struct editline { enum { CHUNKSIZE = 256 }; char *text; int len, maxlen; editline() : text(NULL), len(0), maxlen(0) {} editline(const char *init) : text(NULL), len(0), maxlen(0) { set(init); } bool empty() { return len <= 0; } void clear() { DELETEA(text); len = maxlen = 0; } bool grow(int total, const char *fmt = "", ...) { if(total + 1 <= maxlen) return false; maxlen = (total + CHUNKSIZE) - total%CHUNKSIZE; char *newtext = new char[maxlen]; if(fmt) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vformatstring(newtext, fmt, args, maxlen); va_end(args); } DELETEA(text); text = newtext; return true; } void set(const char *str, int slen = -1) { if(slen < 0) { slen = strlen(str); if(!grow(slen, "%s", str)) memcpy(text, str, slen + 1); } else { grow(slen); memcpy(text, str, slen); text[slen] = '\0'; } len = slen; } void prepend(const char *str) { int slen = strlen(str); if(!grow(slen + len, "%s%s", str, text ? text : "")) { memmove(&text[slen], text, len + 1); memcpy(text, str, slen + 1); } len += slen; } void append(const char *str) { int slen = strlen(str); if(!grow(len + slen, "%s%s", text ? text : "", str)) memcpy(&text[len], str, slen + 1); len += slen; } bool read(stream *f, int chop = -1) { if(chop < 0) chop = INT_MAX; else chop++; set(""); while(len + 1 < chop && f->getline(&text[len], min(maxlen, chop) - len)) { len += strlen(&text[len]); if(len > 0 && text[len-1] == '\n') { text[--len] = '\0'; return true; } if(len + 1 >= maxlen && len + 1 < chop) grow(len + CHUNKSIZE, "%s", text); } if(len + 1 >= chop) { char buf[CHUNKSIZE]; while(f->getline(buf, sizeof(buf))) { int blen = strlen(buf); if(blen > 0 && buf[blen-1] == '\n') return true; } } return len > 0; } void del(int start, int count) { if(!text) return; if(start < 0) { count += start; start = 0; } if(count <= 0 || start >= len) return; if(start + count > len) count = len - start - 1; memmove(&text[start], &text[start+count], len + 1 - (start + count)); len -= count; } void chop(int newlen) { if(!text) return; len = clamp(newlen, 0, len); text[len] = '\0'; } void insert(char *str, int start, int count = 0) { if(count <= 0) count = strlen(str); start = clamp(start, 0, len); grow(len + count, "%s", text ? text : ""); memmove(&text[start + count], &text[start], len - start + 1); memcpy(&text[start], str, count); len += count; } void combinelines(vector &src) { if(src.empty()) set(""); else loopv(src) { if(i) append("\n"); if(!i) set(src[i].text, src[i].len); else insert(src[i].text, len, src[i].len); } } }; enum { EDITORFOCUSED = 1, EDITORUSED, EDITORFOREVER }; struct editor { int mode; //editor mode - 1= keep while focused, 2= keep while used in gui, 3= keep forever (i.e. until mode changes) bool active, rendered; const char *name; const char *filename; int cx, cy; // cursor position - ensured to be valid after a region() or currentline() int mx, my; // selection mark, mx=-1 if following cursor - avoid direct access, instead use region() int maxx, maxy; // maxy=-1 if unlimited lines, 1 if single line editor int scrolly; // vertical scroll offset bool linewrap; int pixelwidth; // required for up/down/hit/draw/bounds int pixelheight; // -1 for variable sized, i.e. from bounds() vector lines; // MUST always contain at least one line! editor(const char *name, int mode, const char *initval) : mode(mode), active(true), rendered(false), name(newstring(name)), filename(NULL), cx(0), cy(0), mx(-1), maxx(-1), maxy(-1), scrolly(0), linewrap(false), pixelwidth(-1), pixelheight(-1) { //printf("editor %08x '%s'\n", this, name); lines.add().set(initval ? initval : ""); } ~editor() { //printf("~editor %08x '%s'\n", this, name); DELETEA(name); DELETEA(filename); clear(NULL); } bool empty() { return lines.length() == 1 && lines[0].empty(); } void clear(const char *init = "") { cx = cy = 0; mark(false); loopv(lines) lines[i].clear(); lines.shrink(0); if(init) lines.add().set(init); } void init(const char *inittext) { if(strcmp(lines[0].text, inittext)) clear(inittext); } void updateheight() { int width; text_bounds(lines[0].text, width, pixelheight, pixelwidth); } void setfile(const char *fname) { DELETEA(filename); if(fname) filename = newstring(fname); } void load() { if(!filename) return; clear(NULL); stream *file = openutf8file(filename, "r"); if(file) { while(lines.add().read(file, maxx) && (maxy < 0 || lines.length() <= maxy)); lines.pop().clear(); delete file; } if(lines.empty()) lines.add().set(""); } void save() { if(!filename) return; stream *file = openutf8file(filename, "w"); if(!file) return; loopv(lines) file->putline(lines[i].text); delete file; } void mark(bool enable) { mx = (enable) ? cx : -1; my = cy; } void selectall() { mx = my = INT_MAX; cx = cy = 0; } // constrain results to within buffer - s=start, e=end, return true if a selection range // also ensures that cy is always within lines[] and cx is valid bool region(int &sx, int &sy, int &ex, int &ey) { int n = lines.length(); assert(n != 0); if(cy < 0) cy = 0; else if(cy >= n) cy = n-1; int len = lines[cy].len; if(cx < 0) cx = 0; else if(cx > len) cx = len; if(mx >= 0) { if(my < 0) my = 0; else if(my >= n) my = n-1; len = lines[my].len; if(mx > len) mx = len; sx = mx; sy = my; } else { sx = cx; sy = cy; } ex = cx; ey = cy; if(sy > ey) { swap(sy, ey); swap(sx, ex); } else if(sy==ey && sx > ex) swap(sx, ex); if(mx >= 0) ex++; return (sx != ex) || (sy != ey); } bool region() { int sx, sy, ex, ey; return region(sx, sy, ex, ey); } // also ensures that cy is always within lines[] and cx is valid editline ¤tline() { int n = lines.length(); assert(n != 0); if(cy < 0) cy = 0; else if(cy >= n) cy = n-1; if(cx < 0) cx = 0; else if(cx > lines[cy].len) cx = lines[cy].len; return lines[cy]; } void copyselectionto(editor *b) { if(b==this) return; b->clear(NULL); int sx, sy, ex, ey; region(sx, sy, ex, ey); loopi(1+ey-sy) { if(b->maxy != -1 && b->lines.length() >= b->maxy) break; int y = sy+i; char *line = lines[y].text; int len = lines[y].len; if(y == sy && y == ey) { line += sx; len = ex - sx; } else if(y == sy) line += sx; else if(y == ey) len = ex; b->lines.add().set(line, len); } if(b->lines.empty()) b->lines.add().set(""); } char *tostring() { int len = 0; loopv(lines) len += lines[i].len + 1; char *str = newstring(len); int offset = 0; loopv(lines) { editline &l = lines[i]; memcpy(&str[offset], l.text, l.len); offset += l.len; str[offset++] = '\n'; } str[offset] = '\0'; return str; } char *selectiontostring() { vector buf; int sx, sy, ex, ey; region(sx, sy, ex, ey); loopi(1+ey-sy) { int y = sy+i; char *line = lines[y].text; int len = lines[y].len; if(y == sy && y == ey) { line += sx; len = ex - sx; } else if(y == sy) line += sx; else if(y == ey) len = ex; buf.put(line, len); buf.add('\n'); } buf.add('\0'); return newstring(buf.getbuf(), buf.length()-1); } void