/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Andrey Nazarov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef SOFTWARE_RENDERER #ifdef TRUECOLOR_RENDERER #define VID_BPP 32 #define VID_BYTES 4 #define VID_SHIFT 2 #define VID_IS32BIT 1 #else #define VID_BPP 8 #define VID_BYTES 1 #define VID_SHIFT 0 #define VID_IS32BIT 0 #endif #endif #ifdef USE_BGRA_FORMAT #define MakeColor( r, g, b, a ) MakeLittleLong( b, g, r, a ) #else #define MakeColor( r, g, b, a ) MakeLittleLong( r, g, b, a ) #endif // absolute limit for OpenGL renderer #define MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE 2048 /* skins will be outline flood filled and mip mapped pics and sprites with alpha will be outline flood filled pic won't be mip mapped model skin sprite frame wall texture pic */ typedef enum { if_transparent = ( 1 << 0 ), if_paletted = ( 1 << 1 ), if_scrap = ( 1 << 2 ), if_replace_wal = ( 1 << 3 ), if_replace_pcx = ( 1 << 4 ), if_auto = ( 1 << 5 ), if_charset = ( 1 << 6 ) } imageflags_t; typedef enum { it_skin, it_sprite, it_wall, it_pic, it_sky, it_lightmap, it_charset } imagetype_t; #define EXTENSION_PNG MakeLittleLong( '.', 'p', 'n', 'g' ) #define EXTENSION_TGA MakeLittleLong( '.', 't', 'g', 'a' ) #define EXTENSION_JPG MakeLittleLong( '.', 'j', 'p', 'g' ) #define EXTENSION_PCX MakeLittleLong( '.', 'p', 'c', 'x' ) #define EXTENSION_WAL MakeLittleLong( '.', 'w', 'a', 'l' ) typedef struct image_s { listElem_t elem; char name[MAX_QPATH]; // game path, without extension int baselength; // length of the path without extension imagetype_t type; int width, height; // source image int upload_width, upload_height; // after power of two and picmip int registration_sequence; // 0 = free #ifdef OPENGL_RENDERER uint32 texnum; // gl texture binding float sl, sh, tl, th; #elif SOFTWARE_RENDERER byte *pixels[4]; // mip levels #else #error Neither OPENGL_RENDERER nor SOFTWARE_RENDERER defined #endif imageflags_t flags; } image_t; #define MAX_RIMAGES 1024 #define RIMAGES_HASH 256 extern image_t r_images[MAX_RIMAGES]; extern list_t r_imageHash[RIMAGES_HASH]; extern int r_numImages; extern uint32 d_8to24table[256]; #define R_Malloc( size ) com.TagMalloc( size, TAG_RENDERER ) /* these are implemented in r_images.c */ image_t *R_FindImage( const char *name, imagetype_t type ); image_t *R_AllocImage( const char *name ); image_t *R_CreateImage( const char *name, byte *pic, int width, int height, imagetype_t type, imageflags_t flags ); void R_FreeUnusedImages( void ); void R_FreeAllImages( void ); void R_InitImageManager( void ); void R_ShutdownImageManager( void ); void R_ResampleTexture( const byte *in, int inwidth, int inheight, byte *out, int outwidth, int outheight ); void R_GetPalette( byte **dest ); void Image_LoadPCX( const char *filename, byte **pic, byte *palette, int *width, int *height ); void Image_LoadTGA( const char *filename, byte **pic, int *width, int *height ); qboolean Image_WriteTGA( const char *filename, const byte *rgb, int width, int height ); #ifdef USE_LIBJPEG void Image_LoadJPG( const char *filename, byte **pic, int *width, int *height ); qboolean Image_WriteJPG( const char *filename, const byte *rgb, int width, int height, int quality ); #endif /* these should be implemented by renderer library itself */ void R_FreeImage( image_t *image ); void R_LoadImage( image_t *image, byte *pic, int width, int height, imagetype_t type, imageflags_t flags ); image_t *R_LoadWal( const char *name ); extern int registration_sequence; extern image_t *r_notexture; // // BSP MODELS // #ifdef SOFTWARE_RENDERER // FIXME: differentiate from texinfo SURF_ flags #define SURF_PLANEBACK 0x02 #define SURF_DRAWSKY 0x04 // sky brush face #define SURF_FLOW 0x08 //PGM #define SURF_DRAWTURB 0x10 #define SURF_DRAWBACKGROUND 0x40 #define SURF_DRAWSKYBOX 