# CVS $Revision: $ $Author: $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 # Ability Name Unique Key Category of Ability Type Description Ability Source Page Aspects Amateur Swashbuckler KEY:Combat Trick ~ Amateur Swashbuckler CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:Choose a second 1st-level swashbuckler deed. You can spend panacheACG to use this deed, or you can spend 5 stamina points to use either of your deeds in place of panache. If you gain levels in a class that grants the panache class feature, you retain the ability to spend 5 stamina points in place of panache when using any of your 1st-level deeds, and this becomes a combat trick of the Extra PanacheACG feat (even though that feat is not a combat feat). SOURCEPAGE:113 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Anticipate Dodge KEY:Combat Trick ~ Anticipate Dodge CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 1 stamina point to increase the maximum bonus from Anticipate Dodge by 2 (this is still limited by the creature's dodge bonus, however). SOURCEPAGE:113 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Barroom Brawler KEY:Combat Trick ~ Barroom Brawler CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat as a swift action instead of a move action. If you have the martial f lexibility class feature, you can spend 5 stamina points to use that class feature as a swift action instead of a move action, or as a free action instead of a swift action. SOURCEPAGE:114 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Battle Cry KEY:Combat Trick ~ Battle Cry CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points when an ally under your battle cry's effect decides to reroll a saving throw against a fear effect and end the feat's effect. When you do, that ally continues to be affected by the Battle Cry after she rerolls the saving throw. SOURCEPAGE:114 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Befuddling Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Befuddling Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using Befuddling Strike after you've hit with an unarmed strike attack roll. SOURCEPAGE:114 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Blooded Arcane Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Blooded Arcane Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you imbue your weapon with Arcane Strike, you can spend 5 stamina points to increase its damage by 1 for the duration of the Arcane Strike effect. SOURCEPAGE:114 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Canny Tumble KEY:Combat Trick ~ Canny Tumble CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:Just before you make an attack roll with the +2 circumstance bonus granted by this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. When you do, if your attack hits, you gain a bonus on the damage roll equal to double the number of stamina points spent. SOURCEPAGE:115 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Channeling Force KEY:Combat Trick ~ Channeling Force CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you hit with an attack while using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to not have that attack count as one of the three attacks you can make with the force-imbued weapon. SOURCEPAGE:115 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Coordinated Shot KEY:Combat Trick ~ Coordinated Shot CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When making an attack roll, you can spend 2 stamina points to ignore any cover provided by an ally who also has this feat. SOURCEPAGE:116 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Counter Ref lexes KEY:Combat Trick ~ Counter Ref lexes CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When an opponent with the Mobility feat moves out of or within your threatened area, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain a +4 bonus on your attack of opportunity. SOURCEPAGE:116 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Counterpunch KEY:Combat Trick ~ Counterpunch CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to use this feat a second time during the same round. SOURCEPAGE:116 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Dazing Fist KEY:Combat Trick ~ Dazing Fist CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using Dazing Fist after you've hit with an unarmed strike attack. SOURCEPAGE:116 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Disheartening Display KEY:Combat Trick ~ Disheartening Display CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you affect a creature with this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain the ability to affect that creature with this feat a second time during the same 24-hour period. SOURCEPAGE:118 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Distracting Charge KEY:Combat Trick ~ Distracting Charge CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 1 stamina point when an ally with this feat charges but misses with the charge attack. When you do, you can still gain the benefit of this feat when you charge. SOURCEPAGE:118 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Draining Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Draining Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using Draining Strike after you've hit with an unarmed strike attack. SOURCEPAGE:118 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Dueling Cape KEY:Combat Trick ~ Dueling Cape CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you use this feat to entangle a foe, you can spend 5 stamina points in place of spending 1 panache point. SOURCEPAGE:118 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Extreme Prejudice KEY:Combat Trick ~ Extreme Prejudice CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you succeed at a sneak attack against a creature that is not the target of your Seething HatredACG feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to treat the creature as if it were the target of your Seething Hatred for that attack. SOURCEPAGE:119 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Faerie's Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Faerie's Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ CATEGORY:Special Ability CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent. False Opening DESC:When you use this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who misses you with the provoked attack (after it loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against you). SOURCEPAGE:119 SOURCEPAGE:119 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG ASPECT:SourceBook|UC Grabbing Drag KEY:Combat Trick ~ Grabbing Drag CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:After using the move grapple action and moving your full speed, you can spend 5 stamina points to move your full speed again (instead of half your speed) without the need to attempt another grapple check. SOURCEPAGE:120 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Grabbing Master KEY:Combat Trick ~ Grabbing Master CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you are grappling only one opponent while using Grabbing StyleACG, you can spend 5 stamina points to continue to threaten the area within your reach with your free hand until the beginning of your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:120 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Grabbing Style KEY:Combat Trick ~ Grabbing Style CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you make a grapple attempt with two hands while using this style, you can spend 1 stamina point to gain a +2 bonus on the grapple combat maneuver check. SOURCEPAGE:120 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Grasping Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Grasping Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent. SOURCEPAGE:120 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Greater Weapon of the Chosen KEY:Combat Trick ~ Greater Weapon of the Chosen CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When making an attack as part of a full attack with the weapon designated by your Weapon of the ChosenACG feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to