removelines(int start, int count) { loopi(count) lines[start+i].clear(); lines.remove(start, count); } bool del() // removes the current selection (if any) { int sx, sy, ex, ey; if(!region(sx, sy, ex, ey)) { mark(false); return false; } if(sy == ey) { if(sx == 0 && ex == lines[ey].len) removelines(sy, 1); else lines[sy].del(sx, ex - sx); } else { if(ey > sy+1) { removelines(sy+1, ey-(sy+1)); ey = sy+1; } if(ex == lines[ey].len) removelines(ey, 1); else lines[ey].del(0, ex); if(sx == 0) removelines(sy, 1); else lines[sy].del(sx, lines[sy].len - sx); } if(lines.empty()) lines.add().set(""); mark(false); cx = sx; cy = sy; editline ¤t = currentline(); if(cx >= current.len && cy < lines.length() - 1) { current.append(lines[cy+1].text); removelines(cy + 1, 1); } return true; } void insert(char ch) { del(); editline ¤t = currentline(); if(ch == '\n') { if(maxy == -1 || cy < maxy-1) { editline newline(¤t.text[cx]); current.chop(cx); cy = min(lines.length(), cy+1); lines.insert(cy, newline); } else current.chop(cx); cx = 0; } else { int len = current.len; if(maxx >= 0 && len > maxx-1) len = maxx-1; if(cx <= len) current.insert(&ch, cx++, 1); } } void insert(const char *s) { while(*s) insert(*s++); } void insertallfrom(editor *b) { if(b==this) return; del(); if(b->lines.length() == 1 || maxy == 1) { editline ¤t = currentline(); char *str = b->lines[0].text; int slen = b->lines[0].len; if(maxx >= 0 && b->lines[0].len + cx > maxx) slen = maxx-cx; if(slen > 0) { int len = current.len; if(maxx >= 0 && slen + cx + len > maxx) len = max(0, maxx-(cx+slen)); current.insert(str, cx, slen); cx += slen; } } else { loopv(b->lines) { if(!i) { lines[cy++].append(b->lines[i].text); } else if(i >= b->lines.length()) { cx = b->lines[i].len; lines[cy].prepend(b->lines[i].text); } else if(maxy < 0 || lines.length() < maxy) lines.insert(cy++, editline(b->lines[i].text)); } } } void scrollup() { cy--; } void scrolldown() { cy++; } void key(int code) { switch(code) { case SDLK_UP: if(linewrap) { int x, y; char *str = currentline().text; text_pos(str, cx+1, x, y, pixelwidth); if(y > 0) { cx = text_visible(str, x, y-FONTH, pixelwidth); break; } } cy--; break; case SDLK_DOWN: if(linewrap) { int x, y, width, height; char *str = currentline().text; text_pos(str, cx, x, y, pixelwidth); text_bounds(str, width, height, pixelwidth); y += FONTH; if(y < height) { cx = text_visible(str, x, y, pixelwidth); break; } } cy++; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: cy-=pixelheight/FONTH; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: cy+=pixelheight/FONTH; break; case SDLK_HOME: cx = cy = 0; break; case SDLK_END: cx = cy = INT_MAX; break; case SDLK_LEFT: cx--; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: cx++; break; case SDLK_DELETE: if(!del()) { editline ¤t = currentline(); if(cx < current.len) current.del(cx, 1); else if(cy < lines.length()-1) { //combine with next line current.append(lines[cy+1].text); removelines(cy+1, 1); } } break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if(!del()) { editline ¤t = currentline(); if(cx > 0) current.del(--cx, 1); else if(cy > 0) { //combine with previous line cx = lines[cy-1].len; lines[cy-1].append(current.text); removelines(cy--, 1); } } break; case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: break; case SDLK_RETURN: insert('\n'); break; } } void input(const char *str, int len) { loopi(len) insert(str[i]); } void