/* * dialogs.c -- platform-independent code for dialogs of XBoard * * Copyright 2000, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * GNU XBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * GNU XBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** See the file ChangeLog for a revision history. */ // [HGM] this file is the counterpart of woptions.c, containing xboard popup menus // similar to those of WinBoard, to set the most common options interactively. #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #if STDC_HEADERS # include # include #else /* not STDC_HEADERS */ extern char *getenv(); # if HAVE_STRING_H # include # else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */ # include # endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */ #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */ #if HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include #include "common.h" #include "frontend.h" #include "backend.h" #include "xboard2.h" #include "menus.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "gettext.h" #ifdef ENABLE_NLS # define _(s) gettext (s) # define N_(s) gettext_noop (s) #else # define _(s) (s) # define N_(s) s #endif int initialSquareSize; int values[MAX_OPTIONS]; ChessProgramState *currentCps; char manDir[MSG_SIZ] = MANDIR; //----------------------------Generic dialog -------------------------------------------- // cloned from Engine Settings dialog (and later merged with it) char *marked[NrOfDialogs]; Boolean shellUp[NrOfDialogs]; void MarkMenu (char *item, int dlgNr) { MarkMenuItem(marked[dlgNr] = item, True); } void AddLine (Option *opt, char *s) { AppendText(opt, s); AppendText(opt, "\n"); } //---------------------------------------------- Update dialog controls ------------------------------------ int SetCurrentComboSelection (Option *opt) { int j; if(currentCps) ; else if(!opt->textValue) opt->value = *(int*)opt->target; /* numeric */else { for(j=0; opt->choice[j]; j++) // look up actual value in list of possible values, to get selection nr if(*(char**)opt->target && !strcmp(*(char**)opt->target, ((char**)opt->textValue)[j])) break; opt->value = j + (opt->choice[j] == NULL); } SetComboChoice(opt, opt->value); return opt->value; } void GenericUpdate (Option *opts, int selected) { int i; char buf[MSG_SIZ]; for(i=0; ; i++) { if(selected >= 0) { if(i < selected) continue; else if(i > selected) break; } switch(opts[i].type) { case TextBox: case FileName: case PathName: SetWidgetText(&opts[i], *(char**) opts[i].target, -1); break; case Spin: sprintf(buf, "%d", *(int*) opts[i].target); SetWidgetText(&opts[i], buf, -1); break; case Fractional: sprintf(buf, "%4.2f", *(float*) opts[i].target); SetWidgetText(&opts[i], buf, -1); break; case CheckBox: SetWidgetState(&opts[i], *(Boolean*) opts[i].target); break; case ComboBox: if(opts[i].min & COMBO_CALLBACK) break; SetCurrentComboSelection(opts+i); // TODO: actually display this (but it is never used that way...) break; case EndMark: return; default: printf("GenericUpdate: unexpected case in switch.\n"); case ListBox: case Button: case SaveButton: case Label: case Break: break; } } } //------------------------------------------- Read out dialog controls ------------------------------------ int GenericReadout (Option *opts, int selected) { int i, j, res=1; char *val; char buf[MSG_SIZ], **dest; float x; for(i=0; ; i++) { // send all options that had to be OK-ed to engine if(selected >= 0) { if(i < selected) continue; else if(i > selected) break; } switch(opts[i].type) { case TextBox: case FileName: case PathName: GetWidgetText(&opts[i], &val); dest = currentCps ? &(opts[i].textValue) : (char**) opts[i].target; if(*dest == NULL || strcmp(*dest, val)) { if(currentCps) { snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%s\n", opts[i].name, val); SendToProgram(buf, currentCps); } else { if(*dest) free(*dest); *dest = malloc(strlen(val)+1); } safeStrCpy(*dest, val, MSG_SIZ - (*dest - opts[i].name)); // copy text there } break; case Spin: case Fractional: GetWidgetText(&opts[i], &val); x = 0.0; // Initialise because sscanf() will fail if non-numeric text is entered sscanf(val, "%f", &x); if(x > opts[i].max) x = opts[i].max; if(x < opts[i].min) x = opts[i].min; if(opts[i].type == Fractional) *(float*) opts[i].target = x; // engines never have float options! else { if(currentCps) { if(opts[i].value != x) { // only to engine if changed snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%.0f\n", opts[i].name, x); SendToProgram(buf, currentCps); } } else *(int*) opts[i].target = x; opts[i].value = x; } break; case CheckBox: j = 0; GetWidgetState(&opts[i], &j); if(opts[i].value != j) { opts[i].value = j; if(currentCps) { snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%d\n", opts[i].name, j); SendToProgram(buf, currentCps); } else *(Boolean*) opts[i].target = j; } break; case ComboBox: if(opts[i].min & COMBO_CALLBACK) break; if(!opts[i].textValue) { *(int*)opts[i].target = values[i]; break; } // numeric val = ((char**)opts[i].textValue)[values[i]]; if(currentCps) { if(opts[i].value == values[i]) break; // not changed opts[i].value = values[i]; snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%s\n", opts[i].name, opts[i].choice[values[i]]); SendToProgram(buf, currentCps); } else if(val && (*(char**) opts[i].target == NULL || strcmp(*(char**) opts[i].target, val))) { if(*(char**) opts[i].target) free(*(char**) opts[i].target); *(char**) opts[i].target = strdup(val); } break; case EndMark: if(opts[i].target && selected != -2) // callback for implementing necessary actions on OK (like redraw) res = ((OKCallback*) opts[i].target)(i); break; default: printf("GenericReadout: unexpected case in switch.\n"); case ListBox: case Button: case SaveButton: case Label: case Break: case Skip: break; } if(opts[i].type == EndMark) break; } return res; } //------------------------------------------- Match Options ------------------------------------------------------ char *engineName, *engineChoice, *tfName; char *engineList[MAXENGINES] = {" "}, *engineMnemonic[MAXENGINES]; static void AddToTourney P((int n, int sel)); static void CloneTourney P((void)); static void ReplaceParticipant P((void)); static void UpgradeParticipant P((void)); static void PseudoOK P((void)); static int MatchOK (int n) { ASSIGN(appData.participants, engineName); if(!CreateTourney(tfName) || matchMode) return matchMode || !appData.participants[0]; PopDown(MasterDlg); // early popdown to prevent FreezeUI called through MatchEvent from causing XtGrab warning MatchEvent(2); // start tourney return FALSE; // no double PopDown! } static void DoTimeControl(int n) { TimeControlProc(); } static void DoCommonEngine(int n) { UciMenuProc(); } static void DoGeneral(int n) { OptionsProc(); } #define PARTICIPANTS 6 /* This MUST be the number of the Option for &engineName!*/ static Option matchOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &tfName, ".trn", NULL, FileName, N_("Tournament file: ") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("For concurrent playing of tourney with multiple XBoards:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.roundSync, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Sync after round") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.cycleSync, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Sync after cycle") }, { 0, LR, 175, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Tourney participants:") }, { 0, SAME_ROW|RR, 175, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Select Engine:") }, { 200, T_VSCRL | T_FILL | T_WRAP, 175, NULL, (void*) &engineName, NULL, NULL, TextBox, "" }, { 200, SAME_ROW|RR, 175, NULL, (void*) engineMnemonic, (char*) &AddToTourney, NULL, ListBox, "" }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, "" }, // to decouple alignment above and below boxes //{ 0, COMBO_CALLBACK | NO_GETTEXT, // 0, NULL, (void*) &AddToTourney, (char*) (engineMnemonic+1), (engineMnemonic+1), ComboBox, N_("Select Engine:") }, { 0, 0, 10, NULL, (void*) &appData.tourneyType, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Tourney type (0 = round-robin, 1 = gauntlet):") }, { 0, 1, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.tourneyCycles, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Number of tourney cycles (or Swiss rounds):") }, { 0, 1, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultMatchGames, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Default Number of Games in Match (or Pairing):") }, { 0, 0, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.matchPause, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Pause between Match Games (msec):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.saveGameFile, ".pgn .game", NULL, FileName, N_("Save Tourney Games on:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadGameFile, ".pgn .game", NULL, FileName, N_("Game File with Opening Lines:") }, { 0, -2, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadGameIndex, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Game Number (-1 or -2 = Auto-Increment):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadPositionFile, ".fen .epd .pos", NULL, FileName, N_("File with Start Positions:") }, { 0, -2, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadPositionIndex, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Position Number (-1 or -2 = Auto-Increment):") }, { 0, 0, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.rewindIndex, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Rewind Index after this many Games (0 = never):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.defNoBook, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Disable own engine books by default") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &DoTimeControl, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Time Control") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DoCommonEngine, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Common Engine") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DoGeneral, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("General Options") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PseudoOK, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Continue