#ifndef FIELD_MATH_H_ #define FIELD_MATH_H_ #ifdef WITH_CUDA # include #endif #include #include #include #include namespace qflow { using namespace Eigen; struct DEdge { DEdge() : x(0), y(0) {} DEdge(int _x, int _y) { if (_x > _y) x = _y, y = _x; else x = _x, y = _y; } bool operator<(const DEdge& e) const { return (x < e.x) || (x == e.x && y < e.y); } bool operator==(const DEdge& e) const { return x == e.x && y == e.y; } bool operator!=(const DEdge& e) const { return x != e.x || y != e.y; } int x, y; }; inline int get_parents(std::vector>& parents, int j) { if (j == parents[j].first) return j; int k = get_parents(parents, parents[j].first); parents[j].second = (parents[j].second + parents[parents[j].first].second) % 4; parents[j].first = k; return k; } inline int get_parents_orient(std::vector>& parents, int j) { if (j == parents[j].first) return parents[j].second; return (parents[j].second + get_parents_orient(parents, parents[j].first)) % 4; } inline double fast_acos(double x) { double negate = double(x < 0.0f); x = std::abs(x); double ret = -0.0187293f; ret *= x; ret = ret + 0.0742610f; ret *= x; ret = ret - 0.2121144f; ret *= x; ret = ret + 1.5707288f; ret = ret * std::sqrt(1.0f - x); ret = ret - 2.0f * negate * ret; return negate * (double)M_PI + ret; } inline double signum(double value) { return std::copysign((double)1, value); } /// Always-positive modulo function (assumes b > 0) inline int modulo(int a, int b) { int r = a % b; return (r < 0) ? r + b : r; } inline Vector3d rotate90_by(const Vector3d &q, const Vector3d &n, int amount) { return ((amount & 1) ? (n.cross(q)) : q) * (amount < 2 ? 1.0f : -1.0f); } inline Vector2i rshift90(Vector2i shift, int amount) { if (amount & 1) shift = Vector2i(-shift.y(), shift.x()); if (amount >= 2) shift = -shift; return shift; } inline std::pair compat_orientation_extrinsic_index_4(const Vector3d &q0, const Vector3d &n0, const Vector3d &q1, const Vector3d &n1) { const Vector3d A[2] = {q0, n0.cross(q0)}; const Vector3d B[2] = {q1, n1.cross(q1)}; double best_score = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); int best_a = 0, best_b = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { double score = std::abs(A[i].dot(B[j])); if (score > best_score) { best_a = i; best_b = j; best_score = score; } } } if (A[best_a].dot(B[best_b]) < 0) best_b += 2; return std::make_pair(best_a, best_b); } inline std::pair compat_orientation_extrinsic_4(const Vector3d &q0, const Vector3d &n0, const Vector3d &q1, const Vector3d &n1) { const Vector3d A[2] = {q0, n0.cross(q0)}; const Vector3d B[2] = {q1, n1.cross(q1)}; double best_score = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); int best_a = 0, best_b = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { double score = std::abs(A[i].dot(B[j])); if (score > best_score + 1e-6) { best_a = i; best_b = j; best_score = score; } } } const double dp = A[best_a].dot(B[best_b]); return std::make_pair(A[best_a], B[best_b] * signum(dp)); } inline Vector3d middle_point(const Vector3d &p0, const Vector3d &n0, const Vector3d &p1, const Vector3d &n1) { /* How was this derived? * * Minimize \|x-p0\|^2 + \|x-p1\|^2, where * dot(n0, x) == dot(n0, p0) * dot(n1, x) == dot(n1, p1) * * -> Lagrange multipliers, set derivative = 0 * Use first 3 equalities to write x in terms of * lambda_1 and lambda_2. Substitute that into the last * two equations and solve for the lambdas. Finally, * add a small epsilon term