% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ggproto.r \name{print.ggproto} \alias{print.ggproto} \alias{format.ggproto} \title{Format or print a ggproto object} \usage{ \method{print}{ggproto}(x, ..., flat = TRUE) \method{format}{ggproto}(x, ..., flat = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A ggproto object to print.} \item{...}{If the ggproto object has a \code{print} method, further arguments will be passed to it. Otherwise, these arguments are unused.} \item{flat}{If \code{TRUE} (the default), show a flattened list of all local and inherited members. If \code{FALSE}, show the inheritance hierarchy.} } \description{ If a ggproto object has a \verb{$print} method, this will call that method. Otherwise, it will print out the members of the object, and optionally, the members of the inherited objects. } \examples{ Dog <- ggproto( print = function(self, n) { cat("Woof!\n") } ) Dog cat(format(Dog), "\n") }