// // post-solver.cpp // parametrize // // Created by Jingwei on 2/5/18. // #include #include #include #include #include #include "ceres/ceres.h" #include "ceres/rotation.h" #include "post-solver.hpp" #include "serialize.hpp" namespace qflow { /// Coefficient of area constraint. The magnitude is 1 if area is equal to 0. const double COEFF_AREA = 1; /// Coefficient of tangent constraint. The magnitude is 0.03 if the bais is reference_length. /// This is because current tangent constraint is not very accurate. /// This optimization conflicts with COEFF_AREA. const double COEFF_TANGENT = 0.02; /// Coefficient of normal constraint. The magnitude is the arc angle. const double COEFF_NORMAL = 1; /// Coefficient of normal constraint. The magnitude is the arc angle. const double COEFF_FLOW = 1; /// Coefficient of orthogonal edge. The magnitude is the arc angle. const double COEFF_ORTH = 1; /// Coefficient of edge length. The magnitude is the arc angle. const double COEFF_LENGTH = 1; /// Number of iterations of the CGNR solver const int N_ITER = 100; template T DotProduct(const T a[3], const T2 b[3]) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]; } template T Length2(const T a[3]) { return DotProduct(a, a); } namespace ceres { inline double min(const double f, const double g) { return std::min(f, g); } template inline Jet min(const Jet& f, const Jet& g) { if (f.a < g.a) return f; else return g; } } // namespace ceres bool DEBUG = 0; struct FaceConstraint { FaceConstraint(double coeff_area, double coeff_normal, double coeff_flow, double coeff_orth, double length, Vector3d normal[4], Vector3d Q0[4], Vector3d Q1[4]) : coeff_area(coeff_area), coeff_normal(coeff_normal), coeff_flow(coeff_flow), coeff_orth(coeff_orth), area0(length * length), normal0{ normal[0], normal[1], normal[2], normal[3], }, Q0{Q0[0], Q0[1], Q0[2], Q0[3]}, Q1{Q1[0], Q1[1], Q1[2], Q1[3]} {} template bool operator()(const T* p0, const T* p1, const T* p2, const T* p3, T* r) const { const T* p[] = {p0, p1, p2, p3}; r[12] = T(); for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { auto pc = p[k]; auto pa = p[(k + 1) % 4]; auto pb = p[(k + 3) % 4]; T a[3]{pa[0] - pc[0], pa[1] - pc[1], pa[2] - pc[2]}; T b[3]{pb[0] - pc[0], pb[1] - pc[1], pb[2] - pc[2]}; T length_a = ceres::sqrt(Length2(a)); T length_b = ceres::sqrt(Length2(b)); T aa[3]{a[0] / length_a, a[1] / length_a, a[2] / length_a}; T bb[3]{b[0] / length_b, b[1] / length_b, b[2] / length_b}; r[3 * k + 0] = coeff_orth * DotProduct(aa, bb); T degree_edge0 = ceres::abs(DotProduct(aa, &Q0[k][0])); T degree_edge1 = ceres::abs(DotProduct(aa, &Q1[k][0])); T degree_edge = ceres::min(degree_edge0, degree_edge1); r[3 * k + 1] = coeff_flow * degree_edge; T normal[3]; ceres::CrossProduct(a, b, normal); T area = ceres::sqrt(Length2(normal)); r[12] += area; assert(area != T()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) normal[i] /= area; T degree_normal = DotProduct(normal, &normal0[k][0]) - T(1); r[3 * k + 2] = coeff_normal * degree_normal * degree_normal; } r[12] = coeff_area * (r[12] / (4.0 * area0) - 1.0); return true; } static ceres::CostFunction* create(double coeff_area, double coeff_normal, double coeff_flow, double coeff_orth, double length, Vector3d normal[4], Vector3d Q0[4], Vector3d Q1[4]) { return new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction(new FaceConstraint( coeff_area, coeff_normal, coeff_flow, coeff_orth, length, normal, Q0, Q1)); } double coeff_area; double coeff_normal; double coeff_flow; double coeff_orth; double area0; Vector3d normal0[4]; Vector3d Q0[4], Q1[4]; }; struct VertexConstraint { VertexConstraint(double coeff_tangent, Vector3d normal, double bias, double length) : coeff{coeff_tangent / length * 10}, bias0{bias}, normal0{normal} {} template bool operator()(const T* p, T* r) const { r[0] = coeff * (DotProduct(p, &normal0[0]) - bias0); return true; } static ceres::CostFunction* create(double coeff_tangent, Vector3d normal, double bias, double length) { return new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction( new VertexConstraint(coeff_tangent, normal, bias, length)); } double coeff; double bias0; Vector3d normal0; }; void