to avoid issues when n1=n2. */ double n0p0 = n0.dot(p0), n0p1 = n0.dot(p1), n1p0 = n1.dot(p0), n1p1 = n1.dot(p1), n0n1 = n0.dot(n1), denom = 1.0f / (1.0f - n0n1 * n0n1 + 1e-4f), lambda_0 = 2.0f * (n0p1 - n0p0 - n0n1 * (n1p0 - n1p1)) * denom, lambda_1 = 2.0f * (n1p0 - n1p1 - n0n1 * (n0p1 - n0p0)) * denom; return 0.5f * (p0 + p1) - 0.25f * (n0 * lambda_0 + n1 * lambda_1); } inline Vector3d position_floor_4(const Vector3d &o, const Vector3d &q, const Vector3d &n, const Vector3d &p, double scale_x, double scale_y, double inv_scale_x, double inv_scale_y) { Vector3d t = n.cross(q); Vector3d d = p - o; return o + q * std::floor(q.dot(d) * inv_scale_x) * scale_x + t * std::floor(t.dot(d) * inv_scale_y) * scale_y; } inline std::pair compat_position_extrinsic_4( const Vector3d &p0, const Vector3d &n0, const Vector3d &q0, const Vector3d &o0, const Vector3d &p1, const Vector3d &n1, const Vector3d &q1, const Vector3d &o1, double scale_x, double scale_y, double inv_scale_x, double inv_scale_y, double scale_x_1, double scale_y_1, double inv_scale_x_1, double inv_scale_y_1) { Vector3d t0 = n0.cross(q0), t1 = n1.cross(q1); Vector3d middle = middle_point(p0, n0, p1, n1); Vector3d o0p = position_floor_4(o0, q0, n0, middle, scale_x, scale_y, inv_scale_x, inv_scale_y); Vector3d o1p = position_floor_4(o1, q1, n1, middle, scale_x_1, scale_y_1, inv_scale_x_1, inv_scale_y_1); double best_cost = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); int best_i = -1, best_j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Vector3d o0t = o0p + (q0 * (i & 1) * scale_x + t0 * ((i & 2) >> 1) * scale_y); for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { Vector3d o1t = o1p + (q1 * (j & 1) * scale_x_1 + t1 * ((j & 2) >> 1) * scale_y_1); double cost = (o0t - o1t).squaredNorm(); if (cost < best_cost) { best_i = i; best_j = j; best_cost = cost; } } } return std::make_pair( o0p + (q0 * (best_i & 1) * scale_x + t0 * ((best_i & 2) >> 1) * scale_y), o1p + (q1 * (best_j & 1) * scale_x_1 + t1 * ((best_j & 2) >> 1) * scale_y_1)); } inline Vector3d position_round_4(const Vector3d &o, const Vector3d &q, const Vector3d &n, const Vector3d &p, double scale_x, double scale_y, double inv_scale_x, double inv_scale_y) { Vector3d t = n.cross(q); Vector3d d = p - o; return o + q * std::round(q.dot(d) * inv_scale_x) * scale_x + t * std::round(t.dot(d) * inv_scale_y) * scale_y; } inline Vector2i position_floor_index_4(const Vector3d &o, const Vector3d &q, const Vector3d &n, const Vector3d &p, double /* unused */, double /* unused */, double inv_scale_x, double inv_scale_y) { Vector3d t = n.cross(q); Vector3d d = p - o; return Vector2i((int)std::floor(q.dot(d) * inv_scale_x), (int)std::floor(t.dot(d) * inv_scale_y)); } inline std::pair compat_position_extrinsic_index_4( const Vector3d &p0, const Vector3d &n0, const Vector3d &q0, const Vector3d &o0, const Vector3d &p1, const Vector3d &n1, const Vector3d &q1, const Vector3d &o1, double scale_x, double scale_y, double inv_scale_x, double inv_scale_y, double scale_x_1, double scale_y_1, double inv_scale_x_1, double inv_scale_y_1, double *error) { Vector3d t0 = n0.cross(q0), t1 = n1.cross(q1); Vector3d middle = middle_point(p0, n0, p1, n1); Vector2i o0p = position_floor_index_4(o0, q0, n0, middle, scale_x, scale_y, inv_scale_x, inv_scale_y); Vector2i o1p = position_floor_index_4(o1, q1, n1, middle, scale_x_1, scale_y_1, inv_scale_x_1, inv_scale_y_1); double best_cost = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); int best_i = -1, best_j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Vector3d o0t = o0 + (q0 * ((i & 1) + o0p[0]) * scale_x + t0 * (((i & 2) >> 1) + o0p[1]) * scale_y); for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { Vector3d o1t = o1 + (q1 * ((j & 1) + o1p[0]) * scale_x_1 + t1 * (((j & 2) >> 1) + o1p[1]) * scale_y_1); double cost = (o0t - o1t).squaredNorm(); if (cost < best_cost) { best_i = i; best_j = j; best_cost = cost; } } } if (error) *error = best_cost; return std::make_pair(Vector2i((best_i & 1) + o0p[0], ((best_i & 2) >> 1) + o0p[1]), Vector2i((best_j & 1) + o1p[0], ((best_j & 2) >> 1) + o1p[1])); } inline void coordinate_system(const Vector3d &a, Vector3d &b, Vector3d &c) { if (std::abs(a.x()) > std::abs(a.y())) { double invLen = 1.0f / std::sqrt(a.x() * a.x() + a.z() * a.z()); c = Vector3d(a.z() * invLen, 0.0f, -a.x() * invLen); } else { double invLen = 1.0f / std::sqrt(a.y() * a.y() + a.z() * a.z()); c = Vector3d(0.0f, a.z() * invLen, -a.y() * invLen); } b = c.cross(a); } inline Vector3d rotate_vector_into_plane(Vector3d q, const Vector3d &source_normal, const Vector3d &target_normal) { const double cosTheta = source_normal.dot(target_normal); if (cosTheta < 0.9999f) { if (cosTheta < -0.9999f) return -q; Vector3d axis = source_normal.cross(target_normal); q = q * cosTheta + axis.cross(q) + axis * (axis.dot(q) * (1.0 - cosTheta) / axis.dot(axis)); } return q; } inline Vector3d Travel(Vector3d p, const Vector3d &dir, double &len, int &f, VectorXi &E2E, MatrixXd &V, MatrixXi &F, MatrixXd &NF, std::vector &triangle_space, double *tx = 0, double *ty = 0) { Vector3d N = NF.col(f); Vector3d pt = (dir - dir.dot(N) * N).normalized(); int prev_id = -1; int count = 0; while (len > 0) { count += 1; Vector3d t1 = V.col(F(1, f)) - V.col(F(0, f)); Vector3d t2 = V.col(F(2, f)) - V.col(F(0, f)); Vector3d N = NF.col(f); // printf("point dis: %f\n", (p - V.col(F(1, f))).dot(N)); int edge_id = f * 3; double max_len = 1e30; bool found = false; int next_id, next_f; Vector3d next_q; Matrix3d m, n; m.col(0) = t1; m.col(1) = t2; m.col(2) = N; n = m.inverse(); MatrixXd &T = triangle_space[f]; VectorXd coord = T * Vector3d(p - V.col(F(0, f))); VectorXd dirs = (T * pt); double lens[3]; lens[0] = -coord.y() / dirs.y(); lens[1] = (1 - coord.x() - coord.y()) / (dirs.x() + dirs.y()); lens[2] = -coord.x() / dirs.x(); for (int fid = 0; fid < 3; ++fid) { if (fid + edge_id == prev_id) continue; if (lens[fid] >= 0 && lens[fid] < max_len) { max_len = lens[fid]; next_id = E2E[edge_id + fid]; next_f = next_id; if (next_f != -1) next_f /= 3; found = true; } } if (!found) { printf("error...\n"); exit(0); } // printf("status: %f %f %d\n", len, max_len, f); if (max_len >= len) { if (tx && ty) { *tx = coord.x() + dirs.x() * len; *ty = coord.y() + dirs.y() * len; } p = p + len * pt; len = 0; return p; } p = V.col(F(0, f)) + t1 * (coord.x() + dirs.x() * max_len) + t2 * (coord.y() + dirs.y() * max_len); len -= max_len; if (next_f == -1) { if (tx && ty) { *tx = coord.x() + dirs.x() * max_len; *ty = coord.y() + dirs.y() * max_len; } return p; } pt = rotate_vector_into_plane(pt, NF.col(f), NF.col(next_f)); f = next_f; prev_id = next_id; } return p; } inline Vector3d TravelField(Vector3d p, Vector3d &pt, double &len, int &f, VectorXi &E2E, MatrixXd &V, MatrixXi &F, MatrixXd &NF, MatrixXd &QF, MatrixXd &QV, MatrixXd &NV, std::vector &triangle_space, double *tx = 