.TH bmptopnm 1 "May 2002" .SH NAME bmptopnm \- convert a BMP(DIB) file into a portable anymap .SH SYNOPSIS .B bmptopnm .RB [options] .BR .I [bmpfile] .SH DESCRIPTION bmptopnm reads a BMP(DIB) file and write portable anymap to standard output. If the input file .I bmpfile is omitted, bmptopnm reads image from standard input. The format of the output file is one of the pbm(5), pgm(5) or ppm(5), each of which is the binary\-type (not ascii). It depends on the depth and color\-type of the input file which format is selected. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-i Invert the pixel value. Black and white is exchanged. This option is available only for binary images. .TP .B \-v Show processing information. .TP .B \-h Show help message. .SH NOTES bmptopnm can not read BMP(DIB) file with compressed image. .PP bmptopnm can not read BMP(DIB) file with Pseudo-color image. Only bitmap(1bit), grayscale(8bit), hi\-color(16bit without color mask), and true\-color(24bit) are supported. .SH SEE ALSO pbm(5), pgm(5), ppm(5), pnm(5) .SH AUTHOR Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Hideaki Goto .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and .\" its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, .\" provided that (i) the above copyright notice and this permission .\" notice appear in all copies and in supporting documentation, (ii) .\" the name of the author, Hideaki Goto, may not be used in any .\" advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other .\" dealings in this software without prior written authorization .\" from the author, (iii) this software may not be used for .\" commercial products without prior written permission from the .\" author, and (iv) the notice of modification is specified in cases .\" where modified copies of this software are distributed. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. .\" THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THIS .\" SOFTWARE. E\-Mail: hgot@rd.isc.tohoku.ac.jp, hgot@aso.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp