#!/usr/local/bin/perl our $VERSION = '0.4.2 svn $Revision: 7944 $'; # Copyright (c) 2008 Rudolf "divVerent" Polzer # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without # restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, # copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following # conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # MISC STRING UTILITY ROUTINES to convert between DarkPlaces and IRC conventions # convert mIRC color codes to DP color codes our @color_irc2dp_table = (7, 0, 4, 2, 1, 1, 6, 1, 3, 2, 5, 5, 4, 6, 7, 7); our @color_dp2irc_table = (-1, 4, 9, 8, 12, 11, 13, -1, -1, -1); # not accurate, but legible our @color_dp2ansi_table = ("m", "1;31m", "1;32m", "1;33m", "1;34m", "1;36m", "1;35m", "m", "1m", "1m"); # not accurate, but legible our %color_team2dp_table = (5 => 1, 14 => 4, 13 => 3, 10 => 6); our %color_team2irc_table = (5 => 4, 14 => 12, 13 => 8, 10 => 13); sub color_irc2dp($) { my ($message) = @_; $message =~ s/\^/^^/g; my $color = 7; $message =~ s{\003(\d\d?)(?:,(\d?\d?))?|(\017)}{ # $1 is FG, $2 is BG, but let's ignore BG my $oldcolor = $color; if($3) { $color = 7; } else { $color = $color_irc2dp_table[$1]; $color = $oldcolor if not defined $color; } ($color == $oldcolor) ? '' : '^' . $color; }esg; $message =~ s{[\000-\037]}{}gs; # kill bold etc. for now return $message; } our @text_qfont_table = ( # ripped from DP console.c qfont_table "\0", '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#', '#', '#', 9, 10, '#', ' ', 13, '.', '.', '[', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '<', '=', '>', ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '<', '<', '=', '>', '#', '#', '.', '#', '#', '#', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '>', '.', '.', '[', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '<', '=', '>', ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '<' ); sub text_dp2ascii($) { my ($message) = @_; $message = join '', map { $text_qfont_table[ord $_] } split //, $message; } sub color_dp_transform(&$) { my ($block, $message) = @_; $message =~ s{(?:(\^\^)|\^x([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])|\^([0-9])|(.))(?=([0-9,]?))}{ defined $1 ? $block->(char => '^', $7) : defined $2 ? $block->(rgb => [hex $2, hex $3, hex $4], $7) : defined $5 ? $block->(color => $5, $7) : defined $6 ? $block->(char => $6, $7) : die "Invalid match"; }esg; return $message; } sub color_dp2none($) { my ($message) = @_; return color_dp_transform { my ($type, $data, $next) = @_; $type eq 'char' ? $text_qfont_table[ord $data] : ""; } $message; } sub color_rgb2basic($) { my ($data) = @_; my ($R, $G, $B) = @$data; my $min = [sort { $a <=> $b } ($R, $G, $B)]->[0]; my $max = [sort { $a <=> $b } ($R, $G, $B)]->[-1]; my $v = $max / 15; my $s = ($max == $min) ? 0 : 1 - $min/$max; if($s < 0.2) { return 0 if $v < 0.5; return 7; } my $h; if($max == $min) { $h = 0; } elsif($max == $R) { $h = (60 * ($G - $B) / ($max - $min)) % 360; } elsif($max == $G) { $h = (60 * ($B - $R) / ($max - $min)) + 120; } elsif($max == $B) { $h = (60 * ($R - $G) / ($max - $min)) + 240; } return 1 if $h < 36; return 3 if $h < 80; return 2 if $h < 150; return 5 if $h < 200; return 4 if $h < 270; return 6 if $h < 330; return 1; } sub color_dp_rgb2basic($) { my ($message) = @_; return color_dp_transform { my ($type, $data, $next) = @_; $type eq 'char' ? ($data eq '^' ? '^^' : $data) : $type eq 'color' ? "^$data" : $type eq 'rgb' ? "^" . color_rgb2basic $data : die "Invalid type"; } $message; } sub color_dp2irc($) { my ($message) = @_; my $color = -1; return color_dp_transform { my ($type, $data, $next) = @_; if($type eq 'rgb') { $type = 'color'; $data = color_rgb2basic $data; } $type eq 'char' ? $text_qfont_table[ord $data] : $type eq 'color' ? do { my $oldcolor = $color; $color = $color_dp2irc_table[$data]; $color == $oldcolor ? '' : $color < 0 ? "\017" : (index '0123456789,', $next) >= 0 ? "\003$color\002\002" : "\003$color"; } : die "Invalid type"; } $message; } sub color_dp2ansi($) { my ($message) = @_; my $color = -1; return color_dp_transform { my ($type, $data, $next) = @_; if($type eq 'rgb') { $type = 'color'; $data = color_rgb2basic $data; } $type eq 'char' ? $text_qfont_table[ord $data] : $type eq 'color' ? do { my $oldcolor = $color; $color = $color_dp2ansi_table[$data]; $color eq $oldcolor ? '' : "\033[${color}" } : die "Invalid type"; } $message; } sub color_dpfix($) { my ($message) = @_; # if the message ends with an odd number of ^, kill one chop $message if $message =~ /(?:^|[^\^])\^(\^\^)*$/; return $message; } # Interfaces: # Connection: # $conn->sockname() returns a connection type specific representation # string of the local address, or undef if not applicable. # $conn->send("string") sends something over the connection. # $conn->recv() receives a string from the connection, or returns "" if no # data is available. # $conn->fds() returns all file descriptors used by the connection, so one # can use select() on them. # Channel: # Usually wraps around a connection and implements a command based # structure over it. It usually is constructed using new # ChannelType($connection, someparameters...) # @cmds = $chan->join_commands(@cmds) joins multiple commands to a single # command string if the protocol supports it, or does nothing and leaves # @cmds unchanged if the protocol does not support that usage (this is # meant to save send() invocations). # $chan->send($command, $nothrottle) sends a command over the channel. If # $nothrottle is sent, the command must not be left out even if the channel # is saturated (for example, because of IRC's flood control mechanism). # $chan->quote($str) returns a string in a quoted form so it can safely be # inserted as a substring into a command, or returns $str as is if not # applicable. It is assumed that the result of the quote method is used # as part of a quoted string, if the protocol supports that. # $chan->recv() returns a list of received commands from the channel, or # the empty list if none are available. # $conn->fds() returns all file descriptors used by the channel's # connections, so one can use select() on them. # Socket connection. # Represents a connection over a socket. # Mainly used to wrap a channel around it for, in this case, line based or rcon-like operation. package Connection::Socket; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Handle; # Constructor: # my $conn = new Connection::Socket(tcp => "localaddress" => "remoteaddress" => 6667); # If the remote address does not contain a port number, the numeric port is # used (it serves as a default port). sub new($$) { my ($class, $proto, $local, $remote, $defaultport) = @_; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => $proto, (length($local) ? (LocalAddr => $local) : ()), PeerAddr => $remote, PeerPort => $defaultport ) or die "socket $proto/$local/$remote/$defaultport: $!"; $sock->blocking(0); my $you = { # Mortal fool! Release me from this wretched tomb! I must be set free # or I will haunt you forever! I will hide your keys beneath the # cushions of your upholstered furniture... and NEVERMORE will you be # able to find socks that match! sock => $sock, # My demonic powers have made me OMNIPOTENT! Bwahahahahahahaha! }; return bless $you, 'Connection::Socket'; } # $sock->sockname() returns the local address of the socket. sub sockname($) { my ($self) = @_; my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in $self->{sock}->sockname(); return "@{[inet_ntoa $addr]}:$port"; } # $sock->send($data) sends some data over the socket; on success, 1 is returned. sub send($$) { my ($self, $data) = @_; return 1 if not length $data; if(not eval { $self->{sock}->send($data); }) { warn "$@"; return 0; } return 1; } # $sock->recv() receives as much as possible from the socket (or at most 32k). Returns "" if no data is available. sub recv($) { my ($self) = @_; my $data = ""; if(defined $self->{sock}->recv($data, 32768, 0)) { return $data; } elsif($!{EAGAIN}) { return ""; } else { return undef; } } # $sock->fds() returns the socket file descriptor. sub fds($) { my ($self) = @_; return fileno $self->{sock}; } # Line-based buffered connectionless FIFO channel. # Whatever is sent to it using send() is echoed back when using recv(). package Channel::FIFO; use strict; use warnings; # Constructor: # my $chan = new Channel::FIFO(); sub new($) { my ($class) = @_; my $you = { buffer => [] }; return bless $you, 'Channel::FIFO'; } sub join_commands($@) { my ($self, @data) = @_; return @data; } sub send($$$) { my ($self, $line, $nothrottle) = @_; push @{$self->{buffer}}, $line; } sub quote($$) { my ($self, $data) = @_; return $data; } sub recv($) { my ($self) = @_; my $r = $self->{buffer}; $self->{buffer} = []; return @$r; } sub fds($) { my ($self) = @_; return (); } # QW rcon protocol channel. # Wraps around a UDP based Connection and sends commands as rcon commands as # well as receives rcon replies. The quote and join_commands methods are using # DarkPlaces engine specific rcon protocol extensions. package Channel::QW; use strict; use warnings; use Digest::HMAC; use Digest::MD4; # Constructor: # my $chan = new Channel::QW($connection, "password"); sub new($$$) { my ($class, $conn, $password, $secure) = @_; my $you = { connector => $conn, password => $password, recvbuf => "", secure => $secure, }; return bless $you, 'Channel::QW'; } # Note: multiple commands in one rcon packet is a DarkPlaces extension. sub join_commands($@) { my ($self, @data) = @_; return join "\0", @data; } sub send($$$) { my ($self, $line, $nothrottle) = @_; if($self->{secure}) { my $t = sprintf "%ld.%06d", time(), int rand 1000000; my $key = Digest::HMAC::hmac("$t $line", $self->{password}, \&Digest::MD4::md4); return $self->{connector}->send("\377\377\377\377srcon HMAC-MD4 TIME $key $t $line"); } else { return $self->{connector}->send("\377\377\377\377rcon $self->{password} $line"); } } # Note: backslash and quotation mark escaping is a DarkPlaces extension. sub quote($$) { my ($self, $data) = @_; $data =~ s/[\000-\037]//g; $data =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g; $data =~ s/\$/\$\$/g; return $data; } sub recv($) { my ($self) = @_; for(;;) { my $s = $self->{connector}->recv(); die "read error\n" if not defined $s; length $s or last; next if $s !~ /^\377\377\377\377n(.*)$/s; $self->{recvbuf} .= $1; } my @out = (); while($self->{recvbuf} =~ s/^(.*?)(?:\r\n?