#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Generated by swftoperl converter included with ming. Have fun. # Change this to your needs. If you installed perl-ming global you don't need this. #use lib("/home/peter/mystuff/lib/site_perl"); # We import all because our converter is not so clever to select only needed. ;-) use SWF qw(:ALL); # Just copy from a sample, needed to use Constants like SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT use SWF::Constants qw(:Text :Button :DisplayItem :Fill); $m = SWF::Movie::newSWFMovieWithVersion(8); SWF::setScale(1.0); #Unknown block type 69 # SWF_SCRIPTLIMITS $m->setScriptLimits(10, 11); # SWF_SHOWFRAME $m->nextFrame(); # end of frame 1 # SWF_END $m->save("test01.swf");