solve(std::vector& O_quad, std::vector& N_quad, std::vector& Q_quad, std::vector& F_quad, std::vector& B_quad, MatrixXd& V, MatrixXd& N, MatrixXd& Q, MatrixXd& O, MatrixXi& F, double reference_length, double coeff_area, double coeff_tangent, double coeff_normal, double coeff_flow, double coeff_orth) { printf("Parameter: \n"); printf(" coeff_area: %.4f\n", coeff_area); printf(" coeff_tangent: %.4f\n", coeff_tangent); printf(" coeff_normal: %.4f\n", coeff_normal); printf(" coeff_flow: %.4f\n", coeff_flow); printf(" coeff_orth: %.4f\n\n", coeff_orth); int n_quad = Q_quad.size(); ceres::Problem problem; std::vector solution(n_quad * 3); for (int vquad = 0; vquad < n_quad; ++vquad) { solution[3 * vquad + 0] = O_quad[vquad][0]; solution[3 * vquad + 1] = O_quad[vquad][1]; solution[3 * vquad + 2] = O_quad[vquad][2]; } // Face constraint (area and normal direction) for (int fquad = 0; fquad < F_quad.size(); ++fquad) { auto v = F_quad[fquad]; Vector3d normal[4], Q0[4], Q1[4]; for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { normal[k] = N_quad[v[k]]; Q0[k] = Q_quad[v[k]]; Q1[k] = Q0[k].cross(normal[k]).normalized(); } ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = FaceConstraint::create( coeff_area, coeff_normal, coeff_flow, coeff_orth, reference_length, normal, Q0, Q1); problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, nullptr, &solution[3 * v[0]], &solution[3 * v[1]], &solution[3 * v[2]], &solution[3 * v[3]]); } // Tangent constraint for (int vquad = 0; vquad < O_quad.size(); ++vquad) { ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = VertexConstraint::create( coeff_tangent, N_quad[vquad], B_quad[vquad], reference_length); problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, nullptr, &solution[3 * vquad]); } // Flow constraint ceres::Solver::Options options; options.num_threads = 1; options.max_num_iterations = N_ITER; options.initial_trust_region_radius = 1; options.linear_solver_type = ceres::CGNR; options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true; ceres::Solver::Summary summary; ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary); std::cout << summary.BriefReport() << std::endl; for (int vquad = 0; vquad < n_quad; ++vquad) { O_quad[vquad][0] = solution[3 * vquad + 0]; O_quad[vquad][1] = solution[3 * vquad + 1]; O_quad[vquad][2] = solution[3 * vquad + 2]; } return; } void optimize_quad_positions(std::vector& O_quad, std::vector& N_quad, std::vector& Q_quad, std::vector& F_quad, VectorXi& V2E_quad, std::vector& E2E_quad, MatrixXd& V, MatrixXd& N, MatrixXd& Q, MatrixXd& O, MatrixXi& F, VectorXi& V2E, VectorXi& E2E, DisajointTree& disajoint_tree, double reference_length, bool just_serialize) { printf("Quad mesh info:\n"); printf("Number of vertices with normals and orientations: %d = %d = %d\n", (int)O_quad.size(), (int)N_quad.size(), (int)Q_quad.size()); printf("Number of faces: %d\n", (int)F_quad.size()); printf("Number of directed edges: %d\n", (int)E2E_quad.size()); // Information for the original mesh printf("Triangle mesh info:\n"); printf( "Number of vertices with normals, " "orientations and associated quad positions: " "%d = %d = %d = %d\n", (int)V.cols(), (int)N.cols(), (int)Q.cols(), (int)O.cols()); printf("Number of faces: %d\n", (int)F.cols()); printf("Number of directed edges: %d\n", (int)E2E.size()); printf("Reference length: %.2f\n", reference_length); int flip_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < F_quad.size(); ++i) { bool flipped = false; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { int v1 = F_quad[i][j]; int v2 = F_quad[i][(j + 1) % 4]; int v3 = F_quad[i][(j + 3) % 4]; Vector3d face_norm = (O_quad[v2] - O_quad[v1]).cross(O_quad[v3] - O_quad[v1]); Vector3d vertex_norm = N_quad[v1]; if (face_norm.dot(vertex_norm) < 0) { flipped = true; } } if (flipped) { flip_count++; } } printf("Flipped Quads: %d\n", flip_count); int n_quad = O_quad.size(); int n_trig = O.cols(); std::vector B_quad(n_quad); // Average bias for quad vertex std::vector B_weight(n_quad); printf("ntrig: %d, disjoint_tree.size: %d\n", n_trig, (int)disajoint_tree.indices.size()); for (int vtrig = 0; vtrig < n_trig; ++vtrig) { int vquad = disajoint_tree.Index(vtrig); double