|\n)//) { push @out, $1; } return @out; } sub fds($) { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{connector}->fds(); } # Line based protocol channel. # Wraps around a TCP based Connection and sends commands as text lines # (separated by CRLF). When reading responses from the Connection, any type of # line ending is accepted. # A flood control mechanism is implemented. package Channel::Line; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw/time/; # Constructor: # my $chan = new Channel::Line($connection); sub new($$) { my ($class, $conn) = @_; my $you = { connector => $conn, recvbuf => "", capacity => undef, linepersec => undef, maxlines => undef, lastsend => time() }; return bless $you, 'Channel::Line'; } sub join_commands($@) { my ($self, @data) = @_; return @data; } # Sets new flood control parameters: # $chan->throttle(maximum lines per second, maximum burst length allowed to # exceed the lines per second limit); # RFC 1459 describes these parameters to be 0.5 and 5 for the IRC protocol. # If the $nothrottle flag is set while sending, the line is sent anyway even # if flooding would take place. sub throttle($$$) { my ($self, $linepersec, $maxlines) = @_; $self->{linepersec} = $linepersec; $self->{maxlines} = $maxlines; $self->{capacity} = $maxlines; } sub send($$$) { my ($self, $line, $nothrottle) = @_; my $t = time(); if(defined $self->{capacity}) { $self->{capacity} += ($t - $self->{lastsend}) * $self->{linepersec}; $self->{lastsend} = $t; $self->{capacity} = $self->{maxlines} if $self->{capacity} > $self->{maxlines}; if(!$nothrottle) { return -1 if $self->{capacity} < 0; } $self->{capacity} -= 1; } $line =~ s/\r|\n//g; return $self->{connector}->send("$line\r\n"); } sub quote($$) { my ($self, $data) = @_; $data =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g; $data =~ s/\n/*/g; return $data; } sub recv($) { my ($self) = @_; for(;;) { my $s = $self->{connector}->recv(); die "read error\n" if not defined $s; length $s or last; $self->{recvbuf} .= $s; } my @out = (); while($self->{recvbuf} =~ s/^(.*?)(?:\r\n?|\n)//) { push @out, $1; } return @out; } sub fds($) { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{connector}->fds(); } # main program... a gateway between IRC and DarkPlaces servers package main; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Select; use Digest::SHA; use Digest::HMAC; use Time::HiRes qw/time/; our @handlers = (); # list of [channel, expression, sub to handle result] our @tasks = (); # list of [time, sub] our %channels = (); our %store = ( irc_nick => "", playernick_byid_0 => "(console)", ); our %config = ( irc_server => undef, irc_nick => undef, irc_nick_alternates => "", irc_user => undef, irc_channel => undef, irc_ping_delay => 120, irc_trigger => "", irc_nickserv_password => "", irc_nickserv_identify => 'PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %2$s', irc_nickserv_ghost => 'PRIVMSG NickServ :GHOST %1$s %2$s', irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts => 3, irc_quakenet_authname => "", irc_quakenet_password => "", irc_quakenet_getchallenge => 'PRIVMSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org :CHALLENGE', irc_quakenet_challengeauth => 'PRIVMSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org :CHALLENGEAUTH', irc_quakenet_challengeprefix => ':Q!TheQBot@CServe.quakenet.org NOTICE [^:]+ :CHALLENGE', irc_announce_slotsfree => 1, irc_announce_mapchange => 'always', dp_server => undef, dp_secure => 1, dp_listen => "", dp_password => undef, dp_status_delay => 30, dp_server_from_wan => "", irc_local => "", irc_admin_password => "", irc_admin_timeout => 3600, irc_admin_quote_re => "", irc_reconnect_delay => 300, plugins => "", ); # Nexuiz specific parsing of some server messages sub nex_slotsstring() { my $slotsstr = ""; if(defined $store{slots_max}) { my $slots = $store{slots_max} - $store{slots_active}; my $slots_s = ($slots == 1) ? '' : 's'; $slotsstr = " ($slots free slot$slots_s)"; my $s = $config{dp_server_from_wan} || $config{dp_server}; $slotsstr .= "; join now: \002nexuiz +connect $s" if $slots >= 1 and not $store{lms_blocked}; } return $slotsstr; } # Do we have a config file? If yes, read and parse it (syntax: key = value # pairs, separated by newlines), if not, complain. die "Usage: $0 configfile\n" unless @ARGV == 1; open my $fh, "<", $ARGV[0] or die "open $ARGV[0]: $!"; while(<$fh>) { chomp; /^#/ and next; /^(.*?)\s*=(?:\s*(.*))?$/ or next; warn "Undefined config item: $1" unless exists $config{$1}; $config{$1} = defined $2 ? $2 : ""; } close $fh; my @missing = grep { !defined $config{$_} } keys %config; die "The following config items are missing: @missing" if @missing; # Create a channel for error messages and other internal status messages... $channels{system} = new Channel::FIFO(); # for example, quit messages caused by signals (if SIGTERM or SIGINT is first # received, try to shut down cleanly, and if such a signal is received a second # time, just exit) my $quitting = 0; $SIG{INT} = sub { exit 1 if $quitting++; $channels{system}->send("quit SIGINT"); }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit 1 if $quitting++; $channels{system}->send("quit SIGTERM"); }; # Create the two channels to gateway between... $channels{irc} = new Channel::Line(new Connection::Socket(tcp => $config{irc_local} => $config{irc_server} => 6667)); $channels{dp} = new Channel::QW(my $dpsock = new Connection::Socket(udp => $config{dp_listen} => $config{dp_server} => 26000), $config{dp_password}, $config{dp_secure}); $config{dp_listen} = $dpsock->sockname(); print "Listening on $config{dp_listen}\n"; $channels{irc}->throttle(0.5, 5); # Utility routine to write to a channel by name, also outputting what's been written and some status sub out($$@) { my $chanstr = shift; my $nothrottle = shift; my $chan = $channels{$chanstr}; if(!