/* Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Fabio Riccardi */ package com.lightcrafts.ui.browser.folders; import static com.lightcrafts.ui.browser.folders.Locale.LOCALE; import com.lightcrafts.utils.directory.DirectoryMonitor; import java.io.File; import java.util.List; /** * A FolderTreeNode that represents the special-case of the root folder for * Mac. It's "/Volumes", with a special name and user.home as an extra child. */ final class MacOSXRootTreeNode extends FolderTreeNode { // Returns a friendler name for "/Volumes". public String toString() { return LOCALE.get("MacOSXRootName"); } MacOSXRootTreeNode(NodeFileIndex index, DirectoryMonitor monitor) { super(new File("/Volumes"), null, index, monitor); } /** * Insert the user's home directory as the first child, so it's easy to * find. */ void updateChildren() { super.updateChildren(); File home = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); List children = getChildren(); NodeFileIndex index = getIndex(); DirectoryMonitor monitor = getDirectoryMonitor(); children.add(0, new FolderTreeNode(home, this, index, monitor)); } } /* vim:set et sw=4 ts=4: */