/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * https://www.digikam.org * * Date : 09-08-2013 * Description : Showfoto tool tip filler * * Copyright (C) 2013 by Mohamed_Anwer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #include "showfototooltipfiller.h" // Qt includes #include #include #include // KDE includes #include // Local includes #include "ditemtooltip.h" #include "itempropertiestab.h" #include "showfotoiteminfo.h" #include "showfotosettings.h" using namespace Digikam; namespace ShowFoto { QString ShowfotoToolTipFiller::ShowfotoItemInfoTipContents(const ShowfotoItemInfo& info) { QString str; ShowfotoSettings* const settings = ShowfotoSettings::instance(); DToolTipStyleSheet cnt(settings->getToolTipFont()); PhotoInfoContainer photoInfo = info.photoInfo; QString tip = cnt.tipHeader; // -- File properties ---------------------------------------------- if (settings->getShowFileName() || settings->getShowFileDate() || settings->getShowFileSize() || settings->getShowFileType() || settings->getShowFileDim() ) { tip += cnt.headBeg + i18n("File Properties") + cnt.headEnd; if (settings->getShowFileName()) { tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18nc("filename", "Name:") + cnt.cellMid; tip += info.name + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowFileDate()) { QDateTime createdDate = info.dtime; str = QLocale().toString(createdDate, QLocale::ShortFormat); tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Date:") + cnt.cellMid + str + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowFileSize()) { tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Size:") + cnt.cellMid; QString localeFileSize = QLocale().toString(info.size); str = i18n("%1 (%2)", ItemPropertiesTab::humanReadableBytesCount(info.size), localeFileSize); tip += str + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowFileType()) { tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Type:") + cnt.cellMid + info.mime + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowFileDim()) { if ((info.width == 0) || (info.height == 0) || (info.width == -1) || (info.height == -1)) { str = i18nc("unknown / invalid image dimension", "Unknown"); } else { QString mpixels = QLocale().toString(info.width*info.height/1000000.0, 'f', 1); str = i18nc("width x height (megapixels Mpx)", "%1x%2 (%3Mpx)", info.width, info.height, mpixels); } tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Dimensions:") + cnt.cellMid + str + cnt.cellEnd; } } // -- Photograph Info ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (settings->getShowPhotoMake() || settings->getShowPhotoLens() || settings->getShowPhotoFocal() || settings->getShowPhotoExpo() || settings->getShowPhotoFlash() || settings->getShowPhotoWB() || settings->getShowPhotoDate() || settings->getShowPhotoMode()) { if (!photoInfo.isNull()) { QString metaStr; tip += cnt.headBeg + i18n("Photograph Properties") + cnt.headEnd; if (settings->getShowPhotoMake()) { ItemPropertiesTab::shortenedMakeInfo(photoInfo.make); ItemPropertiesTab::shortenedModelInfo(photoInfo.model); str = QString::fromUtf8("%1 / %2").arg(photoInfo.make.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.make) .arg(photoInfo.model.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.model); if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { str = str.left(cnt.maxStringLength-3) + QLatin1String("..."); } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Make/Model:") + cnt.cellMid + str.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowPhotoLens()) { str = photoInfo.lens.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.lens; QString lens = i18nc("camera lens", "Lens:"); if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { int space = str.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(' '), cnt.maxStringLength); if (space == -1) { space = cnt.maxStringLength; } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + lens + cnt.cellMid + str.left(space).toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; str = str.mid(space+1); lens = QString(); } if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { str = str.left(cnt.maxStringLength-3) + QLatin1String("..."); } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + lens + cnt.cellMid + str.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowPhotoDate()) { if (info.ctime.isValid()) { QDateTime createdDate = info.ctime; str = QLocale().toString(createdDate, QLocale::ShortFormat); tip += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Date:") + cnt.cellMid + str + cnt.cellEnd; } else { metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + i18nc("creation date of the image", "Created:") + cnt.cellMid + cnt.unavailable.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } } if (settings->getShowPhotoFocal()) { str = photoInfo.aperture.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.aperture; if (photoInfo.focalLength35mm.isEmpty()) { str += QString::fromUtf8(" / %1").arg(photoInfo.focalLength.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.focalLength); } else { str += QString::fromUtf8(" / %1").arg(i18n("%1 (%2)",photoInfo.focalLength, photoInfo.focalLength35mm)); } if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { str = str.left(cnt.maxStringLength-3) + QLatin1String("..."); } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Aperture/Focal:") + cnt.cellMid + str.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowPhotoExpo()) { str = QString::fromUtf8("%1 / %2").arg(photoInfo.exposureTime.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.exposureTime) .arg(photoInfo.sensitivity.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : i18n("%1 ISO",photoInfo.sensitivity)); if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { str = str.left(cnt.maxStringLength-3) + QLatin1String("..."); } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Exposure/Sensitivity:") + cnt.cellMid + str.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowPhotoMode()) { if (photoInfo.exposureMode.isEmpty() && photoInfo.exposureProgram.isEmpty()) { str = cnt.unavailable; } else if (!photoInfo.exposureMode.isEmpty() && photoInfo.exposureProgram.isEmpty()) { str = photoInfo.exposureMode; } else if (photoInfo.exposureMode.isEmpty() && !photoInfo.exposureProgram.isEmpty()) { str = photoInfo.exposureProgram; } else { str = QString::fromUtf8("%1 / %2").arg(photoInfo.exposureMode).arg(photoInfo.exposureProgram); } if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { str = str.left(cnt.maxStringLength-3) + QLatin1String("..."); } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("Mode/Program:") + cnt.cellMid + str.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowPhotoFlash()) { str = photoInfo.flash.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.flash; if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { str = str.left(cnt.maxStringLength-3) + QLatin1String("..."); } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + i18nc("camera flash settings", "Flash:") + cnt.cellMid + str.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } if (settings->getShowPhotoWB()) { str = photoInfo.whiteBalance.isEmpty() ? cnt.unavailable : photoInfo.whiteBalance; if (str.length() > cnt.maxStringLength) { str = str.left(cnt.maxStringLength-3) + QLatin1String("..."); } metaStr += cnt.cellBeg + i18n("White Balance:") + cnt.cellMid + str.toHtmlEscaped() + cnt.cellEnd; } tip += metaStr; } } tip += cnt.tipFooter; return tip; } } // namespace ShowFoto