#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "filter.h" #include "fractal.h" #include "xthread.h" #include "xerror.h" #define SIZE 64 #define SIZE2 8 #define AMOUNT 0.005 #define DIV 1000.0 #define MAXFRAMES 800 * 1000 /*after 800 frames should be OK */ struct blurdata { int bckuptime; int counter; struct palette *savedpalette, *palette; unsigned char (*table)[256]; /*Used by blur routines */ int n; }; static int requirement(struct filter *f, struct requirements *r) { f->req = *r; r->nimages = 1; r->flags |= IMAGEDATA; r->supportedmask = C256 | TRUECOLOR24 | TRUECOLOR | TRUECOLOR16 | GRAYSCALE; return (f->next->action->requirement(f->next, r)); } static void blur8(struct filter *f) { struct image *desti = f->image; struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; unsigned char(*table)[256] = s->table; unsigned int i, i1, im, im1, ipl, ii; if (f->image->palette->type == C256) for (i = im = 0; i < SIZE; i++, im += 256 - s->n) { for (i1 = im1 = 0; i1 < SIZE2; i1++, im1 += s->n * (SIZE / SIZE2)) { ipl = (im + im1 + 128) >> 8; ii = i1 * (SIZE / SIZE2); if (ipl == i && i != ii) { if (i < ii) ipl++; else ipl--; } ii = desti->palette->pixels[i]; table[i1][ii] = (unsigned char)desti->palette->pixels[ipl]; } } else for (i = im = desti->palette->start, im *= 256 - s->n; i < (unsigned int)desti->palette->end; i++, im += 256 - s->n) { for (i1 = im1 = desti->palette->start, im1 *= s->n; i1 < (unsigned int)desti->palette->end; i1++, im1 += s->n) { ipl = (im + im1 + 128) >> 8; if (ipl == i && i != i1) { if (i < i1) ipl++; else ipl--; } table[i1][i] = (unsigned char)ipl; } } } static void blurtruecolor(struct filter *f) { struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; unsigned int i, i1, im, im1; unsigned char(*table)[256] = s->table; for (i = im = 0; i < 256; i++, im += 256 - s->n) { for (i1 = im1 = 0; i1 < 256; i1++, im1 += s->n) table[i1][i] = (unsigned char)((im + im1) >> 8); } } static void clear_image2(struct image *img) { int i; int color = img->palette->pixels[0]; int width = img->width * img->bytesperpixel; if (!width) width = (img->width + 7) / 8; for (i = 0; i < img->height; i++) memset(img->currlines[i], color, (size_t)width); } static int initialize(struct filter *f, struct initdata *i) { struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; unsigned int x; inhermisc(f, i); s->counter = 0; s->palette->size = SIZE2; for (x = 0; x < SIZE2; x++) s->palette->pixels[x] = x; if (datalost(f, i) || i->image->version != f->imageversion) { s->bckuptime = MAXFRAMES; s->counter = MAXFRAMES; if (i->image->palette->type == C256) { if (s->savedpalette == NULL) s->savedpalette = clonepalette(i->image->palette); mkblurpalette(i->image->palette); } else { if (s->savedpalette != NULL) { restorepalette(i->image->palette, s->savedpalette); destroypalette(s->savedpalette); s->savedpalette = NULL; } } clear_image2(i->image); } if (!inherimage(f, i, TOUCHIMAGE | IMAGEDATA, 0, 0, i->image->palette->type == C256 ? s->palette : NULL, 0, 0)) return 0; if (f->image->palette->type == C256) { setfractalpalette(f, s->savedpalette); } if (i->image == NULL) { return 0; } return (f->previous->action->initialize(f->previous, i)); } static struct filter *getinstance(const struct filteraction *a) { struct filter *f = createfilter(a); struct blurdata *i = (struct blurdata *)calloc(1, sizeof(*i)); i->savedpalette = NULL; i->palette = createpalette(0, 256, SMALLITER, 0, 256, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); i->palette->size = SIZE2; i->palette->end = SIZE2; i->table = NULL; f->childimage = NULL; f->data = i; f->name = "Motionblur"; return (f); } static void destroyinstance(struct filter *f) { struct blurdata *i = (struct blurdata *)f->data; if (i->table != NULL) free(i->table); if (i->savedpalette != NULL) destroypalette(i->savedpalette); destroypalette(i->palette); destroyinheredimage(f); free(f->data); free(f); } /* An part of blur function that should be done paraely */ static void blur82(void *data, struct taskinfo */*task*/, int r1, int r2) { struct filter *f = (struct filter *)data; struct image *srci = f->childimage, *desti = f->image; struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; unsigned char(*table)[256]; int i, im; unsigned char *src, *dest, *srcend; im = srci->width; table = s->table; for (i = r1; i < r2; i++) { src = srci->currlines[i]; srcend = src + im; dest = desti->currlines[i]; for (; src < srcend; src++, dest++) { dest[0] = table[src[0]][dest[0]]; } } } #ifdef SUPPORT16 static void blur16(void *data, struct taskinfo */*task*/, int r1, int r2) { struct filter *f = (struct filter *)data; struct image *srci = f->childimage, *desti = f->image; struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; struct truec *info = &srci->palette->info.truec; unsigned int rmask = info->rmask; unsigned int gmask = info->gmask; unsigned int bmask = info->bmask; unsigned int n = (unsigned int)s->n; int i; pixel16_t *src, *dest, *srcend; for (i = r1; i < r2; i++) { src = (pixel16_t *)srci->currlines[i]; srcend = src + srci->width; dest = (pixel16_t *)desti->currlines[i]; for (; src < srcend; src++, dest++) { *dest = interpol(*src, *dest, n, rmask, gmask, bmask); } } } #endif #ifdef STRUECOLOR24 static void blur24(void *data, struct taskinfo *task, int r1, int r2) { struct filter *f = (struct filter *)data; struct image *srci = f->childimage, *desti = f->image; struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; unsigned char(*table)[256] = s->table; unsigned char *src, *dest, *srcend; int i, im; im = srci->width * 3; if (!srci->palette->info.truec.byteexact) { x_fatalerror( "Blur filter:unsupported color configuration! Please contact authors."); } for (i = r1; i < r2; i++) { src = srci->currlines[i]; srcend = src + im; dest = desti->currlines[i]; for (; src < srcend; src += 3, dest += 3) { dest[0] = table[src[0]][dest[0]]; dest[1] = table[src[1]][dest[1]]; dest[2] = table[src[2]][dest[2]]; } } } #endif static void blur32(void *data, struct taskinfo */*task*/, int r1, int r2) { struct filter *f = (struct filter *)data; struct image *srci = f->childimage, *desti = f->image; struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; unsigned char(*table)[256] = s->table; unsigned char *src, *dest, *srcend; int i, im; im = srci->width * 4; if (!srci->palette->info.truec.byteexact) { x_fatalerror( "Blur filter:unsupported color configuration! Please contact authors."); } for (i = r1; i < r2; i++) { src = srci->currlines[i]; srcend = src + im; dest = desti->currlines[i]; switch (f->image->palette->info.truec.missingbyte) { case 3: for (; src < srcend; src += 4, dest += 4) { dest[0] = table[src[0]][dest[0]]; dest[1] = table[src[1]][dest[1]]; dest[2] = table[src[2]][dest[2]]; dest[3] = 0xff; } break; case 2: for (; src < srcend; src += 4, dest += 4) { dest[0] = table[src[0]][dest[0]]; dest[1] = table[src[1]][dest[1]]; dest[3] = table[src[2]][dest[2]]; dest[2] = 0xff; } break; case 1: for (; src < srcend; src += 4, dest += 4) { dest[0] = table[src[0]][dest[0]]; dest[2] = table[src[1]][dest[1]]; dest[3] = table[src[2]][dest[2]]; dest[1] = 0xff; } break; case 0: for (; src < srcend; src += 4, dest += 4) { dest[1] = table[src[1]][dest[1]]; dest[2] = table[src[2]][dest[2]]; dest[3] = table[src[3]][dest[3]]; dest[0] = 0xff; } break; default: for (; src < srcend; src += 4, dest += 4) { dest[1] = table[src[1]][dest[1]]; dest[2] = table[src[2]][dest[2]]; dest[3] = table[src[3]][dest[3]]; dest[4] = table[src[4]][dest[4]]; } } } } static int doit(struct filter *f, int flags, int time1) { int val, n; int time = time1; struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; updateinheredimage(f); val = f->previous->action->doit(f->previous, flags, time); s->counter += time; if (val & CHANGED) s->counter = 0; n = (int)((1 - pow(1.0 - AMOUNT, (time + s->bckuptime) / DIV)) * 256); if (s->counter >= 2 * MAXFRAMES) { return val; } if (n < 10) { s->bckuptime += time; return val | ANIMATION; } s->bckuptime = 0; if (s->counter >= MAXFRAMES) n = 256, s->counter = 2 * MAXFRAMES; if (s->n != n) { s->n = n; switch (f->image->bytesperpixel) { case 1: if (s->table == NULL) s->table = (unsigned char(*)[256])malloc(256 * 256); blur8(f); break; case 3: case 4: if (s->table == NULL) s->table = (unsigned char(*)[256])malloc(256 * 256); blurtruecolor(f); break; default: if (s->table != NULL) free(s->table), s->table = NULL; } } switch (f->image->palette->type) { case C256: case GRAYSCALE: xth_function(blur82, f, f->image->height); break; #ifdef SUPPORT16 case TRUECOLOR16: xth_function(blur16, f, f->image->height); break; #endif case TRUECOLOR: xth_function(blur32, f, f->image->height); break; #ifdef STRUECOLOR24 case TRUECOLOR24: xth_function(blur24, f, f->image->height); break; #endif } xth_sync(); if (s->counter == 2 * MAXFRAMES) { return val | CHANGED; } return val | CHANGED | ANIMATION; } static void myremovefilter(struct filter *f) { struct blurdata *s = (struct blurdata *)f->data; if (s->savedpalette != NULL) { restorepalette(f->image->palette, s->savedpalette); destroypalette(s->savedpalette); s->savedpalette = NULL; } } const struct filteraction blur_filter = { "Motionblur", "blur", 0, getinstance, destroyinstance, doit, requirement, initialize, convertupgeneric, convertdowngeneric, myremovefilter};