{ "ABOVE_AVERAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Bovengemiddeld" }, "ACTIVE": { "description": "", "message": "Actief" }, "ADD_JUMP": { "description": "UI-button: Add hyper jump to list of planned jumps", "message": "Sprong toevoegen" }, "AFTER_TRADE_IN": { "description": "", "message": "Na inruilen" }, "ALLEGIANCE": { "description": "", "message": "Trouw aan:" }, "ALL_UP_WEIGHT": { "description": "", "message": "Totaal gewicht" }, "AMOUNT": { "description": "", "message": "Bedrag" }, "ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Hierbij wordt de texture over meerder MIP-levels gesampeld om een gedetailleerdere texture vanuit kleine kijkhoeken te krijgen. Voorkomt vertroebeling van de textures maar kost behoorlijk veel performance." }, "AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED": { "description": "", "message": "Er is een fout opgetreden" }, "ARRIVAL_DATE": { "description": "Time of arrival, used in flight log", "message": "Arrival date" }, "ATMOSPHERIC_SHIELDING": { "description": "Used in ShipInfo view, followed by a yes/no depending on if the ship can carry atmospheric shields", "message": "Atmosfeerschilden" }, "ATMO_PRESS_LIMIT": { "description": "Base external pressure limit of a ship (without atmo shield)", "message": "Atmo. pressure limit" }, "ATTEMPT_TO_REPAIR_HULL": { "description": "", "message": "Romp repareren" }, "AUTO_ROUTE": { "description": "Automatically find shortest jump route (measured in time) in star map", "message": "Zoek route" }, "AVAILABLE_FOR_PURCHASE": { "description": "", "message": "Te koop" }, "AVERAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Gemiddeld" }, "BACKWARD_ACCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Achterwaardse versnelling" }, "BULLETIN_BOARD": { "description": "", "message": "Prikbord" }, "BUY": { "description": "Commodities and equipment prices", "message": "Koop" }, "BUY_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Koop schip" }, "CABINS": { "description": "For passengers", "message": "Hutten" }, "CABIN_FREE": { "description": "Free capacity for passengers", "message": "{amount} vrij" }, "CABIN_USED": { "description": "Passengers using cabins", "message": "{amount} gebruikt" }, "CANCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Afbreken" }, "CANNOT_SELL_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "This item cannot be sold" }, "CAPACITY": { "description": "Capacity of ship to fit more equipment", "message": "Capaciteit" }, "CAPACITY_USED": { "description": "", "message": "Capaciteit benut" }, "CARGO": { "description": "", "message": "Lading" }, "CARGO_SPACE": { "description": "", "message": "Laadruim" }, "CARGO_SPACE_USED": { "description": "", "message": "Laadruimte gebruikt" }, "CARGO_T_FREE": { "description": "t for tonne", "message": "{amount}t vrij" }, "CARGO_T_USED": { "description": "t for tonne", "message": "{amount}t verbruikt" }, "CASH": { "description": "", "message": "Balans" }, "CASH_N": { "description": "", "message": "Balans: {money}" }, "CENTER_ON_SYSTEM": { "description": "Center on selected star system", "message": "Centreer op Stelsel" }, "CHANGE": { "description": "Face feature option", "message": "Change:" }, "CHANGE_BINDING": { "description": "Key binding option", "message": "Verander toetsinstelling" }, "CHIEF_MECHANIC": { "description": "", "message": "Hoofdwerktuigbouwkundige" }, "CIRCULAR_ORBIT_SPEED": { "description": "", "message": "Snelheid cirkelvormige omloopbaan" }, "CITY_DETAIL_LEVEL": { "description": "Game graphics option", "message": "Detailniveau stad" }, "CLEAN": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Geen strafblad" }, "CLEAR": { "description": "Clear an option in game settings/options menu", "message": "Helder" }, "CLEAR_ROUTE": { "description": "Clear a planned route of hyperjumps", "message": "Wis route" }, "CLIENT": { "description": "", "message": "Klant" }, "CLOSE": { "description": "", "message": "Sluiten" }, "COMBAT": { "description": "Headline for kills and combat rating", "message": "Gevecht" }, "COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Commandant" }, "COMMODITY_MARKET": { "description": "", "message": "Goederenmarkt" }, "COMMODITY_TRADE_ANALYSIS": { "description": "", "message": "Commodity trade analysis of:" }, "COMPACT_RADAR": { "description": "Game settings option", "message": "Compacte radar" }, "COMPETENT": { "description": "Combat rating", "message": "Competent" }, "COMPLETED": { "description": "", "message": "Afgemaakt" }, "COMPRESS_TEXTURES": { "description": "graphics option in game settings menu ", "message": "Comprimeer Textures" }, "CONFIRM_PURCHASE": { "description": "", "message": "Bevestig aankoop" }, "CONFIRM_SALE": { "description": "", "message": "Bevestig verkoop" }, "CONSTABLE": { "description": "", "message": "Veldwachter" }, "CONTINUE_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Verder spelen" }, "CONTRACT_FRAUD": { "description": "Crime committed by intentionally breaking a contract", "message": "Contract fraud" }, "CONTROLS": { "description": "", "message": "Besturing" }, "CONTROL_OPTIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Besturing" }, "COULD_NOT_LOAD_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Kon spel niet laden:" }, "CREDIBLE": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Credible" }, "CREDITS": { "description": "in game currency", "message": "Credits" }, "CREW_CABINS": { "description": "", "message": "Bemanningshutten" }, "CREW_ROSTER": { "description": "", "message": "Bemanning" }, "CRIMINAL": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Criminal" }, "CRIMINAL_RECORD": { "description": "Past crimes / crime history of character", "message": "Strafblad" }, "CURRENT_FUEL": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "Huidige brandstof:" }, "CURRENT_SYSTEM": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "Huidig systeem" }, "DANGEROUS": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Gevaarlijk" }, "DATE": { "description": "Date of an event, used in flight log", "message": "Date" }, "DEADLY": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Dodelijk" }, "DECREASE": { "description": "Decrease something.", "message": "Decrease" }, "DELTA_V": { "description": "", "message": "Delta-v" }, "DELTA_V_EMPTY": { "description": "Delta-v capacity of a ship with no cargo or upgrades", "message": "Delta-v (empty)" }, "DELTA_V_FULL": { "description": "Delta-v capacity of a ship with maximum cargo", "message": "Delta-v (full)" }, "DELTA_V_MAX": { "description": "Delta-v capacity of a ship with cargo bay fully loaded with propellant", "message": "Delta-v (max)" }, "DEPARTURE_DATE": { "description": "Time of departure, used in flight log", "message": "Departure date" }, "DESCENT_TO_GROUND_SPEED": { "description": "", "message": "Daal-naar-oppervlaksnelheid:" }, "DESTROY_ENEMY_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Vernietig vijandelijk schip" }, "DETAIL_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Lager vergoot performance maar kost ziet er minder goed uit" }, "DISABLE_SCREENSHOT_INFO": { "description": "", "message": "Disable Screenshot Info" }, "DISABLE_SCREENSHOT_INFO_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Hide all displayed info, including system coordinates, when in