$chan) { print "UNDEFINED: $chanstr, ignoring message\n"; return; } @_ = $chan->join_commands(@_); for(@_) { my $result = $chan->send($_, $nothrottle); if($result > 0) { print " $chanstr << $_\n"; } elsif($result < 0) { print "FLOOD: $chanstr << $_\n"; } else { print "ERROR: $chanstr << $_\n"; $channels{system}->send("error $chanstr", 0); } } } # Schedule a task for later execution by the main loop; usage: schedule sub { # task... }, $time; When a scheduled task is run, a reference to the task's own # sub is passed as first argument; that way, the task is able to re-schedule # itself so it gets periodically executed. sub schedule($$) { my ($sub, $time) = @_; push @tasks, [time() + $time, $sub]; } # On IRC error, delete some data store variables of the connection, and # reconnect to the IRC server soon (but only if someone is actually playing) sub irc_error() { # prevent multiple instances of this timer return if $store{irc_error_active}; $store{irc_error_active} = 1; delete $channels{irc}; schedule sub { my ($timer) = @_; if(!defined $store{slots_active}) { # DP is not running, then delay IRC reconnecting #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \$timer; schedule $timer => 1; return; # this will keep irc_error_active } $channels{irc} = new Channel::Line(new Connection::Socket(tcp => "" => $config{irc_server} => 6667)); delete $store{$_} for grep { /^irc_/ } keys %store; $store{irc_nick} = ""; schedule sub { my ($timer) = @_; out dp => 0, 'sv_cmd bans', 'status 1', 'log_dest_udp'; $store{status_waiting} = -1; } => 1; # this will clear irc_error_active } => $config{irc_reconnect_delay}; return 0; } sub uniq(@) { my @out = (); my %found = (); for(@_) { next if $found{$_}++; push @out, $_; } return @out; } # IRC joining (if this is called as response to a nick name collision, $is433 is set); # among other stuff, it performs NickServ or Quakenet authentication. This is to be called # until the channel has been joined for every message that may be "interesting" (basically, # IRC 001 hello messages, 443 nick collision messages and some notices by services). sub irc_joinstage($) { my($is433) = @_; return 0 if $store{irc_joined_channel}; #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \%store; if($is433) { if(length $store{irc_nick}) { # we already have another nick, but couldn't change to the new one # try ghosting and then get the nick again if(length $config{irc_nickserv_password}) { if(++$store{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts} <= $config{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts}) { $store{irc_nick_requested} = $config{irc_nick}; out irc => 1, sprintf($config{irc_nickserv_ghost}, $config{irc_nick}, $config{irc_nickserv_password}); schedule sub { out irc => 1, "NICK $config{irc_nick}"; } => 1; return; # we'll get here again for the NICK success message, or for a 433 failure } # otherwise, we failed to ghost and will continue with the wrong # nick... also, no need to try to identify here } # otherwise, we can't handle this and will continue with our wrong nick } else { # we failed to get an initial nickname # change ours a bit and try again my @alternates = uniq ($config{irc_nick}, grep { $_ ne "" } split /\s+/, $config{irc_nick_alternates}); my $nextnick = undef; for(0..@alternates-2) { if($store{irc_nick_requested} eq $alternates[$_]) { $nextnick = $alternates[$_+1]; } } if($store{irc_nick_requested} eq $alternates[@alternates-1]) # this will only happen once { $store{irc_nick_requested} = $alternates[0]; # but don't set nextnick, so we edit it } if(defined $nextnick) { $store{irc_nick_requested} = $nextnick; } else { for(;;) { if(length $store{irc_nick_requested} < 9) { $store{irc_nick_requested} .= '_'; } else { substr $store{irc_nick_requested}, int(rand length $store{irc_nick_requested}), 1, chr(97 + int rand 26); } last unless grep { $_ eq $store{irc_nick_requested} } @alternates; } } out irc => 1, "NICK $store{irc_nick_requested}"; return; # when it fails, we'll get here again, and when it succeeds, we will continue } } # we got a 001 or a NICK message, so $store{irc_nick} has been updated if(length $config{irc_nickserv_password}) { if($store{irc_nick} eq $config{irc_nick}) { # identify out irc => 1, sprintf($config{irc_nickserv_identify}, $config{irc_nick}, $config{irc_nickserv_password}); } else { # ghost if(++$store{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts} <= $config{irc_nickserv_ghost_attempts}) { $store{irc_nick_requested} = $config{irc_nick}; out irc => 1, sprintf($config{irc_nickserv_ghost}, $config{irc_nick}, $config{irc_nickserv_password}); schedule sub { out irc => 1, "NICK $config{irc_nick}"; } => 1; return; # we'll get here again for the NICK success message, or for a 433 failure } # otherwise, we failed to ghost and will continue with the wrong # nick... also, no need to try to identify here } } # we are on Quakenet. Try to authenticate. if(length $config{irc_quakenet_password} and length $config{irc_quakenet_authname}) { if(defined $store{irc_quakenet_challenge}) { if($store{irc_quakenet_challenge} =~ /^([0-9a-f]*)\b.*\bHMAC-SHA-256\b/) { my $challenge = $1; my $hash1 = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex(substr $config{irc_quakenet_password}, 0, 10); my $key = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex("@{[lc $config{irc_quakenet_authname}]}:$hash1"); my $digest = Digest::HMAC::hmac_hex($challenge, $key, \&Digest::SHA::sha256); out irc => 1, "$config{irc_quakenet_challengeauth} $config{irc_quakenet_authname} $digest HMAC-SHA-256"; } } else { out irc => 1, $config{irc_quakenet_getchallenge}; return; # we get here again when Q asks us } } # if we get here, we are on IRC $store{irc_joined_channel} = 1; schedule sub { out irc => 1, "JOIN $config{irc_channel}"; } => 1; return 0; } my $RE_FAIL = qr/$ $/; my $RE_SUCCEED = qr//; sub cond($) { return $_[0] ? $RE_FAIL : $RE_SUCCEED; } # List of all handlers on the various sockets. Additional handlers can be added by a plugin. @handlers = ( # detect