つまらないテレビを見つめたまま、 ;時間だけを消費する日々だった。\ ^This was how we killed time day after day, ^staring at that boring good-for-nothing TV.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" ;タッタッタ、\ ^ *click*click*click*\ ;「あら、二人共こんなところに居たの?」\ ^``Oh, here the two of you are.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って駆け寄ってきた、年配の看護婦さん。\ ^An elderly nurse said as she rushed toward us.\ ;たまにナースステーションを覗いた限りでは、 ;この人が7階のチーフのようだった。\ ^From what I'd seen of the nurses' station, ^she was apparently the charge nurse of 7F.\ ;「どう? セツミさん、熱出てない?」\ ^``Well? Miss Setsumi, any fever?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n030.ogg" ;「…大丈夫、出てない…」\ ^``... I'm fine, no fever ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;…セツミ。^@^ ;どうやらそれが彼女の名前のようだった。\ ^... Setsumi.^@^ ^So that was her name.\ ;「もう勝手に外をうろついたりしちゃ駄目ですからね」\ ^``You really shouldn't be moving around like this.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいですか? 皆んな心配するんですからね」\ ^``Do you understand? Everyone's worried about you.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n032.ogg" ;「…別に、いいよ…」\ ^``... well, whatever ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、なんて言い草なんでしょ」\ ^``Come now, what kind of answer is that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" ;「……………」\ dwavestop 0 ;「もう、ホントに最近の子はしょうがないわね」\ ^``Oh, children these days ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それから暫くの間、小言を続ける看護婦さん。\ ^The nurse continued to scold and henpeck for some while longer.\ ;それを彼女…セツミと呼ばれたこの子は、 ;素知らぬ様子で聞き流していた。\ ^And the girl ... the girl named Setsumi ... ^just pretended not to notice it at all.\ ;小うるさい看護婦を無視するように、 ;正面のつまらないテレビを見続けたままだった。\ ^She simply stared straight forward at that boring TV, ^paying that fussy nurse as little heed as she could.\ ;「じゃあ、また後で採血に行きますからね」\ ^``I'll be coming later to draw some blood, okay?''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、 ;再びナースステーションへと帰って行く看護婦さん。\ ^With those words, ^the charge nurse went back to the nurses' station.\ ;●談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「なあ、お前ってさ…」\ ^``Hey, you know ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや…セツミで、いいんだよな?」\ ^``Well ... mind if I call you Setsumi?''\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の手首に巻かれた、白いビニールの腕輪。 ;そこに書かれた血液型と名前を見ながら尋ねた。\ ^I asked this as I stared at her white vinyl ID bracelet, ^and at the blood type and the name written therein.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうかしたか? セツミ?」\ ^``Is something the matter? Setsumi?''\ dwave 0,"w\n035.ogg" ;「…どうして呼び捨てなの?」\ ^``... why are you calling me that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はあ?」\ ^``Huh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n036.ogg" ;「年下のくせに…」\ ^``You're younger than me ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「お、おい、なんで俺が、年下なんだよ?」\ ^``H-hey, why am I younger than you?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n037.ogg" ;「別に…そう思っただけ」\ ^``Nothing ... that's just what I thought, is all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;”年下”という言葉に腹を立てた訳じゃない。\ ^It wasn't that I was offended that she called me ``younger'' than her.\ ;只、どう見ても俺の方が5~6才は上に思える。\ ^It was just that no matter how I looked at it, ^I thought I was 5-6 years older than she was.\ ;だから俺は、胸ポケットに入れていた、 ;例の免許証を彼女へと差し向けた。\ ^That's why I took out my driver's license from my breast pocket and handed it directly to her.\ ;「どうだ、こう見えても俺、20才だぞ?」\ ^``See? I may not seem it, but I'm 20.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n039.ogg" ;「やっぱり年下よ…」\ ^``So you're younger after all ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;免許証には一瞥をくれただけで、それだけを返す彼女。\ ^She only took a glance at my license before handing it back to me.\ ;「おい、よく分からねえぞ」\ ^``Um, I don't really get what you're saying.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n040_1.ogg" ;「どうでもいいじゃない…少し上なだけよ」\ ^``It doesn't really matter ... I'm just a little older than you are, that's all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらず無表情のまま彼女が呟く。\ ^She murmured, as expressionlessly as ever.\ ;その目は、つまらないテレビを見たままにも、 ;どこか遠いところを見ているようにも思えた…\ ^Her eyes were fixed on that boring TV, all right, ^but it also felt as if she was gazing at something far away ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop ;____;____;__ ;●とも>とりあえず移動 ;____ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;朝の検温が終わった頃。\ ^After they'd taken my AM vital signs.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;俺は看護婦に見つからないようにエレベータに乗り込む。\ ^I snuck past the nurses and boarded the elevator.\ bg "e\byoin_rouka.jpg",3 ;1階に着くと、わざと外来用の出入り口を通って、 ;そのまま病院の外へと歩き始める。\ ^When I got to 1F, I walked out the outpatient clinic doors and walked outside of the hospital.\ ;●:なんか駅前っぽいとこ ;bg "e\ekimae.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;目指す場所は、以前に教えられた、 ;近いA駅ではなく、遠いB駅。\ ^My goal was the place that I'd been told about not long ago: ^the faraway B station, not the nearby A station.\ ;別に、逃げ出すつもりじゃなかった。\ ^It wasn't that I wanted to escape or anything.\ ;…7階か自宅… ;そのどちらか以外で死んだ奴はいない…\ ^... at 7F or at home ... ^None of us died anywhere else ...\ ;以前にそう聞いていた。\ ^That's what I'd been told.\ ;そして、あのセツミとかいう彼女も、 ;何度か行ったらしいB駅。\ ^And this B station, which this girl named Setsumi had apparently been to many times.\ ;だから、なんとなく一度は、 ;その場所を見てみたかっただけだった。\ ^That's why, at least just once, ^I wanted to see this place with my own eyes.\ ;「別に、監視員が居る訳じゃないだろう…」\ ^``Eh, it's not as if there's going to be a guard on duty ...''\ ;そう思いつつも、俺達は7階の住人。 ;他の入院患者とは違う。\ ^Even so, we were inhabitants of 7F. ^Different from other inpatients.\ ;もしかしたら…とも考えながら、 ;まだ早朝の駅までの道を歩き続ける。\ ^And, thinking of ... vague maybes ... so early in the morning, ^I headed toward that station.\ ;急ぎ足で進む、通勤や通学の人達を横目に、 ;ゆっくりとした足取りで進みつづけた。\ ^My legs settled into a lazy gait as I glanced sidelong at the people commuting to school or work.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;暫く歩いた頃、25分ほどかかって到着した駅前。 ;バス停に換算すると4つ分ほどの距離だった。\ ^After about 25 minutes of this, I arrived in front of the station.\ ^Roughly 4 bus stops away when I calculated it out.\ ;「…それなりに人が多いな」\ ^``... wow, there are a lot of people here ...''\ ;それがB駅を見た第一印象だった。\ ^... was my first impression of the B station.\ ;俺の服装がパジャマの為に、少しは目立ってしまうけど…\ ^I stood out a bit because I was in pajamas ...\ ;しかし、このまま電車の切符を買えば、 ;何の問題もなく、どこにでも行けるようにも思えた。\ ^... but I felt that if I could just buy a subway ticket, ^I'd be able to go anywhere, no question about it.\ ;どうしてA駅ではなく、 ;このB駅を勧めるのかは分からない。\ ^I still had no idea why I'd been told to go to the B station, ^not the A station.\ ;でも、本当に逃げ出すつもりなら簡単に思えた。\ ^But it looked as if it would be easy to escape if I really wanted to.\ ;確か彼女も何度か来た筈だけど、 ;どうして彼女は、今も7階に留まっているのだろうか…\ ^She must have come here many times herself ... ^so why did she remain on 7F right now ...?\ ;早朝の駅前。\ ^The station in the early morning.\ ;足早に通り過ぎる人達を眺めながら、 ;ふと、そんなことを思っていた。\ ^I stood there, thinking these thoughts, ^as I watched the people rapidly passing me by.\ ;____;____;_ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;その夜。消灯時間も過ぎた頃。\ ^That night. After lights-out.\ ;マンガ本にも飽き、寝付けなかった俺は、 ;一人で病院内をぶらぶらとしていた。\ ^Bored of manga, and unable to sleep, ^I wandered through the hospital alone.\ ;通常、消灯後にうろつくと、こうるさく言われるが、 ;俺達7階の住人は比較的自由だった。\ ^Certainly, it wasn't supposed to be allowed after lights-out, ^but we of 7F had a peculiar kind of liberty.\ ;そして、照明を落とされ、 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^So, in the presence of no light, ^in the pitch-black stillness of the lounge.\ ;そこで、あいつの姿を見つけた。\ ^That was where I found her.\ bg "e\danwa_yoru.jpg",3 ;「よう、今日は外、見てるのか?」\ ^``Hey. Have you been looking outside today?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;暗い室内。返事はするが、 ;その顔は窓の外に向けたままの彼女。\ ^The darkened interior. She did answer me, ^but she continued to stare out the window as if she had not.\ ;早速俺は、今日あったことを話し始める。\ ^I immediately launched into what had happened today.\ ;自分の目で見た感じでは、逃げる気になれば簡単に思えた。 ;なりに逃げ出すのは簡単だと思えたからだ\ ;「そういえばさ…昼間、駅前まで行ってきたぞ」\ ^``Oh, by the way ... I went out to the station today.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n045.ogg" ;「……………」\ dwavestop 0 ;「教えられた通り、B駅の方に行ってみた」\ ^``The B station, just as you taught me.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^``I see ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;でも、彼女の反応は普段と変わらなかった。\ ^But her response did not change.\ ;今日俺が見た限りでは、 ;本当に抜け出すつもりなら簡単だと思えた。\ ;以前に彼女も行った筈だから、 ;何らかの反応があると思ったのだけど…\ ^I'd thought that she'd react with ~i~something~i~ because she'd been there before too ...\ ;それを考えると、今も彼女がここに留まるのは、^@^ ;本当は、最初から抜け出すつもりもなかったのだろうか?\ ^But now that I thought about it, did the fact that she was here^@^ mean that she had no intention of escaping in the first place?\ ;dwave 0,"w\n047.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv047.ogg" ;「…わたし、もうすぐ帰れるの…」\ ^``... I'm going to be going home soon ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``What?''\ ;突然、口を開いた彼女。\ ^She opened her mouth abruptly.\ ;まるで、今の俺の心を、 ;見透かされたような言葉だった。\ ^And spoke as if she'd seen right through me.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n048.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv048.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv048b.ogg" ;「…でも、次で3回目だから…」\ ^``... but next time will be the third time ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\nv048_1.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv048_1b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv048_1c.ogg" ;「…もう会えないかもね」\ ^``... so we may not see each other again.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…ああ、そうだな…」\ ^``Hmm ... yeah, I guess ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らくこいつが言うところの帰れるってのは、 ;仮退院のことを指しているのだろう。\ ^Probably, what she was talking about was a temporary discharge from the hospital.\ ;この7階って場所では、 ;3回以上の入退院を繰り返すことは、まず無いらしい。\ ^She'd told me that nobody was discharged from 7F more than 3 times.\ ;特に高齢者と違い、病状の進行速度を考えると、 ;俺達のような若い年代なら尚更のことだった。\ ^Unlike the elderly, given the progress of our diseases, ^this meant all the more to young people like us.\ ;そういう意味での、もう会えないという言葉だった。\ ^Her `we may not see each other again' ^was filled with that kind of meaning.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n049.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv049.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなたはどちらを選ぶの?」\ ^``Oh, which one have you decided on?''\ ;「…選ぶとは?」\ ^``... decided on?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\nv049_1.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv049_1b.ogg" ;「…どっちで死ぬつもりってこと」\ ^``... where you're going to die.''\ ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ ;突然、『死』という単語を聞かされ、 ;俺は一瞬だけ言葉に詰まってしまう。\ ^When that word, `death', came up so abruptly, ^I was at a total loss for words.\ ;「さあな…まだ考えてない」\ ^``I don't know ... haven't thought about it yet.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n050.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv050.ogg" ;「…そう…まだ1回目だもんね」\ ^``... I see ... it's just your first time, after all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう呟いて寂しそうにする彼女。\ ^She murmured, looking desolate.\ ;もちろん俺だって、 ;いつまでもここに居れる訳はない。\ ^Certainly, it wasn't as if ^I was going to exist here forever.\ ;他の皆んなのように、 ;何回か入退院を繰り返して、徐々に弱って、いつかは…\ ^Just like everyone else, I would be admitted and discharged, ^slowly grow weak, and someday ...\ ;結局最後には、この7階か、 ;薄っぺらい笑顔に囲まれた家かを選ぶことになるのだろう。\ ^I would have to choose in the end: here on 7F, ^or at home surrounded by those fake smiles.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n051.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv051.ogg" ;「わたしは…家は嫌…」\ ^``I ... don't want to die at home ...''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n052.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv052.ogg" ;「だけど、ここも嫌…」\ ^``But I don't want to die here either ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…じゃあ、どうすんだ?」\ ^``... then what will you do?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n053.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv053.ogg" ;「…別に…どうもしない…」\ ^``... I guess ... the only thing ...''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n054.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv054.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv054b.ogg" ;「自力で歩ける内に、どこかに行くだけ…」\ ^``... is to go somewhere ... ^ ... while I still have the strength to ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どこかって、お前…」\ ^``Somewhere? You can't be ...''\ ;明らかに逃げる気になれば逃げれるのに、 ;今もこの7階に留まっている彼女。\ ^This girl, who was staying here on 7F when she could have escaped anytime she wanted ...\ ;それを考えると…\ ^When I thought of that ...\ ;「…もしかして、他に行くあてがあるのか?」\ ^``... do you have any other place ~i~to~i~ go?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n056.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv056.ogg" ;「あなた…^@^わたしを引き止めたいの?」\ ^``Do you ...^@^ want to stop me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n057.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv057.ogg" ;「それとも…一緒について来たいの?」\ ^``Or ... do you want to come with me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、別にそんな意味じゃないけど…」\ ^``Well, no, that wasn't what I was thinking about ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n058.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n059.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv059.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、聞かないで」\ ^``... then don't ask.''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓の外を見つめたまま淡々と話す彼女。 ;相変わらず俺の方は見ようともしない会話だった。\ ^She was staring out the window as she spoke. Dispassionate. ^Not looking at me once. The same as ever.\ ;でも、その時だけは…\ ^But then and just then ...\ ;いつもの無表情な横顔が哀しそうに見えた。\ ^Her usual expressionless face looked so very sad to me.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;3回目の仮退院が最後だと教えられ、 ;初めてこの7階に来た俺。\ ^I was a newcomer to 7F, ^just recently taught that the third discharge was the last.\ ;そして、間もなく2回目を迎える彼女。\ ^And she was a girl who soon was to be discharged for the second time.\ ;まだ俺には、リアルで起こった事として実感できないけど…\ ^I still did not feel anything real about what was happening to me ...\ ;いつかは俺も、 ;あんな顔をするようになるのだろうか…\ ^But would I, too, ^come to wear such a face someday ...?\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BG 雨空\ dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",3 ;未明から降り出した雨。\ ^The rain at morning twilight.\ ;時折、みぞれや雪に変わりながらも、 ;しとしとと降り続いていた。\ ^Sometimes sleet, sometimes snow. ^Always coming down.\ mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;●:談話室(雨) bg "e\danwa_ame.jpg",3 ;そんな中、いつもの場所でテレビを見ている俺。 ;相変わらず、この7階はひと気がなかった。\ ^And I was sitting there watching TV in my usual place. ^7F felt as devoid of people as it always had.\ dwave 0,"w\n061.ogg" ;「…おもしろい?」\ ^``... anything interesting?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいや、つまらない…」\ ^``No, completely boring ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;向こうからやってきた彼女。\ ^She walked to my side.\ ;それだけの言葉を交わすと、 ;黙って隣のパイプ椅子へと腰掛ける。\ ^Saying no more, ^she sat down in a chair next to me.\ ;そして今日も、二人してつまらないテレビを眺め始めた。\ ^And that was how we began watching TV on this very day as well.\ ;…きっと彼女もそうなんだろう。\ ^... she was probably in the same boat as me.\ ;他にやることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ^Nothing else to do. Nothing we ~i~could~i~ do.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n062.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^``Oh ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;珍しくテレビに反応した彼女。\ ^I had never seen her respond to the TV before.\ ;「どうかしたか?」\ ^``Is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n063.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... not really.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉はいつも通りの『別に』だが、 ;普段とは違う彼女の反応。\ ^Those were her usual words, ^but her response was anything but usual.\ ;それが気になった俺も画面に注目した。\ ^And I looked at the screen, ^interested in anything that could move her so.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;テレビの中にはどこかの自然風景。 ;綺麗な野山に、樹木や花が景色に溶け込んでいた。\ ^There were nature scenes being displayed on TV. ^Beautiful hills and dales burgeoning with trees and flowers.\ ;そして、そこに映し出されていた、たくさんの白い花。\ ^And a vast spread of white flowers in the midst.\ bg "e\tv_hana.jpg",5 ;…見覚えのある花だった。\ ^... I remembered those flowers from somewhere.\ ;今もこの部屋の窓辺に飾られている、 ;目の前の白い花と似ていた。\ ^They looked very similar to the white flowers that decorated the windowsills.\ ;「もしかして、同じ花か?」\ ^``Could those be the same flowers ...?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n064.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、これってそっくりじゃん」\ ^``You know, the same as those over there.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、ブラウン管と窓辺を交互に指差す俺。\ ^I pointed to the flowers by the window as I said this.\ dwave 0,"w\n065.ogg" ;「…ちがう」\ ^``... no.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「へえ、そうなんだ?」\ ^``Huh, really?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n066.ogg" ;「種類は同じだけど…厳密に言えば違う…」\ ^``They're of the same variety ... but they're not strictly the same ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓辺の花には一瞥をくれただけで、 ;また正面のテレビを見続けたまま答える彼女。\ ^She glanced at the flowers by the window for a second, ^and then went back to gazing at the TV.\ ;正直言って、違うと否定されても、 ;俺にはその両者の区別が分からなかった。\ ^She'd told me that they were different, ^but I couldn't see the distinction between the two.\ ;それに、俺にとっては花が同じであろうが、 ;違っていようが、別にどうでも良いことだった。\ ^And it meant nothing to me whether flowers were the same or different.\ ;それよりも、普段なら決して話しに乗ってこない彼女。\ ^But what did mean something was this girl who usually never said a word more than she needed to.\ ;その彼女が珍しく言葉を続けていた。 ;だから俺も、話しを合わせてみた。\ ^She was conversing in rare form today. ^Which was why I decided to follow along.\ bg "e\danwa_ame.jpg",5 ;「お前ってさ、もしかして詳しいのか? こーゆーのに」\ ^``Do you happen to know a lot about them? Flowers, that is.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n068.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... not really.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか? でも俺には違いが分からねえよ」\ ^``Really? But I don't see the difference.''\ ;ブラウン管の向こうに咲く白い花。 ;それと彼女の横顔の向こうに在る花瓶の花。\ ^The flowers on the screen. ^And the flowers in the vase to her side.\ ;ぼんやりと、その両者を眺めながら、尚も言葉を続けた。\ ^I continued to talk as I stared vacantly at the two.\ ;「なあなあ、これってさ、蘭とか百合ってのか?」\ ^``Look, look, are these orchids or lilies?''\ dwave 0,"w\n067.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、白っぽい色してるしさ」\ ^``See, they're pure white, right?''\ dwave 0,"w\n067.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;興味もないくせに、適当に言葉を続ける俺。\ ^I had no interest, ^yet I kept trying to make conversation.\ ;だけど…^@^ ;彼女は、すぐにいつもの調子で黙ってしまう。\ ^But ...^@^ ^... she resumed her silence soon enough.\ ;相変わらずの様子で、 ;つまらないブラウン管を見つめるだけだった。\ ^And with her usual lack of expression, ^she continued staring at the boring TV screen.\ ;そして、もう会話にはのってくれないのかと諦め、 ;再び俺も、テレビに視線を戻そうとした時…\ ^And just when I turned back to the TV, ^resigned to the fact that I'd get nothing more out of her ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n069.ogg" ;「…ナルキッソス…」\ ^``... narcissus ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n070.ogg" ;「ナルキッソスよ…」\ ^``Those are narcissus ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;☆BG ヒロインぱじゃまのUP\ ;●:ヒロインパジャマUP bg "e\chara_0013.jpg",5 bg "e\chara_001.jpg",5 ;答えながら…^@^初めて、俺に顔を向けた。\ ^As she answered ...^@^ she turned to face me for the first time.\ ;腰まである長い髪を揺らして… ;テレビの画面に映った花を指しながら、俺を見つめた。\ ^Her hip-length hair swaying ... ^she pointed at the TV screen and looked at me.\ ;画面に映った花と同じような、 ;手首に巻いた白いビニールの腕輪と、白い肌。\ ^The ID bracelet on her wrist was white. Her skin was white. ^Just like the flowers onscreen.\ ;初めて見つめられたその顔は…\ ^And I swore I could see a tiny smile ...\ ;僅かだけ微笑んでくれたようにも思えた。\ ^... on that face that was looking at me for the first time.\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha2,1 mov %flg_bplay,2 goto *gp32_mini_title ;____;____;____ ;●とも タイトル戻し予定 ;★チャプター3 *gp32_honpen3 dwavestop 5 mov $sys_midasi,"^The Silver Coupe [g]" ;____________________ ;・翌日あたり\ ;●:病院廊下7階 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "gp32\1\c0432.bmp",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;________________ mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;数日が過ぎ、冬が更に本格的になった頃。\ ^A few days later, plunging further into the depths of winter.\ ;世間では受験シーズンと呼ばれる中、 ;相変わらず俺達は、今日もテレビを眺めていた。\ ^During this time that the rest of the world called `exam period', ^we were sitting watching TV, the same as ever.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;「つまらねえな…」\ ^``This is boring ...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_076.ogg" ;「…そうね」\ ^``... so it is.''\ dwavestop 0 ;会話とも呼べないやり取り。\ ^This exchange that could not even be called a conversation.\ ;お互い、無意味に時間だけを消費する日々だった。\ ^We'd spent all our days in this fashion, ^killing time without meaning or purpose.\ ;「そういえばお前って…いつだっけ?」\ ^``Speaking of which ... when is it for you?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_077.ogg" ;「…今日よ」\ ^``... today.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか、今日だったか…」\ ^``I see, so it's today ...''\ ;ここで俺たちが言うところの、「今日」とは、 ;以前に話してくれた、彼女の仮退院のことを指していた。\ ^That word, that ``today'': ^was the temporary discharge that she'd alluded to earlier.\ dwave 0,"w\new_078.ogg" ;「もう…会えないかもね」\ ^``So ... we may not see each other again.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん? ああ、そうだな…」\ ^``Hmm? Yeah, I guess that's true ...''\ ;仮に、彼女がこの7階に再び帰ってこれたとしても、 ;あと1回が限度だろう。\ ^Because even if she were to be readmitted to 7F, ^that would be her last time.\ ;その間、きっと俺も、家とこの場所を行き来している筈。\ ^And in that time, ^I'd probably be discharged and readmitted myself.\ ;そんな俺達が、再び出会えるような、 ;タイミングがあるとは思えなかった。\ ^It didn't seem likely that things could be timed so that we could see each other again.\ dwave 0,"w\new_079.ogg" ;「…あなた、決まった?」\ ^``... have you decided yet?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「例の、どっちで死ぬかってのか?」\ ^``About where I'm going to die?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_080.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、まだだ…」\ ^``No, not yet ...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_081.ogg" ;「…そう…」\ ^``... I see ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;少しだけ寂しそうに頷く彼女。 ;その表情は、2回目に仮退院する者、故なのだろう。\ ^She nodded somewhat sadly. ^The expression of someone being discharged for the second time.\ ;まだ俺には実感が沸かないし、 ;医者からは1回目の仮退院について触れられていない。\ ^I still felt nothing about the situation, ^and I hadn't heard from the doctors about my ~i~first~i~ discharge.\ ;そういえば…\ ^Come to think of it ...\ ;結局彼女は、 ;自分自身の答えは決まっているのだろうか…\ ^I wondered if she'd finally decided what her own answer to the dilemma would be ...\ dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;タッタッタ、\ ^ *click*click*click*\ dwavestop 5 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a013.wav" ;「セツミ、仕度できたわよ」\ ^``Setsumi, everything's set.''\ dwavestop 4 ;そう言ってやって来た、どこかのおばさん。\ ^A lady came up to us with these words.\ ;恐らくは彼女の母親なのだろう。 ;隣に座っていた俺にも、小さく頭を下げてくれた。\ ^This was probably her mother. ^She nodded slightly at me. I did not rise.\ dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a022.wav" ;「じゃあ、そろそろ、行くけど用意はいい?」\ ^``We'll be leaving soon, but are you all ready?''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_082.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a032.wav" ;「それでは、失礼します」\ ^``Well, have a nice day, sir.''\ dwavestop 4 ;もう一度、俺に小さくお辞儀をすると、 ;その場を立ち去ろうとするおばさん。\ ^She nodded slightly at me again and then turned to leave this place.\ ;そして、娘である彼女へと手を伸ばすのだけど…\ ^She did stretch out her hand toward that girl who was likely her daughter ...\ dwave 0,"w\new_083.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;でも…彼女はその場を離れようとしなかった。\ ^But ... the girl did not move at all.\ ;母親に手を引かれるようにしても、 ;何故かパイプ椅子から立ち上がろうとしなかった。\ ^She stayed rooted in her chair even after her mother had grabbed her hand.\ dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a042.wav" ;「どうかしたの、セツミ?」\ ^``What's wrong, Setsumi?''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_084b.ogg" ;「少し…苦しい…」\ ^``It hurts ... a little ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a052.wav" ;「えっ、苦しいって、どこが? 胸?お腹?」\ ^``What? Where? Your chest? Your abdomen?''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 0,"w\new_085b.ogg" ;「…胸…」\ ^``... my chest ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 4,"tuiz\mom_a062.wav" ;「ちょ、ちょっと待ってなさい、すぐに先生呼んでくるから」\ ^``S-stay right here. ^ I'll call the doctors right away.''\ dwavestop 4 dwave 5,"se\hayaasi.ogg" ;タッタッタ、\ ^ *click*click*click*\ ;慌しく、来客用のスリッパを鳴らして、 ;ナースステーションへと駆け出すおばさん。\ ^She took off. In visitor-use slippers. ^In a sprint. Toward the nurses' station.\ bg "e\danwa.jpg",3 ;残されたこの場所には、 ;パイプ椅子に座って俯いたままの彼女と俺だけだった。\ ^There were but two things left in this place: ^her and me. Both in chairs.\ ;その病状や進行等、俺には全く分からない。\ ^I did not know a thing about her disease or its status.\ ;俺が知っていることは、名前はセツミ、血液型O。 ;例の白い腕輪に書かれていることだけだった。\ ^The only things I knew were courtesy of her white ID bracelet: ^Her name was Setsumi, and her blood type was O.\ ;でも、俺達は7階の住人であり、 ;少なくとも彼女は、俺以上なのだろう。\ ^But we were inhabitants of 7F and she was older than me, if just by a little.\ ;「なあ、先生来るまで、そこで横になってるか?」\ ^``Hey, do you want to lie down over there until the doctors come?''\ ;言いながら、長椅子を指差す。 ;以前からこの部屋の隅に備えてあった物だった。\ ^I pointed at the corner of the lounge, at the couch. ^At something that I had never seen used.\ ;「ほら、背中支えてやるから」\ ^``It'll support your back, after all.''\ dwave 0,"w\new_083.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\new_087.ogg" ;「別に…もう平気よ」\ ^``Doesn't matter ... I'm fine now.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを告げると、 ;さっと、自分から立ち上がる彼女。\ ^Saying those words and nothing more she stood up quickly.\ ;「お、おい、お前…」\ ^``H-hey, wait ...''\ ;無理すんなよ。\ ^Don't do anything foolish.\ ;っと、続けるよりも早く、 ;さっさと、廊下へと歩き出してしまった。\ ^But she was already halfway down the corridor before I could finish the sentence.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2000 stop ;___________________ ;●>7階の廊下 ;___________________ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;夜。消灯時間も過ぎた頃。\ ^Nightfall. After lights-out.\ ;いつものように、マンガ本にも飽き、 ;寝付けなかった俺は、病院内をぶらぶらとしていた。\ ^Bored of reading manga, as usual, ^I wandered through the darkened hospital.\ ;そして、照明を落とされ、 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^The usual lounge, now pitch-dark from the absence of light.\ ;そこで、あいつの姿を見つけた。\ ^That was where I found her.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" bg "e\danwa_yoru.jpg",3 ;「よう、またここに居たのか…」\ ^``Hey, so you're still here ...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_086.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうした? また調子悪いのか?」\ ^``What's up? Not feeling well again?''\ dwave 0,"w\n068.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... not really.''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓の外を見つめたまま、それだけを返す彼女。\ ^... was all she said as she stared at the window.\ ;結局、彼女の仮退院は中止になったようだった。\ ^So her discharge had been postponed after all.\ ;これで、次の機会がいつになったのかは分からないが、 ;恐らくは数日単位ではなく、週単位での延期なのだろう。\ ^No one knew when the next chance would come, ^but it would probably be weeks from now, not days.\ ;「なあ、もしかしてだけどさ…」\ ^``Hey, could it be ...''\ ;「今日のって…仮病か?」\ ^``that you ... feigned illness today?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n033.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;いや、仮病って言い方も変かも知れない。 ;元々、俺達は普通の状態とは呼べない。\ ^No, that probably wasn't the right way to put it. See: ^you couldn't say that we ~i~weren't~i~ sick all the time.\ ;「要はお前…仮退院したくなかったからなのか?」\ ^``What I'm saying is ... you didn't want to leave the hospital, did you?''\ dwave 0,"w\new_089.ogg" ;「…意味がわからないわよ」\ ^``... I don't know what you're talking about.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だってお前、もう後が無いだろ…」\ ^``Because there is no `afterwards' for you now ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n143.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには、黙ったまま何も返してくれなかった。\ ^But there was no answer to my question in her silence.\ ;以前から彼女は、 ;何度も、どちらで死ぬつもりと俺に問うてきた。\ ^She had asked me so many times before about where I wanted to die.\ ;それに対して、まだ決めかねている俺と、 ;家も7階も、どちらも嫌だと言っていた彼女。\ ^And it had always been that I didn't know yet and that she didn't want to die at home or here on 7F.\ ;「やっぱりお前…」\ ^``So you ...''\ ;「他に、行くあてがある訳じゃないんだな…」\ ^``... have no other place to go after all ...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_090.ogg" ;「…だったら…どうなのよ?」\ ^``... and ... what of it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、別に…」\ ^``No, nothing ...''\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;真っ暗になったいつもの談話室。\ ^This familiar lounge, flooded in darkness.\ ;相変わらず、俺の方は見ようともせず、 ;彼女は窓の外を見つめたままだった。\ ^Her familiar stance, looking out the window without so much as acknowledging my existence.\ ;まだ11時だというのに、 ;大部分の照明が落とされた、この病院という場所。\ ^This place we called a hospital and its extinguished lights in spite of the fact that it was only 11PM or so.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;…ここは、日常と非日常の接点。\ ^... this was the tangent point between what was normal and what was not.\ ;更に俺達は、7階の住人。 ;もう、7階と家以外を選ぶことは出来ない。\ ^On top of that, we were inhabitants of 7F. ^Bereft of any choice save one: death on 7F or death at home.\ ;そんな真っ暗な7階の窓から、 ;彼女が見つめたままの外の世界。日常の世界。\ ^The outside world that she was staring at from the pitch-black height of 7F. The normal world.\ ;まだ、ビルや家の灯りが煌々と光り、 ;家路を急ぐ人の、足早に歩く姿で溢れていた。\ ^The buildings and homes were still radiant with light and the street overflowed with people going home.\ ;俺自身、まだ自覚は薄いが…\ ^And although my awareness of it was still vague ...\ ;既に俺は7階の住人。非日常の住人。\ ^I was already an inhabitant of 7F. ^Already an abnormal existence.\ ;もうあの世界へ、帰れることはないだろう…\ ^There was no longer any way for me to go back to that other world, was there now ...?\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame02.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n041.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^`... my time is at a standstill ...'\ ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;●ヒロイン回想or雨空とか ;幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を、 ;誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…\ ^I'd spent so many seasons, so many white overcast skies ... ^without the want or need to converse with anybody ...