How to install the dspdfviewer ============================== System-specific installation instructions ----------------------------------------- Please refer to the project's website for installation instructions, broken down by operating system. At least for Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Arch, MacOS and Windows the website contains specific installation instructions. For some systems, ready-made binaries are provided. Installation from source (generic cmake) ---------------------------------------- dspdfviewer requires the following build-time dependencies: * cmake * boost * qt4 * poppler-qt4 From inside the source directory, execute the following steps: mkdir build cd build cmake .. make (as root) make install Note that there is no make uninstall, so please redirect the make install step through your system's package management utility. The "cmake" step will respect --prefix= parameters, and "make install" will respect DESTDIR. Compiling against qt5 and poppler-qt5 ------------------------------------- There is now experimental support for compiling against qt5/libpoppler-qt5. To try it out, substitute the "cmake" step above against cmake -DUseQtFive=ON ..