a server restart and set it up again [ dp => q{ *(?:Warning: Could not expand \$|Unknown command ")(?:rcon2irc_[a-z0-9_]*)[" ]*} => sub { out dp => 0, 'alias rcon2irc_eval "$*"', 'log_dest_udp', 'sv_logscores_console 0', 'sv_logscores_bots 1', 'sv_eventlog 1', 'sv_eventlog_console 1', 'alias rcon2irc_say_as "set say_as_restorenick \"$sv_adminnick\"; sv_adminnick \"$1^3\"; say \"^7$2\"; rcon2irc_say_as_restore"', 'alias rcon2irc_say_as_restore "set sv_adminnick \"$say_as_restorenick\""', 'alias rcon2irc_quit "echo \"quitting rcon2irc $1: log_dest_udp is $log_dest_udp\""'; # note: \\\\\\" ->perl \\\" ->console \" return 0; } ], # detect missing entry in log_dest_udp and fix it [ dp => q{"log_dest_udp" is "([^"]*)" \["[^"]*"\]} => sub { my ($dest) = @_; my @dests = split ' ', $dest; return 0 if grep { $_ eq $config{dp_listen} } @dests; out dp => 0, 'log_dest_udp "' . join(" ", @dests, $config{dp_listen}) . '"'; return 0; } ], # retrieve list of banned hosts [ dp => q{#(\d+): (\S+) is still banned for (\S+) seconds} => sub { return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0; my ($id, $ip, $time) = @_; $store{bans_new} = [] if $id == 0; $store{bans_new}[$id] = { ip => $ip, 'time' => $time }; return 0; } ], # retrieve hostname from status replies [ dp => q{host: (.*)} => sub { return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0; my ($name) = @_; $store{dp_hostname} = $name; $store{bans} = $store{bans_new}; return 0; } ], # retrieve version from status replies [ dp => q{version: (.*)} => sub { return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0; my ($version) = @_; $store{dp_version} = $version; return 0; } ], # retrieve player names [ dp => q{players: (\d+) active \((\d+) max\)} => sub { return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} < 0; my ($active, $max) = @_; my $full = ($active >= $max); $store{slots_max} = $max; $store{slots_active} = $active; $store{status_waiting} = $active; $store{playerslots_active_new} = []; if($store{status_waiting} == 0) { $store{playerslots_active} = $store{playerslots_active_new}; } if($full != ($store{slots_full} || 0)) { $store{slots_full} = $full; return 0 if $store{lms_blocked}; return 0 if !$config{irc_announce_slotsfree}; if($full) { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION is full!\001"; } else { my $slotsstr = nex_slotsstring(); out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION can be joined again$slotsstr!\001"; } } return 0; } ], # retrieve player names [ dp => q{\^\d(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+\#(\d+)\s+\^\d(.*)} => sub { return 0 unless $store{status_waiting} > 0; my ($ip, $pl, $ping, $time, $frags, $no, $name) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); $store{"playerslot_$no"} = { ip => $ip, pl => $pl, ping => $ping, 'time' => $time, frags => $frags, no => $no, name => $name }; push @{$store{playerslots_active_new}}, $no; if(--$store{status_waiting} == 0) { $store{playerslots_active} = $store{playerslots_active_new}; } return 0; } ], # IRC admin commands [ irc => q{:(([^! ]*)![^ ]*) (?i:PRIVMSG) [^&#%]\S* :(.*)} => sub { return 0 unless $config{irc_admin_password} ne ''; my ($hostmask, $nick, $command) = @_; my $dpnick = color_dpfix $nick; if($command eq "login $config{irc_admin_password}") { $store{logins}{$hostmask} = time() + $config{irc_admin_timeout}; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :my wish is your command"; return -1; } if($command =~ /^login /) { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :invalid password"; return -1; } if(($store{logins}{$hostmask} || 0) < time()) { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :authentication required"; return -1; } if($command =~ /^status(?: (.*))?$/) { my ($match) = $1; my $found = 0; my $foundany = 0; for my $slot(@{$store{playerslots_active} || []}) { my $s = $store{"playerslot_$slot"}; next unless $s; if(not defined $match or index(color_dp2none($s->{name}), $match) >= 0) { out irc => 0, sprintf 'PRIVMSG %s :%-21s %2i %4i %8s %4i #%-3u %s', $nick, $s->{ip}, $s->{pl}, $s->{ping}, $s->{time}, $s->{frags}, $slot, color_dp2irc $s->{name}; ++$found; } ++$foundany; } if(!$found) { if(!$foundany) { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :the server is empty"; } else { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :no nicknames match"; } } return 0; } if($command =~ /^kick # (\d+) (.*)$/) { my ($id, $reason) = ($1, $2); my $dpreason = color_irc2dp $reason; $dpreason =~ s/^(~?)(.*)/$1irc $dpnick: $2/g; $dpreason =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; out dp => 0, "kick # $id $dpreason"; my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :kicked #$id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip}) ($reason)"; return 0; } if($command =~ /^kickban # (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (.*)$/) { my ($id, $bantime, $mask, $reason) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); my $dpreason = color_irc2dp $reason; $dpreason =~ s/^(~?)(.*)/$1irc $dpnick: $2/g; $dpreason =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; out dp => 0, "kickban # $id $bantime $mask $dpreason"; my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :kickbanned #$id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip}), netmask $mask, for $bantime seconds ($reason)"; return 0; } if($command eq "bans") { my $banlist = join ", ", map { "$_ ($store{bans}[$_]{ip}, $store{bans}[$_]{time}s)" } 0..