b = N_quad[vquad].dot(O.col(vtrig)); B_quad[vquad] += b; B_weight[vquad] += 1; } for (int vquad = 0; vquad < n_quad; ++vquad) { assert(B_weight[vquad]); B_quad[vquad] /= B_weight[vquad]; } puts("Save parameters to post.bin for optimization"); FILE* out = fopen("post.bin", "wb"); assert(out); Save(out, O_quad); Save(out, N_quad); Save(out, Q_quad); Save(out, F_quad); Save(out, B_quad); Save(out, V); Save(out, N); Save(out, Q); Save(out, O); Save(out, F); Save(out, reference_length); fclose(out); if (!just_serialize) { puts("Start post optimization"); solve(O_quad, N_quad, Q_quad, F_quad, B_quad, V, N, Q, O, F, reference_length, COEFF_AREA, COEFF_TANGENT, COEFF_NORMAL, COEFF_FLOW, COEFF_ORTH); } } #ifdef POST_SOLVER void SaveObj(const std::string& fname, std::vector O_quad, std::vector F_quad) { std::ofstream os(fname); for (int i = 0; i < (int)O_quad.size(); ++i) { os << "v " << O_quad[i][0] << " " << O_quad[i][1] << " " << O_quad[i][2] << "\n"; } for (int i = 0; i < (int)F_quad.size(); ++i) { os << "f " << F_quad[i][0] + 1 << " " << F_quad[i][1] + 1 << " " << F_quad[i][2] + 1 << " " << F_quad[i][3] + 1 << "\n"; } os.close(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { double coeff_area; double coeff_tangent; double coeff_normal; double coeff_flow; double coeff_orth; namespace po = boost::program_options; po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() // clang-format off ("help,h", "produce help message") ("area,a", po::value(&coeff_area)->default_value(COEFF_AREA), "Set the coefficient of area constraint") ("tangent,t", po::value(&coeff_tangent)->default_value(COEFF_TANGENT), "Set the coefficient of tangent constraint") ("normal,n", po::value(&coeff_normal)->default_value(COEFF_NORMAL), "Set the coefficient of normal constraint") ("flow,f", po::value(&coeff_flow)->default_value(COEFF_FLOW), "Set the coefficient of flow (Q) constraint") ("orth,o", po::value(&coeff_orth)->default_value(COEFF_ORTH), "Set the coefficient of orthogonal constraint"); // clang-format on po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 1; } std::vector O_quad; std::vector N_quad; std::vector Q_quad; std::vector F_quad; std::vector B_quad; MatrixXd V; MatrixXd N; MatrixXd Q; MatrixXd O; MatrixXi F; double reference_length; puts("Read parameters from post.bin"); FILE* in = fopen("post.bin", "rb"); assert(in); Read(in, O_quad); Read(in, N_quad); Read(in, Q_quad); Read(in, F_quad); Read(in, B_quad); Read(in, V); Read(in, N); Read(in, Q); Read(in, O); Read(in, F); Read(in, reference_length); fclose(in); printf("reference_length: %.2f\n", reference_length); SaveObj("presolver.obj", O_quad, F_quad); int n_flip = 0; double sum_degree = 0; for (int i = 0; i < F_quad.size(); ++i) { bool flipped = false; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { int v1 = F_quad[i][j]; int v2 = F_quad[i][(j + 1) % 4]; int v3 = F_quad[i][(j + 3) % 4]; Vector3d face_norm = (O_quad[v2] - O_quad[v1]).cross(O_quad[v3] - O_quad[v1]).normalized(); Vector3d vertex_norm = N_quad[v1]; if (face_norm.dot(vertex_norm) < 0) { flipped = true; } double degree = std::acos(face_norm.dot(vertex_norm)); assert(degree >= 0); // printf("cos theta = %.2f\n", degree); sum_degree += degree * degree; } n_flip += flipped; } printf("n_flip: %d\nsum_degree: %.3f\n", n_flip, sum_degree); puts("Start post optimization"); solve(O_quad, N_quad, Q_quad, F_quad, B_quad, V, N, Q, O, F, reference_length, coeff_area, coeff_tangent, coeff_normal, coeff_flow, coeff_orth); SaveObj("postsolver.obj", O_quad, F_quad); n_flip = 0; sum_degree = 0; for (int i = 0; i < F_quad.size(); ++i) { bool flipped = false; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { int v1 = F_quad[i][j]; int v2 = F_quad[i][(j + 1) % 4]; int v3 = F_quad[i][(j + 3) % 4]; Vector3d face_norm = (O_quad[v2] - O_quad[v1]).cross(O_quad[v3] - O_quad[v1]).normalized(); Vector3d vertex_norm = N_quad[v1]; if (face_norm.dot(vertex_norm) < 0) { flipped = true; } double degree = std::acos(face_norm.dot(vertex_norm)); assert(degree >= 0); sum_degree += degree * degree; } n_flip += flipped; } printf("n_flip: %d\nsum_degree: %.3f\n", n_flip, sum_degree); return 0; } #endif } // namespace qflow