/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include "OscSendingDevice.hpp" #include "osc/OscHostEndianness.h" #include #include #include #include static const unsigned long BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; OscSendingDevice::OscSendingDevice(const std::string& address, int port, unsigned int num_messages_per_event, unsigned int delay_between_sends_in_millisecs) : osgGA::Device() , _transmitSocket(IpEndpointName(address.c_str(), port)) , _buffer(new char[BUFFER_SIZE]) , _oscStream(_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) , _numMessagesPerEvent(osg::maximum(1u,num_messages_per_event)) , _delayBetweenSendsInMilliSecs( (_numMessagesPerEvent > 1) ? delay_between_sends_in_millisecs : 0) , _msgId(0) , _lastEvent(NULL) , _finishMultiTouchSequence(false) { setCapabilities(SEND_EVENTS); OSG_NOTICE << "OscDevice :: sending events to " << address << ":" << port << " "; #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN OSG_NOTICE << "(little endian)"; #elif OSC_HOST_BIG_ENDIAN OSG_NOTICE << "(big endian)"; #endif OSG_NOTICE << " (" << _numMessagesPerEvent << "msgs/event, " << _delayBetweenSendsInMilliSecs << "ms delay between msgs)"; OSG_NOTICE << std::endl; } OscSendingDevice::~OscSendingDevice() { delete[] (_buffer); } void OscSendingDevice::sendEvent(const osgGA::Event &ea) { bool msg_sent(false); unsigned int num_messages = _numMessagesPerEvent; const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ui_event(ea.asGUIEventAdapter()); if(ui_event && ((ui_event->getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG) || (ui_event->getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE))) num_messages = 1; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_messages; ++i) { msg_sent = ui_event ? sendUIEventImpl(*ui_event, _msgId) : sendEventImpl(ea, _msgId); if ((_delayBetweenSendsInMilliSecs > 0) && (i < num_messages-1)) OpenThreads::Thread::microSleep(1000 * _delayBetweenSendsInMilliSecs); } if (_finishMultiTouchSequence) { // if the last touch-point ended we'll need to send an empty tuio-bundle, so the receiver gets a chance to clean up _msgId++; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_messages; ++i) { beginBundle(_msgId); beginMultiTouchSequence(); _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; _transmitSocket.Send( _oscStream.Data(), _oscStream.Size() ); _oscStream.Clear(); } _finishMultiTouchSequence = false; } if (msg_sent) _msgId++; } bool OscSendingDevice::sendEventImpl(const osgGA::Event &ea, MsgIdType msg_id) { bool do_send(false); if (ea.getUserDataContainer()) { std::string key = ea.getUserDataContainer()->getName(); if (key.empty()) key = ea.getName(); if (key.empty()) key = "user_data"; sendUserDataContainer(transliterateKey(key), ea.getUserDataContainer(), true, msg_id); do_send = true; } if (do_send) { OSG_INFO << "OscDevice :: sending event per OSC " << std::endl; _transmitSocket.Send( _oscStream.Data(), _oscStream.Size() ); _oscStream.Clear(); } return do_send; } bool OscSendingDevice::sendUIEventImpl(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea, MsgIdType msg_id) { bool do_send(false); switch(ea.getEventType()) { case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RESIZE: beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/resize") << ea.getWindowX() << ea.getWindowY() << ea.getWindowWidth() << ea.getWindowHeight() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::SCROLL: beginSendInputRange(ea, msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/mouse/scroll") << ea.getScrollingMotion() << ea.getScrollingDeltaX() << ea.getScrollingDeltaY() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PEN_PRESSURE: beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/pen/pressure") << ea.getPenPressure() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PEN_ORIENTATION: beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/pen/orientation") << ea.getPenRotation() << ea.getPenTiltX() << ea.getPenTiltY() << osc::EndMessage; do_send = true; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PEN_PROXIMITY_ENTER: beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/pen/proximity/enter") << ea.getTabletPointerType() << osc::EndMessage; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PEN_PROXIMITY_LEAVE: beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/pen/proximity/leave") << ea.getTabletPointerType() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH: beginSendInputRange(ea, msg_id); if (!sendMultiTouchData(ea)) _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/mouse/press") << ea.getX() << ea.getY() << getButtonNum(ea) << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE: beginSendInputRange(ea, msg_id); if (!sendMultiTouchData(ea)) _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/mouse/release") << ea.getX() << ea.getY() << getButtonNum(ea) << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DOUBLECLICK: beginSendInputRange(ea, msg_id); if (!sendMultiTouchData(ea)) _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/mouse/doublepress") << ea.getX() << ea.getY() << getButtonNum(ea) << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE: case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG: beginSendInputRange(ea, msg_id); if (!sendMultiTouchData(ea)) _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/mouse/motion") << ea.getX() << ea.getY() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYDOWN: beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/key/press") << ea.getKey() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYUP: beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/key/release") << ea.getKey() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; do_send = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::USER: if (ea.getUserDataContainer()) { std::string key = ea.getUserDataContainer()->getName(); if (key.empty()) key = ea.getName(); if (key.empty()) key = "user_data"; sendUserDataContainer(transliterateKey(key), ea.getUserDataContainer(), true, msg_id); do_send = true; } default: break; } if (do_send) { _transmitSocket.Send( _oscStream.Data(), _oscStream.Size() ); _oscStream.Clear(); } return do_send; } int OscSendingDevice::getButtonNum(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea) { switch(ea.getButton()) { case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON: return 1; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON: return 2; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON: return 3; break; default: return -1; } return -1; } void OscSendingDevice::beginBundle(MsgIdType msg_id) { _oscStream << osc::BeginBundle(); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osc/msg_id") << msg_id << osc::EndMessage; } void OscSendingDevice::beginSendInputRange(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea, MsgIdType msg_id) { beginBundle(msg_id); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/mouse/set_input_range") << ea.getXmin() << ea.getYmin() << ea.getXmax() << ea.getYmax() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/osgga/mouse/y_orientation_increasing_upwards") << (bool)(ea.getMouseYOrientation() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS) << osc::EndMessage; } void OscSendingDevice::beginMultiTouchSequence() { std::string application_name; getUserValue("tuio_application_name", application_name); if (application_name.empty()) application_name = std::string("OpenSceneGraph ") + osgGetVersion() + "@"; _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/tuio/2Dcur") << "source" << application_name.c_str() << osc::EndMessage; _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/tuio/2Dcur") << "fseq" << static_cast(_msgId) << osc::EndMessage; } bool OscSendingDevice::sendMultiTouchData(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea) { if(!ea.isMultiTouchEvent()) return false; beginMultiTouchSequence(); osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TouchData* touch_data = ea.getTouchData(); _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/tuio/2Dcur") << "alive"; for(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TouchData::iterator i = touch_data->begin(); i != touch_data->end(); ++i) _oscStream << static_cast(i->id); _oscStream << osc::EndMessage; unsigned int j(0); unsigned int num_ended(0); for(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TouchData::iterator i = touch_data->begin(); i != touch_data->end(); ++i, ++j) { float x = (ea.getTouchPointNormalizedX(j) + 1.0) / 2.0; float y =(ea.getTouchPointNormalizedY(j) + 1.0) / 2.0; // flip y if origin is not top/left if(ea.getMouseYOrientation() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS) y *= -1; float vel_x(0), vel_y(0), accel(0); if (_lastEvent.valid()) { // TODO: add velocity + acceleration } _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage("/tuio/2Dcur") << "set" << static_cast(i->id) << x << y << vel_x << vel_y << accel << osc::EndMessage; if(i->phase == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TOUCH_ENDED) num_ended++; } _lastEvent = new osgGA::GUIEventAdapter(ea); _finishMultiTouchSequence = (num_ended == touch_data->getNumTouchPoints()); return true; } class OscSendingDeviceGetValueVisitor : public osg::ValueObject::GetValueVisitor { public: OscSendingDeviceGetValueVisitor(osc::OutboundPacketStream& stream) : osg::ValueObject::GetValueVisitor() , _stream(stream) { } virtual void apply(bool value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(char value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(unsigned char value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(short value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(unsigned short value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(int value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(unsigned int value) { _stream << static_cast(value); } virtual void apply(float value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(double value) { _stream << value; } virtual void apply(const std::string& value) { _stream << value.c_str(); } virtual void apply(const osg::Vec2f& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Vec3f& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1] << value[2]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Vec4f& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1] << value[2] << value[3]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Vec2d& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Vec3d& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1] << value[2]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Vec4d& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1] << value[2] << value[3]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Quat& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1] << value[2] << value[3]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Plane& value) { _stream << value[0] << value[1] << value[2] << value[3]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Matrixf& value) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<16; ++i) _stream << (value.ptr())[i]; } virtual void apply(const osg::Matrixd& value) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<16; ++i) _stream << (value.ptr())[i]; } virtual ~OscSendingDeviceGetValueVisitor() {} private: osc::OutboundPacketStream& _stream; }; std::string OscSendingDevice::transliterateKey(const std::string& key) const { std::string result; result.reserve(key.size()); for(std::string::const_iterator itr=key.begin(); itr!=key.end(); ++itr) { if ((*itr == ' ') || (*itr == 9)) result += "-"; else if ((*itr >= 'A') && (*itr <= 'Z')) result += tolower(*itr); else if (((*itr >= '0') && (*itr <= '9')) || ((*itr >= 'a') && (*itr <= 'z')) || (*itr == '-') || (*itr == '/') || (*itr == '_')) result += *itr; } return result; } void OscSendingDevice::sendUserDataContainer(const std::string& key, const osg::UserDataContainer* udc, bool asBundle, MsgIdType msg_id) { if (asBundle) { beginBundle(msg_id); } OscSendingDeviceGetValueVisitor gvv(_oscStream); unsigned int num_objects = udc->getNumUserObjects(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_objects; ++i) { const osg::Object* o = udc->getUserObject(i); const osg::UserDataContainer* child_udc = dynamic_cast(o); if (child_udc) { std::string new_key = key + "/" + (child_udc->getName().empty() ? "user_data" : child_udc->getName()); sendUserDataContainer(transliterateKey(key), child_udc, false, msg_id); } else if (const osg::ValueObject* vo = dynamic_cast(o)) { _oscStream << osc::BeginMessage(std::string("/" + key + "/" + transliterateKey(vo->getName())).c_str()); vo->get(gvv); _oscStream << osc::EndMessage; } } if (asBundle) _oscStream << osc::EndBundle; }