@{$store{bans} || []}-1; $banlist = "no bans" if $banlist eq ""; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :$banlist"; return 0; } if($command =~ /^unban (\d+)$/) { my ($id) = ($1); out dp => 0, "unban $id"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :removed ban $id ($store{bans}[$id]{ip})"; return 0; } if($command =~ /^mute (\d+)$/) { my $id = $1; out dp => 0, "mute $id"; my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :muted $id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip})"; return 0; } if($command =~ /^unmute (\d+)$/) { my ($id) = ($1); out dp => 0, "unmute $id"; my $slotnik = "playerslot_$id"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :unmuted $id (@{[color_dp2irc $store{$slotnik}{name}]}\017 @ $store{$slotnik}{ip})"; return 0; } if($command =~ /^quote (.*)$/) { my ($cmd) = ($1); if($cmd =~ /^(??{$config{irc_admin_quote_re}})$/si) { out irc => 0, $cmd; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :executed your command"; } else { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :permission denied"; } return 0; } out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $nick :unknown command (supported: status [substring], kick # id reason, kickban # id bantime mask reason, bans, unban banid, mute id, unmute id)"; return -1; } ], # LMS: detect "no more lives" message [ dp => q{\^4.*\^4 has no more lives left} => sub { if(!$store{lms_blocked}) { $store{lms_blocked} = 1; if(!$store{slots_full}) { schedule sub { if($store{lms_blocked}) { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION can't be joined until next round (a player has no more lives left)\001"; } } => 1; } } } ], # detect IRC errors and reconnect [ irc => q{ERROR .*} => \&irc_error ], [ irc => q{:[^ ]* 404 .*} => \&irc_error ], # cannot send to channel [ system => q{error irc} => \&irc_error ], # IRC nick in use [ irc => q{:[^ ]* 433 .*} => sub { return irc_joinstage(433); } ], # IRC welcome [ irc => q{:[^ ]* 001 .*} => sub { $store{irc_seen_welcome} = 1; $store{irc_nick} = $store{irc_nick_requested}; return irc_joinstage(0); } ], # IRC my nickname changed [ irc => q{:(?i:(??{$store{irc_nick}}))![^ ]* (?i:NICK) :(.*)} => sub { my ($n) = @_; $store{irc_nick} = $n; return irc_joinstage(0); } ], # Quakenet: challenge from Q [ irc => q{(??{$config{irc_quakenet_challengeprefix}}) (.*)} => sub { $store{irc_quakenet_challenge} = $1; return irc_joinstage(0); } ], # shut down everything on SIGINT [ system => q{quit (.*)} => sub { my ($cause) = @_; out irc => 1, "QUIT :$cause"; $store{quitcookie} = int rand 1000000000; out dp => 0, "rcon2irc_quit $store{quitcookie}"; } ], # remove myself from the log destinations and exit everything [ dp => q{quitting rcon2irc (??{$store{quitcookie}}): log_dest_udp is (.*) *} => sub { my ($dest) = @_; my @dests = grep { $_ ne $config{dp_listen} } split ' ', $dest; out dp => 0, 'log_dest_udp "' . join(" ", @dests) . '"'; exit 0; return 0; } ], # IRC PING [ irc => q{PING (.*)} => sub { my ($data) = @_; out irc => 1, "PONG $data"; return 1; } ], # IRC PONG [ irc => q{:[^ ]* PONG .* :(.*)} => sub { my ($data) = @_; return 0 if not defined $store{irc_pingtime}; return 0 if $data ne $store{irc_pingtime}; print "* measured IRC line delay: @{[time() - $store{irc_pingtime}]}\n"; undef $store{irc_pingtime}; return 0; } ], # detect channel join message and note hostname length to get the maximum allowed line length [ irc => q{(:(?i:(??{$store{irc_nick}}))![^ ]* )(?i:JOIN) :(?i:(??{$config{irc_channel}}))} => sub { $store{irc_maxlen} = 510 - length($1); $store{irc_joined_channel} = 1; print "* detected maximum line length for channel messages: $store{irc_maxlen}\n"; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel [ dp => q{\001(.*?)\^7: (.*)} => sub { my ($nick, $message) = map { color_dp2irc $_ } @_; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :<$nick\017> $message"; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, nick set [ dp => q{:join:(\d+):(\d+):([^:]*):(.*)} => sub { my ($id, $slot, $ip, $nick) = @_; $store{"playernickraw_byid_$id"} = $nick; $nick = color_dp2irc $nick; $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} = $nick; $store{"playerip_byid_$id"} = $ip; $store{"playerslot_byid_$id"} = $slot; $store{"playerid_byslot_$slot"} = $id; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, nick change/set [ dp => q{:name:(\d+):(.*)} => sub { my ($id, $nick) = @_; $store{"playernickraw_byid_$id"} = $nick; $nick = color_dp2irc $nick; my $oldnick = $store{"playernick_byid_$id"}; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 is now known as $nick"; $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} = $nick; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, vote call [ dp => q{:vote:vcall:(\d+):(.*)} => sub { my ($id, $command) = @_; $command = color_dp2irc $command; my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 calls a vote for \"$command\017\""; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, vote stop [ dp => q{:vote:vstop:(\d+)} => sub { my ($id) = @_; my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 stopped the vote"; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, master login [ dp => q{:vote:vlogin:(\d+)} => sub { my ($id) = @_; my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 logged in as master"; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, master do [ dp => q{:vote:vdo:(\d+):(.*)} => sub { my ($id, $command) = @_; $command = color_dp2irc $command; my $oldnick = $id ? $store{"playernick_byid_$id"} : "(console)"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* $oldnick\017 used his master status to do \"$command\017\""; return 0; } ], # chat: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, result [ dp => q{:vote:v(yes|no|timeout):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(-?