Later") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &ReplaceParticipant, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Replace Engine") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &UpgradeParticipant, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Upgrade Engine") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &CloneTourney, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Clone Tourney") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &MatchOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static void ReplaceParticipant () { GenericReadout(matchOptions, PARTICIPANTS); Substitute(strdup(engineName), True); } static void UpgradeParticipant () { GenericReadout(matchOptions, PARTICIPANTS); Substitute(strdup(engineName), False); } static void PseudoOK () { if(matchMode) return; GenericReadout(matchOptions, -2); // read all, but suppress calling of MatchOK ASSIGN(appData.participants, engineName); ASSIGN(appData.tourneyFile, tfName); PopDown(MasterDlg); // early popdown to prevent FreezeUI called through MatchEvent from causing XtGrab warning } static void CloneTourney () { FILE *f; char *name; GetWidgetText(matchOptions, &name); if(name && name[0] && (f = fopen(name, "r")) ) { char *saveSaveFile; saveSaveFile = appData.saveGameFile; appData.saveGameFile = NULL; // this is a persistent option, protect from change ParseArgsFromFile(f); engineName = appData.participants; GenericUpdate(matchOptions, -1); FREE(appData.saveGameFile); appData.saveGameFile = saveSaveFile; } else DisplayError(_("First you must specify an existing tourney file to clone"), 0); } static void AddToTourney (int n, int sel) { int nr; char buf[MSG_SIZ]; if(sel < 1) buf[0] = NULLCHAR; // back to top level else if(engineList[sel][0] == '#') safeStrCpy(buf, engineList[sel], MSG_SIZ); // group header, open group else { // normal line, select engine AddLine(&matchOptions[PARTICIPANTS], engineMnemonic[sel]); return; } nr = NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames, engineList, engineMnemonic, buf); // replace list by only the group contents ASSIGN(engineMnemonic[0], buf); LoadListBox(&matchOptions[PARTICIPANTS+1], _("# no engines are installed"), -1, -1); HighlightWithScroll(&matchOptions[PARTICIPANTS+1], 0, nr); } void MatchOptionsProc () { if(matchOptions[PARTICIPANTS+1].type != ListBox) { DisplayError(_("Internal error: PARTICIPANTS set wrong"), 0); return; } NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames, engineList, engineMnemonic, ""); matchOptions[9].min = -(appData.pairingEngine[0] != NULLCHAR); // with pairing engine, allow Swiss ASSIGN(tfName, appData.tourneyFile[0] ? appData.tourneyFile : MakeName(appData.defName)); ASSIGN(engineName, appData.participants); ASSIGN(engineMnemonic[0], ""); GenericPopUp(matchOptions, _("Tournament Options"), MasterDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } // ------------------------------------------- General Options -------------------------------------------------- static int oldShow, oldBlind, oldPonder; static int GeneralOptionsOK (int n) { int newPonder = appData.ponderNextMove; appData.ponderNextMove = oldPonder; PonderNextMoveEvent(newPonder); if(!appData.highlightLastMove) ClearHighlights(), ClearPremoveHighlights(); if(oldShow != appData.showCoords || oldBlind != appData.blindfold) DrawPosition(TRUE, NULL); return 1; } static Option generalOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.whitePOV, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Absolute Analysis Scores") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.sweepSelect, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Almost Always Queen (Detour Under-Promote)") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.animateDragging, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Animate Dragging") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.animate, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Animate Moving") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoCallFlag, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto Flag") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoFlipView, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto Flip View") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.blindfold, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Blindfold") }, /* TRANSLATORS: the drop menu is used to drop a piece, e.g. during bughouse or editing a position */ { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.dropMenu, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Drop Menu") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.variations, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Enable Variation Trees") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.headers, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Headers in Engine Output Window") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.hideThinkingFromHuman, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Hide Thinking from Human") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.highlightLastMove, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Highlight Last Move") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.highlightMoveWithArrow, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Highlight with Arrow") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.oneClick, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("One-Click Moving") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.periodicUpdates, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Periodic Updates (in Analysis Mode)") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, "" }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoExtend, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Play Move(s) of Clicked PV (Analysis)") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.ponderNextMove, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Ponder Next Move") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.popupExitMessage, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Popup Exit Messages") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.popupMoveErrors, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Popup Move Errors") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.showEvalInMoveHistory, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Scores in Move List") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.showCoords, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Show Coordinates") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.markers, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Show Target Squares") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.useStickyWindows, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Sticky Windows") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.testLegality, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Test Legality") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.topLevel, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Top-Level Dialogs") }, { 0, 0,10, NULL, (void*) &appData.flashCount, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Flash Moves (0 = no flashing):") }, { 0, 1,10, NULL, (void*) &appData.flashRate, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Flash Rate (high = fast):") }, { 0, 5,100, NULL, (void*) &appData.animSpeed, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Animation Speed (high = slow):") }, { 0, 1,5, NULL, (void*) &appData.zoom, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Zoom factor in Evaluation Graph:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &GeneralOptionsOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; void OptionsProc () { oldPonder = appData.ponderNextMove; oldShow = appData.showCoords; oldBlind = appData.blindfold; GenericPopUp(generalOptions, _("General Options"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //---------------------------------------------- New Variant ------------------------------------------------ static void Pick P((int n)); static char warning[MSG_SIZ]; static int ranksTmp, filesTmp, sizeTmp; static Option variantDescriptors[] = { { VariantNormal, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Normal")}, { VariantMakruk, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Makruk")}, { VariantFischeRandom, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("FRC")}, { VariantShatranj,SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Shatranj")}, { VariantWildCastle, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Wild castle")}, { VariantKnightmate,SAME_ROW,135,NULL,(void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Knightmate")}, { VariantNoCastle, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("No castle")}, { VariantCylinder,SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Cylinder *")}, { Variant3Check, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("3-checks")}, { VariantBerolina,SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("berolina *")}, { VariantAtomic, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("atomic")}, { VariantTwoKings,SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("two kings")}, { -1, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_(" ")}, // dummy, to have good alignment { VariantSpartan,SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FF0000", NULL, Button, N_("Spartan")}, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Board size ( -1 = default for selected variant):")}, { 0, -1, BOARD_RANKS-1, NULL, (void*) &ranksTmp, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Number of Board Ranks:") }, { 0, -1, BOARD_FILES, NULL, (void*) &filesTmp, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Number of Board Files:") }, { 0, -1, BOARD_RANKS-1, NULL, (void*) &sizeTmp, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Holdings Size:") }, { 0, 0, 275, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, warning }, { 0, 0, 275, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Variants marked with * can only be played\nwith legality testing off.")}, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, ""}, { VariantASEAN, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("ASEAN")}, { VariantGreat, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Great Shatranj (10x8)")}, { VariantSChess, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFBFBF", NULL, Button, N_("Seirawan")}, { VariantFalcon, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Falcon (10x8)")}, { VariantSuper, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFBFBF", NULL, Button, N_("Superchess")}, { VariantCapablanca,SAME_ROW,135,NULL,(void*) &Pick, "#BFBFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Capablanca (10x8)")}, { VariantCrazyhouse, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFBFBF", NULL, Button, N_("Crazyhouse")}, { VariantGothic, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Gothic (10x8)")}, { VariantBughouse, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFBFBF", NULL, Button, N_("Bughouse")}, { VariantJanus, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Janus (10x8)")}, { VariantSuicide, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFBF", NULL, Button, N_("Suicide")}, { VariantCapaRandom,SAME_ROW,135,NULL,(void*) &Pick, "#BFBFFF", NULL, Button, N_("CRC (10x8)")}, { VariantGiveaway, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFBF", NULL, Button, N_("give-away")}, { VariantGrand, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#5070FF", NULL, Button, N_("grand (10x10)")}, { VariantLosers, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFBF", NULL, Button, N_("losers")}, { VariantShogi, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("shogi (9x9)")}, { VariantFairy, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFBF", NULL, Button, N_("fairy")}, { VariantXiangqi, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("xiangqi (9x10)")}, { VariantLion, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFBF", NULL, Button, N_("mighty lion")}, { VariantCourier, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFFFBF", NULL, Button, N_("courier (12x8)")}, { VariantChuChess, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFBF", NULL, Button, N_("elven chess (10x10)")}, { VariantChu, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFFFBF", NULL, Button, N_("chu shogi (12x12)")}, //{ -1, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_(" ")}, // dummy, to have good alignment // optional buttons for engine-defined variants { 0, NO_OK, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Skip, ""}, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { VariantUnknown, SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Skip, NULL }, { 0, NO_OK, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static void Pick (int n) { VariantClass v = variantDescriptors[n].value; if(v == VariantUnknown) safeStrCpy(engineVariant, variantDescriptors[n].name, MSG_SIZ); else *engineVariant = NULLCHAR; GenericReadout(variantDescriptors, -1); // read new ranks and file settings if(!appData.noChessProgram) { char buf[MSG_SIZ]; if (!SupportedVariant(first.variants, v, filesTmp, ranksTmp, sizeTmp, first.protocolVersion, first.tidy)) { DisplayError(variantError, 0); return; /* ignore OK if first engine does not support it */ } else if (second.initDone && !SupportedVariant(second.variants, v, filesTmp, ranksTmp, sizeTmp, second.protocolVersion, second.tidy)) { snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, _("Warning: second engine (%s) does not support this!"), second.tidy); DisplayError(buf, 0); /* use of second engine is optional; only warn user */ } } gameInfo.variant = v; ASSIGN(appData.variant, VariantName(v)); shuffleOpenings = FALSE; /* [HGM] shuffle: possible shuffle reset when we switch */ startedFromPositionFile = FALSE; /* [HGM] loadPos: no longer valid in new variant */ appData.fischerCastling = FALSE; /* [HGM] fischer: no longer valid in new variant */ appData.NrRanks = ranksTmp; appData.NrFiles = filesTmp; appData.holdingsSize = sizeTmp; appData.pieceToCharTable = NULL; ASSIGN(appData.pieceNickNames, ""); ASSIGN(appData.colorNickNames, ""); ASSIGN(appData.men, ""); PopDown(TransientDlg); Reset(True, True); return; } void NewVariantProc () { static int start; int i, last; ranksTmp = filesTmp = sizeTmp = -1; // prefer defaults over actual settings if(appData.noChessProgram) sprintf(warning, _("Only bughouse is not available in viewer mode.")); else sprintf(warning, _("All variants not supported by the first engine\n(currently %s) are disabled."), first.tidy); if(!start) { while(variantDescriptors[start].type != EndMark) start++; // locate spares start += 2; // conditional EndMark and Break } last = -1; for(i=0; variantDescriptors[start+i].type != EndMark; i++) { // create buttons for engine-defined variants char *v = EngineDefinedVariant(&first, i); if(v) { last = i; ASSIGN(variantDescriptors[start+i].name, v); variantDescriptors[start+i].type = Button; } else variantDescriptors[start+i].type = Skip; } if(!(last&1)) { // odd number, add filler ASSIGN(variantDescriptors[start+last+1].name, " "); variantDescriptors[start+last+1].type = Button; variantDescriptors[start+last+1].value = Skip; } variantDescriptors[start-2].type = (last < 0 ? EndMark : Skip); variantDescriptors[start-1].type = (last < 6 ? Skip : Break); safeStrCpy(engineVariant+100, engineVariant, 100); *engineVariant = NULLCHAR; // yeghh... GenericPopUp(variantDescriptors, _("New Variant"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); safeStrCpy(engineVariant, engineVariant+100, MSG_SIZ); // must temporarily clear to avoid enabling all variant buttons } //------------------------------------------- Common Engine Options ------------------------------------- static int oldCores; static char *egtPath; static int CommonOptionsOK (int n) { int newPonder = appData.ponderNextMove; if(*egtPath != '/' && strchr(egtPath, ':')) { ASSIGN(appData.egtFormats, egtPath); } else { ASSIGN(appData.defaultPathEGTB, egtPath); } // make sure changes are sent to first engine by re-initializing it // if it was already started pre-emptively at end of previous game if(gameMode == BeginningOfGame) Reset(True, True); else { // Some changed setting need immediate sending always. if(oldCores != appData.smpCores) NewSettingEvent(False, &(first.maxCores), "cores", appData.smpCores); appData.ponderNextMove = oldPonder; PonderNextMoveEvent(newPonder); } return 1; } static Option commonEngineOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.ponderNextMove, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Ponder Next Move") }, { 0, 0, 1000, NULL, (void*) &appData.smpCores, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Maximum Number of CPUs per Engine:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.polyglotDir, NULL, NULL, PathName, N_("Polygot Directory:") }, { 0, 0,16000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultHashSize, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Hash-Table Size (MB):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &egtPath, NULL, NULL, PathName, N_("EGTB Path:") }, { 0, 0, 1000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultCacheSizeEGTB, "", NULL, Spin, N_("EGTB Cache Size (MB):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.usePolyglotBook, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use GUI Book") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.polyglotBook, ".bin", NULL, FileName, N_("Opening-Book Filename:") }, { 0, 0, 100, NULL, (void*) &appData.bookDepth, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Book Depth (moves):") }, { 0, 0, 100, NULL, (void*) &appData.bookStrength, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Book Variety (0) vs. Strength (100):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.firstHasOwnBookUCI, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Engine #1 Has Own Book") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Engine #2 Has Own Book ") }, { 0,SAME_ROW,0,NULL, (void*) &CommonOptionsOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; void UciMenuProc () { oldCores = appData.smpCores; oldPonder = appData.ponderNextMove; if(appData.egtFormats && *appData.egtFormats) { ASSIGN(egtPath, appData.egtFormats); } else { ASSIGN(egtPath, appData.defaultPathEGTB); } GenericPopUp(commonEngineOptions, _("Common Engine Settings"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //------------------------------------------ Adjudication Options -------------------------------------- static Option adjudicationOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.checkMates, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Detect all Mates") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.testClaims, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Verify Engine Result Claims") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.materialDraws, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Draw if Insufficient Mating Material") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.trivialDraws, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Adjudicate Trivial Draws (3-Move Delay)") }, { 0, 0,100, NULL, (void*) &appData.ruleMoves, "", NULL, Spin, N_("N-Move Rule:") }, { 0, 0, 6, NULL, (void*) &appData.drawRepeats, "", NULL, Spin, N_("N-fold Repeats:") }, { 0, 0,1000, NULL, (void*) &appData.adjudicateDrawMoves, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Draw after N Moves Total:") }, { 0, -5000,0, NULL, (void*) &appData.adjudicateLossThreshold, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Win / Loss Threshold:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &first.scoreIsAbsolute, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Negate Score of Engine #1") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &second.scoreIsAbsolute, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Negate Score of Engine #2") }, { 0,SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; void EngineMenuProc () { GenericPopUp(adjudicationOptions, _("Adjudicate non-ICS Games"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //--------------------------------------------- ICS Options --------------------------------------------- static int IcsOptionsOK (int n) { ParseIcsTextColors(); return 1; } Option icsOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoKibitz, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Kibitz") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoComment, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Comment") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoObserve, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Observe") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoRaiseBoard, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Raise Board") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoCreateLogon, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Create Logon Script") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.bgObserve, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Background Observe while Playing") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.dualBoard, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Dual Board for Background-Observed Game") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.getMoveList, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Get Move List") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.quietPlay, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Quiet Play") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.seekGraph, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Seek Graph") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoRefresh, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Refresh Seek Graph") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoBox, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-InputBox PopUp") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.quitNext, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Quit after game") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.premove, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Premove") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.premoveWhite, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Premove for White") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.premoveWhiteText, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("First White Move:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.premoveBlack, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Premove for Black") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.premoveBlackText, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("First Black Move:") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, "" }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.icsAlarm, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Alarm") }, { 0, 0, 100000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.icsAlarmTime, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Alarm Time (msec):") }, //{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.chatBoxes, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Startup Chat Boxes:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorize, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Colorize Messages") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorShout, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Shout Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorSShout, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("S-Shout Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorChannel1, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Channel #1 Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorChannel, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Other Channel Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorKibitz, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Kibitz Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorTell, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Tell Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorChallenge, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Challenge Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorRequest, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Request Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorSeek, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Seek Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.colorNormal, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Other Text Colors:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &IcsOptionsOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; void IcsOptionsProc () { GenericPopUp(icsOptions, _("ICS Options"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //-------------------------------------------- Load Game Options --------------------------------- static char *modeNames[] = { N_("Exact position match"), N_("Shown position is subset"), N_("Same material with exactly same Pawn chain"), N_("Same material"), N_("Material range (top board half optional)"), N_("Material difference (optional stuff balanced)"), NULL }; static char *modeValues[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" }; static char *searchMode, *countRange; static int LoadOptionsOK () { appData.minPieces = appData.maxPieces = 0; sscanf(countRange, "%d-%d", &appData.minPieces, &appData.maxPieces); if(appData.maxPieces < appData.minPieces) appData.maxPieces = appData.minPieces; appData.searchMode = atoi(searchMode); return 1; } static Option loadOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoDisplayTags, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Display Tags") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoDisplayComment, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Display Comment") }, { 0, LR, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Auto-Play speed of loaded games\n(0 = instant, -1 = off):") }, { 0, -1,10000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.timeDelay, "", NULL, Fractional, N_("Seconds per Move:") }, { 0, LR, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("\noptions to use in game-viewer mode:") }, { 0, 0,300, NULL, (void*) &appData.viewerOptions, "", NULL, TextBox, "" }, { 0, LR, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("\nThresholds for position filtering in game list:") }, { 0, 0,5000, NULL, (void*) &appData.eloThreshold1, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Elo of strongest player at least:") }, { 0, 0,5000, NULL, (void*) &appData.eloThreshold2, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Elo of weakest player at least:") }, { 0, 0,5000, NULL, (void*) &appData.dateThreshold, "", NULL, Spin, N_("No games before year:") }, { 0, 1,50, NULL, (void*) &appData.stretch, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Minimum nr consecutive positions:") }, { 0, 0,197, NULL, (void*) &countRange, "", NULL, TextBox, "Final nr of pieces" }, { 0, 0,205, NULL, (void*) &searchMode, (char*) modeValues, modeNames, ComboBox, N_("Search mode:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.ignoreColors, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Also match reversed colors") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.findMirror, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Also match left-right flipped position") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &LoadOptionsOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; void LoadOptionsPopUp (DialogClass parent) { ASSIGN(countRange, ""); ASSIGN(searchMode, modeValues[appData.searchMode-1]); GenericPopUp(loadOptions, _("Load Game Options"), TransientDlg, parent, MODAL, 0); } void LoadOptionsProc () { // called from menu LoadOptionsPopUp(BoardWindow); } //------------------------------------------- Save Game Options -------------------------------------------- static Option saveOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.autoSaveGames, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Auto-Save Games") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.onlyOwn, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Own Games Only") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.saveGameFile, ".pgn", NULL, FileName, N_("Save Games on File:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.savePositionFile, ".fen", NULL, FileName, N_("Save Final Positions on File:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.pgnEventHeader, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("PGN Event Header:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.oldSaveStyle, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Old Save Style (as opposed to PGN)") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.numberTag, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Include Number Tag in tourney PGN") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.saveExtendedInfoInPGN, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Save Score/Depth Info in PGN") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.saveOutOfBookInfo, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Save Out-of-Book Info in PGN ") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; void SaveOptionsProc () { GenericPopUp(saveOptions, _("Save Game Options"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //----------------------------------------------- Sound Options --------------------------------------------- static void Test P((int n)); static char *trialSound; static char *soundNames[] = { N_("No Sound"), N_("Default Beep"), N_("Above WAV File"), N_("Car Horn"), N_("Cymbal"), N_("Ding"), N_("Gong"), N_("Laser"), N_("Penalty"), N_("Phone"), N_("Pop"), N_("Roar"), N_("Slap"), N_("Wood Thunk"), NULL, N_("User File") }; static char *soundFiles[] = { // sound files corresponding to above names "", "$", NULL, // kludge alert: as first thing in the dialog readout this is replaced with the user-given .WAV filename "honkhonk.wav", "cymbal.wav", "ding1.wav", "gong.wav", "laser.wav", "penalty.wav", "phone.wav", "pop2.wav", "roar.wav", "slap.wav", "woodthunk.wav", NULL, NULL }; static Option soundOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) (soundFiles+2) /* kludge! */, ".wav", NULL, FileName, N_("User WAV File:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundProgram, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Sound Program:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &trialSound, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Try-Out