.. _sponsors: ================================================================================ Sponsors ================================================================================ GDAL is a truly collaborative effort, with many diverse organizations contributing resources to its success. The following organizations take an extra step, providing unrestricted funding every year to maintain and improve the health of project: - Platinum level: .. _platinium-sponsors: .. container:: horizontal-logos .. Note: they will appear in randomized order in HTML .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-microsoft.png :class: img-logos :width: 250 px :target: https://www.microsoft.com .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-planet.png :class: img-logos :width: 250 px :target: https://www.planet.com - Gold level: .. _gold-sponsors: .. container:: horizontal-logos .. Note: they will appear in randomized order in HTML .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-esri.png :class: img-logos :width: 200 px :target: https://www.esri.com .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-google.png :class: img-logos :width: 200 px :target: https://www.google.com .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-safe.png :class: img-logos :width: 200 px :target: https://www.safe.com - Silver level: .. _silver-sponsors: .. container:: horizontal-logos .. Note: they will appear in randomized order in HTML .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-koordinates.png :class: img-logos :width: 150 px :target: https://www.koordinates.com .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-mapgears.png :class: img-logos :width: 150 px :target: https://www.mapgears.com .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/sponsors/logo-sparkgeo.png :class: img-logos :width: 150 px :target: https://www.sparkgeo.com - Supporter level: .. _supporter-sponsors: .. container:: horizontal-logos None listed yet. .. raw:: html The GDAL Project is hosted by `OSGeo `__, and `NumFOCUS `__ will serve as the fiscal sponsor once GDAL's application is completed, enabling all sponsorship to go through a 501(c)3 as charitable donations. .. container:: horizontal-logos .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/logo-osgeo.png :class: img-logos :width: 150 px :target: https://www.osgeo.org .. container:: horizontal-logo .. image:: ../../images/logo-numfocus.png :class: img-logos :width: 150 px :target: https://numfocus.org Sponsoring ---------- If your organization benefits from GDAL we recommend joining the group of sponsors above to "pay it forward" and ensure the project has the resources to stay healthy and grow. To learn about the benefits of becoming a sponsor at various levels start with the `Sustainable GDAL Sponsorship Prospectus`_. If you are interested, need help convincing your key decision-makers, or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact gdal-sponsors@osgeo.org. Related resources ----------------- - `Sustainable GDAL Sponsorship Prospectus`_. - :ref:`Sponsoring frequently asked questions (FAQ) `. .. _Sustainable GDAL Sponsorship Prospectus: https://gdal.org/sponsors/Sustainable%20GDAL%20Sponsorship%20Prospectus.pdf .. Developer comment: make html includes a hack to hide the table from the index.html file. We need to keep it visible so that the top-level index.html lists those pages. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 0 faq