/* SCCS Id: @(#)mactty.c 3.1 93/03/01 */ /* Copyright (c) Jon W{tte 1993. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ /* * mactty.c * * This file contains the actual code for the tty library. For a * description, see the file mactty.h, which contains all you * need to know to use the library. */ #include "hack.h" /* to get flags */ #include "mttypriv.h" #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON #include #endif char game_active = 0; /* flag to window rendering routines not to use ppat */ /* these declarations are here because I can't include macwin.h without including the world */ extern void dprintf(char *, ...); /* dprintf.c */ /* * Borrowed from the Mac tty port */ extern WindowPtr _mt_window; static void select_onscreen_window (tty_record *record); static void select_offscreen_port (tty_record *record); #define MEMORY_MARGIN 30000 /* * Convenience macro for most functions - put last in declaration */ #define RECORD_EXISTS(record) \ tty_record * record; \ if (!window || !(record = (tty_record *) GetWRefCon (window))) \ return general_failure; /* * Simple macro for deciding wether we draw at once or delay */ #define DRAW_DIRECT (TA_ALWAYS_REFRESH & record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_FLAGS]) /* * Table of special characters. Zero is ALWAYS special; it means * end of string and would be MISSED if it was not included here. */ #define COOKED_CONTROLS 0X00002581 #define RAW_CONTROLS 1 static unsigned long s_control = COOKED_CONTROLS; /* * Memory-related error */ static short mem_err (void) { short ret_val = MemError(); if (!ret_val) { ret_val = general_failure; } return ret_val; } /* * Make a rectangle empty */ static void empty_rect (Rect *r) { r->right = -20000; r->left = 20000; r->top = 20000; r->bottom = -20000; } /* * Union twp rect together */ static void union_rect (Rect *r1, Rect *r2, Rect *dest) { dest->left = min (r1->left, r2->left); dest->top = min (r1->top, r2 ->top); dest->bottom = max (r1->bottom, r2->bottom); dest->right = max (r1->right, r2->right); } /* * Dispose a pointer using the set memory-allocator */ static short dispose_ptr (void *ptr) { if (!ptr) { return noErr; /* Silently accept disposing nulls */ } DisposePtr (ptr); return MemError (); } #ifdef MAC_MPW /* else use alloc.c instead */ /* * Allocate a pointer using the set memory-allocator */ static short alloc_ptr (void **ptr, long size) { *ptr = NewPtr (size); return MemError (); } #endif /* * Set up a GWorld in the record */ static short allocate_offscreen_world (tty_record *record) { GWorldPtr gw = (GWorldPtr)0; GWorldFlags world_flags = 0; long mem_here, mem_there, other, required_mem; Point p = {0, 0}; Rect r_screen; GDHandle gdh; short s_err; select_onscreen_window (record); LocalToGlobal (&p); r_screen = record->its_bits.bounds; OffsetRect (&r_screen, p.h, p.v); gdh = GetMaxDevice (&r_screen); required_mem = (long) (*((*gdh)->gdPMap))->pixelSize * ((long) record->its_bits.bounds.right * record->its_bits.bounds.bottom) >> 3; PurgeSpace (&other, &mem_here); if (other < mem_here + MEMORY_MARGIN) { mem_here = other - MEMORY_MARGIN; } dprintf ("Heap %ld Required %ld", mem_here, required_mem); if (required_mem > mem_here) { mem_there = required_mem; if (required_mem > TempMaxMem (&mem_there)) { dprintf ("No memory"); return memFullErr; } world_flags |= useTempMem; } s_err = NewGWorld (&gw, 0, &r_screen, (CTabHandle) 0, (GDHandle) 0, world_flags); if (!s_err) { record->offscreen_world = gw; select_offscreen_port (record); SetOrigin (0, 0); select_onscreen_window (record); dprintf ("New GWorld @ %lx;dm", gw); } return s_err; } /* * Done with GWorld, release data */ static short deallocate_gworld (tty_record *record) { if (record->offscreen_world) { DisposeGWorld (record->offscreen_world); record->offscreen_world = (GWorldPtr) 0; } return noErr; } /* * Get rid of offscreen bitmap */ static short free_bits (tty_record *record) { short s_err; if (record->uses_gworld) { s_err = deallocate_gworld (record); #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON } else { s_err = dispose_ptr (record->its_bits.baseAddr); if (!s_err) { record->its_bits.baseAddr = (char *)0; if (record->offscreen_port) { ClosePort (record->offscreen_port); s_err = dispose_ptr (record->offscreen_port); if (!s_err) { record->offscreen_port = (GrafPtr) 0; } } } #endif } return s_err; } /* * Snatch a window from the resource fork. Create the record. * Otherwise, do nothing. */ short create_tty (WindowRef *window, short resource_id, Boolean in_color) { tty_record * record; Boolean was_allocated = !!*window; if (in_color) { *window = GetNewCWindow (resource_id, (Ptr) *window, (WindowRef) -1L); } else { *window = GetNewWindow (resource_id, (Ptr) *window, (WindowRef) -1L); } if (!*window) { return mem_err (); } record = (tty_record *) NewPtrClear (sizeof (tty_record)); if (!record) { #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON if (was_allocated) { CloseWindow (*window); } else { #endif DisposeWindow (*window); #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON } #endif return mem_err (); } record->its_window = *window; SetWRefCon (*window, (long) record); record->was_allocated = was_allocated; record->its_bits.baseAddr = (char *)0; record->curs_state = TRUE; /* * We need to keep the window world around if we switch worlds */ record->offscreen_world = (GWorldPtr) 0; record->uses_gworld = in_color; if (in_color) { GDHandle gh; SetPortWindowPort(*window); GetGWorld(&(record->its_window_world), &gh); } else { record->its_window_world = (GWorldPtr)0; } #if CLIP_RECT_ONLY empty_rect (&(record->invalid_rect)); #else record->invalid_part = NewRgn (); if (!record->invalid_part) { return destroy_tty (*window); } #endif return noErr; } short init_tty_number (WindowPtr window, short font_number, short font_size, short x_size, short y_size) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); record->font_number = font_number; record->font_size = font_size; record->x_size = x_size; record->y_size = y_size; return force_tty_coordinate_system_recalc (window); } /* * Done with a window - destroy it. Release the memory only if * it wasn't allocated when we got it! */ short destroy_tty (WindowPtr window) { short s_err; RECORD_EXISTS (record); s_err = free_bits (record); if (!s_err) { #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON if (record->was_allocated) { CloseWindow (window); } else { #endif DisposeWindow (window); #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON } #endif s_err = dispose_ptr (record); } return s_err; } static void do_set_port_font (tty_record *record) { PenNormal (); TextFont (record->font_number); TextSize (record->font_size); if (0L != (record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_FLAGS] & TA_OVERSTRIKE)) { TextMode (srcOr); } else { TextMode (srcCopy); } } /* * Fill in some fields from some other fields that may have changed */ static void calc_font_sizes (tty_record *record) { FontInfo font_info; do_set_port_font (record); GetFontInfo (&font_info); record->char_width = font_info.widMax; record->ascent_height = font_info.ascent + font_info.leading; record->row_height = record->ascent_height + font_info.descent; } /* * Allocate memory for the bitmap holding the tty window */ static short alloc_bits (tty_record *record) { short s_err; SetRect (&record->its_bits.bounds, 0, 0, record->char_width * record->x_size, record->row_height * record->y_size); /* * Clear two highest and lowest bit - not a color pixMap, and even in size */ record->its_bits.rowBytes = ((record->its_bits.bounds.right + 15) >> 3) & 0x1ffe; if (record->uses_gworld) { s_err = allocate_offscreen_world (record); #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON } else { s_err = alloc_ptr ((void **) &(record->its_bits.baseAddr), record->its_bits.rowBytes * record->its_bits.bounds.bottom); if (!s_err) { s_err = alloc_ptr ((void **) &(record->offscreen_port), sizeof (GrafPort)); } if (!s_err) { OpenPort (record->offscreen_port); SetPort (record->offscreen_port); ClipRect (&(record->its_bits.bounds)); SetPortBits (&(record->its_bits)); } #endif } return s_err; } /* * Save the current port/world in a safe place for later retrieval */ static void save_port (tty_record *record, void *save) { GWorldPtr gw; GDHandle gh; GrafPtr gp; if (record->uses_gworld) { GetGWorld (&gw, &gh); *(GWorldPtr *) save = gw; } else { GetPort (&gp); *(GrafPtr *) save = gp; } } /* * Restore current port/world after a save */ static void use_port (tty_record *record, void *port) { if (record->uses_gworld) { PixMapHandle pix_map; SetGWorld ((GWorldPtr) port, (GDHandle) 0); pix_map = GetGWorldPixMap (record->offscreen_world); if (pix_map) { if (port == record->offscreen_world) LockPixels (pix_map); else UnlockPixels (pix_map); } } else { SetPort ((GrafPtr) port); } } /* * Use offscreen drawing - lock the pixels through use_port */ static void select_offscreen_port (tty_record *record) { if (record->uses_gworld) { use_port (record, record->offscreen_world); } else { use_port (record, record->offscreen_port); } } /* * Use the window - unlock pixels */ static void select_onscreen_window (tty_record *record) { if (record->uses_gworld) { use_port (record, record->its_window_world); SetPortWindowPort(record->its_window); } else { use_port(record, record->its_window); } } /* * Do bits copy depending on if we're using color or not */ static void copy_bits(tty_record *record, Rect *bounds, short xfer_mode, RgnHandle mask_rgn) { GWorldFlags pix_state; BitMap * source; if (record->uses_gworld) { pix_state = GetPixelsState (GetGWorldPixMap (record->offscreen_world)); LockPixels (GetGWorldPixMap (record->offscreen_world)); source = (BitMapPtr) *GetGWorldPixMap(record->offscreen_world); } else source = &record->its_bits; #if !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON CopyBits (source, &(record->its_window->portBits), bounds, bounds, xfer_mode, mask_rgn); #else SetPortWindowPort(record->its_window); CopyBits(source, GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(record->its_window)), bounds, bounds, xfer_mode, mask_rgn); #endif if (record->uses_gworld) { SetPixelsState (GetGWorldPixMap (record->offscreen_world), pix_state); } } /* * Fill an area with the background color */ static void erase_rect (tty_record *record, Rect *area) { if (game_active && u.uhp > 0 && iflags.use_stone && record->its_window == _mt_window) { PixPatHandle ppat; ppat = GetPixPat(iflags.use_stone + 127); /* find which pat to get */ if (ppat) { /* in game window, using backgroung pattern, and have pattern */ FillCRect (area, ppat); DisposePixPat (ppat); return; } } EraseRect (area); } /* * Recalculate the window based on new size, font, extent values, * and re-allocate the bitmap. */ short force_tty_coordinate_system_recalc (WindowPtr window) { short s_err; RECORD_EXISTS (record); s_err = free_bits (record); if (s_err) { return s_err; } calc_font_sizes (record); s_err = alloc_bits (record); if (s_err) { /* * Catastrophe! We could not allocate memory for the bitmap! Things may go very * much downhill from here! */ dprintf ("alloc_bits returned null in force_tty_coordinate_system_recalc!"); return s_err; } select_offscreen_port (record); do_set_port_font (record); return clear_tty (window); } #if 0 /* * Update TTY according to new color environment for the window */ static short tty_environment_changed (tty_record *record) { Point p = {0, 0}; Rect r_screen; if (record->uses_gworld) { r_screen = record->its_bits.bounds; LocalToGlobal (&p); OffsetRect (&r_screen, p.h, p.v); UpdateGWorld (&(record->offscreen_world), 0, &r_screen, (CTabHandle) 0, (GDHandle) 0, stretchPix); select_offscreen_port (record); SetOrigin (0, 0); select_onscreen_window (record); } return 0; } #endif /* * Read a lot of interesting and useful information from the current tty */ short get_tty_metrics (WindowPtr window, short *x_size, short *y_size, short *x_size_pixels, short *y_size_pixels, short *font_number, short *font_size, short *char_width, short *row_height) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); /* * First, test that we actually have something to draw to... */ if ((((char *)0 == record->its_bits.baseAddr) && !record->uses_gworld) || (((GWorldPtr)0 == record->offscreen_world) && record->uses_gworld)) { return general_failure; } *x_size = record->x_size; *y_size = record->y_size; *x_size_pixels = record->its_bits.bounds.right; *y_size_pixels = record->its_bits.bounds.bottom; *font_number = record->font_number; *font_size = record->font_size; *char_width = record->char_width; *row_height = record->row_height; return noErr; } /* * Map a position on the map to screen coordinates */ static void pos_rect (tty_record *record, Rect *r, short x_pos, short y_pos, short x_end, short y_end) { SetRect (r, x_pos * (record->char_width), y_pos * (record->row_height), (1 + x_end) * (record->char_width) , (1 + y_end) * (record->row_height)); } static void accumulate_rect (tty_record *record, Rect *rect) { #if CLIP_RECT_ONLY union_rect (rect, &(record->invalid_rect), &(record->invalid_rect)); #else RgnHandle rh = NewRgn (); RectRgn (rh, rect); UnionRgn (record->invalid_part, rh, record->invalid_part); DisposeRgn (rh); #endif } /* * get and set window invalid region. exposed for HandleUpdateEvent in macwin.c * to correct display problem */ short get_invalid_region (WindowPtr window, Rect *inval_rect) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); #if CLIP_RECT_ONLY if (record->invalid_rect.right <= record->invalid_rect.left || record->invalid_rect.bottom <= record->invalid_rect.top) { return general_failure; } *inval_rect = record->invalid_rect; #else if (EmptyRgn (record->invalid_part)) { return general_failure; } *inval_rect = (*(record->invalid_part))->rgnBBox; #endif return noErr; } short set_invalid_region (WindowPtr window, Rect *inval_rect) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); accumulate_rect (record, inval_rect); return noErr; } /* * Invert the specified position */ static void curs_pos (tty_record *record, short x_pos, short y_pos, short to_state) { Rect r; if (record->curs_state == to_state) { return; } record->curs_state = to_state; pos_rect (record, &r, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos); if (DRAW_DIRECT) { void *old_port; save_port (record, &old_port); select_onscreen_window (record); InvertRect (&r); use_port (record, old_port); } else { accumulate_rect (record, &r); } } /* * Move the cursor (both as displayed and where drawing goes) * HOWEVER: The cursor is NOT stored in the bitmap! */ short move_tty_cursor (WindowPtr window, short x_pos, short y_pos) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (record->x_curs == x_pos && record->y_curs == y_pos) { return noErr; } if (record->x_size <= x_pos || x_pos < 0 || record->y_size <= y_pos || y_pos < 0) { return general_failure; } curs_pos (record, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, 0); record->x_curs = x_pos; record->y_curs = y_pos; curs_pos (record, x_pos, y_pos, 1); return noErr; } /* * Update the screen to match the current bitmap, after adding stuff * with add_tty_char etc. */ short update_tty (WindowPtr window) { Rect r; RECORD_EXISTS (record); #if CLIP_RECT_ONLY if (record->invalid_rect.right <= record->invalid_rect.left || record->invalid_rect.bottom <= record->invalid_rect.top) { return noErr; } r = record->invalid_rect; #else if (EmptyRgn (record->invalid_part)) { return noErr; } r = (*(record->invalid_part))->rgnBBox; #endif select_onscreen_window (record); copy_bits (record, &r, srcCopy, (RgnHandle) 0); #if