gain the benefits of this feat on that attack. SOURCEPAGE:122 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Gruesome Slaughter KEY:Combat Trick ~ Gruesome Slaughter CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent. SOURCEPAGE:122 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Improved Awesome Blow KEY:Combat Trick ~ Improved Awesome Blow CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When a creature attempts an awesome blow combat maneuver against you, you can spend up to 3 stamina points to increase your Combat Maneuver Defense against that combat maneuver by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Awesome Blow. SOURCEPAGE:122 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Improved Swap Places KEY:Combat Trick ~ Improved Swap Places CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you attempt a bull rush when using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain the ability to move the target of that combat maneuver more than 5 feet if necessary to create space for your ally (you must still roll high enough on the bull rush attempt to move the target an extra distance, as normal). SOURCEPAGE:124 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Improved Weapon of the Chosen KEY:Combat Trick ~ Improved Weapon of the Chosen CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When using this feat, at the end of its normal duration you can spend 2 stamina points to extend the duration until the end of your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:124 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Intercept Charge KEY:Combat Trick ~ Intercept Charge CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to not have your movement count toward your movement on your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:124 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Jabbing Dancer KEY:Combat Trick ~ Jabbing Dancer CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:After you use Jabbing StyleACG to move 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity, if you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, you can still take a 5-foot step on your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:124 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Jabbing Master KEY:Combat Trick ~ Jabbing Master CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you threaten a critical hit with an unarmed strike while using Jabbing StyleACG, you can spend 5 stamina points to double your extra damage from Jabbing Master against that target. You can use this ability only once per target per round. SOURCEPAGE:124 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Jabbing Style KEY:Combat Trick ~ Jabbing Style CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you gain the extra damage from this style after hitting a single target with two or more unarmed strikes, you can spend 2 stamina points to increase the extra unarmed strike damage by 1d6 points. SOURCEPAGE:124 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Kick Up KEY:Combat Trick ~ Kick Up CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 2 stamina points to kick up an unattended object in an adjacent space occupied by an enemy. SOURCEPAGE:125 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Killing Flourish KEY:Combat Trick ~ Killing Flourish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you conf irm a critical hit, you can spend 5 stamina points and take a swift action to attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your attack. SOURCEPAGE:125 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Merciless Butchery KEY:Combat Trick ~ Merciless Butchery CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 10 stamina points when you use this feat to increase your weapon's critical multiplier by 1 (x2 becomes x3, and x3 becomes x4) for your coup de grace. SOURCEPAGE:127 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Paralyzing Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Paralyzing Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using this feat after you've hit with an unarmed strike roll. SOURCEPAGE:128 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Pummeling Bully KEY:Combat Trick ~ Pummeling Bully CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you hit with a Pummeling StyleACG attack, you can spend 2 stamina points to make a bull rush attempt as a free action instead of a reposition attempt. SOURCEPAGE:129 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Pummeling Charge KEY:Combat Trick ~ Pummeling Charge CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you make a Pummeling Charge attack, you can spend 5 stamina points to make a single extra attack at your highest bonus. SOURCEPAGE:129 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Pummeling Style KEY:Combat Trick ~ Pummeling Style CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:While using this style, you can spend 5 stamina points to pool all of your attacks as a standard action, instead of a full-round action. SOURCEPAGE:129 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Riving Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Riving Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you use this feat, you can spend up to 3 stamina points to increase the duration of the effect by 1 round for each stamina point spent. SOURCEPAGE:130 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Seething Hatred KEY:Combat Trick ~ Seething Hatred CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to change your favored enemy type to any other favored enemy on the Ranger Favored Enemies table (Core Rulebook 64). This change lasts until the start of your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:131 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Seize Advantage KEY:Combat Trick ~ Seize Advantage CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you make a riposte using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the damage of the riposte by double the number of stamina points you spent. SOURCEPAGE:131 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Silent Kill KEY:Combat Trick ~ Silent Kill CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you use this feat, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Dexterity bonus and gain a bonus on the Stealth check equal to the number of stamina points you spent. SOURCEPAGE:131 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Slashing Grace KEY:Combat Trick ~ Slashing Grace CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 2 stamina points to select another light or one-handed slashing weapon. That weapon counts as a chosen weapon for Slashing Grace until the start of your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:131 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Slayer's Feint KEY:Combat Trick ~ Slayer's Feint CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When attempting a feint using Acrobatics, you can spend a number of stamina points up to your Dexterity bonus. If you do, you gain a bonus on that feint attempt equal to the number of stamina points you spent. SOURCEPAGE:132 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Staggering Fist KEY:Combat Trick ~ Staggering Fist CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:You can spend 5 stamina points to declare that you are using this feat after you've hit with an unarmed strike. SOURCEPAGE:132 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Twinned Feint KEY:Combat Trick ~ Twinned Feint CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:After succeeding at the first feint while using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to attempt a second feint against any foe within your reach, even if it's not adjacent to the first foe. SOURCEPAGE:134 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Undersized Mount KEY:Combat Trick ~ Undersized Mount CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:While you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool, the DCs of your Ride checks to leap with a mount of your size, and to perform a fast