screenshot mode (toggle HUD mode)." }, "DISMISS": { "description": "Terminate crew memeber's contract", "message": "Ontsla" }, "DISPLAY_HUD_TRAILS": { "description": "", "message": "Display HUD trails" }, "DISPLAY_HUD_TRAILS_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Toont het traject van schepen op de HUD" }, "DISPLAY_NAV_TUNNELS": { "description": "Settings option: hyperspace tunnel effect", "message": "Toon nav-tunnels" }, "DISPLAY_NAV_TUNNELS_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Toont een virtuele tunnel naar het gekozen reisdoel op de HUD" }, "DISPLAY_SPEED_LINES": { "description": "Settings option: effect when travelling in space", "message": "Toon snelheidslijnen" }, "DISPLAY_SPEED_LINES_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Helpt met richtingsgevoel bij bewegen in de ruimte" }, "DOCKED_AT": { "description": "", "message": "Afgemeerd op" }, "DOCK_AT_CURRENT_TARGET": { "description": "", "message": "Meer aan bij huidig doel" }, "DRIVE_ACTIVE": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Drive active" }, "DUE": { "description": "mission deadline date", "message": "Uiterlijk" }, "DUMPING": { "description": "The illegal act of dumping waste", "message": "Dumping" }, "D_DAYS_LEFT": { "description": "", "message": "Dagen over: %d" }, "ECONOMY_TRADE": { "description": "", "message": "Economie & Handel" }, "EDIT": { "description": "Tooltip, to edit a flight log entry", "message": "Edit" }, "EFFECTS": { "description": "", "message": "Effecten:" }, "ELITE": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "ELITE" }, "EMPLOYMENT": { "description": "", "message": "Employment" }, "ENABLE_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING": { "description": "Use Anisotropic Filtering", "message": "Anisotropische Filtering" }, "ENABLE_AUTOSAVE": { "description": "Allow the game to autosave when docking", "message": "Zet Automatisch opslaan aan" }, "ENABLE_AUTOSAVE_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "spelstaat opslaan bij het afmeren, kan wat lag veroorzaken door wachten op de disk" }, "ENABLE_COCKPIT": { "description": "Game settings option: to use a cockpit 3D model", "message": "Zet cockpit aan (EXPERIMENTAL)" }, "ENABLE_COCKPIT_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Toon een 3D-model van de cockpit (De dashboard is momenteel een placeholder)" }, "ENABLE_JOYSTICK": { "description": "", "message": "Gebruik joystick" }, "END_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Stop spel" }, "ENGINEERING": { "description": "Engineering skills of crew", "message": "Techniek:" }, "ENTRY": { "description": "A note/entry/record into the flight log", "message": "Entry" }, "EQUIPMENT": { "description": "", "message": "Uitrusting" }, "EQUIPMENT_MARKET": { "description": "", "message": "Uitrustingmarkt" }, "EQUIPPED": { "description": "", "message": "Uitgerust" }, "ERROR": { "description": "", "message": "Fout" }, "ERROR_LANDING_GEAR_DOWN": { "description": "", "message": "Kan hypersprong niet initiëren; landingsgestel is niet ingetrokken!" }, "ESCAPE_SPEED": { "description": "", "message": "Ontsnappingssnelheid:" }, "EXIT_THIS_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Stop dit spel" }, "EXPERIENCED": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Ervaren" }, "EXPERT": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Expert" }, "FAILED": { "description": "When failed mission", "message": "Gefaald" }, "FEATURE_ACCESSORIES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Accessories" }, "FEATURE_ARMOUR": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Armour" }, "FEATURE_CLOTHES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Clothes" }, "FEATURE_EYES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Eyes" }, "FEATURE_GENDER": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Gender" }, "FEATURE_HAIRSTYLE": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Hairstyle" }, "FEATURE_HEAD": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Head" }, "FEATURE_MOUTH": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Mouth" }, "FEATURE_NOSE": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Nose" }, "FEATURE_RACE": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Race" }, "FEATURE_SPECIES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Species" }, "FEMALE": { "description": "", "message": "Vrouwelijk" }, "FINAL_TARGET": { "description": "Hyperjump planner, referring to star system target", "message": "Laatste Doel:" }, "FINANCE": { "description": "Financial statement of player, e.g. cash", "message": "Finance" }, "FLIGHTLOG_DOCKING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name", "message": "Docking at {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_FLYING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is the name of a space body", "message": "Flying in space, relative {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_HYPERSPACE": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is the star system targeted for hyperspace jump.", "message": "In Hyperspace, enroute to {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_JUMPING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is the star system targeted for hyperspace jump.", "message": "Hyper jumping towards {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_LANDED": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position, 'primary_info' is the name of a space body, typically a planet, the other two variables are latitude and longitude as floating point number, e.g. 'Landed on Trantor, position (-43.23, 67.89)'", "message": "Landed on {primary_info}, position ({secondary_info}, {tertiary_info})" }, "FLIGHTLOG_STARPORT_ORBITAL": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name, 'secondary_info' is a space body (planet, moon/satelite, star) name", "message": "Docked at {primary_info}, in orbit around {secondary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_STARPORT_SURFACE": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name, 'secondary_info' is a space body (planet, moon/satelite, star) name", "message": "Docked at {primary_info}, on {secondary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_UNDOCKING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name", "message": "Undocking at {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHT_LOG": { "description": "Title for flight log screen, in info view", "message": "Flight Log" }, "FLIGHT_STATE": { "description": "", "message": "Vluchtstatus" }, "FLYING": { "description": "", "message": "Vliegende" }, "FORWARD_ACCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Voorwaardse versnelling" }, "FORWARD_ACCEL_EMPTY": { "description": "", "message": "Voorwaardse versnelling (leeg)" }, "FORWARD_ACCEL_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Voorwaardse versnelling (vol)" }, "FRACTAL_DETAIL": { "description": "", "message": "Fractaldetail" }, "FREE": { "description": "Used in Ship Information view as in Capacity: 10t (5t free)", "message": "vrij" }, "FRONT_WEAPON": { "description": "", "message": "Wapen voor" }, "FUEL": { "description": "", "message": "Brandstof" }, "FUEL_TANK_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Brandstoftank