APC: Inherits: ^Tank Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor Valued: Cost: 800 Tooltip: Name: Amphibious APC UpdatesPlayerStatistics: AddToArmyValue: true Buildable: Queue: Vehicle BuildPaletteOrder: 80 Prerequisites: ~gaweap, gapile, ~techlevel.medium Description: Armored infantry transport.\nCan move on water.\n Unarmed Mobile: TurnSpeed: 5 Speed: 113 PauseOnCondition: empdisable || loading || being-captured || carried Locomotor: amphibious Health: HP: 20000 Armor: Type: Heavy RevealsShroud: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel Range: 5c0 MaxHeightDelta: 3 Cargo: Types: Infantry MaxWeight: 5 PipCount: 5 UnloadVoice: Unload LoadingCondition: loading EjectOnDeath: true GrantConditionOnTerrain: Condition: inwater TerrainTypes: Water WithVoxelBody: RequiresCondition: !inwater WithVoxelBody@water: Sequence: water RequiresCondition: inwater LeavesTrails: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel && inwater Image: wake Palette: effect TerrainTypes: Water StationaryInterval: 18 MovingInterval: 6 HVR: Inherits: ^Vehicle Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetAllAssaultMove Valued: Cost: 900 Tooltip: Name: Hover MLRS UpdatesPlayerStatistics: AddToArmyValue: true Buildable: Queue: Vehicle BuildPaletteOrder: 80 Prerequisites: ~gaweap, garadr, ~techlevel.high Description: Hovering vehicle armed with\nlong range missiles.\n Strong vs Vehicles, Aircraft\n Weak vs Infantry Mobile: Speed: 99 Locomotor: hover Selectable: Bounds: 40,24,0,-10 Health: HP: 23000 Armor: Type: Wood RevealsShroud: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel Range: 7c0 MaxHeightDelta: 3 Armament: Weapon: HoverMissile LocalOffset: 0,242,543, 0,-242,543 Turreted: TurnSpeed: 7 Offset: -128,0,85 AttackTurreted: Voice: Attack PauseOnCondition: empdisable WithVoxelTurret: Hovers: RequiresCondition: !empdisable BobDistance: -64 InitialHeight: 384 Carryable: CarriedCondition: carried LeavesTrails: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel && !carried Image: wake Palette: effect TerrainTypes: Water TrailWhileStationary: True StationaryInterval: 18 MovingInterval: 6 -DamagedByTerrain@VEINS: -LeavesTrails@VEINS: SMECH: Inherits: ^Vehicle Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove Valued: Cost: 500 Tooltip: Name: Wolverine UpdatesPlayerStatistics: AddToArmyValue: true Buildable: Queue: Vehicle BuildPaletteOrder: 20 Prerequisites: ~gaweap, ~techlevel.low Description: Anti-personnel walker.\n Strong vs Infantry, Light armor\n Weak vs Vehicles, Aircraft Mobile: TurnSpeed: 5 Speed: 99 Health: HP: 17500 Armor: Type: Light RevealsShroud: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel Range: 6c0 MaxHeightDelta: 3 AttackFrontal: Voice: Attack PauseOnCondition: empdisable Armament: Weapon: AssaultCannon Voiced: VoiceSet: Mech QuantizeFacingsFromSequence: Sequence: stand WithFacingSpriteBody: Sequence: stand WithAttackAnimation: Sequence: shoot WithMoveAnimation: MoveSequence: walk ValidMovementTypes: Horizontal, Turn Selectable: Bounds: 20, 32, 0, -8 -DamagedByTerrain@VEINS: -LeavesTrails@VEINS: MMCH: Inherits: ^Tank Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove Valued: Cost: 800 Tooltip: Name: Titan UpdatesPlayerStatistics: AddToArmyValue: true Buildable: Queue: Vehicle BuildPaletteOrder: 50 Prerequisites: ~gaweap, ~techlevel.medium Description: General purpose mechanized walker.\n Strong vs Vehicles\n Weak vs Infantry, Aircraft Mobile: TurnSpeed: 5 Speed: 56 Health: HP: 40000 Armor: Type: Heavy RevealsShroud: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel Range: 8c0 MaxHeightDelta: 3 BodyOrientation: QuantizedFacings: 32 UseClassicPerspectiveFudge: False WithFacingSpriteBody: Sequence: stand WithMoveAnimation: MoveSequence: walk ValidMovementTypes: Horizontal, Turn Turreted: TurnSpeed: 5 AttackTurreted: Voice: Attack PauseOnCondition: empdisable WithSpriteTurret: Recoils: false Armament: Weapon: 120mm MuzzleSequence: muzzle MuzzlePalette: effect-ignore-lighting Recoil: 128 RecoilRecovery: 32 LocalOffset: 1024,272,1216 DetectCloaked: Range: 1c768 RequiresCondition: rank-elite RenderDetectionCircle: WithMuzzleOverlay: RenderVoxels: WithVoxelBarrel: LocalOffset: 0,51,256 Selectable: Bounds: 30, 42, 0, -8 Carryable: LocalOffset: 0,0,577 HMEC: Inherits: ^Tank Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetAllAssaultMove Valued: Cost: 3000 Tooltip: Name: Mammoth Mk. II UpdatesPlayerStatistics: AddToArmyValue: true Buildable: Queue: Vehicle BuildPaletteOrder: 140 Prerequisites: ~gaweap, gatech, ~techlevel.high BuildLimit: 1 Description: Slow heavy walker.