hit(int hitx, int hity, bool dragged) { int maxwidth = linewrap?pixelwidth:-1; int h = 0; for(int i = scrolly; i < lines.length(); i++) { int width, height; text_bounds(lines[i].text, width, height, maxwidth); if(h + height > pixelheight) break; if(hity >= h && hity <= h+height) { int x = text_visible(lines[i].text, hitx, hity-h, maxwidth); if(dragged) { mx = x; my = i; } else { cx = x; cy = i; }; break; } h+=height; } } int limitscrolly() { int maxwidth = linewrap?pixelwidth:-1; int slines = lines.length(); for(int ph = pixelheight; slines > 0 && ph > 0;) { int width, height; text_bounds(lines[slines-1].text, width, height, maxwidth); if(height > ph) break; ph -= height; slines--; } return slines; } void draw(int x, int y, int color, bool hit) { int maxwidth = linewrap?pixelwidth:-1; int sx, sy, ex, ey; bool selection = region(sx, sy, ex, ey); // fix scrolly so that is always on screen if(cy < scrolly) scrolly = cy; else { if(scrolly < 0) scrolly = 0; int h = 0; for(int i = cy; i >= scrolly; i--) { int width, height; text_bounds(lines[i].text, width, height, maxwidth); if(h + height > pixelheight) { scrolly = i+1; break; } h += height; } } if(selection) { // convert from cursor coords into pixel coords int psx, psy, pex, pey; text_pos(lines[sy].text, sx, psx, psy, maxwidth); text_pos(lines[ey].text, ex, pex, pey, maxwidth); int maxy = lines.length(); int h = 0; for(int i = scrolly; i < maxy; i++) { int width, height; text_bounds(lines[i].text, width, height, maxwidth); if(h + height > pixelheight) { maxy = i; break; } if(i == sy) psy += h; if(i == ey) { pey += h; break; } h += height; } maxy--; if(ey >= scrolly && sy <= maxy) { // crop top/bottom within window if(sy < scrolly) { sy = scrolly; psy = 0; psx = 0; } if(ey > maxy) { ey = maxy; pey = pixelheight - FONTH; pex = pixelwidth; } hudnotextureshader->set(); gle::colorub(0xA0, 0x80, 0x80); gle::defvertex(2); gle::begin(GL_QUADS); if(psy == pey) { gle::attribf(x+psx, y+psy); gle::attribf(x+pex, y+psy); gle::attribf(x+pex, y+pey+FONTH); gle::attribf(x+psx, y+pey+FONTH); } else { gle::attribf(x+psx, y+psy); gle::attribf(x+psx, y+psy+FONTH); gle::attribf(x+pixelwidth, y+psy+FONTH); gle::attribf(x+pixelwidth, y+psy); if(pey-psy > FONTH) { gle::attribf(x, y+psy+FONTH); gle::attribf(x+pixelwidth, y+psy+FONTH); gle::attribf(x+pixelwidth, y+pey); gle::attribf(x, y+pey); } gle::attribf(x, y+pey); gle::attribf(x, y+pey+FONTH); gle::attribf(x+pex, y+pey+FONTH); gle::attribf(x+pex, y+pey); } gle::end(); hudshader->set(); gle::colorf(1, 1, 1); } } int h = 0; for(int i = scrolly; i < lines.length(); i++) { int width, height; text_bounds(lines[i].text, width, height, maxwidth); if(h + height > pixelheight) break; draw_text(lines[i].text, x, y+h, color>>16, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF, 0xFF, hit&&(cy==i)?cx:-1, maxwidth); if(linewrap && height > FONTH) // line wrap indicator { hudnotextureshader->set(); gle::colorub(0x80, 0xA0, 0x80); gle::defvertex(2); gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); gle::attribf(x, y+h+FONTH); gle::attribf(x, y+h+height); gle::attribf(x-FONTW/2, y+h+FONTH); gle::attribf(x-FONTW/2, y+h+height); gle::end(); hudshader->set(); gle::colorf(1, 1, 1); } h+=height; } gle::disable(); } }; static vector editors; static editor *textfocus = NULL; static void readyeditors() { loopv(editors) editors[i]->active = (editors[i]->mode==EDITORFOREVER); } static