vol" }, "FUEL_WEIGHT": { "description": "", "message": "Brandstofgewicht" }, "FUGITIVE": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Fugitive" }, "FULL_SCREEN": { "description": "", "message": "Volledig scherm" }, "GAME_TIME": { "description": "", "message": "Speltijd" }, "GENERAL_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Algemene bemanning" }, "GIVE_ORDERS_TO_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Geef orders aan bemanning" }, "GOOD_RIDDANCE_TO_YOU_TOO": { "description": "", "message": "Ook fijn dat ik van jou af ben." }, "GO_BACK": { "description": "", "message": "Ga terug" }, "GPU_JOBS": { "description": "", "message": "GPU jobs" }, "GPU_JOBS_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Gebruik GPU voor een aantal acties, mogelijkerwijs de performance verhogend." }, "HANG_UP": { "description": "", "message": "Hang op." }, "HARMLESS": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Ongevaarlijk" }, "HEAVY_CARGO_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Grote vrachtshuttle" }, "HEAVY_COURIER": { "description": "", "message": "Groot koerierschip" }, "HEAVY_FIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Groot jachttoestel" }, "HEAVY_FREIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Groot vrachtship" }, "HEAVY_PASSENGER_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Zware passagiersshuttle" }, "HEAVY_PASSENGER_TRANSPORT": { "description": "", "message": "Groot passagiersschip" }, "HIGH": { "description": "Game settings option: for graphics resolution", "message": "Hoog" }, "HUD_2D_RADAR": { "description": "Popup text: the name of the azimuthal equidistant projection radar", "message": "2D azimutale equidistante projectie" }, "HUD_3D_RADAR": { "description": "Popup text: the name of the planar projection radar (traditional frontier-style)", "message": "3D vlakke projectie" }, "HUD_ATMOSPHERIC_PRESSURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Atmospheric Pressure.", "message": "Atmosfeerdruk" }, "HUD_BACKWARD_GUN_TEMPERATURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Backward Gun Temperature.", "message": "Temperatuur Achterwaards Wapen" }, "HUD_BRAKE_DISTANCE_MAIN_THRUSTERS": { "description": "Tooltip: The braking distance using the main thrusters.", "message": "De remafstand van de hoofd-thrusters" }, "HUD_BUTTON_AUTOPILOT_DOCKING": { "description": "Tooltip: Autopilot docking", "message": "Autopiloot aan het afmeren" }, "HUD_BUTTON_AUTOPILOT_ENTERING_ORBIT": { "description": "Tooltip: Autopilot entering orbit", "message": "Autopiloot gaat omloopbaan in" }, "HUD_BUTTON_AUTOPILOT_FLYING_TO_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Autopilot flying to target", "message": "Autopiloot vliegt naar doel" }, "HUD_BUTTON_BLASTOFF": { "description": "Tooltip: Blastoff", "message": "Lanceer" }, "HUD_BUTTON_EQUIPMENT": { "description": "Tooltip: Equipment", "message": "Uitrusting" }, "HUD_BUTTON_EXTERNAL_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: External camera view", "message": "Extern zicht" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_ANTINORMAL": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading antinormal", "message": "Fix antinormale richting " }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_NORMAL": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading normal", "message": "Fix normale richting " }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_PROGRADE": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading prograde", "message": "Fix prograde richting " }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_RADIAL_IN": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading radially inward", "message": "Fix radiaal inwaardse richting" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_RADIAL_OUT": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading radially outward", "message": "Fix radiaal uitwaardse richting" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading retrograde", "message": "Fix retrograde richting" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FLYBY_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Flyby camera view", "message": "Voorbijvlieg aanzicht" }, "HUD_BUTTON_HYPERDRIVE_DISABLED": { "description": "Tooltip: Hyperdrive disabled (docked or landed)", "message": "Hyper-aandrijving uitgeschakeld" }, "HUD_BUTTON_INITIATE_HYPERJUMP": { "description": "Tooltip: Initiate legal hyperjump", "message": "Start hypersprong" }, "HUD_BUTTON_INITIATE_ILLEGAL_HYPERJUMP": { "description": "Tooltip: Initiate illegal hyperjump", "message": "Start illegale hypersprong" }, "HUD_BUTTON_INTERNAL_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Internal camera view", "message": "Binnenste uitzicht" }, "HUD_BUTTON_KILL_ROTATION": { "description": "Tooltip: kill rotation", "message": "Stop draaiing" }, "HUD_BUTTON_LANDING_GEAR_IS_DOWN": { "description": "Tooltip: Landing gear is down", "message": "Landingsgestel is neer" }, "HUD_BUTTON_LANDING_GEAR_IS_MOVING": { "description": "Tooltip: Landing gear is moving", "message": "Landingsgestel beweegt" }, "HUD_BUTTON_LANDING_GEAR_IS_UP": { "description": "Tooltip: Landing gear is up", "message": "Landingsgestel is in" }, "HUD_BUTTON_MANUAL_CONTROL": { "description": "Tooltip: Manual control", "message": "Handmatige besturing" }, "HUD_BUTTON_ROTATION_DAMPING_IS_OFF": { "description": "Tooltip: Rotation damping is off", "message": "Draaiingsdemping is uit" }, "HUD_BUTTON_ROTATION_DAMPING_IS_ON": { "description": "Tooltip: Rotation damping is on", "message": "Draaiingsdemping is aan" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SCANNER": { "description": "Tooltip: Scanner", "message": "Scanner" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SET_SPEED": { "description": "Tooltip: set speed", "message": "Ingestelde snelheid" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SHOW_COMMS": { "description": "Tooltip: Show comms", "message": "Toon berichten" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SHOW_PERSONAL_INFO": { "description": "Tooltip: Show personal info", "message": "Toon persoonlijke info" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SIDEREAL_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Sidereal camera view", "message": "Zicht op de sterren" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_GALAXY_MAP": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to galaxy map", "message": "Ga naar de Melkwegkaart" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_SECTOR_MAP": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to sector map", "message": "Ga naar de sectorkaart" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_SYSTEM_MAP": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to system map", "message": "Ga naar de stelselkaart" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_SYSTEM_OVERVIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to system overview", "message": "Ga naar het stelseloverzicht" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_WORLD_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to world view", "message": "Ga naar het wereldaanzicht" }, "HUD_BUTTON_UNDOCK": { "description": "Tooltip: Undock", "message": "Vertrek" }, "HUD_CARGO_MASS": { "description": "Cargo Mass", "message": "Ladingsmassa" }, "HUD_CURRENT_COMBAT_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The