# - Find LCMS2 # Find the LCMS2 includes and library # This module defines # LCMS2_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find lcms.h # LCMS2_LIBRARIES, the libraries needed to use LCMS2. # LCMS2_VERSION, The value of LCMS_VERSION defined in lcms.h # LCMS2_FOUND, If false, do not try to use LCMS2. # Copyright (c) 2008, Adrian Page, # Copyright (c) 2009, Cyrille Berger, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # use pkg-config to get the directories and then use these values # in the FIND_PATH() and FIND_LIBRARY() calls if(NOT WIN32) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(PC_LCMS2 lcms2) set(LCMS2_DEFINITIONS ${PC_LCMS2_CFLAGS_OTHER}) endif() find_path(LCMS2_INCLUDE_DIR lcms2.h PATHS ${PC_LCMS2_INCLUDEDIR} ${PC_LCMS2_INCLUDE_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES lcms2 liblcms2 ) find_library(LCMS2_LIBRARIES NAMES lcms2 liblcms2 lcms-2 liblcms-2 PATHS ${PC_LCMS2_LIBDIR} ${PC_LCMS2_LIBRARY_DIRS} PATH_SUFFIXES lcms2 ) if(LCMS2_INCLUDE_DIR AND LCMS2_LIBRARIES) set(LCMS2_FOUND TRUE) else() set(LCMS2_FOUND FALSE) endif() if(LCMS2_FOUND) file(READ ${LCMS2_INCLUDE_DIR}/lcms2.h LCMS2_VERSION_CONTENT) string(REGEX MATCH "#define LCMS_VERSION[ ]*[0-9]*\n" LCMS2_VERSION_MATCH ${LCMS2_VERSION_CONTENT}) if(LCMS2_VERSION_MATCH) string(REGEX REPLACE "#define LCMS_VERSION[ ]*([0-9]*)\n" "\\1" LCMS2_VERSION ${LCMS2_VERSION_MATCH}) if(NOT LCMS2_FIND_QUIETLY) string(SUBSTRING ${LCMS2_VERSION} 0 1 LCMS2_MAJOR_VERSION) string(SUBSTRING ${LCMS2_VERSION} 1 2 LCMS2_MINOR_VERSION) message(STATUS "Found lcms version ${LCMS2_MAJOR_VERSION}.${LCMS2_MINOR_VERSION}, ${LCMS2_LIBRARIES}") endif() else() if(NOT LCMS2_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found lcms2 but failed to find version ${LCMS2_LIBRARIES}") endif() set(LCMS2_VERSION NOTFOUND) endif() else() if(NOT LCMS2_FIND_QUIETLY) if(LCMS2_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Required package lcms2 NOT found") else() message(STATUS "lcms2 NOT found") endif() endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(LCMS2_INCLUDE_DIR LCMS2_LIBRARIES LCMS2_VERSION)