/** * @file * @brief deal with reading and writing of highscore file **/ /* * ----------- MODIFYING THE PRINTED SCORE FORMAT --------------------- * Do this at your leisure. Change hiscores_format_single() as much * as you like. * */ #include "AppHdr.h" #include "hiscores.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(UNIX) || defined(TARGET_COMPILER_MINGW) #include #endif #include "branch.h" #include "chardump.h" #include "cio.h" #include "dungeon.h" #include "end.h" #include "english.h" #include "files.h" #include "initfile.h" #include "item-prop.h" #include "item-status-flag-type.h" #include "items.h" #include "jobs.h" #include "kills.h" #include "libutil.h" #include "menu.h" #include "misc.h" #include "mon-util.h" #include "options.h" #include "ouch.h" #include "place.h" #include "religion.h" #include "scroller.h" #include "skills.h" #include "state.h" #include "status.h" #include "stringutil.h" #ifdef USE_TILE #include "tilepick.h" #endif #ifdef USE_TILE_LOCAL #include "tilereg-crt.h" #endif #include "unwind.h" #include "version.h" #include "outer-menu.h" using namespace ui; #define SCORE_VERSION "0.1" // enough memory allocated to snarf in the scorefile entries static unique_ptr hs_list[SCORE_FILE_ENTRIES]; static int hs_list_size = 0; static bool hs_list_initalized = false; static FILE *_hs_open(const char *mode, const string &filename); static void _hs_close(FILE *handle); static bool _hs_read(FILE *scores, scorefile_entry &dest); static void _hs_write(FILE *scores, scorefile_entry &entry); static time_t _parse_time(const string &st); static string _xlog_escape(const string &s); static string _xlog_unescape(const string &s); static vector _xlog_split_fields(const string &s); static string _score_file_name() { string ret; if (!SysEnv.scorefile.empty()) ret = SysEnv.scorefile; else ret = catpath(Options.shared_dir, "scores"); ret += crawl_state.game_type_qualifier(); if (crawl_state.game_is_sprint() && !crawl_state.map.empty()) ret += "-" + crawl_state.map; return ret; } static string _log_file_name() { return catpath(Options.shared_dir, "logfile" + crawl_state.game_type_qualifier()); } int hiscores_new_entry(const scorefile_entry &ne) { unwind_bool score_update(crawl_state.updating_scores, true); FILE *scores; int i; bool inserted = false; int newest_entry = -1; // open highscore file (reading) -- nullptr is fatal! // // Opening as a+ instead of r+ to force an exclusive lock (see // hs_open) and to create the file if it's not there already. scores = _hs_open("a+", _score_file_name()); if (scores == nullptr) end(1, true, "failed to open score file for writing"); // we're at the end of the file, seek back to beginning. fseek(scores, 0, SEEK_SET); // read highscore file, inserting new entry at appropriate point, for (i = 0; i < SCORE_FILE_ENTRIES; i++) { hs_list[i].reset(new scorefile_entry); if (_hs_read(scores, *hs_list[i]) == false) break; // compare points.. if (!inserted && ne.get_score() >= hs_list[i]->get_score()) { newest_entry = i; // for later printing inserted = true; // copy read entry to i+1th position // Fixed a nasty overflow bug here -- Sharp if (i+1 < SCORE_FILE_ENTRIES) { hs_list[i + 1] = move(hs_list[i]); hs_list[i].reset(new scorefile_entry(ne)); i++; } else *hs_list[i] = ne; // copy new entry to current position } } // special case: lowest score, with room if (!inserted && i < SCORE_FILE_ENTRIES) { newest_entry = i; inserted = true; // copy new entry hs_list[i].reset(new scorefile_entry(ne)); i++; } hs_list_size = i; hs_list_initalized = true; // If we've still not inserted it, it's not a highscore. if (!inserted) { _hs_close(scores); return -1; } // The old code closed and reopened the score file, leading to a // race condition where one Crawl process could overwrite the // other's highscore. Now we truncate and rewrite the file without // closing it. if (ftruncate(fileno(scores), 0)) end(1, true, "unable to truncate scorefile"); rewind(scores); // write scorefile entries. for (i = 0; i < hs_list_size; i++) { _hs_write(scores, *hs_list[i]); // Leave in memory. Does this anyway if !inserted. // Can write cleanup function if nessicary?? // hs_list[i].reset(nullptr); } // close scorefile. _hs_close(scores); return newest_entry; } void logfile_new_entry(const scorefile_entry &ne) { unwind_bool logfile_update(crawl_state.updating_scores, true); FILE *logfile; scorefile_entry le = ne; // open logfile (appending) -- nullptr *is* fatal here. logfile = _hs_open("a", _log_file_name()); if (logfile == nullptr) { mprf(MSGCH_ERROR, "ERROR: failure writing to the logfile."); return; } _hs_write(logfile, le); // close logfile. _hs_close(logfile); } template static void _hiscores_print_entry(const scorefile_entry &se, int index, int format, t_printf pf) { char buf[200]; // print position (tracked implicitly by order score file) snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%3d.", index + 1); pf("%s", buf); string entry; // format the entry if (format == SCORE_TERSE) entry = hiscores_format_single(se); else entry = hiscores_format_single_long(se, (format == SCORE_VERBOSE)); entry += "\n"; pf("%s", entry.c_str()); } // Reads hiscores file to memory void hiscores_read_to_memory() { FILE *scores; int i; // open highscore file (reading) scores = _hs_open("r", _score_file_name()); if (scores == nullptr) return; // read highscore file for (i = 0; i < SCORE_FILE_ENTRIES; i++) { hs_list[i].reset(new scorefile_entry); if (_hs_read(scores, *hs_list[i]) == false) break; } hs_list_size = i; hs_list_initalized = true; //close off _hs_close(scores); } // Writes all entries in the scorefile to stdout in human-readable form. void hiscores_print_all(int display_count, int format) { unwind_bool scorefile_display(crawl_state.updating_scores, true); FILE *scores = _hs_open("r", _score_file_name()); if (scores == nullptr) { // will only happen from command line puts("No scores."); return; } for (int entry = 0; display_count <= 0 || entry < display_count; ++entry) { scorefile_entry se; if (!_hs_read(scores, se)) break; if (format == -1) printf("%s", se.raw_string().c_str()); else _hiscores_print_entry(se, entry, format, printf); } _hs_close(scores); } // Displays high scores using curses. For output to the console, use // hiscores_print_all. string hiscores_print_list(int display_count, int format, int newest_entry, int& start_out) { unwind_bool scorefile_display(crawl_state.updating_scores, true); string ret; // Additional check to preserve previous functionality if (!hs_list_initalized) hiscores_read_to_memory(); int i, total_entries; if (display_count <= 0) return ""; total_entries = hs_list_size; int start = newest_entry - display_count / 2; if (start + display_count > total_entries) start = total_entries - display_count; if (start < 0) start = 0; const int finish = start + display_count; for (i = start; i < finish && i < total_entries; i++) { // check for recently added entry if (i == newest_entry) ret += ""; _hiscores_print_entry(*hs_list[i], i, format, [&ret](const char */*fmt*/, const char *s){ ret += string(s); }); // return to normal color for next entry if (i == newest_entry) ret += ""; } start_out = start; return ret; } static void _show_morgue(scorefile_entry& se) { int flags = FS_PREWRAPPED_TEXT; formatted_scroller morgue_file(flags); morgue_file.set_tag("morgue"); morgue_file.set_more(); string morgue_base = morgue_name(se.get_name(), se.get_death_time()); string morgue_path = catpath(morgue_directory(), strip_filename_unsafe_chars(morgue_base) + ".txt"); FILE* morgue = lk_open("r", morgue_path); if (!morgue) // TODO: add an error message return; char buf[200]; string morgue_text = ""; while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, morgue) != nullptr) { string line = string(buf); size_t newline_pos = line.find_last_of('\n'); if (newline_pos != string::npos) line.erase(newline_pos); morgue_text += "" + replace_all(line, "<", "<<") + "" + '\n'; } lk_close(morgue); column_composer cols(2, 40); cols.add_formatted( 0, morgue_text, true); vector blines = cols.formatted_lines(); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < blines.size(); ++i) morgue_file.add_formatted_string(blines[i], true); morgue_file.show(); } class UIHiscoresMenu : public Widget { public: UIHiscoresMenu(); virtual shared_ptr get_child_at_offset(int, int) override { return static_pointer_cast(m_root); } virtual void _render() override; virtual SizeReq _get_preferred_size(Direction dim, int prosp_width) override; virtual void _allocate_region() override; void on_show(); bool