\nArmed with dual railguns and rocket launchers.\n Strong vs Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft and Buildings\n Weak vs Nothing\nMaximum 1 can be built. Mobile: TurnSpeed: 3 Speed: 42 Health: HP: 80000 SelfHealing: Step: 500 Armor: Type: Heavy RevealsShroud: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel Range: 8c0 MaxHeightDelta: 3 AttackFrontal: Voice: Attack PauseOnCondition: empdisable Armament@MISSILES: Weapon: MammothTusk LocalOffset: -243,-368,1208, -243,368,1208 Armament@RAILGUN: Weapon: MechRailgun LocalOffset: 368,-311,1030, 368,311,1030 -WithVoxelBody: WithVoxelWalkerBody: TickRate: 1 Selectable: Bounds: 40, 40, 0, -8 Carryable: LocalOffset: 0,0,509 SONIC: Inherits: ^Tank Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove Valued: Cost: 1300 Tooltip: Name: Disruptor UpdatesPlayerStatistics: AddToArmyValue: true Buildable: Queue: Vehicle BuildPaletteOrder: 120 Prerequisites: ~gaweap, gatech, ~techlevel.high Description: Armored high-tech vehicle with\nlong range and sonic armament.\n Strong vs Infantry, Vehicles, Buildings\n Weak vs Aircraft Targetable: TargetTypes: Ground, Vehicle, Disruptor Mobile: TurnSpeed: 4 Speed: 56 Health: HP: 50000 Armor: Type: Heavy RevealsShroud: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel Range: 7c0 MaxHeightDelta: 3 Armament: Weapon: SonicZap LocalOffset: -71,0,580 AttackTurreted: Voice: Attack PauseOnCondition: empdisable OpportunityFire: False Turreted: TurnSpeed: 5 Offset: -170,0,0 WithVoxelTurret: Explodes: RequiresCondition: !rank-elite Explodes@ELITE: RequiresCondition: rank-elite Weapon: UnitExplode JUGG: Inherits: ^Tank Inherits@SPRITES: ^SpriteActor Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove Valued: Cost: 950 Tooltip: Name: Juggernaut RequiresCondition: !deployed Tooltip@DEPLOYED: Name: Juggernaut (deployed) RequiresCondition: deployed UpdatesPlayerStatistics: AddToArmyValue: true Buildable: Queue: Vehicle BuildPaletteOrder: 100 Prerequisites: ~gaweap, garadr, ~techlevel.high Description: Mobile Artillery Mech.\nNeeds to deploy in order to shoot.\n Strong vs Ground units\n Weak vs Aircraft Health: HP: 35000 Armor: Type: Light Mobile: Speed: 71 TurnSpeed: 5 ImmovableCondition: !undeployed RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed RevealsShroud: RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel Range: 9c0 MaxHeightDelta: 3 RenderVoxels: LightAmbientColor: 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 RenderSprites: Image: jugg WithMakeAnimation: BodyNames: body, deployedbody WithFacingSpriteBody: Sequence: stand RequiresCondition: undeployed WithMoveAnimation: MoveSequence: walk ValidMovementTypes: Horizontal, Turn GrantConditionOnDeploy: PauseOnCondition: empdisable || being-captured DeployedCondition: deployed UndeployedCondition: undeployed UndeployOnMove: true UndeployOnPickup: true Facing: 96 AllowedTerrainTypes: Clear, Road, DirtRoad, Rough DeploySounds: place2.aud UndeploySounds: clicky1.aud Voice: Move EntersTunnels: RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed Repairable: RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed Passenger: RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed GrantCondition@PREVIEWWORKAROUND: Condition: real-actor QuantizeFacingsFromSequence: Sequence: turret WithSpriteBody@deployed: RequiresCondition: !undeployed && real-actor Name: deployedbody Turreted: Turret: deployed TurnSpeed: 5 InitialFacing: 96 Offset: -153,-17,633 RealignDelay: -1 WithVoxelBarrel: Armament: deployed LocalOffset: 512,0,362 LocalOrientation: 0, 128, 0 RequiresCondition: deployed WithSpriteTurret@deployed: Turret: deployed RequiresCondition: deployed Recoils: false AttackTurreted@deployed: Voice: Attack Armaments: deployed Turrets: deployed RequiresCondition: deployed PauseOnCondition: empdisable TargetFrozenActors: True ForceFireIgnoresActors: True OutsideRangeRequiresForceFire: True Armament@deployed: Name: deployed Turret: deployed Weapon: Jugg90mm LocalOffset: 820,203,1386, 820,0,1386, 820,-203,1386 RequiresCondition: deployed MuzzleSequence: muzzle MuzzlePalette: effect-ignore-lighting WithMuzzleOverlay: RevealOnFire: ArmamentNames: deployed SelectionDecorations: Selectable: DecorationBounds: 48,40,0,-8