\ ;最初の内は、窓から元気に登校する子供や、 ;足早に歩く人達を眺めていた。\ ^At first, I would look down at the healthy kids going to school and the people walking back and forth on the streets.\ ;それに飽きた頃、いつもテレビを見ていた。 ;他にすることもなかった。やれることもなかった。\ ^And when I got tired of that, I always watched TV. ^Nothing else to do. Nothing else I ~i~could~i~ do.\ ;窓の外は雪でも、ブラウン管の中は昼。\ ^Even when there was snow outside the window, ^it was always bright and sunny inside the TV screen.\ ;寒さも、暑さも、痛さも無い、目の前に広がる夢の世界。\ ^A dream world, stretching out before my eyes without heat, without cold, without pain.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…仮想に安楽を求め…\ ^... I sought comfort from my imagination ...\ ;膨大な知識だけを増やし…^@^ ;無意味な価値観だけを築いて、築いて、積み上げて…\ ^And so I amassed a huge knowledge base ...^@^ ^Meaningless trivia upon meaningless trivia, over and over ...\ ;いつしか、テレビに映るモノが現実感を失った。\ ^And before I knew it, ^nothing that appeared on TV seemed real anymore.\ ;次は本の中、ゲームの中、そして家族…\ ^And in quick succession, it also happened to: ^books, games, and then my family ...\ ;やがて、わたし自身のことですら、 ;まるで他人のように眺め、リアルとして認識できなくなった。\ ^Finally, I was unable to view myself as anything real, ^as if I were staring at scenes of another person's life.\ ;だから、この7階に来た時も驚きはしなかった。\ ^That's why I was not surprised even when they transferred me to 7F.\ ;目を閉じれば、いつでも世界は消える。 ;だから平気だと思った。思うことにした。\ ^If I but closed my eyes, the world would always vanish.\ ^So I thought I'd be fine. And I did as I thought.\ ;そして、間もなく2回目の退院。\ ^And soon enough, my second discharge from the hospital.\ ;次に来る時には、一人では歩けないかも知れない。\ ^By the time of my next admission, ^I'd probably be too weak to stand by myself.\ ;それがわかっているのに、 ;抗えない自分を情けないと思った。\ ^I found my own self -- the one who couldn't do anything even though she knew this -- to be pitiful.\ ;…行き先すら持たない自分を、滑稽だとも思った。\ ^... I found my own self -- the one who had no destination -- to be ridiculous.\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n042.ogg" ;「時間を止め、心を止め、胸に大きな傷跡を作り…」\ ^``My time at a standstill, my heart at a standstill, my chest standing still with huge scars ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n043.ogg" ;「それでも、22年も生きたのに哀れだと思った…」\ ^``I'd lived for 22 years now and I found myself utterly helpless ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;_________________ bg "gp32\1\c044.bmp",3 click bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 ;それから更に数日後…\ ^A few days after that ...\ ;先日までの曇り空が消え、 ;どこまでも高い、高い、冬空が広がっていた。\ ^The overhanging clouds had cleared up, ^and an endless, endless winter sky was in their place.\ bg "e\byoin7_rouka.jpg",3 ;珍しく見舞いに来た親父。 ;終始、辛そうな顔をしていた。\ ^Oddly enough, my father had come to visit. ^A difficult expression on his face the entire time.\ ;でも、俺の保険がどうとか言っていた。\ ^But he was saying something or other about my insurance.\ ;その時の目は哀しそうではなかった。\ ^And at that time his eyes were not unhappy at all.\ ;「じゃあ、先生と少し話しがあるから…」\ ^``I have to talk to the doctors for a bit ...''\ ;そう告げると、廊下を去っていった親父。\ ^Saying this, my father strode down the corridor.\ ;以前にも行った、 ;あの薄暗い談話室へ向かったようだった。\ ^Toward that dim conference room where this had all begun, ^or so it seemed.\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;また、一人となった病室。\ ^My hospital room was now empty.\ ;何もすることがない俺は、 ;売店で買ってきてくれた週刊誌へと手を伸ばす。\ ^Having nothing to do now, I reached for the weekly magazines that they'd bought at the stands for me.\ ;そこには、同じように ;見舞いとして持ってきてくれた果物とジュース。\ ^And accompanying them, just as ever, ^there were fruits and drinks as get-well gifts.\ ;その果物を入れたバスケットの横。\ ^And to one side of the basket that the fruits were piled in.\ ;ちょうど、俺の嫌いなメロンの前…\ ^Right in front of the melons that I so hated ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\key2.ogg" ;☆BG 車のキーUP\ ;●:車のキーUP stop mp3fadeout 2000 bg "e\carkey.jpg",5 ;目に入ったのは…^@^車のキーだった。\ ^What I saw was ...^@^ a set of car keys.\ ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;■心情・情景>もうちょい\ ;銀色に輝くキー。\ ^The keys shone silver.\ ;親父自慢の、内装から手を加えたらしいクーペ。\ ^These were the keys to my father's pride and joy, ^that coupe that he'd sweated over from the upholstery on outwards.\ ;以前にも何気なく貸してくれと言い、 ;あっけなく断られた、その車のキーだった。\ ^The coupe that I'd asked to borrow a long time ago ... ^and I'd been told `no' without a single second's delay.\ ;そして、パジャマの胸ポケットには、例の免許証。\ ^And my still-unused driver's license, ^in the breast pocket of my pajamas.\ ;あの日、出番を失ってしまったにもかかわらず、 ;持ち続けていた…かつての日常の証しだった。\ ^Even after it had lost its chance for use that day, ^it remained with me waiting ... as if that were its proof of life.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;SE> dwave 5,"se\key2.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ^ *ka-click*\ ;俺は黙って、キーを掴んだ。\ ^In silence I grabbed the keys.\ ;咄嗟にそうしてしまった。 ;自分でも、明確な理由はわからない。\ ^It happened as if on impulse. ^I had no idea what my motives were, either.\ ;只、何となくそうしていた。 ;どこか、テレビの1シーンを眺めているようだった。\ ^I just seized them without a second thought. ^As if I were looking at a scene on TV.\ ;そして、貰っていた数日分の薬。 ;それだけをコンビニ袋に詰めると…\ ^And the few days' worth of meds that I'd been dispensed. ^I stuffed those into a bag and ...\ ;廊下へと向かった。\ ^I headed down the corridor.\ ;☆BG変え mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;…ナースステーションの横をすり抜け…\ ^... I snuck past the nurses' station ...\ ;足早にエレベーターに向かって歩き続ける。\ ^... and quickly strode toward the elevators.\ ;右手にコンビニ袋、左手には車のキー。 ;胸ポケットには、出番を失くした筈の免許証を忍ばせていた。\ ^A bag in my right hand, the keys in my left. ^The long-neglected driver's license in my breast pocket.\ ;●:談話室 bg "e\danwa.jpg",5 ;談話室の前。\ ^In front of the lounge.\ ;次に目に入ったのが、 ;いつものように、テレビを見ていた彼女の姿だった。\ ^And the next thing I saw was the girl sitting there watching TV as per usual.\ ;ちゃちいパイプ椅子に座って、 ;今日もつまらなさそうに画面を見ていた。\ ^Staring blankly and boredly at that screen, ^sitting on a little foldable chair.\ ;その相変わらずの後姿に、俺は声を掛けた。\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;「なあお前…それ面白いか?」\ ^``Hey ... that show any good?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n071.ogg" ;「…そう見える?」\ ^``... does it look that way to you?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、全然…」\ ^``No, not at all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずのやり取り。\ ^The all-too-expected exchange.\ ;いつもの遠くを見るような目をしていた。\ ^Her eyes looked as faraway as they always had.\ !s85 ;「それじゃあ…^@^いっしょに行くか?」\ ^``Well then ...^@^ shall we go together?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\nv395.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;手に持った車のキーを見せながら、言葉を続けた。\ ^I continued talking as I showed her the keys in my hand.\ ;「俺も…家は嫌だ」\ ^``See ... I don't want it to be at home.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n073.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n074.ogg" ;「わたしは…7階も嫌…」\ ^``And I ... don't want it to be on 7F either ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「それじゃあ…^@^いっしょに行くか?」\ ^``Well then ...^@^ shall we go together?''\ dwavestop 0 !s100 dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 !sd ;その言葉と共に、パイプ椅子から立ち上がる彼女。^@^ ^With that, she stood up from her chair.^@^ ;ふわりと長い髪が揺れ、俺の鼻先をかすめた。\ ^Her hair swayed with her, and grazed the tip of my nose.\ ;そして彼女も、 ;何日分かの薬をコンビニ袋に詰めると…\ ^And then she, too, ^stuffed a few days' worth of meds in a bag ...\ ;二人して7階を後にした。\ ^And we made to leave 7F together.\ ;俺はつまらないテレビを消した。 ;カン高い笑い声をあげていた司会者は沈黙した。\ ^I switched off that boring TV. ^The grating laughter of the M.C. was forever obliterated.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;__;_ ;お互い、パジャマのままエレベーターに乗り込む。 ;最上階である、この階から1階へと降りる。\ ^Both of us in pajamas clad boarded the elevator. ^Heading down from this top floor down to 1F.\ ;1階に着いても、入退院や急患入り口ではなく、 ;わざと外来の出入口から駐車場へと向かった。\ ^At 1F, we headed not for the E.R. entrance, ^but for the outpatient clinics entrance.\ ;●:冬空 bg "e\sora03.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"se\kaze3.ogg" ;ビュウーー、\ ^ *woosh*\ ;屋外に出た途端に、冷たい木枯らしが顔を叩く。^@^ ;障害物の少ない駐車場は、尚更、風が強いように感じた。\ ^The cold winter air struck away at our faces.^@^ ^All the more strong in a wide-open space like the parking lot.\ ;二人して、キョロキョロと辺りに気を配りながら、 ;広い病院の駐車場を歩き回る。\ ^The two of us wandered around the spacious field, ^looking about ourselves with unease.\ ;やがて… ;しばらく探して、やっと見つけた親父の車。\ ^And after a little while ... ^... we came across my father's car.\ ;☆車:停車時\ ;●:車外・病院の駐車場に停車中の車 bg "e\byoin_chusyajo.jpg",5 ;銀のクーペ。^@^ ;内装にまで手を入れた親父自慢の車だった。\ ^The silver coupe.^@^ ^My father's pride and joy, impeccably maintained.\ ;早速俺は、キーをさし込むとドアを開ける。\ ^I immediately inserted the key and opened the door.\ ;SE dwave 5,"se\kati.ogg" ;カチャ、\ ^ *ka-click*\ ;「ほら、乗っていいぞ」\ ^``Go ahead, get in.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Very well ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^ *thud*\ ;深々とドライバーズシートに身を沈める俺。\ ^I sank into the driver's seat.\ ;助手席の彼女は、 ;小柄の為か普通に座っても前が見え難い程だった。\ ^She was in the passenger's seat, ^but she was so short that she'd have a hard time seeing the road.\ ;●:車内・停車01(病院の駐車場) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 ;次に、手に持ったキーをイグニッションへと挿れ、 ;回しながら軽くアクセルを踏む。\ ^I turned the key into ignition, ^and stepped lightly on the accelerator.\ ;全て、教習所で習った通りだった。\ ^Just as I'd learned during training.\ dwave 5,"se\engine_start.ogg" ;キュルキュル、 ;ウォンブオン……\ ^ *whirr*whirr* ^ *vroom*vroom* ...\ ;たちまち、車内に響く軽いエンジン音。\ ^Reassuring engine noises filtered into the cabin.\ ;後はサイドブレーキを外して、クラッチを離すだけ。\ ^I released the handbrake and then applied the clutch.\ ;…これで、どこへでも行けた。行ける筈だった。\ ^... now we could go anywhere. That was our plan.\ ;「じゃあ、行くぞ…」\ ^``All right, let's go ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n077.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;小さく頷く彼女。 ;俺は返事をする代わりにギアをセカンドに入れる。\ ^She nodded slightly. ^Instead of replying I shifted into second gear.\ ;そして、静かに車を発進させた。\ ^And the car accelerated smoothly.\ ;SE>\ dwave 5,"se\car_start2.ogg" bg "e\naname_machi2.jpg",5 ;慣れないクラッチに、 ;ガタガタと車体を揺らしながらも、ゆっくりと進む。\ ^Unused to the clutch, ^and swerving slightly, I advanced slowly.\ dwave 0,"w\n078.ogg" ;「…揺れるわね」\ ^``... you're swerving.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、初めて乗る車だからな…」\ ^``Yeah, it's my first time in a car ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ついでに言うと、免許取って初めての運転だ」\ ^``Well, it's the first time since I got my license that I've driven a car.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n080.ogg" ;「……………」\ dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^``I see ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて目の前に現れた、病院の駐車場出口。 ;そこに面して通っている大きめの道路。\ ^The exit to the parking lot was now in view. ^And the largish road beyond it, without traffic lights.\ ;俺は、その信号のない交差点へと車を出した。\ ^I turned onto it.\ ;●:車内・移動中03(車道) bg "e\shanai_inaka.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\c-1.ogg" ;>SE>クラクション ;パァーン、パーン、\ ^ *beep* *beep*\ ;クラクションを浴びせる後続の車。 ;いきなり車線に入ってきた俺に対してのものだった。\ ^The sound of honking car horns. ^Those were directed at me as I cut into the road.\ ;慣れないクラッチに、ギアを変える度に、 ;ガツガツとつんのめりながらも走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe complained but did not stop as I worked the unfamiliar clutch, the stiff gearbox.\ dwave 5,"se\c-2.ogg" ;>SE>クラクション\ ;それが真後ろの車には余計に気に障るのか、 ;当分、クラクションは止みそうになかった。\ ^I must really have rubbed the other drivers the wrong way, ^as the honking of horns did not seem likely to cease.\ ;なのに、特に気にするでもなく走る俺。 ;どこかリアルとしての感覚が薄かった。\ ^But I just continued to drive without caring much. ^None of it quite seemed real at all.\ !s85 ;「なあ、お前…」\ ^``Hey ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n081.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... what is it?''\ dwavestop 0 !w200 ;「…怖いか?」\ ^``... are you scared?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n082.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ !w300 dwave 0,"w\n084.ogg" ;「…怖がった方が…^@^いい?」\ ^``... do you ...^@^ want me to be?''\ dwavestop 0 !w100 ;「いや…別に…」\ ^``No ... not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" ;☆BG空 ;●:冬空>ある bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 !s75 ;まだ昼前。高い日。\ ^Still before noon. The high-flying sun.\ ;フロントガラス越しに見た、一月の冬空。 ;何故か哀しいと思えるほど青く澄んでいた。\ ^The skies of January, above and beyond the windshield. ^Skies so blue that they seemed almost in mourning.\ ;…別に行くあてなんて無かった。\ ^... we had no destination.\ ;寒空、慣れないクラッチに、車体を揺らした日のこと。^@^ ;二人して、パジャマ姿のまま国道を目指した日のこと。\ ^On that cold day with an alien clutch and a swerving car.^@^ ^On that day when we drove onto the highway in our pajamas.\ !s85 ;…そんな冬の日のこと…\ ^... on that very day of winter ...\ !sd ;;____ ;・タイトルへ:BGMそのままかな?\ ;____;__;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2000 bg "english\1\c0442.bmp",3 click ;あんなに高かった日が ;オレンジへと変わろうとする頃。\ ^Around when that blazing high sun had changed into a dusky orange.\ bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;走り続ける俺たち。 ;只、やみくもに車を走り続けていた。\ ^We were continuing to drive. ^Just driving in any direction at random.\ ;そして、辺りが見覚えのない場所になった頃…\ ^And in a place that I did not recognize ...\ ;「…少し停めるぞ」\ ^``... we're stopping for a bit.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n180.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG 車or道 ;●:車外・停車01(市街地から外れた道ばた・交通量少) bg "e\chusha_michi2_yu.jpg",5 ;やっと、車を停車させた俺。\ ^I finally brought the car to a halt.\ ;市街地から外れた、どこかの道端。 ;寂しげでほとんど交通量も見えないところだった。\ ^A roadside somewhere, far away from civilization. ^No traffic anywhere to be seen. Lonely.\ ;そんな、名も知れぬ場所に車を寄せると、 ;とりあえず、車内の点検を始めた。\ ^Having stopped the car in this nameless place, ^I started inspecting around the cabin.\ ;☆BG 車内 ;●:車内・停車02(市街地から外れた道ばた・交通量少) bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",5 ;…少しでも役に立つものがあれば…\ ^... if there was anything useful here ...\ ;何の用意もなく飛び出してきたが、 ;たちまちに困ってしまうことは目に見えていた。\ ^We'd just run off without any preparation at all but there was something troubling leaping out at me.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;まずは、目の前のダッシュボードを漁ってみる。\ ^With that on my mind, ^I first scoured the dashboard.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…………\ ^... ...\ ;「ほんと、何もねえな…」\ ^``There's nothing here at all ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;高速のつり銭らしき小銭が数百円ほど。 ;他にはマンガ本が数冊と、使い捨てカメラがあるだけ。\ ^A couple hundred yen, cluttered around the gearstick. ^A few manga volumes and a cheap disposable camera.\ ;別に目的地がある訳ではなかったけど、 ;車に装備されていたナビも壊れているようだった。\ ^It wasn't as if we had a destination, ^but the onboard GPS navigation system looked broken.\ ;そして、俺の今の所持金は8000円ほど。^@^ ;出掛けに急いでポケットに詰めてきた全財産だった。\ ^And I only had about 8,000 yen on me.^@^ ^That was all the money I had lying around when I up and left.\ ;これでは、目の前の小銭と足しても、 ;9000円ほどにしかならない。\ ^So combined with the pocket change I'd found, ^I only had 9,000 yen or so.\ ;もちろん、車内に何かあるなんて、 ;最初から期待してた訳じゃない。\ ^Of course, I hadn't really expected that there'd be anything in the car anyway.\ ;…でも、この所持金では、たちまちに困ってしまうだろう。 ;ちゃんとした所に宿泊するなんて絶対に無理だと思える。\ ^... but this lack of money presented a problem. ^It wouldn't be possible for us to find lodging on this budget.\ bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;といっても、こいつが金を持ってるとは思えないし…\ ^And it didn't seem likely that this girl would have any money on her either ...\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、なんでもない…」\ ^``No, it's nothing ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;…まあいい。 ;こんなことは最初から分かっていた筈だ。\ ^... eh, whatever. ^I'd half-expected this from the beginning.\ ;元々、予定や計画なんてのを、 ;考えた上での行動だった訳じゃない。\ ^It wasn't as if I'd thought this through enough to have things like a plan or a schedule.\ ;それよりも今は動きたかった。じっとしていたくなかった。\ ^I just wanted to get out, right then and there. ^I did not want to stay where I was.\ ;だから俺は、再び車を走らせた。\ dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" ;●とも SE>走る音 bg "e\naname_inaka_yu.jpg",5 ;暮れ始めた空の下、 ;再び走り始めた銀のクーペ。\ ^Underneath the curtain of twilight, ^I started up the silver coupe again.\ ;「ところでお前、腹へってねえか?」\ ^``Hey, are you hungry?''\ dwavestop 0 ;走りながら、隣のこいつに声を掛ける。 ;考えてみれば朝から何も食べてなかった。\ ^I asked her as I drove along. ^Come to think of it, she hadn't eaten anything since morning.\ ;もちろん、所持金を考えると贅沢は出来ない。\ ;だけど、ファーストフードや、 ;コンビニのおにぎり程度なら大丈夫だと思える。\ ;「とりあえず、コンビニでも寄るか?」\ ^``Want to stop at a convenience store or something?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n152.ogg" ;「…嫌」\ ^``... no.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「おいおい、贅沢言うなよ、 ; それに7階の食事と比べれば絶対にマシだぞ」\ ^``Hey, hey, don't be like that. ^ And the food's much better than anything up on 7F.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n015.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の言葉には、無言で返す彼女。\ ^She did not respond to me.\ ;その、うつむいた視線の先は、 ;自分の着ているピンクのパジャマがあった。\ ^Instead, she looked straight down, ^at the pink pajamas she was wearing.\ ;「ああ、そういえば、そうだったな…」\ ^``Oh, yeah, that's right ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺も自分の服を見つめる。\ ^I looked down at my own clothing.\ ;確かに、このパジャマのままでは、 ;どこに行くにしても目立ちすぎる。\ ^Sure enough, in these pajamas, ^we'd be conspicuous no matter where we went.\ ;車内なら問題無いって訳じゃないけど、 ;とりあえず、この服装を何とかしないといけない。\ ^Not that we weren't conspicuous right now. ^In any case, we'd have to do something about them.\ ;そう判断した俺は、 ;幹線道路から市街地へとハンドルを向けた。\ ^And having made my decision, ^I steered back toward civilization.\ ;●:車内・移動中04(車道) bg "e\shanai_michi03_yu.jpg",5 ;しばらく走った頃。 ;到着したのは、名も知らぬどこかの通り。\ ^After a little more driving. ^We'd arrived in a place whose name I didn't know.\ ;きっと駅前に近いのだろう。 ;それなりに人の姿も見える通りだった。\ ^Probably somewhere close to a rail station.\ ^Certainly enough people around for it to be the case.\ ;「このへんなら、ありそうなもんだけど…」\ ^``There's gotta be one around here somewhere ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;辺りをキョロキョロと探りながら、車を進ませる俺。 ;シートから少し身体を乗り出すようにして運転していた。\ ^I looked around anxiously as I drove. ^My back pitched a little forward, not touching the seat.\ ;「あ…見つけた…」\ ^``Ah ... there one is ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ほどなくして発見したコインランドリー。\ ^At last, a coin laundromat.\ ;見ため的にもぼろくて、 ;小さな雑居ビルの1階にぽつんと入っていた。\ ^It looked pretty run-down from the outside, ^on the first floor of a small forlorn building.\ ;…ここならちょうど良いかも知れない。\ ^... this was as good a place as any.\ ;俺は、その入り口から、 ;少しだけ離れた場所へと車を路駐する。\ ^I stopped the car not far from the entrance to this place.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ…」\ ^``All right, I'll be back in a second ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n088.ogg" ;「…?」\ ^``...?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^ *thud*\ ;不思議そうな顔をする彼女を車内に残し、 ;俺はコインランドリーへと足を向ける。\ ^Leaving her and her confused face in the car, ^I walked into the laundromat.\ ;SE>ガー>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;●:コインランドリー店内>素材写真加工レベルで bg "e\coin_tennai.jpg",5 ;自動ドアをくぐった途端、 ;鼻をつく漂白剤や洗剤の匂い。\ ^My nose was filled with the smell of bleach and detergent the moment the automatic doors opened.\ ;店内は、外見のぼろっちさと同じように、 ;古めかしい洗濯機や乾燥機で占められていた。\ ^The exterior of the laundromat had told no lie: ^the washers and dryers were old and run-down as well.\ ;「…誰もいないな」\ ^``... there's nobody here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな呟きを落とした無人の店内。\ ^The empty laundromat swallowed whole my murmured words.\ dwave 5,"se\coin2.ogg" ;ゴ………\ ^ *rrrrrr* ...\ ;そこには低い音を上げて回転する乾燥機が、 ;1台だけ使用中だった。\ ^Only a single dryer was in operation, ^making its characteristic humming noises.\ ;早速、その使用中の機械に近づくと、 ;タイマーのチェックを始める。\ ^I immediately walked to that machine, ^and checked its timer.\ ;…………\ ^... ...\ ;どうやら200円投入の、30分にセットしたようだった。 ;そして今は、5分しか経っていない状態。\ ^It looked like it would operate for 30 minutes on 200 yen. ^And only 5 minutes had elapsed so far.\ ;…きっと、頃合までどこかで時間を潰しているのだろう。\ ^... whoever it was had probably gone elsewhere to kill some time.\ ;以上を推測すると、もう一度、 ;出入り口から、それらしい人がいないかを見回す。\ ^Ruminating over this, I looked around just one more time to reassure myself that no one was around.\ ;そして、間違いなく人の姿がないことを確かめると、 ;俺は回転中の乾燥機のドアを手にして…\ ^Then, satisfied that I was all alone, ^I put my hand on the door handle of that drying machine ...\ ;いきなり開けた。\ ^And I abruptly opened it.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>止めorそれっぽい音 dwave 5,"se\coin.ogg" ;ガチャンっ、\ ^ *kerthunk*\ ;乾燥途中にドアを開けられ、 ;強制的に一旦停止された乾燥機。\ ^Its door opened during operation, ^the dryer spun down to a forced halt.\ ;むわっとした湿気と熱を無視して、 ;その中から半乾きの服の塊を引きずり出す。\ ^I pulled out a clump of half-dry clothing, ^ignoring the heat and the humidity.\ ;そして、そのまま両手で抱えると、 ;もう一度辺りを見回してから店を後にした。\ ^And after looking around once more to make sure no one was around, ^I walked out of the laundromat just like that.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;カチャ、バタン\ ^ *ka-click* *thud*\ ;●車内 bg "e\shanai_michi03_yu.jpg",5 ;●とも↓ボリューム小さく dwave 0,"w\n307.ogg" ;「あ……」\ ^``Oh ...''\ ;両手一杯に抱えた洗濯物を見て、 ;少しだけ驚いた声を上げる彼女。\ ^She sounded slightly surprised when she saw my arms full of clothing.\ ;でも俺は構わずに、後部座席へと放り投げる。\ ^But I threw the clothes in the back seat without a word.\ ;「じゃあ、行くぞ…」\ ^``All right, let's go ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n073.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE dwave 5,"se\car_start.ogg" ;キュルキュル、 ;ウォンブオン……\ ^*whirr*whirr* ^*vroom*vroom* ...\ ;bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;●とも ↓できたらこれは、上からじゃない車走行中で ;>■仕込みました bg "e\soukou_yoru.jpg",3 ;ハンドルを片手に、 ;先ほど放り込んだ洗濯物の山に目をやる。\ ^I looked back at the bundle of clothes with the steering wheel in one hand.\ ;ぱっと見、派手な感じのジーパンやスウェットばかりで、 ;どれもサイズは大きめのようだった。\ ^Gaudy-looking sweaters and jeans and almost nothing else. ^All in pretty big sizes, at that.\ ;まだ湿っているけど、 ;車内ならば、エアコンの熱でじきに乾くだろう。\ ^All still wet, ^but the car's heating would dry them out soon.\ ;☆車内でもいいかも ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道・夜) bg "e\shanai_michi02_yoru.jpg",5 ;「後で好きなのに着替えろよ…」\ ^``Change into whatever you like later ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n090.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉にも、特に返事はなかった。 ;放り込んだままの洗濯物に目をやるだけだった。\ ^She didn't react much to those words, either. ^She just looked back at the pile of clothes.\ ;「しょうがねえだろ…」\ ^``Look, we had no choice ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n091.ogg" ;「…わかってるわよ」\ ^``... I know.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そりゃあ俺だって、 ;こんなこと好きでやってる訳じゃない。\ ^Well, obviously, ^it wasn't as if I liked doing this kind of thing.\ ;それに、この所持金自体だって、 ;別に何かの使い途を持ってる訳じゃないけど…\ ^And it wasn't as if there was anything I was saving that money for ...\ ;しかし、現在の手持ちでは、 ;新たに服を買うことは厳しいのが現状だった。\ ^It was just that given the amount we had, ^it would be very difficult to buy new clothes.\ ;__________________ ;●とも>月もあるので↓ ;☆どこかの場所:夜>夜空 bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;本格的に月が顔を出し、しばらく走った頃…\ ^After I'd driven for a bit ... ^... around when the moon shone full above us ...\ ;俺はどこかの公園のそばへと車を停める。\ ^I stopped the car next to some public park.\ ;きっと、児童公園のような場所なのだろう。 ;住宅街の中に、こじんまりと建っていた。\ ^Probably a place for children to play. ^Tucked away in the corner of a residential area.\ ;そんな中、先程パクってきた服の物色を始める。\ ^And there, ^I started looking through the clothes I'd stolen sometime back.\ ;☆車内:夜 ;●:車内正面・停車03(公園の側・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",5 ;車内のエアコンもあってか、すっかり乾いていた洗濯物。\ ^They were mostly dry by now, ^thanks to the heating in the car.\ ;「やっぱり、男ものばかりだったな…」\ ^``All men's clothing after all ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;さっきもちらっと見た通り、 ;派手な感じのジーパンやスウェットばかりだった。\ ^I'd inspected the heap once before: ^a veritable mountain of gaudy jeans and sweaters.\ ;恐らくは俺と同じくらいの年頃なのだろう。 ;サイズ的にも近いように感じた。\ ^Probably someone around my age. ^Around the same size, looked like.\ ;そして、運転席に座ったまま、 ;適当なジーンズとトレーナーを掴むと着替え始める俺。\ ^And, sitting in the driver's seat of the car, ^I changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater.\ ;「ほら、お前も適当なのに着替えろよ」\ ^``Hey, you should get changed too.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n092.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n093.ogg" ;「どれも、大き過ぎる…」\ ^``They're all too big ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、ずっとパジャマでいるのか?」\ ^``Then will you go on wearing pajamas forever?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n094.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``Fine ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;しぶしぶ答えると、 ;適当なジーンズと服を手に持ってドアを開ける彼女。\ ^She answered reluctantly, ^grabbed some jeans and other clothes, and opened the door.\ ;SE>ドア開け dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「おい、どこ行くんだ?」\ ^``Hey, where are you going?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n096.ogg" ;「…着替えてくる」\ ^``... to get changed.''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;それだけを告げると、 ;目の前に見える公園のトイレへと歩き始めた。\ ^And just like that, ^she started walking to the park's bathroom.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ^... ...\ ;カチャ、\ ^ *ka-click*\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;「よう、早かったな」\ ^``Hey, that was fast.''\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;暫くして、帰ってきた彼女。\ ^She'd come back in short order.\ ;先ほどまで着ていた、ピンクのパジャマを手にして、 ;新しくジーンズと白いトレーナーに着替えていた。\ ^The pink pajamas that she'd been wearing in her hands, ^A white shirt and a pair of jeans on her body.\ ;「まあ、なんとか着れて良かったな」\ ^``Well, that turned out fairly well.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n097.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。予想できたことだが、 ;サイズ的に無理があって、かなりぶかぶかのようだった。\ ^No answer. I'd expected this, ^but everything was too big and baggy on her.\ ;ジーンズの丈も余りすぎる為、くるくると何回も折り返して、 ;上に着たトレーナーも同じように袖を幾重にも捲くっていた。\ ^The jeans were too long and rolled far up at the cuffs, ^and the sleeves of the shirt were much the same way.\ dwave 0,"w\n098.ogg" ;「…パジャマのままの方がよかった」\ ^``... the pajamas were better.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、そう言うなよ、 ; 少しはこっちの方が温かいし」\ ^``Come now, don't say that. ^ It's a little warmer this way, at least.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n097.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の言葉に、少しだけ不服そうな顔を向ける。\ ^She made an only slightly dissatisfied face at my words.\ ;「やっぱあれか、もっと女の子っぽいのが良かったか?」\ ^``Oh, is that it? Were you hoping for more girlish clothes?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n099.ogg" dwave 0,"w\n083.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずの彼女の反応。\ ^The same response as ever.\ ;ぶかぶかのトレーナーに不満そうだと思っても、 ;すぐに、いつもの無表情に戻ってしまった。\ ^I was sure that she was unhappy with her baggy shirt, ^but she soon returned to her usual lack of expression.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;__;____________________ ;タイトル戻し予定地 ;☆雨空:夜\ ;●:空・夜・雨 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\amazora03.jpg",5 ;ざーーーっ\ ^ *swish*\ ;いつのまにか降り出した雨。\ ^It had begun to rain all the sudden.\ bg "e\chusha_michi_ame_yoru.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;まるで止むことを忘れたように、 ;一月の冷たい空からこぼれ落ちていた。\ ^A freezing rain falling from the frigid January sky as if it had forgotten how to stop.\ ;車内から見える、 ;フロントガラスに付いた無数の雨粒。\ ^The countless raindrops spattering on the windshield and obscuring the view from the inside.\ ;その一つ一つが、表面張力を超えるサイズになると ;幾つかが集まり、こぼれ、川へと変わる。\ ^And when each grew too large for surface tension to hold it up, ^a few of them gathered, slid down, became rivers.\ ;そして、流れ落ちる際には、 ;フロントガラスの下流の雨粒をも巻き込み、更に流していく。\ ^And these rivers swallowed up raindrops underneath them and ran to the bottom.\ ;そんな雨の様子を、俺は車内からぼーっと眺めていた。\ ^I stared emptily at the rain from inside.\ ;☆車内\ ;●:車内正面・停車04(駐車場・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;どこかの駐車場。山の中の寂しい場所。\ ^A parking lot somewhere. ^A desolate place in the middle of the mountains.\ ;コンビニで買い物を済ませた俺達は、 ;ここで夜を明かしていた。\ ^Having finished shopping at a convenience store, ^we were spending the night here.\ ;お互いにおにぎりを2つと、ポカリの500ml、 ;それとポテトは半分ずつが夕食のメニューだった。\ ^The dinner menu: ^2 riceballs, 500 ml Pocari Sweat, half a bag of potato chips.\ ;「こーゆーの、久しぶりだよな…」\ ^``It's been a long time since we last did anything like this ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n177.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;片手にコンビニおにぎりを持ったまま、彼女が呟く。\ ^She murmured with a convenience store riceball in one hand.\ ;普通で考えれば豪華な訳はないけど、 ;7階の食事と比べれば十分に旨いと思える。\ ^It wasn't anything of wonderful quality, ^but it was far better than anything served up in 7F.\ ;そして、二人してポテトに手を伸ばしていると、 ;突然、彼女がその手を止めた。\ ^And when we were both going after the potato chips, ^she suddenly stopped reaching for it.\ ;「…どうかしたか?」\ ^``... is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n100.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう答える視線の先、 ;真っ白に煙ったフロントガラスの向こう…\ ^But her eyes were turned past the windshield glazed by the rain ...\ ;その道端には幾つかの白い花が見えていた。\ ^At a few white flowers on the roadside.\ ;☆BG>花の ;●:ナルキッソス絵・夜ぼんやりと浮かび上がっている・雨 bg "e\narcissu_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;雨に濡れる白い花。\ ^At some flowers soaked by rain.\ ;誰かが植えた物か、野生の物かは分からないけど、 ;その花には見覚えがあった。\ ^I didn't know if someone had planted them or if they were wild, ^but I remembered something about them.\ ;「確か、ナルキ…ナルキスだっけ?」\ ^``Were those narci ... narcissu?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n101.ogg" ;「ナルキッソス…水仙のことよ」\ ^``Those are ... narcissus.''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「ああ、水仙のことだったのか…」\ ^``Oh, right, narcissus ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;特に草花に詳しい訳ではないけど、 ;水仙ならば、名前くらい聞いたことがあった。\ ^While I didn't know flower names all that well, ^I'd at least heard of narcissus before.\ ;そして、普段なら滅多に言葉を出さない彼女なのに、 ;珍しく、話題にのってきたことを思い出していた。\ ^And this girl who seldom spoke a single word was actually talking about something.\ ;だから俺も、こいつに合わせて話しを続けた。\ ^And so I followed along.\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru_ame.jpg",5 ;「それで、やっぱあれか…ここのも違うのか?」\ ^``And speaking of which, are these ... not exactly the real deal as well?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n102.ogg" ;「…うん、厳密には違う」\ ^``... yeah, something like that.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ふーん、結構珍しいものなんだな…」\ ^``Hmph, so they must be pretty rare, then ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n103.ogg" ;「別に…どこにでもあるわよ」\ ^``Not really ... you can find them anywhere.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どこにでもって、どこ?」\ ^``Anywhere? And where exactly?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n104.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺としては、それほど深い意味があった訳じゃない。 ;只、話しの流れからの自然な問いのつもりだった。\ ^It wasn't as if I had any deep purpose in asking. ^It was just that I was making conversation as best I could.\ ;なのに、こいつは暫く考え込んでから…^@^ ;ゆっくりと口を開いた。\ ^And yet this girl thought about it for a bit ...