0x80 // sky box #define EXTRA_SURFACES 6 #define EXTRA_VERTICES 8 #define EXTRA_EDGES 12 #define EXTRA_SURFEDGES 24 #else // SOFTWARE_RENDERER #define EXTRA_SURFACES 0 #define EXTRA_VERTICES 0 #define EXTRA_EDGES 0 #define EXTRA_SURFEDGES 0 #endif // !SOFTWARE_RENDERER typedef struct bspTexinfo_s { char name[MAX_QPATH]; uint32 contents; uint32 flags; vec3_t axis[2]; #ifdef OPENGL_RENDERER vec3_t normalizedAxis[2]; #endif vec2_t offset; int numFrames; struct bspTexinfo_s *animNext; image_t *image; } bspTexinfo_t; #ifdef OPENGL_RENDERER typedef enum { DSURF_POLY, DSURF_WARP, DSURF_NOLM, DSURF_MESH, DSURF_NUM_TYPES } drawSurfType_t; #endif typedef struct bspSurface_s { #ifdef OPENGL_RENDERER /* ======> */ drawSurfType_t type; /* <====== */ #endif int index; vec3_t origin; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; bspTexinfo_t *texinfo; byte *lightmap; int *firstSurfEdge; int numSurfEdges; cplane_t *plane; int side; int texturemins[2]; int extents[2]; #ifdef OPENGL_RENDERER struct tcoord_s *normalizedTC; struct bspPoly_s *polys; int lightmapnum; int drawframe; int dlightframe; int dlightbits; int testframe; struct bspSurface_s *next; #endif } bspSurface_t; typedef struct bspNode_s { /* ======> */ cplane_t *plane; /* should never be NULL for nodes */ int index; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; int visframe; struct bspNode_s *parent; /* <====== */ int numFaces; bspSurface_t *firstFace; struct bspNode_s *children[2]; } bspNode_t; typedef struct bspLeaf_s { /* ======> */ cplane_t *plane; /* should always be NULL for leafs */ int index; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; int visframe; struct bspNode_s *parent; /* <====== */ int cluster; int area; int contents; int numLeafFaces; bspSurface_t **firstLeafFace; } bspLeaf_t; typedef enum { MODEL_NULL, MODEL_BSP, MODEL_ALIAS, MODEL_SPRITE } modelType_t; typedef struct bspSubmodel_s { modelType_t type; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; float radius; vec3_t origin; int numFaces; bspSurface_t *firstFace; bspNode_t *headnode; } bspSubmodel_t; typedef struct bspModel_s { char name[MAX_QPATH]; mempool_t pool; bspSubmodel_t *submodels; int numSubmodels; bspTexinfo_t *texinfos; int numTexinfos; bspSurface_t *surfaces; int numSurfaces; bspSurface_t **leafFaces; int numLeafFaces; cplane_t *planes; int numPlanes; bspLeaf_t *leafs; int numLeafs; bspNode_t *nodes; int numNodes; byte *vis; int numClusters; int rowsize; byte *lightmap; uint32 lightmapSize; // char *entityString; dvertex_t *vertices; int numVertices; dedge_t *edges; int numEdges; int *surfEdges; int numSurfEdges; } bspModel_t; extern bspModel_t r_world; void Bsp_FreeWorld( void ); qboolean Bsp_LoadWorld( const char *path ); bspLeaf_t *Bsp_FindLeaf( vec3_t origin ); byte *Bsp_ClusterPVS( int clusterNum ); #ifdef OPENGL_RENDERER extern bspTexinfo_t *upload_texinfo; int GL_PostProcessSurface( bspSurface_t *surf ); #endif #ifdef BIGENDIAN_TARGET #define LL(x) ( dst->x = LongSwap( src->x ) ) #define LF(x) ( dst->x = FloatSwap( src->x ) ) #define LV(x) ( dst->x[0] = FloatSwap( src->x[0] ), \ dst->x[1] = FloatSwap( src->x[1] ), \ dst->x[2] = FloatSwap( src->x[2] ) ) #define LLV(x) ( dst->x[0] = LongSwap( src->x[0] ), \ dst->x[1] = LongSwap( src->x[1] ), \ dst->x[2] = LongSwap( src->x[2] ) ) #define LSV(x) ( dst->x[0] = ShortSwap( src->x[0] ), \ dst->x[1] = ShortSwap( src->x[1] ), \ dst->x[2] = ShortSwap( src->x[2] ) ) #else #define LL(x) ( dst->x = src->x ) #define LF(x) ( dst->x = src->x ) #define LV(x) ( dst->x[0] = src->x[0], \ dst->x[1] = src->x[1], \ dst->x[2] = src->x[2] ) #define LLV(x) ( dst->x[0] = src->x[0], \ dst->x[1] = src->x[1], \ dst->x[2] = src->x[2] ) #define LSV(x) ( dst->x[0] = src->x[0], \ dst->x[1] = src->x[1], \ dst->x[2] = src->x[2] ) #endif