CLIP_RECT_ONLY empty_rect (&(record->invalid_rect)); #else SetEmptyRgn (record->invalid_part); #endif if (record->curs_state) { pos_rect (record, &r, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, record->x_curs, record->y_curs); InvertRect (&r); } return noErr; } /* * Low level add to screen */ static void do_add_string (tty_record *record, char *str, short len) { Rect r; if (len < 1) { return; } select_offscreen_port (record); MoveTo (record->x_curs * record->char_width, record->y_curs * record->row_height + record->ascent_height); DrawText (str, 0, len); pos_rect (record, &r, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, record->x_curs + len - 1, record->y_curs); select_onscreen_window (record); if (DRAW_DIRECT) { copy_bits (record, &r, srcCopy, (RgnHandle)0); } else { accumulate_rect (record, &r); } } /* * Low-level cursor handling routine */ static void do_add_cursor (tty_record *record, short x_pos) { record->x_curs = x_pos; if (record->x_curs >= record->x_size) { if (0L != (record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_FLAGS] & TA_WRAP_AROUND)) { record->y_curs ++; record->x_curs = 0; if (record->y_curs >= record->y_size) { if (0L != (record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_FLAGS] & TA_INHIBIT_VERT_SCROLL)) { record->y_curs = record->y_size; } else { scroll_tty (record->its_window, 0, 1 + record->y_curs - record->y_size); } } } else { record->x_curs = record->x_size; } } } /* * Do control character */ static void do_control (tty_record *record, short character) { int recurse = 0; /* * Check recursion because nl_add_cr and cr_add_nl may both be set and invoke each other */ do { switch (character) { case '\r' : record->x_curs = 0; if (!recurse && (record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_CURSOR] & TA_CR_ADD_NL)) { recurse = 1; } else { recurse = 0; break; } /* FALL-THROUGH: if CR-LF, don't bother with loop */ case '\n' : record->y_curs++; if (record->y_curs >= record->y_size) { scroll_tty (record->its_window, 0, 1 + record->y_curs - record->y_size); } if (!recurse && (record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_CURSOR] & TA_NL_ADD_CR)) { character = '\r'; recurse = 1; } else recurse = 0; break; case CHAR_BELL : tty_nhbell(); break; case CHAR_BS : if (record->x_curs > 0) record->x_curs --; default : break; } } while (recurse); } /* * Add a single character. It is drawn directly if the correct flag is set, * else deferred to the next update event or call of update_tty() */ short add_tty_char (WindowPtr window, short character) { register char is_control; char ch; RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (!(record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_FLAGS] & TA_WRAP_AROUND) && record->x_curs >= record->x_size) return noErr; /* Optimize away drawing across border without wrap */ if (record->curs_state != 0) curs_pos (record, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, 0); ch = character; is_control = (ch < sizeof(long) * 8) && ((s_control & (1 << ch)) != 0L); if (is_control) do_control (record, ch); else { do_add_string (record, (char *)&ch, 1); do_add_cursor (record, record->x_curs + 1); } return noErr; } /* * Add a null-terminated string of characters */ short add_tty_string(WindowPtr window, const char *string) { register const unsigned char * start_c; register const unsigned char * the_c; register unsigned char ch, is_control = 0, tty_wrap; register short max_x, pos_x; RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (record->curs_state != 0) curs_pos (record, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, 0); the_c = (const unsigned char *) string; max_x = record->x_size; tty_wrap = (record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_FLAGS] & TA_WRAP_AROUND); for (;;) { pos_x = record->x_curs; if (!tty_wrap && pos_x >= max_x) break; /* Optimize away drawing across border without