# s2 1.0.7 - Update the internal copy of s2geometry to use updated Abseil, fixing a compiler warning on gcc-11 (#79, #134). # s2 1.0.6 - Added support for `STRICT_R_HEADERS` (@eddelbuettel, #118). - Fixed a bug where the result of `s2_centroid_agg()` did not behave like a normal point in distance calculations (#119, #121). - Fixed a Windows UCRT check failure and updated openssl linking (@jeroen, #122). # s2 1.0.5 * Added `s2_projection_filter()` and `s2_unprojection_filter()` to expose the S2 edge tessellator, which can be used to make Cartesian or great circle assumptions of line segments explicit by adding points where necessary (#115). * Added an `s2_cell()` vector class to expose a subset of the S2 indexing system to R users (#85, #114). * Added `s2_closest_edges()` to make k-nearest neighbours calculation possible on the sphere (#111, #112). * Added `s2_interpolate()`, `s2_interpolate_normalized()`, `s2_project()`, and `s2_project_normalized()` to provide linear referencing support on the sphere (#96, #110). * Fixed import of empty points from WKB (#109). * Added argument `dimensions` to `s2_options()` to constrain the output dimensions of a boolean or rebuild operation (#105, #104, #110). * Added `s2_is_valid()` and `s2_is_valid_detail()` to help find invalid spherical geometries when importing data into S2 (#100). * Improved error messages when importing and processing data such that errors can be debugged more readily (#100, #98). * The unary version of `s2_union()` can now handle MULTIPOLYGON geometries with overlapping rings in addition to other invalid polygons. `s2_union()` can now sanitize almost any input to be valid spherical geometry with minimal modification (#100, #99). * Renamed the existing implementation of `s2_union_agg()` to `s2_coverage_union_agg()` to make clear that the function only works when the individual geometries do not have overlapping interiors. `s2_union_agg()` was replaced with a true aggregate union that can handle unions of most geometries (#100, #97). * Added `s2_rebuild_agg()` to match `s2_union_agg()`. Like `s2_rebuild()`, `s2_rebuild_agg()` collects the edges in the input and builds them into a feature, optionally snapping or simplifying vertices in the process (#100). # s2 1.0.4 * Fixed errors that resulted from compilation on clang 12.2 (#88, #89). # s2 1.0.3 * Fixed CRAN check errors (#80). # s2 1.0.2 * Fixed CRAN check errors (#71, #75, #72). # s2 1.0.1 * Added layer creation options to `s2_options()`, which now uses strings rather than numeric codes to specify boolean operation options, geography construction options, and builder options (#70). * Added `s2_rebuild()` and `s2_simplify()`, which wrap the S2 C++ `S2Builder` class to provide simplification and fixing of invalid geographies (#70). * The s2 package now builds and passes the CMD check on Solaris (#66, #67). * Renamed `s2_latlng()` to `s2_lnglat()` to keep axis order consistent throughout the package (#69). * Added `s2_bounds_cap()` and `s2_bounds_rect()` to compute bounding areas using geographic coordinates (@edzer, #63). * `s2_*_matrix()` predicates now efficiently use indexing to compute the results of many predicate comparisons (#61). # s2 1.0.0 This version is a complete rewrite of the former s2 CRAN package, entirely backwards incompatible with previous versions.