Sound:") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &Test, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Play") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundMove, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Move:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundIcsWin, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Win:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundIcsLoss, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Lose:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundIcsDraw, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Draw:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundIcsUnfinished, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Unfinished:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundIcsAlarm, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Alarm:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundChallenge, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Challenge:") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, "" }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundDirectory, "", NULL, PathName, N_("Sounds Directory:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundShout, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Shout:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundSShout, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("S-Shout:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundChannel, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Channel:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundChannel1, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Channel 1:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundTell, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Tell:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundKibitz, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Kibitz:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundRequest, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Request:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundRoar, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Lion roar:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.soundSeek, (char*) soundFiles, soundNames, ComboBox, N_("Seek:") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static void Test (int n) { GenericReadout(soundOptions, 1); mute <<= 1; // temporarily enable if(soundFiles[values[2]]) PlaySoundFile(soundFiles[values[2]]); mute >>= 1; } void SoundOptionsProc () { free(soundFiles[2]); soundFiles[2] = strdup("*"); GenericPopUp(soundOptions, _("Sound Options"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //--------------------------------------------- Board Options -------------------------------------- static void DefColor P((int n)); static void AdjustColor P((int i)); static void ThemeSel P((int n, int sel)); static int BoardOptionsOK P((int n)); static char oldPieceDir[MSG_SIZ]; extern char *engineLine, *nickName; // defined later on #define THEMELIST 1 static Option boardOptions[] = { { 0,LR|T2T, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Selectable themes:") }, { 300,LR|TB,200, NULL, (void*) engineMnemonic, (char*) &ThemeSel, NULL, ListBox, "" }, { 0,LR|T2T, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("New name for current theme:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &nickName, "", NULL, TextBox, "" }, { 0,SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, NULL }, { 0, 0, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.whitePieceColor, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("White Piece Color:") }, { 1000, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DefColor, NULL, (char**) "#FFFFCC", Button, " " }, /* TRANSLATORS: R = single letter for the color red */ { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("R") }, /* TRANSLATORS: G = single letter for the color green */ { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("G") }, /* TRANSLATORS: B = single letter for the color blue */ { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, /* TRANSLATORS: D = single letter to make a color darker */ { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("D") }, { 0, 0, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.blackPieceColor, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Black Piece Color:") }, { 1000, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DefColor, NULL, (char**) "#202020", Button, " " }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("R") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("G") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("D") }, { 0, 0, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.lightSquareColor, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Light Square Color:") }, { 1000, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DefColor, NULL, (char**) "#C8C365", Button, " " }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("R") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("G") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("D") }, { 0, 0, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.darkSquareColor, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Dark Square Color:") }, { 1000, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DefColor, NULL, (char**) "#77A26D", Button, " " }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("R") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("G") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("D") }, { 0, 0, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.highlightSquareColor, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Highlight Color:") }, { 1000, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DefColor, NULL, (char**) "#FFFF00", Button, " " }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("R") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("G") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("D") }, { 0, 0, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.premoveHighlightColor, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Premove Highlight Color:") }, { 1000, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &DefColor, NULL, (char**) "#FF0000", Button, " " }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("R") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("G") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustColor, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("D") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.upsideDown, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Flip Pieces Shogi Style (Colored buttons restore default)") }, //{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.allWhite, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use Outline Pieces for Black") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.monoMode, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Mono Mode") }, { 0, 0, 200, NULL, (void*) &appData.logoSize, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Logo Size (0=off, requires restart):") }, { 0,-1, 5, NULL, (void*) &appData.overrideLineGap, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Line Gap (-1 = default for board size):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.useBitmaps, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use Board Textures") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.darkBackTextureFile, ".png", (char**)(intptr_t) 1, FileName, N_("Dark-Squares Texture File:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.liteBackTextureFile, ".png", (char**)(intptr_t) 2, FileName, N_("Light-Squares Texture File:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.trueColors, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use external piece bitmaps with their own colors") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.pieceDirectory, "", (char**)(intptr_t) 3, PathName, N_("Directory with Pieces Images:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &BoardOptionsOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static int BoardOptionsOK (int n) { if(n && (n = SelectedListBoxItem(&boardOptions[THEMELIST])) > 0 && *engineList[n] != '#') { // called by pressing OK, and theme selected ASSIGN(engineLine, engineList[n]); } LoadTheme(); return 1; } static void SetColorText (int n, char *buf) { SetWidgetText(&boardOptions[n-1], buf, TransientDlg); SetColor(buf, &boardOptions[n]); } static void DefColor (int n) { SetColorText(n, (char*) boardOptions[n].choice); } void RefreshColor (int source, int n) { int col, j, r, g, b, step = 10; char *s, buf[MSG_SIZ]; // color string GetWidgetText(&boardOptions[source], &s); if(sscanf(s, "#%x", &col) != 1) return; // malformed b = col & 0xFF; g = col & 0xFF00; r = col & 0xFF0000; switch(n) { case 1: r += 0x10000*step;break; case 2: g += 0x100*step; break; case 3: b += step; break; case 4: r -= 0x10000*step; g -= 0x100*step; b -= step; break; } if(r < 0) r = 0; if(g < 0) g = 0; if(b < 0) b = 0; if(r > 0xFF0000) r = 0xFF0000; if(g > 0xFF00) g = 0xFF00; if(b > 0xFF) b = 0xFF; col = r | g | b; snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "#%06x", col); for(j=1; j<7; j++) if(buf[j] >= 'a') buf[j] -= 32; // capitalize SetColorText(source+1, buf); } static void AdjustColor (int i) { int n = boardOptions[i].value; RefreshColor(i-n-1, n); } void ThemeSel (int n, int sel) { int nr; char buf[MSG_SIZ]; if(sel < 1) buf[0] = NULLCHAR; // back to top level else if(engineList[sel][0] == '#') safeStrCpy(buf, engineList[sel], MSG_SIZ); // group header, open group else { // normal line, select engine ASSIGN(engineLine, engineList[sel]); LoadTheme(); PopDown(TransientDlg); return; } nr = NamesToList(appData.themeNames, engineList, engineMnemonic, buf); // replace list by only the group contents ASSIGN(engineMnemonic[0], buf); LoadListBox(&boardOptions[THEMELIST], _("# no themes are defined"), -1, -1); HighlightWithScroll(&boardOptions[THEMELIST], 0, nr); } void BoardOptionsProc () { strncpy(oldPieceDir, appData.pieceDirectory, MSG_SIZ-1); // to see if it changed ASSIGN(engineLine, ""); ASSIGN(nickName, ""); ASSIGN(engineMnemonic[0], ""); NamesToList(appData.themeNames, engineList, engineMnemonic, ""); GenericPopUp(boardOptions, _("Board