^@^ ^... and slowly opened her mouth.\ !s85 dwave 0,"w\n105.ogg" ;「…西……」\ ^``... west ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…西?」\ ^``... west?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n106.ogg" ;「淡路島が…有名…」\ ^``Awaji Island ... is famous for them ...''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「おいおい、淡路島ってお前…」\ ^``Awaji Island? Hey, wait ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;…ここからどれだけ離れていると思ってんだ?\ ^... how far away do you think that is?\ ;まだ車に乗ったばかりの俺には、 ;大体の目安すらつかないほどだった。\ ^I'd just started driving a car, ^so I wasn't even halfway proficient yet.\ ;恐らく、軽く700kmくらいはあるだろうし、 ;高速を利用したって何時間かかるか見当もつかない。\ ^It was probably about 700 km away, ^and even on the tollways I couldn't say how long it would take.\ ;…第一、所持金を考えると、とても足りるとは思えない。\ ^... and in the first place, ^I didn't think we had enough money for that.\ ;それに、仮に高速を使わず、下道で行けたとしても、 ;そのガソリン代すら危ういように思える。\ ^If we went by normal highways instead of the tollways, ^there was no way we'd have enough for gas.\ ;「お前さあ、無茶言うなよ… ; そんなところまで行ける訳ねえだろ?」\ ^``Hey, don't say stuff like that ... ^ you can't mean to go there, right?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n107.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n108.ogg" ;「…誰が行きたいなんて言ったの?」\ ^``... who said I wanted to go?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n109.ogg" ;「問われたから答えただけ…」\ ^``I just answered your question ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを告げると、 ;またフロントガラス越しに例の花を見つめる彼女。\ ^And just like that, ^she went back to staring at the flowers across the windshield.\ ;冷たい雨に車内のガラスが真っ白に煙る。 ;その更に向こうへと視線を投げていた。\ ^The thick haze of the cold rain streaming on glass. ^She kept gazing and gazing and gazing ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…別に俺だって行きたかった訳じゃなかった。\ ^... I didn't particularly want to go there either.\ ;でも、他に行きたい場所を持っている訳でもなかった…\ ^But I had nowhere else that I wanted to go ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha3,1 mov %flg_bplay,3 goto *gp32_mini_title ;____;____;_ ;★チャプター4 *gp32_honpen4 dwavestop 5 mov $sys_midasi,"^Map [g]" ;・ヒロイン シーン回想 1 予定地 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 0,"w\n110.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^`... my time was at a standstill ...'\ dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;知識だけを増やし、無意味な価値観だけを増やし、 ;ブラウン管からの情報だけを求めて…\ ^I piled useless trivia upon useless trivia, ^drew information from the TV and the TV alone ...\ ;いつしかリアルを薄め、虚ろになってしまう。\ ^And soon nothing was real anymore, ^fading away into hollow space.\ ;☆イメージ絵 部屋:地図みたいなの\ ;●:地図イメージ絵・ねつ造系?>;●とも×ボツで ;bg "e\tizu.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n111.ogg" ;『でも、地図を見るのは好きだった…』\ ^`But I loved looking at maps ...'\ dwavestop 0 ;車や列車、どこかへ運んでくれるモノも好きだった。\ ^Trains, cars ... ^I loved things that could take me places.\ ;狭いベッドの上に地図を広げ…^@^ ;幾つもの幹線を乗り継いで、乗り継いで…\ ^I spread out maps on top of my narrow bed ...^@^ ^Changed routes over and over and over ...\ ;セダン、クーペ、コンバーチブル、 ;様々な車種にも乗った。\ ^Sedans, coupes, convertibles ... ^... rode on so many different kinds of cars ...\ ;…どこまでも続く1号線。 ;その、ずっとずっと先まで走った。\ ^... the #1 Route, continuing on forever. ^I ran on that road forever and ever and ever.\ dwave 5,"se\umi13.ogg" bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;インディゴブルーの空と、美しい海岸線。\ ^Indigo blue skies. Beautiful coastlines.\ ;そんな、夢に描いた場所まで走った…\ ^I ran until I came at last to these places sketched in my dreams ...\ ;ゆるやかに弧を描く岬を巡って… ;灼けた日射しの下、真っ白な砂浜を駆けてみる。\ ^Slowly tracing past the arc of a cape ... ^running on the white sand of a beach, the sun to my back ...\ ;…目を閉じさえすれば、どこへでも行けた。\ ^... if I but closed my eyes I could go anywhere.\ ;見たこともない景色を浮かべ、 ;決して行ける筈もない土地を思いながら…\ ^Toward landscapes that I had never seen with my own eyes. ^Longing for the soil upon which I could never hope to tread ...\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n112.ogg" ;「無意味に、只、知識だけを増やした…」\ ^``My useless stockpile of trivia was the only thing that increased ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n113.ogg" ;「…虚しく、憧れだけを募らせた…」\ ^``... all emptiness ... all the colors of yearning ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 mp3fadeout 2500 stop ;____;____;_ ;タイトル戻しも良いかも ;BGMはそのままもあり\ ;キャッチは2日目:場所みたくとか\ ;____;____;_ ;・シーン変え 翌昼あたり ;☆BG青空\ ;●:>ある bg "english\1\c045.bmp",3 ;雨上がりの空。\ ^The sky after the rain.\ bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;ものすごい速さで流れていく、 ;高い、高いところの雲。\ ^The high, high-flying clouds, ^streaming by at knife-edge speeds.\ ;路面からは、まだ湿ったアスファルトが、 ;シャーっという独特の音を立てていた。\ ^The unique swishing sound of tire on wet asphalt.\ mp3loop "bgm\sen02.mp3" dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" bg "e\joku_shigaichi.jpg",5 bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 ;☆BG 走る車\ ;●:車外・移動中02(車道・昼・晴) ;そんな中、相変わらず走り続ける俺達。\ ^And through it all, there we were, ^driving along as always.\ ;目的地も無く、只、なんとなく走り続けていた。\ ^No destination. ^Just the desire to keep going, no matter what.\ ;別に、昨夜の話しにあった淡路島を目指している訳じゃない。 ;第一、それ以前の問題としてガソ代すら足らないだろう。\ ^It wasn't as if I was looking to go to Awaji Island at all. ^We didn't even have the gas money to get there anyway.\ ;そんなことを思いながらも、 ;知らない道を、真っ直ぐに進みつづける俺。\ ^But I drove straight ahead on unfamiliar roads even as I thought these thoughts.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;…でも、ここはどこだろう?\ ^... but where are we?\ ;ふと、そんなことも考えてしまう。\ ^I was forced to wonder.\ ;元々、あまり地理に詳しい方じゃなかったが、 ;見たこともないような地名ばかりだった。\ ^I didn't know my geography very well to begin with, ^and I was seeing all sorts of place names I didn't recognize.\ ;それなりに走ったつもりだけど、 ;ナビが動かないおかげで余計に分からない。\ ^I had planned on driving unto the ends of the earth, ^but with the GPS navigation system broken I had no idea anymore.\ ;思わず俺は、辺りの標識を、 ;キョロキョロと見回しながら走っていた。\ ^And before I knew it, I started looking around anxiously at the street signs as I drove.\ ;「うーん、よく分からないな…」\ ^``Hmph, I don't know at all ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n114.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... what?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん、いや…ここってどこかなってな」\ ^``Um, well ... I don't know where we are right now.''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の様子に声を掛けた彼女。 ;軽く相槌を返した。\ ^She'd said something to me, ^and I'd given her a casual response.\ ;まあ、恐らくこんなことを、 ;こいつに聞いても分からないだろうが…\ ^Because she probably wasn't going to know even if I asked her ...\ dwave 0,"w\n115.ogg" ;「入間よ…埼玉県の」\ ^``Iruma District ... Saitama Prefecture.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n116.ogg" ;「次の交差点を右に行けば16号線…八王子へ出るわ」\ ^``The next right leads to the #16 Route ... toward Hachiouji.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前、分かるのか?」\ ^``... you knew all this?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n117.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかして、ここらに住んでたのか?」\ ^``Did you happen to live around here or something?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n118.ogg" ;「別に…そんなんじゃないわよ」\ ^``No ... nothing like that at all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;意外だった。\ ^It was a surprise.\ ;いや、意外というよりは、 ;どうしてこんなに詳しいのかが不思議だった。\ ^No, it wasn't just surprising: it was nothing short of a miracle that she knew the roads to this detail.\ ;どう見てもこいつは、 ;車に乗って動き回っているようには見えないのに…\ ^Because no matter how I looked at it, ^she didn't seem to have driven around all that much herself ...\ ;「じゃあさ、もしかして…」\ ^``Then could it be ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ここから例の場所…淡路島まで分かるか?」\ ^``Do you know the way ... from here to Awaji Island?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n119.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``... I don't understand why you're asking.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、だからさ、高速乗らずに ; 下道だけなら行けるかも知れないじゃん」\ ^``Well, see, we might be able to get there on normal highways without having to get on the tollways.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、ガソ代くらいなら、金も足るかも知れないし」\ ^``And we might just have enough gas money to get us there.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n120.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n121.ogg" ;「あなた…^@^行きたいの?」\ ^``Do you ...^@^ want to go there?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ、いや…別にそういう訳じゃないけど…」\ ^``Um, well, no ... that's not what I meant ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n122.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、聞かないで」\ ^``... then don't ask me.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉を最後に、また黙ってしまった彼女。\ ^With those words she fell silent.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;相変わらずの素っ気ない様子で、 ;窓の外を向いたままだった。\ ^And she turned to face the window with as frosty a demeanor as ever.\ ;その視線は目の前の流れる景色ではなく、 ;もっと遠い、どこか違う場所を見ているようにも思えた。\ ^But she wasn't looking at the passing scenery. It felt like she was staring at something in the unreachable distance.\ ;…さっきの…「聞かないで」って言葉。\ ^... her ... ``then don't ask me'' ...\ ;あれは一体どういう意味だったのだろうか?\ ^Just what the hell was that supposed to mean?\ ;もしも俺が、行くつもりだと答えたら、 ;彼女は何と答えたのだろう…\ ^How would she have replied if I had told her that I was planning on going ...?\ ;☆BG:空とか\ ;●:>ある bg "e\sora01.jpg",3 ;…目的もなく、只、進む俺達。\ ^... we simply continued on ... ^... no purpose, no aim ...\ ;最初から計画とか予定があった訳じゃない。 ;只、7階も薄っぺらい家も嫌なだけだった。\ ^It wasn't as if we had a plan or schedule from the get-go. ^We just didn't want to die on 7F or at our oh-so-fake homes.\ ;だけど俺は、少なくとも俺だけは…\ ^But I ... and maybe I alone ...\ ;何でもいいから、 ;示してくれるものが欲しかったのかも知れない。\ ^... must have wanted something to show us the way, ^no matter what that way might be.\ ;>んで、またゆっくりと車を走らせたとか\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;_ bg "english\1\c046.bmp",3 click bg "e\umibe_yoru.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\umi13.ogg" ;ざざ…\ ^*swish*swish* ...\ ;>波>SE\ ;dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;「さむいな…」\ ^``It's cold ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n123.ogg" ;「…そうね」\ ^``... so it is.''\ dwavestop 0 ;名も知らぬ、どこかの浜辺。 ;気づけば、海へと出ていた俺達。\ ^Some beach whose name I did not know. ^We'd reached the sea before we'd known it.\ ;俺としては西へ向かったつもりだったが、 ;いつのまにか南へと進んだようだった。\ ^I'd been planning on heading west, ^but somehow it looked like I'd ended up going south.\ ;>SE dwave 5,"se\kaze13.ogg" ;ビュウウーーーっ\ ^ *whoooooosh*\ ;真っ暗な空と、強くて冷たい風が吹く浜辺。 ;お互いに車から出て、暗い海を見つめていた。\ ^A pitch-black sky and a cold windy waterfront. ^We both got out of the car and stared at the darkened sea.\ ;相変わらずのうつむき加減で、遠くを見る彼女。 ;真っ黒な空と海が、水平線の境界を溶かす。\ ^She stood apart from me as usual and stared into the distance. ^Where the black sky and ocean melted into the horizon's edge.\ ;そして、暫く海を見つめていたかと思うと…\ ^And after seemingly taking in the view of the ocean for a while ...\ ;ゆっくりと、波打ち際に向かって歩き始めた。\ ^She slowly started walking toward the beach.\ dwave 0,"w\n124.ogg" ;「ねえ…どうなると思う?」\ ^``Hey ... what do you think will happen?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前だって質問の意味が分かんねえよ」\ ^``... now ~i~I've~i~ got no idea what ~i~you're~i~ talking about.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n125.ogg" ;「…………………」\ ^``... ... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n126.ogg" ;「…楽に死ねると思う?…このまま海に入っていくと」\ ^``... do you think I'd be able to die at peace ... if I just walked into the sea ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;>波>SE\ dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" ;□心情・情景>情景 ;背を向けたまま… ;ゆっくりと波打ち際へと歩きながらの言葉だった。\ ^Those were her words ... ^as she slowly walked into the sands, her back turned to me.\ ;…3回目が最後。4回目はもうない。\ ^... the third time was the end. There was no fourth time.\ ;7階か家かのどちらかを選ぶことになるだろう。 ;避けた奴はいないらしい。\ ^The choice was between dying on 7F and dying at home. ^Apparently no one had escaped this choice.\ ;かつて彼女から伝え聞いた言葉だった。\ ^Those were the words that she herself had spoken to me.\ ;そして彼女は2回目、家も7階もどちらも嫌だと言った。\ ^And yet on her second time around, ^she'd told me that she didn't want to die on 7F or at home.\ ;既に俺へと伝えた後だった。既に役目も終わっていた。\ ^This was after she'd explained the rules to me. ^After her duty to me was already over.\ ;…だから、そういう意味なんだろうと思う…\ ^... that's why I felt that this is what she meant ...\ ;「さあな、俺は溺れたことねえから」\ ^``I don't know. I've never drowned before.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n127.ogg" ;「じゃあもしも… ; 今、わたしが海に入っていったなら…」\ ^``Then ... if ... I walked into the sea right now ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n128.ogg" ;「あなた…止める?」\ ^``Would you ... stop me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら、振り返ると俺の顔を見た。 ;真っ暗な空に浮かぶ月を背にしていた。\ ^She turned her head to look at me as she said this. ^With the moon rising in the dark heavens as her backdrop.\ ;いつもは、遠いところを見ている視線を、 ;真っ直ぐに俺に向けていた…\ ^And her gaze, which had always always been so far away was directed straight at me ...\ ;「分からん…その時になってみないと」\ ^``I don't know ... I'd have to see when the time came.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n129.ogg" ;「…………」\ ;dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n130.ogg" ;「そうよね…」\ ^``I guess so ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、俺に背を向けると ;また海へと向かって、ゆっくりと一歩を踏み出す。\ ^She then turned her back to me and slowly started walking toward the sea once more.\ ;>情景>もうちょい\ ;「なあ、お前さ…」\ ^``Hey, tell me ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n131.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... what is it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…もしかして、止めて欲しいのか?」\ ^``... do you want to be stopped?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n132.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\nami02b.ogg" ;俺の言葉に、寄せる波の数歩手前で止まった彼女。 ;強い風が波のしぶきを霧状にして足を叩いていた。\ ^Upon hearing my words she stopped short of the waves. ^A strong wind kicked up a spray that beat against her feet.\ ;「止めて欲しいんだったら、止めるぞ」\ ^``If you want to be stopped, then I'll stop you.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n133.ogg" ;「別に…そんなんじゃないわよ」\ ^``Not really ... that's not it at all.''\ ;「じゃあ、止めなくていいんだな?」\ ^``Then it'll be fine if I don't stop you, right?''\ dwave 0,"w\n134.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``... ... ... ...''\ ;その問いにも、返事はなかった。\ ^There was no reply to my question.\ ;でも、止まった足はそれ以上進まなかった。\ ^But her feet did not move any further either.\ ;…だから、それが返事なんだと思う。\ ^... so that was her answer then and there.\ dwavestop 5 ;________________ ;・タイトル戻し候補:3日目とか\ ;____;____ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BG 空:昼 ;●:>ある dwave 5,"se\kaze13.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;E>風 ;冬特有の高い高い空。\ ^The high, high heavens of winter.\ mp3loop "bgm\o01.mp3" ;哀しいくらいに蒼く澄んで、 ;強い北風が高架線をびゅんびゅんと鳴らしていた。\ ^Blue and clear almost to the point of mourning. ^Strong north winds beating against the electric wires overhead.\ dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" ;☆BG 走行中\ ;●:車外・移動中02(車道・昼・晴) bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 ;そんな蒼い空を、 ;メタリックの車体に映して走る、銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, reflecting that blue sky on its shining frame.\ ;ステアリングを握る俺と、 ;助手席では相変わらずの様子の彼女もいた。\ ^With me at its wheel and with her in the passenger's seat as per usual.\ ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道2) bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",5 ;…ここが、どこだかは分からないけど…\ ^... I didn't know where this was ...\ ;現実問題として、 ;間もなくガソリンが切れようとしていた。\ ^But the real problem was that we were going to run out of gas soon.\ ;元々、それほど金は持ってなかったが、 ;コンビニでの購入もあって、更に残り少なくなった所持金。\ ^We didn't have that much money to begin with, ^and after various convenience store purchases we had even less.\ ;今は7000円ほどしかなかった。\ ^Only about 7000 yen left.\ ;もちろんこの車が、何リットル入るのかは知らないけど、 ;恐らく1回は給油することは出来ると思う。\ ^Of course, I had no idea how many liters this car took, ^but we probably had enough money to fill the tank once.\ ;別に目的がある訳じゃないけど、 ;足を失ってしまっては身動きが取れなくなってしまう。\ ^We still didn't really have a destination or anything, ^but if we didn't fill up we could not go anywhere anymore.\ ;「ちょっと給油する…」\ ^``I'm going to fill up on gas ...''\ dwave 0,"w\n136.ogg" ;「…そう」\ ^``... I see.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺は、ハンドルを切ると、 ;目の前のガソリンスタンドへと向かった。\ ^And with that I turned the steering wheel and drove into a gas station that was coming into view.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>車停めるとか\ dwave 5,"se\car_s.ogg" ;☆ガソスタ ;●:ガソリンスタンド店内 bg "e\gs.jpg",2 ;_選択肢1;_ ;「いらっしゃいませ、カードですか? 現金ですか?」\ ^``Welcome! Will you be paying by credit or cash?''\ ;「じゃあ、現金で…」\ ^``Cash, please ...''\ ;「ガソリンはレギュラーでしょうか? ; それともハイオクでしょうか?」\ ^``Regular or premium?''\ ;…レギュラー? ハイオク?\ ^... regular? Premium?\ ;よく分からなかった。 ;もちろんこの車について、よく知らないってもある。\ ^I had no idea. ^Well, then again, I had no idea about anything in this car.\ ;でも、そもそも俺は、 ;免許取りたてで、そのへんの知識にも疎かった。\ ^And on top of that, ^it had been a long time since those driver's license classes.\ ;「どちらにいたしましょうか?」\ ^``Which one would you like?''\ ;「あ、えーと…」\ ^``Well, um ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いよどむ俺と、 ;窓の向こうから俺の回答を待つバイトらしき店員。\ ^There I was at a loss for words and there stood the gas station attendant, waiting for me.\ ;そして、どちらでもいいから、 ;適当に答えようとした時…\ ^And then, just as I was about to answer at random because I didn't care which one of the two it was ...\ ;助手席の彼女が口を開いた。\ ^She spoke from the passenger's seat.\ dwave 0,"w\n137.ogg" ;「…レギュラーよ」\ ^``... regular, please.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え? あ、ああ…それじゃあレギュラーで」\ ^``Huh? Oh, okay ... regular, then.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はい、それでは、 ; レギュラー、現金、満タンでよろしいですか?」\ ^``Okay, then ... regular, full tank, paying with cash?''\ ;「あ、ええ、それでお願いします」\ ^``Um, yeah, that'll be all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はい、かしこまりました」\ ^``Okay, then thank you very much.''\ ;●とも ここから車内に ;>■仕込みました bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 dwavestop 0 ;明るい返事と共に、 ;手際よくガソリンを入れ始めるスタンドの店員。\ ^The attendant skillfully began his operation with those cheerful words.\ ;10cmほど開けた窓からは、 ;何とも言えないガソリンの嫌な匂いが発ちこめた。\ ^The strangely disagreeable smell of gasoline wafted in from the window that I'd opened roughly 10 cm.\ ;「なあお前さ、これってレギュラーで良かったのか?」\ ^``Hey, are you sure that this thing takes regular?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには無言の彼女。 ;只、黙ってスタンドにある料金表を指差した。\ ^She said nothing at all to this and just pointed at the prices list.\ ;…ああ、なるほど。こっちの方が安いってことか。\ ^... oh, so that was it. It was cheaper this way.\ ;俺も詳しくは分からないが、それほど大差ないとも思える。\ ^I didn't understand it very well, ^but I didn't think there was that much difference in price.\ ;そして、目の前には給油したことを告げる、 ;ガソリンスタンドのメーター。\ ^And then, I saw the gasoline meter and the number of liters being displayed.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;25、26、27、28…\ ^25, 26, 27, 28 ...\ ;そのデジタルの表示が、勢いよく数を増やしていく。\ ^The numbers were going by at incredible speed.\ ;…もしかしてミスったか…\ ^... maybe I'd made a mistake ...\ ;その数字を見つめていると、 ;俺は少しだけ不安になり始めていた。\ ^I began to get a little worried as I watched those numbers climb.\ ;さっきは何気なく、満タンと言ってしまったが、 ;手持ちの金額はそれほど多くなかった。\ ^I'd told him to fill the tank a while back, ^but I didn't have that much money on hand.\ ;小銭と合わせて、ちょうど7000円ほど。 ;もちろん、この車のタンクが何リットル入るのかは知らない。\ ^Even with the coins, I only had about 7000 yen. ^And of course, I had no idea how many liters this tank took.\ ;…もしも、金が足らなかった時はどうなるのだろうか?\ ^... what was I going to do if I didn't have enough money?\ ;表示されたリッター料金表によると、 ;60リッター程なら金は足りると思えるけど…\ ^I did some quick calculations, ^and realized that after 60 liters, I wouldn't have enough ...\ ;38、39、40、41…\ ^38, 39, 40, 41 ...\ ;尚も勢いを落とすことなく増えつづけるメーター\ ^The numbers kept climbing without slackening pace at all.\ ;だから俺は窓の向こうに見える、 ;給油量を示すメーターがどんどん上がるのを見つめていた。\ ;普段なら気にもとめない事なのに、 ;それを見続けていた俺は、ますます不安になっていた。\ ^And I became more and more worried over something I usually didn't give a second thought to.\ ;「…くそう、まだかよ」\ ^``... damn, how many liters does this thing take?''\ dwavestop 0 ;思わず言葉が漏れてしまう。\ ^I'd let the words out before I knew it.\ ;●とも ここから車内に bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n138.ogg" ;「…大丈夫よ、もう止まるわ」\ ^``... don't worry, it'll be over soon.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Huh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n139.ogg" ;「これ、50リッターだから…」\ ^``This has a 50-liter tank, see ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉通り、ちょうどメーターは、 ;47と48の間くらいでピタっと止まった。\ ^And just as she'd said, the gasoline meter stopped between 47 and 48.\ ;続いてレシートをプリントする音が響き、 ;また先ほどのバイトらしき店員がやって来る。\ ^The sound of a receipt being printed out, ^and then the attendant at my window again.\ ;「お待たせしました、5240円となります」\ ^``Thank you for waiting -- the total comes to 5240 yen.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、ああ…はい」\ ^``Oh, okay ... here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺はポケットから5千円札と、 ;くしゃくしゃになった千円札を手渡す。\ ^I took out a 5000-yen note and a crumpled 1000-yen note from my pocket and handed them to the attendant.\ ;「ではこちら、お釣り760円とレシートとなります」\ ^``All right, then your change comes to 760 yen. Here's your receipt.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;「どうもありがとうござましたー」\ ^``Thank you for your business!''\ dwavestop 0 ;店員の明るい声を背に、 ;また俺は目の前の道へと車を走らせた。\ ^I turned straight onto the road upon hearing the attendant's cheerful voice.\ ;____ ;SE>車\ dwave 5,"se\car1.ogg" ;●とも 車外:走る ;>■仕込みました bg "e\soukou.jpg",3 ;再び走り始めた銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, now in motion once more.\ ;これで当面はガス欠の恐れはなくなったと思える。\ ^On the bright side, ^I was no longer worried about running out of gas.\ ;そして、残り所持金は、たった2000円ほど。\ ^On the not-so-bright side, ^we only had about 2000 yen left.\ ;そのことも気になるのだが、 ;俺には先ほどのことも気になっていた。\ ^This worried me, ^but there was something that preoccupied me much more.\ ;☆BG:車 ;●:車内正面・移動中04(車道2) bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",5 ;「なあ、お前ってさあ…」\ ^``Hey, question ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかして、車にも詳しいのか?」\ ^``Could it be that you're an expert on cars too?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n140.ogg" ;「…別に」\ ^``... not really.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「別にって、さっき50リッターとか言ってたじゃん?」\ ^``What do you mean, `not really'? You knew that this car took 50 liters of gas, didn't you?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n141.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;もちろん、これくらいのことは当てずっぽうで分かる、 ;一般的な認識程度のことかも知れない。\ ^Of course, it may well have been that this kind of thing was absolutely common knowledge that I just didn't have.\ ;だけど、以前にも彼女は道にも詳しかった。\ ^But she'd proven that she was an expert on these roads not so long ago.\ ;そのことも引っ掛かっていた俺は、 ;ダッシュボードにあった車検証を取り出す。\ ^Having been caught by surprise twice now, ^I took out the vehicle specification from the glove compartment.\ ;そして、それを見ながら彼女にたずねてみた。\ ;「お前さあ、もちろんこの車の、車名って知ってるよな?」\ ^``And of course you know the make and model of this car as well, don't you?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n142.ogg" ;「…それは質問?」\ ^``... is that a question?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、なんだったらクイズでもいいぞ」\ ^``You can think of this as a quiz if you want.''\ dwave 0,"w\n143.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n144.ogg" ;「インテグラ、タイプR、クーペ…」\ ^``Integra Type-R Coupe ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「正解だ…じゃあスペックは?」\ ^``Correct ... and the specs?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n145.ogg" ;「99年式、5速ミッション、最高出力200馬力…」\ ^``'99 model year, 5-speed, max 200 HP ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;まさか本当に答えてくるとは思ってなかった。\ ^I had no expectation that she'd actually answer.\ ;淡々と言葉を続ける彼女に、 ;思わず俺は、手元の車検証の文字を目で追う。\ ^I almost involuntarily followed along on the vehicle spec sheet as she rattled off figures with total disinterest.\ dwave 0,"w\n146.ogg" ;「…全長4380、全幅1695、総排気量1797cc…」\ ^``... length 4380, width 1695, engine displacement 1797 cc ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n147.ogg" ;「…まだ言うの?」\ ^``... do you want me to go on?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、もういい、正解だ…」\ ^``No, it's all right, you're correct ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;答えながら車検証を元の場所へと戻す。\ ^I put the vehicle spec sheet back in its place.\ ;信じられないことに、 ;全て記載されていたスペックの通りだった。\ ^I couldn't believe my ears, ^but she'd nailed every single specification.\ ;とても、こんなもんが暗記できるとは思えないし、 ;何故?と問われると俺には想像もつかない。\ ^I didn't think one could just memorize these things, ^and I couldn't even venture a guess as to why she had.\ ;…だけど、現に彼女は目の前で答えてみせた。\ ^... but right before my eyes she had gotten every single spec correct.\ ;それも、以前の道路や花のことを考えると、 ;広く色々なことを知っているようにも思えた。\ ^And, thinking back to the roads and flowers, ^I was getting the impression that she knew a lot about a lot.\ ;「なあ…なんでお前ってそんな物知りなんだ?」\ ^``Hey ... just why do you know so much about everything?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n148.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n149.ogg" ;「別に…あなたより年上だからよ」\ ^``It's nothing ... it's just that I'm older than you.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを答えると、 ;またいつものように黙ってしまう彼女。\ ^And with that bare response, ^she went back to her usual silence.\ ;窓の外を見つめたままで、もう俺が、 ;新たな問いを投げても答えてくれる気配はなかった。\ ^With her staring out the window again, ^I didn't find myself able to throw any more questions at her.\ ;”年上”\ ^``Older''.\ ;とてもそうは見えないけど、 ;これも以前に彼女が言った言葉だった。\ ^It really didn't look that way at all, ^but this was something she'd said before too.\ ;名前はセツミ、血液型O型、 ;白いビニールの腕輪に書かれた文字。\ ^Her name was Setsumi. Her blood type was O. ^Those were written on her white ID bracelet.\ ;そして、年上らしいということが、 ;俺にとって数少ない彼女の情報だった。\ ^There was very little indication to show me that she was older than me at all.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____ ;・回想 必要ならば>地図とか情報とかあたり\ ;____;____ ;BG 夕焼け ;●:>ある bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;日がゆっくりと翳り出す頃。\ ^Around when the sun started peeking out from under the clouds.\ mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;●とも>車外:夕方移動 ;>■仕込みました bg "e\hiki_shigai_yu.jpg",3 ;走り続ける銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, speeding along.\ ;何の目的も、行くべき場所も持たずに、只、進んでいた。\ ^No destination, no place to go, just running forward.\ ;ガソリンの心配は当面大丈夫だが、 ;残り所持金はほとんど無くなってしまっていた。\ ^No more worries about gasoline, ^but no more money, either.\ ;…小銭と合わせても2000円ほど。\ ^... only about 2000 yen left.\ ;コンビニで食料を買うことを考えると、 ;もって3~4日分ほどか…\ ^Only enough for 3-4 more days at most of convenience store food ...\ ;BG 車走る>夕方 ;●:車内正面・移動中05(車道2)夕方 bg "e\shanai_michi01_yu.jpg",3 ;「なあ、これからどうする?」\ ^``All right, so now what do you want to do?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n150.ogg" ;「…質問の意味がわからない」\ ^``... I have no idea what you mean by that.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もう、ほとんど金ないぞって意味だ」\ ^``I mean that we have no more money left.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n151.ogg" ;「…だから?」\ ^``... and so?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だからってお前…」\ ^``Look, you ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;相変わらずの様子の彼女。\ ^Her appearance, as unchanging as ever.\ ;さっきコンビニで買ってきた、 ;おにぎりを口に運びながらの会話だった。\ ^And this conversation we were having while eating riceballs bought at a convenience store not long ago.\ ;そして、こうやって走り続けているだけでも、 ;確実にガソリンは減っていく。\ ^Finally, the fact that even if we were driving along like this, ^we were using up gasoline little by little.\ ;本当は何もせずに、 ;じっと止まっているのが良いのかも知れない。\ ^Maybe it might have been better to just stay still without doing anything at all.\ ;だけど…何もせずに、何も出来ずに、 ;止まったままでいるのは辛かった。\ ^But ... it was impossible for me to stay still without doing anything, without shooting for anything.\ ;そんな思いから、ずっと走り続けていた俺。\ ^And I kept driving with those feelings at heart.\ ;先日からの感じでは、下道を走り続けた場合、 ;ちょうど3日ほどでガソを使い切るようだった。\ ^If we just kept driving on normal highways, ^we'd run out of gas in about 3 days.\ ;残金2000円の現状では、 ;コンビニでの食料買い出しも同じように3~4日分だろう。\ ^Likewise, we only had enough for 3-4 days' worth of food with the 2000 yen we had left.\ ;明らかに、ジリ貧になるのは目に見えていた。\ ^We were obviously going to become too poor to do anything soon enough.\ ;「なあ、お前さ…」\ ^``Hey ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「例の…淡路島だっけ、行ってみたいか?」\ ^``Do you want ... to try going to this Awaji Island?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n169.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。 ;いつもと変わらず窓の外を眺めているだけだった。\ ^No reply. ^She just kept staring out the window as per usual.\ ;「俺は…少し行ってみたいかもな」\ ^``I think ... I might want to.''\ ;「…どうして?」\ ^``... why?''\ ;「いや、それは…」\ ^``Well, that's ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;もちろん、最初から目的や計画があって、 ;7階を飛び出した訳じゃない。\ ^It wasn't as if we'd escaped from 7F with any goal or destination in mind.\ ;だから、俺にとっては西でも東でも、どこでも良かった。\ ^Because ... east or west, no matter where, ^... anything was fine with me.\ ;きっと、なんでも良いから、 ;目的や行き先が欲しかったんだと思う…\ ^But maybe that's why I wanted a goal and a destination ... ^... because anything was fine with me.\ ;☆BG 夜空orどっか道端\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;日が完全に夜のものへと変わる頃。\ ^Around when the daylight had given over to the darkness of night.\ ;俺はどこかのパチンコ屋の駐車場にいた。\ ^I had stopped the car in the parking lot of a pachinko parlor.\ ;●:車内正面・停車04(駐車場・夜)× bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;・シーン変え パチンコ屋でぱくり ;もちろんパチンコやスロットで儲ける計画じゃない。\ ^Obviously, I wasn't planning on winning any money through pachinko or slots.\ ;こんな2000円ぽっちじゃ、 ;勝負以前の問題なのも知っていた。\ ^I knew that there wasn't much I could do on just 2000 yen alone.\ ;だけど、1~2万円程度なら、 ;上手くやれば簡単にパクれる筈。\ ^But if I were skillful enough, ^I just might be able to swipe 10000 or 20000 yen.\ ;それが、よく以前からパチンコ屋に通っていた、 ;俺の推測だった。\ ^That was my guess, ^based on the many times I'd been to pachinko parlors in the past.\ ;たったそれだけでもあれば、当面は大丈夫だし、 ;なんだったら例の淡路島だって行けるかも知れない。\ ^If I only had that much, we'd be okay in the first place, ^and we might even be able to get to Awaji Island on that amount.\ ;だから、俺なりに考えた作戦を彼女に話した。\ ^And so, I told her about the plan that I had just thought up.\ ;「どうだ…やってみたいか?」\ ^``How about it ... want to try it out?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n152.ogg" ;「…嫌」\ ^``... no.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…わかった」\ ^``Okay ... very well.''\ dwavestop 0 ;予想できたことだが、あっさり拒否された。\ ^I'd expected it, but she'd shot me down immediately.\ ;最初から、彼女に何かを期待していた訳じゃない。\ ^I hadn't hoped that she'd cooperate with me in the first place.\ ;別に協力を仰ぐつもりではなく、 ;作戦を説明したのは、宣言のようなものだった。\ ^And I'd told her about my plan as a fait accompli, ^not because I wanted her aid in it.