void flusheditors() { loopvrev(editors) if(!editors[i]->active) { editor *e = editors.remove(i); if(e == textfocus) textfocus = NULL; delete e; } } static editor *useeditor(const char *name, int mode, bool focus, const char *initval = NULL) { loopv(editors) if(!strcmp(editors[i]->name, name)) { editor *e = editors[i]; if(focus) textfocus = e; e->active = true; return e; } if(mode < 0) return NULL; editor *e = new editor(name, mode, initval); editors.add(e); if(focus) textfocus = e; return e; } #define TEXTCOMMAND(f, s, d, body) ICOMMAND(f, s, d,\ if(!textfocus || identflags&IDF_OVERRIDDEN) return;\ body\ ) ICOMMAND(textlist, "", (), // @DEBUG return list of all the editors vector s; loopv(editors) { if(i > 0) s.put(", ", 2); s.put(editors[i]->name, strlen(editors[i]->name)); } s.add('\0'); result(s.getbuf()); ); TEXTCOMMAND(textshow, "", (), // @DEBUG return the start of the buffer editline line; line.combinelines(textfocus->lines); result(line.text); line.clear(); ); ICOMMAND(textfocus, "si", (char *name, int *mode), // focus on a (or create a persistent) specific editor, else returns current name if(identflags&IDF_OVERRIDDEN) return; if(*name) useeditor(name, *mode<=0 ? EDITORFOREVER : *mode, true); else if(editors.length() > 0) result(editors.last()->name); ); TEXTCOMMAND(textprev, "", (), editors.insert(0, textfocus); editors.pop();); // return to the previous editor TEXTCOMMAND(textmode, "i", (int *m), // (1= keep while focused, 2= keep while used in gui, 3= keep forever (i.e. until mode changes)) topmost editor, return current setting if no args if(*m) textfocus->mode = *m; else intret(textfocus->mode); ); TEXTCOMMAND(textsave, "s", (char *file), // saves the topmost (filename is optional) if(*file) textfocus->setfile(path(file, true)); textfocus->save(); ); TEXTCOMMAND(textload, "s", (char *file), // loads into the textfocusmost editor, returns filename if no args if(*file) { textfocus->setfile(path(file, true)); textfocus->load(); } else if(textfocus->filename) result(textfocus->filename); ); ICOMMAND(textinit, "sss", (char *name, char *file, char *initval), // loads into named editor if no file assigned and editor has been rendered { if(identflags&IDF_OVERRIDDEN) return; editor *e = NULL; loopv(editors) if(!strcmp(editors[i]->name, name)) { e = editors[i]; break; } if(e && e->rendered && !e->filename && *file && (e->lines.empty() || (e->lines.length() == 1 && !strcmp(e->lines[0].text, initval)))) { e->setfile(path(file, true)); e->load(); } }); #define PASTEBUFFER "#pastebuffer" TEXTCOMMAND(textcopy, "", (), editor *b = useeditor(PASTEBUFFER, EDITORFOREVER, false); textfocus->copyselectionto(b);); TEXTCOMMAND(textpaste, "", (), editor *b = useeditor(PASTEBUFFER, EDITORFOREVER, false); textfocus->insertallfrom(b);); TEXTCOMMAND(textmark, "i", (int *m), // (1=mark, 2=unmark), return current mark setting if no args if(*m) textfocus->mark(*m==1); else intret(textfocus->region() ? 1 : 2); ); TEXTCOMMAND(textselectall, "", (), textfocus->selectall();); TEXTCOMMAND(textclear, "", (), textfocus->clear();); TEXTCOMMAND(textcurrentline, "", (), result(textfocus->currentline().text);); TEXTCOMMAND(textexec, "i", (int *selected), // execute script commands from the buffer (0=all, 1=selected region only) char *script = *selected ? textfocus->selectiontostring() : textfocus->tostring(); execute(script); delete[] script; );