import random from io import StringIO from gi.repository import Gtk from pychess.compat import create_task from pychess.System.prefix import addDataPrefix from pychess.Utils.const import WHITE, BLACK, LOCAL, NORMALCHESS, ARTIFICIAL, chr2Sign, chrU2Sign, FAN_PIECES, HINT, ENDGAME from pychess.Utils.LearnModel import LearnModel from pychess.Utils.TimeModel import TimeModel from pychess.Utils.lutils.attack import isAttacked from pychess.Utils.lutils.LBoard import LBoard from pychess.Utils.lutils.lmove import FILE, RANK from pychess.Variants import variants from pychess.Players.Human import Human from pychess.Players.engineNest import discoverer from pychess.System import conf from pychess.perspectives import perspective_manager from pychess.Savers import fen as fen_loader __title__ = _("Endgames") __icon__ = addDataPrefix("glade/panel_book.svg") __desc__ = _("Practice endgames with computer") # TODO: get it from a text file ENDGAMES = ( ("kpk", "King and Pawn vs King"), ("kbnk", "King, Bishop and Knight vs King"), ("kbbk", "King and 2 Bishops vs King"), ("krk", "King and Rook vs King"), ("kqk", "King and Queen vs King"), ("kqkr", "King and Queen vs King and Rook"), ("krpkr", "King, Rook and Pawn vs King and Rook"), ("kppkp", "King and 2 Pawns vs King and Pawn"), ("kpkp", "King and Pawn vs King and Pawn"), ("kqpkq", "King, Queen and Pawn vs King and Queen"), ("knnkp", "King and Two Knights and vs King and Pawn"), ("kppkpp", "King and two pawns vs King and two pawns"), ("kqqkqr", "King and two queens vs King and Queen"), ) class Sidepanel(): def load(self, persp): self.persp = persp = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) = Gtk.TreeView() renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() renderer.props.font = "Times 14" column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("White"), renderer, text=0) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() renderer.props.font = "Times 14" column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Black"), renderer, text=1) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Title"), renderer, text=2)"row-activated", self.row_activated) = Gtk.ListStore(str, str, str) for pieces, title in ENDGAMES: if pieces.count("k") != 2: print("Game needs exactly 2 kings! %s" % pieces) continue elif len(pieces) > 6: print("Max 6 pieces, please! %s" % pieces) continue else: for piece in pieces: if piece not in ("kqrbnp"): print("Invalid piece %s in %s" % (piece, pieces)) continue pos = pieces.rfind("k") white_pieces, black_pieces = pieces[:pos], pieces[pos:] wfan = [] for piece in white_pieces: wfan.append(FAN_PIECES[0][chr2Sign[piece]]) bfan = [] for piece in black_pieces: bfan.append(FAN_PIECES[1][chr2Sign[piece]])["".join(wfan), "".join(bfan), title])"learncombo%s" % ENDGAME)) scrollwin = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrollwin.add( scrollwin.show_all(), True, True, 0) return def row_activated(self, widget, path, col): if path is None: return else: pieces = ENDGAMES[path[0]][0].lower() conf.set("categorycombo", ENDGAME) from pychess.widgets.TaskerManager import learn_tasker learn_tasker.learn_combo.set_active(path[0]) start_endgame_from(pieces) def start_endgame_from(pieces): fen = create_fen(pieces) timemodel = TimeModel(0, 0) gamemodel = LearnModel(timemodel) gamemodel.set_learn_data(ENDGAME, pieces) player_name = conf.get("firstName") p0 = (LOCAL, Human, (WHITE, player_name), player_name) engine = discoverer.getEngineByName(discoverer.getEngineLearn()) ponder_off = True engine_name = discoverer.getName(engine) p1 = (ARTIFICIAL, discoverer.initPlayerEngine, (engine, BLACK, 20, variants[NORMALCHESS], 60, 0, 0, ponder_off), engine_name) def restart_analyzer(gamemodel): create_task(gamemodel.restart_analyzer(HINT)) gamemodel.connect("learn_success", restart_analyzer) def on_game_started(gamemodel): perspective.activate_panel("annotationPanel") create_task(gamemodel.start_analyzer(HINT, force_engine=discoverer.getEngineLearn())) gamemodel.connect("game_started", on_game_started) perspective = perspective_manager.get_perspective("games") create_task(perspective.generalStart(gamemodel, p0, p1, loaddata=(StringIO(fen), fen_loader, 0, -1))) def create_fen(pieces): """ Create a random FEN position using given pieces """ pos = pieces.rfind("k") pieces = pieces[:pos], pieces[pos:] ok = False while not ok: lboard = LBoard() lboard.applyFen("8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1") bishop_cords = [[], []] bishop_colors_ok = True cords = list(range(0, 64)) pawn_cords = list(range(0 + 8, 64 - 8)) # Order of color is important here to prevent offering # positions with trivial captures in first move for color in (WHITE, BLACK): for char in pieces[color]: piece = chrU2Sign[char.upper()] attacked = True limit = 100 while attacked and limit > 0: cord = random.choice(pawn_cords if char == "p" else cords) attacked = isAttacked(lboard, cord, 1 - color) limit -= 1 lboard._addPiece(cord, piece, color) cords.remove(cord) if cord in pawn_cords: pawn_cords.remove(cord) if char == "b": bishop_cords[color].append(cord) # 2 same color bishop is not ok if len(bishop_cords[color]) == 2 and bishop_colors_ok: b0, b1 = bishop_cords[color] b0_color = BLACK if RANK(b0) % 2 == FILE(b0) % 2 else WHITE b1_color = BLACK if RANK(b1) % 2 == FILE(b1) % 2 else WHITE if b0_color == b1_color: bishop_colors_ok = False break ok = (not lboard.isChecked()) and (not lboard.opIsChecked()) and bishop_colors_ok fen = lboard.asFen() return fen