# Makefile generated by imake - do not edit! # $XConsortium: imake.c,v 1.51 89/12/12 12:37:30 jim Exp $ ########################################################################### # Makefile generated from "Imake.tmpl" and # $XConsortium: Imake.tmpl,v 1.77 89/12/18 17:01:37 jim Exp $ # # Platform-specific parameters may be set in the appropriate .cf # configuration files. Site-wide parameters may be set in the file # site.def. Full rebuilds are recommended if any parameters are changed. # # If your C preprocessor doesn't define any unique symbols, you'll need # to set BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS when rebuilding imake (usually when doing # "make Makefile", "make Makefiles", or "make World"). # # If you absolutely can't get imake to work, you'll need to set the # variables at the top of each Makefile as well as the dependencies at the # bottom (makedepend will do this automatically). # ########################################################################### # platform-specific configuration parameters - edit bsd.cf to change # platform: $XConsortium: bsd.cf,v 1.8 89/12/23 14:19:17 jim Exp $ # operating system: 4.3bsd ########################################################################### # site-specific configuration parameters - edit site.def to change # site: $XConsortium: site.def,v 1.21 89/12/06 11:46:50 jim Exp $ SHELL = /bin/sh TOP = /mit/x11/@sys CURRENT_DIR = . AR = ar cq BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS = CC = cc COMPRESS = compress CPP = /lib/cpp $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) PREPROCESSCMD = cc -E $(STD_CPP_DEFINES) INSTALL = install LD = ld LINT = lint LINTLIBFLAG = -C LINTOPTS = -axz LN = ln -s MAKE = make MV = mv CP = cp RANLIB = ranlib RANLIBINSTFLAGS = RM = rm -f STD_INCLUDES = STD_CPP_DEFINES = STD_DEFINES = EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS = EXTRA_LIBRARIES = TAGS = ctags SIGNAL_DEFINES = -DSIGNALRETURNSINT PROTO_DEFINES = INSTPGMFLAGS = -s INSTSCRFLAGS = INSTBINFLAGS = -m 0755 INSTUIDFLAGS = -o root -m 4755 INSTLIBFLAGS = -m 0664 INSTINCFLAGS = -m 0444 INSTMANFLAGS = -m 0444 INSTDATFLAGS = -m 0444 INSTKMEMFLAGS = -o root -m 4755 DESTDIR = TOP_INCLUDES = -I$(INCROOT) CDEBUGFLAGS = -O CCOPTIONS = COMPATFLAGS = ALLINCLUDES = $(STD_INCLUDES) $(TOP_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(EXTRA_INCLUDES) ALLDEFINES = $(ALLINCLUDES) $(STD_DEFINES) $(PROTO_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) $(COMPATFLAGS) CFLAGS = $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) LINTFLAGS = $(LINTOPTS) -DLINT $(ALLDEFINES) LDLIBS = $(SYS_LIBRARIES) $(EXTRA_LIBRARIES) LDOPTIONS = $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) LDCOMBINEFLAGS = -X -r MACROFILE = bsd.cf RM_CMD = $(RM) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a .emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut IMAKE_DEFINES = IRULESRC = $(CONFIGDIR) IMAKE_CMD = $(IMAKE) -DUseInstalled -I$(IRULESRC) $(IMAKE_DEFINES) ICONFIGFILES = $(IRULESRC)/Imake.tmpl $(IRULESRC)/Imake.rules \ $(IRULESRC)/Project.tmpl $(IRULESRC)/site.def \ $(IRULESRC)/$(MACROFILE) $(EXTRA_ICONFIGFILES) ########################################################################### # X Window System Build Parameters # $XConsortium: Project.tmpl,v 1.63 89/12/18 16:46:44 jim Exp $ ########################################################################### # X Window System make variables; this need to be coordinated with rules # $XConsortium: Project.tmpl,v 1.63 89/12/18 16:46:44 jim Exp $ PATHSEP = / USRLIBDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/sipb/$(MACHINE)bin INCROOT = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include BUILDINCROOT = $(TOP) BUILDINCDIR = $(BUILDINCROOT)/X11 BUILDINCTOP = .. INCDIR = $(INCROOT)/X11 ADMDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/adm LIBDIR = $(USRLIBDIR)/X11 CONFIGDIR = /afs/sipb.mit.edu/project/sipbsrc/src/X11-config LINTLIBDIR = $(USRLIBDIR)/lint FONTDIR = $(LIBDIR)/fonts XINITDIR = $(LIBDIR)/xinit XDMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/xdm AWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/awm TWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/twm GWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/gwm MANPATH = $(DESTDIR)/usr/sipb/man MANSOURCEPATH = $(MANPATH)/man MANDIR = $(MANSOURCEPATH)n LIBMANDIR = $(MANSOURCEPATH)3 XAPPLOADDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/sipb/lib/app-defaults FONTCFLAGS = -t INSTAPPFLAGS = $(INSTDATFLAGS) IMAKE = imake DEPEND = makedepend RGB = rgb FONTC = bdftosnf MKFONTDIR = mkfontdir MKDIRHIER = /bin/sh /mit/x11/$(MACHINE)bin/mkdirhier CONFIGSRC = $(TOP)/config CLIENTSRC = $(TOP)/clients DEMOSRC = $(TOP)/demos LIBSRC = $(TOP)/lib FONTSRC = $(TOP)/fonts INCLUDESRC = $(TOP)/X11 SERVERSRC = $(TOP)/server UTILSRC = $(TOP)/util SCRIPTSRC = $(UTILSRC)/scripts EXAMPLESRC = $(TOP)/examples CONTRIBSRC = $(TOP)/../contrib DOCSRC = $(TOP)/doc RGBSRC = $(TOP)/rgb DEPENDSRC = $(UTILSRC)/makedepend IMAKESRC = $(CONFIGSRC) XAUTHSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xau XLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/X XMUSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xmu TOOLKITSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xt AWIDGETSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xaw OLDXLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/oldX XDMCPLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xdmcp BDFTOSNFSRC = $(FONTSRC)/bdftosnf MKFONTDIRSRC = $(FONTSRC)/mkfontdir EXTENSIONSRC = $(TOP)/extensions DEPEXTENSIONLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXext.a EXTENSIONLIB = -lXext DEPXLIB = $(DEPEXTENSIONLIB) $(USRLIBDIR)/libX11.a XLIB = $(EXTENSIONLIB) -lX11 DEPXAUTHLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXau.a XAUTHLIB = -lXau DEPXMULIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXmu.a XMULIB = -lXmu DEPOLDXLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/liboldX.a OLDXLIB = -loldX DEPXTOOLLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXt.a XTOOLLIB = -lXt DEPXAWLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXaw.a XAWLIB = -lXaw LINTEXTENSIONLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/llib-lXext.ln LINTXLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/llib-lX11.ln LINTXMU = $(USRLIBDIR)/llib-lXmu.ln LINTXTOOL = $(USRLIBDIR)/llib-lXt.ln LINTXAW = $(USRLIBDIR)/llib-lXaw.ln DEPLIBS = DEPLIBS1 = $(DEPLIBS) DEPLIBS2 = $(DEPLIBS) DEPLIBS3 = $(DEPLIBS) ########################################################################### # Imake rules for building libraries, programs, scripts, and data files # rules: $XConsortium: Imake.rules,v 1.70 90/05/04 16:57:30 keith Exp $ ########################################################################### # start of Imakefile LOCAL_LIBRARIES = -lX11 -lm OBJS = xneko.o SRCS = xneko.c PROGRAM = xneko all:: xneko xneko: $(OBJS) $(DEPLIBS) $(RM) $@ $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDOPTIONS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES) $(LDLIBS) $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) saber_xneko:: $(SRCS) #load $(ALLDEFINES) $(SRCS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES) $(SYS_LIBRARIES) $(EXTRA_LIBRARIES) osaber_xneko:: $(OBJS) #load $(ALLDEFINES) $(OBJS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES) $(SYS_LIBRARIES) $(EXTRA_LIBRARIES) install:: xneko $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTPGMFLAGS) xneko $(BINDIR) install.man:: xneko.man $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) xneko.man $(MANDIR)/xneko.n depend:: $(SRCS) $(DEPEND) -s "# DO NOT DELETE" -- $(ALLDEFINES) -- $(SRCS) lint: $(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) $(SRCS) $(LINTLIBS) lint1: $(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) $(FILE) $(LINTLIBS) clean:: $(RM) $(PROGRAM) install:: install.man ########################################################################### # common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit emptyrule:: clean:: $(RM_CMD) \#* Makefile:: -@if [ -f Makefile ]; then \ echo " $(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak"; \ $(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak; \ else exit 0; fi $(IMAKE_CMD) -DTOPDIR=$(TOP) -DCURDIR=$(CURRENT_DIR) tags:: $(TAGS) -w *.[ch] $(TAGS) -xw *.[ch] > TAGS saber: #load $(ALLDEFINES) $(SRCS) osaber: #load $(ALLDEFINES) $(OBJS) ########################################################################### # empty rules for directories that do not have SUBDIRS - do not edit install:: @echo "install in $(CURRENT_DIR) done" install.man:: @echo "install.man in $(CURRENT_DIR) done" Makefiles:: includes:: ########################################################################### # dependencies generated by makedepend