done = false; private: void _construct_hiscore_table(); void _add_hiscore_row(scorefile_entry& se, int id); Widget* initial_focus = nullptr; bool have_allocated {false}; shared_ptr m_root; shared_ptr m_description; shared_ptr m_score_entries; }; static int nhsr; UIHiscoresMenu::UIHiscoresMenu() { m_root = make_shared(Widget::VERT); add_internal_child(m_root); m_root->set_cross_alignment(Widget::STRETCH); auto title_hbox = make_shared(Widget::HORZ); title_hbox->set_margin_for_sdl(0, 0, 20, 0); title_hbox->set_margin_for_crt(0, 0, 1, 0); #ifdef USE_TILE auto tile = make_shared(); tile->set_tile(tile_def(TILEG_STARTUP_HIGH_SCORES)); title_hbox->add_child(move(tile)); #endif auto title = make_shared(formatted_string( "Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup: High Scores", YELLOW)); title->set_margin_for_sdl(0, 0, 0, 16); title_hbox->add_child(move(title)); title_hbox->set_main_alignment(Widget::CENTER); title_hbox->set_cross_alignment(Widget::CENTER); m_description = make_shared(string(9, '\n')); m_score_entries= make_shared(true, 1, 100); nhsr = 0; _construct_hiscore_table(); m_root->add_child(move(title_hbox)); if (initial_focus) { m_root->add_child(m_description); m_root->add_child(m_score_entries); } else { auto placeholder = formatted_string("No high scores yet...", DARKGRAY); m_root->add_child(make_shared(placeholder)); initial_focus = this; } on_hotkey_event([this](const KeyEvent& ev) { return done = (key_is_escape(ev.key()) || ev.key() == CK_MOUSE_CMD); }); } void UIHiscoresMenu::_construct_hiscore_table() { FILE *scores = _hs_open("r", _score_file_name()); if (scores == nullptr) return; int i; // read highscore file for (i = 0; i < SCORE_FILE_ENTRIES; i++) { hs_list[i].reset(new scorefile_entry); if (_hs_read(scores, *hs_list[i]) == false) break; } _hs_close(scores); for (int j=0; j(); tmp->set_text(hiscores_format_single(se)); auto btn = make_shared(); tmp->set_margin_for_sdl(2); btn->set_child(move(tmp)); btn->on_activate_event([id](const ActivateEvent&) { _show_morgue(*hs_list[id]); return true; }); btn->on_focusin_event([this, se](const FocusEvent&) { formatted_string desc(hiscores_format_single_long(se, true)); desc.cprintf(string(max(0, 9-count_linebreaks(desc)), '\n')); m_description->set_text(move(desc)); return false; }); if (!initial_focus) initial_focus = btn.get(); m_score_entries->add_button(move(btn), 0, nhsr++); } void UIHiscoresMenu::_render() { m_root->render(); } void UIHiscoresMenu::on_show() { ui::set_focused_widget(initial_focus); } SizeReq UIHiscoresMenu::_get_preferred_size(Direction dim, int prosp_width) { return m_root->get_preferred_size(dim, prosp_width); } void UIHiscoresMenu::_allocate_region() { if (!have_allocated) { have_allocated = true; on_show(); } m_root->allocate_region(m_region); } void show_hiscore_table() { unwind_var sprintmap(crawl_state.map, crawl_state.sprint_map); auto hiscore_ui = make_shared(); auto popup = make_shared(hiscore_ui); ui::run_layout(move(popup), hiscore_ui->done); } // Trying to supply an appropriate verb for the attack type. -- bwr static const char *_range_type_verb(const char *const aux) { if (strncmp(aux, "Shot ", 5) == 0) // launched return "shot"; else if (aux[0] == 0 // unknown || strncmp(aux, "Hit ", 4) == 0 // thrown || strncmp(aux, "volley ", 7) == 0) // manticore spikes { return "hit from afar"; } return "blasted"; // spells, wands } string hiscores_format_single(const scorefile_entry &se) { return se.hiscore_line(scorefile_entry::DDV_ONELINE); } static bool _hiscore_same_day(time_t t1, time_t t2) { struct tm *d1 = TIME_FN(&t1); const int year = d1->tm_year; const int mon = d1->tm_mon; const int day = d1->tm_mday; struct tm *d2 = TIME_FN(&t2); return d2->tm_mday == day && d2->tm_mon == mon && d2->tm_year == year; } static string _hiscore_date_string(time_t time) { struct tm *date = TIME_FN(&time); const char *mons[12] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; return make_stringf("%s %d, %d", mons[date->tm_mon], date->tm_mday, date->tm_year + 1900); } static string _hiscore_newline_string() { return "\n "; } string hiscores_format_single_long(const scorefile_entry &se, bool verbose) { return se.hiscore_line(verbose ? scorefile_entry::DDV_VERBOSE : scorefile_entry::DDV_NORMAL); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN private functions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static FILE *_hs_open(const char *mode, const string &scores) { // allow reading from standard input if (scores == "-") return stdin; return lk_open(mode, scores); } static void _hs_close(FILE *handle) { lk_close(handle); } static bool _hs_read(FILE *scores, scorefile_entry &dest) { char inbuf[1300]; if (!scores || feof(scores)) return false; memset(inbuf, 0, sizeof inbuf); dest.reset(); if (!fgets(inbuf, sizeof inbuf, scores)) return false; return dest.parse(inbuf); } static int _val_char(char digit) { return digit - '0'; } static time_t _parse_time(const string &st) { struct tm date; if (st.length() < 15) return static_cast(0); date.tm_year = _val_char(st[0]) * 1000 + _val_char(st[1]) * 100 + _val_char(st[2]) * 10 + _val_char(st[3]) - 1900; date.tm_mon = _val_char(st[4]) * 10 + _val_char(st[5]); date.tm_mday = _val_char(st[6]) * 10 + _val_char(st[7]); date.tm_hour = _val_char(st[8]) * 10 + _val_char(st[9]); date.tm_min = _val_char(st[10]) * 10 + _val_char(st[11]); date.tm_sec = _val_char(st[12]) * 10 + _val_char(st[13]); date.tm_isdst = (st[14] == 'D'); return mktime(&date); } static void _hs_write(FILE *scores, scorefile_entry &se) { fprintf(scores, "%s", se.raw_string().c_str()); } static const char *kill_method_names[] = { "mon", "pois", "cloud", "beam", "lava", "water", "stupidity", "weakness", "clumsiness", "trap", "leaving", "winning", "quitting", "wizmode", "draining", "starvation", "freezing", "burning", "wild_magic", "xom", "rotting", "targeting", "spore", "tso_smiting", "petrification", "something", "falling_down_stairs", "acid", "curare", "beogh_smiting", "divine_wrath", "bounce", "reflect", "self_aimed", "falling_through_gate", "disintegration", "headbutt", "rolling", "mirror_damage", "spines", "frailty", "barbs", "being_thrown", "collision", "zot", "constriction", }; static const char *_kill_method_name(kill_method_type kmt) { COMPILE_CHECK(NUM_KILLBY == ARRAYSZ(kill_method_names)); if (kmt == NUM_KILLBY) return ""; return kill_method_names[kmt]; } static kill_method_type _str_to_kill_method(const string &s) { COMPILE_CHECK(NUM_KILLBY == ARRAYSZ(kill_method_names)); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KILLBY; ++i) { if (s == kill_method_names[i]) return static_cast(i); } return NUM_KILLBY; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // scorefile_entry scorefile_entry::scorefile_entry(int dam, mid_t dsource, int dtype, const char *aux, bool death_cause_only, const char *dsource_name, time_t dt) { reset(); init_death_cause(dam, dsource, dtype, aux, dsource_name); if (!death_cause_only) init(dt); } scorefile_entry::scorefile_entry() { // Completely uninitialised, caveat user. reset(); } scorefile_entry::scorefile_entry(const scorefile_entry &se) { init_from(se); } scorefile_entry &scorefile_entry::operator = (const scorefile_entry &se) { init_from(se); return *this; } void scorefile_entry::init_from(const scorefile_entry &se) { version = se.version; save_rcs_version = se.save_rcs_version; save_tag_version = se.save_tag_version; tiles = se.tiles; points = se.points; name = se.name; race = se.race; job = se.job; race_class_name = se.race_class_name; lvl = se.lvl; best_skill = se.best_skill; best_skill_lvl = se.best_skill_lvl; title = se.title; death_type = se.death_type; death_source = se.death_source; death_source_name = se.death_source_name; death_source_flags = se.death_source_flags; auxkilldata = se.auxkilldata; indirectkiller = se.indirectkiller; killerpath = se.killerpath; last_banisher = se.last_banisher; dlvl = se.dlvl; absdepth = se.absdepth; branch = se.branch; map = se.map; mapdesc = se.mapdesc; killer_map = se.killer_map; final_hp = se.final_hp; final_max_hp = se.final_max_hp; final_max_max_hp = se.final_max_max_hp; final_mp = se.final_mp; final_max_mp = se.final_max_mp; final_base_max_mp = se.final_base_max_mp; damage = se.damage; source_damage = se.source_damage; turn_damage = se.turn_damage; str = se.str; intel = se.intel; dex = se.dex; ac = se.ac; ev = se.ev; sh = se.sh; god = se.god; piety = se.piety; penance = se.penance; wiz_mode = se.wiz_mode; explore_mode = se.explore_mode; birth_time = se.birth_time; death_time = se.death_time; real_time = se.real_time; num_turns = se.num_turns; num_aut = se.num_aut; num_diff_runes = se.num_diff_runes; num_runes = se.num_runes; kills = se.kills; maxed_skills = se.maxed_skills; fifteen_skills = se.fifteen_skills; status_effects = se.status_effects; gold = se.gold; gold_spent = se.gold_spent; gold_found = se.gold_found; zigs = se.zigs; zigmax = se.zigmax; scrolls_used = se.scrolls_used; potions_used = se.potions_used; seed = se.seed; fixup_char_name(); // We could just reset raw_line to "" instead. raw_line = se.raw_line; } actor* scorefile_entry::killer() const { return actor_by_mid(death_source); } xlog_fields scorefile_entry::get_fields() const { if (!fields) return xlog_fields(); else return *fields; } bool scorefile_entry::parse(const string &line) { // Scorefile formats down the ages: // // 1) old-style lines which were 80 character blocks // 2) 4.0 pr1 through pr7 versions which were newline terminated // 3) 4.0 pr8 and onwards which are colon-separated fields (and // start with a colon), and may exceed 80 characters! // 4) 0.2 and onwards, which are xlogfile format - no leading // colon, fields separated by colons, each field specified as // key=value. Colons are not allowed in key names, must be escaped to // :: in values. // // 0.3 only reads and writes entries of type (4). // Leading colon implies 4.0 style line: if (line[0] == ':') { dprf("Corrupted xlog-line: %s", line.c_str()); return false; } raw_line = line; return parse_scoreline(line); } string scorefile_entry::raw_string() const { if (!raw_line.empty()) return raw_line; set_score_fields(); if (!fields) return ""; return fields->xlog_line() + "\n"; } bool scorefile_entry::parse_scoreline(const string &line) { fields.reset(new xlog_fields(line)); init_with_fields(); return true; } static const char* _short_branch_name(int branch) { if (branch >= 0 && branch < NUM_BRANCHES) return branches[branch].abbrevname; return ""; } enum old_job_type { OLD_JOB_THIEF = -1, OLD_JOB_DEATH_KNIGHT = -2, OLD_JOB_PALADIN = -3, OLD_JOB_REAVER = -4, OLD_JOB_STALKER = -5, OLD_JOB_JESTER = -6, OLD_JOB_PRIEST = -7, OLD_JOB_HEALER = -8, OLD_JOB_SKALD = -9, NUM_OLD_JOBS = -OLD_JOB_SKALD }; static const char* _job_name(int job) { switch (job) { case OLD_JOB_THIEF: return "Thief"; case OLD_JOB_DEATH_KNIGHT: return "Death Knight"; case OLD_JOB_PALADIN: return "Paladin"; case OLD_JOB_REAVER: return "Reaver"; case OLD_JOB_STALKER: return "Stalker"; case OLD_JOB_JESTER: return "Jester"; case OLD_JOB_PRIEST: return "Priest"; case OLD_JOB_HEALER: return "Healer"; case OLD_JOB_SKALD: return "Skald"; } return get_job_name(static_cast(job)); } static const char* _job_abbrev(int job) { switch (job) { case OLD_JOB_THIEF: return "Th"; case OLD_JOB_DEATH_KNIGHT: return "DK"; case OLD_JOB_PALADIN: return "Pa"; case OLD_JOB_REAVER: return "Re"; case OLD_JOB_STALKER: return "St"; case OLD_JOB_JESTER: return "Jr"; case OLD_JOB_PRIEST: return "Pr"; case OLD_JOB_HEALER: return "He"; case OLD_JOB_SKALD: return "Sk"; } return get_job_abbrev(static_cast(job)); } static int _job_by_name(const string& name) { int job = get_job_by_name(name.c_str()); if (job != JOB_UNKNOWN) return job; for (job = -1; job >= -NUM_OLD_JOBS; job--) if (name == _job_name(job)) return job; return JOB_UNKNOWN; } enum old_species_type { OLD_SP_ELF = -1, OLD_SP_HILL_DWARF = -2, OLD_SP_OGRE_MAGE = -3, OLD_SP_GREY_ELF = -4, OLD_SP_GNOME = -5, OLD_SP_MOUNTAIN_DWARF = -6, OLD_SP_SLUDGE_ELF = -7, OLD_SP_DJINNI = -8, OLD_SP_LAVA_ORC = -9, NUM_OLD_SPECIES = -OLD_SP_LAVA_ORC }; static string _species_name(int race) { switch (race) { case OLD_SP_ELF: return "Elf"; case OLD_SP_HILL_DWARF: return "Hill Dwarf"; case OLD_SP_OGRE_MAGE: return "Ogre-Mage"; case OLD_SP_GREY_ELF: return "Grey Elf"; case OLD_SP_GNOME: return "Gnome"; case OLD_SP_MOUNTAIN_DWARF: return "Mountain Dwarf"; case OLD_SP_SLUDGE_ELF: return "Sludge Elf"; case OLD_SP_DJINNI: return "Djinni"; case OLD_SP_LAVA_ORC: return "Lava Orc"; } // Guard against an ASSERT in get_species_def; it's really bad if the game // crashes at this point while trying to clean up a dead/quit player. // (This doesn't seem to even impact what is shown in the score list?) if (race < 0 || race >= NUM_SPECIES) return "Unknown (buggy) species!"; return species::name(static_cast(race)); } static const char* _species_abbrev(int race) { switch (race) { case OLD_SP_ELF: return "El"; case OLD_SP_HILL_DWARF: return "HD"; case OLD_SP_OGRE_MAGE: return "OM"; case OLD_SP_GREY_ELF: return "GE"; case OLD_SP_GNOME: return "Gn"; case OLD_SP_MOUNTAIN_DWARF: return "MD"; case OLD_SP_SLUDGE_ELF: return "SE"; case OLD_SP_DJINNI: return "Dj"; case OLD_SP_LAVA_ORC: return "LO"; } // see note in _species_name: don't ASSERT in get_species_def. if (race < 0 || race >= NUM_SPECIES) return "??"; return species::get_abbrev(static_cast(race)); } static int _species_by_name(const string& name) { int race = species::from_str(name); if (race != SP_UNKNOWN) return race; for (race = -1; race >= -NUM_OLD_SPECIES; race--) if (name == _species_name(race)) return race; return SP_UNKNOWN; } void scorefile_entry::init_with_fields() { version = fields->str_field("v"); save_rcs_version = fields->str_field("vsavrv"); save_tag_version = fields->str_field("vsav"); tiles = fields->int_field("tiles"); points = fields->int_field("sc"); name = fields->str_field("name"); race = _species_by_name(fields->str_field("race")); job = _job_by_name(fields->str_field("cls")); lvl = fields->int_field("xl"); race_class_name = fields->str_field("char"); best_skill = str_to_skill_safe(fields->str_field("sk")); best_skill_lvl = fields->int_field("sklev"); title = fields->str_field("title"); death_type = _str_to_kill_method(fields->str_field("ktyp")); death_source_name = fields->str_field("killer"); const vector kflags = split_string(" ", fields->str_field("killer_flags")); death_source_flags = set(kflags.begin(), kflags.end()); auxkilldata = fields->str_field("kaux"); indirectkiller = fields->str_field("ikiller"); if (indirectkiller.empty()) indirectkiller = death_source_name; killerpath = fields->str_field("kpath"); last_banisher = fields->str_field("banisher"); branch = branch_by_abbrevname(fields->str_field("br"), BRANCH_DUNGEON); dlvl = fields->int_field("lvl"); absdepth = fields->int_field("absdepth"); map = fields->str_field("map"); mapdesc = fields->str_field("mapdesc"); killer_map = fields->str_field("killermap"); final_hp = fields->int_field("hp"); final_max_hp = fields->int_field("mhp"); final_max_max_hp = fields->int_field("mmhp"); final_mp = fields->int_field("mp"); final_max_mp = fields->int_field("mmp"); final_base_max_mp = fields->int_field("bmmp"); damage = fields->int_field("dam"); source_damage = fields->int_field("sdam"); turn_damage = fields->int_field("tdam"); str = fields->int_field("str"); intel = fields->int_field("int"); dex = fields->int_field("dex"); ac = fields->int_field("ac"); ev = fields->int_field("ev"); sh = fields->int_field("sh"); god = str_to_god(fields->str_field("god")); piety = fields->int_field("piety"); penance = fields->int_field("pen"); wiz_mode = fields->int_field("wiz"); explore_mode = fields->int_field("explore"); birth_time = _parse_time(fields->str_field("start")); death_time = _parse_time(fields->str_field("end")); real_time = fields->int_field("dur"); num_turns = fields->int_field("turn"); num_aut = fields->int_field("aut"); num_diff_runes = fields->int_field("urune"); num_runes = fields->int_field("nrune"); kills = fields->int_field("kills"); maxed_skills = fields->str_field("maxskills"); fifteen_skills = fields->str_field("fifteenskills"); status_effects = fields->str_field("status"); gold = fields->int_field("gold"); gold_found = fields->int_field("goldfound"); gold_spent = fields->int_field("goldspent"); zigs = fields->int_field("zigscompleted"); zigmax = fields->int_field("zigdeepest"); scrolls_used = fields->int_field("scrollsused"); potions_used = fields->int_field("potionsused"); seed = fields->str_field("seed"); fixup_char_name(); } void scorefile_entry::set_base_xlog_fields() const { if (!fields) fields.reset(new xlog_fields); string score_version = SCORE_VERSION; if (crawl_state.game_is_sprint()) { /* XXX: hmmm, something better here? */ score_version += "-sprint.1"; } fields->add_field("v", "%s", Version::Short); fields->add_field("vlong", "%s", Version::Long); fields->add_field("lv", "%s", score_version.c_str()); if (!save_rcs_version.empty()) fields->add_field("vsavrv", "%s", save_rcs_version.c_str()); if (!save_tag_version.empty()) fields->add_field("vsav", "%s", save_tag_version.c_str()); #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_BRANCH fields->add_field("explbr", EXPERIMENTAL_BRANCH); #endif if (tiles) fields->add_field("tiles", "%d", tiles); fields->add_field("name", "%s", name.c_str()); fields->add_field("race", "%s", _species_name(race).c_str()); fields->add_field("cls", "%s", _job_name(job)); fields->add_field("char", "%s", race_class_name.c_str()); fields->add_field("xl", "%d", lvl); fields->add_field("sk", "%s", skill_name(best_skill)); fields->add_field("sklev", "%d", best_skill_lvl); fields->add_field("title", "%s", title.c_str()); fields->add_field("place", "%s", level_id(branch, dlvl).describe().c_str()); if (!last_banisher.empty()) fields->add_field("banisher", "%s", last_banisher.c_str()); // Note: "br", "lvl" (and former "ltyp") are redundant with "place" // but may still be used by DGL logs. fields->add_field("br", "%s", _short_branch_name(branch)); fields->add_field("lvl", "%d", dlvl); fields->add_field("absdepth", "%d", absdepth); fields->add_field("hp", "%d", final_hp); fields->add_field("mhp", "%d", final_max_hp); fields->add_field("mmhp", "%d", final_max_max_hp); fields->add_field("mp", "%d", final_mp); fields->add_field("mmp", "%d", final_max_mp); fields->add_field("bmmp", "%d", final_base_max_mp); fields->add_field("str", "%d", str); fields->add_field("int", "%d", intel); fields->add_field("dex", "%d", dex); fields->add_field("ac", "%d", ac); fields->add_field("ev", "%d", ev); fields->add_field("sh", "%d", sh); fields->add_field("god", "%s", god == GOD_NO_GOD ? "" : god_name(god).c_str()); if (wiz_mode) fields->add_field("wiz", "%d", wiz_mode); if (explore_mode) fields->add_field("explore", "%d", explore_mode); fields->add_field("start", "%s", make_date_string(birth_time).c_str()); fields->add_field("dur", "%d", (int)real_time); fields->add_field("turn", "%d", num_turns); fields->add_field("aut", "%d", num_aut); if (num_diff_runes) fields->add_field("urune", "%d", num_diff_runes); if (num_runes) fields->add_field("nrune", "%d", num_runes); fields->add_field("kills", "%d", kills); if (!maxed_skills.empty()) fields->add_field("maxskills", "%s", maxed_skills.c_str()); if (!fifteen_skills.empty()) fields->add_field("fifteenskills", "%s", fifteen_skills.c_str()); if (!status_effects.empty()) fields->add_field("status", "%s", status_effects.c_str()); fields->add_field("gold", "%d", gold); fields->add_field("goldfound", "%d", gold_found); fields->add_field("goldspent", "%d", gold_spent); if (zigs) fields->add_field("zigscompleted", "%d", zigs); if (zigmax) fields->add_field("zigdeepest", "%d", zigmax); fields->add_field("scrollsused", "%d", scrolls_used); fields->add_field("potionsused", "%d", potions_used); } void scorefile_entry::set_score_fields() const { fields.reset(new xlog_fields); if (!fields) return; set_base_xlog_fields(); fields->add_field("sc", "%d", points); fields->add_field("ktyp", "%s", _kill_method_name(kill_method_type(death_type))); fields->add_field("killer", "%s", death_source_desc().c_str()); if (!death_source_flags.empty()) { const string kflags = comma_separated_line( death_source_flags.begin(), death_source_flags.end(), " ", " "); fields->add_field("killer_flags", "%s", kflags.c_str()); } fields->add_field("dam", "%d", damage); fields->add_field("sdam", "%d", source_damage); fields->add_field("tdam", "%d", turn_damage); fields->add_field("kaux", "%s", auxkilldata.c_str()); if (indirectkiller != death_source_desc()) fields->add_field("ikiller", "%s", indirectkiller.c_str()); if (!killerpath.empty()) fields->add_field("kpath", "%s", killerpath.c_str()); if (piety > 0) fields->add_field("piety", "%d", piety); if (penance > 0) fields->add_field("pen", "%d", penance); fields->add_field("end", "%s", make_date_string(death_time).c_str()); if (!map.empty()) { fields->add_field("map", "%s", map.c_str()); if (!mapdesc.empty()) fields->add_field("mapdesc", "%s", mapdesc.c_str()); } if (!killer_map.empty()) fields->add_field("killermap", "%s", killer_map.c_str()); fields->add_field("seed", "%s", seed.c_str()); #ifdef DGL_EXTENDED_LOGFILES const string short_msg = short_kill_message(); fields->add_field("tmsg", "%s", short_msg.c_str()); const string long_msg = long_kill_message(); if (long_msg != short_msg) fields->add_field("vmsg", "%s", long_msg.c_str()); #endif } string scorefile_entry::make_oneline(const string &ml) const { vector lines = split_string("\n", ml); for (string &s : lines) { if (starts_with(s, "...")) { s = s.substr(3); trim_string(s); } } return comma_separated_line(lines.begin(), lines.end(), " ", " "); } string scorefile_entry::long_kill_message() const { string msg = death_description(DDV_LOGVERBOSE); msg = make_oneline(msg); msg[0] = tolower_safe(msg[0]); trim_string(msg); return msg; } string scorefile_entry::short_kill_message() const { string msg = death_description(DDV_ONELINE); msg = make_oneline(msg); msg[0] = tolower_safe(msg[0]); trim_string(msg); return msg; } /** * Remove from a string everything up to and including a given infix. * * @param[in,out] str The string to modify. * @param[in] infix The infix to remove. * @post If \c infix occurred as a substring of str, \c str is updated * by removing all characters up to and including the last character * of the the first occurrence. Otherwise, \c str is unchanged. * @return \c true if \c str was modified, \c false otherwise. */ static bool _strip_to(string &str, const char *infix) { // Don't treat stripping the empty string as a change. if (*infix == '\0') return false; size_t pos = str.find(infix); if (pos != string::npos) { str.erase(0, pos + strlen(infix)); return true; } return false; } void scorefile_entry::init_death_cause(int dam, mid_t dsrc, int dtype, const char *aux, const char *dsrc_name) { death_source = dsrc; death_type = dtype; damage = dam; const monster *source_monster = monster_by_mid(death_source); if (source_monster) killer_map = source_monster->originating_map(); // Set the default aux data value... // If aux is passed in (ie for a trap), we'll default to that. if (aux == nullptr) auxkilldata.clear(); else auxkilldata = aux; // for death by monster if ((death_type == KILLED_BY_MONSTER || death_type == KILLED_BY_HEADBUTT || death_type == KILLED_BY_BEAM || death_type == KILLED_BY_FREEZING || death_type == KILLED_BY_DISINT || death_type == KILLED_BY_ACID || death_type == KILLED_BY_DRAINING || death_type == KILLED_BY_BURNING || death_type == KILLED_BY_DEATH_EXPLOSION || death_type == KILLED_BY_CLOUD || death_type == KILLED_BY_ROTTING || death_type == KILLED_BY_REFLECTION || death_type == KILLED_BY_ROLLING || death_type == KILLED_BY_SPINES || death_type == KILLED_BY_WATER || death_type == KILLED_BY_BEING_THROWN || death_type == KILLED_BY_COLLISION || death_type == KILLED_BY_CONSTRICTION) && monster_by_mid(death_source)) { const monster* mons = monster_by_mid(death_source); ASSERT(mons); // Previously the weapon was only used for dancing weapons, // but now we pass it in as a string through the scorefile // entry to be appended in hiscores_format_single in long or // medium scorefile formats. if (death_type == KILLED_BY_MONSTER && mons->inv[MSLOT_WEAPON] != NON_ITEM) { // [ds] The highscore entry may be constructed while the player // is alive (for notes), so make sure we don't reveal info we // shouldn't. if (you.hp <= 0) { set_ident_flags(env.item[mons->inv[MSLOT_WEAPON]], ISFLAG_IDENT_MASK); } // Setting this is redundant for dancing weapons, however // we do care about the above indentification. -- bwr if (!mons_class_is_animated_weapon(mons->type) && mons->get_defining_object()) { auxkilldata = mons->get_defining_object()->name(DESC_A); } } const bool death = (you.hp <= 0 || death_type == KILLED_BY_DRAINING); const description_level_type desc = death_type == KILLED_BY_DEATH_EXPLOSION ? DESC_PLAIN : DESC_A; death_source_name = mons->name(desc, death); if (death || you.can_see(*mons)) death_source_name = mons->full_name(desc); // Some shadows have names if (mons_is_player_shadow(*mons) && mons->mname.empty()) death_source_name = "their own shadow"; // heh if (mons->mid == MID_YOU_FAULTLESS) death_source_name = "themself"; if (mons->has_ench(ENCH_SHAPESHIFTER)) death_source_name += " (shapeshifter)"; else if (mons->has_ench(ENCH_GLOWING_SHAPESHIFTER)) death_source_name += " (glowing shapeshifter)"; if (mons->type == MONS_PANDEMONIUM_LORD) death_source_name += " the pandemonium lord"; if (mons->has_ench(ENCH_PHANTOM_MIRROR)) death_source_name += " (illusionary)"; if (mons_is_unique(mons->type)) death_source_flags.insert("unique"); if (mons->props.exists("blame")) { const CrawlVector& blame = mons->props["blame"].get_vector(); indirectkiller = blame[blame.size() - 1].get_string(); _strip_to(indirectkiller, " by "); _strip_to(indirectkiller, "ed to "); // "attached to" and similar killerpath = ""; for (const auto &bl : blame) killerpath = killerpath + ":" + _xlog_escape(bl.get_string()); killerpath.erase(killerpath.begin()); } else { indirectkiller = death_source_name; killerpath = ""; } } else if (death_type == KILLED_BY_DISINT || death_type == KILLED_BY_CLOUD) { death_source_name = dsrc_name ? dsrc_name : dsrc == MHITYOU ? "you" : ""; indirectkiller = killerpath = ""; } else { if (dsrc_name) death_source_name = dsrc_name; else death_source_name.clear(); indirectkiller = killerpath = ""; } if (death_type == KILLED_BY_WEAKNESS || death_type == KILLED_BY_STUPIDITY || death_type == KILLED_BY_CLUMSINESS) { if (auxkilldata.empty()) auxkilldata = "unknown source"; } if (death_type == KILLED_BY_POISON) { death_source_name = you.props["poisoner"].get_string(); auxkilldata = you.props["poison_aux"].get_string(); } if (death_type == KILLED_BY_BURNING) { death_source_name = you.props["sticky_flame_source"].get_string(); auxkilldata = you.props["sticky_flame_aux"].get_string(); } } void scorefile_entry::reset() { // simple init raw_line.clear(); version.clear(); save_rcs_version.clear(); save_tag_version.clear(); tiles = 0; points = -1; name.clear(); race = SP_UNKNOWN; job = JOB_UNKNOWN; lvl = 0; race_class_name.clear(); best_skill = SK_NONE; best_skill_lvl = 0; title.clear(); death_type = KILLED_BY_SOMETHING; death_source = MID_NOBODY; death_source_name.clear(); auxkilldata.clear(); indirectkiller.clear(); killerpath.clear(); last_banisher.clear(); dlvl = 0; absdepth = 1; branch = BRANCH_DUNGEON; map.clear(); mapdesc.clear(); final_hp = -1; final_max_hp = -1; final_max_max_hp = -1; final_mp = -1; final_max_mp = -1; final_base_max_mp = -1; str = -1; intel = -1; dex = -1; ac = -1; ev = -1; sh = -1; damage = -1; source_damage = -1; turn_damage = -1; god = GOD_NO_GOD; piety = -1; penance = -1; wiz_mode = 0; explore_mode = 0; birth_time = 0; death_time = 0; real_time = -1; num_turns = -1; num_aut = -1; num_diff_runes = 0; num_runes = 0; kills = 0; maxed_skills.clear(); fifteen_skills.clear(); status_effects.clear(); gold = 0; gold_found = 0; gold_spent = 0; zigs = 0; zigmax = 0; scrolls_used = 0; potions_used = 0; seed.clear(); } static int _award_modified_experience() { int xp = you.experience; int result = 0; if (xp <= 250000) return xp * 7 / 10; result += 250000 * 7 / 10; xp -= 250000; if (xp <= 750000) { result += xp * 4 / 10; return result; } result += 750000 * 4 / 10; xp -= 750000; if (xp <= 2000000) { result += xp * 2 / 10; return result; } result += 2000000 * 2 / 10; xp -= 2000000; result += xp / 10; return result; } void scorefile_entry::init(time_t dt) { // Score file entry version: // // 4.0 - original versioned entry // 4.1 - added real_time and num_turn fields // 4.2 - stats and god info version = Version::Short; #ifdef USE_TILE_LOCAL tiles = 1; #elif defined (USE_TILE_WEB) tiles = ::tiles.is_controlled_from_web(); #else tiles = 0; #endif name = you.your_name; save_rcs_version = crawl_state.save_rcs_version; if (crawl_state.minor_version > 0) { save_tag_version = make_stringf("%d.%d", TAG_MAJOR_VERSION, crawl_state.minor_version); } /* * old scoring system (0.1-0.3): * * Gold * + 0.7 * Experience * + (distinct Runes +2)^2 * 1000, winners with distinct runes >= 3 only * + value of Inventory, for winners only * * * 0.4 scoring system, as suggested by Lemuel: * * Gold * + 0.7 * Experience up to 250,000 * + 0.4 * Experience between 250,000 and 1,000,000 * + 0.2 * Experience between 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 * + 0.1 * Experience above 3,000,000 * + (distinct Runes +2)^2 * 1000, winners with distinct runes >= 3 only * + value of Inventory, for winners only * + (250,000 * d. runes) * (25,000/(turns/d. runes)), for winners only * * current scoring system (mostly the same as above): * * Experience terms as above * + runes * (runes + 12) * 1000 (for everyone) * + (250000 + 2 * (runes + 2) * 1000) (winners only) * + 250000 * 25000 * runes^2 / turns (winners only) */ // do points first. points = 0; bool base_score = true; dlua.pushglobal("dgn.persist.calc_score"); lua_pushboolean(dlua, death_type == KILLED_BY_WINNING); if (dlua.callfn(nullptr, 1, 2)) dlua.fnreturns(">db", &points, &base_score); // If calc_score didn't exist, or returned true as its second value, // use the default formula. if (base_score) { // sprint games could overflow a 32 bit value uint64_t pt = points + _award_modified_experience(); num_runes = runes_in_pack(); num_diff_runes = num_runes; // There's no point in rewarding lugging artefacts. Thus, no points // for the value of the inventory. -- 1KB if (death_type == KILLED_BY_WINNING) { pt += 250000; // the Orb pt += num_runes * 2000 + 4000; pt += ((uint64_t)250000) * 25000 * num_runes * num_runes / (1+you.num_turns); } pt += num_runes * 10000; pt += num_runes * (num_runes + 2) * 1000; points = pt; } else ASSERT(crawl_state.game_is_sprint()); // only sprint should use custom scores race = you.species; job = you.char_class; race_class_name.clear(); fixup_char_name(); lvl = you.experience_level; best_skill = ::best_skill(SK_FIRST_SKILL, SK_LAST_SKILL); best_skill_lvl = you.skills[ best_skill ]; title = player_title(false); // Note all skills at level 27, and also all skills at level >= 15. for (skill_type sk = SK_FIRST_SKILL; sk < NUM_SKILLS; ++sk) { if (you.skills[sk] == 27) { if (!maxed_skills.empty()) maxed_skills += ","; maxed_skills += skill_name(sk); } if (you.skills[sk] >= 15) { if (!fifteen_skills.empty()) fifteen_skills += ","; fifteen_skills += skill_name(sk); } } status_info inf; for (unsigned i = 0; i <= STATUS_LAST_STATUS; ++i) { if (fill_status_info(i, inf) && !inf.short_text.empty()) { if (!status_effects.empty()) status_effects += ","; status_effects += inf.short_text; } } kills = you.kills.total_kills(); final_hp = you.hp; final_max_hp = you.hp_max; final_max_max_hp = get_real_hp(true, false); final_mp = you.magic_points; final_max_mp = you.max_magic_points; final_base_max_mp = get_real_mp(false); source_damage = you.source_damage; turn_damage = you.turn_damage; // Use possibly negative stat values. str = you.stat(STAT_STR, false); intel = you.stat(STAT_INT, false); dex = you.stat(STAT_DEX, false); ac = you.armour_class(); ev = you.evasion(); sh = player_displayed_shield_class(); god = you.religion; if (!you_worship(GOD_NO_GOD)) { piety = you.piety; penance = you.penance[you.religion]; } branch = you.where_are_you; // no adjustments necessary. dlvl = you.depth; absdepth = env.absdepth0 + 1; // 1-based absolute depth. last_banisher = you.banished_by; if (const vault_placement *vp = dgn_vault_at(you.pos())) { map = vp->map_name_at(you.pos()); mapdesc = vp->map.description; } birth_time = you.birth_time; // start time of game death_time = (dt != 0 ? dt : time(nullptr)); // end time of game handle_real_time(chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(death_time)); real_time = you.real_time(); num_turns = you.num_turns; num_aut = you.elapsed_time; gold = you.gold; gold_found = you.attribute[ATTR_GOLD_FOUND]; gold_spent = you.attribute[ATTR_PURCHASES]; zigs = you.zigs_completed; zigmax = you.zig_max; scrolls_used = 0; pair p(CACT_USE, caction_compound(OBJ_SCROLLS)); const int maxlev = min(you.max_level, 27); if (you.action_count.count(p)) for (int i = 0; i < maxlev; i++) scrolls_used += you.action_count[p][i]; potions_used = 0; p = make_pair(CACT_USE, caction_compound(OBJ_POTIONS)); if (you.action_count.count(p)) for (int i = 0; i < maxlev; i++) potions_used += you.action_count[p][i]; wiz_mode = (you.wizard || you.suppress_wizard ? 1 : 0); explore_mode = (you.explore ? 