#textdomain wesnoth-httt [scenario] id=03_The_Isle_of_Alduin name= _ "The Isle of Alduin" map_data="{campaigns/Heir_To_The_Throne/maps/03_The_Isle_of_Alduin.map}" {TURNS 34 24 21} {DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_AFTERNOON} next_scenario=04_The_Bay_of_Pearls {SCENARIO_MUSIC "wanderer.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silvan_sanctuary.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "weight_of_revenge.ogg"} [event] name=prestart [objectives] side=1 [objective] description= _ "Defeat the enemy leader" condition=win [/objective] [objective] description= _ "Death of Konrad" condition=lose [/objective] [objective] description= _ "Death of Delfador" condition=lose [/objective] {TURNS_RUN_OUT} [gold_carryover] bonus=yes carryover_percentage=40 [/gold_carryover] [/objectives] [/event] {HTTT_TRACK {JOURNEY_03_NEW} } [side] type=Commander id=Konrad name= _ "Konrad" unrenamable=yes profile=portraits/konrad-elvish.png side=1 canrecruit=yes team_name=elves user_team_name=_"Rebels" gold=140 controller=human {FLAG_VARIANT long} [/side] # wmllint: recognize Delfador [side] type=Orcish Warrior id="Usadar Q'kai" name= _ "Usadar Q’kai" side=2 canrecruit=yes recruit=Orcish Grunt,Wolf Rider,Orcish Archer,Troll Whelp,Goblin Spearman team_name=orcs user_team_name=_"Orcs" {GOLD 30 60 100} [ai] recruitment_pattern=scout,scout,fighter,fighter,archer {ATTACK_DEPTH 1 3 5} [/ai] #make the AI a lot more aggressive at night [ai] time_of_day=dusk,first_watch,second_watch aggression=0.75 caution=0 grouping=no [/ai] {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} [/side] #make the orcs start with all the villages {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 45} #if anyone moves next to the ship, they get a rebuke from Konrad [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=31,31,32 y=9,10,11 [/filter] [message] speaker=Konrad {KONRAD_VARIATION_ELF mad} message= _ "This is no time to return to our vessel! We must take control of the island!" [/message] [allow_undo] [/allow_undo] [/event] [event] name=prestart {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rock3.png 25 30} [disallow_recruit] side=1 type=Mage [/disallow_recruit] {NEED_DELFADOR (x,y=26,12)} [store_unit] variable=konrad_store kill=yes [filter] id=Konrad [/filter] [/store_unit] [store_unit] variable=delfador_store kill=yes [filter] id=Delfador [/filter] [/store_unit] [/event] [event] name=start #the ship that brought them here [sound] name=ambient/ship.ogg [/sound] [move_unit_fake] type=Galleon side=1 x=33,32 y=1,10 [/move_unit_fake] {PLACE_IMAGE "units/transport/galleon.png~RC(magenta>red)" 31 11} #move Konrad out of the ship and onto the keep [move_unit_fake] type=$konrad_store.type side=1 x=31,26 y=11,13 [/move_unit_fake] #show Konrad [unstore_unit] variable=konrad_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE konrad_store} [redraw] [/redraw] #move Delfador out of the ship and onto the keep [move_unit_fake] type=$delfador_store.type side=1 x=31,26 y=11,12 [/move_unit_fake] #show Delfador [unstore_unit] variable=delfador_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE delfador_store} [redraw] [/redraw] [message] speaker=narrator image="wesnoth-icon.png" message= _ "And so the party landed on the Isle of Alduin." [/message] [message] speaker=Konrad message= _ "So this is Alduin. It looks a little... desolate." [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador message= _ "I fear so, Konrad. It seems that the orcs have come even here. Here to the place where I was born, where I was trained." [/message] [message] speaker="Usadar Q'kai" message= _ "Who is that? Oh, a party of elves has landed. We shall drive them back into the sea!" [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador message= _ "I did not think the orcs would have come here. This island used to be so beautiful. We must recapture it! To arms!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x,y=21,10 side=1 [/filter] [unit] id=Elrian name= _ "Elrian" type=Mage x=20 y=9 side=1 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {IS_LOYAL} [/unit] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I found someone hiding in the village!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elrian message= _ "My lords, I have been hiding in the village from the orcs, like many of the other magi here. I pledge myself to your service; let us move swiftly to recapture the island!" [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador message= _ "Certainly, let us join together to fight the evil ones." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image="wesnoth-icon.png" message= _ "You can now recruit magi!" [/message] #ifdef EASY [message] speaker=Konrad {KONRAD_VARIATION_ELF glad} message= _ "Surely no orc can stand against us with magi in our ranks! Their magical attacks almost always find their mark, even against well-defended troops." [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador {DELFADOR_MENTORING_ELF} message= _ "Caution, young prince. It is very difficult to train inexperienced magi in combat. When they fight on the front lines of battle, you must protect magi with stronger units, else the enemy would make short work of them." [/message] #endif [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Mage [/allow_recruit] {VARIABLE received_mages yes} [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated [unit] x=6 y=35 type=Arch Mage id=Seimus name= _ "Seimus" side=1 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] {IS_LOYAL} [/unit] # The guy does not show up on the screen without some help [redraw] [/redraw] [delay] time=1250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Seimus message= _ "Delfador, my old master! You have saved the island from the orcs!" [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador message= _ "My apprentice! How did the island fall to such as these?" [/message] [message] speaker=Seimus message= _ "You have not heard, master Delfador? Asheviere is trying to control the entire western coast. She hired many orcs and sent them here. They were holding me until a ship could arrive to take me to Weldyn where I am to stand trial for treason for training magi!" [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador message= _ "We have come from fighting her forces at Blackwater. Where else has she attacked?" [/message] [message] speaker=Seimus message= _ "She has taken control of the Bay of Pearls, long held by the Mer, and has turned them into slaves. There they dive for pearls by which she grows richer every day. There are even rumors that she may break the ancient treaty and attack Elensefar!" [/message] [message] speaker=Konrad message= _ "Can’t we strike back at her? How many forces does she have at the Bay of Pearls? Can we take it back from her?" [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador message= _ "We must indeed go there. Let us therefore rest here a little, and then set sail for the Bay. Hopefully we will defeat her forces there!" [/message] [if] [variable] name=received_mages not_equals=yes [/variable] [then] [message] speaker=narrator image="wesnoth-icon.png" message= _ "You can now recruit magi!" [/message] #ifdef EASY [message] speaker=Konrad {KONRAD_VARIATION_ELF glad} message= _ "Surely no orc can stand against us with magi in our ranks! Their magical attacks almost always find their mark, even against well-defended troops." [/message] [message] speaker=Delfador {DELFADOR_MENTORING_ELF} message= _ "Caution, young prince. It is very difficult to train inexperienced magi in combat. When they fight on the front lines of battle, you must protect magi with stronger units, else the enemy would make short work of them." [/message] #endif [/then] [/if] [kill] id=Seimus [/kill] [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 40} [/endlevel] [/event] {campaigns/Heir_To_The_Throne/utils/deaths.cfg} [event] name=victory [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Mage [/allow_recruit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE received_mages} [/event] [/scenario]