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^``All right, then wait here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア開け閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車内にあいつを残して、 ;俺は一人パチンコ屋へと向かった。\ ^I got out of the car and strode into the pachinko parlor alone.\ ;●:パチ屋店内? bg "e\pachi.jpg",3 ;SE>パチ店内 dwave 5,"se\pachinko1.ogg" ;思ったよりも賑わっていた店内。\ ^It was more crowded than I'd thought.\ ;それなりの台数と出玉、人の姿もほどよく多かった。 ;そこそこでドル箱を積んでいる姿もあった。\ ^Lots of pachinko balls, lots of people. ^And more importantly, cashboxes crowded everywhere.\ ;…ちょうど良い感じかも知れない…\ ^... as good a place as any ...\ ;そう判断した俺は、 ;狙いであるスロットのコーナーへと向かう。\ ^And thinking this, ^I headed over to the slots machines.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…………\ ^... ...\ ;しばらく、通路から様子を窺い…\ ^I inspected them from the corridor for a while ...\ ;辺りを観察した結果、1台に目をつけた。\ ^And after having finished my survey, ^I focused on one set of machines.\ ;いかにもサラリーマンっぽい中年男性。 ;足元に箱を4つも積み、更に頭上にも2つ積んでいた。\ ^Lots of middle-aged salarymen, all right. ^Up to 4 boxes at their feet and up to 2 on racks above them.\ ;しかも角台で、その隣は空き台。\ ^And an empty stand separating each of them.\ ;さっきから見ている限りでは、 ;特に知り合いや友達と来ている風でもなかった。\ ^From what I'd seen before, ^these men hadn't come with acquaintances or friends.\ ;…条件が揃った…\ ^... this satisfied the requirements ...\ ;恐らくこの状態なら、足元のを1箱くらいパクっても ;すぐには気づかないだろう。\ ^Perhaps in a place like this, no one would notice if I swiped one of those cashboxes.\ ;等価らしいこの店なら20000円にはなる筈だった。\ ^And in a store like this, ^each one probably held 20000 yen or so.\ ;それだけあれば…\ ^And with just that much ...\ ;俺はそのサラリーマン風の人が、 ;トイレに向かうのを、只、ひたすら待ち続けた。\ ^I just kept waiting there for one of the salarymen to go to the bathroom.\ bg "e\pachi.jpg",3 ;しばらく…といっても30分ほど経った頃…\ ^After a little while ... after roughly 30 minutes had passed ...\ ;やっと席を立ち上がったサラリーマンらしき人。\ ^A salaryman finally stood up from his seat.\ ;すぐさま、後を追い、 ;トイレへと向かったのを確認すると…\ ^After I'd tailed him a bit to make sure he was going to the bathroom ...\ ;今度はダッシュで、さっきのスロット台へと引き返す。\ ^I dashed back to the stand that he'd occupied.\ ;次に、辺りでスロットを打っている人や、 ;店員の姿をチェックしながら、ゆっくりと台に近づく。\ ^And, watching the people who were hitting the slots and at the attendants, I slowly approached that stand.\ ;そして…\ ^Then ...\ ;不審な行為と思われないように、 ;ごく自然に、当たり前のことをしているように…\ ^So as not to raise any suspicion, ^as if it were the most natural thing in the world ...\ ;…足元のドル箱を1つ持ちあげた…\ ^... I swiped one of those cashboxes underfoot ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;>SE>ぶっちゃける音 dwave 5,"se\coin_d.ogg" ;ガシャーーン、\ ^ *CLINK*CLINK*CLINK*\ ;その瞬間、物凄い音を上げて、 ;床に散らばるスロットのコイン。\ ^That moment, coins scattered everywhere with a thunderous noise.\ ;…持った…^@^つもりだった。\ ^... I'd been meaning ...^@^ to pick it up.\ ;いや、確かに持ち上げた、一度はこの手で。\ ^No, I really had picked it up, ^with my very own hands.\ ;だけど、その重さに耐え切れず、 ;そのまま床へとドル箱ごと落としてしまった。\ ^But they were unable to bear that weight, ^and the cashbox crashed onto the floor.\ ;☆BG 店内 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そして、あまりの物音に何事が起こったのかと、 ;一斉にこちらに集まる視線。\ ^Everyone turned in my direction to see what the commotion was all about.\ ;何か、誰かの声も聞こえたような気がした。 ;走ってくる人の気配も感じたような気がした。\ ^I got the feeling that someone was shouting. ^I got the feeling that someone was running toward me.\ ;…だけど、その声は背中で聞いた。\ ^... but that was all behind me.\ ;俺は既にその時、 ;店の出口の2m手前にまで駆け出していた。\ ^I had already bolted and was less than 2 meters away from the entrance of the establishment by then.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタンっ、\ ^ *SLAM*\ ;「はぁはぁ、」\ ^``*pant*pant*``\ dwavestop 0 ;☆車内 bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;SE>エンジンスターター dwave 5,"se\engine_start.ogg" ;dwave 5,"se\car_s2.ogg" ;大急ぎでエンジンをかけると、 ;思いっきりアクセルを踏み込む。\ ^I put the engine in ignition in a hurry and floored the pedal.\ ;そして、ハンドルを切りつつ車を急発進させた…^@^その時、\ ^And when I spun the wheel to make my hasty getaway ...^@^ ^Just then ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\naname_machi2_yoru.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;ガンっ、ガリガリガリ…\ ^ *WHAM* *crunch*crunch* ...\ dwave 0,"w\n153.ogg" ;「きゃっ」\ ^``Eek!''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ちっ」\ ^``Tch!''\ dwavestop 0 ;bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 bg "e\naname_machi2_yoru.jpg",3 ;出際に縁石か何かに乗り上げたのか、 ;その拍子にケツをぶつけてしまった。\ ^I'd run against the curb or something as I turned to make my getaway.\ ;ガリガリという、嫌なボディの擦る音。\ ^Thus the horrible crunching sound.\ ;だが、それを気にする余裕もなく、 ;目の前の道へと車を走らせた。\ ^But I accelerated onto the road before me without giving it a second thought.\ dwave 5,"se\car2.ogg" ;☆BG>走る車 ;●:車内正面・移動中06(車道2)夜 bg "e\shanai_michi02_yoru.jpg",5 ;「はぁはあ…ふう…」\ ^``*pant*pant* ... *sigh* ...''\ ;息切れしそうになる胸をなだめながら、 ;すっかりと日が暮れた道を走る銀のクーペ。\ ^My suddenly constricting, out-of-breath chest and the silver coupe, speeding out of the daylight and into darkness.\ ;さっきぶつけた所も少し気になるが、 ;とりあえず今は、この場を離れることが先決だった。\ ^I was concerned about the crash a little while ago, ^but I had to distance myself from that place ~i~now~i~.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;やがて…\ ^And soon ...\ ;10分ほども走り、 ;完全にパチ屋から距離をおいた頃…\ ^After ten minutes of this, ^a fair distance away from that pachinko parlor ...\ ;どこかの道端に車を停めると、 ;先ほどぶつけたところの点検を始める。\ ^I stopped at some roadside and started to get out to inspect the damage.\ ;☆BG>道端>夜 ;●:車外・停車02(夜) bg "e\chusha_michi2_yoru.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n154.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^``... are things okay?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、大したことないだろう…」\ ^``Yeah, doesn't look too serious ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;助手席から少しだけ心配そうに声を掛ける彼女。 ;俺は、ぶつけた個所を点検しながら答える。\ ^She sounded slightly worried as she called out to me. ^I answered her as I inspected the damage.\ ;見たところ、テールバンパーが僅かに凹んで、 ;マフラーの先が少し割れている程度だった。\ ^There was just a bump in the rear fender and a small crack in the muffler.\ ;…これくらいなら、走る分には問題ないだろう。\ ^... didn't look as if there would be any problem driving like this.\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG>車内:夜\ ;●:車内正面・停車05(車道・夜) bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 ;「ふう~…」\ ^``*sigh* ...''\ ;安心したところで、ため息をひとつ落とす。\ ^I let out a sigh, somewhat relieved.\ ;…惜しかった。\ ^... that sucked.\ ;早速、先ほどのパチンコ屋でのことを思い出していた。\ ^I thought back at what had just happened at the pachinko parlor.\ ;もう少しのところで失敗してしまったが、 ;上手くやれば、次には成功するようにも思えた。\ ^I'd slipped up there, ^but had I been a little more skillful, I might have pulled it off.\ ;あのドル箱を持ちきれなかったのにしても、 ;久しぶりに重いモノを持ったのが敗因だと思う。\ ^And the reason I wasn't able to hold onto that cashbox was because it had been a while since I'd lifted something heavy.\ ;最初から覚悟して持てば何とかなるだろうし…\ ^If I'd held onto it with all my strength at the outset ^I might have been able to make it ...\ dwave 0,"w\n156.ogg" ;「…勘違いしてるわね」\ ^``... so you miscalculated.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Huh ...?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n157.ogg" ;「今のあなたは、以前のあなたとは違う筈…」\ ^``The current you can't do what the former you could have ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;まるで、見透かされたような彼女の言葉だった。\ ^She spoke as if she'd seen straight through me.\ ;「だけど、あれくらいの重さなら…」\ ^``But that kind of weight ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n158.ogg" ;「…同じように考えない方がいい」\ ^``... so it's best not to think of it the same way.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らく、彼女の言は正しいのだろう。 ;認めたくないが、今の俺は以前の俺とは違う。\ ^Perhaps she was right. ^I didn't want to admit how changed I was.\ ;確かにこんなに体力が落ちていては、 ;とても成功するとは思えなかった。\ ^Fair enough, I hadn't anticipated at all that I could grow this weak.\ ;「じゃあ…どうすりゃいいんだよ?」\ ^``Then ... what should I do?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n159.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``... ... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;その問いには返事はなかった。\ ^No answer.\ ;黙ったまま窓の先にある、 ;暗い夜空を見ているだけだった。\ ^Eyes turned in silence toward the window to stare into the dark night sky.\ ;…それは、諦めろということなのだろうか…\ ^... this was probably the way she was telling me ... ^... to give up ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha4,1 mov %flg_bplay,4 ;______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ goto *gp32_mini_title ;______________ *gp32_honpen5 ;★チャプター5: mov $sys_midasi,"^The Emerald Sea [g]" ;______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ ;______________ stop mp3fadeout 2500 dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 1000 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",5 ;☆BGM n4くらい mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" dwave 0,"w\n161.ogg" ;「時間を止め、心を止めて…」\ ^``My time at a standstill, my heart at a standstill ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" dwave 0,"w\n162.ogg" ;「情報だけを積み重ねる日々…」\ ^``Days of useless trivia upon useless trivia ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;地図を眺め、目を閉じ、知らない町を旅する日々…\ ^Days spent gazing at a map, closing my eyes, ^traveling through unfamiliar roads ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ある日。\ ^One day.\ ;いつも買っていた月刊誌。 ;その表紙を飾っていた、グラビア写真が目に止まった。\ ^The usual monthly magazines. ^A photograph on a front cover drew my eyes.\ bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;派手な水着を着たモデルの女の人。^@^ ;波打ち際でそれっぽいポーズをとっていた。\ ^A female model in a showy swimsuit.^@^ ^Provocative poses on a sandy beach.\ ;いつもわたしが夢見ていた、 ;エメラルドの海を背にして笑っていた。\ ^A smile captured right before the emerald sea that I had always dreamed about.\ ;…きっと、同じ年頃なんだろう…\ ^... she was probably my age ...\ ;その抜群のスタイルで、 ;嬉しそうに楽しそうに、わたしに笑顔を向けていた。\ ^Smiling at me happily, cheerfully, ^with her outstanding figure.\ ;bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 ;…別に、うらやましいと思った訳では無いと思う。\ ^... it wasn't as if ^I was jealous or anything.\ ;第一、水着だって持ってなかったし、 ;持つ必要に迫られることすらなかった。\ ^I didn't own any swimsuits to begin with and I didn't come close to having any need for them.\ ;…わたしには、パジャマがあれば十分だった。\ ^... my pajamas were quite enough for me.\ dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n006.ogg" ;「幾つもの季節を、白い梅雨空を、 ; 誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…」\ ^``I'd spent so many seasons, so many white overcast skies ... ^ without the want or need to converse with anybody ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora_ame03.jpg",3 ;あの日。中一の6月。初めて入院した日…\ ^I remembered: that day. June of the first year of middle school. The day of my first hospitalization ...\ ;わたしは水着を注文していたことを思い出した。 ;数年前の例の水着を思い出した。\ ^I remembered: having ordered a swimsuit. ^I remembered having done so several years ago now.\ ;…あの日、出番を失ったままの水着を思い出した。\ ^... that day, I remembered: that swimsuit that had lost its opportunity to be used.\ ;数年ぶりにタンスから出された、 ;新品のままだったスクール水着。\ ^I took that school swimsuit, new as the day I bought it, ^out of drawer where it had patiently waited for years.\ ;いつものパジャマを脱ぐと、 ;恐る恐る、その紺の水着を身につけてみる。\ ^I took off my usual pajamas and timidly put on that navy-blue swimsuit.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;…ぴったりだった。\ ^... I was shocked.\ ;もう何年も前のなのに…\ ^It had already been years ...\ ;まるで…今、あつらえたようにちょうどだった。\ ^... and yet ... ^it fit me as if it had been made for me that very day.\ ;そんなわたしに、月刊誌のモデルが笑顔を向けていた。 ;エメラルドの海を背にして笑っていた。\ ^And that swimsuit model was smiling at me warmly, ^smiling at me from the midst of the emerald sea.\ ;その抜群のスタイルで、 ;嬉しそうに楽しそうに、わたしに笑顔を向けていた。\ ^Smiling at me warmly and happily with that beautiful womanly figure.\ ;…それが…^@^哀しかった。\ ^... it was ...^@^ saddening.\ ;別にうらやましかった訳じゃないと思う。 ;でも、本当は憧れていたのかも知れない。\ ^It wasn't as if I was jealous, no ... ^... the truth was that I was probably yearning for it.\ ;そんなの無理だってわかってるから、 ;余計に憧れていたのかも知れない。\ ^Yearning for it impossibly, stubbornly, ^because I knew that it was absolutely impossible.\ ;bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n163.ogg" ;「だけど…」\ ^``But ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n164.ogg" ;「…胸の大きな傷跡が、諦めろと諭した」\ ^``... the huge scars on my chest were telling me to just give up.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n165.ogg" ;「生涯の伴侶は、目を閉じた世界にしろと諭した…」\ ^``My lifelong companions -- my scars -- were telling me to go back to my world of closed eyes ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;__ mov $sys_midasi,"^The Emerald Sea 2 [g]" bg "english\1\c046.bmp",3 click ;・シーンぷち 変え どこか ;☆BG 夕焼けあたり bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;日がゆっくりと傾き、西の空がオレンジに染まる頃。^@^ ^Around the time when the sun slowly arced down and dyed the western horizon orange.\ ;俺達は相変わらず走り続けていた。\ ^We were on the road as usual.\ ;…これからどうしよう…\ ^... what should we do now ...\ ;所持金にしてもほとんど余裕はなかった。\ ^We really had no more money left to spare.\ mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" ;●とも BG>車内>■仕込みました bg "e\shanai_michi01_yu.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n166.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^``Hey ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんなことを思っていると、 ;珍しく彼女の方から声を掛けてきた。\ ^As I thought upon these things, ^She caught me by surprise by calling out to me.\ dwave 0,"w\n167.ogg" ;「あなた、お風呂は入れるの…?」\ ^``Are you allowed to soak in baths ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、今のところ、長湯以外は止められてない」\ ^``Yeah. They said that I could go ahead unless it was a long protracted bath.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n168.ogg" ;「そう…わたしも似たようなもんよ」\ ^``I see ... I'm about the same way.''\ dwavestop 0 ;ここで言うところの、風呂に入れるってのは、 ;医者に止められているかって意味だった。\ ^What she meant by ``allowed'' and what I meant by ``they'' ^was that the doctors didn't caution us against it.\ ;特に腎臓や消化器系の場合はパイプ処理を施している為に、 ;入浴は厳禁の場合が多かった。\ ^There had been many who had been forbidden to do so due to kidney or digestive tract issues.\ ;それを考えると、 ;少なくとも彼女は俺と同じく循環器系なのだろう。\ ^And now that I thought about it, her problem was probably in her circulatory system, just like me.\ ;「なんだ、もしかして風呂に入りたいのか?」\ ^``Well, do you want to take a bath?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n169.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n170.ogg" ;「…悪い?」\ ^``... is that bad?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、俺も入りたかったし」\ ^``No, I kind of wanted to as well.''\ dwavestop 0 ;といっても、どこかの宿やホテルに泊まるには、 ;金銭的に無理だった。\ ^Even so, we didn't have enough money to stay at a hotel or an inn.\ ;「じゃあさ、どっか銭湯でも探すか?」\ ^``Then do you want to stop by a public bathhouse?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n171.ogg" ;「…銭湯?」\ ^``... bathhouse?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、それくらいなら、まだ金もあるし…」\ ^``Yeah. We've got the money for that, at least ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n172.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景 dwave 0,"w\n173.ogg" ;「…やっぱりいい」\ ^``... no, it's fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「なんだ、いいのかよ?」\ ^``What do you mean, `fine'?''\ dwavestop 0 ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、 ;既に3日が経とうとしていた。\ ^It had already been 3 days since we'd escaped from 7F.\ ;あそこでは週に2回の入浴もあったし、 ;身体を拭く為の、1日2回の暖かいおしぼりもあった。\ ^We were allowed to bathe twice a week there, ^and had sponge baths twice a day as well.\ ;まあ、この時分だから汗もかかないし、 ;ほとんど車内だから汚れるようなこともないけど…\ ^Then again, we weren't getting very sweaty given the season, ^and since we were in a car we weren't getting dirty ...\ ;「もしかしてお前… ; 銭湯とかって恥ずかしいから嫌なのか?」\ ^``Could it be that it's embarrassing for you ... to be in a public bathhouse?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n174.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n175.ogg" ;「別に…そんな意味じゃないわよ」\ ^``Not really ... nothing like that at all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;____;____;_ ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 ;すっかりと日が落ち、 ;空には大きな月が顔を出す頃。\ ^Around the time when the sun had completely disappeared and the moon waxed large in the night sky.\ ;あれから暫く走った後、 ;俺はどこかの学校らしき場所を見つけた。\ ^Some distance away, ^I'd found something that looked like a school.\ ;…ここなら、ちょうどいいか。\ ^... this would have to do.\ ;俺は入り口付近の路肩に車を停める。\ ^I stopped the car before the gates.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01_yoru.jpg",3 ;そして、後部座席に放りっぱなしにしていた、 ;例の洗濯物の塊を漁り始めた。\ ^And then I rummaged in the back seat through the clump of clothing there.\ ;確か、タオルが2~3枚はあった筈だ。\ ^If I remembered correctly, ^there were 2-3 towels in this heap.\ ;そして、どうでもいいような服を除けて、 ;いかにもって感じのタオルを手にする。\ ^And then, after sifting through a bunch of clothes, ^I found a hand towel after all.\ ;白石工務店という文字が印刷された、 ;恐らく粗品用であろう、しょぼいタオルだった。\ ^It had the legend ``Shiraishi Construction'' written on it. ^Probably one of those appreciation gifts they gave out like candy.\ ;「じゃあ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^``All right, then wait a bit.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n089.ogg" ;「…?」\ ^``...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 ;そのしょぼいタオルを2枚だけ持って、 ;目の前の学校へと向かった。\ ^Taking two towels with me, ^I headed toward the school.\ ;既に閉められた校門をよじ登り、 ;キョロキョロと辺りを見渡し、目的の場所を探す。\ ^I climbed over the closed gates, ^and looked around anxiously for my target.\ ;「あ、あった」\ ^``Ah, there it is.''\ dwavestop 0 ;しばらくして、目指していた水道を見つけた。 ;恐らくは花壇用に設けられたものだろう。\ ^I'd found a water faucet station. ^Probably for gardening use.\ dwave 5,"se\water_x2.ogg" ;キュッキュ、シャーーーっ\ ^ *squeak*squeak* *hissss*\ ;蛇口をひねると、勢いよく流れ出る水。 ;まるで身を切るような冷たさだった。\ ^I turned the knob, and cold water poured out of the faucet. ^Water cold enough to freeze me stiff.\ ;そして俺は、例のタオルを濡らすと固く絞る。\ ^I wet the two towels and squeezed them out.\ ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン\ ^ *thud*\ ;●とも 車内:夜>■仕込みました bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 ;「待たせたな、ほら」\ ^``Sorry for the wait. Here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;手に持った濡れタオル。 ;2つある内の一つを彼女にも渡す。\ ^I handed over one of the two towels to her.\ ;そして、上に来ていたトレーナーを脱ぐと、 ;先になって自分の身体を拭き始めた。\ ^And then I took off my sweater and started washing myself.\ ;エアコンの効いた暖かい車内に、 ;ひんやりとした濡れタオルの感触が気持ちよかった。\ ^The cold wet towel felt pretty good against the warm heating of the car.\ ;「お前も遠慮せずに、身体拭けよ」\ ^``Hey, you go ahead and clean yourself too.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n176.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「冷たくて気持ちいいぞ?」\ ^``It feels nice and cold, too.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``Okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n177.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;最初は遠慮気味にじっとしていた彼女だけど、 ;その返事と共にゆっくりと服のボタンに手をかける。\ ^She was a little reluctant at first, ^but then she slowly started undoing her buttons.\ ;ぶかぶかのYシャツとジーンズ。\ ^The shirt and jeans that were all too big on her.\ ;俺とは違って服の中に手を入れて、 ;身体を拭こうとしていた。\ ^Unlike me, she simply washed herself by retracting her hands into the shirt.\ dwave 0,"w\n178.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^``Say ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうかしたか?」\ ^``What is it?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n179.ogg" ;「…見ないでよ」\ ^``... don't look.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、悪い…そうだったな」\ ^``Oh, sorry ... that's right.''\ dwavestop 0 ;手に濡れタオルを持って、 ;服を脱ぎかけたまま彼女が呟く。\ ^She murmured with the wet towel in her hand, ^her clothes half-on, half-off.\ ;少しだけ困ったような、照れたような顔をしていた。 ;初めてみる彼女の表情だった。\ ^It was the first time I'd seen her look like that -- a little annoyed, a little embarrassed.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;狭い車内、お互いに背中を向け合う俺達。\ ^Inside the car. ^our backs turned to each other.\ ;「どうだ、気持ちいいだろ」\ ^``Hey, feels pretty good, eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n180.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;真っ暗なあたりに、薄明るい車内。\ ^Inside the car, shrouded in the dark of night.\ ;目の前のガラスには、 ;身体を拭く自分の姿が映っていた。\ ^Drying myself off, ^reflected in the glass of the windows.\ ;その俺の姿の、更に向こうには、 ;背中越しに居る彼女の姿をも映していた。\ ^Which also reflected her with her back toward me, ^drying herself off just as I was.\ ;俺と同じように上着を脱いで身体を拭く彼女。^@^ ;見るとはなしに見た、その姿…\ ^She'd taken off her shirt just as I had.^@^ ^I didn't mean to look, but I could see ...\ ;…胸には大きな傷跡が見えた。\ ^... big scars on her chest.\ ;恐らくは、手術の跡なのだろう。 ;詳しくは分からないが、俺の傷跡より大きかった。\ ^Probably postsurgical. ^Didn't know what for, but they were much larger than mine.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n181.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなた…」\ ^``Hey ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、背中越しに声を掛けてきた。\ ;「えっ、あ、ああ…なんだ?」\ ^``Huh? Oh, uh ... what is it?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n182.ogg" ;「そんなに…珍しい?」\ ^``Is it ... that strange?''\ dwavestop 0 ;背中越し。 ;ガラスに映った俺に向かっての言葉だった。\ ^Her back turned to me. ^Speaking to me. Reflected in the window.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____ ;・タイトル戻し予定\>2日後あたり ;●とも ここはキャッチ欲しい ;_____________ mov $sys_midasi,"^The Emerald Sea 3 [g]" bg "english\1\c049.bmp",3 click ;☆BG 空 くもり昼あたり\ bg "e\sora02.jpg",3 ;■心情・情景>空の様子 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;曇り空の下、走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe in motion underneath cloudy skies.\ ;●とも>SE>走る音 bg "e\soukou.jpg",3 ;相変わらず、目指す場所も持たずに走り続け、 ;気づけばあれから3日ほど経とうとしていた。\ ^Driving around without a destination, as per usual. ^It was already 3 days later.\ ;その間、特に変わったことがあった訳でもない。\ ^And nothing had really changed in that time.\ ;強いて挙げれば、道中、無料同然の露天風呂を見つけて、\ ^Along the way, we'd found a free public open air bath,\ ;ひと気が少なかったので、 ;とりあえず風呂には入ることが出来たくらいだった。\ ^And since it seemed devoid of people, ^we were able to take a bath after all.\ ;それ以外では、所持金が底を尽きかけ、 ;再び、ガソリンも底を尽きかけていた。\ ^Other than that, we were out of money, ^and we were running out of gas again.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;「ちょっと飽きたか?」\ ^``Are you getting tired?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n183.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;お互い、コンビニのおにぎりを食べながら言葉を交わす。\ ^We exchanged these words while eating convenience store-bought riceballs.\ ;7階の食事と比べればマシかも知れないが、 ;それでも、ここ数日こればっかりでは飽きそうだった。\ ^They might have been tastier than anything up at 7F, ^but they were becoming pretty boring by now.\ ;だけど、こんな食事にしたって、 ;残金を考えた場合、あと数回で終わりだろう。\ ^But we didn't have enough money to have anything but this kind of meal.\ ;●とも>排気音 dwave 0,"w\n184.ogg" ;「…音がうるさい」\ ^``... it's noisy.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「は? どうした突然?」\ ^``Huh? What is it all the sudden?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n185.ogg" ;「車の音、前より大きくなってる…」\ ^``The car's sounding louder than before ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、そういえば確かに…」\ ^``Oh, yeah, fair enough ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;きっと、数日前のパチンコ屋から逃げる時に、 ;マフラーをぶつけたのが原因なんだろう。\ ^This was probably because I cracked the muffler when I was escaping from the pachinko parlor.\ ;俺は気にならなかったが、 ;確かにこの車の音は少し大きくなっていた。\ ^I hadn't really noticed it, ^but sure enough, the car was sounding louder.\ ;…まあ、走る分には支障はないだろう。\ ^... eh, not a real impediment to driving.\ ;それよりも当面の問題はガソリンだった。\ ^But the bigger problem was the gas.\ ;メーターがエンプティを示してから、 ;既に5分ほど走っていた。\ ^I'd already been driving for five minutes since the meter had bottomed out at empty.\ ;そして、今の所持金は900円ほど。 ;これでは前回の時と違い、明らかに金が足らない。\ ^And I only had 900 yen left. ^Unlike last time, this was obviously not enough.\ ;…完全にガス欠になってからでは、 ;もうどうにもならないだろう…\ ^... and if the car stopped due to lack of gas, ^we'd be able to do nothing anymore ...\ ;そう判断した俺はスタンドを… ;それも、無人のスタンドを探した。\ ^Having decided, I looked for a gas station ... ^And one that was self-service.\ ;☆BGスタンド>あれば bg "e\gs.jpg",3 ;SE>車止める音\ dwave 5,"se\car_s.ogg" ;ほどなくして見つけた無人スタンド。 ;何台か並んだ給油機の一番手前に車を停める。\ ^Having found one, ^I stopped the car next to the nearest pump.\ ;SE>ドア開け ;dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「給油に寄る…」\ ^``I'm going to get some gas ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 0,"w\n079.ogg" ;「そう…」\ ^``I see ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だけど、車からは降りるなよ」\ ^``But don't get out of the car.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n186.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。だけどあいつも、 ;どういう意味かは理解しているのだろう。\ ^No answer. But she probably knew what I meant by that.\ ;SE>ドア閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車の給油口を開け、 ;見よう見まねでガソリンを入れる俺。\ ^I opened the cap to the gas tank, ^and snaked in a gas hose.\ dwavestop 5 ;辺りには他の客が一台と、 ;奥には自販機も備えた建物。店員らしき姿も見えた。\ ^Only one other car in the station, ^and the little building with an attendant within.\ ;…恐らくはあそこで精算するのだろう。\ ^... probably there to get payment and give back change.\ ;壁に貼ってある説明プレートによると、 ;給油後にレシートを持ってあそこに行くらしい。\ ^According to the notice on the wall, ^you were supposed to take the receipt to him when done.\ ;…今ならば、そのまま走り出せば逃げれる。\ ^... we could probably make our getaway right now if we wanted.\ ;閑散としたスタンドを見ながら、 ;俺はそう感じていた。\ ^... is what I felt as I looked around the quiet gas station.\ ;23、24、25、26…\ ^23, 24, 25, 26 ...\ ;給油量を示すメーターの数字。 ;以前とは逆に、とてもゆっくりに思えた。\ ^The numbers went by on the meter. ^Too slowly, it seemed, unlike last time.\ ;早く満タンにならないかが、とてもじれったく感じた。\ ^I kept wondering uneasily if it wouldn't fill up a little bit faster.\ ;そして、40リッターを超え、 ;間もなく満タンになろうとした時…\ ^And then after the meter hit 40, ^right before the tank was full ...\ bg "e\gs.jpg",3 ;「いらっしゃいませ」\ ^``Welcome!''\ dwavestop 0 ;さっきまで建物の中にいたバイトらしき店員。 ;何故か、こちらに駆け寄って来た。\ ^For some reason, the attendant, who had been in the building up until now, came rushing toward us.\ ;「灰皿、空気圧大丈夫ですか」\ ^``Sir, are your tire pressure and ashtrays okay?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ…ええ、大丈夫です…」\ ^``Huh? Oh ... yes, they are ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうですか、寒いですから気をつけて下さいね」\ ^``I see. Well, it's cold out, so please be careful.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、サービスのつもりか窓まで拭き始めた。\ ^He even started cleaning the windows as if trying to take good care of us.\ ;そうこうする内に、給油機が満タンを告げ、 ;事務的な音を鳴らしレシートが吐き出される。\ ^While he did so, the pump detected that the tank was full, ^and with a businesslike sound spit out a receipt.\ ;「あ、清算は向こうでお願いしますね」\ ^``Oh, please go over there to pay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;窓を拭く手を止め、さきほどの建物を指差す店員。\ ^He stopped wiping the windows for a second and pointed at the building.\ ;俺は無言でレシートを手に持つが、 ;思わずどうしていいのか分からず立ち尽くしてしまう。\ ^I held the receipt in my hand in silence and stood completely still, wondering what I should do.\ ;「どうしました、お客さん?」\ ^``Is something the matter, sir?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、なんでもない…」\ ^``Oh, no, it's nothing ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo.jpg",3 ;とりあえず、一旦車内に戻った俺。\ ^For now, I got back into the car.\ ;SE>エンジン始動\ dwave 5,"se\engin_s.ogg" ;そして、エンジンだけは始動させた。\ ^And then I just turned the engine into ignition.\ ;…どうすれば、いいのだろうか…\ ^... what should I do now ...?\ ;例の店員らしきバイトは、 ;今度は後部ガラスまで拭き始めてくれていた。\ ^The attendant was washing the rear window by now.\ ;…今ならば、このままアクセルを踏み込むだけで…\ ^... so if I floored the accelerator now ...\ ;だが、間違いなくナンバーは控えられるだろう。\ ^Then he'd be able to read the license plate number right away.\ ;検問でもあれば簡単に捕まってしまう。\ ^And we'd get arrested just like that.\ dwavestop 5 ;…だけど、今この場を逃げる為には…\ ^... but we had to escape now ...\ ;そう覚悟を決めた俺は、クラッチを強く踏み込む。\ ^Having decided, I floored the clutch.\ ;そして、ニュートラルだったギアを、 ;セコに入れようとした時…\ ^And then, just as I was about to shift from neutral into first gear ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n187.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv187.ogg" ;「はい…」\ ^``Here you go ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Huh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…使っていいわよ」\ ^``... go ahead and use it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、彼女が封筒を取り出す。 ;そしてその中から1万円札を俺に向けた。\ ^She abruptly produced an envelope. ^And then took a 10000 yen note out and gave it to me.\ ;「お、お前、金持ってたのか?」\ ^``Y-you have money on you?''\ dwavestop 0 ;てっきり持ってないと思っていた。\ ^I'd never have thought that she had any.\ ;それなら、何も今まで、 ;こんなに苦労しなくて済んだのに…\ ^And because of that we'd had so many hardships up until now ...\ ;「どうして、言ってくれなかったんだよ?」\ ^``Why didn't you tell me?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n188.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n190.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv190.ogg" ;「あなた…聞いた?」\ ^``Did you ... ask?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「え、あ、いや、それは…」\ ^``Huh? Oh, uh, no, well ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n189.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv189.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv189b.ogg" ;「聞かれなかったからよ…」\ ^``Because you didn't ask ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを答えると、 ;またいつものように窓の方を向いてしまった。\ ^And with that, ^she turned back in silence to the window.\ bg "e\soukou.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;■心情・情景>情景とか\ ;また走り出した銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, in motion once more.\ ;とりあえずガソリンは満タンにすることが出来た。 ;それに、お釣りとして受け取った5千円札もあった。\ ^The tank was full again. ^And we had a 5000 yen note as change.\ ;だけど俺には、 ;さっきのことの方が気にかかっていた。\ ^But what had just happened was weighing heavily on my mind.\ ;「なあ、お前さあ…」\ ^``Hey, you know ...''\ ;●とも 車内>走る>■仕込みました bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;「はい、これで全部よ…」\ ^``Here, this is all of it ...''\ ;「えっ?」\ ^``Huh?!''\ ;言い出すより前に、先程の封筒を、 ;そのままを俺に差し出す彼女。\ ^Before I could get any further, ^she presented the envelope to me.\ ;「これ、使っていいのか?」\ ^``Can I use this?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n191.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv191.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv191b.ogg" ;「別に…いいわよ」\ ^``Doesn't really ... matter.''\ dwavestop 0 ;受け取った封筒の中を覗くと、 ;まだ1万円札が4枚も入っていた。\ ^I looked into the envelope, ^and there were four 10000-yen notes inside.\ ;これで当面は大丈夫だと思える。\ ^This would be enough.\ ;しかし今度は、更に別のことが気にかかっていた。\ ^But now, there was something entirely different on my mind.\ ;…何故、彼女はこんなにお金を持っていたのだろうか?\ ^... why did she have this much money on her?\ ;少なくとも、俺が最初に持っていた数千円は、 ;突発的に持っていただけのモノだった。\ ^The couple thousand yen that ~i~I'd~i~ brought with me were just whatever I'd had on hand at the time.\ ;だけど、彼女の場合は、 ;あらかじめ準備されていたように思えた。\ ^But in her case, ^it was as if she'd prepared this all in advance.\ ;「なあ、お前ってさ…」\ ^``Hey, you know ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「以前に7階は嫌だって言ってたよな?」\ ^``You said you didn't want to die on 7F, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n192.