1 : 0); seed = make_stringf("%" PRIu64, crawl_state.seed); } string scorefile_entry::hiscore_line(death_desc_verbosity verbosity) const { string line = character_description(verbosity); line += death_description(verbosity); line += death_place(verbosity); line += game_time(verbosity); return line; } string scorefile_entry::game_time(death_desc_verbosity verbosity) const { string line; if (verbosity == DDV_VERBOSE) { line += make_stringf("The game lasted %s (%d turns).", make_time_string(real_time).c_str(), num_turns); line += _hiscore_newline_string(); } return line; } const char *scorefile_entry::damage_verb() const { // GDL: here's an example of using final_hp. Verbiage could be better. // bwr: changed "blasted" since this is for melee return (final_hp > -6) ? "Slain" : (final_hp > -14) ? "Mangled" : (final_hp > -22) ? "Demolished" : "Annihilated"; } string scorefile_entry::death_source_desc() const { return death_source_name; } string scorefile_entry::damage_string(bool terse) const { return make_stringf("(%d%s)", damage, terse? "" : " damage"); } string scorefile_entry::strip_article_a(const string &s) const { if (starts_with(s, "a ")) return s.substr(2); else if (starts_with(s, "an ")) return s.substr(3); return s; } string scorefile_entry::terse_missile_name() const { const string pre_post[][2] = { { "Shot with ", " by " }, { "Hit by ", " thrown by " } }; const string &aux = auxkilldata; string missile; for (const string (&affixes)[2] : pre_post) { if (!starts_with(aux, affixes[0])) continue; string::size_type end = aux.rfind(affixes[1]); if (end == string::npos) continue; int istart = affixes[0].length(); int nchars = end - istart; missile = aux.substr(istart, nchars); // Was this prefixed by "a" or "an"? // (This should only ever not be the case with Robin and Ijyb.) missile = strip_article_a(missile); } return missile; } string scorefile_entry::terse_missile_cause() const { const string &aux = auxkilldata; string monster_prefix = " by "; // We're looking for Shot with a%s %s by %s/ Hit by a%s %s thrown by %s string::size_type by = aux.rfind(monster_prefix); if (by == string::npos) return "???"; string mcause = aux.substr(by + monster_prefix.length()); mcause = strip_article_a(mcause); string missile = terse_missile_name(); if (!missile.empty()) mcause += "/" + missile; return mcause; } string scorefile_entry::terse_beam_cause() const { string cause = auxkilldata; if (starts_with(cause, "by ") || starts_with(cause, "By ")) cause = cause.substr(3); return cause; } string scorefile_entry::terse_wild_magic() const { return terse_beam_cause(); } void scorefile_entry::fixup_char_name() { if (race_class_name.empty()) { race_class_name = make_stringf("%s%s", _species_abbrev(race), _job_abbrev(job)); } } string scorefile_entry::single_cdesc() const { string scname; scname = chop_string(name, 10); return make_stringf("%8d %s %s-%02d%s", points, scname.c_str(), race_class_name.c_str(), lvl, (wiz_mode == 1) ? "W" : (explore_mode == 1) ? "E" : ""); } static string _append_sentence_delimiter(const string &sentence, const string &delimiter) { if (sentence.empty()) return sentence; const char lastch = sentence[sentence.length() - 1]; if (lastch == '!' || lastch == '.') return sentence; return sentence + delimiter; } string scorefile_entry::character_description(death_desc_verbosity verbosity) const { bool single = verbosity == DDV_TERSE || verbosity == DDV_ONELINE; if (single) return single_cdesc(); bool verbose = verbosity == DDV_VERBOSE; string desc; // Please excuse the following bit of mess in the name of flavour ;) if (verbose) { desc = make_stringf("%8d %s the %s (level %d", points, name.c_str(), title.c_str(), lvl); } else { desc = make_stringf("%8d %s the %s %s (level %d", points, name.c_str(), _species_name(race).c_str(), _job_name(job), lvl); } if (final_max_max_hp > 0) // as the other two may be negative { desc += make_stringf(", %d/%d", final_hp, final_max_hp); if (final_max_hp < final_max_max_hp) desc += make_stringf(" (%d)", final_max_max_hp); desc += " HPs"; } desc += wiz_mode ? ") *WIZ*" : explore_mode ? ") *EXPLORE*" : ")"; desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); if (verbose) { string srace = _species_name(race); desc += make_stringf("Began as a%s %s %s", is_vowel(srace[0]) ? "n" : "", srace.c_str(), _job_name(job)); ASSERT(birth_time); desc += " on "; desc += _hiscore_date_string(birth_time); // TODO: show seed here? desc = _append_sentence_delimiter(desc, "."); desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); if (god != GOD_NO_GOD // XX is this check really needed? && !species::mutation_level(static_cast(race), MUT_FORLORN)) { if (god == GOD_XOM) { desc += make_stringf("Was a %sPlaything of Xom.", (lvl >= 20) ? "Favourite " : ""); desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } else { // Not exactly the same as the religion screen, but // good enough to fill this slot for now. desc += make_stringf("Was %s of %s%s", (piety >= piety_breakpoint(5)) ? "the Champion" : (piety >= piety_breakpoint(4)) ? "a High Priest" : (piety >= piety_breakpoint(3)) ? "an Elder" : (piety >= piety_breakpoint(2)) ? "a Priest" : (piety >= piety_breakpoint(1)) ? "a Believer" : (piety >= piety_breakpoint(0)) ? "a Follower" : "an Initiate", god_name(god).c_str(), (penance > 0) ? " (penitent)." : "."); desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } } } return desc; } string scorefile_entry::death_place(death_desc_verbosity verbosity) const { bool verbose = (verbosity == DDV_VERBOSE); string place; if (death_type == KILLED_BY_LEAVING || death_type == KILLED_BY_WINNING) return ""; if (verbosity == DDV_ONELINE || verbosity == DDV_TERSE) return " (" + level_id(branch, dlvl).describe() + ")"; if (verbose && death_type != KILLED_BY_QUITTING && death_type != KILLED_BY_WIZMODE) place += "..."; // where did we die? place += " " + prep_branch_level_name(level_id(branch, dlvl)); if (!mapdesc.empty()) place += make_stringf(" (%s)", mapdesc.c_str()); if (verbose && death_time && !_hiscore_same_day(birth_time, death_time)) { place += " on "; place += _hiscore_date_string(death_time); } place = _append_sentence_delimiter(place, "."); place += _hiscore_newline_string(); return place; } /** * Describes the cause of the player's death. * * @param verbosity The verbosity of the description. * @return A description of the cause of death. */ string scorefile_entry::death_description(death_desc_verbosity verbosity) const { bool needs_beam_cause_line = false; bool needs_called_by_monster_line = false; bool needs_damage = false; const bool terse = (verbosity == DDV_TERSE); const bool semiverbose = (verbosity == DDV_LOGVERBOSE); const bool verbose = (verbosity == DDV_VERBOSE || semiverbose); const bool oneline = (verbosity == DDV_ONELINE); string desc; if (oneline) desc = " "; switch (death_type) { case KILLED_BY_MONSTER: if (terse) desc += death_source_desc(); else if (oneline) desc += "slain by " + death_source_desc(); else { desc += damage_verb(); desc += " by "; desc += death_source_desc(); } // put the damage on the weapon line if there is one if (auxkilldata.empty()) needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_HEADBUTT: if (terse) desc += apostrophise(death_source_desc()) + " headbutt"; else desc += "Headbutted by " + death_source_desc(); needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_ROLLING: if (terse) desc += "squashed by " + death_source_desc(); else desc += "Rolled over by " + death_source_desc(); needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_SPINES: if (terse) desc += apostrophise(death_source_desc()) + " spines"; else desc += "Impaled on " + apostrophise(death_source_desc()) + " spines" ; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_POISON: if (death_source_name.empty() || terse) { if (!terse) desc += "Succumbed to poison"; else if (!death_source_name.empty()) desc += "poisoned by " + death_source_name; else desc += "poison"; if (!auxkilldata.empty()) desc += " (" + auxkilldata + ")"; } else if (auxkilldata.empty() && death_source_name.find("poison") != string::npos) { desc += "Succumbed to " + death_source_name; } else { desc += "Succumbed to " + ((death_source_name == "you") ? "their own" : apostrophise(death_source_name)) + " " + (auxkilldata.empty()? "poison" : auxkilldata); } break; case KILLED_BY_CLOUD: ASSERT(!auxkilldata.empty()); // there are no nameless clouds if (terse) if (death_source_name.empty()) desc += "cloud of " + auxkilldata; else desc += "cloud of " +auxkilldata + " [" + death_source_name == "you" ? "self" : death_source_name + "]"; else { desc += make_stringf("Engulfed by %s%s %s", death_source_name.empty() ? "a" : death_source_name == "you" ? "their own" : apostrophise(death_source_name).c_str(), death_source_name.empty() ? " cloud of" : "", auxkilldata.c_str()); } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_BEAM: if (oneline || semiverbose) { // keeping this short to leave room for the deep elf spellcasters: desc += make_stringf("%s by ", _range_type_verb(auxkilldata.c_str())); desc += (death_source_name == "you") ? "themself" : death_source_desc(); if (semiverbose) { string beam = terse_missile_name(); if (beam.empty()) beam = terse_beam_cause(); trim_string(beam); if (!beam.empty()) desc += make_stringf(" (%s)", beam.c_str()); } } else if (isupper(auxkilldata[0])) // already made (ie shot arrows) { // If terse we have to parse the information from the string. // Darn it to heck. desc += terse? terse_missile_cause() : auxkilldata; needs_damage = true; } else if (verbose && starts_with(auxkilldata, "by ")) { // "by" is used for priest attacks where the effect is indirect // in verbose format we have another line for the monster if (death_source_name == "you") { needs_damage = true; desc += make_stringf("Killed by their own %s", auxkilldata.substr(3).c_str()); } else { needs_called_by_monster_line = true; desc += make_stringf("Killed %s", auxkilldata.c_str()); } } else { // Note: This is also used for the "by" cases in non-verbose // mode since listing the monster is more imporatant. if (semiverbose) desc += "Killed by "; else if (!terse) desc += "Killed from afar by "; if (death_source_name == "you") desc += "themself"; else desc += death_source_desc(); if (!auxkilldata.empty()) needs_beam_cause_line = true; needs_damage = true; } break; case KILLED_BY_LAVA: if (terse) desc += "lava"; else { if (starts_with(species::skin_name( static_cast(race)), "bandage")) { desc += "Turned to ash by lava"; } else desc += "Took a swim in molten lava"; } break; case KILLED_BY_WATER: if (species::is_undead(static_cast(race))) { if (terse) desc = "fell apart"; else if (starts_with(species::skin_name( static_cast(race)), "bandage")) { desc = "Soaked and fell apart"; } else desc = "Sank and fell apart"; } else { if (!death_source_name.empty()) { desc += terse? "drowned by " : "Drowned by "; desc += death_source_name; needs_damage = true; } else desc += terse? "drowned" : "Drowned"; } break; case KILLED_BY_STUPIDITY: if (terse) desc += "stupidity"; else if (race >= 0 && // not a removed race (species::is_undead(static_cast(race)) || species::is_nonliving(static_cast(race)))) { desc += "Forgot to exist"; } else desc += "Forgot to breathe"; break; case KILLED_BY_WEAKNESS: desc += terse? "collapsed" : "Collapsed under their own weight"; break; case KILLED_BY_CLUMSINESS: desc += terse? "clumsiness" : "Slipped on a banana peel"; break; case KILLED_BY_TRAP: if (terse) desc += auxkilldata.c_str(); else { desc += make_stringf("Killed by triggering %s", auxkilldata.c_str()); } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_LEAVING: if (terse) desc += "left"; else { if (num_runes > 0) desc += "Got out of the dungeon"; else if (species::is_undead(static_cast(race))) desc += "Safely got out of the dungeon"; else desc += "Got out of the dungeon alive"; } break; case KILLED_BY_WINNING: desc += terse? "escaped" : "Escaped with the Orb"; if (num_runes < 1) desc += "!"; break; case KILLED_BY_QUITTING: desc += terse? "quit" : "Quit the game"; break; case KILLED_BY_WIZMODE: desc += terse? "wizmode" : "Entered wizard mode"; break; case KILLED_BY_DRAINING: if (terse) desc += "drained"; else { desc += "Drained of all life"; if (!death_source_desc().empty()) { desc += " by " + death_source_desc(); if (!auxkilldata.empty()) needs_beam_cause_line = true; } else if (!auxkilldata.empty()) desc += " by " + auxkilldata; } break; case KILLED_BY_STARVATION: desc += terse? "starvation" : "Starved to death"; break; case KILLED_BY_FREEZING: // Freeze, Fridge spells desc += terse? "frozen" : "Frozen to death"; if (!terse && !death_source_desc().empty()) desc += " by " + death_source_desc(); needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_BURNING: // sticky flame if (terse) desc += "burnt"; else if (!death_source_desc().empty()) { desc += "Incinerated by " + death_source_desc(); if (!auxkilldata.empty()) needs_beam_cause_line = true; } else desc += "Burnt to a crisp"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_WILD_MAGIC: if (auxkilldata.empty()) desc += terse? "wild magic" : "Killed by wild magic"; else { if (terse) desc += terse_wild_magic(); else { // A lot of sources for this case... some have "by" already. desc += make_stringf("Killed %s%s", (auxkilldata.find("by ") != 0) ? "by " : "", auxkilldata.c_str()); } } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_XOM: if (terse) desc += "xom"; else desc += auxkilldata.empty() ? "Killed for Xom's enjoyment" : "Killed by " + auxkilldata; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_ROTTING: desc += terse? "rotting" : "Rotted away"; if (!auxkilldata.empty()) desc += " (" + auxkilldata + ")"; if (!death_source_desc().empty()) desc += " (" + death_source_desc() + ")"; break; case KILLED_BY_TARGETING: if (terse) desc += "shot self"; else { desc += "Killed themself with "; if (auxkilldata.empty()) desc += "bad targeting"; else desc += "a badly aimed " + auxkilldata; } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_REFLECTION: needs_damage = true; if (terse) desc += "reflected bolt"; else { desc += "Killed by a reflected "; if (auxkilldata.empty()) desc += "bolt"; else desc += auxkilldata; if (!death_source_name.empty() && !oneline && !semiverbose) { desc += "\n"; desc += " "; desc += "... reflected by "; desc += death_source_name; needs_damage = false; } } break; case KILLED_BY_BOUNCE: if (terse) desc += "bounced beam"; else { desc += "Killed themself with a bounced "; if (auxkilldata.empty()) desc += "beam"; else desc += auxkilldata; } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_SELF_AIMED: if (terse) desc += "suicidal targeting"; else { desc += "Shot themself with "; if (auxkilldata.empty()) desc += "a beam"; else desc += article_a(auxkilldata, true); } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_DEATH_EXPLOSION: if (terse) { if (death_source_name.empty()) desc += "spore"; else desc += death_source_name; } else { desc += "Killed by an exploding "; if (death_source_name.empty()) desc += "spore"; else desc += death_source_name; } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_TSO_SMITING: desc += terse? "smitten by Shining One" : "Smitten by the Shining One"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_BEOGH_SMITING: desc += terse? "smitten by Beogh" : "Smitten by Beogh"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_PETRIFICATION: desc += terse? "petrified" : "Turned to stone"; break; case KILLED_BY_SOMETHING: if (!auxkilldata.empty()) desc += (terse ? "" : "Killed by ") + auxkilldata; else desc += terse? "died" : "Died"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_FALLING_DOWN_STAIRS: desc += terse? "fell downstairs" : "Fell down a flight of stairs"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_FALLING_THROUGH_GATE: desc += terse? "fell through a gate" : "Fell down through a gate"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_ACID: if (terse) desc += "acid"; else if (!death_source_desc().empty()) { desc += "Splashed by " + apostrophise(death_source_desc()) + " acid"; } else desc += "Splashed with acid"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_CURARE: desc += terse? "asphyx" : "Asphyxiated"; break; case KILLED_BY_DIVINE_WRATH: if (terse) desc += "divine wrath"; else { desc += "Killed by "; if (auxkilldata.empty()) desc += "divine wrath"; else { // Lugonu's touch or "the of "; // otherwise it's a beam if (!isupper(auxkilldata[0]) && !starts_with(auxkilldata, "the ")) { desc += is_vowel(auxkilldata[0]) ? "an " : "a "; } desc += auxkilldata; } } needs_damage = true; if (!death_source_name.empty()) needs_called_by_monster_line = true; break; case KILLED_BY_DISINT: if (terse) desc += "disintegration"; else { if (death_source_name == "you") desc += "Blew themself up"; else desc += "Blown up by " + death_source_desc(); needs_beam_cause_line = true; } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_MIRROR_DAMAGE: desc += terse ? "mirror damage" : "Killed by mirror damage"; needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_FRAILTY: desc += terse ? "frailty" : "Became unviable by " + auxkilldata; break; case KILLED_BY_BARBS: desc += terse ? "barbs" : "Succumbed to barbed spike wounds"; break; case KILLED_BY_BEING_THROWN: if (terse) desc += apostrophise(death_source_desc()) + " throw"; else desc += "Thrown by " + death_source_desc(); needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_COLLISION: if (terse) desc += auxkilldata + " collision"; else { desc += "Collided with " + auxkilldata; needs_called_by_monster_line = true; } needs_damage = true; break; case KILLED_BY_ZOT: desc += terse ? "Zot" : "Tarried too long and was consumed by