mount or dismount with such a mount, decrease by 5. SOURCEPAGE:135 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Weapon of the Chosen KEY:Combat Trick ~ Weapon of the Chosen CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When using this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to designate a weapon other than your deity's favored weapon. You gain this feat's benefits with that weapon until the start of your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:135 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Winter's Strike KEY:Combat Trick ~ Winter's Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When using this feat, you can spend up to 5 stamina points to increase the DC of the effect by an amount equal to the number of stamina points you spent. SOURCEPAGE:135 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG Wounded Paw Gambit KEY:Combat Trick ~ Wounded Paw Gambit CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Combat Trick DESC:When you make a ranged attack granted by this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to make that ranged attack as an attack of opportunity instead of as an immediate action. You can still use this feat to make an extra attack only once per round. SOURCEPAGE:135 ASPECT:SourceBook|ACG CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Amateur Swashbuckler|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Swashbuckler CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Anticipate Dodge|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Anticipate Dodge CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Barroom Brawler|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Barroom Brawler CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Battle Cry|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Battle Cry CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Befuddling Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Befuddling Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Blooded Arcane Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Blooded Arcane Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Canny Tumble|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Canny Tumble CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Channeling Force|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Channeling Force CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Coordinated Shot|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Coordinated Shot CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Counter Ref lexes|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Counter Ref lexes CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Counterpunch|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Counterpunch CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Dazing Fist|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dazing Fist CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Disheartening Display|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Disheartening Display CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Distracting Charge|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Distracting Charge CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Draining Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Draining Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Dueling Cape|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dueling Cape CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Extreme Prejudice|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Extreme Prejudice CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Faerie's Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Faerie's Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Grabbing Drag|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Grabbing Drag CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Grabbing Master|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Grabbing Master CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Grabbing Style|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Grabbing Style CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Grasping Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Grasping Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Greater Weapon of the Chosen|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Greater Weapon of the Chosen CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Gruesome Slaughter|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Gruesome Slaughter CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Improved Awesome Blow|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Awesome Blow CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Improved Swap Places|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Swap Places CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Improved Weapon of the Chosen|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Weapon of the Chosen CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Intercept Charge|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Intercept Charge CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Jabbing Dancer|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Jabbing Dancer CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Jabbing Master|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Jabbing Master CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Jabbing Style|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Jabbing Style CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Kick Up|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Kick Up CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Killing Flourish|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Killing Flourish CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Merciless Butchery|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Merciless Butchery CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Paralyzing Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Paralyzing Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Pummeling Bully|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Pummeling Bully CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Pummeling Charge|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Pummeling Charge CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Pummeling Style|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Pummeling Style CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Riving Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Riving Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Seething Hatred|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Seething Hatred CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Seize Advantage|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Seize Advantage CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Silent Kill|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Silent Kill CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Slashing Grace|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Slashing Grace CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Slayer's Feint|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Slayer's Feint CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Staggering Fist|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Staggering Fist CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Twinned Feint|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Twinned Feint CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Undersized Mount|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Undersized Mount CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Weapon of the Chosen|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon of the Chosen CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Winter's Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Winter's Strike CATEGORY=Internal|Combat Trick Tracker.MOD ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Combat Trick ~ Wounded Paw Gambit|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Wounded Paw Gambit