current combat target.", "message": "Het huidige gevechtsdoel" }, "HUD_CURRENT_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: The current frame of reference.", "message": "Het huidige referentiekader" }, "HUD_CURRENT_HEADING": { "description": "Tooltip: the current heading.", "message": "De huidige richting" }, "HUD_CURRENT_NAV_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The current navigational target.", "message": "Het huidige navigatiedoel" }, "HUD_CURRENT_PITCH": { "description": "Tooltip: the current pitch.", "message": "De huidige hellingshoek" }, "HUD_CURRENT_ROLL": { "description": "Tooltip: the current roll.", "message": "De huidige stampingshoek" }, "HUD_DELTA_V": { "description": "Tooltip: The remaining Δv.", "message": "Δv over" }, "HUD_DELTA_V_OF_MANEUVER_BURN": { "description": "Tooltip: The Δv for the maneuver burn.", "message": "De Δv voor de manoeuvre-burn" }, "HUD_DELTA_V_PERCENT": { "description": "Tooltip: The remaining Δv in percent.", "message": "% of max Δv" }, "HUD_DISTANCE_TO_SURFACE_OF_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: Distance to the surface of the frame of reference.", "message": "Afstand tot het oppervlak van het referentiekader" }, "HUD_DISTANCE_TO_SURFACE_OF_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Distance to the surface of the target.", "message": "Afstand tot het oppervlak van het doel" }, "HUD_DURATION_OF_MANEUVER_BURN": { "description": "Tooltip: The approximate duration of the maneuver burn with main thrusters.", "message": "De ruwe tijd van de manoeuvre met de hoofdthrusters" }, "HUD_DURATION_UNTIL_MANEUVER_BURN": { "description": "Tooltip: The duration until the middle of the maneuver burn.", "message": "De tijd tot het midden van de manoeuvre" }, "HUD_FORWARD_GUN_TEMPERATURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Forward Gun Temperature.", "message": "Temperatuur Wapen Voor" }, "HUD_HULL_STRENGTH": { "description": "Tooltip: Hull Strength.", "message": "Sterkte scheepshuid" }, "HUD_HULL_TEMPERATURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Hull Temperature.", "message": "Temperatuur scheepshuid" }, "HUD_HYPERSPACING_TO_N_IN_N_SECONDS": { "description": "", "message": "Hypersprong naar {destination} in {countdown} seconden" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_AWAY_FROM_FRAME": { "description": "Indicator: Away from the current frame.", "message": "Van het huidige kader vandaan" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_COMBAT_TARGET_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Prograde direction relative to the current combat target.", "message": "Prograde relatief tot huidige gevechtsdoel" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_COMBAT_TARGET_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Retrograde direction relative to the current combat target.", "message": "Retrograde relatief tot huidige gevechtsdoel" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_FRAME_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Prograde direction relative to the current frame.", "message": "Prograde relatief tot huidige refentiekader" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_FRAME_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Retrograde direction relative to the current frame.", "message": "Retrograde relatief tot huidige refentiekader" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_MANEUVER_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: The prograde direction for the maneuver burn.", "message": "Prograde voor manoeuvre-burn" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_NAV_TARGET_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Prograde direction relative to the current navigational target.", "message": "Prograde relatief tot huidige navigatiedoel" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_NAV_TARGET_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Retrograde direction relative to the current navigational target.", "message": "Retrograde relatief tot huidige navigatiedoel" }, "HUD_IN_TRANSIT_TO_N_X_X_X": { "description": "", "message": "Onderweg naar {system} [{x},{y},{z}]" }, "HUD_JUMP_COMPLETE": { "description": "", "message": "Sprong compleet: {percent}%" }, "HUD_MASS": { "description": "Mass", "message": "Massa" }, "HUD_RADAR_DISTANCE": { "description": "Tooltip: Current distance of the radar.", "message": "Actieve radarafstand" }, "HUD_REQUEST_TIME_ACCEL": { "description": "Tooltip: Request time acceleration {time}", "message": "Verzoek tijdversnelling: {time}" }, "HUD_SHIELD_STRENGTH": { "description": "Tooltip: Shield Strength.", "message": "Schildsterkte" }, "HUD_SHOW_COMBAT_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Show the current combat target.", "message": "Toon het huidige gevechtsdoel" }, "HUD_SHOW_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: Show the current frame of reference.", "message": "Toon het huidige referentiekader" }, "HUD_SHOW_NAV_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Show current navigational target.", "message": "Toon het huidige navigatiedoel" }, "HUD_SPEED_OF_APPROACH_TO_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: The speed of approach towards the frame of reference.", "message": "De naderingssnelheid tot het referentiekader" }, "HUD_SPEED_OF_APPROACH_TO_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The speed of approach relative to target.", "message": "De naderingssnelheid relatief tot het doel" }, "HUD_SPEED_RELATIVE_TO_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The speed relative to the target.", "message": "De snelheid relatief tot het doel" }, "HUD_THRUST_INDICATOR": { "description": "Tooltip: describe what the thrust/velocity indicator shows", "message": "Toont huidige snelheid in elke richting (dunne lijnen) en thrust (dikke achtergrond)" }, "HUD_WARNING_DESCENT_RATE": { "description": "Shown on HUD as a warning flasher", "message": "DESCENT RATE" }, "HUD_WARNING_IMPACT": { "description": "Alert tooltip", "message": "Impact warning" }, "HUD_WARNING_IMPACT_IMMINENT": { "description": "Alert tooltip", "message": "Impact imminent" }, "HULL_DOES_NOT_REQUIRE_REPAIR": { "description": "", "message": "Romp hoeft niet gerepareerd te worden." }, "HULL_INTEGRITY": { "description": "", "message": "Rompconditie" }, "HULL_REPAIRED_BY_NAME_NOW_AT_N_PERCENT": { "description": "", "message": "Romp gerepareerd door {name}, nu op {repairPercent}%" }, "HULL_REPAIR_ATTEMPT_FAILED_HULL_SUFFERED_MINOR_DAMAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Reparatie romp mislukt. Romp leed weinig schade." }, "HYPERDRIVE": { "description": "", "message": "Hyper-aandrijving" }, "HYPERDRIVE_FITTED": { "description": "", "message": "Hyper-aandrijving geïnstalleerd:" }, "HYPERJUMP_ROUTE": { "description": "", "message": "Hypersprong-route" }, "HYPERSPACE_RANGE": { "description": "", "message": "Hyperruimte-bereik" }, "ILLEGAL_IN_SYSTEM": { "description": "An illegal action or commodity", "message": "Illegal in System" }, "ILLEGAL_JUMP": { "description": "A finable crime", "message": "Roekeloze hypersprong geregistreerd" }, "IM_TIRED_OF_WORKING_FOR_NOTHING_DONT_YOU_KNOW_WHAT_A_CONTRACT_IS": { "description": "", "message": "Ik ben het zat voor niets te werken. Weet