.. _raster.iris: ================================================================================ IRIS -- Vaisala's weather radar software format ================================================================================ .. shortname:: IRIS .. built_in_by_default:: This read-only GDAL driver is designed to provide access to the products generated by the IRIS weather radar software. IRIS software format includes a lot of products, and some of them aren't even raster. The driver can read currently: - PPI (reflectivity and speed): Plan position indicator - CAPPI: Constant Altitude Plan position indicator - RAIN1: Hourly rainfall accumulation - RAINN: N-Hour rainfall accumulation - TOPS: Height for selectable dBZ contour - VIL: Vertically integrated liquid for selected layer - MAX: Column Max Z WF W/NS Sections Most of the metadata is read. Vaisala provides information about the format and software at http://www.vaisala.com/en/defense/products/weatherradar/Pages/IRIS.aspx. NOTE: Implemented as ``gdal/frmts/iris/irisdataset.cpp``. Driver capabilities ------------------- .. supports_georeferencing:: .. supports_virtualio::