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv192.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv192b.ogg" ;「…家だって嫌よ」\ ^``... and not at home, either.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、俺だってそうだ…」\ ^``Yeah, same here ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあさ、どこへ行くつもりだったんだ?」\ ^``Then where exactly did you want to go?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n193.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「これは、その為の金だったんじゃねえのか?」\ ^``Didn't you prepare this money for just that purpose?''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして俺は、以前の彼女の言葉を思い出していた。\ ^And then I remember what she'd told me earlier.\ ;自力で動ける内にどこかに行くと言っていた。 ;引き止めたいのか、一緒に行きたいのか?とも尋ねられた。\ ^That she was going to go somewhere while she still could.\ ^And she asked me: do you want to stop me or come with me?\ ;「やっぱり本当は、どこか行くあてがあったのか?」\ ^``So in truth, ~i~is~i~ there somewhere you want to go?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n194.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv194.ogg" ;「別に……」\ ^``Not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「別に、じゃ分からねえよ」\ ^``That's not much of an answer.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n195.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n196.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv196.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv196b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv196c.ogg" ;「…どこもないわよ…」\ ^``... there isn't anywhere ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを…寂しそうに、哀しそうに呟いた。\ ^That was all she murmured ... ^... desolately, sadly ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ならば彼女は…\ ^If that was the case ...\ ;行き先も持たずに、それでもいつの日かを描いて、 ;一人でずっと準備だけをしていたのだろうか?\ ^Had she been preparing for a trip all by herself without having a destination in mind this entire time?\ ;そんな虚しいことをって気にもなるけど…\ ^It did make me wonder who would do such a lonely thing ...\ ;彼女の寂しそうな横顔は、 ;それを肯定しているようにも思えた。\ ^But as I gazed at her lonely-looking profile, ^I found my answer: she would.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n197.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv197.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、あなたはどうなのよ?」\ ^``... then how about you?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「俺だって…別に、だ…」\ ^``Me ...? Not really, uh ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n199.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv199.ogg" ;「…真似しないでよ」\ ^``... don't imitate me.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「別に、真似じゃねえよ」\ ^``I'm not imitating you.''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;…行き先も持たずに走り続ける俺達。\ ^... we kept driving along without a destination.\ ;突発的に7階を飛び出した俺と、 ;行くあても無いのに、虚しく準備だけを進めていた彼女。\ ^One had escaped from 7F without a second thought. ^The other had made futile preparations without a destination.\ ;だけど…\ ^But ...\ bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;「…今は、どこでもいいから行ってみたい…」\ ^``... right now, anywhere is fine with me ... but I want to go somewhere ...''\ ;●とも ボイス大きい ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;少なくとも俺には、 ;何でもいいから示すモノが欲しかった。\ ^At least for me, I wanted a path to follow. ^I was fine with anything. As long as it was a path.\ dwavestop 0 ;「なあ、以前に話していた淡路島なんてどうだ?」\ ^``Hey, how about that Awaji Island you were talking about?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n198.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「今の所持金なら、十分に行けるぞ」\ ^``We can get there with the money we have.''\ dwavestop 0 ;きっと、どこでも良かったんだと思う。 ;7階でも、家で無くても、動き続けてさえいられれば。\ ^Really, anywhere would have been fine. ^As long as it wasn't 7F or home. As long as we could get there.\ ;でも、無意味に彷徨うだけじゃなくて…\ ^But we couldn't just wander around aimlessly ...\ ;何でもいいから目指すものが欲しかったんだと思う。\ ^I wanted to head toward a destination, ^no matter what that destination was.\ ;「…お前も行ってみたいと思わないか?」\ ^``... what about you? Want to try going there?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n195.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n369.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_237.ogg" ;「……別に…」\ ^``... not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;それだけを返すと、またいつもと同じように、 ;窓の外に視線を向けてしまう彼女。\ ^With that, she turned back to the window in her usual silent fashion.\ ;…相変わらず、どこか遠くを見つめるような目。\ ^... those same eyes, the same as ever, ^looking somewhere into the distance.\ ;一体、彼女は何を見ているのだろうか…^@^ ^Just what could she be looking at ...?^@^ ;何を考え、何を期待して、ここに来たのだろうか…\ ^Just what was she hoping for when she came with me ...?\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 mov %flg_cha5,1 mov %flg_bplay,5 goto *gp32_mini_title ;____;____;__;_ ;●とも>タイトル戻り候補 ;★チャプター6 *gp32_honpen6 mov $sys_midasi,"^#1 Route [g]" dwavestop 5 ;_____________ ;☆回想 3 シーン bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;☆BGM>銀色あたりor4くらい ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 0,"w\n200.ogg" ;『地図を見るのは好きだった…』\ ^`I loved looking at maps ...'\ dwavestop 0 mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;どこまでも続く1号線、知らない場所。 ;どこまでも連れて行ってくれる車も好きだった。\ ^The #1 Route, continuing on forever. Places unknown. ^And I loved cars because they could take me anywhere.\ bg "e\image01.jpg",5 ;でも、いくら情報を積み重ねても…\ ^But no matter how much useless trivia I gained ...\ ;それは仮想。 ;リアルを、心を、どんどん脆くしていく。\ ^It was all in my imagination. ^Relentlessly chipping away at reality and at my heart.\ ;水着もある、地図もある、でも未来がない。\ ^I had a swimsuit. I had maps. ^But I had no future.\ ;窓の外には世界だってある。 ;でも、触れられる現実がない。\ ^There was a world outside my window. ^But it was nothing that I could touch.\ ;目を閉じれば、何も無い世界に行けるけど、 ;この世界自体が消えてしまった訳ではない。\ ^If I closed my eyes I could go to a world without anything in it but it wasn't as if the real world would disappear for me.\ ;そんなことは分かってる。\ ^I knew all of this.\ ;生涯の伴侶は、目を閉じた世界だと覚悟している。\ ^My lifelong companion scars were telling me to get used to this world of closed eyes.\ ;なのに、^@^「もし」ばかりを想像して、 ;もしかしたらと期待して夢見て、でも結局は…\ ^And yet ... ^@^ I was still filled with ``what ifs'' and dreamed of wild possibilities, but eventually ...\ ;憧れは憧れに過ぎず、ビキニの水着も、エメラルドの海も…\ ^The yearning never progressed past yearning. ^The bikini swimsuit, the emerald sea ...\ ;…胸の大きな傷跡が、あきらめろと諭した。\ ^... my huge scars told me that I should give up on them already.\ ;☆BG:窓に顔のかな\ bg "e\setsumi_kaisou.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n201.ogg" ;「だけど…」\ ^``But ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;生涯のほとんどを病院で過ごし、 ;目を閉じた世界だけで過ごして…\ ^I spent most of my life in the hospital, ^amidst this world of closed eyes ...\ ;7階か、家しか選べられないのが哀しかった。\ ^It was so sad to only be able to choose between 7F and home.\ ;選択する余地も与えられず…\ ^No other options given ...\ ;かといって、 ;その場所すら見つけられない自分を憐れだと思った。\ ^However, it was sadder still that I couldn't think of any other places anyway.\ !s85 ;…それでも、22年も生きたのに…\ ^... but I've lived on for 22 years like this ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n202.ogg" ;「一つくらい…好きにさせてよ…」\ ^``So let me do as I please ... just this once ...''\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;そう呟いた時、止めた筈の時間が揺らいだ気がした。\ ^When I murmured those words, I felt time -- which should have been standing still -- begin to move again.\ ;あの日、止めた筈の心が苦しかった…\ ^That day, my heart -- which should have been standing still -- was in torment ...\ !sd ;bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;____;_ mov $sys_midasi,"^#1 Route 2 [g]" bg "gp32\1\cat02.bmp",5 click dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;☆BG 走る車\ ;bg "e\joku_shigaichi.jpg",3 ;冬の澄んだ青空を、 ;ボンネットに映して走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, whose hood reflected the clear blue skies of winter.\ ;相変わらず、目的もなく走り続けていたが、 ;当面はガソリンや買い物にも、困ることは無さそうだった。\ ^Wandering around as aimlessly as ever, ^but at least no more worries about gas or food.\ ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\shanai_michi04.jpg",3 ;そしてハンドルを握る俺の隣では、 ;軽く寝息を立てる彼女。\ ;dwave 0,"w\n203.ogg" ;「んぅ… ;「起きたか? ;dwave 0,"w\n204.ogg" ;「…うん ;□心情・情景>ヒロイン様子とか ;間もなく、大きな交差点に差しかかろうとしていた。\ ^Soon enough, we came across a large intersection.\ ;昨夜、彼女の賛同を得られなかったが、 ;俺は何となくでも西を目指すことにしていた。\ ^I hadn't obtained her approval last night, ^but I was still heading west regardless.\ ;只、地理的にも全くわからないし、 ;高速道路を利用するのは所持金的にも辛いと思えた。\ ^The only problems were that I didn't know the roads at all, ^and it would be tough on our budget to take the tollways.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;目の前の迫った大きな交差点。\ ^Those were my thoughts as we drew near the large intersection.\ ;何も考えずに直進しようとしていた俺に…\ ^I was about to continue heading straight without a single thought when ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n205.ogg" ;「そこ、左折…」\ ^``Left turn here ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Huh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n206.ogg" ;「左に曲がって」\ ^``Turn left.''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然、俺に指示を出した彼女。\ ^An abrupt request.\ ;何のことかと思いながらも、 ;指示通りに左折レーンに入り、大きな道へと出た。\ ^Even as I wondered what was up, ^I turned left as she had requested onto a very wide road.\ ;●とも ここ絵変えて↓ bg "e\naname_michi.jpg",3 ;bg "e\shanai_michi04.jpg",3 ;「どうしたんだよ、一体?」\ ^``What was ~i~that~i~ about?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n207.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n208.ogg" ;「これが1号線…当分は真っ直ぐよ…」\ ^``This is #1 Route ... go straight for now ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「当分はって…」\ ^``For now ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の突然の指示に俺は驚いてしまう。\ ^I was surprised by her sudden direction-giving.\ ;今までにも行動を共にしてきて、 ;何でも知っているようだが、\ ^We'd been together up until now, ^and she seemed to know just about everything ...\ ;自発的に俺に指示を出したことは初めてだった。\ ^... but this was the first time that she'd voluntarily given me directions.\ ;「…もしかして、行く気になったのか?」\ ^``... could it be that you've decided you want to go after all?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n209.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、その、例の場所…淡路島までさ」\ ^``Well, you know. To the place we talked about ... to Awaji Island.''\ dwavestop 0 !s90 dwave 0,"w\n210.ogg" ;「……悪い?」\ ^``... is that bad?''\ !sd dwavestop 0 ;「いや、そんな意味じゃねえけどさ…」\ ^``No, that's not what I meant at all ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;何の目的も持たずに進む俺達。\ ^We were driving along without any purpose:\ ;何か目的が欲しくて彷徨っていた俺と、 ;いつも遠くを見つめてばかりで、よく分からない彼女。\ ^I was floundering in search of some destination and, always enigmatic, she was ever looking into the distance.\ ;その彼女の口から、出たことが俺には意外だった。\ ^So the words that had just come out of her mouth took me completely by surprise.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n211.ogg" ;「…期待してる訳じゃない」\ ^``... it's not that I have any expectations.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ?」\ ^``Wha?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n212.ogg" ;「別に水着が欲しい訳じゃ…」\ ^``It's not like I want a swimsuit or anyth ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…お前、なに言ってるんだ?」\ ^``... just what do you think you're saying?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n213.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n214.ogg" ;「…なんでもないわよ」\ ^``... nothing at all.''\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景>ヒロイン様子とか\ ;____;____;__;_ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 bg "gp32\1\cat03.bmp",3 !w800 ;☆BG 青空あたり bg "e\sora03.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\a01.mp3" ;☆BGM>ナルインストあたり>002;_2 ;冬の澄んだ空の下、日射しを跳ねて進む銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe shimmered with sunlight underneath the clear winter sky.\ ;強い上り坂や急なカーブが多かった箱根も越え、 ;今はずいぶんと楽な道のりへと変わっていた。\ ^We'd passed through the steep slopes and sharp curves of Hakone, ^and now were in a much more relatively flat area.\ ;「なあ、ここらってどこらへんだ?」\ ^``Hey, around where are we, anyway?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n215.ogg" ;「愛知県よ、間もなく名古屋市街に入るわ…」\ ^``Aichi Prefecture. ^ We'll be entering Nagoya City pretty soon ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;残り金額を考え、高速は使わずに下道を走る俺達。\ ^We were driving through the normal highways because we were on too limited a budget to use the tollways.\ ;俺一人では、とうてい無理だろうけど、 ;彼女の指示通りに進んでいた。\ ^I could never have done this alone, ^but thanks to her we were making good progress.\ ;ナビ以上に詳しい彼女の指示。\ ^Her instructions, ^more accurate than any navigation system.\ ;その理由はわからないけど、 ;恐らくは正しいルートなのだと思えた。\ ^I didn't know why I felt this way, ^but I could tell that we were on the right track.\ dwave 0,"w\n216.ogg" ;「次の交差点…22号線に入って」\ ^``The next intersection ... turn onto #22 Route.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Got it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言われた通りに車線を変え、ハンドルを切る。\ ^I turned the steering wheel and changed lanes as I had been told to do.\ ;☆BG なんか変えて\ bg "e\soukou_machi.jpg",3 ;窓からの流れる景色。 ;初めて見る賑やかな市街地をどこまでも北上する。\ ^The scenery streaming past the window. The sights and sounds of a city that I'd never seen before, spreading to the north.\ ;そして、いつしか周りの風景が、 ;少しずつ落ち着いたものへと変わる頃…\ ^And around the time when the wide open spaces around us had transitioned into urban neighborhoods ...\ ;「なあ、あそこでも寄ってくか?」\ ^``Hey, wanna stop by there?''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\naname_machi.jpg",3 ;国道沿いに見える、どこかのファミレス。\ ^Some family restaurant at the roadside of the highway.\ ;俺は走りながら、それを指差すと言葉を続けた。\ ^I pointed to it as I drove, and kept talking.\ ;「ほら、今までコンビニばっかだったろ?」\ ^``After all, all we've had is convenience store food all the way up until now, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ;dwavestop 0 ;もちろん好きでコンビニばかりだった訳じゃない。\ ^Of course, it wasn't as if we'd been subsisting on convenience store food because we liked it.\ ;所持金を考えてのことだし、 ;そこまで心に余裕がなかったのも理由だった。\ ^There was the fact that we had no money, ^and there was also the fact that we were on edge.\ ;でも今は、少しだけ金銭的にも余裕ができた。 ;だからこその俺の提案だった。\ ^But now we had a little money to spare. ^That's why I'd suggested it.\ ;「な、たまにはファミレスもいいじゃん」\ ^``After all, a family restaurant can be a nice change of pace, eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n218.ogg" ;「…わたしは、コンビニでいい…」\ ^``... convenience store food is fine for me ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言うと、少しだけ俯く彼女。 ;どうやら自分の服を見つめているようだった。\ ^She looked down a little as she said this. ^As if she were staring at her clothes or something.\ ;ああ…そういえばこいつって、 ;ぶかぶかの服を着たままだったな…\ ^Oh ... fair enough, speaking of which, ^those clothes were way too big on her ...\ ;「わかった、じゃあ先にあっち寄るか?」\ ^``All right, then next up, how about stopping by ~i~that~i~ place?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n219.ogg" ;「…あっちって?」\ ^``... what do you mean by that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、手前の店、どこかのジーンズショップ」\ ^``Look, over on your side. That jeans shop over there.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それは、国道沿いによく見られる、 ;ジーンズやカジュアルを揃えた量販店のようだった。\ ^And there stood a jeans and casual wear wholesale chain store that I'd seen other locations of on the normal highways.\ ;「きっとこの手の店なら、 ; そんな高くないのあるだろうからさ」\ ^``That kind of store isn't likely to be that expensive, either.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n220.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ寄るぞ? 寄るからな」\ ^``We're stopping in, all right? I'm stopping now.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;返事はなかった。 ;でも、反対もされなかった。\ ^No reply. ^But no resistance either.\ ;もしかしたら…\ ^It might well have been ...\ ;こいつにとって反論しないってことは、 ;肯定と考えて良いのかも知れない。\ ^... that it would be better for me to think of her non-replies as answers to the affirmative. Or something.\ ;____;__ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;店内に入った俺達。\ ^We went into the store.\ ;2階建ての大きなフロアを、あいつが物珍しそうに、 ;幾つものコーナーを見て回っていた。\ ^She peered curiously around the two huge floors of the place, ^looking into every single corner there was.\ ;その様子は、相変わらずの無口だし、 ;普段の姿と変わらないように見えるかも知れない。\ ^She was as without words as she always had been, ^and she may not have looked much different from her usual.\ ;だけど、無機質に何も映していなかった、 ;あのつまらないテレビを見ていた時とは少し違っていた。\ ^But this was a little different from the way she was when she was watching that boring TV that reflected nothing.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;何度も何度も手にとって、 ;値札を見ては考え込むようにしていた。\ ^She examined item after item of clothing, ^and seemed to be considering the prices.\ ;そして、試着をする度に俺の方へと駆け寄って…\ ^And then, whenever she tried on a new outfit she'd come running up to me and ...\ dwave 0,"w\n222.ogg" ;「…どう?」\ ^``... what do you think?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうって、似合ってんじゃねえか?」\ ^``What do I think? ^ I think that it looks pretty good on you.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n223.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n224.ogg" ;「…変じゃない?」\ ^``... it isn't weird?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、たぶんな」\ ^``No, I don't think so.''\ dwavestop 0 ;こんな感じで何度も何度も、 ;試着を繰り返しては見せにくる彼女。\ ^And in this fashion, she tried on outfit after outfit, ^coming to show it off to me every single time.\ ;決して笑ったり、表情に出したりはしないけど、 ;その姿は、どこか嬉しそうにしているようにも思えた。\ ^She did not once smile or let any facial expression out, ^but it seemed to me that she was somehow happy about this.\ ;「どうだ、決まったか?」\ ^``All right, have you decided?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n225.ogg" ;「…うん、これにする」\ ^``... yeah, I'm going with these.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って俺に、最後に試着した、 ;可愛いシャツと短いスカートを見せる。\ ^Saying this, she showed me her final outfit: ^a pretty shirt and a short skirt.\ ;その選んだ服は、いかにも中学生か高校生あたりが、 ;好んで着ていそうな服だった。\ ^What she'd selected did make her look like a middle or high school student, but she seemed to be pleased enough.\ ;確か以前に、俺よりも年上だと言っていたけど…\ ^Now, if memory served, ^she'd told me in the past that she was older than me ...\ ;どう見ても、そうは見えない彼女の容姿と相まって、 ;逆にハマり過ぎてて微笑ましく見えてしまう。\ ^But no matter how I looked, that just didn't seem true. ^Such the opposite, in fact, that I couldn't help but smile.\ ;「でもさ、そのスカートは、 ; 止めた方がいいんじゃねえか?」\ ^``But you know, maybe it would be better if that skirt were a bit longer?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n226.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、似合ってないとか、そーゆーのじゃないから」\ ^``Oh, no, no, no, I'm not saying it doesn't look good on you at all!''\ dwave 0,"w\n227.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、寒いだろ? 今の時期ってその格好じゃ」\ ^``See, it's cold, you know? And in that kind of outfit ...''\ dwave 0,"w\n228.ogg" ;「…べ、別に平気よ…わたし我慢するから」\ ^``... I-I'll be fine ... I'll bear with it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;_キープ;_普通のぼそぼそパターンも;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n229.ogg" ;「別に平気よ…わたし我慢するから ;__;_ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s100 ;そう答えた時…\ ^When she spoke these words ...\ !sd ;少しだけその白い顔が赤くなったように見えた。 ;普段は絶対に感情を表さないこいつなのに…\ ^I saw a little bit of pink rise to her pale face. ^For a girl who always kept herself absolutely emotionless ...\ ;…もしかして、照れているのだろうか?\ ^... could it be that she was blushing?\ ;初めて見る、こいつの表情だった。\ ^The first expression of emotion that I'd ever seen from her.\ ;_ ;☆BG 空 bg "e\sora03.jpg",3 ;尚も走り続ける俺達。\ ^Back on the road again.\ ;冬の高い高い空の下、 ;少し排気音のうるさい銀のクーペは走り続けていた。\ ^The somewhat noisy silver coupe, speeding along underneath the high, high heavens of winter.\ dwave 0,"w\n230.ogg" ;「次で21号線に入って…」\ ^``Get on #21 Route next ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Got it.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;相変わらず彼女のナビに従って進む。 ;気づけば、既に岐阜県に入っていた。\ ^She was acting as the navigator as usual. ^In no time at all, we had entered Gifu Prefecture.\ ;いつもなら必要な時以外は、 ;窓の外をじっと眺めているだけの彼女。\ ^But if this were ``as usual'', ^she'd only be looking out the window at nothing.\ ;なのに今は、何度も何度も、 ;サイドミラーに自分の姿を映しては嬉しそうにしていた。\ ^But now, she was checking herself in the sideview mirror over and over, as if well pleased.\ ;まるで、俺の目を盗むようにミラーを覗き込んでいた。\ ^Checking herself in that mirror as if she didn't want me to catch her doing it ...\ ;先ほど買ってきた服に身を包んで ;少しだけ嬉しそうにしているように俺には見えた。\ ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n231.ogg" ;「…なに?」\ ^``... what is it?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、さっきの服、気に入ったみたいだな」\ ^``Well, it looks like you're pretty happy with those clothes, that's all.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n232.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n233.ogg" ;「別に…そんなことないわよ」\ ^``Not really ... it's nothing like that.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言うとサイドミラーを見るのを止めてしまう。\ ^With that, ^she stopped looking at the sideview mirror.\ ;でも、しばらくすると、 ;また俺がよそ見している間にチェックを始める彼女。\ ^But after a little while, ^she started checking herself again as I watched.\ ;…結構、かわいいところもあるんだな…\ ^... so there were awfully cute things about her as well ...\ ;たったこれだけのことでも、 ;普段が普段なだけに、俺には可愛いと思えた。\ ^And even if was something as small as this, ^As normal as normal could be, I found it very cute.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____________ ;小タイトル戻し\ mov $sys_midasi,"^#1 Route 3 [g]" ;____;____;___________________ ;☆BG 夜空\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\n05.mp3" ;すっかりと日が暮れる頃。\ ^Around when the sun had darkened into night.\ ;どこかの道端。 ;また今日もコンビニでの夕食を済ませた頃。\ ^Some roadside somewhere. ^Around when we'd finished our dinner (convenience store again).\ ;☆BG どこかの道端とか:夜 bg "e\chusha_michi2_yoru.jpg",3 ;「なあ、今頃どうなってっかな…」\ ^``I wonder what's happened since we left ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;今も手首に巻かれたままになっている、 ;ビニール製の白い腕輪。\ ^The white vinyl ID bracelet, ^hanging loosely around my wrist.\ ;血液型と俺の名前が記載された、 ;あの、病院のネームプレートを見ながら呟く。\ ^I murmured those words as I looked at the inscriptions: ^my blood type and name, and then the name of the hospital.\ ;「やっぱ、大騒ぎしてると思うか?」\ ^``Do you think they're in an uproar?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n234.ogg" ;「…たぶんね」\ ^``... probably.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だよな…」\ ^``Yeah ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;両親や、友達、それに病院の先生達…\ ^Parents, friends, and the doctors ...\ ;例えそれが上っ面だけだったとしても、 ;心配してくれていると思うと、少し心苦しかった。\ ^And even if it were only a paper-thin display on their part, ^I was still a little sorry to think that they might be worried.\ ;悪いな…親父、皆んな…^@^ ;自分勝手な、我侭やっちまって…\ ^My bad ... father, everyone ...^@^ ^I did something selfish without consulting anyone ...\ ;☆BG どこかの道端とか:夜 bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n235.ogg" ;「ねえ、あなたって…」\ ^``Say ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん? どうかしたか?」\ ^``Hmm? What is it?''\ dwave 0,"w\n236.ogg" ;「最初に…死ぬって聞かされた時……泣いた?」\ ^``When you first learned ... that you were going to die ... did you cry?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;突然の彼女の問いに、一瞬だけ驚いた。 ;そして、その問いの重さに暫く考えてしまった。\ ^I was instantly shocked by her sudden question. ^And then I was silent as I pondered upon it some.\ ;「…確か…泣かなかったと思う」\ ^``... come to think of it ... I don't think I cried.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n237.ogg" ;「じゃあ、どうして自分だけって…運命を呪った?」\ ^``Then did you curse fate, asking ... `why me'?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「それは…よく覚えていない」\ ^``I don't ... remember doing that either.''\ dwavestop 0 ;始めは現実に起こった事として認識できなかった。 ;リアルとして考えられなかったように思う。\ ^At first, I couldn't believe that it was actually happening. ^As if it weren't part of reality at all.\ ;だけど…本当は少しはあったのかも知れない。\ ^But ... maybe, just maybe, ^I did feel something. A little.\ ;一緒に教習所に通った友達が、新車を買った。 ;36回のローンが大変だとぼやいていた。\ ^One of my buddies from the technical institute bought a new car. ^And he was complaining about how he'd had to take out huge loans.\ ;就職が決まった奴もいた。留年が確定した奴もいた。 ;子供が出来た奴もいた。また彼女にフラれたって奴もいた。\ ^Some got their first jobs, others were still in school. ^Some had children, others got dumped by their girlfriends.\ ;でも俺は…^@^未来を断たれた。\ ^But I ...^@^ had no future.\ ;だから本当は… ;どうして自分だけがって気持ちはあったんだと思う。\ ^So in truth ... ^I think I did wonder why it had to be me.\ ;これが運命だからって自分に言い聞かせても、 ;やっぱり、諦めきれない気持ちはあったんだと思う。\ ^Even if I told myself that this was fate, ^I think I did feel as if I couldn't accept that.\ ;「じゃあお前は…どうだったんだ?」\ ^``Then ... how about you?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n238.ogg" ;「…わたし?」\ ^``... me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、哀しくて泣いて…運命を呪ったか?」\ ^``Yeah. Did you cry ... or curse fate?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n239.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n240.ogg" ;「…わたしは、平気だった」\ ^``... I was fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…どうしてだ?」\ ^``... and why?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n241.ogg" ;「…だって、最初から何も望んでなかったから…」\ ^``... because I never hoped for anything from the very beginning ...''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 dwave 0,"w\n242.ogg" ;「…わたしは、諦めていたから」\ ^``... because I had given up.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…」\ ^``Is that so ...?''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;最初から諦めていれば、落胆することもない。 ;後ろ向きでいれば楽しくもないけど、辛いこともない。\ ^No way to despair if you'd given up from the beginning. ^Not fun to turn your back that way, but not difficult either.\ ;だけど、その考え方は哀しすぎるような気がする。\ ^But I couldn't help but feeling that it was just too sorrowful that way.\ ;それとも、彼女の場合は…^@^ ;そうするより他に、方法がなかったのだろうか…\ ^Or could it have been that in her case ...^@^ there was no other possible course of action ...?\ bg "e\car_byoin_chusyajo_yoru.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n243.ogg" ;「前に見た映画で言ってた…」\ ^``I saw in a movie sometime ago ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n244.ogg" ;「…狼は3年しか生きないって」\ ^``... that wolves don't live more than 3 years.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「は? 狼?」\ ^``Huh? Wolves?''\ ;突然、よく分からないことを話し始めた彼女。\ ^She abruptly changed the topic on me.\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n245.ogg" ;「でも…ロバは9年も生きるんだって」\ ^``But ... donkeys live for 9 years or more.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「何のことだ?…狼が3年でロバが9年って?」\ ^``Why was that ...? ^ Why 3 years for wolves and 9 years for donkeys?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n246.ogg" ;「…ロバは…役に立つから長生きする」\ ^``... donkeys live on ... because they are useful.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n247.ogg" ;「そういうことらしいの…」\ ^``That's apparently the way it is ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景>いろいろと\ ;寂しそうに窓の外を見ながら、言葉をつむぎ出す彼女。\ ^She murmured these words as she looked out the window impassively.\ ;これが彼女にとっての… ;自分を納得させる為の、諦める為の言い訳なのだろうか…\ ^So was this the thing that she told herself ... ^... to resign herself, to abandon herself to her fate ...?\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;___________ ;☆シーン変え ;☆BG 冬空>雪 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\yukizora.jpg",3 ;暮れかけた真冬の空。 ;21号線をまっすぐに進む俺達。\ ^The midwinter sky at sunset. ^Our progress straight through #21 Route.\ ;その暮れかけた空に舞う、チラチラと白いもの。 ;次第に降りを強くしているようだった。\ ^The flickering white specks dancing in the twilight sky. ^It was starting to snow, and snow hard.\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、雪が降ってきた…」\ ^``Yeah, it's snowing ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、気づけば、 ;道路の脇には白い積雪が姿を現すようになっていた。\ ^And sure enough, ^it looked like there was snow covering the roadsides.\ ;☆BG 雪道\ bg "e\naname_yuki.jpg",3 ;いつの間に積雪地帯に入ったのか分からないが、 ;どこを見渡しても白い色に染められていた。\ ^I had no idea when we'd entered a region of heavy snow, ^but as far as the eye could see everything was draped in white.\ ;…少しやばいかもな。\ ^... this was somewhat concerning.\ ;さっき見た限りでは、 ;このタイヤはスタッドレスじゃなかった。\ ^As far as I could tell, ^these tires weren't of the studless variety.\ ;もしも、これから先が、 ;更に雪が降るエリアでは厄介かも知れない。\ ^If we ran into any snow heavier than this, ^it was likely that we were going to be in trouble.\ ;「なあ、ここらって豪雪地帯なのか?」\ ^``Hey, does it snow here a lot?''\ dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Huh ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、これ以上、雪が酷くなると辛いからさ」\ ^``See, if it snows much more than this, it'll be tough.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n250.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;仮に路面に積雪は無かったとしても、 ;それだけの場所なら道路が凍結していても不思議ではない。\ ^There wasn't any snow on the road right now, but it would be no surprise to encounter frozen road segments from here on out.\ ;そう考えると、教習所の教本でしか習っていなかった、 ;チェーンの装着ってのも必要になるのかも知れない。\ ^And given that, it could very well become necessary to equip tire chains -- something they hadn't gone over in training.\ ;「どうだ、知ってるか?」\ ^``So, do you know?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n251.ogg" ;「この先は…関が原」\ ^``After this ... Sekigahara.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そりゃさっき聞いたって、 ; 俺が知りたいのは雪が酷い場所かってこと」\ ^``Well, yeah, you told me that earlier, but what I want to know is if it snows a lot here.''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 !s90 dwave 0,"w\n060.ogg" ;「…わからない…」\ ^``... I don't know ...''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;何故か寂しそうに答える彼女。^@^ ;その様子に俺は少しだけ違和感を覚えた。\ ^She answered, somehow desolate.^@^ ^And it made me feel that there was something incongruous here.\ ;これだけ道に詳しくて、 ;以前にこの車のこともあんなに詳しかったのに…\ ^For someone who knew the roads this well, ^who knew just about everything about this car ...\ ;それと比較すると、十分に知ってそうなことだと思えた。\ ^Something like that should have been child's play.\ ;「わかった、とにかく気をつけて走る」\ ^``Very well, I'll just drive carefully.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n253.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;________________ ;・小タイトル戻し mov $sys_midasi,"^#1 Route 4 [g]" ;_______________________ mp3 "bgm\o012.mp3" ;ちらちらと降り続く雪。\ ;SE>波の音\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" bg "e\yukizora.jpg",3 ;;☆BG 雪湖っぽいの bg "e\yuki_kohan.jpg",5 ;波打ち際。 ;俺達は車を降りると、湖を眺めていた。\ ^A beach. ^We had gotten off the car and were looking at a lake.\ ;強い風に煽られては、 ;所々、凍った湖面をも染めようとする白い雪。\ ^A chilly wind kicked up, ^scattering a powder snow across the lake's frozen surface.\ ;そんな中、まるで海のような波打ち際へ向かって、 ;ゆっくりと歩き始める彼女。\ ^And in its midst, she slowly began walking toward that beach, as if it were the ocean itself.\ ;…以前にもあった光景だった。\ ^... this was a spectacle I had seen before.\ dwave 0,"w\n254.ogg" ;「…ねえ、どう思う?」\ ^``... so what do you think?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「このまま進むと、楽に死ねるか?ってのか」\ ^``Are you asking me whether I think you would die without much pain if you walked in?