je niet wat een contract is?" }, "INACTIVE": { "description": "", "message": "Inactief" }, "INCOMPETENT": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Incompetent" }, "INCREASE": { "description": "Increase something.", "message": "Increase" }, "INEXPERIENCED": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Onervaren" }, "INITIATED": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Initiated" }, "INSUFFICIENT_FUEL": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Insufficient fuel" }, "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS": { "description": "", "message": "Onvoldoende saldo" }, "INVERT_MOUSE_Y": { "description": "", "message": "Keer Muis Y om" }, "IN_CARGO_HOLD": { "description": "", "message": "In laadruim" }, "IN_STOCK": { "description": "", "message": "In voorraad" }, "IN_SYSTEM": { "description": "Used in flight log, show which star system we are/were in", "message": "In system" }, "ITEM_IS_OUT_OF_STOCK": { "description": "", "message": "Dit artikel is niet in voorraad." }, "ITS_BEEN_GREAT_WORKING_FOR_YOU_IF_YOU_NEED_ME_AGAIN_ILL_BE_HERE_A_WHILE": { "description": "", "message": "Het was fijn voor u te werken. Als u me opnieuw nodig hebt, ik blijf voorlopig hier." }, "JETTISON": { "description": "", "message": "Uitwerpen" }, "JUMPING": { "description": "Flight State", "message": "In sprong" }, "KILLS": { "description": "", "message": "Verslagen:" }, "LANGUAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Taal" }, "LANGUAGE_RESTART_GAME_TO_APPLY": { "description": "", "message": "Taal (herstarten spel benodigd)" }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_DENIED_BUSY": { "description": "", "message": "Geen toestemming om te lanceren: haven is druk." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_DENIED_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Geen toestemming om te lanceren: te weinig personeel beschikbaar." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_DENIED_FINED": { "description": "", "message": "Geen toestemming om te lanceren: u heeft onbetaalde boetes." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_GRANTED": { "description": "", "message": "Launch permission granted." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_GRANTED_DEPART_QUICK": { "description": "", "message": "Permission granted. Please do not clutter the landing area and depart quickly." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_GRANTED_WATCH_TRAFFIC": { "description": "", "message": "Permission granted. Watch for traffic on your departure." }, "LEGAL_STATUS": { "description": "", "message": "Juridische status" }, "LIGHT_CARGO_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Kleine vrachtshuttle" }, "LIGHT_COURIER": { "description": "", "message": "Light koerierschip" }, "LIGHT_FIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Klein jachttoestel" }, "LIGHT_FREIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Klein vrachtschip" }, "LIGHT_PASSENGER_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Kleine passagiersshuttle" }, "LIGHT_PASSENGER_TRANSPORT": { "description": "", "message": "Klein passagierstransport" }, "LOAD": { "description": "", "message": "Laad" }, "LOAD_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Laad spel" }, "LOBBY": { "description": "", "message": "Lobby" }, "LOCAL_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Lokale arm" }, "LOCATED_N_KM_FROM_THE_CENTRE_OF_NAME": { "description": "", "message": "Op {distance} km van het centrum van {name}:" }, "LOCATION": { "description": "", "message": "Locatie" }, "LOG_CUSTOM": { "description": "Label tab for showing custom logged events", "message": "Custom Log" }, "LOG_NEW": { "description": "Indicate to make an entry into flight log system", "message": "New Entry" }, "LOG_STATION": { "description": "Label tab for showing logged station events", "message": "Station Log" }, "LOG_SYSTEM": { "description": "Label tab for showing logged system events", "message": "System Log" }, "LOW": { "description": "", "message": "Laag" }, "LY": { "description": "Light year", "message": "lj" }, "MAJOR_EXPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Major Export" }, "MAJOR_EXPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Belangrijkste export" }, "MAJOR_IMPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Major Import" }, "MAJOR_IMPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Belangrijkste import" }, "MAKE_NEW_FACE": { "description": "", "message": "Maak nieuw gezicht" }, "MALE": { "description": "", "message": "Mannelijk" }, "MARKET_BUYLINE": { "description": "", "message": "Koop {amount} stuks voor {price}" }, "MARKET_SELLINE": { "description": "", "message": "Verkoop {amount} stuks voor {price}" }, "MASS": { "description": "", "message": "Massa" }, "MASTER": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Meester" }, "MASTER_VOL": { "description": "Master sound in settings option", "message": "Meester:" }, "MAX": { "description": "", "message": "max" }, "MAXIMUM_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Maximum bemanning" }, "MEDIUM": { "description": "Game settings option: graphics resolution", "message": "Midden" }, "MEDIUM_CARGO_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Medium vracht-shuttle" }, "MEDIUM_COURIER": { "description": "", "message": "Medium koerier" }, "MEDIUM_FIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Medium jachtschip" }, "MEDIUM_FREIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Medium vrachtschip" }, "MEDIUM_PASSENGER_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Medium passagiers-shuttle" }, "MEDIUM_PASSENGER_TRANSPORT": { "description": "", "message": "Medium passagiers-transport" }, "METAL_ALLOYS": { "description": "", "message": "Legeringen" }, "MILITARY": { "description": "", "message": "Militair" }, "MINIMAL_TRADE": { "description": "Indicates a system does not have a significant amount of trade in a commodity.", "message": "Minimal Trade" }, "MINIMUM_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Minimum bemanning" }, "MINOR_EXPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Minor Export" }, "MINOR_EXPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Overige export" }, "MINOR_IMPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Minor Import" }, "MINOR_IMPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Overige import" }, "MISSILE_MOUNTS": { "description": "", "message": "Raketmonturen" }, "MISSIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Missies" }, "MISSION_DETAILS": { "description": "", "message": "Missiedetails" }, "MORE_INFO": { "description": "", "message": "Meer info..." }, "MOSTLY_HARMLESS": { "description": "", "message": "Vrijwel ongevaarlijk" }, "MOVE_DOWN": { "description": "move selection down in list", "message": "Ga omlaag" }, "MOVE_UP": { "description": "move selection up in list", "message": "Ga omhoog" }, "MULTISAMPLING": { "description": "", "message": "Multisampling" }, "MULTISAMPLING_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Een grafische manier van scherpstellen, om hoekige pixel-contouren te verminderen. Kan zeer resource-intensief zijn." }, "MURDER": { "description": "", "message": "Moord" }, "MUSIC": { "description": "", "message": "Muziek:" }, "MUTE": { "description": "", "message": "Gedempt" }, "NAME_OBJECT": { "description": "For