Options"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //-------------------------------------------- ICS Text Menu Options ------------------------------ Option textOptions[100]; static void PutText P((char *text, int pos)); static void NewChat P((char *name)); static char clickedWord[MSG_SIZ], click; void SendString (char *p) { char buf[MSG_SIZ], buf2[MSG_SIZ], *q; if(q = strstr(p, "$name")) { // in Xaw this is already intercepted if(!shellUp[TextMenuDlg] || !clickedWord[0]) return; strncpy(buf2, p, MSG_SIZ); snprintf(buf2 + (q-p), MSG_SIZ -(q-p), "%s%s", clickedWord, q+5); p = buf2; } if(!strcmp(p, "$copy")) { // special case for copy selection CopySomething(clickedWord); } else if(!strcmp(p, "$chat")) { // special case for opening chat NewChat(clickedWord); } else if(q = strstr(p, "$input")) { if(!shellUp[TextMenuDlg]) return; strncpy(buf, p, MSG_SIZ); strncpy(buf + (q-p), q+6, MSG_SIZ-(q-p)); PutText(buf, q-p); } else { snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s\n", p); SendToICS(buf); } if(click) { // popped up by memo click click = clickedWord[0] = 0; PopDown(TextMenuDlg); } } void IcsTextPopUp () { int i=0, j; char *p, *q, *r; if((p = icsTextMenuString) == NULL) return; do { q = r = p; while(*p && *p != ';') p++; if(textOptions[i].name == NULL) textOptions[i].name = (char*) malloc(MSG_SIZ); for(j=0; jnrOptions) { DisplayNote(_("Engine has no options")); return; } currentCps = cps; GenericPopUp(cps->option, _("Engine Settings"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } void FirstSettingsProc () { SettingsPopUp(&first); } void SecondSettingsProc () { if(WaitForEngine(&second, SettingsMenuIfReady)) return; SettingsPopUp(&second); } void RefreshSettingsDialog (ChessProgramState *cps, int val) { if(val == 1) { // option values changed if(shellUp[TransientDlg] && cps == currentCps) { GenericUpdate(cps->option, -1); // normally update values when dialog is up } return; // and be done } if(val == 2) { // option list changed if(!shellUp[TransientDlg] || cps != currentCps) return; // our dialog is not up, so nothing to do } PopDown(TransientDlg); // make sure any other dialog closes first SettingsPopUp(cps); // and popup new one } //----------------------------------------------- Load Engine -------------------------------------- char *engineDir, *engineLine, *nickName, *params; Boolean isUCI, isUSI, hasBook, storeVariant, v1, addToList, useNick, secondEng; static void EngSel P((int n, int sel)); static int InstallOK P((int n)); static Option installOptions[] = { { 0,LR|T2T, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Select engine from list:") }, { 300,LR|TB,200, NULL, (void*) engineMnemonic, (char*) &EngSel, NULL, ListBox, "" }, { 0,SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, NULL }, { 0, LR, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("or specify one below:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &nickName, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Nickname (optional):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &useNick, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use nickname in PGN player tags of engine-engine games") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineDir, NULL, NULL, PathName, N_("Engine Directory:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineName, NULL, NULL, FileName, N_("Engine Command:") }, { 0, LR, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("(Directory will be derived from engine path when empty)") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &isUCI, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("UCI") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &isUSI, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("USI/UCCI (uses specified -uxiAdapter)") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &v1, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("WB protocol v1 (do not wait for engine features)") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &hasBook, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("Must not use GUI book") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &addToList, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("Add this engine to the list") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &storeVariant, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("Force current variant with this engine") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &InstallOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static int InstallOK (int n) { if(n && (n = SelectedListBoxItem(&installOptions[1])) > 0) { // called by pressing OK, and engine selected ASSIGN(engineLine, engineList[n]); } PopDown(TransientDlg); // early popdown, to allow FreezeUI to instate grab if(isUSI) { isUCI = 2; // kludge to pass isUSI to Load() if(!*appData.ucciAdapter) { ASSIGN(appData.ucciAdapter, "usi2wb -%variant \"%fcp\"\"%fd\""); } // make sure -uxiAdapter is defined } if(!secondEng) Load(&first, 0); else Load(&second, 1); return FALSE; // no double PopDown! } static void EngSel (int n, int sel) { int nr; char buf[MSG_SIZ]; if(sel < 1) buf[0] = NULLCHAR; // back to top level else if(engineList[sel][0] == '#') safeStrCpy(buf, engineList[sel], MSG_SIZ); // group header, open group else { // normal line, select engine ASSIGN(engineLine, engineList[sel]); InstallOK(0); return; } nr = NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames, engineList, engineMnemonic, buf); // replace list by only the group contents ASSIGN(engineMnemonic[0], buf); LoadListBox(&installOptions[1], _("# no engines are installed"), -1, -1); HighlightWithScroll(&installOptions[1], 0, nr); } static void LoadEngineProc (int engineNr, char *title) { isUCI = isUSI = storeVariant = v1 = useNick = False; addToList = hasBook = True; // defaults secondEng = engineNr; if(engineLine) free(engineLine); engineLine = strdup(""); if(engineDir) free(engineDir); engineDir = strdup("."); if(nickName) free(nickName); nickName = strdup(""); if(params) free(params); params = strdup(""); ASSIGN(engineMnemonic[0], ""); NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames, engineList, engineMnemonic, ""); GenericPopUp(installOptions, title, TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } void LoadEngine1Proc () { LoadEngineProc (0, _("Load first engine")); } void LoadEngine2Proc () { LoadEngineProc (1, _("Load second engine")); } //----------------------------------------------------- Edit Book ----------------------------------------- void EditBookProc () { EditBookEvent(); } //--------------------------------------------------- New Shuffle Game ------------------------------ static void SetRandom P((int n)); static int ShuffleOK (int n) { ResetGameEvent(); return 1; } static Option shuffleOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &shuffleOpenings, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("shuffle") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.fischerCastling, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("Fischer castling") }, { 0,-1,2000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultFrcPosition, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Start-position number:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &SetRandom, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("randomize") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &SetRandom, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("pick fixed") }, { 0,SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &ShuffleOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static void SetRandom (int n) { int r = n==3 ? -1 : random() & (1<<30)-1; char buf[MSG_SIZ]; snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%d", r); SetWidgetText(&shuffleOptions[2], buf, TransientDlg); SetWidgetState(&shuffleOptions[0], True); } void ShuffleMenuProc () { GenericPopUp(shuffleOptions, _("New Shuffle Game"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------- Fonts ------------------------------ static void AdjustFont P((int n)); static char *oldFont[7]; static int NewFont (int n, int fnr, char *font) { // figure out if font changed, and if so, store it in the fonts table as a side effect if(!strcmp(oldFont[n], font)) return 0; // not changed ASSIGN(fontTable[fnr][initialSquareSize], font); fontIsSet[fnr] = fontValid[fnr][initialSquareSize] = True; return 1; // changed } static int FontsOK (int n) { int i; PopDown(TransientDlg); // Early popdown to prevent expose events frommasking each other LockBoardSize(0); if(NewFont(0, CLOCK_FONT, appData.clockFont)) DisplayBothClocks(); if(NewFont(1, MESSAGE_FONT, appData.font)) { ApplyFont(&mainOptions[W_MESSG], NULL); for(i=1; i<6; i++) ApplyFont(&mainOptions[W_BUTTON+i], NULL); } LockBoardSize(1); // unlock if(NewFont(3, EDITTAGS_FONT, appData.tagsFont)) ApplyFont(&tagsOptions[1], NULL); if(NewFont(4, COMMENT_FONT, appData.commentFont)) ApplyFont(&commentOptions[0], NULL); if(NewFont(5, MOVEHISTORY_FONT, appData.historyFont)) { ApplyFont(&historyOptions[0], NULL); ApplyFont(&engoutOptions[5], NULL); ApplyFont(&engoutOptions[12], NULL); } if(NewFont(6, GAMELIST_FONT, appData.gameListFont)) ApplyFont(&gamesOptions[0], NULL); if(NewFont(2, CONSOLE_FONT, appData.icsFont)) { ApplyFont(&chatOptions[11], appData.icsFont); AppendColorized(&chatOptions[6], NULL, 0); // kludge to replace font tag } DrawPosition(TRUE, NULL); // for coord font return 0; // suppress normal popdown because already done } static Option fontOptions[] = { { 0, 60, 200, NULL, (void*) &appData.clockFont, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Clocks (requires restart):") }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("+") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("-") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("I") }, { 666, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("*") }, { 0, 60, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.font, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Message (above board):") }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("+") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("-") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("I") }, { 666, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("*") }, { 0, 60, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.icsFont, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("ICS Chat/Console:") }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("+") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("-") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("I") }, { 666, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("*") }, { 0, 60, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.tagsFont, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Edit tags / book / engine list:") }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("+") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("-") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("I") }, { 666, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("*") }, { 0, 60, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.commentFont, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Edit comments:") }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("+") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("-") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("I") }, { 666, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("*") }, { 0, 60, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.historyFont, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Move history / Engine Output:") }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("+") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("-") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("I") }, { 666, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("*") }, { 0, 60, 70, NULL, (void*) &appData.gameListFont, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Game list:") }, { 1, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("+") }, { 2, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("-") }, { 3, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("B") }, { 4, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("I") }, { 666, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &AdjustFont, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("*") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("\nThe * buttons will set the font to the one selected below:") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Button, "fontsel" }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &FontsOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static char name[MSG_SIZ], *bold, *ital, points; static void BreakUp (char *font) { char *p = name, *norm; safeStrCpy(name, font, MSG_SIZ); bold = StrCaseStr(name, "bold"); ital = StrCaseStr(name, "ital"); norm = StrCaseStr(name, "normal"); points = 0; while(p && *p && !(points = atoi(p))) p = strchr(p+1, ' '); if(points) p[*p == ' '] = 0; if(bold) *bold = 0; if(ital) *ital = 0; if(norm) *norm = 0; } static void Collect () { if(bold) strcat(name, "Bold "); if(ital) strcat(name, "Italic "); if(!ital && !bold && strlen(name) < 2) strncpy(name, "Normal ", MSG_SIZ); if(points) sprintf(name + strlen(name), "%d", points); else strcat(name, "%d"); } static void AdjustFont (int n) { int button = fontOptions[n].value, base = n - button; char *oldFont; GetWidgetText(&fontOptions[base], &oldFont); BreakUp(oldFont); // take apart old font name switch(button) { case 1: points++; break; case 2: points--; break; case 3: if(bold) bold = NULL; else bold = name; break; case 4: if(ital) ital = NULL; else ital = name; break; } Collect(); SetWidgetText(&fontOptions[base], name, TransientDlg); ApplyFont(&fontOptions[base], name); } void FontsProc () { int i; if(strstr(appData.font, "-*-")) { DisplayNote(_("This only works in the GTK build")); return; } GenericPopUp(fontOptions, _("Fonts"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); for(i=0; i<7; i++) { ApplyFont(&fontOptions[6*i], *(char**)fontOptions[6*i].target); ASSIGN(oldFont[i], *(char**)fontOptions[6*i].target); } } //------------------------------------------------------ Time Control ----------------------------------- static int TcOK P((int n)); int tmpMoves, tmpTc, tmpInc, tmpOdds1, tmpOdds2, tcType, by60; static void SetTcType P((int n)); static char * Value (int n) { static char buf[MSG_SIZ]; snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%d", n); return buf; } static Option tcOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &SetTcType, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("classical") }, { 0,SAME_ROW,0,NULL, (void*) &SetTcType, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("incremental") }, { 0,SAME_ROW,0,NULL, (void*) &SetTcType, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("fixed max") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &by60, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Divide entered times by 60") }, { 0, 0, 200, NULL, (void*) &tmpMoves, NULL, NULL, Spin, N_("Moves per session:") }, { 0, 0,10000, NULL, (void*) &tmpTc, NULL, NULL, Spin, N_("Initial time (min):") }, { 0, 0, 10000, NULL, (void*) &tmpInc, NULL, NULL, Spin, N_("Increment or max (sec/move):") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Time-Odds factors:") }, { 0, 1, 1000, NULL, (void*) &tmpOdds1, NULL, NULL, Spin, N_("Engine #1") }, { 0, 1, 1000, NULL, (void*) &tmpOdds2, NULL, NULL, Spin, N_("Engine #2 / Human") }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &TcOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static int TcOK (int n) { char *tc, buf[MSG_SIZ]; if(tcType == 0 && tmpMoves <= 0) return 0; if(tcType == 2 && tmpInc <= 0) return 0; GetWidgetText(&tcOptions[5], &tc); // get original text, in case it is min:sec if(by60) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%d:%02d", tmpTc/60, tmpTc%60), tc=buf; searchTime = 0; switch(tcType) { case 0: if(!ParseTimeControl(tc, -1, tmpMoves)) return 0; appData.movesPerSession = tmpMoves; ASSIGN(appData.timeControl, tc); appData.timeIncrement = -1; break; case 1: if(!ParseTimeControl(tc, tmpInc, 0)) return 0; ASSIGN(appData.timeControl, tc); appData.timeIncrement = (by60 ? tmpInc/60. : tmpInc); break; case 2: searchTime = (by60 ? tmpInc/60 : tmpInc); } appData.firstTimeOdds = first.timeOdds = tmpOdds1; appData.secondTimeOdds = second.timeOdds = tmpOdds2; Reset(True, True); return 1; } static void SetTcType (int n) { switch(tcType = n) { case 0: SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[4], Value(tmpMoves), TransientDlg); SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[5], Value(tmpTc), TransientDlg); SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[6], _("Unused"), TransientDlg); break; case 1: SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[4], _("Unused"), TransientDlg); SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[5], Value(tmpTc), TransientDlg); SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[6], Value(tmpInc), TransientDlg); break; case 2: SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[4], _("Unused"), TransientDlg); SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[5], _("Unused"), TransientDlg); SetWidgetText(&tcOptions[6], Value(tmpInc), TransientDlg); } } void TimeControlProc () { if(gameMode != BeginningOfGame) { DisplayError(_("Changing time control during a game is not implemented"), 0); return; } tmpMoves = appData.movesPerSession; tmpInc = appData.timeIncrement; if(tmpInc < 0) tmpInc = 0; tmpOdds1 = tmpOdds2 = 1; tcType = 0; tmpTc = atoi(appData.timeControl); by60 = 0; GenericPopUp(tcOptions, _("Time Control"), TransientDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0); SetTcType(searchTime ? 2 : appData.timeIncrement < 0 ? 0 : 1); } //------------------------------- Ask Question ----------------------------------------- int SendReply P((int n)); char pendingReplyPrefix[MSG_SIZ]; ProcRef pendingReplyPR; char *answer; Option askOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, NULL }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &answer, "", NULL, TextBox, "" }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &SendReply, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; int SendReply (int n) { char buf[MSG_SIZ]; int err; char *reply=answer; // GetWidgetText(&askOptions[1], &reply); safeStrCpy(buf, pendingReplyPrefix, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]) ); if (*buf) strncat(buf, " ", MSG_SIZ - strlen(buf) - 1); strncat(buf, reply, MSG_SIZ - strlen(buf) - 1); strncat(buf, "\n", MSG_SIZ - strlen(buf) - 1); OutputToProcess(pendingReplyPR, buf, strlen(buf), &err); // does not go into debug file??? => bug if (err) DisplayFatalError(_("Error writing to chess program"), err, 0); return TRUE; } void AskQuestion (char *title, char *question, char *replyPrefix, ProcRef pr) { safeStrCpy(pendingReplyPrefix, replyPrefix, sizeof(pendingReplyPrefix)/sizeof(pendingReplyPrefix[0]) ); pendingReplyPR = pr; ASSIGN(answer, ""); askOptions[0].name = question; if(GenericPopUp(askOptions, title, AskDlg, BoardWindow, MODAL, 0)) AddHandler(&askOptions[1], AskDlg, 2); } //---------------------------- Promotion Popup -------------------------------------- static int count; static void PromoPick P((int n)); static Option promoOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PromoPick, NULL, NULL, Button, NULL }, { 0, SAME_ROW | NO_OK, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static void PromoPick (int n) { int promoChar = promoOptions[n+count].value; PopDown(PromoDlg); if (promoChar == 0) fromX = -1; if (fromX == -1) return; if (! promoChar) { fromX = fromY = -1; ClearHighlights(); return; } if(promoChar == '=' && !IS_SHOGI(gameInfo.variant)) promoChar = NULLCHAR; UserMoveEvent(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, promoChar); if (!appData.highlightLastMove || gotPremove) ClearHighlights(); if (gotPremove) SetPremoveHighlights(fromX, fromY, toX, toY); fromX = fromY = -1; } static void SetPromo (char *name, int nr, char promoChar) { ASSIGN(promoOptions[nr].name, name); promoOptions[nr].value = promoChar; promoOptions[nr].min = SAME_ROW; } void PromotionPopUp (char choice) { // choice depends on variant: prepare dialog acordingly count = 8; SetPromo(_("Cancel"), --count, -1); // Beware: GenericPopUp cannot handle user buttons named "cancel" (lowe case)! if(choice != '+' && !IS_SHOGI(gameInfo.variant)) { if (!appData.testLegality || gameInfo.variant == VariantSuicide || gameInfo.variant == VariantSpartan && !WhiteOnMove(currentMove) || gameInfo.variant == VariantGiveaway) { SetPromo(_("King"), --count, 'k'); } if(gameInfo.variant == VariantSpartan && !WhiteOnMove(currentMove)) { SetPromo(_("Captain"), --count, 'c'); SetPromo(_("Lieutenant"), --count, 'l'); SetPromo(_("General"), --count, 'g'); SetPromo(_("Warlord"), --count, 'w'); } else { SetPromo(_("Knight"), --count, 'n'); SetPromo(_("Bishop"), --count, 'b'); SetPromo(_("Rook"), --count, 'r'); if(gameInfo.variant == VariantCapablanca || gameInfo.variant == VariantGothic || gameInfo.variant == VariantCapaRandom) { SetPromo(_("Archbishop"), --count, 'a'); SetPromo(_("Chancellor"), --count, 'c'); } SetPromo(_("Queen"), --count, 'q'); if(gameInfo.variant == VariantChuChess) SetPromo(_("Lion"), --count, 'l'); } } else // [HGM] shogi { SetPromo(_("Defer"), --count, '='); SetPromo(_("Promote"), --count, '+'); } promoOptions[count].min = 0; GenericPopUp(promoOptions + count, "Promotion", PromoDlg, BoardWindow, NONMODAL, 0); } //---------------------------- Chat Windows ---------------------------------------------- static char *line, *memo, *chatMemo, *partner, *texts[MAX_CHAT], dirty[MAX_CHAT], *inputs[MAX_CHAT], *icsLine, *tmpLine; static int activePartner; int hidden = 1; void ChatSwitch P((int n)); int ChatOK P((int n)); #define CHAT_ICS 6 #define CHAT_PARTNER 8 #define CHAT_OUT 11 #define CHAT_PANE 12 #define CHAT_IN 13 void PaneSwitch P((void)); void ClearChat P((void)); WindowPlacement wpTextMenu; int ContextMenu (Option *opt, int button, int x, int y, char *text, int index) { // callback for ICS-output clicks; handles button 3, passes on other events int h; if(button == -3) return TRUE; // supress default GTK context menu on up-click if(button != 3) return FALSE; if(index == -1) { // pre-existing selection in memo strncpy(clickedWord, text, MSG_SIZ); } else { // figure out what word was clicked char *start, *end; start = end = text + index; while(isalnum(*end)) end++; while(start > text && isalnum(start[-1])) start--; clickedWord[0] = NULLCHAR; if(end-start >= 80) end = start + 80; // intended for small words and numbers strncpy(clickedWord, start, end-start); clickedWord[end-start] = NULLCHAR; } click = !shellUp[TextMenuDlg]; // request auto-popdown of textmenu when we popped it up h = wpTextMenu.height; // remembered height of text menu if(h <= 0) h = 65; // when not available, position w.r.t. top GetPlacement(ChatDlg, &wpTextMenu); if(opt->target == (void*) &chatMemo) wpTextMenu.y += (wpTextMenu.height - 30)/2; // click in chat wpTextMenu.x += x - 50; wpTextMenu.y += y - h + 50; // request positioning if(wpTextMenu.x < 0) wpTextMenu.x = 0; if(wpTextMenu.y < 0) wpTextMenu.y = 0; wpTextMenu.width = wpTextMenu.height = -1; IcsTextPopUp(); return TRUE; } Option chatOptions[] = { { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label , N_("Chats:") }, { 1, SAME_ROW|TT, 75, NULL, (void*) &ChatSwitch, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("New Chat") }, { 2, SAME_ROW|TT, 75, NULL, (void*) &ChatSwitch, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("New Chat") }, { 3, SAME_ROW|TT, 75, NULL, (void*) &ChatSwitch, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("New Chat") }, { 4, SAME_ROW|TT, 75, NULL, (void*) &ChatSwitch, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("New Chat") }, { 5, SAME_ROW|TT, 75, NULL, (void*) &ChatSwitch, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("New Chat") }, { 250, T_VSCRL | T_FILL | T_WRAP | T_TOP, 510, NULL, (void*) &memo, NULL, (void*) &ContextMenu, TextBox, "" }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, Break , "" }, { 0, T_TOP, 100, NULL, (void*) &partner, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Chat partner:") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &ClearChat, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("End Chat") }, { 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &PaneSwitch, NULL, NULL, Button, N_("Hide") }, { 250, T_VSCRL | T_FILL | T_WRAP | T_TOP, 510, NULL, (void*) &chatMemo, NULL, (void*) &ContextMenu, TextBox, "" }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, Break , "" }, { 0, 0, 510, NULL, (void*) &line, NULL, NULL, TextBox, "" }, { 0, NO_OK|SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, (void*) &ChatOK, NULL, NULL, EndMark , "" } }; static void PutText (char *text, int pos) { char buf[MSG_SIZ], *p; DialogClass dlg = ChatDlg; Option *opt = &chatOptions[CHAT_IN]; if(strstr(text, "$add ") == text) { GetWidgetText(&boxOptions[INPUT], &p); snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s%s", p, text+5); text = buf; pos += strlen(p) - 5; } if(shellUp[InputBoxDlg]) opt = &boxOptions[INPUT], dlg = InputBoxDlg; // for the benefit of Xaw give priority to ICS Input Box SetWidgetText(opt, text, dlg); SetInsertPos(opt, pos); HardSetFocus(opt, dlg); CursorAtEnd(opt); } int IcsHist (int n, Option *opt, DialogClass dlg) { // [HGM] input: let up-arrow recall previous line from history char *val = NULL; // to suppress spurious warning int chat, start; if(opt != &chatOptions[CHAT_IN] && !(opt == &chatOptions[CHAT_PARTNER] && n == 33)) return 0; switch(n) { case 5: if(!hidden) ClearChat(); break; case 8: if(!hidden) PaneSwitch(); break; case 33: // if(1) BoardToTop(); else if(hidden) BoardToTop(); else PaneSwitch(); break; case 15: NewChat(lastTalker); break; case 14: for(chat=0; chat < MAX_CHAT; chat++) if(!chatPartner[chat][0]) break; if(chat < MAX_CHAT) ChatSwitch(chat + 1); break; case 10: // chat = start = (activePartner - hidden + MAX_CHAT) % MAX_CHAT; while(!dirty[chat = (chat + 1)%MAX_CHAT]) if(chat == start) break; if(!dirty[chat]) while(!chatPartner[chat = (chat + 1)%MAX_CHAT][0]) if(chat == start) break; if(!chatPartner[chat][0]) break; // if all unused, ignore ChatSwitch(chat + 1); break; case 1: GetWidgetText(opt, &val); val = PrevInHistory(val); break; case -1: val = NextInHistory(); } SetWidgetText(opt, val = val ? val : "", dlg); SetInsertPos(opt, strlen(val)); return 1; } void OutputChatMessage (int partner, char *mess) { char *p = texts[partner]; int len = strlen(mess) + 1; if(!DialogExists(ChatDlg)) return; if(p) len += strlen(p); texts[partner] = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(texts[partner], len, "%s%s", p ? p : "", mess); FREE(p); if(partner == activePartner && !hidden) { AppendText(&chatOptions[CHAT_OUT], mess); SetInsertPos(&chatOptions[CHAT_OUT], len-2); } else { SetColor("#FFC000", &chatOptions[partner + 1]); dirty[partner] = 1; } } int ChatOK (int n) { // can only be called through in chat-partner text-edit, as there is no OK button char buf[MSG_SIZ]; if(!hidden && (!partner || strcmp(partner, chatPartner[activePartner]) || !*partner)) { safeStrCpy(chatPartner[activePartner], partner, MSG_SIZ); SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_OUT], "", -1); // clear text if we alter partner SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], "", ChatDlg); // clear text if we alter partner SetWidgetLabel(&chatOptions[activePartner+1], chatPartner[activePartner][0] ? chatPartner[activePartner] : _("New Chat")); if(!*partner) PaneSwitch(); HardSetFocus(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], 0); } if(line[0] || hidden) { // something was typed (for ICS commands we also allow empty line!) SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], "", ChatDlg); // from here on it could be back-end if(line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n') line[strlen(line)-1] = NULLCHAR; SaveInHistory(line); if(hidden || !*chatPartner[activePartner]) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s\n", line); else // command for ICS if(!strcmp("whispers", chatPartner[activePartner])) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "whisper %s\n", line); // WHISPER box uses "whisper" to send else if(!strcmp("shouts", chatPartner[activePartner])) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "shout %s\n", line); // SHOUT box uses "shout" to send else if(!strcmp("c-shouts", chatPartner[activePartner])) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "cshout %s\n", line); // C-SHOUT box uses "cshout" to send else if(!strcmp("kibitzes", chatPartner[activePartner])) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "kibitz %s\n", line); // KIBITZ box uses "kibitz" to send else { if(!atoi(chatPartner[activePartner])) { snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "> %s\n", line); // echo only tells to handle, not channel OutputChatMessage(activePartner, buf); snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "xtell %s %s\n", chatPartner[activePartner], line); } else snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "tell %s %s\n", chatPartner[activePartner], line); } SendToICS(buf); } return FALSE; // never pop down } void DelayedSetText () { SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], tmpLine, -1); // leave focus on chat-partner field! SetInsertPos(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], strlen(tmpLine)); } void DelayedScroll () { // If we do this immediately it does it before shrinking the memo, so the lower half remains hidden (Ughh!) SetInsertPos(&chatOptions[CHAT_ICS], 999999); SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], tmpLine, ChatDlg); SetInsertPos(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], strlen(tmpLine)); } void ChatSwitch (int n) { int i, j; char *v; if(chatOptions[CHAT_ICS].type == Skip) hidden = 0; // In Xaw there is no ICS pane we can hide behind Show(&chatOptions[CHAT_PANE], 0); // show if(hidden) ScheduleDelayedEvent(DelayedScroll, 50); // Awful! else ScheduleDelayedEvent(DelayedSetText, 50); GetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], &v); if(hidden) { ASSIGN(icsLine, v); } else { ASSIGN(inputs[activePartner], v); } hidden = 0; activePartner = --n; if(!texts[n]) texts[n] = strdup(""); dirty[n] = 0; SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_OUT], texts[n], ChatDlg); SetInsertPos(&chatOptions[CHAT_OUT], strlen(texts[n])); SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_PARTNER], chatPartner[n], ChatDlg); for(i=j=0; i