// // Description: // SWFButton Class // // Authors: // Jonathan Shore // Based on php wrapper developed by // // Copyright: // Copyright 2001 E-Publishing Group Inc. Permission is granted to use or // modify this code provided that the original copyright notice is included. // // This software is distributed with no warranty of liability, merchantability, // or fitness for a specific purpose. // // // SWFButton Class // button (region with actions) // // Notes // - // public class SWFButton extends SWFObject implements SWFButtonI { public SWFButton () throws SWFException { setHandle (nNew()); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { // nDestroy (handle); super.finalize(); } // methods public void setUp (SWFShapeI shape) throws SWFException { shape.eval(); addShape (SWFButton.ButtonUp, shape); } public void setDown (SWFShapeI shape) throws SWFException { shape.eval(); addShape (SWFButton.ButtonDown, shape); } public void setOver (SWFShapeI shape) throws SWFException { shape.eval(); addShape (SWFButton.ButtonOver, shape); } public void setHit (SWFShapeI shape) throws SWFException { shape.eval(); addShape (SWFButton.ButtonHit, shape); } public void addShape (int which, SWFShapeI shape) throws SWFException { shape.eval(); nAddShape (handle, shape.getHandle(), which); } public void addAction (SWFActionI action, int trigger) throws SWFException { action.eval(); nAddAction (handle, action.getHandle(), trigger); } // native methods protected native int nNew (); protected native void nDestroy (int handle); protected native void nAddShape (int handle, int shape, int which); protected native void nAddAction (int handle, int action, int trigger); };