an item or object", "message": "Naam" }, "NAME_PERSON": { "description": "For a person", "message": "Naam" }, "NAVIGATION": { "description": "", "message": "Navigatie:" }, "NAVIGATOR": { "description": "", "message": "Navigator" }, "NEGOTIATE": { "description": "", "message": "Onderhandel" }, "NEXT_FACE_FEATURE": { "description": "Face feature switch button for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Next" }, "NEXT_PAID": { "description": "", "message": "Volgende betaling" }, "NO": { "description": "Negative answer to a question", "message": "Nee" }, "NOBODY": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Niemand" }, "NONE": { "description": "", "message": "Geen" }, "NONE_FOR_SALE_IN_THIS_STATION": { "description": "", "message": "Niet te koop in dit station." }, "NORMA_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Norma-arm" }, "NOTES": { "description": "", "message": "Notities:" }, "NOT_ENOUGH_ALLOY_TO_ATTEMPT_A_REPAIR": { "description": "", "message": "Te weinig {alloy} om te repareren" }, "NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "{equipment} wordt niet ondersteund op dit model schip" }, "NO_DRIVE": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "No drive" }, "NO_FILTER_MATCHES": { "description": "No matches to this filter.", "message": "Geen resultaten voor dat filter" }, "NO_MISSIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Geen missies." }, "NO_VALID_ROUTE": { "description": "Message in the sector map, issued by the autoroute function.", "message": "No valid route to the selected system." }, "N_LIGHT_YEARS_N_MAX": { "description": "", "message": "{range} lichtjaar ({maxRange} max)" }, "N_OCCUPIED_PASSENGER_CABINS": { "description": "", "message": "{quantity} Bezette passagiershutten" }, "N_SHIELD_GENERATORS": { "description": "", "message": "{quantity} Schildgeneratoren" }, "N_UNOCCUPIED_PASSENGER_CABINS": { "description": "", "message": "{quantity} Lege Passagiershutten" }, "OFF": { "description": "", "message": "Uit" }, "OFFENDER": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Offender" }, "OK": { "description": "", "message": "Ok" }, "OPEN_USER_FOLDER": { "description": "", "message": "Directory" }, "OPTIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Opties" }, "ORBIT": { "description": "", "message": "Omloopbaan" }, "ORBITAL_ANALYSIS": { "description": "", "message": "Analyse omloopbaan" }, "ORBITAL_ANALYSIS_NOTES": { "description": "", "message": "Circular orbit speed is given for a tangential velocity. The ship should be moving in a direction at 90° to the ship/{name} axis.\n\nDescent speed is an absolute minimum, and is also tangential. A slower speed or a lower angle will result in a course which intersects with the surface of {name}.\n\nEscape speed will in theory work in any direction, as long as the ship does not collide with {name} on the way.\n\t\t" }, "OUTER_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Buitenste arm" }, "OUTLAW": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Outlaw" }, "OUTSTANDING_FINES": { "description": "Unpaid fines for crimes committed", "message": "Onbetaalde boetes" }, "OUT_OF_RANGE": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Out of range" }, "OVERVIEW_NAME_FILTER": { "description": "Filter overview window entries by name", "message": "Filter overzicht-window entries op naam" }, "OWED": { "description": "Player owing money to crew members", "message": "Was schuldig" }, "PAY": { "description": "Pay for a transaction of services, e.g. for paying fines, (or repairs)", "message": "Pay" }, "PAY_FINE_OF_N": { "description": "", "message": "Betaal {amount} boete" }, "PERSEUS_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Perseus-arm" }, "PERSONAL_INFORMATION": { "description": "", "message": "Persoonlijke Informatie" }, "PILOT": { "description": "", "message": "Piloot" }, "PILOTING": { "description": "", "message": "Piloot:" }, "PILOT_SEAT_IS_NOW_OCCUPIED_BY_NAME": { "description": "", "message": "Pilootstoel wordt nu bezet door {name}" }, "PIRACY": { "description": "", "message": "Piraterij" }, "PLANET_DETAIL_DISTANCE": { "description": "", "message": "Paneetdetail afstand" }, "PLANET_TEXTURES": { "description": "", "message": "Planeet-textures" }, "PLEASE_REPORT_THIS_ERROR": { "description": "Informational text mentioning the error and asking the player to report it.", "message": "Oops, something went wrong here! Please report the steps to reproduce this error, the output log, and your save file to the Pioneer issue tracker on Github.\nYou can find your output log at: {path}/output.txt" }, "POLICE": { "description": "", "message": "Politie" }, "POOR": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Arm" }, "POSITION": { "description": "The job title/position of crew memeber", "message": "Positie" }, "PRESS_A_KEY_OR_CONTROLLER_BUTTON": { "description": "", "message": "Druk op een toets of controller-knop of escape om te wissen" }, "PREVIOUS_FACE_FEATURE": { "description": "Face feature switch button for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Previous" }, "PRICE": { "description": "", "message": "Prijs" }, "PROFESSIONAL": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Professioneel" }, "PROFITABLE_TRADE": { "description": "Indicates a profitable trade route.", "message": "Profitable Trade" }, "PUMP_DOWN": { "description": "Drain the fuel tank", "message": "Terugpompen" }, "QUALIFICATION_SCORES": { "description": "", "message": "Qualificatiescores" }, "QUIT": { "description": "", "message": "Stoppen" }, "QUIT_CONFIRMATION": { "description": "For the checkbox in settings window", "message": "Bevestig stoppen" }, "RANDOM_FACE": { "description": "Generate random face", "message": "Random" }, "RANK": { "description": "", "message": "Rang:" }, "RATING": { "description": "", "message": "Klasse:" }, "REAR_WEAPON": { "description": "", "message": "Wapen achter" }, "REFUEL": { "description": "", "message": "Tanken" }, "REFUEL_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Brandstoftank vol" }, "REGISTRATION_NUMBER": { "description": "", "message": "Registratienummer" }, "RELIABLE": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Reliable" }, "REMOVE": { "description": "Remove, e.g. deleting a log entry", "message": "[-]" }, "REMOVE_JUMP": { "description": "UI-button: remove hyper jump from list of planned jumps", "message": "Sprong verwijderen" }, "REMOVE_WHEN_COMPLETED": { "description": "For UI hyperjump planner, referring to jump target system", "message": "Verwijder sprong na afloop" }, "REPAIR_X_HULL_DAMAGE_FOR_X": { "description": "", "message": "Repareer {damage}% rompschade voor {price}" }, "REPUTATION": { "description": "", "message": "Reputatie" }, "REQUEST_LAUNCH": { "description": "", "message": "Vraag lanceertoestemming" }, "REQUIRED_FUEL": { "description": "Fuel usage for traveling to star system", "message": "Benodigde brandstof:" }, "RESET": { "description": "", "message": "Reset" }, "RESET_ORIENTATION_AND_ZOOM": { "description": "", "message": "Herinstellen Oriëntatie en Zoom" }, "RETURN_TO_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Terug naar spel" }, "RETURN_TO_MENU": { "description": "", "message": "Terug naar menu" }, "REVERSE_ACCEL_EMPTY": { "description": "", "message": "Achterwaartse