# (C) British Crown Copyright 2014 - 2018, Met Office # # This file is part of pyepsg. # # pyepsg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # pyepsg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with pyepsg. If not, see . """ Provides simple access to http://epsg.io/. The entry point for this package is the :func:`get()` function. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import weakref import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import requests EPSG_IO_URL = 'http://epsg.io/' GML_NS = '{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}' XLINK_NS = '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}' _cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() class EPSG(object): """Parent class of all objects returned by pyepsg.""" def __init__(self, element): self.element = element @property def identifier(self): """The official URN for this object.""" return self.element.find(GML_NS + 'identifier').text class UOM(EPSG): """A unit of measure.""" @property def name(self): """The human-readable name.""" return self.element.find(GML_NS + 'name').text class Axis(EPSG): """A single coordinate axis.""" @property def direction(self): """A description of the orientation of this axis.""" return self.element.find(GML_NS + 'axisDirection').text @property def uom(self): """The name of the unit of measure used on this axis.""" uom = self.element.attrib['uom'] return get(uom).name def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self=self) class CartesianCS(EPSG): """A 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional cartesian coordinate system.""" @property def axes(self): """An ordered list of :class:`Axis` objects describing X and Y.""" axes = self.element.findall(GML_NS + 'axis') return [Axis(axis.find(GML_NS + 'CoordinateSystemAxis')) for axis in axes] @property def name(self): """The human-readable name.""" return self.element.find(GML_NS + 'name').text @property def remarks(self): """Human-readable comments.""" return self.element.find(GML_NS + 'remarks').text def __repr__(self): name = self.name if len(name) > 38: name = name[:38] + '..' return ''.format(name=name) class CRS(EPSG): """ Abstract parent class for :class:`GeodeticCRS`, :class:`ProjectedCRS` and :class:`CompoundCRS`. """ @property def id(self): """The EPSG code for this CRS.""" id = self.element.attrib[GML_NS + 'id'] code = id.split('-')[-1] return code @property def name(self): """The human-readable name.""" return self.element.find(GML_NS + 'name').text @property def scope(self): """A human-readable description of the intended usage for this CRS.""" return self.element.find(GML_NS + 'scope').text def as_esri_wkt(self): """ Return the ESRI WKT string which corresponds to the CRS. For example:: >>> print(get(27700).as_esri_wkt()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS PROJCS["OSGB_1936_British_National_Grid",GEOGCS["GCS_OSGB 19... """ url = '{prefix}{code}.esriwkt?download'.format(prefix=EPSG_IO_URL, code=self.id) return requests.get(url).text def as_html(self): """ Return the OGC WKT which corresponds to the CRS as HTML. For example:: >>> print(get(27700).as_html()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
PROJCS>> print(get(21781).as_proj4())
            +proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333 \
+k_0=1 +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=bessel \
+towgs84=674.4,15.1,405.3,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs

        url = '{prefix}{code}.proj4?download'.format(prefix=EPSG_IO_URL,
        return requests.get(url).text.strip()

    def as_wkt(self):
        Return the OGC WKT string which corresponds to the CRS.

        For example::

            >>> print(get(27700).as_wkt())  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
            PROJCS["OSGB 1936 / British National Grid",GEOGCS["OSGB 1936...

        url = '{prefix}{code}.wkt?download'.format(prefix=EPSG_IO_URL,
        return requests.get(url).text

    def domain_of_validity(self):
        Return the domain of validity for this CRS as:
        (west, east, south, north).

        For example::

            >>> print(get(21781).domain_of_validity())
            [5.96, 10.49, 45.82, 47.81]

        # TODO: Generalise interface to return a polygon? (Can we find
        # something that uses a polygon instead?)
        domain = self.element.find(GML_NS + 'domainOfValidity')
        domain_href = domain.attrib[XLINK_NS + 'href']
        url = '{prefix}{code}.gml?download'.format(prefix=EPSG_IO_URL,
        xml = requests.get(url).content
        gml = ET.fromstring(xml)

        def extract_bound(tag):
            ns = '{http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}'
            xpath = './/{ns}EX_GeographicBoundingBox/{ns}{tag}/'.format(
            bound = gml.find(xpath)
            return float(bound.text)

        tags = ('westBoundLongitude', 'eastBoundLongitude',
                'southBoundLatitude', 'northBoundLatitude')
        bounds = [extract_bound(tag) for tag in tags]
        return bounds

class GeodeticCRS(CRS):
    Represents a single geodetic CRS.


    def __repr__(self):
        return ''.format(self=self)

class ProjectedCRS(CRS):
    Represents a single projected CRS.

    def base_geodetic_crs(self):
        """The :class:`GeodeticCRS` on which this projection is based."""
        base = self.element.find(GML_NS + 'baseGeodeticCRS')
        href = base.attrib[XLINK_NS + 'href']
        return get(href)

    def cartesian_cs(self):
        """The :class:`CartesianCS` which describes the coordinate axes."""
        cs = self.element.find(GML_NS + 'cartesianCS')
        href = cs.attrib[XLINK_NS + 'href']
        return get(href)

    def __repr__(self):
        return ''.format(self=self)

class CompoundCRS(CRS):
    Represents a single compound CRS.

    def __repr__(self):
        return ''.format(self=self)

def get(code):
    Return an object that corresponds to the given EPSG code.

    Currently supported object types are:
        - :class:`GeodeticCRS`
        - :class:`ProjectedCRS`
        - :class:`CartesianCS`
        - :class:`UOM`

    For example::

        >>> print(get(27700))
        >>> print(get('4400-cs'))
        >>> print(get(5973))

    instance = _cache.get(code)
    if instance is None:
        url = '{prefix}{code}.gml?download'.format(prefix=EPSG_IO_URL,
        xml = requests.get(url).content
        root = ET.fromstring(xml)
        class_for_tag = {
            GML_NS + 'CartesianCS': CartesianCS,
            GML_NS + 'GeodeticCRS': GeodeticCRS,
            GML_NS + 'ProjectedCRS': ProjectedCRS,
            GML_NS + 'CompoundCRS': CompoundCRS,
            GML_NS + 'BaseUnit': UOM,
        if root.tag in class_for_tag:
            instance = class_for_tag[root.tag](root)
            raise ValueError('Unsupported code type: {}'.format(root.tag))
        _cache[code] = instance
    return instance

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest
    failure_count, test_count = doctest.testmod()