Zot"; break; case KILLED_BY_CONSTRICTION: if (terse) desc += "constriction"; else desc += "Constricted to death by " + death_source_desc(); needs_damage = true; break; default: desc += terse? "program bug" : "Nibbled to death by software bugs"; break; } // end switch switch (death_type) { case KILLED_BY_STUPIDITY: case KILLED_BY_WEAKNESS: case KILLED_BY_CLUMSINESS: if (terse || oneline) { desc += " ("; desc += auxkilldata; desc += ")"; } else { desc += "\n"; desc += " "; desc += "... caused by "; desc += auxkilldata; } break; default: break; } if (oneline && desc.length() > 2) desc[1] = tolower_safe(desc[1]); // TODO: Eventually, get rid of "..." for cases where the text fits. if (terse) { if (death_type == KILLED_BY_MONSTER && !auxkilldata.empty()) { desc += "/"; desc += strip_article_a(auxkilldata); needs_damage = true; } else if (needs_beam_cause_line) desc += "/" + terse_beam_cause(); else if (needs_called_by_monster_line) desc += death_source_name; if (!killerpath.empty()) desc += "[" + indirectkiller + "]"; if (needs_damage && damage > 0) desc += " " + damage_string(true); } else if (verbose) { bool done_damage = false; // paranoia if (!semiverbose && needs_damage && damage > 0) { desc += " " + damage_string(); needs_damage = false; done_damage = true; } if (death_type == KILLED_BY_LEAVING || death_type == KILLED_BY_WINNING) { if (num_runes > 0) { desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); desc += make_stringf("... %s %d rune%s", (death_type == KILLED_BY_WINNING) ? "and" : "with", num_runes, (num_runes > 1) ? "s" : ""); if (!semiverbose && death_time > 0 && !_hiscore_same_day(birth_time, death_time)) { desc += " on "; desc += _hiscore_date_string(death_time); } desc = _append_sentence_delimiter(desc, "!"); desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } else desc = _append_sentence_delimiter(desc, "."); } else if (death_type != KILLED_BY_QUITTING && death_type != KILLED_BY_WIZMODE) { desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); if (death_type == KILLED_BY_MONSTER && !auxkilldata.empty()) { if (!semiverbose) { desc += make_stringf("... wielding %s", auxkilldata.c_str()); needs_damage = true; desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } else desc += make_stringf(" (%s)", auxkilldata.c_str()); } else if (needs_beam_cause_line) { if (!semiverbose) { desc += auxkilldata == "damnation" ? "... with " : auxkilldata == "creeping frost" ? "... by " : (is_vowel(auxkilldata[0])) ? "... with an " : "... with a "; desc += auxkilldata; desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); needs_damage = true; } else if (death_type == KILLED_BY_DRAINING || death_type == KILLED_BY_BURNING) { desc += make_stringf(" (%s)", auxkilldata.c_str()); } } else if (needs_called_by_monster_line) { desc += make_stringf("... %s by %s", death_type == KILLED_BY_COLLISION ? "caused" : auxkilldata == "by angry trees" ? "awakened" : auxkilldata == "by Freeze" ? "generated" : "invoked", death_source_name.c_str()); desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); needs_damage = true; } if (!killerpath.empty()) { vector summoners = _xlog_split_fields(killerpath); for (const auto &sumname : summoners) { if (!semiverbose) { desc += "... " + sumname; desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } else desc += " (" + sumname; } if (semiverbose) desc += string(summoners.size(), ')'); } if (!semiverbose) { if (needs_damage && !done_damage && damage > 0) desc += " " + damage_string(); if (needs_damage && !done_damage) desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); if (you.duration[DUR_PARALYSIS]) { desc += "... while paralysed"; if (you.props.exists(PARALYSED_BY_KEY)) { desc += " by " + you.props[PARALYSED_BY_KEY].get_string(); } desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } else if (you.duration[DUR_PETRIFIED]) { desc += "... while petrified"; if (you.props.exists(PETRIFIED_BY_KEY)) { desc += " by " + you.props[PETRIFIED_BY_KEY].get_string(); } desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } } } } if (!oneline) { if (death_type == KILLED_BY_LEAVING || death_type == KILLED_BY_WINNING) { // TODO: strcat "after reaching level %d"; for LEAVING if (verbosity == DDV_NORMAL) { desc = _append_sentence_delimiter(desc, num_runes > 0? "!" : "."); } desc += _hiscore_newline_string(); } } if (death_type == KILLED_BY_DEATH_EXPLOSION && !terse && !auxkilldata.empty()) { desc += "... "; desc += auxkilldata; desc += "\n"; desc += " "; } if (terse) { trim_string(desc); desc = strip_article_a(desc); } return desc; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // xlog_fields xlog_fields::xlog_fields() : fields(), fieldmap() { } xlog_fields::xlog_fields(const string &line) : fields(), fieldmap() { init(line); } // xlogfile escape: s/:/::/g static string _xlog_escape(const string &s) { return replace_all(s, ":", "::"); } // xlogfile unescape: s/::/:/g static string _xlog_unescape(const string &s) { return replace_all(s, "::", ":"); } static string::size_type _xlog_next_separator(const string &s, string::size_type start) { string::size_type p = s.find(':', start); if (p != string::npos && p < s.length() - 1 && s[p + 1] == ':') return _xlog_next_separator(s, p + 2); return p; } static vector _xlog_split_fields(const string &s) { string::size_type start = 0, end = 0; vector fs; for (; (end = _xlog_next_separator(s, start)) != string::npos; start = end + 1) { fs.push_back(s.substr(start, end - start)); } if (start < s.length()) fs.push_back(s.substr(start)); return fs; } void xlog_fields::init(const string &line) { for (const string &field : _xlog_split_fields(line)) { string::size_type st = field.find('='); if (st == string::npos) continue; fields.emplace_back(field.substr(0, st), _xlog_unescape(field.substr(st + 1))); } map_fields(); } void xlog_fields::add_field(const string &key, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); string buf = vmake_stringf(format, args); va_end(args); fields.emplace_back(key, buf); fieldmap[key] = buf; } string xlog_fields::str_field(const string &s) const { return lookup(fieldmap, s, ""); } int xlog_fields::int_field(const string &s) const { string field = str_field(s); return atoi(field.c_str()); } void xlog_fields::map_fields() const { fieldmap.clear(); for (const pair &f : fields) fieldmap[f.first] = f.second; } string xlog_fields::xlog_line() const { string line; for (const pair &f : fields) { // Don't write empty fields. if (f.second.empty()) continue; if (!line.empty()) line += ":"; line += f.first; line += "="; line += _xlog_escape(f.second); } return line; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Milestones /** * @brief Record the player reaching a milestone, if ::DGL_MILESTONES is defined. * @callergraph */ void mark_milestone(const string &type, const string &milestone, const string &origin_level, time_t milestone_time) { #ifdef DGL_MILESTONES static string lasttype, lastmilestone; static long lastturn = -1; if (crawl_state.game_is_arena() || !crawl_state.need_save // Suppress duplicate milestones on the same turn. || (lastturn == you.num_turns && lasttype == type && lastmilestone == milestone) #ifndef SCORE_WIZARD_CHARACTERS // Don't mark normal milestones in wizmode or explore mode || (type != "crash" && (you.wizard || you.suppress_wizard || you.explore)) #endif ) { return; } lasttype = type; lastmilestone = milestone; lastturn = you.num_turns; const string milestone_file = catpath( Options.save_dir, "milestones" + crawl_state.game_type_qualifier()); const scorefile_entry se(0, MID_NOBODY, KILL_MISC, nullptr); se.set_base_xlog_fields(); xlog_fields xl = se.get_fields(); if (!origin_level.empty()) { xl.add_field("oplace", "%s", ((origin_level == "parent") ? current_level_parent().describe() : origin_level).c_str()); } xl.add_field("time", "%s", make_date_string( milestone_time ? milestone_time : se.get_death_time()).c_str()); xl.add_field("type", "%s", type.c_str()); xl.add_field("milestone", "%s", milestone.c_str()); const string xlog_line = xl.xlog_line(); if (FILE *fp = lk_open("a", milestone_file)) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", xlog_line.c_str()); lk_close(fp); } #else UNUSED(type, milestone, origin_level, milestone_time); #endif // DGL_MILESTONES } #ifdef DGL_WHEREIS string xlog_status_line() { const scorefile_entry se(0, MID_NOBODY, KILL_MISC, nullptr); se.set_base_xlog_fields(); xlog_fields xl = se.get_fields(); xl.add_field("time", "%s", make_date_string(time(nullptr)).c_str()); return xl.xlog_line(); } #endif // DGL_WHEREIS