\d+)} => sub { my ($result, $yes, $no, $abstain, $not, $min) = @_; my $spam = "$yes:$no" . (($min >= 0) ? " ($min needed)" : "") . ", $abstain didn't care, $not didn't vote"; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :* the vote ended with $result: $spam"; return 0; } ], # chat: IRC channel -> Nexuiz server [ irc => q{:([^! ]*)![^ ]* (?i:PRIVMSG) (?i:(??{$config{irc_channel}})) :(?i:(??{$store{irc_nick}}))(?: |: ?|, ?)(.*)} => sub { my ($nick, $message) = @_; $nick = color_dpfix $nick; # allow the nickname to contain colors in DP format! Therefore, NO color_irc2dp on the nickname! $message = color_irc2dp $message; $message =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; out dp => 0, "rcon2irc_say_as \"$nick on IRC\" \"$message\""; return 0; } ], ( length $config{irc_trigger} ? [ irc => q{:([^! ]*)![^ ]* (?i:PRIVMSG) (?i:(??{$config{irc_channel}})) :(?i:(??{$config{irc_trigger}}))(?: |: ?|, ?)(.*)} => sub { my ($nick, $message) = @_; $nick = color_dpfix $nick; # allow the nickname to contain colors in DP format! Therefore, NO color_irc2dp on the nickname! $message = color_irc2dp $message; $message =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; out dp => 0, "rcon2irc_say_as \"$nick on IRC\" \"$message\""; return 0; } ] : () ), # irc: CTCP VERSION reply [ irc => q{:([^! ]*)![^ ]* (?i:PRIVMSG) (?i:(??{$store{irc_nick}})) :\001VERSION( .*)?\001} => sub { my ($nick) = @_; my $ver = $store{dp_version} or return 0; $ver .= ", rcon2irc $VERSION"; out irc => 0, "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION $ver\001"; } ], # on game start, notify the channel [ dp => q{:gamestart:(.*):[0-9.]*} => sub { my ($map) = @_; $store{playing} = 1; $store{map} = $map; $store{map_starttime} = time(); if ($config{irc_announce_mapchange} eq 'always' || ($config{irc_announce_mapchange} eq 'notempty' && $store{slots_active} > 0)) { my $slotsstr = nex_slotsstring(); out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00304" . $map . "\017 has begun$slotsstr"; } delete $store{lms_blocked}; return 0; } ], # on game over, clear the current map [ dp => q{:gameover} => sub { $store{playing} = 0; return 0; } ], # scores: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel (start) [ dp => q{:scores:(.*):(\d+)} => sub { my ($map, $time) = @_; $store{scores} = {}; $store{scores}{map} = $map; $store{scores}{time} = $time; $store{scores}{players} = []; delete $store{lms_blocked}; return 0; } ], # scores: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, legacy format [ dp => q{:player:(-?\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(.*)} => sub { my ($frags, $deaths, $time, $team, $id, $name) = @_; return if not exists $store{scores}; push @{$store{scores}{players}}, [$frags, $team, $name] unless $frags <= -666; # no spectators return 0; } ], # scores: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel (CTF), legacy format [ dp => q{:teamscores:(\d+:-?\d*(?::\d+:-?\d*)*)} => sub { my ($teams) = @_; return if not exists $store{scores}; $store{scores}{teams} = {split /:/, $teams}; return 0; } ], # scores: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel, new format [ dp => q{:player:see-labels:(-?\d+)[-0-9,]*:(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(.*)} => sub { my ($frags, $time, $team, $id, $name) = @_; return if not exists $store{scores}; push @{$store{scores}{players}}, [$frags, $team, $name]; return 0; } ], # scores: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel (CTF), new format [ dp => q{:teamscores:see-labels:(-?\d+)[-0-9,]*:(\d+)} => sub { my ($frags, $team) = @_; return if not exists $store{scores}; $store{scores}{teams}{$team} = $frags; return 0; } ], # scores: Nexuiz server -> IRC channel [ dp => q{:end} => sub { return if not exists $store{scores}; my $s = $store{scores}; delete $store{scores}; my $teams_matter = defined $s->{teams}; my @t = (); my @p = (); if($teams_matter) { # put players into teams my %t = (); for(@{$s->{players}}) { my $thisteam = ($t{$_->[1]} ||= {score => 0, team => $_->[1], players => []}); push @{$thisteam->{players}}, [$_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2]]; if($s->{teams}) { $thisteam->{score} = $s->{teams}{$_->[1]}; } else { $thisteam->{score} += $_->[0]; } } # sort by team score @t = sort { $b->{score} <=> $a->{score} } values %t; # sort by player score @p = (); for(@t) { @{$_->{players}} = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @{$_->{players}}; push @p, @{$_->{players}}; } } else { @p = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @{$s->{players}}; } # no display for empty server return 0 if !@p; # make message fit somehow for my $maxnamelen(reverse 3..64) { my $scores_string = "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00304" . $s->{map} . "\017 ended:"; if($teams_matter) { my $sep = ' '; for(@t) { $scores_string .= $sep . "\003" . $color_team2irc_table{$_->{team}}. "\002\002" . $_->{score} . "\017"; $sep = ':'; } } my $sep = ''; for(@p) { my ($frags, $team, $name) = @$_; $name = color_dpfix substr($name, 0, $maxnamelen); if($teams_matter) { $name = "\003" . $color_team2irc_table{$team} . " " . color_dp2none $name; } else { $name = " " . color_dp2irc $name; } $scores_string .