/** * Mandelbulber v2, a 3D fractal generator _%}}i*<. ____ _______ * Copyright (C) 2020 Mandelbulber Team _>]|=||i=i<, / __ \___ ___ ___ / ___/ / * \><||i|=>>%) / /_/ / _ \/ -_) _ \/ /__/ /__ * This file is part of Mandelbulber. )<=i=]=|=i<> \____/ .__/\__/_//_/\___/____/ * The project is licensed under GPLv3, -<>>=|><|||` /_/ * see also COPYING file in this folder. ~+{i%+++ * * Hybrid of Mandelbox and Mandelbulb power 2 with scaling of z axis * This file has been autogenerated by tools/populateUiInformation.php * from the file "fractal_box_fold_bulb_pow2.cpp" in the folder formula/definition * D O N O T E D I T T H I S F I L E ! */ REAL4 BoxFoldBulbPow2Iteration(REAL4 z, __constant sFractalCl *fractal, sExtendedAuxCl *aux) { (void)aux; if (fabs(z.x) > fractal->foldingIntPow.foldFactor) z.x = sign(z.x) * fractal->foldingIntPow.foldFactor * 2.0f - z.x; if (fabs(z.y) > fractal->foldingIntPow.foldFactor) z.y = sign(z.y) * fractal->foldingIntPow.foldFactor * 2.0f - z.y; if (fabs(z.z) > fractal->foldingIntPow.foldFactor) z.z = sign(z.z) * fractal->foldingIntPow.foldFactor * 2.0f - z.z; REAL fR2_2 = 1.0f; REAL mR2_2 = 0.25f; REAL r2_2 = dot(z, z); REAL tglad_factor1_2 = fR2_2 / mR2_2; if (r2_2 < mR2_2) { z = z * tglad_factor1_2; aux->DE *= tglad_factor1_2; } else if (r2_2 < fR2_2) { REAL tglad_factor2_2 = fR2_2 / r2_2; z = z * tglad_factor2_2; aux->DE *= tglad_factor2_2; } z = z * 2.0f; REAL x2 = z.x * z.x; REAL y2 = z.y * z.y; REAL z2 = z.z * z.z; REAL temp = 1.0f - z2 / (x2 + y2); REAL4 zTemp; zTemp.x = (x2 - y2) * temp; zTemp.y = 2.0f * z.x * z.y * temp; zTemp.z = -2.0f * z.z * native_sqrt(x2 + y2); zTemp.w = z.w; z = zTemp; z.z *= fractal->foldingIntPow.zFactor; // analyticDE controls if (fractal->analyticDE.enabledFalse) { aux->DE = (aux->DE + 1.0f) * 5.0f * aux->r * fractal->analyticDE.scale1 * native_sqrt(fractal->foldingIntPow.zFactor * fractal->foldingIntPow.zFactor + 2.0f + fractal->analyticDE.offset2) + fractal->analyticDE.offset1; } // INFO remark: changed sequence of operation. // adding of C constant was before multiplying by z-factor return z; }