# This file is part of the Spring engine (GPL v2 or later), see LICENSE.html # # Spring version related CMake utilities # -------------------------------------- # # Functions and macros defined in this file: # * ParseSpringVersion - Parses a Spring version string into one var for each part of the version # * CreateSpringVersionString - Concatenates Spring version string parts to form a full version specifier # * CheckSpringReleaseVersion - Checks whether a given string is a release version # * GetVersionFromFile - Retrieves the version from the VERSION file # * FetchSpringVersion - Retrieves the version either from git, or from the VERSION file, in case we are not in a git repo (tarball) # Include(Util) Include(UtilGit) Set(D10 "[0-9]") # matches a decimal digit Set(D16 "[0-9a-f]") # matches a (lower-case) hexadecimal digit # Matches the engine major version part # Releases that do NOT preserve sync show a change here (see release branch) Set(VERSION_REGEX_MAJOR "${D10}+") Set(VERSION_REGEX_MAJOR_MATCH_EXAMPLES "\"83\", \"90\", \"999\"") # Matches the engine patchSet version part # Releases that preserve sync show a change here (see hotfix branch) Set(VERSION_REGEX_PATCH "${D10}+") Set(VERSION_REGEX_PATCH_MATCH_EXAMPLES "\"0\", \"5\", \"999\"") # Matches the engine dev version postfix (".1-<#commits>-g ") Set(VERSION_REGEX_DEV_POSTFIX "[.]1-(${D10}+)-g(${D16}${D16}${D16}${D16}${D16}${D16}${D16}) ([^ ]+)") Set(VERSION_REGEX_DEV_POSTFIX_MATCH_EXAMPLES "\".1-13-g1234aaf develop\", \".1-1354-g1234567 release\"") # Matches engine release version strings # Match-groups (Caution: not consecutive! example input: ""): # \\1 : Major version, for example "83" # \\2 : Minor version, for example "0" # \\3 : Commits since last release, for example "2302" # \\4 : First 7 digits of the current commit's SHA1, for example "6d3a71e" # \\5 : Git branch, for example "develop" Set(VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE "(${VERSION_REGEX_MAJOR})[.](${VERSION_REGEX_PATCH})") Set(VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE_MATCH_EXAMPLES "\"83.0\", \"84.1\"") Set(VERSION_REGEX_DEV "${VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE}${VERSION_REGEX_DEV_POSTFIX}") Set(VERSION_REGEX_DEV_MATCH_EXAMPLES "\"83.0.1-13-g1234aaf develop\", \"84.1.1-1354-g1234567 release\"") Set(VERSION_REGEX_ANY "${VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE}(${VERSION_REGEX_DEV_POSTFIX})?") Set(VERSION_REGEX_ANY_MATCH_EXAMPLES "\"83.0\", \"84.1\", \"83.0.1-13-g1234aaf develop\", \"84.1.1-1354-g1234567 release\"") # Parses a Spring version string into one var for each part of the version. # @see CreateSpringVersionString # sample version: "83.2.1-2302-g6d3a71e develop" # sample output: # - ${varPrefix}_MAJOR "83" # - ${varPrefix}_PATCH_SET "2" # - ${varPrefix}_COMMITS "2302" # - ${varPrefix}_HASH "6d3a71e" # - ${varPrefix}_BRANCH "develop" Macro (ParseSpringVersion varPrefix version) CatchRegexGroup("${VERSION_REGEX_ANY}" 1 "${varPrefix}_MAJOR" "${version}") CatchRegexGroup("${VERSION_REGEX_ANY}" 2 "${varPrefix}_PATCH_SET" "${version}") CatchRegexGroup("${VERSION_REGEX_DEV}" 3 "${varPrefix}_COMMITS" "${version}") CatchRegexGroup("${VERSION_REGEX_DEV}" 4 "${varPrefix}_HASH" "${version}") CatchRegexGroup("${VERSION_REGEX_DEV}" 5 "${varPrefix}_BRANCH" "${version}") EndMacro (ParseSpringVersion) Macro (PrintParsedSpringVersion varPrefix) Message(" major: ${${varPrefix}_MAJOR}") Message(" patch-set: ${${varPrefix}_PATCH_SET}") Message(" commits: ${${varPrefix}_COMMITS}") Message(" hash: ${${varPrefix}_HASH}") Message(" branch: ${${varPrefix}_BRANCH}") EndMacro (PrintParsedSpringVersion) # Concatenates Spring version string parts to form a full version specifier. # @see ParseSpringVersion # sample input: # - major "0.82" # - minor "7" # - patchSet "1" # - commits "2302" # - hash "6d3a71e" # sample output: "" Macro (CreateSpringVersionString res_var major patchSet commits hash branch) Set(${res_var} "${major}.