#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2005-2019 by the FIFE team # http://www.fifengine.net # This file is part of FIFE. # # FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # #################################################################### from __future__ import print_function from builtins import input import os, re, sys, optparse, unittest def genpath(somepath): return os.path.sep.join(somepath.split('/')) def print_header(text): print('\n') print(80 * '=') print(text) print(80 * '-') def resolve_test_progs(sconscript_filename): """ Get the names of all test programs by evaluating the SConscript file """ reprg = re.compile(r"""^env.Program\(["'](.*?)['"]""") progs = [] for line in open(sconscript_filename): m = reprg.match(line.strip()) if m: progs.append(m.group(1)) return progs def resolve_test_modules(directory): pythonfilenames = [p for p in os.listdir(directory) if len(p) > 3 and p[-3:] == '.py'] modname = directory.replace(os.path.sep, '.') + '.' modules = [] skipped_filenames = ('test_all.py',) for p in pythonfilenames: skip = False for s in skipped_filenames: if p.find(s) != -1: skip = True if p[0] == '_': skip = True if not skip: modules.append(modname + p[:-3]) return modules def run_core_tests(progs): prevdir = os.getcwd() errors, failures = [], [] for prog in progs: print('\n===== Running %s =====' % prog) if os.system(os.sep.join(('build','tests','debug', prog))): errors.append(prog) os.chdir(prevdir) return errors, failures def get_dynamic_imports(modules): imported = [] for module in modules: m = __import__(module) for part in module.split('.')[1:]: m = getattr(m, part) imported.append(m) return imported def run_test_modules(modules): imported = get_dynamic_imports(modules) suites = [] for m in imported: try: for c in m.__dict__['TEST_CLASSES']: suites.append(unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(c)) except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass mastersuite = unittest.TestSuite(suites) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) result = runner.run(mastersuite) return [e[1] for e in result.errors], [f[1] for f in result.failures] def run_all(tests): def print_errors(txt, errs): if errs: print(txt + ':') for msg in errs: print(' ' + msg) core_errors, core_failures = run_core_tests(tests['core']) swig_errors, swig_failures = run_test_modules(tests['swig']) ext_errors, ext_failures = run_test_modules(tests['ext']) print(80 * '=') errorsfound = False if core_errors or core_failures: print_errors('Errors in core tests', core_errors) print_errors('Failures in core tests', core_failures) errorsfound = True else: print('No Core errors found') if swig_errors or swig_failures: print_errors('Errors in SWIG tests', swig_errors) print_errors('Failures in SWIG tests', swig_failures) errorsfound = True else: print('No SWIG errors found') if swig_errors or swig_failures: print_errors('Errors in extensions tests', ext_errors) print_errors('Failures in extensions tests', ext_failures) errorsfound = True else: print('No Extensions errors found') print(80 * '=') if errorsfound: print('ERROR. One or more tests failed!') else: print('OK. All tests ran succesfully!') print('') def quit(dummy): sys.exit(0) def run(automatic, selected_cases): index = 0 tests = {} core_tests = resolve_test_progs(genpath('tests/core_tests/SConscript')) for t in core_tests: tests[index] = ('Core tests', t, [t], run_core_tests) index += 1 tests[index] = ('Core tests', 'all', core_tests, run_core_tests) index += 1 swig_tests = resolve_test_modules(genpath('tests/swig_tests')) for t in swig_tests: tests[index] = ('SWIG tests', t, [t], run_test_modules) index += 1 tests[index] = ('SWIG tests', 'all', swig_tests, run_test_modules) index += 1 extension_tests = resolve_test_modules(genpath('tests/extension_tests')) for t in extension_tests: tests[index] = ('Extension tests', t, [t], run_test_modules) index += 1 tests[index] = ('Extension tests', 'all', extension_tests, run_test_modules) index += 1 alltests = {'core': core_tests, 'swig': swig_tests, 'ext': extension_tests} tests[index] = ('Other', 'Run all tests', alltests, run_all) tests[index+1] = ('Other', 'Cancel and quit', None, quit) if (not automatic) and (not selected_cases): selection = None while True: print('Select test module to run:') prevheader = '' for ind in sorted(tests.keys()): header, name, params, fn = tests[ind] if header != prevheader: print(header) prevheader = header print(' %d) %s' % (ind, name)) selection = input('-> : ') try: selection = int(selection) if (selection < 0) or (selection > max(tests.keys())): raise ValueError break except ValueError: print('Please enter number between 0-%d\n' % max(tests.keys())) continue header, name, params, fn = tests[selection] fn(params) elif (selected_cases): for case in selected_cases: try: caseid = int(case) if (caseid < 0) or (caseid > max(tests.keys())): raise ValueError header, name, params, fn = tests[caseid] fn(params) except ValueError: print('No test case with value %s found' % case) else: run_all(alltests) def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] [args]\n' + \ 'This is a test runner.\n' + \ 'It enables you to test functionalities of fifengine core, extensions and the generated swig interface.\n' + \ 'You can give a list of test ids as arguments to the script.\n' + \ 'This is useful when running a test over and over again with little changes.\n' + \ 'Available test ids can be seen from interactive menu (run script without any parameters).\n' + \ 'You can also use "-a" to run all tests from the CLI.' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--automatic", action="store_true", dest="automatic", default=False, help="In case selected, runs all the tests automatically") options, args = parser.parse_args() run(options.automatic, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()