versnelling (leeg)" }, "REVERSE_ACCEL_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Achterwaartse versnelling (vol)" }, "REWARD": { "description": "", "message": "Beloning" }, "ROTATE_VIEW": { "description": "Indicates that the button must be kept pressed down, to rotate camera view with mouse", "message": "Hold down to Rotate view" }, "ROUTE_INFO": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "Route-info" }, "ROUTE_JUMPS": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "Route-sprongen" }, "SAFETY_LOCKOUT": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Safety lockout" }, "SAGITTARIUS_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Sagittarius-arm" }, "SAVE": { "description": "", "message": "Opslaan" }, "SCOOP_MOUNTS": { "description": "How many slots or mounts exist on the ship for fitting SCOOPS (e.g. cargo scoop, fuel scoop, multi-scoop) ", "message": "Inlaatbevestigingpunten" }, "SCUTUM_CENTAURUS_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Scutum-Centaurus arm" }, "SELECT": { "description": "", "message": "Selecteer" }, "SELECT_A_FILE_TO_SAVE_TO_OR_ENTER_A_NEW_FILENAME": { "description": "", "message": "Kies een bestand of voer een nieuwe bestandsnaam in" }, "SELECT_FILE": { "description": "", "message": "Kies bestand..." }, "SELECT_GAME_TO_LOAD": { "description": "", "message": "Selecteer spel om te laden…" }, "SELL": { "description": "Commodities and equipment prices", "message": "Verkoop" }, "SENSORS": { "description": "", "message": "Sensoren:" }, "SENSORS_AND_DEFENCE": { "description": "", "message": "Sensoren en verdediging" }, "SETTINGS": { "description": "UI option", "message": "Instellingen" }, "SET_AS_TARGET": { "description": "", "message": "Stel bestemming als navigatiedoel in" }, "SET_RETURN_ROUTE": { "description": "", "message": "Stel route terugweg in" }, "SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Schip" }, "SHIPS_ENGINEER": { "description": "", "message": "Scheepstechnicus" }, "SHIP_INFORMATION": { "description": "", "message": "Schip info" }, "SHIP_IS_ALREADY_FULLY_REPAIRED": { "description": "", "message": "Uw schip is in een perfecte staat van dienst." }, "SHIP_IS_FULLY_EQUIPPED": { "description": "", "message": "Uw schip is volledig uitgerust." }, "SHIP_IS_FULLY_LADEN": { "description": "", "message": "Uw schip is volledig beladen." }, "SHIP_MARKET": { "description": "", "message": "Schepenmarkt" }, "SHIP_REPAIRS": { "description": "", "message": "Schip Reparaties" }, "SHIP_TYPE": { "description": "", "message": "Ship Type" }, "SHIP_VIEWING_WAS_SOLD": { "description": "", "message": "Het schip dat u bekeek is verkocht" }, "SIMULATING_UNIVERSE_EVOLUTION_N_BYEARS": { "description": "", "message": "Simuleren van de evolutie van het Universum: {age} miljard jaar ;-)" }, "SOUND": { "description": "", "message": "Geluid" }, "START_AT_BARNARDS_STAR": { "description": "", "message": "Begin op Barnard's Star" }, "START_AT_BARNARDS_STAR_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Dit is een lastig begin van het System Administration Resting-gevangenisstation." }, "START_AT_EARTH": { "description": "", "message": "Begin op Aarde" }, "START_AT_EARTH_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Dit is een eenvoudig begin in Londen op Aarde in het Sol-stelsel." }, "START_AT_MARS": { "description": "", "message": "Begin op Mars" }, "START_AT_MARS_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Dit is een eenvoudige start in Cydonia op Mars in het Sol-stelsel." }, "START_AT_NEW_HOPE": { "description": "New Hope is an in game location", "message": "Begin op New Hope" }, "START_AT_NEW_HOPE_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Dit is een wat moeilijker start in Itzalean op New Hope in het Epsilon Eridani-stelsel" }, "START_LOG_ENTRY_1": { "description": "First custom log message when starting a new game, giving backstory to the character. Importantly we here hint at what actions the player is best to take: buy fuel, get reputation, ask for take off clearance.", "message": "Unfortunately, uncle never showed me how to operate this old barge when he was alive, but I think I'm making an entry in the ship's log now. It's strange, I can still feel him, as if he's in the very walls of this ship. Maybe he can be my co-pilot, and together we will manifest our destiny in the great void. But first, I just need to buy some hydrogen for the jump drive, plot a course to lucrative trading opportunities, and pray to the heavens that traffic control will allow an inexperienced pilot like me to take off, then we'll see what this baby can do. Time to make a reputation for myself!" }, "START_LOG_ENTRY_2": { "description": "First custom log message when starting a new game, giving backstory to the character, here going for a Blade Runner feeling", "message": "My boots are still wet from the heavy rainfall last night, back home. The pavement got so wet it - seemingly, in an act of revenge - drenched the night sky with the reflected glow from the neon signs that looked down on the wet street. But I made it, through the rain, to my connecting flight to the starport where my new ship was waiting for me. The starport security officer gave me a funny look when I told him I'm here to pick up a ship. I guess I didn't look like the typical spacer, having sold everything I had to invest in this rusty old bucket, as I was standing in front of him, wet boots and all. But I truly feel, that from now on, my future will be written in the stars. Now, I just need to find the start-key." }, "START_LOG_ENTRY_3": { "description": "First custom log message when starting a new game, giving backstory to the character. Here explaining why there's no hyperdrive in the ship, and what to do about it.", "message": "After a long bureaucratic process, I finally got my ship back from the impound, but they had stripped her down to the bare metal, to pay 'the debt' they claimed I had. Not only did they take my favourite coffee brewer, but those bastards also ripped out the hyper drive, so I'm stuck for now in this system, unless I sell whatever is left in the ship, to finance a new drive. But as they say: when life gives you lemons - make lemonade; so even if I'm back at square one, I will think of this as an opportunity instead of as a setback, a second chance. Without coffee. By letting go of what I am, I will become what I might be. The world will turn aside, and let me pass, as it does for those who know where they are going, and I am heading to the stars." }, "STAR_FIELD_DENSITY": { "description": "", "message": "Sterrendichtheid" }, "STATION": { "description": "Flight log info, will refer to a station by name", "message": "Station" }, "STATION_DOCKS": { "description": "Information shown in the station lobby, for total number of docking pads", "message": "Our total capacity is {total_docking_pads} docking pads." }, "STATION_LOCAL_GRAVITY": { "description": "", "message": "Local gravity here is %.2f g." }, "STATION_LOCAL_GRAVITY_PRESSURE": { "description": "", "message": "Local gravity here is %.2f g, and atmospheric pressure is %.2f atm." }, "STATION_MANAGER": { "description": "", "message": "Stationsmanager" }, "STATION_ORBIT": { "description": "Information shown in the station loby", "message": "We