wrap */ start_c = the_c; ch = *the_c; while (pos_x < max_x) { is_control = (ch < sizeof(long) * 8) && ((s_control & (1 << ch)) != 0L); if (is_control) break; the_c ++; ch = *the_c; pos_x ++; } do_add_string (record, (char *) start_c, the_c - start_c); do_add_cursor (record, pos_x); if (!ch) break; if (is_control) { do_control (record, ch); the_c ++; } } return noErr; } /* * Read or change attributes for the tty. Note that some attribs may * very well clear and reallocate the bitmap when changed, whereas * others (color, highlight, ...) are guaranteed not to. */ short get_tty_attrib (WindowPtr window, tty_attrib attrib, long *value) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (attrib < 0 || attrib >= TTY_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTES) { return general_failure; } *value = record->attribute [attrib]; return noErr; } short set_tty_attrib (WindowPtr window, tty_attrib attrib, long value) { RGBColor rgb_color; RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (attrib < 0 || attrib >= TTY_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTES) { return general_failure; } record->attribute [attrib] = value; /* * Presently, no attributes generate a new bitmap. */ switch (attrib) { case TTY_ATTRIB_CURSOR : /* * Check if we should change tables */ if (0L != (value & TA_RAW_OUTPUT)) { s_control = RAW_CONTROLS; } else { s_control = COOKED_CONTROLS; } break; case TTY_ATTRIB_FLAGS : /* * Check if we should flush the output going from cached to draw-direct */ if (0L != (value & TA_ALWAYS_REFRESH)) { update_tty (window); } break; case TTY_ATTRIB_FOREGROUND : /* * Set foreground color */ TA_TO_RGB (value, rgb_color); select_offscreen_port (record); RGBForeColor (&rgb_color); select_onscreen_window (record); break; case TTY_ATTRIB_BACKGROUND : /* * Set background color */ TA_TO_RGB (value, rgb_color); select_offscreen_port (record); RGBBackColor (&rgb_color); select_onscreen_window (record); break; default : break; } return noErr; } /* * Scroll the window. Positive is up/left. scroll_tty ( window, 0, 1 ) is a line feed. * Scroll flushes the accumulated update area by calling update_tty(). */ short scroll_tty (WindowPtr window, short delta_x, short delta_y) { RgnHandle rgn; short s_err; RECORD_EXISTS (record); s_err = update_tty (window); rgn = NewRgn (); select_offscreen_port (record); ScrollRect (&(record->its_bits.bounds), -delta_x * record->char_width, -delta_y * record->row_height, rgn); EraseRgn (rgn); SetEmptyRgn (rgn); select_onscreen_window (record); ScrollRect (&(record->its_bits.bounds), -delta_x * record->char_width, -delta_y*record->row_height, rgn); EraseRgn (rgn); DisposeRgn (rgn); record->y_curs -= delta_y; record->x_curs -= delta_x; return noErr; } /* * Clear the screen. Immediate. */ short clear_tty (WindowPtr window) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); record->curs_state = 0; select_offscreen_port (record); erase_rect (record, &(record->its_bits.bounds)); accumulate_rect (record, &(record->its_bits.bounds)); update_tty (window); return noErr; } /* * Blink cursor on window if necessary */ short blink_cursor (WindowPtr window, long when) { RECORD_EXISTS (record); if ((record->attribute [TTY_ATTRIB_CURSOR] & TA_BLINKING_CURSOR)) { if (when > record->last_cursor + GetCaretTime ()) { curs_pos (record, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, !record->curs_state); record->last_cursor = when; update_tty (window); } } return 0; } /* * Draw an image of the tty - used for update events and can be called * for screen dumps. */ short image_tty (EventRecord *theEvent, WindowPtr window) { #if defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__) # pragma unused(theEvent) #endif RECORD_EXISTS (record); #if CLIP_RECT_ONLY record->invalid_rect = record->its_bits.bounds; #else RgnHandle rh = NewRgn (); RectRgn (rh, record ->its_bits.bounds); UnionRgn (record->invalid_part, rh, record->invalid_part); DisposeRgn (rh); #endif return update_tty (window); } /* * Clear an area */ short clear_tty_window (WindowPtr window, short from_x, short from_y, short to_x, short to_y) { Rect r; RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (from_x > to_x || from_y > to_y) { return general_failure; } pos_rect (record, &r, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y); select_offscreen_port (record); erase_rect (record, &r); accumulate_rect (record, &r); if (DRAW_DIRECT) { update_tty (window); } else select_onscreen_window (record); return noErr; } #if EXTENDED_SUPPORT /* * Delete or insert operations used by many terminals can bottleneck through * here. Note that the order of executin for row/colum insertions is NOT * specified. Negative values for num_ mean delete, zero means no effect. */ short mangle_tty_rows_columns (WindowPtr window, short from_row, short num_rows, short from_column, short num_columns) { Rect r; RgnHandle rh = NewRgn (); RECORD_EXISTS (record); update_tty (window); /* Always make sure screen is OK */ curs_pos (record, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, 0); if (num_rows) { pos_rect (record, &r, 0, from_row, record->x_size - 1, record->y_size - 1); select_offscreen_port (record); ScrollRect (&r, 0, num_rows * record->row_height, rh); EraseRgn (rh); SetEmptyRgn (rh); select_onscreen_window (record); ScrollRect (&r, 0, num_rows * record->row_height, rh); EraseRgn (rh); SetEmptyRgn (rh); } if (num_columns) { pos_rect (record, &r, from_column, 0, record->x_size - 1, record->y_size - 1); select_offscreen_port (record); ScrollRect (&r, num_columns * record->char_width, 0, rh); EraseRgn (rh); SetEmptyRgn (rh); select_onscreen_window (record); ScrollRect (&r, num_columns * record->char_width, 0, rh); EraseRgn (rh); SetEmptyRgn (rh); } DisposeRgn (rh); if (record->x_curs >= from_column) { record->x_curs += num_columns; } if (record->y_curs >= from_row) { record->y_curs += num_rows; } curs_pos (record, record->x_curs, record->y_curs, 1); return noErr; } /* * Frame an area in an aesthetically pleasing way. */ short frame_tty_window (WindowPtr window, short from_x, short from_y , short to_x, short to_y, short frame_fatness) { Rect r; RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (from_x > to_x || from_y > to_y) { return general_failure; } pos_rect (record, & r, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y); select_offscreen_port (record); PenSize (frame_fatness, frame_fatness); FrameRect (&r); PenNormal (); accumulate_rect (record, &r); if (DRAW_DIRECT) { update_tty (window); } else select_onscreen_window (record); } /* * Highlighting a specific part of the tty window */ short invert_tty_window (WindowPtr window, short from_x, short from_y , short to_x, short to_y) { Rect r; RECORD_EXISTS (record); if (from_x > to_x || from_y > to_y) { return general_failure; } pos_rect (record, &r, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y); select_offscreen_port (record); InvertRect ( &r); accumulate_rect (record, &r); if (DRAW_DIRECT) { update_tty (window); } else select_onscreen_window (record); } static void canonical_rect (Rect * r, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2) { if (x1 < x2) { if (y1 < y2) { SetRect (r, x1, x2, y1, y2); } else { SetRect (r, x1, x2, y2, y1); } } else { if (y1 < y2) { SetRect (r, x2, x1, y1, y2); } else { SetRect (r, x2, x1, y2, y1); } } } /* * Line drawing - very device dependent */ short draw_tty_line (WindowPtr window, short from_x, short from_y , short to_x, short to_y) { Rect r; RECORD_EXISTS (record); select_offscreen_port (record); MoveTo (from_x, from_y); LineTo (to_x, to_y); canonical_rect (&r, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y); accumulate_rect (record, &r); if (DRAW_DIRECT) { update_tty (window); } else select_onscreen_window (record); } #endif /* EXTENDED_SUPPORT */