= "$sep$name\017 $frags"; $sep = ','; } if(length($scores_string) <= ($store{irc_maxlen} || 256)) { out irc => 0, $scores_string; return 0; } } out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION would have LIKED to put the scores here, but they wouldn't fit :(\001"; return 0; } ], # complain when system load gets too high [ dp => q{timing: (([0-9.]*)% CPU, ([0-9.]*)% lost, offset avg ([0-9.]*)ms, max ([0-9.]*)ms, sdev ([0-9.]*)ms)} => sub { my ($all, $cpu, $lost, $avg, $max, $sdev) = @_; return 0 # don't complain when just on the voting screen if !$store{playing}; return 0 # don't complain if it was less than 0.5% if $lost < 0.5; return 0 # don't complain if nobody is looking if $store{slots_active} == 0; return 0 # don't complain in the first two minutes if time() - $store{map_starttime} < 120; return 0 # don't complain if it was already at least half as bad in this round if $store{map_starttime} == $store{timingerror_map_starttime} and $lost <= 2 * $store{timingerror_lost}; $store{timingerror_map_starttime} = $store{map_starttime}; $store{timingerror_lost} = $lost; out dp => 0, 'rcon2irc_say_as server "There are currently some severe system load problems. The admins have been notified."'; out irc => 1, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\001ACTION has big trouble on $store{map} after @{[int(time() - $store{map_starttime})]}s: $all\001"; #out irc => 1, "PRIVMSG OpBaI :\001ACTION has big trouble on $store{map} after @{[int(time() - $store{map_starttime})]}s: $all\001"; return 0; } ], ); # Load plugins and add them to the handler list in the front. for my $p(split ' ', $config{plugins}) { my @h = eval { do $p; } or die "Invalid plugin $p: $@"; for(reverse @h) { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' or die "Invalid plugin $p: did not return a list of arrays"; @$_ == 3 or die "Invalid plugin $p: did not return a list of three-element arrays"; !ref $_->[0] && !ref $_->[1] && ref $_->[2] eq 'CODE' or die "Invalid plugin $p: did not return a list of string-string-sub arrays"; unshift @handlers, $_; } } # verify that the server is up by letting it echo back a string that causes # re-initialization of the required aliases out dp => 0, 'echo "Unknown command \"rcon2irc_eval\""'; # assume the server has been restarted # regularily, query the server status and if it still is connected to us using # the log_dest_udp feature. If not, we will detect the response to this rcon # command and re-initialize the server's connection to us (either by log_dest_udp # not containing our own IP:port, or by rcon2irc_eval not being a defined command). schedule sub { my ($timer) = @_; out dp => 0, 'sv_cmd bans', 'status 1', 'log_dest_udp', 'rcon2irc_eval set dummy 1'; $store{status_waiting} = -1; schedule $timer => (exists $store{dp_hostname} ? $config{dp_status_delay} : 1);; } => 1; # Continue with connecting to IRC as soon as we get our first status reply from # the DP server (which contains the server's hostname that we'll use as # realname for IRC). schedule sub { my ($timer) = @_; # log on to IRC when needed if(exists $store{dp_hostname} && !exists $store{irc_logged_in}) { $store{irc_nick_requested} = $config{irc_nick}; out irc => 1, "NICK $config{irc_nick}", "USER $config{irc_user} localhost localhost :$store{dp_hostname}"; $store{irc_logged_in} = 1; undef $store{irc_maxlen}; undef $store{irc_pingtime}; } schedule $timer => 1;; } => 1; # Regularily ping the IRC server to detect if the connection is down. If it is, # schedule an IRC error that will cause reconnection later. schedule sub { my ($timer) = @_; if($store{irc_logged_in}) { if(defined $store{irc_pingtime}) { # IRC connection apparently broke # so... KILL IT WITH FIRE $channels{system}->send("error irc", 0); } else { # everything is fine, send a new ping $store{irc_pingtime} = time(); out irc => 1, "PING $store{irc_pingtime}"; } } schedule $timer => $config{irc_ping_delay};; } => 1; # Main loop. for(;;) { # Build up an IO::Select object for all our channels. my $s = IO::Select->new(); for my $chan(values %channels) { $s->add($_) for $chan->fds(); } # wait for something to happen on our sockets, or wait 2 seconds without anything happening there $s->can_read(2); my @errors = $s->has_exception(0); # on every channel, look for incoming messages CHANNEL: for my $chanstr(keys %channels) { my $chan = $channels{$chanstr}; my @chanfds = $chan->fds(); for my $chanfd(@chanfds) { if(grep { $_ == $chanfd } @errors) { # STOP! This channel errored! $channels{system}->send("error $chanstr", 0); next CHANNEL; } } eval { for my $line($chan->recv()) { # found one! Check if it matches the regular expression of one of # our handlers... my $handled = 0; my $private = 0; for my $h(@handlers) { my ($chanstr_wanted, $re, $sub) = @$h; next if $chanstr_wanted ne $chanstr; use re 'eval'; my @matches = ($line =~ /^$re$/s); no re 'eval'; next unless @matches; # and if it is a match, handle it. ++$handled; my $result = $sub->(@matches); $private = 1 if $result < 0; last if $result; } # print the message, together with info on whether it has been handled or not if($private) { print " $chanstr >> (private)\n"; } elsif($handled) { print " $chanstr >> $line\n"; } else { print "unhandled: $chanstr >> $line\n"; } } 1; } or do { if($@ eq "read error\n") { $channels{system}->send("error $chanstr", 0); next CHANNEL; } else { # re-throw die $@; } }; } # handle scheduled tasks... my @t = @tasks; my $t = time(); # by emptying the list of tasks... @tasks = (); for(@t) { my ($time, $sub) = @$_; if($t >= $time) { # calling them if they are schedled for the "past"... $sub->($sub); } else { # or re-adding them to the task list if they still are scheduled for the "future" push @tasks, [$time, $sub]; } } }