0, double *ty = 0, Vector3d *dir_unfold = 0) { Vector3d N = NF.col(f); pt = (pt - pt.dot(N) * N).normalized(); int prev_id = -1; int count = 0; std::vector Ns; auto FaceQFromVertices = [&](int f, double tx, double ty) { const Vector3d &n = NF.col(f); const Vector3d &q_1 = QV.col(F(0, f)), &q_2 = QV.col(F(1, f)), &q_3 = QV.col(F(2, f)); const Vector3d &n_1 = NV.col(F(0, f)), &n_2 = NV.col(F(1, f)), &n_3 = NV.col(F(2, f)); Vector3d q_1n = rotate_vector_into_plane(q_1, n_1, n); Vector3d q_2n = rotate_vector_into_plane(q_2, n_2, n); Vector3d q_3n = rotate_vector_into_plane(q_3, n_3, n); auto orient = compat_orientation_extrinsic_4(q_1n, n, q_2n, n); Vector3d q = (orient.first * tx + orient.second * ty).normalized(); orient = compat_orientation_extrinsic_4(q, n, q_3n, n); q = (orient.first * (tx + ty) + orient.second * (1 - tx - ty)).normalized(); return q; }; auto BestQFromGivenQ = [&](const Vector3d &n, const Vector3d &q, const Vector3d &given_q) { Vector3d q_1 = n.cross(q); double t1 = q.dot(given_q); double t2 = q_1.dot(given_q); if (fabs(t1) > fabs(t2)) { if (t1 > 0.0) return Vector3d(q); else return Vector3d(-q); } else { if (t2 > 0.0) return Vector3d(q_1); else return Vector3d(-q_1); } }; while (len > 0) { count += 1; Vector3d t1 = V.col(F(1, f)) - V.col(F(0, f)); Vector3d t2 = V.col(F(2, f)) - V.col(F(0, f)); Vector3d N = NF.col(f); Ns.push_back(N); // printf("point dis: %f\n", (p - V.col(F(1, f))).dot(N)); int edge_id = f * 3; double max_len = 1e30; bool found = false; int next_id = -1, next_f = -1; Vector3d next_q; Matrix3d m, n; m.col(0) = t1; m.col(1) = t2; m.col(2) = N; n = m.inverse(); MatrixXd &T = triangle_space[f]; VectorXd coord = T * Vector3d(p - V.col(F(0, f))); VectorXd dirs = (T * pt); double lens[3]; lens[0] = -coord.y() / dirs.y(); lens[1] = (1 - coord.x() - coord.y()) / (dirs.x() + dirs.y()); lens[2] = -coord.x() / dirs.x(); for (int fid = 0; fid < 3; ++fid) { if (fid + edge_id == prev_id) continue; if (lens[fid] >= 0 && lens[fid] < max_len) { max_len = lens[fid]; next_id = E2E[edge_id + fid]; next_f = next_id; if (next_f != -1) next_f /= 3; found = true; } } double w1 = (coord.x() + dirs.x() * max_len); double w2 = (coord.y() + dirs.y() * max_len); if (w1 < 0) w1 = 0.0f; if (w2 < 0) w2 = 0.0f; if (w1 + w2 > 1) { double w = w1 + w2; w1 /= w; w2 /= w; } if (!found) { printf("error...\n"); exit(0); } // printf("status: %f %f %d\n", len, max_len, f); if (max_len >= len) { if (tx && ty) { *tx = w1; *ty = w2; } Vector3d ideal_q = FaceQFromVertices(f, *tx, *ty); *dir_unfold = BestQFromGivenQ(NF.col(f), ideal_q, *dir_unfold); for (int i = Ns.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) { *dir_unfold = rotate_vector_into_plane(*dir_unfold, Ns[i], Ns[i - 1]); } p = p + len * pt; len = 0; return p; } p = V.col(F(0, f)) + t1 * w1 + t2 * w2; len -= max_len; if (next_f == -1) { if (tx && ty) { *tx = w1; *ty = w2; } Vector3d ideal_q = FaceQFromVertices(f, *tx, *ty); *dir_unfold = BestQFromGivenQ(NF.col(f), ideal_q, *dir_unfold); for (int i = Ns.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) { *dir_unfold = rotate_vector_into_plane(*dir_unfold, Ns[i], Ns[i - 1]); } return p; } pt = rotate_vector_into_plane(pt, NF.col(f), NF.col(next_f)); // pt = BestQFromGivenQ(NF.col(next_f), QF.col(next_f), pt); if (dir_unfold) { *dir_unfold = BestQFromGivenQ(NF.col(next_f), QF.col(next_f), *dir_unfold); } f = next_f; prev_id = next_id; } return p; } } // namespace qflow #endif