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n255.ogg" ;「うん、海より楽な気がする…」\ ^``Yeah. I get the feeling that it might be easier here than in the ocean ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「俺には、その解答の根拠がわからん…」\ ^``I have no idea what your basis for that is ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n256.ogg" ;「だって、海水は塩辛いし身体も浮いちゃうでしょ…」\ ^``Well ... sea water is salty, and your body floats more easily ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そりゃあ、名推理だな」\ ^``... quite a deductive ability you have there.''\ dwavestop 0 ;冷たい北風と降る雪の中、 ;お互いに本気とも冗談とも取れないことを言い合う。\ ^Under the cold north wind and the falling snow, ^we argued jokingly, seriously, who knew, about our one end point.\ ;そして、一旦止まった足を、 ;再び湖へと向けると歩き出す彼女。\ ^And after a while, ^she began walking toward the lake once more.\ dwave 0,"w\n257.ogg" ;「…やっぱり止めないの?」\ ^``... so you aren't going to stop me after all?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「だって今日は、死ぬつもりないだろ?」\ ^``You don't have any intention to die today, do you now?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n258.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n259.ogg" ;「…うん…そうかもね」\ ^``... no ... I guess not.''\ dwavestop 0 ;…例の場所、淡路島まで ;あと、どのくらいの距離なのだろうか…\ ^... how much farther was it until this Awaji Island of which we'd spoken ...?\ ;別にその場所に行きたかった訳でも、 ;何かのこだわりがあった訳でもない。\ ^It wasn't as if I particularly wanted to go there, ^but I didn't have any problem with going there either.\ ;だけど、何の目的も持たずに彷徨う俺達だったのに、 ;今では目指す場所が生まれた。\ ^But -- though we'd wandered without a purpose up until now -- the seeds of a final destination were being born in us.\ ;俺が止めなくても、 ;波打ち際の一歩手前で足を止めたままの彼女。\ ^The girl, who had halted her progress toward the waters even without my having to stop her.\ ;…きっと、そういうことなんだと思う。\ ^... Most likely, ^that was the way it was for her, too.\ dwavestop 5 ;____;____;__;_ bg "gp32\1\cat05.bmp",5 !w600 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\hiki_kosoku2.jpg",3 dwave 0,"w\n260.ogg" ;「そこから、1号に戻って…」\ ^``Get back on #1 from here ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Got it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;8号から再び1号へ。\ ^From #8 back to #1.\ ;彼女のナビに従い、 ;今度は草津へと向かっていた。\ ^Under the guidance of her navigation, ^we were now heading toward Kusatsu.\ ;●とも ここから車内かな?>■仕込みました bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n261.ogg" ;「ねえ、今って、お金は大丈夫?」\ ^``Are we still okay on money?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、まだ3万円ほどはある」\ ^``Yeah, we still have 30000 yen or so.''\ dwavestop 0 ;以前に服は買ったけど、それ以外では、 ;相変わらずコンビニで済ます程度だった。\ ^After we'd hit that clothing store, ^we'd only spent money on convenience store food.\ ;「どうかしたのか?」\ ^``Why, what's up?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n262.ogg" ;「…じゃあ、高速に乗る?」\ ^``... then do you want to get on the tollway?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「高速? 全部下道じゃ行けないのか?」\ ^``The tollway? Why, can't we get there through the normal highways?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n263.ogg" ;「それは、無理よ」\ dwavestop 0 ;□心情・情景 dwave 0,"w\n264.ogg" ;「確かにギリギリまでなら行けるけど…」\ ^``Well, yes, we certainly ~i~can~i~ up until the very end ...''\ dwavestop 0 !w500 dwave 0,"w\n265.ogg" ;「でも、最終的には、必ず有料道路に乗るから…」\ ^``But for the final stretch, we have to get on the tollway for a while ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか、淡路島だもんな」\ ^``I see, so that's how you get to Awaji Island.''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺も詳しくは知らないが、淡路島に行く為には、 ;瀬戸大橋だか何だかの橋を渡らないと行けなかった筈だ。\ ^I didn't know it that well, but apparently in order to get there, ^we'd have to cross some bridge called ... Seto ... or something.\ ;は有料道路だったと聞いたことがあるとか dwave 0,"w\n266.ogg" ;「じゃあ、草津からバイパスに入って」\ ^``Then get on the bypass from Kusatsu ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった」\ ^``Got it.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;____;____;__;_ ;☆シーン変え bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼女の指示に従い、 ;瀬田ICから、名神高速へと乗り継ぐ。\ ^Under her direction, ^I went from the Seta Interchange to the Meishin Expressway.\ dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;☆BG 車走る:上空の\ bg "e\joku_kosoku.jpg",3 ;今までの一般道と比べると、明らかに整備された道路。\ ^Compared to all the roads we'd been on so far, ^it was obvious that this was what a ~i~real~i~ expressway was.\ ;信号もないし、見通しの良い道路は、 ;初めて高速を走った俺にも運転しやすいと思えた。\ ^No traffic lights. A beautiful perspective. ^Seemed pretty simple to even a beginner like me.\ ;只、右の高速車線にいると、 ;後ろからスゴイ勢いでやってくる後続車が怖かった。\ ^But as I got on to the rightmost lane, ^I could hear a terrific sound behind me.\ dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;最初は、パッシングや右ウインカーの意味も分からなかったが、 ;慣れてくると高速道路の運転は楽しいと思えた。\ ^At first, I had no concept of a passing lane or anything, ^but as I got used to it the expressway was almost fun.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01.jpg",3 ;「すげえな、あの車…」\ ^``That's a pretty incredible car ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;物凄いスピードで追い抜いていく、どこかの車。 ;のんびり走る俺達は、思わず顔を見合わせてしまう。\ ^Some car was passing us by at terrific speed. ^And without thinking, the two of us exchanged glances.\ ;そして、助手席に座ったこいつも、 ;いつもとは少し様子が違っていた。\ ^And sure enough, from her passenger's seat she was looking somewhat different from usual.\ ;普段なら、遠い目で窓の外を眺めるだけなのに、 ;今日は物珍しそうに回りの車を見ていた。\ ^While usually, she'd be staring out the window into the distance, ^today she was looking around at other cars with great interest.\ ;…そういえばこいつって何故か車にも詳しかったな。\ ^... speaking of which, she knew a lot about cars for some reason or another, didn't she?\ ;俺は猛スピードで追い抜いていった、 ;さっきの車を指差す。\ ^I pointed at the car that had just blown past us.\ ;「なあなあ、今のって何て車だ?」\ ^``Hey, hey, what kind of car is that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n267.ogg" ;「…それは質問?」\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n268.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、クイズのつもりで」\ ^``A quiz to pass the time, see?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n269.ogg" ;「…トヨタセリカ、オーバービュー」\ ^``... Toyota Celica GTS.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、今、抜いてったのは?」\ ^``And the one we just overtook?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n270.ogg" ;「シトロエン、クサラ…」\ ^``Citroen Xsara ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「へ~、よく分かるな」\ ^``Wow, you know a lot.''\ dwavestop 0 ;正直なところ、 ;俺にはそれが正解かどうかも分からない。\ ^To tell the truth, ^I didn't know whether she was right or not.\ ;でも、自分からは滅多に口を開かないこいつが、 ;次々と答える様子が楽しく思えて…\ ^But it was really pleasant to hear words coming from her usual-silent lips ...\ ;だから俺は、休むことなく言葉を続けた。\ ^... so I kept plying her with questions.\ dwave 0,"w\n271.ogg" ;「青いのがユーノス、赤いのはアルファロメオ…」\ ^``The blue one is a Mazda Eunos, and the red is an Alfa Romeo ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;同時に追い抜いていった2台までも答える。\ ^She even told me about the two cars that were just passing us now.\ ;「でもさ、あれは分からないだろう」\ ^``But I'm willing to bet you won't know what ~i~that~i~ is!''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら今度は、普通車と違うトラックを指差す。\ ^I pointed to a truck -- not a car -- as I spoke.\ ;あまり表情を出さない彼女の、 ;困った顔も少しだけ見たくなっていた。\ ^I wanted to see a little perplexity seep into that expressionless face of hers.\ dwave 0,"w\n272.ogg" ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「やっぱ、さすがにトラックは分からないか」\ ^``So you don't know trucks that well, then?''\ dwave 0,"w\n273.ogg" ;「…日産アトラス10」\ ^``... Nissan Atlas 10.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「おいおい、すげえぞ、お前っ」\ ^``Oh, wow, you're incredible.''\ dwavestop 0 ;本当はいじわるしたつもりだったのに、 ;まさかトラックまで分かるとは思わなかった。\ ^I'd been planning on teasing her, ^but instead she'd gone straight over my head.\ ;「ここまでくればさ、自慢できるレベルじゃねえか?」\ ^``Isn't that level of knowledge something to be proud about?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n274.ogg" ;「…そう?」\ ^``... really?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、胸張っていいと思うぞ」\ ^``Yeah, I think you could toot your own horn about it.''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ ;俺の言葉に無言で返す彼女。 ;少しだけ照れくさそうにしているようだった。\ ^She had no words in response. ^It felt like she was blushing a little bit.\ ;きっと車とか好きなんだろうな…\ ^So she loved cars after all ...\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあさ、向こうに着いたら運転してみるか?」\ ^``Then when we get there, want to try driving?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n276.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n277.ogg" ;「でもわたし、免許持ってない…」\ ^``But I don't have a license ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「大丈夫だって、 ; きっと、浜辺なんて運転すると楽しいぞ」\ ^``It'll be fine! Driving along the beach will be fun, don't you think?''\ dwavestop 0 ;恐らく淡路島まで行けば、 ;ひと気のない場所はいくらでもあるだろう。\ ^If we went all the way to Awaji Island, ^then there would be lots of places without any people.\ ;それにこの車はミッションだから、 ;慣れると面白い筈だと思えた。\ ^And this car had a stick shift, ^so I thought she might have fun driving it.\ ;「なんだったらさ、俺が教えてやるよ」\ ^``If you want, I'll teach you.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n278.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、といっても俺も超初心者だけどさ」\ ^``Although to be honest, I'm a complete beginner myself.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\nv319.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n282.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv282.ogg" ;「うん、ありがと…」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n279.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;☆BGM フェードアウト ;____;____;____ mov %flg_cha6,1 mov %flg_bplay,6 goto *gp32_mini_title ;_____________ ;★チャプター7 *gp32_honpen7 mov $sys_midasi,"^Echo [g]" dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;☆BG 変え>夕空 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" ;あんなに高かった日が、わずかだけ翳る頃。\ ^Around when the high-flying sun slowly started to drop into shadow.\ mp3loop "bgm\3_12.mp3" ;☆BG 車:上空:高速\ bg "e\joku_kosoku_yu.jpg",3 ;高速を走り続ける銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, ^speeding along the tollway.\ ;間もなく桂川パーキングエリア。 ;少し進んでは、小休憩というペースで走っていた。\ ^Before long, the Katsuragawa Parking Area. ^A short break. A change of pace.\ bg "e\shanai_michi01b.jpg",3 ;「なあ、次も休憩するか」\ ^``Want to stop at the next rest area too?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n280.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv280.ogg" ;「あ、う、うん…」\ ^``Huh? Oh, okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…どうした?」\ ^``... what's wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n281.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv281.ogg" ;「ちょっと疲れたみたい…」\ ^``I guess I'm a little worn out ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そうか…」\ ^``I see ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;無理もないことかも知れない。\ ^And that probably wasn't unreasonable.\ ;さっき、あれだけはしゃいでいたし、 ;元々、俺達は普通の病人以上なんだから当然だろう。\ ^She'd been pretty energetic a while back, ^and that was taxing on patients as sick as we were.\ ;「じゃあ、なんか買ってきてやるよ」\ ^``Then I'll go buy something for you.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_324.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;__ ;☆BG 車止め>駐車場 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;SE>車止め dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;「じゃあ、すぐ買ってくるから」\ ^``I'll be back in a second.''\ ;>SE>閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^ *thud*\ ;☆ベタ\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;手ごろな売店へ急ぐと、 ;普段コンビニで買うものと大差ない買い物をする。\ ^I rushed over to the snack stand and picked up a few things no different from the standard convenience store fare.\ ;SE>開け閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG 車内 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;「ほら、ポカリとおにぎり、それとポテトも」\ ^``Here, a Pocari Sweat and riceballs, and potato chips.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n283.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv283.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv283b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Oh, okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返事をするけど、 ;受け取ったまま口をつけようとしない彼女。\ ^Her response was the same as ever, ^but she didn't start eating at all.\ ;いつもならポテトは先になって手にしていたのに…\ ^Under usual circumstances, ^she'd already have torn into the potato chips by now ...\ ;「…大丈夫か?」\ ^``... are you okay?''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかしてお前…具合悪くなってきたのか…」\ ^``Could it be ... that you're not feeling so well ...?''\ dwave 0,"w\n284.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n285.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv285.ogg" ;「…薬が…切れただけだから」\ ^``... it's just that ... I'm out of medication.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そうか…」\ ^``... I see ...''\ ;…薬が切れた。 ;恐れていたことだった。\ ^... so she was out. ^I'd been scared of that.\ ;いや、こんなことは病院を飛び出した時から、 ;十分に予想できることだった。\ ^Well, yes, when we'd escaped from the hospital it was obvious it was going to happen.\ ;もちろん、故意に忘れていた訳じゃない。\ ^To be clear: it wasn't as if we were intentionally leaving meds behind.\ ;今まではそんなこと考えたことすらなくて… ;それ以前に、考えようとする意識すらなかった。\ ^But I hadn't even thought about it up until now ... ^I hadn't even had the ~i~senses~i~ to think about it.\ ;「いつからだ? 薬が切れたのは?」\ ^``When did you run out?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n286.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv286.ogg" ;「…昨日の夜」\ ^``... yesterday night.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、もうすぐ丸一日だな…」\ ^``So you'll have been off them for 24 hours pretty soon ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の場合は、2日飲まずが限界だと医者から言われていた。 ;恐らく彼女の場合も似たようなもんだろう。\ ^The doctors had told me that I could go on without my meds for two days or so. Maybe she was the same way.\ ;考えてみれば病院を出たあの日から、 ;既に8日が経っていた。\ ^And when I thought about it, ^it had been 8 days already since we'd left the hospital.\ ;手持ちとして、持ってきた薬の量では、 ;遅かれ早かれこうなるのは目に見えていた。\ ^And given the amount of meds I'd brought with me, ^I could see the end of the line coming into view.\ ;…今、俺はどうするべきなんだろうか…\ ^... just what was I supposed to do ...?\ ;dwave 0,"w\n287.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv287.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv287b.ogg" ;「ねえ…」\ ^``Hey ..''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n288.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv288.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv288b.ogg" ;「…わたし、7階は嫌よ」\ ^``... I don't want to be on 7F.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、分かってる、家も嫌なんだろ」\ ^``Yeah, I know. You don't want to be at home, either.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n289.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv289.ogg" ;「うん…」\ ^``Yeah ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆ベタ\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE>エンジン始動・走る\ dwave 5,"se\car_start.ogg" ;再び動き出した銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, in motion once again.\ ;結局俺は、次の降り口で高速を降りることにした。\ ^Eventually, ^I got off the tollway at the next exit.\ ;それでどうなる訳でもないが、 ;こんな場所に居たのでは何も出来ない。\ ^I didn't how that was going to change things, ^but it wasn't as if staying on the tollway was going to help.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwavestop 5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;__ ;☆シーン変え ぷち ;☆BG 空:夕\ bg "e\soukou_machi_yu.jpg",3 mp3loop "bgm\e02.mp3" ;殺風景な高速降り口から、 ;市街地へ向けて走り続ける。\ ^I headed into an urban area from the wan tollway exit.\ ;そして小さな町医者ではなく、大きな病院を探した。 ;正しくは大きな病院の近くにある、薬局を探した。\ ^And I looked for a pharmacy attached to a large hospital, ^not to a small private clinic.\ ;本当は病院に行くのが一番良いのかも知れない。^@^ ;仮にこれが、普通の病状ならば迷わずそうしただろう。\ ^Probably it would have been best just to go to the hospital.^@^ ^And for any normal patient, that would have been obvious.\ ;…でも俺達は7階の住人。 ;手首に巻いたビニールの認識腕輪は白。\ ^... but we were inhabitants of 7F. ^The ID bracelets around our wrists were white, not blue.\ ;そして、その7階をも飛び出したのが俺達だった。\ ^And we were escapees from 7F, at that.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、 ;辺りをきょろきょろとしながらハンドルを握る。\ ^I circled around the neighborhood as I held those thoughts in my mind.\ ;…きっと、大病院の近くの薬局なら、 ;大抵のモノはある筈だ。\ ^... probably, we'd be able to find what we needed at a pharmacy near a large hospital.\ ;「見つけたっ」\ ^``Found it!''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;大きな通りに面した角に立つ、どこかの大学病院。 ;その手前に見える2~3軒の薬局の看板。\ ^A university hospital at a major intersection. ^and a couple pharmacies clustered next to it.\ ;路駐できそうにないと判断すると、 ;俺は空き地を見つけ、すぐさま車を停める。\ ^I figured that this was as good as it got and stopped the car in a vacant lot.\ ;SE>止め dwave 5,"se\car_s3.ogg" ;☆BG 車内 bg "yobi\car_byoin_chusyajo_yu.bmp",3 ;「おい、薬の袋、貸してくれ」\ ^``Hey, give me your medication bag.''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n290.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv290.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv290b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Oh, okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;不思議そうな顔で、薬の入っていた袋を手渡す彼女。\ ^She handed the bag over to me with a curious look on her face.\ ;俺はその病棟用の薬の袋を受け取ると、 ;中に入っていた、薬の説明用紙だけを手にする。\ ^I looked into that bag and took out the medication list therein.\ ;…こうやっておけば大丈夫だろう。\ ^... this was just what I needed.\ ;「じゃあ、すぐ帰ってくるから」\ ^``All right, I'll be right back.''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>閉め\ dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;車内にあいつだけを残し、 ;俺は少しだけ離れた薬局へと走った。\ ^Leaving her in the car, ^I ran toward the nearby pharmacy.\ ;>SE>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;ガー…\ ^ *rustle* ...\ ;☆BG・薬局内>ベタでも可能\ bg "e\yakkyoku.jpg",3 ;やたらと開くのが遅い自動ドアを越え、やってきた店内。 ;俺は真っ直ぐにカウンターへと向かう。\ ^The automatic doors slid open and I walked in. ^I headed directly for the counter.\ dwavestop 5 ;店の人「いらっしゃいませ」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Welcome.''\ dwavestop 0 ;俺の姿に声を掛けてくれた中年風のおじさん。 ;白衣を着た、いかにもって感じの薬剤師のようだった。\ ^A middle-aged man came to the counter to greet me. ^Probably a pharmacist, given his white coat.\ ;「すみません、この薬お願いします」\ ^``Could I have these drugs, please?''\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「え、ああ、ちょっと待って下さいね…」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Yes, of course. Just a moment ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そう言って俺の渡した薬の説明用紙を手に、 ;奥へと引っ込んでいくおじさん。\ ^With the medication list that I had given him, ^he retreated into the interior of the pharmacy.\ ;…恐らくここは、普通の薬局ってよりは、 ;病院からの薬も出しているところだと思う。\ ^... probably this was a pharmacy affiliated with the hospital, ^not just your standard mom and pop outfit.\ ;外来の病院に行った時には、 ;こんな感じのところで薬だけ貰ったのを覚えている。\ ^I'd gotten my meds dispensed from places just like this back when I was attending outpatient clinics.\ ;明らかに大病院の近くに並んで建っているし、 ;ここならば大体の薬は揃っていると思えた。\ ^After all, it was right next to the hospital, ^so this place should have the meds we needed.\ ;店の人「お待たせしました、こちらになりますね」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Thank you for waiting. Here we are.''\ ;しばらくして、帰ってきたおじさん。\ ^The pharmacist had come back after a short time.\ ;手には透明な袋に入ったカプセル状の薬。 ;その束のような塊を2つほど持っていた。\ ^He was holding two plastic bags, ^each of them full of medication bottles.\ ;…これだけあれば当分は大丈夫だろう。 ;ざっと見ても1週間分ほどはありそうだった。\ ^... with that amount we'd be fine for now. ^That would probably last her for a week or so.\ ;そして俺が、ポケットから財布を取り出そうとすると…\ ^And when I took out my wallet from my pocket ...\ ;店の人「あ、それより薬箋も頂けますか」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Oh, may I see your prescription?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…やくせん?」\ ^``... prescription?''\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「ああ、処方箋のことですよ、 ;    これは臨床用ですからね」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Yes, as these are prescription medications.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…………」\ ^``... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;店の人「お医者さんから貰ってますよね?」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Your doctor did give you one, yes?''\ dwavestop 0 ;…予想していなかった。\ ^... I'd forgotten about this.\ ;いや、冷静に考えれば市販品じゃないんだし、 ;普通で買える訳がなかった。\ ^These were no ordinary medications, ^so I couldn't just waltz in and buy them.\ ;店の人「…どうしました?」\ ^Pharmacist ^``... is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、いや、その…」\ ^``Oh, um, well ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いよどむ俺に、 ;段々と怪訝な目を向ける白衣のおじさん。\ ^As I stammered and stuttered, ^the pharmacist looked on with suspicion.\ ;店の人「て、あれ…それは…?」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Wait, that's ...?''\ ;そして、俺の手首に巻かれた白い腕輪に気づくと、 ;そこに書かれていた文字を…\ ^And then he noticed the white ID bracelet on my wrist. ^The letters inscribed on it ...\ ;俺の名前を、血液型を…\ ^My name, my blood type ...\ ;…そして、病院の名前を読もうとしていた。\ ^... and the name of the hospital.\ ;SE>それっぽいの ;dwave 5,"se\kakeasi.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;だっ、\ ^ *whip*\ ;店の人「あっ」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Oh!''\ ;ガラスのカウンターの上に置かれた薬。 ;俺は反射的に、その束ごと一気に掴んだ。\ ^The medications that he'd left on the counter: ^I swiped them up all at once.\ ;そして、そのまま店の外へと向かって駆け出す。\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;店の人「こら、待ちなさいっ」\ ^Pharmacist ^``Hey, stop right there!''\ ;カウンター越しに大声を張り上げる店の人。 ;その声を俺は背中で聞いた。既に駆け出していた。\ ^He shouted at me from across the counter. ^But that was to my back. I'd already started sprinting.\ ;店の出口までのたった5m。\ ^Only 5 meters to the door.\ ;足のふんばりが利かなくて、よろけそうになりながら、 ;それでも俺は無我夢中で走った。\ ^My legs were weak. I was wobbly. ^But I kept running nonetheless.\ dwavestop 5 ;SE>ガー>自動ドア dwave 5,"se\autodoor.ogg" ;そして、やたらと開くのが遅い自動ドアから、 ;店外へと出ようとした…\ ^And when I was about to sprint out the slowly-opening door of the pharmacy ...\ ;その時、\ ^Just then ...\ ;>SE>ぶつかる音からガラス割れる音 dwave 5,"se\g_crash2.ogg" bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;ガン、ガシャーン、\ ^ *thud*crash*\ ;「痛っ、くそ…」\ ^``Ow, damn ...\ dwavestop 5 ;思わず、意識が一瞬白くなった。\ ^My senses whited out for a second.\ ;自動ドアの角に頭をぶつけて、 ;その勢いでガラスまで叩き割ったようだった。\ ^I'd hit my head on the edge of the automatic door so hard that apparently the glass of the door had shattered.\ ;ふらつく頭を、ぶんぶん振ると、 ;開きかけで止まった自動ドアを手で押し開ける。\ ^Dizzy, almost syncopal, ^I forced open the half-closed door with my hands.\ ;そして、店の外へ出るとまた走り始めた。 ;手に持った薬の袋は放さなかった。\ ^And then I broke off into a dead sprint. ^I did not once let those medications go.\ bg "e\sora06.jpg",3 ;「はぁはぁ、ふうっ」\ ^``*pant*pant*sigh*``\ ;思わず息を切らして、あごが上がってしまう。 ;車までの数十メートルが、やけに長く感じた。\ ^I was so out of breath that I felt like fainting. ^Only a few more meters to the car, but it felt much longer.\ ;誰も追っては来ていないようだけど、 ;それを振り返って確認する余裕すらなかった。\ ^Nobody was giving chase to me, it seemed, ^but I didn't have the time to be looking behind me anyway.\ ;…もし、俺が捕まったら…\ ^... because if I got caught ...\ ;あいつはどうなってしまうのだろうか…\ ^... then what would happen to her ...?\ ;車の中で一人、 ;いつまでもじっと俺の帰りを待っているのだろうか…\ ^Would she wait for my return forever alone in that car ...?\ ;何故かそんなことを思いながら、懸命に走った。\ ^I ran for dear life with those feelings at heart.\ ;よろめきながら、息切れを起こして、 ;これで全力かと思うと我ながら哀しかった。\ ^Staggering. Short of breath. ^Saddened that this was all the strength I had.\ ;_ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;SE> dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;バタン、\ ^ *thud*\ dwave 5,"se\car_s4.ogg" ;「はぁはぁ、ふう…」\ ^``*pant*pant*sigh* ...''\ ;倒れこむようにシートに座ると、急発進させる俺。\ ^I collapsed in the driver's seat and floored the pedals.\ bg "e\soukou_machi_yoru.jpg",3 ;明らかに先日のパチンコ屋の時よりも、 ;体力が落ちてきているのが自覚できた。\ ^I was forced to realize that I was even weaker than I was at the pachinko parlor.\ ;そして、ルームミラーで確認すると、 ;やはりガラスで切ったのか、額から少しだけ血が流れていた。\ ^And when I checked myself in the rearview mirror, ^there was blood on my forehead, maybe from a glass shard.\ ;…恐らくこれくらいなら、すぐに止まるだろう。 ;俺は運転しながら、ポケットティッシュで軽く押さえる。\ ^... well, hopefully the bleeding would stop soon enough. ^I applied pressure with a tissue as I drove.\ dwavestop 5 bg "e\naname_michi_yoru.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n294.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv294.ogg" ;「…大丈夫?」\ ^``... are you okay?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、平気だ」\ ^``Yeah, I'm fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n295.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv295.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv295b.ogg" ;「でも、血が出てるし…」\ ^``But you're bleeding ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…気にするな、何でもないから」\ ^``... don't worry about it. It's nothing.''\ dwavestop 0 ;不安そうな顔を向ける彼女に、 ;俺は、心配いらないと手を振ってみせる。\ ^I waved my hand to tell her not to worry as she looked at me with concern.\ ;そして、左手に握り締めたままだった、 ;薬の束を手渡した。\ ^And then I handed over the medications that I had tightly clutched in my left hand.\ ;「ほら、飲んでおけよ」\ ^``Here, take your meds.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n296.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv296.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Oh, okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;これで当分は大丈夫だと思えた。 ;少なくとも1週間くらいなら保つだろう。\ ^For now we would be fine. ^Those meds would last for maybe a week.\ ;だけど…\ ^But ...\ ;もしこれが無くなった時はどうなるのだろうか?\ ^What were we going to do when that ran out?\ ;たまたま今日は成功したから良かったけど、 ;俺自身の体力も日毎に落ちてきているのは明らかだった。\ ^I'd managed to get by pretty well today, ^but it was obvious that I was losing strength daily.\ ;…元々、何の目的も行き場所も無かった俺達。^@^ ;求めるものがないなら、失う恐れ自体もなかった。\ ^... we originally had no plan or destination.\ ^And you could not feel any fear of losing something you did not already have.\ ;でも今は、少しだけ違った。\ ^But things were a little different now.\ ;目的が生まれ、失う怖さも生まれていた…\ ^A purpose had been born, ^and so a fear of losing that purpose had also been born ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____ ;☆ヒロイン 回想 暫定 5 とか予定>流れみて ;・小タイトル 戻し\ ;____;__;_ ;☆シーン変え 昼 bg "english\1\cat06.bmp",5 wait 800 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 5,"se\car3.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;よく晴れ上がった日。 ;冬特有の高い、高い澄んだ空が広がっていた。\ ^A painfully clear day. ^The empty expanses of the high heavens of winter above us.\ ;mp3loop "bgm\n03.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\sen02.mp3" ;☆BG 高速走る 上から 昼\ bg "e\joku_kosoku.jpg",3 ;再び高速に乗った俺達。\ ^Back on the expressway.\ ;今は吹田JCTから中国自動車道を走っていた。\ ^By now we had passed from the Suita Junction onto the Hiroshima road.\ ;「なあ、次はどっちだ?」\ ^``Where are we going next?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n297.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv297.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv297b.ogg" ;「神戸JCTから…」\ ^``From the Kobe Junction ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「わかった、山陽自動車道だな」\ ^``Got it, to the Sanyo Expressway.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n298.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv298.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv298b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv298c.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG車内 昼\ bg "e\car_michi01.jpg",5 ;彼女の指示に従い、走る銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, ^moving according to her navigation.\ ;ここまで来ると、道すがらの標識には、 ;「淡路島」という文字も、時折見えるようになっていた。\ ^By now, on the roadside distance indicators, ^every so often the words ``Awaji Island'' were appearing.\ ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、 ;既に900kmを超えた走行メーター。\ ^We had already come 900 kilometers since we'd escaped from 7F that day.\ ;とても行けるとは思わなかったけど…^@^ ;そう思っていた目的地は、もう僅かの距離だった。\ ^I'd never have believed that we would have made it ...^@^ ^... but our final destination was not far from us now.\ ;やがて、目の前に現れたのは大きな橋。\ ^And soon, we could see a large bridge ahead of us.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;bg "e\akashi.jpg",3 ;「これが、明石海峡大橋ってのか…すげえ橋だな?」\ ^``So is this the Akashi Kaikyou Bridge ...? Pretty incredible, huh?''\ dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ ;思わず二人で感心してみる。 ;まるで海の上をどこまでも走っているようだった。\ ^It was hard to suppress a triumphant feeling: ^As if we could drive across the ocean on its expanse.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;そして、しばらく走った頃。\ ^After we'd driven along for a while.\ ;橋の途中には、 ;ちらほらと車を停めている人の姿があった。\ ^There were people stopped at the roadside here and there en route to the bridge.\ ;恐らくは観光客なんだろうけど、 ;車から降りて記念写真を撮る人達。\ ^Probably tourists or something, ^seeing as they were taking pictures and stuff.\ ;俺もその人達と同じように、路肩へと車を停車させた。\ ^And just like those people, ^I stopped the car on the shoulder of the road.\ ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n299.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv299.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv299b.ogg" ;「…ここ駐停車禁止よ」\ ^``... it's forbidden to stop here.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、少しくらいなら大丈夫だろ」\ ^``Eh, if it's just for a little while it'll be okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;それに見た限りでも、 ;数台の車も同じように車を停めていた。\ ^And as far as the eye could see, ^there were other cars that had done the same.\ ;「なあなあ、ちょっと外に出てみようぜ」\ ^``Hey, c'mon, let's get some fresh air.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n300.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「きっと、すげえ眺めいいからさ」\ ^``It's probably an awesome view.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n301.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv301.ogg" ;「…うん」\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n095.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_343.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``Very well ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;まだちょっと渋々なんだけど、 ;俺に合わせるように車を降りる彼女。\ ^She was still a little reluctant, ^but she got out of the car with me anyway.\ ;SE>ドア閉め dwave 5,"tui3\close.ogg" ;☆BG 橋の上のとか bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;SE>風 dwave 5,"se\kaze3_2.ogg" ;ビュウーー、\ ^ *whoosh*\ ;強くて冷たい風が吹く橋の上。\ ^In the midst of the strong cold winds atop the bridge.\ ;「思ったより、ここ寒いな…」\ ^``This is colder than I thought it would be ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_344.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ ;普段から車外にも出ない俺達では、 ;余計にそう感じてしまう。\ ^It was all to much for us, ^since we'd never really gotten out of the car.\ ;そんな俺達とは対照的に、向こうの方では ;どこかのカップルらしき二人。\ ^And in stark contrast to us, there were two people who seemed to be a couple not far from us.\ ;どうやら記念写真を撮っているのだろう。 ;それらしい声が楽しげにここまで聞こえていた。\ ^Looked like they were taking souvenir photos. ^Their happy voices carried all the way over to us.\ ;よく見るとその二人以外にも、 ;同じように写真を撮る家族連れや団体客達。\ ^And when I looked around those two, ^I saw lots of families and tourist groups taking photos too.