zitten in een omloopbaan met een periode van {orbit_period} dagen rond {parent_body}." }, "STATION_TECH_TOO_LOW": { "description": "", "message": "Station tech level too low to sell this item" }, "STATUS": { "description": "", "message": "Status" }, "TECH_CERTIFIED": { "description": "Lobby screen shows the tech level (an integer number) of the station", "message": "Dit station heeft een niveau {tech_level} technologie-certificaat." }, "TECH_CERTIFIED_MILITARY": { "description": "Lobby screen shows the tech level of the station", "message": "Deze installatie heeft een militaire technologie-uitklaring." }, "TEXTURE_COMPRESSION": { "description": "", "message": "Dit maakt meer geheugen vrij voor de grafische kaart, wat vermoedelijk is wat je wil, ten koste van het comprimeren ervan tijdens het starten van het spel." }, "THANKS_AND_REMEMBER_TO_BUY_FUEL": { "description": "", "message": "Dank u voor uw aankoop. Denk eraan uitrusting te installeren en brandstof te kopen voor u vertrekt." }, "THERE_IS_NOBODY_ELSE_ON_BOARD_ABLE_TO_FLY_THIS_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Er is niemand anders aan boord die dit schip kan besturen." }, "THE_SHIP_IS_UNDER_STATION_CONTROL_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Het schip in onder stationsbeheer, Commandant." }, "THIS_IS_FACTION_POLICE": { "description": "Greeting message in police station. 'faction' is one of (English, non-translatable) strings: 'Solar Federation', 'Commonwealth of Independent Worlds', or 'Haber Corporation', and 'faction_police' is one of: 'SolFed Police Force', 'Confederal Police' or, 'Haber Enforcement Division'", "message": "This is the {faction_police} of the {faction}" }, "THREE_KPC_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "3kpc-arm" }, "TOGGLE_FULL_COMMS_WINDOW": { "description": "on world view / main screen", "message": "Toggle full comms window" }, "TOGGLE_MALE_FEMALE": { "description": "player gender", "message": "Wissel man/vrouw" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_SHOW_MOONS": { "description": "toggle whether the overview window shows moons or not", "message": "Wissel manen tonen in het overzicht" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_SHOW_STATIONS": { "description": "toggle whether the overview window shows stations or not", "message": "Wissel stations tonen in het overzicht" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_SORT_BY_PLAYER_DISTANCE": { "description": "toggle whether the overview window sorts by distance from the player or from the system center", "message": "Wissel tussen sorteren op afstand van de speler en afstand tot het centrum van het stelsel" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_WINDOW": { "description": "show/hide the overview window / navigation window", "message": "Toon of verberg het overzichtsscherm" }, "TOO_SMALL_FOR_CURRENT_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Ship is too small for the current crew." }, "TOO_SMALL_TO_TRANSSHIP": { "description": "Ship market error message", "message": "Nieuwe schip heeft niet de huidige vrachtruimte en hyper-aandrijving" }, "TOTAL": { "description": "", "message": "Totaal: " }, "TOTAL_DISTANCE": { "description": "Total distance of a (possibly series) of hyper jump(s)", "message": "Totale Afstand:" }, "TOTAL_DURATION": { "description": "Total duration of a (possibly series) of hyper jump(s)", "message": "Totale Duur:" }, "TOTAL_MASS": { "description": "", "message": "Totale massa" }, "TRADING_FROM": { "description": "Indicates the source system of a commodity trade.", "message": "From {system}:" }, "TRADING_ILLEGAL_GOODS": { "description": "", "message": "Handel in illegale goederen" }, "TRADING_TO": { "description": "Indicates the destination system of a commodity trade.", "message": "To {system}:" }, "TRUSTWORTHY": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Betrouwbaar" }, "TYPE": { "description": "", "message": "Type" }, "UNLAWFUL_WEAPONS_DISCHARGE": { "description": "", "message": "Ongeoorloofd gebruik van wapens" }, "UNPROFITABLE_TRADE": { "description": "Indicates an unprofitable trade route.", "message": "Unprofitable Trade" }, "UNRELIABLE": { "description": "", "message": "Onbetrouwbaar" }, "UP_ACCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Opwaardse versnelling" }, "USED": { "description": "", "message": "Gebruikt" }, "VERY_HIGH": { "description": "Game settings option: graphic resolution", "message": "Zeer hoog" }, "VERY_LOW": { "description": "Game settings option: graphic resolution", "message": "Zeer laag" }, "VICINITY_OF": { "description": "", "message": "Nabij" }, "VIDEO": { "description": "", "message": "Video" }, "VIDEO_CONFIGURATION_RESTART_GAME_TO_APPLY": { "description": "", "message": "Beeldinstellingen (herstarten spel nodig)" }, "VIDEO_RESOLUTION": { "description": "", "message": "Videoresolutie" }, "VIDEO_RESOLUTION_DESC": { "description": "Tooltip for video mode/resultion setting", "message": "Hogere resoluties tonen meer informatie op minder oppervlak en kunnen performance verminderen." }, "VSYNC": { "description": "For the checkbox in settings window", "message": "VSync" }, "VSYNC_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Verticale sync kan tearing, artefacten en invoer-latency verhelpen" }, "WAGE": { "description": "Salary of crew shown in crew roster", "message": "Gage" }, "WEIGHT_EMPTY": { "description": "", "message": "Ledig gewicht" }, "WEIGHT_FULLY_LOADED": { "description": "", "message": "Gewicht volledig beladen" }, "WE_ARE_IN_HYPERSPACE_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "We zijn in de hyperruimte, Commandant." }, "WE_HAVE_NO_BUSINESS_WITH_YOU": { "description": "Said by the police to law abiding player", "message": "We hebben op dit moment geen zaken met u af te handelen." }, "X_CANNOT_BE_TOLERATED_HERE": { "description": "Message to be sent over comms by police when crime is committed by player", "message": "{crime} wordt hier niet getolereerd!" }, "YES": { "description": "Positive answer to a question", "message": "Ja" }, "YOURE_GOING_TO_REGRET_SACKING_ME": { "description": "", "message": "Het zal je bezuren mij te ontslaan!" }, "YOUR_HULL_IS_AT_X_INTEGRITY": { "description": "", "message": "Uw romp is voor {value}% onbeschadigd." }, "YOU_DONT_HAVE_ENOUGH_MONEY_FOR_THAT_OPTION": { "description": "", "message": "U heeft te weinig saldo voor die optie." }, "YOU_HAVE_X_UNITS_IN_YOUR_CARGOHOLD": { "description": "", "message": "U heeft {units} units in uw laadruim" }, "YOU_MUST_FIRST_SELECT_A_COMBAT_TARGET_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "U moet eerst een vuurdoel kiezen, Commandant." }, "YOU_MUST_FIRST_SELECT_A_SUITABLE_NAVIGATION_TARGET_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "U moet eerst een geschikt navigatiedoel kiezen, Commandant." }, "YOU_MUST_LAUNCH_FIRST_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "U moet eerst opstijgen, Commandant." }, "YOU_MUST_REQUEST_LAUNCH_CLEARANCE_FIRST_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "U moet eerst toestemming vragen om op te stijgen, Commandant." }, "YOU_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY": { "description": "", "message": "U heeft niet genoeg geld" }, "ZOOM": { "description": "Label for a zoom (magnification) control bar.", "message": "Zoom" } }