${patchSet}") If (NOT "${commits}" STREQUAL "") Set(${res_var} "${${res_var}}-${commits}-g${hash} ${branch}") EndIf () EndMacro (CreateSpringVersionString) # Sets res_var to TRUE if version is a Spring release version specifier, # as oposed to a non-release/development version. Macro (CheckSpringReleaseVersion res_var version) Set(${res_var} FALSE) If ("${version}" MATCHES "^${VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE}$") Set(${res_var} TRUE) EndIf () EndMacro (CheckSpringReleaseVersion) # Gets the version from a text file. # (actually just reads the text file content into a variable) Macro (GetVersionFromFile vers_var vers_file) # unset the vars Set(${vers_var}) Set(${vers_var}-NOTFOUND) If (EXISTS "${vers_file}") File(STRINGS "${vers_file}" ${vers_var}_tmp LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "^${VERSION_REGEX_ANY}$") If (NOT "${${vers_var}_tmp}" STREQUAL "") Set(${vers_var} "${${vers_var}_tmp}") Else () Set(${vers_var}-NOTFOUND "1") EndIf () Else (EXISTS "${vers_file}") Set(${vers_var}-NOTFOUND "1") EndIf (EXISTS "${vers_file}") EndMacro (GetVersionFromFile) # Gets the version for a source directory, either from GIT, # or if that fails (for example if it is not a git repository, # as is the case when using a tarball), from the VERSION file. # Creates a FATAL_ERROR on failure. # Sets the following vars: # - ${prefix}_VERSION Macro (FetchSpringVersion dir prefix) # unset the vars Set(${prefix}_VERSION) Set(${prefix}_VERSION-NOTFOUND) If (EXISTS "${dir}/.git") # Try to fetch version through git If (NOT GIT_FOUND) Message(FATAL_ERROR "Git repository detected, but git executable not found; failed to fetch ${prefix} version.") EndIf (NOT GIT_FOUND) # Fetch git version info Git_Util_Describe(${prefix}_Describe ${dir} "*") If (NOT ${prefix}_Describe) Message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to fetch git-describe for ${prefix}.") EndIf (NOT ${prefix}_Describe) If ("${${prefix}_Describe}" MATCHES "^${VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE}$") Set(${prefix}_IsRelease TRUE) Else ("${${prefix}_Describe}" MATCHES "^${VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE}$") Set(${prefix}_IsRelease FALSE) EndIf ("${${prefix}_Describe}" MATCHES "^${VERSION_REGEX_RELEASE}$") If (NOT ${prefix}_IsRelease) # We always want the long git-describe output on non-releases # for example: 83.0.1-0-g1234567 Git_Util_Describe(${prefix}_Describe ${dir} "*" --long) EndIf (NOT ${prefix}_IsRelease) Git_Util_Branch(${prefix}_Branch ${dir}) If (${prefix}_IsRelease) Set(${prefix}_VERSION "${${prefix}_Describe}") Else (${prefix}_IsRelease) If (NOT ${prefix}_Branch) Message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to fetch the git branch for ${prefix}.") EndIf (NOT ${prefix}_Branch) Set(${prefix}_VERSION "${${prefix}_Describe} ${${prefix}_Branch}") EndIf (${prefix}_IsRelease) ParseSpringVersion(${prefix} "${${prefix}_VERSION}") If ("${${prefix}_Branch}" STREQUAL "master") If (NOT "${${prefix}_COMMITS}" STREQUAL "" OR NOT "${${prefix}_HASH}" STREQUAL "") Message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Commit without a version tag found on branch master for ${prefix}; this indicates a tagging/branching/push error.") EndIf (NOT "${${prefix}_COMMITS}" STREQUAL "" OR NOT "${${prefix}_HASH}" STREQUAL "") EndIf ("${${prefix}_Branch}" STREQUAL "master") Else (EXISTS "${dir}/.git") # Try to fetch version through VERSION file GetVersionFromFile(${prefix}_VERSION "${dir}/VERSION") If (${${prefix}_VERSION-NOTFOUND}) Message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to fetch ${prefix} version.") Else (${${prefix}_VERSION-NOTFOUND}) Message(STATUS "${prefix} version fetched from VERSION file: ${${prefix}_VERSION}") EndIf (${${prefix}_VERSION-NOTFOUND}) EndIf (EXISTS "${dir}/.git") if(DEFINED ENV{CI}) Message(STATUS "Build on travis-ci detected, not checking version (git clone --depth=...)") else() if(NOT "${${prefix}_VERSION}" MATCHES "^${VERSION_REGEX_ANY}$") Message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid version format: ${${prefix}_VERSION}") endif() endif() EndMacro (FetchSpringVersion)