\ ;…記念写真か。 ;確かにこんな場所では必須だよな。\ ^... souvenir photos, huh. ^Fair enough, one was supposed to take them at places like this.\ ;「そういえば…」\ ^``Come to think of it ...''\ dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... is something the matter?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、ちょっと待ってろよ」\ ^``Yeah, wait for a second.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n303.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv303.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv303b.ogg" ;「あ、うん…」\ ^``Oh, okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;☆BG 車内\ bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;確かカメラがあった筈だった。\ ^There was a camera in here somewhere.\ ;以前、一番最初に車の中を点検した時に、 ;安っぽい使い捨てを見つけたのを思い出していた。\ ^When I'd inspected the car interior the first time around, ^I saw a cheap disposable camera somewhere, I remembered.\ ;あの時、ちらっと見た限りでは、 ;まだ数枚は残っていたと思うけど…\ ^It still had a few shots left in it, ^if memory served ...\ ;引っ張り出したカメラを手に、俺はフィルムを確認する。\ ^Having found the camera, I checked the film indicator.\ ;「よかった、まだ2枚は残っているな…」\ ^``Oh, good, still two shots left ...''\ ;☆BG橋の上の\ bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;「お待たせ、ほら、撮ってやるよ」\ ^``Sorry for the wait. C'mon, I'll take a picture of you.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n328.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_347.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「写真だよ、写真、せっかくだしさ」\ ^``A photo, a photo. Might as well, you know.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n305.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv305.ogg" ;「……嫌よ」\ ^``... no.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあまあ、そう言わずに。 ; なんかこうポーズでもとってくれよ」\ ^``Oh, come on, don't be like that. Strike a pose or something.''\ ;言いながら俺は、彼女に向かってカメラを構えてみせる。\ ^And I held up the camera toward her as I said this.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、ちょっとは嬉しそうな顔してみろよ」\ ^``C'mon, look a little happy, won't you?''\ dwave 0,"w\n306.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;だけど、照れくさいのか、やっとこちらを向いても、 ;不機嫌そうな顔しか向けてくれなかった。\ ^But, as if she were embarrassed, even when she turned to me she had a little sour look on her face and nothing more.\ ;…でも、もしかしたら…\ ^... but it could well have been ...\ ;これでも彼女にとっては、 ;頑張って笑顔を作ろうとしてくれているのかも知れない。\ ^... that even if she looked this way ... ^... she was trying her best to smile for me right now.\ ;そんなことを思いながら、俺が写真に収めようしていると、\ ^With this at heart, ^I was about to take a picture of her when ...\ ;☆ベタor背景\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼氏「すみません、シャッターお願いできますか?」\ ^Boyfriend ^``Excuse me, could we ask you to take a picture?''\ ;「え、ああ、いいですよ…」\ ^``Oh, yes, of course ...''\ ;どこかのカップルらしき二人。 ;カメラを片手に俺達の元へと来ていた。\ ^Two people who looked like a couple. ^Coming toward us, holding a camera.\ ;「じゃあ、撮りますよ」\ ^``Then I'll take the picture now.''\ ;二人「はい、おねがいします」\ ^Couple ^``Please do!''\ ;楽しそうに肩を組んで、笑顔を見せる二人。\ ^They stood close to each other happily and flashed brilliant smiles.\ ;俺はそんな二人を、 ;ファインダーに収めるとシャッターを切った。\ ^I centered those two in the viewfinder and snapped a photo.\ dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;カシャ、\ ^ *ka-click*\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;彼氏「どうも、ありがとうございます」\ ^Boyfriend ^``Thank you very much.''\ bg "e\hashigeta.jpg",3 ;彼女「じゃあ、代わりにお二人も撮りますよ」\ ^Boyfriend ^``And now, we'll take a picture of you two.''\ dwavestop 5 ;「え、あ、いや、俺達は…」\ ^``Oh, uh, no, we're ...''\ ;彼氏「カメラはこちらで良いんですね?」\ ^Boyfriend ^``You're using this camera, right?''\ ;その返事をするよりも早く、俺のカメラを受け取ろうと…^@^ ;と、いうか、まるで引ったくるように手にする彼氏。\ ^Before I could answer, he'd taken my camera ...^@^ ^No, it was more like he'd plucked it out of my hand.\ ;きっと気を利かせてくれているのだろう。 ;躊躇する俺達を無視して、さっさとカメラを構えてしまう。\ ^Probably wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. ^Which is why he took the camera and ignored our hesitation.\ ;彼氏「ほら、二人とも、もっと寄って」\ ^Boyfriend ^``All right, you two, get closer.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その言葉に俺は、少しだけ彼女へと身体を寄せる。\ ^At those words I stepped a little closer to her body.\ ;相変わらずの表情を浮かべたままだけど、 ;隣の彼女も、申し訳程度に寄ってくれた。\ ^And with her usual lack of expression, ^she helplessly stepped a little closer to me.\ ;彼氏「あのう、もうちょっとポーズとか取れませんか?」\ ^Boyfriend ^``Um, shouldn't you be posing a bit more?''\ ;お節介にも、尚も注文をつけるどこかの彼氏。 ;見るとその彼の彼女も、あきれた顔でこちらを見ていた。\ ^This meddlesome boyfriend character and his crazy demands. ^His girlfriend standing to the side, looking a little apologetic.\ ;しょうがなく思った俺は、こいつの背中から肩へと…\ ^And, telling myself that I had no other choice ...\ ;ゆっくりと手をまわした。\ ^I slowly put my arm around her shoulder.\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;dwave 0,"w\n307.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv307.ogg" ;「…あ……」\ ^``... oh ...''\ ;…初めて触れた、こいつの身体。\ ^... the first time I'd ever touched her.\ ;先日買った子供っぽい服に、 ;腰まである長い髪の感触が手に広がる。\ ^The feeling of her childlike clothing and her waist-length hair under my hand.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ ;正面のカメラを見つめる俺に、 ;その彼女の表情までは見えないけど…\ ^I couldn't see her face now that I was looking straight at the camera ...\ ;でも、もしかしたら…\ ^... but maybe, just maybe ...\ ;たまにしか見せてくれない、あの照れたような、 ;拗ねたような顔をしてくれているのかも知れない。\ ^... she was gracing me with that never-before-seen, shy, ^bashful, slightly sour look ...\ ;彼氏「それじゃあ、撮りますよ」\ ^Boyfriend ^``Okay, I'm taking the picture now.''\ dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;カシャっ、\ ^ *ka-click*\ bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;無事に撮り終わって納得したのか、 ;自分の車へと帰っていくカップルの二人。\ ^Their business over, ^the couple started heading back to their car.\ ;俺達も自分の車へと足を向ける。\ ^And we were doing the same.\ ;SE>ドア開け閉め dwave 5,"se\open.ogg" ;☆BG車内 bg "e\car_naname_michi01.jpg",3 ;「彼女さん…か」\ ^``My girlfriend ... huh?''\ ;「なんか、勘違いされたみたいだな?」\ ^``Pretty bad misunderstanding, eh?''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwave 0,"w\n308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「もしかしてさ、 ; 俺達ってそんな風に見えるのかな?」\ ^``Or could it be that we look that way to others?''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;少しだけ、おどけた俺の物言い。\ ^My words, spoken lightly and in jest.\ ;何故か楽しく感じてしまい、 ;ついつい、そんな口調で続けてしまう。\ ^And enjoying myself for some reason, ^I kept speaking to her in that tone.\ ;「なあってば、お前…あ、いや…」\ ^``What do you ... er, uh ...''\ ;「なあ? どう思うセツミ?」\ ^``Setsumi, what do you think?''\ dwave 0,"w\n308.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n309.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv309.ogg" ;「…なによ…年下のくせに…」\ ^``... what's with that ... you're younger than me ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そんな俺の言葉にも、いつもと同じように、 ;窓に顔を向けたままの彼女。\ ^And with those words, as usual, ^she turned back to look at the window.\ ;その表情は相変わらずで、 ;俺の方は見ようともしなかった。\ ^And just as usual, ^I couldn't see what kind of facial expression she was wearing.\ ;でもそれは…\ ^But ...\ ;いつもの遠いところを見る目じゃなくて、 ;照れくさいから、顔を背けているようにも思えた。\ ^I could tell that she wasn't looking far into the distance. ^She was turning away because I was making her bashful.\ bg "english\1\cat07.bmp",5 !w700 bg "e\b.jpg",3 dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" bg "e\sora01.jpg",5 ;見上げれば高い日。 ;冬特有の澄んだ空がどこまでも続いていた。\ ^The spacious sky above our heads. ^Spreading out into the distance with wintry clarity.\ ;あれから僅かに進んだだけで到着した洲本インター。 ;再び俺たちは一般道へと降りる。\ ^Arrival at the Sumoto Interchange, not far from that bridge. ^Exiting off the expressway back onto the normal highways.\ ;「とうとう着いたな…」\ ^``So we finally made it ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n310.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv310.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;あの日、7階を飛び出してから、 ;900kmもの距離を示した、車のメーター。\ ^The odometer indicated that we'd come over 900 kilometers ever since the day we'd escaped from 7F.\ ;何気ないことから、本当にここまでたどり着いた。\ ^We'd arrived at last at a destination that we hadn't even cared about at the onset.\ ;「じゃあ、ここからはどう行けば良いんだ?」\ ^``Then were do we go from here?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n311.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv311.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv311b.ogg" ;「南に…」\ ^``South ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「南か…わかった」\ ^``South ... got it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;彼女の指示通りに進路をとる。\ ^I took the route as per her instructions.\ ;本当は、ここまで来れば俺にだって場所は分かっていた。 ;目の前には観光案内らしい看板がいくつも見えている。\ ^But in truth, even I knew where to go at this point. ^I could see the sign of the tourist information center from here.\ ;だけど、彼女のナビに従う。\ ^But without a second thought ^I obeyed her navigational instructions.\ ;そうしないと、いけないように思えた。 ;何故だかそうしてやりたかった…\ ^That was the way it had to be, and it could not be any other way. ^How was it that I came to think that way ...?\ dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 bg "e\b.jpg",3 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;読んだフラグ(タイトル戻しのgotoの前に入れること) mov %flg_cha7,1 mov %flg_bplay,7 ;_____________ goto *gp32_mini_title *gp32_honpen8 mov $sys_midasi,"^Narcissu [g]" dwavestop 5 ;____;____;____ ;bg "e\b.jpg",3 bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,17,17,17,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;ゆっくりと日がオレンジに染まる頃…\ ^Around when the day was slowly being dyed orange ...\ ;SE波の音\ ;☆BG 海辺:夕方\ ;誰もいない冬の砂浜。 ;冷たくて強い風が松原を揺らしていた。\ ^A sandy beach in winter, nobody in it. ^Pine groves swaying in the cold winter wind.\ ;そんな砂浜に車を乗り入れると、 ;俺は彼女にドライバーズシートを譲る。\ ^I stopped the car at this beach and turned over the driver's seat to her.\ mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" bg "e\chusha_hamabe_yu.jpg",5 ;「ほら、クラッチに足、届くか?」\ ^``Can your feet reach the clutch pedal?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n312.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv312.ogg" ;「大丈夫…」\ ^``It's fine ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「よし、じゃあ次はギアをニュートラルからセカンドに」\ ^``Okay, now shift the gears from neutral to second.''\ dwavestop 0 ;_キープ選択肢;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n313.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv313.ogg" ;「…知ってるわよ」\ ^``... I know.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「はいはい、じゃあ好きなようにやってみろよ」\ ^``Okay, okay, now do as you will.''\ dwavestop 0 ;____;_ ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_358.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Mm, okay ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n314.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;小柄な身体で精一杯、足を伸ばす彼女。 ;真剣な顔つきをしてハンドルを握っていた。\ ^She stretched out with all her might to step on the clutch and grasped at the steering wheel with concentration.\ ;助手席から身を乗り出すように声を掛ける俺。\ ^I leaned forward in my seat, instructing her as best I could.\ ;「いいぞ…後はゆっくりとクラッチを離して」\ ^``Good ... now gently let up on the clutch ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n315.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv315.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、明らかに緊張している様子で…\ ^And then, all nervous, she ...\ ;SE>\ dwave 5,"se\knocking.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\n316.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv316.ogg" ;「わっ」\ ^``Whoa!''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;予想通り、ノッキングが凄いことになってしまう。\ ^Just as I'd expected, ^the engine started to knock horribly.\ ;「ほら、もっと静かにクラッチ切らないと」\ ^``Okay, next time, let up on the clutch a little more gently.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n317.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv317.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言葉ではそう返事をするけど、 ;やはりすぐには上手くいかない。\ ^She did say this confidently enough, ^but she really didn't have any skill at all.\ ;少し唇まで噛むようにして、一生懸命な彼女の顔。\ ^She was trying so hard that she was even pursing her lips.\ ;普段なら表情を出さない彼女だからこそ、 ;そんな姿にも俺は微笑ましく思えてしまう。\ ^But I couldn't help but feel that it was really charming because usually, she had no expression at all on her face.\ ;「おいおい、なんか悪酔いしそうだぞ」\ ^``Hey, hey, you almost look like you're hung over ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n318.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv318.ogg" ;「わ…わかってるわよ」\ ^``I ... I know.''\ dwavestop 0 ;☆BG 夕焼けとか\ dwave 6,"se\car1.ogg" bg "e\sora_yu.jpg",3 ;マフラーが少し割れて、うるさくなった銀のクーペ。\ ^The silver coupe, now quite noisy courtesy of the crack in its muffler.\ ;誰もいないこの砂浜に、まるで哭き声のように響いていた…\ ^Almost like a song of lamentation arising from the beach that had no one in it ...\ bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 ;夕焼けがゆっくりと夜空へ変わる頃。 ;止みかけだった海風が、完全に陸風へと変わる頃…\ ^Around when the sunset had faded away into nightfall. ^Around when the sea breeze had changed into a land breeze ...\ ;いつしか空には大きな月が顔を出していた。\ ^Before we knew it, ^the enormous moon had risen in the night sky.\ ;「だいぶ、慣れてきたみたいだな」\ ^``It looks like you've more or less gotten the hang of it.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n319.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv319.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その返事と共に、ギアを3速にまで上げる。\ ^Along with this reply, ^she smoothly shifted into third gear.\ ;すっかりとクラッチにも慣れ、 ;この狭い砂浜を自由に走り回っていた。\ ^Her foot on the clutch was smooth and sure, ^and she had free run of the entire narrow sandy beach.\ ;「これだったらさ…」\ ^``If you can do this ...''\ ;「お前、教習所行かなくても免許取れんじゃねえか?」\ ^``... then you'd probably be able to get a license even without going to driver's school.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n320.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv320.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv320b.ogg" ;「…そうなの?」\ ^``... really?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ、信憑性薄いけどな。 ; 免許取り立ての俺の言葉だから…」\ ^``Well, take what I say with a grain of salt. After all, I'm not a certified instructor or anything ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;今更、俺達が免許なんて取ったって意味はない。 ;そんなことはお互いに分かっている。\ ^It wasn't as if we were planning on getting her a license at this late hour. We both knew that.\ ;地図もある、薬もある、 ;マフラーが壊れてうるさいけど、銀色のクーペだってある。\ ^We had a map. We had our meds. ^And though it had a broken muffler, we had this silver coupe.\ !sd ;…でも時間が無い。未来がない。\ ^... but we had no time. We had no future.\ !sd ;分かっているからこそ、俺には余計に切なく思えた。\ ^And because I knew this, ^it was all the more painful to me.\ ;「じゃあさ…^@^代わりに俺のやるよ」\ ^``Well then ...^@^ I'll give you mine instead.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら俺は、 ;ポケットから自分の免許証を取り出す。\ ^Saying this, ^I took out my own license from my pocket.\ ;それは…本来ならば出番を失くしていた筈の免許証、^@^ ;既に失った筈の、俺にとっての日常世界の証し…\ ^This was ... the license I thought I'd never use,^@^ the proof of a normal world that I thought I'd already lost ...\ ;「ほら、卒業証書の代わりだ」\ ^``Here, as a substitute for your license.''\ dwave 0,"w\n321.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n322.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv322.ogg" ;「貰っても…使う時間なさそうよ…」\ ^``Even if I take it ... it seems that I won't have the time to use it ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「まあ遠慮すんなって…俺も似たようなもんだし」\ ^``Oh, go ahead and take it ... after all, I'm in the same boat.''\ dwavestop 0 ;決して避けた奴はいない7階。 ;高い天井、15cmしか開かない窓、白いビニールの腕輪。\ ^7F, which no one had ever left alive. ^High ceilings, windows that opened only 15 cm, white ID bracelets.\ ;…3回が最後で、彼女は2回目、俺は1回目…\ ^... the third time was the end ... ^... she was on her second time, I was on my first ...\ ;「じゃあ、はい…卒業おめでとう」\ ^``So here ... congratulations, you're a license-holder.''\ dwave 0,"w\nv282.ogg" ;「うん…ありがと…」\ ^``Okay ... thank you ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;小さく頷くと、俺の免許証を受け取る彼女。\ ^With a tiny bow, ^she received the license from me.\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;…これで彼女も普免持ちだ。\ ^... now she was a certified driver as well.\ ;クーペだけじゃない、セダンでも、コンバーチブルでも… ;何でも好きな車に乗ることだって出来る筈だ。\ ^She could drive any car she wanted and go anywhere, ^not just on a coupe but on a sedan or even on a convertible ...\ ;きっと、どこへでも好きな場所へ行ける筈だ…\ ^I was sure that a girl like her could find places to love no matter where she went ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;____;____;____ bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;あれから一通り走った後。\ ^After we'd driven around for a bit more.\ !sd ;俺達は目的地である水仙の見える場所へと到着した。\ ^We arrived at our destination, ^the place where the narcissus bloomed.\ bg "e\sora_yoru01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n05.mp3" ;一応、観光地の筈なのだが…\ ^This was supposed to be a tourist attraction ...\ ;ここが外れの為か、 ;それとも夜の為か、人の姿は見えなかった。\ ^... but whether it was because it was so distant, ^or whether it was because it was night, there was no one around.\ ;静まり返ったような夜の闇の中、 ;俺達は夜明けを待って、暗い車内でじっとしていた。\ ^And underneath the pitch-black curtain of night, ^we were waiting in the car for dawn to come.\ ;☆BG 車内暗い\ bg "tui\naname_inaka_yoru2.bmp",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n324.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv324.ogg" ;「ねえ、灯りつけないの?」\ ^``Say, shouldn't we turn on a light?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、バッテリーが上がりそうだからな」\ ^``No, because it looks like the battery's almost gone.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n325.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv325.ogg" ;「うん、そうだね…」\ ^``Yeah, that's true ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;__;_ ;エンジンも切った真っ暗な車内。\ ^A totally dark cabin. The motor turned off.\ ;パネルの鈍い光だけが、淡く横顔を映し出していた。\ ^Only the dim panel lights to reflect our wan selfsame profiles.\ ;そんな音と灯りの消えたこの狭い車内で、 ;ほとんど言葉も交わさずに夜明けを待つ。\ ^Not a single word exchanged as we waited for dawn inside this car devoid of any other light or sound.\ ;そして、後部座席に投げっ放しにしていた、洗濯物のかたまり。 ;厚手のジーパンやトレーナー、それっぽいタオル。\ ^And the pile of clothing to be washed in the backseat. ^Thick jeans and sweaters and a few hand towels.\ ;その内の何枚かを掴むと、 ;俺達は毛布代わりに身体へと巻きつけていた。\ ^We had grabbed a bunch of those things and spread them on top of ourselves since we had no blankets.\ ;「…寒いだろう」\ ^``... it's cold, huh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_371.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「じゃあ、もっとくっついていいぞ?」\ ^``You can come closer, if you want.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n328.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv328.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、遠慮せずにこっちこいよ」\ ^``It's okay, so come on over.''\ dwavestop 0 ;助手席で寒そうに身体を震わす彼女に、 ;俺は自分の膝の上を指し示す。\ ^I looked at her shivering in the passenger's seat and offered her my empty lap.\ ;「きっと、その方が温かいしさ」\ ^``It'll probably be warmer this way.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n329.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n330.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv330.ogg" ;「別に…わたしは平気よ」\ ^``Not really ... I'm fine.''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながら身体を震わせる彼女。 ;車内でも白く息が煙り、明らかに強がっていた。\ ^She was shivering even as she said this. ^Our breaths were frosting. She was obviously bluffing.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n331.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv331.ogg" ;「…それとも、あなたが寒いから来て欲しいの?」\ ^``... or is it that you want me to come over because you're cold?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…まあ、それでもいいぞ」\ ^``Hmm ... well, that's fine too.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n332.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n333.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv333.ogg" ;「じゃあ、わかった…」\ ^``Very well then ...''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;そして、のそのそと俺の方へやってくると、 ;遠慮がちに膝の上で丸くなる。\ ^She squirmed over to where I was, ^and then diffidently curled up on my lap.\ ;「な? 少しは温かいだろ?」\ ^``See? It's a little warmer this way, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n334.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv334.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;外気の寒さに真っ白に煙ったフロントガラス。 ;その白さと夜の暗さで、今は何も見えなかった。\ ^The windshield, frosting over from the cold outside air. ^We could now see nothing past its white icy overlay.\ ;でも、まもなく夜明け。\ ^But it would be dawn soon enough.\ ;きっとその頃には、白い花が一面に広がるのだろう…\ ^And when the time came, ^we'd see white flowers spreading to one side of us ...\ ;____;____ ;bg "e\sora_ake.jpg",5 bg "e\b.jpg",3 ;段々と明けてきた夜。^@^ ;昇る日が、闇を濃い紫から薄白へと塗り替えていく。\ ^Gradually, night gave way to dawn.^@^ ^The rising sun rendered the sky purple, and then white.\ ;そして、夜明けと共に目の前に広がる白い花…\ ^And along with the dawn, ^so many white flowers spread themselves out before us ...\ bg "e\imege03.jpg",3 bg "e\imege04.jpg",3 bg "e\imege05.jpg",1 bg "e\imege06.jpg",5 bg "e\imege07.jpg",3 ;今まで黒しかなかった場所に現れた、白と黄色。\ ^Radiant whites and yellows appearing where there had only been darkness before.\ ;思わず二人して車を出ると、その景色を見つめた。\ ^Before we knew it, we'd come out of the car and were staring at the scenery.\ ;「すげえな…」\ ^``It's incredible ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n335.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv335.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv335b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_371.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;目の前に広がる、数え切れないほどの水仙。\ ^A countless number of narcissi spreading out as far as the eye could see.\ ;夜露が朝日に跳ね、更に白さを際立たせる花の群生。 ;まるで海に続く絨毯のようにも思えた。\ ^The virgin white of the flowers, amplified by the morning dew.\ ^Descending like a carpet that led into the ocean itself.\ ;そんな中、言葉を交わす俺達。 ;吐く息も同じように白く煙っていた。\ ^And in the midst, our exchange of words. ^And our breaths frosting white in the chilly air.\ ;…あの日、つまらないテレビに映った花からここまで来た。 ;何の目的もなかった俺達なのに、ここまで来ることが出来た。\ ^... we'd come a long way since that day that we saw these same flowers on that boring TV.\ ^We'd come all this way, ^despite the fact that we'd had no plan or destination.\ bg "e\narcissu_b.jpg",5 ;「…これは同じもので、いいんだよな?」\ ^``... these are exactly the ones. How nice, huh?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n336.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv336.ogg" ;「うん…厳密に言っても同じ」\ ^``Yeah ... identical to the very last.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか、よかったな…」\ ^``Then that's great ...''\ ;種類の違いは俺にはわからないけど… ;あの日、テレビに映った、美しく隙のない映像。\ ^I didn't really know what the distinction was ... ^... but those absolutely beautiful flowers on TV that day ...\ ;それと比べれば、 ;目の前の花は大きさや咲き方もバラバラだった。\ ^... when compared to those ... ^the ones before our eyes weren't as big or as well-shaped.\ ;…でも、確かにここに在った。\ ^... but they were alive, here and now, in this place.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n337.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv337.ogg" ;「きれい…」\ ^``They're ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…そうだな」\ ^``... beautiful.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;曖昧で、退屈で、平凡で…\ ^Unclear, boring, ordinary ...\ ;だけど、誰に対しても冷静で容赦ない現実。\ ^... but a cold and unrelenting reality that answered to no one.\ ;目に見えないものばかりが溢れる世界で、 ;手を伸ばしても触れられないものばかりの世界で…\ ^In this world so filled with things that could not be seen, ^in this world so filled with things that could not be touched ...\ ;今、確かに触れることが出来るモノが目の前に在った。\ ^Here and now, right before my eyes, ^there lived something that I could see and touch.\ ;その見えない何かのカケラが散らばっていた…\ ^And right here as well, ^the shards of all things unseeable were scattered everywhere ...\ stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;_______________ ;・小タイトル戻し\ ;_______________ ;☆BG 雨空\ bg "gp32\1\cat072.bmp",5 !w300 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",5 ;降り続ける雨。 ;1月の真っ白な空からこぼれ落ちていた。\ ^The falling snow. ^Coming down out of the pure white January sky.\ mp3loop "tui\sen032.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\e014.mp3" bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",3 ;dwave 5,"se\amadare.ogg" ;あれから2日ほど経ったが、 ;相変わらずこの場所に居た。行けなかった。\ ^It had been two days since, ^but we were still here. We could not leave.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n338.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv338.ogg" ;「けほっ」\ ^``*cough*``\ dwavestop 0 ;「おい、大丈夫かっ」\ ^``Hey, are you okay?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n339.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv339.ogg" ;「うん…たぶん」\ ^``Yeah ... probably.''\ dwavestop 0 ;こいつの体調が悪くなっていた。\ ^Her condition was rapidly worsening.\ ;シートを倒して身体を伸ばせるようにして、 ;ほとんど車も動かさずにここに停めたままだった。\ ^She had tilted her seat back all the way down, ^and we were mainly staying one place to let her rest.\ ;例の薬は飲んだけどあまり効果がないのか、 ;体調の悪さは一向に変わらなかった。\ ^She'd taken her medications, but they'd had no effect, ^and her condition did not improve one whit.\ ;…だけど、俺達は7階の人間。\ ^... but we were inhabitants of 7F.\ ;元々の状態からも、 ;2回目の彼女ならいつそうなってもおかしくなかった。\ ^It was her second time already in the first place, ^so it was not surprising that something like this might happen.\ ;「なあお前…帰りたいか?」\ ^``Hey ... do you want to go back?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n340.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n341.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv341.ogg" ;「…あなた、帰りたいの?」\ ^``... do you?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、少しだけな…」\ ^``Yeah, just a little ...''\ dwavestop 0 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w\n342.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv342.ogg" ;「7階…それとも家?」\ ^``7F ... or home?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、それは…」\ ^``I ... I ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;……わからない…\ ^... don't know ...\ ;分かっていたのは、遅かれ早かれこうなること。 ;もちろん俺自身だって大差はない。\ ^What I did know was that it would come to this sooner or later.\ ^And my fate would not be much different.\ ;だけど、隣で眺めていることしか出来ないのが辛かった。\ ^But it was incredibly tough for me to be able to do nothing but be by her side.\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;_ ;・夜 また車内で bg "gp32\1\cat073.bmp",5 !w300 dwave 5,"se\rain_1.ogg" ;☆BG 夜空 bg "e\sora_ame01b.jpg",5 ;止みそうにない雨。 ;暗い夜の空から降り続いていた。\ ^Rain that did not seem likely to let up. ^Drops of water falling from the twilight sky.\ ;停めた車の窓からは、 ;滴を受けてぼんやり白く輝く水仙の花。\ ^The glistening white narcissi in the rain, ^visible from the car window.\ bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 dwaveloop 6,"se\rain_12.ogg" dwaveloop 5,"se\amadare.ogg" ;「なあ、これってさ…」\ ^``Hey, you know ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;言いながらフロントガラスの向こうに見える白い花を指差す。\ ^I pointed at the white flowers visible in the windshield as I said this.\ ;「確か、ナルキッソスだっけ?…水仙のこと」\ ^``You said that those were ... narcissus, right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n343.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv343.ogg" ;「…うん、ナルシスが語源よ」\ ^``... yeah. The original word is `Narcisse'.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…ナルシス?」\ ^``... narcissu?''\ ;その言葉には聞き覚えがあった。 ;今までは馴染みのない単語だと思っていたけど…\ ^There was another word I was reminded of. ^Funny, since I'd thought that it was unique up until now ...\ ;「それって、ナルシストのナルシスのことか?」\ ^``You mean, as in `narcissist'?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n344.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv344.ogg" ;「うん、元々が神話だから、色んな説があるんだけどね…」\ ^``Yeah. It originally comes from a legend, so there are many different interpretations ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして感心したような顔をする俺に、 ;彼女はゆっくりと説明してくれた。\ ^And she slowly began telling me the story as I looked and listened in admiration.\ dwavestop 6 dwavestop 5 bg "e\b.jpg",5 mp3loop "tui2\e01.mp3" ;dwave 0,"w\n345.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv345.ogg" ;「誰からも愛されるナルシス…」\ ^``Narcisse was loved by all ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n346.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv346.ogg" ;「妖精のエコーも、そんな彼が好きな一人だったの」\ ^``The young nymph Echo was one of those who loved him.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n347.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv347.ogg" ;「でもエコーは、相手と同じ言葉しか話せない…」\ ^``But Echo could do nothing but repeat the words that other people spoke to her ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…同じ言葉しか?」\ ^``... repeat the words?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n348.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv348.ogg" ;「そう。だからナルシスに…」\ ^``Yes. And so ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n349.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv349.ogg" ;「先に彼の口から『愛してる』って言ってもらわないと…」\ ^``If Narcisse didn't tell her `I love you' first ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n350.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv350.ogg" ;「エコーは、自分の気持ちを伝えることが出来ないの…」\ ^``She could never tell him her feelings in return ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;寂しげに、哀しそうな声で彼女が話し続けていた。\ ^She continued her story desolately, with a sorrowful voice.\ ;その視線の先は、以前のように、 ;どこかずっと遠いところを見ているようにも思えた。\ ^Her eyes looking far into the distance somewhere just as they had before all of this.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n351.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv351.ogg" ;「でも…そんなこと絶対にありえない」\ ^``But ... he'd never say those words.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n352.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv352.ogg" ;「どんなに夢見て、憧れても、 ; 決して叶うことのないエコーの願い…」\ ^``Echo's wish would never come true no matter how she dreamed or prayed for it ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n353.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv353.ogg" ;「最後には、ナルシスに呪いをかけてしまうの」\ ^``In the end, she placed a curse upon Narcisse.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…それが有名な、 ; 泉に映った自分の姿に惚れるってのか」\ ^``... so that he would fall in love with his own self. With his own reflection in famous waters.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n354.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv354.ogg" ;「うん、そして自分の姿を見続けたナルシスは…」\ ^``And Narcisse, who did nothing but gaze away at his own figure ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n355.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv355.ogg" ;「いつしか、綺麗な花へと姿を変えてしまうの」\ ^``... one day turned into a beautiful flower.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n356.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv356.ogg" ;「それがこの花…ナルキッソスの語源よ」\ ^``And that is the legend of how this flower ... narcissus ... came to be.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\naname_inaka_ame2.jpg",5 ;一通り話し終えると、軽く息を整える彼女。 ;聞いていて俺も寂しい気持ちになっていた。\ ^She made a little sigh when she finished her talk. ^I'd also grown sad just by listening to it.\ ;…決して届かない憧れを持ったエコー ;まるで今の俺達のようにも思えた。\ ^... Echo, who could never fulfill her wish. ^She didn't seem all that different from us.\ ;「それで、エコーの方はどうなったんだ?」\ ^``So what happened to Echo after that?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n357.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv357.ogg" ;「いないわ…呪いをかける時に消えちゃったから」\ ^``Nothing ... because she'd already disappeared by the time she'd cast the curse.''\ dwavestop 0 ;…消えた?^@^ ;それでは意味がないのではないだろうか…\ ^... disappeared?^@^ ^What meaning was there in that ...?\ ;呪いまでかけたのに何も成さずに、 ;結局ナルシスも不幸にしただけだし…\ ^She disappeared without the curse accomplishing anything? ^She disappeared having caused only pain for Narcisse ...?\ ;dwave 0,"w\n248.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_407.ogg" ;「…どうかした?」\ ^``... is something wrong?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや…でもさ、お前は違うんだったな」\ ^``No ... but you know, you're different.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n358.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv358.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、以前に、俺にも尋ねたろう?」\ ^``You asked me yourself some time ago.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「どうにもならない、自分の運命を呪うかって…」\ ^``Whether I cursed my own fate, the one I couldn't do anything about ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n360.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv360.ogg" ;「うん…わたしは諦めているから」\ ^``Yes ... because I've given up.''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;____;_ ;☆ヒロイン 回想 dwave 5,"se\rain01.ogg" bg "e\sora_ame01b.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n041.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_412.ogg" ;『…時間の止まったわたし…』\ ^`... my time was at a standstill ...'\ ;☆BG 雨空\ ;bg "e\sora_ame01.jpg",5 mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" ;mp3loop "bgm\3_1.mp3" ;幾つもの季節を、梅雨空を、 ;誰とも言葉を交わす必要もなく過ごした…\ ^``I'd spent so many seasons, so many white overcast skies ... ^ without the want or need to converse with anybody ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n362.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv362.ogg" ;「…いつからわたしは、一人なのだろうか…」\ ^``... just when did I become all alone ...?''\ ;☆BG 回想用:\ bg "e\chara_0012.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n361.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv361.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv361b.ogg" ;「目を閉じても世界は消えない…」\ ^``Even if I closed my eyes, the real world didn't disappear ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;耳を塞いでも雨音は止まない。 ;そんなことは分かっている。\ ^Even if I covered my ears, the sound of the rain would not stop. ^I knew that all too well.\ ;ビキニの水着も、エメラルドの海も、 ;嬉しそうに笑いかけてくれるグラビアの表紙も…\ ^The bikini swimsuit, the emerald sea, ^the swimsuit model smiling radiantly on the magazine cover ...\ ;…別にうらやましくなんて思わない。\ ^... I didn't think I was jealous of any of that.\ ;閉じた目の世界でなら、 ;地図も車もなくったって、どこへでも行ける。\ ^In my world of closed eyes, ^I could go anywhere I wanted, even without a car or a map.\ ;例え、胸の大きな傷跡に諭されなくても、 ;この現実がナルシスで、わたしがエコーだったとしても…\ ^Even if these huge scars weren't already constantly reminding me, ^even if I was the Echo to the Narcisse that was this reality ...\ bg "e\chara_k01.jpg",5 !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\new_415.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_415b.ogg" ;「…決して憧れない…呪わない」\ ^``... I'd never yearn for it ... I'd never curse it ...''\ ;そう決めた筈なのに…\ ^That's what I'd decided ...\ ;今のわたしは心が揺れていた。^@^ ;止めた筈の時間が動こうとしていた。\ ^And yet my heart was pounding right then.^@^ ^My supposedly-stopped time was ticking loudly.\ !s65 ;今更、そんなことしても、 ;まもなく終わろうとしているのに…\ ^Even though I knew that at this late hour the end was coming and that there was nothing to be done about it ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 !s100 ;dwave 0,"w\new_416.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_416b.ogg" ;「傷は…」\ ^``I knew that my scars ...''\ bg "e\chara_k02.jpg",5 !s65 dwave 0,"w\new_416_1.ogg" ;「深ければ、深いほど、 ; それに比例して治るのも時間がかかるらしい…」\ ^``... were about as deep as they possibly could be, and that they required much time to be fully healed ...''\ dwave 0,"w\new_416_2.ogg" ;「それならば、長い時間をかけてゆっくり離れてしまうと、 ; もう取り返しがつかないのだろうか?」\ ^``But if I were to wait patiently for that long time, was I then to be denied any hope of recovery?''\ bg "e\b.jpg",3 !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\new_417.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_417b.ogg" ;「じゃあ…」\ ^``In that case ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\new_418.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_418b.ogg" ;「…22年も生きたわたしはどうなるのだろう…」\ ^``... what was to become of me and my 22 years of life ...?''\ dwavestop 5 !sd ;bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;stop ;mp3fadeout 2500 ;____;____;_ bg "e\sora07.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n363.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv363.ogg" ;「けほけほっ」\ ^``*cough*cough*``\ dwavestop 0 ;「おい、大丈夫かっ」\ ^``Hey, are you okay?!''\ dwavestop 0 ;mp3loop "bgm\n04.mp3" bg "e\naname_inaka_yoru.jpg",5 ;夜明け前。 ;助手席に手を伸ばし、背中をさすってやる。\ ^Before dawn. I had reached over to the passenger seat and was stroking her back.\ ;あれから更に2日ほど経ち、 ;効き目の薄かった、あの薬も尽きていた。\ ^It was two days afterwards now, ^and now even those ineffectual meds were all gone.\ ;…だけど、何もないよりはましだ。\ ^... but they were better than nothing.\ ;そう思うと俺は、 ;薬局に向かおうと車のキーに手を伸ばす。\ ^With that in mind, thinking to head to a pharmacy, ^I reached for the keys.\ ;そして、イグニッションをオンにしようとすると…\ ^And I was about to ignite the engine when ...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n365.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv365.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv365b.ogg" ;「…いいから」\ ^``... it's okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;弱々しい声で、俺を止めた。\ ^She stopped me with her frail voice.\ dwavestop 0 ;「だけどお前、このままじゃ…」\ ^``But at this rate, you ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n366.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv366.ogg" ;「…どうせ、もう効かない」\ ^``... they can't help me now.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、そりゃあそうかも知れないけど…」\ ^``W-well, that might be true, but ...''\ ;確かに彼女の言う通りだった。 ;恐らくは同じ薬では効果はないと思えた。\ ^It was as she said. ^I didn't think the same meds would do a thing for her either.\ ;でも、だからといって、 ;何もせずにじっとしているのは俺には辛かった。\ ^But it was just too hard for me to sit there and do nothing, even if I knew that.\ ;「じゃ、じゃあさ、どっか別の場所に行こうぜ」\ ^``Th-then ... let's go somewhere else.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n367.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv367.ogg" ;「…別の場所?」\ ^``... a different place?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ああ、こんな寂しいところじゃなくてさ」\ ^``Yeah, some place that isn't this lonely.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「な? 次の目的地を決めようぜ」\ ^``Okay? Let's decide on our next destination.''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n368.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、どこでもいいからさ、またナビしてくれよ」\ ^``Look, anywhere would be fine, so be my navigator again.''\ dwavestop 0 ;自分でも可笑しいくらいに明るい声で話していた。\ ^I was speaking in a voice so cheerful that even I couldn't believe it.\ ;遠くを見つめる横顔に向かって、 ;一人楽しげに、楽しげに話し続けていた…\ ^Speaking so brightly all by myself to the girl who was just staring into the distance ...\ ;…こんなこと無駄だってことも分かっている。\ ^... even though I knew that it was futile.\ ;どうせ、2日で尽きることが、3日に変わる程度。 ;その程度だってのは分かってる。\ ^It had been over two days -- three days, really -- that she'd not had her meds. I knew that.\ ;「なあ、言ってくれよ、どっかあるだろ?」\ ^``Hey, so tell me. Do you want to go somewhere?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n369.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv369.ogg" ;「別に…」\ ^``Not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そ、そうだ、お前って車とか好きじゃん、 ; もっかい高速乗ってみたくないか?」\ ^``Th-that's right, you like cars, so want to get on the expressway again?''\ dwave 0,"w\n3712.ogg" ;「…別に…」\ ^``... not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ ;「じゃ、じゃあさ、 ; 新しい服、買いに行こうぜ、お前も欲しいだろっ」\ ^``Th-then how about new clothes? Let's go to buy some! You want some too, right?!''\ dwave 0,"w\n370.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;「………^@^/ ^``... ... ...^@^ dwave 0,"w\nv371.ogg" ;別に…」\ ^ not really ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「…別にって…お前…」\ ^``... what do you mean ... `not really' ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「…………」\ !sd ;その言葉を最後に、また窓の外を見つめる彼女。\ ^With that, she went back to gazing out the window.\ ;目の前に広がる水仙の花を見ているのではなく、 ;以前のように、どこか遠くを見つめたままだった。\ ^She wasn't looking at the narcissi, ^but once again into the faraway distances.\ ;あの、たまに見せてくれた、 ;拗ねたような、照れくさそうな顔。\ ^So that oh-so-rare, ^sour, bashful expression ...\ ;もう、あんな顔は向けてくれなかった…\ ^... was no longer even a possibility ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 !s85 ;「…な、なんでそうなんだよ…」\ ^``... w-why do you have to be like that ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いつもいつも、別にばっかりで…」\ ^``You and your incessant `not really's ...''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``... ... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 !sd ;「す、少しは前向きになっても、いいじゃねえかよっ」\ ^``W-wouldn't it be nice ... to look straight forward for a bit?!''\ dwavestop 0 bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;思わず声を上げてしまった。\ ^I'd started shouting before I knew it.\ ;何故だか…^@^哀しかった。^@^ ;リアルを実感できなかった俺の筈なのに、心が苦しかった。\ ^Strangely, it was all ...^@^ really sad.^@^ ^Nothing should have been real to me, yet my heart ached.\ bg "e\naname_inaka_yoru.jpg",5 ;…静まり返った車内。\ ^... the car was in total silence.\ ;窓の外には1月の花、水仙、ナルキッソス…^@^ ;夜明け前の闇の中でぼんやりと白く揺らいでいた。\ ^Outside the window, the flowers of January, the narcissi ...^@^ were swaying in the morning twilight before dawn.\ ;その白い花よりも、 ;もっともっと遠くの、何かを見つめたままのあいつ。\ ^And there she was, staring at something far, far more distant than these white flowers.\ ;僅かに聞こえる潮騒だけが、この場を支配していた…\ ^The distant sound of the sea waves was the only thing that held dominion here ...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n372.ogg" ;「…………」\ dwavestop 0 ;やがて…\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;dwave 0,"w\n374.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv374.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv374b.ogg" ;「…前向きになんて、なれる訳ないじゃないの…」\ ^``... it isn't so easy ... for me to face forward ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ ;暗い車内。 ;突然、あいつが口を開いた。\ ^The darkened car. ^Her sudden, quiet voice.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n375.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv375.ogg" ;「憧れて、懸命になって、頑張って、 ; いつか報われるのなら良いけど…」\ ^``It might be easy if you can yearn, hope, persist ... if you can keep believing you'll be rewarded someday ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n376.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv376.ogg" ;「でも、叶わなかった時にはどうすればいいの?」\ ^``But what can you do when your wish doesn't come true?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n377.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv377.ogg" ;「その時に、無理だったねって、 ; 笑って言えるほど、強くないわよ…」\ ^``When that time comes, I'm not so strong that I can smile and say that it wasn't for nothing ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;いつも遠い目をしていたあいつが、 ;助手席から真っ直ぐに俺を見ていた。\ ^Her eyes, which had been focused on the far distance, ^were now staring straight at me from the passenger's seat.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n378.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv378.ogg" ;「わ、わたしに出来ることは、 ; 最初から諦めて、何も望まずにいて…」\ ^``T-the only thing I can do ... is to give up from the beginning, wish for nothing ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n379.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv379.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv379b.ogg" ;「やっぱり無理だったと、 ; 冷めた目で自分を見ることしか出来ないのよ…」\ ^``... observe myself coldly ... tell myself it's all useless ... that's all I can do ...''\ !s80 ;「…お前……」\ ^``... you ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n380.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv380.ogg" ;「うぅ、ぐすっ」\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;…初めて彼女が泣いた。\ ^... she was crying for the first time.\ !s75 ;ほとんど表情を出さなかったこいつなのに…\ ^It was usually so hard to get any expression out of her ...\ ;小さく肩を震わせて、涙を流していた。\ ^... and yet now her shoulders were heaving a little ... ^... and tears were falling from her eyes.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n381.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv381.ogg" ;「あ、あの時、頑張っていたら…もしかしたらって…」\ ^``W-when that time comes, even if I'm trying my hardest ... even if ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n382.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv382.ogg" ;「自分にとっての、 ; 最後の言い訳を取っておくしかないのよ…」\ ^``For me ... there's nothing left but that last excuse ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n383.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv383.ogg" ;「最初から無理だと分かっているんだから…」\ ^``Because I've known this was futile ever since the beginning ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n384.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv384.ogg" ;「そ、それくらい…良いじゃないの…」\ ^``S-so ... c-can't you ... leave me with at least that ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n385.ogg" dwave 5,"w\nv385.ogg" ;「うわーん」\ ;dwavestop 0 bg "e\sora07.jpg",10,1500 !s70 ;フロントガラス越しに見た夜空。^@^ ;夜明け前の空には月さえ顔を見せていた。\ ^The night sky, visible above the windshield.^@^ ^Nothing but the moon showing its face in the sky before dawn.\ dwavestop 0 ;時折聞こえてくる潮騒と、 ;彼女の嗚咽の声だけが聞こえていた。\ ^The occasional roar of the sea waves, ^and the sound of her weeping.\ ;…こいつにとってはエコーと同じなのかも知れない。\ ^... she may have been fundamentally similar to Echo after all.\ ;同じ言葉しか返せない。 ;自分からは何も言えない、何も望まない、何も見ない…\ ^Able only to say the same single thing over and over. ^Able to say nothing, wish nothing, and see nothing for herself ...\ !s85 ;…諦めることしかできない。\ ^... able to do nothing but give up.\ ;その彼女にとって、7階か家かを拒否したのは…\ ^Her veto of both 7F ~i~and~i~ her home ... ;最初で最後の、抵抗だったのかも知れない…\ ^... was probably ... her first and last act of defiance ...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 stop mp3fadeout 2500 ;読んだフラグ(タイトル戻しのgotoの前に入れること) mov %flg_cha8,1 mov %flg_bplay,8 goto *gp32_mini_title ;_______________ ;・小タイトル戻し ;★チャプター9ラスト *gp32_honpen9 mov $sys_midasi,"^Shiraishi Construction [g]" dwavestop 5 ;____;____;____;__ ;・シーン ラスト 翌朝くらい dwavestop 5 bg "e\w.jpg",5 ;SE>波の音とか dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;☆BG 浜辺 dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" ;bg "e\kaigan.jpg",5 ;setwindow 180,358,35,16,16,16,0,3,1,1,5,#ffffff,0,0,799,599 h_usewindow "main" !sd erasetextwindow 0 ;1月の澄んだ海。 ;肌を刺す冷たい風。\ ^The frosted sea of February. ^A chilling, bone-piercing wind.\ ;mp3loop "bgm\e014.mp3" mp3loop "bgm\o02.mp3" ;時折、強く吹いては松原を揺らし、 ;潮騒の音が静かに響いていた。\ ^The occasional rustle of the pine groves in the wind. ^The peaceful timbre of the sea roar.\ ;「なあ、こんなもんしか無いぞ」\ ^``Hey, this is about all we've got.''\ dwavestop 0 ;白石工務店と印刷されたタオルを手渡す。 ;以前にも身体を拭くのに使ったものだった。\ ^I handed her a towel that said ``Shiraishi Construction'' on it. ^The one we'd used way earlier to sponge ourselves off.\ dwave 0,"w\n386.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「こら、そんな変な顔すんなよ」\ ^``Oh, come on, don't make such a face.''\ dwave 0,"w\n387.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv387.ogg" ;「…わかった」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;少し不満そうにタオルを受け取る彼女。\ ^She accepted the towel with slight disappointment.\ ;突然、水着が欲しいと言われても困ってしまう。\ ^Out of the blue, she'd said that she wanted a swimsuit, ^but that presented another problem in and of itself.\ ;この時期に、この場所で、しかもビキニが欲しいと言った。\ ^Because she wanted it here and now, ^and a bikini on top of that.\ ;しょうがなく、何かないかと車を漁って出てきたのが、 ;例の洗濯物の塊にあった白いタオルだった。\ ^Having no other course of action, I'd rummaged through the car, ^but I never found anything other than that white towel.\ ;そして暫く待った頃…\ ^And after I'd waited a little while ...\ ;お気に入りだったあのスカートに、 ;先ほどのタオルを胸に巻いて彼女が現れた。\ ^She came into view, wearing her favorite skirt, ^with that towel wrapped around her breasts.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n388.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv388.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv388b.ogg" ;「…どう?」\ ^``... how do I look?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いや、どうって言われてもな…」\ ^``Well, even if you ask me that ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n389.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv389.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv389b.ogg" ;「変じゃ…ない?」\ ^``Do I look ... weird?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…まあ、たぶんな」\ ^``Hmm ... well, probably you do.''\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「………………」\ ^``... ... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「あ、全然大丈夫だって、全然、変じゃないから」\ ^``No, I meant you look completely fine! You don't look weird at all!''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_447.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_447b.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Mm, okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;そして、波打ち際をゆっくりと歩き始める彼女。\ ^And then she slowly started walking about the beach.\ ;SE>水辺の\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;寄せては返す波。 ;冷たい海風になびく長い髪。\ ^The breaking and ebbing waves. ^Her long hair wafting in the cold sea breeze.\ ;空からは、まるで追い討ちをかけるように、 ;いつしか雪もちらちらと降り出していた。\ ^As if the sky wanted to spite us, ^it was beginning to snow little by little.\ ;そんな中、両手に脱いだ靴を持った彼女が…\ ^And amidst all of that, ^she was holding her shoes in her hand ...\ ;嬉しそうに、まるで跳ねるようにして、 ;素足で水際を歩いてみせる。\ ^... and walking at the water's edge, ^exultantly, as if she was flying with every step.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n391.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv391.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv391b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv391c.ogg" ;「ねえ…それっぽく見える?」\ ^``Hey ... does it look about right?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「うーん、まあまあかな…」\ ^``Hmm, yeah, I guess ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;真冬の寒さに、お互いの吐息が真っ白に弾む。\ ^Both of our breaths frosted white in the midwinter cold.\ ;そして俺は、 ;先ほど車から持ってきたカメラを取り出す。\ ^And I brought out the disposable camera that had been in the car.\ ;…例の安っぽい使い捨てのカメラ。 ;1枚だけのフィルムだった。\ ^... that old camera from before ... ^... one more picture left ...\ ;「じゃあ、撮ってやるよ」\ ^``All right, I'm going to take your picture.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_450.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_347.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...?''\ dwavestop 0 ;「きっと…もっとそれっぽくなるからさ」\ ^``See ... it'll be even more right this way.''\ ;言いながら俺は、カメラを構えて見せる。\ ^Saying this, I pointed the camera toward her.\ dwave 0,"w\n055.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ほら、遠慮すんなって、な?」\ ^``C'mon, don't get shy on me now, okay?''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n406.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv406.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... okay.''\ dwavestop 0 ;波打ち際。 ;ファインダー越しに見た彼女。\ ^The beach. ^The girl, now in the viewfinder of the camera.\ ;少し緊張しているのか、それとも照れくさいのか… ;いつも以上に複雑な顔をしていた。\ ^Whether it was because she was tense or bashful ... ^she had a facial expression that was far more complex than usual.\ ;「だからさ、もっとこうポーズつけてくれねえか?」\ ^``Oh, come now, won't you strike some kind of pose?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n393.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv393.ogg" ;「…でも…」\ ^``... but ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「でもじゃないって、ほら、 ; そんな棒立ちしたグラビアアイドルいないぞ」\ ^``No ifs, ands, or buts now. Come on. No bikini model stands stock still like that.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n405b.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_454.ogg" ;「わかった…」\ ^``... okay ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>波音\ dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !sd ;少し照れながらでも…それでも彼女なりに精一杯で…\ ^Looking a little awkward ... ^... but still trying with all her heart ...\ ;恥ずかしそうに腰に手をあてると、 ;もう片方の手を大きく掲げてみせる。\ ^She bashfully lowered one hand to her hip, ^and stretched out the other one high overhead.\ ;…その、澄んだ冬空へ向かって伸ばされた手…\ ^... that arm, stretched forth toward the clear winter sky ...\ ;…まるで、何かを掴むように…^@^掴もうとするように…\ ^... as if it were grasping for something ...^@^ ^... as if it were reaching out for something ...\ ;真っ直ぐに空へと伸ばされていた。 ;エメラルドグリーンの海を背にしていた…\ ^Was being held straight up into the heavens. ^With the emerald sea as its backdrop ...\ !s85 ;「じゃあ、最後にもうひとつ…」\ ^``Okay, then one last thing ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n290.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_455.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_455b.ogg" ;「…うん?」\ ^``... hmm?''\ dwavestop 0 !s120 ;「……笑って……」\ ^``... smile ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 ;dwave 0,"w\n249.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_456.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\n395.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv395.ogg" ;「えっ…」\ ^``Wha ...''\ ;「えっ…」\ dwavestop 0 ;「…笑ってくれよ、^@^セツミ…」\ ^``... smile for me,^@^ Setsumi ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n080.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 !w300 ;dwave 0,"w\n397.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\nv397.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv397b.ogg" !s100 ;「…なによ…^@^…年下のくせに…」\ ^``... what's up with that ...?^@^ ^ ... you're younger than me ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;SE>シャッター dwave 5,"se\camera.ogg" ;bg "e\w.jpg",1 bg "e\imege93.jpg",3 bg "e\imege92.jpg",5 bg "e\imege09.jpg",5 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" ;…そう言って…^@^初めて笑ってくれた。\ ^... and saying this ...^@^ ^... she smiled for me for the first time.\ !s80 ;お気に入りのスカートと、 ;白いビキニに身を包んだ彼女が…\ ^That girl, clad in her favorite skirt and that white towel ...\ !s75 ;使い捨てカメラの最後の一枚で笑ってくれた。 ;エメラルドグリーンの海を背に笑ってくれた。\ ^Smiled for the final shot that the camera had. ^Smiled with the emerald sea as her backdrop.\ ;まるで、グラビアアイドルのような笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^Smiled as if she were an honest-to-god bikini model ...\ !sd bg "e\b.jpg",5 ;「よし、じゃあ次は、 ; もっとこう動きのあるポーズやってみるか」\ ^``All right, then next, shall we try something more of an action pose?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n399.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv399.ogg" ;「うんっ」\ ^``Okay!''\ dwavestop 0 ;嬉しそうに、楽しそうに、水辺を跳ねる彼女。\ ^Happily, exuburantly, she splashed around in the water.\ ;既にフィルムの尽きてしまったカメラだけど、 ;俺はその姿を撮り続けた。\ ^And even though the camera was now utterly exhausted, ^I kept photographing her figure.\ ;「お、なんかお前、調子乗ってきたな」\ ^``Hey, it looks like you've really gotten into the spirit of things!''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n401.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv401.ogg" ;「そ、そんなことないわよ…」\ ^``Th-that's not it at all ...''\ ;明るく話す俺達と、 ;追い討ちをかけるように更に強さを増す降る雪。\ ^Our cheerful dialog. ^The snow falling harder and harder as if in spite.\ ;そんな中、フィルムの切れたカメラの、 ;ファインダー越しに嬉しそうな顔を向ける彼女。\ ^And in the midst, the girl, ^smiling brilliantly in the viewfinder of the spent camera.\ ;小さな身体を風に煽られながらも、 ;覚えたての笑顔を向けてくれた…\ ^Continuing to remember to smile for me even as her little body was battered at by the winds ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 dwavestop 5 mp3fadeout 2500 stop ;____ ;*tugi99 ;bg "e\kaigan.jpg",5 bg "e\imege072.jpg",5 ;SE>波 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" ;ざざ……\ ^ *swish*swish* ...\ ;dwave 0,"w\n403.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv403.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…」\ ^``Well then ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「ん…ああ、もうそんな頃合か…」\ ^``Hmm ... yeah, so I guess it's time ...''\ ;dwave 0,"w\n253.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_463.ogg" ;「…うん」\ ^``... yeah.''\ dwavestop 0 ;その返事と共に、 ;以前のように海に向かって歩き始める彼女。\ ^And with that word, ^she began walking toward the sea, just like last time.\ ;dwave 0,"w\n404.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv404.ogg" ;「あ、そういえば免許証…」\ ^``Oh, right, your license ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「いいよ、記念に貰っといてくれよ」\ ^``No, you keep that in commemoration.''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n076.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_465.ogg" ;「うん、わかった…」\ ^``Okay, got it ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 6 ;頷きながら、ポケットに収める彼女。\ ^With a nod, she put it in her pocket.\ ;それはかつて彼女に譲った免許証。 ;本来ならば、既に出番を失った筈のものだった。\ ^That was the license that I'd given her. ^The was one that I should never have had the chance to use.\ ;そして彼女は、自分の手首に巻かれた、 ;あのビニールの白い腕輪を外すと…\ ^And then, she unfastened that white vinyl ID bracelet that had been wrapped around her wrist ...\ ;dwavestop 5 !s90 ;…俺へと差し出してくれた。\ ^... and presented it to me.\ dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !sd ;「もしかして…くれるのか?」\ ^``Are you ... giving this to me?''\ dwavestop 0 ;dwave 0,"w\n044.ogg" ;dwave 0,"w\new_467.ogg" dwave 0,"w\new_467b.ogg" ;「うん、あげる…」\ ^``Yes, I am ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「そっか…じゃあ俺も、記念に貰っといてやるよ」\ ^``I see ... in that case, I'll keep it in commemoration.''\ dwavestop 0 ;同じように受け取った腕輪。 ;俺も自分のポケットへと収める。\ ^I stuffed that bracelet, whose twin hung on my wrist, ^into my pocket.\ ;そして、再び海へと歩き始める彼女の…\ ^And then, to the girl who was walking once more toward the sea ...\ ;その後ろ姿に向かって、俺は最後の言葉をかけた。\ ^... toward her retreating figure ... ^... I said my last words.\ !s75 ;「なあ…最後にもう一つだけ質問していいか?」\ ^``Hey ... can I ask you one last question?''\ dwavestop 0 !s90 ;dwave 0,"w\n406.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv406.ogg" ;「うん」\ ^``Sure.''\ dwavestop 0 ;「お前、今…^@^引きとめてほしいか?」\ ^``Do you ...^@^ want to be stopped right now?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 0,"w\n407.ogg" ;「……………」\ ^``... ... ...''\ dwavestop 0 ;「それとも…背中を押して欲しいか?」\ ^``Or do you want ... to be pushed toward the sea?''\ dwavestop 0 dwave 5,"se\nami3.ogg" dwave 6,"se\umitori.ogg" !s75 ;寄せる波を足に受けながら、その場に立ち止まった彼女。 ;問いを投げる俺に背中を向けたままだった。\ ^She stopped for a moment, the waves lapping at her feet. ^Her back remained to the last turned toward me.\ ;強い風が波頭を飛沫に変え、 ;そんな彼女を冷たく叩いていた。\ ^A strong wind brought in a rolling wave, ^which crashed against her with chilly fury.\ ;やがて、俺の方を振り返ってくれると…\ ^And when she at last turned toward me ...\ !s85 ;dwave 0,"w\n408.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv408.ogg" ;「…さあ…どっちだろうね」\ ^``... hmm ... that's a good question.''\ ;dwave 0,"w\nv409.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv409b.ogg" ;「あはは、よくわからないね」\ ^``Ahaha, I really don't know.''\ dwavestop 0 !s75 ;そう言って、最後にもう一度だけ笑ってくれた。\ ^As she said this, ^she smiled for me one last time.\ ;冷たい波の飛沫を受けながら、 ;涙を浮かべながらでも笑顔を向けてくれた。\ ^Even as the cold waves battered at her, even with tears streaming down her face, she still smiled for me.\ ;以前は、波打ち際で止まっていた、その足…\ ^The last time around, ^she'd stopped at this ...\ ;でも今は止まることはなかった。\ ^But this time there was no turning back.\ !s100 ;…だから、それが答えなんだと思う…\ ^... that's why I think she answered that way ...\ bg "e\w.jpg",5 !w500 ;dwave 0,"w\n410.ogg" dwave 0,"w\nv410.ogg" ;「それじゃあ…^@^さよなら…」\ ^``Well then ...^@^ farewell ...''\ dwavestop 0 dwavestop 5 dwavestop 6 ;*last01 mp3loop "bgm\sen02_20.mp3" bg "e\st00.jpg",1 !s75 ;…こうして、俺達の960kmの旅が終わった…\ ^... in this manner did our voyage of 960-odd kilometers come to its conclusion ...\ !s80 ;俺にとっては15日間、 ;彼女にとっては22年間の旅も終わった。\ ^My voyage of 15 days and her voyage of 22 years: finally at an end.\ ;7階でも家でもない、自らの意志で避けた彼女。^@^ ;2005年度、推定自殺者数3万5千人の中の一人。\ ^She, who succeeded in perishing not on 7F or at home.^@^ ^She, who was one of 35000-odd people to suicide in 2005.\ ;血液型O、名前はセツミ、22才、女性… ;ビニールの認識腕輪は白。\ ^Blood type: O. Name: Setsumi. Age: 22. Sex: Female ... ^Color of ID Bracelet: White.\ ;これが彼女の全てだった。\ ^That was all that was recorded of her.\ bg "e\w.jpg",3 ;…でも、俺は知っている。\ ^... but I knew better.\ bg "english\1\cat09.bmp",5 !s75 ;本当は、ビキニの水着が好きで、ナビ以上に道に詳しくて、 ;車が好きで、普免だって持っている。\ ^The truth was: she loved bikinis, was better at navigation than any computer, loved cars, even held a driver's license.\ ;いつもは無表情で、滅多に向けてくれないけど、\ ^She was usually expressionless, ^and would not meet your face ...\ ;たまには、照れくさそうな、拗ねたような顔だってしてくれる…\ ^... but every so often ... she would grace you ... ^... with a bashful, sour-seeming expression ...\ !s80 ;エメラルドの海を背に…\ ^And with the emerald sea as her backdrop ...\ ;跳ねるように、嬉しそうに、 ;まるで、グラビアアイドルのように笑ってくれる…\ ^She smiled for me as if she were flying, as if she were delighted, ^as if she were an honest-to-god bikini model ...\ ;なのに…\ ^Yet somehow ...\ ;この安っぽい使い捨てカメラに、 ;たった一枚しか残せなかった彼女の笑顔。\ ^There was only a single record of her smile captured in this cheap throwaway camera.\ !s90 bg "english\1\imege94.jpg",5 ;…それでも…たった一枚だけでも…\ ^... even so ... ^... even if it was just one picture ...\ !s120 ; ……残せた俺達の証し……\ h_centreline ^... it was proof that we lived ...^ ^... it was proof that we lived ...\ bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st01.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st02.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st03.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st04.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st05.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st06.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st07.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st08.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "e\b.jpg",5 bg "english\1\st09.jpg",5 !w1500 !s85 bg "e\w.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01d.jpg",3 bg "e\nar01c.jpg",1 bg "e\nar01.jpg",5 !w1500 bg "gp32\1\imege95.jpg",5 dwave 0,"w\n001.ogg" bg "gp32\1\imege96.jpg",10,1000 !w1500 bg "gp32\1\imege97.jpg",5 click click !sd bg "english\1\imege98.bmp",5 dwavestop 5 mov %flg_cha9,1 mov %flg_bplay,9 mov %sys_nar1_limited,1 goto *title_nar1_limited