// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making ncnn available. // // Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #version 450 #if NCNN_fp16_storage #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage: require #endif #if NCNN_fp16_arithmetic #extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_float16: require #endif layout (constant_id = 0) const int region_type = 0; layout (constant_id = 1) const int pad_head = 0; layout (constant_id = 2) const int pad_tail = 0; #define shape_constant_id_offset 3 layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 0) const int dims = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 1) const int w = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 2) const int h = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 3) const int c = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 4) const int cstep = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 5) const int outdims = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 6) const int outw = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 7) const int outh = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 8) const int outc = 0; layout (constant_id = shape_constant_id_offset + 9) const int outcstep = 0; #if NCNN_image_shader layout (binding = 0) uniform unfp sampler3D bottom_blob; layout (binding = 1, r32f) writeonly uniform highp image3D square_workspace; #else layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer bottom_blob { sfp bottom_blob_data[]; }; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer square_workspace { float square_workspace_data[]; }; #endif layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { int dims; int w; int h; int c; int cstep; int outdims; int outw; int outh; int outc; int outcstep; } p; void main() { int gx = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x); int gy = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y); int gz = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.z); if (gx >= psc(outw) || gy >= psc(outh) || gz >= psc(outc)) return; afp res; if (region_type == 0) { int z = gz - pad_head; if (z >= 0 && z < psc(c)) { #if NCNN_image_shader afp v = image3d_ld1(bottom_blob, ivec3(gx, gy, z)); #else int v_offset = z * psc(cstep) + gy * psc(w) + gx; afp v = buffer_ld1(bottom_blob_data, v_offset); #endif res = v * v; } else { res = afp(0.f); } } else { int x = gx - pad_head; int y = gy - pad_head; if (x >= 0 && x < psc(w) && y >= 0 && y < psc(h)) { #if NCNN_image_shader afp v = image3d_ld1(bottom_blob, ivec3(x, y, gz)); #else int v_offset = gz * psc(cstep) + y * psc(w) + x; afp v = buffer_ld1(bottom_blob_data, v_offset); #endif res = v * v; } else { res = afp(0.f); } } #if NCNN_image_shader imageStore(square_workspace, ivec3(gx, gy, gz), vec4(float(res))); #else const int gi = gz * psc(outcstep) + gy * psc(outw) + gx; square_workspace_data[gi] = float(res); #endif }