/* vim:expandtab:ts=2 sw=2: */ /* Grafx2 - The Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program Copyright owned by various GrafX2 authors, see COPYRIGHT.txt for details. Grafx2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. Grafx2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Grafx2; if not, see */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///@file graph.h /// Graphic functions that target the screen and/or image. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef GRAPH_H__ #define GRAPH_H__ void Shade_list_to_lookup_tables(word * list, short step, byte mode, byte * table_inc, byte * table_dec ); void Transform_point(short x, short y, float cos_a, float sin_a, short * rx, short * ry); int Init_mode_video(int width, int height, int fullscreen,int pixel_ratio); byte No_effect(word x,word y,byte color); byte Effect_shade(word x,word y,byte color); byte Effect_quick_shade(word x,word y,byte color); byte Effect_tiling(word x,word y,byte color); byte Effect_smooth(word x,word y,byte color); byte Effect_layer_copy(word x,word y,byte color); void Display_foreback(void); void Display_pixel(word x,word y,byte color); void Display_paintbrush(short x,short y,byte color); void Draw_paintbrush(short x,short y,byte color); void Hide_paintbrush(short x,short y); void Resize_image(word chosen_width,word chosen_height); void Fill_general(byte fill_color); void Replace(byte New_color); void Pixel_figure_preview (word x_pos,word y_pos,byte color); void Pixel_figure_preview_auto(word x_pos,word y_pos); void Pixel_figure_preview_xor(word x_pos,word y_pos,byte color); void Pixel_figure_preview_xorback(word x_pos,word y_pos,byte color); void Pixel_figure_in_brush(word x_pos,word y_pos,byte color); void Draw_empty_circle_general(short center_x,short center_y,long sqradius,byte color); void Draw_empty_circle_permanent(short center_x,short center_y,long sqradius,byte color); void Draw_empty_circle_preview (short center_x,short center_y,long sqradius,byte color); void Hide_empty_circle_preview (short center_x,short center_y,long sqradius); void Draw_empty_circle_general(short center_x,short center_y,long sqradius,byte color); void Draw_filled_circle (short center_x,short center_y,long sqradius,byte color); int Circle_squared_diameter(int diameter); void Draw_empty_ellipse_permanent(short center_x,short center_y,short horizontal_radius,short vertical_radius,byte color); void Draw_empty_ellipse_preview (short center_x,short center_y,short horizontal_radius,short vertical_radius,byte color); void Hide_empty_ellipse_preview (short center_x,short center_y,short horizontal_radius,short vertical_radius); void Draw_filled_ellipse (short center_x,short center_y,short horizontal_radius,short vertical_radius,byte color); void Draw_empty_inscribed_ellipse_permanent(short x1,short y1,short x2, short y2,byte color); void Draw_empty_inscribed_ellipse_preview(short x1,short y1,short x2,short y2,byte color); void Hide_empty_inscribed_ellipse_preview(short x1,short y1,short x2,short y2); void Draw_filled_inscribed_ellipse(short x1,short y1,short x2,short y2,byte color); void Clamp_coordinates_regular_angle(short ax, short ay, short* bx, short* by); void Draw_line_general(short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y, byte color); void Draw_line_permanent (short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y,byte color); void Draw_line_preview (short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y,byte color); void Draw_line_preview_xor(short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y,byte color); void Draw_line_preview_xorback(short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y,byte color); void Hide_line_preview (short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y); void Draw_empty_rectangle(short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y,byte color); void Draw_filled_rectangle(short start_x,short start_y,short end_x,short end_y,byte color); void Draw_curve_permanent(short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, short x3, short y3, short x4, short y4, byte color); void Draw_curve_preview (short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, short x3, short y3, short x4, short y4, byte color); void Hide_curve_preview (short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, short x3, short y3, short x4, short y4, byte color); void Airbrush(short clicked_button); void Gradient_basic (long index,short x_pos,short y_pos); void Gradient_dithered (long index,short x_pos,short y_pos); void Gradient_extra_dithered(long index,short x_pos,short y_pos); void Degrade_aleatoire (long index,short x_pos,short y_pos); void Draw_grad_circle (short center_x,short center_y,long sqradius,short spot_x,short spot_y); void Draw_grad_ellipse(short center_x,short center_y,short horizontal_radius,short vertical_radius,short spot_x,short spot_y); void Draw_grad_inscribed_ellipse(short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, short spot_x, short spot_y); void Draw_grad_rectangle(short rax,short ray,short rbx,short rby,short vax,short vay, short vbx, short vby); void Polyfill_general(int vertices, short * points, int color); void Polyfill(int vertices, short * points, int color); /// Remap the spare page according to the main page's palette void Remap_spare(void); /// /// All the figure-drawing functions work by calling this function for each /// pixel to draw. Before calling these functions, you should assign /// ::Pixel_figure depending on what you where you want to draw: /// - ::Pixel_figure_preview : On screen. /// - ::Pixel_figure_preview_xor : On screen, XORing the color. /// - ::Pixel_figure_permanent : On screen and in the image. /// - ::Pixel_figure_clear_preview : On screen, reverting to the image's pixels. void Set_Pixel_figure(Func_pixel func); void Update_part_of_screen(short x, short y, short width, short height); void Redraw_grid(short x, short y, unsigned short w, unsigned short h); void Pixel_in_spare(word x,word y, byte color); void Pixel_in_current_layer(word x,word y, byte color); void Pixel_in_layer(int layer, word x,word y, byte color); byte Read_pixel_from_current_screen (word x,word y); byte Read_pixel_from_current_layer(word x,word y); byte Read_pixel_from_layer(int layer, word x,word y); /// Paint a single pixel in image only. #define Pixel_in_current_screen(x,y,c) Pixel_in_current_screen_with_opt_preview(x,y,c,0) /// Paint a single pixel in image AND on screen. #define Pixel_in_current_screen_with_preview(x,y,c) Pixel_in_current_screen_with_opt_preview(x,y,c,1) /// Paint a single pixel in image AND optionnaly on screen. extern Func_pixel_opt_preview Pixel_in_current_screen_with_opt_preview; /// Update the pixel functions according to the current Image_mode. /// Sets ::Pixel_in_current_screen and ::Pixel_in_current_screen_with_preview /// through ::Pixel_in_current_screen_with_opt_preview void Update_pixel_renderer(void); void Update_color_hgr_pixel(word x, word y, int preview); void Update_color_dhgr_pixel(word x, word y, int preview); #endif